The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression

Learn about the workings of the evil communist system and its history in this stunning 500 page book.

The Black Book of 



Stephane Courtois 
Nicolas Werth 
Jean-Louis Panne 
Andrzej Paczkowski 
Karel Bartosek 
Jean-Louis Margolin 

Harvard University Press 
Cambridge, Massachusetts 
London, England 1999 

Translated by Jonathan Murphy 

and Mark Kramer 

Consulting Editor Mark Kramer 

Copyright © 1999 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College 

All rights reserved 

Printed in the United States of America 

First published in France as Le Ixvre rwirdu Communisme: Crimes, terreur, repression 

Cj Editions Robert LafTont, S.A., Paris, 1997 

Library of Congress Cutaloging-tn-Publtcarion Data 

Livre noir du communisme, English 

The black hx>k of communism : crimes, terror, repression / Stephane Courtois ... [et aj.] 
translated by Jonathan Murphy and Mark Kramer; consulting editor, Mark Kramer. 

p. cm. 
Includes bibliographical references and index. 
ISBN 0-674-07608-7 (alk. paper) 

1. Communism — History — 20th century. 2. Political persecution. 
3. Terrorism. I. Courtois, Stephane, 1947- fl. Kramer Mark 

HI. Title. 
HX44.L59 1999 
320.53'2 — dc21 99-29759 


Foreword: The Uses of Atrocity 
Mar I in Malta 

Introduction: The Crimes of Communism 

Stephane Courtois 

Part I A State against Its People: Violence, Repression, and Terror 
in the Soviet Union 

Nicolas Werth 

1 Paradoxes and Misunderstandings Surrounding the 
October Revolution 

2 The Iron Fist of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat 

3 The Red Terror 

4 The Dirty War 

5 From Tambov to the Great Famine 






6 From the Truce to the Great Turning Point 

7 Forced Collectivization and Dekulaki/ation 

8 The Great Famine 

9 Socially Foreign Elements and the Cycles of Repression 

10 The Great Terror (1936-1938) 

11 The Empire of the Camps 

12 The Other Side of Victory 

13 Apogee and Crisis in the Gulag System 

14 The Last Conspiracy 

15 The Exit from Stalinism 

Part II Word Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

Stephane Courtois, Jean-Louis Panne, and Remi Kauffer 

16 The Comintern in Action 

Stephane Courtois and Jean- Louts Pa tine 

17 The Shadow of the NKVI) in Spain 

Stephane Courtois and Jean-Louts Panne 

18 Communism and Terrorism 

Retm Kauffer 

Part III The Other Europe: Victim of Communism 

Andrzej Paczkowski and Karel Bartosek 

1 9 Poland, the "Enemy Nation" 

Andrzej Paczkowski 

20 Central and Southeastern Europe 

Karel Bartosek 




2. SO 






Part IV Communism in Asia: Between Reeducation and Massacre 

Jean-Louis Margolin and Pierre Rigoulot 


21 China: A Long March into Night 

Jean- Louts Margolin 

22 Crimes, Terror, and Secrecy in North Korea 

Pierre Rigoulot 

23 Vietnam and Laos: The Impasse of War Communism 

Jean- Louis Margolin 

24 Cambodia: The Country of Disconcerting Crimes 

Jean- Lou is Mar go lin 


Select Bibliography for Asia 

Part V The Third World 

Pascal Fontaine, Yves Santamaria, and Sylvain Boulouque 

25 Communism in Latin America 

Pascal Fontaine 

26 Afrocommunism: Ethiopia, Angola, and Mozambique 

Yves Santamaria 

27 Communism in Afghanistan 

Sylvain Boulouque 

Conclusion: Why? 

Stephane Courtois 

About the Authors 












Foreword: The Uses of Atrocity 

Martin Malia 

Uommunism has been the great story of the twentieth century. 
Bursting into history from the most unlikely corner of Europe amid the 
trauma of World War I, in the wake of the cataclysm of 1939-1945 it made a 
great leap westward to the middle of Germany and an even greater one east- 
ward to the China Seas. With this feat, the apogee of its fortunes, it had come 
to rule a third of mankind and seemed poised to advance indefinitely. For seven 
decades it haunted world politics, polarizing opinion between those who saw it 
as the socialist end of history and those who considered it history's most total 

One might therefore expect that a priority of modern historians would be 
to explain why Communism's power grew for so long only to collapse like a 
house of cards. Yet surprisingly, more than eighty years after 1917, probing 
examination of the Big Questions raised by the Marxist-Leninist phenomenon 
has hardly begun. Can The Black Book of Communism, recently a sensation in 
France and much of Europe, provide the salutary shock that will make a 

Because a serious historiography was precluded in Soviet Russia by the 
regime's mandatory ideology, scholarly investigation of Communism has until 
recently fallen disproportionately to Westerners. And though these outside 
observers could not entirely escape the ideological magnetic field emanating 



from their subject, in the half-century after World War II they indeed accom- 
plished an impressive amount. 1 Even so, a basic problem remains: the concep- 
tual poverty of the Western empirical effort, 

This poverty flows from the premise that Communism can be understood, 
in an aseptic and value-free mode, as the pure product of social process. 
Accordingly, researchers have endlessly insisted that the October Revolution 
was a workers' revolt and not a Party coup d'etat, when it was obviously the 
latter riding piggyback on the former. Besides, the central issue in Communist 
history is not the Party's ephemeral worker "base"; it is what the intelligentsia 
victors of October later did with their permanent coup d'etat, and so far this 
has scarcely been explored. 

More exactly, the matter has been obscured by two fantasies holding out 
the promise of a better Soviet socialism than the one the Bolsheviks actually 
built. The first is the "Bukharin alternative" to Stalin, a thesis that purports to 
offer a nonviolent, market road to socialism — that is, Marx's integral socialism, 
which necessitates the full suppression of private property, profit, and the 
market. 2 The second fantasy purports to find the impetus behind Stalin's 
"revolution from above" of 1929-1933 in a "cultural revolution" from below 
by Party activists and workers against the "bourgeois" specialists dear to Buk- 
harin, a revolution ultimately leading to massive upward mobility from the 
factory bench. 1 

With such fables now consigned to what Trotsky called "the ash heap of 
history," perhaps a moral, rather than a social, approach to the Communist 
phenomenon can yield a truer understanding — for the much-investigated So- 
viet social process claimed victims on a scale that has never aroused a scholarly- 
curiosity at all proportionate to the magnitude of the disaster. The Black Book 
offers us the first attempt to determine, overall, the actual magnitude of what 
occurred, by systematically detailing Leninism's "crimes, terror, and repres- 
sion" from Russia in 1917 to Afghanistan in 1989. 

This factual approach puts Communism in what is, after all, its basic 
human perspective. For it was in truth a "tragedy of planetary dimensions" (in 
the French publisher's characterization), with a grand total of victims variously 
estimated by contributors to the volume at between 85 million and 1(H) million. 
Either way, the Communist record offers the most colossal case of political 
carnage in history. And when this fact began to sink in with the French public, 
an apparently dry academic work became a publishing sensation, the focus of 
impassioned political and intellectual debate. 

The shocking dimensions of the Communist tragedy, however, are hardlv 
news to any serious student of twentieth-century history, at least when the 
different Leninist regimes are taken individually The real news is that at this 
late date the truth should come as such a shock to the public at large. To be 
sure, each major episode of the tragedy— Stalin's Gulag, Mao Zedong's Great 



Leap Forward and his Cultural Revolution, Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge — had its 
moment of notoriety. But these horrors soon faded away into "history"; nor 
did anyone trouble to add up the total and set it before the public. The surpris- 
ing size of this total, then, partly explains the shock the volume provoked. 

The full power of the shock, however, was delivered by the unavoidable 
comparison of this sum with that for Nazism, which at an estimated 25 million 
turns out to be distinctly less murderous than Communism. And the volume's 
editor, Stephane Courtois, rather than let the figures speak for themselves, 
spelled out the comparison, thereby making the volume a firebrand. Arguing 
from the fact that some Nuremberg jurisprudence has been incorporated into 
French law (to accommodate such cases as that of Maurice Papon, a former 
minister of Giscard d'Estaing tried in 1997-98 for complicity in deporting Jews 
while a local official of Vichy), Courtois explicitly equated the "class genocide" 
of Communism with the "race genocide" of Nazism, and categorized both as 
"crimes against humanity." What is more, he raised the question of the "com- 
plicity" with Communist crime of the legions of Western apologists for Stalin, 
Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Fidel Castro, and indeed Pol Pot who, even when they 
"abandoned their idols of yesteryear, did so discreetly and in silence." 

These issues have a special resonance in France. Since the 1930s, the left 
has been able to come to power only as a popular front of Socialists and 
Communists (whether under Leon Blum or Francois Mitterrand), a tandem in 
which the democratic partner was always compromised by its ally's allegiance 
to totalitarian Moscow. Conversely, since 1940 the right has been tainted by 
Vichy's links with Nazism (the subtext of the Papon affair). In such a historical 
context, u knowing the truth about the US.S.R." has never been an academic 

Furthermore, it happens that at the time the volume appeared the Socialist 
prime minister Lionel Jospin stood in need of Communist votes to assemble a 
parliamentary majority Orators of the right, therefore, citing The Black Book, 
rose in the National Assembly to attack his government for harboring allies 
with an unrepented "criminal past." Jospin countered by recalling the Libera- 
tion coalition between Gaullists and Communists (which was fair game), only 
the better to conclude that he was "proud" t0 govern with them too (which was 
a gaffe, for at the Liberation the Gulag was not yet known). Nor was this just 
a hasty choice of words; in the eyes of the left that he leads, the Communists, 
despite their past errors, belong to the camp of democratic progress, whereas 
the right is open to suspicion of softness toward the National Front of the 
"fascist" Jean-Marie Le Pen (after all, the conservatives had once rallied to 
Vichy). The incident ended with the non-Gaullist right walking out of the 
chamber, while the Gaullists remained awkwardly in place. Thereupon the 
debate spread to television and the press. 

Indeed, the debate divides the book's own authors. All are research schol- 



ars associated with the Centre d'Etude d'Histoire et de Sociologie du Commu- 
nisme and its review, Communisme. Founded by the pioneer of academic Com- 
munist studies, the late Annie Kriegel, its mission is to exploit our new access 
to Soviet archives in conjunction with younger Russian historians. Equally to 
the point, these researchers are former Communists or close fellow-travelers; 
and it is over the assessment of their common past that they divide. Thus, once 
The Black Blook raised the foreseeable political storm, Courtois's two key 
collaborators — Nicolas Werth for Russia, and Jean-Louis Margolin for 
China — publicly dissociated themselves from his bolder conclusions. 

So let us begin with the debate, which is hardly specific to France. It breaks out 
wherever the question of the moral equivalence of our century's two totalitari- 
anisms is raised, indeed whenever the very concept of "totalitarianism" is 
invoked. For Nazism's unique status as "absolute evil" is now so entrenched 
that any comparison with it easily appears suspect. 

Of the several reasons for this assessment of Nazism, the most obvious is 
that the Western democracies fought World War II in a kind of global "popular 
front" against "fascism." Moreover, whereas the Nazis occupied most of 
Europe, the Communists during the Cold War menaced only from afar. Thus, 
although the stakes for democracy in the new conflict were as high as in its hot 
predecessor, the stress of waging it was significantly lower; and it ended with 
the last general secretary of the "evil empire," Mikhail Gorbachev, in the 
comradely embrace of the ultimate cold warrior, President Ronald Reagan. 
Communism's fall, therefore, brought with it no Nuremberg trial, and hence 
no de-Communization to solemnly put Leninism beyond the pale of civiliza- 
tion; and of course there still exist Communist regimes in international good 

Another reason for our dual perception is that defeat cut down Nazism in 
the prime of its iniquity, thereby eternally fixing its full horror in the world's 
memory. By contrast, Communism, at the peak of its iniquity, was rewarded 
with an epic victory— and thereby gained a half-century in which to lose its 
dynamism, to half-repent of Stalin, and even, in the case of some unsuccessful 
leaders (such as Czechoslovakia's Alexander Dubcek in 1968), to attempt giving 
the system a "human face." As a result of these contrasting endings of the two 
totalitarianisms all Nazism's secrets were bared fifty years ago, whereas we are 
only beginning to explore Soviet archives, and those of East Asia and Cuba 
remain sealed. 

The effect of this unequal access to information was magnified by more 
subjective considerations. Nazism seemed all the more monstrous to Western- 
ers for having arisen in the heart of civilized Europe, in the homeland of 
Luther, Kant, Goethe, Beethoven, and indeed Marx. Communism, by contrast, 



appeared as less of a historical aberration in the Russian borderland of 
E ur0 p e — almost "Asia" after all — where, despite Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, civi- 
lization had never taken deep root. 

The ultimate distinguishing characteristic of Nazism, of course, is the 
Holocaust, considered as the historically unique crime of seeking the extermi- 
nation of an entire people, a crime for which the term "genocide" was coined 
around the time of Nuremberg. And therewith the Jewish people acquired the 
solemn obligation to keep the memory of its martyrs alive in the conscience of 
the world. Even so, general awareness of the Final Solution was slow to emerge, 
in fact coming only in the 1970s and 1980s — the very years when Communism 
was gradually mellowing. So between these contrasting circumstances, by the 
time of Communism's fall the liberal world had had fifty years to settle into a 
double standard regarding its two late adversaries. 

Accordingly, Hitler and Nazism are now a constant presence in Western 
print and on Western television, whereas Stalin and Communism materialize 
only sporadically. The status of ex-Communist carries with it no stigma, even 
when unaccompanied by any expression of regret; past contact with Nazism, 
however, no matter how marginal or remote, confers an indelible stain. Thus 
Martin Heidegger and Paul de Man have been enduringly compromised and 
the substance of their thought tainted. By contrast, Louis Aragon, for years 
under Stalin the editor of the French Communist Party's literary magazine, in 
1996 was published among the classics of the Pleiade; the press was lyrical in 
praise of his art, while virtually mute about his politics. (The Black Book 
reproduces a 1931 poem to the KGB's predecessor, the GPU) Likewise, the 
Stalinist poet and Nobel laureate, Pablo Neruda, in the same year was senti- 
mentalized, together with his cause, by an acclaimed film, II postino — even 
though in 1939 as a Chilean diplomat in Spain he acted as a de facto agent of 
the Comintern, and in 1953 mourned Stalin with a fulsome ode. And this list 
of unparallel lives could be extended indefinitely. 

Even more skewed is the situation in the East. No Gulag camps have been 
turned into museums to commemorate their inmates; all were bulldozed into 
the ground during Khrushchev's de-Stalinization. The only memorial to 
Stalin's victims is a modest stone brought to Moscow from the Arctic camp of 
Solovki and placed in Lubyanka Square (though well off to the side), where 
the KGB's former headquarters still stands. Nor are there any regular visitors 
to this lonely slab (one must cross a stream of traffic to reach it) and no more 
than an occasional wilted bouquet. By contrast, Lenin's statue still dominates 
most city centers, and his mummy reposes honorably in its Mausoleum. 

Throughout the former Communist world, moreover, virtually none of 
its responsible officials has been put on trial or punished. Indeed, everywhere 
Communist parties, though usually under new names, compete in politics. 



Thus, in Poland, Aleksander Kwasniewski, onetime member of General 
Jaruzelski's government, in 1996 won the presidency against the symbol of 
resistance to Communism, Lech Wale_sa (admittedly an inept campaigner). 
Gulya Horn, the prime minister of Hungary from 1994 to 1998, was a member 
of the country's last Communist government, and a member of the militia that 
helped suppress the 1956 revolt alongside the Soviet army. In neighboring 
Austria, by contrast, former president Kurt Waldheim was ostracized world- 
wide once his Nazi past was uncovered. Granted, card-carrying Western literati 
and latter-day Eastern apparatchiki never served as executioners for Stalin. 
Even so, does the present silence about their past mean that Communism was 
all that less bad than Nazism? 

The debate around The Black Book can help frame an answer. On the one side, 
commentators in the liberal Le Monde argue that it is illegitimate to speak of a 
single Communist movement from Phnom Penh to Paris. Rather, the rampage 
of the Khmer Rouge is like the ethnic massacres of third-world Rwanda; or the 
"rural" Communism of Asia is radically different from the "urban" Commu- 
nism of Europe; or Asian Communism is really only anticolonial nationalism. 
The subtext of such Eurocentric condescension is that conflating sociologically 
diverse movements is merely a stratagem to obtain a higher body count against 
Communism, and thus against all the left. In answer, commentators in the 
conservative Le Figaro, spurning reductionist sociology as a device to exculpate 
Communism, reply that Marxist-Leninist regimes are cast in the same ideo- 
logical and organizational mold throughout the world. And this pertinent point 
also has its admonitory subtext: that socialists of whatever stripe cannot be 
trusted to resist their ever-present demons on the far left (those popular fronts 
were no accident after all). 

Yet if we let the divided contributors to The Black Book arbitrate the 
dispute, we find no disagreement in this matter: the Leninist matrix indeed 
served for all the once "fraternal" parties. To be sure, the model was applied 
differently in different cultural settings. As Margolin points out, the chief agent 
of represssion in Russia was a specially created political police, the Cheka- 
GPU-NKVD-KGB, while in China it was the People's Liberation Army, and 
in Cambodia it was gun-toting adolescents from the countryside: thus popular 
ideological mobilization went deeper in Asia than in Russia. Still, everywhere 
the aim was to repress "enemies of the people" — "like noxious insects," as 
Lenin said early on, thus inaugurating Commmunism's "animalization" of its 
adversaries. Moreover, the line of inheritance from Stalin, to Mao, to Ho, to 
Kim II Sung, to Pol Pot was quite clear, with each new leader receiving both 
materia] aid and ideological inspiration from his predecessor. And, to come full 
circle, Pol Pot first learned his Marxism in Paris in 1952 (when such philoso- 



phers as Jean-Paul Sartre and Maurice Merleau-Ponty were explaining how 
terror could be the midwife of "humanism"). 4 So if the debate remains on the 
level of the quantitative atrocity, the double standard collapses, and Commu- 
nism appears as the more criminal totalitarianism. 

But if the debate is shifted to qualitative crime, this outcome is easily reversed. 
And here the decisive factor is, again, the Holocaust as the confirmation of 
Nazism's uniquely evil nature. Indeed, this standard has become so universal 
that other persecuted groups, from Armenians to the native peoples of both 
Americas, have appropriated (with varying degrees of plausibility) the term 
"genocide" to characterize their own experience. Not surprisingly, many of 
these implicit comparisons to the Holocaust have been rejected as illegitimate, 
even slanderous. And in fact one overexcited op-ed piece in Le Monde, from a 
respected researcher, denounced Courtois's introduction as antisemitic. 

Yet there are other, less emotionally charged arguments for assigning a 
significant distinctiveness to Nazi terror. The criminal law everywhere distin- 
guishes degrees of murder, according to the motivation, the cruelty of the 
means employed, and so on. Thus, Raymond Aron long ago, and Francois 
Furet recently, though both unequivocal about the evil of Communism, distin- 
guished between extermination practiced to achieve a political objective, no 
matter how perverse, and extermination as an end in itself. 5 And in this per- 
spective, Communism once again comes off as less evil than Nazism. 

This plausible distinction, however, can easily be turned on its head. In 
particular, Eastern European dissidents have argued that mass murder in the 
name of a noble ideal is more perverse than it is in the name of a base one. 6 The 
Nazis, after all, never pretended to be virtuous. The Communists, by contrast, 
trumpeting their humanism, hoodwinked millions around the globe for dec- 
ades, and so got away with murder on the ultimate scale. The Nazis, moreover, 
killed off their victims without ideological ceremony; the Communists, by 
contrast, usually compelled their prey to confess their "guilt" in signed depo- 
sitions therebv acknowledging the Party line's political "correctness." Nazism, 
finally, was a unique case (Mussolini's Facism was not really competitive), and 
it developed no worldwide clientle. By contrast, Communism's universalism 
permitted it to metastasize worldwide. 

A final position, forcefully expressed by Alain Besancon, is that murder is 
murder whatever the ideological motivation; and this is undeniably true for the 
equally dead victims of both Nazism and Communism. 7 Such absolute equiva- 
lence is also expressed in Hannah Arendt's Origins of Totalitarianism: both 
systems massacred their victims not for what they did (such as resisting the 
regime) but for who they were, whether Jews or kulaks. In this perspective, the 
distinction made by some, that the term petit-bourgeois "kulak" is more elastic 



and hence less lethal than biological "Jew," is invalidated: the social and the 
racial categories are equally psuedoscientific. 

Yet none of these qualitative arguments can be "clinched"— unlike an 
empirically established victim count. And since there can be no consensus 
regarding degrees of political "evil," some researchers would claim that all 
value judgments merely express the ideological preferences of their authors. 

Such "Positivist" social scientists, therefore, have averred that moral questions 
are irrelevant to understanding the past. An example is a recent volume devoted 
to political denunciation in modern Europe. 8 The introduction presents some 
fascinating facts: in 1939 the Gestapo employed 7,500 people in contrast to the 
NKVD's 366,000 (including Gulag personnel); and the Communist Partv 
made denunciation an obligation, whereas the Nazi Party did not. But no 
conclusions are drawn from these contrasts. Instead we are told that under both 
regimes the population was given to denunciation as "an everyday practice," 
and for reasons of self-advancement more than for reasons of ideology. We arc 
told further that denunciation was endemic in prerevolutionary rural Russia, 
and that it flourished under the French Jacobins and the English Puritans, the 
Spanish Inquisition and American McCarthyism. And in fact all the "witch 
crazes" enumerated in the introduction did have some traits in common. 

The rub is, however, that this perspective reduces politics and ideology 
everywhere to anthropology. And with this accomplished, the editors blandly 
assure us that, contrary to Hannah Arendt, the "Nazi/Soviet similarities" arc 
insufficient to make denunciation "a specifically 'totalitarian' phenomenon. " 
What is more, the difference between Nazi/Communist systems and Western 
ones is "not qualitative but quantitative." By implication, therefore, singling 
out Communist and Nazi terror in order to equate them becomes Cold War 
slander — the ideological subtext, as it happens, of twenty-five years of "revi- 
sionist," social-reductionist Sovietology. 

By the same token, this fact-for-fact's-sake approach suggests that there 
is nothing specifically Communist about Communist terror — and, it would 
seem, nothing particularly Nazi about Nazi terror either. So the bloody Soviet 
experiment is banalized in one great gray anthropological blur; and the Soviet 
Union is transmogrified into just another country in just another age, neither 
more nor less evil than any other regime going. But this is obviously nonsense. 
Hence we are back with the problem of moral judgment, which is inseparable 
from any real understanding of the past— indeed, inseparable from being hu- 


In the twentieth century, however, morality is not primarily a matter of eternal 
verities or transcendental imperatives. It is above all a matter of political alle- 
giances. That is, it is a matter of left versus right, roughly defined as the 



priority of compassionate egalitarianism for the one, and as the primacy of 
prudential order for the other. Yet since neither principle can be applied abso- 
lutely without destroying society, the modern world lives in perpetual tension 
between the irresistible pressure for equality and the functional necessity of 

It is this syndrome that gives the permanent qualitative advantage to 
Communism over Nazism in any evaluation of their quantitative atrocities. For 
the Communist project, in origin, claimed commitment to universalistic and 
egalitarian goals, whereas the Nazi project offered only unabashed national 
egoism. Small matter, then, that their practices were comparable; their moral 
auras were antithetical, and it is the latter feature that counts in Western, 
domestic politics. And so we arrive at the fulcrum of the debate: A moral man 
can have "no enemies to the left," a perspective in which undue insistence on 
Communist crime only "plays into the hands of the right" — if, indeed, any 
anticommunism is not simply a mask for antiliberalism. 

In this spirit, Le Monde's editorialist deemed The Black Book inopportune 
because equating Communism with Nazism removed the "last barriers to 
legitimating the extreme right," that is, Le Pen. It is true that Le Pen's party 
and similar hate-mongering, xenophobic movements elsewhere in Europe rep- 
resent an alarming new phenomenon that properly concerns all liberal demo- 
crats. But it in no way follows that Communism's criminal past should be 
ignored or minimized. Such an argument is only a variant, in new historical 
circumstances, of Sartre's celebrated sophism that one should keep silent about 
Soviet camps "pour ne pas descsperer Billancout" (in order not to throw the 
auto workers of Billancout into despair). To which his onetime colleague, 
Albert Camus, long ago replied that the truth is the truth, and denying it mocks 
the causes both of humanity and of morality. 9 

In fact, the persistence of such sophistry is precisely why The Black Book is so 
opportune. What, therefore, do its provocative pages contain? Without preten- 
sion to originality, it presents a balance sheet of our current knowledge of 
Communism's human costs, archivally based where possible and elsewhere 
drawing on the best available secondary evidence, and with due allowance for 
the difficulties of quantification. Yet the very sobriety of this inventory is what 
gives the book its power; and indeed, as we are led from country to country and 
from horror to horror, the cumulative impact is overwhelming. 

At the same time, the book quietly advances a number of important 
analytical points. The first is that Communist regimes did not just commit 
criminal acts (all states do so on occasion); they were criminal enterprises in 
their very essence: on principle, so to speak, they all ruled lawlessly, by violence, 
and without regard for human life. Werth's section on the Soviet Union is thus 



titled U A State against Its People" and takes us methodically through the 
successive cycles of terror, from Great October in 1917 to Stalin's death in 
1953. By way of comparison, he notes that between 1825 and 1917 tsarism 
carried out 6,321 political executions (most of them during the revolution of 
1905-1907), whereas in two months of official "Red Terror" in the fall of 1918 
Bolshevism achieved some 15,000. And so on for a third of a century; for 
example, 6 million deaths during the collectivization famine of 1932-33, 
720,000 executions during the Great Purge, 7 million people entering the Gulag 
(where huge numbers died) in the years 1934-1941, and 2,750,000 still there 
at Stalin's death. True, these aggregates represent different modes of state 
violence, not all of them immediately lethal; but all betoken terror as a routine 
means of government. 

And the less familiar figures in Margolin's chapter on China's u Long 
March into Nightt" are even more staggering: at a minimum, 10 million "direct 
victims"; probably 20 million deaths out of the multitudes that passed through 
China's "hidden Gulag," the laogai; more than 20 million deaths from the 
"political famine" of the Great Leap Forward of 1959-1961, the largest famine 
in history. Finally, in Pol Pot's aping of Mao's Great Leap, around one Cam- 
bodian in seven perished, the highest proportion of the population in any 
Communist country. 

The book's second point is that there never was a benign, initial phase of 
Communism before some mythical "wrong turn" threw it off track. From the 
start Lenin expected, indeed wanted, civil war to crush all "class enemies"; and 
this war, principally against the peasants, continued with only short pauses until 
1953. So much for the fable of "good Lenin/bad Stalin." (And if anyone doubts 
that it is still necessary to make this case, the answer may be found, for example, 
in the maudlin article "Lenin" in the current edition of the Encyclopaedia 
Bntanmca.) Still another point is of a "technical" nature: the use of famine to 
break peasant resistance to regime economic "plans." And ever since Solzhenit- 
syn, such "pharaonic" methods have been contrasted with the technologically 
advanced Nazi gas chamber. 

A more basic point is that Red terror cannot be explained as the prolon- 
gation of prerevolutionary political cultures. Communist repression did not 
originate from above, in traditional autocracies; nor was it simply an intensifica- 
tion of violent folk practices from below — whether the peasant anarchism of 
Russia, or the cyclical millenarian revolts of China, or the exacerbated nation- 
alism of Cambodia, although all these traditions were exploited by the new 
regime. Nor does the source of Communist practices reside in the violence of 
the two world wars, important though this brutal conditioning was. Rather, in 
each case, mass violence against the population was a deliberate policy of the 
new revolutionary order; and its scope and inhumanity far exceeded anything 
in the national past. 



A final point, insisted on by Courtois yet clear also in his colleagues' 
accounts, is that Communism's recourse to "permanent civil war" rested on 
the "scientific" Marxist belief in class struggle as the "violent midwife of 
history," in Marx's famous metaphor. Similarly, Courtois adds, Nazi violence 
was founded on a scientistic social Darwinism promising national regeneration 
through racial struggle. 

This valid emphasis on ideology as the wellspring of Communist mass 
murder reaches its apogee in Margolin's depiction of escalating radicalism as 
the revolution moved East. Stalin, of course, had already begun the escalation 
by presenting himself as the "Lenin of today" and his first Five-Year Plan as 
a second October. Then, in 1953, four years after Mao came to power, his heirs 
ended mass terror: it had simply become too costly to their now superpuissant 
regime. To the Chinese comrades, however, Moscow's moderation amounted 
to "betrayal" of the world revolution just as it was taking off^in Asia. Conse- 
quentlv, in 1959-1961 Mao was goaded to surpass his Soviet mentors by a 
"Great Leap Forward" beyond mere socialism, Moscow style, to full Commu- 
nism as Marx had imagined it in the Communist Manifesto and the Critique of 
the Gotha Program. And in 1966-1976, by directing the anarchy of the Cultural 
Revolution against his own Party, he proceeded to outdo Stalin's Great Purge 
of his Party in 1937-1939. But the most demented spinoff of this whole 
tradition was Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge of 1975-1979; for this rampage against 
urban, "bourgeois" civilization expressed nothing less than an ambition to 
propel tiny Cambodia beyond Mao's "achievements" into the front rank of 
world revolution. 

Yet the long-term inefficiency of such "progress" eventually led Mao's 
heirs, in their turn, to "betray" the Marxist-Leninist impetus by halting mass 
terror and turning halfway to the market. Thereby, after 1979, Deng Xiaoping 
ended worldwide the perverse Prometheanism launched in October 1917. Thus 
the Communist trajectory, as The Black Book traces it from Petrograd to the 
China Seas, inevitably suggests that ideology, not social process, fueled the 
movement's meteoric rise, and that ideology's practical failure produced its 
precipitate fall. 

This transnational perspective goes far toward answering the great ques- 
tion posed by Communist history: namely, why did a doctrine premised on 
proletarian revolution in industrial societies come to power only in predomi- 
nantly agrarian ones, by Marxist definition those least prepared for "socialism"? ^ 
But socialist revolution for Marx was not just a matter of economic develop- 
ment; it was at bottom an eschatological "leap from the kingdom of necessity 
to the kingdom of freedom." Since such quasi-miraculous transformation has 
the strongest allure for those who have the greatest lag to overcome, it is hardly 
surprising that Marxism's line of march turned out to lead ever farther into 
the politically and economically backward East. Only by taking account of this 



paradoxical eastward escalation through increasingly extravagant "leaps" can 
we build a real historiography of the great twentieth-century story that was 

And this brings us back to the vexed — and vexing — question raised by 
Stephane Courtois in The Black Book: What of the moral equivalence of 
Communism with Nazism? After fifty years of debate, it is clear that no matter 
what the hard facts are, degrees of totalitarian evil will be measured as much in 
terms of present politics as in terms of past realities. So we will always encoun- 
ter a double standard as long as there exist a left and a right — which will be a 
very long time indeed. No matter how thoroughly the Communist failure may 
come to be documented (and new research makes it look worse every day), we 
will always have reactions such as that of a Moscow correspondent for a major 
Western paper, who, after the fall, could still privately salute the Russian people 
with: "Thanks for having tried!"; and there will always be kindred spirits to 
dismiss The Black Book, a priori, as "right-wing anti-Communist rhetoric." 
For more mundane observers, however, it is at last becoming clear that our 
current qualitative judgments are scandalously out of line with the century's 
real balance sheet of political crime. 

And this very absurdity perhaps brings us to a turning point. Ten years 
ago, the authors of The Black Book would have refused to believe what they 
now write. And exploration of the Soviet archives — and eventually those of 
East Asia — will continue to redress the balance. This comes at a time, moreover, 
when historical writing is turning increasingly to retrospective affirmative ac- 
tion, to fulfilling our "duty of remembrance" to all the oppressed of the 
past— indeed, when governments and churches formally apologize for their 
historic sins. Surely, then, the Party of humanity can spare a little compassion 
for the victims of the inhumanity so long meted out by so many of its own 

Even so, such an effort at retrospective justice will always encounter one 
intractable obstacle. Any realistic accounting of Communist crime would effec- 
tively shut the door on Utopia; and too many good souls in this unjust world 
cannot abandon hope for an absolute end to inequality (and some less good 
souls will always offer them "rational" curative nostrums). And so, all com- 
rade-questers after historical truth should gird their loins for a very Long 
March indeed before Communism is accorded its fair share of absolute evil. 

The Black Book of Communism 

Introduction: The Crimes of Communism 

Stephane Courtois 

Life cannot withstand death, but memory is gaining in its struggle against 
Tzvetan Todorov, Les abus de la memoire 

It has been written that "history is the science of human misfor- 
tune." 1 Our bloodstained century of violence amply confirms this statement. In 
previous centuries few people and countries were spared from mass violence. 
The major European powers were involved in the African slave trade. The 
French Republic practiced colonization, which despite some good was tar- 
nished by repugnant episodes that persisted until recently. The United States 
remains heavily influenced by a culture of violence deeply rooted in two major 
historical tragedies — the enslavement of black Africans and the extermination 
of Native Americans. 

The fact remains that our century has outdone its predecessors in its 
bloodthirstiness. A quick glance at the past leads to one damning conclusion: 
ours is the century of human catastrophes — two world wars and Nazism, to 
say nothing of more localized tragedies, such as those in Armenia, Biafra, and 
Rwanda, The Ottoman Empire was undoubtedly involved in the genocide of 
the Armenians, and Germany in the genocide of the Jews and Gypsies. Italy 
under Mussolini slaughtered Ethiopians. The Czechs are reluctant to admit 
that their behavior toward the Sudeten Germans in 1945 and 1946 was by no 
means exemplary. Even Switzerland has recently been embroiled in a scandal 
over its role in administering gold stolen by the Nazis from exterminated Jews, 
although the country's behavior is not on the same level as genocide. 


Communism has its place in this historical setting overflowing with trage- 
dies. Indeed, it occupies one of the most violent and most significant places of 
all. Communism, the defining characteristic of the "short twentieth century" 
that began in Sarajevo in 1914 and ended in Moscow in 1991, finds itself at 
center stage in the story. Communism predated fascism and Nazism, outlived 
both, and left its mark on four continents. 

What exactly do we mean by the term "Communism 1 '? We must make a 
distinction between the doctrine of communism and its practice. As a political 
philosophy, communism has existed for centuries, even millennia. Was it not 
Plato who in his Republic introduced the concept of an ideal city, in which 
people would not be corrupted by money and power and in which wisdom, 
reason, and justice would prevail? And consider the scholar and statesman Sir 
Thomas More, chancellor of England in 1530, author of Utopia, and victim of 
the executioner's ax by order of Henry VIII, who also described an ideal society. 
Utopian philosophy may have its place as a technique for evaluating society. It 
draws its sustenance from ideas, the lifeblood of the world's democracies. But 
the Communism that concerns us does not exist in the transcendent sphere of 
ideas. This Communism is altogether real; it has existed at key moments of 
history and in particular countries, brought to life by its famous leaders — 
Vladimir Ilich Lenin, Josif Stalin, Mao Zedong, Ho Chi Minh, Fidel Castro, 
and, in France, by Maurice Thorez, Jacques Duclos, and Georges Marchais. 

Regardless of the role that theoretical communist doctrines may have 
played in the practice of real Communism before 1917— and we shall return 
to this later — it was flesh-and-blood Communism that imposed wholesale re- 
pression, culminating in a state-sponsored reign of terror. Is the ideology itself 
blameless? There will always be some nitpickers who maintain that actual 
Communism has nothing in common with theoretical communism. And of 
course it would be absurd to claim that doctrines expounded prior to Jesus 
Christ, during the Renaissance, or even in the nineteenth century were respon- 
sible for the events that took place in the twentieth century. Nonetheless, as 
Ignazio Silone has written, "Revolutions, like trees, are recognized by the fruit 
they bear." It was not without reason that the Russian Social Democrats, better 
known to history as the Bolsheviks, decided in November 1917 to call them- 
selves "Communists," They had a reason for erecting at the Kremlin a monu- 
ment to those whom they considered to be their predecessors, namely Sir 
Thomas More and Tommaso Campanella. 

Having gone beyond individual crimes and small-scale ad-hoc massacres, 
the Communist regimes, in order to consolidate their grip on power, turned 
mass crime into a full-blown system of government. After varying periods, 
ranging from a few years in Eastern Europe to several decades in the U.S.S.R. 
and China, the terror faded, and the regimes settled into a routine of admin- 

The Crimes of Communism 

istering repressive measures on a daily basis, as well as censoring all means of 
communication, controlling borders, and expelling dissidents. However, the 
memory of the terror has continued to preserve the credibility, and thus the 
effectiveness, of the threat of repression. None of the Communist regimes 
currently in vogue in the West is an exception to this rule — not the China of 
the "Great Helmsman, 11 nor the North Korea of Kim II Sung, nor even the 
Vietnam of "good old Uncle Ho 11 or the Cuba of the flamboyant Fidel Castro, 
flanked by the hard-liner Che Guevara. Nor can we forget Ethiopia under 
Mengistu Haile Mariam, Angola under Agostinho Neto, or Afghanistan under 
Mohammed Najibullah. 

Incredibly, the crimes of Communism have yet to receive a fair and just 
assessment from both historical and moral viewpoints. This book is one of the 
first attempts to study Communism with a focus on its criminal dimensions, in 
both the central regions of Communist rule and the farthest reaches of the 
globe. Some will say that most of these crimes were actions conducted in 
accordance with a system of law that was enforced by the regimes' official 
institutions, which were recognized internationally and whose heads of state 
continued to be welcomed with open arms. But was this not the case with 
Nazism as well? The crimes we shall expose are to be judged not by the 
standards of Communist regimes, but by the unwritten code of the natural laws 
of humanity. 

The history of Communist regimes and parties, their policies, and their 
relations with their own national societies and with the international commu- 
nity are of course not purely synonymous with criminal behavior, let alone with 
terror and repression. In the U.S.S.R. and in the "people's democracies" after 
Stalin's death, as well as in China after Mao, terror became less pronounced, 
society began to recover something of its old normalcy, and "peaceful coexis- 
tence"— if only as "the pursuit of the class struggle by other means" — had 
become an international fact of life. Nevertheless, many archives and witnesses 
prove conclusively that terror has always been one of the basic ingredients of 
modern Communism. Let us abandon once and for all the idea that the execu- 
tion of hostages by firing squads, the slaughter of rebellious workers, and the 
forced starvation of the peasantry were only short-term "accidents" peculiar 
to a specific country or era. Our approach will encompass all geographic areas 
and focus on crime as a defining characteristic of the Communist system 
throughout its existence. 

Exactly w hat crimes are we going to examine? Communism has committed 
a multitude of crimes not only against individual human beings but also against 
world civilization and national cultures. Stalin demolished dozens of churches 
in Moscow; Nicolae Ceau^escu destroyed the historical heart of Bucharest to 
give free rein to his megalomania; Pol Pot dismantled the Phnom Penh cathe- 


dral stone by stone and allowed the jungle to take over the temples of Angkor 
Wat; and during Mao's Cultural Revolution, priceless treasures were smashed 
or burned by the Red Guards. Yet however terrible this destruction may ulti- 
mately prove for the nations in question and for humanity as a whole, how does 
it compare with the mass murder of human beings — of men, women, and 

Thus we have delimited crimes against civilians as the essence of the 
phenomenon of terror. These crimes tend to fit a recognizable pattern even if 
the practices vary to some extent by regime. The pattern includes execution by 
various means, such as firing squads, hanging, drowning, battering, and, in 
certain cases, gassing, poisoning, or "car accidents"; destruction of the popu- 
lation by starvation, through man-made famine, the withholding of food, or 
both; deportation, through which death can occur in transit (either through 
physical exhaustion or through confinement in an enclosed space), at one's 
place of residence, or through forced labor (exhaustion, illness, hunger, cold). 
Periods described as times of "civil war" are more complex — it is not always 
easy to distinguish between events caused by fighting between rulers and rebels 
and events that can properly be described only as a massacre of the civilian 

Nonetheless, we have to start somewhere. The following rough approxi- 
mation, based on unofficial estimates, gives some sense of the scale and gravity 
of these crimes: 

U.S.S.R.: 20 million deaths 
China: 65 million deaths 
Vietnam: 1 million deaths 
North Korea: 2 million deaths 
Cambodia: 2 million deaths 
Eastern Europe: 1 million deaths 
Latin America: 150,000 deaths 
Africa: 1.7 million deaths 
Afghanistan: 1.5 million deaths 

The international Communist movement and Communist parties not in 
power: about 10,000 deaths 

The total approaches 100 million people killed. 

The immense number of deaths conceals some wide disparities according 
to context. Unquestionably, if we approach these figures in terms of relative 
weight, first place goes to Cambodia, where Pol Pot, in three and a half years, 
engaged in the most atrocious slaughter, through torture and widespread fam- 
ine, of about one-fourth of the country's total population. However, China's 

The Crimes of Communism 

experience under Mao is unprecedented in terms of the sheer number of people 
who lost their lives. As for the Soviet Union of Lenin and Stalin, the blood 
turns cold at its venture into planned, logical, and "politically correct" mass 

This bare-bones approach inevitably fails to do justice to the numerous issues 
involved. A thorough investigation requires a "qualitative" study based on a 
meaningful definition of the term "crime." Objective and legal criteria are also 
important. The legal ramifications of crimes committed by a specific country 
were first confronted in 1945 at the Nuremberg Tribunal, which was organized 
by the Allies to consider the atrocities committed by the Nazis. The nature of 
these crimes was defined by Article 6 of the Charter of the International 
Military Tribunal, which identified three major offenses: crimes against peace, 
war crimes, and crimes against humanity. An examination of all the crimes 
committed by the Leninist/Stalinist regime, and in the Communist world as a 
whole, reveals crimes that fit into each of these three categories. 

Crimes against peace, defined by Article 6a, are concerned with the "plan- 
ning, preparation, initiation, or waging of wars of aggression, or a war in 
violation of international treaties, agreements, or assurances, or participation 
in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of any of the forego- 
ing." Unquestionably, Stalin committed such a crime by secretly negotiating 
two treaties with Hitler — those of 23 August and 28 September 1939 on the 
partition of Poland and on the annexation of the Baltic states, northern Buk- 
ovina, and Bessarabia to the U.S.S.R., respectively. By freeing Germany from 
the risk of waging war on two fronts, the treaty of 23 August 1939 led directly 
to the outbreak of World War II. Stalin perpetrated yet another crime against 
peace by attacking Finland on 30 November 1939. The unexpected incursion 
into South Korea by North Korea on 25 June 1950 and the massive intervention 
in that war by the Chinese army are of comparable magnitude. The methods 
of subversion long used by the Moscow-backed Communist parties likewise 
deserve categorization as crimes against peace, since they began wars; thus a 
Communist coup in Afghanistan led to a massive Soviet military intervention 
on 27 December 1979, unleashing a conflict that continues to this day. 

War crimes are defined in Article 6b as "violations of the laws or customs 
of war. Such violations shall include, but not be limited to, murder, the ill-treat- 
ment or deportation of civilian residents of an occupied territory to slave labor 
camps or for any other purpose, the murder or ill-treatment of prisoners of 
war or persons on the seas, the killing of hostages, the plunder of public or 
private property, the wanton destruction of cities, towns, or villages, and any 
devastation not justified by military necessity." The laws and customs of war 
are written down in various conventions, particularly the Hague Convention of 


1907, which states that in times of war "the inhabitants and the belligerents 
remain under the protection and the rule of the principles of the law of nations, 
as they result from the usages established among civilized peoples, from laws 
of humanity, and the dictates of the public conscience." 

Stalin gave the go-ahead for large numbers of war crimes. The liquidation 
of almost all the Polish officers taken prisoner in 1939, with 4,500 men butch- 
ered at Katyri, is only one such episode, albeit the most spectacular. However, 
other crimes on a much larger scale are habitually overlooked, including the 
murder or death in the gulag of tens of thousands of German soldiers taken 
prisoner from 1943 to 1945. Nor should we forget the rape of countless German 
women by Red Army soldiers in occupied Germany, as well as the systematic 
plundering of all industrial equipment in the countries occupied by the Red 
Army Also covered by Article 6b would be the organized resistance fighters 
who openly waged war against Communist rulers and who were executed by 
firing squads or deported after being taken prisoner — for example, the soldiers 
of the anti-Nazi Polish resistance organizations, members of various Ukrainian 
and Baltic armed partisan organizations, and Afghan resistance fighters. 

The expression "crime against humanity" first appeared on 19 May 1915 
in a joint French, British, and Russian declaration condemning Turkey's mas- 
sacre of the Armenians as a "new crime by Turkey against humanity and 
civilization." The atrocities committed by the Nazis obliged the Nuremberg 
Tribunal to redefine the concept, as stated in Article 6c: "Murder, extermina- 
tion, enslavement, deportation, and other inhumane acts committed against any 
civilian population before or during the war; or persecutions on political, racial, 
or religious grounds in execution of or in connection with any crime within the 
jurisdiction of the Tribunal, whether or not in violation of the domestic law of 
the country where perpetrated." 

In his arguments at Nuremberg the French prosecutor general, Francois 
de Menthon, emphasized the ideological dimension of these crimes: 

I propose today to prove to you that all this organized and vast criminal- 
ity springs from what I may be allowed to call a crime against the spirit, 
I mean a doctrine that, by denying all spiritual, rational, or moral values 
by which nations have tried for thousands of years to improve human 
conditions, aims to plunge humanity back into barbarism, no longer the 
natural and spontaneous barbarism of primitive nations, but into a dia- 
bolical barbarism, conscious of itself and using for its ends all material 
means put at the disposal of humanity by contemporary science. This 
sin against the spirit is the original sin of National Socialism from which 
all crimes spring. 

This monstrous doctrine is that of racism . . . 

Whether we consider a crime against peace or war crimes, we are 

The Crimes of Communism 

therefore not faced by an accidental or an occasional criminality that 
events could explain without justifying it. We are in fact faced by sys- 
tematic criminality, which derives directly and of necessity from a mon- 
strous doctrine put into practice with deliberate intent by the masters of 
Nazi Germany. 

Francois de Menthon also noted that deportations were meant to provide 
additional labor for the German war machine, and the fact that the Nazis sought 
to exterminate their opponents was merely "a natural consequence of the 
National Socialist doctrine for which man has no intrinsic value unless he serves 
the German race." All statements made to the Nuremberg Tribunal stressed 
one of the chief characteristics of crimes against humanity — the fact that the 
power of the state is placed in the service of criminal policies and practice. 
However, the jurisdiction of the Nuremberg Tribunal was limited to crimes 
committed during World War II. Therefore, we must broaden the legal defini- 
tion of war crimes to include situations that extend beyond that war. The new 
French criminal code, adopted on 23 July 1992, defines war crimes in the 
following way: "The deportation, enslavement, or mass-scale and systematic 
practice of summary executions, abduction of persons following their disap- 
pearance, torture, or inhuman acts inspired by political, philosophical racial, or 
religious motives, and organized for the purpose of implementing a concerted 
effort against a civilian population group" (emphasis added). 

All these definitions, especially the recent French definition, are relevant 
to any number of crimes committed by Lenin and above all by Stalin and 
subsequently by the leaders of all Communist countries, with the exception (we 
hope) of Cuba and the Nicaragua of the Sandinistas, Nevertheless, the main 
conclusions are inescapable — Communist regimes have acted "in the name of 
a state practicing a policy of ideological hegemony." Thus in the name of an 
ideological belief system were tens of millions of innocent victims systemati- 
cally butchered, unless of course it is a crime to be middle-class, of noble birth, 
a kulak, a Ukrainian, or even a worker or a member of the Communist Party. 
Active intolerance was high on the Communists' agenda. It was Mikhail Tom- 
sky, the leader of the Soviet trade unions, who in the 13 November 1927 issue 
of Trud (Labor) stated: "We allow other parties to exist. However, the funda- 
mental principle that distinguishes us from the West is as follows: one party 
rules, and all the others are in jail!" 2 

The concept of a crime against humanity is a complex one and is directly 
relevant to the crimes under consideration here. One of the most specific is 
genocide. Following the genocide of the Jews by the Nazis, and in order to 
clarify Article 6c of the Nuremberg Tribunal, crimes against humanity were 
defined by the United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment 


of Genocide of 9 December 1948 in the following way: "Genocide means any 
of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a 
national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: (a) killing members of the 
group; (b) causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) 
deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about 
its physical destruction in whole or in part; (d) imposing measures intended to 
prevent births within the group; (e) forcibly transferring children of the group 
to another group." 

The new French criminal code defines genocide still more broadly: "The 
deed of executing a concerted effort that strives to destroy totally or partially a 
national, ethnic, racial or religious group, or a group that has been determined on 
the basis of any other arbitrary criterion" (emphasis added). This legal definition 
is not inconsistent with the philosophical approach of Andre Frossard, who 
believes that "it is a crime against humanity when someone is put to death 
purely by virtue of his or her birth."- 1 And in his short but magnificent novel 
Forever Flowing, Vasily Grossman says of his hero, Ivan Grigorevich, who has 
returned from the camps, "he had remained exactly what he had been from his 
birth: a human being. 1 ' 4 That, of course, was precisely why he was singled out 
in the first place. The French definition helps remind us that genocide comes 
in many shapes and sizes — it can be racial (as in the case of the Jews), but it 
can also target social groups. In The Red Terror in Russia, published in Berlin 
in 1924, the Russian historian and socialist Sergei Melgunov cited Martin 
Latsis, one of the first leaders of the Cheka (the Soviet political police), as 
giving the following order on 1 November 1918 to his henchmen: "We don't 
make war against any people in particular. We are exterminating the bourgeoisie 
as a class. In your investigations don't look for documents and pieces of evi- 
dence about what the defendant has done, whether in deed or in speaking or 
acting against Soviet authority. The first question you should ask him is what 
class he comes from, what are his roots, his education, his training, and his 
occupation." 5 

Lenin and his comrades initially found themselves embroiled in a merci- 
less "class war," in which political and ideological adversaries, as well as the 
more recalcitrant members of the general public, were branded as enemies and 
marked for destruction. The Bolsheviks had decided to eliminate, by legal and 
physical means, any challenge or resistance, even if passive, to their absolute 
power. This strategy applied not only to groups with opposing political views, 
but also to such social groups as the nobility, the middle class, the intelligentsia, 
and the clergy, as well as professional groups such as military officers and the 
police. Sometimes the Bolsheviks subjected these people to genocide. The 
policy of "de-Cossackization" begun in 1920 corresponds largely to our defini- 
tion of genocide: a population group firmly established in a particular territory, 

The Crimes of Communism 

the Cossacks as such were exterminated, the men shot, the women, children, 
and the elderly deported, and the villages razed or handed over to new, non- 
Cossack occupants. Lenin compared the Cossacks to the Vendee during the 
French Revolution and gladly subjected them to a program of what Gracchus 
Babeuf, the "inventor" of modern Communism, characterized in 1795 as 
"populicide." 6 

The "dekulakization" of 1930-1932 repeated the policy of "de-Cossacki- 
zation" but on a much grander scale. Its primary objective, in accordance with 
the official order issued for this operation (and the regime's propaganda), was 
"to exterminate the kulaks as a class." The kulaks who resisted collectivization 
were shot, and the others were deported with their wives, children, and elderly 
family members. Although not all kulaks were exterminated directly, sentences 
of forced labor in wilderness areas of Siberia or the far north left them with 
scant chance of survival. Several tens of thousands perished there; the exact 
number of victims remains unknown. As for the great famine in Ukraine in 
1932-33, which resulted from the rural population's resistance to forced col- 
lectivization, 6 million died in a period of several months. 

Here, the genocide of a "class" may well be tantamount to the genocide 
of a "race" — the deliberate starvation of a child of a Ukrainian kulak as a result 
of the famine caused by Stalin's regime "is equal to" the starvation of a Jewish 
child in the Warsaw ghetto as a result of the famine caused by the Nazi regime. 
Such arguments in no way detract from the unique nature of Auschwitz — the 
mobilization of leading-edge technological resources and their use in an "in- 
dustrial process" involving the construction of an "extermination factory," the 
use of gas, and cremation. However, this argument highlights one particular 
feature of many Communist regimes — their systematic use of famine as a 
weapon. The regime aimed to control the total available food supply and, with 
immense ingenuity, to distribute food purely on the basis of "merits" and 
"demerits" earned by individuals. This policy was a recipe for creating famine 
on a massive scale. Remember that in the period after 1918, only Communist 
countries experienced such famines, which led to the deaths of hundreds of 
thousands, and in some cases millions, of people. And again in the 1980s, two 
African countries that claimed to be Marxist-Leninist, Ethiopia and Mozam- 
bique, were the only such countries to suffer these deadly famines. 

A preliminary global accounting of the crimes committed by Communist 
regimes shows the following: 

The execution of tens of thousands of hostages and prisoners without 
trial, and the murder of hundreds of thousands or rebellious workers 
and peasants from 1918 to 1922 
The famine of 1922, which caused the deaths of 5 million people 



■ The extermination and deportation of the Don Cossacks in 1920 

• The murder of tens of thousands in concentration camps from 1918 to 

• The liquidation of almost 690,000 people in the Great Purge of 1937-38 

- The deportation of 2 million kulaks (and so-called kulaks) in 1930-1932 

■ The destruction of 4 million Ukrainians and 2 million others by means 
of an artificial and systematically perpetuated famine in 1932-33 

• The deportation of hundreds of thousands of Poles, Ukrainians, Baits, 
Moldovans, and Bessarabians from 1939 to 1941, and again in 1944-45 

■ The deportation of the Volga Germans in 1941 

■ The wholesale deportation of the Crimean Tatars in 1943 

• The wholesale deportation of the Chechens in 1944 

- The wholesale deportation of the Ingush in 1944 

■ The deportation and extermination of the urban population in 
Cambodia from 1975 to 1978 

• The stow destruction of the Tibetans by the Chinese since 1950 

No list of the crimes committed in the name of Leninism and Stalinism 
would be complete without mentioning the virtually identical crimes commit- 
ted by the regimes of Mao Zedong, Kim II Sung, and Pol Pot. 

A difficult epistemological question remains: Should the historian employ 
the primarily legal categories of "crime against humanity 11 and "genocide"? Are 
these concepts not unduly time specific — focusing on the condemnation of 
Nazism at Nuremberg — for use in historical research aimed at deriving relevant 
medium-term conclusions? On the other hand, are these concepts not some- 
what tainted with questionable "values' 1 that distort the objectivity of historical 

First and foremost, the history of the twentieth century has shown us that 
the Nazis had no monopoly over the use of mass murder by states and party- 
states. The recent experiences in Bosnia and Rwanda indicate that this practice 
continues as one of the hallmarks of this century. 

Second, although it might not be appropriate to revive historical methods 
of the nineteenth century, whereby historians performed research more for the 
purpose of passing judgment than for understanding the issue in question, the 
immense human tragedies directly caused by certain ideologies and political 
concepts make it impossible to ignore the humanist ideas implicit in our Judeo- 
Christian civilization and democratic traditions — for example, the idea of re- 
spect for human life. A number of renowned historians readily use the 
expression "crime against humanity" to describe Nazi crimes, including Jean- 
Perre Azema in his article "Auschwitz" 7 and Pierre Vidal-Naquet on the trial 
of Paul Touvier. 8 Therefore, it does not seem inappropriate to use such terms 
and concepts to characterize the crimes committed by Communist regimes. 

The Crimes of Communism 


In addition to the question of whether the Communists in power were 
directly responsible for these crimes, there is also the issue of complicity. Article 
7(3.77) of the Canadian criminal code, amended in 1987, states that crimes 
against humanity include infractions of attempting, conspiring, counseling, 
aiding, and providing encouragement for de facto complicity? This accords with 
the definition of crimes against humanity in Article 7(3.76) of the same code: 
"attempting or conspiring to commit, counseling any person to commit, aiding 
or abetting anv person in the commission of, or being an accessory after the fact 
in relation to the act" (emphasis added). Incredibly, from the 1920s to the 1950s, 
when hundreds of thousands of people served in the ranks of the Communist 
International and local sections of the "world party of the revolution," Com- 
munists and fellow-travelers around the world warmly approved Lenin's and 
subsequently Stalin's policies. From the 1950s to the 1970s, hundreds of thou- 
sands of people sang the praises of the "Great Helmsman" of the Chinese 
Revolution and extolled the virtues of the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural 
Revolution. Much closer to our time, there was widespread rejoicing when Pol 
Pot came to power. 111 Many will say that they "didn't know." Undoubtedly, of 
course, it was not always easy to learn the facts or to discover the truth, for 
Communist regimes had mastered the art of censorship as their favorite tech- 
nique for concealing their true activities. But quite often this ignorance was 
merely the result of ideologically motivated self-deception. Starting in the 
1940s and 1950s, many facts about these atrocities had become public knowl- 
edge and undeniable. And although many of these apologists have cast aside 
their gods of vesterdav, they have done so quietly and discreetly. What are we 
to make of a profoundly amoral doctrine that seeks to stamp out every last trace 
of eivic-mindedness in men's souls, and damn the consequences? 

In 1968 one of the pioneers in the study of Communist terror, Robert 
Conquest, wrote: "The fact that so many people 'swallowed 1 [the Great Terror! 
hook, line, and sinker was probably one of the reasons that the Terror suc- 
ceeded so well. In particular, the trials would not be so significant had they not 
received the blessing of some 'independent' foreign commentators. These pun- 
dits should be held accountable as accomplices in the bloody politics of the 
purges or at least blamed for the fact that the political assassinations resumed 
when the first show trial, regarding Zinoviev in 1936, was given an ill-deserved 
stamp of approval." 11 If the moral and intellectual complicity of a number of 
non-Communists is judged by this criterion, what can be said of the complicity 
of the Communists 3 Louis Aragon, for one, has publicly expressed regret for 
having appealed in a 1931 poem for the creation of a Communist political police 
in France. 12 

Joseph Berger, a former Comintern official who was "purged" and then 
exiled to the camps, quotes a letter received from a former gulag deportee who 
remained a Partv member even after her return: 



My generation of Communists everywhere accepted the Stalinist form 
of leadership. We acquiesced in the crimes. That is true not only of 
Soviet Communists, but of Communists all over the world. We, espe- 
cially the active and leading members of the Party, carry a stain on our 
consciences individually and collectively. The only way we can erase it is 
to make sure that nothing of the sort ever happens again. How was all 
this possible? Did we all go crazy, or have we now become traitors to 
Communism? The truth is that all of us, including the leaders directly 
under Stalin, saw r these crimes as the opposite of what they were. We 
believed that they were important contributions to the victory of social- 
ism. We thought everything that promoted the power politics of the 
Communist Party in the Soviet Union and in the world was good for 
socialism. We never suspected that conflict between Communist politics 
and Communist ethics was possible. 11 

Berger, however, tries to have it both ways. "On the other hand, I person- 
ally feel that there is a difference between criticizing people for having accepted 
Stalin's policy, which many Communists did not do, and blaming them for not 
having prevented his crimes. To suppose that this could have been done by any 
individual, no matter how important he might have been, is to misunderstand 
Stalin's byzantine tyranny." 14 Thus Berger has found an excuse for having been 
in the US.S.R. and for having been caught up in its infernal machine without 
any means of escape. But what self-deception kept Western European Com- 
munists, who had not been directly arrested by the People's Commissariat of 
Internal Affairs (NKVD, the secret police), blindly babbling away about the 
system and its leader? Why could they not hear the wake-up call at the very 
start? In his remarkable work on the Russian Revolution, The Soviet Tragedy, 
Martin Malia lifts a corner of the curtain when he speaks of "this paradox . . . 
that . . . [it] takes a great ideal to produce a great crime." 15 Annie Kriegel, 
another major student of Communism, insists that there is a cause-and-effect 
relationship between the two faces of Communism, as surely as day follows 

Tzvetan Todorov offered the first response to this paradox: 

A citizen of a Western democracy fondly imagines that totalitarianism 
lies utterly beyond the pale of normal human aspirations. And yet, 
totalitarianism could never have survived so long had it not been able to 
draw so many people into its fold. There is something else — it is a 
formidably efficient machine. Communist ideology offers an idealized 
model for society and exhorts us toward it. The desire to change the 
world in the name of an ideal is, after all, an essential characteristic of 
human identity , . . Furthermore, Communist society strips the individ- 
ual of his responsibilities. It is always "somebody else" who makes the 

The Crimes of Communism 


decisions. Remember, individual responsibility can feel like a crushing 
burden . . . The attraction of a totalitarian system, which has had a 
powerful allure for many, has its roots in a fear of freedom and responsi- 
bility. This explains the popularity of authoritarian regimes (which is 
Frieh I'YomnVs thesis in Escape from Freedom). None of this is new; 
Boethius had the right idea long ago when he spoke of "voluntary 
servitude." 1 " 

The complicity of those who rushed into voluntary servitude has not 
always been as abstract and theoretical as it may seem. Simple acceptance 
and /or dissemination of propaganda designed to conceal the truth is invariably 
a svmptom of active complicity. Although it may not always succeed, as is 
demonstrated by the tragedy in Rwanda, the glare of the spotlight is the only 
effective response to mass crimes that are committed in secret and kept hidden 
from prying eyes. 

An analysis of terror and dictatorship — the defining characteristics of Com- 
munists in power is no easy task. Jean KUenstein has defined Stalinism as a 
combination of Greek tragedy and Oriental despotism. This definition is ap- 
pealing, but it fails to account for the sheer modernity of the Communist 
experience, its totalitarian impact distinct from previously existing forms of 
dictatorship. A comparative synopsis may help to put it in context. 

First, we should consider the possibility that responsibility for the crimes 
of Communism can be traced to a Russian penchant for oppression. However, 
the tsarist regime of terror against which the Bolsheviks fought pales in com- 
parison with the horrors committed by the Bolsheviks when they took power. 
The tsar allowed political prisoners to face a meaningful justice system. The 
counsel for the defendant could represent his client up to the time of indict- 
ment and even beyond, and he could also appeal to national and international 
public opinion, an option unavailable under Communist regimes. Prisoners and 
convicts benefited from a set of rules governing the prisons, and the system of 
imprisonment and deportation was relatively lenient. Those who were deported 
could take their families, read and write as they pleased, go hunting and fishing, 
and talk about their "misfortune" with their companions. Lenin and Stalin had 
firsthand experience of this. Kven the events described by Fyodor Dostoevsky 
in Memoirs from (he House of the Dead, which had such a great impact when it 
was published, seem tame by comparison with the horrors of Communism. 
True, riots and insurrections were brutally crushed by the ancien regime. How- 
ever, from 1 825 to 1917 the total number of people sentenced to death in Russia 
for their political beliefs or activities was 6,360, of whom only 3,932 were 
executed. This number can be subdivided chronologically into 19 1 for the years 
1825-1905 and 3,741 for 1906-1910. These figures were surpassed by the 



Bolsheviks in March 1 9 18, after they had been in power for only four months. 
It follows that tsarist repression was not in the same league as Communist 

From the 1920s to the 1940s, Communism set a standard for terror to 
which fascist regimes could aspire. A glance at the figures for these regimes 
shows that a comparison may not be as straightforward as it would first appear. 
Italian Fascism, the first regime of its kind and the first that openly claimed to 
be "totalitarian," undoubtedly imprisoned and regularly mistreated its political 
opponents. Although incarceration seldom led to death, during the 1930s Irak 
had a few hundred political prisoners and several hundred lon/ituiti, placed 
under house arrest on the country's coastal islands. In addition, of course, there 
were tens of thousands of political exiles. 

Before World War II, Na/i terror targeted several groups. Opponents of 
the Na/i regime, consisting mostly of Communists, Socialists, anarchists, and 
trade union activists, were incarcerated in prisons and invariably interned in 
concentration camps, where they were subjected to extreme brutalitv. All told, 
from 1933 to 1939 about 20,000 left-wing militants were killed after trial or 
without trial in the camps and prisons, These figures do not include the 
slaughter of other Nazis to settle old scores, as in "The Night of the Long 
Knives" in June 1934. Another category of victims doomed to die were Ger- 
mans who did not meet the proper racial criteria of "tall blond Aryans/ 1 such 
as those who were old or mentally or physically defective. As a result of the 
war, Hitler forged ahead with a euthanasia program — 70,000 Germans were 
gassed between the end of 1939 and the beginning of 1941, when churches 
began to demand that this program be stopped. The gassing methods devised 
for this euthanasia program were applied to the third group of victims, the 

Before World War II, crackdowns against the Jews were widespread; per- 
secution reached its peak during Kristullnacht, with several hundred deaths and 
35,000 rounded up for internment in concentration camps. These figures apply 
only to the period before the invasion of the Soviet Union. Thereafter the full 
terror of the Nazis was unleashed, producing the following body count- 15 
million civilians killed in occupied countries, 6 million Jews, 3.3 million Soviet 
prisoners of war, 1.1 million deportees who died in the camps, and several 
hundred thousand Gypsies. We should add another 8 million who succumbed 
to the ravages of forced labor and 1.6 million surviving inmates of the concen- 
tration camps. 

The Nazi terror captures the imagination for three reasons. First, it 
touched the lives of Europeans so closely. Second, because the Nazis were 
vanquished and their leaders prosecuted at Nuremberg, their crimes have been 
officially exposed and categorized as crimes. And finally, the revelation of the 

The Crimes of Communism 


genocide carried out against the Jews outraged the conscience of humanity by 
its irrationality, racism, and unprecedented bloodthirstiness. 

Our purpose here is not to devise some kind of macabre comparative 
system for crunching numbers, some kind of grand total that doubles the 
horror, some kind of hierarchy of cruelty. But the intransigent facts demon- 
strate that Communist regimes have victimized approximately 100 million 
people in contrast to the approximately 25 million victims of the Nazis. This 
clear record should provide at least some basis for assessing the similarity 
between the Nazi regime, which since 1945 has been considered the most 
viciously criminal regime of this century, and the Communist system, which 
as late as 1991 had preserved its international legitimacy unimpaired and which, 
even today, is still in power in certain countries and continues to protect its 
supporters the world over. And even though many Communist parties have 
belatedly acknowledged Stalinism's crimes, most have not abandoned Lxnin's 
principles and scarcely question their own involvement in acts ot terrorism. 

The methods implemented by Lenin and perfected by Stalin and their 
henchmen bring to mind the methods used by the Nazis, but most often this 
is because the latter adopted the techniques developed by the former. Rudolf 
Hess, charged with organizing the camp at Auschwitz and later appointed its 
commandant, is a perfect example: "The Reich Security I lead Office issued to 
the commandants a full collection of reports concerning the Russian concen- 
tration camps. These described in great detail the conditions in, and organiza- 
tion of, the Russian camps, as supplied by former prisoners who had managed 
to escape. Great emphasis was placed on the fact that the Russians, by their 
massive employment of forced labor, had destroyed whole peoples." 1 ' However, 
the fact that the techniques of mass violence and the intensity of their use 
originated with the Communists and that the Nazis were inspired by them does 
not imply, in our view, that one can postulate a cause-and-effect relationship 
between the Bolshevik revolution and the rise of Nazism. 

From the end of the 1920s, the State Political Directorate (GPU, the new 
name for the Chcka) introduced a quota method— each region and district had 
to arrest, deport, or shoot a certain percentage of people who were members 
of several "enemy" social classes. These quotas were centrally defined under 
the supervision of the Party. The mania for planning and maintaining statistics 
was not confined to the economy: it was also an important weapon in the arsenal 
of terror. 1'Yom 1920 on, with the victory of the Red Army over the White 
Army in the Crimea, statistical and sociological methods made an appearance, 
with victims selected according to precise criteria on the basis of a compulsory 
questionnaire. The same "sociological" methods were used by the Soviet Union 
to organize mass deportations and liquidations in the Baltic states and occupied 
Poland in 1939-1941. As with the Nazis, the transportation of deportees in 



cattle cars ushered in "aberrations." In ] 943 and 1944, in the middle of the 
war, Stalin diverted thousands of trucks and hundreds of thousands of soldiers 
serving in the special NKVD troops from the front on a short-term basis in 
order to deport, the various peoples living in the Caucasus. This genocidal 
impulse, which aims at "the total or partial destruction of a national, ethnic, 
racial, or religious group, or a group that has been determined on the basis of 
any other arbitrary criterion," was applied by Communist rulers against groups 
branded as enemies and to entire segments of society, and was pursued to its 
maximum by Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge. 

Efforts to draw parallels between Nazism and Communism on the basis 
of their respective extermination tactics may give offense to some people. 
However, we should recall how in Forever Flowing Vasily Grossman, whose 
mother was killed by the Nazis in the Berdychiv ghetto, who authored the first 
work on Treblinka, and who was one of the editors of the Black Booh on the 
extermination of Soviet Jews, has one of his characters describe the famine in 
Ukraine: "writers kept writing . . . Stalin himself, too: the kulaks are parasites; 
they are burning grain; they are killing children. And it was openly proclaimed 
'that the rage and wrath of the masses must be inflamed against them, they 
must be destroyed as a class, because they arc accursed." 1 He adds: "To mas- 
sacre them, it was necessary to proclaim that kulaks are not human beings, just 
as the Germans proclaimed that Jews are not human beings. Thus did Lenin 
and Stalin say: kulaks are not human beings." In conclusion, Grossman says of 
the children of the kulaks: "That is exactly how the Nazis put the Jewish 
children into the Nazi gas chambers: 'You are not allowed to live vou are all 
Jews!'" 1 " 

Time and again the focus of the terror was less on targeted individuals 
than on groups of people. The purpose of the terror was to exterminate a group 
that had been designated as the enemy. Even though it might be only a small 
fraction of society, it had to be stamped out to satisfy this genocidal impulse. 
Thus, the techniques of segregation and exclusion employed in a "class-based 
totalitarianism" closely resemble the techniques of "race-based totalitarian- 
ism." The future Nazi society was to be built upon a "pure race," and the future 
Communist society was to be built upon a proletarian people purified of the 
dregs of the bourgeoisie. The restructuring of these two societies was envi- 
sioned in the same way, even if the crackdowns were different. Therefore, it 
would be foolish to pretend that Communism is a form of universalism. Com- 
munism may have a worldwide purpose, but like Nazism it deems a part of 
humanity unworthy of existence. The difference is that the Communist model 
is based on the class system, the Nazi model on race and territory Thus the 
transgressions of Leninism, Stalinism, Maoism, and the Khmer Rouge pose a 
fresh challenge for humanity, and particularly for legal scholars and historians: 

The Crimes of Communism 


specifically, how do we describe a crime designed to exterminate not merely 
individuals or opposing groups but entire segments of society on a massive 
scale for their political and ideological beliefs? A whole new language is needed 
for this. Some authors in the English-speaking countries use the term "politi- 
cide." Or is the term "Communist crimes," suggested by Czech legal scholars, 

How arc we to assess Communism's crimes? What lessons are we to learn from 
them? Why has it been necessary to wait until the end of the twentieth century 
for this subject to show up on the academic radar screen? It is undoubtedly the 
case that the study of Stalinist and Communist terror, when compared to the 
study of Nazi crimes, has a great deal of catching-up to do (although such 
research is gaining popularity in Eastern Europe). 

One cannot help noticing the strong contrast between the study of Nazi 
and Communist crimes. The victors of 1945 legitimately made Nazi crimes — 
and especially the genocide of the Jews — the central focus of their condemna- 
tion of Nazism. A number of researchers around the world have been working 
on these issues for decades. Thousands of books and dozens of films — most 
notably Night arid Fog, Shoah, Sophie's Choice, and Schmdlers List— have been 
devoted to the subject. Raul Hilberg, to name but one example, has centered 
his major work upon a detailed description of the methods used to put Jews to 
death in the Third Reich. lv 

Yet scholars have neglected the crimes committed by the Communists. 
While names such as Himmler and Eichmann are recognized around the world 
as bywords for twentieth-century barbarism, the names of Feliks Dzerzhinsky, 
Genrikh Yagoda, and Nikolai Ezhov languish in obscurity. As for Lenin, Mao, 
Ho Chi Minn, and even Stalin, they have always enjoyed a surprising reverence. 
A French government agency, the National Lottery, was crazy enough to use 
Stalin and Mao in one of its advertising campaigns. Would anyone even dare 
to come up with the idea of featuring Hitler or Goebbels in commercials? 

The extraordinary attention paid to Hitler's crimes is entirely justified. It 
respects the wishes of the surviving witnesses, it satisfies the needs of re- 
searchers trying to understand these events, and it reflects the desire of moral 
and political authorities to strengthen democratic values. But the revelations 
concerning Communist crimes cause barely a stir. Why is there such an awk- 
ward silence from politicians? Why such a deafening silence from the academic 
world regarding the Communist catastrophe, which touched the lives of about 
one-third of humanity on four continents during a period spanning eighty 
years? Why is there such widespread reluctance to make such a crucial factor 
as crime — mass crime, systematic crime, and crime against humanity — a cen- 
tral factor in the analysis of Communism? Is this really something that is 



beyond human understanding? Or are we talking: about a refusal to scrutinize 
the subject too closely for fear of learning the truth about it? 

The reasons for this reticence are many and various. P'irst, there is the 
dictators' understandable urge to erase their crimes and to justify the actions 
they cannot hide. Khrushchev's "Secret Speech 11 of 1956 was the first admis- 
sion of Communist atrocities by a Communist leader. It was also the statement 
of a tyrant seeking to gloss over the crimes he himself committed when he 
headed the Ukrainian Communist Party at the height of the terror, crimes that 
he cleverly attributed to Stalin by claiming that he and his henchmen were 
merely obeying orders. To cover up the vast majority of Communist offenses, 
Khrushchev spoke only of victims who were Communists, although thev were 
far fewer in number than the other kind. He defined these crimes with a 
euphemism, describing them in his conclusion as "abuses committed under 
Stalin" in order to justify the continuity of the system that retained the same 
principles, the same structure, and the same people. 

In his inimitable fashion Khrushchev described the opposition he faced 
while preparing his "Secret Speech; 1 especially from one of Stalin's confidants: 
"[Lazar] Kaganovich was such a yes-man that he would have cut his own 
father's throat if Stalin had winked and said it was in the interests of the 
cause — the Stalinist cause, that is . . . He was arguing against me out of a selfish 
fear for his own hide. He was motivated entirely by his eagerness to escape am 
responsibility for what had happened. If crimes had been committed, Ka- 
ganovich wanted to make sure his own tracks were covered." 20 The absolute 
denial of access to archives in Communist countries, the total control of the 
print and other media as well as of border crossings, the propaganda trumpet- 
ing the regime's "successes; 1 and the entire apparatus for keeping information 
under lock and key were designed primarily to ensure that the awful truth 
would never see the light of day. 

Not satisfied with the concealment of their misdeeds, the tyrants system- 
atically attacked all who dared to expose their crimes. After World War 11 this 
became starkly clear on two occasions in France. From January to April 1949, 
the "trial" of Viktor Kravchenko — a former senior official who wrote / Chose 
Freedom, in which he described Stalin's dictatorship—was conducted in Pans 
in the pages of the Communist magazine Les letlres francaiscs, which was 
managed by Louis Aragon and which heaped abuse on Kravchenko. From 
November 1950 to January 1951, again in Paris, Les letlres franchises held 
another "trial" — of David Rousset, an intellectual and former Trotskvite who 
was deported to Germany by the Nazis and who in 1946 received the Renaudot 
Prize for his book The World of Concentration Camps. On 12 November 1949 
Rousset urged all former Nazi camp deportees to form a commission of inquiry 
into the Soviet camp system and was savagely attacked by the Communist press, 

The Crimes of Communism 


which denied the existence of such camps. Following Rousset's call, Margaret 
Buber-Neumann recounted her experience of being twice deported to concen- 
tration camps — once to a Nazi camp and once to a Soviet camp— in an article 
published on 25 February 1950 in Figaro iitteratre, u An Inquiry on Soviet 
Camps: Who Is Worse, Satan or Beelzebub?" 

Despite these efforts to enlighten humankind, the tyrants continued to 
wheel out heavy artillery to silence all those who stood in their way anywhere 
in the world. The Communist assassins set out to incapacitate, discredit, and 
intimidate their adversaries. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Vladimir Bukovsky, Al- 
eksandr Zinoviev, and Feomd Plyushch were expelled from their own country; 
Andrei Sakharov was exiled to Gorky; General Pctro Hryhorenko was thrown 
into a psychiatric hospital; and Georgi Markov was assassinated with an um- 
brella that fired pellets rilled with poison. 

In the face of such incessant intimidation and cover-ups, the victims grew 
reluctant to speak out and were effectively prevented from reentering main- 
stream society, where their accusers and executioners were ever-present. Vasily 
Grossman eloquently describes their despair. 21 In contrast to the Jewish Holo- 
caust, which the international Jewish community has actively commemorated, 
it has been impossible for victims of Communism and their legal advocates to 
keep the memory of the tragedy alive, and any requests for commemoration or 
demands for reparation are brushed aside. 

When the tyrants could no longer hide the truth—the firing squads, the 
concentration camps, the man-made famine— they did their best to justify these 
atrocities by glossing them over. After admitting the use of terror, they justified 
it as a necessary aspect of revolution through the use of such catchphrases as 
"When you cut down a forest, the shavings get blown away" or "You can't make 
an omelet without breaking eggs." Vladimir Bukovsky retorted that he had seen 
the broken eggs, but no one he knew had ever tasted the omelet! Perhaps the 
single greatest evil was the perversion of language. As if by magic, the concen- 
tration-Lamp system was turned into a "reeducation system," and the tyrants 
became "educators" who transformed the people of the old society into u new 
people. 11 The zeks, a term used for Soviet concentration camp prisoners, were 
forcibly "invited" to place their trust in a system that enslaved them. In China 
the concentration-camp prisoner is called a "student, 11 and he is required to 
studv the correct thoughts of the Party and to reform his own faulty thinking. 
As is usually the case, a lie is not, strictly speaking, the opposite of the 
truth, and a lie will generally contain an element of truth. Perverted words are 
situated in a twisted vision that distorts the landscape; one is confronted with 
a mvopic social and political philosophy. Attitudes twisted by Communist 
propaganda are easy to correct, but it is monumentally difficult to instruct false 
prophets in the ways of intellectual tolerance. The first impression is always 



the one that lingers. Like martial artists, the Communists, thanks to their 
incomparable propaganda strength grounded in the subversion of language, 
successfully turned the tables on the criticisms leveled against their terrorist 
tactics, continually uniting the ranks of their militants and sympathizers by 
renewing the Communist act of faith. Thus they held fast to their fundamental 
principle of ideological belief, as formulated by Tertullian for his own era: "I 
believe, because it is absurd." 

Like common prostitutes, intellectuals found themselves inveigled into 
counterpropaganda operations. In 1928 Maksim Gorky accepted an invitation 
to go on an "excursion" to the Solovetski Islands, an experimental concentra- 
tion camp that would '"metastasize" (to use Solzhenitsyn's word) into the Gulag 
system. On his return Gorky wrote a book extolling the glories of the Solovetski 
camps and the Soviet government. A French writer, Henri Barbusse, recipient 
of the 1916 Prix Goncourt, did not hesitate to praise Stalin's regime for a fee. 
His 1928 book on "marvelous Georgia" made no mention of the massacre 
carried out there in 1921 by Stalin and his henchman Sergo Ordzhonikidze. It 
also ignored Lavrenti Beria, head of the NKVD, who was noteworthy for his 
Machiavellian sensibility and his sadism. In 1935 Barbusse brought out the first 
official biography of Stalin. More recently Maria Antonietta Macciochi spoke 
gushingly about Mao Zedong, and Alain Peyrefitte echoed the same sentiments 
to a lesser degree, while Danielle Mitterrand chimed in to praise the deeds of 
Fidel Castro. Cupidity, spinelessness, vanity, fascination with power, violence, 
and revolutionary fervor — whatever the motivation, totalitarian dictatorships 
have always found plenty of diehard supporters when they had need of them, 
and the same is true of Communist as of other dictatorships. 

Confronted with this onslaught of Communist propaganda, the West has 
long labored under an extraordinary self-deception, simultaneously fueled bv 
naivete in the face of a particularly devious system, by the fear of Soviet power, 
and by the cynicism of politicians. There was self-deception at the meeting in 
Yalta, when President Franklin Delano Roosevelt ceded F.astern Europe to 
Stalin in return for a solemn undertaking that the latter would hold free 
elections at the earliest opportunity. Realism and resignation had a rendezvous 
with destiny in Moscow in December 1944, when General Charles de Gaulle 
abandoned hapless Poland to the devil in return for guarantees of social and 
political peace, duly assured by Maurice Thorez on his return to Paris. 

This self-deception was a source of comfort and was given quasi-legiti- 
macy by the widespread belief among Communists (and many leftists) in the 
West that while these countries were "building socialism," the Communist 
"Utopia," a breeding ground for social and political conflicts, would remain 
safely distant. Simone Weil epitomized this pro-Communist trendiness when 
she said, "revolutionary workers are only too thankful to have a state backing 

The Crimes of Communism 


them a state that gives an official character, legitimacy, and reality to their 

actions as only a state can, and that at the same time is sufficiently far away 
from them geographically to avoid seeming oppressive." 22 Communism was 
supposedly showing its true colors — it claimed to be an emissary of the En- 
lightenment, of a tradition of social and human emancipation, of a dream of 
u true equality," and of "happiness for all" as envisioned by Gracchus Babeuf. 
And paradoxically, it was this image of "enlightenment" that helped keep the 
true nature of its evil almost entirely concealed. 

Whether intentional or not, when dealing with this ignorance of the 
criminal dimension of Communism, our contemporaries' indifference to their 
fellow humans can never be forgotten. It is not that these individuals are 
coldhearted. On the contrary, in certain situations they can draw on vast un- 
tapped reserves of brotherhood, friendship, affection, even love. However, as 
T/.vetan Todorov has pointed out, "remembrance of our own woes prevents us 
from perceiving the suffering of others." 21 And at the end of both world wars, 
no European or Asian nation was spared the endless grief and sorrow of licking 
its own wounds. France s own hesitancy to confront the history of the dark 
years of the Occupation is a compelling illustration in and of itself The history, 
or rather nonhistory, of the Occupation continues to overshadow the French 
conscience. We encounter the same pattern, albeit to a lesser degree, with the 
history of the "Nazi" period in Germany, the "Fascist" period in Italy, the 
"Franco" era in Spain, the civil war in Greece, and so on. In this century of 
blood and iron, everyone has been too preoccupied with his own misfortunes 
to worry much about the misfortunes of others. 

However, there are three more specific reasons for the cover-up of the 
criminal aspects of Communism. The first is the fascination with the whole 
notion of revolution itself. In today's world, breast-beating over the idea of 
"revolution," as dreamed about in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, is 
far from over. The icons of revolution— the red flag, the International, and the 
raised fist— rccmcrgc with each social movement and on a grand scale. Che 
Guevara is back in fashion. Openly revolutionary groups are active and enjoy 
everv legal right to state their views, hurling abuse on even the mildest criti- 
cisms of crimes committed by their predecessors and only too eager to spout 
the eternal verities regarding the "achievements" of Lenin, Trotsky, or Mao. 
This revolutionary fervor is not embraced solely by revolutionaries. Many 
contributors to this book themselves used to believe in Communist propaganda. 
The second reason is the participation of the Soviet Union in the victory 
over Nazism, which allowed the Communists to use fervent patriotism as a 
mask to conceal their latest plans to take power into their own hands. From 
June 1941, Communists in all occupied countries commenced an active and 
frequently armed resistance against Nazi or Italian occupation forces. Like 



resistance fighters everywhere, they paid the price for their efforts, with thou- 
sands being executed by firing squad, slaughtered, or deported. And they 
"played the martyr 11 in order to sanctify the Communist cause and to silence 
all criticism of it. Jn addition to this, during the Resistance many non- 
Communists became comrades-in-arms, forged bonds of solidarity, and shed 
their blood alongside their Communist fellows. As a result of this past these 
non-Communists may have been willing to turn a blind eye to certain things. 
In France, the Gaul list attitude was often influenced by this shared memory 
and was a factor behind the politics of General dc Gaulle, who tried to play off 
the Soviet Union against the Americans. 24 

The Communists 1 participation in the war and in the victory over Nazism 
institutionalized the whole notion of antifascism as an article of faith for the 
left. The Communists, of course, portrayed themselves as the best repre- 
sentatives and defenders of this antifascism. For Communism, antifascism 
became a brilliantly effective label that could be used to silence one's opponents 
quickly. Francois Furet wrote some superb articles on the subject. The defeated 
Nazism was labeled the "Supreme Evil" by the Allies, and Communism thus 
automatically wound up on the side of Good. This was made crvstal clear 
during the Nuremberg trials, where Soviet jurists were among the prosecutors. 
Thus a veil was drawn over embarrassing antidemocratic episodes, such as the 
German-Soviet pact of 1939 and the massacre at Katyn. Victory over the Nazis 
was supposed to demonstrate the superiority of the Communist system. In the 
Furope liberated by the British and the Americans (which was spared the 
sufferings of occupation) this was done for propaganda purposes to arouse a 
keen sense of gratitude to the Red Army and a sense of guilt for the sacrifices 
made by the peoples of the US.S.R. The Communists did not hesitate to play 
upon the sentiments of Europeans in spreading the Communist message. 

By the same token, the ways in which Eastern Europe was "liberated 11 bv 
the Red Army remain largely unknown in the West, where historians assimilate 
two very different kinds of "liberation, 11 one leading to the restoration of 
democracies, the other paving the way for the advent of dictatorships. In 
Central and Eastern Furope, the Soviet system succeeded the Thousand Year 
Reich, and Witold Gombrowicz neatly captured the tragedy facing these peo- 
ples: "The end of the war did not bring liberation to the Poles. In the battle- 
grounds of Central Europe, it simply meant swapping one form of evil for 
another, Hitler's henchmen for Stalin's. While sycophants cheered and rejoiced 
at the 'emancipation of the Polish people from the feudal yoke,' the same lit 
cigarette was simply passed from hand to hand in Poland and continued to burn 
the skin of people." 25 Therein lay the fault line between two European folk 
memories. However, a number of publications have lifted the curtain to show 

The Crimes of Communism 


how the US.S.R. "liberated" the Poles, Germans, Czechs, and Slovaks from 

Nazism. 26 

The final reason for the gentle treatment of Communism is subtler and a 
little trickier to explain. After 1945 the Jewish genocide became a byword for 
modern barbarism, the epitome of twentieth-century mass terror. After initially 
disputing the unique nature of the persecution of the Jews by the Nazis, the 
Communists soon grasped the benefits involved in immortalizing the Holocaust 
as a way of rekindling antifascism on a more systematic basis. The specter of 
u thc filthy beast whose stomach is fertile again 11 — to use Bertolt Brecht's fa- 
mous phrase— was invoked incessantly and constantly. More recently, a single- 
minded focus on the Jewish genocide in an attempt to characterize the 
Holocaust as a unique atrocity has also prevented an assessment of other 
episodes of comparable magnitude in the Communist world. After all, it seems 
scarcelv plausible that the victors who had helped bring about the destruction 
of a genocidal apparatus might themselves have put the very same methods into 
practice. When faced with this paradox, people generally preferred to bury their 
heads in the sand. 

The first turning point in the official recognition of Communist crimes came 
on the evening of 24 February 1956, when First Secretary Nikita Khrushchev 
took the podium at the Twentieth Congress of the Communist Party of the 
Soviet Union, the CPSU The proceedings were conducted behind closed 
doors; only delegates to the Congress were present. In absolute silence, 
stunned by what they were hearing, the delegates listened as the first secretary 
of the Party systematically dismantled the image of the "little father of the 
peoples," of the "genius Stalin," who for thirty years had been the hero of 
world Communism. This report, immortalized as Khrushchev's "Secret 
Speech," was one of the watersheds in the life of contemporary Communism. 
For the first time, a high-ranking Communist leader had officially acknowl- 
edged, albeit only as a tactical concession, that the regime that assumed power 
in 1917 had undergone a criminal "deviation." 

Khrushchev's motivations for breaking one of the great taboos of the 
Soviet regime were numerous. Khrushchev's primary aim was to attribute the 
crimes of Communism only to Stalin, thus circumscribing the evil, and to 
eradicate it once and for all in an effort to salvage the Communist regime. A 
determination to carry out an attack on Stalin's clique, which stood in the way 
of Khrushchev's power and believed in the methods practiced by their former 
boss, entered equally into his decision. Beginning in June 1957, these men were 
systematically removed from office. However, for the first time since 1934, the 
act of "being put to death politically" was not followed by an actual death, and 



this telling detail itself illustrates that Khrushchev's motives were more com- 
plex. Having been the boss of Ukraine for years and, in this capacity, having 
carried out and covered up the slaughter of innocent civilians on a massive 
scale, he may have grown weary of all this bloodshed. In his memoirs, in which 
he was naturally concerned with portraying himself in a flattering light, 
Khrushchev recalled his feelings: "The Congress will end, and resolutions will 
be passed, all as a matter of form. But then what? The hundreds and thousands 
of people who were shot will stay on our consciences," As a result, he severely 
reprimanded his colleagues: 

What are we going to do about all those who were arrested and elimi- 
nated? . . . We now know that the people who suffered during the re- 
pressions were innocent. We have indisputable proof that, far from 
being enemies of the people, they were honest men and women, devoted 
to the Party, dedicated to the Revolution, and committed to the Leninist 
cause and to the building of" Socialism and Communism in the Soviet 
Union ... I still think it's impossible to cover everything up. Sooner or 
later people will be coming out of the prisons and the camps, and they'll 
return to the cities. They'll tell their relatives, friends, and comrades, 
and everyone back home what happened . . . we're obliged to speak 
candidly to the delegates about the conduct of the Party leadership 
during the years in question . . . How ean we pretend not to know what 
happened 3 We know there was a reign of repression and arbitrarv rule in 
the Party, and Me must tell the Congress what we know ... In the life of 
anyone who has committed a crime, there comes a moment when a 
confession will assure him leniency if not exculpation.- 7 

Among some of the men who had had a hand in the crimes perpetrated 
under Stalin and who generally owed their promotions to the extermination of 
their predecessors in office, a certain kind of remorse took hold — a lukewarm 
remorse, a self-interested remorse, the remorse of a politician, but remorse 
nonetheless. It was necessary for someone to put a stop to the slaughter. 
Khrushchev had the courage to do this even if, in 1956, he sent Soviet tanks 
into Budapest. 

In 1961, during the Twenty-second Congress of the CPSU, Khrushchev 
recalled not only the victims who were Communists but all of Stalin's victims 
and even proposed that a monument be erected in their memory. At this point 
Khrushchev may have overstepped the invisible boundary beyond which the 
very raison d'etre of Communism was being challenged — namely, the absolute 
monopoly on power reserved for the Communist Party. The monument never 
saw the light of day. In 1962 the first secretary authorized the publication of 
One Day in the Life of Ivan Dermovkh, by Aleksandr Solzhenitsvn. On 24 

The Crimes of Communism 


October 1964 Khrushchev was stripped of his powers, but his life was spared, 
and he died in obscurity in 1971. 

There is a substantial degree of scholarly consensus regarding the impor- 
tance of the "Secret Speech," which represented a fundamental break in Com- 
munism's twentieth-century trajectory. Francois Furet, on the verge of quitting 
the French Communist Party in 1954, wrote these words on the subject: 

Now all of a sudden the "Secret Speech" of February 1956 had single- 
handedly shattered the Communist idea then prevailing around the 
world. The voice that denounced Stalin's crimes did not come from the 
West but from Moscow, and from the "holy of holies" in Moscow, the 
Kremlin. It was not the voice of a Communist who had been ostracized 
but the voice of the leading Communist in the world, the head of the 
Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Thus, instead of being tainted 
by the suspicion that was invariably leveled at accusations made by 
ex-Communists, Khrushchev's remarks gained the luster that reflected 
glory upon its leader . . . The extraordinary power of the "Secret 
Speech" on the mind stemmed from the fact that it did not have any 
opponents. 28 

This event was especially paradoxical inasmuch as a number of contem- 
poraries had long warned the Bolsheviks about the inherent dangers of this 
course of action. From 1917 to 1918 disgruntlement arose even within the 
socialist movement itself, including among believers in the "great light from 
the East," who were suddenly relentless in their criticism of the Bolsheviks. 
Essentially the dispute centered upon the methods used by Lenin: violence, 
crime, and terror. From the 1920s to the 1950s, while the dark side of Bolshe- 
vism was being exposed by a number of witnesses, victims, and skilled ob- 
servers (as well as in countless articles and other publications), people had to 
bide their time until the Communist rulers would recognize this themselves. 
Alas, the significance of this undoubtedly important development was misin- 
terpreted by the growing body of public opinion as a recognition of the errors 
of Communism. This was indeed a misinterpretation, since the "Secret 
Speech" tackled only the question of Communists as victims; but at least this 
was a step in the right direction. It was the first confirmation of the testimony 
by witnesses and of previous studies, and it corroborated long-standing suspi- 
cions that Communism was responsible for creating a colossal tragedy in 


The leaders of many "fraternal parties" were initially unconvinced of the 
need to jump on Khrushchev's bandwagon. After some delay, a few leaders in 
other countries did follow Khrushchev's lead in exposing these atrocities. How- 
ever, it was not until 1979 that the Chinese Communist Party divided Mao's 



policies between "great merits; 1 which lasted until 1957, and "great errors, 11 
which came afterward. The Vietnamese contented themselves with oblique 
references to the genocide perpetrated by Pol Pot. As for Castro, the atrocities 
committed under him have been denied. 

Before Khrushchev's speech, denunciation of crimes committed by Com- 
munists came only from their enemies or from Trotskyite dissidents or anar- 
chists; and such denunciations had not been especially effective. The desire to 
bear witness was as strong among the survivors of Communist massacres as it 
had been among those who survived the Nazi slaughters. However, the survi- 
vors were few and far between, especially in France, where tangible experience 
of the Soviet concentration-camp system had directly affected only a few 
isolated groups, such as a In Spite of Ourselves, 11 from Alsace-Lorraine.- 9 Most 
of the time, however, the witness statements and the work carried out by 
independent commissions, such as David Roussct's International Commission 
on the Concentration Camp System and the Commission to Find the Truth 
about Stalin's Crimes, have been buried beneath an avalanche of Communist 
propaganda, aided and abetted by a silence born of cowardliness or indiffer- 
ence. This silence generally managed to win out over the sporadic moments ol 
self-awareness resulting from the appearance of a new analytical work (such as 
Solzhenitsyn's Gulag Archipelago) or an irreproachable eyewitness account 
(such as Varlam Shalamov's Kolyma Tales and Pin Yathays Stay Alive, My 
Son). M) Regrettably, it was most tenacious in Western societies whenever the 
phenomenon of Communism came under the microscope. Until now they have 
refused to face the reality that the Communist system, albeit in varying degrees, 
possessed fundamentally criminal underpinnings. By refusing to acknowledge 
this, they were co-conspirators in "the lie," as perhaps best summed up by 
Friedrich Nietzsche: "Men believe in the truth of anything so long as they see 
that others strongly believe it is true. 1 ' 

Despite widespread reluctance to confront the issue, a number ot ob- 
servers have risen to the challenge. From the 1920s to the 1950s, lor want of 
more reliable data (which were assiduously concealed by the Soviet regime) 
researchers were wholly reliant on information provided by defectors. Not only 
were these eyewitness accounts subject to the normal skepticism with which 
historians treat such testimony; they were also systematically discredited by 
sympathizers of the Communist system, who accused the defectors of being 
motivated by vengeance or of being the tools of anti-Communist powers. Who 
would have thought, in 1959, that a description of the Gulag could be provided 
by a high-ranking KGB defector, as in the book by Paul Barton?-" And who 
would have thought of consulting Barton himself, an exile from Czechoslovakia 
whose real name was Jin Veltrusky, who was one of the organizers of the 
anti-Nazi insurrections in Prague in 1945 and who was forced to flee his 

The Crimes of Communism 


country in 1948? Yet anyone who confronts the information held in recently 
opened classified archives will find that the accounts provided in 1959 were 
totally accurate. 

In the 1960s and 1980s, Solzhenitsyn's Gulag Archipelago and later the 
"Red Wheel" cycle on the Russian Revolution produced a quantum shift in 
public opinion. Precisely because it was literature, and from a master craftsman, 
The Gulag Archipelago captured the true nature of an unspeakable system. 
However, even Solzhenitsyn had trouble piercing the veil. In 1975 one journal- 
ist from a major French daily compared Solzhenitsyn to Pierre Laval, Jacques 
Doriot, and Marcel Deat, "who welcomed the Nazis as liberators." 12 Nonethe- 
less, his account was instrumental in exposing the system in much the same 
way that Shalamov brought Kolyma to life and Pin Yathay laid bare the atroci- 
ties in Cambodia. More recently still, Vladimir Bukovsky, one of the leading 
Soviet dissidents under Leonid Brezhnev, cried out in protest in Reckoning with 
Moscow, demanding the establishment of a new Nuremberg Tribunal to judge 
the criminal activities of the Communist regime. His book enjoyed considerable 
success in the West. At the same time, however, publications rehabilitating 
Stalin began to appear. 11 

At the end of the twentieth century, what motivation impels us to explore an 
issue so mired in tragedy, confusion, and controversy? Today, archives confirm 
these sporadic accounts of yesteryear, but they also allow us to go a step 
further. The internal archives maintained by the repressive apparatuses of the 
former Soviet Union, of the former u peoples democracies," and of Cambodia 
bring to light the ghastly truth of the massive and systematic nature of the 
terror, which all too often resulted in full-scale crimes against humanity. The 
time has come to take a scholarly approach to this subject by documenting hard 
facts and by illuminating the political and ideological issues that obscure the 
matter at hand, the key issue that all these observers have raised: What is the 
true significance of crime in the Communist system? 

From this perspective, what scholarly support can we count on? In the 
first place, our methods reflect our sense of duty to history. A good historian 
leaves no stone unturned. No other factors or considerations, be they political, 
ideological, or personal, should hinder the historian from engaging in the quest 
for knowledge, the unearthing and interpretation of facts, especially when these 
facts have been long and deliberately buried in the immense recesses of gov- 
ernment archives and the conscience of the people. This history of Communist 
terror is one of the major chapters in the history of Europe and is directly 
linked to the two goals of the study of historical writing on totalitarianism. 
After all, we all know about the Hitlerian brand of totalitarianism; but we must 
not forget that there was also a Leninist and Stalinist version. It is no longer 



good enough to write partial histories that ignore the Communist brand of 
totalitarianism. It is untenable to draw a veil over the issue to ensure that the 
history of Communism is narrowed to its national, social, and cultural dimen- 
sions. The justice of this argument is amply confirmed by the fact that the 
phenomenon of totalitarianism was not limited to Europe and the Soviet pe- 
riod. The same applies to Maoist China, North Korea, and Pol Pot's Cambodia. 
Each national Communism has been linked by an umbilical cord to the Soviet 
womb, with its goal of expanding the worldwide movement. The history with 
which we are dealing is the history of a phenomenon that has spread through- 
out the world and that concerns all of humanity. 

The second purpose of this book is to serve as a memorial. There is a 
moral obligation to honor the memory of the innocent and anonymous victims 
of a juggernaut that has systematically sought to erase even their memory. After 
the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of Communism's center of power 
in Moscow, Europe, the continent that played host to the twentieth century's 
many tragedies, has set itself the task of reconstructing popular memory. This 
book is our contribution to that effort. The authors of this book carry that 
memory within themselves. Two of our contributors have a particular attach- 
ment to Central Europe, while the others are connected by firsthand experience 
with the theory and practice of revolution in 1968 or more recently. 

This book, as both memorial and history, covers very diverse settings. It 
touches on countries in which Communism had almost no practical influence, 
either on society or on government power — Great Britain, Australia, Belgium, 
and others. Elsewhere Communism would show up as a powerful source of 
fear — in the United States after 1946 — or as a strong movement (even if it 
never actually seized power there), as in France, Italy, Spain, Greece, and 
Portugal. In still other countries, where it had lost its decades-long grip on 
power, Communism is again reasserting itself— in Eastern Europe and Russia. 
Finally, its small flame is wavering in countries in which Communism still 
formally prevails — China, North Korea, Cuba, Laos, and Vietnam. 

Others may have different perspectives on the issues of history and mem- 
ory. In countries in which Communism had little influence or was merely 
dreaded, these issues will require a simple course of study and understanding. 
The countries that actually experienced the Communist system will have to 
address the issue of national reconciliation and decide whether the former 
Communist rulers are to be punished. In this connection, the reunified Ger- 
many may represent the most surprising and "miraculous" example — one need 
only think of the Yugoslav disaster by way of contrast. However, the former 
Czechoslovakia — now the Czech Republic and Slovakia — Poland, and Cambo- 
dia alike confront considerable trauma and suffering in their memorv and 
history of Communism. In such places a modicum of amnesia, whether con- 

The Crimes of Communism 


scious or unconscious, may seem indispensable in helping to heal the spiritual, 
mental, emotional, personal, and collective wounds inflicted by a half-century 
or more of Communism. Where Communism still clings to power, the tyrants 
and their successors have either systematically covered up their actions, as in 
Cuba and China, or have continued to promote terror as a form of government, 
as in North Korea. 

The responsibility for preserving history and memory undoubtedly has a 
moral dimension. Those whom we condemn may respond, "Who has given you 
the authority to say what is Good and what is Bad? 11 

According to the criteria proposed here, this issue was addressed well by 
the Catholic Church when Pope Pius 1 condemned Nazism and Communism 
respectively in the encyclicals Mil Rrennemier Snrg* of 14 March 1937 and 
Diniii rciiemptoris of 19 March 1937. The latter proclaimed that God endowed 
humanity with certain rights, "the right to life, to bodily integrity, and to the 
necessary means of existence; the right to pursue one's ultimate goal in the path 
marked out for him by God; the right of association, and the right to possess 
and use property.' 1 Even though there is i certain hypocrisy in the church's 
pronouncement against the excessive enrichment of one class of people at the 
expense of others, the importance of the pope's appeal for the respect of human 
dignity is beyond question. 

As earh as 1931, Pius I had proclaimed in the encyclical Quadragesima 
anno; "Communism teaches and seeks two objectives: unrelenting class warfare 
and the complete eradication of private ownership. Not secret I v or hv hidden 
methods does it do this, but publicly, openly, and by employing any means 
possible, even the most violent. To achieve these objectives there is nothing it 
is afraid to do, nothing for which it has respect or reverence. When it comes to 
power, it is ferocious in its cruelty and inhumanity. The horrible slaughter and 
destruction through which it has laid waste to vast regions of Eastern Europe 
and Asia give evidence of this. 1 ' Admittedly, these words originated from an 
institution that for several centuries had systematically justified the murder of 
non-Christians, spread the Inquisition, stilled freedom of thought, and sup- 
ported dictatorial regimes such as those of General Francisco Franco and 
Antonio Sala/ar. 

However, even if the church was functioning in its capacity as a guardian 
of morality, how is a historian to respond when confronted by a "heroic" saga 
of Communist partisans or bv a heartbreaking account from their victims? In 
his Memoirs Francois-Rene de Chateaubriand wrote: "When in the silence of 
abjection, no sound can be heard save that of the chains of the slave and the 
voice of the informer; when all tremble before the tyrant, and it is as dangerous 
to incur his favor as to merit his displeasure, the historian appears, entrusted 
with the vengeance of the people. Nero prospers in vain, for Tacitus has already 



been born within the Empire." 14 Far be it from us to advocate the cryptic 
concept of the "vengeance of the people." Chateaubriand no longer believed 
in this idea by the end of his life. However, at some modest level and almost 
despite himself, the historian can speak on behalf of those who have had their 
voices silenced as a result of terror. The historian is there to produce works of 
scholarship, and his first task is to establish the facts and data that will then 
become knowledge. Moreover, the historian's relationship to the history of 
Communism is an unusual one: Historians are obligated to chronicle the his- 
toriography of "the lie." And even if the opening of archives has provided them 
with access to essential materials, historians must guard against naivete in the 
face of a number of complicated factors that are deviously calculated to stir up 
controversy. Nonetheless, this kind of historical knowledge cannot be seen in 
isolation from certain fundamental principles, such as respect for the rules of 
a representative democracy and, above all, respect for life and human dignity. 
This is the yardstick that historians use to "judge" the actors on the stage of 

For these general reasons, no work of history or human memory can 
remain untouched by personal motives. Some of the contributors to this book 
were not always strangers to the fascinations of Communism. Sometimes they 
themselves took part (even if only on a modest scale) in the Communist system, 
either in the orthodox Leninist-Stalinist school or in its related or dissident 
varieties (Trotskyite, Maoist). And if they still remain closely wedded to the 
left — or, rather, precisely because they are still wedded to the left—it is neces- 
sary to take a closer look at the reasons for their self-deception. This mindset 
has led them down a certain intellectual pathway, characterized by the choice 
of topics they study, by their scholarly publications, and by the journals (such 
as La nouvelle alternative and Commumsme) in which they publish. This book 
can do no more than provide an impetus for this particular type of reassess- 
ment. If these leftists pursue the task conscientiously, they will show that they 
too have a right to be heard on this issue, rather than leaving it to the increas- 
ingly influential extreme right wing. The crimes of Communism need to be 
judged from the standpoint of democratic values, not from the standpoint of 
ultranationalist or fascist philosophies. 

This approach calls for cross-country analysis, including comparisons of 
China and the US.S.R., Cuba and Vietnam, and others. Alas, the documents 
currently available are decidedly mixed in quantity and quality; in some cases 
the archives have not yet been opened. However, we felt that we should carry 
on regardless, confining ourselves to facts that are crystal-clear and beyond 
question. We want this book to be a groundbreaking work that will lay a broad 
foundation for further study and thought by others. 

This book contains many words but few pictures. The dearth of pictures 

The Crimes of Communism 


is one of the more delicate issues involved in the cover-up of Communist 
crimes. In a media-saturated global society, the photographed or televised 
image has become the fount of "truth." Alas, we have only a handful of rare 
archival photographs of the Gulag and the iaogai. There are no photographs 
of dekulakization or of the famine during the Great Leap Forward. The 
victorious powers at Nuremberg could at least photograph and film the thou- 
sands of bodies found at Bergen-Belsen. Those investigators also found pho- 
tographs that had been taken by the tyrants themselves— for example, the 
picture of a Nazi shooting point blank at a woman with an infant in her arms. 
No such parallels existed in the darkness of the Communist world, where terror 
had been organized in strictest secrecy. 

Readers may feel less than satisfied with the few photographic documents 
assembled here. They will need time to read, page after page, about the ordeal 
to which millions of people were subjected. They will have to make an effort 
to imagine the scale of the tragedy and to realize and appreciate how it will 
leave its mark on the history of the world for decades to come. Then readers 
must ask themselves the essential question, "Why?" Why did Lenin, Trotsky, 
Stalin, and others believe it necessary to exterminate all those whom they had 
branded as "enemies"? What made them imagine they could violate one of the 
basic tenets of civilization, "Thou shall not kill"? We will try, through this book, 
to answer that question. 

A State against Its People: Violence, 
Repression, and Terror in the Soviet Union 

Nicolas Werth 

 3 Slftinfi* II 1 

a '< 




The Gulag archipelago 

'^*.* fc " Major timber/logging routes and railways 

Z^ Large canals built by prisoners 
O Towns built by prisoners 

1X1 Mining 

500 km 

Paradoxes and Misunderstandings Surrounding 
the October Revolution 


With the 

iall of Communism, the necessity of demonstrating 
the 'historically inevitable' character of the Great Socialist October Revolution 
faded into the background, and 1917 could at last become a 'normal' historical 
event. Unfortunately, historians, like everyone else in our society, seem unwill- 
ing to break with the founding myth of Year Zero, of the year when it all 
seemed to begin™the happiness or misery of the Russian People." 

These words, by a contemporary Russian historian, serve to illustrate an 
idea that has become a constant theme, More than eighty years after the event, 
the battle for control over the story of 1917 continues to rage. 

For one historical school, which includes the proponents of what we might 
term the "liberal" version of events, the October Revolution was nothing more 
than a putsch imposed on a passive society. For these historians, October was 
the result of a clever conspiracy dreamed up by a handful of resourceful and 
cynical fanatics who had no real support anywhere else in the country. Today 
this is the preferred version of events for almost all Russian historians, as well 
as for the cultured elite and the leaders of post-Communist Russia. Deprived 
of all social and historical weight, the October Revolution of 1917 is reread as 
an accident that changed the course of history, diverting a prosperous, hard- 
working prere olutionary Russia, well on its way to democracy, from its natural 
course. This view is defended quite loudly and fiercely, and as long as there 



A State against Its People 

exists a remarkable continuity in the power structure of post-Soviet Russia 
(nearly all of whose leaders are former Communist officials), there is a clear 
benefit to distancing present Russian society from the "monstrous Soviet pa- 
renthesis. 11 All too clearly, it serves to liberate Russian society from any burden 
of guilt, and it marks a break with those obvious, public acts of contrition 
elicited by the painful rediscovery of Stalinism during the perestroiku years. If 
it can be shown that the Bolshevik coup d'etat of 1917 was nothing more than 
an accident, it follows that the Russian people were the collective innocent 
victims of these events. 

Alternatively, Soviet historiography has attempted to demonstrate that the 
events of October 1917 were the logical, foreseeable, and inevitable culmination 
of a process of liberation undertaken by the masses, who consciously rallied to 
Bolshevism. In its various forms, this current of historiography has connected 
the story of 1917 to the issue of the legitimacy of the whole Soviet regime. If 
the Great Socialist October Revolution was the result of the inexorable march 
of history, and if it was an event that conveyed a message of emancipation to 
the entire world, then the Soviet political system and the state institutions that 
resulted from the revolution, despite the errors of the Stalinist period, were all 
necessarily legitimate. The fall of the Soviet regime naturally brought both a 
wholesale delegitimarion of the October Revolution and the disappearance of 
the traditional Marxist view, which in its turn was consigned, in the famous 
Bolshevik formula, to "the dustbin of history." Nonetheless, like the memory 
of the Stalinist terror, the memory of the Marxist version of events lives on, 
perhaps even more vividly in the West than it does in the former L'.S.S.R. 

Rejecting both the liberal view and Marxist dogma, a third historiographic 
current has recently attempted to remove ideology from the history of the 
Russian Revolution altogether, in order to make clear, in the words of Marc 
Ferro, "why the uprising of October 1917 was simultaneously a mass movement 
and an event in which so few people actually took part. 11 Among the many 
questions arising from the events of 1917, historians who refuse to accept the 
dominant oversimplified liberal view of events have identified some key prob- 
lems. What role was played by the militarization of the economy and by the 
social unrest following from the entry of the Russian empire into World War 
I? Did a specific current of violence emerge that paved the way for political 
violence exercised against society in general? How did it come about that an 
essentially popular and plebeian movement, which was profoundly antiauthori- 
tarian and antistate, brought to power the most dictatorial and most statist of 
political groups? Finally, what linkage can be established between the undeni- 
able radicalization of Russian society throughout the year 1917 and the specific 
phenomenon of Bolshevism? 

With the passage of time, and as a result of much recent stimulating and 

Paradoxes of the October Revolution 


lively debate among historians, the October Revolution of 1917 now appears as 
the momentary convergence of two movements: on the one hand the carefully 
organized seizure of power by a party that differed radically in its practices, its 
ideology, and its organization from all other participants in the revolutionary 
process; and on the other a vast social revolution, which took many forms. The 
social revolution had many facets, including an immensely powerful and deep- 
rooted movement of rebellion among the peasantry, a rebellion whose origins 
stretched far back into Russian history and which was marked not simply by a 
hatred of the landowners, but also by profound distrust of both the city and 
the outside world in general—a distrust, in practice, of any form of state 

The summer and autumn of 1917 thus appear as the culmination of the 
great cycle of revolts that began in 1902, and whose first real effects were felt 
from 1905 to 1907. The year 1917 was a decisive stage in the great agrarian 
revolution, a confrontation between the peasantry and the great landowners 
over the ownership of land, and, in the eyes of the peasants, the final longed-for 
realization of the "Black-Earth partition," or distribution of land according to 
the number of mouths to be fed in each family. But it was also an important 
stage in the confrontation between the peasantry and the state, in which the 
peasantry rejected all control by the city over the countryside. Seen from this 
point of view, 1917 was no more than a stage in the series of confrontations 
that continued in 1918-1922 and 1929-1933, and that ended in total defeat for 
the countryside as a result of enforced collectivization. 

Throughout 1917, at the same time that the peasant revolution was gain- 
ing momentum, a process of fundamental decay was taking place in the army, 
which was made up of more than 10 million peasant soldiers mobilized to fight 
a war whose significance escaped them. Russian generals unanimously deplored 
the lack of patriotism among these peasant soldiers, whose civic horizons 
seldom extended beyond the boundaries of their own rural communities. 

A third basic movement arose within the politically active industrial work- 
ing class, highly concentrated in the big cities, which accounted for scarcely 
3 percent of the working population. The urban milieu distilled all the social 
contradictions arising from a process of economic modernization that had 
lasted no more than a single generation. From this environment was born a 
movement aimed at the protection of the rights of workers, understood 
through a few key political slogans such as "workers 1 power 11 and "power to 
the Soviets. 11 

The fourth and final movement originated in the rapid emancipation of 
the diverse nations under imperial Russian rule. Many of these nations de- 
manded first autonomy, then independence. 

Each of these movements progressed at its own pace, according to its own 


A State against Its People 

internal dynamic; and each had its own specific aspirations, aspirations that 
clearly were not reducible to Bolshevik slogans or the political activities of that 
party. But each of these became a catalyst for the destruction of traditional 
institutions and the erosion of all forms of authority. For a brief but decisive 
instant in October 1917, the Bolshevik revolt— the action of a political minority 
acting in what was effectively a political vacuum — coincided with the aspira- 
tions of all these other movements, despite their disparate medium- and long- 
term objectives. For a short time the political coup d'etat and social revolution 
coincided, or, more precisely, were telescoped together, before they moved apart 
again in the ensuing decades of dictatorship. 

The social and national movements that exploded in the autumn of 1917 
developed out of a particular conjunction of circumstances, including severe 
economic crisis, upheavals in social relations, the general failure of the appara- 
tus of the state, and, perhaps most important, a total war that contributed to 
the general climate of brutality. 

Far from reviving the tsarist regime and reinforcing the imperfect cohe- 
sion of society, World War 1 ruthlessly revealed the fragility of an autocracy 
already shaken by the revolution of 1905-06 and progressively weakened by 
political vacillation between insufficient concessions and reversions to stubborn 
conservatism. The war also underscored the weaknesses of an incomplete 
economic modernization dependent on regular inflows of foreign capital, spe- 
cialists, and technology. Finally, the war reinforced the deep divide between 
urban Russia, the seat of power and industry, and rural Russia, the locus ol 
largely independent and traditional communities. 

Like all the other participants in the conflict, the tsarist government had 
counted on a quick war. Russia's lack of access to the sea and the economic 
blockade brutally revealed the extent of the country's dependence on foreign 
suppliers. The loss of its western provinces after the 1915 invasion by Austro- 
Hungarian forces deprived Russia of the products of Poland's highly developed 
industry. The domestic economy did not long withstand the test of war: a lack 
of spare parts plunged the transportation system into chaos as early as 191: v 
The almost complete conversion of Russian factories to the war effort squeezed 
production for domestic consumption, and within a few months shortages were 
common and inflation and poverty rampant. The situation deteriorated rapidly 
in the countryside: an abrupt end to agricultural loans and land reallocation, a 
large-scale mobilization of men into the army, the requisitioning of livestock 
and grain, the scarcity of manufactured goods, and the destruction of networks 
of exchange between town and country all brought the process of agrarian 
transformation, begun in 1906 by Prime Minister Pyotr Stolypin (assassinated 
in 191 1), to a grinding halt. Three consecutive years of war strengthened the 
peasant belief that the state was an alien and hostile force. Daily privations in 

Paradoxes of the October Revolution 


an army in which soldiers were treated more like serfs than like citizens exac- 
erbated the tensions between officers and their men, while a series of defeats 
undercut the little prestige remaining to the imperial regime. The deep-seated 
tradition of violence in the Russian countryside, expressed in the immense 
uprisings of 1902-1906, grew ever stronger. 

By the end of 1915 it was clear that the forces of law and order no longer 
existed. In the face of the regime's apparent passivity, committees and associa- 
tions began to spring up everywhere, taking control of services no longer 
provided by the state, such as tending to the sick and bringing food to the cities 
and the army. The Russians in effect began to govern themselves; a great 
movement took shape whose depth and scope no one could have predicted. But 
in order to prevail, this movement would have needed encouragement and help 
from the seat of power, whose forces were concurrently dissolving. 

Instead of attempting to build bridges between the government and the 
most advanced elements of civic society, Nicholas II clung to the image of 
himself as a populist monarch, the good paterfamilias of the state and the 
peasantry, lie assumed personal command of the armies, a suicidal act for an 
autocracy staring national defeat in the face. Isolated in his private train at the 
Mogilev headquarters, from the autumn of 1915 onward, Nicholas II ceased to 
govern the country, surrendering that task to the Empress Alexandra, whose 
German origins made her very unpopular. 

In fact the government had been losing its grip on power throughout 1916. 
The Duma, Russia's first nationally elected assembly, sat for only a few weeks 
a year, and governments and ministers, all equally unpopular and incompetent, 
came and went in quick succession. Rumors abounded that the Empress Alex- 
andra's coterie, which included Rasputin, had conspired to open the country 
to enemy invasion. It became clear that the autocracy was incapable of winning 
the war, and b the end of 1916 the country was in effect ungovernable. In an 
atmosphere of political crisis, typified by the assassination of Rasputin on 31 
December, strikes, which had been extremely rare at the outbreak of the war, 
became increasingly common. Unrest spread to the army, and the total chaos 
of the transport system broke the munitions distribution network. The days of 
February 1917 thus overtook an entirely discredited and weakened regime. 

The fall of the tsarist regime, which came after just five days of workers' 
demonstrations and the mutiny of a few thousand men in the Petrograd garri- 
son, revealed not only the weakness of the regime and the disarray of an army 
whose commanders did not even dare try to quell the popular uprising, but also 
the unpreparcdness of the profoundly divided opposition, from the liberals of 
the Constitutional Democratic Party to the Social Democrats. 

At no time did the political forces of the opposition shape or guide this 
spontaneous popular revolution, which began in the streets and ended in the 


A State against Its People 

plush suites of the Tauride Palace, the seat of the Duma. The liberals feared 
the mob; the socialists feared military reaction. Protracted negotiations between 
the liberals, who were concerned about the spread of the disturbances, and the 
socialists, who saw this "bourgeois" revolution as perhaps the first step on the 
long path to a socialist revolution, resulted in a vague idea of power-sharing. 
The liberal and socialist camps came to be represented in two distinct and 
incompatible institutions. The provisional government, concerned with the 
liberal objectives of social order and parliamentary democracy, strove to build 
a Russia that was modern, capitalist, and resolutely faithful to its French and 
British allies. Its archrival was the Petrograd Soviet, created by a handful of 
militant socialists in the great tradition of the St. Petersburg Soviet of 1905 to 
represent directly the revolutionary will of "the masses." But this soviet was 
itself a rapidly evolving phenomenon, at the mercy of its own expanding, 
decentralized structure and of the ever-changing public opinion it claimed to 

The three successive provisional governments that ruled Russia from 
2 March to 25 October 1917 proved incapable of solving the problems inherited 
from the ancien regime: the economic crisis, the failing war effort, working-class 
unrest, and the agrarian problem. The new men in power — the liberals of the 
Constitutional Democratic Party, the majority in the first two governments, and 
the Mensheviks and Socialist Revolutionaries, the majority in the third — be- 
longed to the cultivated urban elite, those advanced elements of civil society 
who were torn between a naive, blind trust in the "people" and a (ear of the 
incomprehensible u dark masses" who engulfed them. For the most part, at least 
for the first few months of a revolution remarkable for its pacific nature, they 
gave free rein to the democratic impulse that had emerged with the fall of the 
old regime. Idealists like Prince Lvov, the head of the first two provisional 
governments, dreamed of making Russia "the freest country in the world." 
"The spirit of the Russian people," he wrote in one of his first manifestos, "has 
shown itself, of its own accord, to be a universally democratic spirit. It is a spirit 
that seeks not only to dissolve into universal democracy, but also to lead the 
way proudly down the path first marked out by the French revolution, toward 
Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity." 

Guided by these beliefs, the provisional government extended democratic- 
principles to as many as it could, bringing new freedoms and universal suffrage, 
outlawing all discrimination on grounds of class, race, or religion, recognizing 
the rights of both Poland and Finland to home rule, and promising autonomy 
to nationalist minorities. The government imagined that all these efforts would 
have far-reaching effects, causing an upsurge in patriotism, consolidating social 
cohesion, assuring military victory alongside the Allied forces, and solidly 
linking the new regime to other Western democracies. But out of a fimckv 

Paradoxes of the October Revolution 


solicitude for legality the government refused, in wartime conditions, to adopt 
measures that would have secured the future. It held firmly to remaining 
"provisional" and deliberately left unresolved the most pressing issues: the 
problem of the war and the problem of land. In the few months of its rule the 
provisional government proved no more capable than its predecessor of coping 
with the economic crisis, closely linked to the waging of the war; problems of 
supply, poverty, inflation, the breakdown of economic networks, the closing of 
businesses, and the massive upsurge in unemployment all exacerbated the 
climate of social tension. 

In the face of the government's passivity, society continued to organize 
itself independently. Within a few weeks thousands of Soviets, neighborhood 
and factor)' committees, armed groups of workers (the Red Guards), and 
committees of soldiers, peasants, Cossacks, and housewives sprang into exist- 
ence. These were new forms of political expression in Russia, providing pre- 
viously unknown forums for public opinion, claims for compensation, new 
initiatives, and debates. It was a veritable festival of liberty, which became more 
violent dav by dav, as the February revolution had unleashed resentment and 
social frustration long held in check. Mitingovunie ("the never-ending meet- 
ing") was the opposite of the democratic parliamentary process envisaged by 
the politicians of the new regime. The radicalization of social movements 
continued throughout 1917. 

The workers 1 demands evolved from the economic — an eight-hour day, 
an end to fines and other onerous regulations, social insurance, wage in- 
creases — to political demands that implied a radical shift in social relations 
between workers and employers. Workers organized into factory committees 
whose chief objectives were control of the hiring process, the prevention of 
factory closings, and even control of the means of production. But to be viable, 
worker control required a completely new form of government, "soviet power," 
which alone was capable of radical measures, especially the seizure and 
nationalization of business, an aim that had been inconceivable in the spring of 

The role of the peasant-soldiers — a mass of 10 million mobilized men — 
was decisive in the revolutions of 1917. The rapid dissolution of the Russian 
armv, hastened by desertion and pacifism, propelled the collapse of state insti- 
tutions. Basing their authority on the first decree issued by the provisional 
government— the famous "Order Number One," abolishing the worst of the 
disciplinary rules for soldiers in the imperial army— committees of soldiers 
pushed the limits of their power. They elected new officers and even took part 
in planning military strategies and tactics. This idea of "soldier power" paved 
the wav for what General Aleksei Brusilov, commander in chief of the Russian 
armv, termed a "Bolshevism of the trenches." In his description, "The soldiers 


A State against Its People 

didn't have the faintest idea of what Communism, the proletariat, or the 
constitution actually meant. They wanted peace, land, and the freedom to live 
without laws, without officers, and without landlords. Their Bolshevism was 
nothing more than a longing for an idealized sort of liberty — anarchy, in fact. 11 

After the failure of the last Russian offensive in June 1917, the army began 
to fall apart; hundreds of officers, accused by the troops of being counterrevo- 
lutionaries, were arrested by the soldiers and massacred. The number of de- 
sertions soared — by August and September there were tens of thousands every 
day. The peasant-soldiers had one goal — to return home as quickly as possible, 
so as not to miss out on the distribution of land and livestock previously 
belonging to the landowners. From June to October 1917 more than 2 million 
soldiers, tired of the fighting and of the appalling deprivations they had lived 
through in their garrisons and trenches, deserted the rapidly disintegrating 
army. Inevitably their return increased the unrest pervading the countryside. 

Until the summer of 1917, the agrarian trouble spots had been relatively 
localized, particularly in comparison with the agrarian revolts during the revo- 
lution of 1905-06. Once news of the tsar's abdication had spread, a peasant 
assembly met and drew up a petition containing their grievances and demands; 
the land should be given to whose who worked it, fallow land belonging to the 
landowners should be immediately redistributed, and all rents should be dras- 
tically reduced. Slowly the peasants became more and more organized, setting 
up agricultural committees on local and regional levels headed by leading 
members of the rural intelligentsia such as schoolteachers, agronomists, doc- 
tors, and Orthodox priests, all of whom sympathized with the aims of the 
Socialist Revolutionaries. From May and June onward, many agrarian commit- 
tees simply seized agricultural material and livestock belonging to the land- 
owners and appropriated woods, pastures, and fallow land. In this battle for 
land, the main victims clearly were the great land barons, but the kulaks (the 
better-off peasants, who had taken advantage of Stolypin's reforms to set up 
small holdings on their own and thus become free of obligations to the com- 
munity) also suffered as a group. Even before the October Revolution the 
kulaks, who had been the soft targets of Bolshevik rhetoric — which caricatured 
them in slogans as "money-grubbing peasants,' 1 "the rural bourgeoisie," and 
"blood-sucking kulaks"— were no longer the important force they had been, in 
fact by this point many of them had been forced to return most of their 
livestock, machinery, and land to the community, which then redistributed it 
according to the ancestral egalitarian principle that counted the number of 
mouths to be fed. 

During the summer the agrarian troubles became more and more violent, 
fueled by the return of hundreds of thousands of armed deserters. By the end 
of August, disillusioned by the broken promises of a government that seemed 
to be delaying agrarian reforms, the peasants mounted assaults on the manor 

Paradoxes of the October Revolution 


houses, burning and sacking them in the hope of driving out the hated land- 
owners once and for all. In Ukraine and in the central provinces of Russia — 
Tambov, Penza, Voronezh, Saratov, Orel, Tula, and Ryazan — thousands of 
houses were burned and hundreds of landowners killed. 

Faced with the expansion of this social revolution, the ruling elite and the 
political parties — with the notable exception of the Bolsheviks — all wavered 
between the desire to control the movement in some fashion and the temptation 
of a simple military putsch. After taking their places in the government in May, 
both the Menshcviks, who were popular in working-class areas, and the Social- 
ist Revolutionaries, who had a stronger base in the countryside than any other 
political group, proved unable to carry out the reforms they had always de- 
manded — particularly in the case of the Socialist Revolutionaries, land reform. 
For the most part, this failure stemmed from the fact that they were cooperating 
with a government concerned primarily with social order and law-abiding- 
behavior. Once they had become the managers and leaders of an essentially 
bourgeois state, the moderate socialist parties left the more radical calls for 
reform to the bolsheviks, without, however, reaping any great benefit from their 
participation in a government that was slowly losing its grip on the political 
realities in the country. 

In the face of this growing anarchy, the captains of industry, the land- 
owners, the leaders of the army, and some of the more disillusioned liberals 
considered mounting a military coup, an idea proposed by General Lavr 
Kornilov. Most of them abandoned the idea, since a military putsch would 
inevitably have destroyed the civil power of the elected provisional government 
led by Aleksandr Kerensky. The failure of General Kornilov's putsch on 24-27 
August did, however, lead to the final crisis of the provisional government. 
While the proponents of civil versus military dictatorships engaged in fruitless 
arguments, the central institutions of the state— the justice system, the civil 
service, the arm) — were disintegrating. 

But it would be a mistake to describe the radiealization of the urban and 
rural populations as a process of "bolshevization." The shared slogans — 
"workers' power 1 ' and "power to the Soviets' 1 — had different meanings for the 
militant workers and the Bolshevik leaders. In the army, the "Bolshevism of 
the trenches" reflected above all a general aspiration for peace, shared by 
combatants from all the countries engaged in the bloodiest and most all- 
consuming war that the world had ever seen. The peasant revolution followed 
a more or less autonomous course, more sympathetic to the Socialist Revolu- 
tionary program, which favored the "Black-Earth partition" of land. The 
Bolshevik approach to the agrarian question was in fact antithetical to peasant 
wishes, favoring the nationalization of all land and its subsequent exploitation 
through enormous collective farms. In the countryside little was known about 
the Bolsheviks except for the confused reports brought home by deserters, 


A State against Its People 

whose message could be summed up in those two magic words 'land" and 
"peace." Membership in the Bolshevik movement seems to have numbered no 
more than two thousand at the beginning of October 1917. But as a constella- 
tion of committees, Soviets, and other small groups rushed to rill the wholesale 
institutional vacuum of that autumn, the environment was perfect for a small, 
well-organized group to exercise a disproportionate amount of power. And that 
is exactly what the Bolshevik Party did. 

Since its founding in 1903, the party had remained outside the other 
currents of social democracy in both Russia and Europe, chiefly because of its 
will to break radically with the existing social and political order and because 
of its conception of itself as a highly structured, disciplined, elitist avant-garde 
of professional revolutionaries. The Bolsheviks were thus the complete oppo- 
site of the Menshevik and other European social-democratic parties, which 
allowed large memberships and widely differing points of view. 

World War I further distilled Leninist Bolshevism. Rejecting collaboration 
with all other currents of social democracy, Lenin became increasingly isolated, 
justifying his theoretical position in essays like Imperialism, the Highest Stage 
of Capitalism. He began to argue that the revolution was destined to occur not 
in countries where capitalism was most advanced, but rather in countries like 
Russia that were considerably less developed economically, provided that the 
revolutionary movement was led by a disciplined avant-garde of revolutionaries 
who were prepared to go to extremes. That meant, in this case, creating a 
dictatorship of the proletariat and transforming "the imperialist war 11 into a 
civil war. 

In a letter of 17 October 1917 to Aleksandr Shlyapnikov, Lenin wrote: 

The least bad thing that could happen in the short term would be the 
defeat of tsarism in the war . . , The essence of our work (which must be 
persistent, systematic, and perhaps extremely long-term) is to aim for 
the transformation of the war into a civil war. When that will happen is 
another question, as it is not yet clear. We must wait for the moment to 
ripen, and systematically force it to ripen . . . We can neither promise 
civil war nor decree it, but we must work toward that end for as long as 
we have to. 

Throughout the war Lenin returned to the idea that the Bolsheviks had to be 
ready to encourage civil war by all possible means. "Anyone who believes in 
class war," he wrote in September 1916, "must recognize that civil war, in any 
class-based society, is the natural continuation, development, and result of 
class war." 

After the February revolution (which occurred while most of the Bolshe- 
viks were in exile or abroad), Lenin — unlike the vast majority of the leaders of 

Paradoxes of the October Revolution 


his party — predicted the failure of the conciliatory policies pursued by the 
provisional government. In his four Letters from Abroad, penned in Zurich on 
20-25 March 1917, of which the Bolshevik daily Pravda dared print only the 
first (so far were they from the political ideas held at the time by the leaders of 
the Petrograd Bolsheviks), he demanded an immediate rupture between the 
Petrograd Soviet and the provisional government, as well as active preparations 
for the subsequent "proletarian" stage of the revolution. As he saw it, the 
appearance of the Soviets was the sign that the revolution had already passed 
through its "bourgeois phase." Revolutionary agents should now seize power 
by force and put a stop to the imperialist war, even if this meant the beginning 
of a civil war. 

When he returned to Russia on 3 April 1917, Lenin continued to defend 
these extreme positions. In his famous April Theses he reiterated his implacable 
hostility to both a parliamentary republic and the democratic process. Met with 
blank incomprehension and outright hostility by most of the Bolshevik leaders 
in Petrograd, Lenin's ideas nevertheless began to take hold, particularly among 
the new recruits to the party, whom Stalin termed praktiki, "practitioners" (as 
opposed to the theoreticians). Within a few months plebeian elements, includ- 
ing peasant-soldiers, occupied a central place in the party and outnumbered the 
urban and intellectual elements. These militants, with their more humble ori- 
gins, brought with them the violence of Russian peasant culture exacerbated 
bv three vears of war. With little background in politics, they sought to trans- 
form the original theoretical and intellectual Bolshevism unhindered by any of 
the limitations imposed by Marxist dogma. In particular, they had little interest 
in the question of whether a "bourgeois stage" was necessary in the transition 
to real socialism. Believing only in direct action and in force, they supported a 
strand of Bolshevism in which theoretical debates increasingly gave way to the 
far more pressing issue of the seizure of power. 

Lenin was caught between two opposing forces: a plebeian mass increas- 
ingly impatient for action, made up of the sailors at the Kronstadt naval base 
near Petrograd, certain regiments in the capital, and the worker battalions of 
Red Guards in Vyborg; and a group of leaders haunted by fear that an overhasty 
insurrection would fail. Contrary to commonly held historical opinion, 
throughout 1917 the Bolshevik Party was profoundly divided, torn between the 
timidity of one group and the overcnthusiasm of the other. At this stage the 
famous party discipline was more an act of faith than a concrete reality. In July 
1917, as a result of troubles at the naval base and confrontations with the 
government forces, the Bolshevik Party was very nearly destroyed altogether. 
In the aftermath of the bloody demonstrations in Petrograd from 3 to 5 July, 
its leaders were arrested, and some, like Lenin himself, were forced into exile. 
But the Bolshevik Party resurfaced at the end of August 1917, in a situ- 


A State against Its People 

ation quite favorable for an armed seizure of power. The powerlessness of the 
government to resolve the great problems it faced had become clear, particularly 
in the wake of the decay of traditional institutions and authorities, the growth 
of social movements, and the failure of General Kornilov's attempted military 

Again Lenin's personal role, both as theorist and as strategist of the 
seizure of power, was decisive. In the weeks preceding the Bolshevik coup d'etat 
of 25 October 1917, he personally prepared all the necessary stages for the 
military takeover. He was to be deterred neither by an unforeseen uprising of 
the masses nor by the "revolutionary legalism" of Bolsheviks such as Grigory 
Zinoviev and Lev Kamenev, who, made cautious by the bitter experience of the 
July days, preferred to have the support of a majority of social democrats and 
revolutionary socialists of all tendencies. From exile in Finland, Lenin sent a 
constant stream of articles and letters to the Central Committee of the Bolshe- 
vik Party, calling for the uprising to begin. "By making immediate offers of 
peace and giving land to the peasants, the Bolsheviks will establish a power base 
that no one will be able to overturn," he wrote. "There is no point in waiting 
for a formal majority for the Bolsheviks; revolutions do not wait lor such things. 
History will never forgive us if we do not seize power immediately." 

Lenin's urgency in the face of an increasingly revolutionary situation left 
most of the Bolshevik leaders skeptical and perplexed. It was surely enough, 
they believed, to stick behind the masses and incite them to spontaneous acts 
of violence, to encourage the disruptive influence of social movements, and to 
sit tight until the Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets, planned for 20 
October. It was more than likely that the Bolsheviks would achieve a plurality 
at the assembly, since they would be overrepresented by the Soviets from the 
great working-class areas and from the army. Lenin, however, greatly feared 
the power-sharing that might result if the transfer of power took place as a 
result of a vote at the Congress of Soviets. For months he had been clamoring 
for power to devolve to the Bolsheviks alone, and he wanted at all costs to ensure 
that the Bolsheviks seized power through a military insurrection, before the 
opening of the Second Congress. He knew that the other socialist parties would 
universally condemn such a move, and thus effectively force themselves into 
opposition, leaving all power in the hands of the Bolsheviks. 

On 10 October, having returned secretly to Petrograd, Lenin gathered 
together twelve of the twenty-one members of the Central Committee of the 
Bolshevik Party. After ten hours of negotiations he persuaded a majority to vote 
in favor of the most important decision ever made by the party — to undertake 
an immediate armed uprising. The decision was approved by ten to two, the 
dissenters being Zinoviev and Kamenev, who wished to wait for the Second 

Paradoxes of the October Revolution 


Congress of Soviets. On 16 October, despite opposition from the moderate 
socialists, Trotsky therefore set up the Petrograd Revolutionary Military Com- 
mittee (PRMC), a military organization theoretically under the control of the 
Petrograd Soviet but in fact run by the Bolsheviks. Its task was to organize the 
seizure of power through an armed insurrection — and thus to prevent a popu- 
lar anarchist uprising that might have eclipsed the Bolshevik Party. 

In accordance with Lenin's wishes, the number of direct participants in 
the Great Socialist October Revolution was extremely limited — a few thousand 
soldiers, the sailors from Kronstadt, Red Guards who had rallied to the cause 
of the PRMC, and a few hundred militant Bolsheviks from factory committees. 
Careful preparation and a lack of opposition allowed the whole operation to 
proceed smoothly and with very few casualties. Significantly, the seizure of 
power was accomplished in the name of the PRMC. Thus the Bolshevik leaders 
attributed all their power to a single event that no one outside the party's 
Central Committee could link to the Congress of Soviets. 

Lenin's strategy worked. Faced with xWuifait accompli, the moderate so- 
cialists, alter denouncing "an organized military action deliberately planned 
behind the back of the Soviets, 11 simply walked out of the Congress. Only the 
small group of left-wing Socialist Revolutionaries remained, and they joined 
the Bolsheviks in ratilving the coup, voting in a text drawn up by Lenin that 
gave "all power to the Soviets. 1 ' This purely formal resolution allowed the 
Bolsheviks to authenticate a fiction that was to deceive credulous generations 
for decades to come — that they governed in the name of the people in "the 
Soviet state. 1 ' A few hours later, before breaking up, the Congress ratified a new 
Bolshevik government — the Soviet Council of People's Commissars (SNK), 
presided over by Lenin— and approved two decrees about peace and land. 

Very soon misunderstandings and conflicts arose between the new regime 
and the social movements, which until then had acted independently to destroy 
the old political, social, and economic order. The first conflict of interest 
concerned the agrarian revolution. The Bolsheviks, who had always stood for 
the nationalization of all land, were now compelled by a combination of unfa- 
vorable circumstances to hijack the Socialist Revolutionary program and to 
approve the redistribution of land to the peasants, The "Decree on Land 1 ' 
stated that "all right of property regarding the land is hereby abolished without 
indemnitv, and all land is hereby put at the disposal of local agrarian commit- 
tees for redistribution" In practice it did little more than legitimate what had 
already taken place since the summer of 1917, namely the peasant confiscation 
of land from the landlords and the kulaks. Forced to go along with this autono- 
mous peasant resolution because it had facilitated their own seizure of power, 
the Bolsheviks were to wait a decade before having their way. The enforced 


A State against Its People 

collectivization of the countryside, which was to be the bitterest confrontation 
between the Soviet regime and the peasantry, was the tragic resolution of the 
1917 conflict. 

The second conflict arose between the Bolshevik Party and all the spon- 
taneous new social structures, such as factory committees, unions, socialist 
parties, neighborhood organizations, Red Guards, and above all Soviets, which 
had helped destroy traditional institutions of power and were now righting for 
the extension of their own mandates. In a few weeks these structures found 
themselves either subordinated to the Bolshevik Party or suppressed altogether. 
By a clever sleight-of-hand, "All power to the Soviets/' probably the single most 
popular slogan in the whole of Russia in October 1917, became a cloak hiding 
the power of the Bolshevik Party over the Soviets. "Workers 1 control, 1 ' another 
major demand of the workers, in whose interest the Bolsheviks claimed to be 
acting, was rapidly sidelined in favor of state control in the name of the workers 
over businesses and workforces. A mutual incomprehension was born between 
the workers, who were obsessed by unemployment, decline in real wages, and 
ever-present hunger, and a state whose only concern was economic efficiency. 
From as early as December 1917 the new regime was forced to confront 
mounting claims from workers and an increasing number of strikes. In a few- 
weeks the Bolsheviks lost the greater part of the confidence that thev had 
carefully cultivated in the labor force throughout the year. 

The third misunderstanding developed between the Bolsheviks and the 
satellite nations of the former tsarist empire. The Bolshevik coup d'etat had 
accelerated their desire for independence, and they thought that the new regime 
would support their cause. In recognizing the equality and sovereignty of the 
peoples of the old empire, as well as their right to self-determination and 
secession, the Bolsheviks seemed to have invited these peoples to break avvav 
from centralized Russian control. In a few months the Finns, Poles, Baltic 
nations, Ukrainians, Georgians, Armenians, and Azerbaijanis were claiming 
their independence. Overwhelmed, the Bolsheviks soon put their own eco- 
nomic needs before the rights of these nations, since Ukrainian wheat, the 
petroleum and minerals of the Caucasus, and all the other vital economic 
interests of the new state were perceived to be irreplaceable. In terms of the 
control it exercised over its territories, the new regime proved itself to be a 
more worthy inheritor of the empire than even the provisional government had 

These conflicts and misunderstandings were never truly resolved, but 
continued to grow, spawning an ever increasing divide between the new Soviet 
regime and society as a whole. Faced with new obstacles and the seeming 
intransigence of the population, the Bolshevik regime turned to terror and 
violence to consolidate its hold on the institutions of power. 


The Iron Fist of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat 


he new Bolshevik power structure was quite complicated. Its 
public face, "the power of the Soviets," was formally represented by the Cen- 
tral Kxeeutive Committee, while the lawmaking apparatus of government was 
the Soviet Council of People's Commissars (SNK), which struggled to achieve 
some degree of domestic and international legitimacy and recognition. The 
government also had its revolutionary organization in the form of the Petro- 
grad Revolutionary Military Committee (PRMC), which had been so central in 
the actual seizure of power. Feliks Dzerzhinsky, who from the earliest days had 
played a decisive role in the PRMC, characterized it as "a light, flexible struc- 
ture that could swing into action at a moment's notice, without any bureau- 
cratic interference. There were no restrictions when the time came for the iron 
fist of the dictatorship of the proletariat to smite its foe." 

I low did this "iron fist of the dictatorship of the proletariat" (an expres- 
sion later used to describe the Bolshevik secret police, the Cheka) work in 
practice 5 Its organization was simple and extremely effective. The PRMC was 
made up of some sixty officials, including forty-eight Bolsheviks, a few Socialist 
Revolutionaries of the far left, and a handful of anarchists; and it was officially 
under the direction of a chairman, the Socialist Revolutionary Aleksandr Laz- 
imir, who was assisted in his operations by a group of four that included 
Aleksandr Antonov-Ovseenko and Dzerzhinsky. In fact during the fifty-three 



A State against Its People 

days of the PRMCs existence, more than 6,000 orders were drawn up, most 
of them scribbled on old bits of paper, and some twenty different people signed 
their name as chairman or secretary. 

The same operational simplicity was to be found in the transmission of 
directives and the execution of orders: the PRMC acted through the interme- 
diary of a network of nearly one thousand "commissars," who operated in 
many different fields — in military units, Soviets, neighborhood committees, and 
administrations. Responsible only to the PRMC, these commissars often made 
decisions independently of the government or of the Bolshevik Central Com- 
mittee. Beginning on 26 October (8 November), 1 while the Bolshevik leaders 
were off forming the government, a few obscure, anonymous commissars de- 
cided to "strengthen the dictatorship of the proletariat" by the following meas- 
ures: forbidding counterrevolutionary tracts, closing all seven of the capital's 
principal newspapers (bourgeois and moderate socialist), taking control of" radio 
and telegraph stations, and setting up a project for the requisitioning of apart- 
ments and privately owned cars. The closing of the newspapers was legalized 
by a government decree a few days later, and within another week, after some 
quite acrimonious discussions, it was approved by the Central Executive Com- 
mittee of the Soviets. 2 

Unsure of their strength, and using the same tactic that had succeeded so 
well earlier, the Bolshevik leaders at first encouraged what they called the 
"revolutionary spontaneity of the masses." Replying to a delegation of repre- 
sentatives from rural Soviets, who had come from the province of Pskov to 
inquire what measures should be taken to avoid anarchy, Dzer/hinsky explained 

the task at hand is to break up the old order. We, the Bolsheviks, are not 
numerous enough to accomplish this task alone. We must allow the 
revolutionary spontaneity of the masses who are righting for their eman- 
cipation to take its course. After that, we Bolsheviks will show the 
masses which road to follow. Through the PRMC it is the masses who 
speak, and who act against their class enemy, against the enemies of the 
people. We are here only to channel and direct the hate and the legiti- 
mate desire for revenge of the oppressed against their oppressors. 

A few days earlier, at the 29 October (11 November) meeting of the 
PRMC, a few unidentified people had mentioned a need to combat the "ene- 
mies of the people" more vigorously. This formula would meet with great 
success in the months, years, and decades to follow. It was taken up again in 
the PRMC proclamation dated 13 November (26 November): "High-ranking 
functionaries in state administration, banks, the treasury, the railways, and the 
post and telegraph offices are all sabotaging the measures of the Bolshevik 

The Iron Fist of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat 


government. Henceforth such individuals are to be described as 'enemies of 
the people. 1 Their names will be printed in all newspapers, and lists of the 
enemies of the people will be put up in public places." 1 A few days after these 
lists were published, a new proclamation was issued: "All individuals suspected 
of sabotage, speculation, and opportunism are now liable to be arrested imme- 
diately as enemies of the people and transferred to the Kronstadt prisons." 4 In 
the space of a few days the PRMC had introduced two new notions that were 
to have lasting consequences: the idea of the "enemy of the people" and the 
idea of the "suspect." 

On 28 November (11 December) the government institutionalized the 
notion of "enemy of the people." A decree signed by Lenin stipulated that "all 
leaders of the Constitutional Democratic Party, a party filled with enemies of 
the people, are hereby to be considered outlaws, and are to be arrested imme- 
diately and brought before a revolutionary court." 5 Such courts had just been 
set up in accordance with "Order Number One regarding the Courts," which 
effectively abolished all laws that "were in contradiction with the worker and 
peasant government, or with the political programs of the Social Democratic 
or Socialist Revolutionary parties." While waiting for the new penal code to be 
drawn up, judges were granted tremendous latitude to assess the validity of 
existing legislation "in accordance with revolutionary order and legality," a 
notion so vague that it encouraged all sorts of abuses. The courts of the old 
regime were immediately suppressed and replaced by people's courts and 
revolutionary courts to judge crimes and misdemeanors committed "against the 
proletarian state," "sabotage," "espionage," "abuse of one's position," and 
other "counterrevolutionary crimes." As Dmitry Kursky, the people's commis- 
sar of justice from 1918 to 1928, recognized, the revolutionary courts were not 
courts in the normal "bourgeois" sense of the term at all, but courts of the 
dictatorship of the proletariat, and weapons in the struggle against the coun- 
terrevolution, whose main concern was eradication rather than judgment.' 1 
Among the revolutionary courts was a "revolutionary press court," whose role 
was to judge all crimes committed by the press and to suspend any publication 
found to be "sowing discord in the minds of the people by deliberately pub- 
lishing erroneous news."' 

While these new and previously unheard-of categories ("suspects," "ene- 
mies of the people") were appearing and the new means of dealing with them 
emerging, the Petrograd Revolutionary Military Committee continued its own 
process of restructuring. In a city in which stocks of flour were so low that 
rations were less than half a pound of bread per day per adult, the question of 
the food supply was naturally of great importance. 

On 4 (17) November a Food Commission was established, and its first 
proclamation stigmatized "the rich classes who profit from the misery of oth- 


A State against Its People 

ers," noting that "the time has come to requisition the surpluses of the rich, 
and all their goods as well." On 11 (24) November the Food Commission 
decided to send special detachments, made up of soldiers, sailors, workers, and 
Red Guards, to the provinces where cereals were produced "to procure food 
needed in Petrograd and at the front. "* This measure, taken by one of the 
PRJV1C commissions, prefigured the forced requisitioning policy that was en- 
forced for three years by detachments from the "food army, 1 ' which was to be 
the essential factor in the conflicts between the new regime and the peasantry 
and was to provoke much violence and terror. 

The Military Investigation Commission, established on 10 (23) Novem- 
ber, was in charge of the arrest of "counterrevolutionary" officers (who were 
usually denounced by their own soldiers), members of "bourgeois" parties, 
and functionaries accused of "sabotage." In a very short time this commission 
was in charge of a diffuse array of issues. In the troubled climate of a starving 
city, where detachments of Red Guards and ad hoc militia groups were con- 
stantly requisitioning, commandeering, and pillaging in the name of the revo- 
lution, or on the strength of an uncertain mandate signed by some commissar, 
hundreds of individuals every day were brought before the commission for a 
wide variety of so-called crimes, including looting, "speculation," "hoarding 
products of the utmost necessity," "drunkenness," and "belonging to a hostile 
class." 9 

The Bolshevik appeals to the revolutionary spontaneity of the masses were 
in practice a difficult tool to use. Violence and the settling of old scores were 
widespread, as were armed robberies and the looting of shops, particularly of 
the underground stocks of the Winter Palace and of shops selling alcohol. As 
time passed the phenomenon became so widespread that at Dzerzhinsky's 
suggestion the PRMC established a commission to combat drunkenness and 
civil unrest. On 6 (19) December the commission declared a state of emergency 
in Petrograd and imposed a curfew to "put an end to the troubles and the unrest 
brought about by unsavory elements masquerading as revolutionaries." 111 

More than these sporadic troubles, what the revolutionary government 
feared was a widespread strike by state employees, which had started in the 
immediate aftermath of the coup d'etat of 25 October (7 November). This 
threat was the pretext for the creation on 7 (20) December of the I serossiiskaya 
C/zrezvychainaya ATomissiya po bor'be s kontr-revolyutsiei, spekulyatsiei i sabo- 
tazhem — the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission to Combat the Counter- 
revolution, Speculation, and Sabotage — which was to enter history under its 
initials as the VChK, abbreviated to the Cheka. 

A few days after the creation of the Cheka, the government decided, not 
without hesitation, to disband the PRMC. As a provisional operating structure 
set up on the eve of the insurrection to direct operations on the ground, it had 
accomplished its task: it had facilitated the seizure of power and defended the 

The Iron Fist of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat 


new regime until it had time to create its own state apparatus. Henceforth, to 
avoid confusion about power structures and the danger of spreading responsi- 
bilities too widely, it was to transfer all its prerogatives to the legal government, 
the Council of People's Commissars. 

At a moment judged to be so critical by their leaders, how could the 
Bolsheviks do without this "iron fist of the dictatorship of the proletariat"? At 
a meeting on 6(19) December the government entrusted "Comrade Dzerzhin- 
sky to establish a special commission to examine means to combat, with the 
most revolutionary energy possible, the general strike of state employees, and 
to investigate methods to combat sabotage." What Dzerzhinsky did gave rise 
to no discussion, as it seemed so clearly to be the correct response. A few days 
earlier, Lenin, always eager to draw parallels between the French Revolution 
and the Russian Revolution of 1917, had confided in his secretary Vladimir 
Bonch-Bruevich an urgent need to find "our own Fouquier-Tinville, to combat 
the counterrevolutionary rabble." 11 On 6 December Lenin's choice of a "solid 
proletarian Jacobin" resulted in the unanimous election of Dzerzhinsky, who 
in a few weeks, thanks to his energetic actions as part of the PRMC, had become 
the great specialist on questions of security. Besides, as Lenin explained to 
Bonch-Bruevich, "of all of us, it's Fcliks who spent the most time behind bars 
of the tsarist prisons, and who had the most contact with the Okhrana [the 
tsarist political police]. He knows what he's doing!" 

Before the government meeting of 7 (20) December Lenin sent a note to 

With reference to your report of today, would it not be possible to write 
a decree with a preamble such as the following: The bourgeoisie are still 
persistently committing the most abominable crimes and recruiting the 
very dregs of society to organize riots. The accomplices of the bourgeoi- 
sie, notably high-ranking functionaries and bank cadres, are also in- 
volved in sabotage and organizing strikes to undermine the measures the 
government is taking with a view to the socialist transformation of 
society. The bourgeoisie is even going so far as to sabotage the food 
supply, thus condemning millions to death by starvation. Exceptional 
measures will have to be taken to combat these saboteurs and counter- 
revolutionaries. Consequently, the Soviet Council of People's Commis- 
sars decrees that . . , 12 

During the evening of 7 (20) December Dzerzhinsky presented his project 
to the SNK. He began his intervention with a speech on the dangers faced by 
the revolution "from within": 

To address this problem, the crudest and most dangerous of all the 
problems we face, we must make use of determined comrades— solid, 
hard men without pity— who are ready to sacrifice everything for the 


A State against Its People 

sake of the revolution. Do not imagine, comrades, that I am simply 
looking for a revolutionary form of justice. We have no concern about 
justice at this hour! We are at war, on the front where the enemy is 
advancing, and the fight is to the death. What 1 am proposing, what 1 am 
demanding, is the creation of a mechanism that, in a truly revolutionary 
and suitably Bolshevik fashion, will filter out the counterrevolutionaries 
once and for all! 

Dzerzhinsky then launched into the core of his speech, transcribed as it 
appears in the minutes of the meeting: 

The task of the Commission is as follows: (I) to suppress and liquidate 
any act or attempted act of counterrevolutionary activity or sabotage, 
whatever its origin, anywhere on Russian soil; (2) to bring all saboteurs 
and counterrevolutionaries before a revolutionary court. 

The Commission will proceed by a preliminary inquiry, wherever 
this is indispensable to its task. 

The Commission will be divided into three sections: (1) Informa- 
tion; (2) Organization; (3) Operation. 

The Commission will attach particular importance to questions 
regarding the press, sabotage, the KDs [Constitutional Democrats], the 
right Socialist Revolutionaries, saboteurs, and strikers. 

The Commission is entitled to take the following repressive meas- 
ures: to confiscate goods, expel people from their homes, remove ration 
cards, publish lists of enemies of the people, etc. 

Resolution: to approve this draft. To name the commission the 
All-Russian Extraordinary Commission to Combat the Counterrevolu- 
tion, Speculation, and Sabotage. 

These resolutions are to be made public. '■' 

This text, which discusses the founding of the Soviet secret police, un- 
doubtedly raises a few questions. How, for example, is the difference between 
Dzerzhinsky's fiery-sounding speech and the relative modesty of the powers 
accorded the Cheka to be interpreted? The Bolsheviks were on the point of 
concluding an agreement with the left Socialist Revolutionaries (six of whose 
leaders had been admitted to the government on 12 December) to break their 
political isolation, at the crucial moment when they had to face the question of 
calling the Constituent Assembly, in which they still held only a minority. 
Accordingly they decided to keep a low profile, and contrary to the resolution 
adopted by the government on 7 (20) December, no decree announcing the 
creation of the Cheka and outlining its role was actually published. 

As an "extraordinary commission," the Cheka was to prosper and act 
without the slightest basis in law. Dzerzhinsky, who like Lenin wanted nothing 

The Iron Fist of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat 


so much as a free hand, described it in the following astonishing fashion: "It is 
life itself that shows the Cheka the direction to follow." Life in this instance 
meant the "revolutionary terror of the masses," the street violence fervently 
encouraged by many of the Bolshevik leaders, who had momentarily forgotten 
their profound distrust of the spontaneous actions of the people. 

When Trotsky, a people's commissar during the war, was addressing the 
delegates of the Central Executive Committee of the Soviets on 1 (14) Decem- 
ber, he warned that "in less than a month, this terror is going to take extremely 
violent forms, just as it did during the great French Revolution. Not only prison 
awaits our enemies, but the guillotine, that remarkable invention of the French 
Revolution which has the capacity to make a man a whole head shorter." 14 

A few weeks later, speaking at a workers 1 assembly, Lenin again called for 
terror, describing it as revolutionary class justice: 

The Soviet regime has acted in the way that all revolutionary proletari- 
ats should act; it has made a clean break with bourgeois justice, which is 
an instrument of the oppressive classes . . . Soldiers and workers must 
understand that no one will help them unless they help themselves. If 
the masses do not rise up spontaneously, none of this will lead to any- 
thing . . . For as long as we fail to treat speculators the way they de- 
serve — with a bullet in the head — we will not get anywhere at all. 15 

These calls for terror intensified the violence already unleashed in society 
by the Bolsheviks' rise to power. Since the autumn of 1917 thousands of the 
great agricultural properties had been attacked by brigades of angry peasants, 
and hundreds of the major landowners had been massacred. Violence had been 
omnipresent in Russia in the summer of 1917. The violence itself was nothing 
new, but the events of the year had allowed several different types of violence, 
already there in a latent state, to converge: an urban violence reacting against 
the brutality of capitalist relations at the heart of an industrial society; tradi- 
tional peasant violence; and the modern violence of World War I, which had 
reintroduced extraordinary regression and brutality into human relations. The 
combination of these three forms of violence made for an explosive mix, whose 
effect was potentially devastating during the Russian Revolution, marked as it 
was by the failure of normal institutions of order and authority, by a rising 
sense of resentment and social frustrations accumulated over a long period, and 
bv the political use of popular violence. Mutual suspicion had always been the 
norm between the townspeople and the peasants. For the peasants, more now 
than ever, the city was the seat of power and oppression; for the urban elite, 
and for professional revolutionaries who by a large majority were from the 
intelligentsia, the peasants were still, in Gorky's words, "a mass of half-savage 

60 A State against Its People 

people 1 ' whose a cruel instincts" and "animal individualism 1 ' ought to be 
brought to book by the "organized reason of the city." At the same time, 
politicians and intellectuals were all perfectly conscious that it was the peasant 
revolts that had shaken the provisional government, allowing the Bolsheviks, 
who were really a tiny minority in the country, to seize the initiative in the 
power vacuum that had resulted. 

At the end of 1917 and the beginning of 1918, the new regime faced no serious 
opposition, and one month after the Bolshevik coup d'etat it effectively con- 
trolled most of the north and the center of Russia as far as the mid-Volga, as 
well as some of the bigger cities, such as Baku in the Caucasus and Tashkent in 
Central Asia. Ukraine and Finland had seceded but were not demonstrating 
any warlike intentions. The only organized anti-Bolshevik military force was a 
small army of about 3,000 volunteers, the embryonic form of the future 
"White Army' 1 that was being formed in southern Russia by General Mikhail 
Alekseev and General Kornilov These tsarist generals were placing all their 
hopes in the Cossacks of the Don and the Kuban. The Cossacks were radically 
different from the other Russian peasants; their main privilege under the old 
regime had been to receive 30 hectares of land in exchange for military service 
up to the age of thirty-six. If they had no desire to acquire more land, they 
were zealous to keep the land they had already acquired. Desiring above all to 
retain their status and their independence, and worried by the Bolshevik proc- 
lamations that had proved so injurious to the kulaks, the Cossacks aligned 
themselves with the anti-Bolshevik forces in the spring of 1918. 

"Civil war 1 ' may not be the most appropriate term to describe the first 
clashes of the winter of 1917 and the spring of 1918 in southern Russia, which 
involved a few thousand men from the army of volunteers and General Rudolf" 
Sivers' Bolshevik troops, who numbered scarcely 6,000. What is immediately 
striking is the contrast between the relatively modest number of troops involved 
in these clashes and the extraordinary repressive violence exercised by the 
Bolsheviks, not simply against the soldiers they captured but also against 
civilians. Established in June 1919 by General Anton Denikin, commander in 
chief of the armed forces in the south of Russia, the Commission to Investigate 
Bolshevik Crimes tried to record, in the few months of its existence, the 
atrocities committed by the Bolsheviks in Ukraine, the Kuban, the Don region, 
and the Crimea. The statements gathered by this commission, which constitute 
the principal source of Sergei Melgunov's 1926 classic, The Red Terror in 
Russia, 1918-1924, demonstrate that innumerable atrocities were committed 
from January 1918 onward. In Taganrog units from Sivers' army had thrown 
fifty Junkers and "White" officers, their hands and feet bound, into a blast 
furnace. In Evpatoria several hundred officers and "bourgeois" were tied up, 

The Iron Fist of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat 


tortured, and thrown into the sea. Similar acts of violence occurred in most of 
the cities of the Crimea occupied by the Bolsheviks, including Sevastopol, 
Yalta, Alushta, and Simferopol. Similar atrocities are recorded from April and 
May 1918 in the big Cossack cities then in revolt. The extremely precise files 
of the Denikin commission record "corpses with the hands cut off, broken 
bones, heads ripped off, broken jaws, and genitals removed." 16 

As Melgunov notes, it is nonetheless difficult to distinguish the systematic 
practice of organized terror from what might otherwise be considered simply 
uncontrolled excesses. There is rarely mention of a local Cheka directing such 
massacres until August and September 1918; until that time the Cheka network 
was still quite sparse. These massacres, which targeted not only enemy com- 
batants but also civilian "enemies of the people" (for instance, among the 240 
people killed in Yalta at the beginning of March 1918, there were some 70 
politicians, lawyers, journalists, and teachers, as well as 165 officers), were often 
carried out by "armed detachments," "Red Guards," and other, unspecified 
"Bolshevik elements." Exterminating the enemy of the people was simply the 
logical extension of a revolution that was both political and social. This con- 
ception of the world did not suddenly spring into being in the aftermath of 
October 1917, but the Bolshevik seizure of power, which was quite explicit on 
the issue, did play a role in its subsequent legitimation. 

In March 1917 a young captain wrote a perceptive letter assessing the 
revolution and its effects on his regiment: "Between the soldiers and ourselves, 
the gap cannot be bridged. For them, we are, and will always remain, the barini 
| masters |. To their way of thinking, what has just taken place isn't a political 
revolution but a social movement, in which they are the winners and we are the 
losers. They say to us: 'You were the barini before, but now it's our turn!' They 
think that they will now have their revenge, after all those centuries of servi- 
tude." 17 

The Bolshevik leaders encouraged anything that might promote this as- 
piration to "social revenge" among the masses, seeing it as a moral legitimation 
of the terror, or what Lenin called "the just civil war." On 15 (28) December 
1917 D/erzhinsky published an appeal in Izvestiya (News) inviting all Soviets 
to organize their own Chekas. The result was a swift flourishing of "commis- 
sions," "detachments," and other "extraordinary organizations" that the cen- 
tral authorities had great problems in controlling when they decided, a few 
months later, to end such "mass initiatives" and to organize a centralized, 
structured network of Chekas. lx 

Summing up the first six months of the Cheka's existence in July 1918, 
Dzerzhinsky wrote: "This was a period of improvisation and hesitation, during 
which our organization was not always up to the complexities of the situ- 
ation." 14 Yet even bv that date the Cheka's record as an instrument of repression 


A State against Its People 

was already enormous. And the organization, whose personnel had numbered 
no more than 100 in December 1917, had increased to 12,000 in a mere six 

Its beginnings had been modest. On 11 (24) January 1918 Dzerzhinsky 
had sent a note to Lenin: u We find the present situation intolerable, despite the 
important services we have already rendered. We have no money whatever. We 
work night and day without bread, sugar, tea, butter, or cheese. Either take 
measures to authorize decent rations for us or give us the power to make our 
own requisitions from the bourgeoisie." 20 Dzerzhinsky had recruited approxi- 
mately 100 men, for the most part old comrades-in-arms, mostly Poles and 
people from the Baltic states, nearly all of whom had also worked for the 
PRMC, and who became the future leaders of the GPU of the 1920s and the 
NKVD of the 1930s: Martin Latsis, Viacheslav Menzhinsky, Stanislav Mess- 
ing, Grigory Moroz, Jan Peters, Meir Trilisser, Josif Unshlikht, and Genrikh 

The first action of the Cheka was to break a strike by state employees in 
Petrograd. The method was swift and effective — all its leaders were arrested — 
and the justification simple: "Anyone who no longer wishes to work with the 
people has no place among them," declared Dzerzhinsky, who also arrested a 
number of the Menshevik and Socialist Revolutionary deputies elected to the 
Constituent Assembly. This arbitrary act was immediately condemned by Isaac 
Steinberg, the people's commissar of justice, who was himself a left Socialist 
Revolutionary and had been elected to the government a few days previously. 
This first clash between the Cheka and the judiciary raised the important issue 
of the legal position of the secret police. 

"What is the point of a 'People's Commissariat for Justice'?" Steinberg 
asked Lenin. "It would be more honest to have a People's Commissariat for 
Social Extermination. People would understand more clearly." 

"Excellent idea," Lenin countered. "That's exactly how I see it. Unfortu- 
nately, it wouldn't do to call it that!" 21 

Lenin arbitrated in the conflict between Steinberg, who argued for a strict 
subordination of the Cheka to the processes of justice, and Dzerzhinsky, who 
argued against what he called "the nitpicking legalism of the old school of the 
ancien regime" In Dzerzhinsky 's view, the Cheka should be responsible for its 
acts only to the government itself. 

The sixth (nineteenth) of January marked an important point in the 
consolidation of the Bolshevik dictatorship. Early in the morning the Constitu- 
ent Assembly, which had been elected in November-December 1917 and in 
which the Bolsheviks were a minority (they had only 175 deputies out of 707 
seats), was broken up by force, having met for a single day. This arbitrary act 
seemed to provoke no particular reaction anywhere in the country. A small 

The Iron Fist of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat 


demonstration against the dissolution of the assembly was broken up by troops, 
causing some twenty deaths, a high price to pay for a democratic parliamentary 
experiment that lasted only a few hours. 22 

In the days and weeks that followed the dissolution of the Constituent 
Assembly, the position of the Bolshevik government in Petrograd became 
increasingly uncomfortable, at the very moment when Trotsky, Kamenev, Adolf 
Yoffe, and Karl Radek were negotiating peace conditions with delegations from 
the Central Powers at Brest Litovsk. On 9 (22) January 1918 the government 
devoted all business to the question of its transfer to Moscow. 21 

What worried the Bolshevik leaders was not the German threat — the 
armistice had held good since 15 (28) December — but the possibility of a 
workers 1 uprising. Discontent was growing rapidly in working-class areas that 
just two months before had been solidly behind them. With demobilization and 
the consequent slump in large-scale orders from the military, businesses had 
laid off tens of thousands of workers, and increasing difficulties in supply had 
caused the daily bread ration to fall to a mere quarter of a pound. Unable to 
do anything to improve this situation, Lenin merely spoke out against 
"profiteers" and "speculators," whom he chose as scapegoats. "Every factory, 
every company must set up its own requisitioning detachments. Everyone must 
be mobilized in the search for bread, not simply volunteers, but absolutely 
everyone; anyone who fails to cooperate will have his ration card confiscated 
immediately" he wrote on 22 January (4 February) 1918. IA 

Trotsky's nomination, on his return from Brest Litovsk on .11 January 
1918, to head the Extraordinary Commission for Food and Transport was a 
clear sign from the government of the decisive importance it was giving to the 
"hunt for food," which was the first stage in the "dictatorship of food," Lenin 
turned to this commission in mid-February with a draft decree that the mem- 
bers of the commission — who besides Trotsky included Aleksandr Tsyurupa, 
the people's commissar of food — rejected. According to the text prepared by 
Lenin, all peasants were to be required to hand over any surplus food in 
exchange for a receipt. Any defaulters who failed to hand in supplies within the 
required time were to be executed. "When we read this proposal we were at a 
loss for words," Tsyurupa recalled in his memoirs. "To carry out a project like 
this would have led to executions on a massive scale. Lenin's project was simply 
abandoned." 2 ' 

The episode was nonetheless extremely revealing. Since the beginning of 
1918, Lenin had found himself trapped in an impasse of" his own making, and 
he was worried about the catastrophic supply situation of the big industrial 
centers, which were seen as isolated Bolshevik strongholds among the great 
mass of peasants. 1 le was prepared to do anything to get the grain he needed 
without altering his policies. Conflict was inevitable here, between a peasantry 


A State against Its People 

determined to keep for itself the fruits of its labors and to reject any external 
interference, and the new regime, which was attempting to place its stamp on 
the situation, refused to understand how economic supply actually functioned, 
and desired more than anything to bring under control what it saw as growing 
social anarchy. 

On 21 February 1918, in the face of a huge advance by the German army 
after the failure of the talks at Brest Litovsk, the government declared the 
socialist fatherland to be in danger. The call for resistance against the invaders 
was accompanied by a call for mass terror: "All enemy agents, speculators, 
hooligans, counterrevolutionary agitators, and German spies will be shot on 
sight." 26 This proclamation effectively installed martial law in all military /ones. 
When peace was finally agreed at Brest Litovsk on 3 March 1918, it technically 
lost its legal force, and legally the death penalty was reestablished again only 
on 16 June 1918. Nevertheless, from February 1918 on the Cheka carried out 
numerous summary executions, even outside the military /ones. 

On 10 March 1918 the government left Petrograd for Moscow, the new 
capital. The Cheka headquarters were set up near the Kremlin, in Bolshaya 
Lubyanka Street, in a building that had previously belonged to an insurance 
company. Under a series of names (including the GPU, OGPU, NKVD, M 1 X 
and KGB) the Cheka would occupy the building until the fall of the Soviet 
regime. From a mere 600 in March, the number of Cheka employees working 
at the central headquarters had risen to 2,000 in July 1918, excluding the special 
troops. At this same date the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs, whose 
task was to direct the immense apparatus of local Soviets throughout the 
country, had a staff of 400. 

The Cheka launched its first major operation on the night of 1 1-12 April 
1918, when more than 1,000 men from its special troop detachments stormed 
some twenty anarchist strongholds in Moscow. After several hours of hard 
fighting, 520 anarchists were arrested; 25 were summarily executed as "ban- 
dits," a term that from then on would designate workers on strike, deserters 
fleeing conscription, or peasants resisting the forced requisitioning of grain.-' 
After this first success, which was followed by other Opacification" opera- 
tions in both Moscow and Petrograd, Dzcrzhinsky wrote a letter to the Central 
Executive Committee on 29 April 1918 requesting a considerable increase in 
Cheka resources. u At this particular time," he wrote, u Cheka activity is almost 
bound to increase exponentially, in the face of the increase in counterrevolu- 
tionary activity on all sides." 2 * 

The "particular time" to which Dzerzhinsky was referring seemed indeed 
to be a decisive period for the installation of the political and economic dicta- 
torship and the strengthening of repression against a population that appeared 
to regard the Bolsheviks with ever-increasing hostility. Since October 1917 the 

The Iron Fist of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat 


Bolsheviks had done nothing to improve the everyday lot of the average Rus- 
sian, nor had they safeguarded the fundamental liberties that had accrued 
throughout 1917. Formerly regarded as the only political force that would allow 
peasants to seize the land they had so long desired, the Bolsheviks were now 
perceived as Communists, who wanted to steal the fruits of the peasants' labors. 
Could these really be the same people, the peasants wondered, the Bolsheviks 
who had finally given them the land, and the Communists who seemed to be 
holding them for ransom, and wanted even the shirts from their backs? 

The spring of 1918 was a crucial period, when everything was still up for 
grabs. The Soviets had not yet been muzzled and transformed into simple tools 
of the state apparatus; they were still a forum for real political debate between 
Bolsheviks and moderate socialists. Opposition newspapers, though attacked 
almost daily, continued to exist. Political life flourished as different institutions 
competed for popular support. And during this period, which was marked by 
a deterioration in living conditions and the total breakdown of economic rela- 
tions between the town and the country, Socialist Revolutionaries and Men- 
sheviks scored undeniable political victories. In elections to the new Soviets, 
despite a certain amount of intimidation and vote-rigging, they achieved out- 
right victories in nineteen of the thirty main provincial seats where voting took 
place and the results were made public. 29 

The government responded by strengthening its dictatorship on both the 
political and the economic fronts. Networks of economic distribution had fallen 
apart as a result of the spectacular breakdown in communications, particularly 
in the railways, and all incentive for farmers seemed to have been lost, as the 
lack of manufacturing products provided no impetus for peasants to sell their 
goods. The fundamental problem was thus to assure the food supply to the 
army and to the cities, the seat of power and of the proletariat. The Bolsheviks 
had two choices: they could cither attempt to resurrect some sort of market 
economy or use additional constraints. They chose the second option, con- 
vinced of the need to go ever further in the struggle to destroy the old order. 

Speaking before the Central Executive Committee of the Soviets on 29 
April 1918, Lenin went straight to the point: "The smallholders, the people 
who owned only a parcel of land, fought side by side with the proletariat when 
the time came to overthrow the capitalists and the major landowners. But now 
our paths have diverged. Smallholders have always been afraid of discipline 
and organization. The time has come for us to have no mercy, and to turn 
against them." m A few days later the people's commissar of food told the same 
assembly: u [ say it quite openly; we are now at war, and it is only with guns 
that we will get the grain we need." Trotsky himself added: "Our only choice 
now is civil war. Civil war is the struggle for bread . . . Long live civil war!" 31 

A 1921 text bv Karl Radek, one of the Bolshevik leaders, is revealing of 


A State against Its People 

Bolshevik policies in the spring of 1918, several months before the outbreak of 
the armed conflict that for two years would find Reds and Whites at war: 

The peasants had just received the land from the state, they had just 
returned home from the front, they had kept their guns, and their 
attitude to the state could be summed up as "Who needs it?" They 
couldn't have cared less about it. If we had decided to come up with 
some sort of food tax, it wouldn't have worked, for none of the state 
apparatus remained. The old order had disappeared, and the peasants 
wouldn't have handed over anything without actually being forced. Our 
task at the beginning of 1918 was quite simple: we had to make the 
peasants understand two quite simple things: that the state had some 
claim on what they produced, and that it had the means to exercise those 
rights.- 12 

In May and June 1918 the Bolshevik government took two decisive meas- 
ures that inaugurated the period of civil war, which has come to be known as 
"War Communism." On 13 May 1918 a decree granted extraordinary powers 
to the People's Commissariat of Food, requiring it to requisition all foodstuffs 
and to establish what was in fact a "food army." By July nearly 12,000 people 
were involved in these "food detachments, 1 ' which at their height in 1920 were 
to number more than 24,000 men, over half of whom were unemployed work- 
ers from Petrograd, attracted by the promise of a decent salary and a propor- 
tional share of the confiscated food. The second decisive measure was the 
decree of 1 1 June 1918, which established committees of poor peasants, order- 
ing them to work in close collaboration with the food detachments and also to 
requisition, in exchange for a share of the profits, any agricultural surpluses 
that the better-off peasants might be keeping for themselves. These committees 
of poor peasants soon displaced the rural Soviets, which the government judged 
to be untrustworthy, as they were contaminated with Socialist Revolutionary 
ideology. Given the tasks they were ordered to carry out — to seize by force the 
results of other people's labor— and the motivations that were used to spur 
them on (power, a feeling of frustration toward and envy of the rich, and the 
promise of a share in the spoils), one can imagine what these first repre- 
sentatives of Bolshevik power in the countryside were really like. As Andrea 
Graziosi acutely notes: "For these people, devotion to the cause — or rather to 
the new state — and an undeniable operational capacity went hand in hand with 
a rather faltering social and political conscience, an interest in self-advance- 
ment, and traditional modes of behavior, including brutality to their subordi- 
nates, alcoholism, and nepotism . . . What we have here is a good example of 
the manner in which the 'spirit' of the plebeian revolution penetrated the new 



The Iron Fist of tha Dictatorship of the Proletariat 


Despite a few initial successes, the organization of the Committees for the 
Poor took a long time to get off the ground. The very idea of using the poorest 
section of the peasantry reflected the deep mistrust the Bolsheviks felt toward 
peasant society. In accordance with a rather simplistic Marxist schema, they 
imagined ir to be divided into warring classes, whereas in fact it presented a 
fairly solid front to the world, and particularly when faced with strangers from 
the city. When the question arose of handing over surpluses, the egalitarian and 
community-minded reflex found in all the villages took over, and instead of 
persecuting a few rich peasants, by far the greater part of the requisitions were 
simply redistributed in the same village, in accordance with people's needs. 
This policy alienated the large central mass of the peasantry, and discontent 
was soon widespread, with troubles breaking out in numerous regions. Con- 
fronted by the brutality of the food detachments, who were often reinforced by 
the army or by Cheka units, a real guerrilla force began to take shape from June 
1918 onward. In July and August 110 peasant insurrections, described by the 
Bolsheviks as kulak rebellions — which in their terminology meant uprisings 
involving whole villages, with insurgents from all classes -broke out in the 
zones they controlled. All the trust that the Bolsheviks had gained by not 
opposing the seizure of land in 1917 evaporated in a matter of weeks, and for 
more than three years the policy of requisitioning food was to provoke thou- 
sands of riots and uprisings, which were to degenerate into real peasant wars 
that were quelled with terrible violence. 

The political effects of the hardening of the dictatorship in the spring of 
1918 included the complete shutdown of all non-Bolshevik newspapers, the 
forcible dissolution of all non-Bolshevik Soviets, the arrest of opposition lead- 
ers, and the brutal repression of manv strikes. In May and June 1918, 205 of 
the opposition socialist newspapers were finally closed down. The mostly Men- 
shevik or Socialist Revolutionary Soviets of Kaluga, Tver, Yaroslavl, Ryazan, 
Kostroma, Kazan, Saratov, Penza, Tambov, Voronezh, Orel, and Vologda were 
broken up by force. 14 F cry where the scenario was almost identical: a few days 
after victory bv the opposing party and the consequent formation of a new 
soviet, the Bolshevik detachment would call for an armed force, usually a 
detachment of the Cheka, which then proclaimed martial law and arrested the 
opposition leaders. 

Dzer/hinsky, who had sent his principal collaborators into towns that had 
initially been won by the opposing parties, was an unabashed advocate of the 
use of force, as can be seen clearly from the directive he sent on 31 May 1918 
to A. V. Fiduk, his plenipotentiary on a mission to Tver: 

The workers, under the influence of the Mcnsheviks, the Socialist Revo- 
lutionaries, and other counterrevolutionary bastards, have all gone on 


A State against Its People 

strike, and demonstrated in favor of a government made up of all the 
different socialist parties. Put big posters up all over the town saying 
that the Cheka will execute on the spot any bandit, thief, speculator, or 
counterrevolutionary found to be conspiring against the soviet. Levy an 
extraordinary tax on all bourgeois residents of the town, and make a list 
of them, as that will be very useful if things start happening. You ask 
how to form the local Cheka: just round up all the most resolute people 
you can, who understand that there is nothing more effective than a 
bullet in the head to shut people up. Experience has shown me that you 
only need a small number of people like that to turn a whole situation 
around. b 

The dissolution of the Soviets held by the opposition, and the expulsion 
on 14 June 1918 of all Mensheviks and Socialist Revolutionaries from the 
All-Russian Central Executive Committee of Soviets, provoked protests and 
strikes in many working-class towns, where, to make matters worse, the food 
situation was still steadily deteriorating. In Kolpino, near Petrograd, the leader 
of a Cheka detachment ordered his troops to open fire on a hunger march 
organized by workers whose monthly ration of bread had fallen to two pounds. 
There were ten deaths. On the same day, in the Berezovsky factory, near 
Ekaterinburg, fifteen people were killed by a detachment of Red Guards at a 
meeting called to protest against Bolshevik commissars who were accused of 
confiscating the most impressive properties in the town and of keeping for 
themselves the 150-ruble tax they had levied on the bourgeoisie. The next day 
the local authorities declared a state of martial law, and fourteen people were 
immediately executed by the local Cheka, who refrained from mentioning this 
detail to headquarters in Moscow. 36 

In the latter half of May and in June 1918, numerous working-class 
demonstrations were put down bloodily in Sormovo, Yaroslavl, and Tula, as 
well as in the industrial cities of Uralsk, Nizhni-Tagil, Beloretsk, Zlatoust, and 
Ekaterinburg. The ever-increasing involvement of the local Chekas in these 
repressions is attested by the growing frequency in working-class environments 
of slogans directed against the "New Okhrana" (the tsarist secret police) who 
worked for what they termed the "commissarocracy." 17 

From 8 to 11 June 1918 Dzerzhinsky presided over the first All-Russian 
Conference of Chekas, attended by 100 delegates from forty-three local sec- 
tions, which already employed more than 12,000 men. That figure would rise 
to 40,000 by the end of 1918, and to more than 280,000 by the beginning of 
1921. Claiming to be above the Soviets and, according to certain Bolsheviks, 
even above the Party, the conference declared its intention to u take full respon- 
sibility for the struggle against the counterrevolution throughout the republic, 
in its role as supreme enforcer of administrative power in Soviet Russia. 11 The 

The Iron Fist of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat 


role that it proclaimed for itself at the end of the conference revealed the extent 
of the huge field of activity in which the political police was already operating, 
before the great wave of counterrevolutionary actions that would mark the 
summer. Modeled on the organization of the Lubyanka headquarters, each 
provincial Cheka was to establish the following departments and offices: 

1. Information Department. Offices: Red Army, monarchists, cadets, right 
Socialist Revolutionaries and Mensheviks, anarchists, bourgeoisie and 
church people, unions and workers' committees, and foreigners. The ap- 
propriate offices were to draw up lists of suspects corresponding to all 
the above categories. 

2. Department for the Struggle against the Counterrevolution. Offices: 
Red Army, monarchists, cadets, right Socialist Revolutionaries and 
Mensheviks, anarchists, unionists, national minorities, foreigners, alco- 
holism, pogroms and public order, and press affairs. 

3. Department for the Struggle against Speculation and Abuses of 

4. Department of Transport, Communication, and Ports. 

5. Operational Department, including special Cheka units.™ 

Two days after the All-Russian Conference of Chekas, the government 
reinstated the death penalty, which had been abolished after the revolution of 
February 1917. Though formally reinstated by Kerensky in July 1917, it had 
been applied only at the front, in areas under military control. One of the first 
measures taken by the Second Congress of Soviets on 26 October (8 Novem- 
ber) 1917 had been to abolish capital punishment, a decision that elicited a 
furious reaction from Lenin: "It's an error, an unforgivable weakness, a pacifist 
delusion!"™ I .enin and Dzerzhinsky had been constantly trying to reinstate the 
penalty while knowing very well that in practice it could already be used 
whenever necessary, without any "nitpicking legalism, 11 by organizations like 
the Cheka, which operated outside the law. The first legal death sentence was 
pronounced by a revolutionary court on 21 June 1918; Admiral A. Shchastnyi 
was the first "counterrevolutionary" to be shot "legally." 

On 20 June V. Volodarsky, a Bolshevik leader in Petrograd, was shot down 
by a militant Socialist Revolutionary. This event occurred at a time of extreme 
tension in the old capital. In the preceding weeks, relations between Bolsheviks 
and workers had gone from bad to worse, and in May and June the Petrograd 
Cheka recorded seventy "incidents 11 — strikes, anti-Bolshevik meetings, demon- 
strations — led principally by metalworkers from labor strongholds, who had 
been the most ardent supporters of the Bolsheviks in the period leading up to 
the events of 1917. The authorities responded to strikes with lockouts at the 
large state-owned factories, a practice that became more and more widespread 


A State against Its People 

in the following months to break the workers' resistance. Volodarsky's assassi- 
nation was followed by an unprecedented wave of arrests in the working-class 
areas of Petrograd. The Assembly of Workers' Representatives, a mainly Men- 
shevik group that organized working-class opposition and was in fact a real 
opposition power to the Petrograd soviet, was dissolved. More than 800 leaders 
were arrested in two days. The workers' response to this huge wave of arrests 
was to call a general strike for 21 July 1918. w 

From Moscow Lenin sent a letter to Grigori Zinoviev, president of the 
Petrograd Committee of the Bolshevik Party. The document is extremely 
revealing, both of Lenin's conception of terror and of an extraordinary political 
delusion. Lenin was in fact committing a huge political mistake when he 
claimed that the workers were protesting Volodarsky's death. 

Comrade Zinoviev! We have just learned that the workers of Petrograd 
wish to respond to Comrade Volodarsky's murder with mass terror, and 
that you (not you personally, but the members of the Party Committee 
in Petrograd) are trying to stop them: I want to protest most vehemently 
against this. We are eompromising ourselves; we are calling for mass 
terror in the resolutions passed by the Soviet, but when the time comes 
for action, we obstruct the natural reactions of the masses. This cannot 
be! The terrorists will start to think we are being halfhearted. This is the 
hour of truth: It is of supreme importance that we encourage and make 
use of the energy of mass terror directed against the counterrevolution- 
aries, especially those of Petrograd, whose example is decisive. Regards. 
Lenin. 41 


The Red Terror 


I he Bolsheviks are saying openly that their days are numbered," 
Karl Helfferich, the German ambassador to Moscow, told his government on 
3 August 1918. "A veritable panic has overtaken Moscow . . . The craziest 
rumors imaginable are rife, about so-called 'traitors' who are supposed to be in 
hiding around the city." 

The Bolsheviks certainly never felt as much under threat as they did in 
1918. The territory they controlled amounted to little more than the traditional 
province of Muscovy, which now faced anti-Bolshevik opposition on three 
solidly established fronts: the first in the region of the Don, occupied by the 
Cossack troops of Ataman Krasnov and by General Denikin's White Army; 
the second in Ukraine, which was in the hands of the Germans and of the 
Rada, the national Ukrainian government; and a third front all along the 
Trans-Siberian Railway, where most of the big cities had fallen to the Czech 
Legion, whose offensive had been supported by the Socialist Revolutionary 
government in Samara. 

In the regions that were more or less under Bolshevik control, nearly 140 
major revolts and insurrections broke out in the summer of 1918; most involved 
peasant communities resisting the enforced commandeering of food supplies, 
which was being carried out with such brutality by the food army; protests 
against the limitations on trade and exchange; or protests against the new 



A State against Its People 

compulsory conscription for the Red Army. 1 Typically the angry peasants 
would flock en masse to the nearest town, besiege the soviet, and sometimes 
even attempt to set fire to it. The incidents usually degenerated into violence, 
and either local militias or, more and more often, detachments from the local 
Cheka opened fire on the protesters. In these confrontations, which became 
more frequent as time passed, the Bolshevik leaders saw a vast counterrevolu- 
tionary conspiracy directed against their regime by "kulaks disguised as White 


"It is quite clear that preparations are being made for a White Guard 
uprising in Nizhni Novgorod/ 1 wrote Lenin in a telegram on 9 August 1918 to 
the president of the Executive Committee of the Nizhni Novgorod soviet, in 
response to a report about peasant protests against requisitioning. "Your first 
response must be to establish a dictatorial troika (i.e., you, Markin, and one 
other person) and introduce mass terror, shooting or deporting the hundreds 
of prostitutes who are causing all the soldiers to drink, all the ex-officers, etc. 
There is not a moment to lose; you must act resolutely, with massive reprisals. 
Immediate execution for anyone caught in possession of a firearm. Massive 
deportations of Mensheviks and other suspect elements." 2 The next day Lenin 
sent a similar telegram to the Central Executive Committee of the Penza soviet: 

Comrades! The kulak uprising in your five districts must be crushed 
without pity. The interests of the whole revolution demand such ac- 
tions, for the final struggle with the kulaks has now begun. You must 
make an example of these people. (I) Hang (I mean hang publicly, so 
that people see it) at least 100 kulaks, rich bastards, and known blood- 
suckers. (2) Publish their names. (3) Seize all their grain. (4) Single out 
the hostages per my instructions in yesterday's telegram. Do all this so 
that for miles around people see it all, understand it, tremble, and tell 
themselves that we are killing the bloodthirsty kulaks and that vc will 
continue to do so. Reply saving you have received and carried out these 
instructions. Yours, Lenin. 

PS. Find tougher people.' 

In fact a close reading of Cheka reports on the revolts of the summer of 
1918, reveals that the only uprisings planned in advance were those in Yaroslavl, 
Rybinsk, and Murom, which were organized by the Union for the Defense of 
the Fatherland, led by the Socialist Revolutionary Boris Savinkov; and that of 
workers in the arms factory of Evsk, at the instigation of Mensheviks and local 
Socialist Revolutionaries. All the other insurrections were a spontaneous, direct 
result of incidents involving local peasantry faced with requisitions or con- 
scription. They were put down in a few days with great ferocity by trusted units 
from the Red Army or the Cheka. Only Yaroslavl, where Savinkov's detach- 

The Red Terror 


ments had ousted the local Bolsheviks from power, managed to hold out for a 
few weeks. After the town fell, Dzerzhinsky sent a "special investigative com- 
mission," which in five days, from 24 to 28 July 1918, executed 428 people. 4 

In August 1918, before the official beginning of the period of Red Terror 
on 3 September, the Bolshevik leaders, and in particular Lenin and Dzerzhin- 
sky, sent a great number of telegrams to local Cheka and Party leaders, instruct- 
ing them to take "prophylactic measures" to prevent any attempted 
insurrection. Among these measures, explained Dzerzhinsky, "the most effec- 
tive are the taking of hostages among the bourgeoisie, on the basis of the lists 
that you have drawn up for exceptional taxes levied on the bourgeoisie . . . the 
arrest and the incarceration of all hostages and suspects in concentration 
camps. "■** On 8 August Lenin asked Tsyurupa, the people's commissar of food, 
to draw up a decree stipulating that "in all grain-producing areas, twenty-five 
designated hostages drawn from the best-off of the local inhabitants will answer 
with their lives for any failure in the requisitioning plan." As Tsyurupa turned 
a deaf ear to this, on the pretext that it was too difficult to organize the taking 
of hostages, Lenin sent him a second, more explicit note: "I am not suggesting 
that these hostages actually be taken, but that they are to be named explicitly 
in all the relevant areas. The purpose of this is that the rich, just as they are 
responsible for their own contribution, will also have to answer with their lives 
for the immediate realization of the requisitioning plan in their whole district "^ 

In addition to this new system for taking hostages, the Bolshevik leaders 
experimented in August 1918 with a tool of oppression that had made its first 
appearance in Russia during the war: the concentration camp. On 9 August 
Lenin sent a telegram to the Executive Committee of the province of Penza 
instructing them to intern "kulaks, priests, White Guards, and other doubtful 
elements in a concentration camp." 7 

A few days earlier both Dzerzhinsky and Trotsky had also called for the 
confinement of hostages in concentration camps. These concentration camps 
were simple internment camps in which, as a simple interim administrative 
measure and independently of any judicial process, "doubtful elements" were 
to be kept. As in every other country at this time, numerous camps for prisoners 
of war already existed in Russia. 

First and foremost among the "doubtful elements" to be arrested were the 
leaders of opposition parties who were still at liberty. On 1 5 August 1918 Lenin 
and Dzerzhinsky jointly signed an order for the arrest of Yuri Martov, Fedor 
Dan, Aleksandr Potresov, and Mikhail Goldman, the principal leaders of the 
Menshevik Party, whose press had long been silenced and whose repre- 
sentatives had been hounded out of the Soviets. 8 

For the Bolshevik leaders, distinctions among types of opponents no 
longer existed, because, as they explained, civil wars have their own laws. "Civil 


A State against Its People 

war has no written laws," wrote Martin Latsis, one of Dzerzhinsky's principal 
collaborators, in Izvestiya on 23 August 1918. 

Capitalist wars have a written constitution, but civil war has its own laws 
... One must not only destroy the active forces of the enemy, but also 
demonstrate that anyone who raises a hand in protest against class war 
will die by the sword. These are the laws that the bourgeoisie itself drew 
up in the civil wars to oppress the proletariat ... We have yet to assimi- 
late these rules sufficiently. Our own people are being killed by the 
hundreds of thousands, yet we carry out executions one by one after 
lengthy deliberations in commissions and courts. In a civil war, there 
should be no courts for the enemy. It is a fight to the death. If you don't 
kill, you will die. So kill, if you don't want to be killed! 9 

Two assassination attempts on 30 August— one against M. S. Uritsky, the 
head of the Petrograd Cheka, the other against Lenin— seemed to confirm the 
Bolshevik leaders' theory that a real conspiracy was threatening their existence. 
In fact it now appears that there was no link between the two events. The first 
was carried out in the well-established tradition of populist revolutionary ter- 
ror, by a young student who wanted to avenge the death of an officer friend 
killed a few days earlier by the Petrograd Cheka. The second incident was long 
attributed to Fanny Kaplan, a militant socialist with anarchist and Socialist 
Revolutionary leanings. She was arrested immediately and shot three days later 
without trial, but it now appears that there may have been a larger conspiracy 
against Lenin, which escaped detection at the time, in the Cheka itself. 10 The 
Bolshevik government immediately blamed both assassination attempts on 
"right Socialist Revolutionaries, the servants of French and English imperial- 
ism." The response was immediate: the next day, articles in the press and 
official declarations called for more terror. "Workers," said an article in Pravda 
(Truth) on 31 August, "the time has come for us to crush the bourgeoisie or 
be crushed by it. The corruption of the bourgeoisie must be cleansed from our 
towns immediately. Files will now be kept on all men concerned, and those who 
represent a danger to the revolutionary cause will be executed . . . The anthem 
of the working class will be a song of hatred and revenge!" 

On the same day Dzerzhinsky and his assistant Jan Peters drafted an 
"Appeal to the Working Classes" in a similar vein: 'The working classes must 
crush the hydra of the counterrevolution with massive terror! We must let the 
enemies of the working classes know that anyone caught in illegal possession 
of a firearm will be immediately executed, and that anyone who dares to spread 
the slightest rumor against the Soviet regime will be arrested immediately and 
sent to a concentration camp!" Printed in Izvestiya on 3 September, this appeal 
was followed the next day by the publication of instructions sent by 
N. Petrovsky, the people's commissar of internal affairs, to all the Soviets. 

The Red Terror 


Petrovsky complained that despite the "massive repressions" organized by 
enemies of the state against the working masses, the "Red Terror" was too slow 
in its effects: 

The time has come to put a stop to all this weakness and sentimentality. 
All the right Socialist Revolutionaries must be arrested immediately. A 
great number of hostages must be taken among the officers and the 
bourgeoisie. The slightest resistance must be greeted with widespread 
executions. Provincial Executive Committees must lead the way here. 
The Chekas and the other organized militia must seek out and arrest 
suspects and immediately execute all those found to be involved with 
counterrevolutionary practices . . . Leaders of the Executive Commit- 
tees must immediately report any weakness or indecision on the part of 
the local Soviets to the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs. No 
weakness or indecision can be tolerated during this period of mass 
terror. 11 

This telegram, which marked the official start of full-scale Red Terror, 
gives the lie to Dzerzhinsky 's and Peters 1 later claims that the Red Terror "was 
a general and spontaneous reaction of indignation by the masses to the at- 
tempted assassinations of 30 August 1918, and began without any initiative 
from the central organizations." The truth was that the Red Terror was the 
natural outlet for the almost abstract hatred that most of the Bolshevik leaders 
felt toward their "oppressors," whom they wished to liquidate not on an indi- 
vidual basis, but as a class. In his memoirs the Menshevik leader Rafael Abra- 
movich recalled a revealing conversation that he had in August 1917 with 
Dzerzhinsky, the future leader of the Cheka: 

"Abramovich, do you remember Lasalle's speech about the essence of a 

"Of course.' 1 

"He said that any Constitution is always determined by the relation 
between the social forces at work in a given country at the time in 
question. 1 wonder how this correlation between the political and the 
social might be changed?" 

"Well, bv the various processes of change that are at work in the 
fields of politics and economics at any time, by the emergence of new 
forms of economic growth, the rise of different social classes, all those 
things that you know perfectly well already, Feliks . . ." 

"Yes, but couldn't one change things much more radically than 
that 5 By forcing certain classes into submission, or by exterminating 
them altogether? ,,|J 

This cold, calculating, and cynical cruelty, the logical result of an implac- 
able class war pushed to its extreme, was shared by many Bolsheviks. Grigory 
Zinoviev, one of the main leaders, declared in September 1918: "To dispose of 

76 A State against Its People 

our enemies, we will have to create our own socialist terror. For this we will 
have to train 90 million of the 100 million Russians and have them all on our 
side. We have nothing to say to the other 10 million; we'll have to get rid of 
them." 13 

On 5 September the Soviet government legalized terror with the famous 
decree "On Red Terror": "At this moment it is absolutely vital that the Chekas 
be reinforced ... to protect the Soviet Republic from its class enemies, who 
must all be locked up in concentration camps. Anyone found to have had any 
dealings with the White Guard organizations, plots, insurrections, or riots will 
be summarily executed, and the names of all these people, together with the 
reasons for their execution, will be announced publicly." 1 "* As Dzcrzhinsky was 
later to acknowledge, "The texts of 3 and 5 September finally gave us a legal 
right that even Party comrades had been campaigning against until then- -the 
right immediately to dispose of the counterrevolutionary rabble, without hav- 
ing to defer to anyone else's authority at all." 

In an internal circular dated 17 September, Dzerzhinksy, invited all local 
Chekas to "accelerate procedures and terminate, that is, liquidate, any pending 
business." 15 In fact the "liquidations" had started as early as 31 August. On 3 
September Izvesttya reported that in the previous few days more than 500 
hostages had been executed by the local Cheka in Petrograd. According to 
Cheka sources, more than 800 people were executed in September in Petrograd 
alone. The actual figure must be considerably higher than that. An eyewitness 
relates the following details: "For Petrograd, even a conservative estimate must 
be 1,300 executions . . . The Bolsheviks didn't count, in their 'statistics, 1 the 
hundreds of officers and civilians who were executed on the orders of the local 
authorities in Kronstadt. In Kronstadt alone, in one night, more than 400 
people were shot. Three massive trenches were dug in the middle of the 
courtyard, 400 people were lined up in front of them and executed one after 
the other." 16 In an interview given to the newspaper Utro Moshvy (Moscow 
morning) on 3 November 1918, Peters admitted that "those rather oversensitive 
[sic Cheka members in Petrograd lost their heads and went a little too far. 
Before Uritsky's assassination, no one was executed at all — and believe me, 
despite anything that people might tell you, I am not as bloodthirsty as they 
say — but since then there have been too many killed, often quite indiscrimi- 
nately. But then again, Moscow's only response to the attempt on Lenin's life 
was the execution of a few tsarist ministers." 17 According to Izvestiya again, a 
"mere" 29 hostages from the concentration camp were shot in Moscow on 3 
and 4 September. Among the dead were two former ministers from the regime 
of Tsar Nicholas II, N. Khvostov (internal affairs) and I. Shchcglovitov (jus- 
tice). Nonetheless, numerous eyewitness reports concur that hundreds of hos- 
tages were executed during the "September massacres" in the prisons of 

The Red Terror 


In these times of Red Terror, Dzerzhinsky founded a new newspaper, 
Ezhenedetnik VChK (Cheka weekly), which was openly intended to vaunt the 
merits of the secret police and to encourage "the just desire of the masses for 
revenge. 1 ' For the six weeks of its existence (it was closed down by an order 
from the Central Committee after the raison d'etre of the Cheka was called into 
question by a number of Bolshevik leaders), the paper candidly and unasham- 
edly described the taking of hostages, their internment in concentration camps, 
and their execution. It thus constituted an official basic minimum of informa- 
tion of the Red Terror for September and October 1918. For instance, the 
newspaper reported that in the medium-sized city of Nizhni Novgorod the 
Cheka, who were particularly zealous under the leadership of Nikolai Bulganin 
(later the head of the Soviet state from 1954 to 1957), executed 141 hostages 
after 31 August, and once took more than 700 hostages in a mere three days. 
In Vyatka the Cheka for the Ural region reported the execution of 23 "ex- 
policemen," 154 "counterrevolutionaries," 8 "monarchists," 28 "members of 
the Constitutional Democratic party," 186 "officers," and 10 "Mensheviks and 
right Socialist Revolutionaries," all in the space of a week. The Ivanovo Vozne- 
sensk Cheka reported taking 181 hostages, executing 25 "counterrevolutionar- 
ies," and setting up a concentration camp with space for 1,000 people. The 
Cheka of the small town of Sebezhsk reported shooting u 17 kulaks and one 
priest, who had celebrated a mass for the bloody tyrant Nicholas II"; the Tver 
Cheka reported 130 hostages and 39 executions; the Perm Cheka reported 50 
executions. This macabre catalogue could be extended considerably; these are 
merely a few extracts from the six issues of the Cheka Weekly}* 

Other provincial journals also reported thousands of arrests and execu- 
tions in the autumn of 1918. To take but two examples, the single published 
issue of Izvestiya Isanlsymkot Gubcheha (News of the Tsaritsyn Province 
Cheka) reported the execution of 103 people for the week of 3-10 September. 
From 1 to 8 November 371 people appeared in the local Cheka court; 50 were 
condemned to death, the rest "to a concentration camp as a measure of hy- 
giene, as hostages, until the complete liquidation of all counterrevolutionary 
insurrections." The only issue of Izvestiya Penzenskm Gubcheka (News of the 
Penza Province Cheka) reported, without commentary, that "in response to 
the assassination of Comrade Fgorov, a Petrograd worker on a mission in one 
of the detachments of the Food Army, 150 White Guards have been exe- 
cuted by the Cheka. In the future, other, more rigorous measures will be taken 
against anyone who raises a hand in protest against the iron fist of the prole- 

The svodki, or confidential reports that the local Chekas sent to Moscow, 
which have only recently become public, also confirm the brutality of responses 
to the slightest incidents between the peasant community and the local authori- 
ties. These incidents almost invariably concerned a refusal to accept the requi- 


A State against Its People 

sitioning process or conscription, and they were systematically catalogued in 
the files as "counterrevolutionary kulak riots" and suppressed without mercy. 

It is impossible to come up with an exact figure for the number of people 
who fell victim to this first great wave of the Red Terror. Latsis, who was one 
of the main leaders of the Cheka, claimed that in the second half of 1918 the 
Cheka executed 4,500 people, adding with some cynicism: "If the Cheka can 
be accused of anything, it isn't of being overzealous in its executions, but rather 
of failure in the need to apply the supreme punishment. An iron hand will 
always mean a smaller number of victims in the long term." 19 At the end of 
October 1918 the Menshevik leader Yuri Martov estimated the number of 
direct victims of the Cheka since the start of September to be "in excess of 
H^OOO." 20 

Whatever the exact number of victims may have been that autumn — and 
the total reported in the official press alone suggests that at the very least it 
must be between 10,000 and 15,000 — the Red Terror marked the definitive 
beginning of the Bolshevik practice of treating any form of real or potential 
opposition as an act of civil war, which, as Latsis put it, had "its own laws." 
When workers went on strike to protest the Bolshevik practice of rationing 
"according to social origin" and abuses of power by the local Cheka, as at the 
armaments factory at Motovilikha, the authorities declared the whole factory 
to be "in a state of insurrection.' 1 The Cheka did not negotiate with the strikers, 
but enforced a lockout and fired the workers. The leaders were arrested, and 
all the "Menshevik counterrevolutionaries," who were suspected of having 
incited the strike, were hunted down. 21 Such practices were normal in the 
summer of 1918. By autumn the local Chekas, now better organized and more 
motivated by calls from Moscow for bloodier repressions, went considerably 
further and executed more than 100 of the strikers without any trial. 

The size of these numbers alone — between 10,000 and 15,000 summary 
executions in two months — marked a radical break with the practices of the 
tsarist regime. For the whole period 1825-1917 the number of death sentences 
passed by the tsarist courts (including courts-martial) "relating to political 
matters" came to only 6,323, with the highest figure of 1,310 recorded in 1906, 
the year of the reaction against the 1905 revolution. Moreover, not all death 
sentences were carried out; a good number were converted to forced labor. 22 In 
the space of a few weeks the Cheka alone had executed two to three times the 
total number of people condemned to death by the tsarist regime over ninety- 
two years. 

The change of scale went well beyond the figures. The introduction of 
new categories such as "suspect," "enemy of the people," "hostage," "concen- 
tration camp," and "revolutionary court," and of previously unknown practices 
such as "prophylactic measures, " summary execution without judicial process 

The Red Terror 


of hundreds and thousands of people, and arrest by a new kind of political 
police who were above the law, might all be said to have constituted a sort of 
Copernican revolution. 

The change was so powerful that it took even some of the Bolshevik 
leaders by surprise, as can be judged from the arguments that broke out within 
the Party hierarchy from October to December 1918 regarding the role of the 
Cheka. On 25 October in the absence of Dzerzhinsky — who had been sent away 
incognito for a month to rebuild his mental and physical health in Switzer- 
land — the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party discussed a new status 
for the Cheka. Criticizing the "full powers given to an organization that seems 
to be acting above the Soviets and above even the party itself," Nikolai Bukharin, 
Aleksandr Olminsky, who was one of the oldest members of the Party, and 
Petrovsky, the people's commissar of internal affairs, demanded that measures 
be taken to curb the "excessive zeal of an organization filled with criminals, 
sadists, and degenerate elements from the lumpenproletariat." A commission 
for political control was established. Lev Kamenev, who was part of it, went so 
far as to propose the abolition of the Cheka. 2 ' 

But the diehard proponents of the Cheka soon regained the upper hand. 
Among their number, besides Dzerzhinsky, were the major names in the Party: 
Yakov Sverdlov, Stalin, Trotsky, and of course Lenin himself Me resolutely 
came to the defense of an institution "unjustly accused of excesses by a few 
unrealistic intellectuals . . . incapable of considering the problem of terror in a 
wider perspective." 24 On 19 December 1918, at Lenin's instigation, the Central 
Committee adopted a resolution forbidding the Bolshevik press to publish 
"defamatory articles about institutions, notably the Cheka, which goes about 
its business under particularly difficult circumstances." And that was the end 
of the debate. The "iron fist of the dictatorship of the proletariat" was thus 
accorded its infallibility. In Lenin's words, "A good Communist is also a good 

At the beginning of 1919 Dzerzhinsky received authorization from the 
Central Committee to establish the Cheka special departments, which thereaf- 
ter were to be responsible for military security. On 16 March he was made 
people's commissar of internal affairs and set about a reorganization, under the 
aegis of the Cheka, of all militias, troops, detachments, and auxiliary units, 
which until then had been attached to different administrations. In May all 
these units — railway militias, food detachments, frontier guards, and Cheka 
battalions — were combined into a single body, the Troops for the Internal 
Defense of the Republic, which by 1921 numbered 200,000. These troops' 
various duties included policing the camps, stations, and other points of stra- 
tegic importance; controlling requisitioning operations; and, most important, 
putting down peasant rebellions, riots by workers, and mutinies in the Red 


A State against Its People 

Army. The Troops for the Internal Defense of the Republic represented a 
formidable force for control and oppression. It was a loyal army within the 
larger Red Army, which was constantly plagued by desertions and which never 
managed, despite a theoretical enrollment of between 3 million and 5 million, 
to muster a fighting force in excess of 500,000 well-equipped soldiers. 2 ' 

One of the first decrees of the new people's commissar of internal affairs 
concerned the organization of the camps that had existed since the summer of 

1918 without any legal basis or systematic organization. The decree of 15 April 

1919 drew a distinction between "coercive work camps,' 1 where, in principle, 
all the prisoners had been condemned by a court, and "concentration camps, 11 
where people were held, often as hostages, as a result of administrative meas- 
ures. That this distinction was somewhat artificial in practice is evidenced in 
the complementary instruction of 17 May 1919, which directed the creation of 
"at least one camp in each province, with room for a minimum of 300 people 11 
and listed the sixteen categories of prisoners to be interned. The categories 
were as diverse as "hostages from the haute bourgeoisie"; "functionaries from 
the ancien regime, up to the rank of college assessor, procurator, and their 
assistants, mayors and assistant mayors of cities, including district capitals 11 ; 
"people condemned, under the Soviet regime, for any crime of parasitism, 
prostitution, or procuring"; and "ordinary deserters (not repeat offenders) and 
soldiers who are prisoners in the civil war." 26 

The number of people imprisoned in work camps and concentration 
camps increased steadily from around 16,000 in May 1919 to more than 70,000 
in September 1921 P These figures do not include several camps that had been 
established in regions that were in revolt against Soviet power. In Tambov 
Province, for example, in the summer of 1921 there were at least 50,000 
"bandits" and "members of the families of bandits taken as hostages 11 in the 
seven concentration camps opened by the authorities as part of the measures 
to put down the peasant revolt. 28 


The Dirty War 

I he civil war in Russia has generally been analyzed as a conflict 
between the Red Bolsheviks and the White monarchists; but in fact the events 
that took place behind the lines of military confrontation are considerably 
more important. This was the interior front of the civil war. It was charac- 
terized above all by multifarious forms of repression carried out by each side — 
the Red repressions being much more general and systematic — against militant 
politicians of opposing parties or opposition groups, against workers striking 
for any grievance, against deserters fleeing either their units or the conscription 
process, or quite simply against citizens who happened to belong to a "suspect" 
or "hostile" social class, whose only crime often was simply to have been living 
in a town that fell to the enemy. The struggle on the interior front of the civil 
war included all acts of resistance carried out by millions of peasants, rebels, 
and deserters, and the group that both the Reds and the Whites called the 
Greens often played a decisive role in the advance or retreat of one or other 

In 1919, for instance, massive peasant revolts against the Bolshevik powers 
in the mid-Volga region and in Ukraine allowed Admiral Kolchak and General 
Denikin to advance hundreds of miles behind Bolshevik lines. Similarly, several 
months later, the uprising of Siberian peasants who were incensed at the 
reestablishmcnt of the ancient rights of the landowners precipitated the retreat 
of Kolchak's White Army before the advancing Reds. 


A State against Its People 

Although large-scale military operations between the Whites and Reds 
lasted little more than a year, from the end of 1918 to the beginning of 1920, 
the greater part of what is normally termed the civil war was actually a dirty 
war, an attempt by all the different authorities, Red and White, civil and 
military, to stamp out all real or potential opponents in the zones that often 
changed hands several times. In regions held by the Bolsheviks it was the "class 
struggle 11 against the "aristocrats, 11 the bourgeoisie, and socially undesirable 
elements, the hunt for all non-Bolshevik militants from opposing parties, and 
the putting down of workers 1 strikes, of mutinies in the less secure elements 
of the Red Army, and of peasant revolts. In the zones held by the Whites, it 
was open season on anyone suspected of having possible "Judeo-Bolshcvik' 1 

The Bolsheviks certainly did not have a monopoly on terror. There was 
also a White Terror, whose worst moment was the terrible wave of pogroms 
carried out in Ukraine in the summer and autumn of 1919 by Simon Petlyura's 
detachments from Denikin's armies, which accounted for more than 150,000 
victims. But as most historians of the Red Terror and White Terror have 
already pointed out, the two types of terror were not on the same plane. The 
Bolshevik policy of terror was more systematic, better organized, and targeted 
at whole social classes. Moreover, it had been thought out and put into practice 
before the outbreak of the civil war. The White Terror was never systematized 
in such a fashion. It was almost invariably the work of detachments that were 
out of control, taking measures not officially authorized by the military com- 
mand that was attempting, without much success, to act as a government. If 
one discounts the pogroms, which Denikin himself condemned, the White 
Terror most often was a series of reprisals by the police acting as a sort of 
military counterespionage force. The Cheka and the Troops for the Internal 
Defense of the Republic were a structured and powerful instrument of repres- 
sion of a completely different order, which had support at the highest level 
from the Bolshevik regime. 

As in all civil wars, it is extremely difficult to derive a complete picture of 
all the forms of terror employed by the two warring parties. The Bolshevik 
Terror, with its clear methodology, its specificity, and its carefully chosen aims, 
easily predated the civil war, which developed into a full-scale conflict only at 
the end of the summer of 1918. The following list indicates in chronological 
order the evolution of different types of terror and its different targets from 
the early months of the regime; 

Non-Bolshevik political militants, from anarchists to monarchists, 
Workers fighting for the most basic rights, including bread, work, and a 
minimum of liberty and dignity. 

The Dirty War 


Peasants — often deserters — implicated in any of the innumerable peas- 
ant revolts or Red Army mutinies. 

Cossacks, who were deported en masse as a social and ethnic group sup- 
posedly hostile to the Soviet regime. "De-Cossackization" prefigured 
the massive deportations of the 1930s called "dekulakization" (another 
example of the deportation of ethnic groups) and underlines the funda- 
mental continuity between the Leninist and Stalinist policies of political 

"Socially undesirable elements" and other "enemies of the people, 11 
"suspects, 11 and "hostages' 1 liquidated "as a preventive measure, 11 par- 
ticularly when the Bolsheviks were enforcing the evacuation of villages 
or when they took back territory or towns that had been in the hands of 
the Whites. 

The best-known repressions are those that concerned political militants from 
the various parries opposed to the Bolsheviks. Numerous statements were 
made bv the main leaders of the opposition parties, who were often imprisoned 
and exiled, but whose lives were generally spared, unlike militant workers and 
peasants, who were shot without trial or massacred during punitive Cheka 

One of the first acts of terror was the attack launched on 11 April 1918 
against the Moscow anarchists, dozens of whom were immediately executed. 
The struggle against the anarchists intensified over the following years, al- 
though a certain number did transfer their allegiance to the Bolshevik Party, 
even becoming high-ranking Cheka officials, such as Aleksandr Goldberg, 
Mikhail Brener, and Timofei Samsonov. The dilemma faced by most anarchists 
in their opposition to both the new Bolshevik dictatorship and the return of 
the old regime is well illustrated by the U-turns of the great peasant anarchist 
leader Nestor Makhno, who for a while allied himself with the Red Army in 
the struggle against the Whites, then turned against the Bolsheviks after the 
White threat had been eliminated. Thousands of anonymous militant anar- 
chists were executed as bandits as part of the repression against the peasant 
army of Makhno and his partisans. It would appear that these peasants consti- 
tuted the immense majority of anarchist victims, at least according to the 
figures presented by the Russian anarchists in exile in Berlin in 1922. These 
incomplete figures note 138 militant anarchists executed in the years 1919- 
1921, 281 sent into exile, and 608 still in prison as of 1 January 1922. ' 

The left Socialist Revolutionaries, who were allies of the Bolsheviks until 
the summer of 1918, were treated with relative leniency until February 1919. 
As late as December 19)8 their most famous leader, Maria Spiridonova, pre- 
sided over a party congress that was tolerated by the Bolsheviks. However, on 


A State against Its People 

10 February 1919, after she condemned the terror that was being carried out 
on a daily basis by the Cheka, she was arrested with 210 other militants and 
sentenced by a revolutionary court to "detention in a sanatorium on account 
of her hysterical state." This action seems to be the first example under the 
Soviet regime of the sentencing of a political opponent to detention in a 
psychiatric hospital. Spiridonova managed to escape and continued secretly to 
lead the left Socialist Revolutionary Party, which by then had been banned by 
the Soviet government. According to Cheka sources, fifty-eight left Socialist 
Revolutionary organizations were disbanded in 1919, and another forty-five in 
1920. In these two years 1,875 militants were imprisoned as hostages, in re- 
sponse to Dzerzhinsky's instructions. He had declared, on 18 March 1919: 
"Henceforth the Cheka is to make no distinction between White Guards of the 
Krasnov variety and White Guards from the socialist camp . . . The Socialist 
Revolutionaries and the Mensheviks arrested are to be considered as hostages, 
and their fate will depend on the subsequent behavior of the parties they belong 
to." 2 

To the Bolsheviks, the right Socialist Revolutionaries had always seemed 
the most dangerous political rivals. No one had forgotten that they had regis- 
tered a large majority in the free and democratic elections of November and 
December 1917. After the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly, in which 
they held a clear majority of seats, the Socialist Revolutionaries had continued 
to serve in the Soviets and on the Central Executive Committee of the Soviets, 
from which they were then expelled together with the Mensheviks in June 1918. 
Some Socialist Revolutionaries, together with Mensheviks and Constitutional 
Democrats, then established temporary and short-lived governments in Samara 
and Omsk, which were soon overturned by the White Admiral Kolchak. 
Caught between the Bolsheviks and the Whites, the Socialist Revolutionaries 
and the Mensheviks encountered considerable difficulties in defining a coherent 
set of policies with which to oppose the Bolshevik regime. The Bolsheviks, in 
turn, were extremely able politicians who used measures of appeasement, 
infiltration, and outright oppression to second-guess the more moderate social- 
ist opposition. 

After authorizing the reappearance of the Socialist Revolutionary news- 
paper Deio naroda (The people's cause) from 20 to 30 March, when Admiral 
Kolchak's offensive was at its height, the Cheka rounded up all the Socialist 
Revolutionaries and Mensheviks that it could on 31 March 1919, at a time when 
there was no legal restriction on membership of either of the two parties. More 
than 1,900 militants were arrested in Moscow, Tula, Smolensk, Voronezh, 
Penza, Samara, and Kostroma. 3 No one can say how many were summarily 
executed in the putting down of strikes and peasant revolts organized by 
Socialist Revolutionaries and Mensheviks. Very few statistics are available, and 

The Dirty War 


even if we know approximately the number of victims in particular incidents, 
we have no idea of the proportion of political activists who were caught up in 
the massacres. 

A second wave of arrests followed an article published by Lenin in Pravda 
on 28 August 1919, in which he again berated the Socialist Revolutionaries and 
the Mensheviks, accusing them of being ''accomplices and footservants of the 
Whites, the landlords, and the capitalists. 11 According to the Cheka records, 
2,380 Socialist Revolutionaries and Mensheviks were arrested in the last four 
months of 1919. * The repressions against socialist activists intensified after a 
meeting of a typography union, called in honor of a visiting delegation of 
Knglish workers on 23 May 1920. At that meeting, under an assumed name 
and in disguise, the Socialist Revolutionary leader Viktor Chernov, who had 
been president of the Constituent Assembly for the single day of its existence 
and was in hiding from the secret police, publicly ridiculed the Cheka and the 
government, The whole of Chernov's family were taken as hostages, and all 
the Socialist Revolutionary leaders still at liberty were thrown into prison. 5 In 
the summer of 1920 more than 2,000 Socialist Revolutionary and Menshevik 
activists were registered, arrested, and kept as hostages. A Cheka internal memo 
dated 1 July 1919 laid out with extraordinary cynicism the outlines of the plan 
to deal with the opposing socialists: 

Instead of merely outlawing these parties, which would simply force 
them underground and make them even more difficult to control, it 
seems preferable to grant them a son of semilegal status. In this way we 
can have them at hand, and whenever wc need to wc can simply pluck 
out troublemakers, renegades, or the informers that we need ... As far 
as these anti-Soviet parties are concerned, we must make use of the 
present war situation to blame crimes on their members, such as "coun- 
terrevolutionary activities," "high treason," "illegal action behind the 
lines," "spying for interventionist foreign powers,' 1 etc. h 

Of all the repressive episodes, the one most carefully hidden by the new regime 
was the violence used against workers, in whose name the Bolsheviks had first 
come to power. Beginning in 1918, the repressions increased over the following 
two years, culminating in 1921 with the well-known episode in Kronstadt. 
l'Yom early 1918 the workers of Petrograd had shown their defiance of the 
Bolsheviks. After the collapse of the general strike on 2 July 1918, trouble 
broke out again among the workers in the former capital in March 1919, after 
the Bolsheviks had arrested a number of Socialist Revolutionary leaders, in- 
cluding Maria Spiridonova, who had just carried out a memorable tour of the 
Petrograd factories, where she had been greeted with tremendous popular 
acclaim. The moment was already one of extreme delicacy because of dire 


A State against Its People 

shortages of food, and these arrests led to strikes and a vast protest movement. 
On 10 March the general assembly of workers of the Putilov factories, at a 
meeting of more than ten thousand members, adopted a resolution that sol- 
emnly condemned the Bolshevik actions: u This government is nothing less 
than the dictatorship of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, kept 
in place thanks to the Cheka and the revolutionary courts." 7 

The proclamation called for power to be handed over to the Soviets, free 
elections for the Soviets and for the factory committees, an end to limitations 
on the quantity of food that workers could bring into the city from the coun- 
tryside (1.5 pudy, or about 55 pounds), the release of political prisoners from 
the ''authentic revolutionary parties," and above all the release of Maria Spiri- 
donova. To try to put a brake on this movement, which seemed to get more 
powerful by the day, Lenin came to Petrograd in person on 12 and 13 March 
1919. But when he tried to address the workers who were striking in the 
factories, he was booed off the stage, along with Zinoviev, to cries of 'Down 
with Jews and commissars!" 8 Deep-rooted popular antiscmitism, which was 
never far below the surface, had been quick to associate Bolsheviks and Jews, 
so that the Bolsheviks quickly lost much of the credibility they had been 
accorded in the aftermath of the October Revolution in 1917. The fact that 
several of the best-known Bolshevik leaders (Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Alek- 
sei Rykov, Karl Radek) were Jewish served to justify, in the mind of the masses, 
this amalgamation of the labels "Jew" and "Bolshevik." 

On 16 March 1919 Cheka detachments stormed the Putilov factor), which 
was defended by armed workers. Approximately 900 workers were arrested. In 
the next few days more than 200 strikers were executed without trial in the 
Schlusselburg fortress, about thirty-rive miles from Petrograd. A new working 
practice was set in place whereby all the strikers were fired and were rehired 
only after they had signed a declaration stating that they had been deceived and 
"led into crime" by counterrevolutionary leaders. 9 Henceforth all workers were 
to be kept under close surveillance. After the spring of 1919, in several work- 
ing-class centers a secret Cheka department set up a network of spies and 
informers who were to submit regular reports about the u state of mind 11 in the 
factory in question. The working classes were clearly considered to be dan- 

The spring of 1919 was marked by numerous strikes, which were savagely 
put down, in some of the great working-class centers in Russia, such as Tula, 
Sormovo, Orel, Bryansk, Tver, Ivanovo Voznesensk, and Astrakhan. 10 The 
workers' grievances were identical almost everywhere. Reduced to starvation 
by minuscule salaries that barely covered the price of a ration card for a 
half-pound of bread a day, the strikers sought first to obtain rations matching 
those of soldiers in the Red Army. But the more urgent demands were all 

The Dirty War 


political: the elimination of special privileges for Communists, the release of 
political prisoners, free elections for Soviets and factory committees, the end of 
conscription into the Red Army, freedom of association, freedom of expression, 
freedom of the press, and so forth. 

What made these movements even more dangerous in the eyes of the 
Bolshevik authorities was their frequent success in rallying to their cause the 
military units stationed in the town in question. In Orel, Bryansk, Gomel, and 
Astrakhan mutinying soldiers joined forces with the strikers, shouting "Death 
to Jews! Down with the Bolshevik commissars!," taking over and looting parts 
of the city, which were retaken by Cheka detachments and troops faithful to 
the regime only after several days of fighting." The repressions in response to 
such strikes and mutinies ranged from massive lockouts of whole factories and 
the confiscation of ration cards — the threat of hunger was one of the most 
useful weapons the Bolsheviks had — to the execution of strikers and rebel 
soldiers by the hundreds. 

Among the most significant of the repressions were those in Tula and 
Astrakhan in March and April 1919. Dzer/hinsky came to Tula, the historical 
capital of the Russian army, on 3 April 1919 to put down a strike by workers 
in the munitions factories. In the winter of 1918-19 these factories had already 
been the scene of strikes and industrial action, and they were vital to the Red 
Army, turning out more than 80 percent of all the rifles made in Russia. 
Mensheviks and Socialist Revolutionaries were very much in the majority 
among the political activists in the highly skilled workforce there. The arrest, 
in early March 1919, of hundreds of socialist activists provoked a wave of 
protests that culminated on 27 March in a huge "March for Freedom and 
against Hunger," which brought together thousands of industrial and railway 
workers. On 4 April Dzer/hinsky had another 800 "leaders" arrested and 
forcibly emptied the factories, which had been occupied for several weeks by 
the strikers. All the workers were fired. Their resistance was broken by hunger; 
for several weeks their ration cards had not been honored. To receive replace- 
ment cards, giving the right to a half-pound of bread and the right to work 
again after the general lockout, workers had to sign a job application form 
stipulating, in particular, that any stoppage in the future would be considered 
an act of desertion and would thus be punishable by death. Production resumed 
on 10 April. The night before that, 26 "leaders" had been executed. 12 

The town of Astrakhan, near the mouth of the Volga, had major strategic 
importance in the spring of 1919, as it was the last Bolshevik stronghold 
preventing Admiral Kolchak's troops in the northwest from joining up with 
those of General Denikin in the southwest. This circumstance alone probably 
explains the extraordinary violence with which the workers' strike in the town 
was suppressed in March. Having begun for both economic reasons (the paltry 

A State against Its People 

rations) and political reasons (the arrest of socialist activists), the strike inten- 
sified on 10 March when the 45th Infantry Regiment refused to open fire on 
workers marching through the city. Joining forces with the strikers, the soldiers 
stormed the Bolshevik Party headquarters and killed several members of the 
staff. Sergei Kirov, the president of the regional Revolutionary Military Com- 
mittee, immediately ordered "the merciless extermination of these White 
Guard lice by any means possible." Troops who had remained faithful to the 
regime and to the Cheka blocked all entrances to the town and methodically set 
about retaking it. When the prisons were full, the soldiers and strikers were 
loaded onto barges and then thrown by the hundreds into the Volga with stones 
around their necks. From 12 to 14 March between 2,000 and 4,000 strikers were 
shot or drowned. After 15 March the repressions were concentrated on the 
bourgeoisie of the town, on the pretext that they had been behind this "White 
Guard conspiracy" for which the workers and soldiers were merely cannon 
fodder. For two days all the merchants' houses were systematically looted and 
their owners arrested and shot. Estimates of the number of bourgeois victims 
of the massacres in Astrakhan range from 600 to 1,000. In one week between 
3,000 and 5,000 people were either shot or drowned. By contrast, the number 
of Communists buried with great pomp and circumstance on 18 March — the 
anniversary of the Paris Commune, as the authorities were at pains to point 
out — was a mere 47. Long remembered as a small incident in the war between 
the Whites and the Reds, the true scale of the killing in Astrakhan is now 
known, thanks to recently published archival documents. 1 - 1 These documents 
reveal that it was the largest massacre of workers by Bolsheviks before the 
events at Kronstadt. 

At the end of 1919 and the beginning of 1920 relations between the 
Bolsheviks and the workers deteriorated even further, following the militariza- 
tion of more than 2,000 businesses. As the principal architect of the militari- 
zation of the workplace, Trotsky laid out his ideas on the issue at the Ninth 
Party Congress in March 1920. Trotsky explained that humans are naturally 
lazy. Under capitalism, people were forced to search for work to survive. The 
capitalist market acted as a stimulus to man, but under socialism "the utilization 
of work resources replaces the market." It was thus the job of the state to direct, 
assign, and place the workers, who were to obey the state as soldiers obey orders 
in the army, because the state was working in the interests of the proletariat. 
Such was the basis of the militarization of the workplace, which was vigorously 
criticized by a minority of syndicalists, union leaders, and Bolshevik directors. 
In practice this meant the outlawing of strikes, which were compared to deser- 
tion in times of war; an increase in the disciplinary powers of employers; the 
total subordination of all unions and factory committees, whose role henceforth 
was to be simply one of support for the producers' policies; a ban on workers' 

The Dirty War 

leaving their posts; and punishments for absenteeism and lateness, both of 
which were exceedingly widespread because workers were often out searching 
for food. 

The general discontent in the workplace brought about by militarization 
was compounded by the difficulties of everyday life. As was noted in a report 
submitted by the Cheka to the government on 16 December 1919: 

Of late the food crisis has gone from bad to worse, and the working 
masses arc starving. They no longer have the physical strength necessary 
to continue working, and more and more often they are absent simply as 
a result of the combined effects of cold and hunger. In many of the 
metallurgical companies in Moscow, the workers are desperate and 
ready to take to take any measures necessary — strikes, riots, insurrec- 
tions—unless some sort of solution to these problems is found immedi- 
ately. 14 

At the beginning of 1920 the monthly salary for a worker in Petrograd 
was between 7,000 and 12,000 rubles. On the free market a pound of butter 
cost 5,000 rubles, a pound of meat cost 3,000, and a pint of milk 500. Each 
worker was also entitled to a certain number of products according to the 
category in which he was classed. In Petrograd at the end of 1919, a worker in 
heavy industry was entitled to a half-pound of bread a day, a pound of sugar a 
month, half a pound of fat, and four pounds of sour herring. 

In theory citizens were divided into five categories of "stomach," from the 
workers in heavy industry and Red Army soldiers to the "sedentary" — a par- 
ticularly harsh classification that included any intellectual — and were given 
rations accordingly. Because the "sedentary" — the intellectuals and aristo- 
crats — were served last, they often received nothing at all, since often there was 
nothing left. The "workers" were divided into an array of categories that 
favored the sectors vital to the survival of the regime. In Petrograd in the winter 
of 1919-20 there were thirty-three categories of ration cards, which were never 
valid for more than one month. In the centralized food distribution system that 
the Bolsheviks had put in place, the food weapon played a major role in 
rewarding or punishing different categories of citizens. "The bread ration 
should be reduced for anyone who doesn't work in the transport sector, as it is 
now of such capital importance, and it should be increased for people who do 
work in this sector," wrote Lenin to Trotsky on 1 February 1920. 'if it must 
be so, then let thousands die as a result, but the country must be saved." 15 

When this policy came into force, all those who had links with the country, 
and that meant a considerable number of people, tried desperately to go back 
to their villages as often as possible to bring back some food. 

The militarization measures, designed to "restore order" in the factories, 


A State against Its People 

had the opposite effect, and led to numerous stoppages, strikes, and riots, all 
of which were ruthlessly crushed. u The best place for strikers, those noxious 
yellow parasites," said Pravda on 12 February 1920, u is the concentration 
camp!" According to the records kept at the People's Commissariat of Labor, 
77 percent of all large and medium-sized companies in Russia were affected by 
strikes in the first half of 1920. Significantly, the areas worst affected — metal- 
lurgy, the mines, and the transport sector — were also the areas in which mili- 
tarization was most advanced. Reports from the secret Cheka department 
addressed to the Bolshevik leaders throw a harsh and revealing light on the 
repression used against factories and workers who resisted the militarization 
process. Once arrested, they were usually sentenced by revolutionary courts for 
crimes of "sabotage 11 and "desertion. 1 ' At Simbirsk (formerly Ulyanovsk), to 
take but one example, twelve workers from the armaments factory were sent to 
camps in April 1920 for having "carried out acts of sabotage by striking in the 
Italian manner . . . spreading anti-Soviet propaganda, playing on the religious 
superstitions and the weak political convictions of the masses . , . and spreading 
erroneous information about Soviet policies regarding salaries." ,h Behind this 
obfuscatory language lay the likelihood that the accused had done little more 
than take breaks that were not authorized by their bosses, protested against 
having to work on Sundays, criticized the Communists, and complained about 
their own miserable salaries. 

The top leaders of the Party, including Lenin, called for an example to be 
made of the strikers. On 29 January 1920, worried by the tense situation 
regarding workers in the Ural region, Lenin sent a telegram to Vladimir 
Smirnov, head of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Fifth Army: "P. 
has informed me that the railway workers are clearly involved in acts of sabo- 
tage ... I am told that workers from Izhevsk are also involved in this. 1 am 
surprised that you are taking the matter so lightly, and are not immediately 
executing large numbers of strikers for the crime of sabotage." 17 Many strikes 
started up in 1920 as a direct result of militarization: in Ekaterinburg in March 
1920, 80 workers were arrested and sent to camps; on the Ryazan-Ural Railway 
in April 1920, 100 railway workers were given the same punishment; on the 
Moscow-Kursk line in May 1920, 160 workers met the same fate, as did 152 
workers in a metallurgy factory in Bryansk in June 1920. Many other strikes 
protesting militarization were suppressed in a similarly brutal fashion. 1 " 

One of the most remarkable strikes took place in the Tula arms factory, a 
crucial center of protest against the Bolshevik regime, which had already been 
severely punished for its actions in April 1919. On Sunday, 6 June 1920, a 
number of metallurgy workers refused to work the extra hours that the bosses 
demanded. Female workers then refused to work on that Sunday and on 
Sundays thereafter in general, explaining that Sunday was the only day they 

The Dirty War 


could go out looking for food in the surrounding countryside. In response to a 
call from the factory bosses, a large detachment from the Cheka arrived to arrest 
the strikers. Martial law was decreed, and a troika made up of Party repre- 
sentatives and representatives of the Cheka was instructed to denounce a 
"counterrevolutionary conspiracy fomented by Polish spies and the Black Hun- 
dreds to weaken the combat strength of the Red Army." 

While the strike spread and arrests of the "leaders" multiplied, a new 
development changed the usual course of developments; in hundreds, and then 
in thousands, female workers and simple housewives presented themselves to 
the Cheka asking to be arrested too. The movement spread, and the men 
demanded to be arrested en masse as well in order to make the idea of a Polish 
conspiracy appear even more ridiculous. In four days more than 10,000 people 
were detained in a huge open-air space guarded by the Cheka. Temporarily 
overwhelmed by the numbers, and at a loss about how to present the informa- 
tion to Moscow, the local Party organizations and the Cheka finally persuaded 
the central authorities that there was indeed an enormous conspiracy afoot. A 
Committee for the Liquidation of the Tula Conspiracy interrogated thousands 
of prisoners in the hope of finding a few guilty conspirators. To be set free, 
hired again, and given a new ration book, all the workers who had been arrested 
had to sign the following statement: "I, the undersigned, a filthy criminal dog, 
repent before the revolutionary court and the Red Army, confess my sins, and 
promise to work conscientiously in the future." 

In contrast to other protest strikes, the Tula confrontation in the summer 
of 1920 was treated with comparative leniency: only 28 people were sentenced 
to camps, and 200 were sent into exile. V) At a time when a highly skilled 
workforce was comparatively rare, the Bolsheviks could hardly do without the 
best armaments workers in the country. Terror, like food, had to take into 
account the importance of the sector in question and the higher interests of 
the regime. 

 lowever important the workers 1 front was strategically and symbolically, it was 
only one of the man) internal fronts of the civil war. The struggle against the 
Greens, the peasants who were resisting requisitioning and conscription, was 
often far more important. Reports now available for the first time from the 
special departments of the Cheka and from the Troops for the Internal De- 
fense of the Republic, whose task was to deal with deserters and to put down 
mutinies and peasant riots, reveal the full horror of the extraordinary violence 
of this "dirtv war," which went on beyond the more obvious conflicts between 
the Reds and the Whites. It was in this crucial struggle between Bolshevik 
power and the peasantry that the policy of terror, based on an extremely 
pessimistic view of the masses, was really forged: "They are so ignorant," 


A State against Its People 

wrote Dzerzhinsky, "that they have no idea what is really in their own inter- 
est." The brute masses, it was felt, could be tamed only by force, by the "iron 
broom" that Trotsky mentioned in a characteristic image when describing the 
repressions he had used "to clean" Ukraine and "sweep away" the u bandit 
hordes" led by Nestor Makhno and other peasant chiefs. 20 

The peasant revolts had started in the summer of 1918. They became 
much more widespread in 1919 and 1920 and culminated in 1920-21, when 
they momentarily obliged the Bolshevik forces to retreat slightly. 

There were two obvious reasons for these peasant revolts: the constant 
requisitioning of goods and the enforced conscription into the Red Army. In 
January 1919 the rather disorganized foraging for agricultural surpluses that 
had characterized the first operations of the summer of 1918 was replaced by 
a centralized and more carefully planned requisitioning system. Every prov- 
ince, district, canton (volost), and village community had to hand over to the 
state a quota that was fixed in advance in accordance with estimates about the 
size of the harvest. In addition to grains, the quotas included some twenty-odd 
products such as potatoes, honey, eggs, butter, cooking oil, meat, cream, and 
milk. Each community was responsible for the collection itself. Only when the 
whole village had filled its quota did the authorities distribute receipts allowing 
people to buy manufactured goods, and even then only about 15 percent of the 
people's needs in that department were actually met. Payment for the agricul- 
tural harvest was more or less symbolic by this stage. By the end of 1920 the 
ruble had lost 96 percent of its previous value relative to the prewar gold- 
standard ruble. From 1918 to 1920 agricultural requisitioning increased three- 
fold, and peasant revolts, though difficult to calculate exactly, seem to have 
increased at approximately the same rate. 21 

Opposition to conscription, after three years in the trenches in "the im- 
perialist war, 1 ' was the second most frequent reason for the peasant revolts, 
often led by the Greens. It also accounted for the groups of deserters hiding in 
the woods. It is now believed that in 1919 and 1920 there were more than 
3 million deserters. In 1919 around 500,000 deserters were arrested by various 
departments of the Cheka and the special divisions created to combat desertion; 
in the following year the figure rose to between 700,000 and 800,000. Even so, 
somewhere between 1.5 and 2 million deserters, most of them peasants who 
knew the territory extremely well, managed to elude the authorities. 22 

Faced with the scale of the problem, the government took ever more 
repressive measures. Not only were thousands of deserters shot, but the fami- 
lies of deserters were often treated as hostages. After the summer of 1918 the 
hostage principle was applied in more and more ordinary situations. For exam- 
ple, a government decree of 15 February 1919 signed by Lenin encouraged 
local Chekas to take hostages from among the peasants in regions where the 

The Dirty War 


railway lines had not yet been cleared of snow to a satisfactory standard: "And 
if the lines aren't sw r ept properly, the hostages are to be shot." 2:i On 12 May 
1920 Lenin sent the following instructions to all the provincial commissions 
and detachments responsible for tracing deserters: "After the expiration of the 
seven-day deadline for deserters to turn themselves in, punishments must be 
increased for these incorrigible traitors to the cause of the people. Families and 
anyone found to be assisting them in any way whatsoever are to be considered 
as hostages and treated accordingly." 24 In practice this decree did nothing more 
than legally sanction what was already common practice. The tidal wave of 
desertions nonetheless rolled on. In 1920 and 1921, as in 1919, deserters 
accounted for most of the Green partisans, against whom, for three years (or 
in some regions four or even five), the Bolsheviks waged a relentless war of 
unimaginable cruelty. 

Besides their resistance to requisitioning and conscription, the peasants 
generally rejected any intervention by what they considered to be a foreign 
power, in this case the Communists from the cities. As far as many of the 
peasants were concerned, the Communists responsible for the requisitioning 
were simply not the same people as the Bolsheviks who had encouraged the 
agricultural revolution in 1917. In the regions that were constantly changing 
hands between the Reds and the Whites, confusion and violence were at their 

The reports from different departments of the Cheka responsible for 
suppressing the insurrections are an exceptionally good source of information, 
and allow us to see many different sides of this guerrilla war. They often draw 
a distinction between two types of peasant movement: the bunt, a spontaneous 
revolt and brief flare-up of violence with a relatively limited number of par- 
ticipants, typically between a few dozen to a hundred or so rebels; and the 
vosstatiie, a large-scale insurrection involving thousands or even tens of thou- 
sands of peasants, organized into veritable armies capable of storming towns 
and cities, and held together by a coherent political program, usually with 
anarchist or Socialist Revolutionary tendencies. Excerpts from these reports 
give some idea of what went on: 

30 April 1919. Tambov Province. At the beginning of April, in the 
Lebyadinsky district, a riot broke out among kulaks and deserters pro- 
testing the mobilization of men and horses and the requisitioning of 
grain. With cries of "Down with the Communists! Down with the 
Soviets!" the rebels stormed and burned several of the Executive Com- 
mittees in the canton and killed seven Communists in a barbaric fashion, 
sawing them in half while they were still alive. Summoned by members 
of the requisitioning detachment, the 212th Battalion of the Cheka 
arrived and put down the kulak revolt. Sixty people were arrested, and 

94 A State against Its People 

fifty were executed immediately; the village where the rebellion started 
was razed. 

Voronezh Province, 11 June 1919, 16:15. Telegram. The situation is 
improving. The revolt in the Novokhopersk region is nearly over. Our 
planes bombed and set fire to the town of Tretyaki, one of the principal 
bandit strongholds. Mopping-up operations are continuing. 

Yaroslavl Province, 23 June 1919. The uprising of the deserters in the 
Petropavlovskaya volost has been put down. The families of the desert- 
ers have been taken as hostages. When we started to shoot one person 
from each family, the Greens began to come out of the woods and 
surrender. Thirty-four deserters were shot as an example. 2 ' 

Thousands of simitar reports bear witness to the great violence of this 
war between the authorities and peasant guerrillas, often caused by desertion 
but described in the reports as kulak revolts or bandit uprisings. 2f> The three 
excerpts above demonstrate the varieties of repression used most often by the 
authorities: the arrest and execution of hostages taken from the families of 
deserters or "bandits," and the bombing and burning of villages. These blind 
and disproportionate reprisals were based on the idea of the collective respon- 
sibility of the whole village community. The authorities generally laid down a 
deadline for the return of deserters, and once the deadline had expired, the 
deserters were considered to be "forest bandits" who were liable to be shot on 
sight. Moreover, it was made clear in the tracts of both the civil and the military 
authorities that "if the inhabitants of a village help the bandits in the forests 
in any way whatever, the whole village will be burned down." 

Some of the more general Cheka reports give a clearer idea of the scale 
of this war in the countryside. In the period 15 October-30 November 1918, 
in twelve provinces of Russia alone, there were 44 bunt riots, in which 2,320 
people were arrested, 620 were killed in the fighting, and 982 subsequently 
executed. During these disorders 480 Soviet functionaries were killed, as were 
112 men from the food detachments, the Red Army, and the Cheka. In Sep- 
tember 1919, for the ten Russian provinces for which reports are available, 
48,735 deserters and 7,325 "bandits" were arrested, 1,826 were killed, 2,230 
were executed, and there were 430 victims among the functionaries and the 
Soviet military. These very fragmentary reports do not include the much 
greater losses during the larger-scale peasant uprisings. 

The uprisings can be grouped around several periods of greater intensity: 
March and April 1919 for the regions of the mid-Volga and Ukraine; Febru- 
ary-August 1920 for the provinces of Samara, Ufa, Kazan, Tambov, and again 
Ukraine, which was retaken from the Whites by the Bolsheviks but whose 
heartlands were still controlled by the guerrilla peasants. From late 1920 

The Dirty War 


through the first half of 1921 the peasant movement, very much on the defen- 
sive in Ukraine, the Don, and the Kuban, culminated in huge resistance in the 
central provinces of Tambov, Penza, Samara, Saratov, Simbirsk, and Tsarit- 
syn. 27 The only factor that diminished the intensity of the peasant war here was 
the arrival of one of the worst famines of the twentieth century. 

It was in the rich provinces of Samara and Simbirsk, which in 1919 were 
required to provide more than one-fifth of the grain requisitions for the whole 
of Russia, that spontaneous peasant riots were transformed for the first time in 
March 1919 into a genuine insurrection. Do/ens of towns were taken by the 
insurrectionist peasant army, which by then numbered more than 30,000 armed 
soldiers. The Bolshevik central powers lost all control of Samara for more than 
a month. The rebellion facilitated the advance Toward the Volga of units from 
Admiral Kolchak's White Army, as the Bolsheviks were forced to send tens of 
thousands of men to deal with this extremely well-organized peasant army with 
a clear political program calling lor free trade, free elections to the Soviets, and 
an end to requisitioning and the "Bolshevik comrmssaroeracy." Summing up 
the situation in April 1919, after the end of the uprising, the head of the Cheka 
in Samara noted that 4,240 of the rebels had been killed in the fighting, 625 
had been subsequently shot, and 6,210 deserters and "bandits" had been ar- 

Just when the fire seemed to have been damped in Samara, it flared up 
again with unparalleled intensity in Ukraine. After the Germans and the Aus- 
tro-Hunganans had left at the end of 1918, the Bolshevik government had 
decided to recapture Ukraine. The breadbasket of the old tsarist empire, 
Ukraine was now to ctx the proletariat of Moscow and Petrograd. Requisi- 
tioning quotas were higher there than anywhere else in the Soviet empire. To 
meet them would have been to condemn thousands of villages, already badly 
damaged by the German and Austro-1 lungarian occupations, to certain star- 
vation, [n addition, unlike the policy in Russia at the end of 1917 for the sharing 
of land among the peasant communities, the Bolshevik intention for Ukraine 
was a straightforward nationalization of all the great properties, which were the 
most modern in the old empire. This policy, which aimed to transform the great 
sugar- and grain-producing areas into huge collective farms with the peasants 
as nothing more than agricultural laborers, was bound to provoke resistance. 
The peasants hail become militarized in the fight against the German and 
Austm-I lungarian occupying forces. By 1919 there existed real armies of tens 
of thousands of peasants, commanded by military chiefs and Ukrainian politi- 
cians such as Simon Pctlvura, Nestor Makhno, Mykola Hrvhorviv, and Zeleny. 
J he peasant armies were determined to implement their version of an agrarian 
revolution: land for the peasants, free trade, and free elections to the Soviets, 
"without Muscovites or Jews; 1 For many of the Ukrainian peasants, who had 


A State against Its People 

been born into a long tradition of antagonism between the countryside and the 
mostly Russian and Jewish towns, it was temptingly simple to make the equa- 
tion Muscovites = Bolsheviks = Jews. They were all to be expelled from 

These particularities of Ukraine explain the brutality and the length of 
the confrontations between the Bolsheviks and a large part of the Ukrainian 
peasantry. The presence of another party, the Whites, who were under assault 
at once by the Bolsheviks and by various peasant Ukrainian armies who op- 
posed the return of the great landowners, rendered the political and military 
situation even more complex; some cities, such as Kyiv, were to change hands 
fourteen times in the space of two years. 

The first great revolts against the Bolsheviks and their food-requisitioning 
detachments took place in April 1919. In that month alone, 93 peasant revolts 
took place in the provinces of Kyiv, Chernihiv, Poltava, and Odessa. For the 
first twenty days of July 1919 the Cheka's own statistics note 210 revolts, 
involving more than 100,000 armed combatants and several hundred thousand 
peasants. The peasant armies of Hryhoryiv, numbering more than 20,000, 
including several mutinying units from the Red Army, with 50 cannon and 
more than 700 heavy machine guns, took a whole series of towns in southern 
Ukraine in April and May 1919, including Cherkassy, Kherson, Nikolaev, and 
Odessa. They set up an independent interim government whose slogans stated 
their intentions quite clearly: "All power to the Soviets of the Ukrainian peo- 
ple," "Ukraine for the Ukrainians, down with the Bolsheviks and the Jews," 1 
"Share out the land," "Free enterprise, free trade." 2 * Zeleny's partisans, nearly 
20,000 armed men, held the entire province of Kyiv except for a few big cities. 
Under the slogan "Long live Soviet power, down with the Bolsheviks and the 
Jews!" they organized dozens of bloody pogroms against the Jewish commu- 
nities in the towns and villages of Kyiv and Chernihiv. The best known, thanks 
to numerous studies, are the actions of Nestor Makhno. At the head of a 
peasant army numbering tens of thousands, he espoused a simultaneously 
nationalist and social anarchist program that had been elaborated in several 
peasant congresses, including the Congress of Delegate Peasants, Workers, and 
Rebels of Gulyai-Pole, held in April 1919 in the midst of the Makhno uprising. 
The Makhnovists voiced their rejection of all interference by the state in 
peasant affairs and a desire for peasant self-government on the basis of freelv 
elected Soviets. Along with these basic demands came another series of claims, 
shared by other peasant movements, such as calls for the end of requisitioning, 
the elimination of taxes, freedom for socialist and anarchist parties, the redis- 
tribution of land, the end of the "Bolshevik eommissarocracy," and the expul- 
sion of the special troops and the Cheka. 2 '' 

The hundreds of peasant uprisings in the spring and summer of 1919 

The Dirty War 


behind the lines of the Red Army played a key role in the short-lived victories 
by General Denikin's troops. Moving out of southern Ukraine on 19 May 1919, 
the White Army advanced rapidly while the Red Army was busy putting down 
the peasant rebellions. Denikin's troops took Kharkiv on 12 June, Kyiv on 28 
August, and Voronezh on 30 September. The retreat of the Bolsheviks, who 
had established a power base only in the big cities and left the countryside in 
the hands of the peasants, was greeted by large-scale executions of prisoners 
and hostages. In a hasty retreat through the countryside held by the peasant 
guerrillas, the Red Army detachments and the Cheka gave no quarter. They 
burned villages by the hundreds and carried out massive executions of bandits, 
deserters, and hostages. The retreat and the subsequent reconquest of Ukraine 
at the end of 1919 and the beginning of 1920 were the settings for scenes of 
extraordinary violence against the civilian population, as recounted in Isaac 
Babel's masterpiece, The Red Cavalry. M) 

By early 1920 the White armies, with the exception of a few straggling 
units that had taken refuge in the Crimea under the command of Baron Pyotr 
Wrangel, Dcnikin's successor, had been defeated. The Bolshevik forces and the 
peasants were thus left face to face. From then until 1922, the conflict with the 
Bolshevik authorities precipitated extremely bloody repression. In February 
and March 1920 a huge new uprising, known as the "Pitchfork Rebellion," 
stretched from the Volga to the Urals, in the provinces of Kazan, Simbirsk, 
and Ufa. Populated by Russians, but also by Tatars and Bashkirs, the regions 
in question had been subject to particularly heavy requisitioning. Within weeks 
the rebellion had taken root in almost a dozen districts. The peasant army 
known as "The Black Eagle" counted more than 50,000 soldiers at its height. 
Armed with cannons and heavy machine guns, the Troops for the Internal 
Defense of the Republic overwhelmed the rebels, who were armed with only 
pitchforks and axes. In a few days thousands of rebels were massacred and 
hundreds of villages burned. 31 

Despite the rapid crushing of the Pitchfork Rebellion, the peasant revolts 
continued to spread, flaring up next in the provinces of the mid-Volga region, 
in Tambov, Penza, Samara, Saratov, and Tsaritsyn, all of which had suffered 
heavily from requisitioning. The Bolshevik leader Antonov-Ovseenko, who led 
the repressions against the rebel peasants in Tambov, later acknowledged that 
the requisitioning plans of 1920 and 1921, if carried out as instructed, would 
have meant the certain death of the peasants. On average, they were left with 
1 pud (35 pounds) of grain and 1.5 pudy (about 55 pounds) of potatoes per 
person each year — approximately one-tenth of the minimum requirements for 
life. These peasants in the provinces were thus engaged in a straightforward 
fight for survival in the summer of 1920. It was to continue for two years, until 
the rebels were finally defeated by hunger. 


A State against Its People 

The third great center of conflict between peasants and Bolsheviks in 1920 
was Ukraine itself, most of which had been reconquered from the White armies 
between December 1919 and February 1920; but the countryside had remained 
under the control of hundreds of detachments of free Greens of various 
allegiances, many of them affiliated with Makhno's command. Unlike the Black 
Eagles, the Ukrainian detachments were well armed, since they were made up 
largely of deserters. In the summer of 1920 Makhno's army numbered 15,000 
men, 2,500 cavalry, approximately 100 heavy machine guns, twenty artillery 
pieces, and two armored vehicles. Hundreds of smaller groups, numbering 
from a dozen to several hundred, also put up stout resistance against the 
Bolshevik incursions. To fight these peasant guerrillas, the government in May 
1920 called on the services of Feliks D/er/hinsky, naming him "Commander 
in Chief of the Rear Front of the Southwest.' 1 Dzerzhinsky remained in 
Kharkiv for more than two months, setting up twenty-four special units of the 
Troops for the Internal Defense of the Republic, elite units with special cavalry 
detachments trained to pursue retreating rebels, as well as airplanes to bomb 
bandit strongholds. 12 Their task was to eradicate all peasant guerrillas within 
three months. In fact the operation took more than two years, lasting from 
the summer of 1920 until the autumn of 1922, and cost tens of thousands of 

Among the episodes in the struggle between peasants and the Bolshevik 
authorities, "de-Cossackization" — the systematic elimination of the Cossacks 
of the Don and the Kuban as social groups — occupies a special place. For the 
first time, on the principle of collective responsibility, a new regime took a 
series of measures specially designed to eliminate, exterminate, and deport the 
population of a whole territory, which Soviet leaders had taken to calling the 
"Soviet Vendee."-" These operations were plainly not the result of military 
excesses in the heat of battle, but were carefully planned in advance in response 
to decrees from the highest levels of state authority, directly implicating nu- 
merous top-ranking politicians, including Lenin, Sergo Ordzhonikidze, Sergei 
Syrtsov, Grigory Sokolnikov, and Isaac Reingold. Momentarily halted in the 
spring of 1919 because of military setbacks, the process of dc-Cossackization 
resumed with even greater cruelty in 1920, after Bolshevik victories in the Don 
and the Kuban. 

The Cossacks, who since December 1917 had been deprived of the status 
they had enjoyed under the old regime, were classified by the Bolsheviks as 
"kulaks" and "class enemies"; and as a result they joined forces with the White 
armies that had united in southern Russia in the spring of 1918 under the 
banner of Ataman Krasnov. In February 1919, after the general advance of the 
Bolsheviks into Ukraine and southern Russia, the first detachment of the Red 

The Dirty War 


Army penetrated the Cossack territories along the Don. At the outset the 
Bolsheviks took measures to destroy everything that made the Cossacks a 
separate group: their land was confiscated and redistributed among Russian 
colonizers or local peasants who did not have Cossack status; they were ordered, 
on pain of death, to surrender all their arms (historically, as the traditional 
frontier soldiers of the Russian empire, all Cossacks had a right to bear arms); 
and all Cossack administrative assemblies were immediately dissolved. 

All these measures were part of the preestablished de-Cossackization plan 
approved in a secret resolution of the Bolshevik Party's Central Committee on 
24 January 1919: "In view of the experiences of the civil war against the 
Cossacks, we must recognize as the only politically correct measure massive 
terror and a merciless fight against the rich Cossacks, who must be extermi- 
nated and physically disposed of, down to the last man."- 14 

In practice, as acknowledged by Reingold, the president of the Revolu- 
tionary Committee of the Don, who was entrusted with imposing Bolshevik 
rule in the Cossack territories, "what was carried out instead against the 
Cossacks was an indiscriminate policy of massive extermination. "^ From mid- 
February to mid-March 1919, Bolshevik detachments executed more than 
8,000 Cossacks.-*' 1 In each stamina (Cossack village) revolutionary courts passed 
summary judgments in a matter of minutes, and whole lists of suspects were 
condemned to death, generally for "counterrevolutionary behavior." In the face 
of this relentless destruction, the Cossacks had no choice but to revolt. 

The revolt began in the district of Veshenskaya on 11 March 1919. The 
well-organized rebels decreed the general mobilization of all males aged sixteen 
to fifty-five and sent out telegrams urging the whole population to rise up 
against the Bolsheviks throughout the Don region and as far as the remote 
province of Voronezh. 

"We, the Cossacks," they explained, "are not anti-Soviet. We are in favor 
of free elections. We are against the Communists, collective farming, and the 
Jews. We are against requisitioning, theft, and the endless round of executions 
practiced by the Chekas." 17 At the beginning of April the Cossack rebels 
represented a well-armed force of nearly 30,000 men, all hardened by battle. 
Operating behind the lines of the Red Army, which, farther south, was fighting 
Denikin's troops together with the Kuban Cossacks, these rebels of the Don, 
like their Ukrainian counterparts, contributed in no small measure to the huge 
advance of the White Army in May and June 1919. At the beginning of June 
the Cossacks of the Don and the Kuban joined up with the greater part of the 
White armies. The whole of the "Cossack Vendee" was freed from the dreaded 
power of the "Muscovites, Jews, and Bolsheviks." 

But the Bolsheviks were back in February 1920. The second military 
occupation of the Cossack lands was even more murderous than the first. The 


A State against Its People 

whole Don region was forced to make a grain contribution of 36 million pudy, 
a quantity that easily surpassed the total annual production of the area; and the 
whole local population was robbed not only of its meager food and grain 
reserves but also of all its goods, including "shoes, clothes, bedding, and samo- 
vars," according to a Cheka report. 18 Every man who was still fit to fight 
responded to this institutionalized pillaging by joining groups of rebel Greens, 
which by July 1920 numbered at least 35,000 in the Kuban and Don regions. 
Trapped in the Crimea since February, General Wrangel decided in a last 
desperate attempt to free himself from the Bolsheviks 1 grip on the region by 
joining forces with the Cossacks and the Greens of Kuban. On 17 August 1 920, 
5,000 men landed near Novorossiisk. Faced with the combined forces of the 
Whites, Cossacks, and Greens, the Bolsheviks were forced to abandon Ekater- 
inodar, the main city of the Kuban region, and then to retreat from the region 
altogether. Although Wrangel made progress in the south of Ukraine, the 
Whites' successes were short-lived. Overcome by the numerically superior 
Bolshevik forces, Wrangel's troops, hampered by the large number of civilians 
that accompanied them, retreated in total disarray toward the Crimea at the 
end of October. The retaking of the Crimea by the Bolsheviks, the last con- 
frontation between the Red and White forces, was the occasion of one of rhe 
largest massacres in the civil war. At least 50,000 civilians were killed by the 
Bolsheviks in November and December 1920.- 19 

Finding themselves again on the losing side, the Cossacks were again 
devastated by the Red Terror. One of the principal leaders of the Cheka, the 
Latvian Karl Lander, was named ''Plenipotentiary of the Northern Caucasus 
and the Don" One of his first actions was to establish troiki, special commis- 
sions in charge of de-Cossackization. In October 1920 alone these troiki con- 
demned more than 6,000 people to death, all of whom were executed 
immediately. 40 The families, and sometimes even the neighbors, of Green par- 
tisans or of Cossacks who had taken up arms against the regime and had 
escaped capture, were systematically arrested as hostages and thrown into 
concentration camps, which Martin Latsis, the head of the Ukrainian Cheka, 
acknowledged in a report as being genuine death camps: "Gathered together 
in a camp near Maikop, the hostages, women, children, and old men survive in 
the most appalling conditions, in the cold and the mud of October . . . They 
are dying like flies. The women will do anything to escape death. The soldiers 
guarding the camp take advantage of this and treat them as prostitutes.' 141 

All resistance was mercilessly punished. When its chief fell into an am- 
bush, the Pyatigorsk Cheka organized a "day of Red Terror" that went well 
beyond instructions from Lander, who had recommended that "this act of 
terrorism should be turned to our advantage to take important hostages with a 
view to executing them, and as a reason to speed up the executions of White 

The Dirty War 


spies and counterrevolutionaries in general. 1 " In Lander's words, "The Pya- 
tigorsk Cheka decided straight out to execute 300 people in one day. They 
divided up the town into various boroughs and took a quota of people from 
each, and ordered the Party to draw up execution lists . . . This rather unsat- 
isfactory method led to a great deal of private settling of old scores ... In 
Kislovodsk, for lack of a better idea, it was decided to kill people who were in 
the hospital. 1142 

One of the most effective means of de-Cossackization was the destruction 
of Cossack towns and the deportation of all survivors. The files of Sergo 
Ordzhonikidze, who was president of the Revolutionary Committee of the 
Northern Caucasus at the time, contain documents detailing one such opera- 
tion in late October and early November 1920. On 23 October Ordzhonikidze 

1. The town of Kalinovskaya to be burned 

2. The inhabitants of Ermolovskaya, Romanovskaya, Samachin- 
skava, and Mikhailovskaya to be driven out of their homes, and 
the houses and land redistributed among the poor peasants, par- 
ticularly among the Chechens, who have always shown great re- 
spect for Soviet power 

3. All males aged eighteen to fifty from the above-mentioned 
towns to be gathered into convoys and deported under armed es- 
cort to the north, where they will be forced into heavy labor 

4. Women, children, and old people to be driven from their homes, 
although they are to be allowed to resettle farther north 

5. All the cattle and goods of the above-mentioned towns to be 
seized 4 ' 

Three weeks later Ordzhonikidze received a report outlining how the operation 
had progressed: 

Kalinovskaya: town razed and the whole population (4,220) deported or 

Ermolovskaya: emptied of all inhabitants (3,218) 
Romanovskaya: 1,600 deported, 1,661 awaiting deportation 
Samaehinskaya: 1,018 deported, 1,900 awaiting deportation 
Mikhailovskaya: 600 deported, 2,200 awaiting deportation 

In addition, 1 54 carriages of foodstuffs have been sent to Grozny. In the 
three towns where the process of deportation is not yet complete, the 
first people to be deported were the families of Whites and Greens and 
anyone who participated in the last uprising. Among those still awaiting 
deportation are the known supporters of the Soviet regime and the 
families of Red Army soldiers, Soviet officials, and Communists. The 


A State agatnst Its People 

delay is to be explained by the Jack of railway carriages. On average, only 
one convoy per day can be devoted to these operations. To finish the 
operation as soon as possible, we urgently request 306 extra railway 
carriages. 44 

How did such "operations" come to an end? Unfortunately, there are no 
documents to provide an answer. It is clear that they continued for a consider- 
able time, and that they almost always ended with deportations not to the great 
northern regions, as was to be the case for many years to come, but instead to 
the mines of Donetsk, which were closer. Given the state of the railways in 
1920, the operation must have been fairly chaotic. Nonetheless, in their general 
shape and intention the de-Cossackization operations of 1920 prefigure the 
larger-scale dekulakization operations of ten years later. They share the same 
idea of collective responsibility, the same process of deportation in convoys, 
the same organizational problems, the same unpreparedness of the destinations 
for the arrival of prisoners, and the same principle of forcing deportees into 
heavy labor. The Cossack regions of the Don and the Kuban paid a heavy price 
for their opposition to the Bolsheviks. According to the most reliable estimates, 
between 300,000 and 500,000 people were killed or deported in 1919 and 1920, 
out of a population of no more than 3 million. 

Among the atrocities whose scale is the most difficult to gauge are the 
massacres of prisoners and hostages who were taken simply on the basis of 
their "belonging to an enemy class" or being "socially undesirable." These 
massacres were part of the logic of the Red Terror in the second half of 1918, 
but on an even larger scale. The massacres on the basis of class were constantly 
justified with the claim that a new world was coming into being, and that 
everything was permitted to assist the difficult birth, as an editorial explained 
in the first issue of Krasnyt mech (The Red sword), the newspaper of the kyiv 

We reject the old systems of morality and "humanity" invented by the 
bourgeoisie to oppress and exploit the "lower classes." Our morality has 
no precedent, and our humanity is absolute because it rests on a new 
ideal. Our aim is to destroy all forms of oppression and violence. To us, 
everything is permitted, for we are the first to raise the sword not to 
oppress races and reduce them to slavery, but to liberate humanity from 
its shackles . . . Blood? Let blood flow like water! Let blood stain forever 
the black pirate's flag flown by the bourgeoisie, and let our flag be 
blood-red forever! For only through the death of the old world can we 
liberate ourselves forever from the return of those jackals! 4 ' 

Such murderous calls found many ready to respond, and the ranks of the 
Cheka were filled with social elements anxious for revenge, recruited as they 

The Dirty War 


often were, as the Bolshevik leaders themselves acknowledged and even recom- 
mended, from the ranks of u the criminals and the socially degenerate." In a 
letter of 22 March to Lenin, the Bolshevik leader Serafina Gopner described 
the activities of the Ekaterinoslavl Cheka: "This organization is rotten to the 
core: the canker of criminality, violence, and totally arbitrary decisions abounds, 
and it is filled with common criminals and the dregs of society, men armed to 
the teeth who simply execute anyone they don't like. They steal, loot, rape, and 
throw anyone into prison, forge documents, practice extortion and blackmail, 
and will let anyone go in exchange for huge sums of money." 46 

The files of the Central Committee, like those of Feliks Dzerzhinsky, 
contain innumerable reports from Party leaders or inspectors from the secret 
police detailing the "degenerate acts" of local Chekas "driven mad by blood 
and violence." The absence of any juridical or moral norm often resulted in 
complete autonomy for local Chekas. No longer answerable for their actions to 
any higher authority, they became bloodthirsty and tyrannical regimes, uncon- 
trolled and uncontrollable. Three extracts from dozens of almost identical 
Cheka reports illustrate the slide into almost total anarchy. 

First, a report from Smirnov, a Cheka training instructor in Syzran, in 
Tambov Province, to Dzerzhinsky, on 22 March 1919: 

I have checked up on the events surrounding the kulak uprising in the 
Novo-Matryonskaya volost. The interrogations were carried out in a 
totally chaotic manner. Seventy-five people were tortured, hut it is im- 
possible to make head or tail of any of the written reports . . . Five 
people were shot on 16 February, and thirteen the following day. The 
report on the death sentences and the executions is dated 28 February. 
When I asked the local Cheka leader to explain himself, he answered, 
"We didn't have time to write the reports at the time. What does it 
matter anyway, when we are trying to wipe out the bourgeoisie and the 
kulaks as a class?" 4 ' 

Next, a report from the secretary of the regional organization of the 
Bolshevik Party in Yaroslavl on 26 September 1919: "The Cheka are looting 
and arresting everyone indiscriminately. Safe in the knowledge that they cannot 
be punished, they have transformed the Cheka headquarters into a huge brothel 
where they take all the bourgeois women. Drunkenness is rife. Cocaine is being 
used quite widely among the supervisors, " 4S 

Finally, a report from N. Roscntal, inspector of the leadership of special 
departments, dated 16 October 1919: 

Atarbekov, chief of the special departments of the Eleventh Army, is 
now refusing to recognize the authority of headquarters. On 30 July, 
when Comrade [Andrei | Zakovsky, who was sent from Moscow to ex- 


A State against Its People 

amine the work of special departments, came to see [Georgy] Atarbekov, 
the latter answered openly, u Tell Dzerzhinsky I am refusing his con- 
trol." No administrative norm is being respected by these people, who 
for the most part are highly dubious, if not plainly criminal in their 
behavior. The Operations Department keeps almost no records what- 
ever. For death sentences and the execution of such sentences, I found 
no individual judgments, just lists, for the most part incomplete, of 
people killed, with the mention "Shot at the behest of Comrade Atar- 
bekov." As for the events of March, it is impossible to get any clear idea 
of who was shot or why . . . Orgies and drunkenness are daily occur- 
rences. Almost all the personnel of the Cheka are heavy cocaine users. 
They say that this helps them deal with the sight of so much blood on a 
daily basis. Drunk with blood and violence, the Cheka is doing its duty, 
but it is made up of uncontrollable elements that will require close 
surveillance. 49 

The internal reports of the Party and the Cheka confirm the numerous 
statements collected in 1919 and 1920 by the enemies of the Bolsheviks, and 
particularly by the Commission of Special Inquiry into Bolshevik Crimes, 
established by General Denikin, whose archives, after being transferred from 
Prague to Moscow in 1945, were long inaccessible but are now open to public 
scrutiny. In 1926 the Russian Socialist Revolutionary historian Sergei Mel- 
gunov, in his book The Red Terror in Russia, had tried to catalogue the main 
massacres of prisoners, hostages, and civilians who were killed en masse by the 
Bolsheviks, usually on the basis of class. Though incomplete, the list of the 
principal episodes mentioned in that pioneering work is fully confirmed by a 
whole variety of documentary sources coming from the two different camps in 
question. Because of the organizational chaos that reigned in the Chekas, there 
are still gaps in this information regarding the exact number of people who 
died in the massacres, although we can be fairly certain of the number of 
massacres that took place. Using these various sources, one can attempt at least 
to list them in order of size. 

The massacres of "suspects," "hostages," and other "enemies of the peo- 
ple" who were locked up as a preventive measure or for simple administrative 
reasons in prisons or concentration camps started in September 1918, in the 
first wave of Red Terror. Once the categories of "suspects," "hostages," and 
"enemies of the people" had been established, and the concentration camps 
were in place, the machinery of repression could simply swing into action. The 
trigger for this war, in which territory so often changed hands and each month 
brought some sort of turnaround in military fortunes, was usually nothing 
more than the taking of a village that until then had been occupied by the 

The Dirty War 


The imposition of the "dictatorship of the proletariat" in cities that had 
been captured or retaken always went through the same stages: the dissolution 
of previously elected assemblies, a ban on all trade— which invariably meant 
immediate price rises for food, and subsequent shortages— the nationalization 
of all businesses, and the levying of a huge tax on the bourgeoisie— 600 million 
rubles in Kharkiv in February 1919, 500 million in Odessa in April 1919. To 
ensure that this contribution was paid, hundreds of bourgeois would be taken 
as hostages and locked up in the concentration camps. In fact this contribution 
meant a sort of institutionalized pillaging, expropriation, and intimidation, the 
first step in the destruction of the "bourgeoisie as a social class." 

"In accordance with the resolutions of the Workers 1 Soviet, 13 May has 
been declared the day of expropriation of the property of the bourgeoisie," 
announced the lzvestiya of the Council of Workers' Delegates of Odessa on 
13 May 1919. "The property-owning classes will be required to fill in a ques- 
tionnaire detailing foodstuffs, shoes, clothes, jewels, bicycles, bedding, sheets, 
silverware, crockery, and other articles indispensable to the working population 
... It is the duty of all to assist the expropriation commissions in this sacred 
task. Anyone failing to assist the expropriation commissions will be arrested 
immediately. Anyone resisting will be executed without further delay." 

As Latsis, chief of the Cheka in Ukraine, acknowledged in a circular to 
local Chekas, the fruits of these expropriations went straight into the pockets 
of the Cheka or remained in the hands of the chiefs of the innumerable 
expropriation and requisitioning detachments or Red Guards. 

The second stage of the expropriations was the confiscation of bourgeois 
apartments. In this "class war," humiliation of the enemy was extremely im- 
portant. "We must treat them the way they deserve: the bourgeoisie respect 
only authority that punishes and kills," said the report of 26 April 1919 in the 
Odessa newspaper mentioned above. "If we execute a few dozen of these 
bloodsucking idiots, if we reduce them to the status of street sweepers and force 
their women to clean the Red Army barracks (and that would be an honor for 
them), they will understand that our power is here to stay, and that no one, 
neither the Knglish nor the Hottentots, is going to come and help them/' 50 

A recurring theme in numerous articles in Bolshevik newspapers in 
Odessa, Kyiv, Kharkiv, Kkaterinoslav, as well as in Perm, Ural, and Nizhni 
Novgorod, was the "humiliation" of bourgeois women, who were forced to 
clean toilets or the barracks of the Cheka or Red Guards. But this was merely 
the toned-down and politically presentable face of the much more brutal reality 
of rape, which according to innumerable statements took on gigantic propor- 
tions, particularly in the second reconquest of Ukraine and the Cossack regions 
of the Crimea in 1920. 

The logical culmination of the "extermination of the bourgeoisie as a 


A State against Its People 

class," the execution of prisoners, suspects, and hostages imprisoned simply 
on the basis of their belonging to the "possessing classes," is recorded in many 
of the cities taken by the Bolsheviks. In Kharkiv there were between 2,000 and 
3,000 executions in February-June 1919, and another 1,000-2,000 when the 
town was taken again in December of that year; in Rostov-on-Don, approxi- 
mately 1,000 in January 1920; in Odessa, 2,200 in May-August 1919, then 
1,500^3,000 between February 1920 and February 1921; in Kyiv, at least 3,000 
in February-August 1919; in Ekaterinodar, at least 3,000 between August 1920 
and February 1921; in Armavir, a small town in Kuban, between 2,000 and 
3,000 in August-October 1920. The list could go on and on. 

In fact many other executions took place elsewhere, but were not subject 
to close examination very soon afterward. Hence those that occurred in Ukraine 
or southern Russia are much better known than those of the Caucasus, Central 
Asia, and the Urals. The pace of executions was often stepped up as the enemy 
approached, or when the Bolsheviks were abandoning their position and "emp- 
tying" the prisons. In Kharkiv, in the days leading up to the arrival of the 
Whites, on 8 and 9 June 1919, hundreds of hostages were executed. In Kyiv 
more than 1,800 people were executed on 22-28 August, before the town was 
retaken by the Whites on 30 August. The same scenario played out at Ekater- 
inodar, where, in the face of the advancing Cossack troops, Atarbekov, head of 
the local Cheka, disposed of 1,600 bourgeois on 17-19 August, in a small 
provincial town whose population before the war numbered a mere 30,000 
inhabitants. 51 

Documents from the inquiry commissions of the White Army, which 
sometimes arrived a few days or even a few hours after the executions, contain 
a mass of statements, testimonies, autopsy reports, and photographs of the 
massacres and information about the identity of the victims. Although those 
who were executed at the last minute, generally with a bullet in the back of the 
head, showed few traces of torture, this was not always the case for the bodies 
that were dug out of the mass graves. The use of the most dreadful types of 
torture is evident from autopsy reports, circumstantial evidence, and eyewitness 
reports. Detailed descriptions of the torture are to be found both in Sergei 
Melgunov's Red Terror in Russia and in the report by the Central Committee 
of the Socialist Revolutionary Party, Cheka, published in Berlin in 1922. S2 

It was in the Crimea, when the last units of WrangePs White forces and 
the civilians who had fled before the Bolshevik advance were moving out, that 
these massacres were most intensive. From mid-November to the end of De- 
cember 1920, more than 50,000 people were shot or hanged.' 1 A large number 
of the executions happened immediately after the departure of WrangePs 
troops. In Sevastopol several hundred dock workers were shot on 26 November 
for having assisted in the White evacuation. On 28 and 30 November the 

The Dirty War 


Izvestiya of the Revolutionary Committee of Sevastopol published two lists of 
victims; the first contained 1,634 names, the second 1,202. In early December, 
when the first wave of executions had somewhat abated, the authorities began 
to draw up as complete a list as possible of the population of the main towns 
of the Crimea, where, they believed, tens or hundreds of thousands of bour- 
geois were hiding. On 6 December Lenin told an assembly in Moscow that 
300,000 bourgeois were hiding out in the Crimea. He gave an assurance that in 
the very near future these "elements," which constituted "a reservoir of spies 
and secret agents ready to leap to the defense of capitalism," would all be 
"punished." 54 

The military cordon that was closing off the Perekop isthmus, the only 
escape route by land, was reinforced; and once the trap was laid, the authorities 
ordered all inhabitants to present themselves to the local Cheka to fill in a 
questionnaire containing some fifty questions about their social origins, past 
actions, income, and other matters, especially their whereabouts in November 
1920 and their opinions about Poland, Wrangel, and the Bolsheviks. On the 
basis of these inquiries, the population was divided into three groups: those to 
be shot, those to be sent to concentration camps, and those to be saved. 
Statements from the few survivors, published in emigre newspapers the follow- 
ing year, describe Sevastopol, one of the towns that suffered most heavily under 
the repressions, as "the city of the hanged." "From Nakhimovsky, all one could 
see was the hanging bodies of officers, soldiers, and civilians arrested in the 
streets. The town was dead, and the only people left alive were hiding in lofts 
or basements. All the walls, shop fronts, and telegraph poles were covered with 
posters calling for 'Death to the traitors. 1 They were hanging people for fun." 55 
The last episode in the conflict between Whites and Reds was not to be 
the end of the terror. The military front of the civil war no longer existed, but 
the war to eradicate the enemy was to continue for another two years. 


From Tambov to the Great Famine 


X the end of 1920 the Bolshevik regime seemed poised to tri- 
umph. The remnants of the White armies had been defeated, the Cossacks had 
been beaten, and Makhno's detachments were in retreat. But although the war 
against the Whites was effectively over, the conflict between the new regime 
and large sections of the population was intensifying. The war against the 
peasants reached its height in the early months of 1921, when whole provinces 
were effectively beyond the control of the Bolsheviks. In the province of 
Tambov, one of the Volga provinces (which also included Samara, Saratov, 
Tsaritsyn, and Simbirsk) in western Siberia, the Bolsheviks held only the city 
of Tambov itself. The countryside was either in the hands of one of hundreds 
of groups of Greens or under the control of one of the peasant armies. Muti- 
nies broke out daily in the local Red Army garrisons. Strikes, riots, and work- 
ers' protest movements multiplied in the few areas of the countrv where 
industry still functioned— Moscow, Petrograd, Ivanovo Voznesensk, and Tula. 
At the end of February 1921, sailors from the Kronstadt naval base near 
Petrograd mutinied. The situation was becoming explosive, and the countrv 
was becoming ungovernable. In the face of a huge wave of social unrest that 
threatened to sweep away the regime, the Bolshevik leaders were forced to 
retreat and take the only step that could momentarily calm the massive, dan- 
gerous, and widespread discontent: they promised an end to requisitioning, 

From Tambov to the Great Famine 

which was to be replaced by taxes in kind. In March 1921, against this back- 
drop of conflict between society and the regime, the New Economic Policy 
(NEP) came into being. 

The dominant version of events has exaggerated for too long the extent 
to which March 1921 marked a break with the past. Hastily adopted on the last 
day of the Bolsheviks 1 Tenth Party Congress, the substitution of taxes in kind 
for requisitioning brought neither the end of the workers' strikes nor an abate- 
ment in terror. The archives that can now be consulted show that peace did not 
immediately result from this new regulation in the spring of 1921. In fact 
tensions remained extremely high until at least the summer of 1922 and in some 
regions until considerably later. Requisitioning detachments continued to scour 
the countryside, strikes were still put down brutally, and the last militant 
socialists were arrested. The "eradication of the bandits from the forests" was 
still pursued by any means possible, including large-scale executions of hos- 
tages and the bombing of villages with poison gas. In the final analysis, the 
rebellious countryside was beaten by the great famine of 1921-22: the areas 
that had suffered most heavily from requisitioning were the areas of rebellion 
and also the areas that suffered worst during the famine. As an "objective" ally 
of the regime, hunger was the most powerful weapon imaginable, and it also 
served as a pretext for the Bolsheviks to strike a heavy blow against both 
the Orthodox Church and the intelligentsia who had risen up against the 


Of all the revolts that had broken out since the introduction of requisi- 
tioning in the summer of 1918, the revolt of the peasants in Tambov was the 
largest, the most organized, and therefore the longest-lasting. Located less than 
300 miles southeast of Moscow, Tambov Province had been one of the bastions 
of the Socialist Revolutionary Party since the turn of the century. From 1918 
to 1920, despite heavy sanctions, the Party still had numerous militant activists. 
Tambov Province was also the largest wheat-producing area near Moscow, and 
since the autumn of 1918 more than 100 requisitioning detachments had been 
scouring this densely populated agricultural region. In 1919 a number of bunty 
(short-lived riots) had been put down as soon as they had flared up. In 1920 
the requisitioning requirements were increased, from 18 million to 27 million 
pudy while the peasants had considerably reduced the amount they sowed, 
knowing that anything they did not consume themselves would be immediately 
requisitioned. 1 To fill the quotas was thus to force the peasants into death by 
starvation On 19 August 1920 routine incidents involving the food detach- 
ments abruptly degenerated in the town of Khitrovo. As the local authorities 
themselves acknowledged, "the detachments committed a series of abuses. 
They looted everything in their path, even pillows and kitchen utensils, shared 
out the booty, and beat up old men of seventy in full view of the public. The 




A State against Its People 

old men were being punished for the absence of their sons, who were deserters 
hiding in the woods. The peasants were also angry that the confiscated grain, 
which had been taken to the nearest station by the cartload, was being left to 
rot in the open air." 2 

From Khitrovo the revolt spread rapidly. By the end of August 1920 more 
than 14,000 men, mostly deserters, armed with rifles, pitchforks, and scythes, 
had chased out or massacred all representatives of the Soviet regime from the 
three districts of Tambov Province. In the space of a few weeks, this peasant 
revolt, which at first could not be distinguished from the hundreds of others 
that had broken out all over Russia and Ukraine over the previous two years, 
was transformed into a well-organized uprising under the inspirational leader- 
ship of a first-class warlord, Aleksandr Stepanovich Antonov. 

A Socialist Revolutionary activist since 1906, Antonov had spent the years 
after 1908 as a political exile in Siberia, returning only in October 1917. Like 
many left Socialist Revolutionaries, he had rallied to the Bolshevik cause for a 
time, and had been the head of the local militia in Kirsanov, his native region. 
In August 1918 he had broken with the Bolsheviks and assumed leadership of 
one of the many bands of deserters that roamed the countryside, righting in 
guerrilla style against the requisitioning detachments and attacking the few- 
Soviet officials who dared go out into the remote villages. When the peasant 
revolt took hold in Kirsanov in August 1920, Antonov organized both a highly 
effective peasant militia and a remarkable information network that infiltrated 
even the Tambov Cheka. He also organized a propaganda service that distrib- 
uted tracts and proclamations denouncing the "Bolshevik commissarocracv" 
and mobilized the peasants around key popular demands such as free trade, the 
end of requisitioning, free elections, the elimination of Bolshevik commissari- 
ats, and the disbanding of the Cheka. * 

In parallel, the underground Socialist Revolutionary Party organization 
established the Union of Working Peasants, a clandestine network of militant 
peasants from the surrounding area. Despite serious tensions between Antonov 
and the leaders of the Union of Working Peasants, the peasant movement in 
the Tambov region basically had a military organization, an information net- 
work, and a political program that lent it strength and unity, things that no 
other peasant movement (with the possible exception of the Makhnovist move- 
ment) had possessed. 

In October 1920 the Bolsheviks controlled no more than the city of 
Tambov and a few provincial urban centers. Deserters flocked by the thousands 
to join Antonov's peasant army, which at its peak numbered more than 50,000. 
On 19 October, realizing at last the gravity of the situation, Lenin wrote to 
Dzerzhinsky: "It is vital that this movement be crushed as swiftly as possible 
in the most exemplary fashion: we must be more energetic than this!' H 

From Tambov to the Great Famine 


At the beginning of November the Bolsheviks in the area numbered no 
more than 5,000 Troops for the Internal Defense of the Republic. After the 
defeat of Wrangel in the Crimea, the number of troops deployed to Tambov 
Province quickly reached 100,000, including some detachments from the Red 
Army, who were nonetheless kept to a minimum when it came to suppressing 
popular revolts. 

After 1 January the peasant revolts spread to several other regions, includ- 
ing the whole of the lower Volga (the provinces of Samara, Saratov, Tsaritsyn, 
and Astrakhan), as well as western Siberia. The situation became explosive as 
famine threatened these rich, fertile regions that had been overtaxed for several 
years. In Samara Province the commander of the Volga Military District re- 
ported on 12 February 1921 that "crowds of thousands of starving peasants 
are besieging the barns where the food detachments have stored the grain that 
has been requisitioned for urban areas and the army. The situation has dete- 
riorated several times, and the army has been forced to open fire repeatedly on 
the enraged crowd." From Saratov the local Bolshevik leaders sent the follow- 
ing telegram to Moscow: "Banditry has overwhelmed the whole province. The 
peasants have seized all the stocks — 3 million pudy — from the state grain stores. 
They are heavily armed, thanks to all the rifles from the deserters. Whole units 
of the Red Army have simply vanished. " 

At the same time, about 600 miles eastward, a new trouble spot was 
emerging. Having extracted all the resources that it could from the prosperous 
agricultural regions of southern Russia and Ukraine, the Bolshevik government 
in the autumn of 1919 had turned to western Siberia, where the quotas were 
fixed arbitrarily on the basis of wheat export figures dating from 1913. Evi- 
dently no attempt was made to consider the difference between the old harvest, 
which had been destined for export and had been paid for with gold-standard 
rubles, and the pitifully meager reserves that the peasants had set aside for 
requisitioning. As in other regions, the Siberian peasants responded with an 
uprising to protect the results of their labors and to assure their own survival. 
From January to March 1921 the Bolsheviks lost control of the provinces of 
Tyumen, Omsk, Chelyabinsk, and Ekaterinburg — a territory larger than 
France. The Trans-Siberian Railway, the only link between western Russia and 
Siberia, was also cut off. On 21 February a Russian peasant army seized the 
city of Tobolsk, which Red Army units did not manage to retake until 30 
March. 5 

At the other end of the country, in both Petrograd, the old capital, and 
Moscow, the new one, the situation at the beginning of 1921 was almost as 
explosive. The economy had nearly stopped, and the transport system had 
ground to a halt. Most of the factories were closed or working at half-speed 
because of lack of fuel, and food supplies to the cities were in danger of ceasing 


A State against Its People 

altogether. All the workers were in the streets, in the surrounding villages 
scavenging for food, or standing around and talking in the freezing, half-empty 
factories, many of which had been stripped for items to exchange for food. 

"Discontent is widespread," said a Cheka Information Department report 
on 16 January. "The workers arc predicting the imminent demise of the regime. 
No one works any more because they are all too hungry. Strikes on a huge scale 
are bound to start any day now. The garrisons in Moscow are less and less 
trustworthy and could become uncontrollable at any moment. Preventive meas- 
ures are required."* 

On 21 January a government decree ordered a 30 percent reduction in 
bread rations for Moscow; Petrograd, Ivanovo Vozncsensk, and Kronstadt. 
Coming at a time when the last White armies had been defeated and the 
government could no longer claim that the counterrevolutionaries were to 
blame, this measure was enough to light the powderkeg of rebellion. From the 
end of January to mid-March 1921, strikes, protest meetings, hunger marches, 
demonstrations, and factory sit-ins occurred daily, reaching their height in 
Moscow and Petrograd at the end of February and the beginning of March. 
In Moscow from 22 to 24 March there were serious confrontations between 
Cheka detachments and groups of demonstrators who were attempting to force 
their way into the barracks to join forces with the soldiers. Man)- of the workers 
were shot, and hundreds were arrested. 7 

In Petrograd the troubles became more widespread after 22 February, 
when workers from several of the main factories voted in a new "Plenipoten- 
tiary Workers' Assembly" that was strongly Menshevik and Socialist Revolu- 
tionary in character. In its first decree the assembly demanded the elimination 
of the Bolshevik dictatorship, free elections to the soviet, freedom of speech, 
assembly, and the press, and the release of all political prisoners. To achieve 
these ends the assembly called for a general strike. The military command failed 
to stop several regiments from holding meetings that passed motions of support 
for the strikers. On 24 February Cheka detachments opened fire on a workers 1 
demonstration, killing twelve men. That same day, more than 1,000 workers 
and militant socialists were arrested. 8 Yet the ranks of the strikers continued to 
swell, with thousands of soldiers leaving their units to join forces with the 
workers. Four years after the February days that had overturned the tsarist 
regime, history seemed to be repeating itself as militant workers and mutinying 
soldiers joined forces. On 26 February at 9:00 p.m. Grigory Zinoviev, the head 
of the Bolshevik Party in Petrograd, sent a telegram to Lenin in panic: "The 
workers have joined up with the soldiers in the barracks . . . We are still waiting 
for the reinforcements we demanded from Novgorod. If they don't arrive in 
the next few hours, we are going to be overrun." 

Two days later came the event that the Bolshevik leaders had been fearing 

From Tambov to the Great Famine 


above all else: a mutiny of the sailors aboard the two warships in the Kronstadt 
base near Petrograd. Zinoviev sent another telegram to Lenin on 28 February 
at 11:00 p.m.: "Kronstadt: the two main ships, the Sevastopol and the 
Petropavlovsk, have adopted Socialist Revolutionary and Black Hundred reso- 
lutions and given us an ultimatum to which we have twenty-four hours to 
respond. The situation among the workers is very unstable. All the main 
factories are on strike. We think that the Socialist Revolutionaries are going to 
step up protests." 9 

The demands that Zinoviev labeled "Socialist Revolutionary and Black 
Hundred" were the same things that the immense majority of citizens were 
demanding after three years of Bolshevik dictatorship: free and secret elections, 
freedom of speech, and freedom of the press — at least for "workers, peasants, 
anarchists, and left-wing socialist parties." They also demanded equal rations 
for all, the freeing of all political prisoners, the convocation of a special com- 
mission to reexamine the cases of those imprisoned in concentration camps, an 
end to requisitioning, the abolition of special Cheka detachments, and freedom 
for the peasants "to do whatever they want with their land, and to raise their 
own livestock, provided they do it using their own resources " 10 

At Kronstadt events were gathering momentum. On 1 March a huge 
meeting gathered together more than 1 5,000 people, a quarter of the entire civil 
and military population of the naval base. Mikhail Kalinin, president of the 
Central Executive Committee of the Soviets, arrived in person to try to defuse 
the situation; but he failed to make himself heard over the boos of the crowd. 
The following day the rebels, joined by at least 2,000 Bolsheviks from Kron- 
stadt, formed a provisional revolutionary committee that attempted to link up 
with the strikers and soldiers from Petrograd. 

The daily Cheka reports on the situation in Petrograd in the first week of 
March 1921 leave no doubt about the widespread popular support for the 
mutiny at Kronstadt: "The Kronstadt revolutionary committee clearly expects 
a general uprising in Petrograd any day now. They have made contact with the 
mutineers and with a number of the factories. Today, at a meeting in the Arsenal 
factory, workers voted for a resolution to join the general insurrection. A 
delegation of three people — including an anarchist, a Menshevik, and a Social- 
ist Revolutionary — has been elected to keep in contact with Kronstadt." 11 

On 7 March the Petrograd Cheka received the order to "undertake deci- 
sive action against the workers." Within forty-eight hours more than 2,000 
workers, all known socialist or anarchist sympathizers or activists, were ar- 
rested. Unlike the mutineers, the workers were unarmed and could put up little 
resistance to the Cheka detachments. Having thus broken the support for the 
insurrection, the Bolsheviks carefully prepared the assault on Kronstadt itself 
The task of liquidating the rebellion was entrusted to General Mikhail Tuk- 


A State against Its People 

hachevsky. In opening fire on the crowd, the victor from the Polish campaign 
of 1920 used young recruits from the military school, who had no tradition of 
revolution, and special detachments from the Cheka. The operation began on 
8 March. Ten days later Kronstadt fell after thousands of people had lost their 
lives. Several hundred rebels who had been taken prisoner were shot over the 
next few days. The records of the event, recently published for the first time, 
show that from April to June 1921, 2,103 were sentenced to death and 6,459 
were sent to prison or to the camps. 12 Just before the fall of Kronstadt nearly 
8,000 people managed to escape across the ice to Finland, where they were 
interned in transit camps in Terioki, Vyborg, and Ino. Deceived by the promise 
of an amnesty, a number of them returned to Russia in 1922, where they were 
immediately arrested and sent to camps on the Solovetski Islands and to Khol- 
mogory, one of the worst concentration camps, near Arkhangelsk. 1 * According 
to one anarchist source, of the 5,000 Kronstadt prisoners who were sent to 
Kholmogory, fewer than 1,500 were stilt alive in the spring of 1922. u 

The Kholmogory camp, on the great river Dvina, was sadly famous for 
the swift manner in which it dispatched a great number of its prisoners. They 
were often loaded onto barges, stones were tied around their necks, their arms 
and legs were tied, and they were thrown overboard into the river. Mikhail 
Kedrov, one of the main leaders of the Cheka, had started these massive 
drownings in June 1920. Several eyewitness reports concur that a large number 
of the mutineers from Kronstadt, together with Cossacks and peasants from 
Tambov Province who had also been deported to Kholmogory, were drowned 
in the Dvina in this fashion in 1922. That same year, a special evacuation 
committee deported to Siberia some 2,514 civilians from Kronstadt, merely on 
the grounds that they had stayed in the town through the events. 1 ' 

Once the Kronstadt rebellion had been crushed, the regime concentrated its 
energies on hunting down socialist activists, fighting strikes and ''workers' 
complacency," quelling the peasant uprisings that continued despite the official 
ending of requisitioning, and taking measures to repress the church. 

On 28 February 1921 Dzerzhinsky had ordered all the provincial Chekas 
"(1) to carry out immediate arrests of all anarchist, Menshcvik, and Socialist 
Revolutionary intelligentsia, in particular the officials working in the People's 
Commissariats of Agriculture and Food; and (2) to arrest all Mensheviks, 
anarchists, and Socialist Revolutionaries working in factories and liable to call 
for strikes or demonstrations." 16 

Rather than marking the beginning of a relaxation in the repressive poli- 
cies, the introduction of the NEP was accompanied by a resurgence in the 
repressions against the moderate socialist activists. The repressions were mo- 
tivated not by the danger of their perceived opposition to the New Economic 

From Tambov to the Great Famine 


Policy, but by the fact that they had been campaigning for it for so long, and 
might thus use it to justify their own approach to politics. "The only place for 
Mensheviks and Socialist Revolutionaries, whether they hide their allegiances 
or are open about them," wrote Lenin in 1921, u is prison." 

A few months later, judging that the socialists were still making too much 
trouble, he wrote: "If the Mensheviks or Socialist Revolutionaries so much as 
peek out again, they must all be shot without pity." Between March and June 
1921 more than 2,000 moderate socialist activists and sympathizers were again 
arrested. By now all the members of the Central Committee of the Menshevik 
Party were in prison; when threatened with expulsion to Siberia in January 
1921 they began a hunger strike, and twelve of the leaders, including Fedor 
Dan and Boris Nikolaevsky, were expelled abroad and arrived in Berlin in 
February 1922. 

One of the main priorities of the regime in the spring of 192 1 was to revive 
industrial production, which had fallen to 10 percent of what it had been in 
1911 Rather than relaxing the pressure on workers, the Bolsheviks maintained 
and even increased the militarization begun over the preceding years. The 
policies pursued in 1921 after the adoption of the NEP in the great industrial 
and mining region of the Donbass, which produced more than 80 percent of 
the country's coal and steel, seem particularly revealing of the sort of dictatorial 
methods used by the Bolsheviks to get the workers back to work. At the end 
of 1920 Gcorgy Pyatakov, one of the main leaders who was close to Trotsky, 
had been appointed head of the Central Directory of the Coal Industry. Within 
a year he increased coal production fivefold by means of a policy of unremitting 
exploitation and intimidation. Pyatokov imposed excruciating discipline on his 
120,000 workers: any absenteeism was equated with an act of sabotage and 
punished with expulsion to a camp or even a death sentence. In 1921 18 miners 
were executed for "persistent parasitism." Work hours were increased, particu- 
larly on Sundays, and Pyatokov effectively blackmailed the workers into in- 
creasing productivity by threatening the confiscation of ration cards. These 
measures were taken at a time when the workers received between one-third 
and one-half of the bread ration they needed to survive; often at the end of the 
day they had to lend their boots to comrades who were taking over the next 
shift. The directory acknowledged that absenteeism among the workforce was 
due in part to epidemics, "permanent hunger," and "a total absence of clothes, 
trousers, and shoes." To reduce the number of mouths to feed when the threat 
of famine was at its height, Pyatokov on 24 June 1921 ordered the expulsion 
from the mining villages of everyone who did not work in the mines. Ration 
cards were confiscated from family members of miners. Rationing was also 
calculated strictly in accordance with the production of individual miners, thus 
introducing a rudimentary form of productivity-related pay. 17 


A State against Its People 

Such practices went directly against the ideas of equality of treatment that 
many workers, deceived by Bolshevik rhetoric, still cherished. In a remarkable 
way these measures prefigured those taken against the working classes in the 
1930s. The working masses were nothing more than the rabsila — the work- 
force — which had to be exploited in the most effective manner possible. Doing 
so involved overturning legislation and the appeals of the unions, which were 
totally hamstrung and were ordered to support the directives of management 
at all costs. Militarization of the workforce seemed to be the most effective 
means of forcing the hungry, stubborn, and unproductive workers to cooperate. 
The similarities between this exploitation of the theoretically free workforce 
and the forced labor of the great penal colonies created in the early 1930s seem 
inescapable. Like so many other episodes in the formative years of Bolshevism, 
none of which can be explained through the context of the civil war, the events 
in the Donbass in 1921 prefigured a series of practices that were later to be 
found at the heart of Stalinism. 

Among the other top-priority operations for the Bolshevik regime in the 
spring of 1921 was the "pacification" of all the regions that were in the hands 
of the peasants. On 27 April 1921 the Politburo appointed General Tuk- 
hachevsky to lead "operations to liquidate the Antonov elements in Tambov 
Province." With nearly 100,000 men at his disposal, including many special 
Cheka detachments, and equipped with airplanes and heavy artillery, Tuk- 
hachevsky waged war on the Antonov units with extraordinary violence. To- 
gether with Antonov-Ovseenko, president of the Plenipotentiary Commission 
of the Central Executive Committee established to constitute an occupying 
force in the region, he took hostages on an enormous scale, carried out execu- 
tions, set up death camps where prisoners were gassed, and deported entire 
villages suspected of assisting or collaborating with the so-called bandits. 1 * 

Order No. 171, dated 11 June 1921 and signed by Antonov-Ovseenko and 
Tukhachevsky, shows clearly the sorts of methods used to "pacify" Tambov 
Province. The order stipulated: 

1 . Shoot on sight any citizens who refuse to give their names. 

2. District and Regional Political Commissions are hereby autho- 
rized to pronounce sentence on any village where arms are be- 
ing hidden, and to arrest hostages and shoot them if the 
whereabouts of the arms are not revealed. 

3. Wherever arms are found, execute immediately the eldest son in 
the family. 

4. Any family that has harbored a bandit is to be arrested and de- 
ported from the province, their possessions are to be seized, and 
the eldest son is to be executed immediately. 

5. Any families sheltering other families who have harbored ban- 

From Tambov to the Great Famine 


dits are to be punished in the same manner, and their eldest son 
is to be shot. 

6. In the event that bandit families have fled, their possessions are 
to be redistributed among peasants who are loyal to the Soviet 
regime, and their houses are to be burned or demolished. 

7. These orders are to be carried out rigorously and without 

The day after Order No. 171 was sent out, Tukhachevsky ordered all 
rebels to be gassed. "The remnants of the defeated rebel gangs and a few 
isolated bandits are still hiding in the forests . . . The forests where the bandits 
are hiding are to be cleared by the use of poison gas. This must be carefully 
calculated, so that the layer of gas penetrates the forests and kills everyone 
hiding there. The artillery inspector is to provide the necessary amounts of gas 
immediately, and find staff qualified to carry out this sort of operation." 20 

On 10 Julv 1921 the head of a five-member commission on the measures 
taken against the "bandits" in Tambov Province reported: 

Mopping-up operations in the Kudryukovskaya volost began on 27 June 
in the village of Ossinovki, which in the past has been a known hideout 
for bandits. The attitude of peasants toward our detachments is perhaps 
best described as one of mistrust. They refused to name the bandits in 
the forests, and when asked questions they replied that they knew noth- 

We took some forty hostages, declared the village to be under a 
state of siege, and gave the villagers two hours to hand over the bandits 
and their arms. The villagers then called a meeting, where it was appar- 
ent that they were undecided as to how to respond; but they resolved not 
to provide active help in the hunt for the bandits. Undoubtedly they had 
not taken seriously our threat to shoot the hostages. When the deadline 
had passed, we executed twenty-one of the hostages before the village 
assembly. These public executions, in accordance with the usual proce- 
dure, were carried out one by one in the presence of all five members of 
the Plenipotentiary Commission, and had a considerable effect on the 

Regarding the village of kareevka, which was a bandit stronghold 
because of its geographical situation, the commission decided to strike it 
from the map. The whole population was deported and their possessions 
confiscated, with the exception of the families of soldiers serving in the 
Red Army, who were transferred to the town of Kurdyuki and relocated 
in houses previously occupied by the families of bandits. After objects 
of value had been removed — window frames, glass, wooden objects, and 
other such items — all the houses in the village were set on fire. 

On 3 July we began operations in the town of Bogoslovka. We have 


A State against Its People 

rarely come across peasants so stubborn or well organized. No matter 
wbom we spoke to, of whatever age, they invariably replied with an air 
of surprise, "Bandits? In these parts? Not at all. We might have seen one 
or two people go by, but we couldn't say whether they were bandits or 
not. We live quietly here, minding our own business. We don't know 

We took the same measures as in Ossinovki: we took 58 hostages. 
On 4 July we publicly executed a first group of 21, another 15 the next 
day, and removed the families of about 60 bandits, about 200 people in 
all. We finally achieved our objectives, and the peasants were obliged to 
go out looking for the bandits and the weapons caches. 

The mopping-up operations in the above-mentioned towns and 
villages came to an end on 6 July. The operation was a great success, and 
its impact was felt even further afield than the neighboring cantons. The 
bandit elements are still surrendering. 

President of the Plenipotentiary Commission of Five Members, 
[M.V.] Uskonin. 21 

On 19 July, as a result of much high-level opposition to this extreme form of 
"eradication," Order No. 171 was annulled. 

By July 1921 the military authorities and the Cheka had set up seven 
concentration camps. According to information that even now is incomplete, 
at least 50,000 people were interned in the camps, for the most part women, 
children, and the elderly, as well as hostages and members of the families of 
deserters. The conditions in these camps were intolerable: typhus and cholera 
were endemic, and the half-naked prisoners lacked even basic requirements. A 
famine began in the summer of 1921, and by the autumn the mortality rate had 
climbed to 15-20 percent a month. The peasant movement, which in February 
had numbered some 40,000, was reduced to 1 ,000 by the beginning of Septem- 
ber. From November onward, long after the "pacification" of the countryside, 
several thousand of the strongest prisoners were deported to the concentration 
camps in northern Russia, to Arkhangelsk and Kholmogory. 22 

As is evident from the weekly Cheka reports to the Bolshevik leaders, the 
"pacification' 1 of the countryside continued at least into the second half of 1922 
in many regions of Ukraine, western Siberia, the Volga provinces, and the 
Caucasus. The habits of earlier years died hard, and although requisitioning 
had officially been abolished in March 1921, taxes in kind also were levied with 
extreme brutality. Given the catastrophic agricultural situation of 1921, the 
quotas were extremely high, and this meant a constant state of tension in the 
countryside, where many of the peasants were still armed. 

Describing his impressions of a trip to the provinces of Tula, Orel, and 
Voronezh in May 1921, Nikolai Osinsky, the people's commissar of agriculture, 
reported that local officials were convinced that requisitioning would be 

From Tambov to the Great Famine 


brought back in the autumn. Moreover, local authorities ''seemed incapable of 
considering the peasants to be anything other than born saboteurs." 23 

To facilitate the collection of taxes in Siberia, the region expected to 
provide most of the wheat after famine began ravaging the provinces of the 
Volga, Feliks Dzerzhinsky was sent there in December 1921 as extraordinary 
plenipotentiary. He established "flying revolutionary courts" whose mission 
was to travel through the villages and pass sentence immediately on peasants 
who had not paid their taxes, handing out prison sentences or sending them 
off to camps. 24 Like the requisitioning detachments, these courts, bolstered by 
"fiscal detachments," were responsible for so many abuses that the President 
of the Supreme Court himself, Nikolai Krylenko, was forced to open an inquiry. 
From Omsk on 14 February 1922 one inspector wrote: 

Abuses of position by the requisitioning detachments, frankly speaking, 
have now reached unbelievable levels. Systematically, the peasants who 
are arrested are all locked up in big unhealed barns; they are then 
whipped and threatened with execution. Those who have not filled the 
whole of their quota are bound and forced to run naked all along the 
main street of the village and then locked up in another unheated han- 
gar. A great number of women have been beaten until they are uncon- 
scious and then thrown naked into holes dug in the snow . . . 

The situation remained extremely tense in all the provinces. 

A great deal can also be derived from these excerpts from the secret 
police reports for October 1922, a year and half after the NEP had come 
into force: 

In Pskov Province the quotas fixed for the taxes in kind represent two- 
thirds of the harvest. Four districts have taken up arms ... In the 
province of Novgorod the quotas will not be filled, despite the 25 per- 
cent reduction that was recently approved because of the exceptionally 
poor harvest. In the provinces of Ryazan and Tver a 100 percent realiza- 
tion of the targets would condemn the peasants to death by starva- 
tion ... In the province of Novonikolaevsk [Novosibirsk] the famine is 
threatening and the peasants are already reduced to trying to eat grass 
and roots ... But this information seems mild compared with the re- 
ports we are receiving from Kyiv, where the suicide rate has never been 
so high. Peasants are killing themselves en masse because they can nei- 
ther pay their taxes nor rebel, since all their arms have been confiscated. 
Famine has been hanging over the regions for more than a year now, and 
the peasants are extremely pessimistic about the future. 2 ' 

After the autumn of 1922 the worst seemed over. Following two years of 
famine, the survivors managed to store enough of a harvest to get them through 
the winter, provided that taxes were not levied in their entirety. 'This year the 


A State against Its People 

grain harvest will be lower than the average for the last decade": these were the 
laconic terms in which Pravda, in a short article on the back page on 2 July 
1921, had first mentioned the existence of a "feeding problem on the agricul- 
tural front." In an "Appeal to All the Citizens of Soviet Russia" published in 
Pravda on 12 July 1921, Mikhail Kalinin, president of the Central Executive 
Committee of Soviets, admitted that "in numerous districts, the drought this 
year has destroyed the harvest." 

"This calamity is not solely a result of the drought," explained a resolution 
of the Central Committee dated 21 July. 

It is the result of all our past history, of the backwardness of our 
agriculture, of the lack of organization, of the low level of our knowl- 
edge of agronomy, of the lack of materials, and of outdated methods of 
crop rotation. The situation has been exacerbated by the war and by the 
economic blockade, by the rearguard action fought by the landowners, 
capitalists, and their servants, and by the constant actions of bandits 
carrying out the orders of organizations hostile to Soviet Russia and its 
working population. 26 

In a long enumeration of the causes of this ''calamity," whose real nature 
no one yet dared mention, one major factor was lacking: the requisitioning 
policy that for years had been such a drain on the resources of the already 
fragile agricultural system. All the leaders of the provinces where the famine 
was beginning to be felt, summoned to Moscow in June 1921, emphasized the 
government's responsibility and pointed out in particular the causal role of the 
all-powerful People's Commissariat of Food. I. N. Vavilin, the representative 
for the Samara region, explained that the provincial food committee, since the 
first introduction of requisitioning, had constantly inflated the estimates for the 

Despite the bad harvest of 1920, 10 million pudy had been requisitioned 
that year. All grain stocks, even the seed for the future harvest, had been seized. 
Numerous peasants had had virtually nothing to eat since January 1921. The 
mortality rate had immediately increased in February. In the space of two to 
three months, riots and revolts against the regime had effectively stopped in 
the province of Samara. "Today," Vavilin explained, "there are no more revolts. 
We see new phenomena instead: crowds of thousands of starving people gather 
around the Executive Committee or the Party headquarters of the soviet to 
wait, for days and days, for the miraculous appearance of the food they need. 
It is impossible to chase this crowd away, and every day more of them die. They 
are dropping like flies ... I think there must be at least 900,000 starving people 
in this province." 27 

The Cheka reports and the military bulletins make it clear that famine had 

From Tambov to the Great Famine 


been threatening the region since at least 19 19. The situation had deteriorated 
considerably throughout 1920. In their internal reports that summer the Cheka, 
the People's Commissariat of Agriculture, and the People's Commissariat of 
Food, fully aware of the gravity of the situation, drew up lists of districts and 
provinces judged to be starving or threatened by imminent famine. In January 
1921 one report claimed that among the causes of the famine in Tambov was 
the u orgy" of requisitioning of 1920. It was quite obvious to the common 
people, as conversations reported by the political police made clear, that the 
"soviet regime is trying to starve out all the peasants who dare resist it." 
Though perfectly well informed of the inevitable consequences of the requisi- 
tioning policy, the government took no steps to combat these predicted effects. 
On 30 July 1921, while famine gripped a growing number of regions, Lenin 
and Molotov sent a telegram to all leaders of regional and provincial Party 
committees asking them to "bolster the mechanisms for food collection . . . step 
up the propaganda for the rural population, explaining the economic and 
political importance of the prompt paying of taxes ... put at the disposal of 
the agencies for the collection of taxes in kind all the authority of the Party, 
and allow them to use all the disciplinary measures that the state itself would 



Faced with this attitude of the authorities, who seemed to be pursuing a 
policy of starving out the peasantry at all cost, the more enlightened intelli- 
gentsia began to react. In June 1921 the agronomists, economists, and univer- 
sity lecturers who belonged to the Moscow Agricultural Society established a 
Social Committee for the Fight against Famine. Among the first members were 
the eminent economists Nikolai Kondratyev and Sergei Prokopovich, who had 
been a minister of food in the provisional government; the journalist Ekatenna 
Kuskova, a close friend of Maksim Gorky; and various writers, doctors, and 
agronomists. In mid-July, with the help of Gorky, who was highly influential 
among Party leaders, a delegation from the committee obtained an audience 
with Lev Kamenev after Lenin had refused to see them. Following the inter- 
view Lenin, still distrusting what he described as the overly emotional reactions 
of certain other Bolshevik leaders, sent the following note to his colleagues in 
the Politburo: "This Kuskova woman must not cause any damage ... We will 
use her name and her signature, and a carriage or two from the people who 
sympathize with her and her kind. Nothing more than that." 29 

Finally the committee members convinced some Party leaders of their 
usefulness. As internationally prominent scientists and writers, they were well 
known abroad, and many of them had taken an active part in aid for the victims 
of the famine of 1891. Moreover, they had numerous contacts with other 
intellectuals the world over, and seemed to be guarantors that the food would 
reach its intended destination, in the event that the appeal was successful. They 


A State against Its People 

were prepared to allow their names to be used, provided that some sort of 
official status was granted to the Committee for Aid to the Hungry. 

On 21 July 1921 the Bolshevik government reluctantly legalized the com- 
mittee, naming it the All-Russian Committee for Aid to the Starving. It was 
immediately given the emblem of the Red Cross and was permitted to collect 
food, medicine, and animal feed both in Russia and abroad and to share it out 
among the needy. It was allowed to use whatever means of transport necessary 
to distribute the food, to set up soup kitchens and local and regional commit- 
tees, "to communicate freely with designated organizations abroad," and even 
"to discuss measures taken by local or central authorities that in its opinion are 
relevant to the question of the struggle against the famine. 1 ' 10 At no other 
moment in the history of the Soviet regime was any other organization granted 
such privileges. The government's concessions were a measure of the scale of 
the catastrophe facing the country, four months after the official (and somewhat 
muted) introduction of the NEP. 

One of the committee's first actions was to establish contact with the 
Patriarch Tikhon, head of the Orthodox Church, who immediately set up an 
All-Russian Ecclesiastical Committee for Aid to the Hungry. On 7 July 1921 
the patriarch had a letter read out in all the churches: "Rotten meat would be 
gladly eaten by the starving population, but even that is now impossible to find. 
Cries and moans are all that one hears wherever one goes. People's minds turn 
even to thoughts of cannibalism . . . Lend a helping hand to your brothers and 
sisters! With the consent of your brethren, you may use church treasures that 
have no sacramental value, such as rings, chains, bracelets, decorations that 
adorn icons, and other items to help the hungry." 

Having obtained the assistance of the church, the All-Russian Committee 
for Aid to the Starving contacted various international organizations, including 
the Red Cross, the Quakers, and the American Relief Association (ARA), 
presided over by Herbert Hoover; all responded positively. Even so, coopera- 
tion between the committee and the regime lasted only five weeks; on 27 August 
1921 the committee was dissolved, six days after the government had signed 
an agreement with a representative of the ARA. For Lenin, now that the 
Americans were sending the first cargoes of food, the committee had served its 
purpose: "The name and the signature of Kuskova" had played the required 
role, and that was enough. In announcing this decision, Lenin wrote: 

I propose to dissolve the Committee immediately . . . Prokopovich is to 
be arrested for seditious behavior and kept in prison for three 
months . . . The other Committee members are to be exiled from Mos- 
cow immediately, sent to the chief cities of different regions, cut off if 
possible from all means of communication, including railways, and kept 

From Tambov to the Great Famine 


under close surveillance. Tomorrow we will release a brief governmental 
communique saying that the Committee has been dissolved because it 
refused to work. Instruct all newspapers to begin insulting these people, 
and heap opprobrium upon them, accusing them of being closet White 
Guard supporters and bourgeois do-gooders who are much keener to 
travel abroad than to help at home. In general, make them look ridicu- 
lous and mock them at least once a week for the next two months. 31 

Following these instructions to the letter, the press unleashed a ferocious 
attack against the sixty famous intellectuals who had served on the committee. 
The titles alone of the articles demonstrate the eloquence of this campaign of 
defamation: "You shouldn't play with hunger" (Pravda, 30 August 1921); 
"Hunger Speculators" (Kommunistuheskii trucl, 31 August 1921); u Committee 
for Aid ... to the Counterrevolution" (Izvestiya, 30 August 1921). When 
someone tried to intercede in favor of the committee members who had been 
arrested and deported, Josif Unshlikht, one of Dzerzhinsky's assistants at the 
Cheka, declared: "You say the Committee has done nothing wrong. It's possi- 
ble. But it has become a rallying point in society, and that we cannot allow. 
When you put a seed in water, it soon starts to sprout roots, and the Committee 
was beginning to spread its roots throughout society, undermining collectivity 
. . . we had no choice but to pull it up by the roots and to crush it." 12 

In place of the committee the government set up a Central Commission 
for Help for the Hungry, a slow-moving and bureaucratic organization made 
up of civil servants from various People's Commissariats, which was charac- 
terized by inefficiency and corruption. When the famine was at its worst in the 
summer of 1922 and nearly 30 million people were starving, the Central Com- 
mission was assuring an irregular supply to about 3 million people, whereas the 
Red Cross, the Quakers, and the ARA supplied about 11 million people per 
dav. Despite the massive international relief effort, at least 5 million of the 29 
million Russians affected died of hunger in 1921 and 1922.-" 

The last great famine that Russia had known, in 1891, had affected most 
of the same regions (mid-Russia, the lower Volga, and part of Kazakhstan) and 
had been responsible for the deaths of between 400,000 and 500,000 people. 
Both the state and society in general had fought extremely hard to save lives. 
A young lawyer called Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov was then living in Samara, the 
regional capital of one of the areas worst affected by the famine. He was the 
only member of the local intelligentsia who not only refused to participate in 
the aid for the hungry, but publicly opposed it. As one of his friends later 
recalled, "Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov had the courage to come out and say openly 
that famine would have numerous positive results, particularly in the appear- 
ance of a new industrial proletariat, which would take over from the bourgeoi- 
sie .. . Famine, he explained, in destroying the outdated peasant economy, 


A State against Its People 

would bring about the next stage more rapidly, and usher in socialism, the stage 
that necessarily followed capitalism. Famine would also destroy faith not only 
in the tsar, but in God too." 14 

Thirty years later, when the young lawyer had become the head of the 
Bolshevik government, his ideas remained unchanged: famine could and should 
"strike a mortal blow against the enemy." The enemy in question was the 
Orthodox Church. "Electricity will replace God. The peasants should pray to 
it; in any case they will feel its effects long before they feel any effect from on 
high/' said Lenin in 1918 when discussing the electrification of Russia with 
Leonid Krasin. As soon as the Bolshevik regime had come to power, relations 
with the Orthodox Church had deteriorated. On 5 February 1918 the govern- 
ment had declared the separation of church and state and of the church and 
schools, proclaimed freedom of conscience and worship, and announced the 
nationalization of all church property. Patriarch Tikhon had vigorously pro- 
tested this attack on the traditional role of the church in four pastoral letters 
to the faithful. The behavior of the Bolsheviks became more and more provoca- 
tive. They ordered all church relics to be "valued," organized antireligious 
carnivals to coincide with traditional feast days, and demanded that the great 
monastery of the Trinity and St. Sergius near Moscow, where the relics of St. 
Sergius of Radonezh were kept, be turned into a museum of atheism. Numer- 
ous priests and bishops had already been arrested for protesting the intimida- 
tory measures of the state when the Bolshevik leaders, on Lenin's orders, used 
the famine as a pretext to launch a large-scale campaign against the church. 

On 26 February 1922 a government decree was published in the press 
ordering "the immediate confiscation from churches of all precious objects of 
gold or silver and of all precious stones that do not have a religious importance. 
These objects will be sent to the People's Commissariat of Finance and will 
then be transferred to the Central Committee for Help for the Hungry." The 
confiscations began in early March and were accompanied by many confronta- 
tions between the detachments responsible for impounding the church treas- 
ures and the church faithful. The most serious incidents took place on 15 
March 1922 in Cbuya, a small industrial town in Ivanovo Province, where 
troops opened fire on the crowd and killed a dozen of the faithful. Lenin used 
this massacre as a pretext to step up the antireligious campaign. 

In a letter addressed to the Politburo on 19 March 1922, he explained, 
with characteristic cynicism, how the famine could be turned to the Bolsheviks' 
advantage and exploited to strike the enemy a mortal blow: 

Regarding the events at Chuya, which the Politburo will be discussing, I 
think a firm decision should be adopted immediately as part of the 
general campaign on this front ... If we bear in mind what the newspa- 

From Tambov to the Great Famine 


pers are saying about the attitude of the clergy toward the confiscation 
of church goods, and the subversive attitude that is being adopted by the 
Patriarch Tikhon, it becomes apparent that the Black Hundred clergy 
are putting into action a plan that has been developed to strike a decisive 
blow against us ... I think our enemies are committing a monumental 
strategic error. In fact the present moment favors us far more than it 
does them. We are almost 99 percent sure that we can strike a mortal 
blow against them and consolidate the central position that we are going 
to need to occupy for several decades to come. With the help of all those 
starving people who are starting to eat each other, who are dying by the 
millions, and whose bodies litter the roadside all over the country, it is 
now and only now that we can — and therefore must — confiscate all 
church property with all the ruthless energy we can still muster. This is 
precisely the moment when the masses will support us most fervently, 
and rise up against the reactionary machinations of the petit-bourgeois 
and Black Hundred religious conspirators ... we must therefore amass a 
treasure of hundreds of millions of gold rubles (think how rich some of 
those monasteries are!). Without treasure on that scale, no state projects, 
no economic projects, and no shoring up of our present position will be 
conceivable. No matter what the cost, we must have those hundreds of 
millions (or even billions) of rubles. This can be carried out only at the 
present moment. All evidence suggests that we could not do this at any 
other moment, because our only hope is the despair engendered in the 
masses by the famine, which will cause them to look at us in a favorable 
light or, at the very least, with indifference. I thus can affirm categori- 
cally that this is the moment to crush the Black Hundred clergy in the 
most decisive manner possible, and to act without any mercy at all, with 
the sort of brutality that they will remember for decades. I propose to 
implement our plan in the following manner: Only Comrade Kalinin 
will act openly. Whatever happens, Comrade Trotsky will not appear in 
the press or in public . . . One of the most intelligent and energetic 
members of the Central Executive Committee must be sent to Chuya, 
with oral instructions from one of the members of the Politburo. These 
instructions will stipulate that his mission in Chuya is to arrest a large 
number of members of the clergy, of bourgeoisie and petit-bourgeoisie, 
several dozen at least, who will all be accused of direct or indirect 
participation in violent resistance against the decree regarding the 
confiscation of church goods. Once back from this mission, the envoy 
will make a full report to the entire Politburo or to a meeting of two or 
three members. On the basis of this report, the Politburo, again orally, 
will issue precise instructions to the judicial authorities, to the effect that 
the trial of the Chuya rebels is to be expedited as rapidly as possible. 
The result of the trial is to be the execution, by public shooting, of a 
large number of the Chuya Black Hundreds as well as the shooting of as 


A State against Its People 

many as possible from Moscow and other important religious cen- 
ters . . . The more representatives from the reactionary clergy and the 
recalcitrant bourgeoisie we shoot, the better it will be for us. We must 
teach these people a lesson as quickly as possible, so that the thought of 
protesting again doesn't occur to them for decades to come."" 

As the weekly reports from the secret police indicate, the campaign to 
confiscate church goods was at its height in March, April, and May 1922, when 
it led to 1,414 incidents and the arrest of thousands of priests, nuns, and monks. 
According to church records, 2,691 priests, 1,962 monks, and 3,447 nuns were 
killed that year. 16 The government organized several large show -trials for mem- 
bers of the clergy in Moscow, Ivanovo, Chuya, Smolensk, and Pctrograd. A 
week after the incidents in Chuya, in accordance with Lenin's instructions, the 
Politburo proposed a series of measures: u Arrest the synod and the patriarch, 
not immediately, but between a fortnight and a month from now. Make public 
the circumstances surrounding the business in Chuya. Bring to trial all the 
priests and lay members of Chuya in one week's time. Shoot all the rebel 
leaders."" In a note to the Politburo, Dzerzhinsky indicated that 

the patriarch and his followers ... are openly resisting the confiscation 
of church goods ... We already have enough evidence to arrest Tikhon 
and the more reactionary members of the synod. In the view of the 
GPU: (1) the time is right for the arrest of the patriarch and the synod; 

(2) permission should not be granted for the formation of a new synod; 

(3) all priests resisting the confiscation of church goods should be desig- 
nated enemies of the people and exiled to one of the Volga regions most 
affected by the famine. 38 

In Petrograd 77 priests were sent to camps; 4 were sentenced to death, 
including the metropolitan of Petrograd, Benjamin, who had been elected in 
1917 and enjoyed a wide popular following. Ironically, he was among those who 
had spoken strongly in favor of the separation of church and state. In Moscow 
148 priests and lay brethren were sent to the camps, and 6 received death 
sentences that were immediately carried out. Patriarch Tikhon was placed 
under close surveillance in the Donskoi monastery in Moscow. 

On 6 June 1922, a few weeks after these legal travesties in Moscow, a large 
public trial began, announced in the press since the end of February: thirty- 
four Socialist Revolutionaries were accused of "counterrevolutionary and ter- 
rorist activities against the Soviet government," including most notably the 
attempt to assassinate Lenin on 31 August 1918 and participation in the Tam- 
bov peasant revolt. In a scenario that was replayed over and over in the 1930s, 
the accused included authentic political leaders, such as the twelve members of 

From Tambov to the Great Famine 


the Central Committee of the Socialist Revolutionary Party, led by Avraham 
Gots and Dmitry Donskoi, and agents provocateurs instructed to testify against 
the others and to "confess their crimes." As Helene Carrere d'Encausse has 
pointed out, this trial permitted the authorities to "test out the 'Russian doll' 
method of accusation, whereby one solid accusation — the fact that since 1918 
the Socialist Revolutionaries had been opposed to Bolshevik rule — was cited to 
'prove' that any opposition to the Bolsheviks' policies was, in the final analysis, 
an act of cooperation with the international bourgeoisie."^ 

At the conclusion of this parody of justice, after the authorities had 
orchestrated political demonstrations calling for the death penalty for the "ter- 
rorists," eleven of the accused leaders of the Socialist Revolutionary Party were 
condemned to death. Faced with protests from the international community, 
organized largely by exiled Russian socialists, and with the more serious threat 
of uprisings in the pro-Socialist Revolutionary countryside, the sentences were 
suspended on the condition that "the Socialist Revolutionary Party ends all 
conspiratorial, insurrectionary, and terrorist activities." In January 1924 the 
death sentences were reduced to five years' internment in the camps. Needless 
to say the prisoners were never set free, and were in fact executed in the 1930s, 
when international opinion and the danger of peasant uprisings no longer 
posed a threat to the Bolshevik leadership. 

The trial of the Socialist Revolutionaries was one of the first opportunities 
to test the new penal code, which had come into force on 1 June 1922. Lenin 
had followed its elaboration quite closely. One of the code's functions was to 
permit the use of all necessary violence against political enemies even though 
the civil war was over and "expeditious elimination" could no longer be 
justified. The first drafts of the code, shown to Lenin on 15 May 1922, pro- 
voked the following reply to Kursky, the people's commissar of justice: "It is 
my view that the leeway for applying the death penalty should be considerably 
enlarged, and should include all the activities of Mensheviks, Socialist Revolu- 
tionaries, and others. Create a new punishment involving banishment abroad. 
And find some formulation that will link all these activities to the international 
bourgeoisie. 1140 Two days later Lenin wrote again: 

Comrade Kursky, I want you to add this draft of a complementary 
paragraph to the penal code ... It is quite clear for the most part. We 
must openly — and not simply in narrow juridical terms — espouse a 
politically just principle that is the essence and motivation for terror, 
showing its necessity and its limits. The courts must not end the terror 
or suppress it in any way. To do so would be deception. They must give 
it a solid basis, and clearly legalize all its principles without any form of 
deception or deceit. It must be formulated as openly as possible: what 


A State against Its People 

we need to encourage is a revolutionary legal consciousness that will 
allow it to be applied wherever it is needed. 4 ' 

In accordance with Lenin's instructions, the penal code defined counter- 
revolutionary activity as any action "aiming to attack or destabilize the power 
given to Soviet workers and peasants by the revolutionary proletariat,' 1 as well 
as "any action in favor of the international bourgeoisie that fails to recognize 
the validity of the Communist system and the fair distribution of property as 
a natural successor to the capitalist system, and any action that tries to reverse 
the situation by force, military intervention, economic blockade, espionage, 
illegal financing of the press, or other such means." 

Anything that was classified as a counterrevolutionary action, including 
rebellion, rioting, sabotage, and espionage, was immediately punishable by 
death, as was participation in or support for any organization "that might 
provide support for the international bourgeoisie." Even "propaganda that 
might be of use to the international bourgeoisie" was considered a counter- 
revolutionary crime, punishable by incarceration for not less than three years 
or by lifelong exile. 

Along with the legalization of political violence, discussed in early 1922, 
came nominal changes within the secret police. On 6 February 1922 the Chcka 
was abolished by decree, to be immediately replaced by the State Political 
Directorate Administration (Gosudastvennoe politicheskoe upravlenie; GPU), 
which was responsible to the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs. Al- 
though the name had changed, the staff and the administrative structure re- 
mained the same, ensuring a high degree of continuity within the institution. 
The change in title emphasized that whereas the Cheka had been an extraor- 
dinary agency, which in principle was only transitory, the GPU was permanent. 
The state thus gained a ubiquitous mechanism for political repression and 
control. Lying behind the name change were the legalization and the institu- 
tionalization of terror as a means of resolving all conflict between the people 
and the state. 

One of the new punishments instituted in the new penal code was lifelong 
banishment, with the understanding that any return to the US.S.R. would be 
greeted with immediate execution. It was put into practice from as early as 1922 
as part of a long expulsion operation that affected nearly 200 well-known 
intellectuals suspected of opposing Bolshevism. Among them were many of the 
prominent figures who had participated in the Social Committee for the Fight 
against Famine, which had been dissolved on 27 July of that year. 

In a long letter to Dzerzhinsky dated 20 May 1922, Lenin laid out a vast 
plan for the "banishment abroad of all writers and teachers who have assisted 
the counterrevolution . . . This operation must be planned with great care. A 

From Tambov to the Great Famine 

special commission must be set up. All members of the Politburo must spend 
two to three hours each week carefully examining books and newspapers 
Information must be gathered systematically on the political past, the work, 
and the literary activity of teachers and writers." 
Lenin led the way with an example: 

As far as the journal Ekonomist is concerned, for example, it is clearly a 
center for White Guard activity. On the cover of the third issue (N.B.: as 
early as that!) all the collaborators are listed. I think they are all legiti- 
mate candidates for expulsion. They are all known counterrevolutionar- 
ies and accomplices of the Entente, and they make up a network of its 
servants, spies, and corrupters of youth. Things must be set in motion 
such that they are hunted down and imprisoned in a systematic and 
organized fashion and banished abroad. 42 

On 22 May the Politburo established a special commission, including 
notably Kamenev, Kursky, Unshlikht, and Vasily Mantsev (the last two being 
Dzerzhinksy's two assistants), to collect information on intellectuals to be 
arrested and expelled. The first two people expelled in this fashion were the 
two main leaders of the Social Committee for the Fight against Famine, Sergei 
Prokopovich and Ekaterina Kuskova. A first group of 160 well-known intellec- 
tuals, philosophers, writers, historians, and university professors, who were 
arrested on 1 6 and 1 7 August, were deported in September. Some of the names 
on the list were already famous internationally or would soon become so: 
Nikolai Berdyaev, Sergei Bulgakov, Scmyon Frank, Nikolai Loski, Lev Kar- 
savin, Fyodor Stepun, Sergei Trubetskoi, Alcksandr Isgoev, Mikhail Ossorgin, 
Aleksandr Kiesewetter. Each was forced to sign a document stating that he 
understood that if he ever returned to the US.S.R., he would immediately be 
shot. Each was allowed to take one winter coat and one summer coat, one suit 
and change of clothes, two shirts, two nightshirts, two pairs of socks, two sets 
of underwear, and twenty dollars in foreign currency. 

Parallel to these expulsions, the secret police proceeded with its policy of 
gathering information about all second-tier intellectuals who were under sus- 
picion and were destined either for administrative deportation to remote areas 
of the country, codified in law by a decree on 10 August 1922, or for the 
concentration camps. On 5 September Dzerzhinsky wrote to his assistant 

Comrade Unshlikht! Regarding the files kept on the intelligentsia, the 
system is not nearly sophisticated enough. Since [Yakov] Agronov left, 
we seem to have no one capable of organizing this properly, Zaraysky is 
still too young. It seems to me that if we are going to make any progress 
at all, Menzhinsky is going to have to take things in hand ... It is 



A State against Its People 

essential to devise a clear plan that can be regularly completed and 
updated. The intelligentsia must be classed into groups and subgroups: 

1. Writers 

2. Journalists and politicians 

3. Economists: subgroups are very important here: (a) financiers, 
(b) workers in the energy sector, (c) transport specialists, (d) 
tradesmen, (e) people with experience in cooperatives, etc. 

4. Technical specialists: here too subgroups are necessary: (a) engi- 
neers, (b) agronomists, (c) doctors, etc. 

5. University lecturers and their assistants, etc. 

Information on all such people must go to specific departments and 
be synthesized by the Main Department on the Intelligentsia. Every 
intellectual must have his own file . . . It must be clear in our minds that 
the objective of the department is not simply to expel or arrest individu- 
als, but to contribute to general political matters and policies concerning 
intellectuals. They must be controlled, closely watched and divided up, 
and those who are ready to support the Soviet regime and demonstrate 
this by their actions and their words should be considered for promo- 
tion. 43 

A few days later Lenin sent a long memorandum to Stalin in which he 
returned over and over, in almost maniacal detail, to the question of a "defini- 
tive purging" of all socialists, intellectuals, and liberals in Russia: 

Regarding the question of the expulsion of Mensheviks, populist social- 
ists, cadets, etc., I would like to raise a few questions here. This issue 
came up in my absence and has not yet been dealt with fully Mas the 
decision been made yet to root out all the popular socialists? [Andrei] 
Pechekhonov, [Aleksandr] Myakotin, [A.G.] Gornfeld, [N.] Petrishchcv, 
and the like? I think the time has come for them to be exiled. They are 
more dangerous than the Socialist Revolutionaries because they arc 
more cunning. We could say the same of [Aleksandr] Potresov, [Alek- 
sandr] Isgoev, and the rest of the staff at the journal Ekonomist, such as 
Ozerov and several others. The same applies to the Mensheviks such as 
[Vasily] Rozanov (a doctor, not to be trusted), Vigdorshik (Migulo or 
something like that), Lyubov Nikolaevna Radchenko and her young 
daughter (who seem to be two of the worst enemies of Bolshevism), and 
N. A. Rozhkov (he must be exiled, he really is incorrigible) . . . The 
Mantsev-Messing commission must draw up lists, and hundreds of 
these people should be expelled immediately. It is our duty to clean up 
Russia once and for all . . . All the authors at the House of Writers and 
Thinkers in Petrograd, too, must go. Kharkiv must be searched from top 
to bottom. We currently have absolutely no idea what is happening 

From Tambov to the Great Famine 


there; it might as well be in a foreign country. The city needs a radical 
cleansing as soon as possible, right after the trial of all the Socialist 
Revolutionaries. Do something about all those authors and writers in 
Petrograd (you can find all their addresses in New Russian Thought, no. 
4, 1922, p. 37) and all the editors of small publishing houses too (their 
names and addresses are on page 29). This is all of supreme impor- 
tance. 44 


From the Truce to the Great Turning Point 

lor slightly less than five years, from early 1923 until the end of 
1927, there was a pause in the confrontation between society and the new 
regime. Lenin had died on 24 January 1924, already politically sidelined since 
his third stroke in March 1923, and the in-fighting surrounding his succession 
accounted for much of the political activity of the other Bolshevik leaders. 
Meanwhile society licked its wounds. 

During this long truce the peasantry, who made up more than 85 percent 
of the population, tried to get agriculture moving again, to negotiate a price 
for their product, and to live, in the words of historian Michael Confino, "as 
though the peasant Utopia actually worked." This "peasant Utopia, 11 which the 
Bolsheviks called eserovshchina (a term whose closest translation would be 
something like "Socialist Revolutionary mentality"), was based on four princi- 
ples that had been at the heart of all the peasant programs for decades: first, 
the destruction of the traditional large estates, with the land distributed by 
household in accordance with the number of mouths to be fed; second, the 
freedom to dispose of the fruits of their labor however they wished, with all 
the benefits of free trade; third, peasant self-government, represented by a 
traditional village community; and finally, the Bolshevik state reduced to its 
simplest possible expression, one rural soviet for several villages, and a Com- 
munist Party cell for every hundred villages. 

From the Truce to the Great Turning Point 

Market mechanisms, which had not been operational from 1914 to 1922, 
were partly reinstated by the Bolshevik authorities and were temporarily toler- 
ated in recognition of the backwardness of the peasantry. Seasonal migration 
into the towns, which had been such a feature of the old regime, immediately 
started up again. Because the state-run industrial sector had neglected the 
production of consumer goods, rural industries began to take off again. Fam- 
ines became more and more rare, and the peasants once again could eat as much 
as they needed. 

The apparent calm of these years should not conceal the persistence of 
deep-seated tensions between the regime and a society that had not forgotten 
the years of violence. The peasants still had many reasons for discontent. 1 
Agricultural prices were very low, manufactured goods were both rare and 
extremely expensive, and taxes were extremely high. Peasants sensed that they 
were second-class citizens by comparison with city dwellers and in particular 
the working class. Above all, the peasants complained about the innumerable 
abuses of power committed by the local representatives of the Soviet regime, 
who had grown up in the tradition of "War Communism." They were often 
subject to the arbitrary decisions of absolute local authority, which still prac- 
ticed many of the recent methods of the Red Terror. "The justice system, the 
government administration, and the police are all totally corrupted by wide- 
spread alcoholism. Bribery is commonplace, and everything is characterized by 
excessive bureaucracy and a general distaste for the peasant masses," according 
to a long report from the secret police at the end of 1925 on "The Position of 
the Socialist Legal System in the Countryside." 2 

Although the Bolshevik leaders condemned the most obvious abuses by 
Soviet officials, they still considered the countryside to be a vast and dangerous 
terra incognita "crawling with kulaks, Socialist Revolutionaries, religious lead- 
ers, and old-fashioned landowners who have not yet been eliminated," accord- 
ing to a report from the chief of the secret police in Tula Province.-' 

Numerous documents from the Information Department of the GPU 
reveal that ordinary workers were also still under close surveillance. As a social 
group that was still rebuilding after years of war, revolution, and civil war, 
workers were always suspected of maintaining links with the hostile world of 
the countryside. Informers, placed in every enterprise, reported suspicious 
conversations, unusual actions, and "peasant attitudes" that the workers, re- 
turning from working in the countryside during their days off, were suspected 
of importing back into the cities. Police reports divided the workers into 
"hostile elements," "those obviously under the influence of counterrevolution- 
ary cells," "politically backward groups" that generally originated in the coun- 
tryside, and the few elements judged to be worthy of the label "politically 
aware." Any strike or work stoppage, both of which were now quite rare in 




A State against Its People 

these years of high unemployment and slowly improving standards of living, 
was analyzed in great detail, and its instigators arrested. 

Internal documents from the secret police demonstrate that after several 
years of extremely rapid growth, police institutions actually began to decline, 
precisely because of the Bolsheviks' waning desire to transform society. From 
1924 to 1926 Dzerzhinsky had to fight quite hard against Party leaders who 
considered the GPU much too big for the job it was required to do. As a result, 
for the only time since its creation until 1953, the secret police experienced a 
considerable decrease in the number of its employees. In 1921 the Cheka 
employed approximately 105,000 civilians and nearly 180,000 troops of differ- 
ent types, including frontier guards, railway police, and camp officials. By 1925 
the numbers had shrunk to about 26,000 civilians and 63,000 troops. To these 
figures should be added 30,000 informers; their number in 1921 cannot yet be 
gauged from the available documentation. 4 In December 1924 Nikolai Bukharin 
wrote to Feliks Dzerzhinsky: "It is my belief that we should now progress to 
a more liberal form of Soviet power: less repression, more legality, more open 
discussions, more responsibility at local levels (under the leadership of the 
Party naturaliter), etc." 5 

A few months later, on 1 May 1925, the president of the Revolutionary 
Court, Nikolai Krylenko, who had presided over the farcical trial of the Social- 
ist Revolutionaries, wrote a long note to the Politburo in which he criticized 
the excesses of the GPU Several decrees that had been promulgated in 1922 
and 1923 had limited the role of the GPU to matters of espionage, banditry, 
counterfeiting, and counterrevolutionary activities. For crimes that fell into any 
of those categories, the GPU was the sole judge, and its special court was 
entitled to pronounce sentences of deportation and house arrest for up to three 
years, deportation to concentration camps, and even the death penalty. Of the 
62,000 dossiers that the GPU opened in 1924, more than 52,000 were trans- 
ferred to ordinary courts. The GPU special units themselves had investigated 
more than 9,000 cases, a high number given the relatively stable political 
situation. Krylenko concluded: u The conditions suffered by people who are 
deported and forced to live penniless in some forgotten corner of Siberia are 
dreadful. The people sent there are often seventeen or eighteen years old, often 
from student backgrounds, or old men of seventy, members of the clergy, and 
old women belonging to 'socially dangerous classes. 1 " 

Krylenko proposed that the term "counterrevolutionary'' be reserved for 
people known to be members of "political parties representing the interests of 
the bourgeoisie." This limitation, he argued, would avoid "wrongful interpre- 
tations of the term by the services of the GPU." 6 

Dzerzhinsky and his aides reacted swiftly to such criticism by supplying 
the high-ranking members of the Party, and Stalin in particular, with alarmist 

From the Truce to the Great Turning Point 


reports about the persistence of serious internal problems, including supposed 
diversionary tactics orchestrated by Poland, the Baltic states, Great Britain, 
France, and Japan. According to the GPU's annual report for 1924, the secret 
police had 

• arrested 1 1,453 bandits, 1,853 of whom were immediately executed 

• apprehended 926 foreigners (357 of whom were deported) and 1,542 

• prevented a White Guard uprising in the Crimea (132 people were exe- 
cuted during this operation) 

■ carried out 81 operations against anarchist groups, which resulted in 
266 arrests 

liquidated 14 Menshevik organizations (540 arrests), 6 right Socialist 
Revolutionary organizations (152 arrests), 7 left Socialist Revolutionary 
organizations (52 arrests), 117 "diverse intellectual organizations" (1,360 
arrests), 24 monarchist movements (1,245 arrests), 85 clerical and sectar- 
ian organizations (1,765 arrests), and 675 "kulak groups" (1,148 arrests) 
exiled, in two large-scale operations in February and July 1924, approxi- 
mately 4,500 "thieves, persistent offenders and nepmen" (entrepreneurs 
and small businessmen) from Moscow and Leningrad 

■ placed under house arrest 18,200 "socially dangerous" individuals 

■ read 5,078,174 letters and diverse pieces of correspondence 7 

One may well wonder how trustworthy these figures are, in their appar- 
ently scrupulous bureaucratic exactitude. The figures were included in the 
projected budget for the GPU for 1925, and their function may well have been 
to demonstrate that the secret police were not lowering their guard in the face 
of threats from abroad and should thus be considered for an increase in fund- 
ing. Nonetheless the figures are invaluable for historians because they reveal 
the permanence of the methods used, the same obsessions with potential ene- 
mies, and the extent of a network that was momentarily less active but remained 
very much operational. 

Despite the cuts in the budget and the criticism from low-ranking Bol- 
shevik officials, the activities of the GPU began to increase again, thanks to 
increasingly hard-line penal legislation. In practice the Fundamental Principles 
of the Penal Legislation of the U.S.S.R., adopted on 31 October 1924, as well 
as the code adopted in 1926, significantly broadened the definition of what was 
considered a counterrevolutionary crime, and also codified the notion of a 
"socially dangerous person." Among counterrevolutionary crimes, the law in- 
cluded any activity that, without directly aiming to overthrow or weaken the 
Soviet regime, was in itself "an attack on the political or economic achievements 


A State against Its People 

of the revolutionary proletariat. " The law thus not only punished intentional 
transgressions but also proscribed possible or unintentional acts. 

A "socially dangerous person" was defined as "any person who has com- 
mitted an act dangerous to society, who has maintained relations with criminal 
circles, or whose past actions might be considered a danger to society. 1 ' Anyone 
who fell within the scope of these extremely elastic categories could be sen- 
tenced, even in a case of total absence of guilt: "the court may use these 
measures of social protection to deal with anyone classified as a danger to 
society, either for a specific crime that has been committed or when, even if 
exonerated of a particular crime, the person is still reckoned to pose a threat 
to society." The measures that came into force in 1926, including the famous 
Article 58 of the penal code, with its fourteen definitions of counterrevolution- 
ary activity, reinforced the legal foundation of the terror. 8 On 4 May 1926 
Dzerzhinsky sent his aide Genrikh Yagoda a letter in which he laid out a vast 
program for "the fight against speculation." The letter is revealing about the 
limits of the NEP and the permanence of the "spirit of civil war" among 
high-ranking Bolshevik officials: 

The fight against "speculation" is now of exceptional importance . . . 
Moscow must be cleansed of these parasitic speculators. 1 have asked 
Pauker to assemble all available documentation from the files of the 
inhabitants of Moscow regarding this problem. As yet I have received 
nothing from him. Do you not think that the GPU should set up a 
special penal colony unit, which could be financed with a speciaj fund 
from the money confiscated? We could resettle all of these parasites in 
our most distant and inhospitable regions, in accordance with a prees- 
tablished governmental plan. Otherwise the parasites will be our undo- 
ing. Because of them there are no more goods for the peasants, and 
through their machinations the prices are constantly rising and the value 
of the ruble falling. The GPU must tackle this problem directly as soon 
as possible/' 1 

Among other peculiarities of the Soviet penal system was the existence of 
two quite separate systems for prosecution in criminal matters, one judicial and 
the other administrative, and of two systems of detention, one run by the 
Ministry of Internal Affairs and the other by the GPU. In addition to the 
regular prisons that housed those who were sentenced through the normal legal 
channels, a whole network of camps was run by the GPU, reserved for anyone 
sentenced for crimes under its special jurisdiction. Such crimes included any 
form of counterrevolutionary activity, banditry, counterfeiting, and crimes 
committed by the political police themselves. 

In 1922 the government proposed that the GPU set up a huge camp on 
^ie islands in the Solovetski archipelago, in the White Sea near Arkhangelsk, 

From the Truce to the Great Turning Point 


the main island of which was home to one of the largest Russian Orthodox 
monasteries. The GPU expelled the monks and established a chain of camps 
with the common name Special Camps of Solovetski (SLON). The first in- 
ternees, from the Kholmogory and Pertaminsk camps, arrived in early July 
1923. By the end of that year there were more than 4,000 prisoners, by 1927 
there were 15,000, and by the end of 1928 there were nearly 38,000. 

One of the peculiarities of the Solovetski camps was their relative auton- 
omy. Apart from the director and a handful of support staff, all posts in the 
camps were filled by the prisoners themselves. Most of these were people who 
had collaborated with the secret police but had been sentenced for particularly 
serious abuses of their position. In the hands of such people, autonomy was 
bound to give rise to anarchy. 

Under the NEP, the GPU administration recognized three categories of 
prisoners. The first included all those involved in politics, that is, people who 
were members of the old Menshevik, Socialist Revolutionary, or anarchist 
parties. In 1921 they had convinced Dzerzhinsky, who himself had spent nearly 
ten years as a political prisoner under the tsarist regime, that they deserved a 
less stringent fate. As a result they received a slightly larger food ration, known 
as the political ration, were allowed to keep more of their personal belongings, 
and were permitted to receive newspapers and journals. They lived in commu- 
nities, and above all they were spared any forced labor. This privileged status 
was to last until the end of the decade. 

The second group, numerically by far the largest, contained all the coun- 
terrevolutionaries: members of nonsocialist or new anarchist political parties, 
members of the clergy, veteran officers from the tsarist armies, civil servants 
from the old regime, Cossacks, participants in the Kronstadt and Tambov 
revolts, and anyone else who had been sentenced under Article 58 of the penal 

The third category grouped together all common criminals sentenced by 
the GPU (bandits, counterfeiters) and former members of the Cheka who had 
been prosecuted for any number of offenses. The counterrevolutionaries, hav- 
ing been imprisoned with the common criminals who made all the laws in the 
camp, thus underwent endless privations and suffered starvation, the extreme 
cold of the winters, and the summer mosquitoes; one of the commonest tor- 
tures was to tie up prisoners naked in the woods, at the mercy of the mosqui- 
toes, which were particularly voracious in these northern islands. The writer 
Varlam Shalamov, one of the most famous of the Solovetski prisoners, recalled 
that prisoners would deliberately ask to have their hands tied behind their 
backs, a procedure that was in fact enshrined in the regulations. "This was the 
only means of defense that the prisoners had against the laconic formula 'killed 
while attempting to escape.' 1110 


A State against Its People 

It was the Solovetski camps that, after the years of improvisation during 
the civil war, perfected the system of enforced labor that would see such a 
tremendous expansion after 1929. Until 1925 prisoners were kept occupied in 
a relatively unproductive manner inside the camps; but beginning in 1926 the 
camp administrators decided to set up production contracts with a number of 
state organizations. This arrangement meant the use of forced labor as a source 
of profit rather than as a tool for reeducation — the original ideology of the 
corrective work camps of 1919 and 1920. Reorganized under the name Direc- 
torate for Special Camps in the Northern Region (USLON), the Solovetski 
camps expanded in the surrounding area, initially on the shores of the White 
Sea. In 1926 and 1927 new camps were established near the mouth of the 
Pechora River, at Kern, and at other inhospitable nearby sites with densely 
wooded hinterlands. The prisoners carried out a precise program of produc- 
tion, chiefly involving the felling and cutting of timber. The exponential growth 
of the production programs soon required an even greater number of prisoners 
and eventually led, in June 1929, to a major restructuring of the detention 
system. Prisoners who were sentenced to more than three years were sent to 
work camps. This measure implied a veritable explosion in the work-camp 
system. As the experimental laboratory for forced labor, the "special camps" of 
the Solovetski archipelago were the testing ground for another archipelago that 
was coming into being, the immense Gulag archipelago. 

The everyday activities of the GPU, including the sentencing of thousands of 
people to house arrest or to the camps, did not deter the secret police from 
involvement in specific operations of repression on a totally different scale. In 
the apparently calm years of the NEP, from 1923 to 1927, the peripheral 
republics of Russia — Transcaucasia and Central Asia — saw the bloodiest and 
most massive repressions. Most of these nations had fiercely resisted Russian 
expansionism in the nineteenth century and had only recently been recon- 
quered by the Bolsheviks: Azerbaijan in April 1920, Armenia in December 
1920, Georgia in February 1921, Dagestan at the end of 1921, and Turkestan, 
including Bukhara, in the autumn of 1920. They were still putting up strong 
resistance to the process of Sovietization. "We still control only the main cities, 
or rather the main city centers," wrote Jan Peters, the Cheka plenipotentiary 
envoy, in January 1923. From 1918 until the end of the 1920s, and in some 
regions until 1935-36, the greater part of Central Asia, with the exception of 
the towns, was still in the hands of the basmachis. The term basmachis ("brig- 
ands" in Uzbek) was applied by the Russians to all the partisans, both seden- 
tary and nomadic, such as Uzbeks, Turkmenians, and Kirgiz, who were acting 
independently of one another in the various regions. 

The main crucible of revolt was in the Fergana valley. After Bukhara fell 

From the Truce to the Great Turning Point 


to the Red Army in September 1 920, the uprising spread to the western and 
southern regions of the old emirate of Bukhara and to the western region of 
the Turkmcnian steppes. In early 192 1 Red Army headquarters estimated the 
number of armed basmachis at about 30,000. The leadership of the movement 
was extremely heterogeneous, made up as it was of local chiefs from villages or 
tribes, traditional religious leaders, and Muslim nationalist leaders from abroad, 
such as Enver Pasha, the former Turkish minister of defense, who was killed 
in a battle with Cheka detachments in 1922. 

The basmachi movement was a spontaneous uprising against the "infidel" 
and the "Russian oppressor," the old enemy who had returned in a new guise 
and who this time not only wanted land and cattle but also was attempting to 
profane the Muslim spiritual world. This essentially colonial war of "pacifica- 
tion," waged for more than ten years, required a large part of the Russian armed 
forces and the special troops of the secret police, one of whose principal 
sections became the Oriental Department. It is still impossible even to guess at 
the number of victims in this war. 11 

The second major sector of the GPU's Oriental Department was Tran- 
scaucasia. In the first half of the 1920s Dagestan, Georgia, and Chechnya were 
severely affected by the repressions. Dagestan resisted the Soviet invasion until 
1921. Under the direction of Sheikh Uzun Hadji, the Muslim brotherhood of 
the Nakshbandis led a major rebellion among the people of the mountains, and 
the struggle against the Russian invaders took on the character of a holy war. 
It lasted for more than a year, and some regions were "pacified" only by heavy 
bombing and huge massacres of civilians, which persisted into 1924. n 

After three years of independence under a Menshevik government, Geor- 
gia was occupied by the Red Army in February 1921, and it remained, in the 
words of Aleksandr Myasnikov, secretary of the Bolshevik Party Committee in 
Transcaucasia, "a distinctly arduous affair." The local Party was skeletal, having 
recruited scarcely 10,000 members over three years, and it faced opposition in 
the form of a highly educated and noble class of about 100,000 and a vigorous 
Menshevik resistance group (the Menshevik Party in 1920 had numbered some 
60,000 local members). The terror in Georgia was carried out by the all-pow- 
erful Georgian Cheka, largely independent of Moscow and led by Lavrenti 
Beria, a twenty-five-year-old policeman who would soon rise rapidly in the 
Cheka. Despite this, at the end of 1922, the exiled Menshevik leaders managed 
to organize all the anti-Bolshevik parties into a secret committee for Georgian 
independence that prepared for an uprising. The revolt, which began in the 
small town of Chiatura, consisted mainly of peasants from the Gurev region 
and spread within a few days to five of the twenty-five Georgian regions. 
However, faced with the superior forces of a Russian army equipped with heavy 
artillery and air power, the insurrection was crushed within a week. Sergo 


A State against Its People 

Ordzhonikidze, the first secretary of the Bolshevik Party Committee in Tran- 
scaucasia, and Lavrenti Beria used this uprising as the pretext to "finish off the 
Mensheviks and the Georgian nobility once and for all." According to recently 
published data, 12,578 people were shot between 29 August and 5 September 
1924. Repressions were so widespread that even the Politburo reacted. The 
Party leadership sent a message to Ordzhonikidze instructing him not to exe- 
cute a disproportionate number of people or to dispose of political enemies in 
such fashion without express authorization from the Central Committee. Nev- 
ertheless, summary executions continued for some months. Before a meeting 
of the Central Committee in Moscow in October 1924, Ordzhonikidze admit- 
ted that "perhaps we did go a little far, but we couldn't help ourselves." 1 -* 

A year after the Georgian uprising had been crushed, the regime launched 
a massive "pacification" campaign in Chechnya, where people still went about 
their business as though Soviet power did not exist. From 27 August to 15 
September 1925 more than 10,000 regular troops from the Red Army under 
the leadership of General Ierome Uborevich, backed by special units from the 
GPU, began an enormous operation to try to disarm the Chechen partisans 
who still held the countryside. Tens of thousands of arms were seized and 
nearly 1,000 "bandits" arrested. So fierce was the resistance that the GPU 
leader Unshlikht reported that "the troops were forced to resort to heavy 
artillery to bombard the rebel strongholds." At the end of this new "pacifica- 
tion" operation, carried out during what might be called the GPU's finest hour, 
Unshlikht concluded his report thus: "As was demonstrated by the experience 
of our struggle against the basmachis in Turkestan, and against the bandits in 
Ukraine, military repression is effective only when it is followed by an intensive 
process of Sovietization in the core of the country." 14 

After the death of Dzerzhinsky at the end of 1926, the GPU came under 
the leadership of Vyacheslav Rudolfovich Menzhinsky, who had been its foun- 
der's righthand man (and who was also of Polish extraction). By now the GPU 
was called upon more frequently by Stalin, who was preparing his political 
offensive against both Trotsky and Bukharin. In January 1927 the GPU re- 
ceived an order instructing it to accelerate the classification of "anti-Soviet and 
socially dangerous elements" in the countryside. In a single year the number 
of people thus classified rose from 30,000 to about 72,000. In September 1927 
the GPU launched campaigns in several provinces to arrest kulaks and other 
"socially dangerous elements." With hindsight, these operations seem to have 
been preparatory operations for the great "dekulakization" programs of the 
winter of 1929-30. 

In 1926 and 1927 the GPU showed itself also to be extremely active in the 
hunt for Communists of opposing tendencies, who were classified as either 
"Zinovievites" or "Trotskyites." The practice of classifying and following 

From the Truce to the Great Turning Point 


Communists of different tendencies had first appeared in 1921. In September 
1923 Dzerzhinsky had proposed "to tighten the ideological unity of the Party" 
by insisting that Communists agree to inform the secret police about the 
existence of splits or disagreements within the Party. The proposal had met 
with considerable hostility from several leaders, including Trotsky himself. 
Nonetheless, the practice of placing opponents under surveillance became 
increasingly widespread in the years that followed. The GPU was very closely 
involved with the purge of the Communist organization in Leningrad, carried 
out under Zinoviev in January and February 1927. Opponents were not simply 
expelled from the Party; several hundred were exiled to distant towns in the 
countryside, where their position was very precarious, since no one dared to 
offer them any work. In 1927 the hunt for Trotskyites — who numbered several 
thousand around the country — intensified considerably, and for a month it 
involved a number of units from the GPU. AH opponents were classified, and 
hundreds of militant Trotskyites were arrested and then exiled as a simple 
administrative measure. In November 1927 all the main leaders of the so-called 
Left Opposition, including Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Radek, and Rakovsky, 
were expelled from the Party and arrested. Anyone who failed to make a public 
confession was exiled. On 19 January 1928 Pravda announced the departure of 
Trotsky and a group of thirty Opposition leaders from Moscow to exile in 
Alma-Ata. A year later Trotsky was banned from the U.S.S.R. altogether. With 
the transformation of one of the main architects of the Bolshevik terror into a 
"counterrevolutionary," it was clear that a new era had dawned, and that a new 
Party strongman had emerged — Josif Stalin, 

In early 1928, when the Trotskyite opposition had been eliminated, the 
Stalinist majority in the Politburo decided to end the truce with society, which 
seemed to be straying increasingly from the original path set by the Bolsheviks. 
The main enemy now, as ten years previously, was the peasantry, which was 
still perceived as a hostile, uncontrolled, and uncontrollable mass. This second 
stage of the war against the peasantry, as the historian Andrea Graziosi notes, 
"was markedly different from the first. The initiative was taken very much by 
the state this time, and all the peasantry could do was react, with ever decreasing 
strength, to the attacks carried out against it," 15 

Although the state of agriculture had improved since the catastrophic 
events of 1918-1922, the end of the decade saw the "peasant enemy" still 
weaker, and the state considerably stronger, than at the beginning. The authori- 
ties, for example, had considerably more information at their disposal about 
what actually went on in the villages. Thanks to its files on "socially dangerous 
elements," the GPU could carry out the first dekulakization raids, stamp out 
more and more "banditry," disarm the peasants, increase the proportion of 
villagers recruited as soldiers, and expand Soviet education. As the correspon- 


A State against Its People 

dence of Party leaders and the records of high-level discussions within the 
Party demonstrate, the Stalinist leadership, like its opponents Bukharin, Rykov, 
and Kamenev, was perfectly aware of what was at stake in this new assault on 
the peasantry. "There will be a peasant war, as in 1918-19," warned Bukharin. 
But Stalin was ready, since he knew that, whatever the cost, the regime would 
emerge the victor. 16 

The harvest crisis at the end of 1927 provided Stalin with the pretext he 
needed. November was marked by a spectacular decline in deliveries of agri- 
cultural products to the state collection centers, and by December this was 
beginning to take on catastrophic proportions. In January 1928 the facts had to 
be faced: despite a good harvest, the peasants had delivered only 4.8 million 
tons, down from 6.8 million the previous year. The new crisis had many causes, 
including the decline in the prices offered by the state, the cost and the scarcity 
of manufactured products, the disorganization of the collection agencies, the 
rumors of war, and, in general, the peasants' discontent with the regime, 
Nonetheless, Stalin was quick to label this a "kulak strike. 11 

The Stalinist faction quickly used the reduced deliveries as a pretext to 
return to requisitioning and to the repressive measures used during the period 
of War Communism. Stalin visited Siberia in person. Other leaders, including 
Andrei Andreev, Anastas Mikoyan, Pavel Postyshev, and Stanislas Kossior, also 
left for the grain-producing centers in the Black Earth territories (fertile re- 
gions in southern Russia), Ukraine, and the Northern Caucasus. On 14 January 
1928 the Politburo sent a circular to local authorities ordering them to "arrest 
speculators, kulaks, and anyone else interfering in the markets or in pricing 
policies." "Plenipotentiaries" (the term itself was a throwback to the requisi- 
tioning policies of 1918-1921) and detachments of militant Communists were 
sent into the countryside to remove local authorities judged to be too compla- 
cent toward the kulaks. They also sought out hidden grain surpluses, if neces- 
sary with the help of poor peasants, who were promised a quarter of all 
confiscated grain as compensation for their assistance. 

To punish peasants who were unwilling to hand over their agricultural 
products at prices that were a mere third or even a quarter of the going market 
rate, the Soviet authorities doubled, tripled, or even quintupled the original 
amount to be collected. Article 107 of the penal code, which set a prison term 
of three years for anyone acting in a manner liable to increase prices, was also 
widely used. Taxes on the kulaks were increased tenfold in two years. The 
markets themselves were closed, a move that affected wealthier and poorer 
peasants alike. Within a few weeks all these measures clearly vitiated the uneasy 
truce existing between the regime and the peasantry since 1922-23. The req- 
uisitioning and repressive measures merely worsened the agricultural situation. 
In the short term, the use of force had allowed the authorities to obtain a harvest 

From the Truce to the Great Turning Point 


approximately the same size as that from the preceding year. In the long term, 
however, the consequences were similar to those during War Communism: 
peasants reacted by sowing considerably less the following year.' 7 

The harvest crisis of the winter of 1927-28 played a crucial role in the 
events that followed. In particular, Stalin drew a whole series of conclusions 
from this crisis. He decided to to create "fortresses of socialism" in the coun- 
tryside—giant sovkhozy, pilot farms run by the state, and kolkhozy, or collective 
farms— and to get rid of the kulaks once and for all by "liquidating them as a 

In 1928 the regime also broke its truce with another social group, the 
spetsy, the "bourgeois specialists" left over from the intelligentsia of the ancien 
regime, who at the end of the 1920s still filled most of the managerial positions 
in industrial and government departments. At a meeting of the Central Com- 
mittee in April 1928, it was announced that an industrial sabotage plan had 
been discovered in the Shakhty region, one of the mining areas of the Donbass, 
among the workers of the Donugol Company, which was known to employ 
"bourgeois specialists" and to have relations with finance companies in the 
West. A few weeks later, 53 of the accused, most of them engineers and 
middle-management workers, were tried in public in the first open political trial 
since that of the Socialist Revolutionaries in 1922; 1 1 were condemned to death, 
and 5 were executed. This show-trial, which was reported extensively in the 
press, serves as an illustration of the obsessive hunt for "saboteurs in the pay 
of foreign powers," a term used as a rallying call for activists and informers in 
the pay of the GPU "Saboteurs" were blamed for all economic failures, and 
they became the excuse for using thousands of white-collar workers to build 
the new special offices of the GPU, known as the sharashki. Thousands of 
engineers and technicians who had been convicted of sabotage were punished 
by being sent to construction sites and high-profile civil engineering projects. 
In the months following the Shakhty trial the Economic Department of the 
GPU fabricated dozens of similar affairs, notably in Ukraine. In the Yugostal 
metallurgy complex in Dnepropetrovsk, 1 1 2 white-collar workers were arrested 
in May 1928, 1X 

Not only white-collar industrial workers were targeted in the vast anti- 
specialist operations begun in 1928. Numerous university professors and stu- 
dents of "socially unacceptable" background were excluded from higher 
education in a series of purges of the universities designed to advance the 
careers of the new Red "proletarian" intelligentsia. 

The new repressive measures and the economic difficulties of the later 
years of the NEP, which were marked by growing unemployment and upsurges 
in criminal activity, resulted in a huge increase in the number of criminal 
convictions: 578,000 in 1926, 709,000 in 1927, 909,000 in 1928, and 1,778,000 


A State against Its People 

in 1929. I9 To curtail the rapid growth of the prison population, which in 1928 
was supposed to be no higher than 150,000, the government made two impor- 
tant decisions. The first, a decree of 26 March 1928, was a proposal to replace 
all short-term prison sentences for minor offenses with corrective work, to be 
carried out without remuneration "in industry, on construction projects, or in 
forestry work." The second measure was a decree of 27 June 1929, which had 
enormous consequences. It recommended the transfer of all prisoners who 
were sentenced to more than three years to work camps whose aim was to be 
"the development of the natural resources of the northern and eastern regions 
of the country," an idea that had been in the air for a few years. The GPU was 
already involved in a vast enterprise of wood production for the export market, 
and had repeatedly asked for additional workers from the organizations at the 
Ministry of Internal Affairs responsible for incarcerations. The GPU's own 
prisoners in the special Solovetski camps, who numbered 38,000 in 1928, were 
not sufficient to meet the desired production targets. 20 

The drawing-up of the first Five-Year Plan highlighted questions about 
the division of the labor force and the exploitation of the inhospitable regions 
that were so rich in natural resources. In that respect the penal workforce, 
heretofore an untapped source of manpower, was considered a potentially 
extremely valuable asset — a major source of revenue, influence, and power. The 
leaders of the GPU, and in particular Menzhinsky and his aide Yagoda, both 
of whom had Stalin's backing, were well aware of the potential importance of 
the prisoners. In the summer of 1929 they put together an ambitious plan to 
colonize the Narym region, which covered 225,000 square miles of marshy pine 
forest in western Siberia. This plan was implemented in a decree of 27 June 
1929. It was in this context that the idea of dekulakization began to take shape. 
The idea was to deport kulaks, defined as the better-off peasants, whom the 
official circles considered necessarily opposed to collectivization. 21 

Nonetheless, it took an entire year for Stalin and his followers to persuade 
other Party leaders to accept the policies of enforced collectivization, dekulaki- 
zation, and accelerated industrialization— the three key aspects of a coherent 
program for the brutal transformation of the economy and society. The pro- 
gram called for the simultaneous dissolution of the traditional market economy, 
expropriation of all peasant land, and development of the natural resources of 
the inhospitable regions of the country using the forced labor of "kulaks" and 
other groups that were the targets of this "second revolution." 

The "right-wing" opposition to these ideas, led notably by Rykov and 
Bukharin, thought that collectivization would result only in a new feudal ex- 
ploitation of the peasantry, leading to civil war, increased terror, chaos, and new 
famines. This obstacle was finally eliminated in April 1929. Throughout the 
summer of 1929 the "rightists" were attacked in the Soviet press with unprece- 

From the Truce to the Great Turning Point 


dented venom, accused of collaborating with capitalist elements and colluding 
with Trotskyites. Totally discredited, these opponents were forced to make 
public confessions at the Plenary Session of the Central Committee in Novem- 
ber 1929. 

During these episodes in the struggle between proponents and opponents 
of the NEP, the country sank further and further into economic crisis. The 
agricultural figures for 1928-29 were disastrous. Despite systematic recourse 
to a whole arsenal of coercive measures directed against the peasantry, includ- 
ing steep fines and prison sentences for anyone who refused to sell produce to 
the state, the amount gathered by the state in the winter of 1928-29 was 
considerably smaller than the preceding year, which understandably created a 
situation of extreme tension in the countryside. From January 1928 to Decem- 
ber 1929 — that is, even before enforced collectivization— the GPU recorded 
more than 1,300 riots and mass demonstrations in the countryside, which led 
to the arrest of tens of thousands of peasants. One other statistic is also a good 
indicator of the climate in the countryside at that time: in 1929 more than 3,200 
Soviet civil servants were victims of terrorist attacks. In February ration cards 
appeared for the first time since the introduction of the NEP. Poverty again 
became widespread after the authorities closed down most small companies and 
peasant workshops, labeling them capitalist throwbacks. 

In Stalin's view, the crisis in agriculture was the work of kulaks and other 
hostile forces who were attempting to undermine the Soviet regime. The stakes 
were set: the choice was to be made between rural capitalism and the kolkhozy. 
In June 1929 the government announced the beginning of a new phase, that of 
"mass collectivization." The targets of the first Five- Year Plan, ratified in April 
by the Sixteenth Party Congress, were retroactively rounded upward. The plan 
had originally foreseen the collectivization of around 5 million (or approxi- 
mately 20 percent) of all farms before the end of the Five- Year Plan. In June 
it was announced that the objective was now 8 million farms for 1930 alone; by 
September the projected figure had risen to 13 million. Throughout the sum- 
mer the authorities mobilized tens of thousands of Communists, trade union- 
ists, members of the Communist youth organizations (the Komsomols), 
laborers, and students and sent them into rural villages together with local Party 
leaders and GPU officials. The pressure on the peasants intensified as local 
Party organizations strove to outdo each other to beat the collectivization 
records. On 31 October 1929 Pravda called for "total collectivization." A week 
later, on the twelfth anniversary of the Revolution, Stalin published his famous 
article "The Great Turning Point," which was based on the fundamentally 
erroneous idea that "the average peasant has welcomed the arrival of the 
kolkhoz'" The NEP was definitively over. 


Forced Collectivization and Dekulakization 


lecent research in the newly accessible archives has confirmed 
that the forced collectivization of the countryside was in effect a war declared 
by the Soviet state on a nation of smallholders. More than 2 million peasants 
were deported (1.8 million in 1930-31 alone), 6 million died of hunger, and 
hundreds of thousands died as a direct result of deportation. Such figures, 
however, only hint at the size of this human tragedy. Far from being confined 
to the winter of 1929-30, the war dragged on until the mid- 1930s and was at its 
peak in 1932 and 1933, which were marked by a terrible famine deliberately 
provoked by the authorities to break the resistance of the peasants. The vio- 
lence used against the peasants allowed the authorities to experiment with 
methods that would later be used against other social groups. In that respect it 
marked a decisive step in the development of Stalinist terror. 

In a report to a Central Committee plenum in November 1929, Vyacheslav 
Molotov declared: 'The speed of collectivization is not really at issue in the 
plan ... We still have November, December, January, February, and March, 
four and a half months in which, if the imperialists do not attack us head-on, 
we can make a decisive breakthrough in the economy and in collectivization. 1 ' 
The committee endorsed the decision to speed up the pace of collectivization. 
A commission drew up a new timetable that was optimistically revised several 
times before being officially published on 5 January 1930. The Northern Cau- 

Forced Collectivization and Dekulakization 

casus and the lower and middle regions of the Volga were to be fully collectiv- 
ized by the autumn of 1930, and the other grain-producing regions a year later. 1 

On 27 December 1929 Stalin demanded "the eradication of all kulak 
tendencies and the elimination of the kulaks as a class." A commission from 
the Politburo, presided over by Molotov, was charged with pursuing all meas- 
ures needed to achieve this goal. The commission defined three categories of 
kulaks: those engaged in "counterrevolutionary activities" were to be arrested 
and transferred to GPU work camps or executed if they put up any sign of 
resistance. Their families were to be deported and all their property confiscated. 
Kulaks of the second category, who were defined as "showing less active oppo- 
sition, but nonetheless archexploiters with an innate tendency to destabilize the 
regime,' 1 were to be arrested and deported with their families to distant regions 
of the country. Those in the third category, classified as loyal to the regime, 
were to be officially transferred to the peripheral regions of the districts in 
which they lived, "outside the collectivized zones, on land requiring improve- 
ment. 1 ' The decree also stipulated that "the number of kulak farms to be 
liquidated within the next four months . . . should be between 3 percent and 
5 percent of the total number of farms," a figure intended as a general guideline 
for the size of dekulakization operations. 2 

Coordinated in each district by a troika composed of the first secretary of 
the local Party Committee, the president of the local Soviet Executive Com- 
mittee, and the chief of the local GPU, operations were carried out on the 
ground by special dekulakization commissions and brigades. The list of kulaks 
in the first category, which, according to the Politburo's guidelines, was to 
comprise some 60,000 heads of household, was to be drawn up by the secret 
police themselves. Lists of kulaks in the other two categories were made in situ 
at the recommendation of local village activists. Sergo Ordzhonkidze, one of 
Stalin's closest advisers, explained who these "activists 11 really were: "Because 
there are almost no Party activists in the villages, we generally install a young 
Communist in the village and force two or three poor peasants to join him, and 
it is this aktiv [activist cell] that personally carries out all the village business 
of collectivization and dekulakization. "■* Their instructions were quite clear: 
they were to collectivize as many farms as possible, and to arrest and label as a 
kulak anyone who put up resistance. 

These practices naturally opened the way to all sorts of abuses and the 
settling of old scores, and difficult questions were raised regarding the catego- 
ries of kulaks. In January and February 1930 the criteria established by the 
Party after considering innumerable reports from committees of economists 
and ideologues were scarcely applicable, since the ever-increasing taxes had 
impoverished all previously wealthy peasants. In the absence of external signs 
of wealth, the commissions had to resort to outdated and often incomplete tax 




A State against Its People 

returns kept by the rural soviet, information provided by the GPU, and denun- 
ciations by neighbors tempted by the possibility of gain. In practice, instead of 
the precise and detailed inventory that they were instructed to draw up before 
expropriating goods for the kolkhoz, the dekulakization brigades seemed to 
follow the motto "Eat, drink, and be merry, for it all belongs to us. 1 ' According 
to a GPU report from Smolensk, "the brigades took from the wealthy peasants 
their winter clothes, their warm underclothes, and above all their shoes. They 
left the kulaks standing in their underwear and took everything, even old rubber 
socks, women's clothes, tea worth no more than fifty kopeks, water pitchers, 
and pokers . . . The brigades confiscated everything, even the pillows from 
under the heads of babies, and stew from the family pot, which they smeared 
on the icons they had smashed."** Dekulakized properties were often simply 
looted or sold at auction by the dekulakization brigades for absurd prices: 
wooden houses were bought for sixty kopeks, cows for fifteen. 

In such conditions it is not surprising that in certain districts between 80 
and 90 percent of those victimized by the dekulakization process were 
serednyakt, or middle-income peasants. The brigades had to meet the required 
quotas and, if possible, surpass them. Peasants were arrested and deported for 
having sold grain on the market or for having had an employee to help with 
harvest back in 1925 or 1926, for possessing two samovars, for having killed a 
pig in September 1 929 "with the intention of consuming it themselves and thus 
keeping it from socialist appropriation." Peasants were arrested on the pretext 
that they had "taken part in commerce," when all they had done was sell 
something of their own making. One peasant was deported on the pretext that 
his uncle had been a tsarist officer; another was labeled a kulak on account of 
his "excessive visits to the church." But most often people were classed as 
kulaks simply on the grounds that they had resisted collectivization. At times 
confusion reigned in the dekulakization brigades to an almost comic extreme: 
in one city in Ukraine, for example, a serednyak who was a member of a 
dekulakization brigade was himself arrested by a member of another brigade 
that was operating on the other side of the town. 

After a first phase that allowed some to settle old scores or quite simply 
to engage in looting, village communities began to harden their attitudes to 
both dekulakization and collectivization. The GPU recorded 402 revolts and 
mass peasant demonstrations against dekulakization and collectivization in 
January 1930, 1,048 in February, and 6,528 in March. 5 

This massive and quite unexpected resistance caused the government 
briefly to alter its plans. On 2 March 1930 all Soviet newspapers carried Stalin's 
famous article "Dizzy with Success," which condemned "the numerous abuses 
of the principle of voluntary collectivization" and blamed the excesses of 

Forced Collectivization and Dekulakization 


collectivization and dekulakization on local bosses who were "drunk on suc- 
cess." The impact of the article was immediate: in March alone more than 5 
million peasants left the kolkhozy Trouble and unrest, linked to the often 
violent reappropriation of tools and cattle by their original owners, immediately 
flared up. Throughout March the central authorities received daily reports 
from the GPU of massive uprisings in western Ukraine, in the central Black 
Earth region, in the Northern Caucasus, and in Kazakhstan. The GPU counted 
more than 6,500 mass demonstrations during that critical month, more than 
800 of which had to be put down by force. During these events more than 1 ,500 
civil servants were killed, wounded, or badly beaten. The number of victims 
among the rebels is not known but must easily have totaled several thousand. 6 

By early April the authorities were forced into further concessions. Several 
circulars were sent to local authorities calling for a slowdown in collectivization, 
acknowledging that there was a genuine danger of "a veritable tidal wave of 
peasant wars" and of u thc death of at least half of all local Soviet civil servants." 
That month the number of uprisings and peasant demonstrations began to 
decline, though it remained exceedingly high. The GPU reported 1,992 pro- 
tests for April. The decrease became more apparent as the summer wore on. 
In June there were 886 revolts, 618 in July, and 256 in August. In all of 1930 
nearly 2.5 million peasants took part in approximately 14,000 revolts, riots, and 
mass demonstrations against the regime. The regions most affected were the 
Black Earth region, the Northern Caucasus, and Ukraine, particularly the 
western parts, where whole districts, and notably the areas that bordered on 
Poland and Romania, temporarily slipped out of the control of the Soviet 
regime. 7 

One of the peculiarities of these movements was the key role played by 
women peasants, who were sometimes sent to the front lines in the hope that 
they would not suffer as severe a fate as the men who were captured. H Although 
the demonstrations by women often focused on the closure of churches or the 
collectivization of dairy farming, there were also bloody confrontations between 
GPU detachments and groups of peasants armed with axes and pitchforks. 
Hundreds of Soviet officials were attacked, and for a few hours or a few days 
the peasants would try to reclaim the administration of village affairs, demand- 
ing the return of confiscated tools and cattle, the dissolution of the kolkhoz, 
the ^introduction of free trade, the reopening of the churches, the restitution 
of all goods to the kulaks, the return of the peasants who had been deported, 
the abolition of Bolshevik power, and, in Ukraine at least, national inde- 
pendence. 9 

The peasants managed to postpone collectivization only through March 
and April. Their actions did not lead to the creation of a central movement of 


A State against Its People 

resistance, with leaders and regional organizations. Weapons, too, were in short 
supply, having been steadily seized by the authorities over the preceding decade. 
Even so, the revolts were difficult to put down. 

The repressions were horrifying. By the end of March 1930, "mopping- 
up operations against counterrevolutionary elements" on the borders of west- 
ern Ukraine led to the arrest of more than 15,000 people. In about forty days, 
from 1 February to 1 5 March, the Ukrainian GPU arrested 26,000 people, of 
whom 650 were immediately executed. According to the GPU's own records, 
20,200 people received death sentences that year through the courts alone. 10 

While carrying out this repression of "counterrevolutionary elements," 
the GPU began to apply Yagoda's Directive No. 44/21, which called for the 
arrest of 60,000 kulaks of the first category. To judge by the daily reports that 
were sent to him, the operation was carried out exactly as planned. The first 
report, dated 6 February, noted 15,985 arrests; by 9 February the GPU noted 
that 25,245 kulaks had been "taken out of circulation." A secret report 
(spetssvodka) dated 15 February gave the following details: "The total number 
of liquidations, including both individuals taken out of circulation and larger- 
scale operations, has now reached 64,589. Of these, 52,166 are first category, 
arrested during preparatory operations, and 12,423 were arrested in larger-scale 
operations." In just a few days the target figure of 60,000 first-category kulaks 
had already been met." 

In reality the kulaks represented only one group of people "taken out of 
circulation." Local GPU agents everywhere had taken the opportunity to clear 
their district of "socially dangerous elements," among whom were "police 
officers from the old regime," "White officers," "priests," "nuns," "rural arti- 
sans," former "shopkeepers," "members of the rural intelligentsia," and "oth- 
ers." At the bottom of the report dated 15 February 1930, which detailed the 
categories of individuals arrested as part of the liquidation of kulaks of the first 
class, Yagoda wrote: "The regions of the northeast and of Leningrad have not 
understood the orders, or at least are pretending not to have understood them. 
They must be forced to understand. We are not trying to clear the territory of 
religious leaders, shopkeepers, and 'others.' If they write 'others, 1 that means 
they don't even know who it is they are arresting. There will be plenty of time 
to dispose of shopkeepers and religious leaders. What we are trying to do now 
is to strike at the heart of the problem by weeding out the kulaks and kulak 
counterrevolutionaries " 12 Even today it is impossible to say how many of the 
"kulaks of the first category" who were "liquidated" were actually executed, 
since there are no figures available. 

Undoubtedly "kulaks of the first category" were a major part of the first 
groups of prisoners who were transferred to the labor camps. By the summer 
of 1930 the GPU had already established a vast network of such camps. The 

Forced Collectivization and Dekulakization 


oldest group of prisons, on the Solovetski Islands, continued its expansion on 
the shores of the White Sea, from Karelia to Arkhangelsk. More than 40,000 
prisoners built the Kem-Ukhta road, and thus facilitated most of the wood 
production that was exported from Arkhangelsk. The group of camps in the 
north, where nearly 40,000 other prisoners were detained, set about the con- 
struction of a 200-mile railway line between Ust, Sysolk, and Pinyug, and a 
road of the same length between Ust, Sysolk, and Ukhta. The 1 5,000 prisoners 
in the camps in the east were the sole source of labor for the Boguchachinsk 
Railway. The fourth group of camps, in Vichera, where some 20,000 prisoners 
were detained, provided the labor force for the construction of the great chemi- 
cal plant of Berezniki in the Urals. Finally, the camps in Siberia, where 80,000 
people were kept, provided the labor for the Tomsk-Eniseisk Railway and the 
Kuznetsk metallurgy complex.' 1 

In a year and half, from the end of 1928 to the summer of 1930, forced 
labor in the GPU camps had more than tripled, from 40,000 to approximately 
140,000. The successful use of forced labor encouraged the government to 
tackle more projects on a similar scale. In June 1930 the government decided 
to construct a canal more than 150 miles long, most of it through granite, 
linking the Baltic to the White Sea. In the absence of the necessary technology 
and machinery, it was calculated that a labor force of 125,000 would be required 
to carry out the task, using nothing but pickaxes, buckets, and wheelbarrows. 
Such a labor force was unprecedented; but in the summer of 1930, when 
dekulakization was at its height, the authorities had precisely that sort of spare 
labor capacity at their disposal. 

In fact the number of people deported as kulaks was so great — more than 
700,000 people by the end of 1930, more than 1.8 million by the end of 
1931 M — that the framework designed to cope with the process could not pos- 
sibly keep up. Most of the kulaks in the second or third category were deported 
in improvised operations of almost total chaos, which often resulted in an 
unprecedented phenomenon of "abandonment in deportation." This provided 
no economic benefit for the authorities, although the plan had been to utilize 
this forced labor to its maximum capacity to develop the regions of the country 
that were inhospitable but rich in natural resources. 15 

Deportation of kulaks of the second category began in the first week of 
February 1930. According to a plan approved by the Politburo, 60,000 families 
were to be deported as part of a first phase that was to last until the end of 
April. The northern region was to receive 45,000 families, and the Urals 1 5,000. 
However, as early as 16 February, Stalin sent a telegram to Robert Eikhe, first 
secretary of the Party's regional committee in western Siberia: "It is inexcus- 
able that Siberia and Kazakhstan are claiming not to be ready to receive deport- 
ees! It is imperative that Siberia receive 15,000 families between now and the 


A State against Its People 

end of April." In reply, Eikhe sent Moscow an estimate of the installation costs 
for the planned contingent of deportees, which he calculated to be 40 million 
rubles — a sum that he never, of course, received. 16 

The deportation operations were thus characterized by a complete lack of 
coordination between the place of departure and the destination. Peasants who 
had been arrested were thus sometimes kept for weeks in improvised prisons — 
barracks, administrative buildings, and railway stations — from which a great 
number managed to escape. The GPU had allocated 240 convoys of 53 car- 
riages for the first phase. Each convoy, according to GPU regulations, consisted 
of 44 cattle trucks with 40 deportees apiece; 8 carriages to carry the tools, food, 
and personal belongings of the deportees (limited to 480 kilos per family), and 
1 carriage to transport the guards. As the rather acerbic correspondence be- 
tween the GPU and the People's Commissariat of Transport demonstrates, the 
formation of the convoys was invariably a painfully slow process. In the great 
depots, such as Vologda, Kotlas, Rostov, Sverdlovsk, and Omsk, convoys would 
remain for weeks, filled with their human cargo. These masses of women, 
children, and old men rarely passed unnoticed by the local population; many 
group letters, signed by the "Workers' and Employees' Collective of Vologda" 
or the "Railway Workers of Kotlas," were sent to Moscow complaining about 
"massacres of the innocent." 17 

Few detailed records were kept of the mortality rates for the convoys of 
1930 and 1931, but the appalling conditions, the cold, the lack of food, and the 
rapid spread of disease must have cost a large number of lives. 

When the railway convoys finally arrived at a station, the men were often 
separated from their families, kept provisionally in flimsy cabins, and then 
escorted to the new colonies, which, in accordance with official instructions, 
were "some way distant from any means of communication." The interminable 
journey thus sometimes continued for several hundred more kilometers, with 
or without the family, sometimes on convoys of sledges in the winter, in carts 
in the summer, or even on foot. From a practical point of view, the last stage 
in the journey of kulaks of the second category was often indistinguishable 
from the deportation of kulaks of the third category, who were being relocated 
to lands requiring improvement in the peripheral regions — regions that in 
Siberia or the Urals covered hundreds of thousands of square miles. As the 
authorities in the district of Tomsk, in western Siberia, reported on 7 March 

The first convoys of third-category kulaks arrived on foot, since we have 
no horses, sleighs, or harnesses ... In general the horses that are as- 
signed to the convoys are totally unsuited to journeys that are often of 

Forced Collectivization and Dekulakization 


more than 200 miles, for when the convoys are being made up, any of 
the good horses belonging to the deportees are quickly replaced with old 
nags ... In view of the present situation, it is impossible to transport the 
two months' supplies that the kulaks are entitled to bring with them. It 
is also very hard to deal with the children and old men who usually make 
up some 50 percent of the contingent. ,s 

In a similar report the Central Executive Committee of western Siberia 
demonstrated the impossibility of carrying out the instructions of the GPU 
regarding the deportation of 4,902 kulaks of the third category to two districts 
in the province of Novosibirsk: u The transportation, along 225 miles of road 
in appalling disrepair, of the 8,560 tons of grain and animal feed to which the 
deportees are theoretically entitled Tor their journey and their settling in,' 
would require the use of 28,909 horses and 7,227 horsemen (1 horseman for 
4 horses)." The report concluded that "carrying out an operation of this scale 
would seriously compromise the spring sowing program, because the horses 
would be exhausted as a result, and would require several weeks of rest ... It 
is thus of capital importance that the volume of provisions that the deportees 
are allowed to bring with them be decreased considerably." 19 

It was thus without provisions or tools, and often without any shelter, that 
the prisoners had to begin their new lives. One report from the province of 
Arkhangelsk in September 1930 admitted that of the planned 1,641 living 
quarters for the deportees, only 7 had been built. The deportees often "settled" 
on the bare earth, on the open steppes, or in the middle of the marshy pine 
forests. The fortunate ones who had been able to bring some tools with them 
could construct some sort of rudimentary shelter, often the traditional zemly- 
anka, a simple hole in the ground covered with branches. In some cases, when 
the deportees were to reside by the thousands near a large building or industrial 
complex that was under construction, they were lodged in primitive military 
camps, where they slept in three-tier bunk beds, with several hundred people 
per shack. 

In all, 1,803,392 people were officially deported as part of the dekulakiza- 
tion program in 1930 and 1931. One might well wonder how many died of cold 
and hunger in the first few months of their "new life." The archives in Novosi- 
birsk contain one startling document in the form of a report sent to Stalin in 
May 1933 by an instructor of the Party committee in Narym in western Siberia, 
concerning the fate met by two convoys of more than 6,000 people deported 
from Moscow and Leningrad. Although it concerns a later period and deals 
with a different category of deportee — not peasants but "outdated elements" 
thrown out of a new socialist town at the end of 1932 — the document describes 
the fairly common phenomenon of "abandonment in deportation." 


A State against Its People 

On 29 and 30 April 1933 two convoys of "outdated dements" were sent 
to us by train from Moscow and Leningrad. On their arrival in Tomsk 
they were transferred to barges and unloaded, on 18 May and 26 May, 
onto the island of Nazino, which is situated at the juncture of the Ob 
and Nazina rivers. The first convoy contained 5,070 people, and the 
second 1,044: 6,114 in all. The transport conditions were appalling: the 
little food that was available was inedible, and the deportees were 
cramped into nearly airtight spaces . . . The result was a daily mortality 
rate of 35 — 40 people. These living conditions, however, proved to be 
luxurious in comparison to what awaited the deportees on the island of 
Nazino (from which they were supposed to be sent on in groups to their 
final destination, the new sectors that are being colonized farther up the 
Nazina River). The island of Nazino is a totally uninhabited place, 
devoid of any settlements . . . There were no tools, no grain, and no 
food. That is how their new life began. The day after the arrival of the 
first convoy, on 19 May, snow began to fall again, and the wind picked 
up. Starving, emaciated from months of insufficient food, without shel- 
ter, and without tools, . . . they were trapped. They weren't even able to 
light fires to ward off the cold. More and more of them began to die . . . 
On the first day, 295 people were buried. It was only on the fourth or 
fifth day after the convoy's arrival on the island that the authorities sent 
a bit of flour by boat, really no more than a few pounds per person. Qnce 
they had received their meager ration, people ran to the edge of the 
water and tried to mix some of the flour with water in their hats, their 
trousers, or their jackets. Most of them just tried to eat it straight off, 
and some of them even choked to death. These tiny amounts of flour 
were the only food that the deportees received during the entire period 
of their stay on the island. The more resourceful among them tried to 
make some rudimentary sort of pancakes, but they had nothing to mix 
or cook them in ... It was not long before the first cases of cannibalism 

At the end of June the deportees began to be transported to the so-called 
village colonies. These places were nearly 150 miles farther up the river, deep 
in forests. They were not villages, but untamed wilderness. Some of the de- 
portees somehow managed to build a primitive oven, so that they could bake 
bread. But for the rest there was little change from life as it had been on the 
island: the same feeling of purposelessness, the same fires, the same nakedness. 
The only difference was the bread ration, which came around every few days. 
The mortality rate was still appalling; for example, of the seventy-eight people 
who embarked from the island to the fifth colonial village, twelve were still alive 
when the boat arrived. Soon the authorities realized that these regions were 

Forced Collectivization and Dekulakization 


simply not habitable, and the whole contingent was sent down the river once 
again. Escape attempts became more and more common. 

At the new location the surviving deportees were at last given some 
tools, and in the second half of July they began to build shelters that 
were half sunk into the ground . . . Cases of cannibalism were still being 
recorded. Slowly, however, life began to take a more normal course, and 
people began to work again, but they were so worn out from the events 
of the preceding months that even with rations of 1.5 to 2 pounds of 
bread a day they still fell ill and died, and ate moss, grass, leaves, etc. 
The result of all this was that of the 6,100 people sent from Tomsk (to 
whom another 500-700 were subsequently added from the surrounding 
regions), only 2,200 were still alive by 20 August. 20 

It is impossible to gauge how many similar cases of the abandonment of 
deportees there were, but some of the official figures give an indication of the 
losses. From February 1930 to December 1931 more than 1.8 million kulaks 
were deported; but on 1 January 1932, when the authorities carried out a 
general census, only 1,317,022 kulak deportees were recorded. Losses were thus 
close to half a million people, or nearly 30 percent of all deportees. 21 Undoubt- 
edly, a not insignificant proportion of those had managed to escape. 22 In 1932 
the fate of these "contingents" was for the first time made an object of system- 
atic study by the GPU After the summer of 1931 the GPU itself was respon- 
sible for all deportations of what were termed "specially displaced," from the 
initial deportation itself to the creation and management of the new village 
colonies. According to that initial study, there had been more than 210,000 
escapes and approximately 90,000 deaths. In 1933, the year of the great famine, 
the authorities recorded the deaths of 151,601 of the 1,142,022 "specially 
displaced" who had been included in the census of 1 January 1933. The annual 
death rate was thus in the vicinity of 6.8 percent in 1932 and 13.3 percent in 
1933. For 1930 and 1931 the data are incomplete but nonetheless eloquent: in 
1931 the mortality rate was 1.3 percent per month among the deportees to 
Kazakhstan, and 0.8 percent per month for those to western Siberia. Infant 
mortality hovered around 8 percent and 12 percent per month and peaked at 
15 percent per month for Magnitogorsk. From 1 June 1931 to June 1932 the 
mortality rate among the deportees in the region of Narym, in western Siberia, 
reached 1 1 .7 percent for the year. On the whole, it is unlikely that the mortality 
rate for this period was lower than that of 1932, and was thus very likely in the 
same vicinity of 10 percent. One can thus estimate that approximately 300,000 
deportees died during the process of deportation. 2 ^ 

For the central authorities, who were eager to make as much profit as 


A State against Its People 

possible from the labors of those they termed "special deportees, 11 and after 
1932 the labor of prisoners in "work colonies," the abandonment of deportees 
was a last resort, which could be blamed, as noted by N. Puzitsky, one of the 
GPU officials in charge of work-colony prisoners, on "the criminal negligence 
and political shortsightedness of local leaders, who haven't yet got used to the 
idea of colonization by ex-kulaks. 1 ' 2 " 1 

In March 1931 a special commission was established to try to halt "the 
dreadful mess of the deportation of manpower. 11 The commission was directly 
attached to the Politburo and presided over by V. Andreev, with Yagoda playing 
a key role. The first objective was the "rational and effective management of 
the work colonies.' 1 Preliminary inquiries by the commission had revealed that 
the productivity of the deported workforce was almost zero. Of the 300, 000 
workers in the colonies of the Urals, for example, in April 1 93 1 a mere 8 percent 
were detailed to "wood chopping and other productive activities. 11 All other 
able-bodied adults were "building their own living quarters . . . and generally 
just trying to survive. 11 Another document calculated that the massive program 
of dekulakization had actually lost the state money. The average value of goods 
confiscated from kulaks in 1930 was 564 rubles per farm, a derisory sum 
(equivalent to fifteen months 1 wages for an average laborer). This figure dem- 
onstrates clearly how minimal the supposed riches of the kulaks actually were. 
The cost of deporting a kulak family, by contrast, was often more than 1,000 
rubles. 25 

For the Andreev commission, rationalization of the management of "work 
colonies 11 entailed first and foremost an administrative reorganization of all the 
mechanisms dealing with the deportees. In the summer of 1931 the GPU had 
been given sole control of the administrative management of all population 
displacements, which previously had been under the control of the local 
authorities. A whole network of komandatury (commands) had been put into 
place; these became in effect a rival government administration that allowed 
the GPU to place huge areas under its control, where the specially displaced 
made up the greater part of the local population. The colonies were subject to 
extremely tight controls. Forced to reside in designated areas, workers were 
transferred by the administration either into state-run companies, into "agri- 
cultural or artisanal co-operative[s] of special status under the supervision of 
the local GPU commander," or into construction work, road-mending, or 
land-clearing. They were expected to produce 30-50 percent more than the free 
workers, and their pay (when they were paid at all) was cut by 15 percent or 
25 percent. The rest was taken for the local GPU administration. 

As documents from the Andreev commission confirm, the GPU was 
extremely proud that the resettlement cost of workers in the colonies was nine 

Forced Collectivization and Dekulakization 


times less than that of camp prisoners. In June 1933 the 203,000 "specially 
displaced" in western Siberia, divided among 93 komandatury, were directed 
by a skeletal staff of 97 1. 26 It was the goal of the GPU to provide, in exchange 
for a commission (derived from a percentage of the wages earned plus an initial 
fixed sum), its own workforce for a number of industrial enterprises. These 
enterprises — such as Urallesprom (forestry), Uralugol, Vostugol (coal mining), 
Vostokstal (steel), Tsvetmetzoloto (nonferrous minerals), and Kuznetstroi 
(metallurgy) — exploited the various natural resources in the northern and east- 
ern regions. In principle the companies were to provide living quarters for their 
workers, schools for the children, and a regular supply of food for all. In reality 
the managers usually treated these workers, whose status was comparable to 
that of prisoners, as a free source of labor. Workers in the colonies often 
received no salary, since whatever money they earned was generally less than 
the amount the administration kept for the construction of buildings, tools, 
obligatory contributions to unions, state loans, and other functions. 

As the lowest category in the rationing hierarchy, these people were treated 
as pariahs, were often kept in conditions of near starvation, and were subject 
to all sorts of abuses and intimidatory practices. Among the most flagrant 
abuses cited in the reports were totally unrealistic work targets, nonpayment of 
wages, beatings, and confinement in unheated prison cells in the dead of winter. 
Women prisoners were traded with GPU officers in exchange for food or 
were sent as maids "for all services" to the local chiefs. The following remark 
by the director of one of the forestry companies in the Urals was quoted and 
often criticized in GPU reports of the summer of 1933, and summed up 
very well the attitude of many such directors toward their highly expendable 
human resources: "If we wanted to, we could liquidate all of you. If we were 
to do so, the GPU would promptly send us another hundred thousand just like 

Gradually the use of forced labor began to take on a more rational char- 
acter, if only because of the need for higher industrial productivity. During 
1932 the idea of colonizing the most inhospitable regions with deportees was 
abandoned, and increasing numbers were sent to civil engineering projects and 
to industrial and mining areas. In certain sectors the proportion of deportees 
working and even living alongside free workers was extremely high, and in some 
places deportees were in the majority. In the Kuzbass mines at the end of 1933, 
more than 41,000 forced laborers accounted for 47 percent of the miners. In 
Magnitogorsk the 42,462 deportees recorded in the census of September 1932 
constituted two-thirds of the local population. 27 Living in specially designated 
areas between one and four miles from the construction site, they worked in 
teams alongside free workers, and inevitably the differences between them 


A State against Its People 

gradually eroded. By force of circumstance — that is, through economic neces- 
sity — those who had suffered from dekulakization and were promoted to the 
status of forced laborers were slowly reintegrated into a society in which all 
levels of society were marked by a general fear of repression, and no one knew 
which class would be the next to suffer exclusion. 


The Great Famine 

I he great famine of 1932-33 has always been recognized as one of 
the darkest periods in Soviet history. According to the irrefutable evidence that 
is now available, more than 6 million people died as a result of it. 1 However, the 
catastrophe was not simply another in the series of famines that Russia had 
suffered at irregular intervals under the tsars. It was a direct result of the new 
system that Nikolai Bukharin, the Bolshevik leader who opposed Stalin on this 
issue, termed the "military and feudal exploitation'' of the peasantry. Famine 
was a tragic illustration of the formidable social regression that accompanied 
the assault on the countryside through forced collectivization at the end of the 

Unlike the famine of 1921-22, which the Soviet authorities acknowledged 
and even sought to redress with help from the international community, the 
famine of 1932-33 was always denied by the regime. The few voices abroad 
that attempted to draw attention to the tragedy were silenced by Soviet propa- 
ganda. The Soviet authorities were assisted by statements such as that made 
by Edouard Herriot, the French senator and leader of the Radical Party, who 
traveled through Ukraine in 1933. Upon his return he told the world that 
Ukraine was full of "admirably irrigated and cultivated fields and collective 
farms" resulting in "magnificent harvests." He concluded: "I have crossed the 
whole of Ukraine, and I can assure you that the entire country is like a garden 



A State against Its People 

in full bloom." 2 Such blindness was the result of a marvelous show put on for 
foreign guests by the GPU, with an itinerary that included nothing but kolkhozy 
and model children's gardens. The blindness was perhaps also reinforced by 
political considerations, notably the desire of French leaders not to jeopardize 
the meeting of minds with the Soviet Union regarding Germany, which had 
become a threat with Adolf Hitler's rise to power. 

Nonetheless a number of high-ranking politicians in Germany and Italy 
had remarkably precise information about the scale of the catastrophe facing 
the Soviet Union. Reports from Italian diplomats posted in Kharkiv, Odessa, 
and Novorossiisk, recently discovered and published by the Italian historian 
Andrea Graziosi, show that Mussolini read such texts extremely carefully and 
was fully aware of the situation but did not use it in his anti-Communist 
propaganda. 3 On the contrary, the summer of 1933 was marked by the signing 
of an important Italian-Soviet trade agreement and a pact of friendship and 
nonaggression. Denied, or sacrificed on the altar of "reasons of state," the truth 
about the great famine, long known only through small-circulation pamphlets 
published by Ukrainian emigre organizations, was not widely comprehended 
until the latter half of the 1980s, following the publication of a series of works 
by Western historians and by a number of researchers in the former Soviet 

To come to grips with the famine of 1932-33, it is vital to understand the 
context of the relations existing between the Soviet state and the peasantry as 
a result of the forced collectivization of the countryside. In the newiv collec- 
tivized areas, the role of the kolkhoz was a strategic one. Part of its role was to 
ensure the delivery of a fixed supply of agricultural products to the state bv 
taking an ever-larger share of the collective harvest. Every autumn the govern- 
ment collection campaign became a sort of trial of strength between the state 
and the peasants, who desperately tried to keep back enough of the harvest to 
supply their own needs. Quite simply, the requisitioning was a threat to the 
peasants 1 survival. The more fertile a region, the bigger a share the state 
demanded. In 1930 the state took 30 percent of the agricultural production of 
Ukraine, 38 percent in the rich plains of the Kuban in the Northern Caucasus, 
33 percent of the harvest in Kazakhstan. In 1931, when the harvest was con- 
siderably smaller, the percentages for the same areas were 41.5, 47, and 39.5 
percent, respectively. Removing produce on such a scale created total chaos in 
the cycle of production. Under the NEP, peasants sold between 15 and 20 
percent of their total production, keeping 12-1 5 percent back for sowing, 25-39 
percent for their cattle, and the rest for their own consumption. Conflict was 
inevitable between the peasants, who had decided to use every possible means 
to keep a part of the harvest, and the local authorities, who were obliged to 
carry out at all costs a plan that looked ever more unrealistic, particularly so in 

The Great Famine 


1932, when the government collection target was 32 percent higher than it had 
been the previous year. 4 

The collection campaign in 1932 got off to a very slow start. As soon as 
the threshing began, the collective farmers tried to hide or steal part of the 
harvest every night. A movement of passive resistance took shape, strengthened 
by the tacit agreement of almost all concerned, including collective farm work- 
ers, brigadiers, accountants, farm managers (many of whom had themselves 
been peasant workers until their recent promotion), and even local secretaries 
of the Party. To collect the grain they wanted, the central authorities had to 
send out new shock troops, recruited in the towns from among the Communists 
and Komsomols. 

The following report, from an instructor of the Central Executive Com- 
mittee to his superiors regarding his mission in a grain-producing region in the 
lower Volga, gives an idea of the warlike climate in the countryside at this time: 

The arrests and searches are being carried out by almost anyone: by 
members of the rural soviet, anyone sent from the towns, the shock 
troops, and any Komsomol that has the time and energy. This year, 12 
percent of all the farmers have been tried already, and that doesn't 
include the deported kulaks, peasants who were fined, etc. According to 
the calculations of the previous district procurator, over the course of 
the last year 15 percent of the whole adult population has been the 
victim of some sort of repression or other. If one adds the fact that over 
the last month about 800 farmers have been thrown out of the kolkhozy, 
you get an idea of the scale of this government repression ... If we 
discount the cases in which large-scale repressions are really justified, 
we must admit that the effectiveness of repressive measures is bound to 
diminish whenever they pass a certain threshold, since it becomes liter- 
ally impossible to carry them out . . . The prisons are all full to bursting 
point. Balachevo prison contains more than five times as many people as 
it was originally designed to hold, and there are 610 people crammed 
into the tiny district prison in Elan. Over the last month, Balachevo 
prison has sent 78 prisoners back to Elan, and 48 of them were less than 
ten years old. Twenty-one were immediately released. To show how 
insane this method is — I mean coercion, the only method they use — I 
will say a few words about the individual peasants here, who are just 
trying to be good farmers. 

One example of how the peasants are being victimized: In Mortsy 
one peasant, who had actually fulfilled his quota, came to see Comrade 
Fomichev, the president of the District Executive Committee, and asked 
to be deported to the north, because, as he explained, "No one can live 
under these conditions." I know of another similar instance in which 
sixteen peasants from the rural soviet of Aleksandrov all signed a peti- 


A State against Its People 

tion also asking to be deported out of their region ... In short, violence 
seems to be the only way of thinking now, and we always "attack 1 ' 
everything. We "start the onslaught 1 ' on the harvest, on the loans, etc. 
Everything is an assault; we "attack" the night from nine or ten in the 
evening till dawn. Everyone gets attacked: the shock troops call in every- 
one who has not met his obligations and "convince" him, using all the 
means you can imagine. They assault everyone on their list, and so it 
goes, night after night. 5 

Among the whole range of repressive laws, one famous decree, promulgated on 
7 August 1932, played a decisive role when the war between the peasantry and 
the regime was at its height. It provided for the execution or sentencing to ten 
years in a camp for "any theft or damage of socialist property." It came to be 
known among the people as "the ear law," for people condemned under it had 
often done nothing more than take a few ears of corn or rye from the fields of 
the kolkhoz. From August 1932 to December 1933 more than 125,000 people- 
were sentenced under this terrible law, and 5,400 received death sentences/' 

Despite these draconian measures, the amount collected was still in- 
sufficient. In mid-October 1932 the government collection plan for the main 
grain-producing areas of the country had achieved only 15-20 percent ol its 
target. On 22 October the Politburo sent two extraordinary commissions to 
Ukraine and the Northern Caucasus, one led by Vyacheslav Molotov, the other 
by Lazar Kaganovich, in an attempt to speed up the collection process/ On 2 
November KaganovicrTs commission, which included Gcnrikh Yagoda, arrived 
in Rostov-on-Don. They immediately called a meeting of all the Party district 
secretaries for the Northern Caucasus region, who adopted the following reso- 
lution: "Following the particularly shameful failure of the grain collection plan, 
all local Party organizations are to be obliged to break up the sabotage networks 
of kulaks and counterrevolutionaries, and to crush the resistance of the rural 
Communists and kolkhoz presidents who have taken the lead in this sabotage. " 
For certain districts that had been blacklisted (according to the official termi- 
nology), the following measures were adopted: the immediate removal of all 
products from shops, a total ban on trade, the immediate repayment of all loans, 
sudden extraordinary taxes, and the swift arrest of all "saboteurs, 1 ' "foreign 
elements," and "counterrevolutionaries" with the help of the GPU Where 
sabotage was suspected, the population was deported on a massive scale. 

In November 1932, the first month of the fight against sabotage, 5,000 
rural Communists who were judged to have been "criminally complacent" 
regarding sabotage of the collection campaign and 15,000 collective farm work- 
ers were arrested in the region of the Northern Caucasus, which was highly 
strategic from the standpoint of agricultural production. In December the 
massive deportation of whole villages began, including the Cossack stunitsy that 

The Great Famine 


had already suffered similar measures in 1920.* The number of special work 
colonizers deported began to climb rapidly again. Records from the gulags note 
the arrival of 71,236 deportees in 1932; the following year the number of new 
"specially displaced" soared to 268,09 1. 9 

In Ukraine the Molotov commission took similar measures. The commis- 
sion blacklisted all districts in which the required collection targets had not 
been met, with the same consequences described above: a purge of local Party 
administrations, the massive arrest not simply of workers on the collective 
farms, but also of managers suspected of "minimizing production." Soon the 
same measures were being applied in other grain-producing regions as well. 

Could these repressive measures employed by the state have won the war 
against the peasants? Definitely not, according to one lucid report from the 
Italian consul in Novorossiisk: 

The Soviet state is powerful, and armed to the teeth, but it cannot fight 
this sort of battle. There is no enemy against which to take up a battle 
formation on the steppes. The enemy is everywhere and must be fought 
on innumerable fronts in tiny operations: here a field needs hoeing, there 
a few hundredweight of corn are stashed; a tractor is broken here, 
another sabotaged there; a third has gone astray ... A depot has been 
raided, the books have been cooked, the directors of kolkhozy, through 
incompetence or dishonesty, never tell the truth about the harvest . . . 
and so on, infinitely, everywhere in this enormous country . . . The 
enemy is in every house, in village after village. One might as well try to 
carry water in a sieve. 10 

To defeat the enemy, only one solution was possible: he would have to be 
starved out. 

The first reports on the risk of a "critical food situation" for the winter 
of 1932-33 reached Moscow in the summer of 1932. In August Molotov 
reported to the Politburo that there was "a real risk of famine even in areas 
where the harvest has been exceptionally good." But his intention was still to 
carry out the projected collection plan, regardless of the cost. That same 
month, Pyotr Isaev, the president of the Council of People's Commissars of 
Kazakhstan, informed Stalin of the scale of the famine in that republic, where 
collectivization and enforced settlement programs had totally destabilized the 
traditional nomadic economy. Even hard-line Stalinists such as Stanislas Kos- 
sior, first secretary of the Communist Party of Ukraine, and Mikhail 
Khataevich, first Party secretary in the region of Dnepropetrovsk, asked Stalin 
to revise the collection plan downward. "If only so that in the future production 
can increase in accordance with the needs of the proletarian state," wrote 
Khataevich to Molotov in November 1932, "we must take into consideration 


A State against Its People 

the minimum needs of the collective farmers, or there will be no one left to sow 
next year's harvest." 

"Your position is profoundly mistaken, and not at all Bolshevik," Molotov 
replied. "We Bolsheviks cannot afford to put the needs of the state — needs that 
have been carefully defined by Party resolutions — in second place, let alone 
discount them as priorities at all." 11 A few days later the Politburo sent local 
authorities a letter ordering new raids on all collective farms that had not met 
the required targets; this time they were to be emptied of all the grain they 
contained — including the reserves kept back for sowing the next year's harvest. 

Forced by threats and sometimes torture to hand over all their meager 
reserves, and lacking the means or even the possibility of buying any food, 
millions of peasants from these rich agricultural regions had no option but to 
leave for the cities. On 27 December, however, in an attempt to curtail the rural 
exodus, "liquidate social parasitism," and combat "kulak infiltration of the 
towns," the government introduced new identity papers and obligatory regis- 
tration for all citizens. In the face of the peasants' flight for survival, on 22 
January 1933 it effectively decreed the death of millions who were starving. An 
order signed by Molotov and Stalin instructed local authorities and above all 
the GPU to ban "by all means necessary the large-scale departure of peasants 
from Ukraine and the Northern Caucasus for the towns. Once these counter- 
revolutionary elements have been arrested, they are to be escorted back to their 
original place of residence." The circular explained the situation as follows: 
"The Central Committee and the government are in possession of definite 
proof that this massive exodus of the peasants has been organized by the 
enemies of the Soviet regime, by counterrevolutionaries, and by Polish agents 
as a propaganda coup against the process of collectivization in particular and 
the Soviet government in general." 12 

In all regions affected by the famine, the sale of railway tickets was 
immediately suspended, and special barricades were set up by the GPU to 
prevent peasants from leaving their district. At the beginning of March 1933 a 
report from the secret police noted that in one month 219,460 people had been 
intercepted as part of the operation to limit the exodus of starving peasants to 
the cities, that 186,588 had been escorted back to their place of origin, and that 
others had been arrested and sentenced. No mention was made of the fate of 
the people expelled from the towns. 

On that point the following testimony from the Italian consul in Kharkiv, 
one of the regions worst affected by the famine, is more revealing: 

A week ago, a special service was set up to try to protect children who 
have been abandoned. Along with the peasants who flock to the towns 
because there is no hope of survival in the countryside, there are also 

The Great Famine 


children who are simply brought here and abandoned by their parents, 
who then return to their village to die. Their hope is that someone in the 
town will be able to look after their children ... So for a week now, the 
town has been patrolled by dvorniki, attendants in white uniforms, who 
collect the children and take them to the nearest police station . . . 
Around midnight they arc all transported in trucks to the freight station 
at Severodonetsk. That's where all the children who are found in sta- 
tions and on trains, the peasant families, the old people, and all the 
peasants who have been picked up during the day are gathered to- 
gether ... A medical team does a sort of selection process . . . Anyone 
who is not yet swollen up and still has a chance of survival is directed to 
the Kholodnaya Gora buildings, where a constant population of about 
8,000 lies dying on straw beds in the big hangars. Most of them are 
children. People who are already starting to swell up are moved out in 
goods trains and abandoned about forty miles out of town so that they 
can die out of sight. When they arrive at the destination, huge ditches 
are dug, and the dead are carried out of the wagons. u 

In the countryside the death rate was at its highest in the summer of 1933. 
As though hunger were not enough, typhus was soon common, and in towns 
with populations of several thousand there were sometimes fewer than two 
do/en survivors. Cases of cannibalism are recorded both in GPU reports and 
in Italian diplomatic bulletins from Kharkiv: "Every night the bodies of more 
than 250 people who have died from hunger or typhus are collected. Many of 
these bodies have had the liver removed, through a large slit in the abdomen. 
The police finally picked up some of these mysterious 'amputators 1 who con- 
fessed that they were using the meat as a filling for the meat pies that they were 
selling in the market." 14 

In April 1933 the writer Mikhail Sholokhov, who was passing through the 
city of Kuban, wrote two letters to Stalin detailing the manner in which the 
local authorities had tortured all the workers on the collective farm to force 
them ro hand over all their remaining supplies. He demanded that the first 
secretary send some sort of food aid. Here are excerpts from his letter of 
4 April. 

The Vechenski district, along with many other districts in the Northern 
Caucasus, failed to fulfill its grain quota this year not on account of 
some u kulak sabotage," but because of bad leadership at the local Party 
headquarters . . . 

Last December the Party regional committee, with a view to accel- 
erating the government's collection campaign, sent the plenipotentiary 
Ovchinnikov. He took the following measures: (1) he requisitioned all 
available grain, including the advance given by the kolkhoz leaders to all 
the collective farmers for sowing this year's harvest; and (2) he divided 


A State against Its People 

by family the entire quota that was due to the state from the collective 
farmers. The immediate result of these measures was that when the 
requisitioning began, the peasants hid and buried the grain. The grand 
total found came to 5,930 hundredweight . . . And here are some of the 
methods that were used to recover these 593 tons, some of which had 
been buried since 1918: 

The u cold" method: the worker is stripped bare and left out in the 
cold, stark naked in a hangar. Sometimes whole brigades of collective 
workers are treated in this fashion. 

The "hot" method: the feet and the bottom of the skirt of female 
workers are doused with gasoline and then set alight. The flames are put 
out, and the process is repeated . . . 

In the Napolovski kolkhoz a certain Plotkin, plenipotentiary for the 
district committee, forced the collective workers to stretch out on stoves 
heated till they were white hot; then he cooled them off by leaving them 
naked in a hangar . . . 

In the Lebyazhenski kolkhoz the workers were all lined up against a 
wall and an execution was simulated. 

I could give a multitude of similar examples. These are not 
"abuses" of the system; this is the present system for collecting grain. 

If it seems to you that this letter is worthy of the attention of the 
Central Committee, then please send us some real Communists, who 
could unmask the people here who have struck a mortal blow against the 
collective farming system. You are our only hope. 15 

In his reply on 6 May, Stalin made no attempt to feign compassion: 

Dear Comrade Sholokhov, 

I have received both of your letters and have granted the things 
that you request. I have sent Comrade Shkiryatov to sort out the matters 
to which you referred. I would ask you to assist him. But, Comrade, that 
is not all I wish to say. Your two letters paint a picture that is far from 
objective, and I would like to say a few words about that. 

I have already thanked you for these letters, which pick up on one 
of the minor inconveniences of our system, in which, while we try to do 
good and to disarm our enemies, some of our Party officials attack our 
friends, and sometimes can be quite sadistic about this. But do not allow 
these remarks to fool you into thinking that I agree with everything you 
say. You see one aspect of things and describe it quite forcefully, but it is 
still only one aspect of things. To avoid being mistaken in politics — and 
your letters, in this instance, are not literature, they are pure politics- 
one must see another aspect of reality too. And the other aspect in this 
instance is that the workers in your district— not just in your district, 
but in many districts — went on strike, carried out acts of sabotage, and 
were prepared to leave workers from the Red Army without bread! The 

The Great Famine 


fact that this sabotage was silent and appeared to be quite peaceful (there 
was no bloodshed) changes nothing — these people deliberately tried to 
undermine the Soviet state. It is a fight to the death, Comrade Sholo- 

Of course this cannot justify all the abuses carried out by our staff. 
The guilty few will be forced to answer for their actions. But it is as clear 
as day that our respected workers are far from being the innocent lambs 
that one might imagine from reading your letters. 

I hope you stay well, and I offer a warm handshake. Yours, 
J. Stalin 16 

In 1933, while these millions were dying of hunger, the Soviet government 
continued to export grain, shipping 18 million hundredweight of grain abroad 
u in the interests of industrialization." 

Using the demographic archives and the censuses of 1937 and 1939, which 
were kept secret until very recently, it is possible to evaluate the scale of the 
famine in 1 933. Geographically, the hunger zone covered the whole of Ukraine, 
part of the Black Earth territories, the fertile plains of the Don, the Kuban, 
and the Northern Caucasus, and much of Kazakhstan. Nearly 40 million people 
were affected by famine or scarcity. In the regions worst affected, such as the 
rural zones surrounding Kharkiv, the mortality rate from January to June 1933 
was ten times higher than normal: 100,000 deaths in June 1933 as opposed to 
9,000 deaths in June 1932. Many deaths went unrecorded. The mortality rates 
were higher in the countryside than in the cities, but the cities were scarcely 
spared: Kharkiv lost 120,000 inhabitants in a year, Krasnodar 40,000, and 
Stavropol 20,000. 

Outside the immediate hunger zone, demographic losses attributable to 
the scarcity of food were far from negligible. In the rural zones around Moscow, 
mortality rates climbed by 50 percent from January to June 1933; in the town 
of Ivanovo, for instance, which had been a center for hunger riots in 1932, 
mortality rose by 35 percent in the first half of the year. In total, for the year 
1933 and for the whole of the country, there were 6 million more deaths than 
usual. As the immense majority of those deaths can be attributed directly to 
hunger, the death toll for the whole tragedy must therefore be nearly 6 million. 
The peasants of Ukraine suffered worst of all, with 4 million lives lost. There 
were a million deaths in Kazakhstan, most of them among the nomadic tribes 
who had been deprived of their cattle by collectivization and forced to settle in 
one place. The Northern Caucasus and the Black F.arth region accounted for 
a million more. 17 

Five years before the Great Terror that was to strike the intelligentsia, 
industrial administrators, and the Party itself, the Great Famine of 1932-33 
appeared as the decisive episode in the creation of a system of repression that 


A State against Its People 

was to consume class after class and social group after social group. Through 
the violence, torture, and killing of entire populations, the great famine was a 
huge step backward both politically and socially. Tyrants and local despots 
proliferated, ready to take any step necessary to force peasants to abandon their 
goods and their last provisions, and barbarism took over. Extortion became an 
everyday practice, children were abandoned, cannibalism reappeared, epidem- 
ics and banditry were rampant, new death camps were set up, and peasants were 
forced to face a new form of slavery, the iron rule of the Party-state. As Sergo 
Ordzhonikidze lucidly remarked to Sergei Kirov in January 1934, "Our mem- 
bers who saw the situation of 1932-33 and who stood up to it are now tempered 
like steel. I think that with people like that, we can build a state such as history 
has never seen." 

Should one see this famine as "a genocide of the Ukrainian people," as a 
number of Ukrainian historians and researchers do today? 18 It is undeniable 
that the Ukrainian peasantry were the principal victims in the famine of 1932- 
33, and that this "assault" was preceded in 1929 by several offensives against 
the Ukrainian intelligentsia, who were accused of "nationalist deviations," and 
then against some of the Ukrainian Communists after 1932. It is equally 
undeniable that, as Andrei Sakharov noted, Stalin suffered from "Ukrainopho- 
bia." But proportionally the famine was just as severe in the Cossack territories 
of the Kuban and the Don and in Kazakhstan. In this last republic, from 1930 
onward, the enforced collectivization and settling of the indigenous nomadic 
peoples had disastrous consequences, with 80 percent of all livestock killed in 
two years. Dispossessed of their goods and reduced to a state of famine, 
2 million Kazakhs emigrated; nearly half a million went to Central Asia, and 
approximately 1.5 million went to China. 

In many regions, including Ukraine, the Cossack areas, and certain dis- 
tricts of the Black Earth territories, the famine was the last episode in the 
confrontation between the Bolshevik state and the peasantry that had begun in 
1918-1922. There is a remarkable coincidence between the areas that mounted 
stiff resistance to requisitioning in 1918-1921 and to collectivization in 1929- 
30, and the zones that were worst affected by the famine. Of the 14,000 riots 
and peasant revolts recorded by the GPU in 1930, more than 85 percent took 
place in regions "punished" by the famine of 1932-33. The richest and most 
dynamic agricultural regions, which had the most to offer the state and the 
most to lose in the extortionate system of enforced collectivization, were pre- 
cisely the regions worst affected by the great famine of 1932-33. 


Socially Foreign Elements and Cycles of Repression 


Ithough the peasantry as a whole paid the heaviest price in the 
Stalinist transformation of society, other social groups, classified as "socially 
alien elements" in the "new socialist society," were also stigmatized, deprived 
of their civil rights, thrown out of their jobs and their homes, pushed further 
down the social scale, and sent into exile. "Bourgeois specialists," "aristocrats," 
members of the clergy and of the liberal professions, entrepreneurs, shopkeep- 
ers, and craftsmen were all victims of the anticapitalist revolution that was 
launched in the early 1930s. Other townspeople who simply failed to fit into the 
category of "proletarian worker and builder of socialism" also suffered various 
repressive measures. 

The infamous Shakhty trial clearly marked the end of the truce that had begun 
in 1921 between the regime and the "specialists." Coming as it did just before 
the launching of the first Five- Year Plan, the political lesson of the trial was 
clear: skepticism, indecision, and indifference regarding the aims of the Party 
would automatically be labeled "sabotage." To doubt was to betray. Spetseed- 
stvo — harassment of the specialist — was deeply rooted in the Bolshevik men- 
tality, and the political signal given by the Shakhty trial was received loud and 
clear at a grass-roots level. The spetsy were to become the scapegoats for 
economic failure and for the frustrations engendered by the sharp decline in 



A State against Its People 

living standards. By the end of 1928, thousands of managers and hourgeois 
engineers had been fired and deprived of both ration cards and the right to 
medical attention; sometimes they were even driven out of their homes. In 
1929 thousands of civil servants in the State Planning Administration (Gos- 
plan), the Supreme National Council for the Economy, and the People's Com- 
missariats of Finance, Commerce, and Agriculture were purged because of 
their "right-wing deviations," "sabotage," or "membership in a socially alien 
class." It was notable that 80 percent of the more senior civil servants at the 
People's Commissariat of Finance had served under the old regime. 1 

The purge of certain sectors of the administration intensified after the 
summer of 1930, when Stalin decided to dispose of all "right-wingers 11 such 
as Aleksei Rykov, claiming that they were secretly conspiring with "specialist 
saboteurs." In August and September 1930 the GPU stepped up its campaign 
and arrested all well-known specialists working for Gosplan, the State Bank, 
and the People's Commissariats of Finance, Commerce, and Agriculture. 
Those arrested included Professor Nikolai Kondratyev, the inventor of the 
famous "Kondratyev cycle," former deputy minister in charge of food supplies 
for the provisional government of 1917, and then the director of an Institute 
for Economic Studies at the Finance Ministry. Others arrested included Pro- 
fessors Nikolai Makarov and Aleksandr Chayanov, who occupied important 
posts in the Agriculture Ministry; Professor Andrei Sadyrin, a member of the 
board of directors at the State Bank; and Professor Vladimir Groman, one of 
the best-known economic statisticians at Gosplan. 2 

In all these cases Stalin personally instructed the GPU, since he was 
careful to follow all matters pertaining to the "bourgeois specialists." The GPU 
prepared dossiers demonstrating the existence of a network of anti-Soviet 
organizations, linked together by a "Peasant Workers' Party," supposedly 
headed by Kondratyev, and an "Industrial Party" headed by Aleksandr Ramzin. 
The investigators extracted a number of confessions from some of those ar- 
rested. Many admitted their connection with "right-wingers" such as Rykov, 
Bukharin, and Sergei Syrtsov; many others confirmed their participation in 
totally fictitious plots to eliminate Stalin and overthrow the Soviet regime with 
the assistance of emigre anti-Soviet and secret service organizations abroad. 
Pursuing the matter further, the GPU extracted confessions from two instruc- 
tors at the military academy concerning preparations for a plot to be led by the 
chief of the General Staff of the Red Army, Mikhail Tukhachevsky. In a letter 
to Sergo Ordzhonikidze, Stalin made it clear that he could not risk arresting 
Tukhachevsky himself but was content with the destruction of smaller targets, 
other "specialist saboteurs." 1 Thus the techniques for fabricating evidence to 
implicate as "terrorists" any who opposed the Stalinist party line were already 
perfectly honed by 1930. For the time being, however, Stalin was content to 

Foreign Elements and Cycles of Repression 


use relatively moderate tactics designed to discourage the little opposition that 
remained, and to frighten into submission those who were as yet undecided. 

On 22 September 1930 Pravda published the "confessions" of forty-eight 
civil servants from the People's Commissariats of Finance and Commerce, all 
of whom took responsibility for "the difficulties currently being experienced 
in the supply of food, and for the sudden disappearance of silver coins." A few 
days previously, in a letter addressed to Molotov, Stalin had given strict instruc- 
tions: "It is imperative to: (1) carry out a radical purge of the whole of the 
People's Commissariat of Finance and the State Bank, regardless of any objec- 
tions from doubtful Communists like Pyatakov and [Aleksandr] Bryukhanov; 
(2) shoot at least twenty or thirty of the saboteurs who have managed to 
infiltrate these organizations . . . (3) step up GPU operations all over the coun- 
try to try to recover all the silver coins that are still in circulation." On 25 
September 1930 all forty-eight civil servants were executed. 4 

In the months that followed there were several identical show-trials. Some 
were held in camera, including the trials of specialists from the Supreme 
Council of the National Economy and from the "Peasant Workers' Party." 
Others were held in public, such as the trial of specialists from the "Industrial 
Party, 11 eight of whom "confessed" to having established a vast network of 
2,000 specialists dedicated to organizing economic subversion at the instigation 
of foreign embassies. All these trials ic< the myth of sabotage, which, like the 
myth of the conspiracy, was soon at the center of Stalinist ideology. 

In four years, from 1928 to 1931, 138,000 civil servants were removed from 
office, and 23,000 of these were classed as "enemies of Soviet power" and 
stripped of their civil rights.' The specialist witch-hunt became even more 
widespread in industry, where the great pressure to increase productivity led 
to an increase in the number of accidents, a considerable decline in quality of 
production, and more frequent breakdowns. Between January 1930 and June 
1931, 48 percent of all engineers in the Donbass region were dismissed or 
arrested, and 4,500 "specialist saboteurs" were "unmasked" in the first half of 
1931 in the transport sector alone. The hunt for these specialists, new and 
totally unattainable industrial targets set by the authorities, and growing indis- 
cipline in the workplace caused considerable long-term damage to Soviet in- 

Realizing the scale of the problem, Party leaders were forced to adopt a 
series of corrective measures. On 10 July 1931 the Politburo took steps to try 
to limit the number of victims among the spetsy. The Politburo immediately 
released several thousand engineers and technicians, "above all those working 
in metallurgy and the coal industry," ended the entry restrictions to higher 
education for the children of "specialists," and banned the GPU from arresting 
"specialists" without prior permission from the relevant ministry. The mere 


A State against Its People 

fact that these measures were announced demonstrates how widespread dis- 
crimination and oppression had become. After the Shakhty trial, tens of thou- 
sands of engineers, agronomists, technicians, and administrators had been 
victims of this form of terror. 5 

Among the other social categories proscribed in the "new socialist society/' 
members of the clergy fared especially badly. The years 1929 and 1930 were 
marked by a second great offensive by the Soviet state against the church, 
following up on the attacks of 1918-1922. At the end of the 1920s, a number of 
prelates opposed the pledge of allegiance to the Soviet regime announced by 
Metropolitan Sergei, who had succeeded Tikhon as head of the church. Even 
so, the Orthodox Church remained an important force in Soviet society. Of the 
54,692 churches that had been active in 1914, around 39,000 were still holding 
services at the beginning of 1929. 7 Emelyan Yaroslavsky, president of the 
"League of the Militant Godless," founded in 1925, admitted that fewer than 
10 million people, out of a total population of 130 million, had actual I v broken 
with religion. 

The antireligious offensive of 1929-30 occurred in two stages. The first 
began in the spring and summer of 1929 and was marked by a reintroduction 
and reinforcement of the antireligious legislation of 1918-1922. On 8 April 
1929 an important decree was promulgated to increase the local authorities' 
control over parish life, imposing new restrictions on the activity of religious 
societies. Henceforth any activity "going beyond the limits of the simple satis- 
faction of religious aspirations" fell under the law. Notably, section 10 of the 
much-feared Article 58 of the penal code stipulated that "any use of the 
religious prejudices of the masses . . . for destabilizing the state' 1 was punish- 
able "by anything from a minimum three-year sentence up to and including the 
death penalty." On 26 August 1929 the government instituted the new rive-dav 
work week — five days of work, and one day of rest — which made it impossible 
to observe Sunday as a day of rest. This measure was deliberatelv introduced 
"to facilitate the struggle to eliminate religion." 8 

These decrees were no more than a prelude to a second, much larger phase 
of the antireligious campaign. In October 1929 the seizure of all church bells 
was ordered because "the sound of bells disturbs the right to peace of the vast 
majority of atheists in the towns and the countryside." Anyone closely associ- 
ated with the church was treated like a kulak and forced to pay special taxes. 
The taxes paid by religious leaders increased tenfold from 1928 to 1930, and 
the leaders were stripped of their civil rights, which meant that they lost their 
ration cards and their right to medical care. Many were arrested, exiled, or 
deported. According to the incomplete records, more than 13,000 priests were 
"dekulakized" in 1930. In many villages and towns, collectivization be^an 

Foreign Elements and Cycles of Repression 


symbolically with the closure of the church, and dekulakization began with the 
removal of the local religious leaders. Significantly, nearly 14 percent of riots 
and peasant uprisings in 1930 were sparked by the closure of a church or the 
removal of its bells. 9 The antireligious campaign reached its height in the winter 
of 1929-30; by 1 March 1930, 6,715 churches had been closed or destroyed. 
In the aftermath of Stalin's famous article "Dizzy with Success" on 2 March 
1930, a resolution from the Central Committee cynically condemned "inadmis- 
sible deviations in the struggle against religious prejudices, particularly the 
administrative closure of churches without the consent of the local inhabi- 
tants." This formal condemnation had no effect on the fate of people deported 
on religious grounds. 

Over the next few years these great offensives against the church were 
replaced by daily administrative harassment of priests and religious organiza- 
tions. Freely interpreting the sixty-eight articles of the government decree of 
8 April 1929, and going considerably beyond their mandate when it came to 
the closure of churches, local authorities continued their guerrilla war with a 
series of justifications: "unsanitary condition or extreme age" of the buildings 
in question, "unpaid insurance," and nonpayment of taxes or other of the 
innumerable contributions imposed on the members of religious communities. 
Stripped of their civil rights and their right to teach, and without the possibility 
of taking up other paid employment — a status that left them arbitrarily clas- 
sified as "parasitic elements living on unearned wages" — a number of priests 
had no option but to become peripatetic and to lead a secret life on the edges 
of society. Hence, despite Metropolitan Sergei's pledge of allegiance to the 
Soviet regime, schisms developed within the church, particularly in the prov- 
inces of Voronezh and Tambov. 

The followers of Aleksei Bui, a bishop of Voronezh who had been arrested 
in 1929 for his unflagging hostility to any compromise between the church and 
the regime, set up their own autonomous church, the "True Orthodox 
Church," which had its own clergy of wandering priests who had been expelled 
from the church headed by the patriarch. This u Desert Church" had no build- 
ings of its own; the faithful would meet to pray in any number of places, such 
as private homes, hermitages, or even caves. 10 These u True Orthodox Chris- 
tians," as they called themselves, were persecuted with particular severity; 
several thousand of them were arrested and deported as "specially displaced" 
or simply sent to camps. The Orthodox Church itself, in the face of this 
constant pressure from the authorities, saw a clear decline in the numbers of 
its followers, even if, as the census of 1937 was to demonstrate, 70 percent of 
adults continued to think of themselves as having religious beliefs. On 1 April 
1936 only 15,835 Orthodox churches remained in service in the US.S.R. (28 
percent of the prerevolutionary total), 4,830 mosques (32 percent of the pre- 


A State against Its People 

revolutionary figure), and a few dozen Catholic and Protestant churches. The 
number of registered priests was a mere 17,857, in contrast to 112,629 in 1914 
and 70,000 in 1928. The clergy, in the official terminology, had become "the 
debris of a dying class." 11 

The kulaks, spetsy, and members of the clergy were not the only victims of the 
terror of the early 1930s. In January 1930 the authorities launched a vast 
campaign to "evict all entrepreneurs." The operation was aimed in particular 
at shopkeepers, craftsmen, and members of the liberal professions — all of the 
nearly 1.5 million people who had worked in the minuscule private sector 
under the NEP. These small entrepreneurs, whose average working capital did 
not exceed 1,000 rubles, and 98 percent of whom did not have a single em- 
ployee, were rapidly evicted by a tenfold increase in their taxes and the confis- 
cation of their goods. As "socially undesirable elements," "socially 
unnecessary," or "alien elements," they were stripped of their rights in the 
same way as the disparate collection of "aristocrats" and "members of the 
possessing classes and of the apparatus of the old tsarist state." A decree of 12 
December 1930 noted more than 30 different categories of itshentsy, citizens 
who had been deprived of their civil rights, including "ex-landowners," "ex- 
shopkeepers," "ex-nobles," "ex-policemen," "ex-tsarist civil servants," "ex- 
kulaks," "ex- employees or owners of private companies," "ex-White officers," 
ex-priests, ex-monks, ex-nuns, and "ex-members of political parties." The 
discrimination carried out against the lishentsy, who in 1932 together with their 
families totaled some 7 million people, entailed the elimination of their voting 
rights and their rights to housing, health care, and ration cards. In 1933 and 
1934 the measures became even stricter with the inception of "passportization" 
to clear the towns of "socially undesirable elements." 12 

By destroying social structures and traditional rural ways of life, the forced 
collectivization of the countryside and the accelerated program of industriali- 
zation spurred the migration of an enormous number of peasants to the towns. 
Peasant Russia became filled with vagabonds, the Rusbrodyashchaya. From late 
1928 until late 1932, Soviet cities were flooded by an influx of peasants — 12 
million by official estimates — fleeing collectivization and dekulakization. The 
regions surrounding Moscow and Leningrad alone were swollen by more than 
3.5 million migrants. Among these were a number of enterprising peasants 
who had preferred to flee their villages, even at the price of being classified as 
kulaks, rather than enter a kolkhoz. In 1930-31 the huge public works pro- 
grams absorbed these peasants without too many difficulties. But in 1932 the 
authorities began to worry about the massive and uncontrolled movements of a 
vagabond population that threatened to destabilize the urban areas. Their 

Foreign Elements and Cycles of Repression 


presence also threatened to jeopardize the rationing system that had been 
carefully structured since 1929; the claimants for ration cards increased from 
26 million in 1929 to nearly 40 million in late 1932. Migrants often forced the 
authorities to transform factories into huge refugee camps. Gradually the mi- 
grants were considered responsible for an increasing range of negative phe- 
nomena, such as absenteeism, lapses in discipline at work, hooliganism, poor 
quality of work, alcoholism, and criminality, all of which had a long-term 
destabilizing effect on industrial production. 11 

To combat this stikhia—z blanket term used to describe natural disasters, 
anarchy, or any sort of disorder — the authorities enacted a series of repressive 
measures in October 1932, ranging from harsh new employment laws to purges 
of "socially foreign elements." The law of 15 November 1932 severely punished 
absenteeism at work by immediate dismissal, confiscation of cards, and even 
eviction. Its affirmed intention was to unmask "pseudoworkers." The decree 
of 4 December 1932, which gave employers responsibility for issuing ration 
cards, aimed chiefly at the removal of all "dead souls" and "parasites" who were 
wrongfully included on some of the less tightly controlled municipal rationing 

The keystone of the new legislation was the introduction of the internal 
passport on 27 December 1932. The "passportization" of the population ad- 
dressed several carefully defined objectives, as the preamble to the decree 
explained: it was intended "to eliminate all social parasitism," to prevent "infil- 
tration" by kulaks into city centers and markets, to limit the rural exodus, and 
to safeguard the social purity of the towns. All adult townspeople over age 
sixteen who had not yet been deprived of their rights, such as railway workers, 
permanent workers on construction sites, and agricultural workers on state 
farms, automatically received a passport from the police. The passport was 
valid only after it received an official stamp (propiska) showing the legal resi- 
dence of the citizen in question. The status of the individual depended on his 
or her propiska and could determine whether an individual received a ration 
card, a social security card, or the right to a home. All towns were categorized 
as either "open" or "closed." The closed cities — initially Moscow, Leningrad, 
Kyiv, Odessa, Minsk, Kharkiv, Rostov-on-Don, and Vladivostok — were those 
that had been awarded a privileged status and were better supplied. Right of 
residence in a closed city was obtainable only through family ties, marriage, or 
a specific job that officially entitled the worker to a propiska. In the open cities, 
a propiska was much easier to obtain. 

The passportization operations lasted a whole year, and by the end of 
1933, 27 million passports had been issued. The first effect was to allow the 
authorities to purge the cities of undesirable elements. Begun in Moscow on 
5 January 1933, within the first week passportization "discovered" 3,450 "ex- 


A State against Its People 

White Guards, ex-kulaks, and other criminal elements. 11 Nearly 385,000 people 
were refused passports in the closed cities and forced to vacate their homes 
within ten days. Moreover, they were prohibited from residing in any other city, 
even an open one. The chief of the passport department of the K 1) noted 
in his report of 13 August 1934 that "to that figure should be added all those 
who preferred to leave the towns of their own accord when passporti/arion was 
first announced, knowing that they would in any case be refused a passport. In 
Magnitogorsk for example, nearly 35,000 immediately left the town . . . fn 
Moscow, during the first two months of the operation, the population fell bv 
60,000. In Leningrad, in a single month, 54,000 people vanished back into the 
countryside." Some 420,000 people were expelled from the open cities. 14 

Police raids and spot-checks for papers resulted in the exile of hundreds 
of thousands of people. In December 1933 Genrikh Yagoda ordered his men 
to "clean up" the railway stations and the markets in the closed cities even 
week. In the first eight months of 1934 more than 630,000 people in the closed 
cities were stopped for violations of the passport laws. Of these, 65,661 were 
imprisoned and then usually deported as socially undesirable elements with the 
status of "special displaced." Some 3,596 were tried in court, and 175,627 were 
sent into exile without any status; the others escaped with a fine. 1 ' 

The most spectacular operations took place in 1933. From 28 )une to 
3 July, 5,470 Gypsies from Moscow were arrested and deported to Siberian 
"work villages"; 16 from 8 to 12 July, 4,750 "socially undesirable elements 11 were 
arrested and deported from Kyiv; in April, June, and July, three waves of police 
activity in Moscow and Leningrad resulted in the deportation of 18,000 peo- 
ple. 17 The first of those contingents was sent to the island of Na/ino, with the 
results described earlier. More than two-thirds of the deportees died within a 

A Party instructor in Narym, in the report quoted earlier, commented on 
the identity of "socially undesirable elements" who had been deported as the 
result of a simple police raid: 

There are many such examples of totally unjustified deportations. Un- 
fortunately, all these people, many of whom were Party members or 
workers, are now dead. They were precisely the people who were least 
adapted to the situation. For example, Vladimir Novo/hilov from Mos- 
cow was a driver in the steamroller factory in Moscow who had been 
decorated three times and was married with a child. I Ie tried to go to the 
cinema with his wife, and while she was getting ready he went out 
without his papers to buy cigarettes. He was then stopped by the police 
in the street and picked up. Another example was [K.J Vinogradov, a 
collective farm worker. She was going to visit her brother, the chief of 
police in the eighth sector in Moscow, when she got picked up bv the 

Foreign Elements and Cycles of Repression 


police after getting off the train at the wrong station. She was deported. 
Or Nikolai Vasilievich Voikin, who had been a member of the Komso- 
mol since 1929, and was a worker in the Serpukhov Red Textile factory, 
having been decorated three times. He was on his way to a soccer game 
one Sunday and had forgotten his papers. He was arrested and deported. 
Or I. M. Matveev, a builder on the construction site of the new No. 9 
bakery. He had a seasonal worker's passport, valid until December 1933, 
and was picked up with that passport. He reported that no one had even 
wanted to look at his papers. '* 

In 1933 the purge in the towns was accompanied by numerous similar 
operations in industry and government. In the railways, a strategic sector ruled 
by Andreev and then by Kaganovich, 8 percent of all personnel (nearly 20,000 
people) were removed in the spring of 1933. The following extract from a 
report by the chief of the Transport Department of the GPU on "The Elimi- 
nation of Anti-Soviet and Counterrevolutionary Elements from the Railways" 
describes how such operations were normally carried out: 

The purge operations carried out by the Transport Department of the 
GPU of the Eighth Region had the following results: In the penultimate 
purge operation, 700 people were arrested and tried. The numbers were 
as follows: there were 325 parcel pilferers, 221 smalltime hooligans and 
criminals, 27 bandits, and 127 counterrevolutionaries. Some 73 of the 
people pilfering parcels were clearly part of an organized network and 
were consequently executed. In the last purge operation, around 200 
people were arrested. For the most part these were kulaks. More than 
300 suspect employees have also been dismissed by the administration. 
This means that in the last four months, the total number of people who 
have been expelled from the network for one reason or another is 1,270. 
The purge continues. 1 *' 

In the spring of 1934 the government took a series of repressive measures 
aimed at curbing the number of young vagabonds and juvenile delinquents, 
the products of dekulakization, the famine, and the general breakdown in social 
relations whose influence was beginning to be felt more and more in the cities. 
On 7 April 1935 the Politburo promulgated a decree aimed at "bringing to 
justice, and punishing with the full force of the law, any adolescent older than 
twelve years who is convicted of burglary, acts of violence, grievous bodily 
harm, mutilation, or murder." A few days later the government sent out secret 
instructions to the courts confirming that the penal sanctions regarding adoles- 
cents "did indeed include society's last line of defense" — the death penalty. 
The previous portions of the penal code that forbade the sentencing of minors 
to death were thereby abrogated. 20 The NKVD was also instructed to reorgan- 


A State against Its People 

ize the detention centers for underage criminals, which until then had been run 
under the auspices of the Legal Department of the People's Commissariat of 
Preliminary Investigations, and to set up a network of "work colonics" for 
minors instead. However, in the face of growing juvenile delinquency and 
homelessness, the measures had little discernible effect. A report on "The 
Elimination of Underage Vagabondage during the Period from 1 Julv 1935 to 
1 October 1937" concluded: 

Despite the reorganization of the services, the situation has barely im- 
proved . . . After February 1937 there was a large influx of vagabonds 
from the country and the rural areas, particularly from the areas affected 
by the poor harvest of 1936 . . . The large-scale departure of children 
from the countryside because of temporary material difficulties affect- 
ing their families can be explained not only by the bad organization of 
the "poor funds" in the ko/khozy, but also by the criminal practices of 
many kolkhoz directors, who, in an attempt to get rid of young beggars 
and vagabonds, give them a "certificate of vagabondage and mendi- 
cancy" and send them off to the railway station for the nearest town 
The problem is compounded by the railway administration and the 
transport police, who, instead of arresting these underage vagabonds 
and sending them to the special NKVD centers built for that purpose, 
simply put them all on special trains "to clean up their sector" and pack 
them off to the big cities. 21 

A few figures provide an idea of the magnitude of the problem. In 1936 
alone more than 125,000 underage vagabonds passed through the special 
NKVD centers. From 1935 to 1939 more than 155,000 minors were sent to the 
NKVD work colonies, and 92,000 children aged twelve to sixteen appeared in 
court from 1936 to 1939. On I April 1939 it was calculated that more than 
10,000 children were incarcerated in the gulags. 22 

In the first half of the 1930s, the repression carried out by the Party and state 
against society varied in its intensity. Moments of violent confrontation, with 
terrorist measures and massive purges, alternated with moments of quiet, 
when a certain equilibrium was found and a brake was put on the chaos. 

The spring of 1933 marked the apogee of the first great cycle of terror 
launched in 1929 with the dekulakization program. The authorities were con- 
fronted by several previously unknown problems. How, for example, could a 
harvest be assured the following year in areas that had been almost emptied by 
famine? "Unless we take into consideration the basic needs of these collective 
farmers," warned a high-ranking regional Party official in the autumn of 1932, 
"there will be no one left to sow, Jet alone reap, the harvest." 

Similarly, what was to be done with the hundreds of thousands who then 

Foreign Elements and Cycles of Repression 


filled the prisons, but whose labor the camp system was not yet ready to exploit? 
"What possible effect can these super-repressive laws have on the population," 
wondered another local Party official in March 1933, "when they know that at 
the judiciary's suggestion, hundreds of collective farmers, who last month were 
condemned to two years' imprisonment for sabotaging the harvest, have already 
been released?" 

In the summer of 1933 the authorities came up with answers revelatory 
of the two diverse directions that social policy was to take in the years leading 
up to the Great Terror in the autumn of 1936. The first question, how to ensure 
a reasonable harvest in areas ravaged by famine, was answered with cold logic: 
large numbers of the urban population were rounded up and sent out to the 
fields in an extremely militarized fashion. On 20 July 1933 the Italian consul 
in Kharkiv described this phenomenon: "The enforced conscription of people 
from the city is assuming enormous proportions. This week alone, at least 
20,000 people are being sent out to the countryside every day . . . The day 
before yesterday, the market was surrounded, and every able-bodied person- 
men, women, young boys and girls— was rounded up, escorted to the railway 
station by the GPU, and sent off to the fields." 21 

The large-scale arrival of city-dwellers in the starving countryside created 
its own tensions. On several occasions peasants set fire to the living quarters 
reserved for the "conscripts," who had been warned by the authorities not to 
venture out into the villages, which were "filled with cannibals." Despite this 
hostility the harvest for 1932-33, collected in October, was respectable. That 
development was attributable to several factors, including exceptionally good 
weather, the mobilization of every available spare worker, and the will to survive 
of those who were trapped in their own villages. 

The second question, how to deal with the tremendous increase in the 
prison population, was also answered in a pragmatic manner — with the release 
of several hundred thousand people. A confidential circular from the Central 
Committee on 8 May 1933 acknowledged the necessity of "regulating arrests 
. . . presently made by just about anyone, 11 "curbing the overcrowding of 
prisons," and "reducing the population of the prisons, over the next two 
months, from 800,000 to 400,000, not including the camps." 24 The operation 
in fact took over a year and finally resulted in the release of 320,000 prisoners. 

The year 1934 was marked by a certain relaxation of political repression. 
The number of convictions handed down by the GPU declined from 240,000 
in 1932 to 79,000 in 1933. 2S The secret police were reorganized. As a result of 
a government decree on 10 July 1934, the GPU became a department of the 
new People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs, whose authority extended 
throughout the U.S.S.R. Henceforth it had the same name as the People's 
Commissariat of Internal Affairs itself — Narodnyi komissariat vnutrennikh 


A State against Its People 

del, or NKVD — and it lost some of its previous judicial powers. In the new 
scheme of things, after initial questioning all files had to be sent u to the relevant 
judicial departments." Moreover, the police no longer had the power to pass 
death sentences on prisoners without first consulting the central political 
authorities. An appeals procedure was also set up, and all death sentences were 
now to be approved by a special commission of the Politburo. 

These changes, proudly depicted as measures to "reinforce the legal 
mechanism of socialism," had very limited effects in practice. The new legal 
regulations to control the number of arrests had almost no impact, since Andrei 
Vyshinsky, the procurator general, gave a free hand to all the repressive organi- 
zations. Moreover, as early as September 1934 the Politburo broke its own rules 
regarding the need to confirm all death sentences, authorizing local leaders in 
a number of different areas to pass death sentences without first consulting 
Moscow. The calm was therefore short-lived. 

After Sergei Kirov, a member of the Politburo and first secretary of the 
Party organization in Leningrad, was shot on 1 December 1934 by Leonid 
Nikolaev, a young Communist who had managed to find his way into the 
Leningrad Party headquarters with a gun, a new cycle of terror began. 

For several decades it was widely believed that Stalin had played an 
important role in the assassination of Kirov, who was his chief political rival. 
This belief stemmed from the "revelations" made by Nikita Khrushchev in the 
secret report he presented on the night of 24-25 February 1956 to the Soviet 
delegates at the Twentieth Party Congress. The theory has recently been called 
into question, particularly in the work of Alia Kirilina, who draws on pre- 
viously unavailable archival sources. 26 In any case it is indisputable that Stalin 
used the assassination for his own political ends to crystallize the idea of 
conspiracy, which was always a central motif in Stalinist rhetoric. It allowed 
him to maintain the atmosphere of crisis and tension by "proving" the existence 
of a huge conspiracy against the country, its leaders, and socialism itself It even 
became a convenient explanation for the failures of the system: when every- 
thing went badly and life was no longer "happy and merry;' in Stalin's famous 
expression, then it was "all the fault of Kirov's assassins." 

A few hours after the assassination was announced, Stalin drafted the 
decree that came to be known as the "Law of 1 December." This extraordinary 
measure, authorized by the Politburo two days later, ordered that the period of 
questioning for suspected terrorists be reduced to ten days, allowed suspects to 
be tried without legal representation, and permitted executions to be carried 
out immediately. The law marked a radical break with the relaxation of terror 
only a few months earlier, and it became the ideal instrument for the launching 
of the Great Terror. 27 

In the following weeks a number of Stalin's opponents within the Party 

Foreign Elements and Cycles of Repression 


were accused of terrorist activities. The press announced that the "odious 
crime" had been the work of a secret terrorist group directed from its "Center 
in Leningrad," and that it included, besides Nikolaev himself, thirteen former 
Zinovievites. All members of the group were tried in camera on 28 and 29 
December, condemned to death, and immediately executed. On 9 January 1935 
the infamous trial of the "Leningrad Zinovievite Counterrevolutionary Cen- 
ter" began, and 77 people, including many famous Party militants who had 
opposed Stalin at some point, received prison sentences. The unmasking of the 
"Leningrad Center" led to the subsequent discovery of a "Moscow Center," 
whose 19 supposed members included Zinoviev and Kamenev themselves. 
Members of the "Moscow Center" were accused of "ideological complicity 11 
with Kirov's assassins and went to trial on 16 January 1935. Zinoviev and 
Kamenev admitted that their "previous activity in opposing the Party line, 
when looked at objectively, could not fail to have acted as a catalyst and pro- 
voked the worst instincts of these criminals." This extraordinary public admis- 
sion of "ideological complicity," coming after so many disavowals and public 
denials, led to five- and ten-year sentences respectively. From December 1934 
to February 1935, 6,500 people were sentenced under the new procedures to 
combat terrorism. 2 * 

The dav after Zinoviev and Kamenev were convicted, the Central Com- 
mittee sent a secret circular to all Party organizations, titled "Lessons to Be 
Drawn from the Cowardly Murder of Comrade Kirov." The text affirmed the 
existence of a plot that had been led by "two Zinovievite cells . . . which were 
fronts for White Guard organizations 1 ' and reminded all members of the per- 
manent struggle against "anti-Party groups" such as Trotskyites, Democratic 
Centralists, and right- and left-wing splinter groups. Anyone who had pre- 
viously opposed Stalin on any matter became a suspect. The hunt for enemies 
intensified, and in January 1935, 988 former Zinoviev supporters were exiled 
from Leningrad to Siberia and Yakutsk. The Central Committee ordered all 
local Party organizations to draw up lists of Communists who had been banned 
in 1926-1928 for belonging to the "Trotskyite and Zinoviev-Trotskyite bloc," 
and arrests were later carried out solely on the basis of these lists. In May 1935 
Stalin sent out another letter to all Party organizations ordering careful checks 
to be carried out on the Party membership card of every Communist. 

The official version of Kirov's assassination, which claimed that it had 
been carried out by someone who had entered Smolny using a fake Party 
membership card, served to demonstrate the "immense political importance" 
of the campaign to check all membership cards. The operation went on for 
more than six months and was carried out with the full assistance of the secret 
police. The NKVD supplied all the files required on "suspicious Communists," 
and the Party organizations in turn informed the NKVD about people barred 


A State against Its People 

from the Party as a result of the campaign. The whole operation resulted in 
the exclusion of 9 percent of Party members, or approximately 250,000 peo- 
ple. 29 At a Central Committee meeting in late December 1935 Nikolai Ezhov, 
the head of the Main Department in charge of the operation, produced incom- 
plete data suggesting that 15,218 of the "enemies" who had been expelled from 
the Party had also been arrested during the campaign. Nevertheless Ezhov 
believed that the purge had not been a great success because it had taken three 
times longer than originally planned, on account of the "ill will and sabotage" 
of several "bureaucratic elements who were still working in the directorate." 
Although one of the Party's main concerns had been to root out Trotskyites 
and Zinovievites, only 3 percent of those who had been excluded actually 
belonged to either of those categories. Local Party leaders had often been 
reluctant u to contact the NKVD and hand over lists of people to be exiled 
immediately by means of an administrative decision." In short, in Ezhov's 
opinion, the card-check campaign had revealed the extent to which local Party 
offices were inclined to present a united front of passive resistance against the 
authorities. 30 This was an important lesson that Stalin would always remember. 
The wave of terror that struck immediately after the assassination of 
Kirov did not affect just the previous opponents of Stalin within the Party. On 
the pretext that "White Guard terrorist elements have penetrated the country 
from the West," the Politburo on 27 December 1934 ordered the deportation 
of 2,000 "anti-Soviet" families from the frontier districts of Ukraine. On 15 
March 1935 similar measures were taken to deport "all doubtful elements from 
the frontier districts of the Leningrad region and the autonomous republic of 
Karelia ... to Kazakhstan and western Siberia." The principal victims were 
nearly 10,000 Finns, the first of many ethnic groups to suffer deportations that 
would reach their peak during World War II. In the spring of 1936 a second 
mass deportation of 15,000 families took place, involving nearly 50,000 people, 
most of them Poles and Germans from Ukraine, who were deported to the 
Karaganda region in Kazakhstan and settled there on the collective farms. 11 

The cycle of repression intensified over the next two years, with the NKVD 
handing down 267,000 sentences in 1935 and 274,000 in 1936. At the same 
time a few measures were taken to appease the population. The category of 
lishentsy was abolished, sentences of less than five years of imprisonment for 
collective farm workers were annulled, 37,000 people who had been sentenced 
under the law of 27 August 1932 were released early, the civil rights of the 
"specially displaced" were reinstated, and discriminatory practices were ended 
that had forbidden the children of deportees from gaining access to higher 
education. Such measures often had contradictory results. Deported kulaks, 
for example, who had their civil rights reinstated five years after their deporta- 

Foreign Elements and Cycles of Repression 


tion, were ultimately forbidden to leave the area in which they had been reset- 
tled. As soon as their rights had been returned, they had begun to go back to 
their villages, which had resulted in a multitude of insoluble problems: Were 
they to be allowed to join the collective farms? Where were they to live now 
that their houses and goods had been confiscated? The logic of repression 
allowed for only slight pauses in the process: there was no going back. 

Tension between society and the regime increased still further when the 
government decided to endorse the Stakhanovite movement, named after An- 
drei Stakhanov, who, thanks to an extraordinary process of teamwork and 
reorganization, had managed to increase coal production fourteenfold. A huge 
productivity campaign began, and two months later, in November 1935, a 
"Conference of Avant-Garde Workers" was held in Moscow. Stalin himself 
emphasized the "profoundly revolutionary nature of a movement that has 
managed to free itself of the habitual conservatism of engineers, technicians, 
and managers." In fact, given the nature of Soviet industry at the time, the 
introduction of Stakhanovite days, weeks, and even decades had a profoundly 
negative effect on production: equipment wore out more quickly, accidents in 
the workplace soared, and increases in production were almost inevitably fol- 
lowed by a period of decline. Returning to the spetseedstvo theme of the late 
1920s, the authorities again took to blaming economic difficulties on so-called 
saboteurs who had infiltrated the management, especially the engineers and 
specialists. Once again any doubt expressed about the Stakhanovites, any break 
in the rhythm of production, or any technical breakdown came to be regarded 
as counterrevolutionary action. In the first six months of 1936 more than 14,000 
managers in industry were arrested for sabotage. Stalin used the Stakhanovite 
campaign to unleash a new wave of terror, to be remembered forever as the 
Great Terror. 

The Great Terror (1936-1938) 


uch has been written about the Great Terror, which was also 
known in the Soviet Union as the Ezhovshchina, "The Reign of Ezhov." It is 
undoubtedly true to say that when Nikolai Ezhov was in charge of the NKVD 
(from September 1936 to November 1938), the effects of repression were felt 
at every level of Soviet society, from the Politburo all the way down to simple 
citizens arrested in the street. For decades the tragedy of the Great Terror was 
passed over in silence. The West saw only the three spectacular public trials in 
Moscow in August 1936, January 1937, and March 1938, when Lenin's most 
illustrious companions (among them Zinoviev, Kamenev, Nikolai Krestinsky, 
Rykov, Pyatokov, Radek, and Bukharin) admitted to organizing terrorist cen- 
ters with Trotskyite and Zinovievite or right-wing Trotskyite tendencies, plot- 
ting to overthrow the Soviet government or to assassinate its leaders, plotting 
to reinstate capitalism, carrying out acts of sabotage, undermining the military 
might of the U.S.S.R., and conniving to break up the Soviet Union and help 
foreign powers by facilitating the independence of Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, 
Armenia, and the Soviet Far East . . . 

As huge, stage-managed events, the trials in Moscow were also a highly 
effective tactic to deflect the attention of fascinated foreign observers from 
events that were going on elsewhere, especially the massive repressions against 
all social categories. For these observers, who had already kept silent about 


The Great Terror 


dekulakization, the famine, and the development of the camp system, the events 
of 1936-1938 were no more than the last act in the political fight that for more 
than ten years had seen Stalin pitted against his principal rivals. This was the 
end of the power struggle between the Stalinist "Thermidor" bureaucracy and 
the Leninist old guard, which had always remained faithful to its revolutionary 

Picking up on the main ideas of Trotsky's Revolution Betrayed, published 
in 1936, the author of a leading article in the French daily Le temps had the 
following to say on 27 July 1936: "The Russian revolution has now entered its 
Thermidor period. Stalin has understood the impracticality of pure Marxist 
ideology and the myth of the universal revolution. As a good socialist, but above 
all as a true patriot, he is aware of the dangers posed to the country by both 
ideology and myth. His dream is probably a sort of enlightened dictatorship, a 
paternalism very far from capitalism, but equally distant from the chimera of 

Lecho tie Pans expressed much the same sentiment, in slightly more 
colorful and disrespectful terms, on 30 January 1937: "That Georgian lowbrow 
has unwittingly joined the ranks of Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great, and 
Catherine II. The people he is eliminating are the revolutionaries who have 
remained faithful to their diabolical cause, madmen filled with a permanent will 
to destroy." 1 

It was only on 25 February 1956, in Khrushchev's "Secret Report to the 
Twentieth Congress of the CPSU," that the veil was finally lifted on the 
"numerous illegal acts against leaders and Party members from 1936 to 1938." 
In the years that followed, a number of leaders, especially from the military, 
were rehabilitated. But silence persisted about the ordinary victims. At the 
Twenty-second Party Congress in October 1961, Khrushchev publicly admit- 
ted that "mass repressions . . . had also struck simple and honest Soviet citi- 
zens," but the scale of the repressions, in which he and many other leaders of 
his generation had personally been involved, was passed over in silence. 

Toward the end of the 1960s, on the basis of eyewitness statements from 
Soviet citizens who had come to the West and the evidence in both emigre 
publications and Soviet publications in the years of the Khrushchev thaw, the 
historian Robert Conquest first drew up the general outlines of the Great 
Terror. Some of his extrapolations about the power structures and the number 
of victims involved have subsequently been disproved. 2 

Conquest's work began an enormous debate about the extent to which the 
terror was a centralized phenomenon, about the respective roles of Ezhov and 
Stalin, and about the number of victims involved. Certain American historians 
of the revisionist school contested the idea that Stalin had carefully planned 
the events of 1936-1938. Stressing instead the increasing tension between the 


A State Against Its People 

central authorities and ever-more-powerful local authorities, as well as isolated 
instances of excessive zeal, they attempted to explain the exceptional scale of 
the repressions of 1936-1938 by the notion that local authorities had found 
innumerable scapegoats on which to carry out the terror, so that they could 
deflect the terror that was actually being directed at them. In this way local 
officials tried to demonstrate to the central authorities their vigilance and 
intransigence in the struggle against the common enemy. 1 

Another disagreement arose about the number of victims. For Conquest 
and his followers, the Great Terror Jed to at least 6 million arrests, 3 million 
executions, and 2 million deaths in the camps. Revisionist historians regard 
these figures as somewhat inflated. 

Even the partial opening of the Soviet archives has allowed historians to 
see the Great Terror in a new light. Other studies have already retraced the 
extraordinarily complex and tragic story of the two bloodiest years of the Soviet 
regime. Our intention here is to address some of the questions raised bv the 
debate, notably the extent to which the terror was a centralized phenomenon, 
and the categories and numbers of the victims. 

On the question of the centralization of the terror, documents from the 
Politburo that are now accessible confirm that the mass repressions were indeed 
the result of initiatives taken at the very top level of the Party, in the Politburo, 
and by Stalin in particular. 4 The organization and implementation of one of 
the bloodiest repressions, the operation to "liquidate ex-kulaks, criminals, and 
other anti-Soviet elements," which took place from August 1937 to Mav 1938, 
are quite revealing about the respective roles of central and local agencies.-' 

Beginning in 1935-36, the ultimate fate of the deported ex-kulaks had 
been a burning issue. Despite the often-repeated ban on their leaving the places 
to which they had been assigned, more and more of the "specially displaced" 
were gradually becoming indistinguishable from the mass of free workers. In a 
report dated August 1936, Rudolf Berman, chief of the Gulag Administration, 
wrote that "taking advantage of the fairly lax manner in which they are guarded, 
numerous 'specially displaced,' who for some time have been working in the 
same teams as free workers, have now left their place of residence. They are 
becoming more and more difficult to pick out. In fact they often have special 
skills that make them valuable as managers, and many of them have been able 
to get passports. Many also have married free workers and now own houses."" 
Although many of the "specially displaced" who had been assigned to 
reside on the industrial sites were beginning to blend in with the local working 
classes, others fled farther afield. Many of these so-called runaways who had 
no papers and were homeless joined the gangs of socially marginal elements 
and petty criminals that were increasingly to be found on the outskirts of most 
of the big cities. Inspections carried out in the autumn of 1936 in certain 

The Great Terror 


komandatury revealed situations that were intolerable in the eyes of the authori- 
ties. In the region of Arkhangelsk, for example, of the 89,700 colonizers who 
had been assigned residency there, a mere 37,000 remained. 

The obsession with the ideas of the kulak saboteur who had managed to 
infiltrate a business and of the kulak bandit who roamed the streets goes some 
way toward explaining how this "category" became the centerpiece in the great 
repressive operation that Stalin concocted in early July 1937. 

On 2 July 1937 the Politburo sent local authorities a telegram ordering 
that "all kulaks and criminals must be immediately arrested . . . and after trial 
before a troika [a commission consisting of the regional Party first secretary, 
the procurator, and the regional NKVD chief] the most hostile are to be shot, 
and the less active but still hostile elements deported ... It is the Central 
Committee's wish that the composition of the troiki be presented to it within 
five days, together with the numbers of those shot and deported." 

In the following weeks the central authorities received "indicative figures" 
sent in by the local authorities, on the basis of which Ezhov prepared Opera- 
tional Order No. 00447, dated 30 July 1937, which he submitted to the Polit- 
buro for ratification the same day. During this particular operation 259,450 
people were arrested and 72,950 shot. 7 These numbers were inexact, since many 
regions had not yet sent their calculations to the central authorities. As in the 
days of the dckulakization operations, all regions received quotas for each of 
the two categories: those to be shot and those to be deported. 

It is notable that the victims of this operation belonged to a mysterious 
sociopolitical group that was much larger than the categories initially enumer- 
ated. Besides the "ex-kulaks" and the "criminal elements," those to be found 
now included "socially dangerous elements," "members of anti-Soviet parties," 
"former tsarist civil servants," and "White Guards" These designations were 
applied quite freely to any suspect, regardless of whether he was a Party 
member, a member of the intelligentsia, or an ordinary worker. The relevant 
offices of the GPU and the NKVD had had many years to draw up the 
necessary lists of suspects, and plenty of time to keep them up to date. 

The operational order of 30 July 1937 also gave local leaders the right to 
ask Moscow for further lists of suspects to be eliminated. The families of 
people condemned to the camps or to death could also be arrested to swell the 

By the end of August the Politburo was assailed with numerous requests 
for the quotas to be raised. From 28 August to 15 December 1937 it ratified 
various proposals for increases so that an additional 22,500 individuals were 
executed and another 16,800 were condemned to camps. On 31 January 1938, 
at the instigation of the NKVD, a further increase of 57,200 was accepted, 
48,000 of whom were to be executed. All operations were to have been finished 


A State Against Its People 

on 15 March 1938, but once again the local authorities, who had been purged 
several times in the preceding years and whose new staff were eager to show 
their zeal, demanded another increase in the numbers. From 1 February to 29 
August 1938 the Politburo ratified the requests, thus sanctioning the elimina- 
tion of a further 90,000 suspects. 

In this fashion, an operation that was originally planned for four months 
went on for over a year, and affected at least 200,000 more people than those 
originally planned for in the quotas. 8 Any individual suspected of the wrong 
social origins was a potential victim. People living in the frontier zones were 
also particularly vulnerable, as was anyone who had any contacts outside the 
country, no matter how far removed. Such people, including anyone who owned 
a radio transmitter, collected stamps, or spoke Esperanto, stood a very good 
chance of being accused of espionage. From 6 August to 21 December 1937, 
at least ten operations similar to the one begun by Operational Order No. 00447 
were launched by the Politburo and the NKVD to liquidate groups of sus- 
pected spies or "subversives 11 nationality by nationality: Germans, Poles, Japa- 
nese, Romanians, Finns, Lithuanians, Latvians, Greeks, and Turks. Over a 
fifteen-month period, from August 1937 to November 1938, several hundred 
thousand people were arrested in these antiespionage operations. 

Among the operations about which some information is available (al- 
though it is still fragmentary; the ex-KGB and Russian Presidential archives, 
where the most sensitive documents are kept, are still secret and closed to 
researchers) are the following: 

• The operation to "liquidate the German contingent working in all 
offices linked to National Defense" on 20 July 1937 

• The operation to "liquidate all terrorist activity, subversion, and espio- 
nage by the network of Japanese repatriated from Kharbin, 1 ' launched 
on 19 September 1937 

• The operation to "liquidate the right-wing military and Japanese 
Cossack organization," launched on 4 August 1937, in which more than 
19,000 people died from September to December 1937 

• The operation to "repress the families of enemies of the people, 1 ' set in 
motion by NKVD Order No. 00486 on 15 August 1937 

This very incomplete list of one small part of the operations decreed by 
the Politburo and carried out by the NKVD suffices to underscore the central- 
ized nature of the mass repressions of 1937 and 1938. These actions, like all 
the actions decided by the center but implemented by local authorities — in- 
cluding dekulakization, the purging of the towns, and the hunt for specialists— 
were often carried out with tragic excesses in the local communities. After the 
Great Terror, a single commission was sent to make inquiries in Turkmenistan 

The Great Terror 


about excesses committed under the Ezhovshchma. In this small republic of 1.3 
million inhabitants (0.7 percent of the Soviet population), 13,259 had been 
sentenced by the NKVD troiki in the period August 1937-September 1938 as 
part of the operation to "liquidate ex-kulaks, criminals, and other anti-Soviet 
elements." Of these, 4,037 had been shot. The quotas fixed by Moscow had 
been respectively 6,227 (the total number of sentences) and 3,225 (the total 
number of executions). 9 One can easily imagine that similar excesses were 
common in all other regions of the country. They were a natural result of the 
quota scheme. Planned orders from the center and bureaucratic reflexes, which 
had been well assimilated and drummed into civil servants for many years, 
naturally spurred local officials to try to anticipate and surpass the desires of 
superiors further up the hierarchy and the directives that arrived from Moscow. 

Another series of documents also highlights the centralized nature of the 
mass slaughter ordered by Stalin and ratified by the Politburo. These are the 
lists of people to be sentenced that were drawn up by the Commission for 
Judicial Affairs of the Politburo. The sentences for people who were summoned 
before the military collegium of the Supreme Court, the military courts, or the 
Special Board of the NKVD were all predetermined by the Commission for 
Judicial Affairs of the Politburo. This commission, of which Ezhov himself 
was a member, submitted at least 383 lists to be signed by Stalin and the 
Politburo. These lists contained some 44,000 names of Party leaders or mem- 
bers, as well as the names of prominent figures from industry and the army. At 
least 39,000 of them were condemned to death. Stalin's own signature appears 
at the bottom of 362 lists, with Molotov's signature on 373, Kliment Voroshi- 
lov's on 195, Kaganovich's on 191, Andrei Zhdanov's on 177, and Mikoyan's 
on 62. m 

All these leaders arrived in person to carry out purges of local Party 
organizations after the summer of 1937. Kaganovich was sent to purge the 
Donbass regions of Chelyabinsk, Yaroslavl, Ivanovo, and Smolensk; Zhdanov, 
after purging his own region of Leningrad, went to Orenburg, Bashkiria, and 
Tatarstan; Andreev went to the Northern Caucasus, Uzbekistan, and Tajikis- 
tan; Mikoyan went to Armenia; and Khrushchev went to Ukraine. 

While most instructions about mass repressions, like all other resolutions 
adopted by the Politburo, were ratified by Stalin as a matter of course, it now 
appears, in the light of archival material that has recently become available, that 
Stalin was also the author and initiator of most of the repressive measures. For 
example, when on 27 August 1937 at 5:00 p.m. the Secretariat of the Central 
Committee received a communication from Mikhail Koroshenko, first secretary 
of the regional Party committee in western Siberia, regarding the proceedings 
of a trial of some agronomists who had been accused of sabotage, Stalin himself 
sent a telegram back ten minutes later, saying: "1 advise the sentencing to death 


A State Against Its People 

of all saboteurs in Andreev's district, and the public proclamation of their 
execution in the local papers." 11 

All documents that are now available (protocols from the Politburo, 
Stalin's diary, and the list of visitors he received at the Kremlin) demonstrate 
that Stalin meticulously controlled and directed Ezhov's every move. He cor- 
rected instructions to the NKVD, masterminded all the big public trials, and 
even wrote the scripts for them. During preparations for the trial of Marshal 
Tukhachevsky and other Red Army leaders for their participation in a "military 
conspiracy," Stalin saw Ezhov every day 12 At each stage of Ezhovshchina, Stalin 
retained political control of events. It was he who decided the nomination of 
Ezhov to the post of people's commissar of internal affairs, sending the famous 
telegram from Sochi to the Politburo on 25 September 1936: "It is absolutely 
necessary and extremely urgent that Comrade Ezhov be nominated to the post 
of People's Commissar of Internal Affairs. Yagoda is plainly not up to the task 
of unmasking the Trotskyite and Zinovievite coalition. The GPU is now four 
years behind in this business " It was also Stalin who decided to put a stop to 
the "excesses of the NKVD." On 17 November 1938 a decree from the Central 
Committee put a (provisional) stop to the organization of "large-scale arrest 
and deportation procedures." One week later, Ezhov was dismissed from the 
post of People's Commissar and replaced by Beria. The Great Terror thus 
ended as it had begun, on Stalin's orders. 

In seeking to tally the number and categories of the victims of the 
Ezhovshchina, we now have at our disposal a few extremely confidential docu- 
ments drawn up for Nikita Khrushchev and the main leaders of the Party 
during de-Stalinization. Foremost among these is a long study of "repressions 
carried out during the era of the personality cult," conducted by a commission 
established at the Twenty-second Congress of the Soviet Communist Party and 
led by Nikolai Shvernik. 11 Researchers can thus compare these figures with 
other sources of statistics about the Gulag Administration, the People's Com- 
missariat of Justice, and legal records that are now also available. 14 

It appears that during 1937 and 1938, 1,575,000 people were arrested by 
the NKVD; of these, 1,345,000 (85.4 percent) received some sort of sentence 
and 681,692 (51 percent of those who were sentenced) were executed. 

People arrested were sentenced in different ways. Cases involving white- 
collar workers, politicians, military leaders, economists, and members of the 
intelligentsia— the highest-profile category — were judged by military tribunals 
and the Special Board of the NKVD. Given the scale of these operations, the 
government in late August 1937 set up troiki at regional levels made up of the 
local procurator, the chief of the local police, and the head of the local branch 
of the NKVD. These trniki meted out an extremely perfunctory form of justice, 
since their main aim was to comply with resolutions and quotas sent out in 

The Great Terror 


advance by the central offices. Often they did little more than pick up suspects 
who had been under surveillance for some time, "reactivating" old lists. The 
trial was as simple as possible; the troiki would often see hundreds of files in a 
single day, as is evident from the recent publication of the Leningrad List of 
Martyrs, a directory showing month by month the names of inhabitants of the 
city who were condemned to death as a result of Article 58 of the penal code, 
beginning in August 1937. The usual interval between the arrest and the death 
sentence was a few weeks. The sentence, against which there was no appeal, 
was then carried out in a few days. The probability of being arrested merely to 
fill a quota for a specific operation depended on a series of coincidences in all 
the large-scale repressive operations carried out around that time, including the 
liquidation of the kulaks launched on 30 July 1937, the operation to liquidate 
criminal elements begun on 1 2 September 1 937, and the "repression of families 
of enemies of the people." If the list of names on file was not long enough, the 
local authorities would use any means necessary to find the extra names to 
"comply with the established norms " To give but one example, in order to fill 
the category of "saboteurs," the NKVD in Turkmenia used the pretext of an 
industrial fire to arrest everyone who was on the site and forced them all to 
name their "accomplices." 15 Communist cadres were only a tiny share of the 
681,692 people executed. Programmed from on high and arbitrarily inventing 
categories of political enemies, the terror, by its very nature, generated side 
effects that were always highly indicative of the culture of violence endemic at 
the lowest levels of the hierarchy. 

These figures are far from exhaustive. They do not include any of the 
deportations carried out during these years, such as those from the Soviet Far 
East between May and October 1937, when 172,000 Koreans were moved to 
Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Nor do they include the number of people who 
died from torture during imprisonment or on the way to the camps (an un- 
known number), or the number of prisoners who died in the camps during 
these years (approximately 25,000 in 1937, more than 90,000 in 1938).' 6 Even 
when rounded down in relation to extrapolating from the eyewitness reports 
of survivors, the figures are still a shocking reminder of the size of these mass 
killings, carried out by the hundreds of thousands against a whole society. 

It is now possible to analyze further the categories of victims of these mass 
slaughters. We now have some statistics, to be discussed at length in the next 
chapter, on the number of prisoners in the gulags at the end of the 1930s. This 
information covers all groups of prisoners, not simply those arrested during 
the Great Terror, without specifying the categories of victims condemned to 
the camps during the Ezhovshchina. Nevertheless, some patterns are discern- 
ible, notably a sharp increase in the number of victims who had had some form 
of higher education (over 70 percent in 1936-1939), confirming that the terror 


A State Against Its People 

at the end of the decade was aimed particularly at the educated elite, whether 
they were Party members or not. 

Because the purge of Party cadres was the first event of the Stalin era to 
be publicly denounced (at the Twentieth Party Congress), it is one of the 
best-known aspects of the Great Terror. In his "Secret Speech' 1 at the Con- 
gress, Khrushchev covered this phenomenon at some length. It had affected 
five members of the Politburo who were faithful Stalinists (Postyshev, Jan 
Rudzutak, Eikhe, Kossior, Anatoly Chubar), 98 of the 139 members of the 
Central Committee, and 1,108 of the 1,996 delegates to the Seventeenth Party 
Congress in 1934. It had equally affected the leaders of the Komsomol: 72 of 
the 93 members of the Central Committee were arrested, as well as 319 of the 
385 regional secretaries and 2,210 of the 2,750 district secretaries. Generally 
speaking, the local and regional headquarters of the Party and the Komsomol 
were entirely restaffed. All were suspected of sabotaging the decisions handed 
down by Moscow and of opposing central control of local affairs. In 1 .eningrad, 
where the Party had been led by Zinoviev and where Kirov had been assassi- 
nated, Zhdanov and Zakovsky (the chief of the regional NKVD) arrested more 
than 90 percent of the Party cadres. These numbers represent only a tiny share 
of the people from Leningrad who were victims of repression from 1936 to 
1939. 17 To ensure that the purges were carried out with maximum efficiency, 
representatives from the central authorities together with troops from the 
NKVD were sent out in the provinces on a mission described in Pravdu as an 
attempt u to smoke out and destroy the bugs 1 nests of the Trotskyite-fascists." 
Some regions seemed to suffer more than others, especially Ukraine. In 
1938 alone, after the nomination of Khrushchev as head of the Ukrainian 
Communist Party, more than 106,000 people were arrested in Ukraine, and the 
majority of these were executed. Of the 200 members of the Central Commit- 
tee of the Ukrainian Communist Party, 3 survived. The same scenario was 
repeated in all local and regional Party headquarters, where do/ens of public 
trials were organized for previous Communist leaders. 

Unlike the trials in camera or the secret sessions of the troiki, in which the 
fate of the accused was dispatched in a few minutes, the public trials of leaders 
were strongly populist in nature and fulfilled an important propaganda role. As 
Stalin said in a speech of 3 March 1937, the intention was to denounce these 
local leaders, "those new lords, who are so smug and filled with overconhdence 
. . . and who through their inhuman attitudes inevitably create suffering and 
discontent, and end up encouraging the formation of an army of Trotskyites." 
It was thought that this would strengthen the alliance between "the ordinary 
people, the simple militants who believed in justice," and the Leader himself 
Imitating the great trials in Moscow, but this time on a local and district scale, 
these public trials were generally reported in detail in the relevant local press 

The Great Terror 


and became the extraordinary focus of ideological, popular, and populist mo- 
bilization. Because of the manner in which these public trails unmasked con- 
spiracies, the central preoccupation with Communist ideology, and the carnival 
atmosphere that reigned when those who had been rich and powerful were cast 
down and the poor people exalted, the trials, in Annie Kriegel's words, became 
u a formidable mechanism for social cleansing." 

The repression directed at local Party leaders was, of course, only the tip 
of the iceberg. One example is a detailed report from the regional department 
of the NKVD in Orenburg "on operational measures for the liquidation of 
clandestine groups of Trotskyites and Bukharinites, as well as other counter- 
revolutionary groups, carried out from 1 April to 18 September 1937" (that is, 
before Zhdanov visited the province to accelerate the purge). ,H In this province 
the following Party members were arrested: 

420 "Trotskyites," all of whom were politicians or economists of the 

first rank 
120 "right-wingers," all of whom were local leaders of some importance 

These 540 Party cadres represented 45 percent of the local officials. After 
Zhdanov's mission to Oranienburg, 598 more cadres were arrested and exe- 
cuted. Before the autumn of 1937 almost all Party leaders in the province and 
every economist of note were eliminated. They were replaced by a new genera- 
tion, who were rapidly promoted to the front line, the generation of Brezhnev, 
Kosygin, Dmitry Ustinov, and Gromyko — in short, the generation that was to 
make up the Politburo of the 1970s. 

In addition to the thousands of Party cadres who were arrested, there were 
a number of ordinary Party members and ex-Communists, who were particu- 
larly vulnerable. These simple citizens, who had been in the NKVD's files for 
years, in fact made up the greater part of the victims who suffered in the Great 
Terror. To return to the Orenburg NKVD report: 

Slightly more than 2,000 members of a right-wing military Japa- 
nese Cossack organization [of whom approximately 1,500 were 

More than 1,500 officers and tsarist civil servants exiled to Orani- 
enburg from Leningrad in 1935 [these were "socially alien ele- 
ments" exiled to various regions after the assassination of 

250 people arrested as part of the Polish affair 

95 people arrested ... as part of the affair concerning elements 
originating from Kharbin 


A State Against Its People 

3,290 people arrested as part of the operation to liquidate all ex- 

1,399 people arrested during the operation to liquidate all criminal 

If one also includes the 30-odd people from the Komsomol and 50 cadets 
from the local military training academy, it becomes apparent that the NKVD 
arrested more than 7,500 people in this province in five months. Again, this 
was before the intensification of the repression under Andrei Zhdanov. As 
spectacular as this proportion might appear, the arrest of 90 percent of the local 
nomenklatura represented only a negligible proportion of the victims of the 
repression, most of whom fell into other categories specifically defined by the 
Politburo and approved by Stalin himself. 

Certain categories of officials were particularly singled out: for example, 
diplomats and all the personnel at the People's Commissariat of Foreign Af- 
fairs, who naturally were accused of espionage; or factory directors and per- 
sonnel from the ministries for economic affairs, who were often suspected of 
sabotage. Among high-ranking diplomats arrested and, for the most part, exe- 
cuted were Krestinsky, Grigory Sokolnikov, Aleksandr Bogomolov, Konstantin 
Yurenev, Nikolai Ostrovsky, and Antonov-Ovsccnko, who were posted respec- 
tively in Berlin, London, Beijing, Tokyo, Bucharest, and Madrid. 19 

Whole ministries fell victim to the repressions. In the relatively obscure 
People's Commissariat of Machine Tools, an entire directorate was replaced; 
and all but two of the managers of factories dependent on this ministry were 
arrested, together with almost all engineers and technicians. The same was true 
for several other industrial sectors, notably aeronautical industry, naval con- 
struction, metallurgy, and transport, for which only fragmentary information 
is available. After the end of the Great Terror, at the Seventeenth Congress in 
March 1939, Kaganovich noted that "in 1937 and 1938 the leading personnel 
in all heavy industry was entirely replaced, and thousands of new men were 
appointed to the posts of those who had been unmasked as saboteurs. In some 
branches of industry, there had been several layers of saboteurs and spies . . . 
Now we have in their place cadres who will accept any task assigned to them 
by Comrade Stalin." 

Among the party cadres hit hardest by the Ezhovshschinu were the leaders 
of foreign Communist parties and leaders of the Communist International, 
w r ho were staying in Moscow at the Hotel Lux. 2(1 German Communist Part) 
leaders who were arrested included Heinz Neumann, Hermann Remmel, Fritz 
Schulte, and Hermann Schubert, all of whom had been members of the Pol- 
itburo; Leo Flieg, a secretary of the Central Committee; Heinrich Susskind and 
Werner Hirsch, the editors of the newspaper Rote Fahne; and Hugo Eberlein, 

The Great Terror 


who had been the German Party delegate at the founding conference of the 
Communist International. In February 1940, several months after the signing 
of the German-Soviet pact, 570 German Communists who had been locked up 
in Moscow prisons were handed over to the Gestapo on the frontier bridge at 
Brest Litovsk. 

The purges were equally savage in the Hungarian Workers' (Communist) 
Party Bcla Kun, the instigator of the Hungarian revolution in 1919, was 
arrested and executed, together with twelve other people's commissars from 
the ephemeral Communist government in Budapest who had taken refuge in 
Moscow. Nearly 200 Italian Communists were also arrested (including Paolo 
Robotti, the brother-in-law of Palmiro Togliatti, the Italian Communist Party 
leader), as well as approximately 100 Yugoslav Communists (including Milan 
Gorkic, the Party secretary general; Vladimir topic, secretary and director of 
the Organization of the International Brigades; and three-quarters of the mem- 
bers of the Central Committee). 

The vast majority of the victims of the Great Terror were anonymous. 
The following is an excerpt from an ''ordinary" file of 1938, dossier no. 24260: 2 ' 

1. Name: Sidorov 

2. First name; Vasily Klcmentovich 

3. Place and date of birth: Sechevo, Moscow region, 1893 

4. Address: Sechevo, Rolomcnskii district, Moscow region 

5. Profession: co-operative employee 

6. Union membership: co-operative employees' union 

7. Possessions at time of arrest (detailed description): 1 wooden 
house, 8 meters by 8, covered in sheet metal, with partially cov- 
ered courtyard 20 meters by 7; 1 cow, 4 sheep, 2 pigs, chickens 

8. Property in 1929: identical, plus 1 horse 

9. Property in 1917: 1 wooden house, 8 meters by 8, 1 partially 
covered courtyard 30 meters by 20, 2 barns, 2 hangars, 2 
horses, 2 cows, 7 sheep 

10. Social situation at moment of arrest: employed 

1 1. Service in tsarist army: 1915 16 foot-soldier, second class, 6th 
Infantry Regiment of Turkestan 

1 2. Military service in the White Army: none 

13. Military service in the Red Army: none 

14. Social origin: I consider myself the son of an ordinary peasant 

15. Political history: no party memberships 

16. Nationality and citizenship: Russian, US.S.R. citizen 

17. Communist Party membership: no 

18. Education: basic 

19. Present military situation: reservist 

20. Criminal record: no 


A State Against Its People 

21. State of health: hernia 

22. Family situation: married. Wife: Anastasia Fedorovna, 43 
years old, kolkhoz worker; daughter: Nina, 24 years old 

Arrested 13 February 1938 on the orders of the leaders of the 
district NKVD. 

An excerpt from the interrogation protocol: 

Question: Explain your social origins, your social situation, and your 
situation before 1917. 

Reply: I come originally from a family of small merchants. Until 
about 1904 my father had a little shop in Moscow, on Zolotorozhskaya 
Street, where, according to what he told me, he did business but had no 
employees. After 1904 he was forced to close the shop, for he couldn't 
compete with the bigger shops. He came back to the country, to 
Sechevo, and rented six hectares of arable land and two hectares of 
meadow. He had one employee, a man called Goryachev, who worked 
with him for many years, until 1916. After 1917 we kept the farm, but 
we lost the horses. I worked with my father until 1925; then, after he 
died, my brother and I shared out the land between us. 

I don't think I am guilty of anything at all. 

An excerpt from the charges drawn up: 

Sidorov, hostile to the Soviet regime in general and to the Party in 
particular, was given to systematically spreading anti-Soviet propa- 
ganda, saying, "Stalin and his gang won't give up power. Stalin has 
killed a whole mass of people, but he doesn't want to go. The Bolsheviks 
will hold on to power and go on arresting honest people, and you can't 
even talk about that, or you'll end up in a camp for 25 years." 

The accused pleaded not guilty but was unmasked by several wit- 
nesses. The affair has been passed on to the troika for judgment. 

Signed: S. Salakayev, Second Lieutenant in the Kolomenskaya dis- 
trict police. 

Agreed: Galkin, Lieutenant in the State Security, Chief of the 
State Security detachment in the Kolomenskaya district. 

An excerpt from the protocol of the troika's decision, 16 July 1938: 

V. K. Sidorov affair. Ex-shopkeeper, previously kept a shop with his 
father. Accused of spreading counterrevolutionary ideas among kolkhoz 
workers, characterized by defeatist statements together with threats 
against Communists, criticism of Party policies and of the government. 
Verdict: SHOOT Sidorov Vassily Klementovich; confiscate all his 

The Great Terror 


Sentence carried out on 3 August 1938. 
Posthumously rehabilitated on 24 January 1989. 

The heaviest price of all was paid by the Polish Communist Party. The 
situation of Polish Communists was somewhat unusual, in that their Party 
emerged out of the Social Democratic Party of the Kingdoms of Poland and 
Lithuania, which in 1906 was admitted, on an autonomous basis, to the Social 
Democratic Workers' Party in Russia. The links between the Russian Party and 
the Polish Party had always been very close. Many Social Democratic Poles— 
Dzer/hinsky, Men/hinsky, Unshlikht (all of whom had been directors of the 
GPU), and Radek, to name but a few — had gone on to make a career in the 
Bolshevik Party, 

In 1937-38 the Polish Communist Party was completely liquidated. The 
twelve Polish members of the Central Committee living in Russia were exe- 
cuted, as were all Polish representatives of the various offices of the Communist 
International. On 28 November 1937 Stalin signed a document proposing a 
"purge" of the Polish Communist Party. Generally, after a party had been 
purged Stalin chose new personnel to lead it from one of the rival factions of 
the liquidated group. In the case of the Polish Communist Party, all the factions 
were equally accused of "following the orders of counterrevolutionary Polish 
secret services." On 16 August 1938 the Executive Committee of the Interna- 
tional voted for the dissolution of the Polish Communist Party. As Dmitry 
Manuilsky explained, "Polish fascist agents have infiltrated the party and taken 
up all the key positions.' 1 

On the grounds that they had been "caught out" and found 'lacking in 
vigilance, 11 Soviet officials in the Communist International were naturally the 
next victims of the purges. Almost all the Soviet cadres in the International 
(including Wilhclm Knorin, a member of the Central Executive Committee; 
V. A. Mirov-Abramov, chief of the Department of Foreign Ties; and Gevork 
Alikhanov, the head of the Department of Cadres), a total of several hundred 
people, were removed. The only survivors of the International purge were a 
few leaders such as Manuilsky and Otto Kuusincn, who were completely in 
Stalin's power. 

The military was another sector hit hard in 1937 and 1938, as carefully kept 
records testify. 22 On 11 June 1937 the press announced that a military court 
sitting in camera had condemned Marshal Tukhachevsky to death for treason 
and espionage. Tukhachevsky was deputy commissar of defense and the prin- 
cipal architect of the modernization of the Red Army. Recurring differences 
had led to his growing opposition to Stalin and Voroshilov after the Polish 


A State Against Its People 

campaign of 1920. Also condemned were seven army generals: Jonas Yakir, the 
military commander of the Kyiv region; Uborevich, commander of the Belarus 
region; and Robert Eideman, Avgust Kork, Vitvot Putna, Fred Feldman, and 
Vital y Primakov. Over the next ten days 980 high-ranking officers were ar- 
rested, including twenty-one army corps generals and thirty-seven division 
generals. The "military conspiracy" affair, implicating Tukhachevski and his 
accomplices, had been several months in the planning. The accused were ar- 
rested in May 1937. Subject to brutal interrogation led by Ezhov himself 
(when Tukhachevsky was rehabilitated twenty years later, it was revealed that 
several pages of the deposition were stained with blood), all were forced into 
confessions before judgment was passed. Stalin personally supervised the 
whole affair. Around 15 May he had received via the Soviet ambassador in 
Prague falsified files compiled by the Nazi secret services containing fake let- 
ters that had supposedly passed between Tukhachevsky and members of the 
German high command. In fact the German secret service had been manipu- 
lated by the NKVD. 

In two years the purge of the Red Army eliminated: 

3 out of 5 marshals (Tukhachevsky, Aleksandr Egorov, and Vasili 

Blucher, the last two executed in February and October 1937, respec- 

13 out of 15 army generals 

8 out of 9 admirals 

50 out of 57 army corps generals 

154 out of 186 division generals 

16 out of 16 army commissars 

25 out of 28 army corps commissars 

From May 1937 to September 1938, 35,020 officers were arrested or 
expelled from the army. It is still unclear how many were executed. Around 
1 1,000 (including Generals Konstantin Rokossovsky and Aleksandr Gorbatov) 
were recalled in 1939-1941. But a new wave of purges began after September 
1938, so that according to the most serious estimates, the total number of 
arrests in the army during the Great Terror was about 30,000 cadres out of a 
possible 178,000. 2y Though proportionally less significant than has generally 
been believed, the purge of the Red Army, notably at the higher levels, had 
serious effects on the Russo-Finnish conflict of 1939^0 and the initial phase 
of the war with Germany, when it constituted one of the heaviest handicaps 
for Soviet military effectiveness. 

Stalin took the menace of Nazi Germany much less seriously than did 
other Bolshevik leaders, especially Bukharin and Maksim Litvinov, who was 

The Great Terror 


people's commissar of foreign affairs until April 1939. Stalin did not hesitate 
to sacrifice the majority of the best officers in the Red Army and replace them 
with entirely untried substitutes. Stalin wished his army to be staffed with those 
who had no memory of the controversial episodes in which he had participated 
as military chief in the civil war, and who would not be tempted to argue, as 
Field Marshal Tukhachevsky might have, with the military and political deci- 
sions that Stalin took at the end of the 1930s, especially the rapprochement 
with Nazi Germany. 

The intelligentsia were another social group who fell victim to the Great 
Terror, and about whom relatively abundant information is available. 24 A rec- 
ognized social group since the mid-nineteenth century, most of the Russian 
intelligentsia had been a center of resistance against tyranny and intellectual 
constraint. This fact had accounted for their victimization in the previous 
purges of 1922 and 1928-1931. Now, in March and April 1937, a virulent press 
campaign railed against "deviationism" in economics, history, and literature. 
All branches of learning and creativity were targeted, and political and doc- 
trinal pretexts often served to cover personal ambition or rivalry. In the field of 
history, for example, all the followers of Mikhail Pokrovsky, who had died in 
1932, were arrested. Teachers and professors were especially vulnerable, since 
their lectures were readily accessible to zealous informers. Universities, insti- 
tutes, and academicians were all decimated, notably in Belorussia (where 87 of 
the 105 academics were arrested as u Polish spies") and in Ukraine. In the latter 
republic a first purge of "bourgeois nationalists 11 had taken place in 1933, when 
several thousand Ukrainian intellectuals were arrested for "having transformed 
the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, the Shevchenko Institute, the Agricul- 
tural Academy, the Ukrainian Marxist-Leninist Institute, and the People's 
Commissariats of Kducation, Agriculture, and Justice into havens for bour- 
geois nationalists and counterrevolutionaries' 1 (a speech by Pavel Postyshev, 22 
June 1933). The Great Purge of 1937-38 thus finished off an operation that 
had actually begun four years earlier. 

All scholarly fields with the slightest connection to politics, ideology, 
economics, or defense were also affected. The main figures in the aeronautics 
industry, notably Andrei Tupolev (the renowned aeronautical engineer) and 
Sergei Korolev (one of the founders of the first Soviet space program), were 
arrested and sent to NKVD research centers similar to the those described by 
Solzhenitsyn in First Circle. Of the twenty-nine astronomers at the great Pulk- 
ovo observatory, twenty-seven were arrested. Nearly all the statisticians from 
the national economic headquarters were arrested after completing the January 
1937 census, which was annulled for u gross violations of elementary procedures 
of the science of statistics, and for contravening governmental orders. 11 Arrests 


A State Against Its People 

were made of numerous linguists opposed to the theories of the Marxist 
linguist Nikolai Marr, who was officially supported by Stalin; and of several 
hundred biologists who opposed the charlatanism of the "official" biologist 
Trofim Lysenko. Other victims included Professor Solomon Levit, the director 
of the medical genetics institute; Nikolai Tulaikov, the director of the Institute 
of Cereals; the botanist A. Yanata; and the academician Nikolai Vavilov, presi- 
dent of the Lenin Academy of Agricultural Science, who was arrested on 
6 August 1940 and died in prison on 26 January 1943. 

Accused of defending hostile and foreign points of view and of straying 
beyond the boundaries of Socialist Realism, writers, publishers, theater direc- 
tors, and journalists all paid a heavy price during the Ezhovshchina. Approxi- 
mately 2,000 members of the writers' union were arrested, deported to camps, 
or executed. Among the most famous victims were Isaac Babei, author of The 
Red Cavalry and Odessa Tales, who was shot on 27 January 1940; the writers 
Boris Pilnyak, Yury Oiesha, Panteleimon Romanov; and the poets Nikolai 
Klyuev, Nikolai Zabolotsky, Osip Mandelstam (who died in a Siberian transit 
camp on 26 December 1938), Gurgen Maari, and Titsian Tabidze. Many 
musicians were also arrested, including the composer Andrei Zhelyaev and the 
conductor E. Mikoladze, as were famous figures from the theater, such as the 
great director Vsevolod Meyerhold, whose theater was closed early in 1938 on 
the ground that it was "foreign to Soviet art." Having refused to make a public 
act of contrition, Meyerhold was arrested in June 1939, tortured, and executed 
on 2 February 1940. 

During these years the authorities sought the "complete liquidation" (to 
use their own expression) of the last remaining members of the clergy. The 
census of January 1937 revealed that approximately 70 percent of the popula- 
tion, despite the pressures placed on them, still replied in the affirmative when 
asked "Are you a believer?" Hence Soviet leaders embarked on a third and 
decisive offensive against the church. In April 1937 Malenkov sent a note to 
Stalin suggesting that legislation concerning religious organizations was out- 
dated, and he proposed the abrogation of the decree of 8 April 1929. "This 
decree," he noted, "gave a legal basis for the most active sections of the 
churches and cults to create a whole organized network of individuals hostile 
to the Soviet regime." He concluded: "The time has come to finish once and 
for al I with all clerical organizations and ecclesiastical hierarchies." 25 Thousands 
of priests and nearly all the bishops were sent to camps, and this time the vast 
majority were executed. Of the 20,000 churches and mosques that were still 
active in 1936, fewer than 1,000 were still open for services at the beginning of 
1941. In early 1941 the number of officially registered clerics of all religions 
had fallen to 5,665 (more than half of whom came from the Baltic territories, 

The Great Terror 


Poland, Moldavia, and western Ukraine, all of which had been incorporated in 
1939-1941), from over 24,000 in 1936. 26 

From this information it is possible to conclude that the Great Terror was a 
political operation initiated and led by people at the highest levels in the party 
under the supreme direction of Stalin. 

Moreover, the Great Terror achieved two of its main objectives. The first 
was to establish a civil and military bureaucracy made up of young cadres 
brought up in the strict Stalinist spirit of the 1930s. These were officials who, 
as Kaganovich said at the Seventeenth Party Congress, "would accept without 
question any task assigned to them by Comrade Stalin." Before the late 1930s, 
various government administrations were a heterogeneous mixture of "bour- 
geois specialists" trained under the old regime and Bolshevik cadres, many of 
whom had been trained on the job during the civil war and were quite incom- 
petent. Each institution had tried to preserve some sort of professionalism and 
administrative logic, as well as a degree of autonomy from the ideological 
voluntarism and orders that came from the center. This was particularly dem- 
onstrated in the campaign to verify all Party identity cards in 1935, when local 
Communist leaders had put up passive resistance. It was also obvious in the 
refusal of statisticians to "brighten up" the figures from the January 1937 
census and bring them into line with Stalin's wishes. Stalin realized that a 
significant proportion of the cadres, whether Communist or not, were not 
prepared to follow blindly orders that came from the center. His goal was to 
replace these officials with people more obedient to his wishes. 

The second objective of the Great Terror was to complete the elimination 
of "socially dangerous elements," a group whose members continued to grow. 
As the penal code indicated, any individual "who had committed an act hostile 
or dangerous to society, or who had relations with a criminal milieu or a criminal 
record" was liable to be classed as a socially dangerous element. Hence, anyone 
whose social group contained the prefix "ex-" was socially dangerous: ex- 
kulaks, ex-criminals, ex-tsarist civil servants, ex-members of the Menshcvik 
Party, ex-Socialist Revolutionaries, and so on. All these categories had to be 
eliminated during the Great Terror because, as Stalin stated at the plenum of 
the Central Committee in February-March 1937, "the nearer we come to 
socialism, the more the remnants of the moribund social classes fight back." 

In this speech Stalin had emphasized the idea that the US.S.R. — the only 
country that had built socialism — was surrounded by hostile enemy powers. 
According to Stalin, the countries bordering the US.S.R. —Finland, the Baltic 
states, Poland, Romania, Turkey, Japan, and others, assisted by France and 
Great Britain — were sending "armies of spies and subversives" on a mission 


A State Ay<!inst Its Peoplu 

to sabotage ihe socialist project. As a unique and sacred stale, the I .S.S.R. had 
inviolable frontiers that were the front lines in a struggle against an ever present- 
enemy. In this context, the hunt for spies (that is, amonc who had simpK made 
eoniact with the outside world, no nutter how tenuous it might liave been) took 
on great importance. The elimination of potential and muhical "hYrh eoluni 
nisrs" was at the heart of the Great Terror. 

fhe huge categories of victims listed above cadres and specialists, so 
cially dangerous and alien elements, and spies all demonstrate the logic of t he 
massive killings of the (ircat 'I error, which was responsible for neark 700,001) 
deaths in two ears. 

Moslow, I'r^h. Si all 1 1 is -»ui rounded (tnnii let! lo right) b V K hrnsluhev, u hu disliiiMiiislied himself in 
ihe repressions in I kr.iiiu : . Vulano, .111 ideolu;>ual olluia! who launehed the post \ ar eampaign 
auainst "i.'oMiitipolii.inisin"; I. ka'.'.aiun ieh, the radu a eoninns',ai'; K.  nrnshilm, eonunissar ot defense; 
V lnloio, Stalin's rhn.1 assisiani, who died in 198ft; 1. kalinm; and Marshal VI. Tukluelmski, who 
was liquidated in 1 ( >.>7. Simiul row ; < ). Malenkm (2nd I'rmu let! ), Y biih'.aniu (5th), and Kiss Stassuva 
|Sih), u ho endorsed Stahn' - pohiu •■ inside tlir ( innintern. 1 nh nis-,cs tk phntnjMaphir., krasnosiursk 

Vchks I )/ershirisk, founder ot the ( aheka and 
lu ad dI' the GPi (sccrci police) until he died m 
1^26, leaui;,' a permanent mark un the regime. 
■ 13. it; 

I .. tieria niiu; in an imitation ot deiuneraee s 
the suen^sor in V len/lnnsk, ( r. ^.ij'.ml.i, and 
V I- /hoc llena eontrolled thr SCCFC1 police .ind 
the FbreCS lif repression until be was artesied in 
Jfumc W'53 1> his rivals Kdirushehec Malenknc 
and Mi)lnin. 1 1 ,.ipi  iplkl 

\ hrii itu Uulsln' ikh m.u U'll ilu 
t 'i il « .i!' iln.  unh a- hi d .t rt .i e 

(if  Ink'lH V nil .1 ■-« ,ll( tin' V. HI 1(1 

luul r.nvK m l'Q 1 k'fv in i )r,ha 

III ]'lh .1 I'nllsll nllh il i 
Ii.UI'.'l'i.I and nnpalrd bft *i iklk'P-- 
ut llu Rt'«h i r^atttl lol i niv 
1 'illu.!! .iiinii Viiiiu 

A terrible (amine devastated rise Volua 
region .is a result of the cjs i! war and 
li(iMu'ik policies in the eountryjfhtc. 

In  1 >1 ami WU ihr tamine led lo 
tlie- death ul ainuiul 15 million people; 
ilk' lirsl ietinis were almost imari 
ahh rlnkh'en i liisniriiMuiiT inn 
UlUpoiMllH- lii )l( . 

Kyiv, 1**18, ller [he retreat (it' llu- Ret) nm, the HfHli^S ut' ieiinv. M t lu I luk.i sutv 
exhumrd ill "i Saiknaa Slice! , \!n-iv (he "uistrumrni ul Hnlsheul. T t ■ i « >r " (dS I he 
( !heka diserihed iiselt') inaintami-d one oi iis l.ieiliiie--. MiiMX d'tii*Hi|£f t . . ■ ■ r-L ■ i ■ | ^ .r .itiif 

Lenin was tint Til m aeeepl aid 

trom alunat.!, aiul liain-. tilled 

with munitions, rami' in tmm 

the Kill t inss, the Xanseil 

(. nmniittee, ami ihe ineriean 

Relief dminr-traUnn Russian 

mnl kit luiIs u lii) helped ar 

range tin.- aid were subsequently 

arrested aiul svntviicvil Ul di'aik 

on I .riun's orders. \ hen 

K Naiisen lunr-rlt mu-rwued, 

thr wrrr banished Irom Russia 

instead. I lnvr M'lllslnirr 
k ul]Uin|ii)i,iiiH lii )K, 

1930-SV. 1'casanrs resisting cnllcciii/a[ion confronted the Kul Ouai'ds who came to seize the luncst 
and then look refuuv in the forests. C i PL troops often sci fire to the lives 10 tone the peasants to ctttcfee 
* 1). K. 

To collect it ia 1 1 it land in .i "■_!]'( at ass;iuli on ihe peasant r," Sialin used sianaiinn as a weapon, 
particular!) auainst ihe I krauuans The- polio resulted in ihe death of I'ouv.hK 6 million people, 
ineliuliii'. 1 , 4 inillion in I krauie I fete in k li,irki in lTv the peasants became indifferent lo the dailv 
jiheiioinenon pi death. Cannibalism was su w idespread that the vownnnent printed posters lhat said: 
" in 1 .. 1 our children k an an of barbarism." i Dk. 

The construction site of the BIJK, or Bclomnrkanal, the canal hetween (he \ hue Sea and the 
mtlt This pharaonic project resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of prisoners in 
! ( M2 TV The canal was opened amid pm pomp by Stalin and his aeobtes but proud m be 
useless. I Coll. Tonus/ Ki/n A u 


The Belnmnrkana! urchesti a. C .uiistruetinn of Mu', an absurd enterprise, was intruded to he tjj 

I he "avducariorT of rhe detainees. ■ ] ). R 

1 be hacks n! propaganda photographs wvw often used In detainees to draw attention i,» their pli-.dn ai 
to ponra life and death in the Snwei eaffijSL This drauim: b Kwosina kcrneskaa purine urrival in 
"reeducation work camp" m Siberia in Apia I 1943, i I tesxtti <k Kcfsmv&un 

 purgt: ■-.(.'■■..■aiin ui thfc 

...,['.. Initially used as a 

means ol ](.lmh.".' iti] 

Ltmtrol nvcr militant 

Parl workers, the 

kisihi (purge) becarrHJ a 

nl l l li I that rould lead to 
In: drmim aalion nl ,ui 

oik'. Sell criticism fics 

sions resulted more and 

more often in arrests a 

feu da « or weeks later. 

1 koKci  lolks 

"Innocent Russia writhed 
if) pain lieiicath the 

blnoih boots .' and the 
| dark w luv Is of I he lilack 
Marias," wrote the poet 
inia khmato a in her 

well knou n **ftt<juli?m. M 

1 ler <a n son was impris 
oncd and killed. These 
U an ks, kia i\ n In MusCO 
 He as "bhu k n'uu" 
Innk prisoners trnm the 
I nibwnka to I .einrdwo 
s ami Hut rka prisons, Tin' 
truck-, were sometimes 
disguised as bakers' dcli 
en ans. i fcger  ioIU-i 

The I .iihani,a, Vlo.S 
cow, about ]'»„'.*. In 
thi' basement oi the 

( il'l h wtHiusr ttrf* 

well' special room:-, in 

u h it. I i enemies nt l he 

revmn wiir r ■-ciiiied 

« ith a built I in ihe 

invk. I fee huiidiuu 

eainr in s mhoh/e llu 

arbitraiw i rueh  nf 

the regime, i I ). K. 

Mitr lihi in.i mil aiii ii|t£? 4 

MiliiiH$pUttuttH£ili : | 
"^i! Ill I It 

! he Shakhn (rial in 1 >onbass in <)>H maugufatd a new caie^nn of enemies of the ,n ; „„r lIu 'WU 
isrs, who *e« accused of sabotage w hen Stalin launched the first Fivv ,ar Mian. The intention wa- » 
impose Snlm'S priod^ of the ^second nMuttato" «m cadres in nulustn. Mandm,. n,ht: p.ocurah, 
N. Kryk-nko, who was himself liquidated in WM t fe™ Violld 

U.A f 

( )ue ot ilk- mam ceru 
lion orders sinned dail 
b Stalin elu.rJTTg i lu- 
( heal lerroi. This dual 
ment sealed tin talc i>j 
h,nl)() people more lhan 

all the political tfpjftHtenfc 

euruied dunm.> the cenlun 
precctiing the liolsheik cqujp 
i" PM7. I Coll . l&jufcttvslri 

Valk, I, stoma, l 4 M 1 '. When the I ><>lslie iks attempted to sei/c power, ihe executed hostages taken from 
the ranks ot' the elite. \ hen lhc withdrew, ihe left behind hundreds of death The extermination of 
polilieal .tdwrsarie-, and tjf enure soeial groups was considered nccessan tor victors in the eiil war. 
I hese massacres prefigured the lar.-c scale deportations ol l.stomans, Lat Kins, and I aruanians in l l M()~ 
41 and 9M ti • I) K 

(iermam, Pentecost  { H~.  national iiurliiu* of the Role I'Vont (Red I'Voni), a paramilitary or/ani/aium 
;.icnerall considered lo haw been an cmbrwiiik' Red Annv The Rvd front bad Us origins m die culture 
of ciul war celebrated In Louis vras'.on; "Proletariat, know our siren:.!,!!)/ know our s[reii"ih and nn 
leash il.< . . . Open lire on those on those know il all Social 1 Vmocrats ( )pen lire, open hre . ( )pcu 

fne, I tell ou / I mlcr the guidance ot'thc ( .onmninist Part . . ." (from Ac jrmti ftiugi . *$M) '■ IU, 

S C L"* *-*C - !"* 

Spain, 1437. 1 loping to exploit the Spanish ci il war to his adanta. .-, Siahn sem a number u1 einissar 
ics and agents. The NKV'J) (the successor lo the (i|H ) uas msiniehJ in liquidate aftvom who 
obstructed its international slrntcp, incliutint; anarchists, TmisUiies. and nnhi.mi fft>tt1 il»r LntM 
Workers' Unification Parry. The leader of thai parts, Andreu m, was kidnaped in |,nk- [<fc*y .mil 
tortured before being killed b agents workmu under Krno C iem, the future li .id- t\ [Jw I lun^jrun 
Communist Party. Meanwhile an international campaign was earned oui in ih. i tmiitHJntii] press, 
accusing the antifascists of being agents working for Franco. 'MR 

On 20 August <>M Ramon Mercadcr, an agent from the Special Ta.k, !) qi ,r„HM «j fe XK|. 
attacked I .eon I rotsky (right) with an ,ce pfcfc Trotskv died ,hc neM fry. Stalin I ,d pfcmmdK ,-nkred 
the chid erf the department, Pavel Sudoplatov (left, rn , pim.iv iron, & >,. mdimm^ ft*fc who 

at the time was the head of the lamrth International. . UR. ,/,/,,-, | Kl , L , r  ll)Mt , 

K.iKii, Kw>sia, pfi 1*H v kin- ( rennatis discovered here the bodies of 4.500 Polish officers buried in 
nu>s .i.e. e>.  Ked < rov-, eominrsion concl uded lhallhe hail been killed b So iel troops in the spring 
rn ]«» Ul. w hen around J'vOUII people disappeared, kalui came to be a smbo) of' mass murder and official 
h<-. I mil P'V tin ( .omnium .1 .',oi! nment in Poland and ( '.uiumunists throughout the world attributed 
the massacre n > the ( rerraiafts. ! M It. 

 .iuriM, 1 kiame, bun- 1943. Here livnche-. datirm from l l >.>7 3.8 were opened and hundreds ot bodies 
^xliumcd. I'ln- auihoriii.-, bad huili a park and a summer theater on the site. Similar trenches were 
disalvyrtrti m /lniuniw, Kamenets Podolski, and uther areas. Sueh macabre disco erics continue een 
ItxlM In t*»7, 1,1 IH) budie, were exhumed m St. Petersburg, and another u ,000 were found in a mass 
fcrSVC m ibe fofCStN of Karelia, i I ) R 

Witold Pileeki, a Polish re$ig 
ranee riiduer, deliberate!) had 
himself captured b C jltdkui 

forces (above) so that he coutd 
set up a resistance network in 
Auschwitz. 1 le subsei|ucnti 
escaped and continued to tiLrhr 

I he Nazis. 1 le was arrested in 
Ma 1947 by the Communist 

secret police (below), tortured, 
sentenced to death, and exe- 
cuted. I [e was rehabilitated in 

HftO. I i). R. 

A monument erected in War- 
saw in PJ% in homage to Jew- 
ish and ( '.atholic Poles who 
were deported to rhe far north, 
Siberia. Kazakhstan, ami other 
distant regions in |$3& ] L M1 
and 1944 43. < A. Tabor 


rwoocoW B'i. 



I'he Jewish cemeten, Warsaw.  mnminu-nl 
erected in secret in I9H7 In the rueinop. ui  ik 
tor ltcr and I lennk Krhch. Leader-. o( ih< 
Jewish Socialist Worker/ Pan, the weir In t 
sentenced tnr siippusedh h.i ir ■ tics with tin 
Nazi Parte The] were M.'iiluhi d lit death , -,ei 
ond tune and kept m soliun cnuiineineni i ■ 
li'Ch han-ed himself in Ins c< 11 on is la I'M.!; 

Alter was shut on t ) |-'el>niar> IMiik-v, Aa S 
alter (he ictor at Stalimu ad. I I). K 

k'.ast Merlin, 1/ June 1'LT Protesting \a;.'e cuts, workers went on strike on 16 June and dcntmislraud ui 
(be fleets. So lei Kinks then look up position (hereon the I .eip/ie.erstrasse), Sixteen demonstrators were 
killed, lumdrrds weif wounded, anil thousands ol people received Ion;.' prison sentences. The Last (icr 
man upusim> was die lust eicat crack to appear in a "people's democracy" * 1 1 U 

Budapest, l Vtoher PJsh. The rir.t antitotaliiarian revolution mobili/ed the entire population 
avauist the secret peilicc and ihr ( '.ommunisi Paris, I'hc resistance h:.>.htcrs managed t f * Jclav. 
Soviet intervention, i nlnr I'huiir. 

Budapest, November m& Soviet tanks look lu the streets; iIk" population resisted with ,,ins. The 
Hun^ri^iU.H-kcrsMC^nnnunisilf^n^^hca.Liiun'sonlv p:im , was reestablished in pmerai the est 
ol l|»ttl 3JH» lues. More ihim 25,0(10 people were hnprttimd Tens of thousands irf I lumumns lied 
into exile, i I ). R. 

I'o/nam Poland, 2* June p$. Workers ,n a raikax iacmn wo, „„ sinL, and demuiistrat.uns l«,| 
lowed, with sliouis of -bread and l.bemT Dozens rffal ,n the ensuing repressions. I >cmunMra„n-. here 
are waving- a blood -stained Polish flag in from of the 1'iat taclorv. I I . s. 1. fey ,, | mi ~, T k,,,w 

(ulansk, I Krember I'J'/O. Sirikin; 1 , workers in the Baltic ports demonstrated against sharp increases in 
food prices. 1 lundreds o| demonstrators were killed and wounded. ( )ne ot the ictinis was carried on a 
door (below) and immortalized in a ballad: "A ho from (irabowek / A bo from C.hvlonia / Tuda the 
police opened tire • and Janek Wismewski tell." The son; 1 , was reied in uiuist !0S0, when the tree 
SohdariK irade onion was born. ( \ R. 

»trf ^ 

f |^ S^iiff ? • 

Nikolai Pctkov, a democrat who 

fought in the resistance against 

rhe fascists, was deput prime 

minister in the conlirion g*$v 

eminent afrer the liberation 

oi Imiguria. Having resigned in protest 

against the terror, he was arrested and condemned m 

death after a show-trial on 16 August l ( H7. He was 

handed on IS September. £ I"). R. 

In the State ( inuri in Prague 
Mikida ] lorako a (secoru 
from left) was condemned k 
death on N June l l >5() wird 
three other defendants. Tlie 
were handed on 27 June t'V.SO. 
i !). K. 

Prague Gym Up. During ,hc Suva, invasion «hc inhabitants of rh, ci,v *#■ qll ick ,o dfc* I eomnan 
son «,* ,hc Nm mam «rf lf» ) km rimy pet <f* Soviet rrnops w,,h moek Nazi sakms. I ,, R 

The Empire of the Camps 


fie 1930s, marked by repression against society on a hitherto 
unknown scale, also saw a huge expansion of the coneenrration-eamp system. 
The C iiilag Administration archives now available allow a close examination oi' 
the evolution of these institutions, revealing changes in organizational struc- 
ture, periods of great activity, the number of" prisoners, their economic status, 
the sort of crimes for which they had been condemned, and their division by 
age, sex, nationality, and educational background. 1 Hut many gra areas re- 
main. In particular, although the Chilag bureaucracy kept efficient records of 
the numbers of inmates, little is known about the fate of those who failed lo 
arrie at their destination; and this despite numerous individual testimonies. 

By mid 1930 approximately 140,000 prisoners were already working in 
the camps run by the (iPl . The huge project to dig a canal connecting the 
White Sea and the Baltic, which alone required more than 120,000 men, re 
suited in the transfer of tens of thousands from prison to camp. The number 
of people receiving some sort of custodial sentence continued to rise: more than 
50,000 were sentenced b rhe G PI: in 1929, and 208,000 in 1930 (this compared 
with 1,178,000 cases prosecuted by bodies other than the GPU in 1929, and 
1,238,000 in 1931).- One can therefore calculate that in early 1932 more than 
300,000 prisoners were laboring on the GPl' projects, where the annual mop 



A State against Its People 

tality rate often reached 10 percent, as was the case for the Baltic-White Sea 

When the GPU was reorganized and renamed the NKVD in July 1934, 
the Gulag absorbed 780 small penal colonies and some 212,000 prisoners from 
camps that had been judged inefficient or badly run under the People's Com- 
missariat of Justice. To increase productivity, and to match the image they were 
trying to create for the rest of the country, camps became bigger and more 
specialized. Huge penal complexes, each holding tens of thousands of prison- 
ers, were to be a major factor in the economy of Stalin's U.S.S.R. On 1 January 
1935 the newly unified Gulag system contained more than 965,000 prisoners— 
725,000 in work camps and 240,000 in work colonies, smaller units where less 
socially dangerous elements were sent, usually for a period of less than three 
years. 3 

In this fashion, the map of the gulags for the next two decades was drawn. 
The penal colonies of the Solovetski Islands, which contained some 45,000 
prisoners, spawned "flying camps" that were moved to places where wood was 
to be cut: in Karelia, along the shores of the White Sea, and in the Vologda 
region. The large Svirlag group of camps, which held around 43,000 prisoners, 
had the task of keeping the Leningrad area supplied with wood for heating, 
while the Temnikovo camps fulfilled the same role for the Moscow area. 

From the strategic crossroads at Kotlas, a railway was laid down along the 
"Northern Route" to West Vym, Ukhta, Pechora, and Vorkuta, with woodcut- 
ting operations and mines along the way. In the far north, the Ukhtpechlag 
used its 51,000 prisoners to build roads, mine coal, and extract petroleum. 
Another branch snaked out toward the Urals and the chemical centers at 
Solikamsk and Berezniki, while to the southeast all the camps in western Siberia 
and their 63,000 prisoners provided free manpower for the great mining com- 
plex at Kuzbassugol. 

Farther south, in the Karaganda region in Kazakhstan, the "agricultural 
camps" of the Steplag, containing some 30,000 prisoners, pioneered a project 
to cultivate the steppes. Apparently the regime there was less harsh than at the 
huge Dmitlag complex, which in the mid-1930s contained some 196,000 pris- 
oners. After the completion of the Baltic-White Sea canal in 1933 it was 
detailed to construct the second great Stalinist canal, from Moscow to the 

Another huge construction project was the BAM, the Baikal-Amur- 
Magistral, the railway that was to run parallel to the Trans-Siberian line be- 
tween Baikal and Amur. In early 1935 about 150,000 prisoners from the group 
of concentration camps at Bamlag, organized into some thirty divisions, 
worked on the first section of the railway. In 1939 the Bamlag with its 260,000 
prisoners was the biggest Soviet concentration camp of all. 

The Empire of the Camps 


Finally, after 1932 the Sevvostlag, a group of camps in the northeast, 
provided manpower for a center of great strategic importance, the Dalstroi. Its 
task was the production of gold to finance purchases from the West of equip- 
ment for industrialization. All the gold seams were situated in a particularly 
inhospitable region — in Kolyma. Accessible only by sea, Kolyma was to become 
the region most symbolic of the gulags. Magadan, the capital and the port 
where all new arrivals disembarked, had been built by the prisoners themselves. 
Its single road, a vital artery that had also been built by the prisoners, served 
only to link these camps. The living conditions were particularly inhumane and 
are well described in the works of Varlam Shalamov. Between 1932 and 1939, 
the gold extracted by the Kolyma prisoners — who numbered 138,000 in 1939 — 
rose from 276 kilos to 48 metric tons, which accounted for 35 percent of all 
Soviet gold produced that year. 4 

In June 1935 the government launched a new huge project that could be 
carried out only with penal labor- the construction of a large nickel production 
center in Norilsk, north of the Arctic Circle. At the height of the Gulag years, 
in the 1950s, the prisoners in the concentration camps in Norilsk would number 
70,000. The productive function of this camp, known as a "corrective work 
camp," clearly reflected the internal structure of the Gulag. Its central organi- 
zation was neither geographical nor functional, but entirely economic, with 
centers for hydroelectric production, for railway construction, for bridge and 
road building, and so on. For both the administration of the penal centers and 
the government ministries of industry, prisoners and work colonizers were just 
so much merchandise to be parceled out by contract. 5 

In the second half of the 1930s the Gulag population doubled, from 
965,000 prisoners in early 1935 to 1,930,000 in early 1941. In 1937 alone it grew 
by 700,000. h The massive influx of new prisoners so destabilized production 
that it fell by 13 percent from the previous year's. It continued to stagnate in 
1938 until the new people's commissar of internal affairs, Lavrenti Beria, took 
vigorous measures to rationalize the work carried out by prisoners. In a note 
addressed to the Politburo on 10 April 1939, Beria laid out his program for the 
reorganization of the gulags. He argued that his predecessor, Nikolai Ezhov, 
had placed a much higher priority on hunting down class enemies than he had 
on healthy economic management. The normal food allowance for the prison- 
ers, set at 1,400 calories per day; had been calculated for people who did nothing 
but sit around a prison cell all day. 7 As a result, the number of prisoners capable 
of working had shrunk considerably over the previous years: some 250,000 
prisoners were unable to work on 1 March 1939, and 8 percent of all prisoners 
had died in the previous year. To meet the production targets set by the NKVD, 
Beria called for an increase in food rations. In addition, he called for a halt to 
the early release of prisoners and to exemplary punishments of malingerers or 


A State against Its People 

"production disorganizes." He recommended the extension of the working 
day to eleven hours, with three rest days allowed per month, "to exploit, as 
much as possible, all the physical capacities of all the prisoners." 

Contrary to popular belief, the Gulag archives demonstrate that the turn- 
over of prisoners was quite high; 20-35 percent were released each year. This 
rotation can be explained by the relatively high number of sentences of less 
than he years, nearly 57 percent of all sentences in early 1 940. But the arbitrary 
nature of the camp administration and the justice system, particularly where 
the political prisoners of 1937-38 were concerned, often meant that sentences 
were mysteriously extended. Release often did not mean freedom, but subjec- 
tion to a whole series of measures such as exile or house arrest. 

Also contrary to popular belief, the Gulag camps were not filled only with 
political prisoners— sentenced for "counterrevolutionary activities" according 
to the fourteen definitions of the infamous Article 58 of the penal code. The 
political contingent oscillated between one-quarter and one-third of all prison- 
ers in the gulags each year. The other prisoners were not necessarily common 
criminals. Many were sentenced to camps for having committed crimes spe- 
cially created by the Party, ranging from "destruction of Soviet property" to 
"breaking the passport law," "hooliganism," "speculation," "leaving one's work 
post," "sabotage," or even "nonfulfillment of the minimum number of working 
days" in the koikhozy. Most prisoners in the gulags were simply ordinary 
citizens who were victims of particularly harsh laws in the workplace and a 
growing number of regulations regarding social behavior. They were the result 
of a decade of repressive measures taken by the Party-state against ever-larger 
sections of society. 8 

A provisional balance sheet of statistics on the terror might run as follows: 

6 million dead as a result of the famine of 1932-33, a catastrophe that 
can be blamed largely on the policy of enforced collectivization and the 
predatory tactics of the central government in seizing the harvests of the 

720,000 executions, 680,000 of which were carried out in 1937-38, usu- 
ally after some sort of travesty of justice by a special GPU or NKVD 

300,000 known deaths in the camps from 1934 to 1940. By extrapolating 
these figures back to 1930-1933 (years for which very few records are 
available), we can estimate that some 400,000 died during the decade, 
not counting the incalculable number of those who died between the mo- 
ment of their arrest and their registration as prisoners in one of the 

The Empire of the Camps 


600,000 registered deaths among the deportees, refugees, and "specially 

Approximately 2,200,000 deported, forcibly moved, or exiled as "spe- 
cially displaced people." 

A cumulative figure of 7 million people who entered the camps and Gu- 
lag colonies from 1934 to 1941 (information for the years 1930-1933 re- 
mains imprecise). 

On 1 January 1940 some 1,670,000 prisoners were being held in the 53 
groups of corrective work camps and the 425 corrective work colonies. One 
year later the figure had risen to 1,930,000. In addition, prisons held 200,000 
people awaiting trial or a transfer to camp. Finally, the NKVD komandatury 
were in charge of approximately 1 .2 million "specially displaced people." 9 Even 
if these figures are heavily rounded down to bring them into line with estimates 
made by previous historians and eyewitnesses, which often confused the num- 
bers of those entering the gulags with the numbers already present at a certain 
date, the data still give a good idea of the scale of the repressive measures 
against the Soviet people in the 1930s. 

From the end of 1939 to the summer of 1941 the camps, colonies, and special 
Gulag settlements saw the arrival of yet another wave of prisoners. This was 
partly the result of the Sovietization of the new territories, and partly the 
result of the unprecedented criminalization of various sorts of behavior, nota- 
bly in the workplace. 

On 24 August 1939 the world was stunned to learn that a mutual pact of 
nonaggression had been signed the previous day between Stalin's US.S.R. and 
Hitler's Germany. The announcement of the pact sent shock waves through 
much of the world, where public opinion was totally unprepared for what 
appeared to be a volte-face in international relations. At the time, few people 
had realized what could link two regimes that apparently professed such op- 
posed ideologies. 

On 21 August 1939 the Soviet government adjourned negotiations with 
the Franco-British mission that had arrived in Moscow on 11 August. The 
mission had hoped to conclude a pact that would reciprocally engage all three 
of the parties in the event of a hostile action by Germany against any one of 
them. Since early that year, Soviet diplomats, led by Vyacheslav Molotov, had 
progressively distanced themselves from the idea of an agreement with France 
and Britain, which Moscow suspected were prepared to sign another Munich 
treaty to sacrifice Poland, leaving the Germans a free hand in the east, While 
negotiations between the Soviet Union on the one hand, and the French and 


A State against Its People 

British on the other, became bogged down in insoluble problems, especially the 
question of permission for Soviet troops to cross Polish territory, contacts 
between Soviet and German representatives at various levels took a new turn. 
On 14 August von Ribbentrop, the German foreign minister, offered to come 
to Moscow to conclude a momentous political agreement with the Soviet 
Union. The following day, Stalin accepted the offer. 

On 19 August, after a series of negotiations begun in late 1938, the 
German and Soviet delegations signed a commercial treaty that looked ex- 
tremely promising for the U.S.S.R. That same evening, the Soviet Union 
accepted von Ribbentrop's offer to visit Moscow to sign the pact of nonaggres- 
sion already worked out in Moscow and sent ahead to Berlin. The German 
minister, who had been given extraordinary powers for the occasion, arrived in 
Moscow on the afternoon of 23 August. The nonaggression treaty was signed 
during the night and made public the following day. Meant to last for ten years, 
it was to come into effect immediately. The most important part of the agree- 
ment, outlining spheres of influence and annexations in Eastern Europe, obvi- 
ously remained secret. The Soviet Union denied the existence of the secret 
protocol until 1989. According to the secret agreement, Lithuania fell under 
German control, and Estonia, Latvia, Finland, and Bessarabia would be given 
to Soviet control. The maintenance of some sort of sovereign Polish state was 
left unresolved, but it was clear that after German and Soviet military inter- 
vention in Poland, the U.S.S.R. was to recover the Ukrainian and Belorussian 
territories it had lost under the Riga treaty in 1920, together with part of rhe 
"historically and ethnically Polish" territories in the provinces of Lublin and 

Eight days after the signing of the pact, Nazi troops marched into Poland. 
One week later, after all Polish resistance had been crushed, and at the insis- 
tence of the Germans, the Soviet government proclaimed its intention to 
occupy the territories to which it was entitled under the secret protocol of 23 
August. On 17 September the Red Army entered Poland, on the pretext that 
it was coming to the aid of its "Ukrainian and Belorussian blood brothers," 
who were in danger because of "the disintegration of the Polish state." Soviet 
intervention met with little resistance, since the Polish army had been almost 
completely destroyed. The Soviet Union took 230,000 prisoners of war, includ- 
ing 15,000 officers. 10 

The idea of installing some sort of Polish puppet government was rapid I v 
abandoned, and negotiations were opened on the fixing of the border between 
Germany and the U.S.S.R. On 22 September it was drawn along the Vistula in 
Warsaw, but after von Ribbentrop's visit to Moscow on 28 September it was 
pushed farther east, to the Bug. In exchange for this concession, Germany 
agreed to include Lithuania in the sphere of Soviet control. The partitioning 

The Empire of the Camps 


of Poland allowed the U.S.S.R. to annex vast territories of 180,000 square 
kilometers, with a population of 12 million Belorussians, Ukrainians, and Poles. 
On 1 and 2 November, after a farcical referendum, these territories were 
attached to the Soviet republics of Ukraine and Belorussia. 

By this time the NKVD "cleansing" of the regions was already under way. 
The first targets were the Poles, who were arrested and deported en masse as 
"hostile elements." Those most at risk were landowners, industrialists, shop- 
keepers, civil servants, policemen, and "military colonists" (osadnicy wojskowe) 
who had received a parcel of land from the Polish government in recognition 
of their service in the Soviet-Polish war of 1920. According to records kept in 
the Special Colonies Department of the Gulag, 381,000 Polish civilians from 
the territories taken over by the U.S.S.R. in September 1939 were deported 
between February 1940 and June 1941 as "specially displaced people" to Sibe- 
ria, the Arkhangelsk region, Kazakhstan, and other far-flung corners of the 
U.S.S.R. 11 The figures given by Polish historians are much higher, arguing for 
approximately 1 million deportees. 12 There are no precise figures for the arrest 
and deportation of civilians carried out between September 1939 and January 

For later periods, archival documents contain evidence for three great 
waves of arrests and deportations, on 9 and 10 February, 12 and 13 April, and 
28 and 29 June 1940. 11 The return trip for the convoys between the Polish 
border and Siberia, Kazakhstan, or the Arctic regions took two months. As for 
the Polish prisoners of war, only 82,000 out of 230,000 were still alive in the 
summer of 1941. Losses among the Polish deportees were also extremely high. 
In August 1941, after reaching an agreement with the Polish government-in- 
exile, the Soviet government granted an amnesty to all Poles who had been 
deported since November 1939, but to only 243,100 of the 381,000 "specially 
displaced. " In total more than 388,000 Polish prisoners of war, interned refu- 
gees, and deported civilians benefited from this amnesty. Several hundred 
thousand had died in the previous two years. A great number had been executed 
on the pretext that they were "unrepentant and determined enemies of Soviet 

Among the latter were the 25,700 officers and Polish civilians whom Beria, 
in a top-secret letter to Stalin on 5 March 1940, had proposed to shoot. 

A Urge number of ex-officers from the Polish army, ex-officials from the 
Polish police and information departments, members of nationalist 
counterrevolutionary parties, members of opposition counterrevolu- 
tionary organizations that have rightly been unmasked, renegades, and 
many others, all sworn enemies of the Soviet system, are at present 
being detained in prisoner-of-war camps run by the NKVD in the 


A State against Its People 

U.S.S.R. and in the prisons situated in the western regions of Ukraine 
and Belorussia. 

The army officers and policemen who are being held prisoner are 
still attempting to pursue their counterrevolutionary activities and are 
fomenting anti-Soviet actions. They are all eagerly awaiting their libera- 
tion so that once more they may enter actively into the struggle against 
the Soviet regime. 

NKVD organizations in the western regions of Ukraine and in 
Belorussia have uncovered a number of rebel counterrevolutionary or- 
ganizations. The Polish ex-army officers and policemen have all been 
playing an active role at the head of these organizations. 

Among the renegades and those who have violated state borders are 
numerous people who have been identified as belonging to counterrevo- 
lutionary espionage and resistance movements. 

14,736 ex-officers, officials, landowners, policemen, prison guards, 
border settlers (osadmki), and information agents (more than 97 percent 
of whom are Polish) are at present being detained in prisoner of war 
camps. Neither private soldiers nor noncommissioned officers are in- 
cluded in this number. Among them are: 

295 generals, colonels, and lieutenant colonels 

2,080 commanders and captains 

6,049 lieutenants, second lieutenants, and officers in training 

1,030 officers and police NCOs, border guards, and gendarmes 

5,138 policemen, gendarmes, prison guards, and information 

144 officials, landowners, priests, and border settlers 

In addition to the above, 18,632 men are detained in prisons in the 
western regions of Ukraine and Belorussia (10,685 of whom are Polish). 
They include: 

1,207 ex-officers 

5,141 ex-information officers, police, and gendarmes 
347 spies and saboteurs 

465 ex-landowners, factory managers, and officials 
5,345 members of various counterrevolutionary resistance move- 
ments and diverse other elements 
6,127 renegades 

Insofar as all the above individuals are sworn and incorrigible ene- 
mies of the Soviet regime, the U.S.S.R. NKVD believes it necessary to: 

The Empire of the Camps 


1. Order the U.S.S.R. NKVD to pass judgment before special 
courts on: 

a. the 14,700 ex-officers, officials, landowners, police officers, 
information officers, gendarmes, special border guards, and 
prison guards detained in prisoner-of-war camps 

b. the 1 1,000 members of the diverse counterrevolutionary es- 
pionage and sabotage organizations, ex-landowners, factory 
managers, ex-officers of the Polish army, officials, and rene- 
gades who have been arrested and are being held in the pris- 
ons in the western regions of Ukraine and Belorussia, so that 

2. Order that individual files be studied in the absence of the ac- 
cused, and without particular charges being lodged. The conclu- 
sions of the inquiries and the final sentence should be presented 
as follows: 

a. a certificate produced by the Directorate for Prisoner of War 
Affairs of the NKVD of the U.S.S.R. for all individuals de- 
tained in prisoner-of-war camps 

b. a certificate produced by the Ukrainian branch of the 
NKVD and the Belorussian NKVD for all other people ar- 

3. Files should be examined and sentences passed by a tribunal 
made up of three people— Comrades [Vsevolod] Merkulov, 
[Bogdanl Kobulov, and flvan L.] Bashtakov. 

Some of the mass graves containing the bodies of those executed were 
discovered by the Germans in April 1943 in the Katyn forest. Several huge 
graves were found to contain the remains of 4,000 Polish officers. The Soviet 
authorities tried to blame this massacre on the Germans; only in 1992, on the 
occasion of a visit by Boris Yeltsin to Warsaw, did the Russian government 
acknowledge the Soviet Politburo's sole responsibility for the massacre of the 
Polish officers in 1940. 

As soon as the Polish territories were annexed, the Soviet government 
summoned the heads of the Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian governments 
to Moscow and imposed "mutual assistance treaties 11 on them, according to 
which they "invited" the U.S.S.R. to set up military bases on their territory. 
Immediately, 25,000 Soviet soldiers marched into Estonia, 30,000 into Latvia, 
and 20,000 into Lithuania. These troops far outnumbered the standing armies 
in each of the theoretically independent countries. The entry of Soviet troops 
in October 1939 marked the real end of the independence of the Baltic states. 
On 1 1 October Beria gave the order to "stamp out anti-Soviet and antisociahst 


A State against Its People 

elements" in these countries. The Soviet military police then began arresting 
officers, civil servants, and intellectuals considered untrustworthy. 

In June 1940, shortly after the successful German offensive in France, the 
Soviet government acted on the clauses contained in the secret protocol of 23 
August 1939. On 14 June, on the pretext that there had been "acts of provoca- 
tion carried out against the Soviet garrisons," it sent an ultimatum to the Baltic 
leaders, ordering them to form "governments prepared to guarantee the honest 
application of a treaty of mutual assistance, and to take steps to punish all 
opponents of such a treaty." In the days that followed, several hundred thou- 
sand more Soviet troops marched into the Baltic states. Stalin sent repre- 
sentatives to the capital cities: Vyshinsky to Riga, Zhdanov to Tallinn, and 
Vladimir Dekanozov, the chief of the secret police and deputy minister of 
foreign affairs in the U.S.S.R., to Kaunas. Their mission was to carry out the 
Sovietization of the three republics. Parliaments and all local institutions were 
dissolved and most of the members arrested. Only the Communist Party was 
authorized to present candidates for the elections on 14 and 15 July 1940. 

In the weeks following the farcical elections, the NKVD, under the lead- 
ership of Genera] Ivan Serov, arrested between 15,000 and 20,000 "hostile 
elements." In Latvia alone, 1,480 people were summarily executed at the be- 
ginning of July. The newly "elected" parliaments requested that their countries 
be admitted into the U.S.S.R., a request that was granted in early August by 
the Supreme Soviet, which then proclaimed the birth of three new Soviet 
Socialist Republics. While Pravda wrote that "the sun of the great Stalinist 
constitution will henceforth be shining its gratifying rays on new territories and 
new peoples," what was actually beginning for the Baltic states was a long 
period of arrests, deportations, and executions. 

Soviet archives also contain the details of a large deportation operation 
carried out under the orders of General Serov during the night of 13-14 May, 
when "socially hostile" elements from the Baltic region, Moldavia, Belorussia, 
and western Ukraine were rounded up. The operation had been planned a few 
weeks previously, and on 16 May 1941 Beria wrote to Stalin regarding the latest 
project to "clean up regions recently integrated into the U.S.S.R. and remove 
all criminal, socially alien, and anti-Soviet elements." In total, 85,716 people 
were deported in June 1941, including 25,711 from the Baltic states. Vsevolod 
Merkulov, the second in command at the NKVD, in a report dated 17 July 
1941, tabulated the results of the operation in the Baltics. During the night of 
13-14 June, 11,038 members of "bourgeois nationalist" families, 3,240 mem- 
bers of the families of former policemen, 7,124 members of families of land- 
owners, industrialists, and civil servants, 1,649 members of the families of 
former officers, and 2,907 "others" were deported. The document makes clear 

The Empire of the Camps 


that the heads of these families had been arrested, and in all probability had 
already been executed. The operation carried out on 13 June was aimed exclu- 
sively at the remaining family members of those who had been deemed "socially 

alien." H 

Each deported family was allowed 100 kilograms of baggage, which was 
supposed to include enough food for one month. The NKVD itself accepted 
no responsibility for providing food during the whole deportation process. The 
convoys arrived at their destination at the end of July 1941, most of them going 
to Novosibirsk and Kazakhstan. Some of them did not reach their destination 
in the Altai region until mid-September. No information is available on the 
number of deportees who died in transit, but one can imagine that the numbers 
were high. The journey took from six to twelve weeks, and the deportees were 
fifty to a wagon in the cattle trucks used to transport them, kept together with 
all their food and baggage in the same place. Beria planned a similar large-scale 
operation for the night of 27-28 June 1941. The choice of this date can be 
taken as further confirmation that the Soviet high command was not prepared 
for the German attack planned for 22 June. Operation Barbarossa delayed for 
several years the NKVD "cleansing" of the Baltic states. 

A few days after the occupation of the Baltic states, the Soviet government 
sent an ultimatum to Romania demanding the immediate return of Bessarabia 
and Northern Bukovina to the U.S.S.R.— another provision of the secret Ger- 
man-Soviet protocol of 23 August 1939. Abandoned by the Germans, the 
Romanians immediately gave in. Bukovina and part of Bessarabia were incor- 
porated into Ukraine, and the remaining part of Bessarabia became the Soviet 
Socialist Republic of Moldavia, proclaimed on 2 August 1940. Kobulov, Beria's 
assistant, signed a deportation order that same day for 31,699 "anti-Soviet 
elements" who lived in the Soviet Socialist Republic of Moldavia, and for 
another 12,191 in the Romanian regions that had been incorporated into 
Ukraine. Within a few months all these "elements" had been classified and filed 
in what was by then the tried and tested manner. The previous evening, on 
1 August 1940, Molotov had given a triumphant speech to the Supreme Soviet 
regarding the German-Soviet pact, which had given the U.S.S.R. 23 million 
new inhabitants. 

The year 1940 was also remarkable for one other statistic. It was the year when 
the number of prisoners in gulags and Soviet prisons reached their height. On 
1 January 1941 the gulags contained more than 1,930,000 people, 270,000 more 
than the previous year. More than 500,000 people in the new "Sovietized" 
territories had been deported, in addition to the 1.2 million "specially dis- 
placed people" who had been counted at the end of 1939. Soviet prisons, which 


A State against Its People 

had a theoretical limit of 234,000 inmates, held 462,000 people;' 5 and the total 
number of sentences passed that year saw a huge rise, climbing in one year 
from 700,000 to 2,300,000. l( > 

This spectacular increase was the result of an unprecedented effort to 
criminalize different types of social behavior. In the workplace the date of 26 
June 1940 remained imprinted on the minds of many because of the decree 
"on the adoption of the eight-hour working day, the seven-day working week, 
and the ban on leaving work of one's own accord." Any unjustified absence, 
including any lateness of more than twenty minutes, was henceforth treated as 
a criminal offense. Lawbreakers were liable to six months 1 uninterrupted "cor- 
rective work," the loss of 25 percent of their salary, and the possibility of a 
prison sentence of between two and four months. 

On 10 August another decree increased the punishments for any act of 
"hooliganism," shoddy work, or petty theft in the workplace to as much as three 
years of imprisonment in the camps. In the conditions that then prevailed in 
Soviet industry, almost any worker could be prosecuted under this severe new 

These decrees, which would remain on the statute books until 1956, 
marked a new stage in the criminalization of the labor laws. In the first six 
months after they came into effect, more than 1.5 million people received 
sentences; the fact that 400,000 of these were custodial sentences partly ex- 
plains the huge increase in prison numbers after the summer of 1941. The 
number of "hooligans" sentenced to the camps rose from 108,000 in 19S9 to 
200,000 in 1940. I7 

The end of the Great Terror was thus marked by a new offensive against 
the ordinary citizens of the country, those who refused to bend to accommodate 
the new factory or kolkhoz laws. In response to the severe laws of the summer 
of 1940, a number of workers, if one is to judge by the reports of NKVD 
informers, fell into what were termed "unhealthy states of mind," particularly 
during the first few weeks of the Nazi invasion. They openly called for "the 
elimination of all Jews and Communists" and began to spread what the NKVD 
termed "provocative rumors." For example, one Moscow worker claimed that 
"when Hitler takes our towns, he will put up posters saying, i won't put 
workers on trial, like your government does, just because they are twenty-one 
minutes late for work. 1 " 18 Any such comment was treated with extreme severity, 
as is indicated by the report of the military procurator general on "crimes and 
misdemeanors committed on the railways between 22 June and 1 September 
1941." This report recorded 2,254 sentences against individuals, including 204 
death sentences; 412 people were sentenced for "the spreading of counterrevo- 
lutionary rumors," and 110 railway workers were condemned to death for this 


, 19 

The Empire of the Camps 


A collection of documents recently published details the mood of the 
Moscow population during the first few months of the war. What emerges most 
clearly is the total confusion felt by people during the German advances in the 
summer of 1941. 2() Muscovites seemed to fall into one of three categories: 
patriots, a large group of ambivalent individuals who latched on to rumors, and 
the defeatists, who wished for a swift German victory to get rid of the "Jews 
and Bolsheviks" perceived to have ruined the country. In October 1941, when 
factories were dismantled and moved farther east in the country, an "anti-Soviet 
disorder" broke out in the textile industry in the Ivanovo district. 21 The defeat- 
ist slogans of the workers were quite revealing of the despair felt by much of 
the workforce, which since 1940 had labored under ever-harsher conditions. 

The barbarism of the Nazis created some reconciliation between the 
Soviet government and the people, in that Germany classed Russians as sub- 
humans destined for extermination or slavery. After the German invasion there 
was a swift upturn in patriotism. Stalin very cleverly began to reaffirm tradi- 
tional patriotic Russian values. In a famous radio address to the nation on 3 July 
1941, he again used the language and imagery that had unified Russians for 
more than a century: "Brothers and sisters, a grave danger is threatening our 
land." References to the Great Russian Nation of Plekhanov, Lenin, Pushkin, 
Tolstoy, Tchaikovsky, Lermontov, Suvorov, and Kutuzov were used to call for 
a holy war, the "Great Patriotic War." On 7 November 1941, while reviewing 
battalions of volunteers who were leaving for the front, Stalin called on them 
to fight according to "the glorious examples of our ancestors Aleksandr Nevsky 
and Dmitry Donskoi." The former had saved Russia from the Teutonic 
Knights in the thirteenth century, and the second, a century later, had finally 
shaken off the Tatar yoke. 


The Other Side of Victory 

Tor a long time, one of the best-kept secrets of Soviet history was 
the deportation of whole ethnic groups during the Great Patriotic War—na- 
tions that were collectively accused of "subversive tactics, espionage, and col- 
laboration with the occupying Nazi forces." Only at the end of the 1950s did 
the authorities finally admit that "excesses and generalizations" had taken 
place. In the 1960s the legal existence of a number of autonomous republics, 
which had been struck off the map for collaboration with the enemy, was 
finally reestablished. But it was only in 1972 that the remainder of the living 
deportees were finally given a "free choice of their place of abode." And it was 
only in 1989 that the Crimean Tatars were fully rehabilitated. Until the mid- 
1960s, the progressive removal of the sanctions against these peoples was still 
top secret, and the decrees issued before 1964 were never made public. Only 
with the "Declaration of the Supreme Soviet" of 14 November 1989 did the 
Soviet state finally acknowledge "the criminal illegality of the barbarous acts 
committed by the Stalinist regime against the peoples deported en masse." 

The Germans were the first ethnic group to be collectively deported, a 
few weeks after the German invasion of the U.S.S.R. According to the 1939 
census, there were then 1,427,000 Germans living in the Soviet Union, most 
of them descendants of the German colonists invited by Catherine II to settle 
the vast empty spaces of southern Russia. In 1924 the Soviet government had 


The Other Side of Victory 


created the autonomous Volga German Republic. Numbering around 370,000, 
the Volga Germans accounted for only a quarter of the population of German 
immigrants located throughout Russia (chiefly in the regions of Saratov, Stal- 
ingrad, Voronezh, Moscow, and Leningrad), Ukraine (where there were 
390,000), the Northern Caucasus (chiefly in the regions of Krasnodar, 
Ordzhonikidze, and Stavropol), and even in the Crimea and Georgia. On 28 
August 1941 the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet issued a decree stipulating 
that all Germans in the autonomous Volga Republic, the Saratov region, and 
Stalingrad were to be deported to Kazakhstan and Siberia. The decree por- 
trayed this move as a humanitarian measure. 

At a time when the Red Army was retreating on all fronts and losing tens 
of thousands every day as soldiers were killed or taken prisoner, Beria diverted 
more than 14,000 men from the NKVD for this operation, which was led by 
the people's commissar of internal affairs, General Ivan Serov, who had already 
shown his efficiency in this sort of exercise during the ethnic cleansing of the 
Baltic states. Even if one takes account of the extraordinary circumstances and 
the unforeseen defeat of the Red Army, the cruelty with which the operation 
was carried out is astounding. From 3 to 5 September 1941, 446,480 Germans 
were deported in 230 convoys, which on average contained 50 trucks. This 
meant that there were nearly 2,000 people per convoy, or 40 per truck. Travel- 
ing at only a few kilometers per hour, these convoys took between four and 
eight weeks to reach their destinations in Omsk, Novosibirsk, Barnaul in south- 
ern Siberia, and the Krasnoyarsk region of eastern Siberia. As in the case of 
the previous deportations from the Baltic states, the displaced persons, accord- 
ing to the official instructions, had a a certain time to gather enough food for a 
minimum period of one month." 

The following are excerpts from the decree of 28 August 1941. 

According to reliable information received by the military authorities, 
the German population living in the Volga region is harboring tens of 
thousands of saboteurs and spies who, at the first hint of a signal from 
Germany, will immediately organize disruptive activities in the regions 
they inhabit. The Soviet authorities had not previously been aware of 
the presence or the numbers of these saboteurs and spies. The German 
population of the Volga is nurturing in its bosom enemies of the people 
and of Soviet power . . . 

If acts of sabotage are indeed carried out on Germany's orders by 
German saboteurs and spies in the autonomous Volga Republic or in 
neighboring areas, then blood will flow, and the Soviet government, as is 
only appropriate in times of war, will be obliged to take punitive meas- 
ures against the German population of the Volga. To avoid this eventu- 
ality and to save much bloodletting, the Presidium of the Supreme 


A State against Its People 

Soviet of the U.S.S.R. has approved a decision to transfer the whole 
German population of the Volga district elsewhere, providing them 
with land and help from the state so that they can resettle in other 

Districts where abundant land is available have been put aside to 
this end in Novosibirsk and Omsk, Altai, Kazakhstan, and other areas 
contiguous with these territories. 

While the main deportation was under way, secondary operations were 
carried out as military fortunes rose and fell. On 29 August 1941 Molotov, 
Malenkov, and Zhdanov proposed to Stalin that they should cleanse the city 
and region of Leningrad of the 96,000 people of German and Finnish origin 
living there. The following day, German troops reached the Neva, cutting the 
railway line that linked Leningrad with the rest of the country. The risk of 
encirclement became more and more serious by the day, and the relevant 
authorities had taken no measures to evacuate the civilian population of the city 
or to prepare any foodstocks in the event of a siege. Nonetheless, on that same 
day, 30 August, Beria sent out a circular ordering the deportation of 132,000 
people from the Leningrad region: 96,000 by train and 36,000 by river. As it 
turned out, the NKVD had time to arrest and deport only 11,000 Soviet 
citizens of German origin before the arrival of German army units forced a 
suspension of the deportations. 

Over the next several weeks similar operations were begun in the Moscow 
region, where 9,640 Germans were deported on 15 September; in Tula, where 
2,700 were deported on 21 September; in Gorky (formerly Nizhni Novgorod), 
where 3,162 were deported on 14 September; in Rostov, where 38,288 were 
deported between 10 and 20 September; in Zaporizhzhia (31,320 between 25 
September and 10 October); in Krasnodar (38,136 on 15 September); and in 
Ordzhonikidze (77,570 on 20 September), In October 1941 there was a further 
deportation of 100,000 Germans living in Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, the 
Northern Caucasus, and the Crimea. As of 25 December 1941, 894,600 Ger- 
mans had been deported, most of them to Kazakhstan and Siberia. If the 
Germans deported in 1942 are taken into account, in all roughly 1 ,209,430 were 
deported in less than a year— very close to the 1,427,000 Germans reported in 
the 1939 census. 

More than 82 percent of the German population in Soviet territory were 
thus deported, at a moment when all police and military forces should have 
been concentrating on the armed struggle against the invading enemy rather 
than the deportation of hundreds of thousands of innocent Soviet citizens. In 
fact the proportion of Soviet citizens of German origin who were deported was 
even higher than these figures suggest, if one also includes the tens of thou- 
sands of soldiers and officers of German origin who were expelled from Red 

The Other Side of Victory 


Army units and sent off in disciplinary battalions of the "work army" to 
Vorkuta, Kotlas, Kemerovo, and Chelyabinsk. In this last city alone, more than 
25,000 Germans were soon working in the metallurgy plant. Working condi- 
tions and the chances of survival were little better in the work camps than they 
were in the gulags. 

Because information about the convoys is so piecemeal, it is impossible 
today to calculate how many of these Germans died in the transfer to the new 
settlements. It is also unclear how many convoys actually reached their desti- 
nation in the chaos engulfing Russia in the autumn of 1941. At the end of 
November, according to the plan, 29,600 German deportees were to arrive in 
the region of Karaganda. But on 1 January 1942 only 8,304 had actually 
arrived. The intention was for 130,998 individuals to settle in the area, but in 
fact no more than 1 16,612 made it. What happened to the others? Did they die 
en route, or were they transferred elsewhere? The Altai region was slated to 
receive 11,000 deportees, but actually received 94,799. Worse still are the 
NKVD reports on the arrival of the deportees, which leave no doubt that the 
regions were totally unprepared for them. 

In the prevailing environment of secrecy, local authorities were informed 
only at the last minute about the arrival of tens of thousands of deportees. No 
living quarters were ready, so the deportees were kept in stables, barracks, or 
outside, exposed to the elements, even though winter was coming on fast. 
Nonetheless, over the preceding ten years the authorities had acquired consid- 
erable experience in such matters, and the "economic implantation" of the new 
arrivals was carried out far more efficiently than the arrival of the kulaks back 
in the early 1930s, when they had often been abandoned in the forests. After a 
few months most of the deportees were living as "specially displaced,' 1 which 
is to say that they were living under extremely harsh conditions. They lived 
under the control of NKVD komandalury on collective farms, experimental 
farms, or industrial complexes, where food was poor and work was hard. 1 

The deportation of the Germans was followed by a second great wave of 
deportations, from November 1943 to June 1944, when six peoples — the 
Chechens, the Ingush, the Crimean Tatars, the Karachai, the Balkars, and the 
Kalmyks — were deported to Siberia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Kirgizstan 
on the pretext that they had "collaborated massively with the Nazi occupier. 1 ' 
This main wave of deportations was followed by other operations from July to 
December 1944, which were intended to cleanse the Crimea and the Caucasus 
of several other nationalities judged to be untrustworthy: the Greeks, the 
Bulgars, the Armenians from the Crimea, the Meskhetian Turks, the Kurds, 
and the Khemshins of the Caucasus. 2 

Recently available archival documents have shed no new light on the 


A State against Its People 

supposed collaboration of the mountain peoples of the Caucasus, the Kalmyks, 
or the Crimean Tatars with the Nazis. Some facts point to a small number of 
collaborators in the Crimea, in Kalmykia, in the Karachai lands, and in 
Kabardino-Balkaria, but no evidence exists of general policies of collaboration 
in these regions. It was after the loss by the Red Army at Rostov-on-Don in 
July 1942, and during the German occupation of the Caucasus from the sum- 
mer of 1942 to the spring of 1943, that the most controversial collaborationist 
episodes took place. In the power vacuum between the Soviet army's departure 
and the arrival of the Germans, local leaders set up "National Committees" in 
Mikoyan-Shakhar, in the autonomous region of Karachaevo-Cherkess; in Nal- 
chik, in the autonomous republic of Kabardino-Balkaria; and in Elista, in the 
autonomous republic of Kalmykia. The German army recognized the authority 
of these local committees, which for a few months enjoyed religious, economic, 
and political autonomy. Once this experiment in the Caucasus had reinforced 
the "Muslim Myth 11 (the notion that Islamic regions of the US.S.R. could be 
exploited) in Berlin, the Crimean Tatars were also permitted to set up their 
own "Central Muslim Committee," based in Simferopol. 

Nevertheless, because the Nazis feared that there might be a resurgence 
of the Pan-Turkic movement, which had been crushed by the Red Army in the 
mid-1920s, they never gave the Crimean Tatars the autonomy the Kalmyks, 
Karachai, and Balkars enjoyed for a few months. In exchange for the small 
measure of autonomy they were accorded, these local authorities contributed a 
few troops to break the resistance of the nearly negligible forces that had 
remained loyal to the Soviet regime. In all, these units amounted to no more 
than a few thousand men: six Tatar battalions in the Crimea, and one body of 
Kalmyk cavalry. 

The autonomous republic of Chechnya-Ingushetia was only partially oc- 
cupied by Nazi detachments for approximately ten weeks, from early Septem- 
ber to mid-November 1942. There was not the slightest evidence of 
collaboration. The Chechens, however, had always been a rebellious people. 
The Soviet authorities had launched several punitive expeditions in 1925 to 
confiscate some of the arms held by the population, and again in 1930-1932 to 
try to break the resistance of the Chechens and Ingush against collectivization. 
In March and April 1930, and again in April and May 1932, in a struggle 
against the "bandits," the special troops of the NKVD had called in artillery 
and air support. This provoked a strong groundswell of resistance to central- 
ized power and a desire for independence among people who had always 
struggled against the influence of Moscow. 

The five big deportation movements between November 1943 and May 
1944 were carried out in accordance with the usual methods, but unlike the 
earlier deportations of the kulaks, the operations were marked by "remarkable 

The Other Side of Victory 


organizational efficiency" (in Beria's words). The logistical preparation was 
carefully organized for several weeks and was overseen personally by Beria and 
his assistants Ivan Serov and Bogdan Kobulov, all of whom traveled in their 
special armored train. The operation involved a huge number of convoys: 46 
convoys of 60 trucks for the deportation of 93,139 Kalmyks on 27-30 Decem- 
ber 1943, and 194 convoys of 64 trucks for the deportation on 23-28 February 
1944 of 521,247 Chechens and Ingush. For these exceptional operations when 
the war was at its height, the NKVD used 119,000 troops. 

The operations, which were planned down to the last minute, began with 
the arrest of "potentially dangerous elements," between 1 and 2 percent of the 
population, most of whom were women, children, and old people. The vast 
majority of adult men were fighting under the Russian flag. If one is to believe 
the reports sent to Moscow, the operations were carried out extremely swiftly. 
The Crimean Tatars had been rounded up on 18—20 May 1944. On the evening 
of the first day, Kobulov and Serov, who were in charge of the operation, sent 
a telegram to Beria: "At 8:00 p.m. today, 90,000 people were moved to the 
station. Seventeen convoys have already taken 48,400 people to their destina- 
tion. Twenty-five convoys are being loaded up. The operation is running ex- 
tremely smoothly. It continues." On 19 May, Beria informed Stalin that on the 
second day 165,515 people had been assembled in the stations, and that 136,412 
of these had been loaded into convoys. On 20 May, Serov and Kobulov sent 
Beria a telegram announcing that the operation had finished at 4:30 that after- 
noon, with a total of 173,287 people in transit. The last four convoys carrying 
the 6,727 who remained were to leave that evening.* 

From the reports of the NKVD bureaucracy it would appear that these 
deportation operations, affecting hundreds of thousands of people, were a pure 
formality, each operation more "successful," "effective," or "economical" than 
the last. After the deportation of the Chechens, Ingush, and Balkars, Solomon 
Milstein, a civil servant in the NKVD, drew up a long report on the "savings 
of trucks, planks, buckets, and shovels during these last deportations in com- 
parison with earlier ones." 

Experience gained from transporting Karachai and Kalmyks has made it 
possible for us to take certain measures that have allowed us to pare back 
what is needed for convoys and hence ultimately to diminish the number 
of journeys that need to be made. We now put 45 people into each cattle 
truck as opposed to the previous 40. By placing the people together with 
their possessions, we also cut down on the number of trucks required, 
thus saving 37,548 meters of planks, 1 1,834 buckets, and 3,400 stoves. 4 

What dreadful reality lay beyond this bureaucratic dream of an NKVD 
operation carried out with terrifying efficiency? The experiences of some of 


A State against Its People 

the survivors were collected at the end of the 1970s. One recalled: 'The journey 
to the destination of Zerabulak, in the Samarkand region, took twenty-four 
days. From there we were taken to the Pravda kolkhoz, where our job was to 
repair horse carts ... We worked hard, and we were always hungry. Many of 
us could barely stand. They had deported thirty families from our village. 
There were one or two survivors from five families. Everyone else died of 
hunger or disease." Another survivor recounted that 

in the tightly shut wagons, people died like flies because of hunger and 
lack of oxygen, and no one gave us anything to eat or drink. In the 
villages through which we passed, the people had all been turned against 
us, and they had been told that we were all traitors, so there was a 
constant rain of stones against the sides and doors of the wagons. When 
they did open the doors in the middle of the steppes in Kazakhstan, we 
were given military rations to eat but nothing to drink, and we were told 
to throw all the dead out beside the railway line without burying them. 
We then set off again/ 

Once they had arrived at their destinations in Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, 
Uzbekistan, or Siberia, the deportees were assigned to holhhozy or to local 
industry. Problems with housing, work, and survival were their everyday lot, as 
is clear from the local NKVD reports that were sent to Moscow and kept in 
the extensive files of the ''special peoples" section of the Gulag, One report 
from Kirgizstan in September 1944 mentions that of the 31,000 families re- 
cently deported there, only 5,000 had been housed. And "housed" itself seems 
to have been quite a flexible term. The text reveals that in the district of 
Kameninsky the local authorities had housed 900 families in eighteen apart- 
ments in one sovkhoz (state farm); in other words, there were 50 families in 
each apartment. These families, many of whom had a large number of children, 
must have taken turns sleeping in the apartment, and the rest of the time were 
forced to sleep outside as the harsh winter approached. 

In a letter to Mikoyan in November 1944, more than a year after the 
deportation of the Kalmyks, Beria himself acknowledged that "they had been 
placed in exceptionally difficult living conditions with extremely poor sanita- 
tion. Many of them had no underwear, no shoes, and very few clothes." Two 
years later two NKVD leaders reported that a 30 percent of the Kalmyks who 
are fit to work are unable to work because they have no shoes. The fact that 
they are totally unadapted to the severe climate and to the unusual conditions, 
and that they have no knowledge of the local language, also implies another 
whole series of difficulties." 6 Uprooted from their homes, hungry, and working 
on collective farms so poorly managed that they could barely manage to ktd 
themselves, or in factories for which they had received no training, many 

The Other Side of Victory 


deportees were very poor workers. a The situation of the Kalmyks deported to 
Siberia is tragic," D. P. Pyurveev, the former president of the Autonomous 
Republic of Kalmykia, wrote to Stalin. 

They have lost all their cattle. They arrived in Siberia having nothing at 
all . . . They are very poorly adapted to the new living conditions in the 
region to which they have been sent . . . The Kalmyks working on the 
collective farms receive almost nothing at all, since even the original 
workers on the farms cannot feed themselves. Those who have been sent 
to factories instead are finding it extremely hard to adjust to this new 
existence, and also to the fact that they are unable to buy a normal food 
ration because they are not paid properly 7 

Condemned to spending their lives standing in front of machinery, the 
Kalmyks, who were a nomadic agricultural people, often saw all of their tiny 
salary taken away in fines. 

A few figures give an idea of the scale of death among the deportees. In 
January 1946 the Administration for Special Resettlements calculated that there 
were 70,360 Kalmyks remaining of the 92,000 who had been deported two 
years previously. On 1 July 1944, 35,750 Tatar families representing 151,424 
people had arrived in Uzbekistan; six months later there were 818 more families 
but 16,000 fewer people. Of the 608,749 people deported from the Caucasus, 
146,892, or nearly 1 in 4, had died by 1 October 1948, and a mere 28,120 had 
been born in the meantime. Of the 228,392 people deported from the Crimea, 
44,887 had died after four years, and there had been only 6,564 births. 8 The 
extremely high mortality rate becomes even more apparent when one also takes 
into account the fact that between 40 percent and 50 percent of the deportees 
were under sixteen years of age. "Death from natural causes" was thus only a 
tiny part of these statistics. The children who did survive had little future: of 
the 89,000 children deported to Kazakhstan, fewer than 12,000 had been given 
places in schools four years later. Moreover, official instructions insisted that 
all school lessons for children of "specially displaced peoples" were to be 
carried out exclusively in Russian. 

These were not the only official deportations carried out during the war. On 29 
May 1944, a few days after the end of the operation to deport the Tatars from 
the Crimea, Beria wrote to Stalin: "The NKVD also thinks it reasonable to 
expel from the Crimea all the Bulgars, Greeks, and Armenians." The Bulgars 
were accused of "having actively assisted the Germans in making bread and 
other foodstuffs for the German army" and of "having collaborated with the 
German military authorities in searching for soldiers from the Red Army and 
for partisans." The Greeks were accused of "having set up small industries 


A State against Its People 

after the arrival of the invading forces, the German authorities also helped the 
Greeks do business, organize transport etc." The Armenians, in their turn, 
were accused of having set up a collaborationist center in Simferopol called the 
Dromedar, presided over by E. Dro, the Armenian army general. Their pur- 
poses supposedly were "not only religious and political, but also to develop 
small industries and private businesses." In Beria's opinion, the organization 
u had collected funds both for the military needs of the Germans and with a 
view to setting up an Armenian legion." 9 

Four days later, on 2 June 1944, Stalin signed a decree from the State 
Committee for Defense ordering that "the expulsion of the Crimean Tatars 
should be accompanied by the expulsion of 37,000 Bulgars, Greeks, and Ar- 
menians, accomplices of the Germans," As had been the case for the other 
contingents of deportees, the decree arbitrarily fixed the quotas for each "wel- 
come region": 7,000 for the Gurev region, in Kazakhstan; 10,000 for Sverd- 
lovsk Province; 10,000 for Molotov Province, in the Urals; 6,000 for Kemerovo 
Province; and 4,000 for Bashkiria. As was always the claim, "the operation was 
successfully carried out" on 27 and 28 June 1944. Over those two days, 41,854 
people were deported, that is, "111 percent of the planned number," as the 
report emphasized. 

Once the Crimea had been purged of Germans, Tatars, Bulgars, Greeks, 
and Armenians, the NKVD decided to cleanse the Caucasus regions. Based on 
the same underlying preoccupation with the cleansing of national boundaries, 
these large-scale operations were in many ways the natural continuation of the 
antiespionage operations of 1937-38 in a more systematic form. On 21 July 
1944 a new decree from the State Committee for Defense signed by Stalin 
ordered the deportation of 86,000 Meskhetian Turks, Kurds, and Khemshins 
from the border regions of Georgia. Given the mountainous nature of the 
territory and the nomadic lifestyles of many of these peoples, who until recently 
had been part of the Ottoman Empire and had always passed freely between 
the Soviet and Turkish lands, the preparations for the deportations were par- 
ticularly long. The operation lasted from 15 to 25 November 1944 and was 
carried out by 14,000 special troops from the NKVD. Nine hundred Stude- 
baker trucks, provided by the Americans as part of the lend-lease arrangement 
that supplied large quantities of munitions for the Allies in the anti-German 
war effort, were diverted to help carry out the deportations. 10 

In a report to Stalin on 28 November, Beria claimed to have transferred 
91,095 people in ten days "under particularly difficult conditions." In Beria's 
opinion, all of these were Turkish spies, even though more than 49 percent 
were under sixteen. "The majority of the population of this region have family 
ties with the inhabitants of the border districts of Turkey. They are for the 
most part smugglers, show a strong inclination to emigrate, and provide many 

The Other Side of Victory 


recruits for the Turkish intelligence services and for the gangs of bandits that 
operate all along the border." According to the statistics from the "people 
movements" section of the Gulag, nearly 94,955 people were deported to 
Kazakhstan and Kirgizstan. Between November 1944 and July 1948, 19,540 
Meskhetians, Kurds, and Khemshins, approximately 21 percent of all the 
people moved, died as a result of deportation. This mortality rate of 20-25 
percent in four years was almost identical for all such peoples punished by the 
regime. 11 

The deportation of hundreds of thousands of people on ethnic criteria 
during the war increased the number of "specially displaced" from approxi- 
mately 1.2 million to more than 2.5 million. The victims of dekulakization 
operations before the war had made up the greater part of the "specially 
displaced," but their number fell from approximately 936,000 at the outbreak 
of war to 622,000 in May 1945. In fact tens of thousands of adult males 
formerly classed as kulaks, with the exception of heads of families, were con- 
scripted into the army during the war. Their wives and children then recovered 
their previous status as free citizens and were no longer classed as "specially 
displaced." But with conditions as they were during the war, the newly freed 
were in practice rarely able to leave their designated residences, particularly 
because all their goods and even their houses had been confiscated. 12 

Conditions for survival in the gulags were most difficult in the years 
1941-1944. Famine, epidemics, overcrowding, and inhuman exploitation were 
added to the continual suffering of the zeks, who were also subject to unusually 
harsh conditions at work and were constantly monitored by an army of inform- 
ers whose task was to expose the "counterrevolutionary organizations of pris- 
oners. 1 ' Summary executions occurred every day. 

The rapid German advance in the first months of the war forced the 
NKVD to evacuate several prisons, labor colonies, and camps that would 
otherwise have fallen into enemy hands. Between July and December 1941, 210 
colonies, 135 prisons, and 27 camps, containing nearly 750,000 prisoners, were 
transferred to the east. Summarizing "gulag activity in the Great Patriotic 
War," the Gulag chief, Ivan Nasedkin, claimed that "on the whole, the evacu- 
ation of the camps was quite well organized." He went on to add, however, that 
"because of the shortage of transport, most of the prisoners were evacuated on 
foot, over distances that sometimes exceeded 600 miles." 13 One can well imagine 
the condition in which the prisoners arrived at their destinations. When there 
was not enough time for a camp to be evacuated, as was often the case in the 
opening weeks of the war, the prisoners were simply executed. This was 
particularly the case in western Ukraine, where at the end of June 1941 the 
NKVD massacred 10,000 prisoners in Lviv, 1,200 in the prison at Lutsk, 1,500 
in Stanislwow, and 500 in Dubno. When the Germans arrived, they discovered 


A State against Its People 

dozens of mass graves in the regions of Lviv, Zhytomyr, and Vynnytsa. Using 
these "Judeo-Bolshevik atrocities" as a pretext, the Nazi Sander kommundm in 
their turn immediately massacred tens of thousands of Jews. 

All administration reports from the gulags for the years 1941-1944 em- 
phasize the horrendous deterioration of living conditions in the camps during 
the war. 14 In the overcrowded camps, the living space of each prisoner fell from 
1.5 square meters to 0.7; prisoners must have taken turns sleeping on boards, 
since beds were then a luxury reserved for workers with special status. Average 
daily caloric intake fell by 65 percent from prewar levels. Famine became 
widespread, and in 1942 typhus and cholera began to appear in the camps. 
According to official figures, nearly 19,000 prisoners died of these diseases each 
year. In 1941 there were nearly 101,000 deaths in the labor camps alone, not 
including the forced-labor colonies. Thus the annual death rate was approach- 
ing 8 percent. In 1942 the Gulag Administration registered 249,000 deaths (a 
death rate of 18 percent), and in 1943, 167,000 deaths (a death rate of 17 
percent). 15 If one also includes the executions of prisoners and deaths in the 
prisons and in the forced-labor colonies, one can roughly calculate that there 
were some 600,000 deaths in the gulags in 1941^0 alone. The survivors were 
also in a pitiful state. According to the administration's own figures, only 19 
percent of all prisoners by the end of 1942 were capable of heavy physical labor, 
17 percent were capable of medium physical labor, and 64 percent were able to 
perform "light work" — which meant that they were sick. 

Here are excerpts from a report, dated 2 November 1941, from the assis- 
tant chief of the Operational Department of the Gulag Administration on the 
situation in the Siblag camps. 

According to information received from the operational department of 
the Novosibirsk NKVD, there has been a sharp increase in mortality 
among the prisoners in the Akhlursk, Kuznetsk, and Novosibirsk de- 
partments of Siblag , . . 

The causes of this increase, as well as of the huge rise in the 
number of recorded instances of disease, is undoubtedly widespread 
undernourishment resulting from the constant lack of food and the 
harsh working conditions, which place great strain on the heart. 

The lack of medical attention given to prisoners, the difficulty of 
the work they carry out, the long working day, and the lack of sufficient 
nourishment all contribute to the sharp increase in the death rate . . . 

Numerous deaths from malnutrition, undernourishment, and 
widespread epidemics have also been recorded among the prisoners sent 
from different sorting centers to the camps. On 8 October 1941 more 
than 30 percent of the 539 prisoners sent from the Novosibirsk sorting 
center in the Marinskoe division were extremely underweight and cov- 

The Other Side of Victory 


ered with lice. Six corpses also arrived with the prisoners. 16 On the night 
of 8-9 October another five died. In another convoy that arrived from 
the same sorting center in the Marinskoe division on 20 September, all 
the prisoners were covered in lice, and a considerable portion of them 
had no underwear . , . 

Recently, in the Siblag camps, there were numerous acts of sabo- 
tage by the medical staff made up of prisoners. One assistant from the 
A/her camp, in the department of Taiginsk, sentenced under section 10 
of Article 58, ,7 organized a group of prisoners to sabotage production. 18 
Members of the group were caught sending sick workers to the hardest 
physical labor sites, rather than curing them, in the hope that this would 
slow down camp production and prevent the targets from being met. 

Assistant Chief of the Operational Department of the Gulag Ad- 
ministration, Captain of the Security Forces, Kogenman. 

These u severe health problems encountered by prisoners," to use the Gulag 
euphemism, did not prevent the authorities from exerting even greater pres- 
sure on the prisoners, often until they dropped. "From 1941 to 1944," the 
chief of the Gulag wrote in his report, "the average worth of a day's work rose 
from 9.5 to 21 rubles." Hundreds of thousands of prisoners were drafted into 
the armaments factories to replace the manpower that had been conscripted 
into the army. The Gulag's role in the war economy came to be extremely 
prominent. According to estimates by the penal administration, prisoner man- 
power was responsible for nearly a quarter of all production in certain key 
sectors of the armaments industry, notably in metallurgy and mining. 19 

Despite the "solid patriotic attitude" of the prisoners, 95 percent of whom 
"were strongly committed to the socialist cause," the oppression, notably 
against political prisoners, was as intense as ever. As a result of a decree issued 
by the Central Committee on 22 June 1941, not a single "58" (a prisoner 
sentenced as a result of Article 58 of the penal code) was to be released before 
the end of the war, even if he had served his time. Prisoners sentenced for 
political crimes (such as belonging to a counterrevolutionary party or to a 
right-wing or Trotskyite organization) or for espionage, treason, or terrorism 
were isolated in heavily guarded special camps in areas where the climate was 
most severe, such as the Kolyma region and the Arctic. In such camps the 
annual death rate regularly reached 30 percent. After a decree of 22 April 1943, 
specially reinforced punishment camps were opened up, which in effect became 
death camps, since the prisoners were exploited in a manner that made survival 
extremely unlikely. A twelve-hour working day under poisonous conditions in 
the gold, coal, lead, and radium mines, most of which were situated in the 
Kolyma and Vorkuta regions, was tantamount to a death sentence. 20 

From July 1941 to July 1944 special courts in the camps sentenced 148,000 


A State against Its People 

prisoners to new punishments and executed 10,858 of these: 208 were executed 
for espionage, 4,307 for subversive and terrorist activities, and 6,016 for having 
organized an uprising or riot in the camps. According to NKVD figures, 603 
"prisoner organizations' 1 in the gulags were eliminated during the war. 21 Al- 
though it is possible that these figures were meant to show the continued 
vigilance of the system despite considerable restructuring— many of the special 
troops who had guarded the camps had been assigned to other tasks, notably 
to deportation activities — there is no doubt that during the war the camps faced 
their first mass escapes and their first large-scale revolts. 

In fact the population of the camps changed considerably during the war. 
Following the decree of 12 July 1941 more than 577,000 prisoners who, as the 
authorities themselves acknowledged, had been sentenced for "insignificant 
crimes such as unjustified absenteeism at work or petty theft' 1 were set free and 
immediately integrated into the Red Army. During the war more than 
1,068,000 prisoners went directly from the gulags to the front, if one includes 
those who served out their sentences in full. 22 The weakest prisoners and those 
least adapted to the harsh conditions that prevailed in the camps were among 
the approximately 600,000 who died in the gulags in 1941-1943. While the 
camps and colonies were being emptied of so many who had been sentenced 
for minor offenses, the toughest and most recalcitrant stayed behind and sur- 
vived, whether they were political prisoners or common criminals. The share 
of those sentenced to long terms of imprisonment (eight years or more) as a 
result of Article 58 increased from 27 to 43 percent of all prisoners. This 
change in the complexion of the prison population was to become all the more 
marked in 1944 and 1945, when the gulags grew immensely, increasing their 
population by more than 45 percent between January 1944 and January 1945. 

The U.S.S.R. in 1945 is best remembered as a country devastated but trium- 
phant. As Francois Furet once wrote: "In 1945, as a great glorious state, the 
U.S.S.R. joined tremendous material might to a messianic new vision of man."" 
No one remembers, or at least no one seems willing to recall, the other — well 
hidden — side of the story. As the Gulag archives demonstrate, the year of 
victory was also the apogee of the Soviet concentration-camp system. When 
peace was made with the rest of the world, the struggles within continued 
unabated; there was no let-up in state control over a society bruised from four 
years of war. On the contrary, 1945 was a year when regions were reoccupied 
by the Soviet Union as the Red Army advanced west, and when millions of 
Soviet citizens who had managed to escape the system were also finally forced 
to submit. 

The territories annexed in 1939^K) — the Baltic states, western Belorussia, 

The Other Side of Victory 


Moldavia, and western Ukraine — which had been free of Soviet control during 
most of the war, were forced to undergo a second process of Sovietization. 
Nationalist opposition movements had sprung up in protest against the Soviet 
Union, beginning a cycle of armed struggle, persecution, and repression. Re- 
sistance to annexation was particularly fierce in western Ukraine and the Baltic 

The first occupation of western Ukraine, from September 1939 to June 
1941, had brought about the formation of a fairly powerful armed resistance 
movement, the OUN, or Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists. Members of 
this organization subsequently enlisted as special troops in SS units to fight 
Communists and Jews. In July 1944, when the Red Army arrived, the OUN 
set up a Supreme Council for the Liberation of Ukraine. Roman Shukhovich, 
the head of the OU N, became commander of the UPA, the Ukrainian insurgent 
army. According to Ukrainian sources, the UPA had more than 20,000 mem- 
bers by the autumn of 1944. On 31 March 1944, Beria signed an order stipu- 
lating that all family members of soldiers in the OUN and UPA were to be 
arrested and deported to the region of Krasnoyarsk. From February to October 
1944, 100,300 civilians (mainly women, children, and old people) were de- 
ported under Beria's order. As for the 37,000 soldiers who were taken prisoner 
during this time, all were sent to the gulags. In November 1944, after the death 
of Monsignor Andrei Shcheptytsky, metropolitan of the Uniate Church of 
Ukraine, the Soviet authorities forced that religious body to merge with the 
Orthodox Church. 

To root out all opposition to Sovietization, NKVD agents targeted the 
schools. After leafing through the schoolbooks of children who had attended 
school when western Ukraine had still been a part of "bourgeois" Poland, they 
drew up lists of people to be arrested as a preventive measure. At the top of 
these lists were the names of the most able pupils, whom they judged to be 
"potentially hostile to the Soviet system." According to a report by Kobulov, 
one of Beria's assistants, more than 100,000 "deserters" and "collaborators" 
were arrested between September 1944 and March 1945 in western Belorussia, 
another region considered "full of elements hostile to the Soviet regime." The 
few statistics available for Lithuania in the period 1 January-15 March 1945 
note 2,257 ethnic-cleansing operations. 

These operations were also notable for the death of more than 6,000 
"bandits" and for the arrest of more than 75,000 "bandits, deserters, and 
members of nationalist groups." In 1945 more than 38,000 "members of the 
families of socially alien elements, bandits, and nationalists" were deported 
from Lithuania. In 1944—1946 the proportion of people from these regions 
imprisoned in the gulags increased 140 percent for Ukrainians and 420 percent 


A State against Its People 

for people from the Baltic states. By the end of 1946, Ukrainians became 23 
percent and Baltic nationals 6 percent of the population in the camps, and thus 
were more highly represented than the rest of the Soviet population. 

The growth of the gulags in 1945 can also be explained by the transfer of 
thousands of prisoners from "control and filtration camps." These were camps 
that had been set up after 1941 in parallel to the Gulag labor camps. They were 
intended to contain Soviet prisoners of war who had been set free or had 
managed to escape from enemy prisoner-of-war camps; all were suspected of 
being potential spies or at least of having been contaminated by their stay 
outside the Soviet system. The camps imprisoned men of draft age from 
territories formerly occupied by the enemy, as well as the senior officials 
(starostt) and any others who had occupied a position of authority — no matter 
how minor — during the occupation. From January 1942 to October 1944 more 
than 421,000 people, according to official figures, passed through the control 
and filtration camps. 21 

After the advance of the Red Army in the west and the retaking of 
territories that had been under the control of the Germans for two to three 
years, the liberation of Soviet prisoners of war and those held in labor camps 
and the repatriation of both military and civilian Soviet citizens became an 
urgent matter. In October 1944 the Soviet government established a Repatria- 
tion Affairs Department, headed by General Filip Golikov. In an interview 
published in the press on 11 November 1944, the general stressed that "the 
Soviet regime is most concerned about the fate of its children who were 
dragged into Nazi slavery. They will be respectfully received back home like 
honest children of the fatherland. The Soviet government believes that even 
Soviet citizens who under the threat of Nazi terror committed acts that went 
against the interests of the U.S.S.R. will not be held responsible for those 
actions, provided that these people are prepared to carry out their normal duties 
as Soviet citizens upon their return. " This declaration, which was widely 
circulated, managed to deceive the Allies. How else can one explain the zeal 
with which they carried out the clauses of the Yalta agreement concerning the 
repatriation of all Soviet citizens "present outside the borders of the home 
country"? While the agreement stipulated quite clearly that only people who 
had worn German uniforms or actively collaborated with the enemy would be 
forcibly repatriated, any Soviet citizen found outside the national boundaries 
was, in practice, handed over to NKVD agents in charge of their return. 

Three days after the cessation of hostilities, on 11 May 1945, the Soviet 
government ordered the creation of 100 new control and filtration camps, each 
containing space for 10,000 people. Repatriated Soviet prisoners of war were 
under the jurisdiction of SMERSH (Death to Spies), the counterespionage 
organization, while civilians were filtered on an ad-hoc basis through the 

The Other Side of Victory 


NKVD. Between May 1945 and February 1946 more than 4.2 million Soviet 
citizens were repatriated, including 1,545,000 surviving prisoners of war out 
of the 5 million captured by the Germans and 2,655,000 civilians, work deport- 
ees, or people who had fled to the West when the fighting had broken out. After 
their obligatory stay in the filtration and control camps, 57.8 percent of those 
repatriated, mostly women and children, were allowed to return to their homes; 
19.1 percent were drafted back into the army, often into disciplinary battalions; 
14.5 percent were sent, generally for at least two years, into "reconstruction 
battalions"; and S.6 percent, or about 360,000 people, were either sentenced to 
between ten and twenty years in the gulags, most of them for "treason against 
the fatherland," or sent to an NKVD komandatura with the status of "specially 
displaced person." 24 

A singular fate was reserved for the Vlasovtsy, the Soviet soldiers who had 
fought under the Soviet general Andrei Vlasov. Vlasov was the commander of 
the Second Army who had been taken prisoner by the Germans in July 1942. 
On the basis of his anti-Stalinist convictions, General Vlasov agreed to collabo- 
rate with the Nazis to free his country from the tyranny of the Bolsheviks. With 
the support of the German authorities, Vlasov formed a Russian National 
Committee and trained two divisions of an "Army for the Liberation of Rus- 
sia." After the defeat of Nazi Germany, the Allies handed over General Vlasov 
and his officers to the Soviet Union, and they were promptly executed. The 
soldiers trom Vlasov's army, following an amnesty decree of November 1945, 
were deported for six years to Siberia, Kazakhstan, and the far north. In early 
1946, 148,079 I'lasovtsy, most of them noncommissioned officers, were accused 
of treason and sent to the gulags. 25 

The "special resettlements," the gulags, the forced-labor colonies, the 
control and filtration camps, and the Soviet prisons had never held as many 
prisoners as they did in the year of victory: a grand total of nearly 5.5 million 
people. This figure was eclipsed by the festivities of victory and the "Stalingrad 
effect." The end of World War II began a new period in Soviet history, destined 
to last nearly a decade, when the Soviet model was to elicit a fascination shared 
by tens of millions of citizens from countries the world over. The fact that the 
U.S.S.R. had paid the heaviest human toll for its victory over Nazism — a toll 
greatly magnified by Stalin's own mistakes and misjudgments — served to mask 
the character of the Stalinist dictatorship and cleared the regime of all suspi- 
cions formerly aroused in the era of the Moscow trials and the Nazi-Soviet 


Apogee and Crisis in the Gulag System 

I he last years of Stalinism were marked neither by a new Great 
Terror nor by more public show-trials. But the heavy and oppressive climate 
continued in postwar Russia, and the criminalization of different types of 
social behavior reached its height. The hope that the regime might relax its 
grip after the long and murderous war proved vain. u The people have suffered 
too much, and it is inconceivable that the past should repeat itself," wrote Uya 
Ehrenburg in his memoirs on 9 May 1945; but he immediately added: "Yet I 
am filled with perplexity and anguish." This foreboding was all too prophetic. 
u The population is torn between despair in the face of an extremely 
difficult material situation, and the hope that something is going to change," 
So read several inspection reports sent to Moscow in September and October 
1945 by instructors from the Soviet Central Committee who were touring 
different provinces. The reports claimed that many parts of the country were 
still in chaos. Production was delayed by an immense and spontaneous migra- 
tion of workers who had been sent east during the evacuations of 1941 and 
1942. A wave of strikes of unprecedented size were rocking the metallurgy 
industry in the Urals. Famine and terrible living conditions were becoming the 
norm. The country had 25 million people without homes, and bread rations 
were less than one pound per day for manual laborers. At the end of October 
1945 the situation was so bad in Novosibirsk that the heads of the regional 

Apogee and Crisis in the Gulag System 

Party committee went so far as to suggest that the workers not participate in 
the parade to mark the occasion of the October Revolution, because so many 
of the population lacked clothes and shoes. In the face of such misery, rumors 
spread quickly, particularly concerning the imminent abandonment of collec- 
tive farming practices, since it had been demonstrated yet again that the kolk- 
hozy were incapable of feeding the peasants and providing them with a few 
pudy of wheat in exchange for a whole season's work. 1 

It was on the agricultural front that the situation was most perilous. The 
countryside was devastated by war and a severe drought; and with both ma- 
chinery and manpower in critically short supply, the harvest of the autumn of 
1946 was catastrophic. Once again the government was forced to continue 
rationing, despite Stalin's promise in a speech on 9 February 1946 that ration- 
ing would end. Refusing to look into the reasons for this agricultural disaster, 
and blaming the failure on the greed of a few private farmers, the government 
decided to "eliminate all violations of the status of the kolkhozy" and to go after 
"hostile and foreign elements sabotaging the collection process, thieves, and 
anyone caught pilfering the harvest." On 19 September 1946 a Commission for 
Kolkhoz Affairs was established, chaired by Andrei Andreev; its task was to 
confiscate all the land that had been "illegally appropriated" by kolkhoz workers 
during the war. In two years the administration managed to recover nearly 10 
million hectares that peasants had whittled away, trying to gather more land in 
an attempt to survive. 

On 25 October 1946 a government decree titled "The Defense of State 
Cereals 11 ordered the Ministry of Justice to dispatch all cases of theft within 
ten days, and to apply once again the full force of the law of 7 August 1932, 
which by then had fallen into disuse. In November and December 1946 sen- 
tences were handed down against more than 53,300 people, most of them 
collective farm workers, who were sent to the camps for the theft of grain or 
bread. Thousands of kolkhoz chiefs were arrested for "sabotaging the country- 
side collection campaign." Initially collections typically met 33 percent of their 
targets, but in these two months the share rose to 77 percent. 2 This increase 
came at a price: Behind the euphemism "delay in the collection in the country- 
side" lurked the bitter realities of another famine. 

The famine of the autumn and winter of 1946-47 struck the regions most 
severely affected by the drought of the summer of 1946, that is, the provinces 
of Kursk, Tambov, Voronezh, Orel, and Rostov. There were at least 500,000 
victims. As in 1932, the famine of 1946-47 was passed over in total silence. The 
refusal to lower the obligatory collection targets when the harvest in some areas 
reached scarcely 250 kilos per hectare meant that shortage evolved into famine. 
The starving workers often had no choice but to steal a few reserves simply to 
survive. In one year, recorded thefts rose by 44 percent. 1 




A State against Its People 

On 5 June 1947 two decrees issued by the government the previous day 
were published, both of which were very close to the spirit and letter of the 
famous law of 7 August 1932. These stipulated that any "attack on state or 
kolkhoz property" was punishable by a camp sentence of between five and 
twenty-five years, depending on whether it was an individual or collective 
crime, and whether it was a first or repeat offense. Anyone who knew of 
preparations for a theft, or was a witness and failed to inform the police, 
received a sentence of one to three years. A confidential circular reminded 
courts that petty thefts in the workplace, which until then had carried a maxi- 
mum penalty of the loss of civil rights for one year, henceforth fell within the 
remit of these new laws of 4 June 1947. 

In the second half of that year more than 380,000 people, including 2 1 ,000 
under age sixteen, were sentenced as a result of this new, draconian law. For 
the theft of no more than a few kilos of rye, one could be sentenced to eight to 
ten years in the camps. An example is the following verdict of the People's 
Court in the Suzdal district, in Vladimir Province, dated 10 October 1947: 
''While on duty guarding the kolkhoz horses at night, N. A. and B. S., two 
minors of fifteen and sixteen, were caught in the act of stealing three cucumbers 
from the kolkhoz vegetable patch . . . N. A. and B. S. have thus been sentenced 
to eight years custody in an ordinary labor colony." 4 Over a period of six years, 
as a result of the decrees of 4 June, 1.3 million people were sentenced, 75 
percent to more than five years. In 1951 they accounted for 5^ percent of all 
common criminals in the gulags, and nearly 40 percent of all prisoners.' At the 
end of the 1940s, strict enforcement of the decrees of 4 June considerably 
increased the average length of sentences passed by ordinary courts; the share 
of sentences exceeding five years rose from 2 percent in 1940 to 29 percent in 
1949. At this high point of Stalinism, "ordinary" repressive punishments, of 
the sort meted out by people's courts, took the place of the extrajudicial NKYD 
terror that had been more the norm in the 1930s. 6 

Among people sentenced for theft were numerous women, war widows, 
and mothers with young children who had been reduced to begging and stealing 
to survive. At the end of 1948 the gulags contained more than 500,000 prisoners 
(twice as many as in 1945). Some 22,815 children under age four were kept in 
the "infant houses" located in the women's camps. By early 1953 this figure 
rose to more than 35,000. 7 To prevent the gulags from turning into vast nurs- 
eries, the government was forced to decree a partial amnesty in April 1949, so 
that nearly 84,200 mothers and children were set free. Even so, the permanent 
influx of hundreds of thousands of people charged with petty thefts meant that 
until 1953 there was still a relatively high number of women in the gulags, who 
generally accounted for 25-30 percent of all prisoners. 

In 1947 and 1948 the armory of repressive laws was augmented by several 

Apogee and Crisis in the Gulag System 


more decrees that were quite revealing of the climate at the time: a decree 
forbidding marriages between Soviet citizens and foreigners on 15 February 

1947 and another decree on "penalties for divulging state secrets or losing 
documents containing state secrets" on 9 June 1947. The best known is the 
decree of 21 February 1948, according to which "all spies, Trotskyites, sabo- 
teurs, right-wingers, Mensheviks, Socialist Revolutionaries, anarchists, nation- 
alists, Whites, and other anti-Soviet groups, on completion of their camp 
sentences, will be exiled to the Kolyma regions, the provinces of Novosibirsk 
and Krasnoyarsk . . . and to certain distant regions of Kazakhstan." In reality, 
prison administrations preferred to keep these "anti-Soviet elements" (mostly 
the Article 58 political prisoners sentenced in 1937 and 1938) under close 
guard, and arbitrarily extended their sentences by another ten years. 

On the same day, 21 February 1948, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet 
adopted another decree ordering the deportation from the Ukrainian S.S.R. of 
"all individuals refusing to comply with the minimum number of work days in 
the kolkhozy and living like parasites." On 2 June the measure was extended to 
the rest of the country. The dilapidated collective farms were in no position to 
guarantee the slightest remuneration to workers, and so numerous workers 
regularly had failed to comply with the minimum number of work days im- 
posed by the administration. Millions were thus suddenly under threat from 
this new law. Understanding that the strict application of this new decree on 
"parasitism" would disrupt production even further, local authorities were 
generally lax in applying the law. Nonetheless, in 1948 alone more than 38,000 
"parasites" were deported and assigned a residence in an NKVD komandatura. 
These repressive measures totally eclipsed the symbolic (and short-lived) abo- 
lition of the death penalty on 26 May 1947. On 12 January 1950 capital 
punishment was reinstated to permit the execution of the accused in the 
"Leningrad Affair" of that year.* 

In the 1930s the "right to return" of deportees and the "specially dis- 
placed" had led to some contradictory and incoherent government policies. At 
the end of the 1940s the question was resolved in a fairly radical manner: it was 
decided that all people who had been deported in 1941-1945 had in fact been 
deported "in perpetuity." The problem posed by the fate of the children of 
deportees who had reached the age of majority thus disappeared immediately. 
They and their children, too, were always to remain "specially displaced." 

In the period 1948-1953 the number of "specially displaced" continued 
to grow, from 2,342,000 in early 1948 to 2,753,000 in January 1953. This 
increase was the result of several new waves of deportation. On 22 and 23 May 

1948 the NKVD launched a huge roundup named "Operation Spring" in 
Lithuania, a nation still resisting enforced collectivization. Within forty-eight 
hours 36,932 men, women, and children were arrested and deported in thirty- 


A State against Its People 

two convoys. All were categorized as "bandits, nationalists, and family members 
of these two categories.' 1 After a journey lasting between four and five weeks, 
they were divided up among the various komandatury in eastern Siberia and 
set to work in the harsh conditions of the different logging centers. One NKVD 
note observed that 

the Lithuanian families sent as a workforce to the Igara forestry center 
(in the Krasnoyarsk territory) are presently living in conditions that are 
quite inappropriate for the local climate: the roofs leak, there is no glass 
in the windows, no furniture, and no beds. The deportees sleep on the 
floor, on beds of moss or straw. This overcrowding, and the constant 
breaking of the sanitary regulations, have led to cases of typhus and 
dysentery, which are sometimes fatal, among the specially displaced. 

In 1948 alone nearly 50,000 Lithuanians were deported as "specially dis- 
placed," and 30,000 were sent to the gulags. In addition, according to figures 
from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 21,259 Lithuanians were killed in 
"pacification operations" in that republic. At the end of 1948, despite ever- 
more-vigorous pressure from the authorities, less than 4 percent of the land 
had undergone collectivization in the Baltic states. g 

Early in 1949 the Soviet government decided to accelerate the process of 
Sovietization in the Baltic countries and to "eradicate banditry and nationalism 
once and for all" in these newly annexed republics. On 12 January the Council 
of Ministers issued a decree "on the expulsion and deportation from the 
Lithuanian, Latvian, and Estonian S.S.R.s of all kulaks and their families, the 
families of bandits and nationalists whose present situation is illegal, the fami- 
lies of bandits killed in armed confrontations, any bandits arrested or freed who 
are still carrying out hostile operations, and the families of any bandit's accom- 
plices." From March to May 1949 nearly 95,000 people were deported from 
the Baltic republics to Siberia. According to the report addressed to Stalin by 
Sergei Kruglov on 1 8 May 1949, these "elements who are hostile and dangerous 
to the Soviet regime" included 27,084 under the age of sixteen, 1,785 young 
children who had no family left, 146 disabled people, and 2,850 infirm elderly. 10 
In September 1951 a new series of sweeps resulted in the deportation of 
another 17,000 so-called Baltic kulaks. For the years 1940-1953 the number of 
deportees from the Baltic is estimated at 200,000, including about 120,000 
Lithuanians, 50,000 Latvians, and just over 30,000 Estonians." To these figures 
one should add the number of people from the Baltic imprisoned in the 
gulags— a total of 75,000 in 1953, including 44,000 in special camps that were 
reserved for hard-line political prisoners. In the special camps, 20 percent of 
the inmates were of Baltic origin. In total, 10 percent of the entire adult Baltic 
population was either deported or in a camp. 

The Moldavians, another nationality occupied by the U.S.S.R., also 

Apogee and Crisis in the Gulag System 


strongly resisted Sovietization and collectivization. At the end of 1949 the 
authorities carried out a huge deportation sweep among "socially alien and 
hostile elements." The operation was overseen by the first secretary of the 
Communist Party in Moldavia, Leonid Ilych Brezhnev, later to become general 
secretary of the Communist Party of the U.S.S.R. A report from Kruglov to 
Stalin dated 17 February 1950 revealed that 94,792 Moldavians had been 
deported "in perpetuity" as "specially displaced." If the same death rate during 
transport applied to the Moldavian operation as in other deportations, this 
would mean that approximately 120,000 people, nearly 7 percent of the popu- 
lation, were taken from Moldavia. In June 1949, 57,680 Greeks, Armenians, 
and Turks from the shores of the Black Sea were deported to Kazakhstan and 
Altai. 12 

Throughout the second half of the 1940s the OUN and UPA partisans 
captured in Ukraine accounted for a large share of the "specially displaced." 
From July 1944 to December 1949 the Soviet authorities made seven appeals 
to the insurgents to give up their weapons, promising amnesty, but with no 
tangible results. In 1945-1947 the countryside of western Ukraine was still 
largely in the hands of the rebels, who were supported by a peasantry hostile 
to any form of collectivization. The rebel forces operated on the borders of 
Poland and Czechoslovakia, fleeing over the border when pursued. One can 
gain some idea of the size of the rebel movement in the agreement that the 
Soviet government signed with Poland and Czechoslovakia to coordinate the 
struggle against the Ukrainian gangs. As a result of the agreement, the Polish 
government moved the whole of its Ukrainian population to the northwest of 
Poland to deprive the rebellion in Ukraine of its base. 11 

The famine of 1946—47 forced tens of thousands of peasants from eastern 
Ukraine to flee to the less affected west, and it also swelled the number of rebels. 
To judge from the last amnesty proposal, signed by the Ukrainian minister of 
interna] affairs on 30 December 1949, the rebel gangs were not made up solely 
of peasants. The text also mentions, among the various categories of bandits, 
"young people who have fled the factories, the Donetsk mines, and the indus- 
trial schools." Western Ukraine was finally "pacified" at the end of 1950, after 
forced collectivization of the land, the displacement of whole villages, and the 
arrest and deportation of more than 300,000 people. According to statistics 
from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, nearly 172,000 members of the OUN 
and the UPA were deported as "specially displaced" to Kazakhstan and Siberia 
in 1944—1952, often together with their families. 14 

Deportation operations for what the Ministry of Internal Affairs de- 
scribed as "diverse contingents" continued right up until Stalin's death. In 1951 
and 1952, as a result of various small-scale operations, the following were 
deported: 11,685 Mingrelians and 4,707 Iranians from Georgia, 4,365 Jeho- 
vah's Witnesses, 4,431 "kulaks" from western Belorussia, 1,445 "kulaks" from 


A State against Its People 

western Ukraine, 1,415 "kulaks" from the Pskov region, 995 people from the 
sect that called itself u True Orthodox Christians," 2,795 basmachis from Tajik- 
istan, and 591 "vagabonds." These deportees received slightly lesser sentences 
of between ten and twenty years. 

As the recently opened Gulag archives demonstrate, the early 1950s were the 
most intense period of operation; never had so many people been detained in 
the camps, forced-labor colonies, and penal settlements. This was also a period 
of unprecedented crisis in the system. 

In the first months of 1953 the gulags contained 2,750,000 prisoners, who 
were grouped into three categories: 

• Those incarcerated in the approximately 500 labor colonies, found in all 
regions, containing between 1,000 and 3,000 prisoners on average, most 
of whom were common criminals serving sentences of less than (\c 

■ Those incarcerated in some 60 large penal complexes, or labor camps, 
which were mainly in the northern and eastern regions of the countrv, 
each holding tens of thousands of prisoners, common criminals, and po- 
litical prisoners all serving sentences of more than ten years 

• Those imprisoned in the approximately 15 special-regime camps, which 
had been established following secret instructions from the Ministry of 
Internal Affairs on 7 February 1948 to house only political prisoners 
considered particularly dangerous, totaling approximately 200,000 
people 15 

This huge concentration-camp universe thus contained 2,750,000 prisoners; 
another 2,750,000 "specially displaced people" were controlled by a different 
part of the Gulag Administration. These numbers made for serious problems 
in administration and control, as well as in economic profitability. In 1951 
General Kruglov, the minister of internal affairs, was worried about the con- 
stant decline in productivity among penal workers. He began a vast inspection 
campaign to assess the state of the gulags. When the commissions reported 
back, they revealed an extremely tense situation. 

First of all, in the special-regime camps where "political" prisoners 
(Ukrainian and Baltic "nationalists" from defeated guerrilla organizations, 
"foreign elements" from newly incorporated regions, real or supposed "col- 
laborators," and other "traitors to the fatherland") had been arriving since 
1945, the detainees were far more determined than the "enemies of the people" 
of the 1930s, who had been former Party cadres convinced that their impris- 
onment had been the result of a terrible misunderstanding. These new people, 
by contrast, condemned to twenty or twenty-five years with no hope of an early 
release, felt they had nothing left to lose. Moreover, their isolation in the 

Apogee and Crisis in the Gulag System 


special-regime camps had removed them from the influence of common crimi- 
nals. As Aleksandr Solzhcnitsyn pointed out, the one thing that prevented an 
atmosphere of solidarity from developing among prisoners was precisely the 
presence of common criminals. Once this obstacle had been removed, the 
special camps quickly became hotbeds of resistance and revolt against the 
Soviet regime. Ukrainian and Baltic prisoners were particularly active in re- 
volting against the system. Strikes, hunger strikes, mass escapes, and riots all 
became increasingly common. Research so far reveals sixteen large-scale riots 
and revolts in 1950-1952, each involving hundreds of prisoners. 16 

The Kruglov inspections of 1951 also revealed that the system was dete- 
riorating in ordinary camps, where "a general laxity in discipline" was to be 
discerned. In 1951 a million work days were lost to protests and strikes by 
prisoners. There was also a rising crime rate in the camps, an increasing number 
of violent confrontations between prisoners and guards, and a decline in the 
productivity of the penal workforce. According to the authorities, the situation 
was largely the result of conflicts between rival gangs of prisoners, with one 
group that refused to work and despised the other groups that did work, 
labeling them collaborators. In-fighting among factions and fights among pris- 
oners had a corrosive effect on discipline and generally created disorder. Deaths 
from stabbing were more common than deaths from hunger or disease. A 
conference of gulag commanders held in Moscow in January 1952 acknowl- 
edged that "the authorities, who until now have been able to gain a certain 
advantage from the hostilities between various groups of prisoners, [are] be- 
ginning to lose their grip on the situation ... In some places, certain factions 
are even beginning to run the camp along their own lines. 11 To break up groups 
and factions, it was decided that prisoners should be moved between camps 
more frequently, and that at the biggest penitentiaries, which often held be- 
tween 40,000 and 60,000 people, there should be a permanent reorganization 
into separate sections.' ' 

In addition to noting the considerable problems generated by the different 
factions, many inspection reports from 1951 and 1952 acknowledged a need 
both for a complete reorganization of the prisons and their systems of produc- 
tion, and for a considerable scaling down of the entire operation. 

In January 1952 Colonel Nikolai Zverev, the commander of the concen- 
tration camps in Norilsk, where 69,000 prisoners were kept, sent a report to 
General Ivan Dolgikh, the commander in chief of the gulags, with the following 

1. Isolate the factions. u But," Zverev noted, "given the great number of 
prisoners who belong to one or other of the rival factions, we would be 
lucky if we could even simply isolate the leaders." 

2. Abandon the huge production zones, where tens of thousands of pris- 


A State against Its People 

oners belonging to one faction or another are currently working without 

3. Establish smaller production units to ensure better surveillance of the 

4. Increase the number of guards. "But," Zverev added, "it is currently 
impossible to organize the guards in the desired fashion, since almost 
double the number of guards is required." 

5. Separate free workers from prisoners at all production sites. "But the 
technical links between the different companies that make up the 
Norilsk complex, and the requirement that production be continuous, 
coupled with the serious housing shortage, all mean that it is currently 
impossible to segregate the prisoners and the free workers in a satisfac- 
tory manner . . . Generally speaking, the problem of productivity and 
of uninterrupted production could be resolved only by the early release 
of 15,000 prisoners, who in any case would be forced to remain at the 
same site. 1 ' 18 

Zverev's last proposal was far from incongruous, given the climate of 
opinion at the time. In January 1951 Kruglov had asked Beria for the early 
release of 6,000 prisoners, who were then to be sent as free workers to an 
enormous construction site for the hydroelectric power station in Stalingrad, 
where 25,000 prisoners were then toiling away in what was perceived to be an 
extremely ineffectual manner. The practice of early release, particularly for 
prisoners who had some qualifications, was fairly frequent in the early 1950s. 
It also called into question the economic value of an outdated system of 
concentration camps. 

Faced with this huge increase in prisoners who were far less docile than 
those in the past, and with a whole series of logistical and surveillance problems 
(Gulag personnel now numbered approximately 208,000), the enormous ad- 
ministrative machine found it more and more difficult to produce its /«//«— the 
false accounts of its success. To resolve this enduring problem, the authorities 
had a choice of two solutions: either to exploit all manpower to the maximum, 
without regard for human losses, or to ensure the Gulag's survival by treating 
the manpower with greater consideration. Until 1948 the first solution was 
preferred; but at the end of the 1940s it dawned on Party leaders that with the 
country bled dry by the war and manpower scarce in every sector of the 
economy, it was far more logical to use the prisoner workforce in a more 
economical fashion. To try to stimulate production, bonuses and salaries were 
introduced, and food rations were increased for prisoners who met their quotas. 
As a result, the death rate fell immediately by 2-3 percent. But the reforms 
quickly came up against the harsh realities of life in the concentration camps. 

Apogee and Crisis in the Gulag System 


By the beginning of the 1950s, the production infrastructure in general 
was more than twenty years old and had had no benefit of any recent invest- 
ment. The huge penitentiaries, which held tens of thousands of prisoners and 
which had been built to use the extensive workforce in the big projects of the 
time, were extremely difficult to reorganize, despite the numerous attempts 
from 1949 to 1952 to break them up into smaller production units. The tiny 
salaries given to prisoners, generally a few hundred rubles per year (fifteen to 
twenty times less than the pay of a free worker), were an inadequate stimulus 
to increased productivity. More and more prisoners were downing tools, refus- 
ing to work, and forming organized groups that required ever-closer surveil- 
lance. Regardless of whether they were better paid or guarded more closely, all 
prisoners, both those who cooperated with the authorities and those who pre- 
ferred to show solidarity with the other strikers, began to cost more and more 
in economic terms, 

All the information available from the inspection reports of 1951 and 1952 
points in the same direction: The gulags had become a much harder mechanism 
to control. All the large-scale Stalinist projects that were being built with largely 
penal manpower, including the hydroelectric power stations in Kuibyshev and 
Stalingrad, the Turkmenistan canal, and the Volga-Don canal, fell considerably 
behind schedule. To speed up work, the authorities were forced to bring in a 
large number of additional free workers, and to grant early release to a number 
of prisoners in an attempt to motivate the others. 19 

The Gulag crisis sheds new light on the amnesty of 1.2 million prisoners 
decreed by Beria scarcely three weeks after Stalin's death, on 27 March 1953. 
Certainly, political reasons alone could not have motivated Stalin's potential 
successors to unite in proclaiming a partial amnesty. All were aware of the 
immense difficulty of managing the overcrowded and unprofitable gulags. Yet 
at the very moment when all the penal authorities were asking for a reduction 
in the number of prisoners, Stalin, who was suffering increasingly from para- 
noia in his old age, was preparing a second Great Terror. Such contradictions 
abounded in the last, most troubled period of the Stalinist regime. 


The Last Conspiracy 

n 13 January 1953, Pravda announced the purported discovery 
of a plot by a "terrorist group of doctors" consisting of first nine and then 
fifteen famous physicians, more than half of whom were Jewish. They were 
accused of having abused their high positions in the Kremlin to shorten the 
lives of Andrei Zhdanov (a member of the Politburo who had died in 1948) and 
Aleksandr Shcherbakov (who had died in 1950) and of having attempted to 
assassinate several Soviet military officers at the behest of American intelli- 
gence services and a Jewish charitable organization, the American Joint Distri- 
bution Committee. While the woman who denounced the plot, Dr. Lydia 
Timashuk, was solemnly awarded the Order of Lenin, the accused were inter- 
rogated and forced to "confess." As in 1936-1938, thousands of meetings were 
held to call for the punishment of the guilty and to demand further inquiries 
and a return to old-fashioned Bolshevik vigilance. In the weeks following the 
announced discovery of the "Doctors' Plot," a huge press campaign reestab- 
lished the climate that had prevailed during the Great Terror, with demands 
that "criminal negligence within the Party ranks be definitively stamped out, 
and all saboteurs punished." The idea of a huge conspiracy among intellectu- 
als, Jews, soldiers, industrial managers, senior Party officials, and leading rep- 
resentatives from the non-Russian republics began to take hold, recalling the 
worst years of the Ezhovshchina. 

The Last Conspiracy 

Documents relating to this affair, which are now available for the first time, 
confirm that the Doctors' Plot was a decisive moment in the history of postwar 
Stalinism. 1 It marked both the peak of the "anticosmopolitan" (that is, an- 
tisemitic) campaign that had begun in 1949 (and whose first stirrings can be 
traced back to 1946-47) and the beginning of a new general purge, a new Great 
Terror that was halted only by Stalin's death, a few weeks after the story of the 
conspiracy broke. A third factor of some importance was the power struggle 
among factions in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of State 
Security, which had been separated in 1946 and subjected to constant reorgani- 
zations ever since. 2 Splits within the secret police were a reflection of struggles 
at the very top of the hierarchy, where Stalin's potential heirs were constantly 
jockeying for position. One final troubling aspect of the affair was that eight 
years after public revelation of the horrors of the Nazi death camps, it allowed 
the deep-seated tsarist antisemitism, which the Bolsheviks had previously es- 
chewed, to resurface, thus demonstrating the confusion of the last years of 

The complexities of this affair, or rather of these several converging 
affairs, are not our concern here; it is enough to recall the major outlines of the 
plot. In 1942 the Soviet government, with a view to putting pressure on 
American Jews to force the US. government to open a second front against 
Germany as soon as possible, set up a Soviet Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, 
chaired by Solomon Mikhoels, the director of the famous Yiddish theater in 
Moscow. Hundreds of Jewish intellectuals were soon active in the movement, 
including the novelist llya Ehrenburg, the poets Samuel Marchak and Peretz 
Markish, the pianist Emil Guilds, the writer Vasily Grossman, and the physi- 
cist Pyotr Kapitza, the father of the Soviet nuclear bomb. The committee soon 
outgrew its original purpose as an official propaganda machine and became 
instead a genuine center for Jewish solidarity, and also a representative body for 
Soviet Jewry. In February 1944 the leaders of the committee— Mikhoels, Isaac 
Fefer, and Grigory Epstein— sent Stalin a letter proposing the creation of an 
autonomous Jewish republic in the Crimea to replace the largely unsuccessful 
national Jewish state of Birobidzhan established in the 1930s. During the 
previous decade fewer than 40,000 Jews had moved to this distant, forgotten 
region of deserts and marshes in extreme eastern Siberia, on the borders of 
China. 1 

The committee also dedicated itself to collecting statements about Nazi 
massacres of Jews and any "abnormal events concerning Jews," a euphemism 
for any antisemitic behavior noted in the population. There were a considerable 
number of such "events." Antisemitic traditions were still strong in Ukraine 
and in certain western regions of Russia, notably in the ancient "pale of 
settlements" of the Russian empire, where Jews had been authorized to live by 




A State against Its People 

the tsarist authorities. The first defeats of the Red Army revealed how wide- 
spread antisemitism actually was among the population. NKVD reports about 
attitudes of the population revealed that many people had responded positively 
to Nazi propaganda claiming that the Germans were fighting only Communists 
and Jews. In regions that had been occupied by the Germans, and particularly 
in Ukraine, the open massacre of Jews met with little resistance from the local 
population. The Germans recruited more than 80,000 troops in Ukraine, and 
some of these definitely participated in the massacre of Jews. To counter Nazi 
propaganda and to mobilize the whole of the country around the theme of the 
struggle for survival of the whole Soviet people, Bolshevik ideology was initially 
quite resistant to the specific nature of the Holocaust. It was against this 
backdrop that first anti-Zionism and then official antisemitism began to flour- 
ish. Antisemitism was particularly virulent in the Agitprop (Agitation and 
Propaganda) Department of the Central Committee. As early as August 1942 
that body sent out an internal memorandum regarding "the dominant role 
played by Jews in artistic, literary, and journalistic milieus." 

The activism of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee was soon a cause of 
concern to the authorities. In early 1945 the Jewish poet Peretz Markish was 
forbidden to publish. The appearance of the Black Book about Nazi atrocities 
against Jews was canceled on the pretext that "the central argument of the 
whole book is the idea that the Germans made war on the US.S.R. only as an 
attempt to wipe out the Jews." On 12 October 1946, Viktor Abakumov, the 
minister of state security, sent a note to the Central Committee about "the 
nationalist tendencies of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee." 4 Because Stalin 
sought to follow a foreign policy favorable to the establishment of the state of 
Israel, he did not react immediately. Only after the US.S.R. had voted at the 
United Nations to partition Palestine, on 29 November 1947, was Abakumov 
given a free hand to liquidate the committee. 

On 19 December 1947 several of the committee's members were arrested. 
On 13 January 1948 Solomon Mikhoels was found murdered in Minsk; accord- 
ing to the official version of events, he had been in an auto accident. On 
21 November 1948 the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee was broken up on the 
pretext that it had become a "center for anti-Soviet propaganda," and its 
various publications, including the notable Yiddish journal Einikait, were 
banned.'' In the following weeks the remaining members of the committee were 
arrested, and in February 1949 the vast "anticosmopolitan" campaign began in 
the press. Jewish theater critics were denounced for their inability to under- 
stand the Russian national character: "What vision can a [Abram] Gurvich 
or a Qosif] Yuzovsky possibly have of the national character of Russian So- 
viet men?" asked Pravda on 2 February 1949. Hundreds of Jewish intellectuals 

The Last Conspiracy 


were arrested, notably in Moscow and Leningrad, in the first few months of 

A revealing document from this period, a decree from the Judicial Colle- 
gium of the Leningrad Court, dated 7 July 1949 and recently published in Neva 
magazine, condemned Achille Grigorevich Leniton, Ilya Zeilkovich Serman, 
and Rulf Alexandrovna Zevina to ten years in the camps for several alleged 
crimes, most significantly for "having criticized in an anti-Soviet manner the 
resolution of the Central Committee regarding the magazines Zvezda and 
Leningrad . . . for interpreting Marx's opinions on international affairs in a 
counterrevolutionary manner, for praising cosmopolitan writers . . . and for 
spreading lies about Soviet government policy regarding the question of na- 
tionality." After an appeal the sentence was increased to twenty-five years by 
the Judicial Collegium of the Supreme Court, which justified its verdict as 
follows: "The sentence passed by the Leningrad Court failed to take account 
of the gravity of the offenses committed . . . The accused had been involved 
in counterrevolutionary activities, using nationalist prejudices to proclaim the 
superiority of one nation over the other nations of the Soviet Union "^ 

Thereafter Jews were systematically removed from all positions of author- 
ity in the arts and the media, in journalism and publishing, and in medicine 
and many other professions. Arrests became more and more common, striking 
all sorts of milieus, A group of "engineer saboteurs" in the metallurgy complex 
in Stalino, almost all of whom were Jewish, were sentenced to death and 
executed on 12 August 1952. Paulina Zhemchuzhina, Molotov's Jewish wife, 
who was a top manager in the textile industry, was arrested on 21 January 1949 
for "losing documents containing state secrets" and was sent to a camp for five 
years. The wife of Stalin's personal secretary Aleksandr Poskrebyshev, who was 
also Jewish, was accused of espionage and shot in July 1952. 7 Both Molotov 
and Poskrebyshev continued to serve Stalin as though nothing had happened. 
Despite this widespread antisemitism, preparations for the trial of the 
Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee dragged on for a long time. The trial did not 
begin, in camera, until May 1952, more than two and a half years after the arrest 
of the accused. The incomplete documentary evidence now available suggests 
two possible reasons for the exceptionally long period of preparation. One is 
that Stalin was then orchestrating in great secrecy the "Leningrad Affair," an 
important case that together with the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee matter 
was to form one of the cornerstones of the great final purge. The other is that 
Stalin was concurrently involved in completely reorganizing the security serv- 
ices. Abakumov's arrest in July 1951 proved to be the central episode in this 
reorganization. This action was directed against the powerful Lavrenti Beria, 
the longtime head of the secret police and a member of the Politburo. Thus 


A State against Its People 

the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee affair was at the heart of a power struggle, 
and was also to form a keystone in the series of arguments that were to result 
in the Doctors' Plot and lead to a second Great Terror. 

Of all these purported activities, the Leningrad Affair, which led to the secret 
executions of the main leaders of the Soviet Communist Party's second-most- 
important branch organization, is still by far the most mysterious. Stalin had 
always been suspicious of the city. On 15 February 1949 the Politburo adopted 
a resolution "on the anti-Party activities of [Nikolai] Kuznetsov, [M. [.] 
Rodionov, and [Pyotr] Popkov," three high-ranking Party officials. The three 
were immediately forced to resign, as were Ivan Voznesensky, the president of 
Gosplan, the state planning department, and most of the members of Lenin- 
grad's Party apparatus. In August-September 1949 all these officials were 
arrested and accused of having attempted to establish an "anti-Party" group 
with the help of American intelligence services. Abakumov then launched a 
witch-hunt for anyone who had once been a member of the Party in Leningrad 
but had since moved to another city or republic. Hundreds of Communists in 
Leningrad were arrested, and about 2,000 were hounded out of the Party and 
deprived of their jobs. The repression had some strange twists, striking the city 
itself as a historical entity. In August 1949 the authorities decided to close the 
Museum of the Defense of Leningrad, which was a reminder of the heroism 
of the city during the siege of the Great Patriotic War. A few months later 
Mikhail Suslov, a high-ranking CPSU official responsible for ideological af- 
fairs, was instructed by the Central Committee to form a commission for the 
liquidation of the museum. This commission functioned until the end of 
February 1953. 8 

The accused in the Leningrad Affair— Kuznetsov, Rodionov, Popkov, 
Voznesensky, Ya. F. Kapustin, and P. G. Lazutin— were judged in camera on 
30 September 1950 and executed the following day, one hour after the verdict 
was announced. The entire business was shrouded in secrecy; nobody was 
informed of it, not even the daughter of one of the principal suspects, who was 
the daughter-in-law of Anastas Mikoyan, the Soviet trade minister and a mem- 
ber of the CPSU Politburo. In October 1950 other travesties of justice con- 
demned to death dozens of Party leaders who had belonged to the Leningrad 
organization: K. Soloviev, first secretary of the Crimean regional committee; 
Aleksei Badaev, second secretary of the Leningrad regional committee; Verbit- 
sky, second secretary of the Murmansk regional committee; M. V. Basov, first 
deputy chairman of the Russian Council of Ministers; and many others. 4 

It is not yet clear whether this purge of the Leningrad Party organization 
was a simple settling of scores between factions of the Party apparatus or 
another link in a whole chain of affairs, stretching from the liquidation of the 

The Last Conspiracy 


Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee to the Doctors 1 Plot, and including the arrest 
of Abakumov and the Mingrelian nationalist plot. This second hypothesis is 
perhaps the more probable. The Leningrad Affair was without doubt a sig- 
nificant stage in the preparation of a great purge, for which the public signal 
was given on 13 January 1953. In quite significant fashion, the crimes of which 
the fallen Leningrad leaders were accused were strongly reminiscent of the 
dark years of 1936-1938. At the first plenary meeting of Leningrad Party 
cadres in October 1949, Andrei Andrianov, the new first secretary, announced 
to the startled audience that the previous leaders had been found to have 
published Trotskyite and Zinovievite literature: "In documents published by 
these people, they were surreptitiously passing on the opinions of some of the 
worst enemies of the people, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Trotsky, and others." Beyond 
the grotesqueness of the accusation, the message was clear for Party cadres. A 
new 1937 was indeed beginning. 10 

After the execution of the principal suspects in the Leningrad Affair in 
October 1950, there was much maneuvering and countermaneuvcring within 
the security services and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Having become 
suspicious of Beria himself, Stalin invented a fictitious Mingrelian nationalist 
plot whose aim was supposedly to join Mingrelia, the region in Georgia where 
Beria got his start, to Turkey. Beria was thus forced to lead a purge within the 
Georgian Communist Party 11 In October 1951 Stalin dealt Beria another blow 
by having a group of elderly Jewish cadres in the security forces and the 
judiciary arrested, including Lt. Colonel Naum Eitingon, who under Beria's 
orders had organized Trotsky's assassination; General Leonid Raikhman, who 
had taken part in setting up the Moscow trials; Colonel Lev Shvartzman, the 
torturer of Babel and Meyerhold; and Lev Sheinin, the examining magistrate 
who had been Vyshinskys righthand man during the Moscow show-trials of 
1936-1938. All were accused of organizing a huge Jewish nationalist plot, led 
by Abakumov, the minister of state security and Beria's principal assistant. 

Abakumov had been secretly arrested a few months earlier, on 12 July 
1951. He was first accused of having deliberately killed Jacob Etinger, a well- 
known Jewish doctor who had been arrested in November 1950 and had died 
in custody shortly afterward. It was claimed that by "eliminating" Etinger, who 
in his long career had looked after Sergei Kirov, Sergo Ordzhonikidze, Marshal 
Tukhachevsky, Palmiro Togliatti, Tito, and Georgi Dimitrov, Abakumov had 
ensured that "a criminal group of nationalist Jews who had infiltrated the 
highest levels of the Ministry of State Security would not be unmasked." A 
few months later it was claimed that Abakumov himself was the brains behind 
the whole nationalist Jewish plot. Abakumov's arrest in July 1951 thus consti- 
tuted a vital link in the formulation of a vast "Judeo-Zionist plot," and provided 
the transition between the still-secret liquidation of the Jewish Anti-Fascist 


A State against Its People 

Committee and the Doctors' Plot, which was to be the public signal for the 
beginning of a new purge. One can therefore conclude that it was during the 
summer of 1951, and not at the end of 1952, that the scenario began to take 
shape. 12 

The secret trial of the members of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee 
lasted from 1 1 to 15 July 1952. Thirteen of the accused were sentenced to death 
and executed on 12 August 1952 along with ten other Engineer saboteurs," all 
Jewish, from the Stalin automobile factory. In all, the Jewish Anti-Fascist 
Committee affair led to 125 sentences, including 25 death sentences, which 
were carried out immediately, and 100 camp sentences of between ten and 
twenty-five years. 11 

By September 1952 the scenario for the Judeo-Zionist conspiracy was 
ready, but it was not put into action until after the Nineteenth Party Congress, 
in October (thirteen and a half years after the Eighteenth Congress). As soon 
as the Congress adjourned, most of the Jewish doctors who were to be accused 
in the Doctors' Plot were arrested, imprisoned, and tortured. These arrests, 
which were kept secret for some time, coincided with the trial of Rudolf 
Slansky, the former general secretary of the Czechoslovak Communist Party, 
and of thirteen other Czechoslovak Communist leaders, which began in Prague 
on 22 November 1952. Eleven of them were condemned to death and hanged. 
One of the peculiarities of that travesty, which was organized in its entirety by- 
Soviet advisers from the secret police, was its openly antisemitic character 
Eleven of the fourteen accused were Jewish, and the charge was that they had 
set up a "Trotskyite-Titoist-Zionist terrorist group." Preparations for the trials 
included a witch-hunt for Jews in all the Eastern European Communist parties. 

The day after the execution of eleven of the accused in the Slansky trial, 
Stalin forced the Presidium of the CPSU Centra] Committee to vote for a 
resolution titled "On the Present Situation at the Ministry of State Security," 
which ordered a "tightening of discipline within the state security organs." The 
ministry itself was brought under the spotlight: supposedly it had been too lax, 
shown a lack of vigilance, and allowed "saboteur doctors" to operate with 
impunity. A further step had thus been taken. Stalin's intention, clearly, was to 
use the Doctors' Plot against both the Security Ministry and Beria himself 
And Beria, who was himself a specialist in such affairs, must have been well 
aware of the implications of what he could see. 

What exactly happened in the weeks leading up to Stalin's death is still 
largely unknown. Preparations for the interrogation and trial of the doctors 
who had been arrested continued behind the scenes as an official campaign 
gathered momentum for a "reinforcement of Bolshevik vigilance," a "struggle 
against all forms of complacency," and exemplary punishments for the "cos- 

The Last Conspiracy 


mopolitan assassins." Each day more arrests widened the scope of the "con- 

On 19 February 1953 Ivan Maisky, a deputy minister of foreign affairs 
and one of Molotov's chief aides, who had previously been Soviet ambassador 
in London, was arrested. After relentless interrogation he "confessed" that he 
had been recruited as a British spy by Winston Churchill, together with Alek- 
sandra Kollontai, a grand figure in the history of Bolshevism, who had been 
one of the leaders of the Workers' Opposition in 1921 and who until the end 
of World War II had been the Soviet ambassador in Stockholm. 14 

Despite the sensational progress that was made in "uncovering" the con- 
spiracy from its beginning on 13 January to Stalin's death on 5 March, it is 
noteworthy that unlike during the years 1936-1938, none of the other leaders 
of the regime came forward in public and openly endorsed the investigation of 
the affair. According to testimony from Nikolai Bulganin in 1970, Stalin was 
the main inspiration and orchestrator of the Doctors' Plot, and only four of 
the other top leaders actually knew what was going on: Georgy Malenkov, 
Mikhail Suslov, Martemyam Ryumin, and Sergei Ignatiev. Accordingly, every- 
one else must have felt under threat. Bulganin also claimed that the trial of the 
Jewish doctors was to have opened in mid-March, and was to have been 
concluded with the massive deportation of Soviet Jews to Birobidzhan. 15 Given 
the current state of knowledge and the continued lack of access to the Russian 
Presidential Archive, where the most secret and sensitive files are kept, it is 
impossible to know with certainty whether plans were really afoot for a large- 
scale deportation of Jews in early 1953. One thing alone is certain: Stalin's 
death finally put an end to the list of the millions of victims who suffered under 
his dictatorship. 


The Exit from Stalinism 

Otalin's death, coming in the middle of the Soviet Union's seven 
decades of existence, marked a decisive stage. Although it was not the end of 
the system, it was at least the end of an era. As Francois Furet wrote, the death 
of the Supreme Leader revealed "the paradox of a system that was supposedly 
part of the laws of social development, but in which everything actuallv de- 
pended on one man, so much so that when he died, it seemed that the system 
had lost something essential to its continued existence." One of the major 
components of this "something essential" was the high level of inhuman re- 
pression by the state against the people in a number of different forms. 

For Stalin's main collaborators, including Malenkov, Molotov, Voroshilov, 
Mikoyan, Kaganovich, Khrushchev, Bulganin, and Beria, the political problem 
posed by Stalin's death was extremely complex. They had at once to assure the 
continuity of the system, divide up responsibilities, and find some sort of 
equilibrium between individual dominance — however attenuated — by any one 
of their number and collective rule, which would take account of all their 
ambitions and skills. They also promptly had to introduce a number of major 
changes, about which there was considerable agreement. 

The difficulty of combining these diverse objectives accounts for the 
extremely slow and tortuous process that started with Stalin's death and cul- 

The Exit from Stalinism 

minated in the elimination of the threat posed by Beria, who was arrested on 
26 June 1953. 

The shorthand reports that are now available of the plenary sessions of 
the Central Committee on 5 March 1953 (the day of Stalin's death) and again 
from 2 to 7 July 1953 (after the elimination of Beria) help explain why the 
Soviet leaders began this "exit from Stalinism" that Nikita Khrushchev was to 
transform into "de-Stalinization." 1 The process would have its high points at 
the Twentieth Congress of the Soviet Communist Party in February 1956 and 
the Twenty-second Congress in October 1961. 

One impetus for the move away from Stalinism was quite simply a defense 
mechanism, an instinct for survival. During the last few months of Stalin's 
reign, almost all the top leaders had become aware of how vulnerable they 
actually were. No one had been safe — not Voroshilov, who had been accused of 
being an agent for foreign intelligence services; nor Molotov and Mikoyan, who 
had been removed from the Presidium of the Central Committee, nor Beria, 
who had been under threat from intrigues at the heart of the security services 
orchestrated by Stalin himself. Further down the hierarchy, the bureaucratic 
elites that had been regrouping since the war also feared and ultimately rejected 
the Terrorist aspects of the regime. The omnipotence of the secret police was 
the last obstacle to their enjoying a stable career. What had to be dismantled, 
as Martin Malia has phrased it, was "the mechanism set up by Stalin for his 
own private use" to ensure that no single figure would be able to advance further 
than his colleagues and political rivals. Rather than differences of opinion about 
the reforms that had to be undertaken, what really mobilized Stalin's heirs to 
turn against Beria was the fear of seeing another dictator come to power. Beria 
appeared to be the most powerful figure because he had the whole state security 
apparatus and the Ministry of Internal Affairs at his disposal. The lesson was 
quite obvious to all concerned: the apparatus of repression should never again 
"escape the control of the Party" and be allowed to become the weapon of a 
single individual and thus threaten the political oligarchy. 

The second and more profound reason for the change was the realization 
shared by all the main leaders, from Khrushchev to Malenkov, that economic 
and social reform was now of prime necessity. The exclusively repressive 
management of the economy, based on the authoritarian control of almost all 
agricultural production, the criminalization of various forms of behavior, and 
the atrophying Gulag system, had resulted in a serious economic crisis and 
social stagnation that rendered impossible any increase in labor productivity. 
The economic model put into place in the 1930s against the will of the vast 
majority of the people had brought the results described above and was now 
perceived to be outdated. 




A State against Its People 

The third reason for change was the struggle for power itself, which led 
to a constant raising of the stakes among the politicians. It was Nikita Khrush- 
chev, who for reasons that will not be detailed here (suffice it to say that he was 
able to confront his own Stalinist past, seemed to feel genuine remorse, was a 
skillful politician and a great populist with a real belief in a better future, and 
had the will to return to what he considered to be a legitimately socialist 
position), went further than his colleagues in aiming for a slow and gradual 
process of de-Stalinization, not only in the political arena but also in the 
day-to-day lives of the people. 

What were the principal steps of this movement in dismantling the re- 
pressive machinery? In the space of a few years the Soviet Union changed from 
a country with an extremely high level of legal and extralegal repression into 
an authoritarian police state, where for more than a generation the memory of 
the terror was one of the most effective guarantees of post-Stalinist order. 

Less than two weeks after Stalin's death, the gulag system was completely 
reorganized and brought under the authority of the Ministry of Justice. Its 
economic infrastructure was immediately transferred to the relevant industrial 
ministries. Even more spectacular than these administrative changes, which 
demonstrated clearly that the Ministry of Internal Affairs was losing its place 
as the most powerful ministry, was the announcement, in Pravda on 28 March 
1953, of a large amnesty. By virtue of a decree promulgated by the Presidium 
of the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R. the previous day and signed by its 
president, Voroshilov, the following were granted amnesty: 

Anyone sentenced to less than five years 

Anyone sentenced for lying, economic crimes, and abuses of power 
Pregnant women and mothers with children under age ten, minors, men 
over fifty-five, and women over fifty 

In addition, the amnesty provided for the halving of all other sentences except 
those handed out for counterrevolutionary activities, grand theft, banditry, and 
premeditated murder. 

In a few weeks about 1.2 million prisoners — nearly half the population of 
the camps and penal colonies — were released from the gulags. Many of them 
were small-time criminals sentenced for petty theft; still more were simple 
citizens who had been convicted under one of the innumerable repressive laws 
that governed every sphere of activity, from "leaving the workplace" to "break- 
ing the law regarding internal passports." This partial amnesty, which notably 
excluded political prisoners and special deportees, reflected in its very ambigu- 
ity the still ill-defined changes that were afoot. The spring of 1953, a time of 
tortuous reasoning, was also a time of intense power struggles when even 

The Exit from Stalinism 


Lavrenti Beria, the first deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers and 
minister of internal affairs, seemed to be turning into a great reformer. 

What considerations dictated such a large amnesty? According to Amy 
Knight, the biographer of Beria, the amnesty of 27 March 1953, which was 
adopted at the behest of the minister of internal affairs himself, was part of a 
series of political measures indicating a new, liberal direction in the thinking 
of Beria, who, like the others, was involved in the power struggle after Stalin's 
death and was thus also caught up in the spiral of rising political stakes. To 
justify the amnesty, Beria had sent a note to the Presidium of the Central 
Committee on 24 March in which he explained that of the 2,526,402 prisoners 
in the gulags, only 221,435 were "particularly dangerous criminals," and that 
most of those were kept in special camps. In an astonishing admission, he noted 
that an overwhelming share of prisoners posed no threat to the state. A large 
amnesty was therefore desirable to free up a penal system that was both over- 
crowded and intrinsically unwieldy. 2 

The issue of the increasing difficulty of managing the gulags was regularly 
raised in the early 1950s. The crisis in the camps, which was widely acknowl- 
edged before Stalin's death, puts the amnesty of 27 March in a new light. 
Economic as well as political reasons induced the potential successors of Stalin 
to proclaim a large but partial amnesty. They were aware that the gulags were 
overcrowded and totally inefficient. 

Here, as elsewhere, no radical measures could be taken so long as Stalin 
was still alive. As the historian Moshe Lewin once noted so aptly, everything 
was "mummified" in the last years of the dictatorship. 

Even after Stalin's death, of course, not everything was possible. The 
principal victims of the system's arbitrary nature — the political prisoners con- 
demned for counterrevolutionary activities — failed to benefit from the amnesty. 
The exclusion of political prisoners from the amnesty sparked a number of 
riots and revolts among prisoners in the special gulag camps and in the Rechlag 
and Steplag. 1 

On 4 April it was announced in Pravda that the conspirators of the 
Doctors' Plot had themselves been the victims of a miscarriage of justice, and 
that their confessions had been extracted "by illegitimate means of interroga- 
tion," which everyone understood to mean torture. The importance of this 
acknowledgment was amplified further by a resolution adopted by the Central 
Committee a few days later u on legal violations by the state security forces." It 
emerged clearly that the Doctors' Plot had not been an isolated incident, and 
that for some years the security forces had been abusing their powers and had 
been involved in illegal activities. The Party claimed that it was now rejecting 
these methods and clamping down on the excessive powers of the police. The 
hope engendered by these statements immediately elicited an enormous re- 


A State against Its People 

sponse, and the courts were swamped by hundreds of thousands of demands 
for rehabilitation. Prisoners, particularly those in the special camps, were ex- 
asperated by the limited and selective nature of the amnesty of 27 March. They 
were well aware of the turmoil among the guards and the systemwide crisis, 
and they simply turned on the guards and commanders, refusing to work or to 
obey orders. On 14 May 1953 more than 14,000 prisoners from different 
sections of the Norilsk penitentiary organized a strike and formed committees 
composed of delegates elected from various national groups, in which Ukraini- 
ans and people from the Baltic states played key roles. The main demands of 
the prisoners were a reduction of the working day to nine hours, the elimination 
of labels on their clothes, an end to restrictions on communication with their 
families, the removal of all informers, and an extension of the amnesty to 
include political prisoners. 

The official announcement on 10 July 1953 of the arrest of Beria, who 
was accused of being an English spy and an avowed enemy of the people, 
confirmed the prisoners' impression that something had indeed changed in 
Moscow and made them even more forceful in their demands. The strike 
became increasingly widespread; on 14 July more than 12,000 prisoners from 
the Vorkuta prison complex also went on strike. One sure sign that things had 
changed was that the authorities began to negotiate with the prisoners, repeat- 
edly postponing an attack. 

Unrest was endemic in the special camps from the summer of 1953 until 
the Twentieth Party Congress in February 1956. The largest and most sus- 
tained revolt broke out in May 1954, in the third section of the Steplag prison 
complex in Kengir, near Karaganda in Kazakhstan. It went on for forty days 
and was put down only after special troops from the Internal Affairs Ministry 
had surrounded the camp with tanks. About 400 prisoners were arrested and 
resentenced, and the six surviving members of the commission that had led the 
resistance were executed. 

Another sign that things had genuinely changed with the death of Stalin 
was the fact that some of the demands made by the striking prisoners in 1953 
and 1954 were actually met; the working day was indeed reduced to nine hours, 
and other significant improvements in the quality of life for prisoners were 

In 1954-55 the government took a series of measures that significant!) 
altered the enormous power of the state security forces, which had been totally 
reorganized in the aftermath of Beria's arrest. The troiki — the special courts 
that judged all cases handled by the secret police — were abolished altogether. 
The secret police were reorganized into an autonomous entity, renamed the 
Komitet Gosudarstvennoi Bezopasnosti (the Committee for State Security, or 
KGB), purged of one-fifth of all personnel who had worked there before 

The Exit from Stalinism 


Stalin's death, and placed under the authority of General Ivan Serov, whose 
achievements included oversight of the deportation of various ethnic groups 
during the war. An associate of Nikita Khrushchev, Serov embodied many of 
the ambiguities of a transitional period in which previous leaders were still in 
positions of authority. The government decreed more partial amnesties, the 
most important of which, in September 1955, freed everyone who had been 
sentenced in 1945 for "collaborating with the enemy," as well as the remaining 
German prisoners of war. Finally, several measures benefited the "specially 
displaced," who were henceforth allowed to move around more freely, and no 
longer required to register quite so regularly at the local komandatury. Follow- 
ing high-level German-Soviet negotiations, German deportees, who repre- 
sented 40 percent of those held in special colonies (more than 1,000,000 out of 
approximately 2,750,000), were the first to benefit in September 1955 from the 
easing of restrictions. However, the wording of the new laws made it clear that 
the lifting of judicial restrictions and the changes in professional status and 
residency requirements would not lead to "the return of confiscated goods or 
a right to return to the place from which the 'specially displaced' had origi- 

These restrictions were a significant part of the partial and gradual process 
that came to be known as de-Stalinization. Carried out under the direction of 
a Stalinist, Nikita Khrushchev (who, like all the other leaders of his generation, 
had played a major role in the worst acts of repression, such as dekulakization, 
purges, deportations, and executions), de-Stalinization could afford to con- 
demn only certain excesses of the "cult of personality." In his "Secret Speech" 
to the Soviet delegates at the Twentieth Party Congress on 24 February 1956, 
Khrushchev was extremely selective in his condemnation of Stalinism and did 
not call into question any of the major decisions taken by the Party since 1917. 
This selectivity was also apparent in the chronology of the Stalinist "devia- 
tion " Because this deviation supposedly began in 1934, it excluded the crimes 
of collectivization and the famine of 1932-33. The selectivity was also apparent 
in the choice of victims, who were all Communists and had generally followed 
the Stalinist line; they were never ordinary citizens. By restricting the list of 
victims of oppression to Communists who had suffered at Stalin's hand, and 
by focusing solely on historical episodes that happened after the assassination 
of Kirov, the Secret Speech evaded the central question of the collective 
responsibility of the Party toward society since 1917. 

The Secret Speech was followed by a series of concrete measures to 
complete the limited steps that had already been taken. In March and April 
1956 decrees were issued in regard to "specially displaced" persons from ethnic 
groups that had been punished for supposedly collaborating with Nazi Ger- 
many and deported in 1943-1945. These people, according to the decrees, were 

256 A State against Its People 

"no longer to be subject to administrative surveillance by the Internal Affairs 
Ministry." There was, however, no restoration of their confiscated goods, nor 
were they allowed to return home. These half-measures were met with consid^ 
erable anger; many deportees refused to sign statements requiring them to 
abandon all claims for compensation, the restoration of their goods, and the 
right to return home. Faced with a remarkable shift in the political climate and 
the popular mood, the Soviet government made new concessions. On 9 January 
1957 the government once again recognized the republics and autonomous 
regions of the deported peoples, which had been abolished in the immediate 
aftermath of the war. Only the autonomous republic of the Tatars in the 
Crimea was not reinstated. 

For more than three decades the Crimean Tatars struggled for their right 
to return home. From 1957 on, the Karachai, Kalmyks, Balkars, Chechens, and 
Ingush slowly began to return by the tens of thousands. Nothing was made 
easy for them by the authorities. Numerous disputes broke out between deport- 
ees trying to move back into their former homes and the Russian colonists who 
had been brought there from neighboring regions in 1945. Having no proptski- - 
licenses from the local police granting the right to live in a given place — the 
returning deportees were again forced to live in shantytowns, encampments, 
and other temporary housing, under the permanent threat of arrest for failing 
to comply with passport laws (an offense that brought two years' imprison- 
ment). In July 1958 the Chechen capital, Grozny, was the scene of bloody 
confrontations between Russians and Chechens. An uneasy peace was estab- 
lished only after the authorities freed up funds to build accommodations for 
the former deportees. 5 

Officially, the category of "specially displaced' 1 existed until January I960. 
The last deportees to be freed from this pariah status were Ukrainians and 
people from the Baltic states. Faced with the prospect of more administrative 
obstacles to their return, more than half of the Ukrainians and Baltic peoples 
settled in the places to which they had been deported. 

In 1954—55 90,000 "counterrevolutionaries" were released from the gu- 
lags; in 1956-57, after the Twentieth Congress, nearly 310,000 were freed. On 
1 January 1959 only 11,000 political prisoners remained in the camps.'' To 
expedite the release of prisoners, more than 200 special review commissions 
were sent into the camps, and several amnesties were decreed. Liberation, 
however, was not synonymous with rehabilitation. In 1956 and 1957 fewer than 
60,000 people received any sort of pardon. The vast majority had to wait for 
years, and sometimes decades, before obtaining a certificate of rehabilitation. 
Nevertheless, the year 1956 remained engraved in popular memory as the year 
of the return, admirably described by Vasily Grossman in his novel All Things 
Pass. This great return, which took place in almost total silence as far as official 

The Exit from Stalinism 


pronouncements were concerned, together with the realization that for millions 
no return would ever be possible, threw many people into deep confusion and 
began a vast social and moral trauma, a tragic confrontation in a divided society. 
As Lidia Chukovskaya wrote, "two Russias looked each other in the eye: the 
one who had imprisoned, and the one who had been imprisoned." Faced with 
such a situation, the initial response of the authorities was not to accede to the 
demands of any individual or group regarding the prosecution of officials who 
had broken socialist law or used any illegal methods of investigation during the 
"cult of personality. 11 The only means of appeal were the Party control com- 
missions. The political authorities sent instructions to the courts regarding 
pardons, making it clear that the first priorities were Party members and 
soldiers. There were no purges. 

After the release of political prisoners, the post-Stalin gulags saw the 
number of inmates dwindle, before stabilizing in the late 1950s and early 1960s 
at around 900,000 prisoners: a core of 300,000 common criminals and repeat 
offenders serving long sentences and 600,000 petty criminals who had been 
sentenced in accordance with laws requiring prison terms quite out of propor- 
tion to the offense committed. The pioneering role played by the gulags in 
colonization and in exploitation of the natural and mineral wealth of the far 
north and east began to fade, and the huge Stalinist prisons were slowly broken 
up into smaller units. The geography of the gulags changed, too. Most camps 
were again established in the European part of the U.S.S.R. Confinement in 
the post-Stalin era took on the more conventional purpose that it has in other 
societies, although it retained features that distinguished it from the normal 
legal system. Various groups were sporadically added to the common criminals 
in accordance with whatever crackdown was in force at the time — on alcohol- 
ism, vandalism, "parasitism" — and a few (several hundred each year) were 
sentenced under Articles 70 and 190 of the new penal code, adopted in 1960. 

These commutations and amnesties were completed by some major 
changes in penal legislation. Among the first reforms was the law of 25 April 
1956, which abolished the 1940 law forbidding workers to leave the workplace. 
This first step in the decriminalization of the labor laws was followed by several 
other partial measures, which were systematized with the adoption of new 
"Foundations of Penal Law 11 on 25 December 1958. The new laws did away 
with several key terms from earlier penal codes, including "enemy of the 
people" and "counterrevolutionary crimes." The age of legal responsibility was 
raised from fourteen to sixteen; the use of violence and torture to extract 
confessions was outlawed; people accused of crimes were to be present at all 
stages of the inquiry and were entitled to a lawyer who was aware of the details 
of the case; and, with few exceptions, all trials were to be public. The penal 
code of 1960 did, however, retain several articles allowing for the punishment 


A State against Its People 

of any form of political or ideological deviancy. Under Article 70, anyone 
a caught spreading anti-Soviet propaganda ... in the form of mendacious 
assertions denigrating the state" could be given a sentence of six months to 
seven years in the camps, followed by exile for two to five years. Article 190 
required a sentence of three years in the camps or in community-service work 
for any failure to denounce anti-Soviet behavior. During the 1960s and 1970s 
these two articles were widely used to punish political or ideological "deviancy." 
Ninety percent of the several hundred people sentenced each year for u anti- 
Sovietism" were found guilty under these two articles. 

During the political thaw, when the quality of life was clearly rising 
although memories of the oppression remained strong, active forms of debate 
or dissent remained rare. KGB reports noted 1 ,300 "opponents" in 1961 , 2,500 
in 1962, 4,500 in 1964, and 1,300 in 1965. 7 In the 1960s and 1970s three 
categories of citizens were the object of particularly close surveillance by the 
KGB: religious minorities (such as Catholics, Baptists, members of the Pente- 
costal Church, and Seventh-Day Adventists); national minorities who had been 
hardest hit by the Stalinist repressions (notably people from the Baltic states, 
Tatars from the Crimea, ethnic Germans, and Ukrainians from western 
Ukraine, where anti-Soviet resistance had been particularly strong); and the 
creative intelligentsia belonging to the dissident movement that grew up in the 

After a last anticlerical campaign, launched in 1957, which limited itself 
to closing several churches that had reopened since the war, the confrontation 
between the Orthodox Church and the state subsided into uneasy cohabitation. 
The attention of the KGB's special services was directed more toward religious 
minorities, who were often suspected of receiving assistance and support from 
abroad. A few numbers demonstrate that this was indeed a marginal concern: 
from 1973 to 1975, 1 16 Baptists were arrested; in 1984, 200 Baptists were either 
in prison or serving a sentence in a camp, and the average sentence was only 
one year. 

In western Ukraine, one of the regions most resistant to Sovieti/ation, a 
dozen or so nationalist groups in the OUN tradition were broken up in Tcr- 
nopil, Zaporizhzhia, Ivano-Frankivsk, and Lviv between 1961 and 1973. Sen- 
tences passed on the members of these groups generally amounted to five to 
ten years in prison. In Lithuania, another region that had been brutally brought 
to heel in the 1940s, local sources reveal that there were comparatively few 
arrests in the 1960s and 1970s. The murder of three Catholic priests under 
suspicious circumstances in 1981, in which it was almost certain that the KGB 
was involved, was, however, felt to be an act of intolerable provocation. 

Until the breakup of the U.S.S.R., the Crimean Tatars, who had been 
deported in 1944 and whose autonomous republic was never reinstated, re- 

The Exit from Stalinism 


mained a burdensome legacy of the Stalinist era. At the end of the 1950s the 
Crimean Tatars, most of whom had been settled in Central Asia, began a 
campaign (yet another sign that times really had changed) petitioning for their 
collective rehabilitation and for authorization to return to their homeland. In 
1966 a petition of 130,000 signatures was delivered by a Tatar delegation to the 
Twenty-third Party Congress. In September 1967 a decree from the Presidium 
of the Supreme Soviet annulled the charge of "collective treason." Three 
months later a new decree authorized the Tatars to settle in a location of their 
choice, provided they respected the passport laws, which required a legal 
document to work in any given place. Between 1967 and 1978 fewer than 15,000 
people — about 2 percent of the Tatar population — managed to comply with 
the passport law and return home. The Crimean Tatar movement was assisted 
by General Petro Grigorenko, who was arrested in May 1967 and sent to a 
psychiatric hospital, a form of imprisonment used for several dozen people 
each year in the 1970s. 

Most historians date the beginning of the dissident movement from the 
first big public trial of political prisoners in the post-Stalin era. In February 
1966 two writers, Andrei Sinyavsky and Yuri Daniel, were given sentences of 
seven and hc years respectively in a prison camp. On 5 December 1965, shortly 
after the arrest of the writers, a demonstration of about fifty people supporting 
them took place in Pushkin Square in Moscow. The dissidents, who in the 
1960s numbered a few hundred intellectuals, and who at the height of the 
movement a decade later numbered between 1,000 and 2,000, began a radically- 
different means of protest. Instead of arguing against the legality of the regime, 
they demanded a strict respect for Soviet laws, for the constitution, and for 
international agreements signed by the U.S.S.R. Dissident action followed the 
same line. They refused to be treated as an underground group, they were quite 
open about their structure and movements, and they made great use of pub- 
licity to advertise their actions by cooperating as often as possible with the 
international media. 

In the disproportionate struggle between a few hundred dissidents and 
the might of the Soviet state, the weight of international opinion was extremely 
important, particularly following the publication in the West in 1973 of Alek- 
sandr Solzhenitsyn's Gulag Archipelago (which was quickly followed by his 
expulsion from the Soviet Union). In the space of a few years, because of the 
actions of a tiny minority, the issue of human rights in the U.S.S.R. became a 
major international concern and the central subject of the Conference on 
Security and Cooperation in Europe, which culminated in the Helsinki Accords 
of 1975. The final document produced by the conference, which was signed by 
the U.S.S.R., strengthened the position of the dissidents. They organized 
committees to ensure that the Helsinki agreement was upheld in the cities in 


A State against Its People 

which they lived (Moscow, Leningrad, Kyiv, Vilnius, and so on) and to forward 
any information about human-rights violations. This information-gathering 
had already started under more difficult conditions in 1968, with the appear- 
ance every few months of an underground bulletin called the Chronicle of 
Current Events, which listed any violations of liberty or human rights. In this 
new context, human-rights violations in the U.S.S.R. swiftly came under inter- 
national scrutiny, and the secret police in particular were held in check. As 
opponents of the regime became recognized figures, their arrest could no longer 
pass unnoticed, and information about their fate could spread rapidly abroad. 
Significantly, patterns of police behavior were soon linked to the state of 
detente; arrests were more numerous in 1968-1972 and in 1979-1982 than in 
1973-1976. It is still impossible to calculate the number of people arrested for 
political reasons in the years 1960-1985. Dissident sources listed hundreds of 
arrests in the worst years; in 1970 the Chronicle of Current Events reported 106 
sentences, including 21 forcible incarcerations in psychiatric hospitals u as a 
security measure." In 1971 the figures in the Chronicle were 85 and 24, respec- 
tively. In 1979-1981, years of international confrontation, almost 500 people 
were arrested on similar charges. 

The phenomenon of dissidence was an expression of radical opposition 
reflecting a totally different conception of politics, one that counterposed indi- 
viduality to collectivity. But in a country in which the government had always 
been opposed to freedom of speech, and particularly to the free expression of 
opinions contrary to its own, such a phenomenon w r as unlikely to have a huge 
effect on society in general. The real change was elsewhere, in the many 
different spheres of cultural and social autonomy that developed in the 1960s 
and 1970s, and even more so in the 1980s, with the gradual realization by one 
part of the political elite that changes as radical as those of the 1950s were once 
again of prime importance. 



he preceding chapters do not pretend to offer any new revelations 
about the use of state violence in the U.S.S.R., or about the forms of oppres- 
sion exercised by the government during the first half of the Soviet regime's 
existence. Such things have been explored for some time now by historians who 
did not have to wait for the opening of the archives to see the development or 
scale of the terror. On the other hand, the opening of the archives does allow 
an account of the terror's chronological development and of its scale and 
various forms. Accordingly, the outline presented in the preceding pages con- 
stitutes a first step in compiling an inventory of questions that must be asked 
about the use of violence, its constant recurrence, and its meaning in different 

As such, this research is part of a larger movement that has been under 
way for a decade now both in the West and in Russia. Since the first partial 
opening of the archives, historians have been trying to reconcile one brand of 
historiography, born in unusual circumstances, with the newly available data. 
For several years now, a number of historians, particularly in Russia, have been 
publishing material that has formed the basis of many other studies and uni- 
versity courses. Some fields of investigation have been better covered than 
others, particularly the concentration camps, the confrontation between the 



A State against Its People 

government and the peasantry, and decision making at high levels of govern- 
ment. Historians such as V. N. Zemskov and N. Bugai have tried to calculate 
the number of deportations that took place in the Stalinist era. V. P. Danilov 
in Russia and A. Graziosi in Italy have highlighted the continuity in the clashes 
between the peasantry and the new regime. Looking at the archives of the 
Central Committee, O. Khlcvnyuk has shed important light on the functioning 
of the Kremlin "First Circle. 11 

Using such research as a basis for my own, I have attempted to demonstrate 
how, in the years following 1917, cycles of violence became the norm in the 
U.S.S.R. These cycles of violence lie at the heart of the social history of the 
Soviet Union, a history that is still waiting to be written. Building upon earlier 
efforts to explore the most tragic aspects of this history, I have drawn upon 
sources that most clearly expose the different forms of violence and repression, 
the practices involved, and the groups victimized. These sources also reveal the 
contradictions and inconsistencies, such as the extreme violence of the Lenin- 
ist discourse regarding Menshevik opponents, who were "all to be shot 11 but 
who were usually imprisoned instead; the extraordinary violence of the requi- 
sitioning detachments, which at the end of 1922 were still terrorizing the 
countryside at a time when the NEP had technically already been in place for 
more than a year; and the contradictory alternation in the 1930s between 
spectacular waves of mass arrests and huge amnesties to "empty the prisons. 11 
The multiplicity of cases yields an inventory of the forms of violence and 
oppression used, broadening the scope of the investigation into the practices, 
the scale, and the meaning of mass terror. 

The persistence of such practices until Stalin's death and their determin- 
ing influence in the social history of the U.S.S.R. seem to justify the relegation 
of political history to second place, at least in the early stages of such an 
investigation. In this reconstruction I have tried to synthesize long-acknowl- 
edged facts with recently released documentary evidence, which constantly 
raises new questions. Many of these documents are reports from the grass-roots 
level, such as the correspondence of civil servants relating to the famine, local 
Cheka reports on the strikes at Tula, and administrative reports on the state of 
prisoners in the concentration camps — all of which reveal the concrete reality 
of that extremely violent world. 

Before addressing the major questions at the heart of this study, it is 
necessary to recall the different cycles of violence and repression. 

The first cycle, from the end of 1917 to the end of 1922, began with 
Lenin's seizure of power, which he saw as a necessary part of civil war. After 
a brief phase in which spontaneous social violence was channeled into more 



official structures, which then acted as catalysts in breaking up the old order, a 
deliberate offensive against the peasantry took shape in the spring of 1918. This 
offensive, even more than the military confrontations between the Reds and the 
Whites, was to provide the model for several decades of terror. It destroyed 
people's faith in the machinery of politics. What is striking is the constant 
refusal to negotiate despite the high stakes involved, the regime's tenuous hold 
on power, and its frequent deviations from proclaimed goals, particularly evi- 
dent in the repressive measures taken against the working classes — the group 
one would have imagined to be the natural ally of the Bolsheviks. In this respect 
the Kronstadt revolt was a clear sign of things to come. The first cycle did not 
end with the defeat of the Whites or with the NEP, but was prolonged by the 
very people it created. It came to an end only with the famine of 1922, which 
broke the last peasant resistance. 

What can one make of the short pause, from 1923 to 1927, between the 
two cycles of violence? There were some indications that once the civil war was 
over and the manpower of the secret police was scaled back, a truce of sorts 
would be established with the peasantry, and a reform of the legal system could 
be carried out. Despite these palliatives, the secret police not only remained in 
existence but also preserved their main functions and continued their control, 
eavesdropping, and surveillance operations. The pause was notable for its 

Whereas the first cycle of repressions was marked by direct and gen- 
eralized confrontation, the second began with an offensive by the Stalinist 
group against the peasantry in the context of political in-fighting at the top. 
The second cycle of violence was perceived as a new beginning by all par- 
ties concerned. Politicians again used methods that had been tried and tested 
over previous years. Violence had become such an everyday occurrence, so 
much a way of life, that the new terror went on for another quarter of a 
century. The second war against the peasantry was decisive in institutionaliz- 
ing terror as a means of government. This was manifested in several differ- 
ent ways. Collectivization made use of preexisting social tensions, reawak- 
ening the archaic violence that was lurking beneath the surface in society; 
it began the system of mass deportations; and it became the proving 
ground for up-and-coming politicians. Furthermore, by setting up a predatory 
system that disrupted the cycle of production — in Bukharin's words, "the 
military and feudal exploitation of the peasantry" — a new form of slavery- 
was invented. This opened the way for the most extreme experiments 
of Stalinism and the famine of 1933, which in the grand total of deaths 
under Stalin accounts for the highest number. After that limit had been 
reached — when there were no peasants left to sow the next harvest, and the 


A State against Its People 

prisons were full — another brief, two-year truce was established, and for 
the first time there was an amnesty. But such rare moments of relaxation did 
little more than generate new tensions. For example, the children of deported 
kulaks had their civil rights restored, but they were not permitted to return 

After the war against the peasants, the terror began to manifest differ- 
ently during the 1930s and 1940s, changing in intensity and form. The time of 
the Great Terror, from late 1936 to 1938, brought more than 85 percent of all 
the death sentences handed down during the entire Stalinist period. During 
these years the social origins of the victims were often extremely mixed. Al- 
though many cadres were arrested and executed, the terror claimed victims 
from all social backgrounds, many of whom were chosen arbitrarily when 
quotas had to be filled. This blind and barbarous repression, when the terror 
was at its height, seems to indicate that some obstacles were simply insur- 
mountable, and that liquidation was the only course the state could find to 
impose its will. 

Another way of investigating the sequence of repressions is to look at the 
social groups that were affected. Insofar as different areas of social interaction 
became increasingly subject to legislation throughout the decades, several dis- 
crete offensives can be discerned. The last one in particular was aimed at the 
ordinary people of the country, with the increase in legislation in 1938 focused 
almost exclusively on the working classes. 

After 1940, in the context of the Sovietization of the new territories 
that had been annexed and the u Great Patriotic War," a series of repres- 
sions resumed. This time there were new groups of victims — the "national- 
ists" and u enemy peoples" who subsequently underwent systematic- 
deportation. The early stages of this new r wave were already visible in 1936 and 
1937, notably in the deportation of Koreans, when the frontiers were being 

The annexation of eastern Poland and then of the Baltic states in 1939- 
1941 led to the elimination of the "nationalist bourgeoisie" and to the depor- 
tation of specific minority groups, for example the Poles from eastern Galicia. 
This last practice intensified during the war despite the more pressing need to 
defend a country facing possible annihilation. The successive deportation of 
whole groups — such as Germans, Chechens, Tatars, Kalmyks — also revealed 
the expertise that had been developed in these operations in the 1930s. The 
practices, however, were not confined to the war years. They continued in other 
forms throughout the 1940s as part of the long process of pacification and 
Sovietization in the newly annexed regions of the Soviet empire. At the same 
time the influx of huge nationalist contingents into the Soviet gulags had an 



important influence on the structure and composition of the concentration 
camp world. Representatives of the "punished peoples" and nationalist resis- 
tance fighters soon outnumbered the Soviet prisoners. 

In parallel to that growth, the years immediately following the war saw yet 
another hardening of government policy toward various forms of civil behavior, 
resulting in a steady increase in the gulag population. The same period marked 
the numerical apogee of that population and the beginning of the crisis of the 
gulags, which were outdated, paralyzed by multiple internal tensions, and beset 
by ever-greater problems of economic inefficiency. 

The last years of the Stalinist period, still largely shrouded in uncertainty, 
show a series of relapses: a resurgence of latent antisemitism; a return of the 
idea of the conspiracy, rivalry, and in-fighting among ill-defined factions; and 
the elitist and clique-ridden nature of the secret police and the regional Party 
organizations. Historians are led to wonder whether plans were being laid for 
a last campaign, a new Great Terror, whose principal victims might have been 
the Soviet Jews. 

This brief overview of the first thirty-five years of Soviet history under- 
scores the continuity of extreme violence as a means of political control of the 

The classic question, often raised in this context, concerns the continuity 
between the first Leninist cycle and the second Stalinist cycle: to what extent 
did the former prefigure the latter? The historical configuration in both cases 
is really quite incomparable. The "Red Terror" grew out of the widespread 
confrontations of the autumn of 1918. The extreme nature of the repressions 
was in part a reaction to the radical character of the times. But the restarting 
of the war against the peasantry, which was at the root of the second wave of 
terror, occurred during what was basically a time of peace, and was part of a 
long-lasting offensive against the majority of society. Besides these important 
differences in context, the use of terror as a key instrument in the Leninist 
political project had been foreseen before the outbreak of the civil war, and was 
intended to be of limited duration. From that point of view, the short truce 
ushered in by the NEP and the complex debates among Bolshevik leaders about 
possible ways forward seem to indicate the possibility of normalized relations 
between the Bolsheviks and society and the abandonment of terror as a means 
of government. In practice, however, during this period the rural world lived 
in retreat, and the relationship between the government and society was char- 
acterized largely by mutual ignorance. 

The war against the peasants is the nexus linking these two cycles of 
violence. The practices that emerged in 1918-1922 continued. In both periods, 
requisitioning campaigns were used, social tensions within the peasantry were 

266 A State against Its People 

encouraged, and archaic forms of brutality became commonplace. Both execu- 
tioners and victims had the conviction that they were reliving a previous 

Even if the Stalinist era represents a specific social context in the use 
of terror as a means of government and social management, questions re- 
main about links with other periods in Soviet history. In that respect the 
policy of deportation, for example, might have an important antecedent in 
the de-Cossackization operations of 1919-20. At the moment when Cossack 
territories were being seized, the government began a deportation operation 
that affected the entire indigenous population. That operation followed 
one that had targeted the better-off Cossacks, ending in "large-scale physical 
extermination" thanks to the overzealousness of local agents. These events 
could be said to foreshadow the practices of a decade later, albeit on a totally 
different scale. Both involved the stigmatization of an entire social group, an 
overreaction at the local level, and an attempt at eradication through deporta- 
tion. In all of these aspects there are troubling similarities to the practices of 

If one examines in a wider sense the phenomenon of exclusion and 
isolation of enemy groups, and the consequent creation of a camp system 
during the civil war, one is forced to acknowledge that there are indeed impor- 
tant differences between the two cycles of repression. The camps that were 
developed and used during the civil war in the 1920s bore little resemblance to 
those of the 1930s. The great reforms of 1929 not only led to the abandonment 
of normal systems of detention, but also laid the foundation for a new system 
characterized above all by the idea of forced labor. The appearance and devel- 
opment of the gulag system point to the existence of a grand plan for the 
exclusion of a certain segment of the population, and the use of that segment 
in a project to transform the economy and society as a whole. Several elements 
point clearly to the existence of such a grand design, and have been the object 
of important studies. First, there is the extent to which the terror was a 
well-planned and well-orchestrated phenomenon. The use of quotas stretched 
from dekulakization to the Great Terror, a fact that can be interpreted as being 
part of such a plan. The archives confirm an obsession with numbers and 
statistics that permeated administrative organs from top to bottom. Regular, 
perfectly balanced statistics evince an obsessive preoccupation with the 
mathematical dimensions of the repression process. While such figures can 
never be entirely trusted, they do allow historians to reconstruct periods of 
intensity in the phenomenon. The chronology of the various waves of oppres- 
sion is better understood today, and supports the theory of an ordered scries 
of operations. 



To a significant degree, however, reconstruction of the entire series of 
repressive procedures, of the chain of command, and of the methods of im- 
plementation counteracts the theory of a well-conceived, long-term plan. 
Looking at the planning of repressions, one can see that chance played a huge 
role and that cracks appeared at all stages of the operations. The deportation 
of the kulaks is a case in point. They were often deported with no destination 
in mind, and their "abandonment in deportation 1 ' is a clear indicator of the 
prevailing chaos. Likewise, the "campaigns of emptying" the camps suggest a 
lack of planning. In the transmission and execution of orders, troops often went 
too far too soon and were guilty of "excessive zeal" or "deviation from the path" 
at a grass-roots level. 

The role of the gulags is also extremely complex and seems to become 
more so as research progresses. In contrast to the vision of a Stalinist order in 
which gulags were the hidden but entirely representative face of the regime, 
documents now available suggest contradictory interpretations. The successive 
arrival of repressed groups often promoted disorganization rather than 
efficiency in the system. Despite an extremely elaborate system of classification 
of the detainees, boundaries between different categories were fragile and often 
illusory. Moreover, the question of the system's economic profitability remains 

To contend with these contradictions, improvisations, and illogicalities, 
several hypotheses have been put forward to explain the frequent recourse to 
mass repression and the way in which violence and terror seemed to create their 
own logic. 

Historians have stressed the role played by improvisation and the gen- 
eral lack of focus in directing "the Great Moment" of modernization and 
the unleashing of the Stalinist cycles of repression. Often the authorities 
would step up the intensity of terror so that they could persuade them- 
selve that they were in control of volatile situations. They were quickly 
caught up in an extreme spiral of violence that almost immediately became 
self-perpetuating. The scale of this phenomenon escaped contemporary histo- 
rians and is only now beginning to be understood. The process of repression 
itself, seemingly the only possible response to the conflicts and obstacles con- 
fronted by the authorities, generated uncontrollable movements that fueled the 

The central place of terror in the political and social history of the 
U.S.S.R. poses increasingly complex questions today. Current research 
seems to negate many of the conclusions previously drawn by Sovietolo- 
gists. While historians still seek a general and definitive explanation of the 
whole phenomenon, it is extremely resistant to understanding. More progress 


A State against Its People 

is being made in understanding the mechanisms and dynamics of the violence 

Many gray areas remain, particularly regarding the everyday behavior of 
people reacting to the violence. If one wishes to find out who the executioners 
actually were, then it is the whole of society that must be questioned — all those 
who took part in the events, not just the victims. 

World Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

Stephane Courtois, Jean-Louis Panne, and Remi Kauffer 


The Comintern in Action 

Stephane Courtois and Jean-Louis Pann6 

from early on, Lenin was determined to foment socialist revolution 
throughout Europe and the rest of the world. This goal was partly the logical 
fulfillment of the Communist Manifesto of 1848, with its famous slogan "Work- 
ers of the world, unite!" In 1917 the spread of Bolshevism initially seemed to 
be an urgent matter, since the revolution in Russia, it was thought, would be 
endangered without revolutions in more advanced countries. In this respect 
Lenin looked above all to Germany, with its enormous, well-organized prole- 
tariat and its formidable industrial capacity. What had first been simply a need 
of the moment was transformed into a full-fledged political project: world 
socialist revolution. 

At first the progress of events seemed to prove the Soviet leader right. 
The breakup of the German and Austro-Hungarian empires following their 
defeat in World War I brought about a series of political upheavals in Europe, 
many of which had a strongly revolutionary character. Even though the Bol- 
sheviks could not take any immediate action themselves, and had to rely solely 
on their propaganda to give them influence abroad, revolution seemed to be 
breaking out spontaneously in the wake of the German and Austro-Hungarian 



World Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

The Revolution in Europe 

Germany was the first country to feel the effects of revolutionary upheaval. 
Even before its surrender, it faced a general mutiny of its naval tleet. The 
defeat of the Reich and the emergence of a republic led by Social Democrats 
resulted in some fairly violent reactions in the army and the police force, as well 
as among ultranationalist and revolutionary groups that admired the actions of 
the Bolsheviks in Russia. 

In Berlin in December 1918 Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht pub- 
lished the program of the Spartakus group, breaking away from the Inde- 
pendent Social Democratic party a few days later to set up the German 
Communist Party (KPD) through a merger with a few other groups. In early 
January 1919 the Spartakists, led by Liebknecht — who was more of a radical 
revolutionary than Luxemburg and, like Lenin, opposed the idea of a Constitu- 
ent Assembly — tried to start an insurrection in Berlin. 1 The revolt was quickly 
crushed by the military on orders of the Social Democratic government. The 
two leaders of the revolt were arrested and shot on IS January. This pattern 
recurred in Bavaria, where on 13 April 1919 Eugcn Levine, a KPD leader, 
assumed leadership of a Republican Council, which nationalized the banks and 
started to form a Red Army. The Munich Commune was crushed by the 
military on 30 April, and Levine was arrested on 13 May, court-martialed, 
condemned to death, and shot on 5 June. 

The most famous example of these revolutionary movements was in Hun- 
gary. In defeat, Hungary had found the forced loss of Transylvania, decreed 
by the victors of the w r ar, a hard pill to swallow. 2 It became the first genuine 
instance of the Bolsheviks' exporting their revolution. Beginning in early 1918 
the Bolshevik Party collected all non-Russian Communist sympathizers into a 
group called the Federation of Foreign Communist Groups. As a result, there 
existed a Hungarian group in Moscow made up, for the most part, of former 
prisoners of war. In October 1918 this group sent some 20 members back to 
Hungary. On 4 November the Hungarian Workers' (Communist) Party (HCP) 
was established in Budapest under the leadership of Bela Kun. Kun had been 
a prisoner of war and had quickly rallied to the Bolshevik revolution, becoming 
president of the Federation of Foreign Communist Groups in April 1918. He 
arrived in Hungary in November, accompanied by 80 activists, and was imme- 
diately elected Party leader. It has been estimated that in late 1918 and early 
1919 another 250 to 300 "agitators" and revolutionaries arrived in Hungary. 
With financial support provided by the Bolsheviks, the Hungarian Communists 
set about spreading propaganda, and their influence soon began to grow. 

The official newspaper of the Social Democrats, the Nepszava (The voice 
of the people), which was firmly opposed to the Bolsheviks, was attacked on 

The Comintern in Action 


18 February 1919 by a group of soldiers and unemployed workers who had 
been mobilized by the Communists. Their aim was either to take control of the 
printing press or to destroy it. The police intervened, and in the ensuing 
conflict 8 people died and 100 were injured. The same night, Bela Kun and his 
collaborators were arrested. At the police headquarters many of the prisoners 
were beaten by the police in revenge for their colleagues who had died in the 
attempt to break up the attack on the Nepszava. Hungary's president, Mihaly 
Karolyi, sent his secretary to inquire after the health of the Communist leader, 
who was subsequently granted extremely liberal custodial restrictions and al- 
lowed to pursue his activities, and was soon able to reverse the setback despite 
his detention. On 21 March, while still in prison, he achieved a major success 
by bringing about the merger of the HCP and the Social Democratic Party. At 
the same time, President Karolyi's resignation opened the way for the estab- 
lishment of a ''republic of Soviets," the freeing of all imprisoned Communists, 
and the organization on the Bolshevik model of a Revolutionary Council of 
State modeled on the Soviet People's Commissars. This republic lasted 133 
days, from 21 March until 1 August 1919. 

At their first meeting the commissars decided to establish revolutionary 
courts with judges chosen from among the people. Lenin, whom Bela Kun had 
hailed as the leader of the world proletariat, was in regular contact by telegram 
with Budapest after 22 March (218 messages were exchanged), and he advised 
shooting the Social Democrats and "petits-bourgeois." In his message to the 
Hungarian workers on 27 May 1919, he justified this recourse to terror: a The 
dictatorship of the proletariat requires the use of swift, implacable, and resolute 
violence to crush the resistance of exploiters, capitalists, great landowners, and 
their minions. Anyone who does not understand this is not a revolutionary." 
Soon the commissars of commerce, Matyas Rakosi, and of economic affairs, 
Eugen Varga, and the head of the new courts had alienated all businessmen, 
industrial employees, and lawyers. One proclamation posted on the walls 
summed up the mood of the moment: "In the proletarian state, only the 
workers are allowed to live!" Work became obligatory, and all businesses em- 
ploying more than twenty workers were immediately nationalized, followed by 
businesses employing more than ten, and soon the rest as well. 

The army and the police force were dissolved, and a new army was 
created, composed exclusively of revolutionary volunteers. Soon a Terror 
Group of the Revolutionary Council of the Government was formed and 
quickly became known as "Lenin's Boys." The Terror Group murdered about 
ten people, including a young naval ensign, Ladislas Dobsa; a former first 
secretary of state and his son, who was the chief of the railways; and three 
police officers. "Lenin's Boys" answered to a retired sailor named Jozsef 
Czerny, who recruited them from among the most radical Communists, par- 


World Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

ticularly former prisoners of war who had taken part in the Russian Revolution. 
Czerny was politically closer to Tibor Szamuely, the most radical of the Com- 
munist leaders, than he was to Bela Kun, who at one point proposed dissolving 
"Lenin's Boys." In response Szamuely gathered together his troops and 
marched on the House of Soviets. Kun received the support of the Social 
Democrat Jozsef Haubrich, joint people's commissar of war. Finally negotia- 
tions began, and Czerny's men agreed to join forces with the People's Com- 
missariat of the Interior or to enlist in the army, which in fact most of them 

With some twenty of "Lenin's Boys, 11 Szamuely then went to S/olnok, 
the first city to be taken by the Hungarian Red Army, where he executed several 
locals accused of collaborating with the Romanians, who were considered na- 
tional enemies because of their takeover of Transylvania and political enemies 
because of their regime's opposition to the Bolsheviks. One Jewish schoolboy 
who tried to plead for his father's life was killed for calling Szamuely a "wild 
beast." The chief of the Red Army tried in vain to put a brake on Szamuely's 
appetite for terror. Szamuely had requisitioned a train, and was traveling 
around the country hanging any peasants opposed to collectivization measures. 
Accused of having killed more than 150 people, his assistant Jozsef Kerekes 
admitted to having shot 5 and having hanged 13 others with his own hands. 
Although the exact number of people killed has never been established, Arthur 
Koestler claimed that there were perhaps slightly fewer than 500, but went on 
to note: "I have no doubt that Communism in Hungary would have followed 
the same path as its Russian model, and soon degenerated into a totalitarian 
police state. But that certitude, which came only much later, does nothing to 
dim the glorious days of hope of the early days of the revolution." 1 Historians 
attribute some 80 of the 129 recorded deaths to "Lenin's Boys," but it is likely 
that the real number was at least several hundred, 

Faced with mounting opposition and a worsening of the threat posed by 
the Romanian troops, the revolutionary government drew upon popular an- 
tisemitism. One poster denounced Jews who refused to fight at the front: 
"Exterminate them, if they won't give their lives to the sacred cause of the 
dictatorship of the proletariat!" Bela Kun ordered the arrest of 5,000 Polish 
Jews who had come looking for food; he then confiscated their goods and had 
them expelled. The HCP radicals demanded that Szamuely take charge of the 
situation, and called for a "Red St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre," thinking for 
whatever reason that this was the only means of halting the decline of the 
Republic of Councils. Czerny tried to reorganize "Lenin's Boys," and in mid- 
July an appeal appeared in Nepszava: "All previous members of the Terror 
Group, who were demobilized when the group was broken up, are requested 
to turn up at Jozsef Czerny's office to reenlist." The following day an official 

The Comintern in Action 


denial was published: "Notice is hereby given that no reestablishment of the 
'Lenin's Boys' group can possibly be envisaged. Such great atrocities against 
the honor of the proletariat were committed by the group as to preclude any 
future role played by them in the service of the Republic of Councils." 

The last weeks of the Budapest Commune were chaotic. Bela Kun faced 
an attempted coup against his leadership, possibly led by Szamuely. On 
1 August 1919 he left Budapest under the protection of the Italian military. In 
the summer of 1920 he took refuge in the U.S.S.R. and was immediately named 
a political commissar of the Red Army on the southern front. There he distin- 
guished himself by executing officers from Wrangel's army who had agreed to 
surrender if their lives would be spared. Szamuely attempted to flee to Austria 
but was arrested on 2 August and committed suicide soon afterward. 4 

The Comintern and Civil War 

At the very moment when Bela Kun and his companions were attempting to 
set up a second Soviet state, Lenin decided to establish an international organi- 
zation whose aim was to spread the revolution throughout the world. The 
Communist International- -also known as Comintern or the Third Interna- 
tional — was created in Moscow in March 1919 and immediately began to 
compete fiercely with the International of Socialist Workers (the Second Inter- 
national, which had been established in 1889), The Comintern Congress of 
1919 had no real organizational capacity, and in practice did little more than 
answer the urgent need for Communist propaganda to capture the attention of 
the spontaneous revolutionary movements that were then shaking Europe. The 
real foundation of the Comintern should instead be dated from its Second 
Congress, in the summer of 1920, when twenty-one conditions of admission 
were laid down that had to be met by all socialists who wished to be associated 
with the organization. Thereafter, as the "headquarters of world revolution," 
the organization was extremely centralized and totally controlled by the Bol- 
shevik Party, which lent it prestige, experience, and real political power in 
financial, military, and diplomatic terms. 

From the outset Lenin regarded the Comintern as one of several instru- 
ments for international subversion — others included the Red Army, diplomacy, 
and espionage — and its political agenda closely followed the Bolsheviks' key 
idea that the time had come to stop talking and to take up armed struggle. The 
manifesto adopted at the Second Congress proudly announced: "The Commu- 
nist International is the international party for insurrection and proletarian 
dictatorship." Consequently, the third of the twenty-one conditions stipulated 
that "in almost all the countries of Europe and America, the class struggle is 
moving into the period of civil war. Under such conditions Communists can 

276 i 

World Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

no longer trust bourgeois law. It is the duty to set up everywhere, in parallel to 
the legal organization, an underground movement capable of decisive action in 
the service of the revolution at the moment of truth.' 1 These euphemisms were 
transparent: The "moment of truth" was the moment of revolutionary insur- 
rection, and "decisive action" was participation in civil war. The policy was 
applied to all countries regardless of political regime, including democracies, 
republics, and constitutional monarchies. 

The twelfth condition outlined the organizational necessities occasioned 
by the preparations for civil war: "At the present moment of hard-fought civil 
war, the Communist Party will be able to fulfill its role only if it is organized 
in a totally centralized fashion, if its iron discipline is as rigorous as that of any 
army, and if its central organization has sweeping powers, is allowed to exert 
uncontested authority, and enjoys the unanimous confidence of its members." 
The thirteenth condition also prescribed the action to be taken in the event of 
dissent among the militants: "Communist parties . . . must proceed with peri- 
odic purges of their organizations to eliminate all members who are petits- 
bourgeois or have ulterior motives." 

At the Third Congress, which took place in Moscow in June 1921 with 
the participation of many recently established Communist parties, the direc- 
tions were made even clearer. The "Thesis on Tactics" indicated that "the 
Communist Party must educate large sections of the proletariat, with both 
words and deeds, and inculcate the idea that any economic or political struggle, 
when the circumstances are favorable, can be transformed into civil war, in the 
course of which it is the duty of the proletariat to seize power." In addition, 
the "Theses on the Structure, Methods, and Action of Communist Parties" 
elaborated at length on "openly revolutionary uprisings" and "the organization 
of combat" that it was the duty of each Communist Party to foment. The theses 
made it clear that preparatory work was indispensable as long as "it is momen- 
tarily impossible to form a regular Red Army." 

The step from theory to practice was taken in March 1921 in Germany, 
where the Comintern envisaged large-scale revolutionary action under the 
leadership of Bela Kun, who in the meantime had been elected a member of 
the Comintern Presidium. Launched at the moment when the Bolsheviks were 
putting down the Kronstadt rebellion, the "March Action" in Saxony was a 
genuine attempt at insurrection that met with failure despite the violent means 
involved, including an attempt to dynamite the express train from Halle to 
Leipzig. This failure immediately resulted in the first purge of the Comintern's 
internal ranks. Paul Levi, one of the founders and the president of the KPD, 
was sidelined because of his criticism of what he termed "adventurism." Al- 
ready under the influence of the Bolshevik model, the Communist parties, 
which from an institutional point of view were merely the national sections of 

The Comintern in Action 


the International, rapidly became more and more subordinate, before surren- 
dering completely to the Comintern. This subordination was both political and 
organizational, as the Comintern came to make all major decisions for these 
parties and ultimately decided all questions of policy. The "insurrectionist 
tendency" owed much to Grigory Zinoviev but was criticized by Lenin himself. 
Although Lenin was fundamentally in agreement with Paul Levi, he handed 
control of the KPD over to Levi's opponents in order to strengthen his own 
control over the Comintern. 

In January 1923 French and Belgian troops occupied the Ruhr to exact 
the reparations from Germany that had been mandated by the Treaty of 
Versailles. This move brought about a rapprochement between nationalists and 
Communists over their common opposition to "French imperialism." In con- 
crete terms the military occupation prompted a movement of passive resistance 
by the population, a movement that was backed by the government. The 
already unstable economic situation deteriorated rapidly, the value of the cur- 
rency plunged, and by August one dollar was worth 13 million marks. Strikes, 
demonstrations, and riots were widespread, and on 13 August, with revolution 
in the air, the government of Wilhclm Cuno fell. 

In Moscow the Comintern leaders thought that a new October Revolution 
was still possible. Once the differences among Trotsky, Zinoviev, and Stalin 
over who would take the lead in a new revolution were settled, the Comintern 
set about the serious business of armed insurrection. Emissaries (August Gu- 
ralsky and Matyas Rakosi) were sent to Germany, accompanied by civil war 
specialists such as General Aleksander Sklobewski, alias Gorev. The plan was 
to rely on a government of workers made up of left-wing Social Democrats 
and Communists and to use it to procure arms for the masses. In Saxony, Rakosi 
planned to blow up a railway bridge that linked the province to Czechoslovakia 
in order to provoke Czechoslovak involvement and thus sow further confusion. 

The actions were to start on the anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution. 
Excitement mounted in Moscow, where it was believed that victory was certain. 
The Red Army was mobilized on the western frontier, ready to come to the aid 
of the insurrection. In mid-October, Communist leaders joined the govern- 
ments of Saxony and Thuringia with orders to reinforce the several hundred 
proletarian militias, made up of 25 percent Social Democratic workers and 50 
percent Communists. But on 13 October the government of Gustav Strese- 
mann declared a state of emergency in Saxony, taking direct control of the 
province, with the Reichswehr ready to intervene. Despite this turn of events, 
Moscow called the workers to arms, and Heinrich Brandler, having just re- 
turned from Moscow, called for a general strike at a workers' conference in 
Chemnitz on 21 October. This move failed when the Social Democrats refused 
to follow the Communist lead. The Communists then canceled the strike, but 


World Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

because of faulty communications this message never arrived in Hamburg, 
where on the morning of 23 October Communist Combat Groups of 200-300 
attacked the various police stations. Despite the element of surprise, they failed 
to attain their objectives. The police counterattacked together with the Reichs- 
wehr, and after thirty-one hours of righting, the Hamburg Communists were 
totally isolated and forced to surrender. The hoped-for "second October" failed 
to materialize. Nevertheless, the "M-Apparat" (Military Apparatus) remained 
an important part of the KPD until the 1930s, and has been described in detail 
by one of its leaders, Jan Valtin, whose real name was Richard Krebs. 5 

The next scene for an attempted insurrection was the Republic of Estonia. 
This was the second attack by Communists against the small country. On 27 
October 1917 a Council of Soviets had seized power in Tallinn, dissolved the 
assembly, and annulled election results that had been unfavorable to the Com- 
munists. However, the Communists retreated en masse before the German 
Expeditionary Force. On 24 February 1918, just before the arrival of the 
Germans, the Estonians proclaimed independence. The German occupation 
lasted until November 1918. Following the defeat of the kaiser the German 
troops were forced to retreat, and the Communists again took the initiative, On 
18 November a Communist government for Estonia was set up in Petrograd, 
and two divisions of the Red Army invaded. The aim of this offensive was 
clearly explained in the newspaper Severnaya Kommuna (The Northern 
Commune): "It is our duty to build a bridge connecting the Russian Soviets to 
the proletariat of Germany and Austria . . . Our victory will link the revolu- 
tionary forces of Western Europe to those of Russia. It will lend irresistible 
force to the universal social revolution." 6 In January 1919 the Soviet troops 
were stopped by an Estonian counterattack within twenty miles of the capital. 
Thus this second offensive also failed. On 2 February 1920 the Russian Com- 
munists recognized Estonian independence with the Tartu peace accord. By 
this time the Bolsheviks had already carried out a number of massacres in the 
areas they had taken over. On 14 January 1920, the day before their retreat, 
they killed 250 people in Tartu and more than 1,000 in the Rakvere district. 
When Wesenburg was liberated on 17 January, three mass graves were discov- 
ered, containing 86 bodies. In Tartu hostages were shot on 26 December 1919 
after their arms and legs had been broken and in some cases their eyes cut out. 
On 14 January the Bolsheviks had time to kill only 20 people, including Arch- 
bishop Plato, of the 200 they were holding prisoner in Tartu. Because the 
victims had been clubbed to death with axes and rifle butts — one officer was 
found with his insignia nailed to his body— they were extremely difficult to 

Despite this defeat, the Soviet Union had not given up hope of estab- 

The Comintern in Action 


lishing a satellite state on its borders. In April 1924, during secret negotiations 
in Moscow with Zinoviev, the Estonian Communists prepared for an armed 
uprising. They created combat teams structured in companies, and by the 
autumn had organized more than 1,000 men. They then set about demoralizing 
the army. The initial plan was to start the uprising and then to reinforce it with 
a general strike. The Estonian Communist Party, which had nearly 3,000 mem- 
bers and had suffered severe repression, tried to seize power in Tallinn on 
1 December 1924, seeking to proclaim a Soviet Republic that would immedi- 
ately demand affiliation with the Russian Soviet Republic, thus justifying the 
arrival of the Red Army. The coup failed within a single day. "The working 
masses ... did not actively assist the insurgents in the struggle against the 
counterrevolutionaries. Most of the working classes of Revel [Tallinn] re- 
mained disinterested spectators. 1 ' Jan Anvelt, who had directed operations, fled 
to the U.S.S.R., where he worked as a functionary in the Comintern for many 
years before dying in one of the purges. 7 

After Estonia the action moved to Bulgaria. In 1923 the country faced grave 
difficulties. Aleksandr Stamboliski, the leader of the coalition formed by the 
Communists and his own Agrarian Party, was assassinated in June and replaced 
as head of the government by Aleksandr Tsankov, who had the support of both 
the police and the army. In September the Communists launched an insurrec- 
tion that lasted a week before being harshly repressed. After April 1924 they 
changed tactics, using assassinations and direct action. On 8 February 1925 an 
attack on the Godech police station led to four deaths. On 1 1 February in Sofia 
the parliamentary deputy Nikolas Milev, who was the head of the journal 
Slovet and president of the Union of Bulgarian Journalists, was assassinated. 
On 24 March a manifesto of the Bulgarian Communist Party (BKP) prema- 
turely announced the inevitable fall of Tsankov, revealing the link between the 
terrorist actions and the Communists' political objectives. In early April an 
attack on King Alexander I very nearly succeeded, and on 15 April General 
Kosta Georgiev, one of his advisers, was killed. 

What followed was one of the most devastating episodes of these years of 
political violence in Bulgaria. On 17 April, at Georgtev's funeral in the Cathe- 
dral of the Seven Saints in Sofia, a terrible explosion caused the dome to fall 
in. Among the 140 dead were 14 generals, 16 commanding officers, and 3 
parliamentary deputies. According to Viktor Serge, the attack was organized 
by the military section of the Communist Party. The presumed perpetrators of 
the attack, Kosta Yankov and Ivan Minkov, two of the leaders of the organiza- 
tion, were later shot in a gunfight while resisting arrest. 

This terrorist act was exploited to justify fierce reprisals, with 3,000 
Communists arrested and 3 hanged publicly. Some members of the Comintern 


World Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

later claimed that the head of the Bulgarian Communists, Georgi Dimitrov, 
who led the Party in secret from Vienna, was responsible for this action. In 
December 1948, at the Fifth Congress of the Bulgarian Communist Party, 
Dimitrov accepted responsibility on behalf of both himself and the military 
organization. According to other sources, the man behind the dynamiting of 
the cathedral was Meir Trilisser, head of the Foreign Section of the Cheka and 
later deputy head of the GPU, who was decorated in 1927 with the Order of 
the Red Flag for services rendered. 8 In the 1930s Trilisser was one of the ten 
secretaries of the Comintern assured permanent control of the organization by 
the NKVD. 

After this series of failures in Europe the Comintern, at Stalin's instigation, 
turned its attention to China. In a state of anarchy, torn apart by internal wars 
and social conflicts, but at the same time experiencing a huge wave of national- 
ism, China seemed ripe for an "anti-imperialist revolution." One sign of the 
times was that in the autumn of 1925 the Chinese students at the Communist 
University of the Workers of the East (KUTV), which had been established in 
April 1921, were reorganized into the new Sun Yat-sen University. 

Duly influenced by leaders from the Comintern and the Soviet govern- 
ment, the Chinese Communist Party, which was not yet under the leadership 
of Mao Zedong, was pushed in 1925-26 into a close alliance with the Nation- 
alist Party, the Kuomintang, led by the young Chiang Kai-shek. The tactic 
chosen by the Communist Party was to place all hope in the Kuomintang, using 
it as a sort of Trojan horse to smuggle in the revolution. The Comintern 
emissary, Mikhail Borodin, arrived as an adviser to the Kuomintang. In 1925 
the left wing of the Nationalist Party, which favored collaboration with the 
Soviet Union, took control of the party. The Communists then stepped up their 
propaganda, encouraging social unrest and increasing their influence until they 
gained control over the Kuomintang's Second Congress. But an obstacle soon 
appeared in the person of Chiang Kai-shek, who was worried by the continuing 
expansion of Communist influence. He feared, quite correctly, that the Com- 
munists were attempting to sideline him. Seizing the initiative, he proclaimed 
martial law on 12 March 1926, arresting all Communists in the Kuomintang 
and the Soviet military advisers (although they were released a few days later), 
silencing the leader of the party's left wing, and imposing an eight-point plan 
whose purpose was to limit the prerogatives and activities of Communists in 
the party. Chiang thus became the undisputed leader of the Nationalist army. 
Borodin accepted the new situation. 

On 7 July 1926 Chiang Kai-shek, with considerable military backup from 
the Soviets, launched a Nationalist attack on the north of the country, which 
was still under the control of the warlords. On 29 July he proclaimed martial 

The Comintern in Action 


law in Canton. The countryside in Hunan and Hubei was undergoing an 
agrarian revolution whose dynamics called into question the alliance between 
the Communists and the Nationalists. In the great industrial metropolis of 
Shanghai, the unions began a general strike as the army approached. The 
Communists, who included Zhou Enlai, called for an insurrection, counting on 
the immediate entry of the army into the town. But no such event took place. 
The uprising of 22-24 February 1927 failed, and the strikers were ferociously 
punished by General Li Baozhang. 

On 21 March a new, larger general strike took place, and the uprising 
swept away the authorities in power. One division of the Nationalist army, 
whose general had been convinced to take part, entered Shanghai and was soon 
joined by Chiang Kai-shek, who was determined to take control of the situ- 
ation. His success was made easier by the fact that Stalin, deceived by the 
"anti-imperialist" dimension of the policies of Chiang and his armies, gave the 
order to make peace with the Kuomintang and to stand beside them. On 12 
April 1927 Chiang repeated in Canton the operation that he had carried out in 
Shanghai, ordering the Communists to be hunted down and beaten up. 

But Stalin changed course at the worst possible moment. In August, to 
avoid losing face with his critics in the opposition, he sent two personal emis- 
saries, Vissarion Lominadze and Heinz Neumann, to relaunch the insurrec- 
tional movement after breaking the alliance with the Kuomintang/ 7 Despite the 
failure of the u autumn harvest revolt" orchestrated by his two envoys, they 
continued trying to foment revolution in Canton "to be able to bring news of 
victory to their chief (as Boris Suvarin put it) at the Fifteenth Bolshevik Party- 
Congress. This maneuver indicated the extent of the Bolsheviks' disdain for 
human life, including now even the lives of their supporters. The senselessness 
of the Canton Commune attests to that disregard for loss of life as much as the 
terrorist actions in Bulgaria had a few years earlier. 

In Canton several thousand insurgents were caught in a confrontation for 
forty-eight hours with troops that outnumbered them by five or six to one. The 
commune had been badly prepared; insufficiently armed, it also pursued poli- 
cies not favored by the Cantonese workers. On the night of 10 December 1927 
loyal Communist troops took up positions in the assembly areas that were 
usually used by the Red Guards. As in Hamburg, the rebels initially benefited 
from the element of surprise, but the advantage was soon lost. The proclama- 
tion of a "soviet republic," on the morning of 12 December evoked no response 
from the local population. The Nationalist forces counterattacked in the after- 
noon, and the following day the red flag that had flown over the police head- 
quarters was removed by the victorious troops. The reprisals were savage, and 
thousands died. 

The Comintern should have drawn lessons from this experience, but it 


World Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

was not in a position to study the major underlying questions. Once again the 
use of violence was justified against all targets, in terms that demonstrated 
clearly how much the culture of civil war had taken root among the Communist 
cadres. The Armed Uprising, published by the Comintern in 1931 and soon 
translated into several languages, offers the following terrifying bit of self- 
criticism, with its transparent conclusions; "We should have got rid of the 
counterrevolutionaries more carefully. In all the time that Canton was in the 
hands of the revolutionaries, we killed only 100 people. The prisoners were killed 
only after a normal trial before the commission for the fight against the reac- 
tionaries. In combat, in the middle of a revolution, this procedure was too 
lenient"™ This lesson would be remembered. 

Following this disaster the Communists withdrew from the towns and 
regrouped in the distant countryside. After 1931 they established free zones 
protected by the Red Army in Hunan and Kiangsi. It was thus very early on 
that the idea took root among the Communists in China that the revolution was 
above all a military affair. This belief institutionalized the political function of 
the military, which naturally resulted in ideas like Mao's famous formula, 
"Power comes out of the barrel of a gun." What followed demonstrated all too 
clearly that this was indeed the essence of the Communist vision of how power 
was to be seized and kept. 

Despite the Chinese disaster and the European failures of the early 1920s, the 
Comintern was convinced that it was on the right track. All Communist par- 
ties, including the legally constituted ones in democratic republics, possessed a 
secret military wing that made occasional public appearances. The model most 
often followed was that of the KPD in Germany, which was controlled bv 
Soviet military cadres and which possessed a large M-Apparat, whose task was 
to liquidate opponents (particularly those who belonged to the right wing) and 
informers who might have infiltrated the Party, but which also played a larger 
paramilitary role thanks to the famous Rote Front (Red Front), which had 
several thousand members. There was nothing unusual about political violence 
in the Weimar Republic, but the Communists did not concentrate their atten- 
tion only on extreme right-wing movements such as the newly formed Nazi 
Party. They also broke up socialist meetings held by people they termed u so- 
ciotraitors" or u sociofascists." M Nor did they hesitate to attack the police, 
whom they saw as the representatives of a reactionary or even fascist state. The 
events of 1933 and what followed of course demonstrated that the real fascist 
enemy was the National Socialist Party, and that it would have been more 
sensible to form an alliance against the Nazis with the other socialist parties 
who sought to defend "bourgeois democracy." But the Communists altogether 
rejected the idea of democracy. 

The Comintern in Action 


In France, where the political climate was much calmer, the French Com- 
munist Party (PCF) also had its own armed section. It was led by Albert Treint, 
one of the Party secretaries, who had served as a captain during the war and 
thus had military experience. Their first public appearance was on 11 January 
1924, at a Communist meeting where a group of anarchists were objecting 
vociferously: Treint gave the order, and ten men armed with revolvers rose up 
and opened fire on the anarchists from point-blank range, killing two of them 
outright and wounding several others. Because of lack of proof, none of the 
assassins was ever prosecuted. A year later, on 25 April 1925, a few weeks before 
the municipal elections, the PCF security services were involved in another 
violent incident at an electoral meeting of a right-wing organization called the 
Patriotic Youth Group, in the rue Damremont in Paris. Some of the militants 
were armed and did not hesitate to make use of their weapons. Three of the 
Patriotic Youth Group were killed instantly; another died a few days later. Jean 
Taittinger, the leader of the Patriotic Youth Group, was arrested, and the police 
made several raids on the houses of the Communist militants. 

Nevertheless, the Party continued to act in the same vein. In 1926 Jacques 
Duclos, who as a newly elected parliamentary deputy enjoyed full parliamen- 
tary immunity, was placed in charge of the Anti-Fascist Defense Groups, 
consisting of former servicemen from World War I, and the Young Anti-Fascist 
Guards, recruited from among the Communist Youth groups. These paramili- 
tary groups, closely modeled on the German Rote Front, paraded in uniform 
on 1 1 November 1926. At the same time Duclos was in charge of antimilitarist 
propaganda, publishing a review called Le combattanl rouge, which taught the 
art of civil war, describing and analyzing historic street combats and the like. 

The Armed Uprising, which described various insurrections since 1920, 
was republished in France in early 1934. 12 The political misfortunes of the 
French Popular Front in the summer and autumn of 1934 caused the book to 
wane in popularity, but that decline had little effect on the fundamental role of 
violence in Communist practice. The justification of violence, the day-to-day 
practice of class hatred, and the theory of civil war and terror were used again 
in 1936 in Spain, where the Comintern sent a number of its cadres who 
distinguished themselves in the Communist repressions. 

The selection and training of cadres to join future armed uprisings oc- 
curred in close liaison with the Soviet secret services, and with one service in 
particular, the GRU (Glavnoe razvedyvateFnoe upravlenie, or Main Intelli- 
gence Directorate). Created by Trotsky as the Fourth Bureau of the Red Army, 
the GRU never abandoned this educational role even when circumstances 
changed and it was scaled down considerably. Even in the early 1970s some of 
the young cadres in the French Communist Party underwent training in the 
U.S.S.R. (learning how to shoot, strip, and assemble various firearms, make 

284 I 

World Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

bombs and radio transmitters, and use sabotage techniques) with the Spetsnaz, 
the special Soviet troops who were used to train the security forces. The GRU 
also had a number of military advisers who could be sent to friendly parties 
whenever necessary, Manfred Stern for instance, the Austro-Hungarian who 
was lent to the KPD M-Apparat for the Hamburg uprising in 1923, was 
subsequently also sent to China and Manchuria before becoming better known 
as "General Kleber" in the International Brigades in Spain. 

Many of these underground military organizations were run by unsavory 
characters. The members were often simply the local bandits, who occasionally 
formed gangs in their own right. The "Red Guards" or "Red squadrons" of 
the Chinese Communist Party in the second half of the 1920s provide one of 
the most striking examples. Their sphere of activity was Shanghai, which was 
then the epicenter of Party operations. Led by Gu Shunzhang, a former gang- 
ster affiliated with the secret Green Band society, the more powerful of the two 
Shanghai mafia families, they were in daily conflict with their Nationalist 
opponents, particularly with the Blue Shirts, who modeled themselves on the 
Fascists. These two adversaries engaged in a series of conflicts in which terror 
was traded for terror, ambushes were a daily occurrence, and revenge killings 
w ; ere commonplace. All these activities had the full support of the Soviet consul 
in Shanghai, who had his own military specialists such as V. Gorbatyuk, as well 
as manpower at his disposal. 

In 1928 Gu Shunzhang's men liquidated two suspects who had been freed 
by the police: He Jiaxing and He Jihua were riddled with bullets while they 
slept. Outside, other conspirators set off some fireworks to cover the sound of 
the gunfire. Similarly efficacious methods were adopted to settle differences of 
opinion within the Party itself. Sometimes a simple accusation was considered 
sufficient evidence. On 17 January 1931 , furious at having been outmaneuvered 
by Pavel Mif, the Comintern delegate, and by the other leaders acting under 
orders from Moscow, He Mengxiong and some twenty comrades from the 
workers' faction met at the Oriental Hotel in Shanghai. As soon as they began 
their discussion, armed policemen and agents of the Diaocha Tongzhi (the 
centra] investigative bureau of the Kuomintang) burst into the room and ar- 
rested everyone. The Nationalists had received an anonymous tip-off about the 

After the defection of Gu Shunzhang in April 1931, his immediate return 
to the fold of the Green Band (he had earlier switched sides to the Blue Shirts), 
and his submission to the Kuomintang, a special committee of five Communist 
cadres — Kang Sheng, Guang Huian, Pan Hannian, Chen Yun, and Ke Qing- 
shi — took charge of operations in Shanghai. In 1934, the year when the urban 
apparatus of the CCP almost fell apart for good, Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun, 
the last two leaders of armed groups of Communists in the city, fell into the 

The Comintern in Action 


hands of the Kuomintang. They went on to work for the Japanese before 
coming to a sorry end: Ding Mocun was shot by the Nationalists for treason 
in 1947, and Li Shiqun was poisoned by a Japanese officer. Kang Sheng became 
the head of Mao's secret police from 1949 until his death in 1975, and was thus 
one of the main butchers of the people of China under the Communist re- 
gime. 13 

Sometimes members of foreign Communist groups were used in covert 
police operations inside the U.S.S.R. This seems to have been the case in the 
Kutepov affair. In 1924 General Aleksandr Kutepov was called to Paris by 
Grand Duke Nicholas to become the head of the General Military Union 
(ROVS). In 1928 the GPU decided to break up this organization. The general 
disappeared on 26 January, and rumors began to fly, some of them undoubtedly 
started by the Soviet Union itself After two independent inquiries it became 
clear who was responsible for the kidnapping. The first inquiry was conducted 
by Vladimir Burtsev, who was famous for having unmasked Evno Azev, the 
Okhrana (tsarist secret police) agent who had infiltrated the Socialist Revolu- 
tionary organization; the other was led by Jean Delage, a journalist at the Echo 
de Pans. Delage proved that the general had been taken to Houlgate and put 
on a Soviet ship, the Spartak, which left Le Havre on 19 February. The general 
was never seen alive again. On 22 September 1965 Soviet general N. Shimanov 
claimed responsibility for the operation in the Soviet army's main newspaper, 
Red Star, and revealed the name of the perpetrator of the incident: "Sergei 
Puzitsky . . . not only took part in the capture of the bandit Savinkov . . . but 
also led the operation to arrest General Kutepov and other White Guard chiefs 
in exemplary fashion." 14 Today the circumstances of the kidnapping are better 
known. The general's emigre organization had been infiltrated by the GPU. In 
1929 a former minister from the White government of Admiral Kolchak, Sergei 
Nikolaevich Tretyakov, had secretly switched to the Soviet side and was hand- 
ing on information under the code name Ivanov No. UJ1. Thanks to the 
detailed information he passed to his contact Vechinkin, Moscow knew almost 
all there was to know about the general's movements. A commando group 
posing as policemen seized Kutepov's car on the street, while a Frenchman, 
Charles Honel, who was a mechanic in a garage in the suburbs of Paris, asked 
Kutepov to follow him. Honel's brother Maurice, who was also involved in the 
operation because of his contacts with the Soviet secret services, would be 
elected a Communist member of Parlement in 1936. Kutepov refused to coop- 
erate, and he was stabbed to death and his body buried in the basement of 
HonePs garage. 15 

Kutepov's successor, General E. K. Miller, had as his second in command 
Nikolai Skoblin, who was in fact a Soviet agent. With his wife, the singer Nadya 
Plevitskaya, Skoblin organized the abduction of General Miller. On 22 Sep- 


World Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

tember 1937 Miller disappeared, and on 23 September the Soviet ship Maria 
Ulyanovna left Le Havre. Subsequently General Skoblin also disappeared, and 
suspicions focused increasingly on the ship. General Miller was of course on 
board, but the French government decided not to detain the ship. Once in 
Moscow Miller was interrogated and tortured." 1 

Dictatorship, Criminalization of Opponents, and Repression within the 

At Moscow's instigation, the Comintern installed an armed group within each 
Communist Party to prepare for revolution and civil war against the reigning 
powers. It also introduced its brethren to the same police tactics and terror that 
were used in the U.S.S.R. At the Tenth Congress of the Bolshevik Party, which 
took place from 8 to 16 March 1921, the same time as the Kronstadt rebellion, 
the bases for a dictatorial regime for the Party itself were laid down. During 
preparations for the congress no fewer than eighteen different platforms were 
proposed and discussed. These debates were the last vestiges of the democracy 
that had struggled to establish itself in Russia. It was only within the Party that 
this supposed freedom of speech prevailed, and even there it was short-lived. 
Lenin set the rone on the second day: "We do not need opposition, comrades; 
this is not the moment for that. Be here, or in Kronstadt with a rifle: but do not 
join the opposition. Do not hold it against me, this is just the way it is. It is time 
to end opposition. In my opinion, the Congress should vote for an end to all 
opposition, and pull a veil over it; we have had enough of it already." 17 His 
targets were the people who, without constituting a group in the normal sense 
of the word, and without publishing anything, nonetheless united around two 
opposition platforms. The first was known as the Workers' Opposition and 
included Aleksandr Shlyapnikov, Aleksandra Kollontai, and Yuri Lutovinov. 
Members of the second group were known as Democratic Centralists and 
included Timofei Sapronov and Gavriil Myasnikov. 

The congress was nearly over when Lenin presented two resolutions, the 
first concerning Party unity and the second "unionist and anarchist deviation 
within the Party," which was in effect an attack on the Workers' Opposition. 
The first text demanded the immediate dissolution of all groups centered upon 
a particular platform and their expulsion from the Party. One unpublished 
article of this resolution, which remained secret until October 1923, gave the 
Central Committee the power of enforcement. Feliks Dzer/hinsky's police thus 
had a new field of operations: any opposition group within the Part)' itself 
became subject to surveillance, and if necessary was punished by expulsion 
from the Party, which for true militants was a form of political death. 

Even though their call for the end of freedom of speech contradicted Party 

The Comintern in Action 


statutes, both motions were carried. Radek gave an almost prescient justifica- 
tion for the first one: "I am sure that it could be used against us, and yet I am 
voting for it ... In times of danger, the Central Committee must take severe 
measures that it considers necessary against even the best comrades . . . Even 
the Central Committee itself might make mistakes, but that is preferable to the 
general chaos we are witnessing at the moment." This choice, which was the 
result of a particular set of circumstances but was entirely in keeping with the 
Bolsheviks' most profound instincts, was an extremely important one for the 
future of the Soviet Party, and accordingly for the Comintern as well. 

The Tenth Party Congress also reorganized the Party Control Committee, 
whose role it defined as "the consolidation of unity and authority within the 
Party." From that time on, the commission assembled personal dossiers on all 
Party activists. These dossiers could be used if necessary as the basis for 
accusations, giving details of attitudes toward the political police, participation 
in opposition groups, and so on. As soon as the congress ended, harassment 
and intimidation of members of the Workers' Opposition began. Later Shlyap- 
nikov explained that "the struggle was not carried out on ideological grounds, 
but was more a simple question of removing the people in question from their 
posts, moving them from one district to another, or even excluding them from 
the Party." 

A new series of checks began in August and went on for several months. 
Nearly one-fourth of all Party activists were thrown out. Periodic recourse to 
the chislka (purge) became an integral component of Party life. Aino Kuusinen 
described this cyclical practice: 

Chistka meetings took the following form: the name of the accused was 
read out, and he was ordered to take the stand. Then members of the 
Purification Committee would ask questions. Some managed to explain 
themselves with relative ease; others had to undergo this severe test for 
some time. If anyone had personal enemies, that could give a decisive 
turn to events: in any case, expulsion from the Party could be pro- 
nounced only by the Control Commission. If the accused was not found 
guilty of anything that would have led to expulsion from the Party, the 
procedure was closed without a vote's being cast. But if the opposite was 
the case, no one ever intervened in favor of the accused. The President 
simply asked, "Kto protiv?" [Who is opposed?] and because no one 
dared to object, the case was deemed to have been decided unani- 
mously. 18 

The effects of the Tenth Congress were felt quickly: in February 1922 
Gavriil Myasnikov was suspended for one year for having defended freedom 
of the press against Lenin's orders. Finding no support within the Party, the 
Workers' Opposition appealed to the Comintern ("Declaration of the 22"). 

288 I 

World Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

Stalin, Dzerzhinsky, and Zinoviev then called for the expulsion of Aleksandr 
Shlyapnikov, Ateksandra Kollontai, and G. Medvedev, but this expulsion was 
rejected by the Eleventh Congress. Ever more in thrall to Soviet power, the 
Comintern was soon forced to adopt the same internal regime as the Bolshevik 
Party. This was the logical consequence of the preceding events and in itself 
quite unsurprising. 

In 1923 Dzerzhinsky demanded an official resolution from the Politburo 
that would oblige all Party members to denounce to the GPU any opposition 
activity they encountered. Dzerzhinsky's proposal led to a new crisis within the 
Bolshevik Party. On 8 October Trotsky sent a letter to the Central Committee, 
followed on 15 October by the "Declaration of the 46." The ensuing debate 
centered on the "new direction 11 of the Russian Party and was hotly contested 
in all sections of the Comintern. ltJ 

Simultaneously, at the end of 1923, it was decreed that all Comintern 
sections should undergo a process of "Bolshevization," reorganizing their 
structures more tightly and reinforcing their allegiance to Moscow. Resistance 
to these measures led to a considerable increase in the power of the Interna- 
tional's "holy missionaries," against a background of debates concerning the 
evolution of power in Soviet Russia. 

Boris Suvarin (sometimes spelled Souvarine), one of the leaders of the 
French Communist Party, took a stand against the new line, denouncing the 
low tactics being used by Kamenev, Zinoviev, and Stalin against their opponent 
Trotsky. On 12 June 1924 Suvarin was summoned to the Thirteenth Congress 
of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union and asked to explain himself The 
meeting became acrimonious, in the manner of meetings where full confessions 
were expected. A commission was hastily put together to examine the "Suvarin 
case," and he was suspended from the Party. The reaction of the other French 
Party leaders was a clear indication of the prevailing mood. On 19 July an 
anonymous author wrote in L'humanite: "In our Party [the PCF], which the 
revolutionary battle has not yet completely purified of its social-democratic 
remnants, individual personalities still play too big a role . . . Only after petit- 
bourgeois individualism has been destroyed once and for all will the anonymous 
iron cohorts of the French Bolsheviks take shape. If we wish to be worthy of 
the Communist International to which we belong and to follow in the steps of 
the glorious Russian Party, we must mercilessly punish all those in our ranks 
who fail to comply with our rules!" This line was to govern the PCF for many 
decades. The unionist Pierre Monatte summed up the change in a single word: 
the "corporali/ation" (turning everyone into little corporals) of the Communist 

During the K i f t h Congress of the Comintern in the summer of 1924, 
Zinoviev threatened to "break the bones" of his opponents, demonstrating 

The Comintern in Action 


clearly the sort of behavior that was becoming the norm in Communist circles. 
Unfortunately, it was to rebound on him: it was his bones that were broken by 
Stalin when he was removed from the post of Comintern President in 1925. 
Zinoviev was replaced by Bukharin, who soon suffered the same fate. On 11 
July 1928, just before the Sixth Congress of the Comintern (17 July— 1 Sep- 
tember), Kamenev had a secret meeting with Bukharin at which he took notes. 
Bukharin explained that he was a victim of the police regime, that his phone 
was being tapped, and that he was being followed by the GPU His fear was 
quite real as he said, "He'll strangle us ... we can't bring division into the 
Party, because he'd strangle us." The "he" in question was Stalin. 

The first person whom Stalin tried to "strangle" was Leon Trotsky. The 
onslaught against Trotskyism, launched in 1927, was an extension of the ear- 
lier campaign against Trotsky himself. Hints of this had come during a Bolshe- 
vik Party conference in October 1926, when Yuri Larin, writing in Pravda, had 
demanded that "either the Opposition must be expelled and legally destroyed, 
or we must solve the problem with guns in the streets, as we did with the left 
Socialist Revolutionaries in July 1918 in Moscow." The Left Opposition, as it 
was officially called, was isolated and getting weaker all the time. The GPU 
initiated a campaign of intimidation against it, claiming that the group had a 
secret press, directed by a former officer from Wrangel's army (who in fact was 
a GPU agent), where Opposition documents were being printed. On the tenth 
anniversary of October 1917, the Opposition decided to disseminate its own 
agenda. Brutal police tactics prevented this from happening, and on 14 No- 
vember 1927 both Trotsky and Zinoviev were expelled from the Bolshevik 
Party. The next step was to exile the best-known opposition activists to far- 
flung regions of the Soviet Union. Christian Rakovsky, the former Soviet 
ambassador to France, was exiled to Astrakhan, on the Volga, then to Barnaul, 
in Siberia. Viktor Serge was sent to Oranienburg in the Urals, in 1933. Others 
were expelled from the Soviet Union altogether. Trotsky was first taken by 
force to Alma-Ata, in Kazakhstan; a year later he was expelled to Turkey and 
thus avoided the prison sentence that awaited most of his followers. These 
followers were becoming more and more numerous, and like the activists of 
what had been the Workers' Opposition and the Democratic Centralist Group 
they were being arrested and sent to special prisons known as "political deten- 
tion centers." 

From this time on, foreign Communists who either were members of the 
Comintern abroad or were living in Russia were arrested and interned in the 
same fashion as activists in the Russian Party. It was claimed that they should 
be treated as Russians since any foreign Communist who stayed in Russia for 
any length of time was required to join the Bolshevik Party and thus was subject 


World Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

to its discipline. One well-known case was that of the Yugoslav Communist 
Ante Ciliga, a member of the Yugoslav Politburo who was sent to Moscow in 
1926 as a Yugoslav Communist Party (YCP) member of the Comintern. He 
made contact with Trotsky's opposition group and increasingly distanced him- 
self from the Comintern, where there was never any real debate about ideas, 
and whose leaders never hesitated to use intimidatory methods to counter 
opposition of any kind. Ciliga termed this the "servility system" of the inter- 
national Communist movement. In February 1929, at a General Assembly of 
Yugoslav Communists in Moscow, a resolution was adopted condemning the 
policies of the YCP. This resolution was tantamount to a condemnation from 
the Comintern itself. An illegal group — according to the rules that were then 
in place — was then organized by those who opposed the Soviets' official line. 
A commission began an inquiry into Ciliga, who was suspended for one year. 
Ciliga refused to abandon his "illegal" activities and settled in Leningrad. On 
1 May 1930 he returned to Moscow to meet with other members of his 
Russo- Yugoslav group, which had become extremely critical of the way indus- 
trialization was being carried out and sought to form a new party. On 21 May 
he and his companions were arrested and sent to the "political detention center" 
in Verkhne-Uralsk on the basis of Article 59 of the penal code. For more than 
three years he demanded the right to leave Russia, constantly writing letters of 
protest and conducting a series of hunger strikes while being moved from 
prison to prison. During one moment of freedom he attempted suicide. The 
GPU attempted to persuade him to give up his Italian citizenship. After a 
further exile in Siberia, he was finally expelled on 3 December 1935, and that 
in itself was an exceptional event. 20 

Thanks to Ciliga, we have a good idea of what life was like in the political 
detention centers. "Comrades would send us newspapers that appeared in the 
prisons. What a range of opinion, what freedom of thought there was in those 
articles! What passion and openness in the discussion of questions that were 
not simply abstract and theoretical, but were also the burning issues of the day! 
And our freedom did not stop there either. During our daily walk, we would 
pass through a series of rooms, and the inmates would gather in the corners 
and conduct proper meetings, with a president, a secretary, and speakers who 
took the floor in turns." He also described the physical conditions: 

Our diet was that of the traditional muzhik [peasant]: bread and soup 
day and night, all year long . . . For lunch there was a soup made from 
bad fish or rotten meat. For dinner we had the same soup without the 
fish or meat . . - The daily bread ration was 700 grams, the monthly 
sugar ration was one kilo, and we also had a tobacco ration, some ciga- 
rettes, tea, and soap. The diet was monotonous, and there was never 

The Comintern in Action 


enough food. We constantly had to fight against reductions in our ra- 
tions: 1 could not begin to describe how we fought for our right to the 
tiniest little scraps. But if we compare how we lived to the regimes in 
force in the normal prisons, where hundreds of thousands of detainees 
were all crammed in together, and certainly to the gulags, where millions 
of people were crushed, our regime was privileged by comparison. 21 

Such privileges of course were all relative. In Verkhne-Uralsk the prison- 
ers went on hunger strike three times, in April and then again in the summer 
of 1931, and again in December 1933, to fight for their rights and above all to 
protest the lengthening of their sentences. After 1934 the special treatment of 
such political prisoners was largely ended, although it remained in place in 
Verkhne-Uralsk until 1937, and conditions rapidly worsened. Some detainees 
died after being beaten, others were shot, and others simply disappeared alto- 
gether, as Vladimir Smirnov did in Suzdal in 1933, 

The criminalization of real or imaginary opponents within the various Com- 
munist Parties was soon extended to high-ranking members. Jose Bullejos, the 
leader of the Spanish Communist Party, and several of his colleagues were 
called to Moscow in the autumn of 1932 and their policies severely criticized. 
When they refused to submit to the dictates of the Comintern, they were 
expelled from the Party en masse on 1 November and found themselves under 
house arrest in the Hotel Lux, where the members of the Comintern were 
based. The Frenchman Jacques Duclos, the former Comintern delegate in 
Spain, brought them the news of their expulsion and explained to them that 
any attempt to resist would be met with "the full force of Soviet law." 22 Bullejos 
and his companions had an extremely difficult time trying to leave the 
U.S.S.R.; it took two months of tense negotiations before their passports were 
returned to them. 

The same year saw *he epilogue to an extraordinary series of events 
concerning the French Communist Party. Early in 1931 the Comintern had 
sent a representative and several instructors to the PCF with orders to bring 
the situation there under control. In July the head of the Comintern, Dmitry 
Manuilsky, came secretly to Paris and revealed to an amazed local Politburo 
that a group in their midst was attempting to sow disorder in the Party ranks. 
In fact the mission itself was an attempt to sow discord in the Party and hence 
to weaken the grip of French Party leaders and increase their dependence on 
Moscow. Among the heads of this mythical group was Pierre Celor, one of the 
main leaders of the Party since 1928, who was called to Moscow on the pretext 
that he was to be elected to the post of PCF representative at the Comintern. 
As soon as he arrived he was treated as an agent provocateur and a social outcast. 


World Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

Having no money, Celor managed to get through the winter thanks to the ration 
card of his wife, who had accompanied him to Moscow and who still had a post 
in the Comintern. On 8 March 1932 he was called to a meeting with several 
secret-police investigators, who during a twelve-hour interrogation tried to 
make him admit that he was a "police agent who had infiltrated the Party." 
Celor refused to admit any such thing, and after several more months of 
harassment he returned to France on 8 October 1932, only to be publicly 
denounced as a police spy. 

In 1931 French Communist Louis Aragon wrote the following poem, 
titled "Prelude to the Cherry Season": 

I sing the GPU which is taking shape 

In the France of today 

I sing the GPU we need in France 

I sing the GPUs of nowhere and everywhere 

I call for the GPU to prepare the end of the world 

Call for the GPU to prepare the end of the world 

To defend the betrayed 

To defend those always betrayed 

Ask for a GPU, you whom they bend and whom they kill 

Ask for a GPU 

You need the GPU 

Long live the GPU the dialectical figure of heroism 

Real heroes not imbecile idiot pilots 

Who people think are heroes just because they 

Fly in the face of the earth 

Long live the GPU, true image of materialist splendor 

Long live the GPU; down with Chiappe and the Marseillaise 

Long live the GPU; down with the pope and the bugs 

Long live the GPU; down with money and banks 

Long live the GPU; down with the cheating East 

Long live the GPU; down with the family 

Long live the GPU; down with infernal laws 

Long live the GPU; down with socialist assassins like 

Caballero Boncour MacDonald Zoergibel 

Long live the GPU; down with the enemies of the proletariat 


In 1932 cadre sections on the model of the Bolshevik Party were estab- 
lished in many Communist Parties. These sections were dependent on the 
Central Section of the Comintern cadres. Their task was to keep complete 
records on all Party activists and to gather biographical and autobiographical 
questionnaires on all the leaders. More than 5,000 such dossiers from the 
French Party alone were sent to Moscow before the war. The biographical 

The Comintern in Action 


questionnaire contained more than seventy questions and was divided into five 
broad sections: origins and current social situation, role in the Party, education 
and intellectual activities, participation in social life, and any legal records that 
might be relevant. This material was catalogued in Moscow, where the records 
were kept by Anton Krajewski, Moisei Chernomordik, and Gevork Alikhanov, 
the successive heads of the Comintern cadre section, which was also linked to 
the foreign section of the NKVD. In 1935 Meir Trilisser, one of the NKVD's 
highest-ranking agents, was appointed secretary of the Central Executive Com- 
mittee of the Comintern and placed in charge of the cadre section. Under the 
pseudonym Mikhail Moskvin he collected information and denunciations and 
decided who was to be disgraced, which was the first step on the way to 
liquidation. 24 It was the job of all cadre sections to draw up blacklists of enemies 
of the U.S.S.R. and of Communism. 

In rapid order, various sections of the Comintern began to recruit intel- 
ligence agents for the U.S.S.R. In some cases the people who agreed to under- 
take this illegal and clandestine work were genuinely unaware that they were 
working for the Soviet secret services, including the GRU, the Foreign Section 
(Inostrannyi otdeP; INO) of the Cheka-GPU, and the NKVD. Relations among 
these organizations were formidably complicated. Moreover, they fought 
among themselves to recruit new agents, often attempting to entice agents from 
rival services. Elizaveta Poretskaya gives many examples of such practices in 
her memoirs. 2 * 

In 1932, when the cadres began to be controlled by emissaries from the Comin- 
tern, the PCF itself started keeping records on all people it considered suspect 
or dangerous. The official function of the cadre sections was to recruit the best 
activists; another function was to compile lists of people who had been found 
wanting in some way. From 1932 to June 1939 the PCF drew up twelve 
documents with titles such as "Blacklist of provocateurs, traitors, and police 
informers thrown out of French revolutionary organizations" and "Blacklist of 
provocateurs, thieves, crooks, Trotskyites, and traitors thrown out of workers' 
organizations in France." To justify such lists, which by the start of World War 
II contained more than 1,000 names, the PCF used a simple political argument: 
"The struggle of the bourgeoisie against the working classes and revolutionary 
organizations in our country is becoming ever more intense." 

Activists were required to submit information about the appearance of 
suspects (List no. 10, from August 1938, specified "size and build, hair, eye- 
brows, forehead, nose, mouth, chin, shape of face, complexion, distinguishing 
marks") and "any information that might help locate" them, such as their 
address and place of work. Alt activists were thus required to some extent to 
behave like Cheka members. 


World Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

Some suspects undoubtedly were genuine crooks; others were simply 
opposed to the Party line, irrespective of whether they belonged to the Party. 
The first targets in the 1930s were the Trotskyites and the followers of Jacques 
Doriot in Saint-Denis. The French Communists simply repeated the argu- 
ments of their Soviet counterparts: the Trotskyites had become "a gang of 
criminals and unscrupulous saboteurs, subversive agents, and assassins follow- 
ing the orders of foreign espionage services." 25 

The war, the banning of the PCF because of its support for the German- 
Soviet pact, and the German occupation induced the Party to intensify its 
secret-police activities. All PCF members who refused to accept the German- 
Soviet pact were denounced, including those who joined the resistance. Among 
these were Adrien Langumier, an editor at Jean Luchaire's Temps rwuveaux; 
and Rene Nicod, a former Communist deputy from Oyonnax, whose ties with 
his former comrades remained close. Jules Fourier was another Communist 
whom the Party police tried unsuccessfully to liquidate: Fourier, after voting 
in favor of full powers for Petain, set up a resistance network in 1941 and was 
subsequently deported to Buchenwald and Mauthausen. 

Other targets included those who in 1941 participated in the French 
Workers' and Peasants' Party (POPF); one of its leaders, Marcel Gitton, a 
former PCF Party secretary, was shot in September by militant Communists. 
The PCF declared this group "traitors to the Party and to France." Sometimes 
their accusatory statements were followed by the note "punished accordingly." 
There were also cases of militants such as Georges Dezire, who were suspected 
of treason and assassinated, only to be rehabilitated after the war. 

In the midst of the persecution of Jews, the Communist Party used 
strange methods to denounce its enemies: "C . . . Renee, also known as Tania, 
or Therese, of the 14th arrondtssement, Bessarabian Jew"; u De B . . . Foreign 
Jew, a rebel who insults the CP and the U.S.S.R." Immigrant Manpower (the 
MOI), an organization that grouped all foreign militant Communists, had used 
similar language: U R. Jew (not his real name). Works with a group of enemy 
Jews." The hatred for Trotskyites also remained strong: "D . . . Yvonne. 
1, Place du General Beuret, Paris 8 ... A Trotskyite, has had liaisons with the 
POUM. Insults the U.S.S.R." It is quite probable that in the course of arrests 
such lists fell into the hands of the Vichy police or the Gestapo. What then 
happened to the people on the lists? 

In 1945 the PCF released another series of blacklists of political enemies, 
some of whom had already survived several assassination attempts. The insti- 
tutionalization of the blacklist quite obviously echoes the lists of potential 
criminals drawn up by Soviet security services such as the Cheka, the GPU, 
and the NKVD. It was a universal practice among Communists, which began 

The Comintern in Action 


in the early days of the civil war in Russia. In Poland, at the moment the war 
ended, such lists contained forty-eight categories of people to be watched. 

In-fighting among the various services was ended by a simple change that 
united the Comintern and the secret services under the control of the head of 
the CPSU, making them directly accountable to Stalin himself for their ac- 
tions. In 1932 Mikhail Ryutin, who had been zealous and relentless in carrying 
out repression against his own friends, suddenly found himself in opposition to 
Stalin. He drew up a statement saying that "Stalin today has the infallible 
status of a pope at the Comintern. He controls, by direct and indirect means, 
all the leading cadres of the Comintern, not simply in Moscow but everywhere, 
and this is the decisive argument that confirms his invincibility in political 
questions." 27 By the end of the 1920s the Comintern, which was also financially 
dependent on the Soviet state, had lost all semblance of independence. It was 
not long before this material dependence, which went hand in hand with 
political dependence, accompanied an even more sinister dependence on the 
secret police. 

The inevitable result of the ever-increasing police pressure on Comintern 
members was fear and mistrust. As soon as the threat of denunciation became 
widespread, a general lack of confidence became apparent in all quarters. 
Denunciation came in two forms: either a voluntary declaration, or a statement 
taken from people as a result of mental or physical torture. Sometimes fear was 
enough. And there were other militants who were proud to denounce their 
colleagues. The case of the French Communist Andre Marty is characteristic 
of the paranoia that was so widespread at the time, and the senseless rush to 
appear to be the most vigilant Communist of them all. In a letter marked 
"strictly confidential" addressed to the General Secretary of the Comintern, 
Georgi Dimitrov, and dated 23 June 1927, he wrote a lengthy denunciation of 
Eugen Fried, the representative of the International in France, pretending to 
be amazed that Fried had not yet been arrested by the French police, and 
expressing extreme suspicion of this fact. 2 * 

The phenomena of terror and the public trials inevitably met with differ- 
ent responses abroad. In Paris Boris Suvarin made the following remarks in Le 
Figaro litteraire on 1 July 1937: 

It is a great exaggeration to claim that the Moscow trials are an exclu- 
sively Russian phenomenon. While there are of course national charac- 
teristics involved, one can also discern many other more general truths. 
First, one should abandon the idea that what can be understood by 
Russians cannot possibly be understood by the French. In fact the ad- 
missions that have been made arc as puzzling to the people of Russia as 


World Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

they are to the people of France. Those who, out of some fanatical sense 
of devotion to the Bolshevik cause, find it all quite natural are probably 
more numerous abroad than they are in Russia . . . 

In the early years of the Russian Revolution, it was easy to put 
everything down to the idea of the "Slavic soul"; yet the events that 
were reputed to be exclusively Slavic phenomena have subsequently 
been witnessed in Italy and Germany. When the beast in man is un- 
leashed, the same consequences are visible everywhere, irrespective of 
whether the man in question is Latin, German, or Slav, however differ- 
ent he may appear on the surface. 

And in any case, in France and everywhere else there are millions 
of people who are in Stalin's pocket. The editors of L'humanile are 
identical with the men at Pravda when it comes to flattery and syco- 
phancy, and they don't have the excuse that a totalitarian dictator is 
breathing down their necks. When an academician like [Vladimir] 
Komarov demeans himself in Red Square yet again by asking for more 
blood, one must bear in mind that if he had not done so, he would have 
been effectively committing suicide. And with that in mind, what are we 
to make of men like Romain Rolland, [Paul] Langevin, and [Andre] 
Malraux, who admire and actively support the so-called Soviet regime 
with its "culture" and "justice," and who aren't forced to do so by 
hunger or torture? 

In the same vein as the Marty letter is one sent to "Comrade L. P. Beria" (the 
people's commissar of internal affairs in the U.S.S.R.) by the Bulgarian Stella 
Blagoeva, an obscure employee in the cadre section of the Executive Commit- 
tee of the Comintern: 

The Executive Committee of the Communist International possesses 
information drawn up by a series of comrades, all militants in friendly 
parties, that we feel should be addressed to you so that you may check 
the information and accordingly take any steps necessary . . . One of the 
secretaries of the Central Committee of the Hungarian Communist 
Party, [Frigyes] Karikas, has taken part in conversations that seem to 
indicate insufficient devotion to the Party of Lenin and Stalin . . . Com- 
rades have also been asking a very serious question: How is it that in 
1932 the Hungarian court condemned him to only three years in prison, 
whereas during the dictatorship of the proletariat in Hungary Karikas 
carried out death sentences pronounced by the revolutionary tribunal 
. . . There are many indications from comrades from Germany, Austria, 
Lithuania, Poland, and elsewhere that political emigration is becoming a 
dirty business . . . This problem must be addressed in a determined 
fashion. 29 

The Comintern in Action 


Arkady Vaksberg notes that the Comintern archives also contain dozens 
(perhaps even hundreds) of denunciations, a phenomenon that attests to the 
moral decay that took hold within the Comintern and among officials of the 
Soviet Communist Party. This decay was quite apparent during the great trials 
of members of the Bolshevik "old guard," who had lent their support to the 
establishment of power on the basis of "the absolute lie." 

The Great Terror Strikes the Comintern 

The assassination of Sergei Kirov on 1 December 1934 provided Stalin with an 
excellent pretext for moving from severe repression to real terror both in the 
Russian Communist Party and in the Comintern. 10 Until then, terror had been 
used as a weapon only against the general population. After Kirov's murder, it 
was used mercilessly against the very people who wielded power in the Party 

The first victims were the members of the Russian Opposition who were 
already in prison. From the end of 1935 on, anyone whose sentence had expired 
was automatically reimprisoned. Several thousand militant Trotskyites were 
grouped together in the Vorkuta region. There were some 500 in the mine, 
1,000 in the Ukhto-Pechora camp, and several thousand in the Pechora region. 
On 27 October 1936, 1,000 prisoners (including women and children) began a 
hunger strike that lasted thirty-two days. They demanded separation from the 
common criminals and the right to live with their families. The first death 
among the prisoners came after four weeks. Several others met the same fate 
before the authorities agreed to their demands. The following autumn, 1,200 
prisoners (about half of whom were Trotskyites) were grouped together near 
an old brickworks. At the end of March the camp administration posted a list 
of 25 prisoners, who received a kilo of bread and orders to prepare to leave. A 
few minutes later, shots were heard. The worst possible scenario soon proved 
to be true when the other prisoners saw the convoy escort return to the camp. 
Two days later there was a new list and a similar fusillade, and so it continued 
until the end of May. The guards generally disposed of the bodies by pouring 
gasoline over them and setting them on fire. The NKVD announced on the 
radio the names of those shot, claiming that they had been killed u for counter- 
revolutionary agitation, sabotage, banditry, refusing to work, and attempting to 
escape." Even women were not spared. The wife of any activist who was 
executed was also condemned to capital punishment, as were any children over 
age twelve." 31 

Approximately 200 Trotskyites in Magadan, the capital of Kolyma, also 
went on hunger strike in the hope of being granted the status of political 


World Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

prisoners. Their declaration denounced the "gangster executioners" and 
"Stalin's fascism, even worse than Hitler's." On 11 October 1937 they were 
condemned to death, and 74 of them were executed on 26-27 October and 
4 November. Such executions continued throughout 1937 and 193K.- 12 

Wherever orthodox Communists were to be found, they were given orders 
to combat the Trotskyite minority in their midst. After the war in Spain the 
operation took a new turn, with the completely spurious revelation of links 
between Trotskyism and Nazism, made even as Stalin was preparing to sign a 
pact with Hitler. 

Soon the Great Terror launched by Stalin reached the Central Committee 
of the Comintern, A 1965 survey of the liquidation of Comintern workers was 
Branko Lazich's evocatively titled "Martyrology of the Comintern." 1 -' Boris 
Suvarin ended his "Commentaries on the Martyrology,' 1 which followed Laz- 
itch's article, with a remark concerning the humble collaborators at the Comin- 
tern, the anonymous victims of the Great Purge. It is a useful comment to bear 
in mind when looking at this particular chapter of the history of Soviet Com- 
munism: "Those who died in the massacres at the Comintern were no more than 
the tiniest fraction of an enormous massacre, that of millions of workers and peasants 
who were sacrificed without rhyme or reason by a monstrous tyranny hidden 
by a proletarian label." 

Officials in both the central and the national offices were affected by the 
mechanisms of repression in the same way that ordinary citizens were. The 
Great Purge of 1936-37 claimed not only opponents of the regime but also 
officials in the Comintern apparatus and similar organizations: the Communist 
Youth International (KIM), the Red Trade Union International (Profintern), 
Red Aid (MOPR), the International Leninist School, the Communist Univer- 
sity of Western National Minorities (KUMNZ), and other organizations. 
Wanda Pampuch-Bronska, the daughter of one of Lenin's old companions, 
reported under a pseudonym that in 1936 the KUMNZ was broken up, and its 
entire staff and almost all its students arrested. 34 

The historian Mikhail Panteleev, reviewing the records of the various 
Comintern sections, has so far found 133 victims out of a total staff of 492 
(that is, 27 percent). 15 Between 1 January and 17 September 1937, 256 people 
were fired by the Secretariat Commission of the Executive Committee, made 
up of Mikhail Moskvin (Meir Trilisser), Wilhelm Florin, and Jan Anvelt; and 
by the Special Control Commission, created in May 1937 and consisting of 
Georgi Dimitrov, Moskvin, and Dmitry Manuilsky. In general, arrest soon 
followed dismissal: Elena Walter, who was fired from Dimitrov 's secretariat on 
16 October 1938, was arrested two days later, although Jan Borowski (Ludwig 
Komorovsky) was fired from the Central Executive Committee of the Comin- 
tern on 17 July and not arrested until 7 October. In 1937, 88 Comintern 

The Comintern in Action 


employees were arrested, and another 19 the following year. Others were ar- 
rested at their desks, including Anton Krajewski (Wladyslaw Stein), who was 
then the press attache in charge of propaganda and was imprisoned on 27 May 
1937. Many were arrested immediately following missions abroad. 

All sections of the Comintern, from the Secretariat itself to its various 
representatives in the Communist Parties, were affected in some manner. In 
1937 and 1938 forty-one people were arrested at the Secretariat of the Execu- 
tive Committee. In the Department for Internationa] Relations (the OMS), 
thirty-four were arrested. Moskvin himself fell victim on 23 November 1938 
and was condemned to death on 1 February 1940. Jan Anvelt died while being 
tortured, and A. Munch-Peterson, a Dane, died in a prison hospital as a result 
of chronic tuberculosis. Fifty officials, including nine women, were shot. A 
Swiss national, Lydia Diibi, who was in charge of the underground Comintern 
network in Paris, was called to Moscow in early August 1937. No sooner had 
she arrived than she was arrested, together with her colleagues Karl Brichman 
and Erwin Wolf, and accused of having belonged to an "anti-Soviet Trotskyite 
organization 11 and of having spied for Germany, France, Japan, and Switzer- 
land. She was condemned to death by the Military Collegium of the Supreme 
Court of the U.S.S.R. on 3 November and was shot a few days later. Her Swiss 
nationality afforded her no protection, and her family was brutally informed 
of the outcome with no explanation. The principle of familial responsibility, 
which was used against the general population, was also brought to bear on 
members of the Comintern. L. Jankowska, a Pole, was condemned to eight 
years in prison for being a "member of the family of a traitor to the fatherland," 
a status she acquired when her husband, Stanislaw Skulski (Mertens), was 
arrested in August 1937 and shot on 21 September. 

Osip Pyatnitsky (Tarchis) had been second in command to Manuilsky at 
the Comintern and had been in charge of the finances of foreign Communist 
Parties and secret liaisons with the Comintern worldwide. In 1934 he was 
appointed head of the political and administrative section of the Central Com- 
mittee of the CPSU. On 24 June 1937 he intervened in a plenary session of the 
Central Committee to protest the intensification of repressions and the grant- 
ing of special powers to the head of the NKVD, Nikolai Ezhov. Stalin was 
furious; he broke up the session and exerted great pressure to bring Pyatnitsky 
into line. All in vain: when the session opened the next day, Ezhov accused 
Pyatnitsky of being a former agent of the tsarist police, and had him arrested 
on 7 July. Ezhov then forced Boris Muller (Melnikov) to testify against Pyat- 
nitsky, and after Muller himself was executed on 29 July 1938, the Military 
Collegium of the Supreme Court passed sentence on Pyatnitsky, who refused 
to plead guilty to the fabricated charge that he was a spy for Japan. He was 
condemned to death and shot on the night of 29-30 July. 


World Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

Many of the staff at the Comintern who were executed were accused of 
belonging to "the anti-Comintern organization led by Pyatnitsky, |Wilhelm 
Hugo] Knorin, and Bela Kun." Others were simply labeled Trotskyites or 
counterrevolutionaries. Bela Kun, the former head of the Hungarian Com- 
mune, who had taken a stand against Manuilsky, was in turn accused by 
Manuilsky (probably on Stalin's orders), who twisted his words until they 
amounted to a direct attack on Stalin. Kun protested his innocence and reiter- 
ated his attack against Manuilsky and Moskvin, who he claimed were respon- 
sible for the poor reputation of the CPSU abroad and the general inefficiency 
of the Comintern. No one among those present, including Palmiro Togliatti, 
Otto Kuusinen, Wilhelm Pieck, Klement Gottwald, and Arvo Tuominen, came 
to his defense. When the meeting ended, Georgi Dimitrov tabled a motion 
requesting that the "Kun affair" be examined by a special commission. Kun 
was arrested as soon as he left the room and was executed in the basement of 
the Lubyanka building at an unknown date.^ 

According to Mikhail Panteleev; the ultimate aim of these purges was the 
eradication of all resistance to Stalinism.- 17 The main targets of the repression 
were those who had been Opposition sympathizers or who had had any rela- 
tionship with known Trotskyites. Other victims included German militants 
belonging to the faction led by Heinz Neumann, who was himself liquidated 
in 1937, and other former militants from the Democratic Centralist Group. At 
the time, according to Yakov Matusov, joint chief of the First Department of 
the secret Political Section of the Main Directorate for State Security (Glavnoe 
upravlenic gosudarstvennoi bezopasnosti; GUGB), then part of the NKVD, 
all high-ranking leaders in the state apparatus, unbeknownst to them, had 
dossiers containing evidence that could be used against them at any moment. 
Kliment Voroshilov, Andrei Vyshinsky, Lazar Kaganovich, Mikhail Kalinin, 
and Nikita Khrushchev all had such files. It is thus more than probable that 
similar files were kept on the activities of Comintern leaders. 

The highest-ranking non-Russian Comintern leaders also actively partici- 
pated in the repression. One symptomatic case was that of Palmiro Togliatti, 
one of the secretaries of the Comintern, who, after Stalin's death, was hailed 
as one of the people who had been openly opposed to terrorist methods. 
Togliatti himself accused Hermann Schubert, an official in the Red Aid, and 
prevented him from giving an account of his actions. Schubert was arrested 
shortly afterward and shot. The Petermanns, a German couple who were 
Communists and had arrived in the U.S.S.R. after 1933, were accused by 
Togliatti at a meeting of being Nazi agents, on the grounds that they had kept 
in touch with their family in German). They were arrested a few weeks later. 
Togliatti was present when everyone turned on Bela Kun, and he signed the 
order that sent him to his death. He was also present at the liquidation of a 

The Comintern in Action 


Polish Communist in 1938. On that occasion he endorsed the Moscow trials, 
and saying: "Death to the cowards, spies, and fascist agents! Long live the Party 
of Lenin and Stalin, the vigilant guardian of the victories of the October 
Revolution, and the sure guarantor of the triumph of the revolution throughout 
the world! Long live the heir of Feliks Dzerzhinsky, Nikolai Ezhov!" 1H 

Terror within the Communist Parties 

Once the Central Bureau of the Comintern had been purged, Stalin set about 
attacking the other sections. The German section was the first to suffer. In 
addition to the descendants of the Volga Germans, the German community in 
Soviet Russia included militants from the German Communist Party (KPD) 
and antifascist refugees and workers who had left the Weimar Republic to help 
build socialism in the Soviet Union. But none of these people were exempt 
when the arrests began in 1933. In all, two-thirds of the antifascists in exile in 
the U.S.S.R. were affected by the repression, 

The fate of militant German Communists is well documented thanks to 
the existence of lists of cadres, Kuderlisten, which were drawn up under the 
KPD leaders Wilhelm Pieck, Wilhelm Florin, and Herbert Wehner and used 
to punish or expel Communists and victims of repression. The earliest list dates 
from 3 September 1936, the last from 21 June 1938. A document from the late 
1950s, drawn up by the control commission of the SKD (the Socialist Unity 
Party, the name taken by the German Communist Party when it regrouped 
after World War II), lists some 1,136 people. Arrests reached their peak in 1937, 
when 619 people were arrested, and continued until 1941, when 21 were 
arrested. The fate of 666 of these people is unknown, although it is almost 
certain that they died in prison. At least 82 were executed, 197 died in prison 
camps, and 132 were handed over to the Nazis. Approximately 150 survived 
their long sentences and eventually managed to leave the U.S.S.R. One of the 
ideological reasons invoked to justify the arrest of these militants was that they 
had failed to stop Adolf Hitler's rise to power, as though Moscow itself had 
played no role in the Nazi seizure of power. >J 

The most tragic episode of all, the occasion on which Stalin displayed the 
full extent of his cynicism, was the handing over to Hitler of the German 
antifascists. This took place in 1937, when the Soviet authorities began expel- 
ling Germans from the U.S.S.R. On 16 February ten were condemned and then 
handed over by the Soviet special services. The names of some of them are 
well known: Emil Larisch, a technician who had been living in the U.S.S.R. 
since 1921; Arthur Thilo, an engineer who had arrived in 1931; Wilhelm 
Pfeiffer, a Communist from Hamburg; and Kurt Nixdorf, a university em- 
ployee at the Marx-Engels Institute. All had been arrested in 1936 on charges 


World Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

of spying or "fascist activities/ 1 and the German ambassador, Werner von der 
Schulenberg, tried to intervene on their behalf with Maksim Litvinov, the 
Soviet minister of foreign affairs. Arthur Thilo managed to get to the British 
consulate in Warsaw, but many were not so lucky. Pfeiffer tried to get himself 
expelled to England, knowing that if he returned to Germany he would be 
arrested immediately. Eighteen months later, on 18 August 1938, he was taken 
to the Polish border and was never heard from again. Otto Walther, a lithogra- 
pher from Leningrad who had lived in Russia since 1908, arrived in Berlin on 
4 March 1937 and subsequently killed himself by throwing himself out a 
window of the house in which he was living. 

At the end of May 1937, von der Schulenberg sent two new lists of 
Germans who had been arrested, and whose expulsion he considered desirable. 
Among the 67 names were several antifascists, including Kurt Nixdorf In the 
autumn of 1937 negotiations took a new turn, and the Soviet Union agreed to 
speed up expulsions in response to German demands, since only 30 had actually 
been expelled so far. In November and December 1937 another 148 Germans 
were expelled, and in 1938 the number rose to 445. Generally the people to be 
expelled (including several members of the Schut/bund, the paramilitary arm 
of the Austrian Social Democratic Party) were escorted to the frontier with 
Poland, Lithuania, or Finland, where they were immediately registered and 
classified by the German authorities. In some cases, including that of the 
Austrian Communist Paul Meisel, victims were taken in May 1938 to the 
Austrian frontier via Poland and were then handed over to the Gestapo. Meisel, 
who was Jewish, subsequently died in Auschwitz. 

This understanding between Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia prefigured 
the Nazi-Soviet pact of 1939, when, according to Jorge Semprum, "the truly 
convergent nature of all totalitarian systems was revealed." After the pact was 
signed, the expulsions increased dramatically. Once Poland was crushed by 
Hitler and Stalin, the two powers had a common border, so the victims could 
pass directly from a Soviet prison to a German one. From 1939 to 1941, as a 
result of an agreement signed on 27 November 1939, between 200 and 300 
German Communists were handed over to the Gestapo as a measure of the 
goodwill of the Soviet authorities toward their new allies. Approximately 350 
people were expelled between November 1939 and May 1941, including 85 
Austrians. One of these was Franz Koritschoner, a founding member of the 
Austrian Communist Part}', who had become an official in the Red Trade Union 
International. After being deported to the far north, he was handed over to the 
Gestapo in Lublin, transferred to Vienna, tortured, and executed in Auschwitz 
on 7 June 1941. 

The Soviet authorities refused to take Jewish origins into account in their 
decisions to expel people. Hans Walter David, for example, a KPD member 
who was a composer and a conductor, as well as being Jewish, was handed over 

The Comintern in Action 


to the Gestapo and gassed in 1942 in the Majdanek camp. There were many 
other cases, some recounted in the memoirs of Alexander Weissberg, a physicist 
who survived to tell his story. Margaret Buber-Neumann, the companion of 
Hans Neumann, who had been pushed out of the KPD leadership and had 
emigrated to the U.S.S.R., also wrote of the extraordinary complicity that 
existed between the Nazis and the Soviet Union. After being arrested in 1937 
and deported to Karaganda, in Siberia, she was handed over to the Gestapo 
along with many other unfortunates and interned in Ravensbriick. 40 
Weissberg recalled his transfer to the Germans: 

On 31 December 1939, we were awakened at six in the morning . . . 
After we had dressed and shaved we had to spend a few hours in a 
waiting room. One Jewish Communist from Hungary called Bloch had 
fled to Germany after the fall of the Commune in 1919. He had lived 
there with false papers and managed to continue working secretly as a 
Party activist. Later he emigrated with the same false papers. He had 
been arrested, and despite his protests was to be handed over to the 
German Gestapo . . . Just before midnight some buses arrived, and we 
were taken to the station . . . During the night of 31 December 1939-1 
January 1940, the train started moving. It was carrying seventy beaten 
men back home . . . The train continued on through the devastated 
Polish countryside toward Brest Litovsk. On the Bug River bridge the 
other European totalitarian regime was waiting, in the form of the Ger- 
man Gestapo. 41 

Weissberg managed to escape the Nazi prisons, joined the Polish rebels, and 
fought alongside them. At the end of the war he crossed into Sweden and then 
went to England. 

Margaret Buber-Neumann described the later stages of the same transfer: 

Three people refused to cross the bridge: a Hungarian Jew named 
Bloch, a Communist worker who had already been sentenced by the 
Nazis, and a German teacher whose name I cannot remember. They 
were dragged across the bridge by force. The SS disposed of the Jew 
immediately. We were then put on a train and taken to Lublin ... In 
Lublin we were handed over to the Gestapo. There it became apparent 
that not only were we being handed over to the Gestapo, but that the 
NKVD had also sent all our records and documents to the SS. In my 
dossier, for instance, it was noted that I was the wife of Neumann and 
that he was one of the Germans most hated in Nazi Germany. 42 

Buber-Neumann remained in Ravensbriick until its liberation in April 1945. 

At the same time that the German Communists were suffering, the cadres in 
the Palestinian Communist Party (PCP), many of whom had emigrated from 


World Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

Poland, were also caught up in the terror. Joseph Berger, secretary of the 
PCP from 1929 to 3931, was arrested on 27 February 1935 and was liberated 
only after the Twentieth Soviet Party Congress in 1956. His survival was 
exceptional. Other militants were executed, and many more died in camps, 
Wolf Averbuch, the director of a tractor factory in Rostov-on-Don, was ar- 
rested in 1936 and executed in 1941 . The systematic liquidation of members of 
the PCP and of socialist Zionist groups who had come to the U.S.S.R. is 
related to the more general Soviet policy toward the Jewish minority after the 
establishment of Birobidzhan as a Jewish autonomous region, all of whose 
leaders were arrested. Professor Iosif Liberberg, the president of the Executive 
Committee of Birobidzhan, w r as denounced as an "enemy of the people, 1 ' and 
all the other cadres of state institutions in the autonomous region were also 
purged. Samuel Augursky was accused of belonging to a fictitious Judeo- 
Fascist Center. The entire Jewish section of the Russian Party (the Rvreiskaya 
sektsiya) was taken apart. The goal of destroying all Jewish institutions was 
implemented even as the Soviet state was seeking support from Jewish notables 
abroad. 11 

The Polish Communists figure second only to Russians themselves in terms of 
the number who suffered in the purges. Unlike its counterparts elsewhere, the 
Polish Communist Party (KPP) had been dissolved following a vote by the 
Central Executive Committee of the Comintern on 16 August 1938. Stalin had 
always been suspicious of the KPP, which he felt was filled with deviationists. 
Many Polish Communists had been part of Lenin's entourage before 1917 and 
had enjoyed special protection in the US.S.R. as a result. In 1923 the KPP had 
taken a stand in support of Trotsky, and after Lenin's death it had voted in 
favor of the pro-Trotsky Opposition. The influence of Rosa Luxemburg on the 
KPP was also criticized. At the Fifth Congress of the Comintern in June-July 
1924, Stalin sidelined the people who had been the Party leaders — Adolf 
Warsky, Henryk Walecki, and Wera Kostrzewa — in what was clearly the first 
step toward total control of the KPP by the Comintern. The KPP was then 
denounced as a hotbed of Trotskyism. But even this declaration does little to 
explain the radical purge that then struck the Party, many members of which 
were Jewish. There also followed the Polish Military Organization (POW) 
affair in 1933 (discussed in Chapter 19). Other factors should also be borne in 
mind, such as the fact that the Comintern had a policy of systematically 
weakening the Polish state to increase its dependence on both the US.S.R. and 
Germany. The theory that the most important element behind the liquidation 
of the KPP was the need to prepare for the signing of the German-Soviet 
agreements deserves to be taken seriously. How Stalin went about it is also 
quite revealing. He made sure (with the assistance of the Comintern) that each 

The Comintern in Action 


of the victims was brought back to Moscow, and that as few as possible es- 
caped. The only ones who survived were those who were imprisoned in Po- 
land, such as Wladyslaw Gomulka. 

In February 1938 the official Comintern bulletin that came out twice a 
week, La correspondance Internationale, launched an attack, signed by 
J. Swiecicki, on the KPP During the purge that began in June 1937, when 
General Secretary Julian Lenski was called to Moscow and immediately disap- 
peared, twelve members of the Central Committee, many leaders slightly lower 
in the hierarchy, and several hundred militants, including Poles who had en- 
listed in the International Brigades, were liquidated. The political leaders of 
the Dombrowski Brigade, Kazimierz Cichowski and Gustav Reicher, were 
arrested upon their return to Moscow. Stalin did not permit a new Polish 
Communist Party to be formed until 1942, under the name Polish Workers' 
Party (PPR), so that a new government could be formed to rival the official 
government-in-exile that had been set up in London. 

The Yugoslav Communists also suffered badly under the Stalinist terror. After 
being banned in 1921, the Yugoslav Communist Party had been forced to 
regroup abroad, in Vienna from 1921 to 1936, and in Paris from 1936 to 1939; 
but after 1925 its main center was Moscow. A small core of Yugoslav emigres 
first formed among the students at the Communist University of Western 
National Minorities (KUMNZ), the Sverdlov Communist University, and the 
International Leninist School. This group was considerably strengthened by a 
second wave of emigres after King Alexander took power as dictator in 1929. 
In the 1930s the 200 to 300 Yugoslav Communists residing in the US.S.R. had 
a fairly high profile in the international organizations, particularly in the 
Comintern and the International Youth Organization. They were thus usually 
members of the CPSU 

They began to acquire a bad reputation because of the numerous factional 
struggles to take control of the YCP Intervention by the Comintern became 
more and more frequent and constraining. In mid- 1925 the first chistka (purge) 
took place at the KUMNZ, where the Yugoslav students were favoring the 
Opposition and opposing the rector, Maria J. Frukina. A few students were 
disgraced and expelled, and four of them (Ante Ciliga, V. Dedic, A. Dragic, 
and G. Eberling) were arrested and banished to Siberia. Another sixteen mili- 
tants were expelled in another purge in 1932. 

In the aftermath of the Kirov assassination, control over political emigres 
was reinforced, and in the autumn of 1936 all YCP militants were investigated 
before the terror began. Although little is known about the fate of the anony- 
mous workers, we do know that eight secretaries of the YCP's Central Com- 
mittee, fifteen other members of the Central Committee, and twenty-one 


World Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

secretaries from regional or local bodies were arrested and disappeared. Sima 
Markevic, one of the secretaries, who had been forced to flee to the US.S.R. 
and had worked at the Academy of Sciences, was arrested in July 1939, sen- 
tenced to ten years of hard labor, and forbidden any contact with the outside 
world. He died in prison. Others were executed immediately, including the 
Vujovic brothers, Radomir (a member of the YCP Central Committee) and 
Gregor (a member of the Central Youth Committee). Another brother, Voja, 
who had been the head of the Communist Youth International and a Trotsky 
sympathizer, also disappeared. Milan Gorkic, a secretary of the Central Com- 
mittee of the Yugoslav Communist Party from 1932 to 1937, was accused of 
having established "an anti-Soviet organization within the International, and 
of having directed a terrorist group within the Comintern, which was led by 
Knorin and Pyatnitsky." 

In the mid-1960s the YCP rehabilitated about 100 victims of the repres- 
sion, but no systematic investigation was ever undertaken. Such an inquiry 
would of course also have raised the question of the number of victims of the 
repression of supporters of the US.S.R. in Yugoslavia after the 1948 schism. 
And it would have demonstrated quite convincingly that the ascension of Tito 
(Josip Broz) to the leadership of the Party in 1938 took place as a result of a 
particularly bloody purge. The fact that Tito rose up against Stalin in 1948 
takes nothing away from his responsibility for the purges of the 1930s. 

The Hunt for Trotskyites 

Having thinned the ranks of foreign Communists living in the US.S.R., Stalin 
turned his attention to dissidents living abroad. Thus the NKVD gained an 
opportunity to demonstrate its power worldwide. 

One of the most spectacular cases was that of Ignaz Reiss, whose real name 
was Nathan Poretsky. As a young Jewish revolutionary in Central Europe who 
had emerged from the Great War, Reiss was among many who were eagerly 
recruited by the Comintern. 44 A professional agitator, he worked in the inter- 
national underground network and carried out his work with such efficiency 
that he was decorated with the Order of the Red Flag in 1928. After 1935 he 
was ''retrieved" by the NKVD, which took control of all foreign networks and 
pur him in charge of espionage in Germany. The first of the great Moscow 
trials came as a terrible shock to Reiss, who then decided to break with Stalin. 
All too familiar with the house rules, he prepared his defection with extreme 
care. On 17 July 1937 he sent an open letter to the CPSU Central Committee 
in which he explained his position and attacked Stalin and Stalinism by name, 
calling it "that admixture of the worst types of opportunism, unprincipled, 
bloody, and deceptive, which is threatening to poison the whole world and to 

The Comintern in Action 


kill off what remains of the Workers' Movement. 1 ' Reiss also explained his 
move into the Trotskyite camp, and in doing so unknowingly signed his own 
death warrant. The NKVD immediately contacted its network in France and 
found Reiss in Switzerland, where an ambush was laid for him. In Lausanne 
on the night of 4 September he was riddled with bullets by two French 
Communists while a female NKVD agent attempted to kill his wife and child 
with a box of poisoned chocolates. Despite a long police search in both France 
and Switzerland, the killers and their accomplices were never found. Trotsky 
immediately suspected Jacques Duclos, one of the PCF secretaries, and he told 
his own secretary, Jan Van Heijenoort, to send the following telegram to the 
head of the French government: "Chautemps Head of Government France / 
regarding Ignaz Reiss assassination affair / my files stolen among other crimes 
/ suggest at least interrogating Jacques Duclos Vice President Chamber of 
Deputies ex-GPU agent." 45 

Duclos had been vice president of the Chamber of Deputies since 1936. 
Nothing was done to follow up on this telegram. 

The assassination of Reiss was quite spectacular, but it was part of a much 
wider movement to liquidate Trotskyites wherever possible. It is hardly sur- 
prising that Trotskyites were massacred in the US.S.R. along with all the others 
who died in the purges. What is more surprising is the lengths to which the 
secret services went to destroy their opponents abroad, as well as the different 
Trotskyite groups that had sprung up in so many countries. The main method 
used was the patient covert infiltration of all such groups. 

In July 1937 Rudolf Klement, the leader of the International Secretariat 
of the Trotskyite Opposition, disappeared. On 26 August a headless, legless 
body was fished our of the Seine and was soon identified as the body of 
Klement. Trotsky's own son, Lev Sedov, died in Paris shortly after a medical 
operation, but the suspicious circumstances surrounding his death led his 
family to believe it was an assassination organized by the Soviet secret services, 
although this is denied in the memoirs of Pavel Sudoplatov. 4 * But undoubtedly 
Lev Sedov was being closely watched by the NKVD. In fact one of his close 
friends, Mark Zborowski, was an agent who had infiltrated the Trotskyite 

Sudoplatov did admit, however, that in March 1939 he had been person- 
ally ordered by Beria and Stalin to assassinate Trotsky. Stalin told him: u We 
must do away with Trotsky this year, before the outbreak of the war that is 
inevitably coming." He added, "You will be answerable to no one but Beria for 
this, and you are to take full charge of the mission. ' M7 The manhunt was 
launched, and after Paris, Brussels, and the United States the leader of the 
Fourth International was found in Mexico. With the help of the Mexican 
Communist Party, Sudoplatov's men prepared a first attempt on Trotsky's life 


World Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

on 24 May, which he miraculously escaped. The infiltration by Ramon Mer- 
cader under an assumed name finally provided Sudoplatov with the means to 
eliminate Trotsky. Mercader gained the confidence of one of the female mem- 
bers of Trotsky's group and managed to get into contact with him. Rather 
warily, Trotsky agreed to meet him to go over an article Mercader had suppos- 
edly written in Trotsky's defense. Mercader then stabbed Trotsky in the head 
with an ice pick. Mortally wounded, Trotsky cried out for help, and his wife 
and bodyguards threw themselves on Mercader. Trotsky died the next day. 

The connections among the various Communist parties, the Comintern sec- 
tions, and the NKVD had been denounced by Trotsky, who knew very well 
that the Comintern was dominated by the GPU and the NKVD. In a letter of 
27 May 1940 to the procurator general of Mexico, three days after the first 
attempt on his life, he wrote that u the traditions and methods of GPU organi- 
zation are by now well established outside the Soviet Union. The GPU needs a 
legal or semilegal cover for its activities, and an environment favorable for the 
recruiting of new agents, and it finds the necessary environment and condi- 
tions in the so-called Communist parties." 48 In his last text, regarding the 
assassination attempt of 24 May, he visited in detail the incident that had 
nearly taken his life. For him, the GPU (Trotsky always used that 1922 abbre- 
viation from the days when he had been associated with it) was "Stalin's main 
weapon for wielding power" and was "the instrument of totalitarianism in the 
US.S.R.," from which "a spirit of servitude and cynicism has spread through- 
out the Comintern and poisoned the workers' movement to the core." He 
described at some length how this had influenced matters: u As organizations, 
the GPU and the Comintern are not identical, but they are indissolubly linked. 
The one is subordinate to the other, and it is not the Comintern that gives 
orders to the GPU but quite the contrary: the GPU completely dominates the 
Comintern." 49 

This analysis, backed up a wealth of examples, was the result of Trotsky's 
twofold experience as one of the leaders of the nascent Soviet state, and also 
as a man on the run from the NKVD killers who trailed him around the world, 
and whose names today are in no doubt. They were the successive directors of 
the Special Tasks Department established in December 1936 by Nikolai Ezhov: 
Sergei Spiegelglass (who failed), Pavel Sudoplatov (who died in 1996), and 
Naum Eitingon (who died in 1981), who finally succeeded thanks to many 
accomplices. 50 

Most of the details about Trotsky's assassination in Mexico on 20 August 
1940 are known thanks to successive inquiries carried out on the spot and again 
later by Julian Gorkin. 51 In any case the man who ordered the killing was never 

The Comintern in Action 


in any doubt, and the people directly responsible were also known. All of this 
was later confirmed by Pavel Sudoplatov. Jaime Ramon Mercader del Rio was 
the son of Caridad Mercader, a Communist who had been working for the 
services for a long time and who became the mistress of Naum Eitingon. 
Mercader had approached Trotsky using the name Jacques Mornard, who did 
in fact exist, and who died in Belgium in 1967. Mornard had fought in Spain, 
and it was probably there that his passport was borrowed by the Soviet services. 
Mercader also used the name Jacson, with another false passport, which had 
belonged to a Canadian who had fought in the International Brigades and had 
died at the front. Ramon Mercader died in 1978 in Havana, where Fidel Castro 
had invited him to work as an adviser to the Ministry of the Interior. He had 
been decorated with the Order of Lenin for his crime, and he was buried quietly 
in Moscow. 

Although Stalin was now rid of his most important adversary, the hunt for 
Trotskyitcs continued. The French example is revealing of militant Commu- 
nists 1 reflexive response to small Trotskyite organizations. During the occupa- 
tion of France, some Trotskyitcs may well have been denounced by 
Communists to the French and German police. 

In the prisons and camps of Vichy, Trotskyites were systematically sepa- 
rated from the rest. In Nontron, in the Dordogne, Gerard Bloch was ostracized 
by the Communist collective led by Michel Bloch, the son of the writer Jean- 
Richard Bloch. Later incarcerated in the Elysee prison, Gerard Bloch was 
warned by a Catholic teacher that the Communist collective of the prison had 
decided to execute him by strangling him in the night. 52 

In this context of blind hatred, the disappearance of four Trotskyites, 
including Pietro Tresso, the founder of the Italian Communist party, from the 
FTP (Francs-Tircurs et Partisans) u Wodli" maquis in Haute-Loire is of greater 
significance. The FTP was a Stalinist organization through which the Com- 
munist-dominated National Front operated. Having escaped from the prison 
in Puy-en-Velay with their Communist colleagues on 1 October 1943, five 
Trotskyite militants were "captured" by the Communist maquis. One of them, 
Albert Demazicre, somehow managed to break away from his companions, and 
he was the only one to survive: Tresso, Pierre Salini, Jean Reboul, and Abraham 
Sadek were executed at the end of October, after a farcical trial. 3j Witnesses 
and the people involved (who are still alive) reported that the militants had been 
plotting to poison the water supply in the camp, an almost atavistic explanation 
that smacks of antisemitism against Trotsky (similar accusations were made 
against his own son Sergei in the US.S.R.) and against at least one of the 
prisoners, Abraham Sadek. The Communist movement showed that it, too, was 


World Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

capable of the crudest antisemitism. Before the four Trotskyites were killed, 
they were photographed, probably so that they could be identified back at PCF 
headquarters, and forced to write a summary of their lives. 

Even inside the concentration camps, the Communists attempted to an- 
nihilate their closest rivals by taking advantage of the hierarchies that existed 
there. Marcel Beaufrere, leader of the Breton regional section of the Interna- 
tionalist Workers 1 Party, was arrested in October 1943 and deported to Buchen- 
wald in January 1944. The interblock chief (who was himself a Communist) 
suspected him of being a Trotskyite. Ten days after Beaufrere's arrival, a friend 
informed him that the Communist cell in Block 39 — his block — had con- 
demned him to death and was sending him as a guinea pig to be injected with 
typhus. Beaufrere was saved at the last minute through the intervention of 
German militants.' 4 The Communists often used the concentration-camp sys- 
tem to get rid of their political enemies, deliberately sending them to the 
hardest sections, even though they themselves were victims of the same Ge- 
stapo officers and the same SS divisions. Marcel Hie and Roland Filiatre, who 
were deported to Buchenwald, were sent to the terrible camp Dora "with the 
assent of KPD cadres who had high administrative functions in the camp," 
according to Rodolphe Prager. 55 Hie died there; Filiatre survived another at- 
tempt on his life in 1948. 

Other liquidations of militant Trotskyites took place during the liberation. 
Mathieu Buchholz, a young Paris worker from the "Class War 11 group, disap- 
peared on 11 September 1944. In May 1947 his group claimed that this had 
been the work of Stalinists. 

The Trotskyite movement had a sizable impact in Greece. A secretary from the 
Greek Communist party (the KKE), Pandelis Poliopolos, who was shot by the 
Italians, had joined the movement before the war. During the war the Trotsky- 
ites rallied to the cause of the National Liberation Front (EAM), founded in 
June 1941 by the Communists. Ares Velouchiotes, the leader of the People's 
Army for National Liberation (ELAS), ordered some twenty Trotskyite lead- 
ers to be killed. After the liberation the persecution of Trotskyites continued, 
and many were tortured to reveal the names of their colleagues. In 1946, in a 
report to the Central Committee of the Communist Party, Vasilis Bartziotas 
noted that 600 Trotskyites had been executed by OPLA (Organization for the 
Protection of the Popular Struggle), a figure that probably also includes anar- 
chists and other dissident socialists. 5fi The Archeo-Marxists, militants who had 
broken with the KKE in 1924, were also persecuted and assassinated. 57 

It was no different for Albanian Communists. After unification in 1941, 
differences emerged among the left-wing groups that rallied around Anastaste 

The Comintern in Action 


Lula, primarily between the Trotskyites and leaders of the orthodox parties 
(Enver Hoxha, Mehmet Shehu) who were being advised by the Yugoslavs. Lula 
was summarily executed in 1943. After several attempts on his life, Sadik 
Premtaj, another popular Trotskyite leader, managed to reach France, but in 
May 1951 he fell victim to another assassination attempt by Djemal Chami, a 
former member of the International Brigades and an Albanian agent in Paris. 
In China an embryonic movement had taken shape in 1928 under the 
leadership of Chen Duxiu, one of the founders and earliest leaders of the 
Chinese Communist Party. In 1935 it still had only a few hundred members. 
In the war against Japan some of them managed to infiltrate the Eighth Army 
of the People's Liberation Army (PLA), the armed force of the Communist 
Party. Mao Zedong had them executed and liquidated their battalions. At the 
end of the civil war they were systematically hunted down and killed. The fate 
of many of them is still unknown. 

For a while the situation in Indochina was quite different. Trotskyites 
from the Tranh Dau (The Struggle) and Communists put up a common front 
from 1933 onward. The influence of Trotskyites was strongest in the south of 
the peninsula. In 1937 a directive from Jacques Duclos forbade the Indochinese 
Communist Party to cooperate with the Tranh Dau militants. In the months 
following the conflict with the Japanese, another Trotskyite branch — the Inter- 
national Communist League gained an ascendancy that troubled the Com- 
munist leaders. In September 1945, when the British troops arrived, the 
International Communist League shattered the peaceful welcome that the Viet 
Minh (the Democratic Fronr for Independence) had reserved for them. On 14 
September the Viet Minh launched a huge operation against the Trotskyite 
cadres. Most of them were executed shortly after their capture. Having fought 
against the Anglo-French troops in the paddy fields, they were crushed by the 
Viet Minh troops. In the second part of the operation the Viet Minh turned 
against the Tranh Dau. Imprisoned in Ben Sue, they too were executed as the 
French troops approached. Ta Tu Thau, the leader of the movement, was 
executed in February 1946. Ho Chi Minh himself wrote that all Trotskyites 
were "traitors and spies of the lowest sort."'* 

In Czechoslovakia, the fate of Zavis Kalandra is typical of the fate of all 
his companions. In 1936 Kalandra had been thrown out of the Czechoslovak 
Communist Party for writing a leaflet denouncing the Moscow trials. He later 
fought in the resistance, and was deported by the Germans to Oranienburg. 
Arrested in November 1949, he was accused of plotting against the republic 
and tortured. His trial began in June 1950; he made a "full confession" and was 
sentenced to death on 8 June. In Combat on 14 June, Andre Breton asked Paul 
Eluard to intervene in his favor; both had known him since before the war. 


World Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

Eluard replied: "I am too busy worrying about innocent people who are pro- 
testing their innocence to worry about guilty people who have admitted their 
guilt." 59 Kalandra was executed on 27 June with three of his companions. 

Foreign Antifascist and Revolutionary Victims of the Terror in the U.S.S.R. 

The Communist terror targeted more than the Comintern, Trotskyites, and 
other dissidents. In the 1930s there were still many foreigners living in the 
U.S.S.R. who were not Communists but who had been attracted by the Soviet 
dream. Many of them paid the highest price for the passion they had felt for 
Soviet Russia. 

In the early 1930s the Soviet Union launched a propaganda campaign in 
the Karelia region, making much of the possibilities offered by the frontier 
regions between Russia and Finland and of the golden opportunity presented 
there to "build socialism." Some 12,000 people left Finland to live in Karelia 
and were joined there by another 5,000 Finns from the United States. Most of 
the latter were members of the American Association of Finnish Workers and 
were experiencing tremendous hardship because of the stock-market crash of 
1929. Amtorg agents (Amtorg was the Soviet advertising agency) promised 
them work, good salaries, housing, and a free trip from New York to Leningrad. 
They were told to bring all their possessions with them. 

What Aino Kuusinen termed "the rush for Utopia" soon turned into a 
nightmare. As soon as the Finns arrived, their machinery, tools, and savings 
were confiscated. They were forced to hand over their passports and effective! v 
found themselves prisoners in an underdeveloped region where there was 
nothing but forest and conditions were extremely harsh. M> According to Arvo 
Tuominen, who led the Finnish Communist Party and held a key position in 
the Presidium of the Comintern Executive Committee until 1939 before being 
condemned to death and then having his sentence commuted to ten years* 
imprisonment, at least 20,000 Finns were detained in concentration camps. 61 

Forced to live in Kirovakan after World War II, Aino Kuusinen also 
witnessed the arrival of the Armenians, another set of victims of clever propa- 
ganda who came to live in the Soviet Republic of Armenia. In response to 
Stalin's appeal to all Russians living abroad to return home to rebuild the 
country, many Armenians, most of whom had been living in exile in Turkey, 
mobilized to promote the Armenian Republic, which they envisaged as the land 
of their forefathers. In September 1947 several thousand of them gathered in 
Marseille, and 3,500 boarded the ship Rossiya, which carried them to the 
U.S.S.R. As soon as the ship had entered Soviet territorial waters in the Black 
Sea, the attitude of the authorities changed markedly. Many understood im- 
mediately that they had walked into a terrible trap. In 1948 another 200 Arme- 

The Comintern in Action 


nians arrived from the United States. Deceived by the festivities, they met the 
same fate: their passports were confiscated as soon as they arrived. In May 1956 
several hundred Armenians in France demonstrated when Christian Pineau, 
the minister of foreign affairs, was to visit Erevan. Only 60 families managed 
to leave the U.S.S.R. during these repressions. (a Almost all left as soon as they 

The terror affected not only those who had returned to the U.S.S.R. by 
choice, but also those who had already suffered under other dictatorial regimes. 
According to Article 29 of the 1936 Soviet constitution, "The U.S.S.R. grants 
asylum to all foreign citizens persecuted for defending the interests or rights 
of workers, for their scholarly work, or for their struggle to achieve national 
liberation." In his novel Life and Fate, Vastly Grossman describes a confronta- 
tion between an SS soldier and an ex-militant Bolshevik. In a Jong monologue 
the SS soldier sums up the fate of thousands of men, women, and children 
who came to seek refuge in the U.S.S.R.: "Who is in the camps in peacetime, 
when there are no more prisoners of war? The enemies of the party, and the 
enemies of the people. They are people whom you know very well, because 
they're in your camps too. And if your prisoners came into our SS camps in 
peacetime, we wouldn't let them out again because your prisoners are our 
prisoners too."' 1,1 

Whether they came from abroad solely because of Soviet propaganda, 
because they sought refuge or security that they could not expect in their 
countries of origin, or because of their political beliefs, all immigrants were 
treated as potential spies. At least such was the excuse for condemning the 
majority of them. 

One of the first waves of immigration was that of Italian anti-Fascists in the 
mid-1 920s. A number of them, believing that they had at last found the true 
home of socialism and the country of their dreams, were cruelly deceived and 
suffered egregiously under the terror. Italian Communists and sympathizers 
numbered around 600 in the U.S.S.R. in the mid- 1930s— -about 250 emigre 
political cadres and another 350 undergoing training in the political schools. 
Because many of the students left the U.S.S.R. after their schooling, and 
another 100 activists left to fight in Spain in 1936-37, the Great Terror affected 
only those who remained. Around 200 Italians were arrested, mostly for espio- 
nage, and about 40 were shot, 25 of whom have been identified. The remainder 
were sent to the gulags, to the Kolyma gold mines or to Kazakhstan. Romolo 
Caccavale has published a moving study tracing the movements and tragic 
destiny of several dozen of these activists. w 

A typical case is that of Nazareno Scarioli, an anti-Fascist who had fled 
Italy in 1925. From there he reached Berlin and finally Moscow. Welcomed by 


World Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

the Italian section of the Red Cross, he worked in an agricultural colony near 
Moscow for one year before being transferred to a second colony in Yalta, where 
some twenty other Italian anarchists were working under the direction of Tito 
Scarselli. In 1933 the colony was dissolved, and Scarioli returned to Moscow, 
where he found a job in a biscuit factory. He played an active role in the Italian 
community there. 

Then came the years of the Great Purge. Fear and terror divided the 
Italian community, and everyone began to suspect his own comrades. The 
Italian Communist leader Paolo Robotti announced to the Italian club the arrest 
of thirty-six "enemies of the people 11 who worked in a ball-bearing factory. 
Robotti forced each person present to approve the arrest of the workers whom 
he knew personally. When the time came to vote, Scarioli refused to raise his 
hand, and he was arrested the following night. After being tortured at the 
Lubyanka building, he signed a confession. He was then deported to the 
Kolyma region and forced to work in a gold mine. Many other Italians shared 
the same fate, and many died, including the sculptor Arnaldo Silva; an engineer 
called L. Cerquetti; the Communist leader Aldo Gorelli, whose sister had 
married Egidio Sulotto, the future Communist politician; Vicenzo Baccala, the 
former secretary of the Rome committee of the Italian Communist Party; a 
Tuscan, Otello Gaggi, who worked as a porter in Moscow; Luigi Calligaris, a 
laborer in Moscow; Carlo Costa, a Venetian unionist working in Odessa; and 
Edmundo Peluso, who had been a friend of Lenin's in Zurich. In 1950 Scarioli, 
who then weighed 36 kilos, left Kolyma but was forced to continue working in 
Siberia. In 1954 he was granted amnesty and subsequently received a full 
pardon. He then waited another six years for a visa to return to Italy. 

The refugees were not limited to members of the Italian Communist Party 
or to Communist sympathizers. Some were anarchists who had been persecuted 
at home and decided to move to the Soviet Union. The most famous of such 
cases is that of Francesco Ghezzi, a militant unionist and freedom fighter, who 
arrived in Russia in June 1921 to represent the Italian Trade Union at the Red 
Trade Union International. In 1922 he traveled to Germany, where he was 
arrested; the Italian government had charged him with terrorism and de- 
manded his extradition. A vigorous campaign by his supporters in Italy saved 
him from the Italian prisons, but he was forced to return to the U.S.S.R, In the 
autumn of 1924 Ghezzi, who was linked closely to Pierre Pascal and Nikolai 
Lazarevich, had his first run-in with the GPU. In 1929 he was arrested again, 
sentenced to three years in prison, and interned in Suzdal under what were 
criminal conditions, considering that he was suffering from tuberculosis. His 
friends organized a support campaign in France and Switzerland, and Romain 
Rolland, among others, signed a petition in his favor. The Soviet authorities 
then spread the rumor that Ghezzi was a secret Fascist agent. When he was 
freed in 1931 he returned to work in a factory. He was arrested again in 1937, 

The Comintern in Action 


but this time his friends abroad could find out nothing about his whereabouts. 
He was reported dead in Vorkuta in late August 1941. 65 

In Linz on 1 1 February 1934, when the leaders of the Austrian Schutzbund 
decided to resist all attacks from the Heimwehren (the Patriotic Guard), who 
were trying to ban the Socialist Party, they could hardly have imagined the fate 
that awaited them. 

The Heimwehren attack in Linz forced the Social Democrats to begin a 
genera] strike in Vienna, which was followed by an uprising. But Engelbert 
Dollfuss was victorious after four days of hard fighting, and the militant social- 
ists who escaped prison sentences or internment either went into hiding or fled 
to Czechoslovakia, while others went on to fight later in Spain. Some of them, 
attracted by intensive propaganda against the Social Democratic leadership, 
fled to the Soviet Union. On 23 April 1934, 300 people arrived in Moscow, and 
smaller convoys continued arriving right up until December. The German 
embassy calculated that there were 807 Schutzbund immigrants in the 
U.S.S.R/' 6 If one includes their families, about 1,400 people had sought refuge 
in the U.S.S.R. 

The first convoy to arrive in Moscow was greeted by the leaders of the 
Austrian Communist Party (KPO), and the combatants paraded through the 
streets. They were taken in hand by the Central Council of Trade Unions. One 
hundred twenty children whose fathers had fallen on the barricades or been 
condemned to death were gathered together and sent off to the Crimea for a 
while, before all being housed in Children's Home No. 6 in Moscow, which was 
specially built for them.'' 7 

After a few weeks 1 rest, the Austrian workers were sent out to factories in 
Moscow, Kharkiv, Leningrad, Gorky, and Rostov. They quickly became disen- 
chanted by the terrible working conditions. Austrian Communist leaders were 
forced to intervene. The Soviet authorities tried to pressure them into taking 
Soviet citizenship, and by 1938, 300 of them had done so. But significant 
numbers also contacted the Austrian embassy in the hope of being repatriated. 
Seventy-three succeeded in returning to Austria in 1936. According to the 
Austrian embassy, 400 had made the return journey before the spring of 1938 
(after the Anschluss of March 1938, all Austrians became German subjects). 
Another 160 traveled to Spain to fight in the war there. 

But many did not have a chance to leave the U.S.S.R.; 278 Austrians were 
arrested between late 1934 and 1938.^ In 1939 Karlo Stajner met a Viennese 
named Fritz Koppensteiner in Norilsk but lost touch with him. w Some were 
executed, notably Gustl Deutch, a former leader from the Floridsdorf quarter 
and a former commander of the "Karl Marx 11 Regiment, whose brochure, 
February Combat in Floridsdorf, the Soviet Union had published in 1934. 

Even Children's Home No. 6 was not spared. In the autumn of 1936 


World Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

arrests began among the parents of those housed there, and the children were 
then taken into NKVD custody and sent away to orphanages. The mother of 
Wolfgang Leonhard disappeared after her arrest in October 1936. In the sum- 
mer of 1937 he received a postcard from the Komi republic, informing him 
that she had been sentenced to five years in a forced-labor camp for "Trotskyite 
counterrevolutionary activities." 70 

On 10 February 1963 the socialist journal Arbeitcr Zeitung told the story 
of the Sladek family. In mid-September 1934 Frau Sladek and her two sons 
went to Kharkiv to join her husband, Josef Sladek, a Schutzbunder who had 
worked on the railways in Semmering and then fled to the U.S.S.R. In 1937 
the NKVD began its arrests among the Austrian community in Kharkiv, later 
than it had in Moscow and Leningrad. Josef Sladek's turn came on 1 5 February 
1938. In 1941, before the German attack, Frau Sladek asked permission to leave 
the country and went to the German embassy. On 26 July the NKVD also 
arrested her son Alfred, age sixteen, and Victor, age eight, who was sent to an 
NKVD orphanage. NKVD functionaries, seeking to extract a confession from 
Alfred at all costs, beat him and told his mother that he had been shot. Evacu- 
ated because of the German advance, the mother and son then met by chance 
in the Ivdel camp, in the Urals. Frau Sladek had been sentenced to five years 
for espionage; Alfred had been sentenced to ten years for espionage and anti- 
Soviet agitation. Transferred to the Sarma camp, they found Josef Sladek, who 
had been sentenced in Kharkiv to five years of prison. They were then sepa- 
rated again. Set free in 1946, Frau Sladek was assigned residency in Solikamsk, 
in the Urals, where she was joined by her husband one year later. By now Josef 
was suffering from tuberculosis and a weak heart and was unable to work. He 
died a beggar on 31 May 1948. In 1951 Alfred was freed and rejoined his 
mother. In 1954, after many more hardships, they managed to reach Austria 
and returned to Semmering. The last time they had seen Victor was seven years 
earlier. They never heard from him again. 

In 1917 there were 2,600 Yugoslavs living in Russia, and by 1924 the number 
had risen to 3,750. Their numbers were swelled by industrial workers and 
specialists from America and Canada who had come with all their belongings to 
try to "build socialism." They lived in colonies all over the country, from 
Leninsk to Magnitogorsk and Saratov. Between 50 and 100 of them helped 
build the Moscow subway. As with the other nationalities, Yugoslav emigration 
was limited. Bozidar Maslaric claimed in 1952 that their fate was one of the 
worst, adding that "the vast majority were arrested in 1937 and 1938, and 
their fate remains unknown." 71 Mis view is supported by the fact that several 
hundred emigres disappeared without a trace. Even now no definite informa- 
tion is available about the fate of the Yugoslavs who worked in the U.S.S.R., in 

The Comintern in Action 


particular concerning those who worked on the subway, protested against 
their working conditions, and were subsequently taken away, never to be seen 

In mid-September 1939 the division of Poland between Nazi Germany and the 
Soviet Union, which had been secretly decided on 23 August 1939, came into 
force. The two invaders coordinated their action to control the population, and 
the Gestapo and the NKVD worked together. Out of a Jewish community of 
3.3 million, 2 million fell into the German zone of occupation. After the 
persecutions, massacres, and burning of synagogues came the establishment of 
the ghettoes, first in Lodz on 30 April 1940, and then in Warsaw in October, 
before it was closed on 15 November. 

Many Polish Jews had fled east before the advancing German army. In the 
winter of 1939-40 the Germans were not overly worried about people fleeing 
over the border, but many of those who did try their luck met an unexpected 
obstacle: "The Soviet Guards in the 'classless society' in their long fur coats, 
with their bayonets at the ready, often greeted with police dogs and bursts of 
automatic gunfire the nomads who had set out for the promised land." 72 From 
December 1939 to March 1940 the Jews found themselves trapped in a no- 
man's-land about a mile wide, on the west bank of the Bug, and were forced to 
camp out under the stars. Most of them then turned around and returned to 
the German zone. 

L. C., "I.D. no. 15015," a former soldier in the Polish army of General 
Ladislav Anders, later summed up the situation as follows: 

The territory was a sector of about 600-700 meters, where about 800 
people had been stranded for several weeks. Ninety percent of them 
were Jews who had escaped from the Germans. We were ill and con- 
stantly damp from the incessant autumn rain, and we huddled together 
for warmth. The ''humanitarian" Soviet border guards wouldn't give us 
even a mouthful of bread or hot water. They didn't even let through the 
peasants from the surrounding countryside, who were willing to help us 
stay alive. Many of us died there as a result ... I can confirm that the 
people who went back home to the German side were right to do so, 
because the NKVD was no better than the Gestapo from any point of 
view. The only difference was that the Gestapo killed you more quickly, 
while the NKVD killed and tortured in a horribly long and slow way, so 
that anyone who survived all of this came out a broken man and was an 
invalid for the rest of his life. 71 

Symbolically, Israel Joshua Singer had his hero die in this no-man's-land, after 
he had become an "enemy of the people" and had been forced to flee from the 
U.S.S.R. 74 


World Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

In March 1940 several hundred thousand refugees — some historians put 
the figure at around 600,000 — were forcibly given Soviet passports. The So- 
viet-German pact included the exchange of refugees. With their families bro- 
ken apart and with poverty and NKVD oppression becoming ever more 
unbearable, some decided to try to return to the German part of prewar Poland. 
Jules Margoline, who had wound up in Uviv, in western Ukraine, reported that 
in the spring of 1940 "the Jews preferred the German ghetto to Soviet equal- 
ity.'' 75 It seemed to them a much better idea to try to flee the /one of occupation 
to reach a neutral country than to attempt flight through the Soviet Union itself. 

Early in 1940 deportations affecting Polish citizens began (see Chapter 19 
for details), continuing into June. Poles of all denominations were taken by train 
to the far north and to Kazakhstan. Margoline's own convoy took ten days to 
reach Murmansk. One of the great observers of life in the concentration camps, 
he wrote: 

The main difference between the Soviet camps and detention camps in 
the rest of the world is not their huge, unimaginable size or the murder- 
ous conditions found there, but something else altogether. It's the need 
to tell an endless series of lies to save your own life, to lie every day, to 
wear a mask for years and never say what you really think. In Soviet 
Russia, free citizens have to do the same thing. Dissembling and lies 
become the only means of defense. Public meetings, business meetings, 
encounters on the street, conversations, even posters on the wall all get 
wrapped up in an official language that doesn't contain a single word of 
truth. People in the West can't possibly understand what it is really like 
to lose the right to say what you think for years on end, and the way you 
have to repress the tiniest "illegal" thought you might have and stay 
silent as the tomb. That sort of pressure breaks something inside peo- 
ple. 76 

A 1992 article revealed the fate of two Polish socialists. 77 Viktor Alter (born in 
1890), a municipal magistrate in Warsaw, was a member of the Socialist Work- 
ers 1 International and had also been the president of the Federation of Jewish 
Unions. Henryk Erlich was a member of the Communal Council of Warsaw 
and the editor of a Jewish daily called Folkstaytung. Both were also members of 
the Bund, the Jewish Socialist Workers' Party. In 1939 they took refuge in the 
Soviet zone. Alter was arrested on 26 September in Kow el, Erlich on 4 October 
in Brest Litovsk. Transferred to Lubyanka, Alter was sentenced to death on 20 
July 1940 for anti-Soviet activities (it was claimed that he had been in league 
with the Polish police and been in charge of illegal Bund action). The sentence 
imposed by the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the U.S.S.R. was 
commuted to ten years in camp. On 2 August 1940 Erlich was sentenced to 
death bv a court-martial of the NKVD forces in Saratov, but his sentence, too. 

The Comintern in Action 


was reduced to ten years in camp. Freed in September 1941 after the Sikorsky- 
Maisky agreement, Alter and Erlich were summoned to meet Beria, who pro- 
posed that they establish a Jewish anti-Nazi committee, which they agreed to 
do. They were sent to Kuibyshev and were arrested again on 4 December, 
accused of having collaborated with the Nazis. Beria ordered that they be given 
solitary confinement, and thereafter they were known as prisoners 41 (Alter) 
and 42 (Erlich), their identity not to be revealed to anyone. On 23 December 
1941, now considered to be Soviet citizens, they were again condemned to 
death under section 1 of Article 58, which punished treason. Over the follow- 
ing weeks they sent a series of requests to the authorities, probably unaware 
that they had again been sentenced to death. Henryk Erlich hanged himself 
from the bars of his cell on 15 May 1942. Until the archives were opened, it 
was believed that he had been executed. 

Viktor Alter had also threatened to commit suicide. Beria ordered a closer 
watch to be kept on him, and he was executed on 17 February 1943. The 
sentence, passed on 23 December 1941, had been personally approved by 
Stalin. Significantly, the execution took place shortly after the victory in Stal- 
ingrad. The Soviet authorities added a further calumny to the execution, 
claiming that Alter and Erlich had been spreading propaganda in favor of the 
signing of a peace treaty with Nazi Germany. 

In the winter of 1 945-46 the physician Jacques Pat, secretary of the Jewish 
Workers' Committee of the United States, went to Poland to begin an inquiry 
into Nazi crimes. On his return he published two articles in the Jewish Daily 
Forward on the fate of Jews who had fled to the U.S.S.R. By his calculations, 
and on the basis of hundreds of interviews, 400,000 Polish Jews had died in 
deportation, in the camps, and in forced-labor colonies. At the end of the war 
150,000 chose to take back Polish citizenship so that they could leave the 
U.S.S.R. a The 150,000 Jews who are today crossing the Soviet-Polish border 
are no longer interested in talking about the Soviet Union, the Socialist father- 
land, dictatorship, or democracy. For them such discussions are over, and their 
last word is this gesture of flight." 78 

The Forced Return of Soviet Prisoners 

If having any contact with people from abroad, or simply being a foreigner, 
made one suspect in the eyes of the regime, then having been kept prisoner for 
four years during the war outside one's national territory was also enough to 
make a Russian soldier a traitor as far as the Soviet authorities were concerned. 
Under Decree No. 270 in 1942, which modified Article 193 of the penal code, 
any soldier captured by the enemy ipso facto became a traitor. The circum- 
stances under which the capture had taken place and the subsequent conditions 


World Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

of captivity were of little importance. In the case of the Russians, the condi- 
tions had often been atrocious, as Hitler considered that all Slavs were subhu- 
man and hence were to be disposed of en masse. Of the 5.7 million Russian 
prisoners of war, 3.3 million died of hunger and the poor conditions. 

It was thus very early on that Stalin, in response to the Allies' preoccupa- 
tion with the idea that there were Russian soldiers in the Wehrmacht, decided 
to obtain permission to repatriate all Russians who found themselves in the 
Western zone. This permission was quickly granted. From the end of 1944 to 
January 1945 more than 332,000 Russian prisoners (including 1,179 from San 
Francisco) were transferred the Soviet Union, often against their will. This 
transaction seemed to pose no crisis of conscience among British and American 
diplomats, who were fairly cynical about the whole affair, since, like Anthony 
Eden, they were aware that this was a question that had to be settled by the use 
of force. 

At the Yalta conference (5-12 February 1945) the three Allied powers — 
Soviet, British, and American — drew up secret agreements that covered sol- 
diers as well as displaced civilians. Churchill and Eden accepted the idea that 
it was up to Stalin to decide the fate of prisoners who had fought in the Russian 
Liberation Army commanded by General Andrei Vlasov, as though he had 
offered some sort of guarantee that they would be well treated. 

Stalin knew very well that some of the Soviet soldiers had been taken 
prisoner principally because of the disorganization of the Red Army, for which 
he had been mainly to blame, and thanks to the widespread military incompe- 
tence of the generals, of which he himself was one. We can also be sure that 
many of the soldiers simply had no desire to fight for a regime that they hated, 
and, in Lenin's expression, they had probably "voted with their feet." 

Once the Yalta accords had been signed, convoys left Britain weekly for 
the US.S.R. From May to July 1945 more than 1.3 million people who had 
been living in the Western occupied zones, and who were considered Russian 
by the British, including people from the Baltics, which had been annexed in 
1940, and Ukrainians, were repatriated. By the end of August more than 2 
million of these "Russians" had been handed over. Sometimes they were kept 
in terrible conditions. Individual and collective suicides involving whole fami- 
lies were frequent, as was mutilation. Often, when the prisoners were handed 
over to the Soviet authorities, they tried to put up passive resistance, but the 
Anglo-Americans did not hesitate to use force to satisfy Moscow's require- 
ments. When the prisoners arrived in the US.S.R. , they were placed under 
police control. The day the ship Almanzora arrived in Odessa, on 18 April, 
summary executions took place. This was also the case when the Empire Pride 
arrived in port in the Black Sea. 

The West feared that the Soviet Union might hold French, British, or 

The Comintern in Action 


American prisoners as hostages and use them as a sort of currency in ex- 
change — an attitude very indicative of their view of the Soviet diktats demand- 
ing the repatriation of all Russians, even those who had fled the revolution after 
1917. This conscious policy of the Western allies did not in fact facilitate the 
return of their own citizens, but it did allow the Soviet Union to send out a 
veritable army of officials to hunt down people attempting to resist these laws. 
The officials themselves often acted with supreme disregard for local laws. 

In the French zone of occupation, the Bulletin of the military administra- 
tion in Germany affirmed that on 1 October 1945, 101,000 "displaced persons" 
had been sent back to the Soviet Union, Even in France itself, the authorities 
accepted the creation of seventy transit camps that were somehow exempt from 
French law. One of these, Beauregard, was in the Paris suburbs. France had no 
control over what happened in such camps, which were operated by the NKVD 
with impunity on French soil. These operations, which started as early as 
September 1944 with the help of Communist propaganda, had been carefully 
planned by the Soviet Union. The Beauregard camp was not closed until 
November 1947 by the French security forces, after a scandal concerning the 
abduction of children of divorced parents who were feuding. The closure came 
at the behest of Roger Wybot, who noted that "this camp, according to the 
information I have in my possession, was less a transit camp than a sort of 
sequestration center."™ Protests against such policies were few, and took place 
too late to be of any use. One did appear in the summer of 1947, in the Socialist 
review Masses: 

One can easily imagine Genghis Khan, at the height of his powers, 
closing his frontiers to prevent his slaves from running away. But it is 
hard to imagine that he would be granted the right to extradite them 
from abroad . . . This is a true sign of our postwar moral decay . . . What 
moral or political code can possibly be used to oblige people to go and 
live in a country where they will live and work as slaves? What gratitude 
does the world expect from Stalin for turning a deaf ear to the cries of 
all the Russian citizens who have taken their own lives rather than return 

The editors of Masses went on to denounce the recent expulsions: 

Spurred on by the criminal indifference of the masses regarding viola- 
tions of the right to asylum, the British military authorities in Italy have 
just been accessories to a heinous crime: on 8 May, 175 Russians were 
taken from Camp 7 in Ruccione, and another 10 people from Camp 6 
(where whole families are being kept), allegedly to be sent to Scotland. 
When these 185 people were somewhat distant from the camp, all ob- 
jects that could possibly have been of assistance to them, had they 


World Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

wanted to take their own lives, were removed from their possession, and 
they were informed that their real destination was not in fact Scotland, 
but Russia. Despite the precautions, some of them still managed to kill 
themselves. That same day another 80 people, all of Caucasian origin, 
were taken from the camp in Pisa. All were taken to the Russian zone in 
Austria, in railway carriages guarded by British troops. Some of them 
tried to escape and were shot by the guards/ 

The repatriated prisoners were interned in special camps called ''filtration 
and control camps" (established in late 1941), which were scarcely different 
from the forced-labor camps, and which became officially a part of the Gulag 
Administration in January 1946. In 1945, 214,000 prisoners passed through 
them. 81 These prisoners, sent into the Gulag at its height, generally received 
six-year sentences, in accordance with section 1(b) of Article 58. Among them 
were the former members of the Russian Liberation Armv; who had partici- 
pated in the liberation of Prague, where they had fought against the SS. 

Enemy Prisoners 

The Soviet Union had not ratified the 1929 Geneva Convention on prisoners 
of war. Theoretically, all prisoners were protected by the convention even if 
their country was not a signatory, but the Soviet government took little account 
of this. In victory, it still kept between 3 million and 4 million German prison- 
ers. Among them were soldiers freed by the Western forces who had come back 
to the Soviet zone and been deported farther east to the US.S.R. 

In March 1947 Vyacheslav Molotov declared that a million Germans had 
been repatriated (1,003,974 was the exact number) and that there were still 
890,532 interned in various camps. The figures provoked some controversy. In 
March 1950 the Soviet Union declared that the repatriation process was com- 
plete, but humanitarian organizations claimed that at least 300,000 prisoners 
of war and 100,000 expatriate civilians remained in the U.S.S.R. On 8 May 
1950 Luxembourg protested the ending of repatriation operations, in part 
because at least 2,000 Luxembourg nationals were still trapped in the Soviet 
Union. Was the holding back of information the cover for a more sinister fate? 
This seems quite likely, given the atrocious conditions in the camps. 

One estimate made by a special commission (the Maschke commission) 
claimed that nearly 1 million German prisoners of war died in Soviet camps. 
A typical case involved the 100,000 German prisoners taken by the Red Army 
at Stalingrad, of whom only 6,000 survived. In addition to the Germans, there 
were still around 60,000 Italian survivors in February 1947 (the figure of 80,000 
has also often been put forward in this context). The Italian government 
claimed that only 12,513 of those soldiers had returned to Italy at that date. 
Romanian and Hungarian soldiers found themselves in the same position after 

The Comintern in Action 


the war. In March 1954, 100 volunteers from the Spanish "Azul" division were 
finally liberated. This survey would not be complete without mention of the 
900,000 Japanese soldiers taken prisoner in Manchuria. 

The Unwilling 

There was a saying in the camps that summed up the diverse national origins 
of their inhabitants: "If a country isn't represented in the gulags, it doesn't 
really exist." France also had prisoners in the gulags, and French diplomacy 
was remarkably slow in coming to their aid. 

The French departments of Moselle, Bas-Rhin, and Haut-Rhin were 
treated in a special way when they came under Nazi occupation: Alsace-Lor- 
raine was annexed, Germanized, and even Nazified. In 1942 the Germans 
decided forcibly to conscript those born in 1920-1924. Many young people 
from Alsace and Moselle did their utmost to avoid service. By the end of the 
war, twenty-one age groups had been mobilized in Alsace, and another fourteen 
in Moselle, or 130,000 people in all. Many of these soldiers, who were known 
in France as the Malgre-nous, or "In Spite of Ourselves," were sent to the 
eastern front, where 22,000 of them died. When the Soviet authorities found 
out about this unusual situation from the Free French, they began to appeal to 
French soldiers to desert, promising them that they would be reenlisted in a 
regular French army. Whatever the circumstances were, 23,000 people from 
Alsace-Lorraine were taken prisoner; at least this was the number of files 
handed over to the French government in 1995. Many of these were kept in 
Camp 188, in Tambov, guarded by the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Minister- 
stvo vnutrennikh del, or MVD — formerly the NKVD) in terrible conditions: 
they were undernourished (receiving only 600 grams of black bread a day), 
forced to work in the forests, and lived in primitive, half-buried huts, with no 
medical care. People who escaped from this death camp estimated that at least 
10,000 of their companions died there in 1944 and 1945. Pierre Rigoulot gives 
the figure of 10,000 deaths in different camps, including those who died in 
transit. 82 After lengthy negotiations, 1,500 prisoners were freed in the summer 
of 1944 and were repatriated to Algiers. Although Tambov was the camp where 
the greatest number of people from Alsace-Lorraine were interned, there were 
certainly others that housed French prisoners, a sort of specialized subar- 

Civil War and War of National Liberation 

Although the signing of the German-Soviet pact in September 1939 had 
brought about the collapse of a considerable number of Communist parties, 
whose members were unable to accept Stalin's abandonment of an antifascist 


World Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

policy, the German attack on the Soviet Union on 22 June 1941 immediately 
reactivated the antifascist response. The very next day the Comintern sent out 
a message by radio and telegram that the time had come for a temporary halt to 
the socialist revolution, and that all energy should be channeled into the strug- 
gle against fascism and the war for national liberation. The message also de- 
manded that all Communist parties in occupied countries rise up immediately. 
The war was thus an opportunity to try out a new form of action: the armed 
struggle and the sabotage of Hitler's war machine, which promised valuable 
practice in guerrilla tactics. Paramilitary organizations were thus strengthened 
to form the core of armed Communist groups. Where geography and circum- 
stances were favorable, they formed guerrilla forces of considerable efficacy, 
particularly in Greece and Yugoslavia after 1942, and in Albania and northern 
Italy after 1943. In the most successful situations, this guerrilla action gave 
Communists the opportunity to seize power, with recourse to civil war if 

Yugoslavia furnished the clearest example of this new direction. In the 
spring of 1941 Hitler was forced to come to the aid of his Italian ally, Benito 
Mussolini, whose forces were being held in check in Greece by a small but 
determined army. In April Germany also had to intervene in Yugoslavia, where 
the government that supported the Nazis had been overthrown in a pro-British 
coup. In both of these countries, small but experienced Communist parties had 
existed in secret for many years, since being banned by the dictatorial regimes 
of Milan Stojadinovic and Joannes Metaxas. 

After the armistice, Yugoslavia was divided up among the Italians, Bul- 
garians, and Germans. The right-wing extremist Ustasha group in Croatia, led 
by Ante Pavelic, tried to establish an independent state, but it amounted to little 
more than an apartheid regime that subordinated the Serbs and carried out 
massacres of Jews and Gypsies. The Ustasha sought to eliminate all its oppo- 
sition, driving numerous Croats to join the resistance. 

After the surrender of the Yugoslav army on 18 April 1941, the first to 
form a resistance movement were the royalist officers around Colonel Draza 
Mihailovic, who was soon appointed commander in chief of the Yugoslav 
resistance, and then minister of war for the royal government~in-exile in Lon- 
don. Mihailovic created a largely Serb army in Serbia, the Chetniks. Only after 
the German invasion of the U.S.S.R., on 22 June 1941, did the Yugoslav- 
Communists rally to the idea of national liberation to "free the country from 
the yoke of fascism and start the socialist revolution."** But whereas Moscow- 
wanted to support the royalist government for as long as possible so as not to 
alienate the U.S.S.R.'s British allies, Tito felt confident enough to follow his 
own line, and he refused to pledge allegiance to the royalist government-in- 
exile. Recruiting soldiers regardless of their ethnic background — Tito himself 

The Comintern in Action 


was a Croat — the Communist partisan leader began to establish guerrilla bases 
in Bosnia in 1942. The two movements were soon opposed on key issues. Faced 
with a Communist threat, Mihailovic chose to appease the Germans and even 
to form an alliance with the Italians. The situation became a veritable imbroglio, 
mixing war for national liberation and civil war, political and ethnic rivalries, 
all within the larger context of occupation by foreign troops. Both sides com- 
mitted numerous massacres and atrocities as each tried to exterminate its rivals 
and to impose its own power on the population. 

Historians estimate that there were slightly more than 1 million deaths, 
out of a total population of just 16 million. Executions, the shooting of pris- 
oners and the wounded, and vicious cycles of revenge dragged on endlessly in 
a culture that had a long tradition of violent opposition between clans. There 
was, however, a difference between the massacres carried out by the Chetniks 
and those carried out by the Communists. The Chetniks, who hated any form 
of centralized authority — many groups were actually outside the control of 
Mihailovic — carried out their massacres far more often on an ethnic rather than 
a political basis. The objectives of the Communists were much more clearly 
military and political. Milovan Djilas, one of Tito's assistants, said many years 

We were quite put out by the excuses the peasants gave for rallying to 
the Chetniks: they claimed to be afraid that their houses would be 
burned and that they would suffer other reprisals. This question came 
up in a meeting with Tito, and he offered the following argument: If we 
can make the peasants understand that if they join with the invader 
[note the interesting slippage here from Chetnik (royalist Yugoslav resis- 
tance fighter) to "invader"], we will burn down their houses, too, they 
might change their minds . . . After some hesitation, Tito made up his 
mind, and said: "All right, we can burn down the odd house or village 
now and then." Tito later issued orders to this effect, which looked all 
the more resolute simply because he was taking a firm stand. M 

Following Italy's surrender in September 1943, Churchill's decision to 
help Tito rather than Mihailovic, and Tito's formation of the Yugoslav Na- 
tional Anti-Fascist Council for Liberation (AVNOJ) in December 1943, the 
Communists had a clear political advantage over their rivals. By the end of 1944 
and early 1945 the Communist partisans had taken over nearly the whole of 
Yugoslavia. As the German surrender approached, Pavelic and his army, his 
aides, and their families — in all, tens of thousands of people — set off for the 
Austrian frontier. Slovenian White Guards and Chetniks from Montenegro 
joined them in Bleiburg, where they all surrendered to British troops, who 
handed them over to Tito. 


World Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

Soldiers and policemen of all types found themselves forced to walk to 
their deaths, hundreds of miles across the country. The Slovenian prisoners 
were taken back to Slovenia near Kocevje, where as many as 30,000 were 
killed. 85 In defeat, the Chetniks were unable to avoid the vengeance of the 
partisans, who never took prisoners. Milovan Djilas described the end of many 
of the Serb soldiers without going into any of the macabre details of the last 
period of the campaign: "Draza Mihailovic's troops were completely annihi- 
lated at about the same time as the Slovenians. The small groups of Chetniks 
who managed to get back to Montenegro after they had been defeated brought 
the full story of the horror they had seen. No one has ever spoken of that again, 
not even people who make much of their revolutionary spirit, as though it was 
all a terrible nightmare." 86 Once captured, Draza Mihailovic was tried, sen- 
tenced to death, and shot on 17 July 1946. At his "trial," all offers to bear 
witness for him by various officers from the Allied missions who had been sent 
to his aid and who had fought the Germans by his side were turned down. 87 
After the war, Stalin once shared his philosophy with Milovan Djilas: "Anyone 
who occupies a territory always imposes his own social system on it." 

When the war ended, the Greek Communists were in a situation roughly 
similar to that of the Yugoslavs. On 2 November 1940, a few days after the 
Italian invasion of Greece, Nikos Zachariadis, the secretary of the Greek Com- 
munist Party (KKE), who had been in prison since 1936, sent out a call to 
arms: "The Greek nation is now engaged in a war for its national liberation 
from the fascism of Mussolini . . . Everyone must take his place, and everyone 
must fight." 88 But on 7 December a manifesto from the underground Central 
Committee called into question this decision, and the KKE returned to the 
official line recommended by the Comintern, that of revolutionary defeatism. 
On 22 June 1941 came the spectacular U-turn: the KKE ordered its militants 
to organize "the struggle to defend the Soviet Union and the overthrow of the 
foreign fascist yoke." 

The experience with clandestine activity had been crucial for the Com- 
munists. On 16 July 1941, like their counterparts in other countries, the Greek 
Communists formed a National Workers' Front for Liberation (Ergatiko Eth- 
niko Apelevtheriko Metopo, EEAM), an umbrella organization for three un- 
ions. On 27 September they established the EAM (Ethniko Apelevtheriko 
Metopo), the Party's political arm. On 10 February 1942 they announced the 
creation of the People's Army for National Liberation (Ellinikos Laikos Ape- 
levtherotikos), or ELAS. By May 1942 the first ELAS partisans were operating 
under the leadership of Ares Velouchiotes (Thanassis Klaras), an experienced 
militant who had signed a recantation in exchange for his freedom. From this 
point on, ELAS numbers continued to grow. 

The Comintern in Action 


The ELAS was not the only military resistance movement. The National 
Greek Democratic Union, (Ethnikos Demokratikos Ellinikos Syndesmos), or 
EDES, had been created by soldiers and republican civilians in September 
1941. Another group of resistance fighters was formed by a retired colonel, 
Napoleon Zervas. A third organization, the National Social Liberation Move- 
ment (Ethniki Kai Koiniki Apelevtherosis), or EKKA, came into being in 
October 1942 under Colonel Dimitri Psarros. All these organizations were 
constantly trying to recruit from one another. 

But the success and strength of the ELAS made the Communists hopeful 
of imposing their leadership on all the armed resistance groups. They attacked 
the EDES partisans several times, as well as the EKKA, who were forced to 
suspend operations to regroup. In late 1942 Major G. Kostopoulos (a renegade 
from the EAM) and Colonel Stefanos Sarafis formed a resistance unit in the 
heart of a zone that had been captured by the EAM in western Thessaly, at the 
foot of the Pindus Mountains. The ELAS surrounded them and massacred all 
those who did not escape or who refused to enroll in their ranks. Taken 
prisoner, Sarafis finally agreed to assume leadership of the ELAS units. 

The presence of British officers who had come to help the Greek resis- 
tance was a cause of concern to the ELAS chiefs, who feared that the British 
would attempt to reinstate the monarchy. But there was a difference in view- 
point between the military branch, directed by Ares Velouchiotes, and the KKE 
itself The latter, led by Giorgis Siantos, wished to follow the official line as laid 
down by Moscow, advocating a general antifascist coalition. The actions of the 
British were momentarily beneficial because in July 1943 their military mission 
convinced the three main protagonists to sign a pact. At that time the ELAS 
had some 18,000 men, the EDES 5,000, and the EKKA about 1,000. 

The Italian surrender on 8 September 1943 immediately modified the 
situation. A fratricidal war began when the Germans launched a violent offen- 
sive against the EDES. The guerrillas, forced to retreat, confronted several 
large ELAS battalions, which threatened to annihilate the EDES. The KKE 
leadership decided to abandon the EDES, hoping thus to check British policy. 
After four days of fighting, the partisans led by Zervas escaped encirclement. 

This civil war within the main war was of great advantage to the Germans 
as they swept down upon the resistance units one by one. w The Allies thus took 
the initiative to end the civil war. Fighting between the ELAS and the EDES 
stopped in February 1944, and an agreement was signed in Plaka. The agree- 
ment was short-lived; a few weeks later the ELAS attacked Colonel Psarros' 
EKKA troops. He was defeated after five days and taken prisoner. Mis officers 
were massacred; Psarros himself was beheaded. 

The Communists' actions demoralized the resistance and discredited the 
EAM. In several regions, hatred for the EAM was so strong that a number of 


World Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

resistance fighters joined the security battalions set up by the Germans. The 
civil war did not end until the ELAS agreed to collaborate with the Greek 
government-in-exile in Cairo. In September 1944 six members of the EAM- 
ELAS became members of the government of national unity presided over by 
Georges Papandreou. On 2 September, as the Germans began to evacuate 
Greece, the ELAS sent its troops to conquer the Peloponnese, which had always 
eluded its control thanks to the security battalions. All captured towns and 
villages were "punished." In Meligala, 1,400 men, women, and children were 
massacred along with some 50 officers and noncommissioned officers from the 
security battalions. 

Nothing now seemed to stand in the way of EAM-ELAS hegemony. But 
when Athens was liberated on 12 October it escaped the guerrillas 1 control 
because of the presence of British troops in Piraeus. The KKE leadership 
hesitated to undertake a trial of strength, unsure of whether it wanted a place 
in a coalition government. When the ELAS refused a government demand to 
demobilize, Iannis Zegvos, the Communist agriculture minister, demanded that 
all government units be disbanded too. On 4 December, ELAS patrols entered 
Athens, where they clashed with government forces. By the following day, 
almost the entire capital had fallen under the control of the 20,000-strong 
ELAS forces; but the British stood firm, awaiting reinforcements. On 18 De- 
cember the ELAS again attacked the EDES in Epirus and at the same time 
launched a bloody antiroyalist operation. 

The offensive was contained, and in talks held in Varkiza the Communists 
resigned themselves to a peace accord under which they agreed to disarm. The 
accord was something of a sham, however, since large numbers of weapons and 
munitions remained carefully hidden. Ares Velouchiotes, one of the principal 
warlords, rejected the Varkiza conditions, rejoined the partisans with about one 
hundred men, and then crossed into Albania in the hope of continuing the 
armed struggle from there. Later, asked about the reasons for the defeat of the 
EAM-ELAS, Velouchiotes replied frankly: "We didn't kill enough people. The 
English were taking a major interest in that crossroads called Greece. If we had 
killed all their friends, they wouldn't have been able to land. Everyone described 
me as a killer — that's the way we were. Revolutions succeed only when rivers 
run red with blood, and blood has to be spilled if what you are aiming for is 
the perfectability of the human race." 90 Velouchiotes died in combat in June 
1945 in Thessaly, a few days after he was thrown out of the KKE. The defeat 
of the EAM-ELAS unleashed a wave of hatred against the Communists and 
their allies. Groups of militants were assassinated by paramilitary groups, and 
many others were imprisoned. Most of the leaders were deported to the islands. 

Nikos Zachariadis, the secretary general of the KKE, had returned in May 
1945 from Germany, where he had been deported to Dachau. His first decla- 

The Comintern in Action 


rations clearly announced KKE policy: "Either the EAM struggle for national 
liberation is finally rewarded with the establishment of a people's democracy 
in Greece, or we return to a similar but even more severe regime than the last 
fascist monarchist dictatorship." Greece, exhausted by the war, seemed to have 
little chance of enjoying peace at last. In October the Seventh Party Congress 
ratified Zachariadis' proposal. The first stage was to obtain the departure of 
the British troops. In January 1946 the US.S.R. demonstrated its interest in 
Greece by claiming at a United Nations Security Council meeting that the 
British presence constituted a danger to the country. On 12 February 1946, 

when defeat for the Communists in the coming elections seemed inevitable 

they were calling on their voters to abstain—the KKE organized an uprising, 
with the help of the Yugoslav Communists. 

In December 1945 the members of the KKE Central Committee had met 
with various Bulgarian and Yugoslav officers. The Greek Communists were 
assured that they could use Albania, Bulgaria, and Yugoslavia as bases. For 
more than three years their troops did so, retreating with their wounded into 
these countries and using them to regroup and build up supplies and munitions. 
T hese preparations took place a few months after the creation of the Commu- 
nist Information Bureau (Cominform), the Moscow-dominated grouping of 
world Communist parties. It seems that the Greek Communist uprising was 
perfectly coordinated with the Soviet Union's new policies. On 30 March 1946 
the KKE declared that a third civil war was under way. The first attacks by the 
Democratic Army (AD), which had been established on 28 October 1946 and 
was led by General Markos Vafiadis, followed the usual pattern: police stations 
were attacked, their occupants killed, and leading local figures executed. The 
KKE openly continued such actions throughout 1946. 

In the first months of 1947 General Vafiadis intensified his campaign, 
attacking dozens of villages and executing hundreds of peasants. The ranks of 
the AD were swollen by enforced recruitment/' 1 Villages that refused to coop- 
erate suffered severe reprisals. One village in Macedonia was hit particularly 
hard: forty-eight houses were burned down, and twelve men, six women, and 
two babies were killed. After March 1947 municipal leaders were systematically 
eliminated, as were priests. By March the number of refugees reached 400,000. 
The policy of terror was met with counterterror, and militant left-wing Com- 
munists were killed in turn by right-wing extremists. 

In June 1947, after a tour of Belgrade, Prague, and Moscow, Zachariadis 
announced the imminent formation of a "free" government. The Greek Com- 
munists seemed to believe that they could follow the same path taken by Tito 
a few years earlier. The government was officially created in December. The 
Yugoslavs provided nearly 10,000 volunteers recruited from their own army. 92 
Numerous reports from the UN Special Commission on the Balkans have 


World Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

established the great importance of this assistance to the Democratic Arm)'. 
The break between Tito and Stalin in 1948 had direct consequences for the 
Greek Communists. Although Tito continued his aid until the autumn, he also 
began a retreat that ended with closure of the border. In the summer of 1948, 
while the Greek government forces were engaged in a massive offensive, the 
Albanian leader Enver Hoxha also closed his country's border. The Greek 
Communists became increasingly isolated, and dissent within the Party grew. 
The fighting continued until August 1949. Many of the combatants fled to 
Bulgaria and thence to other parts of Eastern Europe, settling particularly in 
Romania and the US.S.R. Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, received thou- 
sands of refugees, including 7,500 Communists. After this defeat, the KKE in 
exile suffered a number of purges, and as late as 1955 the conflicts between the 
pro- and anti-Zachariadis factions was still extremely fierce, so much so that at 
one point the Soviet army was forced to intervene, resulting in hundreds of 

During the civil war of 1946-1948, Greek Communists kept records on 
all the children aged three to fourteen in all the areas they controlled. In March 
1948 these children were gathered together in the border regions, and several 
thousand were taken into Albania, Bulgaria, and Yugoslavia. The villagers tried 
to protect their children by hiding them in the woods. The Red Cross, despite 
the enormous obstacles placed in their path, managed to count 28,296. In the 
summer of 1948, when the Tito-Cominform rupture became apparent, 1 1,600 
of the children in Yugoslavia were moved to Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Roma- 
nia, and Poland, despite many protests from the Greek government. On 17 
November 1948, the Third UN General Assembly passed a resolution roundly 
condemning the removal of the Greek children. In November 1949 the General 
Assembly again demanded their return. These and all subsequent UN resolu- 
tions remained unanswered. The neighboring Communist regimes claimed that 
the children were being kept under conditions superior to those they would be 
experiencing at home, and that the deportation had been a humanitarian act. 44 
In reality the enforced deportation of the children was carried out in 
appalling conditions. Starvation and epidemics were extremely common, and 
many of the children simply died. Kept together in "children's villages," they 
were subjected to courses in politics in addition to their normal education. At 
age thirteen they were forced into manual labor, carrying out arduous tasks such 
as land reclamation in the marshy Hartchag region of Hungary. The intention 
of the Communist leaders was to form a new generation of devoted militants, 
but their efforts ended in failure. One Greek called Constantinides died on the 
Hungarian side fighting the Soviet Union in 1956. Others managed to flee to 
West Germany. 

From 1950 to 1952 only 684 children were permitted to return to Greece. 

The Comintern in Action 


By 1963, around 4,000 children (some of them born in Communist countries) 
had been repatriated. In Poland, the Greek community numbered several thou- 
sand in the early 1980s. Some of them were members of Solidarity, and were 
imprisoned after the introduction of martial law in December 1981. In 1989, 
when democratization was well under way, several thousand Greeks still living 
in Poland began to return home. 

The warm welcome extended to the defeated Greek Communists in the 
U.S.S.R. contrasted strangely with Stalin's annihilation of the Greek commu- 
nity that had lived in Russia for centuries. In 1917 the number of Greeks in the 
Soviet state was between 500,000 and 700,000, concentrated for the most part 
around the Caucasus and the Black Sea. By 1939 the number had fallen to 
410,000, mainly because of "unnatural 11 deaths, not emigration; and there were 
a mere 177,000 remaining by 1960. After December 1937 the 285,000 Greeks 
living in the major towns were deported to the regions of Arkhangelsk, the 
Komi republic, and northeastern Siberia. Others were allowed to return to 
Greece. During this period A. Haitas, a former secretary of the KKE, and the 
educator J. Jordinis died in purges. In 1944, 10,000 Greeks from the Crimea, 
the remnants of what had been a flourishing Greek community there, were 
deported to Kirgizstan and Uzbekistan, on the pretext that they had adopted a 
pro-German stance during the war. On 30 June 1949, in a single night, 30,000 
Greeks from Georgia were deported to Kazakhstan. In April 1950 the entire 
Greek population of Batumi suffered a similar fate. 

In other countries in Western Europe, Communist attempts to seize power 
after liberation from Nazi rule were rapidly snuffed out by the presence of 
Anglo-American forces and by Stalin's directive at the end of 1944 urging 
Communists to cache their arms and wait for a better time to seize power. This 
line was confirmed by a report of a meeting in the Kremlin on 19 November 
1944 between Stalin and Maurice Thorez, the secretary general of the French 
Communist Party, before he returned to France after spending the war in the 
US.S.R. 95 

After the war, and at least until Stalin's death in 1953, the violent methods 
and terror that had become the norm inside the Comintern continued in the 
international Communist movement. In Eastern Europe the repression of real 
or supposed dissidents by means of rigged show-trials was especially intense 
(see Chapter 20 for details). The pretext for this terror was the confrontation 
between Tito and Stalin in 1948. Having challenged Stalin's omnipotence, Tito 
was transformed into a new Trotsky. Stalin tried to have him assassinated, but 
Tito was extremely wary and had his own highly effective state security appa- 
ratus. Unable to eliminate Tito himself, Communist parties around the world 
launched a series of symbolic political murders and excluded all "Titoists" from 


World Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

their ranks, treating them as scapegoats at every opportunity. One of the first 
expiatory victims was the secretary general of the Norwegian Communist Party, 
Peder Furubotn, a former Comintern official who had worked in Moscow, and 
who had already eluded one such purge by escaping to Norway in 1938. At a 
Party meeting on 20 October 1949, a Soviet agent named Strand Johansen 
accused Furubotn of Titoism. Confident that he would be given a fair hearing 
within the Party, Furubotn called a meeting of the Central Committee on 25 
October, where he announced his immediate resignation and that of his team, 
provided that a new election for the Central Committee took place immediately 
and that the accusations against him were examined by an international panel 
of experts. Furubotn had thus temporarily outmaneuvered his opponents. But 
to general amazement, Johansen and several armed men burst into the Central 
Committee the following day and expelled Furubotn's supporters at gunpoint. 
They then organized a meeting where Furubotn's expulsion from the Party 
was agreed. Furubotn himself had anticipated these Soviet-style tactics and 
had barricaded himself in his house with a few armed colleagues. Most of the 
military forces of the Norwegian Communist Party died in the ensuing 
gunfight. Johansen himself was manipulated by the Soviet Union to such an 
extent over the next several years that he eventually went mad. % 

The last act in this period of terror inside the international Communist 
movement took place in 1957. Imre Nagy, the Hungarian Communist who for 
a while had led the 1956 revolt in Budapest (see Chapter 20), had taken refuge 
in the Yugoslav embassy, fearing for his life. After some tortuous maneuvering, 
Soviet KGB officers took him into custody and then transferred him for trial 
to the new Hungarian government of Janos Kadar. Unwilling to take sole 
responsibility for what was clearly going to be a legalized murder, the Hungar- 
ian Workers' Party used the first World Conference of Communist Parties, held 
in Moscow in November 1957, to have all the Communist leaders present vote 
for Nagy's death. Included among them were the Frenchman Maurice Thorez 
and the Italian Palmiro Togliatti. Only the Polish leader, Wladyslaw Gomulka, 
refused to endorse the move. Nagy was condemned to death and hanged on 16 
June 1958. 97 


The Shadow of the NKVD in Spain 

Stephane Courtois and Jean-Louis Panne 

n 17 July 1936 the Spanish military in Morocco, under the lead- 
ership of General Francisco Franco, rose up against the Republican govern- 
ment. The next day the mutiny spread throughout the peninsula. On 19 July it 
was checked in many cities, including Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, and Bilbao, 
thanks to a general strike and the mass mobilization of the working classes. 
Months earlier, on 16 February 1936, the Popular Front's margin of victory in 
the Spanish elections had been extremely narrow, 4,700,000 votes (267 depu- 
ties), compared to 3,997,000 (132 deputies) for the right and 449,000 for the 
center. The Socialists had won 89 seats, the Republican left 84, the Republican 
Union 37, and the Spanish Communist Party (PCE) 16. The Marxist Workers' 
Unification Party (POUM), born in 1935 from the fusion of Joaquin Maurin's 
workers 1 and peasants' bloc and the Communist left of Andreu Nin, won a 
single seat. One of the main forces in Spain was not represented at all. The 
anarchists of the National Confederation of Labor (CNT) and the Federation 
of Iberian Anarchists (FAI) — which had 1,577,547 members, compared to the 
1,444,474 members of the Socialist Party and the General Workers' Union — 
had, in accordance with their principles, not put forward any candidates for the 
election. 1 The Popular Front would have been unable to win without the votes 
of the anarchists' supporters. Support for the Communist Party was actually 
much less than the figure of 16 elected members suggests. They claimed to 



World Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

have 40,000 members, but in reality fewer than 10,000 sympathizers were 
present in the many fragmented organizations that did not depend directly on 
the Communist Party. 

The left was thus extremely divided, and the right was powerful and 
concentrated in the Falange faction. The cities were seething with political 
demonstrations and strikes, and unrest spread to the countryside, where peas- 
ants began to take over land. The army was strong, the government was 
divided, there was a multitude of plots afoot, and political violence was con- 
stantly escalating. All these factors indicated that a civil war was brewing, and 
this was indeed the outcome desired by many. 

The Communist Line 

To increase their political clout, the Communists had proposed joining with 
the Socialists. This tactic at first succeeded only with the two parties' youth 
organizations. On 1 April 1936 the Unified Socialist Youth group was formed. 
This event, however, was followed on 26 June by one of much greater impor- 
tance — the creation of the Unified Socialist Party of Catalonia. 

The Comintern had not been particularly interested in Spain, and began 
to pay attention to the country only after the fall of the monarchy in 1931 and 
the workers' uprising in Asturias in 1934. The Soviet Union had been equally 
uninterested, and the two countries did not sign a pact of mutual recognition 
until August 1936, after the civil war had broken out. A month earlier the Soviet 
government had signed a noninterventionist pact adopted by France and Eng- 
land in July, in the hope of preventing the war from escalating internationally. 2 
The Soviet ambassador, Marsel Israelovich Rosenberg, took up office on 27 

In the government of Francisco Largo Caballero, formed in September 
1936, the Communist Party had only two ministers: Jesus Hernandez at the 
Education Ministry, and Vincente Uribe at the Ministry of Agriculture. But 
the Soviet Union very quickly acquired much greater influence in the govern- 
ment. Thanks to the sympathy of several other members of the government 
(including Juan Alvarez del Vayo and Juan Negrin), Marsel Rosenberg became 
a sort of deputy prime minister and even took part in meetings of the Council 
of Ministers. He had several considerable advantages, since the U.S.S.R. was 
eager to arm the Republicans. 

Soviet intervention in an area so far outside the US.S.R.'s normal sphere 
of influence became a matter of special importance. It came at a key moment, 
when Spain was weakened by a powerful social movement and a civil war. In 
1936-1939 the country became a sort of laboratory where the Soviet authorities 
not only applied new political strategies and tactics but also tried out techniques 

The Shadow of the NKVD in Spain 


that would be used during and after World War II, Their aims were manifold, 
but their primary goal was to ensure that the Spanish Communist Party (by 
now run entirely by the Comintern and the NKVD) seized power and estab- 
lished a state that would become another Soviet satellite. To achieve their goal, 
they used traditional Soviet methods, such as establishing an omnipresent 
police force and liquidating all non-Communist forces. 

In 1936 the Italian Communist Palmiro Togliatti (known then as Mario 
Ercoli), who was a member of the Comintern directorate, defined the specific 
features of the Spanish civil war, which he characterized as u a war of national 
revolution." In his view, the nationalist, popular, and antifascist nature of the 
Spanish revolution presented the Communists with a new agenda: "The people 
of Spain are solving the problems of the bourgeois democratic revolution in a 
new fashion." He quickly identified the Republican and Socialist leaders as 
enemies of this new conception of revolution, calling them "elements who hide 
behind anarchist principles and weaken the unity and cohesiveness of the 
Popular Front with premature projects for forced 'collectivization.' " He estab- 
lished Communist hegemony as a clear objective, to be realized by "a common 
front of Socialist and Communist parties, the creation of a single Communist 
Youth Organization, the creation of a single Proletarian Party in Catalonia [the 
PSUC], and the transformation of the Communist Party itself into a large-scale 
party of the masses." 1 In June 1937 Dolores Ibarruri — a Spanish Communist 
better known by the name "La Pasionaria," who became famous because of her 
calls for resistance — proposed a new objective: "a democratic parliamentary 
republic of a new sort" 4 

Immediately after the Franquista pronunctamento, Stalin again demon- 
strated his relative indifference to the whole Spanish situation. Jef Last, who 
accompanied Andre Gide to Moscow in the summer of 1936, recalled: "We 
were quite indignant at finding such a total lack of interest in the events there. 
At no meeting did this subject ever arise, and whenever we attempted to engage 
officials privately in conversation on the topic, they scrupulously avoided airing 
their own opinion." 5 Two months later, given the turn of events, Stalin realized 
that he could take advantage of the situation for both diplomatic and propa- 
ganda purposes. By cooperating with the noninterventionist pact, the Soviet 
Union might gain greater international recognition and might even be able to 
break up the Franco-British bloc. At the same time, of course, the Soviet Union 
was secretly supplying the Republicans with guns and lending military aid, 
hoping to exploit the Popular Front government in France, which seemed ready 
to collaborate with the Soviet secret services in organizing further help for the 
Republican forces in Spain. Acting on Leon Blum's instructions, Gaston Cusin, 
the deputy head of the Cabinet at the Finance Ministry, met with Soviet 
officials and emissaries who had established their headquarters in Paris to 


World Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

organize the shipment of arms and the recruiting of volunteers for Spain. 
Although the Soviet Union initially intended to avoid an overt role, the Comin- 
tern mobilized all its sections for the cause of Republican Spain, using the 
conflict as a tremendous vehicle for antifascist propaganda, with particularly 
good results for the Communist movement. 

In Spain itself, the main Communist tactic was to occupy more and more 
positions in the Republican government so as to direct policy in accordance 
with the interests of the Soviet Union. Julian Gorkin, one of the POUM 
leaders, was probably among the first to suggest that there was a link between 
Soviet policies in Republican Spain and the ideals of a people's democracy, in 
an essay titled Espana, primer ensayo de democracia popular}' By contrast, the 
Spanish historian Antonio Elorza believes that Communist policies in Spain 
came mostly from "a monolithic rather than a pluralist conception of political 
relations in the Popular Front and from the role of the Party, which naturally 
tried to turn the alliance into a platform for its own hegemony. 11 Elorza empha- 
sizes the invariant pattern of Soviet policy, which encouraged the Spanish 
Communist Party to exert itself against all antifascists, "not simply enemy 
fascist groups, but also any internal opposition." He adds: u As such, the project 
was a direct precursor of the strategy for taking power in all so-called people's 
democracies." 7 

Moscow predicted success in the elections of September 1937, when the 
option of voting a straight ticket would allow the Spanish Communist Party to 
profit from the national plebiscite. The goal, inspired and closely followed by 
Stalin himself, was the establishment of "a democratic republic of a new type," 
to be accompanied by the elimination of all ministers hostile to Communist 
policies. But the Communists failed, mostly because of opposition from their 
allies, and because of the worrying turn of events with the failure of the 
offensive in Teruel on 15 December 1937. 

"Advisers" and Agents 

As soon as StaJin had decided that Spain presented important opportunities for 
the Soviet Union and that intervention was therefore necessary, Moscow sent a 
large contingent of advisers and other personnel to that country. First and 
foremost among these were the 2,044 military advisers (according to one Soviet 
source), including the future marshals Ivan Konev and Georgy Zhukov, as well 
as General Vladimir Gorev, the military attache in Madrid. Between 700 and 
800 would stay permanently. Moscow also mobilized its Comintern workers 
and other emissaries of various sorts, in both official and unofficial capacities. 
Those who stayed included the Argentinian Vittorio Codovilla, who played a 
considerable role in the Spanish Communist Party from the early 1930s on, 

The Shadow of the NKVD in Spain 


eventually becoming its leader; the Hungarian Erno Gero (known as "Pedro"), 
who was to become a high-ranking Communist in Hungary after the war; the 
Italian Vittorio Vidali (suspected of taking part in the assassination of the 
Cuban Communist student leader Julio Antonio Mella in 1929), who went on 
to become the chief political commissar of the Communist 5th Regiment; the 
Bulgarian Stepan Minev (Stepanov), who had worked in Stalin's Secretariat 
from 1927 to 1929; and the Italian Palmiro Togliatti, who arrived in 1937 as a 
Comintern representative. Others came on inspection tours, including the 
French Communist Jacques Duclos. 

At the same time the Soviet Union sent a large number of officers from 
its special services: Vladimir Antonov-Ovseenko (who had taken part in the 
assault on the Winter Palace in Petrograd in 1917), who arrived in Barcelona 
on 1 October 1936; H Aleksandr Orlov (whose real name was L. Feldbin), an 
NKVD leader in Spain; the Pole Artur Staszewski, a former Red Army officer 
who at the time was a commercial attache; General Ian Ber/in, chief of the 
intelligence services of the Red Army; and Mikhail Koltsov, the editor of 
Pravda and a secret spokesman for Stalin, who established himself in the 
Ministry of War. From 1936 on, Leonid Eitingon, the deputy head of the 
NKVD station in Spain, was in charge of terrorist operations in Barcelona. His 
colleague Pavel Sudoplatov arrived in Barcelona in 1938.'' 

In short, as soon as Stalin decided to intervene in Spain, he sent in a 
genuine army that could act decisively in several different domains. A formal 
decision was probably made on the night of 14 September 1936 in Moscow at 
a special meeting at the Lubyanka convened by Genrikh Yagoda, the head of 
the NKVD. There, plans for action in Spain were coordinated to achieve two 
main objectives: to combat the Franquistas and the German and Italian agents 
and, at the same time, to remove the threat posed by enemies of the U.S.S.R. 
and Communism in the Republican camp. Intervention was to be as covert as 
possible so that the position of the Soviet government would not be compro- 
mised. If General Walter Krivitsky, the chief of the NKVD's external forces 
in Western Europe, is to be believed, only 40 of the approximately 3,000 Soviet 
agents in Spain saw active service; the rest were advisers, politicians, or gath- 
erers of intelligence. 

The first concentrated Soviet effort was in Catalonia. In September 1936 
the General Commissariat for Public Order in Catalonia, which had already 
been infiltrated by Communists, created the Grupo de Informacion (Informa- 
tion Group) inside the Catalan Secret Services (SSI), led by Mariano Gomez 
Emperador. This official service, which soon employed some fifty people, was 
in fact a camouflaged NKVD cell. At the same time the Unified Socialist Party 
of Catalonia — a name chosen by the Communists — formed a Servicio Extran- 
jero (Foreign Service) in room 340 of the Hotel Colon in the Plaza de 


World Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

Catalunya. The latter's task was to control all foreign Communists arriving in 
Barcelona to fight in Spain. The Servicio Extranjero was tightly controlled by 
the NKVD and a front for its covert operations. 

Both services were under the local control of Alfredo Hertz, an NKVD 
commander who worked under the direct authority of Orlov and Gero. Hertz 
was a German Communist whose true identity has never been established. He 
had started out in the Cuerpo de Investigation y Vigilancia (Corps of Investi- 
gation and Vigilance), where he had been in charge of passport control, includ- 
ing all entry and exit visas to and from Spain. He was also extremely skilled in 
his use of the Assault Troops, the elite police division. With his information 
network in place inside the General Commissariat of Public Order, Hertz 
filtered information from all other Communist parties — blacklists of other 
antifascist groups, denunciations of Communists who had criticized the Party, 
biographical information supplied by the cadre sections of the different 
branches of the Party — and sent it on to the State Department, which was 
controlled by the Communist Victorio Sala. Hertz set up his own service, the 
Servicio Alfredo Hertz, which had a legal front but was in fact a private political 
police force made up of foreign Communists and Spanish nationals. Under his 
leadership, a list was drawn up of all foreign residents in Catalonia (later this 
was done for the rest of Spain), with a separate list of wayward people to be 
eliminated. From September to December 1936 the persecution of opponents 
was not systematic, but gradually the NKVD drew up real plans to purge all 
political opponents among the Republicans. The first targets were the Social 
Democrats, followed by the anarchosyndicalists, the Trotskyites, and then the 
more rebellious of the Communists. Many of these so-called enemies had called 
into question the value of the pro-US.S.R. alignment. As was always the case 
on such occasions, there were personal vendettas and feuds to be settled too. 10 

The most banal as well as the most sophisticated police methods imagin- 
able were employed by these double or even triple agents. The first police task 
was the "colonization" of the Republican administration, the army, and the 
police. The gradual takeover of key posts and the formation of Communist 
cells were made possible by the fact that the Soviet Union was one of the few 
countries supplying weapons to the Republican forces, and could demand 
political favors in return. In contrast to Hitler's and Mussolini's extension of 
aid to Franco's nationalist forces, the Soviet Union refused to grant the Repub- 
licans any credit; it demanded that all arms be paid for in advance in gold from 
the Bank of Spain. The gold was taken back to the U.S.S.R. by Communist 
agents. Each delivery of arms thus presented one more opportunity to black- 
mail the government. 

Julian Gorkin, the POUM militant, provides a striking example of this 
mixture of war and politics. Early in 1937, Largo Caballero, the head of the 

The Shadow of the NKVD in Spain 


Spanish government, with the support of President Manuel Azafia, had autho- 
rized Luis Araquistain, the Spanish ambassador in Paris, to begin secret nego- 
tiations with Dino Grandi, the Italian ambassador in London, and Hjalmar 
Schacht, Hitler's financier, under the authority of Leon Blum and Anthony 
Eden. The aim was to bring an end to the war. To thwart these plans, Juan 
Alvarez del Vayo, the minister of foreign affairs, who was favorably disposed 
toward the Spanish Communists, informed Communist leaders about the ne- 
gotiations. The Communists, together with the Soviet secret service, decided 
to push Largo Caballero out of office, thus eliminating the possibility of a 
negotiated settlement of the conflict, which would have compelled all the Italian 
and German forces to retreat. 11 

"After the Lies, Bullets in the Neck" 

The notion of "lies" and "bullets in the neck" was how Viktor Serge, the 
Russo-Belgian writer set free by the U.S.S.R. in April 1936, explained Commu- 
nist policy to Julian Gorkin when they met in 1937. The Communists in Spain 
faced two serious obstacles: the huge anarchosyndicalist CNT, which was out- 
side Communist influence; and the POUM, which was fundamentally opposed 
to Communist policies. The POUM was an easy target for Communist exploi- 
tation because of its marginal position in Spanish politics. It was also reputed 
to be politically close to Trotsky. In 1935 Andreu Nin and Julian Gorkin had 
tried to convince the Catalan authorities that Trotsky, who had been chased out 
of France, should be allowed to settle in Barcelona. In the context of the hunt 
for Trotskyites taking place in the Soviet Union, it is hardly surprising that the 
Comintern Secretariat, meeting on 21 February 1936 (five days after the elec- 
toral victory of the Spanish Popular Front), gave the Spanish Communist 
Party permission to begin "an energetic struggle against the Trotskyite coun- 
terrevolutionary sect." 12 In addition, the POUM had spoken out in the summer 
of 1936 in defense of the victims of the first show-trials in Moscow. 

On 13 December 1936 the Communists managed to eject Andreu Nin 
from the General Catalan Council. They demanded his removal on the grounds 
that he had insulted the U.S.S.R., and they threatened to disrupt the delivery 
of arms if they did not get their way. On 16 December Pravda began an 
international campaign against everyone who opposed Soviet policy: "In Cata- 
lonia the elimination of Trotskyites and anarchosyndicalists has begun. It will 
be carried out with the same energy and dedication as in the U.S.S.R." 

To the Communist mind, political deviation was the equivalent of treason, 
and everywhere it was met with the same punishment Calumny and lies were 
spread about the POUM, whose front-line troops were accused of having 
abandoned their positions, even when Communist troops had refused to sup- 


World Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

port them. 11 Uhumanhe, the French Communist Party daily, was especially 
vicious in its attacks, reprinting a series of articles by Mikhail Koltsov, a close 
friend of Louis Aragon and Elsa Triolet. The central theme of the campaign 
was repeated endlessly: the POUM was an accomplice of Franco, in league with 
the fascist cause. The Communists took the precaution of infiltrating POUM 
ranks with agents whose task was to gather information and draw up blacklists, 
so that they could identify the relevant militants when they were arrested. One 
particularly well-known case is that of Lev Narvich, who after contacting Nin 
was unmasked and executed by a POUM self-defense squad. The executions 
came after the disappearance of Nin himself and the arrest of other leaders. 

May 1937 and the Liquidation of the POUM 

On 3 May 1937, assault troops led by the Communists mounted an attack on 
the Barcelona central telephone exchange, which was in the hands of the (-NT 
and the Socialist trade union, Union General de Trabajadores (UGT). The 
operation was Jed by Rodriguez Salas, the chief of police and a member of the 
PSUC. The Communists had prepared for the attack by increasing the level of 
propaganda and harassment and closing down both the POUM radio station 
and La batalla, the POUM's official newspaper. On 6 Ma), 5,000 police agents 
headed by leading Communists arrived in Barcelona. The ensuing violent 
confrontations between Communist and non-Communist forces left nearly 500 
dead and another 1,000 wounded. 

Taking advantage of the confusion, the Communists seized every oppor- 
tunity to liquidate their political opponents. Camillo Berneri, the Italian anar- 
chist philosopher, and his companion Francesco Barbieri were abducted and 
killed by a squad of twelve men; their bodies were found riddled with bullets 
the following day. Only days before, Berneri had prophetically written in his 
journal, Guerra di classe: "Today we fight Burgos, tomorrow we must fight 
Moscow for our freedom." Alfredo Martinez, the secretary of the Free Youth 
of Catalonia movement; Hans Freund, the militant Trotsky itc; and Erwin Wolf, 
a former secretary of Trotsky, met the same fate. 

Kurt Landau, an Austrian and an opposition Communist, had been a 
militant in Germany, Austria, and France before moving to Barcelona and 
joining the POUM. He was arrested on 23 September and then disappeared. 
His wife, Katia, who was herself imprisoned, wrote about these purges: "The 
Party houses, including 'La Pedrera 1 and 'Paseo de Garcia,' and the 'Karl Marx' 
and 'Voroshilov' barracks, were just death traps. Witnesses last saw the men 
from the radio station alive in La Pedrera. Young anarchists were taken to the 
barracks to be tortured in the most vile manner, mutilated, and killed. Their 
bodies were later found by accident." She quotes one article from the anarcho- 

The Shadow of the NKVD in Spain 


syndicalist paper Soltdandad obrera: "It was determined that before dying they 
had been tortured in a grisly manner, as was evident from the presence of 
serious contusions and bruises on the stomach, which seemed swollen and 
deformed ... It was clear that one of the bodies had been hung by the feet, 
and the head and neck were terribly bruised. The head of another of these 
unfortunates had obviously been beaten with the butt of a rifle." 

Many militants such as Guido Picelli simply disappeared for good, with- 
out a trace. George Orwell, who had enlisted as a volunteer in the POUM, lived 
through these days and was forced to go into hiding and to flee. His account 
of May 1937 in Barcelona survives in an appendix in Homage to Catalonia. 

Assassinations planned by the Communist police squads were not 
confined to Barcelona. In Tortosa on 6 May, twenty CNT militants who had 
been arrested by government forces from Valencia were spirited out of their 
cells in the basement of the town hall and slaughtered. Fifteen more freedom 
fighters were coldly executed the following day in Tarragon. 

Although the Communists were unable to kill off all their opponents, they 
did manage to deprive them of political power. Jose Diaz, the secretary general 
of the Spanish Communist Party, had declared in May that "the POUM should 
be removed from the political life of the country." Largo Caballero, the head 
of the government, refused to give in to Communist demands that the POUM 
be dissolved. On 15 May, after the events in Barcelona, he was forced to resign. 
His successor, Juan Negrin, was a "moderate" Socialist in thrall to the Com- 
munists. Thus the final obstacle to the Communist political takeover was re- 
moved. Not only did Negrin align himself with the Communists — writing to 
the London Times correspondent Herbert L. Matthews that the POUM "was 
controlled by elements who rejected anything that might constitute a single, 
supreme direction in the struggle, or any sort of common discipline" — but he 
also approved the use of terror as a method of political control. 14 Julian Gorkin 
witnessed the radical change: "A few days after Juan Negrin's government had 
been formed, Orlov was already acting as though Spain was some sort of 
Communist satellite. He turned up at the headquarters of the security offices 
and asked for Colonel Antonio Ortega, whom he now considered to be one of 
his subordinates, and demanded warrants for the arrest of members of the 
POUM Executive Committee." 15 

On 16 June 1937 Negrin officially banned the POUM and had the entire 
Executive Committee arrested. This decision allowed Communist agents to act 
with a semblance of legality. At 1:00 p.m. on 16 June, Andreu Nin was arrested 
by the police. None of his companions ever saw him again, living or dead. 

Police officers from Madrid, under orders from the Communists, took 
over the newspaper La batalla and the various POUM buildings. Two hundred 
militants, including Julian Gorkin, Jordi Arquer, Juan Andrade, and Pedro 


World Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

Bonet, were imprisoned. Later, to justify the liquidation of the POUM, the 
Communists fabricated charges of treason, claiming that POUM members had 
been spying for Franco. On 22 June a special tribunal was established and the 
propaganda campaign launched. Conveniently, police investigations turned up 
documents relating to espionage. u Max Rieger" (the name was either a collec- 
tive pseudonym or a pseudonym for a journalist working under specific orders) 
gathered together all these forgeries and published them under the title Espio- 
nage in Spain, which came out simultaneously in several languages. 

Under Orlov's orders and protected by Vidali, Ricardo Burillo, and Gero, 
Nin was tortured. However, he neither admitted anything that could be used 
to prove the validity of the accusations made against his party nor signed any 
declaration. The Communists were thus compelled to liquidate him and to use 
his disappearance to discredit him, claiming that he had gone over to the 
Francoist side. Again, assassination and propaganda went hand in hand. The 
opening of the Moscow archives confirmed what Nins friends and supporters 
had supposed all along. 16 

After the activity against the POUM on 16 and 17 June, a systematic manhunt 
against all "traitors" — Trotskyites and others— began. The Communists used 
information gathered by the police to carry out these operations. They set up 
illegal prisons, called cekas, hispanicizing the name of the first Russian secret 
police agency, the Cheka. The names of these places are now known: the 
central ceka in Barcelona was at 24 Avenida Puerta <q Angel, with other 
branches in the Hotel Colon in the Plaza de Catalunya, the former Atocha 
convent in Madrid, Santa Ursula in Valencia, and Aleala de Henares. Several 
private houses were also requisitioned and served as centers for detention, 
interrogation, and execution. 

In early 1938 some 200 antifascists and anti-Stalinists were held in the 
Santa Ursula ceka, which soon came to be known as the Dachau of Republican 
Spain. "When the Stalinists decided to open a ceka"" one victim recalled, 

there was a small cemetery being cleaned out nearby. The Chckists had a 
diabolical idea: they would leave the cemetery's tombs open, with the 
skeletons and the decomposing bodies in full view. That's where the) 
locked up the most difficult cases. They had some particularly brutal 
methods of torture. Many prisoners were hung up by their feet, upside 
down, for whole days. Others they locked in tiny cupboards with just a 
tiny air hole near the face to breathe through . . . One of the worst 
methods was known as "the drawer"; prisoners were forced to squat in 
tiny square boxes for several days. Some were kept there unable to move 
for eight to ten days. 

The Shadow of the NKVD in Spain 


To do this sort of work, Soviet agents used depraved individuals who felt that 
their actions had already been approved by "La Pasionaria" (Dolores Ibarruri). 
She had once said at a meeting in Valencia: "It is better to kill one hundred 
innocents than to let one guilty person go." 17 

The use of torture was systematic.' 8 One common technique was to force 
the prisoner to drink soapy water, a powerful emetic. Some techniques were 
typically Soviet, such as sleep deprivation or enclosure in a tiny space known 
as a cupboard cell, where the prisoner could not sit or stand, was unable to 
move his limbs, could scarcely breathe, and was constantly blinded by an 
electric light. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn describes one such cell at length in The 
Gulag Archipelago, in his account of his arrival at Lubyanka. 

Summary executions were also common practice: 

Lieutenant Astorga Vayo, a member of the Military Investigation Serv- 
ice and the NKVD, came up with an excellent means of preventing 
escape: as the prisoners were lined up in rows of five, they would shoot 
four prisoners for every one who was missing, and they also threatened 
to shoot the rows both in front and behind. Some of his comrades 
objected to this practice, but Vayo, though relieved of his functions, was 
promoted and became the head of one of the main concentration camps 
in Catalonia, Onclls de Nagaya, in Lerida Province. M> 

Opinions vary on the total number executed. Katia Landau gives a figure 
of 15,000 prisoners, including 1,000 POUM members, in both official and 
unofficial prisons. 20 Yves Levy, who carried out an inquiry at the time, men- 
tioned "approximately 10,000 civil and military revolutionaries in prison," 
including members of the POUM, the CNT, and the FAI. Some died as a result 
of their treatment, including Bob Smilie, a correspondent for the Independent 
Labour Party (a radical socialist group that had split from the British Labour 
Party in 1932) who was closely aligned with the POUM; and Manuel Maurin, 
the brother of Joaquin Maurin, who had been imprisoned by the Franquistas 
but whose life had been spared in the cdrcel madelo (model prison) in Barcelona. 
According to Julian Gorkin, some 62 people in Santa Clara had been sentenced 
to death by the end of 1937. 

Once the POUM had been crushed and the Socialists outmaneuvered or 
sidelined, there remained the anarchists. In the months following the Republi- 
can riposte to the military pronunc lament o, agrarian collectives had proliferated 
under the anarchists' influence, particularly in Aragon. A few weeks after the 
events of May 1937, villages and towns in Aragon were besieged by the Assault 
Troops. The Congress of Collectives was taken over, and on 1 1 August a decree 
was published ordering the dissolution of the Aragon Council. Its president, 
Joaquin Ascaso, was arrested and charged with theft. He was replaced by a 


World Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

governor-general named Jose Ignacio Mantecon, a member of the Republican 
left who was a Communist mole. 21 This was a direct attack on the CNT, 
designed to undermine its foundations. 

The Eleventh Division, under the command of the Communist Enrique 
Lister, who had already carried out numerous operations in Castile (such as 
executions and violence against peasant collectives), broke up the collectives 
with the help of the Twenty-seventh Division (known as the "Karl Marx" 
Division of the PSUC) and the Thirtieth Division. Hundreds of freedom 
fighters were arrested and eliminated from municipal councils and replaced by 
Communists. The land that had been turned into collectives was returned to 
its original owners. The operation was timed to coincide with a large-scale 
operation against Zaragoza, to make it look as if the actions were justified by 
the preparations for the offensive. Despite the massacre of hundreds, the 
peasants formed yet more collectives. In Castile, operations against the peasants 
were led by the famous Communist general Valentin Gonzalez, who was known 
as "El Campesino" (The Peasant). According to Cesar M. Lorenzo, Gonzalez 
surpassed even Lister in his cruelty. 22 Once again hundreds of peasants were 
massacred and villages burned, but this time the CNT reacted with military 
force and halted El Campesino's campaign. 

The NKVD at Work 

In Spain in 1937, the NKVD, under the name Grupo de Informacion, had 
become a sort of annex of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Communist agents 
also controlled the leadership of the security department, and during the 
spring and summer of 1937 the Servicio Alfredo Hertz saw its most intense 
period of activity. Hertz himself was described by Julian Gorkin as "one of the 
great masters of interrogation and execution." Hubert von Ranke, who had 
been employed by Erno Gero since 1930, worked alongside Hertz. 21 He had 
been a political commissar in the Thalmann battalion in the International 
Brigades before being made head of security for German-speaking foreigners. 
That was probably how he came to arrest Erwin Wolf, who was subsequently 
released but disappeared for good shortly afterward. 

Arrested by two members of the Grupo de Informacion on 1 1 September 
1937, Katia Landau later wrote about von Ranked methods: "One of the worst 
GPU agents, Moritz Bressler, alias von Ranke, reduced all accusations to the 
minimum. He and his wife, Seppl Kapalanz, once arrested a comrade on the 
suspicion that he had knowledge of the whereabouts of Kurt Landau. l If you 
don't give us his address,' they said, 'you'll never get out of prison. He's an 
enemy of Stalin and of the Popular Front. And as soon as we find out where 
he lives, we're going to kill him.'" 2 *' 

The Shadow of the NKVD in Spain 


On the night of 9-10 April 1937 a young Russian emigre named Marc 
Rein, who had been a volunteer in extreme left-wing movements in Norway 
and Germany, disappeared from his hotel room in Barcelona. A few days later 
his friends noticed his absence and raised the alarm. Marc Rein was the son of 
Rafael Abramovich, the exiled Russian leader of the Second International. That 
fact, together with the determination of his friends and family to discover his 
fate, caused a great stir abroad and much soul-searching in Republican Spain. 
The Spanish government was forced to assign one of its own agents to launch 
an inquiry, which found the Servicio Alfredo Hertz responsible for the disap- 
pearance. The conflict between the NKVD police and the government became 
so bitter that on 9 July 1937 the secretary of state at the Ministry of Internal 
Affairs provoked a confrontation between one of his own intelligence agents 
(SSI 29) and Hertz and Gomez Emperador. The next day SSI 29 was himself 
arrested by the Servicio Hertz. However, the secret service that employed him 
was powerful enough to get him released the following day. SSI 29, whose real 
name was P. Laurencic, was found in 1938 and arrested by the Franquistas, sent 
before a miliary tribunal, and executed as an NKVD agent. 

Although the Rein affair remains unresolved to this day, it did have the 
effect of ending the activities of Alfredo Hertz and Gomez Emperador in July 
1937. Their secret services were disbanded and restructured under the new 
leadership of Victorio Sala. On 15 August, Indalecio Prieto, the minister of 
defense and a Socialist, established the Servicio de Investigacion Militar (SIM) 
as an umbrella for all political surveillance and counterespionage organizations. 
The SIM soon had 6,000 agents in its service. Numerous "technicians" from 
the Servicio Hertz simply went straight into the organization. In 1939 Prieto 
admitted that the SIM, which in principle was a counterespionage agency, had 
basically been created by the Soviet NKVD, and that in no time at all, despite 
the precautions taken, it was controlled by the Communists and used for their 
own purposes. 25 Under pressure from the Soviet Union and the Communists, 
Prieto was removed from the government on 5 April 1938. 

Julian Gorkin described the activities of the SIM: 

They arrested everyone according to their own whims or some policy of 
NKVD reprisals. Suspects were then thrown into prison, and charges 
were drawn up . . . The SIM kept files for months and months, on the 
pretext that it always needed more information. The SIM was also the 
scourge of all the magistrates and lawyers, because if a judge was con- 
vinced of the prisoner's innocence, the SIM would simply override his 
decision. 26 

The Swiss Communist Rudolf Frei, a retired mechanic who had taken 
courses at the International Leninist School in Moscow in 1931-32, was in 


World Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

charge of organizing the transfer of volunteers from Basel to Spain. At his own 
request he was transferred to Spain in late 1937 and was put in charge of the 
control service of the SIM, where he was to keep an eye specifically on the 
Swiss volunteers. 27 

After the summer of 1938, many of the antifascists who had been kept in 
the prisons controlled by the Communists were taken to the front and forced, 
along with the Franquista prisoners, to carry out heavy work such as terracing, 
often under very harsh conditions, without food or medical care, and under the 
permanent threat of Communist attacks. Karl Brauning, a member of a dissi- 
dent German Communist group, managed to escape and six months later, in 
December 1939, told some friends about his experience: 

What we lived through in July was horrible and cruel. Dostoevsky's 
House of the Dead is nothing in comparison . . . And we were so hungry 
that we were often delirious. I'm half the man I used to be, just skin and 
bones. We were ill all the time and had no strength left at all. There's no 
difference between men and animals when you get down to that stage, 
it's just pure barbarism. Fascism still has a lot to learn from those 
bandits; it's culture and luxury in comparison. It must have been written 
in our files that we were literally to be worked to death by legal means, 
because that's exactly what they tried to do. 2s 

A "Moscow Show-Trial" in Barcelona 

Despite the restructuring, infiltration, and camouflage operations, the NKVD 
encountered obstacles. Because of the savage repression against it, the POUM 
received support from various revolutionary groups. These groups formed in 
France a Cartel for the Defense of Revolutionary Prisoners in Republican 
Spain. Thus overt public action was opposed to covert Soviet maneuvering. 
Three delegations were sent to Spain to investigate. The third, led by John 
MacGovern of the Independent Labour Party and by Felicien Challaye in 
November 1937, was allowed to visit the prisons in Barcelona, notably the 
model prison where 500 antifascists were kept, and to collect their testimony 
on what they had suffered. MacGovern and Challaye managed to arrange for a 
dozen prisoners to be freed. They also tried to get access to the secret NKVD 
prison in Junta Square, but, despite the support of Manuel de Irujo, the 
minister of justice, they were forbidden to enter. MacGovern concluded: "The 
mask has been dropped. We have raised the veil and shown who holds the real 
power. The ministers wanted to help, but they really couldn't." 2 '' 

From 1 1 to 22 October 1938, members of the POUM Executive Commit- 
tee— Gorkin, Andrade, Pascal Gironella, Jose Rovira, Arquer, Bonet, Jean 
Reboul, and Jose Escuder — were brought before a special court in a scenario 

The Shadow of the NKVD in Spain 


highly reminiscent of the Moscow show-trials. One of the aims of the trial was 
to lend credibility to Moscow's claim that Trotskyites were endangering the 
Party on all fronts, However, Spanish militants roundly rejected the accusation. 
Andre Gide, Georges Duhamel, Roger Martin du Gard, Francois Mauriac, and 
Paul Rivet sent telegrams to Juan Negrin demanding that the accused be given 
a fair trial. Because the charges were based on confessions extracted by force, 
some considerable confusion followed. The Communist press vigorously de- 
manded death sentences, but none was handed down. 30 Even so, the POUM 
militants were convicted on 2 November and sentenced to fifteen years in prison 
(the only exceptions were Jordi Arquer, who received eleven years; and David 
Rey, who was acquitted). They were found guilty of having "falsely claimed in 
the newspaper La batalla that the government of the Republic obeys orders 
from Moscow and systematically hunts down all those who refuse to obey such 
orders" — a statement that itself seemed more like a confession. 

When the defeat of the Republic was complete in March 1939, the last 
chief of the SIM tried to hand these prisoners over to the Franquista forces so 
that they might be shot, counting on the enemies of the Republic to finish the 
sinister task that the NKVD agents had begun. Luckily, all the members of the 
POUM Executive Committee managed to escape. 

Inside the International Brigades 

The rallying cry to the cause of the Republican struggle had echoed around the 
world. Numerous volunteers came to Spain to fight the nationalists, and they 
enlisted in the militias or in fighting groups sponsored by organizations to 
which they were sympathetic. But the International Brigades were created at 
Moscow's instigation and constituted a genuine Communist army, even though 
not all their troops were Communists.^ 1 A distinction should also be made 
between the real combatants at the front and the men who formally belonged to 
the Brigades but were absent from the field of battle. The history of the 
Brigades is not simply the story of heroic battles fought on the front line. 

The Brigades grew exponentially throughout the autumn and winter of 
1936 as tens of thousands of volunteers flocked in from all around the world. 
The Communists did not accept all newcomers instantly, since they needed to 
prevent infiltration by double agents, Nazis, and Franquistas. While the Great 
Terror was at its height in Russia, the orthodoxy of the volunteers in Spain 
was also tested. The task of rooting out agents provocateurs— of unmasking any 
dissident, critical, or undisciplined elements — fell to the cadre services of the 
various Communist parties. Surveillance and control of volunteers also took 
place outside Spain. For example, the Zurich police seized from the German 
Communist Alfred Adolf a list of the names of "undesirable" volunteers, which 


World Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

he had intended to send to Soviet agents in Spain. In the autumn of 1937 a 
document of the Executive Committee of the Comintern noted that the Bri- 
gades should be cleansed of all politically questionable volunteers and that u the 
selection of volunteers should be carefully controlled to prevent intelligence 
agents, fascist spies, and Trotskyites from slipping into the Brigades. 1 ' 12 A 
personal file for each Brigade member, including political details, was sent to 
the Comintern headquarters in Moscow and regularly updated. The archives 
have yielded up tens of thousands of such files. 

Andre Marty, a member of the French Communist Party Politburo and a 
secretary in the Comintern, who had arrived in Spain in August 1936 as a 
Comintern delegate to the Republican government, became the official chief 
of the Albacete base, where the International Brigades were organized. Along 
with the Brigades, the Communists created a new Fifth Regiment, under the 
control of Enrique Lister, who had been trained at the Frunze Military Acad- 
emy in the US.S.R. in 1932. The SIM was also present in Albacete. 

The scale of violent repressions within the Brigades is still a subject of 
controversy. Some commentators persist in denying that Marty bore any re- 
sponsibility, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Others claim that 
the executions in question were justified by the circumstances. El Campesino 
explained as follows: u Of course he had no choice but to get rid of some of the 
dangerous elements. That he executed some people is quite incontrovertible; 
but they were all deserters, or had killed someone, or were traitors in some 
way."" The testimony of Gustav Regler, an assistant commissar in the 12th 
Brigade, confirms that executions occurred. During a battle near El Escorial, 
two anarchist volunteers had shown signs of weakness; Regler had them ar- 
rested and proposed to send them to a sanatorium. He said as much to Marty, 
who sent the two anarchists straight to Alcala de Henares. Much later Regler 
learned that this in fact was not a sanatorium, but a center where Soviet NKVD 
squads executed people. 34 A note signed in Marty's own hand, found in the 
Moscow archives, explained to the Central Executive Committee of the Span- 
ish Communist Party: "I am also not at all happy that spies and fascists whom 
I sent to Valencia to be liquidated are being sent back to me here at Albacete. 
You know very well that the International Brigades cannot do this themselves 
here at Albacete." 15 One can well imagine that it would have been difficult to 
execute "spies and fascists" in the middle of a military base. Whoever these 
"spies and fascists" were, he preferred that the dirty work be done elsewhere 
by other people, out of his sight. 

A recent film has recounted the execution in November 1937 of Erich 
Frommelt, a member of the Thalmann battalion of the 12th Brigade, who was 
condemned to death on charges of desertion at 11:15 p.m. on one day and executed 
the next day at 4:45 p.m. 16 Officially, Frommelt was listed as having died in the 

The Shadow of the NKVD in Spain 


battle of Teruel. Such dissembling naturally raises questions about who the 
"deserters" really were. Roger Codou, another member of the International 
Brigades, consulted their prison files and noted numerous references to "death 
by hydrocution," which in his view was simply a euphemism for execution. There 
were two special prisons for members of the International Brigades: one in the 
Horta district of Barcelona, where there were 265 prisoners in 1937; and the 
other in Castellon de la Plana. It is difficult to calculate the number of Brigade 
members who were liquidated. According to Julian Gorkin, Andre Marty was 
personally responsible for approximately 500 executions of "undisciplined members 
or those who were simply suspected of having 'oppositional' tendencies." 37 

Robert Martin, from Glasgow, also testified to the frequency of arrests in 
Albacete. When he himself was arrested, he was placed in a cell with seventy 
other Brigade members who had seen combat, some of whom were wounded. 
The extremely harsh conditions spurred some prisoners to start a hunger 
strike. After being told that they would be set free, they were taken to Barcelona 
in small groups. Martin and his group were taken to the Falcon Hotel, which 
had been the headquarters of the POUM before being transformed into a 
prison, and then to Corsiga Street, where they were photographed and their 
fingerprints taken. After a miraculous escape, Martin managed to cross into 
France and heard nothing more about the fate of his companions. 38 

According to the Social Democrat Max Reventlow, the Republican forces 
had at least 650 prisoners with them during the Republican retreat after the 
nationalist breakthrough to the Mediterranean. Once the prisoners arrived in 
Catalonia, they were transferred to the prisons of Horta and Castellon, both of 
which were under the command of the Croatian F. I. Copic. Sixteen of them 
were shot as soon as they arrived. In these prisons, a special commission 
pronounced death sentences, with no possibility of appeal. After an escape by 
50 prisoners, another 50 were shot. The practice of torture was common. One 
German lieutenant, Hans Rudolph, was tortured for six days, his arms and legs 
broken and his fingernails ripped out. He was executed on 14 June 1938, along 
with 6 other prisoners, with a bullet in the neck. Copic himself was later 
accused of espionage but was saved by the intervention of Luigi Longo, Andre 
Marty, and his brother, Colonel Vladimir Copic. 39 

After killing an SS guard, the German Communist Deputy Hans Beimler 
escaped from Dachau. Upon reaching Spain he helped establish the Thalmann 
battalion. He was killed on 1 December 1936 in Palacete. Gustav Regler claimed 
that Beimler fell victim to a bullet from the nationalists. Antonia Stern, Beim- 
ler's companion, who was stripped of her rights and expelled from Spain, 
disputed this version of events. She claimed that Beimler had spoken out 
against the first Moscow show-trial and had been in contact with the former 
directors of the KPD, Arkady Maslow and Ruth Fischer, who led an opposition 


World Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

group in Paris. On the basis of a report from the Secret Intelligence Service, a 
special department of the Catalan Police Department that dealt with informers 
in the Communist ranks, Pierre Broue also believes that Beimler was assassi- 
nated. 40 

Stalin and his agents cynically exploited the idealism that had brought so 
many to Spain to fight for the Republican cause, then abandoned the country 
and the Brigades to their fate. By then he was preparing his rapprochement 
with Hitler. 

Exile and Death in the "Fatherland of the Proletariat" 

After the Republican defeat, a committee presided over by Togliatti was 
formed in Paris in March 1939 to select Spaniards worthy of emigrating to the 
u fatherland of the proletariat." El Campesino wrote about the conditions of his 
departure for the US.S.R. 41 On 14 May 1939 he sailed from Le Havre on the 
Siberia with 350 other people, including members of the Politburo and Central 
Committee of the Spanish Communist Party, Communist deputies, the com- 
manders of the Fifth Regiment, and some 30 Brigade chiefs. El Campesino was 
present when Togliatti's committee was established under the aegis of the 
NKVD. Its function was to monitor the 3,961 Spanish refugees, who were 
immediately divided into eighteen groups and sent to different towns. In exile, 
most of the leaders spied and informed on their compatriots, such as the 
former secretary of the Spanish Communist Party Committee in Jaen, who had 
half the Spanish contingent in Kharkiv arrested; and Jorge Cortina, who had 
many injured people deported to Siberia. Accused of being a Trotskyite, El 
Campesino was thrown out of the Frunze Military Academy and in March 
1942 was working on the subway system in Moscow. He was later deported to 
Uzbekistan and then to Siberia. In 1948 he managed to escape to Iran. 

Jose Diaz, the former secretary general of the Spanish Communist Party, 
died on 19 March 1942 after falling from his window on the fourth floor of a 
building in Tbilisi, at a moment when none of his family were present. El 
Campesino and his compatriots believed that this death was in fact an assassi- 
nation. Just before his death, Diaz had been writing a book about his experi- 
ences and seemed quite disillusioned by what he had seen. He had also written 
a letter to the authorities, protesting the conditions in which children were 
being kept in the Tbilisi colony. 

During the civil war, thousands of Spanish children aged five to twelve 
had been sent to the US.S.R. 42 Their living conditions changed dramatically 
after the Republican defeat. In 1939 their teachers were accused of Trotskyism, 
and, according to El Campesino, 60 percent of them were arrested and impris- 
oned in the Lubyanka; the rest were sent to work in factories. One young 

The Shadow of the NKVD in Spain 


woman was tortured for more than twenty months before being executed. The 
fate of the children was particularly harsh because all the colonies were directed 
by Soviet officials. The Kaluga colony was particularly severe under the strong 
authority of Juan Modesto, a general who had learned his trade in the Fifth 
Regiment, and of Enrique Lister. 41 In 1941, according to Jesus Hernandez, 
roughly 50 percent of the children there had developed tuberculosis, and 750 
of them (15 percent) died before the exodus of 1941. The adolescents ended 
up in the Urals and in central Siberia, particularly in Kokand, where they 
formed criminal gangs, while the women fell into prostitution. Many of them 
committed suicide. According to Hernandez, 2,000 of the 5,000 children died. 44 
In 1947, on the tenth anniversary of their arrival in the US.S.R., a ceremony 
took place at the Stanislavsky Theater in Moscow involving 2,000 young Span- 
ish people. In September 1956, 534 of them returned to Spain. In all, only 
1,500 were ever permitted to return. 

Other Spaniards came to know both life and death in the Soviet Union. 
Among these were the non-Communist sailors and pilots who came voluntarily 
to the Soviet Union to train. El Campesino tells the story of a group of 218 
pilots who arrived in 1938 for what was supposed to be a six- to seven-month 
training period in Kirovabad. At the end of 1939 Colonel Martinez Carton, a 
member of the Spanish Communist Party Politburo and an NKVD agent, gave 
the pilots a choice between remaining in the US.S.R. or departing from the 
country. Those who chose to leave were sent to work in factories. On 1 Sep- 
tember 1939 they were all arrested, and charges were drawn up against them. 
Some were tortured, others were killed in the Lubyanka; most received camp 
sentences of ten to fifteen years. Of the group that went to Pechoralev, there 
were no survivors at all. Out of the original group of 218, there were 6 

In 1947 some refugees managed to leave the US.S.R. Those who stayed 
were forced to sign a document saying that they would not try to leave again. 
In April 1948 Jose Ester (Mauthausen political deportee no. 64553) and Jose 
Domenech (Neuengamme political deportee no. 40202) held a press conference 
in Paris on behalf of the Spanish Federation of Deportees and Political Intern- 
ees to reveal the details they had gathered concerning deportees of Camp 99 
in Karaganda, Kazakhstan, northwest of Lake Balkhash. Ester and Domenech 
supplied the names of 59 deportees, including 24 pilots and 33 sailors. In a 
broadside dated 1 March 1948, the two former deportees explained their ac- 
tions as follows: "It is a binding duty for us, and an imperative for anyone who 
has known famine, cold, and desolation under a regime like that of the SS or 
the Gestapo, and it is a civic duty for everyone for whom the words Freedom 
and Human Rights have any sense at all, to stand up and demand out of 
solidarity the freedom of these men, who are facing the threat of certain death." 


World Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

After World War II, the Communists and their special services continued to 
liquidate their opponents. Joan Farre Gasso, a former POUM leader from 
Lerida, took part in the French resistance during the war. He was arrested and 
imprisoned in Moissac by the Vichy regime, but was freed again at the end of 
the war, when he tried to rejoin his wife in a small village in French Catalonia. 
On the way to Montauban he was stopped by the Communist maquts, or 
guemlleros espanoles, who executed him on the spot. 45 This assassination pro- 
longed the civil war in Spain in its most sinister aspect: the liquidation of 
thousands of the bravest and most determined antifascists. The Spanish exam- 
ple shows the impossibility of separating the legal and criminal enterprises of 
the Communists in their pursuit of their political objectives. Although it may- 
be true that political and social violence was the norm in interwar Spain, and 
that the civil war allowed this violence to erupt on a massive scale, it is still the 
case that the Soviet Union brought into the equation the might of a party-state 
born out of war and violence. Moscow's intervention was intended solely to 
promote Soviet interests while pretending it was essential for the struggle 
against fascism. 

It is clear that the real goal of Stalin and his henchmen was to take control 
of the destiny of the Republic. To that end, the liquidation of left-wing oppo- 
sition to the Communists — Socialists, anarchosyndicalists, POUMists, and 
Trotskyites — was no less important than the military defeat of Franco. 


Communism and Terrorism 

Remi Kauffer 

In the 1920s and 1930s the international Communist movement 
concentrated on the preparation of armed insurrections, all of which ulti- 
mately failed. As a result, the movement largely abandoned this type of action. 
In the 1940s it profited instead from wars of liberation from the Nazis or from 
Japanese expansionism, and in the 1950s and 1960s it focused on the process of 
decolonization, creating groups of organized insurgents that were slowly trans- 
formed into regular Red Armies. In Yugoslavia, China, North Korea, Vietnam, 
and Cambodia this tactic worked, allowing the Communist Party to seize 
power. However, the failure of guerrilla movements in South America — where 
they were opposed by special troops trained by the Americans— was an incen- 
tive for the Communists to resume the "terrorist" methods that until then they 
had used relatively infrequently, the most memorable exception being the Sofia 
Cathedral explosion in 1924. The distinction between terrorism pure and sim- 
ple and preparations for an armed uprising may sometimes appear slightly 
academic, since the same people are usually involved. Moreover, the one course 
of action does not preclude the other. Many national liberation movements 
have combined terrorism and guerrilla warfare in their actions, as was the case 
with the Front de Liberation Nationale (FLN) and the Armee de Liberation 
Nationale in Algeria. 

The Algerian case is an interesting one in that the supporters of French 



World Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

Algeria saw the nationalist uprising as a plot drawn up in Moscow; and found 
more confirmation of this idea in the fact that at the time of the battle of Algiers 
(1956—57) the Algerian Communist Party had provided Yacef Saadi, the FLN 
chief for the capital, with a number of its best explosives specialists. Can one 
conclude from this that the nationalist movement was in thrall to the Commu- 
nists? In many respects, this was clearly not the case. The Algerian Communist 
Party and the FLN were constantly at loggerheads. In the international arena, 
the FLN benefited from the open political support of the USSR., but apart 
from a few extremely limited operations by its special services, Moscow was 
careful not to implicate itself directly in the conflict with France. In fact the 
main arms suppliers to the FLN were Nasser's Egypt, Tito's Yugoslavia, and 
Czechoslovakia, which acted on behalf of the Eastern Bloc. In addition, a 
number of FLN cadres had been trained in underground techniques by the 
Czechs in Prague. But the Soviet Union deliberately remained in the back- 
ground. Did the Soviet Union already have an intuition that the future state 
of Algeria would be politically close to Moscow but at the same time careful to 
retain its independence? The fact is that the Soviet special services never had 
oversight of the holy of holies of the new regime, the Military Security, in 
contrast to the Cuban Direction General de Inteligencia (DGI). 

Another example of Soviet prudence regarding extremely controversial 
nationalist movements is the Irish case. As an offspring of the IRA (the Irish 
Republican Army, formed in Dublin after the failure of the 1916 Easter upris- 
ing), "Republicanism" was a way of thinking quite specific to Northern Ireland. 
Apart from social issues, after 1921 the IRA's nationalist program (the re- 
unification of Ireland through the w resting of the six northern counties from 
the British crown) was at the center of all its actions. In contrast, the pro-Soviet 
figures who in 1933 formed the Communist Party of Ireland distanced them- 
selves further and further from purely nationalist preoccupations to highlight 
the importance of the class struggle. 

The IRA needed arms to fight the British. Between the wars, it repeatedly 
tried to get them from the U.S.S.R., but Moscow politely refused. Undoubtedly 
it did not seem particularly judicious to arm pro-independence forces at the 
risk of open conflict with Great Britain. The fact that several hundred IRA 
members joined the International Brigades and fought in Spain did little to 
change Moscow's position. In 1939-40, when the IRA was starting a new 
bombing campaign in Britain, its most secret team was a small group of militant 
nationalists who were less likely to arouse suspicion by virtue of being Protes- 
tant. The core of this group consisted of Communists, notably Betty Sinclair. 
Throughout Europe, groups of saboteurs such as the Ernst Wollwcber network 
were ready to attack not only German ships but also French and British vessels. 
Moscow intended to use the IRA to sabotage British ships, thinking that using 

Communism and Terrorism 


the underground organization would mask the Soviet origins of the sabotage. 
But the project came to nothing. Moscow retained a certain suspicion of the 
Irish, who would ally themselves with anyone simply to procure arms for their 
own ends, but who refused categorically to pay any political price by compro- 
mising their own political agenda. In the early 1970s the IRA again took up 
arms (and more usually its speciality, explosives) against the British following 
a revolt of the Catholic ghettoes in Northern Ireland. Contrary to a widely held 
belief, neither the bombs nor the explosives came from the Soviet Union either 
directly or indirectly. In fact the IRA's main support, both historically and 
today, has come from the Irish-American community in the United States. 

The "hand of Moscow" was thus not omnipresent. But it played an active 
role in supporting certain Middle Eastern terrorist groups. Starting from the 
idea that the Palestinian organizations represented a national liberation move- 
ment comparable to the Algerian FLN, the Soviet Union was quick to come 
out in favor of Yasser Arafat's Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and its 
main component, El Fatah. But the KGB also kept its eye on another Palestin- 
ian nationalist group, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), 
led by Doctor George Habash. Claiming to be a radical Marxist group, this 
highly structured movement had no qualms about carrying out terrorist attacks 
and spectacular hijackings. Its first attack was the hijacking of an El Al aircraft 
in July 1968, followed by an attack on the Athens airport in December. These 
actions culminated in 1970, just before the troops of King Hussein crushed the 
Palestinians in Jordan, with the blowing up of three aircraft — a TWA Boeing, 
a Swissair DC-8, and a BOAC Viscount VC-10 — at Zarka, in Jordan, where 
they had been rerouted and the passengers taken prisoner. 

One of the PFLP cadres, Nayef Hawatmeh, who was worried by what he 
perceived as overly violent terrorism, formed a breakaway group in 1970-71 
called the Democratic and Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine 
(DPFLP). After a period of continued terrorism, the DPFLP renounced vio- 
lence in the name of the international proletariat and the working masses and 
aligned itself along ever more orthodox Communist lines, thus becoming in 
principle the main Soviet ally on Palestinian questions. Yet this was not really 
the case, for at the same time the KGB was stepping up its support for the 
PFLP. Habash himself was soon sidelined by his own assistant and director of 
operations, Wadi Haddad, a retired dental surgeon who had trained at the 
American University in Beirut. 

Dr. Haddad was a man of considerable experience. In the opinion of 
Pierre Marion, the former head of the DGSE, the French special services, 
Haddad is the real inventor of modern terrorism: "It is he who dreamed up its 
structures, he who trained its main practitioners; it is he who perfected recruit- 
ment and training methods, he who refined tactics and techniques." 1 In late 


World Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

1973 and early 1974 he broke from the PFLP to set up his own organization, 
the PFLP-EOC (PFLP External Operations Command), which was entirely 
dedicated to international terrorism, while Habash's organization carried out 
other activities, including guerrilla operations against the Israeli army and 
cooperative projects in the Palestinian refugee camps. 

The Soviet KGB decided to support Haddad's terrorist group, as is evi- 
dent from a straightforward message of 23 April 1974, with the filing designa- 
tion of 1071-1/05. This message from the KGB was addressed to Leonid 
Brezhnev, the general secretary of the Soviet Communist Party: 

Since 1968 the Committee for State Security has been in secret contact 
with Wadi Haddad, a member of the Politburo of the PFLP and the 
head of External Operations for the PFLP. 

When he met the KGB chief for the Lebanon region last April, 
Wadi Haddad revealed in confidence the PFLP program for subversive 
activities and terrorism, the main points of which are listed below. 

There followed a list of terrorist targets in Israel and planned subversive 
actions against Israeli territory, attacks against diamond companies and Israeli 
diplomats, and sabotage of oil refineries and supertankers in Saudi Arabia, the 
Persian Gulf, and even Hong Kong. The KGB report continued: 

W. Haddad asks us to help his organization obtain certain special mate- 
rials that are indispensable for subversive actions of this type. While he 
cooperates with us and asks us for help, W. Haddad is well aware that in 
principle we disapprove of terror, and he asks nothing of us with regard 
to PFLP activities. The nature of our relationship with W. Haddad 
allows us to a certain extent to control the activities of the External 
Operations Command of the PFLP, to exert on it an influence beneficial 
to the Soviet Union, and to use the forces of this organization to carry 
out active operations in the appropriate manner when they are in our 

Beyond the double-talk, the conclusion was obvious: principles count for 
nothing so long as one can strike at the enemy without getting caught. Passed 
on to Suslov, Nikolai Podgorny, Kosygin, and Gromyko, the document was 
approved on 26 April 1974. 2 

Haddad's most gifted pupil was a young Venezuelan, Ilyich Ramirez- 
Sanchez, better known by the name Carlos. The two of them worked with the 
survivors of an Asian terrorist group, the Japanese Red Army (J^). whose 
history is instructive. Created at the end of the 1960s, when student radicalism 
in japan was at its height and Maoism was in the air, the JRA quickly made 
contact with North Korean agents (the Korean community is quite large 
throughout the Japanese archipelago). The Korean agents passed instructions 

Communism and Terrorism 


to their cadres and brought the arms the JRA was lacking, but they were unable 
to prevent a split in the group in the early 1970s, which resulted in a bloody 
conflict between the dissenting and orthodox factions. Accordingly, some of the 
cadres simply defected to North Korea, taking refuge in Pyongyang, where they 
remain as businessmen and intermediaries with the West. The other faction 
decided to internationalize its affairs even further, and joined up with Wadi 
Haddad. As a result of this alliance, three members of the JRA acted on behalf 
of the PFLP in killing twenty-eight people at Tel Aviv's Lod airport in May 

The fact that the PFLP-EOC had worked hand in hand with the Swiss 
Nazi banker Francois Genoud, as was revealed by Pierre Pean in Lextremiste 
(where Genoud admitted this openly), was clearly no problem for the KGB. 1 
Neither were the subsequent spectacular terrorist activities of Carlos, first for 
the PFLP-EOC and later for the KGB itself, through his connections with 
about fifteen secret services in Arab and Eastern bloc countries. A partial 
inventory follows. 

Ilyich Ramirez-Sanchez, the son of a Venezuelan lawyer who was a great 
admirer of Lenin (he had named his three sons Vladimir, Ilyich, and Ulyanov), 
when brought to trial in France in 1997, told Judge Jean-Louis Bruguiere that 
he had first met a member of the PFLP in 1969. The man in question was 
Rifaat Abul Aoun, and the meeting took place in Moscow, where the bored 
young student who later came to be known as Carlos was studying physics, 
chemistry, and Marxism-Leninism. Carlos felt disappointed by the lack of 
activity in the Latin American Communist parties, and was ready for action of 
a more violent and radical nature. The PFLP-EOC offered him the opportunity 
for such action not long after his arrival in Jordan. After a period of training 
he became an operational agent in early 1971, passing easily through Europe 
because of his wealthy upbringing and his consequently urbane manner. Sur- 
face appearances aside, he soon carried out a series of spectacular and bloody 
terrorist acts. 

On 27 June 1975 Carlos killed two policemen in Paris and grievously 
injured a third. In December he led an attack on the OPEC offices in Vienna, 
killing three people before fleeing to Algiers. With the other members of his 
team, who were Germans from a radical left-wing group calling themselves the 
Revolutionary Cells (led by Johannes Weinrich), he moved about in Libya, 
Yemen, Iraq, and Yugoslavia. He was also often in East Germany, where the 
Ministerium fur Staatssicherheit (Ministry for State Security), or Stasi, 
watched him very closely, wary of a man capable of such audacious acts. 

"Separat" was the code name of Carlos' organization within the Stasi. In 
1980 a top-secret file was sent to Erich Mielke, the head of the Stasi. It was 
called quite simply "Project for Stasi action regarding treatment and control 


World Revolution, Civil War, and Terror 

of Carlos' group. 1 ' According to Bernard Violet, the author of a highly infor- 
mative biography of Carlos, "Weinrich and Pascale Kopp [Carlos' assistant and 
companion] were not really Stasi agents. They never carried out a mission for 
the Stasi, and they were not actually on the payroll for passing information back 
to the Germans. But they were very important go-betweens linking the East 
German special services and the members of the group." After naming Carlos' 
successive East German contacts — Colonel Harry Dahl, Horst Franz, Gunther 
Jackel, and Helmut Voigt — Violet adds: u Carlos was fully aware of the contacts 
that these two [Weinrich and Kopp] had with the [East] German secret serv- 

Carlos' ties to the Stasi did not stop him from striking up an alliance with 
the Romanians, or from imposing on the Hungarian state security forces by 
treating Budapest as a base. His group, which renamed itself the Organization 
for Armed Struggle for Arab Liberation, carried out ever-bloodier attacks. 
Colonel Voigt of the Stasi blamed the "Separat" group for the attack on the 
Maison de France in West Berlin on 25 August 1983, in which two people died. 
That attack was blamed at the time on another terrorist group linked to the 
Eastern bloc and based in Beirut, called the Secret Army for the Liberation of 

It might seem amazing that the Stasi showed such indulgence toward an 
agent who never seemed to do them any favors. This decision was apparently 
taken at the very top of the Stasi hierarchy. One unproved psychological 
explanation is that Erich Mielke, who was the head of various KPD combat 
groups before the war and was charged with the murder of two policemen in 
Berlin, saw a lot of himself in the Venezuelan terrorist and in the other mem- 
bers of the Baader Meinhof gang, the most prominent terrorist group in West 
Germany. But there must be a more objective link between the Stasi and these 
international terrorist groups. Neither Mielke nor anyone else in the Stasi 
seems to be much of a romantic revolutionary in spirit. If Carlos and his group 
had links with at least fifteen different secret services in Arab and Eastern bloc 
countries, we can be sure that it was not a matter of chance. 

The indulgence with which Communist countries treated Middle Eastern ex- 
tremists was not reserved for Carlos alone. Abu Nidal and his Fatah Revolu- 
tionary Council, who were violently opposed to Yasser Arafat and the PLO, 
working first for the Iraqis and then for the Syrians, also benefited from such 
support, but to a lesser degree, since they were judged to be less controllable. 
Nevertheless, their leader, when extremely ill, could still travel in secret to the 
other side of the Iron Curtain for medical help. 

Another example of direct intervention by Eastern bloc countries in mod- 
ern international terrorism is their manipulation of the German RAF (Rote 

Communism and Terrorism 


Armee Fraktion), better known in the West as the Baader Meinhof gang. Born 
out of student protest, this small organization of about fifty agents and about 
one thousand supporters launched itself into terrorism in the 1970s, mainly 
attacking American interests in Germany. After 1977 and the assassination of 
the West German "patron of patrons" Hans Martin Schleyer, followed by the 
death in prison of the group's two leaders, Ulrike Meinhof and Andreas 
Baader, it found more support on the other side of the Berlin Wall, so much 
so that its own identity gradually faded and the group became more or less a 
secret arm of the Stasi itself. After German reunification, the last group mem- 
bers who had escaped prison continued to live in the former East Germany. 

The manipulation of guerrilla and terrorist groups is seldom easy; it 
requires delicacy and great political skill. Perhaps for that reason the KGB, 
through one of its most brilliant agents, Oleg Maksimovich Neehiporenko, and 
with the help of the North Koreans, chose in 1969-70 to form a revolutionary 
movement that was entirely under its own control. The Movimiento de Accion 
Revolucionaria (MAR) was finally destroyed by the Mexican police in 197 ] .** 
Quite clearly the objective of this bold initiative was to avoid the threats, lack 
of discipline, and double-dealing that were rife in other Castroist and Maoist 
organizations. Some of these groups did manage to escape from their mentors. 
The Spanish FRAP — the Revolutionary Anti-Fascist Patriotic Front — flirted 
for a while in the early 1970s with the Chinese and Albanians in the vain hope 
of obtaining arms, and then transformed itself into GRAPO — the Anti-Fascist 
Resistance Group of October First. In contrast, Abimael Guzman's Peruvian 
Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path) army, which claims allegiance to hard-line 
Maoist doctrines and the prolonged popular war, always hated Deng Xiaoping 
and still has little to do with the new Chinese leadership. In December 1983 it 
even went so far as to attack the Chinese embassy in Lima. 

In a few rare cases — for the risks are too great in the modern period™ 
Communist countries carried out terrorist attacks themselves through their 
own secret services. This happened, for example, in 1987, when a team of two 
North Korean agents, one an experienced cadre called Kim Seung-il, and the 
other a young woman called Kim Hyuon-hee, who had trained for three years 
at the military academy in Keumsung, failed to rejoin their flight during a 
stopover in Abu Dhabi, leaving a bomb in a radio on the Korean Airlines plane 
that was heading for Bangkok. Some 1 15 people died in the subsequent blast. 
When arrested, Kim Seung-il committed suicide, while Kim Hyuon-hee made 
a full confession and went on to write a book about her experiences. It is still 
too soon to determine how much of the book is fabrication. However true it is, 
it remains the case that by 1997 the only Communist country systematically 
committed to the practice of terrorism was North Korea. 

The Other Europe: 
Victim of Communism 

Andrzej Paczkowski and Karel Bartosek 

Poland, the "Enemy Nation" 

Andrzej Paczkowski 

Soviet Repression of the Polish People 

Poland was one of the nations that suffered the most under Soviet rule. This 
was the case even though Feliks Dzerzhinsky, the man who masterminded the 
early Soviet terror, was himself Polish, as were many others who worked in the 
various repressive organizations that characterized Soviet rule, including the 
Cheka, the OGPU, and the NKVD. There are several reasons for Poland's 
special status as an u enemy nation." Some are specific to the Soviet regime; 
others can be put down to the traditional hostility between Russians and Poles. 
Thus, the origins of this conflict were rooted both in the distant past and in the 
mistrust that various leaders — and in particular Stalin — felt toward Poland 
and its nationals. Between 1772 and 1795 Poland had been partitioned three 
times, and each time the tsarist empire had taken the lion's share. The Poles 
had risen up against Russia in 1830 and 1863, but both rebellions had been 
violently suppressed. Thereafter patriotism and resistance against foreign oc- 
cupation — whether Russian or Prussian — had been centered in the nobility 
and the Catholic clergy. World War I and the collapse of the three empires- 
German, Russian, and Austro-Hungarian— that had oppressed Poland for 
more than a century offered a historic opportunity for Poland's rebirth as an 
independent nation. But the drive for independence, led by an army of volun- 
teers under Jozef Pilsudski, immediately came into conflict with the revolu- 
tionary aims of Moscow, for which control of Warsaw was vital to extending 
the revolution to Germany. 


The Other Europe 

In the summer of 1920, Lenin launched a Red Army offensive against 
Warsaw This audacious move was thwarted by nationwide Polish resistance, 
and in 1921 the Soviet Union was forced to sign the Treaty of Riga, which was 
favorable to Poland. Stalin, whose own carelessness had contributed to the 
defeat of the Red Arm}', never forgot this affront or forgave those who criticized 
him on this occasion: Trotsky, who was the head of the Red Army; and Marshal 
Tukhaehevsky, who was the commander of the troops. The events of 1921 
provided the framework for the ill will felt by Soviet leaders, and by Stalin in 
particular, toward Poland, the Poles, and those who had fought so hard for 
independence — the nobility, the army, and the church. 

The Poles, regardless of whether they were Soviet citizens, suffered every 
aspect of Stalinist terror: the hunt for spies, dekulakization, anticlericalism, 
national and ethnic ""cleansing," the Great Purge, the purges of border regions 
and of the Red Army itself, "pacification" operations to help the Polish Com- 
munists into power, and all the forms that terror took, including forced labor, 
the execution of prisoners of war, and mass deportations of groups of people 
labeled as "socially dangerous elements.' 1 

The Polish Military Organization (POW) Affair and the "Polish Operation" of 
the NKVD (1931-1938) 

By 1924 the repatriation of Poles under the Treaty of Riga was coming to an 
end, although there were still between 1 .1 and 1 .2 million in the U.S.S.R. The 
vast majority of these lived in either Ukraine or Belorussia. At least 80 percent 
were peasants who had resided there since the Polish colonization of the region 
in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. There were also sizable Polish 
communities in the large cities such as Kyiv and Minsk. Another 200,000 Poles 
lived in Russia itself, principally in Moscow and Leningrad, as well as in the 
Caucasus and Siberia. Among these were several thousand exiled Communists 
and about an equal number who had taken part in the revolution and civil war. 
'['he rest were economic refugees who moved there earlier in the century. 

Tension persisted between the two countries, despite the signing of the 
peace treaty and the establishment of diplomatic relations. Given the scale of 
the Polish-Soviet conflict in 1920 and the strength of the belief that the "for- 
tress of thf proletariat" was being assaulted by imperialists, it is hardly surpris- 
ing that so many Poles in the U.S.S.R. found themselves accused of spying. In 
1924-1929 several hundred were shot, although only a handful had actually 
been involved in espionage. During the Soviet campaign against religion, sev- 
eral hundred Catholics were persecuted and dozens were shot or disappeared. 
Although this repression seems insignificant in comparison with the scale of 
the repression against the Russian Orthodox Church, it resulted in the disap- 

Poland, the "Enemy Nation" 


pearance of a church that had formed the foundation of social, cultural, and 
spiritual life for hundreds of thousands of Polish peasants. 

These peasants were among the victims of collectivization. According to 
official classifications in use at the time, 20 percent of them were designated as 
kulaks and a slightly larger share as "subkulaks " In Ukraine, Polish resistance 
was fierce and had to be broken by force. According to approximate figures at 
the time, the population of the regions inhabited by Poles fell by around 25 
percent in 1933 alone. In Belorussia the collectivization of Polish farms was 
less brutal. 

Aside from the repression of "Polish spies," the logic of the repressions 
was clear — they were part of the "class struggle" (that is, collectivization and 
the campaign against religion) as it was then conceived. But along with collec- 
tivization, another form of repression was launched: between 15 August and 
15 September 1933 the authorities arrested about twenty Polish Communists, 
most of whom were emigres, including one member of the Politburo of the 
Polish Communist Party, the KPP Subsequent waves of arrests followed. All 
these people were accused of belonging to a "POW [Polish Military Organiza- 
tion] espionage and sabotage operation." 

The Polish Military Organization, or POW, had been formed in 1915 by 
Jozef Pilsudski as an underground organization whose activities were directed 
against Austro-Hungary and Germany, and in 1918-1920 it had carried out 
reconnaissance missions in the areas where the civil war was raging, principally 
in Ukraine. It definitively ceased operations in 1921. Most of its members were 
leftists; many belonged to the Polish Socialist Party; several had broken with 
the Socialists to establish the Communist Party. In 1933 the POW quite simply 
no longer existed. Nevertheless, several Poles (including the well-known avant- 
garde poet Witold Wandurski) were arrested, falsely charged with belonging to 
the organization, condemned to death, and shot. Others died in prison. Those 
who survived in prison were later shot during the Great Purge. 

For several years the POW affair fed internal conflicts in the KPP: it was 
as bad to be accused of being a POW agitator as it was to be labeled a Trotskyite. 
More important, the OGPU (and later the Main Directorate for State Security 
of the NKVD) began to compile detailed files and records of Poles working in 
the Soviet administration, the Comintern, and the security services. These were 
complemented by lists of Poles living in Ukraine and Belorussia in the two 
so-called autonomous Polish regions. The first, in Ukraine, called the "Julian 
Marchlewski" (after one of the founders of the KPP who had died in 1925), 
had been established in 1925; the second, in Belorussia, had been created in 
1932 and bore the name of Feliks Dzerzhinsky. These regions, with their own 
local governments, newspapers, theater, schools, and publishing houses, were 
"Soviet Polish" enclaves in the U.S.S.R. 

September 1935 saw a new wave of arrests in Minsk, Kyiv, and Moscow, 


The Other Europe 

officially aimed at putting an end once and for all to the supposed POW 
network. Liquidation of the autonomous Polish regions began at the same time. 
During the time of the Great Purge in 1936-1938, arrests of NKVD officials 
of Polish origin began, reaching to the very top of the security hierarchy before 
spreading ever more widely at the base. During a plenary session of the Central 
Committee of the Soviet Communist Party in June 1937, Nikolai Ezhov af- 
firmed that the POW u had infiltrated the Soviet counterespionage and intelli- 
gence services" and that the NKVD "had broken and liquidated the largest 
Polish espionage operation." Hundreds of Poles, many of them KPP leaders, 
had already been interned, and the false accusations against them were "sub- 
stantiated" by confessions extracted under torture. 

In the summer of 1937 the NKVD embarked on new repressions against 
national minorities, beginning with the Germans and moving on to the Poles. 
On 1 1 August Ezhov signed Operational Order No. 00485: 

I order that: 

1. On 20 August 1937 a vast operation is to begin, with the aim of 
completely eradicating all local POW organizations. Particular 
attention is to be paid to the cadres responsible for subversion, 
espionage, and rebellion in industry, communications, sovkhozy, 
and kolkhozy. This operation is to be carried out within three 
months — that is, it is to be completed on or before 20 Novem- 
ber 1937. 

2. Arrests are to be made of: 

a. the most active members of the POWs (see enclosed list) 
found during the investigation who have remained uniden- 
tified until now 

b. all Polish prisoners of war who are still in the U.S.S.R. 

c. all Polish refugees, regardless of the date of their arrival in 
the U.S.S.R. 

d. all political immigrants and political prisoners who have been 
exchanged with Poland 

e. former members of the Polish Socialist Party and all other 
anti-Soviet parties 

f. local anti-Soviet elements and the most active nationalists in 
the Polish regions 

3. The arrest operation is to be divided into two phases: first, all 
relevant personnel in the NKVD, the Red Army, the weapons 
factories, the military departments of all other enterprises, the 
railway, road, shipping, and aviation industries, the energy sec- 
tor, industry in general, and refineries and gas works; second, all 
those who work in industries where national security is not at 
such a premium, such as the sovkhozy and kolkhozy, and in 
government administration. 

Poland, the "Enemy Nation" 


4. All investigations are to be carried out simultaneously. During 
the investigations, considerable pressure must be brought to 
bear on all organizers and leaders of subversive groups to force 
them to divulge all their collaborators and reveal the true extent 
of their networks. This information must be acted on immedi- 
ately, so that all spies, harmful elements, and subversive groups 
can be arrested on the basis of this information. To carry out 
such investigations, a special task force is to be established. 

5. Classify all people arrested during the investigation in one of 
two categories: 

a. Those in the first category, people belonging to Polish espio- 
nage networks, groups of saboteurs, subversive agents, and 
Polish insurrectionists, must be shot. 

b. Those in the second category, people less active than the 
first, are to receive prison or camp sentences of five to ten 

A decision by the NKVD and the Soviet Council of People's Commissars 
on 15 November 1938 formally ended the "Polish Operation," although it was 
in fact prolonged by a purge of NKVD agents who had taken part in its earlier 
stages. The repressions wiped out many Polish Communist leaders (46 full 
members and 24 nonvoting, or candidate, members of the Central Committee 
of the Polish Workers' Party were shot) as well as ordinary citizens — workers 
and, above all, peasants. According to an NKVD report of 10 July 1938, the 
number of prisoners of Polish origin was 134,519, 53 percent of whom came 
from Ukraine or from Belorussia. Between 40 and 50 percent (that is, between 
54,000 and 67,000) were shot. 1 The survivors were sent to camps or deported 
to Kazakhstan. 

The Poles account for some 10 percent of the total number of victims of 
the Great Purge, and for around 40 percent of the victims of purges against 
national minorities. These figures are, if anything, understated, since thousands 
of Poles were deported from Ukraine and Belorussia for reasons unconnected 
with the "Polish Operation." It was not only the Polish Communist suites and 
offices at the Hotel Lux that were emptied, but whole Polish villages and 
kolkhozy as well. 

Katyh, Prisons, and Deportations (1939—1941) 

A secret protocol to the nonaggression pact signed by the U.S.S.R, and Ger- 
many on 23 August 1939 partitioned Poland into "spheres of interest." The 
order to attack Poland was given on 14 September 1939, and three days later 
the Red Army invaded the country with orders to "liberate" the parts de- 
scribed as "western Belorussia" and "western Ukraine" from what was termed 


The Other Europe 

"the Polish fascist occupation" and to incorporate these territories into the 
U.S.S.R. Annexation proceeded quickly, accompanied by measures to repress 
and intimidate the population. On 29 November the Presidium of the Su- 
preme Soviet of the US.S.R. extended Soviet citizenship to all residents in the 
new territories. Vilnius and its surroundings were ceded to Lithuania, then in 
its last few months of independence. The Soviet system of repression and 
internal control was extended to these new r regions. The regime rightly foresaw 
that a considerable local resistance movement would take shape; almost imme- 
diately, some detachments from the Polish army who had avoided capture set 
about organizing resistance. In response the NKVD sent troops into the Polish 
regions and began to establish its own units, replete with a large staff and 
border guards. The new authorities had to solve the problem of what to do 
with the prisoners of war, as well as to determine how society in general would 
respond to the new system. 

Moscow's main preoccupation was the Polish army, which had consisted 
of 240,000 to 250,000 troops, including 10,000 officers. The Soviet authorities 
made some important decisions immediately after the attack on Poland was 
launched: On 19 September Lavrenti Beria set up within the NK YD a new 
Directorate for Prisoners of War (Glavnoe upravlenie po dclam voenno-plen- 
nykh), or GUVP, under Order No. 0308, as well as a network of prison camps, 
In early October 25,000 Polish prisoners of war were sent to mend roads, and 
12,000 were put at the disposal of the People's Commissariat of Heavy Industry 
to be used as forced labor. A still unknown number were dispersed in small 
groups throughout the huge gulag system. At the same time officers 1 camps 
were established in Starobielsk and in Kozielsk, and a special camp for police- 
men, prison guards, and frontier guards in Ostaszkow. Soon Beria formed 
another special group to begin prosecutions inside the camps. At the end of 
February 1940, 6,192 policemen and 8,376 officers had been interned. 

Moscow was undecided regarding their fate. Many expected that some of 
them, beginning with those in the camp at Ostaszkow, would be charged with 
offenses under section 13 of Article 58 of the penal code, aimed at people who 
u had resisted the international workers' movement." It did not take much 
imagination to see that this could be applied to any Polish police officer or 
prison guard. The punishment was usually five to eight years in the camps, and 
in some cases deportation to Siberia (and in particular to Kamchatka). 

A decision was finally made in late February 1940, perhaps because of a 
sudden turn in the secret war with Finland. If one is to judge from documents 
that are now public, this decision was unexpected. On 5 March, at Beria's 
instigation, the Politburo decided to "apply the supreme penalty" to prisoners 
in Kozielsk, Starobielsk, and Ostaszkow, as well as to another 11,000 Poles 
imprisoned in western Ukraine and Belorussia (see the extract in Chapter 1 1), 

Poland, the "Enemy Nation" 


This verdict was approved by a special tribunal, the troika of Ivan L. 
Bashtakov, Bogdan Z. Kobulov, and Ysevolod N. Merkulov. Beria's memoran- 
dum was approved by Stalin, Yoroshilov, Molotov, and Mikoyan, all of whom 
prominently signed it. The clerk noted that Kalinin and Kaganovich, who were 
absent, also supported the proposal. 

Technical preparations went on for a month. Over the next six weeks, from 
3 April to 1 3 May, all the prisoners were taken out of the camps in small groups. 
A total of 4,404 people were taken from Kozielsk camp to Katyh, where they 
were shot with a bullet in the neck and buried in a mass grave. The 3,896 
Starobielsk prisoners were shot in the NKVD headquarters in Kharkiv, and 
their bodies buried in an outlying region of the city, Pyatishatki. The 6,287 
from Ostaszkow were executed in the NKVD headquarters in Kalinin (for- 
merly Tver) and buried in the Mednoe district of the city. In all, 14,587 people 
were liquidated. On 9 June 1940 an assistant to the head of the NKVD, Vasily 
V. Chernyshev, filed a report saying that the camps were now empty and 
awaiting new prisoners. 

Stanislaw Swianiewicz, who escaped the Katyh massacre at the last min- 
ute, when, at Moscow's orders, he was suddenly separated from the group of 
captured Polish officers and transferred to a prison in Smolensk, gave the 
following account: 

Below the ceiling [of the railway car] I could look through a hole in the 
wall and see what was happening outside ... In front of us there was a 
grassy square , . . The place was cordoned off by large numbers of 
NKVD troops, their bayonets fixed at the ready. 

This was different from what we had already been through. Even at 
the front, after we had been taken prisoner, our captors had never fixed 
bayonets ... An ordinary-looking bus arrived in the square. It was much 
smaller than the ones usually found in cities in the West. The windows 
had been chalked up so you couldn't see inside. Its capacity was prob- 
ably about thirty people. The entrance was at the back. 

We wondered why we couldn't see through the windows. The bus 
backed up until it was nearly touching the railway car, so that the prison- 
ers could get straight in, without having to get down. The NKVD were 
watching closely on both sides, bayonets at the ready . . . Every half- 
hour the bus would take away another load. Therefore, the place where 
the prisoners were being taken wasn't far away - . . 

The NKVD colonel, a very tall man who had taken me out of the 
car, was standing in the middle of the square with his hands deep in his 
pockets. It was obvious that he was in charge of the whole operation. 
But what was the point? I must say that looking out at that fine spring 
day, it never crossed my mind that these people were all being taken 
away to be executed. 2 


The Other Europe 

The 11,000 prisoners mentioned by Beria were only a tiny portion of all 
the Polish prisoners. Of the other categories of prisoners, the largest was the 
bezhentsy, people arrested after they had fled the German occupation of west- 
ern Poland. More than 145,000 bezhentsy passed through the various prisons; 
some were sent on to other prisons, and others were allowed to leave. Another 
category was the perebezhchiki, Poles arrested while trying to flee into Lithu- 
ania, Romania, or Hungary. Some of them were freed after a few weeks, but 
around 10,000 were sentenced by the OSO (Osoboe Soveshchanie, the special 
NKVD board) to anywhere from three to eight years, and they ended up in the 
gulags, especially in the Dallag but also in Kolyma. Some of them were shot 
in accordance with Beria's order of 5 March 1940. The third category consisted 
of militants from the resistance networks, officers who had not been mobilized 
in 1939, high-ranking officials in the state apparatus or local governments, and 
various sorts of pomeshchiki (landowners) — in sum, all those deemed sotsialno 
opasnyt, or "socially dangerous elements." Most of the 7,305 who were shot 
(out of a total of 1 1,000 prisoners) under the directive of 5 March came from 
the last category. The place of their burial is still unknown; all that is known is 
that 3,405 were shot in Ukraine and 3,880 in Belorussia. 

The total number of people imprisoned in territories incorporated into 
the U.S.S.R. (including Lithuania in 1940) has not yet been established defini- 
tively, but as of 10 June 1941 there were 39,600 prisoners in western Ukraine 
and Belorussia, of whom roughly 12,300 had already been sentenced. Their 
number had doubled since March 1940. The proportion of common criminals 
versus political prisoners is also unknown. 

After the German attack on the Soviet Union, most of the prisoners met 
a terrible fate. In the prisons of western Ukraine alone, around 6,000 people 
were executed, although it is highly unlikely that they had received death 
sentences for any crime. In the NKVD reports these mass killings were re- 
garded as simply "a decrease in the number of people belonging to the first 
category." 1 In one instance several hundred prisoners were killed for attempting 
to flee a convoy. In another case the convoy commander took personal respon- 
sibility for shooting 714 prisoners (500 of whom had not appeared before any 
court), killing several of them himself 

Mass deportation was another tactic used in the new territories of the 
U.S.S.R. Though consisting chiefly of four separate large-scale operations, the 
deportation of families or small groups began as early as November 1939. The 
real number of people involved is not known. The same can be said about the 
numbers of those deported from Bessarabia and the eastern regions of Belorus- 
sia and Ukraine in the latter half of 1940. Until recently the only figures 
available were those provided by the Polish resistance or those issued by the 
Polish embassy in 1941. Today the NKVD archives make it clear that these 

Poland, the "Enemy Nation" 


numbers are actually a bare minimum and will almost certainly have to be 
revised upward. 

The first wave of deportations began on 10 February 1940, as a result of 
a decision by the Soviet Council of People's Commissars on 5 December 1939. 
The preparations, particularly the reconnaissance on the ground and the com- 
pilation of lists, took two months. The organizers of the deportation had many 
technical obstacles to surmount, including a dearth of railway tracks of the 
correct gauge for Soviet trains. The entire operation was directed in person by 
Vsevolod Merkulov, one of Beria's assistants, an unusual measure that under- 
scores the importance of the operation for the Soviet Union. The deportation 
of February 1940 took its greatest toll on the peasantry, the inhabitants of 
villages, forestry workers, and the settlers who had moved into these regions as 
part of a political strategy to "Polonize" the area. According to NKVD statis- 
tics, some 140,000 were deported, 82 percent of whom were Polish. The 
operation also included Ukrainians and Belorussians. The convoys left for 
northern Russia, the Komi republic, and western Siberia. 

Even before Soviet leaders approved the execution of the prisoners, the 
SNK ordered a new wave of deportations on 2 March 1940. This time the 
families of prisoners were deported (even as their husbands or fathers were 
being executed) as well as ''socially dangerous elements." The NKVD figures 
show that approximately 60,000 people were deported, almost entirely to 
Kazakhstan, enduring terrible conditions of famine and cold. A good deal is 
now known about this operation from survivors' testimony. One such survivor, 
Lucyna Dziurzyhska-Suchon, recalled: 

I can still remember one of the worst times in our life. For a few days we 
had had nothing to eat at all, literally nothing. It was winter, and the 
cabin was covered in snow. We could still get out thanks to a tunnel that 
someone had dug on the outside . . . Mother could still get out to work. 
She was just as hungry as we were. We just lay there, huddling together 
in the straw to try to keep warm. We kept seeing tiny lights dancing 
before our eyes, and we were too weak to stand. It was really cold in the 
cabin ... We just slept, we just slept the whole time. My brother would 
wake from time to time and cry out that he was hungry. That was all he 
could say, except "Mother, Tm dying." Mother cried a lot. She went to 
ask for help from our friends in one of the neighboring cabins. It was no 
use. We just had to pray to "Our Father" all the time. It probably was a 
miracle that saved us. A friend came from another cabin with a handful 
of wheat. 

The third operation, also a result of the March SNK decree, took place 
during the night of 28-29 June 1940 and affected all those who before Septem- 
ber 1939 had not lived in the territories annexed by the Soviet Union, and had 


The Other Europe 

not returned home across the Soviet-German demarcation line in Poland. 
(People who had fled after the partition and had been found in the other zone 
still had the right to return home. Thus 60,000 people, including 1,500 Jews, 
returned to the German sector from the Soviet zone.) Of the 80,000 Poles who 
were deported as part of this operation, 84 percent were Jews, who, if they 
managed to escape the massacre carried out by the Einsatzgruppen (Task 
Forces, a euphemism for Nazi death squads) in the summer of 1941, were sent 
to the gulags. 

The fourth and final operation began on 21 May 1941 , following a decision 
by the Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Party (CPSU) and the 
Soviet Council of People's Commissars on 14 May. Its aim was to cleanse the 
border regions and the Baltic regions of u undesirable elements." The deportees 
belonged to the category of silposelentsy, people who had been sentenced to 
twenty years or more of forced exile in the designated regions (particularly in 
Kazakhstan). This wave of deportations affected 86,000 people in the border 
regions, not counting Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. 

Using the NKVD's own figures, we arrive at a total of between 330,000 
and 340,000 people deported. If we include the other available figures, the 
number of victims of these repressions rises to between 400,000 and 500,000. 
Some groups wound up in distant parts of the U.S.S.R., notably the more than 
100,000 young men who were forced to work in Soviet industry (above all in 
the mining districts of Donetsk, the Urals, and western Siberia), and the 
150,000 men who were mobilized into the stroibataDmy, the construction bat- 
talions of the Red Army. 

During the two years of Soviet rule in the eastern half of Poland, approxi- 
mately 1 million people (10 percent of the population) were directly affected 
by Soviet repression in one form or other: execution, prison, the camps, de- 
portation, or forced labor. No fewer than 30,000 people were shot, and another 
90,000 to 100,000 (8-10 percent of the deportees) died in the camps or en route 
in railway convoys. 

The NKVD against the Armia Krajowa (Homeland Army) 

During the night of 4-5 January 1944, the first Red Army tanks crossed the 
Polish-Soviet border established in 1921. In reality this border was recognized 
neither by Moscow nor by the Western powers, and following the revelation of 
the Katyn massacres, the Soviet Union had broken all diplomatic links with the 
legal Polish government-in-exile in London on the pretext that the Poles had 
demanded an international inquiry by the Red Cross, a demand that by chance 
coincided with a similar request by the German authorities. The Polish resis- 
tance assumed that as the front approached, the Homeland Army, or Armia 

Poland, the "Enemy Nation' 


Krajowa (AK), would mobilize the population and begin to fight the Germans, 
and that the Red Army would come to its defense. The operation was code- 
named "Burza" (Storm). The first skirmishes took place in late March 1944, in 
Volhynia, where the partisan division of the AK fought alongside Soviet units. 
On 27 May the Red Army forced several AK units to lay down their arms. 
Consequently, most of the AK had to fight their way through German lines 
back to Poland. 

The Soviet Union's way of proceeding here — cooperation on a local level 
followed by forced disarmament — is confirmed by examples elsewhere. The 
most spectacular actions took place in the Vilnius region. A few days after the 
fighting was over, the Internal Troops of the NKVD arrived and, in accordance 
with Order No. 220145 from headquarters, began systematically disarming AK 
soldiers. According to the report received by Stalin on 20 July, more than 6,000 
partisans were arrested, while 1,000 managed to escape. All the leaders of the 
partisan units were arrested. Officers were interned in NKVD camps, where 
they were offered a choice between remaining there or joining the Polish army 
of Zygmunt Berling, formed under the aegis of the Soviet Union. The AK 
units that had participated in the liberation of Lviv suffered the same fate. All 
these events took place on what the Soviet authorities considered to be their 

On 1 August 1944 the commanders of the AK began an uprising in 
Warsaw, knowing that Soviet military commanders were planning to launch an 
all-out attack on German positions in Warsaw on 8 August. Stalin halted the 
offensive on the Vistula River, which had already been crossed to the south of 
Warsaw, and allowed the Germans to crush the rebellion, which lasted until 
2 October. 

To the west of the Curzon Line, where the NKVD had mobilized between 
30,000 and 40,000 soldiers and liberated many small areas, NKVD, SMERSH 
(the military counterespionage section), and filtration units proceeded in the 
same manner, in accordance with the U.S.S.R.'s Supreme Command No. 
220169 of 1 August 1944. According to a report compiled in October, which 
contains details of how that directive was carried out, around 25,000 soldiers, 
including 300 AK officers, were arrested, disarmed, and interned. 

NKVD units and SMERSH operational groups had their own prisons 
and camps where they detained Polish partisans as well as Volksdeutsche and 
German prisoners.* Officers and soldiers who refused to enlist in Berling's 
army were sent to distant gulags, along with their comrades from Vilnius and 
Lviv. The exact number of those imprisoned as a result of Operation Burza is 
still not known; estimates vary between 25,000 and 30,000. The territories 
newly annexed by the U.S.S.R. in the autumn of 1944 subsequently witnessed 
arrests on a massive scale followed by deportations to the gulags or transfer to 


The Other Europe 

forced-labor sites, particularly in the Donetsk region. Although most of the 
deportees this time were Ukrainian, it has been estimated that these various 
forms of repression also affected tens of thousands of Poles. 

NKVD and SMERSH operations did not cease once most of the AK units 
had been dispersed. On 15 October 1944 Beria signed Order No. 0012266/44, 
which decreed that a special division (Division 64, known as the francs-ttreurs 
et partisans) be stationed in Poland. In the border regions of Poland, NKVD 
units from Belorussia and Ukraine lent a hand in the operations. After the 
formation of Division 64 in late 1944, more than 17,000 people were arrested; 
4,000 were deported to distant Soviet camps. After 1 March 1945 the Soviet 
units were put under the command of the general adviser to the NKVD, 
General Ivan Serov, through the Polish Ministry of Public Security (of which 
he was appointed head), and they remained in Poland until the spring of 1947. 
Until August-September 1945 they were the main security force on the ground 
in zones where there was still effective independent partisan resistance. From 
January 1945 to August 1946, 3,400 fighters from different resistance groups 
were arrested. Most of them were sent to camps; the rest were handed over to 
the Polish authorities. In addition, some 47,000 people were detained for inter- 
rogation. After the entry of the Red Army into the Polish regions annexed by 
Germany in 1939, there had been arrests not only of Volksdeutsche but also of 
all Poles who, under pressure from the Germans, had signed the so-called third 
national list (Etngdeutsche). h At least 25,000 to 30,000 civilians from Pomerania 
and Upper Silesia were deported to the U.S.S.R., including 1 5,000 miners who 
were sent to the Donbass region and to the mining regions of western Siberia. 

The NKVD did not stop at mass repressions, manhunts, and pacification 
operations. At the end of the summer of 1944, SMERSH set up local groups 
that operated regularly in Poland, recruiting in particular a network of inform- 
ers. The best-known operation, led personally by NKVD commander Serov, 
was the arrest of sixteen leaders of the underground Polish government, in- 
cluding the deputy prime minister, three of his assistants, the leader of the AK, 
and members of the Council for National Unity — a sort of underground 
parliament that had been established during the German occupation. On 22 
February 1945 the council had protested the Yalta accord and had given notice 
that it was prepared to negotiate directly with the Soviet Union. As a result, 
General Serov had invited the leaders of the underground government to make 
themselves known publicly. The moment they arrived at the agreed meeting 
place in Pruszkow, near Warsaw, they were arrested and taken directly to the 
Lubyanka in Moscow. On 19 June a public trial began in the Palace of Trade 
Unions, where the great prewar show-trials had been held. At the same time, 
talks began in Moscow between the pro-Soviet Polish authorities and repre- 
sentatives of the Polish democratic forces to discuss the clauses of the Yalta 

Poland, the "Enemy Nation" 


accord that affected Poland. The democratic forces had already declared their 
willingness to negotiate directly with the Soviet Union, The verdict of the trial 
was reached the same day that the United States, the US.S.R., and Great 
Britain consented to the agreement among various Polish parties for the for- 
mation of a coalition government, in which the Communists and their satellite 
parties held a huge majority. The sentences at the trial were relatively light — the 
longest was ten years in prison — but three of the accused never returned to 
Poland. Leopold Okulicki, the general commander of the AK, died in prison 
in December 1946. 

The System of Repression, 1944-1989 

The extent of political repression in Poland and the various forms it took 
reflected the evolution of the political system. To paraphrase a popular saying, 
u Tell me the exact system of repression, and I'll tell you the phase of Com- 
munism to which it corresponds." 

Two major problems affect a description and analysis of the repressive 
system. First, because various aspects of repression were extremely secret, 
many of the documents are still classified. Second, looking at the past only from 
the point of view of repression risks a somewhat deformed assessment of the 
Communist system, since even in the most repressive periods the system did 
have other functions. Nonetheless, the centrality of repression is of fundamen- 
tal importance in any evaluation of the regime and its ideological roots. During 
the forty-five years of the Communist Party's monopoly on power in Poland, 
five phases of repression are discernible. The one thing they all had in common 
was their dependence on the existence of a secret police force accountable to 
the policymaking unit of the Party and a few of its leaders. 

The Conquest of the State, or Mass Terror (1944-1947) 

On the domestic level, the foundations of the Communist state in Poland were 
established by the presence of the Red Army. In matters of foreign policy, 
Stalin's oversight was decisive. The role of the Soviet security system was not 
limited to fighting enemies of the new regime. The NKVD/KGB, with a few 
minor but important modifications, became the model of choice for the Polish 
Communists who were trained at the NKVD officers' school in Kuibyshev. In 
addition, a core of several hundred advisers (or sovetniki, with General Serov at 
their head as chief adviser) was set up, forming the central structure of the 
Polish Security Service. Because the security chiefs at the Lubyanka had access 
to any information they wanted through a network of Soviet experts, Moscow 
did not have to establish its own full-fledged intelligence network in Poland. 


The Other Europe 

Because of the political and ideological interests common to the Polish Com- 
munists and the Soviet state, the Polish Security Service became an integral 
part of the Soviet machine. This commonality of interest was even more 
apparent where the Polish military counterespionage system was concerned. 

In Poland the Communists had been a marginal group, with no chance of 
being elected to power in a democratic process. They were all the more un- 
popular because the majority of Poles were traditionally wary of, or even overtly 
hostile to, the US.S.R. and Russia in particular, especially after the recent bitter 
experience of "liberation" by the Red Army. In the early years of the postwar 
period, the main opposition to Sovietization came from resistance movements, 
underground political groups, and legal parties, among which the only impor- 
tant one was the Polish Peasant Party, the PSL. The first task that the new 
Communist-led government set for itself was breaking the resistance of the 
Polish people so that a Soviet-style system could be consolidated. It is sig- 
nificant that the first representative of the Committee of National Liberation 
(created in Moscow on 21 July 1944) to make an appearance in public was the 
minister of public security, Stanislaw Radkiewicz. A full year passed before the 
Polish security apparatus (known after 1945 as the Ministry of Public Security, 
or MBP) was able to take over the consolidation of power launched by the Red 
Army and the NKVD, By the second half of 1945 the MBP had developed an 
operational structure that employed more than 20,000 officials (not including 
its police), as well as a military organization known as the Internal Security 
Corps (KBW) of around 30,000 heavily armed soldiers. The war against the 
resistance, which was quite intense until 1947 and continued until the early 
1950s, was both bloody and brutal. Polish historians disapprove of the use of 
the term "civil war" in this context, given the large numbers of Soviet military 
and NKVD troops deployed in the country. 

The security apparatus employed a wide range of methods, from infiltra- 
tion and provocation to the pacification of entire regions. It had an absolute 
materia] advantage over the partisans— more and better communications and 
weapons, as well as the option to call in KBW troops, an asset that the regime 
never hesitated to exploit. According to the Third Department, which was 
responsible for combatting the anti-Communist resistance, 1,486 people died 
in the conflicts in 1947, while the Communist losses were a mere 136. 7 Large- 
scale pacification operations were Jed not only by the KBW but also by specially 
assigned units of the regular army. Around 8,700 opponents of the government 
were killed in 1945-1948. Most of these operations were led by the Commission 
for State Security, presided over by the ministers of security and defense. Mass 
deportations also occurred whenever they were deemed necessary. That was 
precisely how the problem posed by the Ukrainian resistance in southeastern 
Poland was resolved: from April to July 1947, all Ukrainians in Poland (around 

Poland, the "Enemy Nation' 


140,000 people) were deported as part of Operation Wisla (Vistula) and reset- 
tled in what had been the German territories in the west and north of the 

The records of the Security Service show that many of these operations 
were planned with great care. Examples include the massive fraud perpetrated 
during the referendum of June 1946, the "preparations' 1 for the elections of 
January 1947 (that is, the enormous propaganda machine that was put into 
action), the thousands of arrests, particularly during the election campaign, the 
systematic recourse to fraud, and the development of a network of collabora- 
tors — some 17,500 as of 1 January 1946. However, it is clear that the most 
characteristic tactic was the use of brute force, even though the precise number 
of prisoners is still not known. In 1947 approximately 32,800 people were 
arrested by the Third Department (many of whom were ordinary criminals). 
The Fourth Department, whose task was to safeguard industry, arrested 4,500 
people that same year. In the weeks preceding the elections, between 50,000 
and 60,000 militants from the PSL (the Peasant Party) were arrested by the 
various departments of the MBP, the military police, the KBW, and the army. 
There arc many known cases of murder, some definitely carried out by local 
branches of the Communist Party. 

Interrogations were often extremely brutal. Beatings and torture were 
common, and the detention conditions were inhuman. 

Kazimierz Moczarski, an anti-Nazi resistance fighter arrested in 1945, was 
imprisoned for 225 days in the same cell as SS general Jiirgen Stroop, who had 
been in charge of the annihilation of the Warsaw ghetto in 1943. After Moczar- 
ski was freed he wrote a memoir of this confrontation. 8 The following account 
records his treatment during his imprisonment. 

Kazimierz Moczarski 

Prisoner sentenced to life imprisonment 

Article 2 of decree of 31 August 1944 

Sztum Central Prison 
23 February 1955 

Tribunal of the Supreme Penal Chamber 
Ref. Ill K 161/52 

Following the request for a retrial and reconsideration of previous 
events drawn up by my lawyers, I declare the following: 

During the investigation carried out by an officer of the former 
Ministry of Public Security from 9 January 1949 to 6 June 1951, I 
underwent forty-nine different types of torture and beatings, among 
which I single out in particular: 


The Other Europe 

1. Blows from a hard-rubber truncheon on particularly sensitive 
parts of the body (bridge of nose, chin, salivary glands, protrud- 
ing parts like shoulder blades). 

2. Blows from a whip covered with sticky rubber to the external 
parts of my bare feet, particularly my toes, an extremely painful 

3. Blows from a hard-rubber truncheon on my heels (in a series of 
ten blows, on each heel, several times a day). 

4. Hair torn out on my temples and neck ("plucking the goose 1 '), 
beard, chest, perineum, and sexual organs. 

5. Cigarette burns on my lips and eyelids. 

6. Burning of the fingers of both hands. 

7. Sleep deprivation: For seven to nine days prisoners are forced to 
stand upright in a dark cell and are kept awake with blows to the 
face . . . This method, which the officers called "the beach,' 1 or 
Zakopane, brings on a state of near madness. Prisoners experi- 
ence severe mental problems, and see visions like those experi- 
enced by people taking mescaline or peyote. 

I should add that for six years and three months 1 was deprived of 
a walk. For two years and ten months I never had a bath. For about four 
and a half years I was kept in total isolation with no possibility of 
contacting the outside world (no news of my family, no letters, books, 
newspapers, etc.). 

The tortures and agony I describe above were carried out by, 
among others, Lt. Colonel Jozef Dusza, Commandant Jerzy Kaskiewicz, 
and Captain Eugeniusz Chimczak to terrorize me and to extract confes- 
sions that were not true, but that were considered necessary to confirm 
the charges and accusations that had been leveled against me. 

They were acting under the orders of Colonel [J6zef| Rozanski, 
Colonel [Anatol] Fejgin, and the deputy minister. General [Roman] 
Romkowski told me on 30 November 1948, in the presence of Colonel 
Rozanski, that I was to undergo an investigation that would be "sheer 
hell." This is in effect what happened. 9 

In many cases the authorities were not content with a summary condem- 
nation, and instead staged open trials, during which a hand-picked "public" 
would humiliate the accused prisoners and demonstrate "the hatred of the 
people" toward them. The dates of some trials were fixed to coincide with 
various elections so that the propaganda effect was maximized. This was the 
case for the trial of the largest underground group, Wolnosc i Niezawislosc 
(WIN; Liberty and Independence). The accused had to wait from November 
1945 until January 1947 before finally coming to trial one week before the 
elections. Another common procedure was the condemnation of anti-German 

Poland, the "Enemy Nation' 


resistance fighters as collaborators. The Communists' reasoning here was quite 
simply that anyone who was not with them was against them. Consequently, 
the AK, the main anti-German resistance unit, was considered to be an ally of 
Hitler because it had not actually fought alongside the Red Army. To lend 
credence to these charges, Gestapo functionaries were brought forward to bear 
false witness and justify the accusations. 

One of the most scandalous miscarriages of justice was that of Witold 
Pilecki. Born in 1901, Pilecki participated in the defense of Vilnius against the 
Bolsheviks in 1920. A landowner and an officer in the reserves, he organized 
cavalry squads that were incorporated into the army in 1939. After the defeat 
of Poland he set up one of the first underground resistance movements, the 
Secret Polish Army (founded on 10 November 1939), In 1940, at his own 
initiative and with the authorization of his superior officers in the AK, he 
allowed himself to be caught in a raid and taken to Auschwitz (he was prisoner 
no. 4859) to form a resistance network. In April 1943 he escaped to carry on 
his resistance activities, particularly in the Niepodleglosc (Independence) net- 
work, and subsequently took part in the Warsaw uprising. After the city's 
surrender, he was sent to the officers' camp (Oflag) in Murnau. When he was 
freed, he joined the second corps of General Ladislav Anders' army. In the 
autumn of 1945 he returned to Poland to rejoin the underground movement, 
organizing a small and highly efficient network to gather intelligence about the 
Bolshevization of the country and send it back to General Anders. He was 
arrested on 5 May 1947, tortured, and given three death sentences on 15 March 
1948. The principal charge was "espionage for a foreign power,' 1 in this case 
the Polish army in the West. He was executed on 25 May 1948 and rehabilitated 
in 1990. 

The Party leaders themselves decided the sentences in the major trials. 
The Party also kept a close watch on all appointments to key posts in the 
Security Service. 

All organized and coordinated resistance was broken in the autumn of 
1947. After the flight of several leaders of the PSL and the arrest of the fourth 
leader of the WIN, the resistance network ceased to exist as a nationwide 
movement. The political situation began to stabilize: exhausted after years of 
war, society gave up all hope of assistance from the Western powers. The need 
to adapt to the new reality was paramount, however shameful and unwanted 
that reality might be. The Communist coup in Czechoslovakia in February 1948 
reinforced Moscow's grip on Central and Eastern Europe. The Polish Com- 
munist Party prepared to fuse with its main ally, the Socialist Party. With 
economic improvements and progress in reconstruction, Polish settlement in 
previously German territories caught the interest of the public. Such factors 
enabled the Communist Party to proceed to the following stage: the Sovietiza- 


The Other Europe 

tion of Poland and the domination of the whole of society. Quite logically the 
MBP began to reduce its personnel, and the number of its agents and secret 
collaborators (some 45,000 at the time) began to fall. 

The Conquest of Society, or Generalized Terror (1948-1956) 

In the aftermath of the Prague coup and Yugoslavia's demotion to pariah status 
in the international Communist movement, the Eastern-bloc countries went 
through similar transformations, including the absorption of socialist parties 
by Communist parties, the formation {de facto or dejure) of a one-party system, 
total centralization of economic planning, accelerated industrialization pro- 
grams along the lines of the Stalinist five-year plans, the beginnings of collec- 
tivization in agriculture, and an intensification of activity against the church. 
Mass terror became commonplace. 

From 1945 through 1947, thousands of people who had never taken any 
part in opposition activity fell victim to pacification campaigns and preventive 
measures, even though the machinery of repression was directed, in principle, 
against the concrete enemies of the regime and active militants such as the 
Polish Workers' Party (PPR). After 1948, the Security Service used terror to 
subjugate the whole of society, including segments that were more or less 
favorably disposed toward the regime. In this period of generalized terror, 
anyone, including Communist Party leaders and high-ranking state officials, 
could suddenly fall under close scrutiny by the Security Service or become yet 
another of its victims. Although some functionaries in the MBP had called for 
"intensification of revolutionary vigilance 11 as early as 1947, it was only in 1948 
that this slogan became the key to the actions of the Security Service, echoing 
the Stalinist call for "intensification of the class struggle." 

The point of departure was the conflict with Tito, which, for Central and 
Eastern Europe, played a role similar to that of the fight against the Trotskyites 
in the US.S.R. In Poland the issue arose in early September 1948 with the 
"critique of right-wing nationalist deviation 11 directed against the general sec- 
retary of the PPR, Wladyslaw Gomulka. The first arrests in mid-October did 
not affect his immediate entourage, but everyone familiar with the Moscow 
trials of the 1930s knew very well that once the base was attacked, it was not 
long before the very top fell victim, too. 

In a generalized system of repression, the Communists suffered less than 
the rest of the population, but their experiences were far from negligible. In 
Poland a relatively small number of victims were involved. In seeking to un- 
cover "an espionage and subversion network 11 the Security Service turned its 
attention to the army, concentrating on career officers who had enlisted before 
the war. In this instance, joint action by the MBP and the military Main 

Poland, the "Enemy Nation' 


Intelligence Directorate (GZI) led to the arrest of hundreds of officers, fol- 
lowed by many trials and twenty executions. The disappearance from the public 
stage of Gomulka, who was arrested with several hundred officials from all 
levels of the Party, was a clear signal: the time had come for the total submission 
of the Party apparatus, including the Security Service itself. Several high-rank- 
ing officials from the Security Service also found themselves in prison. Because 
Gomulka was never actually put on trial, 10 the Sovietization of Poland was not 
marked by any one main show-trial, such as that of Laszlo Rajk in Budapest 
or of Rudolf Slansky in Prague. 

Only a small part of the Security Service, which had grown spectacularly 
since 1949 and employed some 34,000 people by 1952, was involved in the affair 
concerning the "provocation within the workers' movement." The agents in 
question all belonged to Department 10, which employed about 100 people 
altogether. A Security Commission headed by Boleslaw Bierut (who had suc- 
ceeded Gomulka in 1948) was established by the Politburo to handle many of 
the most important investigations of the organizational problems of the MBP 
and GZI, and to formulate general directives. 

The omnipresence of the "Bezpieka 11 (the name by which the Security 
Service was popularly known) in all domains of social and political life was one 
of the main features of the era. In the summer of 1949, when a network of 
74,000 informers was no longer sufficient for the Security Service's needs, 
small units called Protection Squads (Referat Ochrony, or RO) were established 
in all industrial enterprises. Within a few years there were 600 such cells. Inside 
the MBP, particular attention was given to several departments of the Eco- 
nomic Protection Section. From 1951 through 1953 the majority of people 
arrested (around 5,000 to 6,000 each year) were victims of this service, which 
had the largest network of informers (26,000 people) at its disposal. Any 
breakdown or disruption in industry was automatically considered to be the 
result of sabotage or subversion. In some cases, dozens of workers from a single 
company were imprisoned. To help protect state institutions, the Security 
Service was asked to give assessments of candidates doing polytechnic studies. 
In 1952, some 1,500 people were prevented from carrying out their studies as 
a result of the service's conclusions. 

The "protection and organization of agricultural cooperatives" (that is, 
collectivization) and the controls and decrees on wheat and meat quotas con- 
stitute a separate chapter. In this last case, the most active institution was not 
the security apparatus but the police and the Special Commission for the Fight 
against Economic Abuses and Sabotage, established in 1945. This name, which 
recalled that of the Cheka, struck terror into people's hearts. Thousands of 
peasants in fifteen regions were imprisoned for failing to deliver their quotas. 
The security forces and the police carried out the arrests according to a specific 


The Other Europe 

political plan: the better-off peasants (kulaks) were arrested first, even if they 
had delivered their quota. They were held for several weeks without trial before 
being sentenced, and their wheat, livestock, and other property were confis- 
cated. The Extraordinary Commission also preyed upon the urban population. 
Most sentences were for speculation, black marketeering, or, in 1952-1954, 
hooliganism. The commission's rulings became more and more repressive. In 
1945-1948 it sent 10,900 people to forced-labor camps; in 1949-1952 the figure 
reached 46,700. The total for the years up to 1954 was 84,200. These verdicts 
were not for political crimes, but the nature of the measures, affecting the rural 
population and so-called speculators, stemmed from the same repressive sys- 

The main objective of the security apparatus was the pursuit of under- 
ground militants. The targets included former PSL militants, soldiers who had 
returned from the West, and officials, political cadres, and officers from before 
the war. In early 1949, registers of suspect elements were standardized into 
several categories. By January 1953 the Security Service had files on 5.2 million 
individuals, one-third of the adult population. Despite the elimination of illegal 
organizations, the number of political trials continued to rise. The number of 
prisoners rose as a result of the various "preventive measures." Thus in Octo- 
ber 1950, as a result of "Operation K," 5,000 people were arrested in one night. 
In 1952 more than 21,000 people were arrested. According to official figures, 
in the second half of 1952 there were 49,500 political prisoners. There was even 
a special prison for juvenile political delinquents, of whom there were 2,500 in 

After the liquidation of the opposition, the Catholic Church was the 
principal independent institution that remained. It was watched much more 
closely after 1948, and was the object of constant attacks. In 1950 the imprison- 
ment of bishops began. In September 1953 Bishop Czeslaw Kaczmarek was tried 
and received a prison sentence of twelve years, and Stefan Cardinal Wyszynski, 
the primate of Poland, was also interned. In all, more than 100 priests were 
sent to prison. Jehovah's Witnesses, who were considered to be American spies, 
were a particular target. In 1951 more than 2,000 of them were imprisoned. 

This was a period when everyone seemed to be going to prison: members 
of the Politburo, prewar officials (including the former prime minister), gener- 
als, commanders of the AK, bishops, partisans who had fought the Germans 
and then turned their weapons against the Communists, peasants who refused 
to join the kolkhozy, miners in a pit where a fire had broken out, young people 
arrested for breaking the glass on a poster or for writing graffiti on the walls. 
Any potential opponent of the system was removed from society, and all free- 
dom of action was prohibited. One of the main functions of the system of 
generalized terror was the diffusion throughout society of a feeling of perma- 
nent fear and atomization. 

Poland, the "Enemy Nation" 


A political prisoner named Andrzej Staszek described conditions in 

Wronki prison shortly before 1950: 

Tuberculosis was the worst illness in postwar Poland ... We were seven 
in a cell. It was small, barely eight square meters, and we had hardly any 
room to move. One day an eighth prisoner arrived, and we could see 
immediately that there was something seriously wrong with him. He 
didn't have a bowl or a blanket and he looked seriously ill. It soon 
became clear that this man was suffering from advanced stages of tuber- 
culosis. His body was covered with tubercular sores. When I saw how 
frightened my companions were, I started to feel really scared too . . . 
We tried to keep as far away as possible from him. But you can imagine 
how absurd the situation was, when in a cell of eight square meters 
seven men are trying to keep an eighth away. The situation got worse 
when they brought the next meal. He didn't have a bowl, and no one was 
going to bring him one. 1 looked at the others, but no one would meet 
anyone else's eye or look at him. 

I couldn't take this any more, so I gave him my plate. I told him to 
eat first, and that I would eat afterward. He turned his dead and apa- 
thetic face to me (he seemed quite indifferent to everything), and I heard 
him say, "The thing is, I'm dying ... I have only a few days left." "You 
eat, eat to my health," I told him, as the others looked on horrified. 
Then they began to try to avoid me as well as him. When he finished, I 
washed off the plate with what little water there was, and I began to 
eat. 11 

The system began to change slightly at the end of 1953. The network of 
informers was dismantled, conditions in the prisons began to improve, some 
of the prisoners were released for health reasons, fewer people were put on trial, 
and sentences became lighter. Beatings and torture became less frequent. 
Officers who had particularly bad reputations were dismissed, Department 10 
was broken up, and staffing levels at the Security Service were cut. When on 
28 September 1954 Radio F'Yee Europe began transmitting a series of reports 
by Jozef Swiatlo, the former deputy head of Department 10 who had "chosen 
liberty" (defected) in December 1953, it was like a bomb going off. In a few 
weeks the MBP was restructured and superseded by the Ministry of Internal 
Affairs (MSW) along with a separate Committee for Public Security (KBP). 
The minister and three of the hva deputy ministers of the MBP were forced 
to resign. In December 1953 Gomulka was set free and the head of the Inves- 
tigations Department, Jozef Rozanski, imprisoned instead. The Special Com- 
mission for the Fight against Economic Abuses and Sabotage was disbanded. 
In January 1955 the Central Committee denounced "faults and errors," putting 
all the blame for these on the Security Service, which had supposedly "put 


The Other Europe 

itself above the Party." Some of the MBP executioners were arrested, and the 
numbers employed by the Security Service were again cut. 

In fact, however, most of these changes were a sham. In 1955 there were 
still around 30,000 political prisoners, and the latter half of that year saw the 
trial of former minister Wlodzimierz Lechowicz, who had been arrested in 
1948 by the special Swiatlo group. 12 Marian Spychalski, who had been a mem- 
ber of the Politburo until 1949, was arrested in 1950 and remained in prison 
without trial until April 1956. A real abatement in political repression came 
only after the Twentieth Soviet Party Congress in 1956 and the death of Bierut 
at nearly the same time. An amnesty was then proclaimed, although 1,500 
political prisoners remained behind bars. Some of those who had been sen- 
tenced were rehabilitated. Both the procurator general and the minister of 
justice were replaced, and the former deputy minister for security and the head 
of the former Department 10 were arrested. Control of the prisons, which until 
then had been run by the Internal Affairs Ministry, was handed over to the 
Justice Ministry. As a result of much in-fighting, the security organs began to 
lose their sense of direction, and some of the more secret collaborators began 
to withdraw their services. The strategy, however, did not change: the Security 
Service was still interested in exactly the same people, and the prisons had been 
only half emptied. Thousands of investigations were still carried out, and even 
after reductions the network of informers numbered 34,000. The system of 
generalized terror simply functioned on a slightly smaller scale. It had obtained 
its objectives: the most active opponents of the regime had died by the thou- 
sands, and society had understood the lesson, now knowing the fate that awaited 
"defenders of people's democracy." 

Real Socialism, or Selective Repression (1956-1981) 

The cataclysm of "iron socialism" was of relatively short duration in Poland, 
and with the coming of the thaw, the strategy of the Security Service began to 
change slightly. The control exercised by the security organs over the popula- 
tion was more discreet. At the same time, the security forces stepped up their 
surveillance of legal and underground opposition movements, the Catholic 
Church, and intellectual circles. 

Politicians expected the security apparatus to be ready to disperse street 
demonstrations at a moment's notice, a new role that began during the second 
great revolt of workers in the Eastern bloc, in Poznah in June 1956. The 
security forces, the police, and the KBW had all been caught by surprise by the 
strike, both in practical terms and from an ideological point of view, and the 
strike had been followed by a demonstration involving tens of thousands of 
protestors who had attacked a number of public buildings. In one sense, the 

Poland, the "Enemy Nation' 


Poznah revolt was the last chapter in the civil war of 1945-1947, and was the 
only occasion when the demonstrators were the first to open fire. The Party 
reacted brutally: the prime minister declared that "any hand raised against the 
people's regime will be cut off." The army moved in with tanks. Around 
seventy people died, hundreds were arrested, and dozens of demonstrators 
were brought before the courts; but the sentences issued during this period of 
thaw, which set in during October 1956, were relatively light. 

Shortly after the Eighth Plenum of the Central Committee of the Polish 
United Workers' Party (PZPR, as the Communist Party had been renamed), 
held on 19-21 October 1956, the KBP was dissolved and the Security Service 
integrated into the MSW. The number of personnel in the security apparatus 
fell by 40 percent, leaving 9,000, and 60 percent of all informers were dis- 
missed. The so-called Protection Squads inside industry were suppressed, and 
half of the investigations then under way were abandoned. The last Soviet 
advisers returned to Moscow and were replaced by an official KGB mission. 
The organization of the security apparatus was reviewed again, and many of 
the cadres, who were for the most part of Jewish origin, were dismissed to make 
way for younger people. The whole repressive apparatus was radically scaled 
back. However, the Party leadership, including Gomulka, who had returned to 
power in October 1956, opposed the trial of these officials. As a result, only a 
few discreet trials were ever held. The general concern among PZPR leaders 
was not to disturb a mechanism that might be called on again. 

As early as February 1957, at the first general meeting of the MSW, 
Minister Jerzy Wicha affirmed that the notion of an "intensification of the class 
struggle" (as Stalin had proposed) was quite wrong, but he also managed to 
claim that the struggle was becoming more and more radical. 11 From this 
moment until the end of the system, the Security Service and other organiza- 
tions, including the PZPR, the army, and the propaganda machine, constantly 
acted in this contradictory manner. 

Twenty years of silent, calm, and well-organized work, occasionally punc- 
tuated by strikes and revolts, formed the basis for the system of repression. 
This consisted of a control system with a large number of informers as well as 
eavesdropping techniques and the monitoring of correspondence, all of which 
was slowly perfected over the years. In the 1970s the new Security Service 
(Sluzba bezpieczehstwa; SB) paid particularly close attention to economic tar- 
gets, but its main interests, unlike those of the previous security services, were 
the use of new technology and the profitability of various enterprises. Break- 
downs no longer led to the arrest of workers, but to discreet pressure from the 
Party organization for the removal of inefficient managers. The MSW had one 
means of persuasion that had been irrelevant in the Stalinist years but that now 
became extremely valuable: the authority to deliver a passport (which was good 

386 The Other Europe 

for only one trip). Because many people would quite willingly cooperate so that 
they would be granted a passport, the MSW could pick up all sorts of intelli- 
gence about what was happening inside institutions, businesses, and universi- 
ties. Slowly but systematically, the SB rebuilt its network, particularly in areas 
that were considered sensitive. In the struggle against the church the MSW 
established a new, specialized department in June 1962 that soon had several 
hundred employees. In the first half of the 1960s, there were numerous attacks 
by the police on congregations who gathered to defend chapels or crosses that 
had been erected without the permission of the authorities. Although court 
sentences were relatively light, hundreds of people were beaten, and many more 
were fined. 

In 1967, after the Six-Day War between the Israelis and Arabs, the strug- 
gle against "Zionism" became the new order of the day. This particular rallying 
cry had a triple political, social, and international function, and the government 
needed a new means of motivating nationalist fervor. A number of PZPR 
officials began purveying antisemitic ideas to sideline the old guard and im- 
prove their own career prospects. The antisemitic campaign also served to 
discredit the student protest movements of March 1968. A special service 
employing dozens of officials was created. The MSW passed on information 
to local Party organizations to attack various individuals. The Security Service, 
in Poland as well as in the U.S.S.R., was the great inspiration for "Antisemitism 
without Jews," promoted by both the Party and the state. (This phrase was 
commonly used to describe the Communist regime's promotion of antisemi- 
tism even though Poland's once-huge community of Jews had been reduced to 
a trivia] number by the Holocaust.) 

The SB's comprehensive penetration of public groups undermined many 
attempts to form illegal organizations. The members of such organizations, 
who in many cases were very young, henceforth constituted the majority of 
political prisoners. Most organizations had only a few dozen members. Intel- 
lectuals were watched extremely closely. If necessary the security forces could, 
with the express permission of the authorities, identify people who collaborated 
with Radio Free Europe or the international press. Isolated arrests on such 
grounds took place throughout the 1960s. The most important case was that 
of Melchior Wankowicz, an elderly writer who had a large following. The SB 
watched Communist heretics most closely of all. Cases in which Trotskyites or 
Maoists were incarcerated met with relative indifference, but one exception was 
the case of Jacek Kuroh and KaroJ Modzielewski. In 1970 forty-eight people 
from the illegal political group known as Ruch (Movement) were arrested. The 
leaders were sentenced to seven or eight years in prison — and this in a period 
of relative leniency. 

The use of violent repression had never ceased. Just a year after Gom- 

Poland, the "Enemy Nation" 


ulka's return to power, when young people came out in protest against the 
closure of the weekly Po prostu (Simply), which in 1956 had played a consid- 
erable role in the pressure for change. Dozens of people were beaten, and ten 
received sentences. The strikes and demonstrations in March 1968 were ex- 
tremely widespread. The protests were broken up with tremendous brutality; 
2,700 people were arrested, and 1,000 went before courts of various types! 
Dozens received prison sentences of several years, and hundreds were forcibly 
enlisted in the army for "retraining." 

Demonstrations by workers had different effects. Those that took place in 
December 1970 rook a dramatic turn in the towns on the Baltic coast. Despite 
the presence of special police units, the authorities called in the army as they 
had done in Poznan fourteen years earlier. According to official statistics, 
forty-five people were killed. Thousands of people were beaten by the police,' 
often inside the police stations. Workers had to pass through what was known 
as "the road to health/ 1 which consisted of two rows of policemen hitting them 
with truncheons. But in keeping with the times, there were no prosecutions by 
the authorities after the events of December, and all detainees were released 
after Gomulka stepped down that month. In industry, the ringleaders of the 
strikes suffered various types of intimidation. 

During the relatively brief strikes that erupted in several towns in 1976, 
the authorities forbade the use of arms by special police units, but this measure 
was not sufficient to prevent several killings. Roughly 1,000 people were ar- 
rested, several hundred were fined, and a few dozen received prison sentences. 

The trials that followed were the occasion for renewed contact among the 
families of the accused workers, young people, and dissident intellectuals, and 
they sparked a large human-rights movement among the intelligentsia. They 
also resulted in the establishment—for the first time since the PSL had been 
disbanded in 1947 — of organized opposition groups, notably the Workers' 
Defense Committee (KOR) and the Movement for the Defense of Human and 
Civil Rights (ROPCIO). Faced with this new situation, the authorities were 
forced to make a tactical choice. For several reasons, chief among them the 
regime's growing financial dependence on the West and the threat that a 
domestic crackdown would provoke international reprisals, the government 
decided instead to employ tactical harassment: keeping people under close 
watch for forty-eight hours (a measure authorized by the penal code), firing 
people from their jobs, using psychological pressure, confiscating copying 
equipment, and rejecting passport applications. The SB rapidly developed a 
large network of agents. In 1979 the Special Department for Defense of the 
Economy was reactivated in response to fears that the influence of the opposi- 
tion would spread to industry. 

This development had almost no lasting effect, and in mid-1980 a new 


The Other Europe 

wave of strikes began. Hard-liners were still in charge at the top of the Party, 
but no one would take responsibility and make the decision to crush the strikes 
by force. In any case, as was pointed out at a PZPR Politburo meeting on 
28 August 1980, the troops that would be required were neither numerous 
enough nor at all willing to confront the hundreds of thousands of strikers who 
were occupying hundreds of factories. On this occasion, the strikers, unlike in 
1956, 1970, and 1976, followed the advice of Jacek Kuroh, who had counseled: 
"Don't just break up the Party committees; organize your own." 

The government used the same tactics with Lech Walesa's Solidarity trade 
union as it had in previous years. The intention was to weaken the union by 
provoking divisions within it and gradually bringing it under the control of the 
PZPR, as had been done in the 1940s with the Front for National Unity. In 
October 1980 the MSW and the army made preparations to impose martial law 
{start wojenny, or "a state of war"). The MSW systematically infiltrated Soli- 
darity (by the following summer there were more than 2,400 informers in 
Warsaw alone) and tried a series of small-scale confrontations to gauge the 
reaction of the union, arresting its members for forty-eight hours without 
charge and using force to evacuate public buildings that were occupied. By 
February 1981 the lists of people to be arrested were ready, and the prisons had 
been prepared for their arrival, but the PZPR leadership decided to continue 
with just harassment and provocation techniques, as in Bydgoszcz in March 
1981, when plainclothes police attacked unionists. The Polish Security Service, 
which initially had been rather passive, received reinforcements, and after the 
strikes of 1980 the Stasi, the East German secret police, set up an operational 
group in Warsaw. 14 This in itself was quite an event, although the collaboration 
of Eastern-bloc security services against the democratic opposition, coordi- 
nated by the KGB, had already been in place for a few years. 

This situation continued until early December 1981, when, to test the 
power of Solidarity, the antiterrorist unit of the police broke up a strike at the 
fire department in Warsaw. Ten days later, in the early hours of 13 December, 
martial law was declared in Poland. 

"A State of War," an Attempt at Generalized Repression 

What followed was a large-scale police and military operation that had been 
prepared with astonishing precision. More than 70,000 soldiers and 30,000 
police, armed with 1,750 tanks, 1,900 armored personnel carriers, and 9,000 
trucks and cars, along with several helicopter squadrons and transport aircraft, 
went into action. Forces were concentrated in the main cities and industrial 
centers. Their task was to break the strikes and to paralyze the normal life of 
the country in a way that would cow the population and preclude any response 

Poland, the "Enemy Nation" 


by Solidarity. Telephone lines were cut (resulting in numerous deaths, as peo- 
ple were unable to phone for ambulances), and the borders and gasoline sta- 
tions were closed. Passes were required to move from one locality to another. A 
strict curfew and comprehensive censorship were enforced. After ten days the 
strikes and the demonstrations came to an end, proving the effectiveness of the 
plan. Fourteen were killed, and several hundred were injured. About 4,000 
strikers were arrested, and the first trials, which began at Christmas, resulted in 
prison sentences of three to five years (with some as long as ten years). All the 
accused were judged by special military courts, which were responsible for 
halting and punishing "any infraction of martial law." Throughout this time 
the Soviet, East German, and Czechoslovak armies were also on a war footing, 
ready to step in if the strikes and demonstrations turned into a full-scale 
insurrection rhat the Polish army could not quell. 

The second part of the repression consisted of the internment of all 
opposition and Solidarity militants, which began just before midnight on the 
night of 1 2- 1 3 December. In a few days, by means of this simple administrative 
decision, more than 5,000 people were locked up in forty-nine isolation centers 
located outside the main cities. The primary objectives were to paralyze the 
union and to replace the leaders with SB collaborators. The strategy of intern- 
ment, which lasted for twelve months, was a seemingly less rigorous form of 
imprisonment and relatively easy to apply, since it dispensed with the need for 
magistrates or trials. In principle the SB did not use "forbidden methods" 
(torture) on people who were interned, imprisoned, or sentenced, contenting 
itself instead with "persuasion techniques" backed up by force. The SB also 
intensified the recruitment of collaborators and efforts to persuade militants to 
emigrate, often blackmailing their families. 

Genera] Wojciech Jaruzelski, who had taken over as PZPR first secretary 
on 1 8 October 1 98 1 (he retained his earlier posts as prime minister and defense 
minister), had to cope with ultra-hard-liners in the Party, among them Party 
cadres in industry, army officers, and retired MSW officials. These individuals 
had formed self-defense groups (although no one had attacked them), arming 
themselves with heavy guns. They demanded that those interned be brought 
to trial and given stiffer sentences, including the death penalty. The hard-liners 
wanted generalized terror; they regarded generalized repression (with no death 
sentences) as unacceptably lenient. Despite an aggressive propaganda campaign 
against Solidarity, the Party leaders decided against using the methods de- 
manded by the hard-liners. Rather than crush social resistance by Stalinist 
methods, they decided to "reduce tensions." Despite this policy, the authorities 
forcefully suppressed Solidarity's demonstrations on 1 and 3 May 1982 (mark- 
ing the anniversary of the 1791 constitution and hence a traditional festival) 
and on 31 August 1982 (the anniversary of the Gdansk agreement of 1980). 


The Other Europe 

Thousands of people were arrested, hundreds were brought to trial, and six 
people were killed. In these public trials, some of the leaders of the Solidarity 
underground were sentenced to up to five years' imprisonment. After the 
internment centers were closed in December 1982 and martial law was formally 
lifted on 22 July 1983, there were still perhaps as many as 1,000 political 
prisoners incarcerated for underground union activity, underground printing, 
the dissemination of forbidden literature and books, or sometimes just for 
taking up a collection for prisoners. The authorities also dismissed many people 
from their jobs. Thousands of strikers suffered in that fashion in December 
1981, and journalists in particular were singled out for "verification proce- 
dures" — in all, more than a thousand of them lost their jobs. 

With the exception of the first few weeks after 13 December 1981, Poland 
did not again experience a period of repression comparable to that of 1949- 
1956. The security apparatus did use a number of new methods, known in the 
language of the secret services as ''disinformation and disorientation, 1 ' which 
had already been practiced in the 1970s when the Ministry of Internal Affairs 
set up the autonomous Group D of the Fourth Department, with many local 
branches. Until 1981 this new department concentrated its attention on the 
church and similar organizations. After martial law was proclaimed, it broad- 
ened its activities to include Solidarity and carried out a series of attacks against 
the union's properties. Group D also burned union buildings, set fire to cars, 
beat up Solidarity militants, sent death threats, and distributed false tracts and 
fake underground newspapers. In a few cases, victims were abducted and left 
by the side of the road after being given huge doses of barbiturates or other 
drugs. Several people died in beatings, including a schoolboy called Grzegorz 
Przemyk, who was killed in a police station in 1983. 

One of the best-known actions of this type, carried out by officers from 
Group D, was the murder of Father Jerzy Popieluszko on 19 October 1984. 
According to the official version of events, the murderers were acting on their 
own, without the knowledge of their superiors. This claim seems highly im- 
plausible, given that the security system was very tightly controlled and all 
important actions required a ministerial green light. In this case the MSW did 
eventually prosecute and punish the culprits, but there were several other cases 
of murders of priests and people linked to Solidarity that went unpunished. If 
one is to judge by the reaction of the population, this sort of activity did not 
achieve its main objective, which was to spread fear in selected circles. Instead, 
opponents of the regime seem to have become more and more resolute. 

The period following the violent confrontations of the first days of martial 
law and the full-scale repression of the demonstrations in 1982-83 was marked 
by more limited repression. Underground militants were aware that they were 
rarely risking more than a few years in prison and that there were regular 

Poland, the "Enemy Nation' 


amnesties of political prisoners. By this stage of its evolution, the system was 
far from its Stalinist origins. 

From Cease-Fire to Capitulation, or the Government in Disarray (1986-1989) 

That was the situation at the end of 1986, when under the influence of per- 
estroika and glasnost in the Soviet Union and the stagnation of the Polish 
economy, General Jaruzelski's team tried to pick out opposition groups with 
which it could arrive at a compromise. This effort was preceded by a consider- 
able abatement of repression. On 1 1 September 1986 the minister of internal 
affairs, General Czeslaw Kiszczak, announced the liberation of the remaining 
225 political prisoners. To maintain a minimum punitive standard, it was 
decided that any participation in a forbidden organization or an underground 
publication was to be punished by a fine or by detention under house arrest or 
in a minimum-security facility. These repressions were thus similar to those of 
1976-1980, with one important difference; now the government was con- 
fronted not by hundreds, but by tens of thousands of militants. In early 1988, 
after a first wave of strikes, repressions increased again, but on 26 August a 
communique announced the opening of negotiations with Solidarity. 

Although security-force personnel were frustrated with these develop- 
ments, most behaved with discipline. However, it is likely that some of them 
attempted to prevent an agreement from being reached. In January 1989 two 
priests who worked for the pastoral section of Solidarity at a local level were 
murdered. It is still unclear whether this was simply a criminal act or the work 
of Group D. 

After the elections of 4 June 1989 and the installation of the government 
of Tadeusz Mazowiecki, control of the "ministries of force" (Internal Affairs 
and Defense) remained in the hands of their previous chiefs. On 6 April 1990 
the SB was dissolved and replaced by the Bureau for State Protection, the UOP. 

In Poland the Communist system could never truly claim any legitimacy 
or legal basis, since it respected neither international law nor its own constitu- 
tion. As a criminal entity from its birth in 1944-1956, the system was always 
ready to resort to brute force (including military force) on a grand scale. 

Select Bibliography 

The preceding chapter is based largely on my archival work for the Commis- 
sion for Constitutional Responsibility, which has given me access to many files 
that are still secret, particularly for the years 1980-1982. The following selec- 
tion lists the most complete works published since the recent opening of the 
relevant Soviet archives. 


The Other Europe 

Bedynski, Krystian. Sluzba xviezienna jako organ bezpieczemtwa publtcznego, 1944-1956 
(The prison system as an organ of public security, 1944-1956). Warsaw: BGW, 
Chmielarz, Andrzej, and Andrzej K. Kunert, eds. Proves szesnastu: Dokumenty NKWD 
(The trial of sixteen: Documents of the NKVD). Warsaw: Oficyna Wydawnicza 
Rytm, 1995. 
Ciesielski, Stanislaw, Grzegorz Hryciuk, and Aleksander Srebakowski. Masowe depor- 
iacje radzieckie m okresie II wojny swiatowej (Mass Soviet deportations during 
World War II). Wroclaw: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego, 
1994. See especially the chapter on Polish deportations, pp. 26-82. 
Dudek, Antoni, and Tomasz Marszalkowski. Walki uliczne w PRL, 1956-1989 (Street 

battles in Poland, 1956-1959). Krakow: Wydawn. Krakowske, 1992. 
Eisler, Jerzy. Marzec 1968: Geneza, przebieg, konsekwencje (March 1968: Origin, devel- 
opment, consequences). Warsaw: Wydawn. Naukowe, 1991. 
Golimont, Andrzej. Generalowie bezpiekt (Generals of the security apparatus). Warsaw: 

BGW, 1992. 
Gross, Jan T Revolution from Abroad: The Soviet Conquest of Poland's Western Ukraine 

and Western Belorussta. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1988. 
Iwanow, Mikolaj, Polacy m Zwiazku Radzieckim w latach 1921-1939 (Poles in the Soviet 

Union, 1921-1939). Warsaw: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego, 1990. 
Jarosz, Dariusz, and Tadeusz Wolsza, eds. Komisja Specjalna do Walki z Naduzyctami i 
Szkodmctwem Gospodarczym, 1945-1954: Wybor dokumentow (Special Commis- 
sion for the Fight against Economic Abuses and Sabotage, 1945-1954: Selected 
documents). Warsaw: Karta, 1995. 
Komorowski, Krzysztof, ed. Armia Krajowa: Rozwoj orgamzacyjny (Homeland Army: 

Organizational development). Warsaw: Wydawn. Bellona, 1996. 
Machcewicz, Pawel. Polski rok 1956 (Poland's year 1956). Warsaw: Oficyna Wydawn. 

M6wia_Wieki, 1993. 
Maciszewski, Jarema, ed. Tragedta Komumstycznej Partit Polski (The tragedy of the 

Polish Communist Party). Warsaw: Ksiaika i Wiedza, 1989. 
Marat, Stanislaw, and Jacek Snopkiewicz. Ludzie bezptekt: Dokumenty czasu bezprawta 
(The security forces: Documentation of a period of lawlessness). Warsaw: Polska 
oficyna wyd., 1990. 
Materski, Wojciech, and Andrzej Paczkowski, eds. NKWD o Polsce t Polakach: Rekone- 
sans archiwalny (The NKVD on Poland and the Poles: An archival investigation). 
Warsaw: Instytut Studiow Politycznych PAN, 1996. 
Materski, Wojciech, et al., eds. Katyn: Dokumenty zbrodni (Katyn: Documents of a 

crime). Warsaw: Wydawn. "TRIO," 1995. 
Michel, P., and G. Mink. Mort dun pretre. Lajfaire Popteluszko, analyse dune logique 

norm alxsatr ice. Paris: Fayard, 1985. 
Nalepa, Edward Jan. Pacyfikacja zbuntowanego mtasta: Wojsko Polskte w czerwcu 1956 r. 
w Poznamu w swietle dokumentow wojskowych (Pacification of a rebel town: The 
Polish army in Poznah in June 1956 in light of military documents). Warsaw: 
Wydawn. Bellona, 1992. 

Poland, the "Enemy Nation' 


Noskova, A. F, ed. NKVD i pohkoe podpole 1944-1945 [po tl osobym papkam" J. V. 

Stalma (The NKVD and the Polish underground, 1944-1945, based on the "spe- 
cial files" of J. V. Stalin). New ed. Moscow: Institut balkanistiki i slavyanove- 

deniya, 1994. 
Otwinowska, Barbara, and Jan Zaryn, eds. Polacy wobec przemocy 1944-1956 (Poles in 

the face of violence, 1944-1956). Warsaw: Editions Spotkania, 1996. 
Paczkowski, Andrzej, ed. Aparat bezpieczemtwa w latach 1944-1956: Taktyka, strategta, 

melody (The security apparatus, 1944-1956: Tactics, strategy, methods). 2 vols. 

Warsaw: Instytut Studiow Politycznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk, 1994, 1996. 
Poksinski, Jerzy. TUN: Tatar— Utnik Nowicki. Warsaw: Wydawn. Bellona, 1992. 
Popinski, Krzysztof, Aleksander Kokurin, and Aleksander Gurjanovv. Drogt imierci: 

Ewakuacja wt^zien sowwckich z Krezow Wschodnich II Rzeczypospolitej w czerwcu i 

Itptu 1941 (Paths of death: The evacuation of Soviet prisoners from eastern 

Poland under the Second Republic in June and July 1941). Warsaw: Karta, 1995. 
"ReJ<a Jezowa." Karta (Warsaw), no 1 1, special issue (1993). 
Sariusz-Skapska, Isabella. Polscy swiadkmme Gulagu: Uteratura lagrowa, 1939-1989 

(Polish witnesses of the Gulag: Literature from the camps, 1939-1989). Krakow: 

Universitas, 1995. 
Siedlecki, Julian. Losy Polakow w ZSRR w latach 1939-1986 (The fate of Poles in the 

U.S.S.R, 1939-1986). London: Gryf, 1987. 
Suchorowska, Danuta. Wtelka edukacja: Wspomnienia wiezniow politycznych PRL, 

1945-1956 (A great education: Memoirs of political prisoners in Poland, 1945- 

1956). Warsaw: Agencja Omnipress, 1990. 
Szwagrzyk, Krzysztof. Golgota we Wroclawtu (The Golgotha of Wroclaw). Wroclaw: 

Komisja Badania Zbrodni Przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu, 1995. 
Topol, Andrzej, ed. Obozy pracy przymusowej na Gornym S/qsku (Forced -labor camps 

in Upper Silesia). Katowice: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Slaskiego, 1994. 
Turlejska, Maria. Te pokolema zalobami czarne: Skazani na smierce t ich s(dziowte 1944- 

1954 (These generations black with mourning: Those condemned to death and 

their judges, 1944-1954). London: u Aneks," 1989. 
Walichnowski, Tadeusz, ed. Ochrona bezpieczemtwa panstwa i porzqdku publtcznego w 

Polsce, 1944-1988 (Defense of state security and public order in Poland, 1944— 

3988). Warsaw: ASW, 1989. 
Zaron Piotr. Obozy jencow polskuh w ZSRR w latach 1939-1941 (Camps of Polish 

prisoners in the U.S.S.R., 1939-1941). London: Unicorn Publishing Studio, 1994. 

Central and Southeastern Europe 



Central and Southeastern Europe 

Karel Bartosek 

Imported" Terror? 

In Central Europe, one must always think of terror in relation to the war, 
which was its most extreme expression in the first half of this century. World 
War II, which began in this region, far surpassed General Uudcndorffs "total 
war." What Miguel Abensour described as the "democratization of death" 
thereafter affected tens of millions of people as total annihilation beeame an 
integral part of the idea of war. Nazi barbarism struck the entire population, 
particularly with the extermination of the Jews. The figures themselves are 
eloquent: in Poland, military losses accounted for 320,000 dead, while civilian 
losses were 5.5 million; in Hungary, there were 140,000 military losses and 
more than 300,000 civilian deaths; in Czechoslovakia, civilian losses were 80- 
90 percent of the total. 

Bur the great terror of the war did not come to an end with the German 
defeat. With the arrival of the Red Army, the fighting arm of the Communist 
regime, populations underwent "national cleansing," which had a quite specific 
character in this region. Political commissars and counterintelligence units in 
this army, under SMERSH and the NKVD, were deeply involved in such 
operations. The repression was especially severe in the countries that had sent 
troops to fight against the Soviet Union — Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia — 
where the NKVD deported hundreds of thousands to the Soviet gulags. Their 
exact number is still being calculated. 

According to new studies in Hungary and Russia published since the 
opening of the archives — studies that are quite conservative regarding the exact 
figures — hundreds of thousands of people were deported: soldiers and civil- 
ians, children as young as thirteen, and old men of eighty. Approximately 
40,000 were taken to the Transcarpathian region of Ukraine, which had be- 
longed to Czechoslovakia but was occupied by Hungary in 1939 in accordance 
with the 1938 Munich agreement and then annexed by the Soviet Union in 
1944. From Hungary, which had a population of about 9 million in 1944, more 
than 600,000 people were deported (the Soviet figure of 526,604 is based on 
the number of people who arrived at the camps; it does not take into account 
those who died in transit camps in Romania). There were camps in Brasov, 
Timisoara, Sighet Marmatiel, Moldavia, Bessarabia, and Sambor; around 75 
percent of all deportees passed through these. Among the deportees were Jews 
who had been engaged in the work battalions of the Hungarian army. Two- 
thirds of these prisoners were sent to forced-labor camps and one-third to 
prison camps, where the mortality rate, as a result of epidemics, was twice as 
high. Current estimates suggest that around 200,000 of these deportees from 
Hungary — including people belonging to the German minority, Russians who 
had arrived after 1920, and French and Poles who were living in Hungary — 
never returned. 1 

Some of these purges were carried out by "popular" or "extraordinary" 
courts. At the end of the war, and in the first months of the postwar period, 
violent extrajudicial action was common, including executions, assassinations, 
torture, and the taking of hostages. This was facilitated by the absence of, or 
the failure to respect, international conventions regarding prisoners of war or 
the civilian population. Bulgaria, which had a population of 7 million at the 
time, was particularly noteworthy in this respect. Immediately after 9 Septem- 
ber 1944, when the Popular Patriotic Front seized power and the Red Army 
marched into the country, a police force and a security department controlled 
by the Communist Party moved into action. On 6 October "people's tribunals" 
were established by decree. By March 1945 they had issued 10,897 sentences 
in 13 3 trials and condemned 2,138 people to death, including the regents, the 
brother of King Boris III, high-ranking officers, policemen, judges, industrial- 
ists, and journalists. According to specialists, a savage purge accounted for the 
death or disappearance of another 30,000 to 40,000 people, mainly the local 
nobility, mayors, teachers, Orthodox priests, and shopkeepers. In 1989, thanks 
to witnesses who were no longer afraid to talk, previously unknown mass graves 
were uncovered. Yet Bulgaria had never sent troops to fight the Soviet Union 
and had saved most of its Jews from genocide. To get an idea of the scale of 
Communist repression in the country, one can compare the number of victims 
from the period of monarchic rule in 1923-1944, often thought of as dictatorial: 



The Other Europe 

according to an investigation by the new parliament in 1945, 5,632 people were 
assassinated, executed, or died in prison or as a result of a prison sentence 
during that period. 2 From 1941 to 1944, the years of antifascist resistance and 
its repression, only 357 people — not even all resistance fighters — were con- 
demned to death and lost their lives. 

Purges under the influence of the Red Army brought about a generalized 
fear in the societies concerned. The purges affected not only those who had 
actively supported the Nazis or the local fascists, but also many others who were 
innocent or had simply refused to take sides. 

In a Bulgarian documentary made after the fall of the Communist regime 
in the early 1990s, one woman recounted an episode in the autumn of 1944: 

The day after my father was first arrested, another policeman arrived 
around midday and instructed my mother to go to Police Station No. 10 
at five o'clock that afternoon. My mother, a beautiful and kind woman, 
got dressed and left. We, her three children, all waited for her at home. 
She came back at half past one in the morning, white as a sheet, with her 
clothes tattered and torn. As soon as she came in, she went to the stove, 
opened the door, took off all her clothes, and burned them. Then she 
took a bath, and only then took us in her arms. We went to bed. The 
next day she made her first suicide attempt, and there were three more 
after that, and she tried to poison herself twice. She's still alive, I look 
after her, but she's quite severely mental ly ill. I have never found out 
what thev actually did to her,' 

At this time, after the 'liberation by the Red Arm}," which, according to 
the official propaganda, established international relations of a "new type," 
many people tried to change their affiliations, and denunciations Hew thick and 
fast. Name changes were common; Rosenzweigs often quickly became 
Rozariskis, and Breitenfelds became Bares. 

The terror in Central and Southeastern Europe did not stop with this, 
The armed struggle against the new authorities continued in Poland, prolong- 
ing the war, and also affected Slovakia in 1947, when the Bandera units fleeing 
from Ukraine arrived. At the same time, armed groups of former members of 
the fascist Iron Guard, calling themselves the "Black Shawls," roamed the 
Carpathian Mountains. Central Europe was still prey to virulent antisemitistm 
The last pogroms or attempted pogroms in European history took place in 1946 
in Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia. 

An aggressive anti-German nationalism took hold in Central Europe. 
Although this was understandable in light of the Nazi German occupation, it 
hindered the evolution of democratic behavior. Violence was common on a 
day-to-day level, particularly in the deportation of millions of people belonging 

Central and Southeastern Europe 


to German minorities who had been in some regions since as long ago as the 
thirteenth century. More than 6.3 million Germans were forced to leave their 
homes in the territories of Silesia and Pomerania, which had been given to 
Poland; roughly 3 million were thrown out of Czechoslovakia, 200,000 from 
Hungary, and more than 100,000 from Yugoslavia. These impersonal figures 
represent millions of individual dramas. While many of the men were soldiers 
in prisoner-of-war camps, women, children, and old people were forced out of 
their houses, apartments, businesses, workshops, and farms. This massive 
transfer, which took place with official backing from the Allies in the summer 
of 1945, had been preceded in some countries by unofficial outbreaks of vio- 
lence. Czech nationalists had been particularly ruthless, and in the hunt for 
Germans had killed several thousand civilians. 

Thus there were elements of terror present in Central Europe before the 
installation of the Communist regimes, and violence was an integral part of the 
recent experience and mentality of the countries concerned. Societies were 
often powerless to resist the new wave of barbarism that was about to descend 
upon them. 

The Communist parties were instrumental in the new violence. Their 
leaders and disciples were often faithful followers of the Bolshevik doctrine, 
"enriched' 1 in the Soviet Union under the leadership of Stalin. As we have seen 
in previous chapters, the goal of all their actions was quite clear: to ensure by 
any means necessary that the Communist Party had a monopoly on power, and 
that the Party played the same leading role that it did in the Soviet Union. 
There was never any attempt at power-sharing, political pluralism, or parlia- 
mentary democracy, even if the parliamentary system was formally retained. 
The doctrine in place at the time presented the Soviet Union as the glorious 
victor in the struggle against Nazi Germany and its allies, and the principal 
force and universal guide toward worldwide revolution. Naturally, local Com- 
munist forces were expected to coordinate and subordinate their activities to 
the center of world Communism, in Moscow, and its chief, Stalin. 

The Communist monopoly on power was assured almost at the moment 
of liberation in two countries: in Yugoslavia, where the Communists were led 
by Josip Broz, better known as Tito; and in Albania, where Enver Hoxha had 
risen to the leadership of the Communist Party. These two leaders had domi- 
nated their respective national resistance movements against the Nazi or Italian 
invaders, and despite pressure from outside, and even from the Soviet Union, 
they accepted power-sharing for only very limited periods. 

Rarely in the course of history had the arrival of a new regime been 
preceded by a bloodbath on the scale of the one seen in Yugoslavia, where out 
of a population of 15.5 million, 1 million people died. A series of ethnic, 
religious, ideological, and civil wars tore the country apart, and many of the 


The Other Europe 

victims were women, children, and old people. This was a truly fratricidal war, 
and the genocide and purges ensured that at the moment of liberation, Tito 
and the Communist Party had hardly any political rivals left. They swiftly set 
about eliminating them all the same. Events took a similar turn in neighboring 
Albania, with the help of the Yugoslav Communists. 

In other countries in Central and Southeastern Europe, with the exception 
of Czechoslovakia, the prewar Communist parties had been marginal forces, 
with only a few thousand members. In Bulgaria, for instance, the Party had 
been an important force from 1919 to 192.1 and had then been forced under- 
ground (although it did play an important role in the resistance). Throughout 
the region, Partv leaders were convinced that the moment was right and that 
they had the support of the Red Army. They quickly emerged as an important 
political force and joined the new governments. Almost everywhere Commu- 
nists took charge of the ministries in charge of repression (the internal affairs 
and justice ministries) and of those that might be used in a similar manner, 
such as the defense ministries. In 1944-45 Communist parties held the Ministry 
of Internal Affairs in Czechoslovakia, E3ulgaria, Hungary, and Romania; the 
Ministry of Justice in Bulgaria and Romania; and the Ministry of Defense in 
Czechoslovakia and Bulgaria. The ministers of defense in both Czechoslovakia 
and Bulgaria, Generals Ludvik Svoboda and Darnian Velchev, were crypto- 
Communists. Communists were also in charge ot the state security or secret 
police (the Durzhavna Sigurnost in Bulgaria, and the Allamvedelmi Osztaly, or 
AYO — later the Allamvedelmi Hatosag, or AY hi — in Hungary) and of the 
intelligence services in the armed forces. In Romania the Special Service, which 
was the precursor of the infamous Securitate, was controlled by Emil Bodn^ras, 
a former army officer who, according to Cristina Boico, had been a Soviet agent 
in the 1930s. 4 Everywhere the Communists strengthened their grip on the 
apparatus of terror, The need for absolute control of the AYO was stressed by 
Mat > as Rakosi, the secretary general of the Hungarian Workers 1 (Communist) 
Pariv: "This is the onlv institution of which we must keep total control, 
categorically refusing to share it with any other parties in the coalition, regard- 
less of the proportion of our respective forces. "* 

The Political Trials of Non-Communist Allies 

Occasional speeches given bv certain Communist leaders regarding the ''na- 
tional road to Socialism" without the Soviet-style '"dictatorship of the proletar- 
iat" often acted as a cover for the real strategics followed by Communist parties 
in Central and Southeastern Europe This strategy was identical with the 
Bolshevik practices used in Russia in 1917, and repression followed the tried 
ami tested Soviet pattern. In the same manner that the Bolsheviks had elimi- 

Central and Southeastern Europe 


nated their initial allies such as the Socialist Revolutionaries, the Central and 
East European Communist parties eliminated their coalition partners. Analysts 
have discussed the "process of Sovietization" in these countries, and the strate- 
gic plan laid out in Moscow. It was Stalin himself who ordered the rejection of 
the Marshall Plan in the summer of 1947, and who instigated the creation of 
the Communist Information Bureau (the Cominform) in September 1947 to 
increase his control of the parties in power. 

There were, of course, many differences in the trajectory of events in these 
various countries. But everywhere it was the aim of the Communist parties to 
eliminate their actual or potential adversaries and to crush all political, ideo- 
logical, and spiritual competitors. Marxist-Leninist doctrine demanded that the 
rivals be wiped out for good, and all means to that end were considered 
legitimate, including death sentences, execution, long prison sentences, and 
forced exile in the West. The last of these options was a less cruel procedure, 
but it was very effective at breaking down resistance, and its importance has 
been generally underestimated in the analysis of the history of these countries. 
After all, the right of abode and the right to a home are fundamental human 
rights. In addition, in 1944-45 tens of thousands of Hungarians, Slovaks, Poles, 
and other nationals fled their countries in fear of the Red Army. 

The first tool used in the panoply of repression was the political trial of 
non-Communist leaders, many of whom had been resistance fighters and had 
suffered in the prisons and camps of the Nazis or fascists. Under the direct 
control of the Red Army, the trials began first in the countries that had been 
allies of Nazi Germany, notably Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria. In the inter- 
Allied commissions that were created in 1944 and existed until 1947, the Soviet 
military was a dominant force and often forcibly imposed its own point of view. 
In Hungary the Smallholders 1 Party, which had been the great victor in the 
1945 elections, gaining 57 percent of the vote, became the target not only of 
considerable political wrangling but also of large-scale police operations. In 
January 1947 the Ministry of Internal Affairs, under the control of the Com- 
munist Laszlo Rajk, who had fought in the International Brigades in Spain and 
been a leader of the resistance toward the end of the war, announced the 
discovery of a plot against the state involving the Hungarian "Community" 
group, which had been set up in secret during the war to fight the Nazi invaders. 
The police arrested a minister and several deputies from the Smallholders' 
Party; the alleged ringleader, Gyorgy Donath, was sentenced to death and 
executed; the others received long prison sentences. 

In February 1947 Bela Kovacs, the secretary general of the Smallholders, 
was arrested by the Soviet authorities for "plotting against the security of 
the Red Army. 1 ' He was detained in the Soviet Union until 1956. The number 
of victims rose rapidly, for in Hungary, as everywhere else, the Commu- 


The Other Europe 

nist secret police believed that every plot must include a large number of 

The result of all this was that two years after the end of the war what had 
been the most important party in Hungary was ''decapitated and decimated. 116 
Like Bela Kovacs, its main representatives — Ferenc Nag, the president of its 
council; Zoltan Tildy, his predecessor; Bela Varga, president of the National 
Assembly; Jozsef Kovago, the mayor of Budapest — and do/ens of deputies and 
other party members were all either in prison or in exile. Between late 1947 
and early 1949, both the Independence Party and the People's Democratic 
Party were dissolved. In what was known as the l 'salami tactics 11 later recom- 
mended by Matyas Rakosi, the secretary general of the Hungarian Workers 1 
Party, who had returned from Moscow with the Red Army, opponents, such as 
the Smallholders 1 Party, were eliminated in successive slices. The belief was 
that a few slices at a time would never result in violent indigestion. 

In February 1948 the persecution of the Social Democrats in Hungary 
continued with the arrest of Justus kelcmen, under secretary of state to the 
minister of industry. Persecution of the Social Democrats (excluding Poland) 
probably began in Bulgaria, where in June 1946 their leader Krastiu Pastukhov 
was sentenced to five years in prison. By the summer of 1946 fifteen members 
of the Central Committee for Independent Social Democracy, led by Kosta 
Lulchev, found themselves in prison. Lulchev and other leaders were arrested 
in 1948 and sentenced in November to fifteen years in prison. This form of 
repression struck hard at all those opposed to the forced unification of Social 
Democratic and Communist parties, such as Constantin Titcl Petrescu and 
Anton Dimitriu, the president and secretary general of the Independent Social 
Democratic Party in Romania, who were arrested in May 1948. 

Many of these prisoners were detained under an extremely harsh regime 
in the political prison at Sighet Marmatiel, on the northwestern border of 
Romania. In May 1950 police trucks brought more than 200 well-known lead- 
ing figures to Sighet, including several people who had served in the govern- 
ment after 1945. Most of them were quite old, notably the leader of the 
National Peasant Party, Iuliu Maniu, who was seventy-three, and the head of 
the Briitianu family (instrumental in the founding of modern Romania), who 
was eighty-two. The prison was filled with politicians, generals, journalists, 
priests, Greek and Catholic bishops, and others. In the space of five years, 
fifty-two of these prisoners died. 

The alliance with the Social Democrats thus revealed itself to be purely 
tactical; pluralism of workers 1 movements never really had a place under Com- 
munist regimes. In the Soviet-occupied zone of German), which later became 
East Germany, 5,000 Social Democrats, of whom 400 died in prison, were 
sentenced by Soviet and East German courts between 1945 and 1950. The last 
great trial of Social Democrats in this period took place in Prague in 1954. 

Central and Southeastern Europe 


In Bulgaria, in the run-up to the elections of 27 October 1946, twenty-four 
Agrarian Union Party activists were killed. Nikolai Petkov, the party's leader, 
was arrested on 5 June 1 947 while attending a session at the National Assembly 
with twenty-four other deputies. A republican Francophile, he had spent seven 
years of exile in France after his brother, a deputy for the Agrarian Union Party, 
was assassinated in 1924. In 1940 Petkov had been interned for a few months 
in a camp in Gonda Voda and then placed under house arrest. At that time he 
made preparations to set up a Patriotic Front, which included in its ranks many 
Communist resistance fighters. He became deputy prime minister in the in- 
terim government of Bulgaria at the end of the war, but resigned in protest 
against the terrorist violence carried out by the minority Communists during 
the period of cleansing. After Petkov became the head of the opposition, his 
earlier alliance with the Communists counted for nothing. He was brought up 
on spurious charges of conspiring in an armed plot against the government, 
tried on 5 August, and condemned to death on 16 August. 

After the summary statement of the prosecution requesting the death 
sentence, Petkov had the right to make a last statement. He calmly took a paper 
out of his pocket and read out the following: 

Respected ludges, being of calm conscience and fully aware of my 
responsibility to the Bulgarian justice system, to Bulgarian society in 
general, and to the political organization of which I am a member and 
for which I am ready to lay down my life, I believe it is my duty to make 
the following declaration. 

I have never participated, nor ever had the intention of participat- 
ing, in any illegal activity directed against the popular government of 
9 September 1944, of which, together with the rest of the Agrarian 
Union, I was an architect. 

I have been a member of the Bulgarian Agrarian Lnion since 1923. 
The fundamental principles of its ideology are peace, order, legality, and 
popular power. Its only weapons are the ballot box and the written and 
spoken word. The Agrarian Union of Bulgaria has never had any re- 
course to secret or conspiratorial organizations, and has never taken part 
in any coup d'etat, although it has often been the victim of such actions. 

Petkov then went on to describe the events of 9 June 1923 and 19 May 
1934, a the beginnings of fascism in Bulgaria/' and the events surrounding his 
resignation from the government. 

If, as my accusers have suggested, I really was greedy for power and 
mindful only of my career, today I would be deputy chairman of the 
Council of Ministers of Bulgaria. From the moment I went over to the 
opposition, and from the moment of my arrest, I have not ceased to 
work toward an understanding between the Agrarian Union and the 
Communist Workers 1 Party, which I consider to he a historical necessity. 


The Other Europe 

I have never been part of any reactionary force either within the country 
or abroad. 

Respected judges, for more than two years now, since 25 June 1945 
to give the exact date, I have been the victim of the crudest and most 
merciless campaign ever directed against a politician in Bulgaria. No 
part of my private or public life has been spared. I have been burned in 
effigy three times in Sofia alone and about ten times elsewhere. I have 
read my own obituary notice at the entrance to the cemetery in Sofia on 
these occasions, and I never complained. I will also face with courage 
anything else that awaits me, for such is the ineluctable nature of the sad 
reality that is Bulgarian politics today. 

As a modest worker in public life, 1 don't have the right to com- 
plain, particularly when two people universally recognized as great men 
of state, Dimitri Petkov and Petko Petkov, were assassinated like traitors 
in the streets of Sofia. [Petkov's father, Dimitri, then chairman of the 
National Council, had been shot twice in the back on 11 March 1907. 
Petko, his brother, a deputy, had been shot repeatedly in the chest on 14 
June 1924 and died immediately.] 

Respected judges, I allow myself to believe that in reaching a ver- 
dict you w^ill leave aside political concerns that have no place in a court 
of law, and look only at the facts that have been established, I am sure, or 
at least I hope, that in following your conscience as judges you will 
acquit me of the charges laid against me. 

On 16 August, after hearing the sentence that condemned him to death 
by hanging "in the name of the people of Bulgaria, 1 ' Nikolai Petkov cried out 
loudly: "No! Not in the name of the people of Bulgaria! I am being sent to my 
death by your foreign masters from the Kremlin and elsewhere. The people of 
Bulgaria, crushed by this bloody tyranny that passes for justice, will never 
believe your lies!"' 

Petkov was hanged on 23 September. Among the Communist leaders and 
State Security (Durzhavna Sigurnost) workers who arranged his arrest and trial 
was a certain Traicho Rostov, who was himself hanged two years later. 

In the two other former Nazi client states, political trials were also used 
first against the leaders of the powerful agrarian parties, who had contributed 
to breaking the alliance with Germany and thus provoked the arrival of the Red 
Army. In Romania in October 1947 Iuliu Vlaniu and Ion Mihalache were 
sentenced to life imprisonment on the basis of police evidence after a lengthy 
trial, together with seventeen other key officials from the National Peasant 
Party. The trial paved the way for the massive prosecution of non-Communist 
politicians. Maniu died in prison in 1952. Even before the elections of 18 
November 1946, several politicians, including the liberal Yintila Bratianu, were 
convicted bv a miiitarv court on charges of running a terrorist organization. 

Central and Southeastern Europe 


Concerning the political trials of previous allies, Czechoslovakia perhaps 
offers the purest and most cynical examples. It ended the war on the side of 
the victors, and its restoration in 1945 swiftly enabled people to forget the 
earlier alliance of the Slovaks with Germany, which had effectively been ended 
by the Slovak national uprising against the Nazi occupiers in late August 1944. 
In November 1945, as a result of the accord signed with the Allies, the Red 
Army was forced to retreat, as were the Americans, who had occupied the 
province of Western Bohemia. The Czechoslovak Communist Party won the 
elections in May 1946, but it was in the minority in Slovakia, where the 
Democratic Party gathered 62 percent of the vote. The politicians who had 
been sharing power with the Communists since the liberation had already 
proved their attachment to freedom and democracy by taking part in the 
resistance inside and outside the country, as well as in Slovakia. 

The opening of the Czechoslovak and Soviet archives has brought to light 
the perverse behavior of the followers of the Bolsheviks. In December 1929 
their leader, Klement Gottwald, had made the following claims in a speech to 
the parliament in response to accusations that the Czechoslovak Communist 
Party was following orders from Moscow: u We are the party of the Czecho- 
slovakian proletariat, and naturally our supreme revolutionary headquarters is 
in Moscow. And you know very well why we go to Moscow: we go there to 
learn from the Russian Bolsheviks how to wring your necks. You all know that 
the Bolshevik Russians are past masters in that art!"* 

After the elections of May 1946 this determined "wringer of necks," 
whose trajectory from autodidact worker to leader of the Czechoslovak Com- 
munist Party was akin to that of the Frenchman Maurice Thorez, became the 
chairman of the Council. He then became the director of all the repressions, 
first behind the scenes and then in public. 

The first target of political maneuvering and harassment by the State 
Security (Statni bczpecnost; StB) organization was the Slovak Democratic 
Party. The other non-Communist Czech parties, many of which were fueled 
by anti-Slovak nationalism, mounted little opposition to these tactics. In Sep- 
tember 1947 the Communist-controlled police announced the "discovery" of 
a plot against the state in Slovakia. As a result of the ensuing crisis the Demo- 
cratic Party lost its majority in the Slovak government, and two of its three 
general secretaries were arrested. 

The process of repression was accelerated considerably with the Prague 
coup in February 1948, which opened wide the door for a Communist Party 
monopoly of power. During the crisis in February, which was provoked by the 
resignation of a majority of the non-Communist ministers, many people found 
themselves in prison, including the Slovak Jan Ursiny, the president of the 
Democratic Party, who had been deputy prime minister in the Gottwald gov- 


The Other Europe 

ernment until he was forced to resign in the autumn of 1947; and Prokop 
Drtina, the justice minister. Both men had been in the resistance during the 

The leaders of the Slovak Democratic Party were the first to be tried 
publicly, in April and May 1948. Twenty-five people were sentenced, one for 
thirty years. By then the general aims of judicial and police repression seem to 
have been already established: enemies inside the army and the security services 
were sought out, as were Democratic-Liberal and Social Democratic Party 
leaders, all of whom had been allies until February 1948; some of them had 
even been strongly in favor of close cooperation with the Communists. 

The cases of Heliodor Pika and Josef Podsednik are typical of the fate of 
political prisoners at this time. 

General Heliodor Pika, a great patriot and democrat, had played an im- 
portant role in the resistance. Favorably disposed toward cooperation with the 
Soviet Union, he was promoted to the leadership of the Chechoslovakian 
military delegation in the U.S.S.R. in the spring of 1941, well before 22 June 
and the German attack. His actions and policies favoring amicable collaboration 
with Moscow had been well known since the 1930s, as well as his conflicts with 
the Soviet state. The latter stemmed from his attempts to free the more than 
10,000 Czech citizens who were in Soviet camps and prisons, mostly for "illegal 
crossing of U.S.S.R. borders' 1 in 1938-39, when they had attempted to join the 
Czechoslovak army that was forming inside the U.S.S.R. His patriotism and 
his services to the "national and democratic revolution" were incontestable even 
after 1945, when he was working as first assistant to the Czechoslovak army's 
chief of staff. 

Since late 1945, Pika's activities had been closely monitored by the mili- 
tary intelligence services, led by Bedfich Reicin, a Communist with close ties to 
the Soviet intelligence services. In February 1948 General Pika was dismissed 
from the army; in May he was arrested and accused of sabotaging the Czecho- 
slovak war effort in the U.S.S.R. by working as a British agent. He was sen- 
tenced to death on 28 January 1949 by a special court established in mid- 1948 
for purposes of political repression. He was hanged on the morning of 21 June 
1949 in the courtyard of the prison in Pl/en. Bedrich Reicin told his colleagues 
that the Soviet Union had demanded the general's liquidation because he had 
known too much about the Soviet intelligence services. Such knowledge un- 
doubtedly also explains why Reicin himself was hanged three years later. 

In February 1948 Josef Podsednik was the mayor of Brno, the capital of 
Moravia. He had attained the post in the democratic elections of 1946 as a 
candidate for the National Socialist Party (a party created in the early years of 
the century that had nothing in common with Hitler's version of "National 
Socialism"). As a man who favored the democratic and humanitarian ideal of 

Central and Southeastern Europe 


Tomas Masaryk, the first president of the republic, Podsednik was a repre- 
sentative figure for a great number of Czech Socialists, who numbered more 
than 60,000 as of 31 December 1947. He was also a sincere believer in coop- 
eration with the Communists. After February 1948 the mayor of Brno decided 
to emigrate, but then abandoned the idea in order to concentrate on helping 
former party members who were being persecuted. Arrested on 3 September 
1948, he was sentenced by the State Court in March 1949 to eighteen years in 
prison for illegal activities, attempting to overthrow the regime by violent 
means, liaison with reactionary foreign powers, and so on. Nineteen other party 
members who were condemned at the same time received sentences totaling 
seventy-four years in prison. All the witnesses in this trial were themselves 
political prisoners awaiting trial. Other groups, including thirty-two activists 
from southern Moravia, were later sentenced as part of the "Podsednik affair" 
to a total of sixty-two years' imprisonment. 

The Podsednik trial was a public one. Years later, Podsednik, who was 
released in 1963 after serving fifteen years of his sentence, noted: "A few dozen 
of the Czechoslovak Communist Party leaders came to the trial, which was the 
first big political trial to be heard in the State Court, and they included Otto 
Sling [who was later to receive the death sentence in the Slanksy trial], who 
laughed at the moment the sentence was read out." 

The elimination of" Democratic and Socialist allies in Czechoslovakia 
culminated in the trial of Milada Horakova, which took place in Prague from 
31 May to 8 June 1950. Thirteen people — the leaders of the Socialist Party, the 
Social Democratic Party, and the People's Party, as well as one Trotskyite — 
were sentenced. Four, including Horakova, received the death penalty; another 
four received life imprisonment; and five were given sentences of between 15 
and 28 years (totaling 1 10 years). The report prepared by the official Commis- 
sion of Inquiry during the Prague Spring in 1968 shows that 300 other political 
trials were linked to the Milada Horakova trial, and that more than 7,000 former 
members of the Socialist Party alone were sentenced. Many of the larger trials 
took place from May through July of 1950 in several provincial towns to 
demonstrate the national dimension of the supposed conspiracy. In thirty-five 
trials there were 639 sentences handed out, including 10 death sentences, 48 
sentences of life imprisonment, and a total of 7,850 years in prison. 

The Milada Horakova trial was a milestone in several respects. According 
to the distinguished Czech historian Karel Kaplan, it was the country's first 
real show-trial, and the first trial prepared directly by Soviet u advisers," the 
heads of the Soviet special services, who had come to help orchestrate the 
terror. It was a carefully prepared spectacle in which all the participants, from 
witnesses to judges, knew their lines beforehand, and the whole show served as 
an enormous propaganda coup for the authorities. 


The Other Europe 

The trial also marked an important stage in the history of repression in 
Europe in general, and not simply in the history of Communism: a woman was 
hanged, a woman who had fought bravely in the resistance in the earliest days 
of the occupation of Czechoslovakia in March 1939, and who had then been 
imprisoned for nearly five years by the Nazis. A female victim, in short, who 
was also a democrat, who had never intended to put up any sort of armed 
resistance to the Communist dictatorship. 

The affair raises many questions. Why did the West not protest more 
vociferously against this crime? Why did no one respond to Albert Einstein's 
protests or collect signatures for a petition? Why did the others who had fought 
in the resistance against the Nazis in the rest of Europe fail to respond, and 
why did they not try to save one of their own from the gallows? 

The following account of a Communist intellectual party game in Paris at 
about this time sheds some light on the mentality then prevailing. 

"Psychodramas" weren't much talked about at the end of 1951. I turned 
up with Claire toward midnight on New Year's Eve, coming from one 
family party at my relatives 1 to this other family party at Pierre Cour- 
tade's house. [He was a Communist journalist and writer.] Everyone was 
very happy. In fact, everyone was quite drunk. "You're the one we were 
waiting for/' said all my friends. They explained the game to me, Jean 
Duvignaud [an art historian and sociologist] said that every epoch in- 
vents its own literary genre or form: the Greeks had had tragedy, the 
Renaissance the sonnet, the classical age the five-act play in verse with 
the three unities, etc. The socialist age had invented its own form: the 
Moscow show-trial. These partygoers, who were all slightly the worse 
for drink, had decided to play at being on trial. All they needed was an 
accused, and as I had come last I was the obvious choice. Roger Vail land 
[a Communist writer] was the prosecutor, Courtade was the defense 
lawyer. I had to take my place in the dock. I resisted rather feebly, and 
then decided to go along with it. The charges were very serious, as I had 
broken ten different articles of the Code, and was accused of sabotaging 
the ideological effort, collaborating with the cultural enemy, plotting 
with international spies, philosophical high treason, etc. When I wanted 
to argue during the examination, the procurator, lawyer, witnesses, etc. 
all got quite angry. My lawyer's address to the court was terrible, and he 
pleaded that there were attenuating circumstances, but that I should be 
relieved of the burden of life as soon as possible. Thanks to the alcohol, 
the clowning around soon became quite nightmarish, and what was 
supposed to be a parody really began to hurt. When the sentence was 
passed (I got the death sentence, of course), two women there, including 
my wife, really began to get quite upset. Everyone was shouting and 
crying, looking in the cupboards for indigestion tablets, putting cold 

Central and Southeastern Europe 


compresses on heads, etc. We all — judge, lawyer, and accused — attended 
to these people and tried to calm them down, 1 think I was the only one 
who wasn't drunk; but I wasn't the only one to feel ashamed. 

No doubt about it, looking back on it now we were all quite mad. 
There must be a point past which madness diminishes your responsibil- 
ity. But before you get to that point, madness doesn't relieve you of the 
burden of your responsibility. You choose madness to escape the noose 
that is closing around your neck, which you don't dare slip. 

Our insanity was the consequence of the insanity of the moment. 
We were rationalizing and internalizing a sort of general dementia. 9 

The Destruction of Civil Society 

To understand what made such show-trials possible, we have to think very 
carefully about the meaning of "civil society." Civil society evolves with capi- 
talism and the formation of the modern state. As the counterpart to the power 
of the state, it is also an independent force. It depends first of all on a system of 
needs, in which private economic activity plays a primary role. Civil society 
supposes an individual who has many needs, and it depends on the values of 
these individuals, their consciences, actions, and their sense of freedom. Indi- 
viduals are both selfish and citizens interested in public affairs and the commu- 
nity. Lubomir Sochor, a philosopher and political thinker, defines civil society 
as "the ensemble of suprafamilial, nonstate institutions that organize the mem- 
bers of society into coordinated groups and allow them to express their opin- 
ions and particular interests. Of course, the prerequisite is that these 
institutions and organisms are autonomous and are not merely transformed 
into offshoots of the state apparatus, or simple 'transmission belts' for state 
power." 111 Among the organizations of civil society that constitute a means of 
social control over the state are groups such as corporations and associations, 
churches, unions, municipalities and local government bodies, regional self- 
government groups, and political parties, as well as general public opinion. 

The constant strategy of Communist repression, whose central aim was 
always the establishment of absolute power and the elimination of political 
rivals and anyone else who had any sort of real power in society, was to attack 
systematically all the organisms of civil society. Because the aim was a monop- 
oly on power and truth, the necessary targets were all other forces with political 
or spiritual power. Hence the systematic targeting of unionists and political 
activists, priests, journalists, writers, and the like. 

There was also a sort of international criterion that operated in the choice 
of victim. Governments that were totally subordinate to the Soviet Union 
decreed that the many rich links existing between civil society and the outside 


The Other Europe 

world should all be severed. Social democrats, Catholics, Trotskyites, Protes- 
tants, and others were all targeted not simply because of their domestic activi- 
ties, but also because by their very nature they had strong, useful, and quite 
traditional links with the outside world. The interests and aims of the global 
strategy of the U.S.S.R. demanded that all these links be cut. 

In the new "people's democracies," civil society was on the whole quite 
weak. Before the war, its development had been halted by authoritarian or 
semiauthoritarian regimes or by a rather backward level of economic and social 
life. War, fascism, and the different policies of the occupying forces were all 
factors in its relative weakness. When the liberation finally came, the behavior 
of the Soviet Union and the bloody purges that followed were a further im- 
pediment to the development of civil society. 

Soviet intervention in the occupied zone of East Germany goes a long way 
toward explaining the relatively mild nature of judicial and police repressions 
there, and the absence of show-trials in the German Democratic Republic 
during the period up to 1949. Elsewhere, repression and show-trials invariably 
accompanied the founding of the new regimes. But in East Germany at that 
moment there was no need for recourse to such means, since the new govern- 
ment's aims had already been attained by policies pursued earlier. According 
to studies conducted since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the occupying 
Soviet forces interned 122,000 people in their zone in 1945-1950, 43,000 of 
whom died in detention and 736 of whom were executed. By its own estimates, 
the SED (Socialist Unity Party) adopted repressive measures against 40,000 to 
60,000 people. 11 

Czechoslovakia is an exception of a different type, because of the violent 
repression of civil society after February 1948. Of all the countries in Central 
and Southeastern Europe, it was the only one with a history of parliamentary 
democracy in the interwar years, although there had been a limited experiment 
in Romania as well. Czechoslovakia, at the time, was also one of the ten most 
industrialized countries in the world. At the moment of liberation, it had by 
far the most structured and developed civil society in Central and Southeastern 
Europe, and it had quickly tried to reorganize itself in 1945. By 1946 more than 
2.5 million citizens, or nearly half the adult population, belonged to one or 
another of the four main Czech political parties in Bohemia, Silesia, and 
Moravia. Two million Czechs and Slovaks were members of unions. Hundreds 
of thousands of people belonged to numerous organizations and associations. 
One organization alone, the Sokol (Falcon) Club, a politicized sporting asso- 
ciation that had existed since the previous century and had been an important 
factor in nationalist affirmation, counted more than 700,000 members in 1948. 
The first Sokol members were arrested in the summer of 1948 at the slet, the 
annual sporting assembly festival. The first political trials of the members 

Central and Southeastern Europe 


began in September. Two years later, with several thousand of its leaders 
arrested, the organization had been almost completely destroyed. The segments 
in the villages were simply integrated into the state apparatus. Like so many 
other organizations in civil society, such as the Boy Scouts and various Catholic 
and Protestant organizations, the Sokol was reduced to nothing by persecutions 
and repression, purges, the occupation or expropriation of property, and the 
confiscation of goods — all activities in which the secret police, under the cover 
of the "action committees" created in February 1948, excelled. 

For the Communist governments, the churches were the greatest obstacle 
to annihilation or control of the mechanisms of civil society. The Catholic 
Church, with its organization directed from the Vatican, represented a rival 
international faith to the one with its headquarters in Moscow. Moscow's 
well-defined strategy was to force the Roman Catholic and Uniate churches to 
break their links with the Vatican and to keep the resulting "national 1 ' churches 
in its own power. This much can certainly be understood from consultations 
that took place between Soviet leaders and the Information Bureaus of the 
different Communist Parties in June 1948, as reported by Rudolf Slansky, the 
secretary general of the Czechoslovak Communist Party. 

To reduce the influence of the churches on society, bring them under the 
bureaucratic control of the state, and transform them into instruments of 
policy, the Communists combined repression, attempts at corruption, and even 
infiltration of the church hierarchy. The opening of the archives, in Czecho- 
slovakia for instance, has revealed that numerous priests and even a few bishops 
actively collaborated with the secret police. Were they perhaps trying to avoid 
a worse fate? 

The first antireligious repressions — if one excludes the victims of the 
purges, such as the Bulgarian priests mentioned above — probably took place in 
Albania. Gaspar Thaci, the archbishop of Shkoder, died under house arrest at 
the hands of the secret police. Vincent Predushi, archbishop of Durres, who 
was sentenced to thirty years of hard labor, died in February 1949, probably as 
a result of torture. In February 1948 five clergymen, including Bishops Gjergj 
Volaz and Fran Gjini of the apostolic delegation, were condemned to death and 
shot. More than a hundred priests, nuns, and seminarians were executed or 
died in custody. At least one Muslim also died as part of this wave of persecu- 
tion, a lawyer by the name of Mustafa Pipa, who was executed for coming to 
the defense of the Franciscans. Years later, in 1967, Enver Hoxha was to declare 
that Albania had become the first officially atheist state in the world. The official 
newspaper Nendon (November) proudly announced that same year that all 
mosques and churches, 2,169 in total, including 327 Catholic sanctuaries, had 
been destroyed or closed. 

In Hungary violent confrontations between the government and the 


The Other Europe 

Catholic Church began in the summer of 1948, with the nationalization of 
numerous religious schools. 12 Five priests were sentenced in July, and more in 
August. Joszef Cardinal Mindszenty, the indomitable primate of Hungary, was 
arrested on 26 December 1948 and sentenced to life imprisonment on 5 Feb- 
ruary 1949. He was accused of plotting with various accomplices against the 
state and of espionage for foreign imperial powers, including the United States. 
A year later the government occupied most convents and monasteries, expelling 
the majority of the twelve thousand monks and nuns. In June 1951 Monsignor 
Jozsef Grosz, the archbishop of Kalocsa, leader of the episcopate and a close 
friend of Mindszenty, met the same fate as the primate. Persecution of the 
churches and religious orders in Hungary did not affect only Catholics. The 
Lutheran and Calvinist churches were considerably Jess numerous but were 
also affected and also lost pastors and bishops, including an eminent Calvinist, 
Bishop Laszlo Ravasz. 

In Czechoslovakia as in Hungary, the government tried to create a dis- 
senting faction within the Catholic Church that was ready to collaborate with 
the government. When this tactic met with only partial success, the scale of 
repressions increased. In June 1949 Josef Beran, the archbishop of Prague, who 
had been imprisoned by the Nazis in 1942 in camps in Terezin and Dachau, 
was placed under house arrest and later interned. In September 1949 several 
dozen vicars who were protesting the new law concerning churches were ar- 
rested. On 3 1 March 1950 a trial of several high-ranking church officials began 
in Prague; they were accused of spying for the Vatican and other foreign 
powers, organizing arms caches, and preparing a coup d'etat. The Redempror- 
ist Jan Mastiliak, the rector of the theological institute, received a life sentence, 
and others received a total of 132 years of prison. On the night of 13-14 April 
1950 a massive operation against the convents was carried out, which had been 
prepared with military precision by the Ministry of Interior. Almost all the 
nuns and priests were removed and interned. At the same time the police placed 
all bishops under house arrest and forbade them to communicate with the 
outside world. 

In the summer of 1950 in eastern Slovakia the regime ordered the liqui- 
dation of the Greek Catholic Uniate Church and ordered it to fuse with the 
Orthodox Church, a procedure that had been used in Soviet Ukraine in 1946. 
Dissenting priests were interned or thrown out of their parishes. The archpri- 
est of Soviet Ruthenia, Jozsef Csati, was convicted in a trial that was clearly 
rigged, and then deported to a camp in Vorkuta, in Siberia, where he was 
imprisoned until 1956. 

Repression against the churches was conceived and controlled bv 
Czechoslovak Communist Party leaders. In September 1950 the leadership 
approved a series of trials of Catholics, which opened in Prague on 27 Novcm- 

Central and Southeastern Europe 


ber 1950. Nine people connected to the bishops, headed by Stanislav Zela, the 
vicar-general of Olomouc, in central Moravia, were given heavy sentences. On 
15 January 1951, this time in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia, a trial of three 
bishops, including the bishop of the Greek Catholic Church, was finally con- 
cluded. In these two trials, all those accused of being "agents of the Vatican in 
Czechoslovakia" were sentenced to terms ranging from ten years to life impris- 
onment. This tactic was used for the last time later that year in trials of more 
people connected to the bishops. But the repressions did not end there. The 
bishop of Litomcfiec, in Central Bohemia, Stepan Trochta, a resistance fighter 
who had been arrested in May 1942 and detained in concentration camps in 
Terezin, Dachau, and Mauthausen, was sentenced to twenty-five years in 
prison in Jul 1954. 

The people who conceived and carried out these repressions sought not 
only to remove those at the top of the hierarchy, but to strike at all Christian 
intellectuals in general. Ruzena Vackova, who had fought in the resistance and 
was a professor of art history at Charles University, was also a great supporter 
of the cause of political prisoners. She was arrested in June 1952 and impris- 
oned until 1967. The Catholic intelligentsia was quite severely affected by this 
and another trial in 1952. The second took place in July in Brno, the capital of 
Moravia, and was probably the largest political trial of "men of letters" in the 
history of twentieth-century Kurope. 

One of those tried in Brno was Bedfich Fucik, a Czech Catholic intellec- 
tual who had little time for the church hierarchy. Arrested in the spring of 1951, 
he was tortured throughout his interrogation. One day, after giving the usual 
evasive answers to his torturers for seven hours— "nothing," "I don't know," 
"none, 11 and so forth— he finally cracked and began to "confess. 11 "Leave me 
alone, I beg you, 11 he told them. "I can't stand it any more. It's the anniversary 
of my mother's death today. 11 for a whole week before the trial, he was coached 
in the answers he was to give the court. He weighed 48 kilos (he had weighed 
61 kilos before his arrest) and was in a very bad physical state. Fucik was 
sentenced to prison for fifteen years hut was amnestied and released in I960. 
The following is an excerpt from several interviews he gave to Karel Bartosek, 
recorded in Prague between 1978 and 1982. 

B.: Did you have the feeling, when you were in court, that you were like an 
actor in a play? 

E: Absolutely. I knew that from the very beginning. 

B.: Why did you agree to go along with it? How could you, as a Catholic in- 
tellectual, accept this highly staged Stalinist comedy? 

E: This was the worst thing that one takes away from prison, the thing that 
haunts you the most. The hunger, the cold, the black hole they keep you 

412 The Other Europe 

in, the terrifying; headaches at the time when I seemed to be losing my 
sight, all those things, you can forget them, even if they always stay with 
you, hidden away in your brain somewhere. But the one thing I'll never 
forget, the most horrible thing that will never leave me, is the way that 
suddenly there are two people inside you, two different men. The first 
one, me, the person 1 had always been, and me, the second one, the new 
one who says to the old one, "you Ye a criminal, you did such and 
such . . ." The first one fights back, and an argument follows between 
these two people, its like a total doubling of the personality, the one re- 
lentlessly humiliating the other. "You Ye lying! It's not true! 11 and the 
other saying "Yeah, okay, it's true, I did do it, I signed, etc." 

B.: You Ye not the only one who made such a confession, of course. Many 
people did. You were men, strong-willed individuals, all with your own 
unique physical and mental characteristics, yet you all acted in a similar 
or even identical manner: you all went along with the game, and learned 
the parts you had been assigned. I've talked a lot about the causes of 
these "confessions" with Communists, and the way such men were 
beaten and broken at the end of it all. But you are a man with a different 
vision of the world. What happened inside you? Why did you collaborate 
with the government? 

E: 1 couldn't protect myself, physically or mentally, against their relentless 
brainwashing any longer. I gave in. Tve already told you about the mo- 
ment that something cracked inside me. | At this point he became more 
and more agitated, and was almost shouting.! After that, I simply wasn't 
myself any longer ... I consider the state of nonbeing to be the greatest 
humiliation, the lowest thing that one can experience, it's like a destruc- 
tion of being itself And they make you do it to yourself. 

Repression of the churches followed a similar pattern in the Balkans. Ln 
Romania, the liquidation of the Greek-Catholic Uniate Church, which was 
second only to the Orthodox Church in the number of its followers, became 
more intense in the autumn of 1948. The Orthodox Church stood by in silence, 
and its hierarchy generally supported the regime — a fact that did not prevent 
the government from closing many of its churches and imprisoning a number 
of its leaders. In October all the Uniate bishops were arrested. The Greek- 
Catholic Church was officially banned on 1 December 1948. At that time its 
faithful numbered 1,573,000 (out of a population of 15 million people), and it 
had 2,498 buildings and 1,733 priests. The authorities confiscated all its goods, 
closed the cathedrals and churches, and in some cases even burned its libraries. 
More than l,4fR) priests (about 600 in November 1948 alone) and some 5,000 
followers were sent to prison, where approximately 200 were murdered. 

Central and Southeastern Europe 


In May 1948, with the arrest of ninety-two priests, it was the turn of the 
Roman Catholic Church, which had 1,250,000 followers in Romania, to un- 
dergo repression. The government closed all the Catholic schools and nation- 
alized the religious charities and medical centers. In June 1949 several Roman 
Catholic bishops were arrested, and the following month all monastic orders 
were banned. Repressions culminated in September 1951 with a large trial in 
Bucharest in which several bishops and eminent lay figures were convicted of 

One of the Greek-Catholic bishops, who had been ordained secretly and 
who served fifteen years in prison followed by a period of hard labor, had the 
following to say: 

For years on end we endured torture, blows, hunger, cold, the confisca- 
tion of our goods, and endless mockery and ridicule in the name of the 
Church. We would kiss our handcuffs, our chains, and the iron bars of 
our cells as though they were sacred objects, and we loved our prison 
clothes as if they were sacred vestments. We had chosen our cross to 
bear, and we kept it, despite the constant offers of freedom, money, and 
the easy life if we renounced our faith. Our bishops, priests, and faithful 
were sentenced in total to more than fifteen thousand years in prison, 
and they served well over one thousand. Six bishops were imprisoned 
for refusing to renounce their allegiance to Rome. And despite the blood 
of all these victims, our Church today has as many bishops as it had at 
the time when Stalin and the Orthodox Patriarch Justinian triumphantly 
proclaimed its death. u 

Ordinary People and the Concentration Camp System 

The history of dictatorships is complex, and the history of Communism no 
less so. Its birth in Central and Southeastern Europe was at times marked by 
massive popular support, linked to the crushing of the Nazi menace as well as 
to the unquestionable skill with which the Communist leaders nurtured peo- 
ple's illusions and fanaticism. The Left Bloc, for instance, which was estab- 
lished in Hungary at the initiative of the minority Communist Party after the 
elections of November 1945, organized a demonstration by more than 400,000 
people in Budapest in March 1946. 

The newly installed Communist regimes favored the promotion of hun- 
dreds of thousands of people from socially disadvantaged backgrounds. In 
highly industrialized Czechoslovakia, where the workers made up some 60 
percent of the population in the Czech lands and 50 percent in Slovakia, 
between 200,000 and 250,000 workers took the places of people who had been 
removed in purges or who came to fill various departments. The vast majority 


The Other Europe 

of them, of course, joined the Czechoslovak Communist Party. Millions of 
peasants and agricultural workers in Central and Southeastern Europe unde- 
niably did benefit immediately from the agrarian reforms and the redistribution 
of previously privately owned land (including land that had belonged to the 
Catholic Church) and of the confiscated property of the expelled Germans. 

This happiness of the few, built on the misery of others, was often short- 
lived, for Bolshevik doctrine mandated the liquidation of all private property. 
In pursuit of the "intensification of class war' 1 and "the offensive struggle of 
the masses," in 1945 all the new regimes implemented a broad program of 
nationalization of properties previously owned by "Germans, traitors, and 
collaborators." Once the Communists' monopoly of pow r er was assured, it was 
the turn of the small landowners, shopkeepers, and artisans to have their 
property seized. The owners of small workshops and modest shops, who had 
never exploited anyone other than perhaps themselves or members of their 
families, had good reason to be unhappy. The peasants 1 turn came in 1949-50, 
when they were forced into collectivization. The workers in large industrial 
centers also suffered from new measures that affected their freedoms and their 
standard of living, often wiping out the gains they had made in the past. 

As discontent grew, social tension increased. To express discontent, the 
workers soon tired of vocal or written demands and began to organize strikes 
and demonstrations in the streets. In the summer of 1948, a few months after 
"victorious February/ 1 a strike supported by demonstrations began in fifteen 
Czech and Moravian cities and in three Slovak cities. The strikes began again 
in late 1951 in all the industrial regions, with protest meetings in the factories 
and demonstrations of between 10,000 and 30,000 people in the streets of Brno. 
Then, in early June 1953, to protest against a draconian currency reform, 
strikes and work stoppages were declared in about ten of the major factories, 
often accompanied by demonstrations, which in Plzeri became a rebellion. In 
1953, 472 strikers and protesters were arrested, and the Communist Party 
leadership immediately demanded that a list of all participants in the strikes be 
drawn up, so that they could be "isolated and placed in work camps." 

Peasants also revolted from time to time. One of the participants in the 
Romanian peasant revolt of July 1950 recalled how they all met outside the 
Communist Party headquarters, unarmed and peaceable, only to be fired upon 
by a Communist militant. 

After that we forced our way into the building, and we threw the por- 
traits of Stalin and Gheorghiu Dej on the floor and stomped on 
them . , . Reinforcements arrived quite soon, first of all the village gen- 
darmes . , . Luckily, a young girl named Maria Stoian had cut the wires 
at the telephone exchange and rung the bells. But the Bolsheviks shot at 

Central and Southeastern Europe 


us as much as they could . . . In midmorning, about ten o'clock I think, 
the Securitate arrived with machine guns and all sorts of heavy weapons. 
Women and children fell to their knees. "Don't shoot us or our children! 
You've all got children too, and relatives! We're dying of hunger, and 
we've come here to beg for our wheat not to be taken away!" Lt. Major 
StSnescu Martin gave the order to open fire. 

The author of this statement was arrested, tortured, and sent away into forced 
labor until 1953. I4 

Under these regimes, which systematically denied freedom and funda- 
mental human rights, any expression of discontent was treated as political and 
"antistate." The leaders used persecution to plunge society into what Karel 
Kaplan described as the "psychology of fear," which they viewed as a "stabi- 
lizing factor" for the regime. 

In the years 1949-1954 millions of people were affected by repression — 
not only those in prison, but also members of their families. The repression 
took multiple forms. There were mass deportations from Budapest, Sofia, 
Prague, and Bucharest to the provinces. In the summer of 1951 they included 
14,000 Jews from Budapest, who had survived the wartime massacres and 
formed the largest Jewish community in Lurope. Also affected were the families 
of emigres, students who were thrown out of their universities, and hundreds 
of thousands named on the lists of those judged to be "politically suspect" or 
"hostile." Such lists were first instigated by the security forces in 1949 and 
continued to grow longer and longer. 

The immense sea of suffering was constantly augmented. After the elimi- 
nation of figures from political parties and civil society, repression turned to 
ordinary people. In factories, "troublemakers" were treated as "saboteurs" and 
were punished with "class justice." The same fate awaited those in the villages 
who had enjoyed authority because of their knowledge or wisdom, and who 
simply failed to believe that collectivization was the best or fairest agricultural 
method. Millions of people then began to see that the promises made earlier, 
to encourage them to follow Communist ideas, had often been no more than 
tactical lies. Some dared to voice their discontent. 

In-depth studies of the social dimension of these repressions and of the 
persecution of ordinary people are still rare. We do have quite reliable statistics 
for the Czech provinces and for Slovakia, where the archives are now open. In 
most of the other countries we are forced to make do with the investigations 
of journalists and with eyewitness reports, which luckily have been quite nu- 
merous since 1989. 

In Czechoslovakia, as early as mid- 1950, people described as workers 
made up 39. 1 percent of all those imprisoned for crimes against the state. Office 


The Other Europe 

workers, who were often victims of purges in the administration, were second, 
with 28 percent. The proportion of peasants was slightly lower. In 1951-52 
nearly half of all the people arrested by State Security were workers. 

The ""Report on the Activity of the Courts and the Magistrates 11 for 1950 
presents statistics for people sentenced for "minor crimes against the Republic" 
(such as inciting people to rebel, spreading false reports, and small-scale sabo- 
tage), adjudicated in the Czech provinces by local courts. Of these, 41.2 percent 
were workers, and 17.7 percent were peasants. In Slovakia the figures were 33.9 
percenr and 32.6 percent, respectively. Although the share of workers and 
peasants brought to trial in the main state courts was somewhat smaller, the 
social category of workers, including agricultural workers, accounted for 28.8 
percent of those sentenced (this figure also includes the peasantry), 1 8.5 percent 
of those sentenced to death, and 17.6 percent of those sentenced to life impris- 

The same pattern was common in other countries, although the peasants 
were sometimes the main victims of repression. This influx of ordinary people 
into the prisons was tied to the expansion of the camps and the creation of a 
concentration-camp system, which was perhaps the most remarkable feature of 
the barbarism of the Communist regimes. The prisons were never large enough 
to receive a mass of prisoners, and governments again followed the lead of the 
Soviet Union and created their own gulag archipelago. 

Both Bolshevism and Nazism enriched the history of repression in the 
twentieth century by establishing camp systems in times of peace. As Annette 
VYieviorku pointed out in a special issue on camps in the journal Yingtiime Steele 
in 1997, before the invention of the Gulag and the Lagers (the gulags came 
first), prison camps had been a wartime means of repression and exclusion. 
During World War II the concentration-camp system arose in continental 
Europe, and camps, Lagers, and gulags were to be found from the Urals to the 
foothills of the Pyrenees. But their history did not end with the defeat of 
Germany and its allies. 

During the war the fascist and dictatorial regimes allied with Germany 
had incorporated the camp into the culture of their countries. In Bulgaria the 
conservative government had established an internment camp on the small 
island of Saint Anastasia in the Black Sea, near Burgas, and then built the 
camps of Gonda Voda and Belo Pole, where political opponents were interned. 
In 1941-1944 the populists in power in Slovakia had built fifteen "penitential 
work establishments" near civil-engineering projects that lacked manpower, 
and sent there "asocial elements, 1 ' which generally meant Romany Gypsies. In 
Romania camps had been created for political prisoners by the dictatorial 
regime of Marshal Ion Antonescu, most notably the Tirgiu Jiu camp, in the 
territory between the Dniester and the Bug, which was used for racial repres- 

Central and Southeastern Europe 


Thus, when the war ended there were already well-established camps that 
could serve as transit points for the new deportees (as in the case of Hungary) 
or as internment camps for people suspected of having collaborated with the 
Nazis. This was the new function of Buchenwald and Sachsenhausen, infamous 
concentration camps under the Nazis that lay in the Soviet-occupied zone of 
East Germany. 

After 1945 new types of camps sprang up, to which governments sent 
their political adversaries. The camps may have been established first in Bul- 
garia, where a 1945 decree allowed the police to establish camps to educate 
people through work, known as labor-educational communes (trudovo-vuzpi- 
tatchni obshchezhiiiya, or TVO). Hundreds of people, including dozens of 
anarchists, were sent to the Kutsian camp, near the mining center in Pernik, 
which at the time was already known as "the kiss of death," and to Bobov Dol 
and Bogdanov Dol, known to its inmates as "the camp of shadows." After 
receiving detailed information about these sites in March 1949, French anar- 
chists denounced them publicly as u Bolshevik concentration camps.' 115 

The "Gulag archipelago" came to Central and Southeastern Europe in 
1949-50. Unlike the case of the Nazi camps, there is no mass of studies and 
eyewitness testimony to provide a picture of these camps. Nevertheless, we 
must attempt at least a sketch, both to deepen our understanding of the nature 
of the Communist regimes and to do justice to the memory of the victims who 
lost their lives in this part of Europe. 

An analysis of the Soviet system leads to the conclusion that the main 
purpose of the camps was economic. Obviously, the system was meant to isolate 
and punish certain segments of society. But the geographic distribution of the 
camps makes it clear that they were situated primarily where the authorities 
most needed disciplined, plentiful, and cheap manpower. These modern slaves 
may not have built pyramids, but they did build canals, dams, factories, and 
buildings in honor of the new pharaohs. They also worked in coal, anthracite, 
and uranium mines. Could it be that the choice of prisoners and the extent and 
rhythm of repression were all influenced by the needs of the construction sites 
and the mines? 

In Hungary and Poland the camps were systematically located near mining 
areas. In Romania the vast majority of the camps were set up along the route 
of the Danube-Black Sea canal and in the delta of the Danube. The biggest 
and most important group of camps was known as the Poarta Alba, where 
names like Cernavoda, Medgidia, Valea Neagra, and Basarabi were engraved 
in people's memories, together with places in the Danube delta (Periprava, 
Chilia Veche, Stoenesti, Tataru). The Danube-Black Sea canal soon became 
known as "the canal of death." This was indeed a terrible place, where thou- 
sands of peasants who had opposed collectivization were sent, along with other 
"suspect individuals." In Bulgaria, detainees in the Kutsian camp worked an 


The Other Europe 

open-cast mineral mine, in Bukhovo they worked in a uranium mine, and in 
Belene they shored up the banks of the Danube. In Czechoslovakia, the camps 
were grouped mainly around the uranium mines in the Jachymov region, in 
Western Bohemia, and in the coalfields of Ostrava, in Northern Moravia. 

Why were such places known as u labor camps"? Could the leaders possibly 
have been unaware that u Arbeit macht frei" had been the inscription above the 
gates of Nazi death camps? Living conditions in these camps, particularly in 
the period 1949-1953, were extremely hard, and the daily tasks usually resulted 
in the total exhaustion of inmates. 

One former inmate of a labor camp recalled conditions there in a 1988 
interview for a program called "The Other Europe." 

After the war Imre Nyeste, a Hungarian resistance fighter in charge of a 
youth organization, had refused to join the Communist Party. After his trial he 
was sentenced to a labor camp, where he stayed until 1956. Inmates there broke 
stones for twelve hours a day in winter and sixteen hours a day in summer. But 
worst of all for him was the hunger. 

The difference between the Communist secret police and the Nazis — I 
am one of the happy few who have experience of both— isn't a question 
of their respective levels of brutality and cruelty. The torture chamber 
in a Nazi jail is the same as one in a Communist jail. The difference is 
elsewhere. If the Nazis arrested you as a political dissident, in general 
what they wanted to know was what your activities were, who your 
friends were, what your intentions were, etc. The Communists never 
bothered with all that. They already knew when they arrested you what 
sort of confession you were going to sign. But you yourself did not. I 
had no idea that I was going to become an "American spy"! 16 

The exact number of prisons and camps is now more or less clear, bur 
determining the number of inmates is more difficult. For Albania, a map drawn 
up by Odile Daniel locates nineteen camps and prisons. A map of the Bulgarian 
gulag prepared in 1990 shows eighty-six localities. Around 187,000 people were 
imprisoned in Bulgaria in the period 1944-1962, according to a list compiled 
in 1989 by the association of former political prisoners. That figure includes 
not only those sentenced but also those sent to camps without trial and those 
kept for weeks on end in police stations — often a means used to force peasants 
to join agricultural cooperatives. According to other estimates, approximately 
12,000 people were in camps between 1944 and 1953, and 5,000 between 1956 
and 1962. 

In Hungary several hundred thousand people were prosecuted in 1948— 
1953, and, according to different estimates, between 700,000 and 800,000 were 
convicted. Most cases were trials for "crimes against state property." Here, as 

Central and Southeastern Europe 


in other countries, administrative internments carried out by the secret police 
should also be included in the figures. In the German Democratic Republic 
before the Berlin Wall had been erected, new political prisoners (other than 
those mentioned in the previous section) seem to have been quite rare. 

In Romania, estimates for the number of people incarcerated throughout 
the Communist period vary between 300,000 and 1 million. The second figure 
probably includes not only political prisoners but also common criminals (al- 
though for crimes like "parasitism" it is extremely hard to tell the two apart). 
The British historian Dennis Deletant estimates that approximately 180,000 
people were detained in camps in Romania in the early 1950s. In Czechoslova- 
kia, the number of political prisoners for the years 1948-1954 has now been 
established at 200,000. For a population of 12.6 million inhabitants, there were 
422 camps and prisons. The figure for those imprisoned includes not only those 
brought to trial and sentenced, but also those sent to prison without trial or 
interned in camps on the whim of local authorities. 

The penal world differed only slightly from country to country, since all 
were modeled quite closely on the Soviet system, whose emissaries often came 
to inspect such establishments. However, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, and Roma- 
nia added some new elements to the Soviet system. 

Czechoslovakia brought bureaucratic perfectionism. Some analysts be- 
lieve that the weight of the Austro-Hungarian imperial bureaucracy left an 
imprint on the behavior here. The Czechoslovak government provided itself 
with ample legislation to legitimate its actions, including Law 247 of 25 October 
1948, which ratified the forced-labor camps (id bury nucene prdce, or TNP) for 
people aged eighteen to sixty. Their purpose was to educate prisoners for a 
period ranging from three months to two years, which could be shortened or 
lengthened at will. The law was aimed at delinquents and at the work-shy, but 
also at those whose "lifestyle needed improvement." Administrative penal Law 
88 of 12 July 1950 authorized sending to the TNP anyone who, for example, 
failed to respect "the protection of agriculture and forestry" or who "demon- 
strated an attitude hostile toward the people's democratic order of the Republic 
or its construction." As was pointed out in the National Assembly, these meas- 
ures necessitated "effective repression of all class enemies." 17 

Under these laws, sentencing to the camps was decided by a commission 
of three members, created first by a national regional committee and after 1950 
by a national district committee or, alternatively, by a special penal commission 
from the committees headed by the chief of the local branch of the security 
forces. In all provinces, most of those sent to the TNP were ordinary people, 
and, as studies carried out since 1989 have confirmed, most of them were 

In 1950 the Communist bureaucracy came up with another means of 


The Other Europe 

repression, using the army: the technical support battalion (pomocny technicky 
prapor, or PTP). Those inducted into these battalions were often significantly 
older than those doing military service, and they were forced to work extremely 
hard in the mines, living in conditions similar to those of the labor camps. 

Romania was also quite innovative. The Seeuritate, the Romanian secret 
police, used all the classic methods of torture during their interrogations: 
beatings, blows to the soles of the feet, hanging people upside down, and so 
forth. But in the prison built in the 1930s in Pitesti, about 1 10 kilometers from 
Bucharest, the cruelty far surpassed those usual methods. The philosopher 
Virgil Ierunca recalls: u The most vile tortures imaginable were practiced in 
Pitesti. Prisoners' whole bodies were burned with cigarettes: their buttocks 
would begin to rot, and their skin fell off as though they suffered from leprosy. 
Others were forced to swallow spoonfuls of excrement, and when they threw 
it back up, they w r ere forced to eat their own vomit" 1 * 

These tactics were part of a program of "reeducation." Romania was 
probably the first country in Europe to introduce the methods of brainwashing 
used by the Communists in Asia. Indeed, these tactics may well have been 
perfected there before they were used on a massive scale in Asia. The evil goal 
of the enterprise was to induce prisoners to torture one another. The idea was 
conceived in the prison in Pitesti. The experiment began in early December 
1949 and lasted approximately three years. It resulted from an agreement 
between the Communist Alexandru Nikolski, one of the chiefs of the Romanian 
secret police, and Eugen Turcanu, a prisoner who had been arrested in 1948 
because of his role as a student organizer for the fascist Iron Guard in 1940-41 . 
After arriving in prison, Turcanu became the head of a movement called the 
Organization of Prisoners with Communist Beliefs, or OPCB. The goal of the 
organization was the reeducation of political prisoners, combining study of the 
texts of Communist dogma with mental and physical torture. The hard core 
of reeducators consisted of fifteen hand-picked detainees, who first had to make 
contact with other prisoners and win their confidence. 

According to Virgil Ierunca, reeducation occurred in four phases. The first 
phase was known as "exterior unmasking/ 1 The prisoner had to prove his 
loyalty by admitting what he had hidden when the case had been brought 
against him and, in particular, admit his links with his friends on the outside. 
The second phase was "interior unmasking," when he was forced to denounce 
the people who had helped him inside the prison. The third phase was "public 
moral unmasking," when the accused was ordered to curse all the things that 
he held sacred, including his friends and family, his wife or girlfriend, and his 
God if he was a believer. In the fourth phase, candidates for joining the OPCB 
had to "reeducate" their own best friend, torturing him with their own hands 
and thus becoming executioners themselves. "Torture was the key to success. 

Central and Southeastern Europe 


It implacably punctuated all confessions, between sentences. You couldn't es- 
cape the torture. You might perhaps be able to shorten it, if you admitted the 
worst horrors. Some students were tortured for two months; others, who were 
more cooperative, got away with a week." ,y 

Eugen Turcanu devised especially diabolical measures to force seminari- 
ans to renounce their faith. Some had their heads repeatedly plunged into a 
bucket of urine and fecal matter while the guards intoned a parody of the 
baptismal rite. One victim who had been systematically tortured in this fashion 
developed an automatic response that went on for about two months: every 
morning, to the great delight of his reeducators, he would plunge his own head 
into the bucket. 

Turcanu also forced the seminarians to take part in black masses that he 
orchestrated himself, particularly during holy week and on Good Friday. Some 
of the reeducators played the part of choirboys; others masqueraded as priests. 
Turcanifs liturgy was extremely pornographic, and he rephrased the original 
in a demonic fashion. The Virgin Mary was called "the Great Whore," and 
Jesus "that cunt who died on the cross." One seminarian undergoing reeduca- 
tion and playing the role of a priest had to undress completely and was then 
wrapped in a robe stained with excrement. Around his neck was hung a phallus 
made of bread and soap and powdered with DDT. In 1 950 on the Saturday 
before Easter the students who were undergoing reeducation were forced to 
pass before the priest, kiss the phallus, and say, "He is risen." 20 

In 1952 the Romanian authorities tried to extend the Pitesti experiment, 
particularly in the work camps on the Danube- Black Sea canal. When West- 
ern radio stations got wind of the operation, the Communist leaders decided 
to end the "reeducation" program. In a trial in 1954, Turcanu and six accom- 
plices were condemned to death, but no one else in the police hierarchy was 
ever held accountable. 

The 1 -ovech camp in Bulgaria offers a third and final example of the new 
elements added by Central and Southeastern Europe to the history of Com- 
munist repression. This camp was established in 1959, six years after Stalin's 
death and three years after Khrushchev's speech at the Twentieth Party Con- 
gress condemning the Stalinist camps. It was a time when many of the camps 
for political prisoners were being closed, even in the Soviet Union. The Lovech 
camp was not particularly large— its capacity was about 1,000 prisoners— but 
the killings carried out there by the executioners were truly atrocious. People 
were tortured and finished off in the most primitive fashion imaginable: they 
were simply clubbed to death. 

The government opened the Lovech camp after closing the camp at 
Belene— a camp unforgettable to the Bulgarians, since the bodies of prisoners 
who died there were fed to the pigs. Officially, the camp was created to deal 


The Other Europe 

with repeat offenders and hardened criminals. But according to eyewitness 
reports made in 1990, most of the inmates were in fact sent there without trial: 
"You're wearing jeans, you've got long hair, you listen to American music, you 
speak the language of a country that is hostile to us, you've been talking to 
tourists ... off to camp with you!" Accordingly, the majority of people in the 
camp were very young. 

In the preface to a book of statements from victims, their families, and 
former members of the repressive apparatus, Tzvetan Todorov summed up life 
in Lovech as follows: 

During morning roll call, the chief of police (i.e., the head of the State 
Security forces in the camp) would choose his victims. He would take a 
little mirror out of his pocket and shove it in their faces, saying, "Here, 
take a last look at your face!" The victims were then given a sack, in 
which they would be brought back to the camp that evening: they had to 
carry it themselves, like Christ carrying his own cross up to Golgotha. 
They left for the site, which in fact was a quarry. There they were beaten 
to death by the brigadiers and tied up in the sack with some wire. That 
night their comrades would have to bring them back to the camp in a 
handcart, and the bodies were then stacked up behind the toilets until 
there were twenty of them, when a truck would arrive and take them 
away. Those who didn't make their daily quota were singled out during 
the evening roll call; the police chief would draw a circle in the sand 
with his baton, and the designated people who were pushed into the 
circle were beaten repeatedly. 21 

The exact number of deaths in this camp has not yet been established. 
The camp was closed by the authorities in 1962. Although the regime inside 
the camp began to improve a little in 1961, and although the actual number of 
deaths was only a few hundred, the name Lovech will always remain an impor- 
tant symbol of barbarism in formerly Communist countries. 

This mass terror cannot be explained as "natural for those times," or as 
part of the Cold War that began in 1947 and reached its height with the Korean 
war of 1950-1953. The opponents of Communist power inside these countries, 
despite their huge majority, demonstrated almost no interest in violent or armed 
struggle (Poland is a notable exception, and there were also armed groups in 
Bulgaria and Romania). Their opposition was often spontaneous, unorganized, 
and quite democratic. Some of the politicians who had not immediately emi- 
grated believed that the repression would be short-lived. Armed resistance was 
rare, and when it did occur it was usually a case of the secret services settling 
grudges, or of underworld killings being passed off as political murders, rather 
than a result of genuine political opposition. 

Thus there is no way to explain the violence of the repression by pointing 

Central and Southeastern Europe 


to violence in society or the scale of opposition. The "class struggle" was highly 
orchestrated, and opposition networks were sometimes deliberately established 
by agents provocateurs from the secret police. Occasionally those agents were in 
turn killed by the secret services. 

People still try to explain away the history of Communism with reference 
to the "spirit of the moment" or the "context of the time." But such attempts 
are part of a specifically ideological approach to history and a revisionism that 
does not correspond to the facts as they have now come to light. Scholars and 
others should pay closer attention to the social dimensions of the repression, 
and concentrate more on the persecution of ordinary people. 

The Trials of Communist Leaders 

The persecution of fellow Communists is one of the most important episodes 
in the history of repression in Central and Southeastern Europe in the first 
half of the twentieth century. Neither the international Communist movement 
nor any of its local branches ever ceased to denounce "bourgeois justice and 
legality" and fascist and Nazi repression. Undoubtedly, there were thousands 
of militant Communists who died as victims of Nazi and fascist repression 
during World War II. 

But the persecution of Communists did not stop with the progressive 
installation of "people's democracies," when the "dictatorship of the proletar- 
iat" took over from the "dictatorship of the bourgeoisie." 

In Hungary in 1945 the secret police imprisoned Pal Demeny, Jozsef 
Skolnik, and a number of their friends. All considered themselves to be Com- 
munists, and it was under that label that they had led underground resistance 
groups, to which they had often recruited young people and workers. In the 
industrial centers, membership in their groups was higher than that of Com- 
munist groups who had sworn allegiance to Moscow, and who considered 
competitors like Demeny to be Trotskyites or "deviationists." When the mo- 
ment of liberation finally arrived, Demeny met the same fate that befell those 
he had fought against, and he was imprisoned until 1957. In Romania the fate 
of §tefan Foris, general secretary of the Romanian Communist Party in the 
mid- 1930s, was even more tragic. He was accused of being a police agent, kept 
under surveillance until 1944, and killed in 1946 with a blow from an iron bar. 
His mother, who had looked everywhere for him, was found drowned in a river 
in Transylvania with stones tied around her neck. Ceau§escu denounced the 
political assassination of Foris, and his friends in 1968. 

The examples of Demeny, Fori§, and others demonstrate quite clearly that 
for the people in charge, there were "good" Communists, who were in the Party 
and faithful to Moscow, and "bad" Communists, who refused to join what they 


The Other Europe 

saw as a Party with no independence. The principle varied over time in certain 
countries, but the dialectic of Communist persecution became considerably 
more complicated after 1948, when it moved inside the Party itself. 

In late June 1948 the Cominform, which had been established in Septem- 
ber 1947 and included all the Communist parties then in power except Albania, 
together with the two most powerful Communist parties in Western Europe — 
the French and Italian — roundly condemned Tito's Yugoslavia and called for 
his overthrow. In the months that followed, "deviationism" (opposition to the 
reigning powers in Moscow) began to take shape as a new phenomenon in the 
Communist movement. The desire to be autonomous and independent of the 
center, which previously had been discernible only in small groups, now became 
the province of an entire state. One small Balkan state, in which the Communist 
Party's monopoly on power had already been tried and tested, challenged the 
entire Communist empire. The increasingly tense situation offered new per- 
spectives on the repression of Communists. Communists themselves, as well as 
citizens of Communist states, could now be accused of being allies or agents 
of hostile foreign Communist powers. 

There were two important aspects of this historical novelty in the perse- 
cution of Communists — events in Yugoslavia and the repression of Titoists — 
and little attention has been paid to the former until now. After what the 
newspapers described as the Tito-Stalin split, Yugoslavia went through an 
economic crisis worse, according to some, than the one experienced during the 
war. Links to the outside world were repeatedly cut, and with Soviet tanks 
deployed near the border the country was under serious threat. In 1948-49 the 
prospect of a Soviet invasion and a new war was not a happy one in a country 
already devastated by war and its aftermath. 

The government in Belgrade reacted to the accusation of "Yugoslav trea- 
son" and threats of force by isolating those who were faithful to Moscow, whom 
it termed inform birovtsi (Cominformers), as well as anyone who approved the 
Cominform resolution of June 1948. This isolation was not merely a process 
of internment that would have prevented contact with the outside world. Tito's 
government was still deeply imbued with Bolshevik ideas and came up with the 
solution one might expect: it opened more prison camps. Yugoslavia has many- 
islands, and in an allusion perhaps to the first Bolshevik camp set up in the 
Solovetski archipelago, the main camp was called Goli Otok, or "Naked Is- 
land." This was no ordinary camp; it used reeducation methods similar to those 
practiced in Pitesti in Romania. For instance, there was a practice known as the 
"walk of dishonor" or "jack-rabbit," which forced newcomers to run a gauntlet 
of prisoners, who, partly to improve their standing with the authorities, would 
beat them, insult them, and throw stones as they passed. There were also rituals 
of criticism, self-accusation, and confession. 

Central and Southeastern Europe 


Torture was the daily bread of the internees. Among the methods was one 
known simply as "the bucket," which forced a prisoner's head into a receptacle 
filled with excrement. Another, called "the bunker," forced prisoners to stay in 
a tiny space for long periods. The most widespread method used by reeduca- 
tors — reminiscent of work done in Nazi camps — was stone-breaking on the 
rocky islands of the Adriatic. To complete the humiliation, the stones were 
thrown back into the sea at the end of the day. 

The persecution of Communists in Yugoslavia that began in 1948-49 was 
probably one of the most massive persecution movements that Europe had yet 
witnessed, including those of the Soviet Union from the 1920s to the 1940s, 
Germany in the 1930s, and the repression of Communists during the Nazi 
occupation. What happened in Yugoslavia was a truly immense phenomenon 
considering the number of inhabitants and the number of Communists. Ac- 
cording to official sources that were long kept secret, the purges affected 16,371 
people, 5,037 of whom were brought to trial, and three-quarters of whom were 
sent to Goli Otok and Grgur. Independent analysis by Vladimir Dedijer sug- 
gests that between 31,000 and 32,000 people went through the Goli Otok camp 
alone. But even the most recent research has been unable to come up with a 
figure for the number of prisoners who died as victims of executions, exhaus- 
tion, hunger, epidemics, or even suicide — a solution chosen by many Commu- 
nists to escape their cruel situation. 

The other aspect of the persecution of Communists is better known: the 
repression of Titoists in the other "people's democracies." T his usually took 
the form of show-trials aimed at affecting public opinion in the countries 
concerned, as well as serving an international function. The progress of these 
trials proved that Moscow's suspicions were well founded: the principal enemy 
was within the Communist Party itself Vigilance and mistrust, it followed, 
must therefore become a way of life for true Communists. 

In early 1948 the Romanian Communist Party opened the case of Lucrepu 
Patrascanu, an intellectual and renowned Marxist theorist who had been a 
founding member of the Party in 1921 at the age of twenty-one and minister 
of justice since 1944. Some aspects of his case foreshadowed the campaign 
against Tito. Dismissed from office in February 1948 and imprisoned, Patras- 
canu was condemned to death in April 1954, one year after the death of Stalin, 
and executed on 16 April. The mystery of this late execution has not yet been 
cleared up. One theory is that Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej, the general secretary 
of the Romanian Communist Party, feared Patrascanu's rehabilitation, viewing 
him as a potential rival. This idea is only partly plausible, however, inasmuch 
as the two had been in conflict since the war. 

In 1949 the first trials of Communist leaders in countries bordering Yu- 
goslavia took place. The first were in Albania, where the leadership had close 


The Other Europe 

ties to the Yugoslav Communists. The designated victim, Koci Xoxe, had been 
a chief of the armed Communist resistance before being made minister of 
internal affairs and general secretary of the Party after the war. Xoxe was 
devoted to Tito's cause. After a political campaign within the Party in the 
autumn of 1948 attacking the "pro-Yugoslav Trotskyite faction led by Xoxe 
and Kristo," all allies of the Yugoslav Communists were arrested in March 
1949. Xoxe was brought to trial in Tirana with four other leaders — Pandi 
Kristo, Vasco Koleci, Nuri Huta, and Yango Mitrojorgji. Me was sentenced to 
death on 10 June and executed the next day. His four companions received 
heavy sentences, and it was not long before other pro- Yugoslav Communists in 
the Albanian Party also fell victim to the purge, 

A second show-trial in the anti-Tito series took place in September 1949 
in Budapest. The accused was Las/16 Rajk, who had fought in the International 
Brigades in Spain. Rajk had been one of the heads of the resistance and as a 
minister of internal affairs had carried out severe repressions of non-Commu- 
nist democrats before being made minister of foreign affairs. After his arrest 
in May 1949, Rajk was tortured and blackmailed by his previous colleagues, 
who told him that he would not be killed if he helped the Party. He was ordered 
to confess in court and to reel off a string of accusations against Tito and the 
Yugoslavs as "enemies of people's democracy." The verdict of the Hungarian 
court was reached on 24 September, with no right to appeal: Las/lb Rajk, Tibor 
Szonyi, and Andras Szalai were condemned to death, and the Yugoslav Lazar 
Brankov and the Social Democrat Pal Justus were given life sentences. Rajk was 
executed on 16 October. In a subsequent trial a military court condemned four 
high-ranking officers to death. 

In the repressions following the Rajk trial, 94 people in Hungary were 
arrested, sentenced, and interned; 15 were executed; 1 1 others died in prison; 
and 50 of the accused received prison sentences of more than ten years. The 
total number of deaths in this affair was about 60, including a number of 
suicides among prisoners, their relatives, and judges and police officers caught 
up in the affair. 

Animosities within the leadership, and the zeal of the general secretary of 
the Party, Matyas Rakosi, and the chiefs of the secret police, influenced the 
choice of victims and their leader, Laszlo Rajk. These and other factors, how- 
ever, should not obscure the essential fact that many of the main decisions were 
made in Moscow by, among others, the heads of the security forces and intel- 
ligence services responsible for Central and Western Europe. This had been 
the case since the earliest waves of repression. Soviet leaders were preoccupied 
with discovering a huge international anti-Soviet conspiracy. The Rajk trial 
played a key role, particularly through its main witness, the American Noel 
Field, who was secretly a Communist and helped the Soviet Union, as has 
recently been proved in the archives. 22 

Central and Southeastern Europe 


This attempt to find an international conspiracy in Titoism was also 
evident in the trial of Traicho Kostov, in Sofia. Kostov was an experienced 
Comintern official who had been condemned to death by the previous regime. 
He had fought in the resistance during the war, had been made vice president 
of the National Council after the war, and was considered the heir apparent to 
Georgi Dimitrov. Dimitrov was a previous general secretary of the Comintern 
and had been head of the Bulgarian Communist Party since 1946, but in 1949 
his health began to deteriorate steadily. He was treated in the Soviet Union 
beginning in March of that year but died on 2 July. 

From late 1948, the "Muscovites" at the head of the Bulgarian Commu- 
nist Party (that is, the leaders who had spent the war in Moscow, people of the 
same mold as Rakosi in Hungary and Gottwald in Czechoslovakia) had been 
criticizing the faults and failures of Kostov, above all his "incorrect relationship 
with the U.S.S.R." concerning economic questions, despite his "self-criticism." 
With the consent of Dimitrov, who had condemned Kostov in violent terms in 
a letter dispatched on 10 May from a Soviet sanatorium, Kostov was arrested 
in June 1949 with several other collaborators. 

The trial of Traicho Kostov and the nine accused with him opened in 
Sofia on 7 December 1949. A verdict was reached one week later, and Kostov 
was sentenced to death as an agent of the Bulgarian police of the old regime, 
as a Titoist traitor, and as an agent of Western imperialism. Four other lead- 
ers — Ivan Stefanov, Nikolai Pavlov, Nikolai Nechev, and Ivan Tutev — were 
given life sentences; three more received fifteen years, one received twelve years, 
and another received eight years. Two days later, after Rostov's appeal for 
clemency was rejected, he was hanged. 

The Sofia trial has a unique place in the history of the trials of Communist 
leaders under Communist regimes. While giving his evidence Kostov contra- 
dicted statements that had been forced from him under torture and claimed his 
innocence. He was immediately silenced but was able to make a last plea that 
he was a friend of the Soviet Union. He was prevented from finishing, but his 
outburst made those who staged subsequent show-trials extremely careful in 
their preparations. 

The Kostov affair did not end in Bulgaria with the execution of the 
principal victim. In August 1950 the trial of twelve of his collaborators, chosen 
from leading economic officials, took place. Another trial of two more "mem- 
bers of Rostov's band of conspirators" took place in April 1951, which in turn 
was followed by a third trial of two members of the Central Committee of the 
Bulgarian Communist Party. There were also several related trials of army 
officers and members of the security forces. 

In Czechoslovakia, the leaders had been warned in June 1949 that a 
number of conspirators were plotting within the Communist Party. To flush 
them out — and to find in particular the "Czech Rajk" — a special group was set 


The Other Europe 

up in Prague, consisting of leaders from the Central Committee, the secret 
police, and the Control Commission of the Czechoslovak Communist Party. 
The first Communist leaders, initially of the third order, were arrested in 1949. 
But during this first wave of trials the regime could mount only one anti-Tito 
trial. It took place from 30 August to 2 September 1952 in Bratislava, the capital 
of Slovakia. Sixteen people, including ten Yugoslavs, were brought to trial. 
Their leader w r as Stefan Kevic, the vice-consul of Yugoslavia in Bratislava. Two 
Slovaks were condemned to death in the trial, and one of them, Rudolf Lan- 
canic, was executed. 

In late 1949 the police began to close in on the "Czech Rajk," reinforced 
by the assistance of experienced agents from the Soviet KGB. The Soviet 
advisers made no secret of their aims. One of them, Mikhail Likhachev, irri- 
tated by the lack of zeal of a Slovak security leader, exclaimed, "Stalin sent me 
to set up the trials, and I don't have any time to waste. I haven't come here to 
discuss things with people, I have come to Czechoslovakia to cut off heads 
[svolchit goiovy]. I'll kill 150 people with my own hands before I get into 
trouble! 1 ' 2 ' 

The historical reconstruction of" this repression has been carried out 
meticulously because historians in 1968 had access to secret Party and police 
archives and after November 1989 were able to pursue the question even 

The Pavlik couple — Gejza and Charlotte — were arrested in May 1949 as 
part of the preparations for the Rajk trial in Hungary. The trial of Gejza Pavlik 
began in June 1950. In June 1949 the Hungarian Party leader Matyas Rakosi 
gave a list to the Czechoslovak Communist leader Klement Gottwald in Prague 
of about sixty Czechoslovak leaders whose names had come up in the course 
of the Rajk investigation. As a result of the Rajk case, and under pressure from 
the Soviet and Hungarian security forces, Prague became more and more 
obsessed with Communists who had been exiled to the West during the war, 
and in particular with those who had served in the International Brigades. That 
autumn the Czechoslovak Communist Party set up a special section of the state 
security forces to unmask enemies inside the Party. They did not hesitate to 
use former members of the Gestapo, the "specialists" of the Communist move- 
ment. After the arrest of Evzen Lobl, the deputy minister of foreign trade, in 
November 1949, repression against the Communists intensified. It reached the 
highest-ranking cadres and intensified further in 1950, affecting even regional 
Party leaders. 

In January and February 1951 a great wave of arrests swept through a 
section of the power structure. Among fifty arrests of high-ranking Party and 
state officials was the detention of a group of "Francophone Communists" and 
others accused, like Karel Svab, of having contact in one manner or another 
with foreign parties. 

Central and Southeastern Europe 


The hunt for the "Czech Rajk" took more than two years, and during that 
time a variety of people were accused of being at the head of such a plot. It 
was only in the summer of 1951 that Stalin, with the consent of Klement 
Gottwald, decided that the man in question must be Rudolf Slansky, the 
general secretary of the Czechoslovak Communist Party, whose righthand man 
was Bedfich Geminder, another key figure in the Comintern. Geminder's name 
was found next to that of Slansky almost everywhere, from the correspondence 
between Stalin and Gottwald to the interrogations of Communists imprisoned 
in the lead-up to Slansky's arrest. If worse came to worst, thought the Soviet 
advisers, they could pin most charges on Geminder instead. The state security 
forces arrested both men on 24 November 1951. In subsequent months two 
other leaders joined them behind bars: Rudolf Margolius, deputy minister of 
foreign trade, on 12 January 1952; and Slansky's assistant, Josef Frank, on 23 
May 1952. 

Soviet advisers and their local assistants took turns torturing and breaking 
the accused in preparation for the show-trial. On 20 November 1952 the trial 
of "the conspiracy against the state with Rudolf Slansky at its head" finally 
began. The verdict was pronounced one week later. Eleven of the accused were 
sentenced to death, and three received life imprisonment. On the morning of 
3 December 1953, between 3:00 and 5:45 a.m., the eleven were hanged at 
Pankrac prison in Prague. 

Aside from the trials of Bolshevik leaders in Moscow in the 1930s, the 
Slansky trial was the most spectacular and the most talked-about judicial pro- 
ceeding in the history of Communism. Among the condemned were a number 
of eminent figures on the international Communist scene who had made Pra- 
gue the Communist Geneva during the Cold War. The Czech capital had played 
a crucial role, particularly in relations with the French and Italian Communist 

Rudolf Slansky, who had been general secretary of the Czechoslovak 
Communist Party since 1945, was a faithful servant of Moscow and the presi- 
dent of the "Group of Five," a special body established to follow the repres- 
sions day by day. Among its functions was the approval of dozens of death 

Bedrich Geminder and Josef Frank were deputy general secretaries. 
Geminder had held a high position in the Comintern and had returned spe- 
cially from Moscow to Prague to lead the International Department of the 
Czechoslovak Communist Party. Frank had been a prisoner in a Nazi concen- 
tration camp from 1939 to 1945 and had supervised economic affairs and the 
financial aid sent to Western Communist Parties. As deputy minister of foreign 
trade, Rudolf Margolius had maintained relations with various businesses and 
commercial enterprises that were under the control of the Party. Otto Fischl, 
the deputy minister of finance, also had in-depth knowledge of the financial 


The Other Europe 

affairs of the Czechoslovak Communist Party. Ludvik Frejka had participated 
during the war in the Czech resistance based in London, and since 1948, when 
Gottwald had become president of the republic, Frejka had been head of the 
Economic Department in the Treasury. 

Among those sentenced who had links with the Soviet special services, 
either directly or through the Communist International, were Bedrich Reicin, 
the head of military intelligence and deputy minister of defense since 1948; 
Karel Svab, who had been a prisoner in a Nazi concentration camp and was 
head of personnel in the Czechoslovak Communist Party, a function that had 
brought him an appointment as deputy minister of state security; Andre Si- 
mone, a journalist who before the war had worked in Germany and France; 
and Artur London, who had assisted the Soviet NKVD during the war in 
Spain, fought in the resistance in France, been deported, helped the Commu- 
nist intelligence services after 1945 in Switzerland and France, and been made 
deputy minister of foreign affairs in Prague early in 1949. 

Two other figures from the Foreign Affairs Ministry were among those 
sentenced. The first was a Slovak, Vladimir dementis, who had been a Com- 
munist lawyer before the war and been exiled to France. From abroad, he had 
been critical of the German-Soviet pact, a stance that resulted in his expulsion 
from the Party, although the decision was reversed in 1945. He had been 
minister of foreign affairs since the spring of 1948. The other was Vavro Hajdu, 
a deputy minister, who was also a Slovak. The third Slovak involved in the trial, 
Evzen Lobl, who had spent the war in London, was deputy minister of foreign 
trade when he was arrested. 

Otto Sling had also participated in the Czech resistance in London after 
fighting in the International Brigades in Spain. After the war he had become 
the regional secretary of the Communist Party in Brno, the capital of Moravia. 

The three who received life sentences— Vavro Hajdu, Artur London, and 
Fvzen Lobl — saw their Jewish origins produced as evidence in court. This was 
also the case for all those condemned to death, with the exceptions of demen- 
tis, PVank, and Svab. 

Although the Slansky trial became a symbol of repression in the "people's 
democracies," most of the victims of the repression were not Communists. In 
1948-1954 Communists in Czechoslovakia accounted for 0.1 percent of all 
people sentenced, 5 percent of those condemned to death, and 1 percent of all 
deaths, including death sentences, suicides provoked by persecution, and 
deaths in prison or in the camps as a direct consequence of imprisonment 
(accidents in the mines or shootings by guards during attempted escapes, 
termed "acts of rebellion"). 

The Slansky trial was carefully prepared by Soviet advisers who were 
acting on orders from the highest authorities in Moscow. It was part of the 

Central and Southeastern Europe 


second wave of the great political trials of Communist leaders in the "people's 
democracies" after 1949. 

In Czechoslovakia the Slansky trial was followed by others in 1953 and 
1954, despite the deaths of both Stalin and Gottwald in March 1953. The 
culmination came in 1954. The first great trial in the series took place in Prague 
from 26 to 28 January. Marie Svermova, a founding member of the Czecho- 
slovak Communist Party and a member of its leadership from 1929 to 1950, 
was sentenced to life imprisonment; six other high-ranking Party members who 
had been accused of the same crimes were given sentences totaling 113 years. 
In a second trial, from 23 to 25 February, seven members of the "Great 
Trotskyite Council," all Czechoslovak Communist Party activists, received 
sentences totaling 103 years. A third trial took place in Bratislava on 21-24 
April, in which previous leaders of the Slovak Communist Party were accused 
of "bourgeois nationalist" tendencies. Gustav Husak, who had been a leader in 
the resistance, was sentenced to life; the four other accused received 63 years 
in total. In six more trials in 1954 the accused were high-ranking army officers, 
economic officials (eleven of whom were collectively sentenced to 204 years in 
prison), and Social Democrats. As had been the custom for several years in all 
important trials, the political secretary of the Czechoslovak Communist Party 
approved the charges and the sentences, and the Party leadership then drew up 
a report on the progress of the trial. 

The trials of 1953 and 1954 were not the big show-trials of previous years. 
The last political trial for the period 1948-1954, which took place on 5 Novem- 
ber 1954, was that of Edward Outrat, an economist. 

Osvald Zavodsky, the last Communist to be executed in this wave of 
repressions, had fought in the International Brigades, had served in the resis- 
tance and then been deported during the war, and by 1948 had become chief 
of State Security. The court sentenced him to death in December 1953, and 
the government refused to commute the sentence. He clearly knew too much 
about the Soviet special services. He was hanged in Prague on 19 March 1954. 
Various questions arise here. How did this repression of such high-rank- 
ing Communists come about? Was there a logic in the choice of victims? The 
opening of the archives has confirmed many ideas put forward before 1989: the 
trials were all fabrications, confessions were systematically extracted by force, 
and operations were directed from Moscow against a frenzied ideological back- 
drop that was initially anti-Titoist but soon acquired an anti-Zionist and anti- 
American character. Several facts have supplemented our knowledge of events. 
But this opening of the archives also allows us to formulate some hypotheses 
about the second wave of repression against Communists, launched by an 
immediate need to stamp out the Yugoslav heresy. 

Richly documented studies have confirmed the obvious causes. Interven- 


The Other Europe 

tion by Moscow was clearly the determining factor. The trials of Communists 
were directly related to the international situation at the time; after Tito's revolt 
the Stalinist regime had to impose total control upon the Communist move- 
ment and to accelerate the process of making the Communist states satellites 
of the Soviet Union. The repression was also linked to the social, economic, 
and political problems of each country. The condemned Communist leaders 
served as scapegoats; their faults were used to explain away the failures of the 
government and to channel the people's anger. The omnipresent terror sowed 
and nurtured fear among the leaders; it was a means of obtaining absolute 
obedience and total submission to Party orders and to the needs of the "peace 
camp," which were defined by Soviet leaders. 

Dissension within the leadership was also a major factor in the choice of 
victims. Hatreds and reciprocal jealousies, so frequent in any basically colonial 
society, likewise played a role. Moscow acted as a central manipulator, pulling 
the strings and frightening its servants; it had long had detailed information on 
all those jealousies and hatreds. 

Each of the two waves of repression sweeping over the Communist leaders 
had a model victim. In one case repression was concentrated on those who had 
fought as volunteers in the civil war in Spain, had served in the resistance 
abroad or in Yugoslavia, or had spent time in France or England. In the other 
case, in Hungary, Bulgaria, and Slovakia, the victims were chiefly those who 
had fought in the resistance inside the country. 

But we should go further and ask why the Slansky trial in particular was 
so important, and why it effectively became a worldwide spectacle. What un- 
derlying interests of Stalinist power surfaced here 3 Why was ir accorded such 
publicity? Why were the sentences so brutal? Why was the violence so spec- 
tacular at a moment when the Soviet Union seemed to have such a tight grip 
on the "people's democracies"? Much more is constantly being discovered 
about such questions, particularly concerning the sort of control that Moscow 
exercised, the letters it sent and the meetings it organized, and above all the 
exact role of the Soviet advisers in situ. 

Let us formulate an initial hypothesis for the logic behind this repression: 
the Soviet bloc was preparing for war in Europe. "American imperialism" had 
become the principal enemy, and Soviet leaders believed — or wished to make 
people think they believed— that an American attack on them was being pre- 
pared. The Slansky trial, its development, its carefully organized echoes, and 
its violently anti-American ideology (the pervasive antisemitism was secon- 
dary), were all a part of Soviet preparations for war. The terror was aimed not 
only at the Communist ranks but also at the enemy. Stalin had already used it 
in the Soviet Union during the great purges of the 1930s and in the lead-up to 
the war. Did he believe that he could use the tactic again? 

Central and Southeastern Europe 


Those who have worked in the archives agree that around 1951-52, when 
the war in Korea was still under way, the Soviet Union was making intense 
preparations for a war in Europe, and might even have been preparing for a 
full-scale invasion and occupation of Western Europe. At a meeting of political 
and military officials in 1951, Stalin referred to the likelihood of war in 1953, 
Militarization of the economy was everywhere at its maximum. 

Czechoslovakia would have played a major role in any such contingencies. 
The country had had a highly developed armaments industry since the days of 
the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. In the 1930s Czechoslovakia was one of the 
world's major exporters of arms. After 1949 it also began to supply weapons 
to the Soviet Union. Soviet advisers oversaw a militarization of the Czecho- 
slovak economy, an intensification of propaganda about the imminence of war, 
an unprecedented increase in the defense budget — over five years, spending on 
the military increased by 700 percent — the ravaging of civil society, and the 
comprehensive pillaging of Czechoslovakia's uranium mines. 

The military historian Jindfich Madry, who has worked in archives 
opened since 1989, recently concluded that "until May 1953, Czechoslovakia's 
armaments industry had been geared up to the maximum for what was regarded 
as an 'inevitable war.' " 24 The projected 1 953 budget for the Ministry of Defense 
was ten times greater than that of 1948. In line with Soviet demands, the 
Czechoslovak economy was to evolve on a war footing. On 1 January 1953 the 
army numbered 292,788 men, twice its size in 1949. In April the president of 
the republic lengthened the term of military service to three years. Financial 
and material reserves were stockpiled in preparation for war. It is against this 
backdrop that one should place the monetary reform of June 1953, which 
stripped away savings. According to some indications, the situation changed in 
June 1953, when "inevitable war" no longer seemed the preferred strategy of 
Moscow's new leadership. 

If we view the repression of Communist leaders from this perspective, we 
can more clearly understand the logic behind the choice of victims. "Big 
Brother" was well aware who his loyal comrades were, and he had an idea of 
who his enemies were in the West. This "pedagogy of corpses" seemed to be 
the height of Machiavellian policy. What better way was there to convince one's 
enemies of one's vigor and determination (and even at times to give the illusion 
of being weak) so as to plunge them into complete disarray? What better way 
was there to convince one's loyal allies, who knew all one's secrets, of the gravity 
of the situation and the necessity of iron discipline as well as the necessity of 
sacrifice in the coming conflict? 

The answer was to sacrifice the most loyal, to choose victims who would 
ensure that the decision had the widest possible repercussions both interna- 
tionally and in the Soviet Union, to use the cheapest lies and worst calumnies 


The Other Europe 

as weapons. If those tried had been the likes of Antonin Zapotocky or Antonin 
Novotny, who were hardly known in Moscow or elsewhere, the effect of the 
spectacle would have been greatly diminished. Can anyone seriously believe 
today that Thorez, Togliatti, Khrushchev, and Gottwald believed that Rudolf 
Slansky, Bedfich Geminder, and their companions really were American 
agents? The effort of trying to believe it wore everyone down, and wearing 
people down was the name of the game. 

If what Annie Kriegel has called "that infernal pedagogy" was to be 
echoed around the world, the victims had to be well-known figures in the 
antifascist movements in Spain, France, England, and the U.S.S.R. They were 
well-known for having been deported or otherwise persecuted by the Nazis. 
The members of the Soviet security organs knew very well what sort of service 
had been rendered to them by these people and how loyal to Moscow they really 
were. Among the Communists who were sacrificed, many were themselves 
responsible for the earlier persecution or assassination of other non-Commu- 
nists, and many had collaborated very closely with Soviet organizations. 

The trials continued in 1953 and 1954, until the moment when the Soviet 
Union decided to opt for a new policy of ''peaceful coexistence." 

A second hypothesis, which it seems important to advance here, concerns 
the widespread antisemitism in the repression of the Communists. Analyses of 
the trials regularly mention "the struggle against Zionism and the Zionists," 
and there is no doubt that this aspect was linked to changes in Soviet policy 
regarding Israel and the Arab world. The new state of Israel, to whose birth 
Czechoslovakia in particular had greatly contributed (supplying arms to the 
Haganah), became the Great Enemy, and Soviet policy realigned itself behind 
the Arab struggle for national liberation. 

Nicolas Werth (see Part I) has already pointed out the antisemitic elements 
in the repressions in the Soviet Union after December 1947 and in the prepa- 
ration for the "great final purge" of the 1950s. In Central Europe, antisemitism 
was quite apparent in the Rajk trial, when the judge stressed the Jewish origins 
of the names of four of the accused, including Rajk. This antisemitism reached 
its height in the Slansky trial, which stressed the Jewish origins of eleven of 
the accused and their alleged links with international Zionism. 

To appreciate the extent of this latent antisemitism, one need onlv read 
one of the reports from a Moscow adviser already cited above, Comrade Lik- 
hachev, who had asked for information about the subversive activities of certain 
Slovak leaders. According to a statement by his Slovak interlocutor, Likhachev 
declared: "I don't care where this information comes from. I don't even care 
if it's true or not. I'm ready to believe it, and let me do the rest. Why worry 
about these Jewish shits anyway?" 25 

There is another, unknown side to this intractable antisemitism. It would 

Central and Southeastern Europe 


appear that Stalin and his followers wanted to settle scores with all the Jews in 
the International, definitively eliminating them. These Jewish Communists did 
not practice their religion; they seem to have identified with the nation to which 
they belonged or with the international Communist community. We have no 
sources to indicate how they thought their identity had been affected by the 
Holocaust. But, of course, many of their relatives had died in Nazi death camps. 
After the war there were still many Jewish Communists occupying key 
posts in parties and organizations in Central Europe. In a comprehensive 
survey of Hungarian Communism, Miklos Molnar writes: "At the very top of 
the hierarchy, almost without exception, the leaders were of Jewish origin, as 
they were in a slightly lower proportion in the Central Committee, the secret 
police, the press and publishing houses, and the theater and cinema . . . Al- 
though a policy was in place to promote young workers to positions of 
influence, the fact remains that for the most part power was wielded by the 
Jewish petite bourgeoisie." 20 In January 1953 Gabor Peter, the chief of the 
Hungarian secret police and an old friend of Rajk, found himself in prison as 
a Zionist conspirator. An official speech by Rakosi, who was himself a Jewish 
Communist, stigmatized u Peter and his gang" and turned him into a scapegoat. 
In Romania, the fate of Jewish Comintern worker Ana Pauker was settled 
in 1952. She had been a member of the ruling "troika," together with Gheor- 
ghiu-Dej, the Party leader, and Vasile Luca. According to a statement that 
cannot be confirmed from other sources, at a meeting with Gheorghiu-Dej in 
1951 Stalin expressed surprise that agents of Titoism and Zionism had not yet 
been arrested in Romania, and demanded immediate action. As a result Vasile 
Luca, the minister of finance, was dismissed in May 1952 along with Teohari 
Gheorghescu, the minister of interior, and sentenced to death. Luca's sentence 
was later commuted to life imprisonment, and he died in prison. Ana Pauker, 
the minister of foreign affairs, was sacked in early July, arrested in February 
1953, and freed in 1954, returning to family life. The antisemitic repression 
moved on to smaller targets. 

Events that took place around this time in Moscow, such as the complete 
reorganization of the security services and the arrest of the chief of the secret 
police, Viktor Abakumov, in July 1951, permit yet a third hypothesis: in- 
fighting within the Soviet security services may have been decisive in the choice 
of victims who collaborated with the services and in the sentences they were 
given. Karel Kaplan has recently pointed out that "it remains an open question 
whether the liquidation of a group of people who cooperated with the Soviet 
security services and their replacement by others (Karol Bacilek, A. Keppert, 
and others) originated in the conflicts and changes in the central security 
apparatus in Moscow." 27 

The validity of this last hypothesis cannot be established until after 


The Other Europe 

lengthy work in the principal Moscow archives. There is no doubt that at the 
end of Stalin's reign, differences existed among his potential successors, in- 
cluding Khrushchev, Malenkov, and Beria, who were in charge of different 
parrs of the security apparatus, We already have a reasonable idea of the sort 
of rivalry that existed between military intelligence and the NKVD, which were 
in open competition in the "people's democracies." 28 

The Prague archives reveal a lack of resolution on the part of the Soviet 
security services. In the spring of 1950, Moscow began to replace the advisers 
it had sent to Prague the previous autumn, who had failed to produce the 
desired results. In a meeting in the Kremlin on 23 July 1951 attended by 
Gottwald (who had been invited by Alexej Ccpicka, the minister of national 
defense), Stalin criticized these advisers for their irresponsible work. He sub- 
sequently wrote a letter to Gottwald, which was brought from Moscow by 
Ccpicka, about the respective fates of Slansky and Geminder: 

Regarding your positive appreciation of the work of Comrade 
[Vladimir | Boyarsky [the main Soviet adviser] and your desire to keep 
him in the post of adviser to the minister of national security for the 
Republic of Czechoslovakia, we are of a quite different opinion. The 
experience of Bovarsky's work in the Czech Republic has shown that he 
lacks the necessary qualities and qualifications to carrv out his task as 
adviser in a satisfactory fashion. This is why we have decided to recall 
him from Czechoslovakia. If you feel you really need an adviser for State 
Security (and it is your decision) we will attempt to find a more reliable 
replacement who has more experience.- 1 ' 

Under these conditions, the position of the heads of State Security was 
extremely precarious; the chief of the Czechoslovak officers responsible for 
training noted in a memorandum to one of his advisers that "one never leaves 
the security services early, unless it is in a box." Jindfich Vesely, chief of State 
Security, made an unsuccessful suicide attempt in 1950; a second attempt, in 
1964, was successful. Before he died he wrote a long explanation of the motives 
for his action, which can be consulted in the archives of the Central Committee 
of the Czechoslovak Communist Party and appears to be totally sincere. He 
knew perfectly well that Stalin regularly liquidated the heads of his security- 
services and wished to avoid his own liquidation. 

A fourth hypothesis might also be advanced to explain the logic of the 
choice of victims among Communist leaders. There was clearly a need for a 
large show-trial in rhe Soviet Union, to crown the series of political trials in 
other countries and to punish the supposed culprits in a huge international plot 
in the center, in Moscow itself. The new elements brought to light by Nicolas 

Central and Southeastern Europe 


Werth earlier in this book are strong arguments for this interpretation of the 
repression exercised against Communists in Central and Southeastern Europe. 

From "Post-Terror" to Post-Communism 

Before examining the period extending from 1955 to 1989, which the historian 
Miklos Molnar has called the u post-terror," we should take note of a few facts 
that may shed light on the evolution of the repression and its logic. 

Let us note first that the mass terror and repression implemented in the 
Communist regimes were in violation of fundamental liberties and human 
rights. These had been acknowledged in international conventions, particularly 
in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was passed in the United 
Nations General Assembly in December 1948 despite the abstention of the 
U.S.S.R. and five "people's democracies." Repression violated the constitutions 
of all the countries in which it was implemented, and it was the leaders of the 
Communist parties in these countries who were behind these unconstitutional 
actions. In Czechoslovakia, for instance, the 'leading role of the Communist 
Party" did not become a part of the constitution until 1960, when Czechoslo- 
vakia became the second Communist country to adopt a socialist constitution. 
No legislation ever allowed the widespread use of torture during questioning 
and detention, and no law ever gave power to the secret police to resort to the 
massive fabrication of evidence. It is worth remembering in this context that 
the commentaries accompanying the first reassessments of Communist trials 
criticized the police for " placing themselves above the Party" but not for 
placing themselves "above the law." Clearly, the aim was to diminish or elimi- 
nate any responsibility by the political leaders for the functioning of the police 

The specific nature of Communist dictatorship should also be borne in 
mind. This was not one state that covered one-sixth of the globe, but several 
states and an international movement. Communist dictatorships were inti- 
mately linked with one another and with their center, Moscow. Thanks to the 
opening of the archives we know that after 1944, repression in these countries 
was inspired and directed by a very powerful international Communist appa- 
ratus within the Communist International itself, which was integrated into the 
central Soviet apparatus. On 12 June 1943, after the dissolution of the Comin- 
tern announced on 9 June, the International Information Department of the 
Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Party (Cominform) was created, 
with Aleksandr Shcherbakov at its head, assisted by Georgi Dimitrov and 
Dmitry Manuilsky. This department gave constant instructions to foreign 
Communist parties. Dimitrov, who was the real chief from the very beginning, 
was officially instated as head in late December 1943 by a decision of the Soviet 


The Other Europe 

Politburo. The department sent out its directives through the foreign offices of 
Communist Parties in the US.S.R. (only Yugoslavia and Albania had no such 
offices), by radio or mail, and later on by "consultations" in Moscow. Wta- 
dyslaw Gomulka received such a directive from Dirmtrov on 10 May 1945. He 
was reproached for using insufficiently severe measures in Poland, and told that 
u one can never have too many concentration camps." The concentration-camp 
system was thus already envisaged for political enemies at the end of the war. 30 
The spread of the Bolshevik experiment to states not integrated into the 
Soviet Union was not without risks. Nationalist sentiment persisted and was 
often expressed, despite attempts from Moscow to homogenize the different 
regimes in the Eastern bloc. After the events in Yugoslavia in 1948-49, in 
Hungary in 1953-1956, and in Poland in 1956, the diversification of Commu- 
nist regimes became still more pronounced with the break between the Soviet 
Union and China in the 1960s and its repercussions in the European satellite 
states, particularly in Albania and Romania. 

Finally, it should be noted that Communists who had formerly held power 
were able to confront their past as oppressors; and this is one of the major 
differences between Nazism and Communism. Nazism never had a Khrush- 
chev, nor men like Imre Nagy, Alexander Dubcek, or Mikhail Gorbachev, in 
the 1950s the rehabilitation of victims became a major factor in the power 
struggles to succeed the great leaders who had died, such as Stalin and 
Gottwald in 1953 or Bierut in Poland in 1956, or those who had been removed 
as General Secretary, Like Rakosi in Hungary in 1956. Rehabilitation did not 
involve simply denouncing obvious injustices; it also implied searching out the 
culprits. The importance of rehabilitation in the struggles at the top of the 
parties lasted into the 1960s, particularly in Czechoslovakia. The phenomenon 
also touched many of the real believers in Communism, above all the intelli- 
gentsia, for whom the Communist ideal had a moral dimension and who felt 
betrayed by the revelation of the crimes of the regime, From 1953 to the 1960s, 
the history of repression is also a history of amnesties, even if they were often 
only partial. 

So in 1955-56, the massive, grinding machine was still functioning, but it 
was becoming rusty. Officials in the secret police, the consummate actors in the 
repressions of 1949-1953, had been fired, and sometimes arrested and sen- 
tenced, however leniently. Political leaders were also obliged to resign, some- 
times to be replaced by former prisoners, like Gomulka in Poland and Kadar 
in Hungary. On the whole, repressions seemed to be easing considerably. 

But the founding period of many of the Communist regimes had left many 
open wounds. Mass terror did not completely disappear as a method of repres- 
sion in the 1950s and 1960s. It surely can be said to have continued with the 
various Soviet military interventions in Eastern Europe. Driving a tank through 

Central and Southeastern Europe 


the street was one highly effective means of sowing terror and panic in the 

Soviet tanks intervened for the first time in East Germany on 17 June 1953 
to crush spontaneous uprisings by workers in East Berlin and other cities, 
sparked by government measures that created difficult conditions in the work- 
place. According to the most recent studies, at least 51 people died in the riots 
and ensuing repression: 2 were crushed by tanks, 7 were sentenced to death by 
Soviet courts and 3 by German courts, 23 died of wounds received during the 
clashes, and 6 members of the security forces lost their lives. By 30 June, 6,171 
people had been arrested, and another 7,000 were arrested subsequently. 11 

After the Twentieth Congress of the Soviet Communist Party, Soviet 
leaders ordered two more spectacular military interventions, in Hungary in 
1956 and in Czechoslovakia in 1968. In both cases the use of force was intended 
to crush a popular antitotalitarian revolt. 

In Hungary the Soviet army was already in place, and its units went into 
action twice: at 2:00 a.m. on 24 October in Budapest, before retreating on 30 
October; and on the night of 3-4 November. The worst of this fighting ended 
on 6 November, with a few pockets of resistance in the suburbs holding out 
until 14 November, as did the insurgents in the Mecsek Mountains. Confron- 
tations with the army continued in December, linked to demonstrations in the 
streets. In Salgotarjan on 8 December, 131 people were killed in crossfire 
between Soviet and Hungarian units. 

Thus for a few weeks violent death was part of everyday life for the 
Hungarians. Nearly 3,000 people died in the fighting, two-thirds of them in 
Budapest; and nearly 15,000 people were wounded. Thanks to the opening of 
the archives, historians have also been able to establish the number of victims 
on the side of the oppressors: between 23 October and 12 December, the secret 
police (the AVH), the Soviet and Hungarian armies, and the Hungarian Min- 
istry of Interna] Affairs recorded the loss of 350 lives; 37 people from the AVH, 
the police, and the army were executed without trial, some shot, some lynched. 
Thus, according to a number of historians, "the honor of the revolution was 
sullied." 12 

The repression that followed the crushing of the Hungarian revolution, 
in which the Soviet military police played an important role until early 1957, 
affected more than 100,000 people. Tens of thousands were interned in camps 
that were officially created on 1 2 December; 35,000 people were prosecuted and 
around 25,000 jailed. Several thousand Hungarians were deported to the 
US.S.R., 229 rebels were condemned to death and executed, and 200,000 
people emigrated. 

Repression followed the tried and tested pattern. Extraordinary courts 
were set up in the form of People's Tribunals and Special Chambers of Military 


The Other Europe 

Courts. The trial of Imre Nagy took place in the People's Tribunal in Budapest. 
Nagy was a Communist of long standing who had emigrated to Moscow during 
the war. Removed from power in 1948, he became prime minister in 1953, and 
had been ousted again in 1955 before taking the lead role in the revolutionary 
government. The trial of Nagy and those accused with him ended in June 1958. 
Two of the defendants were absent. Geza Losonczy, a Communist journalist 
and former resistance fighter who had been imprisoned from 1951 to 1954, and 
had been a minister in the Nagy government, died in custody on 21 December 
1957, almost certainly with the help of his questioners. Jozsef Szilagyi, another 
Communist of long standing, who had fought in the resistance and been 
imprisoned during the war, and had risen to become head of Nagy's cabinet in 
1956, was condemned to death on 22 April 1958 and executed two days later. 
According to documents now available, Szilagyi resisted with tremendous cour- 
age, repeatedly telling his accusers that in comparison with the Communist 
prisons, the prisons of Miklos Horthy's interwar regime had been like mere 

The Imre Nagy trial opened on 9 June 1958; the verdict was reached on 
15 June. The death sentence passed on three of the accused was carried out the 
following day. Besides Imre Nagy, the others who received death sentences were 
General Pal Maleter, who had been a resistance fighter during the war, a 
Communist since 1945, and minister of defense in the revolutionary govern- 
ment in 1956; and Miklos Gimes, a Communist journalist who had founded an 
underground newspaper after the failure of the revolution. Five others received 
sentences ranging from five years to life. 

The Imre Nagy trial, one of the last great political trials in the Eastern 
bloc, confirmed that it was impossible for the Communist regime, propped up 
by Soviet military intervention, not to resort to this supreme form of repres- 
sion. But the days of the big show-trials were over: Nagy's trial took place tn 
camera, in a specially converted chamber of the police headquarters at the 
central prison in Budapest. In 1958 Nagy and his companions, who refused to 
recognize the legitimacy of Soviet intervention and the seizure of power by 
Janos Kadar, and who stood as symbols of the popular revolt, could not possibly 
remain alive. 

New research underscores the cruelty of these repressions and refers to 
this period as one of terror; but it also reveals the ambivalent nature of the 
period and its differences from the years 1947-1953. In 1959, when the first 
trials of the rebels took place, a partial amnesty had already been declared. In 
1960 the exceptional measures that had been decreed began to be phased out, 
and the internment camps were closed. In 1962 there was a purge of officers 
in the secret police who had fabricated evidence in the Rakosi period; Rajk and 
190 other victims were also definitively rehabilitated. In 1963 a general amnesty 

Central and Southeastern Europe 


was declared, but it did not apply to the rebels who had been condemned as 
"murderers." Violent repression came to an end. Nevertheless the rehabilita- 
tion of Imre Nagy and his followers did not occur until 1989, and even in 1988, 
police in Budapest beat up demonstrators who were commemorating the thir- 
tieth anniversary of his death. 

Two external factors influenced this evolution. The first was obviously the 
criticism of Stalin's reign inside the Soviet Union and the sidelining of various 
Stalinist leaders. The second was the thaw in international relations that ac- 
companied the idea of peaceful coexistence between East and West. The effects 
of these changes were not felt in Hungary alone. 

After the execution of the eleven accused in the Slansky trial in Czecho- 
slovakia in December 1952, the bodies were cremated and the ashes simply 
scattered on the frozen roads and fields around Prague. Six years later, incin- 
eration no longer seemed the answer for Communist authorities. Alajos Dorn- 
bach, the civil-rights lawyer who demanded a reopening of the Nagy case in 
1988, provided the following information about the successive disposals of the 
bodies. 11 

Once Imre Nagy and his companions were executed, they were first buried 
under a thick layer of concrete inside the prison on Kozma Street, where the 
trial had taken place. But burying bodies in a place unknown to the families 
became a source of anxiety. In the summer of 1961 they were exhumed and 
buried in extreme secrecy, at night, in the main communal cemetery in Buda- 
pest, near the place where Geza Losonczy and Jozsef Szilagvi, two others who 
had died as a result of the trial, had been laid to rest. The coffins were passed 
over the wall, and the cemetery employees knew nothing about the burial of 
these three corpses, who were given false names. For thirty years the families 
searched in vain for the burial place. On the basis of fragmentary information 
they began to erect gravestones in Lot 301 in the communal cemetery; but the 
police threatened them when they came to visit and knocked down the stones 
on several occasions, trampling them with horses. 

In March 1989 the bodies were finally exhumed again. An autopsy per- 
formed on Geza Losonczy revealed several broken ribs, some of which had 
preceded death by three to six months, and some of which were much more 
recent. The government then ordered a few young officers to conduct an 
inquiry into the location of the graves. Sandor Rajnai, who had been in charge 
of the Nagy trial and was the Hungarian ambassador to Moscow in 1988-89, 
was among those who refused to help this commission. 

Twelve years after the events in Hungary, Soviet tanks rolled into Czechoslova- 
kia to spread mass terror there. The military intervention of 1968 was quite 
different from that of 1956, although the aim was identical: to crush a popular 


The Cither Europe 

revolt against "Soviet socialism." The passage of time had brought a new 
international situation and a specific moment in world Communism. Most of 
the assault troops came from the Soviet Union, but four other Warsaw Pact 
countries also participated: Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, and East Germany all 
sent troops. There was another fundamental difference: Soviet troops were not 
already stationed in Czechoslovakia as they had been in Hungary in 1956, 
when Hungary was basically an occupied country. In Czechoslovakia, the So- 
viet Union feared a massive armed resistance movement leading to a localized 
or even a European war. 

For this reason, a huge number of troops were deployed. The operation 
began during the night of 20-21 August, under the code name "Danube." It 
had been minutely prepared since 8 April, when Marshal Andrei Grcchko, the 
Soviet minister of defense, had signed Order GOU/ 1/87654, mobilizing So- 
viet troops in East Germany, Poland, and Hungary. Most of these were tank 
regiments, and tanks now became the symbol of oppression, as they did in 
Tiananmen Square in Beijing in 1989. More than 165,000 men and 4,600 tanks 
were sent in the first wave; five days later Czechoslovakia was occupied by 
twenty-seven divisions, with 6,300 tanks, 800 aircraft, 2,000 artillery pieces, and 
approximately 400,000 soldiers. To appreciate the scale of the terror here, it 
should be borne in mind that in 1940 Hitler invaded France with approximately 
2,500 tanks and that in 1941 the Germans used 3,580 tanks in the attack on the 
Soviet Union. At the time, Czechoslovakia had a population of approximately 
14.3 million, a small fraction of the population of France in 1940. 

But no war occurred, and resistance to the invasion was quite peaceful. 
The invaders killed 90 people, mostly in Prague; around 300 Czechs and 
Slovaks were seriously injured; and another 500 sustained minor injuries. The 
number of victims among the invading forces (as a result of incompetent 
handling of weapons, execution of deserters, or the usual road accidents) is not 
yet known. AH we know with certainty is that one Bulgarian was shot by- 
Czechoslovak civilians. The Soviet authorities arrested and deported several 
Czechoslovak leaders, but within a few days the Soviet Politburo had to set 
them free and open negotiations with them. The political scenario that had been 
envisaged after the intervention was a failure, insofar as the occupying forces 
failed to set up a collaborationist "workers 1 and peasants' government" as they 
had planned. 

Repression linked to this military intervention did not stop in 1968. 
Several people acquired—and retain—the status of symbolic victims by be- 
coming "human torches," setting themselves on fire in public to protest the 
occupation. The first to choose this fate was Jan Palach, a twenty-year-old 
student who set himself alight at 2:30 p.m. on 16 January 1969 in the center of 
Prague; his death three days later was followed by huge demonstrations. In 
February Jan Zajic, another student, followed suit. A third human torch, a 

Central and Southeastern Europe 


forty-year-old Communist called Evzen Plocek, sacrificed himself in early April 
in Jihlava, in Moravia. 

Repression reverted to an old pattern in Czechoslovakia, carried out for 
the most part by internal security forces, the army, and the regular police force. 
The pressure exerted by the Soviet occupying army was immense. More fuel 
was added to the fire by spontaneous demonstrations by more than half a 
million people during the night of 28-29 March 1969. Czechs and Slovaks went 
out onto the streets in sixty-nine cities to cheer the victory of their national 
ice-hockey team over the Soviet Union in the world championships; and 
twenty-one of the thirty-six Soviet garrisons came under attack. Alexander 
Dubcek, who was still the secretary general of the Czechoslovak Communist 
Party (until 17 April), was told that if the situation failed to improve, he risked 
meeting the same fate as Imre Nagy. 

The repressive potential of the "normalized' 1 Czechoslovak forces — the 
special units in the army and police, and the People's Militia at factories — was 
put to the test on the first anniversary of the invasion, but these forces had been 
carefully prepared. There were numerous confrontations with the demonstra- 
tors, most of whom were quite young. The fighting was intense, especially in 
Prague, where two young men died on 20 August. Tanks and armored cars 
were seen on the streets of all the main cities. Military historians consider this 
episode the biggest combat operation by the Czechoslovak army in the postwar 
period. Three more demonstrators lost their lives on 21 August, and dozens 
more were seriously wounded. Thousands of people were arrested and beaten 
by the police. By the end of 1969, 1,526 demonstrators had been sentenced 
under a decree from the Presidium of the Federal Assembly, which had the 
force of law and had been signed by the chairman of that legislative body, 
President Dubcek himself. 14 

In 1969 a few more people who had been involved in the 1968 revolt were 
imprisoned, including a group from the Revolutionary Youth Movement 
(Hnuti revolucniho mladeze), which had been active in preparing the demon- 
strations to mark the anniversary of the events of 1968, and which had been 
infiltrated by the secret police. Despite strong pressure from hard-liners, the 
government did not give an automatic green light to the trials of the reform- 
minded Communist leaders of 1968. Analysts have often pointed out that the 
new leadership was perhaps rather wary of the process, fearing it would 
backfire. Gustav Husak, the new first secretary of the Czechoslovak Commu- 
nist Party, chosen as Dubcek's replacement by the Soviet leadership, knew the 
pattern all too well. He himself had been sentenced to life imprisonment back 
in 1954 in a trial of "Slovak bourgeois nationalists," and had spent nine years 
behind bars. Nonetheless, mass repressions were approved by Moscow and 
carried out in a cruel and insidious fashion, as part of a subtle strategy to inspire 
fear. Hundreds of thousands of people could no longer take part in public life 


The Other Europe 

and were forbidden to work in their professions, and their children were pre- 
vented from entering secondary or higher education, effectively being held 
hostage. When "normalization" began, the regime lashed out at the elements 
in society that had begun to regroup in 1968, and roughly seventy organizations 
were banned or forcibly merged with other governmental organizations. Cen- 
sorship was also rigorously enforced. Tens of thousands of Czechs and Slovaks 
joined those who had gone into exile after February 1948. During the forty 
years of Communist rule, around 400,000 people, most of whom were well- 
qualified and highly trained, chose exile from their homeland. After 1969, many 
of them were sentenced in absentia. 

Political trials reappeared after the crushing of the Prague Spring. The 
trial of the sixteen members of the HRM took place in March 1971; the leader, 
Petr Uhl, received a four-year sentence. Nine other trials followed in the 
summer of 1972. Most of the accused were "second-rank" protagonists in 
1968, charged with illegal activity following the occupation. Of the 46 accused, 
two-thirds of whom were ex-Communists, thirty-two received prison sentences 
totaling ninety-six years; and sixteen others; after being detained for several 
months, received suspended sentences of twenty-one years. The longest sen- 
tence imposed was one for five and a half years in prison, which was mild in 
comparison to the atrocities of the founding years of the regime. Some of those 
sentenced in this particular wave of repression — Petr Uhl, Jaroslav Sabata, 
Rudolf Battek — were imprisoned again when their sentences expired and spent 
nine years behind bars in the 1970s and 1980s. At that time, Czechoslovakia 
had one of the worst records for political persecution in Europe. 

The great revolts of 1956 and 1968 and their crushing by the Soviet Union 
reveal another important aspect of the logic of repression: events in one coun- 
try had repercussions elsewhere, particularly when military engagement was 
involved. As a result of the Hungarian revolution in 1956, the post-Stalinist 
leadership of the Czechoslovak Communist Party was prepared to send units 
from the Czechoslovak army into Hungary. At the same time, it stepped up 
domestic repression, sent a number of political prisoners who had recently- 
been freed back to prison, and prosecuted the Czechs and Slovaks who were in 
sympathy with the Hungarian revolt. Of the 1,163 who were taken into cus- 
tody, mostly for verbal expressions of solidarity, 53.5 percent were workers. 
Sentences, however, were rarely for more than a year in prison. Repression at 
that time was much more severe in Albania, where on 25 November 1956 the 
Hoxha regime announced the sentencing and execution of three u Titoist" 
leaders: Liri Gega, a member of the Central Committee of the Albanian Com- 
munist Party (who was pregnant at the time); General Dale Ndreu; and Petro 
Buli. In Romania, Gheorghiu-Dej, who was beginning to play the Chinese card 

Central and Southeastern Europe 


in his relations with the U.S.S.R., provided clemency to persecuted nationalists 
even as he instigated a large trial of high-ranking industrialists involved in 
international trade, many of whom were Jewish Communists. 

In 1968 many of the Communist regimes, including the U.S.S.R., feared 
contagion from the ideas of the Prague Spring and stepped up their repression 
both before and after the military intervention in Czechoslovakia. The fate of 
Alfredo Foscolo is a good indicator of the spirit of the times. Born of a 
Bulgarian mother and a French father who had taught in Bulgaria until 1949, 
Foscolo often spent his holidays in Bulgaria. In 1966, while studying law and 
Oriental languages in Paris, he typed 500 copies of a tract in France and brought 
them to his friends in Sofia. The tract demanded free elections, freedom of the 
press, and freedom of movement, autonomy for workers, the abolition of the 
Warsaw Pact, and the rehabilitation of the victims of repression. That same 
year he had a daughter with Raina Aracheva, a Bulgarian. Fredy and Raina then 
asked for official authorization to marry, which was slow in coming. Then came 
the events of 1968. Alfredo Foscolo described what followed: 

In early 1968 I was drafted for military service. In July the Bulgarian 
embassy informed me that 1 would receive authorization to get married 
if I went to Sofia. I had a fourteen-day furlough, and 1 rushed down 
there. But when I got there I met with another refusal. This was August 
1968, and on 21 August the Soviets marched into Prague; a week later, 
still empty-handed, I got onto the Orient Express to return to Paris. But 
it took me several years to get home. I was arrested at the border by 
agents from the Durzhavna Sigurnost. I effectively disappeared for two 
weeks while I was kept in the State Security headquarters. During that 
time Captain [A.] Nedkov told me that I had a simple choice: either I 
admitted that I was an imperialist agent, or no one would ever hear of 
me again. I accepted, in the hope that the truth might come out in a trial. 

The trial began on 6 January 1969. Two friends, as well as Raina, 
were beside me in the witness box. When the prosecutor demanded the 
death sentence for me, my lawyer answered that it was in fact what I 
deserved, but that he was pleading for clemency all the same. The whole 
trial was a farce, played out purely for the purposes of propaganda. I was 
sentenced to twenty-seven years in prison, including fifteen years of 
solitary confinement for espionage. My friends got ten and twelve years, 
and Raina, who hadn't known anything about the tracts, got one year. 
Another friend, who was a political refugee in Paris, was sentenced to 
death in absentia. 

After a month on death row in the central prison in Sofia (7th 
division), I was transferred to the prison in Stara Zagora, where most of 
the 200 to 300 political prisoners in Bulgaria were kept. I learned a lot 
there about the prison history of Bulgaria over the first twenty-five years 


The Other Europe 

of Communism, and quickly saw that what I had been through was 
nothing in comparison to what thousands of Bulgarians had lived 
through. I also witnessed a revolt on 8 October 1969, which led to the 
deaths of a number of prisoners. At the same time, a new request for 
authorization to marry, made during our detention, was rejected. 

Quite unexpectedly, I was freed on 30 April 1971 and sent back to 
France. Our arrest in 1968 and the big trial that followed against the 
backdrop of the Czechoslovak affair had all clearly been intended to 
implicate "imperialist forces" in the freedom movement in the Eastern 
bloc. But by 1971, with negotiations over the Helsinki agreement under 
way, the world had changed again, and my presence in Bulgarian jails 
was no longer desirable. Unfortunately, my two Bulgarian friends did 
not benefit from that new clemency. 

When I got back to Paris, I tried a variety of schemes to enable 
Ra'ina and my daughter to join me there. Finally, on 31 December 1973, 
I went to Sofia in secret, under a false name, with two other false 
passports. Thanks to those documents and a lot of luck, we managed to 
slip across the Bulgarian-Turkish border on the night of 1-2 January 
1974. Two days later we were in Paris. 1 ' 

In the period 1955-1989 repression followed a fairly predictable pattern: a 
powerful police presence constantly harassed the opposition, whether opposi- 
tion took the form of spontaneous social movements such as strikes or street 
protests, or was deliberately structured, with well-formulated demands and a 
well-organized network. In the second half of the 1970s the apparatus of 
repression developed an ever-larger network of informers to infiltrate and 
destroy opposition movements that had benefited from the 1975 Helsinki 
agreement. That this form of control was needed in ever-increasing amounts 
was undoubtedly a sign of the decline of the system. In Czechoslovakia, for 
instance, in 1954—3958 there had been roughly 132,000 officially recruited 
secret informers. By the end of the 1980s the number had risen to 200,000. 

The logic of repression in the post-terror period was also marked by 
specific national characteristics and by the trajectory of internal power strug- 
gles in the countries concerned. Regimes acted differently depending on their 
confidence in their legitimacy or the success or failure of political and economic 
projects. On 13 August 1961, at the initiative of the SED leadership and with 
approval from the Soviet leadership, the Berlin Wall was erected, a clear sign 
that the East German regime was panicking about its own future. 

In Romania, the Communist leadership had clearly expressed its inde- 
pendence by refusing to participate in the military intervention in Czechoslo- 
vakia. Nonetheless this brand of ''national Communism' 1 revealed itself to be 
the most repressive (with the possible exception of Albania), particularly in the 

Central and Southeastern Europe 


1980s. Repression was inherent in the Communist system, even without gui- 
dance from Moscow. 

In the late 1970s Nicolae Ceau^escu, who styled himself "the Great 
Leader" (Conductor) in the manner of Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin, was 
facing a tremendous economic and social crisis in Romania, and a large protest 
movement began to emerge. The movement was inspired by the struggles for 
democratic rights occurring in other countries, but in Romania the movement 
was strengthened by the participation of workers. The great strike of 35,000 
miners in the Jiu valley in August 1977; the demonstrations and strikes of the 
summer of 1980 in which factories were occupied in Bucharest, Galati, Tir- 
goviste, and the mining regions; the uprising in the Motru valley in the autumn 
of 1981; and other manifestations of discontent all provoked severe and massive 
repression: arrests, forced evacuations, house arrests, beatings, summary firings 
from jobs, incarceration in psychiatric hospitals, trials, and assassinations. Re- 
pression won in the short term, but opposition inevitably resurfaced. Demon- 
strations and strikes broke out again in 1987 and culminated in 1988 in a 
popular uprising in Bras,ov, Romania's second-largest city. Confrontations with 
the forces of law and order were extremely violent and bloody, resulting in 
deaths and hundreds of arrests. 

The suffering of some of Romania's political prisoners seemed eternal. 
One example was the case of Gheorghiu Calciu Dumirreasa, known as Father 
Calciu. Born in 1927, he was arrested while a medical student and was impris- 
oned in Pite§ti (see above). His captivity lasted until 1964. When he came out 
of prison, he decided to become a priest. He became involved with the founders 
of the Free Union of Romanian Workers (SLOMR). Arrested again, he was 
sentenced in camera on 10 May 1979 to ten years for "passing on information 
and endangering state security." In prison he went on five separate hunger 
strikes. Another example was Ion Puiu, a leader of the National Peasant Party 
who received a twenty-year sentence in 1947 and was released in 1964. In 1987 
he was again imprisoned for his involvement in opposition movements. 

In 1987 a French journal listed some cases of current Romanian political 
prisoners: 16 

Francise Barabas, a forty-year-old mechanic in a textile factory, had been 
sentenced to six years in prison. A Hungarian from Transylvania, with 
his brother and fiancee he had distributed some tracts in Hungarian that 
read "Down with the shoemaker [Ceausescu's first trade]! Down with 
the murderer!" 
• Ion Bugan, an electrician born in 1936, had been sentenced to ten years 
for driving around Bucharest in March 1983 with a sticker on his car 
that read: "Executioners, we don't want you any more.'* 


The Other Europe 

Ion Guseila, an engineer, had been sentenced to four years in prison in 
late 1985 for distributing tracts that demanded a new head of state. 
Gheorghiu Nastasescu, a fifty-six-year-old construction worker, had 
been sentenced to nine years for spreading antigovernment propaganda. 
He had already spent four years in prison for antisocialist propaganda. 
In the autumn of 1983 he had dropped fliers off some scaffolding in 
Bucharest urging people to show their discontent. 

Victor Totu, Gheorghiu Pavel, and Florin Vlascianu, all workers born in 
1955, had been sentenced to seven or eight years. On 22 August 1983, 
on the eve of the national holiday, they had been caught writing anti- 
Ceaus,escu graffiti comparing his regime to that of the Nazis. 
Dimitru luga had been forty when he was sentenced to ten years in 
1983. He had held several meetings trying to organize young people to 
demonstrate against Ceau^escu. They were determined to act peacefully. 
Seven of them were sentenced to five years, and were freed — although 
luga was not — in an amnesty in 1984. 

Nicolae Litoiu at age twenty-seven had been sentenced in 1981 to fifteen 
years for "plotting against state security." In the summer of 1981 he had 
thrown a firecracker onto one of the Party's stands at Ploie§ti, and had 
also dropped fliers from the top of the Omnia store in Ploie§ti. His 
brother-in-law had been sentenced to eight years for having known in ad- 
vance of these events and not having acted. 

Attila Kun, a doctor, had been sentenced to three years in January 1987 
for refusing to deliver a death certificate for a political prisoner who had 
died under torture. 

I. Borbely, a fifty-year-old philosophy professor, had been sentenced to 
eight years in 1982 for publishing an underground newspaper in 

Variations in the degree of repression were always linked to changes in 
the international political situation, to relations between Eastern and Western 
Europe, and to changes in Soviet policy. From Brezhnev to Gorbachev the 
world changed dramatically, as did the ideology of repression. After the 1960s 
people were very rarely persecuted as "Titoists" or "Zionists." In most coun- 
tries the focus shifted to "ideological subversion 1 ' or "illegal relations with 
foreign countries,' 1 particularly, of course, with the West. 

"Milder" repressions then became more common in several countries. 
Involuntary exile, especially in East Germany and Czechoslovakia, and "psy- 
chiatric treatment" on the Soviet model often replaced imprisonment. As vio- 
lence within the regimes drew wider comment in the West, some victims began 

Central and Southeastern Europe 


telling their stories to mass-circulation newspapers. Increased media coverage 
forced many regimes, even the Romanians, to reflect more on their actions. 

But if the suffering was less intense, the repressions were no less real. The 
slave-labor camps disappeared, except in Albania and Bulgaria (where they 
were used in the 1980s as internment camps for Turks). But political trials 
continued, marking out the evolution of all these countries except Hungary. As 
before 1956, trials were aimed chiefly at people who wished to improve civil 
society, at opposition figures who were to be liquidated, at independent unions, 
and at those who had helped the churches to survive in the shadows. Commu- 
nist leaders were also placed on trial. Examples include Paul Merker in East 
Germany, who was sentenced to eight years' imprisonment in March 1955 and 
freed the following year; Rudolf Barak, the Czechoslovak minister of interior, 
who received a six-year sentence in April 1962; and Milovan Djilas, a vocal 
Yugoslav dissident who was first imprisoned in 1956-1961 and again in 1962- 
1966. When Albania broke with the U.S.S.R. and aligned itself with China, 
pro-Soviet officials, such as Liri Beleshova, a member of the Politburo, and 
Koco Tashko, the president of the Control Commission of the Albanian Com- 
munist Party, were punished severely. Similarly, Rear Admiral Temo Sejko was 
executed in May 1961 along with several other officers. In 1975, after Albania 
had broken with China, Enver Hoxha liquidated Beqir Balluku, the minister of 
defense, and Petrit Dume, the chief of staff. 

In the many political trials of the period, death sentences were rare, except 
for genuine cases of espionage, and were rarely carried out. This was true for 
the Bulgarian Dimitar Penchev, who in 1961 was sentenced to death, together 
with an accomplice, for attempting to resurrect the Agrarian Union Party of 
Nikolai Petkov. His sentence was commuted to twenty years, and he was freed 
in the autumn of 1964 as part of a general amnesty. He was then forced to work 
as a laborer, but he had not seen the last of prison. He was jailed again from 
1967 to 1974 for illegally attempting to cross the border, an escapade that led 
to the death of one of his friends. In 1985, suspected of terrorist offenses, 
Penchev spent two months in the prison camp on Belene Island, before ending 
up under house arrest in a small mining village called Bobov Dol. 

The number of deaths and victims of repression was clearly lower in the 
period of post-terror than it was in the period up to 1956. Apart from those 
mentioned above who were killed in Hungary in 1956 and in 1968-69 in 
Czechoslovakia, only a few hundred died. Many of them, about two hundred 
in all, were shot trying to cross the border between East Germany and the 
Berlin Wall. One of the last political prisoners during this period, the Czecho- 
slovak dissident Pavel Wonka, died in prison from insufficient medical attention 
on 26 April 1988. 


The Other Europe 

Calculations of the victims are piecemeal and difficult to make. Among 
the deaths one must include assassinations by the secret police that were some- 
times passed off as car accidents, as was the case for two Romanian engineers 
who led a strike in the Jiu valley in 1977 and who were killed a few weeks after 
the strike had been broken. 

Future research on the period after 1956 will perhaps result in a typology 
of victims and a profile of the typical prisoner. We know that many of the 
victims of this period were not always in prison, as was the case for those killed 
during military intervention or while desperately trying to cross a border. It 
would also be wrong to concentrate too specifically on high-profile victims such 
as the Czech playwright Vaclav Havel, the Hungarian philosopher Istvan Bibo, 
the Romanian writer Paul Goma, or other members of the intelligentsia, while 
overlooking tens of millions of ordinary people in the countries concerned. 
Indeed, cynics might suggest that in fact no one of the stature of Babel or 
Mandelstam was executed between 1956 and 1989. There was, of course, the 
assassination of the Bulgarian writer Georgi Markov in London in September 
1978, executed with the poison-tipped umbrella of a Bulgarian secret agent. 
There may have been other young victims, whose talent was never allowed to 
flourish. But everywhere, particularly in Romania, most of the victims who 
were imprisoned and killed were simply the people in the streets; and history 
should never forget the names of ordinary people. 

It is well known that Communist dictatorships feared artists and creative 
people, and anyone who could express himself with originality. In early 1977 
the Communist leaders in Czechoslovakia panicked when they were faced with 
260 signatures on the opposition manifesto known as Charter 77. But Commu- 
nist regimes were considerably more frightened when tens of thousands of 
people took to the streets. 

By the end of the 1980s, people were suddenly no longer afraid of mass 
terror. And thus there finally came a general assault on all government power. 

The Complex Management of the Past 

Is it possible to forget, or to make people forget, the suffering brought on by a 
system and its jackbooted agents, when the suffering lasted for decades? Can 
one be generous and indulgent toward those who have been defeated, when 
they are executioners or torturers? When one wishes to set up democracy and 
the rule of law, what can be done with previous leaders and their assistants, 
particularly when they were so numerous and the state apparatus was so vast? 
The new democracies in Central and Southeastern Europe have sought 
answers to these questions. The cleansing of the Communist apparatus was the 
order of the day, even if this meant dredging up extremely unpleasant memo- 

Central and Southeastern Europe 


ries. Not surprisingly, the new leaders, who include many former Communists, 
are divided in their views about how extensive this cleansing should be and the 
methods it should involve. There have been calls for radical measures— for the 
banning of Communist parties as criminal organizations, and for trials of all 
former leaders who are still alive. On the other hand, there is an overwhelming 
desire to avoid a purge reminiscent of old Communist practices. For the Polish 
prime minister Tadeusz iMazowiecki or for the president of the Czech and 
Slovak republics, Vaclav Havel, denouncing the crimes of the previous regime 
and removing its agents from positions of authority could not mean a return 
to the methods of the previous regime. These anti-Communist democrats did 
not want to govern in an atmosphere of fear. Gyorgy Dalos, a Hungarian writer 
and a longtime opponent of the authoritarian regime, wrote in 1990 that 
"purification and cleansing, even if one hides behind terms like 'spring clean- 
ing,' can still create a deep-seated feeling of insecurity among those who worked 
under the old regime, whom we still need very much ... It would be very 
serious if fear gave rise to a new loyalty,' which frankly would have very little 
to do with the idea of democracy itself." 17 

In the first days after freedom had been restored, victims of the Commu- 
nist regimes, concretely identified, living or dead, silent or vocal, were at the 
center of investigations of responsibility. Victims of all different types were in 
the spotlight, from people who had been unjustly executed or imprisoned to 
people whose livelihoods had been taken away, to people who had been humili- 
ated on a daily basis by their submission to the lies of the Party. Post-Commu- 
nist society had to face up to what Vaclav Havel termed this ''monstrous 
heritage, 11 and to face as well the grave issues of crime and punishment. In 
seeing the victim as the main witness to suffering, societies necessarily appealed 
to their new political officials, to provide a framework that would either exploit 
or calm the resentment produced by this suffering. There were some who 
exploited the situation for personal gain, and those who wanted to prevent the 
rise of blind vengeance, those who simply watched, and those who were con- 
scious of human frailty and sought the true causes of the evil, while proposing 
democratic measures. A u silent majority" had existed in all the Communist 
regimes; and ironically, those who had remained most passive, becoming semi- 
collaborators, ended up calling most loudly for brutal revenge on the oppres- 

It is hardly surprising that after so many years of amputated memories, 
the interpretation of the recent past was so impassioned. Naturally, there was 
an explosion in publishing after the abolition of censorship, as a multiplicity of 
viewpoints began to emerge. The journalistic, highly media-focused approach, 
with its constant hunt for sensationalism, led to oversimplification, a black-and- 
white view in which history was reduced to victims versus executioners, until 


The Other Europe 

suddenly it seemed possible to believe that a whole nation had been resistance 
fighters against a regime imposed from abroad. In the process, words lost their 
finer meanings. The term "genocide" was bandied about: the Communists had 
perpetrated genocide on the Romanians, the Czechs, and others; the Czechs 
had tried to launch genocide against the Slovaks. In Romania, people began 
talking about a a Red holocaust"; and in Bulgaria the formula "innumerable 
Auschwitzes lacking only crematoria" became the standard way of referring to 
the gulags. 

These approaches to the recent past have already been the object of 
dispassionate studies, which demonstrate clearly how strongly the effects of 
World War II persist in post-Communist societies. The extreme case is that of 
the former Yugoslavia, where the recent war was, in part, an extension of the 
conflicts generated fifty years before, and where memories were flagrantly 
manipulated to fuel the conflict. The shadows of the war have not dissipated, 
particularly among the former allies of Nazi Germany. If Marshal Petain had 
been Romanian or Slovak, many would have claimed him as a victim of Com- 
munism, as was the case with the Romanian dictator Antonescu and the Slovak 
president Monsignor Jozef Tiso, both of whom were sentenced to death and 
executed after the war for the atrocities committed within their countries. 

The history of Communist regimes is now extremely politicized, espe- 
cially when parties and movements seek to rediscover their ancestors and 
traditions. The Pole Andrzej Paczkowski, one of the authors of this book, 
speaks unhesitatingly about a "civil war" in Poland over the search for origins, 
although happily this war is merely one of words. The past is manipulated and 
used as a tool as ancient myths and legends are reborn and new ones appear. 
The myth of the number of victims is one that commands special attention. 
According to the French historian Robert Frank, the figure becomes a key 
symbol, a mathematical truth; it lends authority to discourses about death, and 
it transforms mass deaths into a kind of sacrament. Hence the special need for 
prudence among those researching new national or social mythologies. 

The Hungarian Gyorgy Litvan, director of the Institute for the History 
of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, has suggested that a politically aware 
interpretation of extreme points in history facilitates in-depth analysis of the 
political evolution of a country. He claims that a country's relation to the recent 
past can tell us much more about the democratic roots of certain types of 
discourse than it can about economic problems or other changes that might be 
under way at the time. 

All memories are "created" to some extent, and the official version of 
events is no exception. Panels of legislators and decisionmakers select the 
traditions that will underlie new constitutions, choose the figures whose heads 
will appear on stamps and banknotes, determine the national holidays to be 

Central and Southeastern Europe 


celebrated, the medals to be handed out, the events to be commemorated, and 
the names to be given to streets, squares, and public places — and, of course, 
draw up the curriculum to be taught in schools. The heroes and victims of the 
Communist period cannot be forgotten. Nevertheless, many post-Communist 
regimes have decided to put the Communist period in their history in brackets. 
This is hardly new in the twentieth century, as the Italian historian Maria 
Ferretti, who specializes in Russian memory, has pointed out: Benedetto Croce 
proposed a similar approach in order to bury the ghost of Italian fascism. 18 
Bracketing, however, is always an illusion, and whole decades cannot simply be 
buried and forgotten. These decades have molded the outlook of the vast 
majority of the citizens in each country, and they have also determined the 
course of social and economic development. Dispassionate analyses attempt to 
propose explanations of behavior, including the absence (or inadequacy) of 
historical self-criticism among individuals, groups, and whole peoples; the 
desire to avoid any reflection about collective responsibility (in the form of tacit 
support for the regime); or the presence of a "martyred people" mentality that 
excuses an entire nation for everything. (Alexandra Laignel-Lavastine has stud- 
ied the idea of "collective martyrology" in Romania, which is accompanied by 
an "innocence complex" that causes everything to be seen as someone else's 

Control over the past in post-Communist states is a topic sufficiently 
complex to merit a book-length study in its own right. Most notable at this 
point are the differences among the countries concerned. In Romania in par- 
ticular, men from the old Communist regime kept power until the legislative 
and presidential elections of November 1996, and a similar situation existed for 
some time in Bulgaria as well. But even in those two countries, considerable 
documentation about repression under the Communists is now available. Yet 
although citizens in all the countries have in their own possession considerable 
documentation pertaining to the years of Communist rule, and although victim 
testimonies are now commonplace, in-depth histories based on a close scrutiny 
of archival sources are still lacking, excepr perhaps in the Czech Republic, 
Poland, and Hungary. 

It should also be pointed out that no Communist Party has yet been 
banned. These parties have changed their names except in the Czech Republic, 
where a referendum inside the Party resulted in a decision to keep the name 
unchanged. Almost everywhere, the most compromised leaders have been 
thrown out and the leadership entirely replaced. 

Few trials of people responsible for the repressions have taken place. The 
most spectacular one occurred in Romania, where a pseudotrial ended in the 
execution of Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife on 25 December 1989, after which 
the dictator's body was shown on national television. In Bulgaria, Todor 


The Other Europe 

Zhivkov, the former general secretary of the Party, was tried in April 1991 but 
allowed to go free. Paradoxically he most visibly failed to live up to one of the 
mottoes of the Bulgarian Party elite: u We took power with bloodshed, we won't 
give it up without bloodshed. " In Albania, some of the Communist leaders were 
sentenced for "abuse of public goods and infringing the equality of citizens"; 
one such person was the wife of Enver Hoxha, who received an eleven-year 
prison sentence. In Czechoslovakia, Miroslav Stepan, a member of the Party 
Presidium and first secretary of the Prague municipal Party committee, was 
sentenced to two years in prison in 1991 for violence carried out against a crowd 
of demonstrators on 17 November 1989. Several trials have been brought 
against the former leaders of East Germany. The most recent was the trial of 
the last Communist leader, Egon Krenz, in August 1997. He was sentenced to 
six and a half years in prison and freed pending an appeal. As of 1999 charges 
were still being pressed against General Wojcicch Jaru/.elski for the deaths of 
strikers in Gdansk in December 1970, when as defense minister he relayed the 
orders to open fire. (Jaruzelski was granted a pardon by the Polish parliament 
in 1996 on separate charges brought against him for his role in imposing martial 
law in December 1981.) Similarly, an effort is still under way in Prague to try 
a few of the Czechoslovak Communist leaders who "invited 11 in the occupying 
forces in 1968. 

Post-Communist justice has also involved several trials of officials from 
the various security services directly implicated in crimes. One of the most 
interesting was the trial in Poland of Adam Humer and eleven other officers 
from the UB (Urza^d Bezpieezehstwa, the Security Bureau) for crimes commit- 
ted during the repression of the opposition in the late 1940s and early 1950s. 
Humer was a colonel at the time, and the deputy head of the Investigations 
Department of the Ministry of Public Security until 1954. These crimes are 
generally described as crimes against humanity. At the end of the trial, which 
lasted two and a half years, Humer was sentenced on 8 March 1996 to nine 
years' imprisonment. In Hungary, those who shot at civilians on 8 December 
1956 in Salgotarjan, an industrial town northeast of Budapest, were convicted 
in January 1995 of crimes against humanity. But the verdict reached in January 
1997 by the Hungarian Supreme Court decreed that after 4 November 1956, 
because of the illegal intervention of Soviet forces, a state of war existed 
between Hungary and the U.S.S.R., and therefore these crimes had to be 
considered war crimes instead. 

Of all the countries of the former Soviet bloc, the Czech Republic has 
developed perhaps the most original approach to the management of the coun- 
try^ Communist past. It is the only country to have adopted laws mandating 
the return of goods confiscated by the authorities after 25 February 1948, and 
decreeing the mass rehabilitation of all those unjustly convicted. In 1994, for 

Central and Southeastern Europe 


example, regional and district courts rehabilitated approximately 220,000 peo- 
ple. Until 1998, when Poland adopted a law requiring the screening of all 
judicial and police officials, the Czech Republic was alone in having passed a 
law on "lustration," limiting access to public office. The law requires verifica- 
tion of and open access to any senior official's past as it appears in the police 
records of the old regime. It is also the only country that has a special admin- 
istrative body, the Bureau for Documentation and Inquiry into the Crimes of 
Communism, to pursue members of the old regime. As an integral part of the 
Investigations Bureau of the Police of the Czech Republic, this body has full 
powers to gather information and file charges for any Communist crime com- 
mitted from 1948 to 1989. The Bureau for Documentation has a staff of about 
90. It intervenes with legal opinions in judicial procedures; it has to make the 
case for each crime, assemble the necessary evidence, and then submit the case 
to the department for public prosecutions. Of the 98 people investigated in 
1997, 20 cases were deemed valid, 5 were actually taken to court, and a single 
person — a former investigator in the State Security organs — was sentenced to 
five years in prison. All cases are to be concluded by 29 December 1999. 

The current director of the Bureau of Documentation, Vaclav Benda, a 
mathematician by training and an important figure in the opposition during the 
1970s and 1980s, himself spent four years in prison. Today he is a Christian 
Democratic senator, and in a recent interview he made clear his position re- 
garding Communist crimes and crimes against humanity: 

The waiver of the statute of limitations for crimes against humanity 
does exist in our legislation, but we are not sure what Communist crimes 
it can be applied to. We can't automatically define all the crimes of 
Communism as crimes against humanity. Besides, our international po- 
sition on the elimination of the statute of limitations was taken by 
Czechoslovakia in 1974, and legal opinions differ as to whether we can 
consider that crimes committed before that date fall within the remit of 
the waiver of the statute of limitations. ly 

Pavel Rychetsky, who was deputy prime minister of the federal govern- 
ment in 1991 and 1992, is now a Social Democratic senator and chairman of 
the Legislative Commission of the Czech Senate. In June 1997 he told us; 

In the Czech Republic, everyone believes that we do need trials, not 
simply to punish the old men, but to bring everything that happened out 
into the open, as a sort of catharsis. In fact most of the information is 
out in the open already, and it's hard to believe we will find out anything 
that is worse than the things we already know. Genocide, as a crime 
against humanity, is of course without a statute of limitations. But none 
of the Communist crimes in Czechoslovakia fell under that category, 


The Other Europe 

and we will never be able to prove that any actions corresponding to a 
really close definition of genocide were ever carried out. By contrast, in 
the Soviet Union there were certainly crimes of genocide committed 
against ethnic groups or specific segments of the population, such as the 
Cossacks and the Chechens. But those crimes can't really be punished 
either, because they were not explicitly against any law that was in force 
at that time. 

These examples, of which many more could be found, lead inexorably to 
the conclusion that numerous crimes have gone unpunished, because of the 
statute of limitations, lack of witnesses, or lack of proof. After the fall of 
Communism, justice has once again become independent of executive power, 
and it has ensured that the principles of so-called civilized countries are re- 
spected, including both the principle of the statute of limitations and the idea 
that no law can have retroactive effects. However, some countries have amended 
their legislation to allow the prosecution of certain crimes. In Poland, the law 
of 4 April 1991 replaced the law of April 1984 on the Principal Commission 
for Research into the Crimes of Hitler and the Institute for National Memory. 
The new law places Communism in the same category as fascism and intro- 
duces the concept of Stalinist crimes, which it defines as u any attacks on 
individuals or groups of people committed by the Communist authorities or 
inspired or tolerated by them during the period preceding 31 December 
1956. ""^ Such crimes are not subject to a statute of limitations. In 1995, the 
articles in the penal code regarding the statute of limitations were modified, 
allowing the most serious crimes committed against civil liberties before 
31 December 1989 to be prosecuted within a thirty-year period starting on 
1 January 1990. In the Czech Republic, the law regarding the "illegitimacy of 
the Communist regime and resistance to it," adopted in 1993, extended the 
statute of limitations for crimes committed between 1948 and 1989 that could 
be described as "political." 

Dealing with the past is an extremely complex business. But I would like 
to finish this section on a personal note. In my opinion, the punishment of the 
guilty was not carried out promptly enough or in an appropriate manner. 
Despite the efforts of many, myself included, Czechoslovakia, for instance, has 
failed to introduce any new categories of crime such as "national indignity," 
which could be punishable by "national degradation" and the removal of rights, 
as was done in France in the aftermath of World War II. On the other hand, 
the Germans' opening of the Stasi archives to any interested citizen seems a 
brave and good decision. It increases a sense of responsibility, inviting everyone 
to take charge of his or her own "trial": your husband was an informer, and 
now you know . . . what are you going to do? 

Whatever happens, the wounds will take some time to heal. 


Communism in Asia: 
Between Reeducation 
and Massacre 

Jean-Louis Margolin and Pierre Rigoulot 


Two features distinguish Communism in Asia from Communism in Europe. 
First, with the exception of North Korea, most of the regimes established 
themselves through their own efforts and built independent political systems 
with a strongly nationalist character. (Laos is a partial exception in this regard, 
because of its dependence on Vietnam.) 

Second, at the time this book was written all these regimes were still in 
power, even to a certain extent in Cambodia. Therefore, the only essential 
archives then open were those dealing with the Pol Pot period in Cambodia (the 
Comintern archives in Moscow do not cover any of the regimes still in place.) 1 
Even so, our knowledge of these regimes and their past has increased consid- 
erably. It is now relatively easy to do field research in China, Vietnam, Laos, 
and Cambodia, and some interesting sources are now available there: official 
media (including translations of Chinese radio transmissions available from 
various Western sources), the regional press, memoirs by former leaders of the 
regimes, written testimonies of refugees who fled abroad, and oral records 
gathered inside the countries. For internal political reasons, Cambodians are 
now encouraged to decry the Pol Pot period, and the Chinese to denounce the 
horrors of the Cultural Revolution. However, this selective opening of materi- 
als has had some bizarre effects. For example, we still have no access to any 
debates that may have taken place among Party leaders; we still have no idea 
how or why Chairman Mao's designated successor, Marshal Lin Biao, died in 
1971; and Mao's intentions during the Cultural Revolution remain quite mys- 
terious. Little is known about the purges of the 1950s in China and in Vietnam, 
and perhaps even less about the Great Leap Forward. Almost nothing is known 
about events in the vast death camps located in western China. As a rule, more 
is known about the fate of Communist cadres and intellectuals who suffered in 
the repressions than about the fate of normal citizens, who account for the great 
majority of the victims. North Korea, one of the last bastions of hard-line 
Communism, is still solidly closed to the outside world, and until very recently 
almost no one ever managed to leave the country. 

For all these reasons, the account that follows is inevitably somewhat 
approximate, and some of the figures are rather speculative. But the ends and 
means of Communism in the Far East are very much evident. 

Main units of the laogat penal network (based on a map in Jean-Luc Domenach, Chine: Larchipel 
oubite, Paris: Fayard, 1992) 



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China: A Long March into Night 

Jean-Louis Margolin 

After our armed enemies have been crushed, there will still be our 
unarmed enemies, who will try to right us to the death. We must never 
underestimate their strength. Unless we think of the problem in pre- 
cisely those terms, we will commit the gravest of errors. 

Thus Mao Zedong adjured the Central Committee of the Seventh Congress of 
the Chinese Communist Party in March 1949. 1 

Was repression in Communist China simply a replication of the practices 
of the Soviet Big Brother? After all, until the early 1980s Stalin's portrait was 
still to be seen everywhere in Beijing. 2 In some respects the answer is no. In 
China, murderous purges in the Party itself were very rare, and the secret police 
were relatively discreet, although the influence of their leader, Kang Sheng, 
and of the Yan'an maquis was constantly in the background from the 1940s until 
his death in 1975.* But in other respects the answer is assuredly yes. Even if 
one excludes the civil war, the regime must be held accountable for a huge 
number of deaths. Although the estimates are quite speculative, it is clear that 
there were between 6 million and 10 million deaths as a direct result of the 
Communist actions, including hundreds of thousands of Tibetans. In addition, 

This chapter is dedicated to Jean Pasqualini (d. 9 October 1997), who revealed the horrors 
of the Chinese concentration camps to the world. 



Communism in Asia 

tens of millions of "counterrevolutionaries" passed long periods of their lives 
inside the prison system, with perhaps 20 million dying- there. To that total 
should he added the staggering number of deaths during the ill-named Great 
Leap Forward- estimates range from 20 million to 4.i million dead for the 
years 1959-1%] - all victims of a famine caused by the misguided projects of 
a single man, Mao Zedong, and his criminal obstinacy in refusing to admit his 
mistake and to allow measures to be taken to rectify the disastrous effects. The 
answer again is yes if one looks at the scale of the genocide in Tibet; some 10 
to 20 percent of the inhabitants of the "rooftop of the world" died as a result 
of Chinese occupation. The genuine surprise of Deng Xiaoping as he observed 
that the massacre in Tiananmen Square in June 1989, where perhaps 1,000 
died, was totally insignificant in comparison to the scale of events in China in 
the comparatively recent past, clearly amounts to an admission of guilt, One 
can hardly argue that these massacres were the sad consequences of an ex- 
tremely blood)' civil war, since the war was not in fact particularly violent and 
the regime was firmly entrenched by 1950. Nor can one argue that this was the 
continuation of a generally bloodstained history, If one discounts the Japanese 
occupation, which was not followed by famine or other disasters, one has to go 
back to the third quarter of the nineteenth century to find slaughters on 
anything resembling a comparable scale. And at that time there was nothing to 
compare to the generality or the systematic and carefully planned character 
of the Maoist atrocities, despite the dramatic nature of events in China at the 

An analysis of Chinese Communism is doubly important. Since 1949, the 
Beijing regime has governed nearly two-thirds of all people who lived under 
the red flag. When the Soviet Union finally broke up in 1991 and Kastern 
Europe abandoned Communism, the figure rose to nine-tenths. It is therefore 
quite clear that whatever happens to "real socialism" now depends on the 
development of Communism in China. Beijing has been a sort of second Rome 
for Marxism-Leninism, openly so since the Sino-Soviet break of I960, but in 
actuality since the birth of the free /one of Van'an in 19.15- 1947 after the Long 
March. Korean, Japanese, and even Vietnamese Communists would retreat to 
China to consolidate their strength. Although Kim II Sung's regime predates 
the triumph of the Chinese Communist Party, and owes its existence to Soviet 
occupation, it also owes us survival during the Korean war to the intervention 
of more than 1 million armed Chinese "volunteers." Repressions in North 
Korea were based quite closely on the Stalinist model, but what the master of 
Pyongyang took from Maoism, which after l'an'an became synonymous with 
Chinese Communism, was the idea not of the Party line but of the mass 
line — the intense effort to classify and mobilize the entire population — and its 
logical consequence, an insistence on permanent education as a means of social 

China: A Long March into Night 


control. Kim paraphrased Mao when he noted that "the mass line is to mount 
an active defense of the interests of the working masses, to educate and reedu- 
cate them so that they rally to the cause of the Party, to count on their strength, 
and to mobilize them for revolutionary tasks." 4 

Even more apparent is China's influence on Asian Communist regimes 
established after 1949. The memoirs of the Vietnamese leader Hoang Van 
Hoan, who went over to Beijing, reveal that from 1950 until the Geneva accord 
of 1954 numerous Chinese advisers trained troops and administrators for the 
Viet Minh, and that from 1965 to 1970 some 30,000 soldiers from Beijing 
helped North Vietnamese troops in their fight against the South. 5 General Vo 
Nguyen Giap, the victor at Dien Bien Phu, indirectly acknowledged the Chi- 
nese contribution in 1964: u After 1950, in the wake of the Chinese victory, our 
army and our people learned some precious lessons from the Chinese People's 
Liberation Army. We educated ourselves according to the military thought of 
Mao Zedong. That was the important factor that allowed our army to mature 
and that led to our successive victories." 6 The Vietnamese Communist Party, 
which at the time was known as the Workers' Party, inscribed in its statutes in 
1951 that "The Workers' Party recognizes the theories of Marx, Engels, Lenin, 
and Stalin and the thought of Mao Zedong, adapted to the realities of the 
Vietnamese revolution, as the theoretical foundation of its thought and as the 
magnetic needle that points the way in all its activities." 7 The "mass line" and 
the idea of reeducation were placed at the center of the Vietnamese political 
system. The chengfeng ("the reform of work style"), which had been invented 
in Yan'an, was transcribed into Vietnamese as chink huan and became the 
justification for the ferocious purges of the mid-1950s. s In 1975-1979 Cambo- 
dia under the Khmer Rouge also received powerful support from Beijing and 
tried to carry out what Mao himself had failed to accomplish, taking up in 
particular the idea of the Great Leap Forward. All these regimes, like that of 
Mao, were strongly colored by their military origins (though less so in North 
Korea, even if Kim often boasted of his alleged exploits as a guerrilla fighter 
against the Japanese), which inevitably resulted in a permanent militarization 
of society. This occurred the least in China, which had no front line. It is 
notable that the central role played by the secret police in the Soviet system 
was in China always played by the army, which sometimes carried out repres- 
sive measures on its own. 

A Tradition of Violence? 

During his lifetime, Mao Zedong was so powerful that he was often known as 
the Red Emperor. In light of what is now known about his unpredictable 
character, his ferocious egotism, the vindictive murders he committed, and the 


Communism in Asia 

life of debauchery that he led right up to the end, it is all too easy to compare 
him to one of the despots of the iMiddle Kingdom (ancient China). 9 Yet the 
violence that he erected into a whole system far exceeds any national tradition 
of violence that we might find in China. 

As in most other countries, there had been periods of great bloodletting 
in China, which usually occurred against a backdrop of religious tension or an 
irreconcilable ideological clash. What separates the two great Chinese traditions 
of Confucianism and Taoism is less the theoretical differences than the conflict 
between the focus by Confucius on society and on rationality and the emphasis 
by Lao Tsu, the great promoter of Taoism, on the individual and intuitive and 
irrational aspects of behavior. Chinese generally incorporate some mixture of 
these two traditions. Sometimes in moments of crisis Taoists will gain the 
upper hand among the disinherited and the lost, launching a massive assault 
on the bastions of Confucianism — the educated and the state. Over the centu- 
ries there have been numerous uprisings inspired by apocalyptic, messianic 
sects, including the Yellow Turbans of 184, the Maitreyist revolt of Faqing in 
515, the Manichean rebellion of Fang La in 1120, the White Lotus in 3351, 
and the Eight Trigrams of 1813. 10 The message of these movements was often 
quite similar, synthesizing Taoism and popular Buddhism, and often using the 
figure of Maitreya, the Buddha of the future whose imminent, luminous, and 
redemptive coming is to be accomplished in a universal cataclysm of the old 
world. The faithful, the chosen few, must help bring about the realization of 
the prophecy for salvation to occur. All contingent links must be broken, even 
with one's own family. According to the chronicle of the Wei dynasty in 515, 
"Fathers, sons, and brothers did not know one another." 11 

In China most morality is based on respect for familial obligations. Once 
these are broken, anything can happen. The replacement family that the sect 
becomes annihilates the idea of the individual. The rest of humanity is con- 
demned to hell in the hereafter and to violent death in this world. Sometimes, 
as in 402, officials were cut into pieces, and if their wives and children refused 
to eat them, they were dismembered themselves. In 1120 massacres evidently 
involved millions of people. All values can be inverted: according to a procla- 
mation of 1130, "The killing of people is the carrying out of the dhartna 
[Buddhist law]." Killing becomes an act of compassion, delivering the spirit. 
Theft serves the purposes of equality, suicide is an enviable happiness; the 
worse a death is, the greater its reward will be. According to a text from the 
nineteenth century, "Death by slow slicing will ensure one's entry [into heaven] 
in a crimson robe.' 112 From certain points of view it is difficult not to draw a 
comparison here between this millenarian cruelty and the Asian revolutions 
of this century. This does not help explain a number of the latter's charac- 
teristics, but it does help explain why they sometimes triumphed, and why the 

China: A Long March into Night 


violence that accompanied them could initially appear quite ordinary and 

Social safeguards were nonetheless extremely powerful, a fact that ex- 
plains why society was only rarely troubled. European visitors in the Middle 
Ages and the Enlightenment were always struck by the tremendous peace that 
reigned in the old empire. Confucianism, the official doctrine taught in the 
countryside, made benevolence the cardinal virtue of the sovereign and mod- 
eled the state on the family. Without any risk of anachronism, one can speak 
here of humanist principles that have valorized human life from time imme- 
morial. Looking at the work of thinkers who have been the cardinal points of 
reference for nearly twenty-one centuries of imperial rule, we can single out 
the Chinese philosopher Mo Ti (ca. 479-381 B.C.), who condemned wars of 
aggression thus: "If a simple homicide is to be considered a crime, but the 
multiple homicide that is an attack on another country is to be considered a 
good action, can we possibly call that a reasonable distinction between good and 
evil?" 1 - 1 In his famous treatise The Art of War, Sun Tzu (writing around 
500 B.C.) noted that "war is like fire; people who do not lay down their arms 
will die by their arms." One should fight for economic reasons, as swiftly and 
efficiently as possible: "No long war ever profited any country: 100 victories in 
100 battles is simply ridiculous. Anyone who excels in defeating his enemies 
triumphs before his enemy's threats become real." Saving one's strength is 
essential, but neither should one allow oneself to annihilate the enemy entirely: 
"Capturing the enemy is far better than destroying him: do not encourage 
murder." That is perhaps less of a moral tenet than an opportunistic consid- 
eration: massacres and atrocities provoke hatred and lend the enemy the energy 
of despair, possibly allowing him to turn the situation around in his favor. In 
any case, for the victor, "The best policy is to capture the state intact: it should 
be destroyed only if no other options are available." 14 

Such is the typical reasoning of the great Chinese tradition, as illustrated 
above all by Confucianism: ethical principles are derived not from some tran- 
scendental vision, but from a pragmatic vision of social harmony. This is surely 
one of the reasons for their effectiveness. A different "pragmatic" approach, 
developed by lawmakers who were contemporaries of Confucius and Sun Tzu, 
implied that the state must affirm its omnipotence by terrorizing society. The 
fundamental failure of this approach was immediately apparent, even in its 
hour of glory during the short Qin dynasty, in the third century B.C. Despite 
enormous variations from one reign to the next, such arbitrary rule became 
more and more uncommon, particularly after the Northern Song dynasty 
(960-1 1 27). The most common punishment for errant officials became the long 
walk into exile, which did not exclude the possibility of pardon and return. 
The Tang dynasty in 654 drew up an extremely humane penal code, which took 


Communism in Asia 

into account both the intentions of individuals and any repentance they might 
show and abolished the idea of familial responsibility in case of rebellion. The 
procedures leading to capital punishment became very long and complex, some 
of the more horrible punishments were abolished altogether, and an appeals 
procedure was also established. 15 

State violence was thus quite limited and controlled. Chinese historians 
have always been appalled by the behavior of the first emperor, Qin Shi (221- 
210 B.c), who buried aJive 460 administrators and men of letters, burned all 
the classical literature (and made anyone who mentioned it subject to capital 
punishment), condemned to death or deported at least 20,000 nobles, and killed 
as many as several hundred thousand people during the construction of the 
Great Wall. This emperor was explicitly taken as a model by Mao. With the 
arrival of the Han dynasty (206 B.C-220 A.D.), Confucianism returned to the 
fore, and the empires never again saw such severe tyranny or such bloody 
massacres. The law was strict, and justice was harsh, but apart from the (re- 
grettably frequent) times of rebellion and the invasions from abroad, human 
life was safer there than it was in most other states in the ancient world or in 
medieval and modern Europe. 

Admittedly, even under the peaceful Song dynasty in the twelfth century 
some 300 offenses were punishable by death, but in principle every sentence 
had to be checked and countersigned by the emperor himself. Wars often 
dragged on until hundreds of thousands had lost their lives, and the death 
count inevitably rose during the ensuing epidemics, famines, disruption of the 
transport system, and floodings of the Yellow River. The Taiping revolt and its 
repression were responsible for between 20 million and 100 million deaths, 
causing the population of China to fall from 410 million in 1850 to 350 million 
in 1873. !6 But only a small fraction of those dead, probably about 1 million, 
can be considered to have been intentionally killed in connection with the 
revolt. 17 In any case this was an exceptionally troubled period, marked by 
immense rebellions, repeated attacks by Western imperialists, and the growing 
despair of a population living in abject poverty. It was in this context that the 
two, three, or four generations who preceded the Communist revolutionaries 
grew up. It made them accustomed to a level of violence and social disintegra- 
tion unprecedented in China's history. 

Even in the first half of this century there was no warning, in scale or in 
kind, of what Maoism would unleash. True, the relatively undramatic revolu- 
tion of 191 1 was followed by a growing number of deaths in the sixteen years 
before the partial stabilization imposed by the Kuomintang regime. In Nanjing, 
a hotbed of revolution, the dictator Yuan Shih-kai ordered several thousand 
people executed from July 1913 to July 1914. 18 In June 1925 the police in 
Guangzhou killed fifty-two people taking part in a workers 1 demonstration. In 

China: A Long March into Night 


May 1926 in Beijing, forty-seven students were killed in a peaceful anti-Japa- 
nese demonstration. In April and May 1927 in Shanghai, and then in other big 
cities in the east, thousands of Communists were executed by a coalition uniting 
the head of the new regime, Chiang Kai-shek, and the local secret societies. In 
The Human Condition Andre Malraux recalled the atrocious nature of some of 
the executions, which took place in a locomotive boiler. Although the first 
episodes of the civil war between nationalists and Communists do not appear 
to have involved any massacres greater than those in the Long March of 
1934-35, the Japanese did commit thousands of atrocities in the huge part of 
China that they occupied from 1937 to 1945. 

More murderous than many of these events were the famines of 1900, 
1920-21, and 1928-1930 that struck the north and northwest of the country, 
the areas most vulnerable to drought. The second of these caused the death of 
500,000 people, and the third between 2 million and 3 million. 19 But although 
the second was made worse by the disruption of the transport system as a result 
of the civil war, one can hardly say this was an intentional effect that should be 
described as a massacre. The same cannot be said about Henan, where in 
1942-43 between 2 million and 3 million people, or 5 percent of the population, 
died of hunger, and many cases of cannibalism were recorded. Even though 
the harvest had been disastrous, the central government in Chongqing refused 
to reduce the tax levy. In effect, the government seized from a great number of 
peasants all the goods they produced. The proximity of the front was another 
factor. The peasants were drafted to help with military operations, such as the 
digging of a 500-kilometer antitank trench, which in practice proved useless. 20 
This was a foretaste of other great errors of judgment such as the Great Leap 
Forward, even if in this case the war might be seen to have provided an excuse. 
The resentment felt by the peasants was enormous. 

The most numerous and, taken as a whole, the most murderous atrocities 
occurred quietly and left few traces. These often involved the poor fighting the 
poor, far from the main centers, in the great ocean of China's villages. Innu- 
merable brigands roamed at large, sometimes in organized gangs, pillaging, 
looting, racketeering, and kidnaping. They kilted anyone who resisted or whose 
ransom was not delivered in time. When they were captured, the whole village 
would join in their execution. For the peasants, the soldiers were sometimes 
worse than the bandits they were supposed to be fighting. In 1932 a petition 
from Fujian demanded that all the forces of law and order be withdrawn, u so 
that we will have only the bandits to fight." 21 In the same province in 1931, 
angry peasants annihilated the majority of a band of 2,500 soldiers who had 
pillaged and raped the local populace. In 1926 a group of peasants to the west 
of Hunan, under the cover of the secret society of the Red Lances, apparently 
killed 50,000 "soldier-bandits" serving a local warlord. When the Japanese 


Communism in Asia 

began their offensive in the same region in 1944, the locals, remembering the 
earlier murderous troops, hunted them down and huried some alive. 22 And yet 
the Chinese soldiers were no different from their executioners. They were 
simply peasants, the unlucky and terrified victims of conscriptions that, ac- 
cording to the American General Wedemeyer, had hit the villages like a flood 
or a famine and had taken an even greater number of victims. 

Numerous other revolts, generally less violent, focused on various govern- 
ment exactions: taxes on land, opium, alcohol, and livestock; forced conscrip- 
tion; government loans; unfair judgments. The worst violence often involved 
peasants against peasants. There were savage wars between villages. Clans and 
secret societies ravaged the countryside and, by honoring the cult of murdered 
ancestors who demanded to be avenged, created inextinguishable hatreds. In 
September 1928, for example, the Little Swords in Jiangsu Province massacred 
200 Big Swords and burned six villages. Violent hostility between the Black 
Flag and Red Flag villages of the eastern part of Guangdong Province dated 
from the late nineteenth century. In Puning County, in the same region, the 
Lin clan hunted down and killed anyone bearing the patronymic Ho, including 
lepers, who were often burned alive, and numerous Christians. Such struggles 
were neither political nor social; they were simply jockeyings for position by 
local gangs. The adversaries were often immigrants, or simply people who lived 
on the other side of the river. 21 

A Revolution Inseparable from Terror (1927-1946) 

When in January 1928 the inhabitants of a Red Flag village saw a group 
approach brandishing a scarlet flag, they rallied enthusiastically to one of the 
first Chinese "sovicts," that of Hai-Lu-Feng, directed by P'eng P'ai. The 
Communists tailored their speeches to take account of local hatreds and used 
the coherence of their message to win the locals over to their own ends while 
allowing the new partisans to give full vent to their crudest impulses. These 
few months in 1927-28 adumbrated the worst excesses of the Cultural Revolu- 
tion and the Khmer Rouge forty and fifty years later. The movement had been 
prepared since 1922 by intense activity in Communist Party-led peasant 
unions, which had produced a strong polarization between "poor peasants 1 * 
and "landowners," with the latter being constantly denounced. Although nei- 
ther traditional conflicts nor social realities had accorded much importance to 
this division, the canceling of debts and the abolition of tenant farming en- 
sured wide support for the new Soviets. P'eng P'ai took advantage of it to 
establish a regime of ''democratic terror": the whole people were invited to 
public triaLs of ''counterrevolutionaries," who almost invariably were con- 
demned to death. Everyone participated in the executions, shouting out "kill, 

China: A Long March into Night 


kill" to the Red Guards whose task it was to cut victims into pieces. Sometimes 
the pieces were cooked and eaten, or force-fed to members of the victim's 
family who were still alive and looking on. Everyone was then invited to a 
banquet, where the liver and heart of the former landowner were shared out, 
and to meetings where a speaker would address rows of severed heads freshly 
skewered on stakes. This fascination for vengeful cannibalism, which later 
became common under the Pol Pot regime, echoes a very ancient East Asian 
archetype that appears often at cataclysmic moments of Chinese history. At a 
time of foreign invasions in 61 3, Emperor Yang of the Souei dynasty avenged 
himself on one rebel by pursuing even his most distant relations: u Those who 
were punished most severely were broken apart, and their heads were displayed 
on stakes, or they were dismembered and shot full of arrows. The emperor 
then ordered all the state dignitaries to eat the flesh of the victims piece by 
piece." 24 The great writer Lu Xun, who was an admirer of Communism before 
it became imbued with nationalism and antiwestern sentiments, wrote that 
"Chinese people are cannibals." Less popular than these bloody orgies were the 
actions of the Red Guards in 1927 in the temples and against the Taoist monks. 
The faithful painted the idols red in an attempt to save them, and P'eng P'ai 
himself began to benefit from the first signs of deification. Fifty thousand 
people, including many peasants, fled the region during the four months of the 
Soviet's reign. 2S 

P'eng P'ai, who was shot in 1931, was the first real promoter of rural 
militarized Communism. His ideas were picked up by a previously marginal 
Communist cadre, Mao Zedong (himself of peasant origin), and theorized in 
his 1927 Report on the Peasant Movement in the Hunan. This peasant Commu- 
nism represented an alternative to the Communism of the urban workers' 
movement, which at the time had been weakened as a result of repressions 
carried out by Chiang Kai-shek's Kuomintang. It quickly gathered momentum 
and resulted in the establishment in 1928 of the first Red Bases in the Jinggang 
Mountains, between Hunan and Jiangxi. It was in the eastern part of that 
province that on 7 November 1931, the anniversary of the October Revolution, 
the consolidation and extension of the main base led to the proclamation of a 
Chinese Republic of Soviets, with Mao presiding over the Council of People's 
Commissars. Until its final triumph in 1949, Chinese Communism was to go 
through many incarnations and terrible setbacks, but the main model was 
established here: concentrating the energy of the revolution on the construction 
of a state, and focusing the efforts of that state, which was to be warlike by 
nature, on forming a strong army to crush the enemy, which was the central 
government of Nanjing, presided over by Chiang Kai-shek. There is nothing 
surprising in the fact that the military and repressive apparatus was present 
from the very beginning. We are a long way here from Russian Bolshevism, and 


Communism in Asia 

even further from pure Marxism. Bolshevism was an intermediary means, 
linked to a strategy for seizing power and reenforcing a national revolutionary 
state, through which the founders of the Chinese Communist Party, and in 
particular their major thinker, Li Dazhao, came to Communism in 1918 and 
1919. 2h Wherever Chinese Communism triumphed, it was the socialism of the 
barracks, of courts-martial, and of firing squads that took power. P'eng Pai 
was simply the first to provide this model. 

The originality of Chinese Communist repressive practices is attested by 
one surprising fact: the Stalinist Great Terror of 1936-1938 was predated by 
the terror carried out by the Chinese Soviets, which according to some estimates 
claimed 186,000 victims, excluding the war dead, in Jiangxi in 1927-1931. 27 
Most of these people had offered some sort of resistance to the radical agrarian 
reforms, which had been imposed almost immediately, or to the heavy taxation 
and the mobilization of young people that were justified as a military necessity. 
In the areas where Communism was especially radical (in 1931 Mao was criti- 
cized and temporarily removed from the leadership because of his terrorist 
excesses, which had alienated the population) or where heal cadres had been 
marginalized (as happened around the soviet "capital," Ruijin), the Nanjing 
forces encountered only weak resistance. Resistance was more vigorous, and 
sometimes even victorious, in bases that were established later, which tended 
to be more autonomous and whose leaders had learned the painful lessons of 
the politics of terror. 2 * The same tensions were felt at the North Shaanxi base, 
centered in Yan'an, although by then the Communist Party had learned to deal 
with them through more selective and less bloody repressions. Fiscal pressure 
on the peasants was acute: 35 percent of the harvest was taken in 1941, four 
times as much as in the zones held by the Kuomintang. Villagers went so far 
as to call openly for Mao's death. Repressions were severe, but there were also 
concessions: the Party began secretly to grow and export opium, which until 
1945 accounted for 26-40 percent of all public revenues. 2 '' 

As so often under Communist regimes, the repression of Party activists 
left more traces, since these people knew how to express themselves and since 
their networks often survived. Some scores were settled decades later, and the 
cadres who suffered most were invariably those who had the closest links with 
the population. Their enemies, most of whom worked for the central apparatus, 
would often accuse them of being overly concerned with local issues, which 
undoubtedly did lead to some moderation in their views, and perhaps even led 
them to question the orders they had been given. This conflict, however, masks 
another: local activists often came from the wealthier segments of the peasantrv 
and from the families of landowners (who furnished the literate core of the 
Party) who had rallied to Communism as a radical form of nationalism. On the 
other hand, the militants from the center and the soldiers from the regular army 

China: A Long March into Night 


were recruited mainly from the lower strata and the marginalized segments of 
society, including bandits, beggars, mendicant monks, mercenaries, and, among 
the women, prostitutes. From as early as 1926 Mao had intended members of 
these groups to play a major part in the revolution: "These people can fight 
with great courage, and, led in the right manner, they will become a genuine 
revolutionary force." 10 He was still trying to identify with them in 1965, when 
he presented himself to Edgar Snow, an American journalist, as "an aged monk, 
walking along with an umbrella full of holes, under the stars." 11 The remainder 
of the population, with the exception of a minority of resolute opponents 
(many of whom were also members of the elite), was startlingly passive and 
unemotional, according to Communist leaders. This assessment included the 
a poor and semipoor peasantry," which constituted the class base of the Com- 
munist Party in the countryside. Once the people from the center had become 
cadres, they owed their entire social status to the Party and were often hungry 
for revenge. With the support of the Center 32 they tended to choose the most 
radical solutions, such as the elimination of local cadres wherever this seemed 
appropriate or necessary. After 1946 this became a very common response to 
the bloodier aspects of agrarian reform." 

The first recorded purge, in 1930-31, ravaged the Donggu base in north- 
ern Jiangxi. There the tensions described above were exacerbated by the AB 
(Anti-Bolshevik) Corps, a highly active secret police force linked to the right 
wing of the Kuomintang, which sowed suspicion of treachery among Commu- 
nist Party members. These suspicions arose because the local Communist Party 
had found many recruits among the secret societies. Even the head of the Three 
Dots society enlisted in the Party in 1927, in what at the time was considered 
a major coup for the Communists. Initially, numerous local cadres were exe- 
cuted. Then the purge spread to the Red Army itself, resulting in the liquida- 
tion of around 2,000 soldiers. A number of cadres escaped and attempted to 
stir up a revolt against Mao, the "Emperor of the Party." They were invited to 
take part in negotiations, arrested, and killed. The Second Army, one unit of 
which was in revolt, was entirely disarmed and its officers executed. Persecu- 
tion decimated civil and military cadres for more than a year, claiming thou- 
sands of victims. Of the nineteen highest-ranking local cadres, who included 
the founders of the base, twelve were executed as "counterrevolutionaries," five 
were killed by the Kuomintang, one died of illness, and the last one gave up 
the revolution altogether and emigrated." 14 

In the early days of Mao's presence in Yan'an, the elimination of the base's 
founder, the legendary guerrilla fighter Liu Zhidan, seemed to fit the same 
pattern, revealing a central apparatus without scruples but with considerable 
Machiavellian reasoning. The man responsible seems to have been the Mos- 
cow-allied Bolshevik Wang Ming, who had not yet been sidelined inside the 


Communism in Asia 

leadership and who evidently wanted to control Liu's troops. Liu confidently 
accepted his arrest and under torture refused to admit anything. His main 
supporters were then buried alive. Zhou Enlai, one of Wang Ming's adversaries, 
set him free, but because Liu insisted on retaining autonomy in command, he 
was labeled an "unrepentant right-winger." Sent to the front, he was soon 
killed, possibly with a bullet in the back. 35 

The most famous purge of the period before 1949 began with an attack 
on the most brilliant Communist intellectuals of Yan'an in June 1942. As he 
did again fifteen years later on a nationwide scale, Mao first authorized a 
two-month period of free criticism. Then suddenly all militants were "invited" 
to "struggle" at thousands of meetings against Ding Ling, who had denounced 
the sham of official equality between men and women, and against Wang 
Shiwei, who had advocated freedom of expression and creativity for artists. 
Ding cracked and made a full public apology and attacked Wang, who refused 
to give way. Wang was thrown out of the Communist Party, put in prison, and 
executed during the provisional evacuation of Yan'an in 1947. The dogma of 
the submission of intellectuals to politicians, promulgated by the Party presi- 
dent in February 1942 in his Remarks on Art and Literature, soon had the force 
of law. Cheng feng sessions proliferated until people began to submit. 

A Comintern representative in Yan'an commented on Maoist methods 

Party discipline is based on stupidly rigid forms of criticism and self- 
criticism. The president of each cell decides who is to be criticized and 
for what reason. In general it is a Communist who is attacked each time. 
The accused has only one right: to repent his "errors." If he considers 
himself to be innocent or appears insufficiently repentant, the attacks 
are renewed. It is a real psychological training . , . I understood one 
tragic reality. The cruel method of psychological coercion that Mao calls 
moral purification has created a stifling atmosphere inside the Party in 
Yan'an. A not negligible number of Party activists in the region have 
committed suicide, have fled, or have become psychotic. The chengfeng 
method is a response to the principle that "everyone should know the 
intimate thoughts of everyone else." This is the vile and shameful direc- 
tive that governs every meeting. All that is personal and intimate is to be 
displayed shamelessly for public scrutiny. Under the protocol of criti- 
cism and self-criticism, the thoughts and aspirations and actions of 
everyone are on full view. ,6 

In early July 1943 the purge revived and expanded. The leader of this 
"Campaign of Salvation," aimed at protecting people from their own hidden 
doubts and insufficiencies, was Politburo member Kang Sheng, whom Mao had 
appointed in June 1942 to head a new General Studies Commission, which was 

China: A Long March into Night 


to supervise "Rectification." This "black shadow," who dressed in black leather, 
rode a black horse, and was invariably accompanied by a savage black dog, had 
been trained by the NKVD in Russia and organized the first "mass campaign" 
in Communist China: criticisms and public self-criticisms, selective arrests 
leading to confessions that in turn led to more arrests, public humiliations, 
beatings, and the elevation of the thoughts of Chairman Mao to the status of 
inviolable faith, the only sure point of reference. During one meeting Kang 
Sheng gestured at the entire audience and declared: "You are all agents of the 
Kuomintang . . . the process of your reeducation will go on for a long time." 37 
Arrest, torture, and death became more and more common, claiming at least 
sixty members of the Center (some of whom took their own lives), until the 
Party leadership itself became concerned, despite Mao's assertion that "spies 
are as numerous as the hairs on a head." 18 After 15 August "illegal methods" 
of repression were banned, and on 9 October, Mao, in the sort of about-turn 
that was to become his trademark, proclaimed: "We should not kill anyone; 
many should never have been arrested at all." w The campaign was then defini- 
tively stopped. In December Kang Sheng was himself forced to perform an act 
of self-criticism and to admit that only 10 percent of all those arrested had been 
guilty and that the dead should be rehabilitated. His career stagnated from then 
until the Cultural Revolution in May 1966. Mao himself, appearing before an 
assembly of high-ranking cadres in April 1944, was forced to apologize and to 
bow three times in homage to the innocent victims before he was applauded. 
Once again his spontaneous extremism had met with stiff resistance. But the 
memory of the terror of 1943 remained indelible among those who had lived 
through it. What Mao lost in popularity, he gained in fear.* 1 

Repression became ever more sophisticated. While war against both the 
Japanese and the Kuomintang saw an increasing number of terrorist massacres 
claiming thousands of victims, 41 the assassination of carefully targeted indi- 
viduals became more and more common. As is common practice among gangs 
and secret societies, the targets were often renegades. According to one guerrilla 
chief, "We killed a great number of traitors, so that the people had no choice 
but to continue on the path to revolution."" 12 The prison system expanded, with 
the result that executions became less common than before. In 1932 the Chinese 
Soviets in Jiangxi had established corrective labor camps, which ironically had 
been anticipated by a Kuomintang law. Beginning in 1939, prisoners with 
long-term sentences were assigned to labor and production centers by a new 
type of court set up to handle these cases. There were three reasons for this: 
the authorities did not wish to disaffect the population with punishments that 
seemed too harsh, they wanted to make use of the large, captive workforce, and 
they wanted to convert new faithful to the cause by a clever process of reedu- 
cation. Even Japanese prisoners of war could thus be integrated into the 


Communism in Asia 

People's Liberation Army (PI .A), the heir to the Chinese Red Army, and used 
to fight Chiang Kai-shek. 43 

Agrarian Reform and Urban Purges (1946-1957) 

By the time the Communists seized power in China in 1949, violence and 
massacres were already everyday events, and governance often consisted in 
settling scores with one's neighbors. The actions taken to establish a new state 
w r ere thus a sort of riposte to other very real acts of violence (one of the victims 
of P'eng P'ai, a local magistrate, had ordered the execution of almost 100 
peasants) and were recognized as such by many rural communities. For this 
reason the period has been glorified both in official post-Maoist history (until 
the Antiright movement of 1957, the Helmsman was perceived to have steered 
a steady course) and in the memory of many eyewitnesses and those who were 
or were perceived to be the direct beneficiaries of the suffering of their fellow 
countrymen. The Communists themselves, including Communist intellectuals, 
were not affected too badly by the purges. Yet what resulted was in fact the 
bloodiest wave of repressions yet launched by the Chinese Communists, affect- 
ing the entire country. In its breadth of application, generality, length, and 
planned and centralized nature, the repression marked a new departure for the 
sort of violence seen in China. There were brief moments of respite, but 
almost every year saw the launching of a new "mass campaign." The Yan'an 
''Rectification" of 1943 may have been a sort of dress rehearsal on a local scale. 
Where certain social strata were concerned, the massacres took on a genocidal 
aspect previously unknown in China, at least on a national scale. Even the 
Mongols in the thirteenth century had ravaged only the northern parts of the 
empire. Some of the atrocities occurred in the context of a brutal three-year 
civil war; one example is the massacre of 500 mostly Catholic inhabitants of the 
Manchurian town of Siwanze after its capture. In addition, once the Commu- 
nists had gained a considerable advantage in 1948, they abandoned their pre- 
vious practice of freeing prisoners for propaganda reasons. Henceforth people 
were locked up by the hundreds of thousands, and the prisons quickly became 
overcrowded. These prisoners became the first occupants of the new labor 
camps, called the laodong gaizao, or laogai for short, which combined a drive for 
reeducation with a concern for the war effort. 44 But during the period of 
hostilities the worst atrocities were committed behind the lines, outside any 
military context. 

The Countryside: Modernization and Social Engineering 

Unlike the Russian Revolution of 1917, the Chinese Revolution of 1949 began 
in the countryside and spread to the cities. It is therefore logical that the urban 

China: A Long March into Night 


purges were preceded by the movement for agrarian reform. As we have al- 
ready seen, the Communists had extensive experience with this policy. But to 
maintain a unified anti-Japanese front with the central Kuomintang govern- 
ment, after 1937 they were forced to be silent about this fundamental aspect of 
their program. Only in 1946, after the Japanese defeat, did they relaunch 
agrarian reform as part of the civil war that was to carry them into power 
learns of thousands of professional agitators, most of whom came from out- 
side the regions in which they worked so that they could avoid any feeling of 
solidarity with local inhabitants, clans, and secret societies, traveled from vil- 
lage to village, especially in the zones that had been liberated by the PLA. As 
the movement progressed, they spread across the south and west of the coun- 
try, not including Tibet for the moment. 

The agrarian revolution, which was to engulf hundreds of thousands of 
Chinese villages one by one, was neither the result of manipulation from on 
high nor a response by the Communist Party to the "will of the masses."" 15 The 
masses had many reasons to be discontented and to desire change, One of the 
most salient was the inequality to be found among peasants. For example, in 
the village of Long Bow (Shanxi), where William Hinton followed the revolu- 
tion, 7 percent of the peasants owned 31 percent of the cultivable land and ^?f 
percent of the draft animals." 16 A national inquiry in 1945 attributed approxi- 
matelv 26 percent of all land to 3 percent of the population. 4 ' Inequality in the 
distribution of property was compounded by the effects of usury (3-5 percent 
per month, upward of 100 percent per year), which was controlled by a very 
small group of people in the richest rural areas. 

Were these areas the richest, or simply the least poor? Although there were 
properties of several hundred hectares in the southern coastal regions, most 
properties there measured no more than two to three hectares. In Long Bow, 
which had 1,200 inhabitants, the richest property measured scarcely ten hec- 
tares. Furthermore, the defining limits among the different peasant groups 
were often vague; most rural people fell into an intermediate category between 
those who had no land at all and the landowners whose main source of income 
was not their own labor. In comparison with the extreme social contrasts found 
in Europe before 1945 and still visible in much of South America even today, 
rural Chinese society was in fact relatively egalitarian. Conflict between the rich 
and poor was far from being the principal cause of the conflict. As in 1927 in 
Hai-Lu-Feng, the Communists, including Mao himself, began to play at social 
engineering by trying artificially to polarize carefully defined rural groups and 
then decreeing that this polarization was the major cause of peasant discontent. 
These groups were determined in a highly arbitrary fashion, often in accord- 
ance with quotas fixed by the Party: 10-20 percent "privileged 1 ' per village, 
depending on political vicissitudes and the location of the zone. The path 
toward salvation was then easv to find. 


Communism in Asia 

The agitators began by dividing the peasantry into four groups — poor, 
semipoor, average, and rich. Anyone outside these categories was decreed a 
landowner and thus became a marked man. Sometimes, in the absence of clear 
distinguishing factors and because it pleased the poorest villagers, the rich 
peasants were added to the list of landowners. Although the destiny of small 
rural landowners was henceforth mapped out quite clearly, the path toward it 
was somewhat tortuous, though usually politically effective. It was simply a 
matter of ensuring the participation of the u great masses' 1 so that they would 
fear the consequences of the failure of Communism; and if it was possible to 
give them the illusion that they had some sort of free will, too, then the 
government happily cooperated with their decisions. There is no doubt that it 
was an illusion, for everywhere, almost simultaneously, the process and the 
results were identical, despite the enormous variation in conditions from region 
to region. It is now known exactly what sort of effort was required of the 
activists to give the illusion that the peasant revolution was a spontaneous 
movement, and how they constantly had to refrain from using their basic 
mechanism, which of course was terror, to achieve their ends most effectively. 
During the war, many young people preferred to flee to the zones held by the 
Japanese rather than enroll in the PLA. The peasants, who generally formed 
an apathetic mass, were ideologically quite distant from the ideals of the Com- 
munist Party and were often so in thrall to the landowners that they continued 
secretly to work on the landowners' farms even after the government had 
reduced their size as a prologue to agrarian reform. Among themselves, the 
agitators classed peasants according to their political position as activists^ ordi- 
nary peasants, reactionaries, or supporters of the landowners. They then at- 
tempted to transfer these categories onto actual social groups; the result was a 
sort of Frankenstein sociology that allowed old grudges and private quarrels, 
such as the desire to get rid of a troublesome husband, to resurface. 48 The 
classification could be revised at will; to complete the redistribution of land, 
the authorities in Long Bow swiftly changed the number of peasants who fell 
into the poor category from 95 to 28 (out of 240). 49 Among the Communist 
cadres, civilians were generally classed as "workers," and soldiers as "poor 
peasants" or "medium peasants," despite their actual origins among the more 
privileged social classes. 50 

The key element in agrarian reform was the "bitterness meeting." Land- 
owners were called before an assembly of the entire village, where for good 
measure they were often labeled "traitors." (The Communists systematically 
associated all landowners with those who really had collaborated with the 
Japanese invaders and, except in 1946, quickly "forgot" that poor peasants had 
often collaborated too.) Whether out of fear of these people who so recently 
had been powerful or out of a sense of injustice, things often began very slowly, 

China: A Long March into Night 


and the militants were forced to hurry things along a hit by physically beating 
and humiliating the accused. At that point the opportunists or those who bore 
a grudge against the accused would begin the denunciations and accusations, 
and the temperature would begin to rise. Given the tradition of peasant vio- 
lence, the outcome was usually a death sentence for the landowner (accompa- 
nied by confiscation of all goods and possessions) and immediate execution 
with the active participation of the peasants. The cadres often attempted, not 
always successfully, to bring the prisoner before the local magistrate to have the 
sentence confirmed. This Grand Guignol theater in which everyone knew his 
role by heart prefigured the "struggle meetings" and self-criticism sessions that 
were to become the everyday lot of all Chinese people right up to Mao's death 
in 1976. From these early days the traditional Chinese propensity for ritual and 
conformism, which any cynical government could use and abuse at will, was 
immediately apparent. 

There is no precise tally of the number of victims, but because there 
was necessarily at least one per village, 1 million seems to be the absolute 
minimum, and many authors agree on a figure of between 2 million and 
5 million dead/ 1 In addition, between 4 million and 6 million Chinese "kulaks" 
were sent to the new laogai, and almost double that number were placed under 
observation for varying lengths of time by the local authorities, which meant 
constant surveillance, ever harder work, and persecutions in the case of any 
"mass campaign."" If we extrapolated from the number killed in Long Bow — 
15 — we would arrive at the top end of the estimates. But the reform process 
started early there, and after 1948 some of the excesses of the previous period 
were banned. Long Bow had been hit extremely hard, with a massacre of the 
whole family of the president of the local Catholic association (and the closure 
of the church), beatings, confiscation of the goods of poor peasants who had 
shown solidarity with the rich, and a search for any "feudal origins" in the last 
three generations (which meant that almost no one was safe from some sort of 
reclassification). People were tortured to death in attempts to force them to 
reveal the whereabouts of alleged treasure. Interrogations were systematically 
accompanied by torture with red-hot irons. The families of people who were 
executed were tortured and the tombs of their ancestors robbed and destroyed. 
One cadre, who was a former bandit and a renegade Catholic, forced a four- 
teen-year-old girl to marry his son and declared to the world at large: "My 
word is law, and anyone I condemn to death dies." 53 On the other side of China, 
in Yunnan, the father of He Liyi, a police officer in the previous government, 
was classified as a landowner on those grounds alone. As an official, he was 
sentenced to hard labor. In 1951, in the middle of the agricultural reforms, he 
was paraded from town to town as a "class enemy" before being sentenced to 
death and executed, without ever being accused of any particular act. His eldest 


Communism in Asia 

son, a soldier who had been officially congratulated for having rallied soldiers 
from the Kuomintang to the PLA cause, was nonetheless classified as a reac- 
tionary and placed under observation. 54 All of these acts appear to have been 
popular among most of the peasants, who were then allowed to share the 
expropriated land. Some, however, for a variety of reasons (often related to the 
experience of their families), perceived themselves as having been affected by 
these arbitrary executions. Their desire for revenge was sometimes expressed 
indirectly, during the Cultural Revolution, as a sort of ultraradicalism against 
the existing establishment. 5 ' Thus the massacre of scapegoats did not unite 
peasants behind Party "justice" in the manner intended. 

The real aims of this vast movement were primarily political, secondarily 
economic, and only lastly social. Although 40 percent of the land was redistrib- 
uted, the small number of rural rich and the extreme population density in 
most of the countryside meant that the economic situation of most peasants 
improved only marginally. After the reform movement, the average plot mea- 
sured 0.8 hectare. 16 Other countries in the region — Japan, Taiwan, and South 
Korea — where the distribution of land was even more inequitable carried out 
equally radical agrarian reforms in the same period with considerably greater 
success. As far as we know, there was not a single death associated with those 
reforms, and people were compensated more or less satisfactorily for their 
losses. The terrible violence in China seems to have been a result not of the 
reforms themselves, but of the power struggle carried out by the Chinese 
Communists, in which a minority of activists were chosen as militants and 
cadres, a "blood pact" with the mass of villagers implicated them in the exe- 
cutions, and the Communist Party demonstrated to the world that it was 
capable of the worst atrocities. All these things also allowed the Communists 
to develop an intimate knowledge of the way in which villages functioned, 
knowledge that was to be extremely helpful when the Party sought to dispose 
of industrial capital in the service of collectivization. 

The Cities: "The Salami Tactic" and Expropriations 

Although the massacres were supposed to be a spontaneous movement from 
below, Mao Zedong thought it a good idea, during the phase of radicalization 
that followed the entry of the Chinese troops into the Korean conflict in 
November 1950, to sanction them personally and publicly, remarking: "We 
surely must kill all those reactionary elements who deserve to be killed." 57 But 
what was new at the time was not the agrarian reform, which, at least in 
northern China, was drawing to an end. (In southern China, which was "liber- 
ated" later, and particularly in areas filled with civil unrest, such as Guang- 
dong, the movement was still far from finished in early 1952.) 58 It was rather 

China: A Long March into Night 


the spread of the violent purges to the cities, through a series of carefully 
targeted "mass movements" that aimed to bring into submission, either simul- 
taneously or one at a time, entire groups — intellectuals, the bourgeoisie, small 
bosses, non-Communist militants, and overly independent Communist cadres — 
who threatened the totalitarian control of the Chinese Communist Party. This 
approach was remarkably similar to what had occurred a few years earlier, 
when the "people's democracies" of Eastern Europe were being established 
through so-called "salami tactics." This was the period when Soviet influence 
was most pronounced, both in the economy and in repressive political measures. 
At the same time, and despite some extremely powerful alliances that were 
struck at this time between two previously opposing groups — class enemies and 
brigands — who were united by being labeled "enemies of the people's govern- 
ment," criminals and marginalized elements were treated extremely severely, 
and there were crackdowns on prostitution, gambling, and opium dealing. 
According to the Communist Party's own figures, 2 million bandits were liqui- 
dated between 1949 and 1952, and as many again were locked up in prison. 5V 

The system of control, most of which was in place before victory was 
achieved, soon had considerable means at its disposal. At the end of 1950 it 
had a militia 5.5 million strong. By 1953 it had added another 18 million 
activists, as well as 75,000 informers charged with coordinating the activists and 
ensuring their zeal, In the towns a perfect traditional system of mutual control 
(baojia) had been restored by the Kuomintang, in which groups of fifteen to 
twenty families were watched over by neighborhood committees, who were in 
turn subordinate to street or district committees. m Nothing was supposed to 
escape their vigilance. Any nocturnal visit or stranger who came for more than 
a day had to be recorded by the residents 1 committee. Such visitors had to have 
a hukou, a certificate stating that they had registered in the town; the require- 
ment had been established to prevent a rural exodus. Accordingly, everyone 
became a police informer to some extent. The police themselves, who at first 
served the same function they had under the old regime, as part of the justice 
and prison systems (roles that made them natural targets for future movements 
once their transitory usefulness was past), quickly burgeoned in number: when 
Shanghai was taken in May 1949 there were 103 police stations; by the end of 
the year there were 146. The troops in the security services (the secret police) 
numbered 1.2 million. Even the smallest brigades opened improvised prisons, 
and the harshness of conditions in the official prisons reached unprecedented 
levels: up to 300 in cells of 100 square meters, and 18,000 in Shanghai's central 
prison; starvation-level rations and overwork; inhuman discipline and a con- 
stant threat of physical violence (for instance, people were beaten with rifle 
butts to make them keep their heads high, which was obligatory when march- 
ing). The mortality rate, which until 1952 was certainly in excess of 5 percent 


Communism in Asia 

per year— the average for 1949-1978 in the laogai— reached 50 percent during 
a six-month period in Guangxi, and was more than 300 per day in one mine in 
Shanxi. The most varied and sadistic tortures were quite common, such as 
hanging by the wrists or the thumbs. One Chinese priest died after being 
interrogated continuously for 102 hours. The most brutish people were allowed 
to operate with impunity. One camp commander assassinated or buried alive 
1,320 people in one year, in addition to carrying out numerous rapes. Revolts, 
which were quite numerous at that time (detainees had not yet been ground 
into submission, and there were many soldiers among them), often degenerated 
into veritable massacres. Several thousand of the 20,000 prisoners who worked 
in the oilfields in Yanchang were executed. In November 1949, 1,000 of the 
5,000 who mutinied in a forest work camp were buried alive. 61 

The campaign to eliminate "counterrevolutionary elements' 1 was launched 
in July 1950, followed in 1951 by the "Three Ami" (antiwaste, anticorruption, 
antibureaucracy) and "Five Ami" movements (against bribery, fraud, tax eva- 
sion, lying, and revealing state secrets, all aimed at the bourgeoisie) and the 
campaign to u reform thought," which was directed at Westernized intellectuals. 
Members of the last group were forced to undergo regular periods of "reedu- 
cation" and to prove to the local labor collective (danwei) that they had made 
progress. The temporal conjunction of these movements reveals their essential 
intent: to demonstrate to the urban elite that no one was safe. The definition 
of "counterrevolutionary" in particular was so vague and so wide that any past 
or current position that diverged even slightly from the Party line was enough 
to bring condemnation. The result was that local Party secretaries had almost 
all the repressive power they could want. With encouragement from the Center 
and with help from the security forces, they could use and abuse their power 
at will. Alain Roux's term "Red Terror" applies, especially to the year 1951. 6: 
The few official figures available are appalling. There were 3,000 arrests 
in one night in Shanghai (and 38,000 in four months), 220 death sentences and 
public executions in a single day in Beijing, 30,000 interrogations over nine 
months in Beijing, 89,000 arrests and 23,000 death sentences in ten months in 
Guangzhou. More than 450,000 small businesses were investigated, including 
100,000 in Shanghai alone; at least one-third of the bosses and numerous 
managers were found guilty of some sort of fraud, usually tax evasion, and 
punished with varying degrees of seventy. Around 300,000 of them received 
prison sentences. 61 Foreign residents were also targeted: 13,800 "spies" were 
arrested in 1950, including many priests; one Italian bishop was condemned to 
life imprisonment. As a direct result of this persecution, the number of Catho- 
lic missionaries fell from 5,500 in 1950 to a few dozen in 1955, after which the 
Chinese faithful began to feel the full force of repression without any awkward 
witnesses from abroad. There were at least 20,000 arrests in 1955; the number 

China: A Long March into Night 


of Christians of all denominations who were arrested over the next two decades 
ran into the hundreds of thousands.'* Former political and military cadres from 
the Kuomintang, who had been granted amnesty in 1949 in an attempt to slow 
their massive exodus to Taiwan and Hong Kong, were decimated more than 
two years later, with the press sternly noting that u even the extreme kindness 
of the people toward such reactionaries has its limits." Penal legislation con- 
tinued to facilitate oppression, punishing past as well as current "counterrevo- 
lutionaries" through retroactive legislation. Judgment could also be passed "by 
analogy" to a similar crime if the accused had not committed any specific act 
that fell within the remit of a particular law. Penalties were extremely severe: 
eight years in prison was a minimum for ordinary crimes; the norm was nearer 
twenty years. 

It is still difficult to venture with precision beyond the few official figures. 
But Mao himself spoke of the liquidation of 800,000 counterrevolutionaries. 
Executions in the cities almost certainly reached 1 million, that is, one-third of 
the probable number of liquidations in the countryside. But since at least five 
times as many people lived in the country as lived in the city, we can assume 
that the repressions were harsher in urban areas. The picture becomes even 
darker if one includes the 2.5 million people who were imprisoned in reeduca- 
tion camps, a figure that represents approximately 4.1 percent of the urban 
population, as opposed to 1.2 percent for the countryside.^ 5 Then there are the 
numerous suicides of people harried by the authorities. On some days in 
Guangzhou as many as fifty people committed suicide. Chow Chingwen 
estimates the total number of suicides at around 700,000. 66 Urban purges 
closely resembled those of the agrarian reforms, differing substantially from 
the essentially secret purges in the U.S.S.R. carried out by the police. In China 
the local Party committee had a firm grip on the police. The committee's 
primary aim was to ensure that as large a segment of the population as possible 
took part in the repressions, while being careful to ensure that full control of 
the proceedings remained with the Party. 

Workers, within the framework of the street committees, attacked the 
"lairs" of "capitalist tigers," forcing them to open their accounts to public 
scrutiny, to be criticized and to criticize themselves, and to accept state control 
over their affairs. If they repented completely, they were then invited to par- 
ticipate in investigative groups and to denounce their colleagues. If they were 
at all uncooperative, the whole cycle began again. The situation was very similar 
for intellectuals: they had to attend "submission and rebirth" meetings at their 
workplace, confess their errors, and show that they had definitively abandoned 
"liberalism" and "Westernism," understood the evils of "American cultural 
imperialism," and had killed the "old man" inside them with all his doubts and 
independent thoughts. During this period, which could range from two months 


Communism in Asia 

to a year, all other activities were banned. Their accusers had all the time they 
needed, and there was no means of escape except suicide, a traditional Chinese 
solution chosen by those who wished to escape repeated humiliations and the 
ignominy of the obligatory denunciations by colleagues or who simply could 
take no more. The same phenomena recurred during the Cultural Revolution 
on an even larger scale, often accompanied by physical violence. For the mo- 
ment, the entire population and all the activities of the towns passed under the 
absolute control of the Party. Heads of industry were subjected to ever-increas- 
ing restrictions. Beginning in 1951 they were forced to make all their accounts 
public and were subjected to crippling taxes. In December 1953 they were 
forced to hand over their entire capital to the state. In 1954, by which time 
rationing was ubiquitous, they had to affiliate themselves with public supply 
companies. In October 1955 they were again forced to submit to general scru- 
tiny, and they held out for no more than two weeks. In January 1956 they were 
"offered" collectivization in exchange for a modest pension for life and some- 
times a place as technical director in what had been their own company. The 
Cultural Revolution later reneged even on these promises. One person from 
Shanghai who refused to cooperate was brought to trial on various charges by 
his workers, was ruined in two months and then sent to a labor camp. Many of 
the heads of small and medium-sized companies, which were systematically 
plundered, took their own lives. The heads of larger companies tended to fare 
better, since their knowledge of and contacts with the extensive network of 
Chinese who lived abroad were recognized as being useful: even then it was 
realized that competition with 1 aiwan was of great importance. 67 

The repressive machinery rolled on and on. The campaigns of 1950 and 
1951 were declared to be over in 1952 or 1953, and with good reason: the 
repressions had been so widespread that there were few opponents left. Nev- 
ertheless, repression continued. In 1955 the Party began a new campaign to 
eliminate "hidden counterrevolutionaries," known as sufan, targeting the intel- 
ligentsia in particular, including any former Party members and sympathizers 
who had shown a modicum of independence. One example was the brilliant 
Marxist writer Hu Feng, who was a disciple of the revered Lu Xun, and who 
in July 1954 had denounced the "five daggers" used by the Central Committee 
to attack writers and particularly the idea that all creativity should submit to 
the Party line. In December an enormous campaign was launched against him. 
Prominent intellectuals took turns denouncing him, and the masses rushed in 
for the kill. Hu found himself totally isolated and made a public act of contri- 
tion in January 1955, but this act was not accepted. He was arrested in July 
along with 130 "accomplices" and spent ten years in a camp. He was arrested 
again in 1966 and moved around within the penitentiary system until his 
complete rehabilitation in 1980. 6 * In the accompanying purge, Party members 

China: A Long March into Night 


were affected on a large scale for the first time: the People's Daily announced 
that 10 percent of Party members were hidden traitors, a figure that seems to 
have been used as a guideline for arrest quotas. 6 '' In estimating the number of 
victims of the sufan campaign, one source gives 81,000 arrests (which seems 
rather modest), while another gives 770,000 deaths. There is at present no way 
of determining the truth. 

The well-known Hundred Flowers Campaign of May and June 1957 was 
also part of the mass repressions and the cycle of successive campaigns. In this 
case the crushing of the "poisonous weeds" destroyed the optimism generated 
during the few weeks of liberalization proclaimed and then withdrawn by Mao. 
The brief liberalization had two objectives. First, as in all rectification move- 
ments, Mao initially encouraged people to speak freely about their grievances, 
then crushed those who had revealed "evil thoughts." 70 Second, in the face of 
the harsh criticism, he sought to reunite the Party around radical positions he 
had adopted in the aftermath of the Twentieth Soviet Communist Party Con- 
gress, which had emphasized the need for the legal regulation of repressive 
practices in order to increase juridical control over activities of the security 
service and over the execution of sentences, thus calling into question Mao's 
own position. 71 Communist intellectuals, frightened by the Yan'an experience, 
for the most part prudently stayed quiet. But hundreds of thousands of people 
who were more naive, and particularly those who had taken part in the events 
of 1949 or who were members of "democratic parties" that the Communist 
Party had allowed to survive, were caught in the trap of their own outspoken- 
ness once the brutal Antirightist operation began. There were in general few 
executions, but between 400,000 and 700,000 cadres, including at least 10 
percent of all Chinese intellectuals, technicians, and engineers, were given the 
invidious label ''right-winger" and sentenced to twenty years of "repentance" 
in prisons or camps in remote regions. Those who did not succumb to age, the 
(amines of 1959-1961, or despair when a decade later the Red Guards ram- 
paged through the country with new persecutions still had to wait until 1978 
for the first rehabilitations. In addition, millions of cadres and students, includ- 
ing 100,000 in Henan alone, were moved to the countryside, either provisionally 
or definitively. 72 Sending them to the countryside was a punishment, but it was 
also preparation for the Great Leap Forward, which would focus mainly on the 
rural areas. 

During the Antirightist "struggle," penal detention was generally pre- 
ceded by social exclusion. No one wanted to know "right-wingers"; no one 
would even offer them hot water. They still had to go to work, but there they 
had to make confession after confession and to attend an endless succession of 
"criticism and education" meetings. Because housing was generally based on 
employment, their neighbors and colleagues, and even their children, gave 


Communism in Asia 

them no respite, hurling sarcastic taunts and insults, forbidding them to walk 
on the left side of the road, and chanting a children's song that ended 
with the line 'The people will fight right-wingers to the death."" The wisest 
course of action was silent acceptance, lest one make things worse. 74 It is easy 
to understand why suicides were so common. After the innumerable inquiries 
and criticism sessions, and after the purge that affected 5 percent of the mem- 
bers of every labor unit (7 percent in the universities, which were singled 
out for particular attention during the Hundred Flowers campaign), Party 
officials were placed at the head of the main cultural institutions/ 5 The bril- 
liant intellectual and cultural flourishing that China had witnessed in the first 
half of the century simply died. The Red Guards tried to kill off even its 
memory. 76 

This was the moment when Maoist society reached its maturity. Even the 
later upsets of the Cultural Revolution did not destabilize it for more than a 
moment. No page would be turned thereafter until the first great reforms of 
Deng Xiaoping. Its basis can be summed up in the words of the Helmsman: 
"Never forget the class struggle!' 1 And in practice everything did rest upon the 
labeling and classification of people, first sketched out in rural areas at the time 
of agrarian reform and in the towns during the mass movements of 1951, but 
completed only in 1955. The labor collective had a role to play in the process, 
but in every case it was the police who had the final say. As before, the social 
groupings were quite fantastical, with diabolical consequences for tens of mil- 
lions of people. In 1948 an official in Long Bow stated that "the way one makes 
one's living determines the way one thinks." 77 According to the Maoist logic, 
the reverse was also true. Social groups, which were divided up in a fairly 
arbitrary fashion, were mixed with political groups, resulting in a binary divi- 
sion between "red" categories, such as workers, poor peasants, medium peas- 
ants, party cadres, PLA soldiers, and "martyrs of the revolution"; and "black" 
categories, such as landowners, rich peasants, counterrevolutionaries, "evil ele- 
ments," and right-wingers. Between these two groups were some "neutral" 
categories, such as intellectuals and capitalists; but these, together with the 
marginalized in society, especially Party leaders who had "chosen the capitalist 
way," were progressively shifted toward the "black" category. During the Cul- 
tural Revolution, intellectuals were officially placed in the "stinking ninth 
[black] category." The labels stuck no matter what one did later. Even after an 
official rehabilitation, a right-winger would remain a target for mass campaigns 
and would never have the right to return to the city. The infernal logic of the 
system was such that there were always enemies to hunt down and kill. If the 
stock of enemies ran low, it could be increased by an expansion of incriminating 
traits or by a search for people who had fallen back into old ways. Any Com- 
munist cadre could thus become a right-winger. 

China: A Long March into Night 


These classifications had less in common with Marxist classes than they 
did with Indian castes, even though traditionally China had known no such 
system. To some extent they took into account the social system that had existed 
before 1949, but not the enormous changes that had come about in the mean- 
time. They also addressed another perceived problem. Traditionally the father's 
name had been passed on automatically to his children (while women by 
contrast retained their maiden names). This hereditary system threatened to 
cause ossification in a purportedly revolutionary society and posed an insur- 
mountable obstacle to those who were not "well born." Discrimination against 
these "blacks" and their children was quite systematic, not only for entry into 
universities and into normal life (as stipulated in a directive of July 1957) but 
also for entry into political life. It was very difficult for them to obtain permis- 
sion to marry a "red" partner, and society tended to ostracize them, since as a 
general rule people were afraid that they might have problems with the author- 
ities if they associated with such people. It was during the Cultural Revolu- 
tion that labeling attained its height and its worst effects, even for the regime 

The Greatest Famine in History (1959-1961) 

For many years one myth was common in the West: that although China was 
far from being a model democracy, at least Mao had managed to give a bowl of 
rice to every Chinese. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. 
The modest amount of food available per person probably did not increase 
significantly from the beginning to the end of his reign, despite demands made 
on the peasantry on a scale rarely seen in history. Mao and the system that he 
created were directly responsible for what was, and, one hopes, will forever 
remain, the most murderous famine of all time, anywhere in the world. 

Undoubtedly it was not Mao's intention to kill so many of his compatriots. 
But the least one can say is that he seemed little concerned about the death of 
millions from hunger. Indeed, his main concern in those dark years seems to 
have been to deny a reality for which he could have been held responsible. It is 
always difficult to apportion blame in such situations, to know whether to attack 
the plan itself or its application. It is, however, indisputable that the Party 
leadership, and especially Mao himself, displayed economic incompetence, 
wholesale ignorance, and ivory-tower utopianism. The collectivization of 1955— 
56 had been more or less accepted by most peasants: it grouped them around 
their own villages, and it allowed them to pull out of the collective — 70,000 
farms did so in Guangdong in 1956-57, and many of the bigger collectives were 
broken up. 78 The apparent success of reform and the good harvest of 1957 
pushed Mao to propose — and to impose on the more reluctant farmers — the 


Communism in Asia 

goals of the Great Leap Forward (first announced in December 1957 and 
refined in May 1958) and the means of achieving it — the People's Commune 
(announced in August 1958). 

Within a very short time ("Three years of hard work and suffering, and 
a thousand years of prosperity, 11 said one slogan at the time), the Great Leap 
Forward caused nationwide disruption of the peasant way of life. Peasants were 
to form themselves into huge groups of thousands or even tens of thousands 
of families, with even thing to become communal, including food. Agricultural 
production was to be developed on a massive scale through pharaonic irrigation 
projects and new farming methods. Finally, the difference between agricultural 
and industrial work was to be abolished as industrial units, in particular small 
furnaces, were created everywhere, The goal was quite similar to the Khrush- 
chev ideal of the "agrotown." The aim was to ensure the self-sufficiency of 
local communities and to accelerate industrial takeoff by creating new rural 
industries and using the large agricultural surpluses that the communes were 
to make for the state and the industry it controlled. In this happy dream that 
was to bring real Communism within reach, the accumulation of capital and a 
rapid rise in the standard of living were to go hand in hand. All that had to be 
done was to achieve the simple objectives set by the Party. 

For months everything seemed to be going perfectly. People worked night 
and day under red flags blowing in the wind. Focal leaders announced the 
breaking of one record after another as people produced larger quantities 
"more quickly, better, and more economically." As a result, the goals were 
continually raised even higher: 375 million tons of gram for 1958, almost 
double the 195 million tons of the preceding year. In December it was an- 
nounced that the goal had been met and the results verified by the staff of the 
Centra] Statistics Bureau, who had been sent out to the countryside after 
expressing doubts. The original plan had been to surpass Great Britain in 
fifteen years; now it appeared certain that it would be done in two. As produc- 
tion quotas continued to rise, it was decided to move more people into industrial 
production. In Henan, a province intended to serve as a model, 200,001) workers 
were generously moved to other, more needy regions where results had been 
poorer. 74 "Socialist emulation" was pushed ever further; all private land and 
free trade was abolished along with the right to leave the collective, and there 
was a massive campaign to collect metal tools to transform everything into steel. 
At the same time, any wood, including doors, was collected to fuel the new 
furnaces. As compensation, all communal food reserves were eaten at memo- 
rable banquets. "Fating meat was considered revolutionary," according to one 
witness in Shani. S(l This was no problem because the next harvest was bound 
to be enormous. "The human will is the master of all things," the press in 
Henan had already proclaimed, at the provincial hydraulic conference in Oc- 
tober 1957. S1 

China: A Long March into Night 


But soon the leaders who still emerged from the Forbidden City from time 
to time (which Mao seldom did) were forced to face facts. They had fallen into 
their own trap, believing in the power of their own optimism and thinking that 
after the Long March, success would naturally follow because they felt them- 
selves omnipotent and were used to commanding the workers and the economy 
like soldiers in a battle. It was easier for cadres to doctor the figures or to put 
intolerable pressure on administrators to deliver them than it was to admit that 
the sacrosanct objectives had not been reached. Under Mao, a move to the left 
(since voluntarism, dogmatism, and violence were left-wing virtues) was always 
less dangerous than right-wing mediocrity. In 1958-59, the bigger a lie was, the 
faster its author was promoted. The headlong race was under way, the baro- 
meters of success were soaring, and all potential critics were in prison or work- 
ing on the irrigation projects. 

The reasons for the catastrophe were fairly technical. Some agricultural 
methods advocated by the Soviet academic Trofim Lysenko, who rejected 
genetics, won great favor in China under the auspices of Mao. They were 
imposed on the peasants, and the results were disastrous. Mao had proclaimed 
his belief that "in company grain grows fast; seeds are happiest when growing 
together" -attempting to impose class solidarity on nature. 82 Accordingly, seeds 
were sown at five to ten times the normal density, with the result that millions 
of young plants died. The intensity of the farming methods dried out the soil 
or caused the salt to rise. Wheat and maize never grow well together in the same 
fields, and the replacement of the traditional barley crop with wheat in the high, 
cold fields of Tibet was simply catastrophic. Other mistakes were made in the 
nationwide campaign. The extermination of the sparrows that ate the grain 
resulted in a massive increase in the number of parasites. A large amount of 
hydraulic equipment that had been hurriedly and carelessly built was found to 
be useless or even dangerous because of the increased erosion and the risk of 
flooding at the first high tide. Moreover, the cost of its construction in terms 
of human life had been enormous: more than 10,000 out of 60,000 workers had 
died on one site in Henan. Risking everything on one large cereal crop (as on 
steel in industry, where the slogan was "Big is beautiful") ruined all the smaller 
associated agricultural activities, including the raising of livestock that was 
often vital for balance in the ecosystem. In Fujian, for instance, the highly 
profitable tea plantations were all resown as rice fields. 

From an economic point of view, the reallocation of resources was disas- 
trous. Although the accumulation of capital reached a record level (43.4 percent 
of the gross domestic product in 1959) it was used to build ill-conceived or 
badly finished irrigation projects and to develop industry inside the towns. 83 
Although one famous Maoist slogan proclaimed that "China walks on two 
feet," all the blood from agriculture was pumped into industry. The incompe- 
tent allocation of capital was a decisive factor in the no less aberrant allocation 


Communism in Asia 

of manpower: stare industry rook on 21 million new workers in 195N, which 
represented an 85 percent rise in a single sector in one year. In l°o7 1%0 the 
share of the population working outside agriculture increased from 15 percent 
to 20 percent, and all these people had to he ted by the slate, Meanwhile, 
workers in the countryside were being exhausted by ever) thing except agricul- 
ture. They were being dratted into large engineering projects, small steelworks 
whose output tor the most part was worthless, the destruction ot traditional 
villages, and the construction of new towns. After the mar clous harvest ot" 
195$, it was decided that cereal production could be cut by 13 percent. M This 
combination of "economic delirium and political lies" resulted in the hancsts 
of i960, which many of the peasants were loo weak to gather. '" I lenan, the first 
province to be declared "100 percent hydraulic," since the construction of dikes 
and irrigation work there was technically finished, was also one ot the regions 
hardest hit by the famine; estimates ot' the deaths there vary from 2 million to 
8 million. m The state quota had reached its height, going from 48 million tons 
of cereal in 1957 (17 percent of all production), to 67 million in 1959 (28 
percent), to 51 million in 1960. The trap closed around those who had lied, or 
rather, around their administrators. In the supposedly model district of Kengy- 
ang (Anhui), 199,000 tons of grain were announced tor 1959, ;i considerable 
increase over the 178,000 tons of the previous car; but real production was a 
mere 54,000 tons, as opposed to 89,000 in 1958. I )espite the shortfall, the stare 
rook a very real part of this phantom haiwesl, claiming 29,000 tons. The 
following year, almost everyone had to cat clear rice soup, and the somewhat 
surreal slogan for the year 1959 in the Peopled Ihi/y was: ik J ,ie frugally in a 
year of plenty" The national press began to sing the praises of a dail nap, and 
medical professors came out to explain the particular physiology of the Chi- 
nese, for whom fat and proteins were an unnecessary luxur. v 

There was perhaps still lime to change direction and alter things for the 
better. Steps were taken in that direction in December 1958. Hut the inception 
of a serious split with the L.S.S.R., and above all the attack in Jul) 1959 by the 
well-respected Marshal Peng Dehuai on the Communist Party Politburo and 
Mao's strategy, gave Mao pureh tactical political reasons to refuse to acknowl- 
edge that the country was facing any difficulties and rhus to acknowledge any 
blame. The overly lucid minister of defense was thus replaced In Lin liiao, who 
showed himself to be a servile creature of the Helmsman. Peng was sidelined 
but not actually arrested at the time. In 1967 he was thrown out of the Part) 
and sentenced to life in prison, dying in 1974. Mao's hatred was long lasting. 
To turn the situation to his advantage, he tried in 1959 to reinforce the Great 
Leap Forward by calling for people's communes to be extended into the cities 
(a strategy never actually implemented). China then experienced its great fam- 
ine, but .Mao would survive. As Lin Biao was to say later, ii is geniuses who 
make historv. 

Mao ,-' .-■■ Univ. liiuI the Chi 
in .c Communists took 
power in 1949, In I * > 5 S ihev 
launched the ( ircal 1 .rap 
Ftirw ail in accelerate ilu 1 
prnce^i of industriali/at inn. 
I is chief ettcct, how e cr, 
was an iimm-nsc famine. 
W liile Man ami Perag <- '.hen 
were posing lor these propa 
ganda photographs, an esti- 
mated al) million ( Chinese 
uta'e d inu of hunger. 
I K.isitoio 

Mao launehed the Cireal Proletarian 
(ailiural Resolution in l%(>to 
bring the country firmly under his 
eonrrol once more, bul he suc- 
ceeded mainl in starting a civil 
war. Red Guards spread destruction 
and humiliation around the country, 
lynching and murdering countless 
people. 1 I ere a historian named 
Chien Po-tsan is handed over to rhe 
mob. £ UK. 

TllOM- br.liull'll ' IK II! ()f ibu ])y 

pic" In ::.'li]i i ja iii t an.i ] ■ were nth 

treated, beaten, and fn mam case' 
kilted, I kre J rich ihm-..uu is shal fui 
ha injl "t&Jthiittrd the | u M-.MriT i v/' 
! ArchK*: Pihotui 

fa*- f 

Beijing, !^7.v The dispkn of 

portraits of ] .en in and S i a I i n 

(Mao described Ehc hitter as 

the "ureal friend nf the Chi 

ncsc people'*) demonstrates 

that i he founders of the 

I .S.S.R., despite the Sinn- 

Soviet conflict, were still [he 

essential points ol' reference 

for the C '.hinese Communist 

reffime. < ivlmr Phuius 

The theatricality of ( '.nnuiiu- 

nisni. IVoin high on the rain 

parls of ilu- Forbidden ( ai, 

the leaders of ihe ( '.hinese 

( Jiniinunist Parh sure llie 

massed ranks of ihcir stih 

jeets in Tiananmen Square. 

The distance between llie 

leaders and llie militarized 

asscmhK is charaelenshc of 

I He rei.'anie. i kr slum; 

n agitprop scene with Red 
( j'u.trds in Tiananmen Square. 
Main bf them suffered harsh 
reprisals once Mao behewd 
thai he had attained his objer 
liux ears later, mam finalK 
spoke about the realities of 
the ( .uhural kcolution and 
joined ihe struggle for (he 
"fifth tntHfcrfux&rittir 1 (i.e., 
deinoeracN ) after Mao death. 
• K.rafniM 

In die spring of IMS') a new gen- 
eration of fetjiflg students took 
oer Tiananmen Square. Their 
principal deiiunul was for dcnioc 
rac, swnboli/ed iiere b a siatue 
placed in front of the gistftl f»K 
trail of Mao. l Cathiaine 
llniriette/ AiT 

Mtt'i 1 sewral weeks the imwTiinh.'iil umi! toii- against llm .uiilnii nuAiirn-ni. whuh h.ul ;n .11 popular 
support. On the niiihl ot -1 5 Jliih-, Links broU' up lln. Ktif'lltMH I .nop Om ! in > n ■ .muI aiiiliiii- tftCtl 
1 kou hi inuil;i M.i'.'.nuni I'hiiliis 

(. .hiiH.^f dissidents refused lo il.haii.duU die Mni'.".di One r.[inple is ilu In! im | Ivd (.nurd 
Wei Jin;>.slu-!i;..! (sealed, rij'.hl ). Initialh senieneed l<> 1 5 uai , in pi i-.mi Im ". mum i u voIliiiuii 
arv I'rinirs," lie was senieneed auam in 1 kvemln r LU95 tu .iinulit-i 1  £&[ [I vn Im uMinbir 
! 997, dftejr uearl l l J ears in prison, he WSK released and <-m1-. d m liir I ntl« tl Slates 
1 Xinhua News Ai.-A'in-v HI' 

1 '.hina own ;..',Lil;n' sWem. the 

taogtfi, is a vasi rtchviifk ol prison 

faoiorieii batted ee)usirl on penal 

labor. Mam pmduels made there 

are Ji.-siined tor export. I l;irr \ | 

was imprisoned in one tor l ( ' years 

for Cftliei'/ing dieSoiel imasiun ut 

I liiiiuarv I Ic n laimvicti !o ;.',aiher 

eunMderable doemuental mn about 

hi:, exprrieih e. I lie fVU pliolu 

graphs here wiTr laken m seerei. 

i 1) R. 

Ill a major offensive against Soufh  ietnam in the aprim'. d l l, o. the  it?l linh at in tg & 
the town ot Hue. \ hen South  ieinamese forces tv.apiund the town, iln found ■.ru.-.l 
mass graves* i L&mnu 

 Communist reeducation camp in North Vietnam-. 1 he aim of rcedm ation , v'Cfj Specific: dttailtCCS ait 

to approve oi the ssk'in that has imprisoned them and to adopt the ideo|u>.! nj their oppressors. 
i Henri J in ft-au / Suan.i 

Termr us a means ot education: the execution of a "a)untmvoluti<.>n;iry" provides t he opportunity to 

nintnive a political ami social ssstem. i Coll. I Niatl VtfH Toai 

'['he ictnr of the ( aurmuinisr 
regime in  ieinam in I^T.s ied to * 
a mass rodus of locals who felt 
their lies lo lie at risk. "Uoat 
fK«opk: M iletl iii small, ricketv 
crafl, prefen 'irtg to risk I heir lives 
at sea, where piratr attacks were 
common, than tn remain under 
the new i lu 1 at< >rsliip. ' K. ( iwigtef/ 


( '.ambodia, April l'JT.x The VtStorfftUS Mmier l&QUfpe emerim- Phnom Penh. In .1 show time, voung 
soldiers, mnsrh ajftil fifteen and sixteen, Inviiinr the instruments of Pol Pot, "Mi;.', Hrother ulhWt I >nc" 
rnipr iiH'. liir capital of all its inhabitants. 1  Ffciffd Sip.i p u -.s 

A 1 1 or 1 he (all o[ Pol Pol's regfrnCi die new pro A ieiruniese :.:■ > t-nni h.'ih opened ,1 "museum of neMinndc" 
in which the skulls of thousands of unidentified vlcClhlti of the k Inner Rom<e *Htte disphned. 
( Spmider/ ' S lima 


^fc* ^W r^ 

rv © f 

Phc '['uo Sfeftg prison, a former M'hool, was one of the worst renters for Ujim urc and execution. I'.ach 
prisoner cut nun, woman, ami child was photographed beftife beinu cruelly executed. < Photo 

The photographer said: kl s a rule, 

1 look the photographs as soon as 

the prisoners arrived, after a nunc 

her had been pinned on them with a 

safe!) pin. If the arricii bare 

chested, the number was pinned to 

their skin. 11 I Phoin Aivlme Group/ 

Tuo) SI em.'.', Mu&C« du uciioeidc 

1'dI Pol. his, aiu.1 his f,imil.  l )SU. In Jul [*#£} \> |>m w.-, ih .i-.-.m J Uion .; p%i ■ In 
His iam) liruinunK ami JLicl'.M'J in .1 ni.i! m which tither political cunctTEi! w;it< i L.uh p,n .nouum Ik 

dttdul ,t hc.U! ,l!!,uL 111 pr»1 l ,Jt >^ ilm. Pilots 

liehind thr imnrlirlds. ilic KIuiht Rmi'.'r S?UI lu f ,1 number ni ,uiiu- unih m ( amhudi.i l ambodii m 
t lu hi ■ i u. .1 proportion of victim-, oi landmine in ih< world. \o<i victims ,:i i !■■< uildreii Slid .iJolcMXniS. 

1 I o mns I i.imin.i 

V hen rhc Batista regime fdl in Cuba, Castro was only one of the rebels involved, and hopes for change 
were hi-h among ( Cubans. Castro's rapid seizure of power brought eonsiderable opposition among other 
tactions. Left to right; IVclro Luis lioiiel, a prisoner who died on hunger strike in 1972; Humbertn Sori 
Marin, who was slmt after attempting lo organize an armed Struggle agains his former comrade-in-arms, 
t ailrtj; A\d the port Jorge Vails, -who was sentenced lo 20 years in prison and only recently freed. (& I). R., 
■ I iir Vilnan n-hi 

C ieueral Oehoa, the former commander of the Cuban force in Angola, 

was accused b Castro of pUnring' against him. On the grounds that 

Ochtia had been trafficking in drugs (as the special services of the 

regime had done tor ears), Castro had him condemned to death 

and executed. LI K Carrie / Gamma 

( imp. i cIH'l. iich iuu//hM s(ku:i thruu-.h ihr u-r i( t ommili { lor l'rinisr <i{ the 
RcM>hnmn (0>Rs) established (hum hi ui ilu raunfFY. T1u- uti i i cntialh designed 
to keep IVdfi li «»u-i latBtliesj I be itthci maim' t-lriiu TI.I in the I ulun FCpfCSNiw -ippLiratUs 

IS the 'II 'il'iliul, UMialh hi Id Ml t -I >K hrad^iurkT . I I 'ill U .h .limn Sgn« 

I Mfu <m fin tin l'i..n TH-npk- ill il nn <>f thousand* oi ^urm rtW kviwus: ( uhj un makeshift 

raffs hkL- the one pH'Iiitrtl Ihic. Tin tU'-.iiui 1 died SI .c.l. ■  oi.uu- Kr uti Sip* Ff«& 

l v idel Castro with Eden 

Pastor* ( iomez, known as 

( !oniandanlc Zero, rhe 

inosi prestigious Saudi 

nisi a guerrilla chid' in the 

struggle against Somoza, 

Pastora became a voeifer 

ous opponent of the 

Sandiuista regime in 

Managua when it 

attempted to turn the 

countn into .1 Soviet style 

republic. 1 lc started a new 

guerrilla war, which lasted 

uiuil 1985 (Tight), C D. R. 

In Peru the Shining Path, 
;i Maoist terrorist group, 

rdoes not hesitate to mas- 
sacre peasants who refuse 
to cooperate. Seventy twi 

iperatc. seventy two 
people lost rheir lives in 
the village of Ma/amari 
in this particular attack. 
Pictured is the head of 
one victim, fi Monica Sun 

Ethiopia, 1-1 September 1°7 ( '. 1'hr Nuifi prune miniMi i. l«Aivi ko\ijJTi, im a  tsit id 
Addis baba Inr i hi iifih .mni i-r^.=r ui Mcngisili 1 huh  1 ,u t,tm- >* i/uu ej| power. His 
dictatorial iruimc was run alouv Sown lines I In: Worked Pftrtj i I ihinpi.i e prevail A 
(icSifi* to be "the inheritors of die ;_-reat < >i aohei Revolution" l<in:i < >.triiii l.i 

Jn the mid I ''NIK drought Hit I ahiopia. < guisin  w idrspn .id tainiiK-. Uenmsm used ihc weapon oi hunger 
It) force LiriAf segments (if the popuhlt itm lu move out of aiea*, u here ^m-rrJILis jftert! ">pef -Jtinp EthkttttQj 
ihti:, became hostages in a "poliiual rcprffflfiiyJHftUI of the tcrnim % "' i i Su-Hi- iVrhns/ Minimi RioW 

Supported bv die Soviet Lnion alter 1 ( J74, the 
Popular Movement for the Liberation of 
Angola also received help from Cuba in 1 ( ^75. 
Tens of thousands of "volunteers 11 came to 
figfcl the non Marxist movements, rivals of 
the MIM .A, before beginning a withdrawal in 
lanuarv I'JiSM. ; ft \cnturiL'i7Uaniuia 

On 11 U-cemlvr *f!% So 
viel Hoops entered  I'^hani 
si. in in response to appeals 
Irom the local t ioinmunisl 
leaders, who were losing 
control. n extremely 
blood) war ensued. In ihe 
lace of widespread resis ■■■ 
lance, the Soviet troops ear 
ned out a "scorched earth 11 
policv dust nn in;; towns and 
villages, t Children were 
often the first  ielims of 
antipersonnel mines (above). 
Out ten sears, So iel nidi 
iar operations claimed I 
1..S million lives, of which 
90 percent were cisilians. 
1 L ai (Jet Smekl /( iammti 





Manua I )ro;.::i, the Road of Death. In 
1949 Stalin biigan a rail\a link north of 
the Vrctit; Cirujc between NakheLird and 
Igarka. kl < )nw actl to ( '.nmmunism" pro 
ehiims the banner above, fier Stalin's 
death, the projcci was abandoned. The "hi 
eoniotive ot history; v uhieh niux pulled 
Tn>lsk\ train HcfofC pulliih: so main bo> 
ears of deportees, now lie* a rusting wreck 
in the foivsl. I Tumult/ Ki/n u 




5wmE i*'jra IT' 1 ' • '*8i 


i r4 i '" "■:>*" 

s^^SmMbV^hH BML/vy -i3F ft oat- 

China: A Long March into Night 


The resulting famine affected ihe whole country. In Beijing, playing ; fields 
and recreation areas were transformed into allotments, and 2 million chickens 
were to be found on people's balconies in the capital. ,ss No province was spared, 
despite the immense size of the country and the wide variety of climates and 
cultures. That fact alone shows the ridiculousness of the official explanation, 
which blamed the famine on some of the worst climatic conditions of the 
century. In fact 1054 and 1980 saw far greater climatic disturbances. In 1960, 
onlv 8 of the 1 20 Chinese weather stations noted a drought of any consequence, 
and only a third mentioned drought as a problem at all.* 1 ' The 1960 harvest of 
143 million tons of grain was 26 perceni lower than that of 1957, which was 
almost the same as that of 1958. The harvest had fallen to its level in 1950, 
while the population had grown by 100 million during the decade. 1 * 1 The towns, 
which were general!) privileged in terms of allocations of food stocks, partly 
because of the proximity of the government, were not hit as hard. In 1961, at 
the darkest moment, their inhabitants on average received IS] kilos of grain, 
whereas peasants received 153; the peasants 1 ration had fallen bv 23 pereent, 
that of" the townspeople bv 8 percent. Mao, in the tradition of ( Chinese leaders, 
but in contradiction to the legend that he encouraged to grow up around him, 
showed here how little he really cared for what he thought of as the clumsy 
and primitive peasants. 

There were considerable ariations among regions. The most fragile re- 
gions, in the north and northwest, the only ones that had really suffered famine 
over the lasl century, were the hardest hit. By contrast, in Heilongjiang, in the 
far north, which was relatively untouched and largely virgin territory, the 
population climbed from 14 million to 20 million as the region became a haven 
for the hungrv. As in earlier Kuropean famines, regions that specialized in 
commercial agricultural products (such as oil seed, sugarcane, sugar beet, and 
above all cotton) saw production fall dramatically, sometimes by as much as 
two-thirds. Since the hungry no longer had the means to buy their products, 
hunger struck here with particular severity The price of rice on the free market 
(or on the black market) rose fifteen or even thirtyfold. Maoist dogma exaeer 
bated the disaster: because people's communes had a duty to be self-sufficient, 
the transfer of goods between proinces had been drastically reduced. There 
was also a lack of coal as hungry miners left to find food or to cultivate 
allotments wherever they could. The situation was compounded by the general 
apathy and dissolution brought on by hunger. In industrialized provinces such 
as Liaoning the effects were cumulative: agricultural production in 1960 tell To 
half of 1958 levels, and whereas an average of 1.66 million tons of foodstuffs 
had arried in that region each year during the 1950s, after 1958 transfers for 
the whole country fell to a mere 1.5 million tons. 

The fact that the famine was primarily a political phenomenon is demon- 
strated by the high death rates in provinces where the leaders were Maoist 


Communism in Asia 

radicals, provinces that in previous years had actually been net exporters of 
grain, like Sichuan, Henan, and Anhui. This last province, in north-central 
China, was the worst affected of all. In 1960 the death rate soared to 68 percent 
from its normal level at around 15 percent, while the birth rate fell to 1 1 percent 
from its previous average of 30 percent. As a result the population fell by 
around 2 million people (6 percent of the total) in a single year 91 Like Mao 
himself, Party activists in Henan were convinced that all the difficulties arose 
from the peasants' concealment of private stocks of grain. According to the 
secretary of the Xinyang district (10 million inhabitants), where the first peo- 
ple's commune in the country had been established, "The problem is not that 
food is lacking. There are sufficient quantities of grain, but 90 percent of the 
inhabitants are suffering from ideological difficulties. 1 ' 92 In the autumn of 1959 
the class war was momentarily forgotten, and a military-style offensive was 
launched against the peasants, using methods very similar to those used by 
anti-Japanese guerrilla groups. At least 10,000 peasants were imprisoned, and 
many died of hunger behind bars. The order was given to smash all privately 
owned cutlery that had not yet been turned to steel to prevent people from 
being able to feed themselves by pilfering the food supply of the commune. 
Even fires were banned, despite the approach of winter. The excesses of re- 
pression were terrifying. Thousands of detainees were systematically tortured, 
and children were killed and even boiled and used as fertilizer — at the very 
moment when a nationwide campaign was telling people to "learn the Henan 
way." In Anhui, where the stated intention was to keep the red flag flying even 
if 99 percent of the population died, cadres returned to the traditional practices 
of live burials and torture with red-hot irons. 91 Funerals were prohibited lest 
their number frighten survivors even more and lest they turn into protest 
marches. Taking in the numerous abandoned children was also banned, on the 
ground that "The more we take in, the more will be abandoned." 94 Desperate 
villagers who tried to force their way into the towns were greeted with machine- 
gun fire. More than 800 people died in this manner in the Fenyang district, and 
12 percent of the rural population, or 28,000 people, were punished in some 
manner. This campaign took on the proportions of a veritable war against the 
peasantry. In the words of Jean-Luc Domenach, "The intrusion of Utopia into 
politics coincided very closely with that of police terror in society." 95 Deaths 
from hunger reached over 50 percent in certain villages, and in some cases the 
only survivors were cadres who abused their position. In Henan and elsewhere 
there were many cases of cannibalism (63 were recorded officially): children 
were sometimes eaten in accordance with a communal decision. % 

In 1968 Wei Jingsheng, an eighteen-year-old Red Guard pursued by the 
authorities like millions of others, took refuge with his family in a village in 
Anhui, where he heard many stories about the Great Leap Forward: 97 

China: A Long March into Night 


As soon as 1 arrived here, 1 often heard peasants talking about the Great 
Leap Forward as though it was some sort of apocalypse that they had by 
some miracle escaped. Quite fascinated, I questioned them in detail 
ahout the subject so that soon I too was convinced that the "three years 
of natural catastrophes 11 had not been as natural as all that, and had 
rather been the result of a series of political blunders. The peasants said, 
for example, that in 1959-60, during the "Communist Wind" [one of 
rhe official names for the Great Leap Forward] their hunger had been so 
great that they had not even been strong enough to harvest the rice crop 
when it was ready, and that it would otherwise have been a relatively 
good vear for them. Many of them died of hunger watching the grains 
of rice fall into the fields, blown off by the wind. In some villages there 
was literally no one left to take in the harvest. One time I was with a 
relative who lived a small distance away from our village. On the way to 
his home, we went past a deserted village. All the houses had lost their 
roofs. Only the mud walls remained. 

Thinking it was a village that had been abandoned during the 
Great Leap Forward, when all the villages were being reorganized and 
relocated, 1 asked why the walls hadn't been knocked down to make 
room for more fields. My relative replied: "But these houses all belong 
to people, and you can't knock them down without their permission. 11 I 
stared at the walls and couldn't believe that they were actually inhabited. 
"Of course they were inhabited! But everyone here died during the 
'Communist Wind, 1 and no one has ever come back. The land was then 
shared out among rhe neighboring villages. But because it seemed possi- 
ble that some of them might come back, the living quarters were never 
shared our. Still, that was so long ago, I don't think anyone will come- 
back now. 11 

We walked along beside the village. The rays of the sun shone on 
the jade-green weeds that had sprung up between the earth walls, accen- 
tuating the contrast with the rice fields all around, and adding to the 
desolation of the landscape. Before my eyes, among the weeds, rose up 
one of the scenes I had been told about, one of the banquets at which 
the families had swapped children in order to eat them. I could see the 
worried faces of the families as they chewed the flesh of other people's 
children. The children who were chasing butterflies in a nearby field 
seemed to be the reincarnation of the children devoured by their par- 
ents. 1 felt sorry for the children, but not as sorry as 1 felt for their 
parents. What had made them swallow that human flesh, amidst the 
tears and grief of other parents — flesh that they would never have imag- 
ined tasting, even in their worst nightmares? In that moment 1 under- 
stood what a butcher he had been, the man "whose like humanity has 
not seen in several centuries, and China not in several thousand years": 9 " 
Mao Zedong. Mao Zedong and his henchmen, with their criminal po- 


Communism in Asia 

litical system, had driven parents mad with hunger and led them to hand 
their own children over to others, and to receive the flesh of others to 
appease their own hunger. Mao Zedong, to wash away the crime that he 
had committed in assassinating democracy [an allusion to the Hundred 
Flowers trap], had launched the Great Leap Forward, and obliged thou- 
sands and thousands of peasants dazed by hunger to kill one another 
with hoes, and to save their own lives thanks to the flesh and blood of 
their childhood companions. They were not the real killers; the real 
killers were Mao Zedong and his companions. At last I understood 
where Peng Dehuai had found the strength to attack the Central Com- 
mittee of the Party led by Mao, and at last I understood why the peas- 
ants loathed Communism so much, and why they had never allowed 
anyone to attack the policies of Liu Shaoqi, "three freedoms and one 
guarantee.' 1 For the good and simple reason that they had no intention 
of ever having to eat their own flesh and blood again, or of killing their 
companions to eat them in a moment of instinctual madness. That 
reason was far more important than any ideological consideration. 

At the moment that Yuri Gagarin was being launched into space, a country 
possessing more than 30,000 miles of railway lines and an extensive radio and 
telephone network was being ravaged by a subsistence crisis of the sort that 
had plagued premodern Europe, but on a scale that in the eighteenth century- 
would have affected the population of the entire world. Literally countless 
millions were trying to boil grass and bark to make soup, stripping leaves off 
trees in the towns, wandering the roads of the country desperate for anything 
to eat trying vainly to attack food convoys, and sometimes desperately banding 
together into gangs (as in the Xinyang and Lan Kao districts in Henan) w They 
were sent nothing to eat, but on occasion the local cadres who were supposedly 
responsible for the famine were shot. There were armed raids on houses all 
over the country in a search for ground maize. m An enormous increase in 
disease and infections increased the death rate further, while the birth rate fell 
to almost zero as women were unable to conceive because of malnutrition. 
Prisoners in the laogat were not the last to die of hunger, although their 
situation was no less precarious than that of the neighboring peasants who came 
to the camps to beg for something to eat. In August 1960, after one vear of 
famine, three-quarters of Jean Pasqualini's work brigade were dead or dying, 
and the survivors were reduced to searching through horse manure for undi- 
gested grains of wheat and eating the worms they found in cowpats. 101 People 
in the camps were used as guinea pigs in hunger experiments. In one case flour 
was mixed with 30 percent paper paste in bread to study the effects on diges- 
tion, while in another study marsh plankton were mixed with rice water. The 
first experiment caused atrocious constipation throughout the camp, which 

China: A Long March into Night 


caused many deaths. The second also caused much illness, and many who were 
already weakened ended up dying. 

For the entire country, the death rate rose from 11 percent in 1957 to 15 
percent in 1959 and 1961, peaking at 29 percent in 1960. Birth rates fell from 
33 percent in 1957 to 18 percent in 1961. Excluding the deficit in births, which 
was perhaps as many as ^ million (although some births were merely delayed), 
loss of life linked to the famine in the years 1959-1961 was somewhere between 
20 million and 43 million people. 102 The lower end of the range is the official 
figure used by the Chinese government since 1988. This was quite possibly the 
worst famine not just in the history of China but in the history of the world. 
The second worst had occurred in northern China in 1877-78 and had taken 
between 9 million and 13 million lives. The one that had struck the U.S.S.R. 
in a similar political and economic context in 1932-1934 had caused around 
6 million deaths, a smaller proportion of the total population than in China 
during the Great Leap Forward. 101 Under normal conditions, mortality in the 
countryside was between 30 percent and 60 percent higher than in the cities. 
In 1960 it doubled, climbing from 14 percent to 29 percent. Peasants managed 
to delay the effects of the famine slightly by consuming their own livestock, 
which amounted to using up their productive capital. In 1957-1961, 48 percent 
of pigs and 30 percent of all dairy animals were slaughtered. m The surface area 
given over to nonfood crops such as cotton, which was the country's main 
industry at the time, diminished by more than one-third in 1959-1962, and this 
fall in production inevitably hit the manufacturing sector. Although after 1959 
peasant markets were reopened to stimulate production, the prices demanded 
were so high and the quantities available so low that few of the starving could 
find enough to survive. In 1961, for example, the price of pork was fourteen 
times higher in the markets than in the state shops. The price of ked went up 
less than that of grain in the pastoral northwest, which was chronically deficient 
in grain. In Gansu people were still dying of hunger in 1962, and the grain 
ration was equivalent to only half the official limit for conditions of "semi- 
starvation. 1 ' 

Whether through unawareness of or, more likely, indifference to the sev- 
eral million lives that had to be sacrificed to build Communism, the state 
responded (if such a word can be used here) to the crisis with measures that 
under the circumstances were quite simply criminal. Net grain exports, prin- 
cipally to the U.S.S.R., rose from 2.7 million tons in 1958 to 4.2 million in 1959, 
and in 1960 fell only to the 1958 level. In 1961, 5.8 million tons were actually 
imported, up from 66,000 in 1960, but this was still too little to feed the 
starving. 105 Aid from the United States was refused for political reasons. The 
rest of the world, which could have responded easily, remained ignorant of the 
scale of the catastrophe. Aid to the needy in the countryside totaled less than 


Communism in Asia 

450 million yuan per annum, or 0.8 yuan per person, at a time when one kilo 
of rice on the free market was worth 2 to 4 yuan. Chinese Communism boasted 
that it could move mountains and tame nature, but it left these faithful to die. 

From August 1959 until 1961, the Party acted as though it was powerless 
to help, simply standing by and watching events unfold. Criticizing the Great 
Leap Forward, behind which Mao had thrown all his weight, was a dangerous 
business. But the situation became so bad that Liu Shaoqi, the number two 
leader in the regime, finally put the Chairman on the defensive and imposed a 
partial return to the easier form of collectivization that had been the policy 
before the invention of the people's communes. People were again allowed to 
own a small amount of land, peasant markets were reopened, small private 
workshops were opened, and labor teams were subdivided into labor brigades, 
which were equivalent to the size of the earlier village teams. As a result of 
these measures the country quickly emerged from the famine. 106 But it did not 
emerge as fast from poverty. Agricultural production, which had grown stead ily 
from 1952 to 1958, had lost its way, and the effects were felt for two decades. 
Confidence would return only "when the belly was full 1 ' (as Mao said would 
occur in the people's communes). Overall agricultural production doubled 
between 1952 and I978, but during this time the population rose from 574 
million to 959 million, and most of the per-capita increase in production had 
taken place in the 1950s, In most places production did not reach 1957 levels 
until at least 1965 (and as late as 1968-69 in Henan). 107 Overall, agricultural 
productivity was severely affected; the Great Leap Forward's astonishing 
waste of resources caused it to fall by about one-quarter. Not until 1983 did 
productivity again reach 1952 levels." 18 Eyewitness reports from the days of the 
Cultural Revolution all concur that China was still a traditional village society 
of great poverty, functioning as a subsistence economy where luxuries were 
extremely rare (cooking oil, for instance, was like gold dust). ,tw The Great Leap 
Forward made the people extremely suspicious of the regime's propaganda. It 
is hardly surprising that the peasants responded most enthusiastically to Deng 
Xiaoping's economic reforms, and were the driving force behind the reintro- 
duction of a market economy twenty years after the launch of the people's 

The disasters of 1959-1961 , the regime's great secret, which many foreign 
visitors also managed to deny, were never recognized for what they really were. 
Liu went out on a limb in January 1962 when he claimed at a conference of 
cadres that 70 percent of the famine had been due to human error. 1 " 1 It was 
impossible to say any more than that without directly incriminating Mao. Even 
after his death, in the Chinese Communist Party's televised final verdict on his 
life in 1981, there was no criticism of the Great Leap Forward, 

China: A Long March into Night 


The LaogahThe Hidden Gulag 

Chinese Communism has many skeletons in the closet, and it is amazing how 
long they have escaped the world's attention. The immense concentration- 
camp system is no exception. There were nearly 1,000 large-scale camps as well 
as innumerable detention centers (see the maps at the beginning of the chap- 
ter), but in many histories of the People's Republic, even in some of the more 
detailed and recent works, they receive no mention. The repressive apparatus 
hid itself extremely well. Because punishment by prison or forced labor 
smacked too much of the old regime, people were sent instead for "reform" or 
"reeducation" through labor. The main internment camps were disguised as 
large public enterprises, so one had to know, for instance, that the "Jingzhou 
Industrial Dye Works," which was the name on the door, was actually Prison 
No. 3 of Hubei Province, or that the "Yingde Tea Plantation" was Labor 
Reeducation Center No. 7 of Guangdong Province." 1 Even the families of 
prisoners wrote only to an anonymous post office box. Throughout the Mao 
era, visits were forbidden during the whole instruction process, which gener- 
ally lasted for more than a year. Particularly during the Cultural Revolution, 
relatives were not always notified about the incarceration or even the death of 
prisoners, or were informed only much later. The children of Liu Shaoqi, the 
former president of the Republic, who was held in a secret prison, did not learn 
about his death in November 1969 until August 1972; only then were they 
allowed to visit their mother, who like her husband had been locked up since 
August 1967. 112 If prisoners ever went out into the world, they were under 
strict orders to remain invisible. Accustomed to hanging their heads and stay- 
ing silent in their cells, they received strange new orders at the station: "Behave 
normally in the train. It is forbidden, I repeat, forbidden to bow your head. If 
anyone has to go to the latrine, signal to the guard, the fist with the thumb 
sticking out. Smoking and talking will be allowed. No funny stuff The guards 
have orders to shoot." 113 

For many years statements from former prisoners were extremely rare. 
One reason was that under Mao it was extremely difficult for anyone who had 
entered the penal system to emerge from it. Another was that prisoners who 
were freed had to swear that they would not talk about their experiences; 
otherwise they would be reimprisoned. So it was foreigners, who formed only 
a tiny fraction of the number of those imprisoned, who provided most of the 
stories that still account for most of the available information. Because the 
foreign prisoners were protected by their governments, they generally came out 
alive. Some were explicitly charged with the mission to bear witness to the 
outside world of the suffering of the army of people trapped in those forgotten 


Communism in Asia 

prisons. Such was the case of Jean Pasqualini, whose Chinese name was Bao 
Ruo-wang. One of his fellow prisoners told him why he and his companions 
were looking after him so carefully: "All these people, and none of them will 
ever make it out, myself included. Lifetime contract. You are the only one who 
is different, Bao. You might get out the big door someday. It could happen to 
a foreigner, but not to us. You will be the only one who can tell about it 
afterward if you do. That's why we wanted to keep you alive . . . Don't worry 
as long as you're here, you'll live. I can promise you that. And if you get 
transferred to other camps, there will be other people who thmk like us. YouVe 
precious cargo, old man!" 114 

The Biggest Penal System of All Time 

The laogai was a sort of nonplace, a black hole where the light of Maoism 
blinded tens of millions of people. As a rough indication, Harry Wu calculates 
that up to the mid-1980s some 50 million people passed through the system. 115 
Many died there. According to estimates by jean-Luc Domenach, there were 
roughly 10 million detainees each year, which equals 1-2 percent of the overall 
population. Given that the mortality rate was around 5 percent, some 20 
million Chinese must have died during imprisonment, including approxi- 
mately 4 million in 1959-1962 during the famine caused by the Great Leap 
Forward (although a return to normal rations took place only in 1 964). !!s Along 
with Jean Pasqualini's extraordinary revelations, two recent studies (those of 
Wu and Domenach) now yield a better general picture of the least-known of 
the century's three great concentration-camp systems. 

The scale of the system was enormous, as were the variety of prisoners 
and the system's durability (the first great wave of liberations began only in 
1978). In 1955, 80 percent of inmates were technically political prisoners, 
although many common criminals had been reclassified as political offenders 
and their sentences correspondingly lengthened. By the beginning of The fol- 
lowing decade the share of political prisoners had fallen to 50 percent, and by 
1971 to one-third — perhaps indications of popular discontent with the regime, 
and of the rise of criminality in a situation of political instability. 1!: Internment 
took a variety of forms. m There were preventive centers, prisons (including 
special establishments for former leaders), the official laogat, and more moder- 
ate deportation centers, known as laojiao and jiu ye. Detention centers, number- 
ing some 2,500 and located in various cities, were stepping-stones on the way 
to the penal archipelago. Here detainees waited while the cases against them 
were drawn up— a process that sometimes took ten years. Sentences of less than 
two years were also served in these centers. The approximately 1,(KK) prisons 

China: A Long March into Night 


proper contained only 13 percent of detainees and generally were run directly 
by the central authorities. In these heavily guarded, high-security centers peo- 
ple with the stiffest sentences were detained. They included those sentenced to 
death with the sentence suspended for two years, which was usually converted 
to life imprisonment "for sincere reform of character" at the end of the two 
years. These prisons also housed the more sensitive cases, including high-rank- 
ing cadres, foreigners, priests, dissidents, and spies. Living conditions were 
extremely variable, and in some cases were almost luxurious: in Beijing Prison 
No. 1, a model prison where foreign visitors were taken on tours, people ate as 
much as they wanted and slept on a tatami rather than on wooden slats. 119 But 
harsh discipline, the severity of the industrial labor performed there, and the 
constant ideological battering often led prisoners to request transfer to the 
"open air' 1 of the labor camps. 

The majority of detainees ended up in these huge camps, which were 
scattered all over the country. The biggest and the most populated were situated 
in the semidesert zones of northern Manchuria, Inner Mongolia, Tibet, Xin- 
jiang, and above all Qinghai, which was a genuine penal province — the Chinese 
equivalent of the Russian Kolyma, with a climate that was scorching in the 
summer and freezing in the winter. 120 Camp No. 2 there was perhaps the largest 
in China, holding at least 50,000 deportees. 121 The camps in the distant western 
and northeastern regions were reputed to be extremely harsh, but on the whole 
working conditions were worse in the prison factories in the urban zones than 
at these huge state penal farms. Because detainees were in principle under the 
authority of the provincial or municipal administration (Shanghai had a net- 
work of camps spread over several different regions), they tended to come from 
the same general area, so that, for example, there were no Tibetan detainees in 
eastern China. Unlike Soviet camps, Chinese camps were integrated into the 
local or regional economic framework and only occasionally were part of na- 
tional projects such as the u friendship railway" to Soviet Kirgiziya (Kirgizstan), 
whose construction was halted for more than thirty years on account of the 
Sino-Soviet split. 

The inmates of the camps were divided into three categories. Under Mao 
the biggest group, which stayed the longest, consisted of people who had been 
sentenced specifically to the laogai, which can be translated as "reform through 
labor." 122 These medium- or long-term prisoners were organized in a military 
fashion into squadrons, battalions, companies, and so on. They had lost their 
civil rights, received no payment for their labor, and were rarely allowed to 
receive visitors. In the same camps, or occasionally in special establishments, 
was a second category, those who were there for "reeducation through labor," 
or laojiao. This was a form of administrative detention invented in August 1957 


Communism in Asia 

in the heat of the Antirightist campaign, and to some extent it formalized the 
extrajudicial incarceration activities of the security forces. Victims were not 
actually sentenced, so there was no fixed term for their detention, and they had 
not been formally stripped of their civil rights, although it was impossible, for 
example, to vote in the camps. They received a small wage, most of which was 
held back to pay for their food and lodging. Most of the crimes of which they 
were accused were slight, and their stay in the laojiao was rarely longer than a 
few years, but they were given to understand that much depended on their 
attitude. The discipline and the detention and working conditions in the laojiao 
were very similar to those found in the laogai, and both were in practice run 
by the state security organs. 

Slightly more privileged were the "forced job-placement personnel" of 
the jiuye, who were sometimes known as "free workers" although they had no 
right to leave their place of work, which was usually a camp, except perhaps 
Twice a year. They were treated better and paid slightly more than the laojiao 
prisoners, and they could bring their families to the camps or even get married 
there. They lived, however, in semi prison conditions. These were a sort of 
decompression chamber for the camps, where people who had been freed were 
often kept for the rest of their lives. Until the 1960s, 95 percent of all prisoners 
in the laogui were kept in the jiuye once their sentences had been served. At the 
beginning of the 1980s that figure was still 50 percent, plus between 20 percent 
and 30 percent of former laojiao prisoners. 12 -* Cut off from their original mi- 
lieus, having lost their jobs and their right to reside in a city, generally divorced 
because wives were constantly incited by the authorities to leave "criminal" 
husbands, and condemned to being suspects for the rest of their lives because 
they had "sinned" once, they had nowhere left to go, and thus were forced to 
resign themselves to their condition. Because they had nothing left to hope for, 
even the laogai prisoners felt sorry for them: 

The free workers we began running across were a sorry lot. They looked 
as if they belonged in prison. They were lazy, unskilled, and dirty. 
Evidently they had concluded that nothing was worth the effort any 
more, and in a way they were right. They were constantly hungry and 
subject to the orders of guards and warders, and they were locked up at 
night just like the rest of us. The only difference between our condition 
and theirs was the home visit privilege. Nothing else counted. True, 
they now received salaries, but they had to spend them on food and 
clothing, which were no longer gifts of the government. These free 
workers just didn't give a damn. 124 

Under Mao, any sentence was thus effectively a life sentence. 

China: A Long March into Night 


The Search for the "New Man' 

Imprisonment with no possibility of returning to society was a fundamental 
contradiction of the much-vaunted aim of the penal system: the reform of the 
detainee and his transformation into a "new man." As Jean-Luc Domenach has 
pointed out, the system constantly claimed that "detention is not a punish- 
ment, but an opportunity for the criminal to reform his habits." 125 One internal 
document from the security services made clear the process that faced new 
detainees: "One can submit to the law only if one has first acknowledged the 
error of one's wavs. Acceptance and submissiveness are the first two lessons 
that prisoners must be taught, and they must keep these lessons in mind 
throughout their stay." Once prisoners had broken with their past, they could 
begin to accept "correct ideas": "It is imperative that the four basic educational 
principles be instilled to set the criminal's political ideas back on the right path: 
Marxism-Leninism, faith in Maoism and socialism, the Communist Party, and 
the democratic dictatorship of the people." 12 * As a consequence, penitentiaries 
were above all places to teach these "bad students" who had been unruly or 
slow to learn; for such at least was the thinking of the Party. "Welcome to our 
new schoolmates!" read one banner that Pasqualini came across in a labor 
camp. 127 And there certainly were studies involved. During the training period, 
there were at least two hours of study each day, after dinner in the cells. But 
when the progress of some prisoners was unsatisfactory or when there were 
political campaigns, study could last a whole day, a week, or even a month. In 
many cases "nonstop study" lasting from two weeks to three months served as 
a sort of introduction to the penal system. ,2K Classes followed an extremely- 
rigid pattern, during which it was forbidden to walk around, to get up (or even 
to change one's sitting posture), to talk, or, of course, to fall asleep, which was 
a permanent temptation after a hard day's work. Pasqualini, who was brought 
up a Catholic, was surprised to discover meditation, confession, and repen- 
tance reinvented as Marxist-Leninist practices, with the only difference being 
the relentlessly public nature of the acts. The goal was no longer to rebuild a 
bridge between man and God, but to dissolve the individual into a mass sub- 
missive to the Party. To vary things a little, the sessions that centered upon 
confessions (which were extremely detailed) alternated with reading and com- 
mentary on the People's Daily or discussion of an event chosen for their edifica- 
tion. During the Cultural Revolution, the works of Chairman Mao were read 
instead; everyone was obliged to carry around a copy of the volume of his 

In all cases the aim was the same: the destruction of individual personality. 
The cell chief, who was himself a prisoner, and who usually had been a Party 


Communism in Asia 

member, had a key role to play here: u He would constantly start the ball rolling 
in group discussions or tell stories with moral principles for our instruction. 
AH the other things we might have talked about — family, food, sports, pastimes, 
or sex of course — were totally forbidden. 'Facing the government, we must 
study together and watch each other'; that was the motto, and it was written 
up everywhere in the prison.' 1 Confession was a good idea, as was admitting 
that one had done wrong because one was bad: u Whatever category we fit into, 
all of us have committed our crimes because we had very bad thoughts, 1 * the 
cell chief would say. 129 And if that was the way it was, then the explanation had 
to be that everyone was contaminated by capitalist, imperialist, or reactionary 
ideas. In the final analysis, in a society in which nothing escaped politics, all 
crimes were political. 

The solution, then, was quite simple: change people's ideas. Because in 
China ritual was inseparable from the heart, Marshal Lin Biao promoted a 
model that encouraged people to want to become another revolutionary in a 
blue boilersuit, or a hero like the soldier Lei Feng, who was proud to be a tiny 
cog in the great machine in the service of the Cause, and who had been luckv 
enough to die while on a mission in the early 1960s. "The prisoner," Lin Biao 
declared, "quickly learns to talk in noncommittal slogans. The danger of this, 
of course, is that he might end up thinking in slogans. Most do. Generally it 
takes the realities of camp life to pull him out of it." 1 * 11 

Jean Pasqualini recalls an episode exemplary of the schizophrenic universe 
created by the system of confession: 

On a cold, windy night at study time, I left the cell to go out and take a 
leak. When the cold northwesterly wind caught me, I felt less inclined to 
walk the 200 yards over to the latrine. I went over to a storage building 
and pissed against the wall. After all, I reasoned, no one would see me in 
the dark. 

I was wrong. 1 had barely finished when I received a very sharp and 
swift kick in the ass. When I turned around I could make out onlv a 
silhouette, but the voice belonged to a warder. 

"Don't you know the sanitation rules 1 " he demanded. lt Who are 
you anyway?" 

I gave my name, and what happened next was a lesson I would 
never forget . . . 

"I admit that I am wrong, warder, but what I am doing is only a 
violation of prison regulations, whereas you have broken the law. Gov- 
ernment members are not allowed to lay hands on prisoners. Physical 
violence is forbidden/' 

There was a pause while the silhouette considered, and I expected 
the worst. 

China: A Long March into Night 


"What you say is right, Bao," he said with measured calm. "I admit 
that I have made a mistake — and I will bring up this subject at our [the 
warders'] next self-criticism session. Would you be ready to return to 
your cell and write me a thorough confession?" 

I was surprised by his reaction. I was touched, too; for here was a 
warder admitting his mistake before a prisoner. An unheard-of thing! 
What else could I do but blurt out, "Yes, warder, I certainly will." 

... I sat in my place and began preparing my confession. At the 
weekly examination of conscience a few days later, I read it aloud for the 
entire cell to hear. 

"What I did may appear on the surface to be not too serious," I 
added after I had finished reading, "but on further examination it dem- 
onstrates a disregard for the teachings of the government and a resis- 
tance to reform. By pissing I was displaying my anger in an 
underhanded manner. It was a cowardly act. It was like spitting in the 
face of the government when I though no one was looking. I can only 
ask that the government punish me as severely as possible." 

The confession was sent to Warder Yang, and I waited. I was 
bracing myself for another bout of solitary. Two nights later Yang came 
to the cell with his verdict. 

"A few days ago," he said, "one of you thought he was above the 
law and committed a big mistake . . . We'll let him go this time, but don't 
think this means that you can always weasel out of trouble by just 
writing an apology."''" 

The so-called brainwashing described by a number of Western observers 
was precisely that. There was nothing subtle about it; it was simply the rather 
brutish imposition of a heavy-handed ideology with a simplistic answer for 
everything. The essential point was to ensure that prisoners had no chance of 
individual expression. The means were multiple. The most original were sys- 
tematic underfeeding which weakened resistance, and permanent saturation 
with the message of orthodoxy. These techniques were used in a context in 
which there was no free time (study, work, and obligatory exercises filled the 
long days) or personal space (the cells were overcrowded, the lights were kept 
on all night, and very few personal belongings were permitted), and no oppor- 
tunity to express one's own ideas: all the obligatory contributions to discussions 
were carefully recorded and kept in the file of the person who had made them. 
Pasqualini paid dearly for one remark in 1959, in which he showed a slight lack 
of enthusiasm for the Chinese intervention in Tibet. Another original feature 
of the system was the delegation of most of the ideological work to the pris- 
oners, demonstrating the effectiveness of the system. The prisoners searched 
each other, evaluated their companions' performance at work and controlled 
the amount of food they ate, discussed the extent of "reform" undergone by 


Communism in Asia 

those who were to be set free; above all, criticized their cell companions to push 
them to complete self-criticism in order to demonstrate their own progress. 113 
Pasqualini recalls the use of food as a weapon: 

What power food can have — it is the only important thing, the greatest 
joy, and the most powerful motivating force in the entire prison svstem. 
I had the bad luck to go to Grass Mist Lane [one of the biggest deten- 
tion centers in Beijing] only a month after rationing had been intro- 
duced as a formal part of the interrogation process. No greater weapon 
exists for inducing cooperation. The distressingly thin and watery corn 
gruel, the hard little loaves of wo'tnu fa Chinese equivalent of bread, 
eaten more than rice in northern China |, and the sliver of vegetable 
became the center of our lives and the focus of our deepest attentions. 
As rationing continued and we grew thinner, we learned to eat each 
morsel with infinite attention, making it last as long as possible. Rumors 
and desperate fantasies circulated about how well prisoners ate in the 
camps. These rumors, I later learned, were often planted by the interro- 
gators to encourage confessions. After a year of this diet 1 was prepared 
to admit virtually anything to get more food. 

The starvation was painstakingly studied — enough to keep us alive, 
but never enough to let us forget our hunger. During my fifteen months 
in the interrogation center, I ate rice only once and never ate meat. Six 
months after my arrest, my stomach was entirely sunken in, and 1 began 
to have the characteristic bruised joints from simple bod contact with 
the communal bed. The skin on my ass hung loose like the teats of an 
old woman.  ision became unclear, and I lost my power of concentra- 
tion. I reached a sort of record point for vitamin deficiency when ] was 
finally able to snap off my toenails without using the clipper. My skin 
rubbed off in a dusty film. My hair began falling out . . . 

"Life here didn't used to be so bad," Loo told me. "We used to 
have a meal of rice every 15 days, steamed white bread at the end of 
every month, and some meat on big holidays, like the New Year, I Mav, 
and 1 October. It was alright. 11 

What changed it all was that some people's delegation came to 
inspect the prison during the Hundred Flowers period |m fact during 
the Antirightist movement that followed |. They were horrified to see 
prisoners eating enough. It was intolerable, they concluded, that these 
counterrevolutionaries, the scum of society and the enemies of the peo- 
ple, should have a standard of living higher than that of many peasants. 
From November 1957 on there was no more rice or meat or wheat flour 
for prisoners on festive occasions. 

Food obsessed us so completely that we were insane, in a wav. We 
were ready for anything, It was the perfect climate for interrogations. 
Every one of us began begging to be sent to the camps. No one ever left 

China: A Long March into Night 


the Grass Mist Lane without specifically requesting it in writing. There 
was even a form for it. "Please give me the authorization to show repen- 
tance for my sins by working in the camps." 

Later, no matter how bad the conditions became in the camps, 
every warder could truthfully tell us that we were there only because we 
had asked for ir. m 

The more traditional methods of persuasion were also used on prisoners. 
The incentive offered was the promise of better treatment for people who 
admitted their crimes, behaved well, made an active contribution to the retrain- 
ing of their companions, and denounced their accomplices or rebellious com- 
panions. Denunciation was an essential test of genuine reform. In the words of 
one of the official formulas, u the denunciation of others is a very good method 
of repentance." Inside the investigation bureau was a banner that proclaimed: 
"Leniency to those who confess; severity to those who resist; redemption to 
those who obtain merits; rewards to those who gain big merits" 04 Many of 
those who had received long sentences showed themselves to be zealous propa- 
gandists in the hope of getting their sentences shortened. The problem — and 
Pasqualini gives several examples — was that they never got anything in return: 
either their good conduct was never enough to prevent a heavy sentence, or, 
worse still — as sentences were usually announced only orally and people were 
often not present at their own trial — the reduction in the sentence brought it 
down to the length that had always been foreseen anyway. One old detainee 
explained the system as follows: "Communists don't feel obliged to keep prom- 
ises they make to their enemies. As a means to an end, they feel free to use any 
scheme or ruse that happens to serve them, and that includes threats and 
promises . . . And remember another thing — Communists don't have any re- 
spect for turncoats either.' 1 '^ 

Coercive measures were more common. Sentences were lengthened for 
anyone who failed to confess, who refused to denounce his comrades ("with- 
holding information from the government is a punishable offense"), 136 who 
spoke in what was judged to be a heretical fashion, or who appealed his sentence 
and thereby demonstrated that he refused to accept the will of the masses. Thus 
it was relatively easy to have one's sentence changed from five years to life. 
Prisoners could also drastically affect the lives of their fellow prisoners. The 
"career" of the cell chief depended on the others, so he would always attack 
those who resisted the most and was generally supported by the others in these 
attacks. In addition to this process of weeding out, there was the "test" or 
"struggle." There was nothing spontaneous about this; the victim had been 
chosen by the prison authorities, and the time and the place were also deter- 
mined in advance. The atmosphere recalled that of the peasant pogroms during 


Communism in Asia 

the agrarian reform, although here death was only rarely a consequence. 
Pasqualini recalls: 

Our victim was a middle-aged prisoner charged with having made a false 
confession. He was an obstinate counterrevolutionary, a cadre shouted 
to us through a cardboard megaphone . . . Every time he raised his head 
to say anything — truth or falsehood, that wasn't our concern — we 
drowned him with roaring cries of "Liar! Scum!" or even "Son of a 
bitch! 1 ' and the like . . . The struggle continued for about three more 
hours like this, and with every minute that passed we grew colder and 
meaner. I almost think we would have been capable of tearing him to 
pieces to get what we wanted. Later, when I had the time to reflect, ] 
realized that of course we had been struggling ourselves at the same 
time, mentally preparing to accept the government's position with pas- 
sionate assent, whatever the merits of the man we were facing." 7 

Under such conditions the vast majority of prisoners were eventuallv 
beaten into submission. In this process the role of the Chinese approach to 
identity was at most secondary. Many French prisoners of war held by the Viet 
Minh, who on the whole were treated better than the Chinese prisoners but 
went through a similar process of reeducation, reacted in the same way. us The 
effectiveness of the reeducation process derived from a combination of two 
powerful means of psychological persuasion. One was radical infantilization, 
in which the Party and the administration became father and mother, reteach- 
ing the prisoner how to talk and walk (head down, at double speed, with the 
guard shouting out instructions) and controlling his appetite and hygiene, all 
in a relation of absolute dependence. The other was the fusion of the prisoners 
into a single unit, in which every gesture and every word were significant. This 
group became a replacement family even as contact with the real family became 
almost impossible. Wives were forced to divorce their husbands and children 
to disown their parents. 

We may welt wonder how deep the personal reform really went. Speaking 
in slogans and reacting like an automaton were forms of self-abasement and 
could lead to "psychic suicide," 139 but they were also means of self-protection 
and survival. The idea that people could maintain a sort of private space by 
somehow splitting their personality is perhaps naive. But people who ended up 
no longer hating Big Brother were often reasoning strategically rather than 
through conviction. Pasqualini notes that in 1961 his reeducation seemed to be 
complete and he sincerely believed everything that the guards told him. But he 
adds: "I also knew well that it was very much in my interest to keep my behavior 
as close as possible to the letter of the law. 1 ' Pasqualini provides another example 
in the response to an ultra-Maoist cell chief: To prove his ardor and devotion 
to the regime, he claimed that prisoners should be allowed to work even after 

China: A Long March into Night 


the temperature fell below the legal limit of five degrees above zero Fahrenheit 
and that they should be allowed to get up earlier to do more work. The guard 
interrupted this speech, judging it to be "totally unorthodox"— and the other 
prisoners were mightily relieved. 140 Like so many Chinese, they did have some 
belief in the system, but what they really wanted was to avoid trouble at all 

Once a Criminal Always a Criminal 

There was no room in this system for the idea that an accusation might have 
been false or that anyone on trial might be acquitted. In China, people were not 
arrested because they were guilty; they were guilty because they had been 
arrested. All arrests were carried out by the police, which were part of the 
"people's government 11 led by the Communist Party and controlled by Mao 
Zedong. To question the reason for one's arrest was tantamount to opposing 
Chairman Mao, thus revealing that one really was a counterrevolutionary. By 
the same line of reasoning, any prison guard who was being disobeyed could 
simply shout "What! Do you dare to disobey the people's government?" Ac- 
ceptance of one's crimes and total submissiveness were the only options possi- 
ble. Self-castigation was the rule in the cells: "You are a counterrevolutionary. 
All of us are. Otherwise we would not be here." m According to the delirious 
logic of the system, the accused had to provide the motives for his arrest 
himself. "Tell us why you are here" was usually the first question the instructor 
asked a new prisoner. He also had to draw up the charges he would face, 
including a recommendation for sentencing. Prisoners were also required to 
present successive confessions (as soon as a serious problem arose, they had to 
start again from the beginning), which sometimes took months and sometimes 
ran to hundreds of pages, detailing whole decades of people's lives. The inter- 
rogations themselves went on for long periods, some for as long as 3,000 
hours. 142 As people said, the Party had plenty of time. The interrogators often 
used sleep deprivation (which was reinforced by the fact that many interroga- 
tions took place at night), the threat of extreme punishment— even execu- 
tion — or a terrifying visit to a torture chamber, later claimed to be a 
"museum. " m 

Nien Cheng, a former inmate of a Shanghai prison, recalls: 

The day after I returned from the prison hospital, the guard on duty 
handed me a pen and a bottle of ink. She said, "Get on with writing 
your confession! The interrogator is waiting for it." 

I picked up the roll of paper the interrogator had given me and saw 
that instead of the blank sheets I was given in the winter of 1966 when I 
was told to write my autobiography, page one had a special quotation of 
Mao. It was enclosed in a red-lined square under the heading "Supreme 


Communism in Asia 

Directive," and it said, "They are allowed only to be docile and obedi- 
ent. They are not allowed to speak or to act out of turn. 11 At the bottom 
of the sheet, where the prisoner usually signed his name, was written, 
"signature of criminal.' 1 

My immediate reaction was anger at the insulting word "criminal/' 
and determination not to sign my name after it. However, after several 
minutes of consideration, I devised a scheme to exploit the situation . . . 

Under the printed quotation of Mao, I drew another square over 
which I also wrote "Supreme Directive 11 Within the square, I wrote 
another of Mao's quotations: it did not appear in the Little Red Book, 
but I remembered it from his essay "On the Internal Contradictions of 
the People. 1 ' The quotation said, "Where there is counterrevolution, we 
shall certainly suppress it. When we make a mistake, we shall certainly 
correct ir 11 . . . 

I handed the paper to the guard on duty. That very afternoon, 1 was 
called for interrogation. 

Except for the soldier, the same men were in the room. A dark 
scowl was on each face, which I had anticipated when I decided to 
contest their right to assume I was a criminal when I was not. 1 did not 
wait for a signal from the interrogator, but bowed to Mao's portrait 
immediately. The quotation the interrogator chose for me to read was, 
"We must exercise the full power of dictatorship to suppress the run- 
ning dogs of the imperialists and those who represent the interests of 
the landlords and the Kuomintang reactionary clique. They have only 
the right to be docile and obedient. They do not have the right to speak 
or to act out of turn." 

The paper 1 had written was in front of the interrogator. After I sat 
down, he banged the table while glaring at me. Then he banged the table 
again and shouted, "What have you done here 111 He pointed at the 
paper. "Do you think we are playing a game with you 3 ' 1 

I remained silent. 

"Your attitude is not serious," the old worker said. 

"If you do not change your attitude, you will never get out of this 
place," the young worker said. 

Before I could say anything, the interrogator threw my account on 
the floor, scattering the pages, and stood up. He said, "Go back to your 
cell and write ir again!" 

A guard appeared at the doorway and shouted, "Come out!" m 

Physical violence as such was quite rare, at least between the mid-1950s 
and the Cultural Revolution. Anything that resembled torture, such as blows 
or even insults, was strictly forbidden, and the prisoners knew this; if they 
could prove that they had been maltreated, they had some small hope of 
redress. Thus the only real violence was extremely subtle, consisting either in 

China: A Long March into Night 


a "struggle session," in which other prisoners were permitted to inflict blows 
on the victim; or in confinement in unheated, badly ventilated cells so small 
that it was impossible to stretch out, where prisoners were permanently hand- 
cuffed or chained, often with their hands behind their backs, so that hygiene 
and eating were almost impossible. Prisoners in these cells usually died if the 
punishment lasted more than eight days. Permanent manacling in too-tight 
handcuffs was one of the commonest forms of quasi-torture, causing rapid 
swelling of the hands, intolerable pain, and often irreversible scarring. 

To put those special handcuffs tightly on the wrists of a prisoner was a 
form of torture commonly used in Maoist China's prison system. 
Sometimes additional chains were put around the ankles of the prison- 
ers. At other times a prisoner might be manacled and then have his 
handcuffs tied to a bar on the window so that he could not move away 
from the window to eat, drink, or go to the toilet. The purpose was to 
degrade J man in order to destroy his morale . . . Since the People's 
Government claimed to have abolished all forms of torture, the officials 
simply called such methods "punishment" or "persuasion." I4s 

The official purpose of these measures was to obtain a confession, which 
itself carried the force ol proof, and denunciations, which showed the pris- 
oner's sincerity, as well as proving that the police accusation was well founded. 
The rule was that three denunciations validated the arrest, and so the chain 
extended endlessly. With few exceptions, the tactics used by the police were the 
same as those used by police everywhere: highlighting contradictions, pretend- 
ing that all is known already, and comparing one confession with other confes- 
sions or denunciations. Denunciations, whether they were extracted by force 
or were spontaneous (the streets of most cities had a special "denunciation 
box") were in general so numerous that it was extremely difficult to hide 
anything of anv significance about one's past. It was the act of reading the 
letters in which he had been denounced that finally broke Pasqualini's resis- 
tance: "It was a frightening revelation. On those hundreds of pages were 
handwritten denunciations from colleagues, friends, and various people I had 
encountered only once or twice . . . how many people w r hom I had trusted 
without a second thought had betrayed me!" 14 ' 1 Nien Cheng, who was freed in 
1973 without having made any confession (this was quite unusual, and a result 
partly of extraordinary strength of character and partly of changes in police 
practice after the Cultural Revolution), was surrounded for years afterward by 
relatives, friends, students, and servants all of whom had reported her to the 
security forces. Some of them even admitted as much, claiming that they had 
had no choice in the matter. H7 

When the case was finally ready, the "true story" of the prisoner's guilt 


Communism in Asia 

was staged as a coproduction between the prisoner and the judge and involved 
"the semantic subversion of the real facts."' 48 The "crime" had to have had 
some real impact (it was more useful if both the judge and the prisoner believed 
this to some extent, and it helped a lot if others were implicated, too), but it 
was totally recast in a paranoid fashion, as the constant expression of some 
radical and desperate political opposition. So the simple act of mentioning in 
a letter abroad that grain rations had fallen slightly in Shanghai during the 
Great Leap Forward became the official proof that one was a spy, despite the 
fact that the figures had already been published in the official press and were 
well known to all the foreigners in town. 149 

The usual outcome was abdication of the personality, as Pasqualini attests: 

It doesn't take a prisoner long to lose his self-confidence. Over the years 
Mao's police have perfected their interrogation methods to such a fine 
point that I would defy any man, Chinese or not, to hold out against 
them. Their aim is not so much to make you invent nonexistent crimes, 
but to make you accept your ordinary life, as you led it, as rotten and 
sinful and worthy of punishment, since it did not accord with the po- 
lice's conception of how life should be led. The basis of their success is 
despair, the prisoner's perception that he is utterly and hopelessly and 
forever at the mercy of his jailers. He has no defense, since his arrest is 
absolute and unquestionable proof of his guilt. (During my years of 
prison, I knew of one man who was in fact arrested by mistake — right 
name but wrong man. After a few months he had confessed all the 
crimes of the other. When the mistake was discovered, the prison 
authorities had a terrible time persuading him to go home. He felt 
himself too guilty for that.) The prisoner has no trial, only a well- 
rehearsed ceremony that lasts perhaps half an hour; no consultation 
with lawyers; no appeal in the Western sense. 1S0 

Once the sentence had been passed, the prisoner was sent off to a labor 
camp, such as a state farm, a mine, or a factory. Although studies at these camps 
continued (though in a less intense manner), and although prisoners were 
occasionally subjected to "struggle sessions" to remind them of their place, the 
essential thing was to work. There was nothing hypothetical about the final 
word in the term "reform through labor." People were graded according to 
their capacity to keep going for twelve hours a day on two meals as meager as 
those in the detention centers. The incentive now was to get the food ration of 
a "high-performance worker," which meant that one ate considerably more 
than the normal workers. Results were averaged out for the whole cell or room, 
to encourage teamwork and to see who could work sixteen or eighteen hours a 
day for the good of the team. In the late 1950s, this was known as "doing a 
Sputnik." There were no days off other than the big national holidays, when 

China: A Long March into Night 


the prisoners had to put up with interminable political speeches. They had 
hardly enough clothing. In the 1950s, people simply wore what they had been 
wearing at the moment of their arrest. Winter jackets were provided only in 
the camps of northern Manchuria, the Chinese equivalent of Siberia, and the 
rules were that prisoners received one new undergarment per year. 151 

The average food ration was between 12 and 1 5 kilos of grain each month, 
although any detainee accused of not pulling his weight could be put on iron 
rations of 9 kilos per month. This ration was lower than that in French prisons 
in the early nineteenth century, lower than that in the Soviet camps, and about 
the same as that in the Vietnamese camps of 1975-1977. ,S2 The vitamin and 
protein deficiencies were quite frightening: the prisoners were fed almost no 
meat, nor did they receive any sugar or oil. They had very few vegetables and 
little fruit, so many resorted to stealing food, a crime for which the punishments 
w r ere particularly severe. People also tried to feed themselves as much as they 
could, searching out edible plants and little animals, with dried rat being 
particularly sought after. Medical care was minimal except where highly con- 
tagious diseases were concerned, and those who were too weak, too old, or too 
desperate were sent to true death camps, where rations were so low that life 
was quickly extinguished. 1 " The only advantages of the labor camps over the 
detention centers were that discipline was slightly less harsh and that hardened 
prisoners were slightly more willing to bend the rules once the guards had 
turned their backs, though never going so far as to revert to linguistic or 
behavioral habits from their previous lives. However, life was bearable, and 
there was a modicum of solidarity among the prisoners. 

The further detainees advanced in the laogai system, the dimmer the 
original idea of reeducation became. The trajectory followed by individuals was 
similar to that of the country itself: after the "perfection" phase in the laogai 
(from about 1954 to 1965), during which millions of zealous "students" disci- 
plined themselves with very little outside intervention and sometimes became 
faithful Communists inside the prison, the system began to unravel slightly and 
to lose its way. This coincided with the arrival in the camp system of more and 
more common criminals, many of them extremely young, as part of the general 
demoralization that seemed to follow the Cultural Revolution. Slowly the sys- 
tem began to lose the grip that it held on society, while inside the camps a 
number of gangs began to form among the detainees. Obedience and respect 
for authority were no longer automatic; they had to be gained either through 
concessions or by recourse to violence — and this violence was no longer simply 
a one-way process. The real victim was the idea that people's thoughts could 
be reformed though suppression of the will. But a certain amount of contra- 
diction had been inscribed inside the project from the very beginning. On the 
one hand there was the imperative to raise people above themselves, to force 

512 Communism in Asia 

them to improve and purify themselves so that they could rejoin the proletarian 
mass that was marching toward the radiant future. On the other hand, there 
was the sinister reality of a life to be passed in captivity, regardless of what was 
achieved there, or, in the rare case of a real liberation, social ostracism, because 
there was no way to wash away the crime that had landed one in prison. In 
short, a discourse about the perfectibility of man failed to mask the absolute 
rigidity of a society ruled by fate, whether that fate involved a momentary error 
or, more often, having been born into the wrong family. The same inhuman 
and insupportable contradiction would produce both the societal implosion 
known as the Cultural Revolution and its unresolved failure. 

We leave the laogai with an account of a summary execution: 

In the middle of them all was the barber, tied up in chains and fetters. A 
rope around his neck and cinched at the waist kept his head bowed. His 
hands were tied behind his back. The guards shoved him directly in 
front of us. He stood there silently, like a trussed penitent, as the steam 
wisped up around his feet. Yen had prepared a speech. 

"I have something awful to speak about. I'm not happy to do it and 
it's nothing to be proud of. But it's my duty and it should be a lesson for 
you. This rotten egg here was jailed on a morals charge — homosexual 
relations with a boy. He received only seven years for this offense. Later, 
when working in the paper mill, his behavior was constantly bad and he 
stole repeatedly. His sentence was doubled. Now we have established 
that while here he seduced a young prisoner nineteen years old — a 
mentally retarded prisoner. If this happened in society, he would be 
severely punished. But by doing what he did here, he not only sinned 
morally, but he also dirtied the reputation of the prison and the great 
policy of reform through labor. Therefore, in consideration of his re- 
peated offenses, the representative of the Supreme People's Court will 
now read you his sentence. 1 ' 

The man in the blue uniform strode forward and read out the 
somber document, a recapitulation of the offenses that ended with the 
decision of the People's Court: death with immediate execution of sen- 

Everything happened so suddenly then that I did not even have the 
time to be shocked or frightened. Before the man in the blue uniform 
had even finished pronouncing the last word, the barber was dead. The 
guard standing behind him pulled out a huge pistol and blew his head 
open. A shower of blood and brains flew out and splattered those of us 
in the front rows. I looked away from the hideous twitching figure on the 
ground and vomited. Yen came up to speak again. 

u Let this serve as a warning to you. I have been authorized to tell 
you that no more leniency will be shown in this camp. From now on, all 

China: A Long March into Night 


moral offenses will be punished in the same way. Now go back to your 
cells and discuss this. 11 ' 54 

The Cultural Revolution: Anarchic Totalitarianism (1966-1976) 

By comparison with the terrifying but almost unknown horrors of the agrarian 
revolution and the Great Leap Forward, the effect of the "Great Proletarian 
Cultural Revolution" seems almost modest. Estimates vary greatly for the 
number of dead: most authors cite figures between 400,000 and 1 million, 
although Domenach calculates between 1 million and 3 million. 155 The Cul- 
tural Revolution's effects, past and present, on the world's imagination and 
memory stem not only from the extreme radicalism of its discourse and actions 
but also from its visibility; largely an urban phenomenon, it occurred in the age 
of television, for which it presented superb images of deftly organized political 
ceremonies filled with a touching fervor. Furthermore, unlike earlier move- 
ments, the Cultural Revolution was officially condemned in China itself almost 
as soon as it was over, when it became quite acceptable to complain about the 
excesses of the Red Guards, particularly if the excesses involved older cadres 
and Communist leaders. Less welcome were complaints about the massacres 
carried out by the PLA during the return to order. 

The Cultural Revolution was full of paradoxes. First, it was a moment 
when extremism seemed almost certain to carry the day, and when the revolu- 
tionary process seemed solidly institutionalized, having swept through all the 
centers of power in a year. But at the same time it was a movement that was 
extremely limited in scope, hardly spreading beyond the urban areas and having 
a significant impact only on schoolchildren. At that time the countryside was 
still recovering from the Great Leap Forward, tension with the U.S.S.R. was 
at its peak, and the "Cultural Revolution Group" (CRG) decided that the 
peasantry, the army, and scientific research (which for the most part centered 
upon nuclear weapons) should remain unaffected. 156 The CRG's theory was 
that the country would have to step back slightly so that it could spring forward 
better: in the long run no sector of society or the state could escape the 
revolutionary process. But rural people clung tightly to the small freedoms they 
had been granted by Liu Shaoqi, and especially to their small private plots of 
land. There was no intention of destroying either defense or the economy: the 
recent experience of the Great Leap Forward inspired prudence on the latter 
score. The main aim instead was to seize the initiative in the intellectual and 
artistic "superstructure" of society and to take control of the state. This last 
objective was never fully realized. Although the rules were sometimes broken, 
there are no reports of major confrontations or massacres in the villages, where 
the vast majority of the population still lived; some 64 percent of incidents 


Communism in Asia 

classed as rural took place in the outlying areas of major urban areas. 157 How- 
ever, in the final stages of the emergence from the revolution there are reports 
of numerous executions of individuals who had taken the wrong side in the 
conflict and of Red Guards who had fled to the countryside. The major differ- 
ence between these events and the purges of the 1950s was that in this case 
there was never a clear aim to eliminate a whole section of the population. Even 
intellectuals, who were particularly affected at the outset, were not for long the 
prime targets of persecutions. Moreover, the persecutors often came from 
within their own ranks. The most murderous episodes were generally the result 
of police brutality or of relatively spontaneous violence on a local scale, and 
not the result of a general strategy. On the rare occasions when the central 
government did issue edicts ordering military operations that resulted in mas- 
sacres, these were essentially reactive measures to a situation that was perceived 
to have got out of hand. In general, such situations bore a closer resemblance 
to the events of 1989 than they did to the agrarian revolution. The Cultural 
Revolution, in many ways, was the first sign that Chinese Communism had 
reached an impasse and was running out of steam. 

By way of contrast, a second paradox explains the presence of the Cultural 
Revolution in this account: the Red Guard movement was a "repressive rebel- 
lion," 1 ^ and the manner in which it was put down was even more repressive. 
A degree of terror had been present in Chinese Communism since the end of 
the 1 920s. In 1966-67 the most radical groups, whose primary goal was to attack 
state institutions, still had a foot in government and had several friends there, 
including Mao himself, who was constantly invoked whenever a tactical deci- 
sion was to be taken. In the great Chinese tradition, these radical groups used 
the government's authority even in rebellion itself, and they never refused to 
outdo one another in repression. Criticizing the government for its softness 
toward the class enemy, they established their own heavily armed squads of 
"investigators," their own police of morals, their own "tribunals," and their 
own prisons. Throughout the Cultural Revolution, "one finds again and again 
the struggle of low against high, but the Mow' were mobilized, drilled, and 
terrorized by a government and an elite that dared not identify itself as such." 
The government's reinvention of itself under another name, in a form that 
allowed it to criticize and even punish itself, was representative of the "defini- 
tive formula of Maoism, which, after a lengthy quest, ended up combining 
rebellion and authority into the permanent principle of an alternative form of 
politics that was above both the state and society." lsy This was not, of course, 
a real alternative, for it was founded on illusion; hence the enormous frustration 
among those who really tried to create a revolution. "Changing everything so 
that it all remained the same," in the classic formula from The Leopard, ulti- 
mately meant that the people questioned not just the revolution but also the 

China: A Long March into Night 


whole center of power. This was a movement among a minority, but it had 
important consequences, leading, for example, to the Democracy Wall of 1979. 
Its most daring theorist, Wei Jingsheng, highlights the ultimately fatal contra- 
dictions in a movement that emerged from legitimate discontent: 

This explosion of anger quickly turned into a personality cult centered 
upon a tyrant and was channeled into the struggle to impose tyranny on 
the people . . . This led to an absurd and paradoxical situation in which 
a people rose up against its own government in order to defend it. The 
people came out in opposition to the hierarchical system that was caus- 
ing them so much suffering, while brandishing banners in support of 
the founders of the system. They demanded democratic rights while 
denigrating democracy and allowed themselves to be guided, in their 
struggle to impose their rights, by the ideas of a despot. 160 

The Cultural Revolution gave birth to an abundant literature of great 
interest and quality, and there arc many eyewitness reports available from both 
the victims and their persecutors. As a result it is much better known than any 
previous episode in Chinese history. It really was more of a revolution (abortive, 
incomplete, a PLA-like imitation of the others but a revolution nonetheless) 
than simply another mass campaign. There was much more to it than repres- 
sion, terror, and crime, and it was an extremely protean movement, varying 
greatly in its effects from one place to another. Only the repressive aspects will 
concern us here. These can be divided into three quite distinct categories: 
violence against intellectuals and political cadres, mostly in 1966-67; a series 
of confrontations among factions of the Red Guards in 1967-68; and the brutal 
repressions carried out by the army to restore order in 1968. In 1969, at the 
Ninth Chinese Communist Party Congress, some of the changes from 1966 
were institutionalized in a rather halfhearted way, while inside the palace there 
began a struggle for the succession to Mao Zedong, who by then was quite 
weakened by illness. There were numerous tremors: Lin Biao, the official 
successor, was eliminated in September 1971; Deng Xiaoping was restored as 
Deputy Prime Minister in 1973, and large numbers of cadres who had been 
eliminated as "revisionists" were reintegrated into the power structure; in 1974 
there was a major "leftist" offensive within the Party; in 1976, between the 
death of the moderate prime minister Zhou Enlai in January and that of Mao 
Zedong himself in September, the "Shanghai Four," led by Mao's wife, Jiang 
Qing, tried to seize power; by October the Four were no more than a "Gang" 
and were all in prison. The country was then led for two years by Hua Guofeng, 
who officially declared the Cultural Revolution to be at an end. Repressions in 
the years following the crushing of the Red Guards were harsh but very similar 
to those of the 1950s. 


Communism in Asia 

Prominent Figures in the Revolution 

The Cultural Revolution was the convergence of one man and an entire gen- 
eration. That man of course was Mao Zedong. Having been at the heart of 
government during the disaster of the Great Leap Forward, he had suffered a 
]oss of prestige and been forced to hand over power for two years in 1962 to the 
President of the Republic, Liu Shaoqi. Reduced to the (admittedly prestigious) 
position of Party chairman, he began to rely more and more on his eloquence, 
since he had few rivals as a public speaker. A seasoned old campaigner, he was 
aware of the dangers of being simultaneously worshipped as a figurehead and 
effectively marginalized in that position, so he began to look for more effective 
ways of imposing his choices. The Party was kept well in hand by Liu and his 
assistant, the secretary general Deng Xiaoping, and was protected from any 
outside influence. The government, which as in all Communist countries was 
under the control of the Communist Party, was run effectively by Zhou Enlai, 
an intelligent opportunist and a moderate in thought if not in deed; in fact he 
was a relatively neutral figure in the confrontation between the two factions. 
Mao was aware that he had lost the support of many cadres and intellectuals in 
the purges of 1957, and the support of the rural masses in the famine of 
1959-1961. But in a country like Communist China, a passive majority that is 
divided and afraid counts for much less than an active minority that is in the 
right place. Since 1959 the PLA had been led by Lin Biao, one of Mao's 
devoted supporters. Lin gradually transformed the PLA into an alternative 
center of power that after 1962 played a major role in the Movement for 
Socialist Education, an antirightist purge promoting military qualities such as 
puritanism, discipline, and devotion to the cause. After 1964 at least one-third 
of all new political cadres came up through PLA ranks, and they cooperated 
closely with a small group of intellectuals and failed artists who gathered 
around Jiang Qing and her program for the total destruction of all art and 
literature that failed to follow the Party line. Military training became obliga- 
tory for all students, and after 1964 armed militia groups were established or 
reorganized in all factories, districts, and rural areas. The army itself was never 
a candidate for power, as it was effectively controlled by the Party; and the 
mediocre Lin Biao, who was widely rumored to be a heroin addict, had no 
deeply held political convictions. 161 The army above all was Mao's life insur- 
ance policy, or, as he said himself, his own Great Wall. 162 

The other strategic lever on which Mao believed he would always be able 
to count was the younger generation, or more exactly the part of it that was in 
secondary education, higher education, and the professional training institutes, 
including in particular the military academies, which were the only part of the 
PLA authorized to train Red Guard units. m These had the immense advantage 

China: A Long March into Night 


of being concentrated in the cities, and particularly in the major cities, where 
the struggles for power would inevitably take place. One-quarter of all the 
inhabitants of Shanghai attended one or another such school. 164 People who in 
1966 were between ages fourteen and twenty-two would be Mao's most enthu- 
siastic tools, for they were both fanatically dogmatic and enormously frustrated. 
Belonging to the first generation educated entirely after the 1949 revolution, 
they were both too young and too urban to know anything of the horrors of 
the Great Leap Forward;"' 5 Liu and his henchmen would come to regret not 
having criticized it officially. Spoiled by the regime, persuaded that they were 
for Mao the clean white page on which the great epic of Chinese Communism 
was to be written, assured by Mao that "the world belongs to you; the future 
of China is yours," they had quickly learned, in the words of one Red Guard 
song, that u the Party is our father and our mother." 16 * Faced with any conflict 
about paternity, their choice was clear: they were to renounce their parents. 
Pasqualini recounts the story of the visit of one child, "a mean little brat of 
around ten or eleven," to see his father in the laogai in 1962; 

4i I didn't want to come here," he brayed loudly, "but my mother made 
me. You are a counterrevolutionary and a disgrace to the family. You 
have caused grave losses to the government. It serves you right that you 
are in prison. All 1 can say is that you had better reform yourself well, or 
you will get what you deserve, 11 Even the guards were shocked by this 
tirade. The prisoner returned to the cell in tears — itself forbidden — 
muttering, "If I had known that this would happen I would have stran- 
gled him the day he was born." Tien [the guard] let the incident pass 
without even a reproach. lf>7 

The child would have been fifteen years old in 1966, just the right age to join 
the Red Guards. The youngest were often the most violent, and the most 
zealous to humiliate their victims. 

At the same time, these youngsters also felt frustrated. They had had no 
opportunity for heroism, whereas the generation of their parents was always 
telling them about its revolutionary or wartime experiences: the Long March, 
the first red bases, the anti-Japanese guerrilla operations of 1936-1938. Once 
again, to paraphrase Marx, history was to repeat itself, but this time as farce. 
Deprived of most of their literary heritage and of freedom of discussion by the 
hyperprudent teachers who had escaped the "Rectification" repression of 1957, 
they used the little knowledge they had — bits of Mao with a pinch of Lenin 
added — to question, in the name of the revolution, the gray mess that it had 
become as a result of its institutionalization. Many of them, who came from 
"black" categories and had been subjected to obstacles such as class-based 
selection procedures and quotas, had little real hope of ever achieving a job or 

518 I Communism in Asia 

situation in life that reflected their worth or their ambitions. The elite scholarly 
institutions in which "blacks" were often in the majority were also often the 
most revolutionary, and the Cultural Revolution Group's decree of 1 October 
1966 officially opening the Red Guard to the "ill born" was an essential step in 
the launching of the process. 168 

The authorizations, on 16 November and 15 December, for the formation 
of Red Guard groups in the factories and the villages decisively extended the 
movement. The same period brought the repeal of much of the negative 
political legislation enacted to control workers at the beginning of the Cultural 
Revolution. Seizing the moment, those who had been rehabilitated sought the 
abolition of the label "right-wing" and the destruction of the secret files in 
which everyone's opinions and "errors" were kept. Two types of workers joined 
forces with the students: "backward elements" and others who had been dis- 
criminated against politically (although in practice everything had become 
political) regardless of their age; and seasonal workers, generally quite young, 
who were paid by the day and thus had no job security or union membership, 
and who wanted wage increases and permanent contracts. 164 The latter group 
in fact accounted for the majority of workers in the new large factories. There 
were also many young cadres who saw an unexpected opportunity to advance 
their careers, managers who had been punished in some manner in the past and 
who were eager for some sort of revenge, and the usual opportunists. 17 " The 
resulting coalition was a mixed bag of malcontents who, rilled with bitterness 
and a desire to better themselves socially, were ready to launch an assault on all 
institutions — schools, factories, and offices. But in the final analysis they were 
always in the minority, accounting for only 20 percent of city dwellers and for 
an even smaller minority countrywide. Thus they could succeed only when the 
state was paralyzed by contradictory orders from the Center and when the PLA 
was hampered by its own regulations. Ultimately it was always Mao himself 
who alternately spurred and checked the pace of revolution, although he, too, 
was often unsure what to do; power struggles and rapidly changing local 
situations left him constantly seeking a conciliation between rebellion and his 
own hold on power. When these "rebels" — whose only unity consisted in the 
name — finally did seize power (or rather, had it handed to them), the contra- 
dictions within their ranks and their own selfish ambitions immediately took 
over, giving rise to terrible struggles, often armed ones, among groups that had 
been able to define themselves only as being against something. 171 

The Red Guards' Hour of Glory 

The persecutions carried out in 1966 by the students and schoolchildren who 
made up the majority of the "rebel revolutionaries" typify the entire Cultural 

China: A Long March into Night 


Revolution. There were relatively few deaths, and no new tactics were used. 
Though carried out with the enthusiasm and sadism of youth, otherwise they 
were very similar to the purges launched against intellectuals in the 1950s. We 
might well wonder if they were even spontaneous. It would surely be absurd to 
believe that Mao and his henchmen pulled the strings in every Red Guard unit, 
but, for instance, the jealousy of Mao's wife, Jiang Qing, toward Wang Guang- 
mei, the wife of President Liu Shaoqi, is clearly discernible behind the misfor- 
tune that befell Liu. 172 He was forced to carry out an act of self-criticism and, 
when Mao believed he was sufficiently isolated, was thrown into prison, where 
he died under torture. On the other hand, Zhou Enlai, who was also severely 
criticized, escaped humiliation. The really sensational aspect of the movement 
was the use of Red Guards to settle scores at the top, showing the definitive end 
to the Party solidarity that predated even the Long March. This was aug- 
mented by purges of young Communist cadres, 60 percent of whom were 
removed from their posts, although many, like Deng Xiaoping, were reinte- 
grated a few years later, even before Mao's death in 1976. Even in these cases 
violence was far from extreme. Unlike in Stalin's U.S.S.R. in the 1930s, many 
of the high-ranking leaders and cadres survived the bad treatment they re- 
ceived. One little-known minister of mining was beaten to death by Red 
Guards, but there were no high-level judicial executions. Liu died insane in 
1969. Peng Dehuai had two ribs broken in July 1967 in what was officially 
described as "a struggle" and died of cancer in 1974. Chen Yi, the minister of 
foreign affairs, was sent to the countryside in 1969 but persuaded the authori- 
ties to allow him to return in time to be present at the deathbed of Lin Biao 
before himself dying shortly afterward. The most dramatic case was that of the 
minister of security, Luo Ruiqing, who was removed in a purge in November 
1965 to clear the way for Kang Sheng, was imprisoned the following year, and 
subsequently suffered a serious foot injury while attempting to throw himself 
out a window. His foot was amputated in 1969, and the difficult operation was 
long delayed to get him to make a full confession. Nevertheless he went on to 
outlive Chairman Mao. Prison conditions for the leaders were humiliating and 
painful, but they were much less severe than anything experienced by the 
millions of prisoners whom they themselves had sent to the iaogai, and they at 
least had a minimum of medical care. 171 

Red Guard tactics were sadly similar all over the country, in every city and 
university. Everything began on 1 June 1966, after the reading out on the radio 
of a daztbao (a notice in large characters) by Nie Yuanzi, who was a philosophy 
teacher at Beida University in Beijing, the most prestigious university in the 
country. The notice called for a "struggle" and demonized the enemy: "Break 
the evil influence of revisionists, and do it resolutely, radically, totally, and 
completely! Destroy these monsters, these Khrushchev-like reformers!" 174 Mil- 


Communism in Asia 

lions of students began to organize into committees, and soon they identified 
their professors, their teachers, and the municipal and provincial authorities 
who had tried to defend them as the "monsters and devils 11 to be hunted down, 
With a certain amount of imagination, they termed them "evil geniuses, 1 ' 
"bovine ghosts," or "reptilian spirits. 11 Qi Benyu, an extremist from the Cul- 
tural Revolution Group, said of Peng on 18 July 1967: "The poisonous snake 
is no longer moving, but he is not dead yet. The paper tiger Peng Dehuai can 
kill without blinking. He is a master of death. Don't be fooled by his pose, he's 
an immobile lizard, he's simply feigning death, that's his instinct. Even insects 
and the lowest animals have an instinct for survival; with carnivores like him 
it's even worse. Kick him to the floor, and stamp on him. 11 '"'These images must 
be taken very seriously, for their purpose was to suppress pity by making it 
impossible to identify with the victim. Such name-calling promoted the "strug- 
gle" and often the death of the person in question. The call to "kill all the 
monsters," which launched the university movement in Beijing, was not an idle 
threat. "Class enemies 11 had notices stuck on their backs, were dressed up in 
ridiculous clothes and hats (particularly women), and forced into grotesque and 
painful positions. Their faces were smeared with ink, they were forced to bark 
like dogs on all fours so that they would be deprived of human dignity. One 
professor named Ma, which means "horse, 11 was forced to eat grass. Another 
professor, one of whose colleagues was beaten to death bv his students, said: "1 
can almost understand how it happened. The landlords were enemies then, 
They were not people really. You could use violence against them. It was 
acceptable." 17 '' In August 1967 the Beijing press declared that anti-Maoists were 
"rats that ran through the streets 11 and should all be killed. 177 This process of 
dehumanization had been seen before, in the period of the agrarian reform in 
1949. In one example, a landowner was tied to a plow and whipped while being 
forced to plow the held, while the peasants shouted: "You treated us like beasts. 
Now you can be our animal! 11178 And millions of other "animals' 1 were exter- 
minated in similar fashion. Some were even eaten: at least 137 in Guangxi, 
mostly teachers and college principals, and this with the help of cadres from 
the local branch of the Communist Party. Some Red Guards asked to be served 
human flesh in the canteen, and apparently this did actually happen in some 
places. Harry Wu remembers one man who was executed in a laugai in 1970 
and whose brain was then eaten by a member of the securitv forces. His crime 
had been to scribble "Down with Chairman Mao 1 ' on a wall. 1 ™ 

It is unclear what the main motivation of the Red Guards was in these 
early days of violence. They seemed to oscillate between a real desire to trans- 
form society and a sense of participation in a large-scale "happening 11 that was 
perhaps a reflection of the long hot summer. These feelings were combined 
with a traditional conformist desire to avoid trouble, at a time when doing 

China: A Long March into Night 


nothing meant one risked being treated as a revisionist. All these factors led 
naturally to further revolt. Contradictions were apparent from the very outset: 
the simplistic slogan "One is always right to revolt," which Mao had announced 
on 18 August, was heard everywhere. Somehow this slogan was assumed to 
sum up the "thousand tenets" of Marxism. At the same time a real personality 
cult began to take root around the president and his works, such as the famous 
Little Red Book, Above all it was the government that seemed to decide who 
had the right to revolt and when revolt should take place. The result was 
ferocious competition among Red Guard organizations to qualify for the pre- 
cious label "left." The claim was that all organizations were under attack, but 
the army, under the control of Lin Biao, protected the Red Guards, who were 
given free transport and top priority throughout China in the autumn of 1966. 
The "experience exchanges" that were used to justify this often became little 
more than dizzying tourist excursions for young people who had never left their 
villages, with the five-star attraction of a chance of meeting Chairman Mao 
himself Such meetings featured obligatory displays of fervor and tears from 
the girls. Sometimes people were crushed to death in the rush. IS(1 

On 18 August Mao decreed: "We don't want gentleness; we want war," 
and the Red Guard Song Binbin (whose name meant "Gentle Song") swiftly 
changed her name to Song Yaowu ("Song Wants War"). m The new minister 
of security, Xie Fuzhi, who was one of Jiang Qing's circle, told an audience of 
police cadres in late August: 

We can't act like everyone else and follow normal police procedure. If 
you arrest people because they have beaten others, you are mistaken: 
should Red Guards who kill be punished' My opinion is that if people 
have died, well, they're dead; there's nothing we can do about that, and 
it isn't our problem. I am not happy with the idea that the masses are 
killing people, but if the masses hate bad people so much that we can't 
stop them, then let's not bother trying to stop them. The people's police 
has to be behind the Red Guards. We must sympathize with them and 
pass information to them, particularly where the Five [black] Categories 
are concerned. 1 * 2 

Thus initially conflict was relatively risk free: faced with a Party buffeted by 
contradictory currents, stunned by Mao's audacity, and afraid to condemn 
what they saw, intellectuals and everything associated with them — books, 
paintings, porcelain, libraries, museums, and monuments — were easy targets 
on which all the factions could easily agree. 

The Chinese Communist Party had a long tradition of anti-intellectual- 
ism, and Mao was a particularly noteworthy example. Red Guards everywhere 
repeated his slogan: "The capitalist class is the skin; the intellectuals are the 


Communism in Asia 

hairs that grow on the skin. When the skin dies, there will be no hair.' 1|s1 
Officials became incapable of pronouncing the word "intellectual" without 
adding the adjective "stinking/' Jean Pasqualini, when he was once cleaning his 
sandal after emerging from a pigsty, was told by a guard: "Your brain is dirtier 
than that, and it smells worse too! Stop that immediately. That is a bourgeois 
habit. Clean your head instead!" 1 *" 1 At the beginning of the Cultural Revolution, 
all schoolchildren and students were given a little volume by Mao about teach- 
ing, in which he condemned all teachers who could not distinguish the five 
different types of grain, and who "become stupider the more they learn. 1 ' He 
favored shorter periods of study and the abolition of selective entry by an exam 
system: universities were for training Reds, not experts, and they should be 
open to anyone who was born a Red.'^ 

Having for the most part already been through several self-criticisms, the 
intellectuals had little will to resist. Older writers, often wearing ridiculous 
outfits, were paraded through the streets for hours until they dropped from 
exhaustion, while the young hurled insults and blows. A number of them died 
that way. Others killed themselves, including the great Lao She in August, and 
Fu Lei, the translator of Balzac and Mallarme, in September. Teng To was 
killed; Wu Han, Chao Shu-li, and Liu Ching died in prison; and Pa Kin spent 
years under house arrest. Ding Ling had ten years' work confiscated and 
destroyed. 1 * h The sadism and fanaticism of these rebellious killers was over- 
whelming; at the University of Xiamen (Fujian), "Some teachers could no 
longer stand the constant attacks and criticism and fell ill and died more or less 
in our presence. I felt no pity for them, no more than I did for the handful who 
killed themselves by throwing themselves out of windows or for the one who 
threw himself into our hot spring and boiled to death.' 1 '*' About one in ten of 
all teachers were removed, and many more suffered serious intimidation. 

Cities waited for the arrival of the Red Guards in the way that one waits 
for a storm to hit, particularly during the campaign against "the [our Old- 
Fashioned Things' 1 — old ideas, old culture, old customs, and old habits — 
which was launched by Lin Biao on 18 August. Temples were barricaded 
(although a great number were badly damaged or destroyed all the same, often 
in public autos-da-fe)) treasures were hidden, frescoes were whitewashed for 
protection, and books were hidden. All the sets and costumes at the Beijing 
Opera were burned to make way for the revolutionary operas with contempo- 
rary themes that were demanded by Mao's wife and that for a decade were to 
be the only authorized form of cultural expression. The Great Wall itself was 
partially destroyed as bricks were removed from it to build pigsties. Zhou had 
the Imperial Palace in Beijing partially walled up and protected bv his troops. 1 ** 
Various religious groups were affected; the monks were expelled from the 
famous Buddhist monastery on Wutai Mountain, its ancient manuscripts were 

China: A Long March into Night 


burned, and several of its sixty temples were partially destroyed; the Korans 
of the Uighurs in Xinjiang were burned; and celebrations of the Chinese New 
Year were banned. Xenophobia, which had a long history in China, was taken 
to an extreme. "Imperialist 1 ' tombs in some cemeteries were looted, 189 all Chris- 
tian practices were more or less banned, and all English or French inscriptions 
on the Bund in Shanghai were chiseled away. Nien Cheng, who was the widow 
of an Englishman and who had offered a Red Guard a cup of coffee while he 
was on requisition duty, found herself being asked: "Why do you have to drink 
a foreign beverage? Why do you have to eat foreign food? Why do you have so 
many foreign books? Why are you so foreign altogether?" 190 The Red Guards, 
who took themselves extremely seriously, thought it was a good idea to ban 
"wastes of revolutionary energy 11 such as cats, birds, and flowers. The prime 
minister himself was forced to intervene to prevent legislation that would have 
made a red traffic light mean "go." In big cities such as Shanghai, teams shaved 
the head of anyone caught in the streets with long or lacquered hair, tore up 
trousers that were too tight, ripped high heels off shoes, slit open pointed shoes, 
and forced shops to change their names; the presence of hundreds of shops 
called "East Is Red," all filled with identical portraits of the leader, caused the 
inhabitants to lose their bearings. 191 Anyone who failed to comply received a 
picture of Mao that it was considered a sacrilege to destroy. Red Guards 
stopped passersby and forced them to recite their favorite quotation from 
Mao. 192 Many people were afraid to leave their houses. 

The hardest times for millions of "Black" families were the cycles of Red 
Guard requisitioning. Searching for proof of imaginary crimes, looking for 
silver and gold for the local authorities, their organization, or themselves, and 
carrying out acts of wanton vandalism, the Guards looted and destroyed many 
houses. Humiliation, insults, and blows were all part of the process. Anyone 
who tried to resist was punished severely. The slightest expression of disdain 
or mockery, or any refusal to reveal the location of "treasures," led to a rain of 
blows often ending in death, and at the very least to wholesale destruction of 
the property. 191 There were also a few deaths among the Guards. People were 
often "visited" several times, by different units, and so as not to lose face, the 
last to arrive would often carry off the tiny amount of belongings that re- 
mained, which had been left by the others to enable the family to survive. In 
such conditions most deaths undoubtedly came about as a result of suicide, but 
it is impossible to put a number on these deaths; many murders were also made 
to look like suicides. 

Some figures are available, however. The Red Terror in Beijing caused 
approximately 1,700 deaths, 33,600 houses were raided, and 84,000 "blacks" 
were chased out of the city. 194 In Shanghai, 150,000 lodgings were taken over, 
id 32 tons of gold was seized. In the great industrial city of Wuhan, in Hubei 



Communism in Asia 

Province, 21,000 properties were raided, 32 people were beaten to death, and 
there were 62 suicides. 195 Sometimes genuine atrocities were committed. In the 
Daxing district, south of the capital, 325 "blacks" and their families were 
murdered in the space of five days — the eldest was eighty and the youngest was 
thirty-eight days old. One doctor was executed for "assassinating a Red" — his 
patient had died of an allergic reaction to penicillin. 196 The "investigations" 
inside the government administration, carried out by policemen dressed as Red 
Guards, were massive and sometimes murderous: there were 1,200 executions 
in the purge of the Ministry for Security; 22,000 people were interrogated and 
many imprisoned during the investigation into Liu Shaoqi; 60 percent of the 
members of the Central Committee (which hardly ever met) and 75 percent of 
all provincial Party secretaries were expelled and usually also arrested. In all, 
for the whole period of the Cultural Revolution, between 3 million and 4 
million of the 18 million cadres were imprisoned, as were 400,000 soldiers, 
despite the banning of Red Guards in the PLA. 197 Among the intellectuals, 
142,000 teachers, 53,000 scientists and technicians, 500 teachers of medicine, 
and 2,600 artists and writers were persecuted, and many of them were killed 
or committed suicide. 198 In Shanghai, where intellectuals were especially nu- 
merous, it was officially estimated in 1978 that 10,000 people had died violent 
deaths as a result of the Cultural Revolution. 11 * 9 

It is astonishing how easy it was for these young Red Guards, who in 1966 
and 1967 had relatively few allies in the other strata of society, to attack and 
criticize Party leaders in the stadiums of Beijing, or even torture them to death, 
as was the case for the Party leader in Tianjin and the mayor of Shanghai. The 
latter was attached to the crane of a street-car breakdown truck and severely 
beaten while announcing that he would rather die than confess to anything. 2m 
The only possible explanation was that Chairman Mao, which meant the state 
apparatus, supported the "revolutionaries" with decisions like the one on 
26 July 1966 (subsequently revoked) to close all secondary schools and higher- 
education establishments for six months to mobilize what was in effect a force 
of 50 million schoolchildren. With nothing to do, and free to do whatever they 
liked, even killing (deaths were later described as "accidents"), and endlessly 
egged on by the official media, what could have stood in the way of these 

One of their first pogroms took place in one of the top secondary schools 
in Xiamen: 

At twelve o'clock ... as a few of us were on our way back from a swim 
in the sea, we heard screams and shouts as we approached the school 
gate. Some schoolmates ran up to us shouting, "The struggle has begun! 
The struggle has begun!" 

China: A Long March into Night 


I ran inside. On the athletic field and farther inside, before a new 
four-story classroom building, I saw rows of teachers, about 40 or 50 in 
all, with black ink poured over their heads and faces so that they were 
now in reality a "black gang." Hanging on their necks were placards with 
words such as "reactionary academic authority so-and-so,'' "corrupt 
ringleader so-and-so," "class enemy so-and-so," "capitalist roader so- 
and-so": all epithets taken from the newspapers. On each placard was a 
red cross, making the teachers look like condemned prisoners awaiting 
execution. They all wore dunce caps painted with similar epithets and 
carried dirty brooms, shoes, and dusters on their backs. 

Hanging from their necks were pails filled with rocks. I saw the 
principal; the pail around his neck was so heavy that the wire had cut 
deep into his neck and he was staggering. All were barefoot, hitting 
broken gongs or pots as they walked around the field crying out: "I am 
black gangster so-and-so." Finally, they all knelt down, burned incense, 
and begged Mao Zedong to "pardon their crimes." 

I was stunned by this scene and I felt myself go pale. A few girls 
nearly fainted. 

Beatings and torture followed. 1 had never seen such tortures be- 
fore: eating nightsoil and insects, being subjected to electric shocks, 
being forced to kneel on broken glass, being hanged "like an airplane" by 
the arms and legs. 

Those who immediately took up the sticks and applied the tortures 
were the school bullies who, as children of Party cadres and army 
officers, belonged to the five "red" categories, a group that also included 
children of workers, poor and lower-middle peasants, and revolutionary 
martyrs . . . Coarse and cruel, they were accustomed to throwing around 
their parents 7 status and brawling with the other students. They did so 
poorly in school that they were about to be expelled, and presumably 
resented the teachers because of this. 

Greatly emboldened by the instigators, the other students also 
cried "Beat them!" and jumped on the teachers, swinging their fists and 
kicking. The stragglers were forced to back them up with loud shouts 
and clenched fists. 

There was nothing strange in this. Young students were ordinarily 
peaceful and well-behaved, but once the first step was taken, all were 
bound to follow . . . 

The heaviest blow to me that day was the killing of my most 
respected and beloved teacher, Chen Ku-teh . . . 

Teacher Chen, over sixty years old and suffering from high blood 
pressure, was dragged out at 1 1:30, exposed to the summer sun for more 
than two hours, and then paraded about with the others carrying a 
placard and hitting a gong. Then he was dragged up to the second floor 
of a classroom building and down again, beaten with fists and broom- 


Communism in Asia 

sticks all along the way. On the second floor some of his attackers ran 
into a classroom to get some bamboo carrying poles with which to beat 
him further, I stopped them, pleading, "You don't have to do this. This 
is too much!" 

He passed out several times but was brought back to consciousness 
each time with cold water splashed on his face. He could hardly move 
his body. His feet were cut by glass and thorns. But his spirit was 
unbroken. He shouted, "Why don't you kill me? Kill me!" This lasted 
for six hours, until he lost control of his excrement. They tried to force 
a stick into his rectum. He collapsed for the last time. They poured cold 
water on him again — it was too late. The killers were stunned momen- 
tarily, as it was probably the first time they had ever beaten a man to 
death, and it was the first time most of us had ever witnessed such a 
scene. People began to run away, one after another . . . They dragged 
him off the field to a wooden shack where the teachers used to play- 
ping-pong. There they put him on a dirty gym mat and summoned the 
school doctor. 

"Check carefully whether he died of high blood pressure. You are 
not allowed to defend him." 

The doctor examined him and pronounced him dead of torture. 
Some of those present seized the doctor and began to beat him up, too. 

"Why are you breathing air from the same nostril as his? Do you 
want to be like him?" 

Finally, the doctor wrote on the death certificate "Death due to a 
sudden attack of high blood pressure." 201 

The Revolutionaries and Their Mastei 

For a long time there was a much-cherished legend in the West: that the Red 
Guards were nothing more than a slightly more fanatical version of the French 
revolutionaries of 1 968. 2{)2 After the fall of the Gang of Four, a legend just as far 
from the truth arose in China: that the Red Guards were the cryptofascisr 
helpers of a bunch of political opportunists. The reality was very different: the 
"rebels" thought of themselves as good Maoist Communists, untouched by any 
democratic or libertarian ideal; and for the most part they were precisely that. 
In the absence of democratic centralism, the whole experiment effectively 
ended in less than two years, but during that time they collectively represented 
a strange alternative Communist Party at a moment when the real "Communist 
Party" was paralyzed by division at its very heart. They were ready to give up 
their lives for Mao, and although they also had strong personal and ideological 
Jinks to Lin Biao and to the Cultural Revolution Group of Jiang Qing, they 
were only really an alternative insofar as they opposed the municipal and 

China: A Long March into Night 


provincial authorities who were opposed to Mao. They were also of course a 
supplementary force in the struggles for power inside the palace in Beijing. 
The boundless energy of these tens of millions of young people was almost 
purely destructive. During the brief periods when they did hold positions of 
power they achieved absolutely nothing and failed to modify the totalitarian 
structure that was already in place in any significant way. The Red Guards 
often pretended that their aim was to model themselves on the French Com- 
munards of 1871, but the elections that they organized were never free or open. 
All decisions were taken by small, self-appointed groups, and any changes were 
simply the result of struggles within the movement and in the administrative 
structures that were under their control. 20 - 1 From time to time there were small, 
individual victories, and some of the social demands by workers in factories 
were met; but these achievements only made the swing back again in 1968 
more difficult. 204 

The Red Guards were linked to the Communist movement in many 
different ways. In June and July 1966 the working parties that were sent into 
the main educational establishments by Liu Shaoqi's group and the various 
provincial groups that depended on them established the first "black dens 1 ' for 
professors and provided the impetus for the first Red Guard groups. Although 
they were officially taken out of service in early August, as part of Mao's task 
force in the Central Committee they sometimes had a lasting influence in 
various local organizations. 2(,s In any case they were a major cause of the 
systematic recourse to violence against teachers and cadres in the education 
system, and they opened the way for the movement against the Four Old- 
Fashioned Things. That movement, though supported by local authorities, was 
largely the work of the police, who provided all the necessary information, 
gathered evidence, and confiscated property. In 1978 Nien Cheng was surprised 
and overjoyed to recover a large amount of her porcelain collection, which had 
been seized under such violent circumstances twelve years earlier. At that time 
those who had taken part in previous campaigns, as well as a few middle-rank- 
ing cadres, were used as scapegoats to protect the people who had really been 
directing operations. 

The extension of the movement into the factories, along with Mao's 
growing sense that his goal — the elimination of all political rivals — was slipping 
out of his grasp, led to ever-greater confrontations between rebels and munici- 
pal or provincial authorities. But the local authorities invariably knew very well 
how to orchestrate mass demonstrations, which were hard to distinguish from 
demonstrations by rebels closer to the Maoist line. The rebels on the other hand 
were more independent locally and saw their salvation in alignment with the 
"super-Central Committee" that the Cultural Revolution Group had become, 
in which Kang Sheng played a discreet but essential role. Specialized teams 


Communism in Asia 

maintained close contact with Beijing (in the early days, these teams were often 
made up of students from the capital), which sent advice and blacklists (includ- 
ing the names of two-thirds of the members of the Central Committee), waited 
for results and evidence, and rewarded its allies with the precious "good labels 1 ' 
that served as a sort of magic shield against the PLA. 20 " The rebels were just 
as dependent on the state machinery as their adversaries were, but in a different 
manner. All groups were united on the question of repression, which was one 
enormous difference from the revolutionary tradition in the West. If the laogai 
camps were ever criticized (something that happened very rarely), it was for 
their laxity: Nien Cheng, for example, recalls how brutal and inhumane the new 
Maoist prison guards were. Hua Linsham, who was an ultraleft rebel and 
openly opposed to the PLA, worked in the part of a prison factory where arms 
were manufactured; yet "throughout our stay there, the prisoners stayed in 
their cells and we had almost no contact with them." 207 The Red Guards, who 
used kidnaping as an essential weapon in their repressive armory, had their own 
network of penitentiaries in every school, government office, and factory. In 
these "stables" or "foyers" (the preferred euphemism was "study centers") 
people were confined, interrogated, and tortured incessantly, with great care 
and imagination. Ling recalls one informal "psychological study group" in his 
school: "At group meeting we avoided mentioning the tortures, but we re- 
garded torture as an art . . . We even thought our study inadequate . . . there 
were many methods we could not test." 20 * One "radical" militia in Hangzhou, 
consisting mostly of "blacks" who had themselves been persecuted, had on 
average 1,000 people in its three "investigation centers" at any given time. It 
condemned twenty-three people for slandering its leader, Weng Senhe; and its 
workers received three days off for every day that they worked, as well as free 
meals. 209 In all statements made by former Red Guards, descriptions of repres- 
sive practices have a central place. There are countless stories of adversaries 
who were beaten to the floor, paraded around, humiliated, and sometimes 
killed, seemingly without opposition from any quarter. The period of the 
Cultural Revolution was also marked by the reimprisonment of former de- 
tainees, by the reapplication of previously removed "right" labels, and bv the 
systematic arrest of foreigners or Chinese people who had lived abroad. There 
were also new infamies, such as a daughter's obligation to serve out the remain- 
der of the sentence of a father who had died. 21 " Civil administration suffered 
considerably, that of the laogai much less. Perhaps this generation was a gen- 
eration of jailers rather than rebels. 211 

From the ideological point of view, even radical rebel groups that were 
concerned with the elaboration of new theories, such as the Shengwulian group 
in Hunan, were unable to break from the extremely limited Maoist frame of 
reference. 212 Mao's thinking was always so vague and his words so contradictory 

China: A Long March into Night 


that they could be turned to mean almost anything: both conservatives and 
rebels had their stock of quotations — sometimes the same quotations, inter- 
preted differently. 21 ^ In the strange place that was China during the Cultural 
Revolution, a beggar could justify stealing by quoting Mao's words about 
mutual assistance, and a worker in the underground economy who had stolen 
bricks could reject all scruples, for "the working class must exercise leadership 
in everything." 214 But there was always one hard, central idea: the sanctification 
of violence, the radical nature of class struggle and its political implications. 215 
For people who followed the correct line, anything was permitted. Even the 
rebels could not distance themselves from official propaganda; their texts 
closely imitated the official language of the Party. They lied outrageously not 
only to the masses but also to their own comrades. 216 

Perhaps the most dramatic effect of the Cultural Revolution was its rein- 
forcement of the consensus favoring the caste system created in the 1950s. 
Things could have gone quite differently. To speed things along, the Cultural 
Revolution Group had opened the doors of its organization to "blacks," who 
rushed to join. Since 45 percent of the children of all intellectuals in China 
were enrolled in schools in Canton, a disproportionate number signed up in 
the south. The children of cadres and of people formally recognized as workers 
made up 82 percent of conservatives in the great southern metropolis. The 
rebels, buoyed by the support of workers who had no recognized status, were 
the natural enemies of political cadres, while the conservatives concentrated 
their fire on the "blacks." But because the rebels' program included the elimi- 
nation of sociopolitical divisions (an aspect that promised escape from the 
stigma of their own inferior status), they launched a campaign of repression 
against both the conservatives and the "blacks," hoping that the blows would 
not fall on their own relatives. Worse still, they accepted for themselves the new 
notion of class heredity that had been put forward by the Beijing Red Guards, 
most of whom were the children of cadres and soldiers. 

This notion was expressed, for example, in a remarkable marching song: 

If the father is brave, the son will be a hero. 
If he's a reactionary, the son will be an asshole. 
If you're a revolutionary, step forward and join us. 
If you're not, get lost! 

Get lost! 

We're gonna chase you out of your fucking job! 

Kill! Kill! Kill! 217 

One " well-born" person commented: "We were born Red! Our Redness 
comes from the body of our mother. And I tell you quite clearly: You were born 


Communism in Asia 

Black! What can you do about that?" 218 The racialization of categories was 
devastating. Zhai Zhenhua, belt in hand and insults at the ready, forced the 
"black" half of his class to spend all their time studying Mao: "If they are to 
save themselves, they must first learn to be ashamed of their horrible family 
origins, and to hate their parents." 219 Naturally there was no question of their 
joining the Red Guards. Red Guards patrolled the train station in Beijing, 
beating up and sending home any Red Guard who had the wrong origins. 
People were often more tolerant in the provinces, and there "blacks" sometimes 
did hold positions of responsibility, but the advantage always went to the 
"wellborn." Thus, in the case of a schoolgirl nicknamed "Piggy," Ling recalls: 
"Piggy's class background, a major qualification, was very good: she was from 
a mason's family and often boasted that for three generations her family had 
never had a roof over their heads." 22u In any verbal confrontation, the class card 
was always played and always won. Hua Linsham, who was a very militant 
rebel, was once thrown off a train by some rather conservative Red Guards: 
"What I still feel today was how much they found my physical presence 
offensive and dirty ... I suddenly had the feeling that I was something quite 
disgusting." 221 In demonstrations, children with parents in the Five Red cate- 
gories (Party cadres, army officers, workers, poor peasants, and revolutionary 
martyrs) always played the leading role. 222 Apartheid divided the entire society. 
At a meeting of a neighborhood committee in 1973, Nien Cheng sat down by 
mistake with the proletariat. "Almost as if an electric shock had hit them, the 
two workers closest to me immediately moved their stools away from me so that 
I sat isolated in the crowded room," She then went over to join a group of 
women, "members of the denounced capitalist class and intellectuals, the out- 
casts of the Cultural Revolution." 221 She makes it clear that it was neither the 
police nor the Party that imposed this segregation. 

From Factional Fighting to the Crushing of the Rebels 

The second phase of the movement began in early January 1967, when the 
question of power came to the fore. The Maoist Center knew that the point of 
no return had been reached in the confrontation with the former Liuist leader- 
ship, which was up against the ropes in Beijing but could still count on power- 
ful allies in most of the provinces. To kill it off definitively, the rebels had to 
seize power. Since the army, the major player in the game, was steadfastly 
refusing to step in, it was clear that the president's new troops would have all 
the room to maneuver that they needed. Shanghai gave the first signal in 
January, and quickly all the municipalities and Party committees were over- 
thrown. Suddenly the rebels could no longer simply criticize from the side- 
lines, but had to take on the task of governing. And so the disaster began: 

China: A Long March into Night 


tensions began to mount between rival groups of rebels, between students and 
workers, and between workers on long-term contracts and day laborers. 224 
These tensions quickly grew into major confrontations involving entire cities, 
and then escalated into hand-to-hand fighting with guns and knives. The 
Maoist leaders, now so close to seizing power, suddenly took fright: industrial 
production was collapsing (falling 49 percent in Wuhan in January), 225 the 
government administration was crumbling, and splinter groups were begin- 
ning to take power. China was suffering from a cruel lack of competent cadres, 
and so the rebels had no option but to reinstate most of those who had come 
under attack. Production at factories had to be restored, and educational estab- 
lishments could not remain closed indefinitely. So at the end of January the 
leadership made two decisions: to create a new power structure, composed of 
the Revolutionary Committees and based on the principle of "three in one," 
meaning an alliance among the rebels, the former cadres, and the PLA; and to 
push the Red Guards gently toward the exits (or back to the classrooms), if 
necessary by making use of Mao's other weapon, the army itself, which had 
been on alert for six months. 

Proximity to the Center was no protection to the rebels then, and the 
Cultural Revolution still had many surprises to come. In April the return to 
normalization was going so smoothly that Mao was worried. Everywhere the 
conservatives and the people who had been pushed out in January were lifting 
their heads again and in some cases even forming a potentially dangerous 
alliance with the PLA. Such was the situation in Wuhan, where the rebels were 
in retreat. The time had therefore come for another swift turn to the left, which 
was reinforced in July by the arrest of Wuhan's military leaders over a two-day 
period by CRG representatives. But as occurred whenever the Maoist Red 
Guards felt that things were going well, the shift unleashed violence and 
factional fighting verging on anarchy, making the formation of Revolutionary 
Councils impossible in some places. As a result, in September the PLA was 
authorized to use its weapons (until then it had been forced to stand by and 
watch as its arsenals were raided). This move gave a new impetus to the rebels. 
In some senses 1968 was a repetition of 1967. In March Mao was again worried 
and made another but more moderate turn to the left. The confrontations 
became more and more bloody, and the rebels were completely crushed in July. 

Thus much depended on Mao's hesitations as he found himself faced with 
a cruel and inescapable dilemma: chaos on the left or order on the right. All 
the actors awaited the director's next move, hoping it would be to their advan- 
tage. It was a strange situation, with mortal enemies all dependent on the same 
living god. So, for example, when the powerful conservative Confederation of 
the Million Heroes in Wuhan learned in July 1967 that things were not to go 
its way, it declared: "Whether we arc convinced or not, we must follow and 


Communism in Asia 

apply the decisions that come from the Center, without any reservations" and 
immediately disbanded. 226 Because there was never a definitive interpretation 
of what Mao said, those who might be imagined to be in a position of author- 
ity — the Party committees^were little heeded in practice. Confusion also 
reigned concerning the real intentions of the Center, as people found it hard 
to believe that Mao himsel f could be so indecisive. The swings of the pendulum 
were so great that soon everyone was demanding some sort of vengeance, and 
the victors of the moment never practiced magnanimity. 

In addition to these external factors, two internal factors played an impor- 
tant role in increasing violence, particularly inside the rebel organizations. The 
interests of small groups and individual ambitions, which were never arbitrated 
in a democratic fashion, constantly led to new splits inside the parties, while 
cynical "political entrepreneurs" tried to improve their positions by associating 
with the new local powers, especially by cultivating close relations with the 
regional PLA headquarters. Many ended up having close links with the Gang 
of Four and effectively became provincial dictators. Little by little the factional 
struggles lost their political character and became straightforward struggles for 
power between those who had the top positions and the people who wanted to 
replace them. 227 And as was the case in the laogai, anyone who made accusations 
was always right, since the accusations came with a barrage of quotations and 
sacrosanct slogans. As a rule, those who tried to defend themselves always 
ended up in even deeper trouble. The only effective riposte was a counterac- 
cusation at a higher level. It mattered little whether the accusation had any 
basis; the important thing was that it be couched in correct political terms. The 
logic of the debate thus constantly expanded the battlefield and the number of 
targets. 22 * In the final analysis, since everything was political, the tiniest incident 
could be overinterpreted as proof of the worst criminal intentions. The out- 
come was arbitration through physical elimination. 

These events might be described as civil war rather than massacre, although 
the one leads almost automatically to the other. It was increasingly a war that 
involved everyone. In Wuhan, in late December 1966, the rebels imprisoned 
3,100 cadres and conservatives. 229 The first death in the confrontations between 
the rebels and the Million Heroes came about on 27 May 1967. As a result 
armed positions were taken up at strategic points. The rebel headquarters was 
seized on 17 June with 25 deaths. Casualties rose to 158 by 30 June. After their 
defeat, 600 conservatives were killed, and another 66,000 suffered persecution 
of one sort or another. At the moment of the turn to the left in March 1968, 
the hunt suddenly intensified. Tens of thousands were held in a stadium, 
militia groups that were increasingly ruled by the mob sowed panic in the 

China: A Long March into Night 


streets, and arms flooded in from neighboring provinces. In May, fighting 
between rebel factions led to a generalized belief that civil war was under way 
once more, and on 27 May 80,000 weapons were stolen from the army in a 
single day. This was a new record. A real black market in arms opened up on a 
nationwide scale. Factories even began to turn out tanks and explosives for the 
different rebel factions. By mid-June, 57 people had been killed by stray bul- 
lets. Shops were looted, banks were raided, and the population began to flee the 
city. But like a deus ex machine a single statement from Beijing saved the day, 
causing the rebels to fold. The PLA intervened on 22 July and took charge 
without the firing of a single shot, and the factions were forced to disband in 
September. 210 In areas such as the relatively nonindustrial Fujian region, the 
split was less one between conservatives and rebels than it was the age-old 
divide between town and country. When Red Guards from Xiamen arrived in 
the provincial capital, they were attacked by people shouting: "Fuzhou belongs 
to the Fuzhou natives! . . . People of Fuzhou, do not forget your ancestors! We 
shall always be sworn enemies of the people of Xiamen!" 2 * 1 In Shanghai, in a 
slightly less direct manner, the real confrontation was between people from 
regions to the north and south of Jiangsu Province. 212 Even on the tiny local 
level of Long Bow, the struggle among revolutionary factions barely disguised 
the reemcrgence of the old quarrel between the Lu clan, which dominated the 
north side of the village, and the Shen clan, which ruled the south side. This 
was also the moment when old scores were settled, including quarrels that 
dated back to the Japanese occupation or the bloody beginnings of agrarian 
reform in 1946. 2 - V1 In the highly rural Guangxi region, the conservatives, who 
had been thrown out of Guilin, progressively encircled the town with peasant 
militias and ultimately emerged victorious. 214 In Canton in July and August 
1967, pitched battles among various factions of the Red Flag and East Wind 
groups led to 900 deaths. 215 Some of the battles even involved artillery. 

How hard conditions really were during this period can be gauged from 
the following statement by a Red Guard who was then fourteen years old: "We 
were young. We were fanatical. We thought that Mao was a really great man, 
that he alone had the truth, that he was the truth. I believed everything that he 
said. And I believed that there were good reasons for the Cultural Revolution. 
We thought we were revolutionaries, and because we were the revolutionaries 
who followed Mao's orders, we thought we could solve everything, solve all the 
problems of our society." 2 ^ Atrocities became more and more widespread, and 
were of a more "traditional 11 nature than they had been the year before. The 
following events were witnessed near Lanzhou, in Gansu: "There must have 
been about fifty vehicles . . . each one had a body strapped across the radiator. 
Some lorries had more than one tied to them. They were all stretched out 


Communism in Asia 

diagonally, and tied there with rope and wire . . . The crowd surrounded one 
man and stabbed him with spears and rustic swords, until he fell to the ground 
and lay there, a bleeding heap of flesh." 237 

In the second half of 1968 the army reasserted control and tightened its 
grip. The Red Guards were disbanded, and that autumn millions of young 
people (by 1970 the total was 5.4 million) were sent out into the countryside in 
the hope that they would remain there. 21 * Many stayed for a decade or more. 
Before Mao's death, between 12 million and 20 million people were forcibly 
ruralized in this fashion, including 1 million people from Shanghai, repre- 
senting 18 percent of the city's population. 2 -™ Three million cadres who had 
been removed from their posts were sent (often for several years) to the 7 May 
Schools, rehabilitation centers that were prisons in all but name. 240 Without any 
doubt this was the year of the greatest massacres, as worker parties and soldiers 
took back various campuses and cities in the southern regions. Wuzhou, in 
Guangxi, was destroyed with heavy artillery and napalm. Guilin was taken on 
19 August by 30,000 soldiers and armed peasants after a real military campaign 
in which political and military teams managed to fan the country dwellers' 
indifference toward the Cultural Revolution into active hostility. For six days 
rebels were executed en masse. In the month after the righting in Guilin had 
ended, the terror spread throughout the countryside, this time directed against 
the "blacks" and the Kuomintang, who were the eternal scapegoats. It was so 
thorough that at the end some regions could boast that they were "entirely free 
of any member of any of the five Black categories." 241 It was then that the future 
chairman of the Communist Party, Hua Guofeng, who was in charge of security 
for his province, gained the title "the butcher of Hunan." The southern part 
of the country suffered most: there were perhaps 100,000 deaths in Guangxi, 
40,000 in Guangdong, 30,000 in Yunnan. 242 The Red Guards were extremely 
cruel, but the worst atrocities were carried out by their executioners, the 
soldiers and militias carrying out the Party's orders. 

Former Red Guard Hua Linshan recalls the reprisals in Guilin: 

As soon as day broke, the soldiers started searching the houses and 
arresting people. At the same time they shouted instructions through 
megaphones. They had drawn up a list of ten crimes, including the 
seizure of a prison, raids on a bank, attacks on any military installation, 
forcible entry into any facility of the security services, raids on trains, 
and participation in the armed struggle. Anyone who was suspected of 
any of these crimes was arrested and suffered the justice of the "dicta- 
torship of the proletariat." I did a quick calculation and realized that I 
was guilty or at least six of those crimes. But I had done all of them "for 
the good of the revolution." I had not obtained any personal advantage 
or profit from any of them. If 1 had not wanted to take part in the 

China: A Long March into Night 


revolution, I would not have carried out any of those criminal acts. 
Suddenly I was being asked to be responsible for them. It seemed quite 
unfair, and naturally I was very afraid . . . 

I learned later that the soldiers had killed a number of our 
wounded heroes who were lying in the hospital, and they had cut the 
supplies of blood and oxygen to those who were undergoing transfu- 
sions, killing more of these sorts of people. Those who could still walk 
had all their medication taken away, and they were taken to temporary 

One wounded man managed to slip away, and the soldiers cordoned 
off the whole area. They searched all the rooms all over again. Anyone 
whose name was not written on the local lists was arrested, and that was 
my fate too . . . 

When I was in prison [in School No. 7 in Guilin] I met up with an 
old classmate from the time I was studying to be a mechanic. He told me 
that one of the combat heroes from our school had been killed by the 
soldiers. He had become a hero by holding out on a hilltop against the 
enemy assault for three days and three nights. The rebel general, in 
recognition of his courage, had given him the nickname "unique and 
courageous hero." The soldiers who took over the school and arrested so 
many people had asked him to come out from the crowd. They tied him 
up in a sack and hung him from a tree in front of all the students so that 
he truly resembled a "gall bladder" [in Chinese the term evokes the 
notion of "unique and courageous hero"]. Then they beat him to death 
in the sack with their rifle butts. 

There were many other stories as horrible as that one going around 
the prison, but I tried not to listen to them. Executions had gone on for 
two days all over town, and they had become the major topic of conver- 
sation. The killing started to seem almost normal. The people who were 
carrying them out did not seem much bothered by them, and the people 
who talked about them had become cold and unfeeling. I listened to 
these stories as though they were about some other world. 

The worst thing in prison was always when one of the prisoners 
agreed to cooperate with the authorities, and came around to try to 
single out his previous companions. The guards would suddenly give us 
an order like "Lift your horrible dog heads!" and a few masked individu- 
als would then enter the room and stare at us for a long time. If they saw 
someone they knew, the soldiers would point a gun at him and order him 
to leave with them. Often they were executed immediately. 241 

Thus, in 1968 the state reasserted itself with all its former perquisites. It 
again assumed a monopoly of institutionalized violence, and did not hesitate 
to use it. An increase in the number of public executions marked a return to 
the police tactics used before the Cultural Revolution. In Shanghai, former 


Communism in Asia 

worker Wang Hongwen, a protege of Jiang Qing and soon to be vice chairman 
of the Party, proclaimed a 'Victory over anarchy.' 1 On 27 April several rebel 
leaders were condemned to death and immediately killed in front of a vast 
crowd. 244 Zhang Chunqiao, another member of the Gang of Four, said in July: 
"If a few people are wrongly accused, it does not really matter; but it would be 
disastrous to allow any of the guilty to escape." 2 - 15 China entered a dark era of 
nonexistent plots and conspiracy theories, during which arrests were carried 
out on a massive scale, and society returned to dumb silence. Only the death 
of Lin Biao, in 1971, attenuated the worst period of terror that China had seen 
since the 1950s. 

The first plot was that of the so-called People's Party of Inner Mongolia, 
which in fact had been dissolved and absorbed by the Communist Party in 1947, 
but which the authorities claimed had secretly reconstituted itself More than 
346,000 people were investigated in February-May 1968, Three-quarters of 
the suspects were Mongols, and xenophobia was undoubtedly a major factor in 
the affair. There were 16,000 deaths from execution, torture, and suicide, and 
87,000 people were maimed for life. 24h Similar accusations led to 14,000 execu- 
tions in Yunnan, another province with a large number of ethnic minorities. 247 
Especially sinister was the "conspiracy" of the 16 May Regiment. This was 
probably a tiny and very ephemeral organization of ultra-left-wing Beijing Red 
Guards, one of thousands of comparable groups. The group had left a few 
traces, including statements hostile to Zhou Enlai made in July 1967. For 
reasons that are still unclear, the Maoist Center decided to portray the organi- 
zation as a huge network of "black bandits" and counterrevolutionaries. The 
campaign against them, launched in 1970, ended quite inconclusively and 
without any major trials in 1976, after years of torture and forced confessions 
all across the country. Of the 2,000 staff at the Foreign Affairs Ministry, 600 
were investigated during the affair. Mao's own personal guard, Unit 8341, 
distinguished themselves at Beijing University by unmasking 178 "enemies" 
and killing 10 during their investigations. In a factory in Shaanxi in late 1968, 
547 "spies" were unmasked, together with 1,200 accomplices. Yan Fengyingl 
an actress in the Beijing Opera, was accused on thirteen different counts and 
committed suicide in April 1968. An autopsy was carried out in an attempt to 
find a radio transmitter that she supposedly had hidden inside her body. Three 
great table-tennis champions also took their own lives. 248 

Nien Cheng provides an account of one episode of theatricalized terror, 
a "struggle meeting" in 1969: 

The audience in the room was shouting slogans and waving Little Red 
Books. After "Long Live Our Great Leader Chairman Mao!" came 
"Good Health To Our Vice-Supreme Commander Lin, Always Good 

China: A Long March into Night 


Health!" This seemed to me not only a reflection of the elevated posi- 
tion of Lin Biao after the Ninth Party Congress, but also testimony to 
the fact that those who organized this meeting were his intimates, anx- 
ious to promote Lin Biao's personality cult. 

Two legs came into my limited field of vision. A man's voice spoke 
in front of me. He introduced me to the audience by giving an account 
of my family background and personal life. I had noticed already that 
each time my life story was recounted by the Revolutionaries I became 
richer and my way of life became more decadent and luxurious. Now the 
farce reached fantastic proportions. Since 1 had promised not to answer 
back but to remain mute, I was much more relaxed than at the previous 
struggle meeting in 1966. However, the audience jumped up from their 
seats when the speaker told them that 1 was a spy for the imperialists. 
They expressed their anger and indignation by crowding around me to 
shout abuse. 

To be so maligned was intolerable. Instinctively I raised my head to 
respond. The women suddenly jerked up my handcuffed hands. Such 
sharp pain tore at my shoulder joints that I had to bend my body 
forward with my head well down to ease the agony. They kept me in this 
position during the rest of the man's denunciation of me. Only when 
the people were again shouting slogans did they allow my arms to drop 
back. I was to learn later that I had been subjected to the so-called "jet 
position" invented by the Revolutionaries to torment their more recalci- 
trant victims and to force them to bow their heads in servile submis- 
sion . . . 

The people in the audience soon worked themselves into a state of 
hysteria. Their shouts drowned out the voice of the speaker. Someone 
pushed me hard from behind. I stumbled and knocked over the micro- 
phone. One of the women tried to pick it up, tripped over the wires, and 
fell, dragging me with her. I fell in an awkward position. My face was 
pressed against the floor; many others fell on top of us in the confusion. 
Everybody seemed to be yelling. There was pandemonium. Several 
minutes passed. Finally I was pulled up again. 

Utterly exhausted, I longed for the meeting to end. But the 
speeches continued. It seemed everyone sitting around the table on the 
platform wanted to make a contribution. They had ceased to denounce 
me; instead they were competing with each other to sing the praises of 
Lin Biao in the most extravagant flattery the rich Chinese language 
could provide. Their efforts to register their devotion to Lin Biao could 
be explained, I thought, only by the probable presence of Lin Biao's 
loyal lieutenants listening in an adjacent room. 

Suddenly the door behind me opened. A man's voice shouted, 
"Zuo-la!" This meant that someone had departed. The two simple 
words produced an effect that was electrical. The speaker stopped in 


Communism in Asia 

midsentence. Since the important person or persons listening in the 
adjoining room had gone, there was no more need to go on with the 
performance. Some of the audience were already on their feet, while 
others were collecting their bags and jackets. Hastily the speaker led 
them to shout slogans. He was largely ignored. Only a few responded 
while walking out of the room. It seemed the people were no longer 
angry with me. Though they did not smile, the glances directed at me 
were indifferent. I was just one of the many victims at whose struggle 
meeting they had been present. They had done what was required of 
them. Now it was over. Once when a man brushed against me, someone 
behind him even stretched out a hand to steady me. 

The room cleared in a moment. I could hear members of the 
departing audience chatting as they left the building. u Getting rather 
chilly, isn't it?" "Where are you going for supper?" "Not raining, is it?" 
etc., etc. They sounded no different from an audience departing after a 
show at a cinema or theater. 249 

All witnesses concur that in 1969 and the years that followed China was 
a violent place ruled by slogans and political campaigns. The obvious failure of 
the Cultural Revolution caused most city dwellers to lose all faith in politics. 
The young were particularly affected because they had invested so much in the 
process. Their frequent refusal to go to the countryside led to the formation of 
an underclass that lived a semiclandestine existence. Cynicism, criminality, and 
selfishness were the norm everywhere. Jn 1971 the brutal and unexpected 
elimination of Lin Biao, the man whom Mao himself had named as his succes- 
sor, opened many people's eyes at last. Mao, u the Great Helmsman," was not 
infallible after all. 250 The Chinese were tired and fearful, and rightly so: the 
number of people in the laogai had grown by 2 million between 1966 and 
1976. 251 The darkness, however, was about to lift. People still pretended to be 
faithful to their leader. But underneath, civil society was emerging from its 
torpor, prior to its explosion in the years 1976-1979. This was a movement 
much more fertile than the Cultural Revolution, which would always be best 
summed up by the slogan with which Mao had rewarded a good student in 
August 1966: "It is because I am obedient that I revolt." 252 

The Deng Era: The End of Terror 

When Mao finally died in September 1976, he had been a spent force politically 
for some time. The muted nature of the popular response to his death was 
sufficient proof of that, as was his obvious incapacity to assure his own succes- 
sion. The Gang of Four, to whom he was very close ideologically, were all 
imprisoned within a month of his death. Hua Guofeng, who was supposed to 

China: A Long March into Night 


be the guarantor of continuity, relinquished most of his powers in December 
1978 to make way for the irrepressible Deng Xiaoping, who was hated by the 
Maoist camp. The great turning point perhaps had been 5 April 1976, the 
Chinese Day of the Dead, when, in what was apparently a spontaneous out- 
pouring of grief, the people of Beijing commemorated the death of Prime 
Minister Zhou, who had died in January. The government was astonished at 
the unforeseen scale of the demonstrations: it could not be explained away by 
reference to any faction or to Party manipulation. Some of the poems included 
with the wreaths contained thinly veiled attacks on Mao. The crowds were 
dispersed by force (although, unlike in 1989, there was no shooting in Tianan- 
men Square itself), leaving 8 dead and 200 wounded. There were many demon- 
strations outside the capital; thousands were imprisoned all over the country. 
In the aftermath there were at least 500 executions including at least 100 
demonstrators who had been arrested. Investigations continued until October, 
affecting tens of thousands of people. 2 " But this was not simply "business as 
usual." The post-Maoist era had already begun, with politicians in retreat and 
the Center no longer capable of directing all operations. "Whereas in 1966 
Tiananmen Square was filled with intimidated crowds of people tearfully 
watching the man who had taken away their liberty, ten years later those same 
people had gathered their strength, and they looked him right in the eye." 254 

The Democracy Wall, lasting from the winter of 1978 to the spring of 
1979, symbolized this new state of affairs, but it also showed its limits. With 
Deng's consent, several former Red Guards posted on the wall their opinions, 
which were almost unthinkable for people who had been brought up under 
Maoism. The most articulate of these thinkers, Wei Jingsheng, in a poster titled 
u The Fifth Modernization: Democracy," actually came out and said that people 
were being exploited by the ruling classes through a system of feudal social- 
ism. 2 " He argued that democracy was the only way forward to lasting change, 
that it was the natural fifth consequence of the four other modernizations 
suggested by Deng, and that Marxism, as the source of all totalitarianism, 
should be discarded in favor of more democratic forms of socialism. In March 
1979, when Deng was somewhat more secure in his position, he had Wei and 
several others arrested. Wei was sentenced to fifteen years in prison for passing 
information abroad, which was regarded as a counterrevolutionary crime. He 
never made a confession, and was freed in 1993. But he continued to speak out 
so forcefully that he was arrested again eight months later and in 1995 sen- 
tenced to fourteen years in prison for "drawing up a plan for a campaign to 
overthrow the government. 1 ' 256 In November 1997 he was suddenly released 
from prison and sent into exile in the United States. 

Under Deng Xiaoping, however, it was possible to be critical and to 
survive. This was a great step forward from the Mao era, when a word out of 

540 Communism in Asia 

place or a scribble on a wall was enough to have someone shot. The major 
post-Maoist reforms were economic, but politics were not forgotten among the 
changes. Everything bore witness to a growing sense of emancipation and a 
rejection of the government's arbitrary decisions. In the 1980s, the suppression 
of organizations of poor and middle-rank peasants meant that only about 
one-tenth of the peasantry was actually represented in the Chinese Communist 
Party, and the peasantry as a whole returned to traditional family farming on 
a massive scale. 2 " In the cities, the explosion of private enterprise meant that 
a large section of the workforce was no longer under direct political control. 
The state machinery became more formal and predictable, providing citizens 
with a better line of defense against the state. After 1978 the freeing of pris- 
oners (approximately 1 ()(),()()()) became commonplace, and rehabilitations 
(though often posthumous) became increasingly widespread, particularly as far 
as artists and writers were concerned. For example, Ding Ling, a victim of the 
rectification campaign of 1957-58, was finally allowed to return from his rural 
exile in 1959, ending a long series of persecutions stretching back to Yan'an. 
This was the beginning of a 'literature of scars, 11 and of a still timid return to 
creative freedom. Two-thirds of the people who had been sent to the country- 
side during the Cultural Revolution were allowed to return to the cities. The 
new constitution afforded a basic minimum of legal rights. In 1979 the People's 
Republic of China produced its first penal code; Mao had never wanted one 
because he feared that it would unnecessarily restrict the room he needed to 
maneuver. In this new code, the death penalty was reserved for "abominable 
crimes, 11 a right to appeal was instituted (so that appeals no longer automatically 
brought stiffer sentences), and the entire legal mechanism was removed from 
direct Party control. 

An even larger wave of rehabilitations came in 1982, when 242,000 people 
were rehabilitated in Sichuan alone. In Guangdong, 78 percent of all people 
who had been labeled "counterrevolutionaries" had that label removed and 
were given a small indemnity for each year they had spent in prison. Of the 
new prisoners who were sentenced that year, only 0.5 percent were political 
prisoners. In 1983 the minister of security's area of responsibility was drasti- 
cally reduced, and administration of the laogai was transferred to the Ministry 
of Justice. The courts began to reject a number of arrests, a complaints proce- 
dure against the police was established, torturers were prosecuted and tried in 
public, and new inspections of the camps were carried out. Social class was no 
longer to be taken into account during trials. In 1984 integration of people 
emerging from prison or camp was made much easier, while inside the prisons 
professional training began to take the place of ideological study. Innovations 
such as the reduction of sentences for good behavior, suspended sentences, and 
parole were introduced, and families were encouraged to maintain their links 
with prisoners. By 1986 the number of people in prison had fallen to 5 million 

China; A Long March into Night 


and has remained steady ever since. This is half the figure for 1976, and 
represents 0.5 percent of the total population, more or less identical with the 
proportion in the United States, though lower than the proportion in the 
U.S.S.R. during its final few years. Despite strenuous efforts, the share of gross 
domestic product accounted for by the laogai remains large, although it is three 
times lower than it was in the late 1950s. 258 

Progress has continued despite the events of Tiananmen Square. Since 
1990 citizens have been allowed to sue the government. Since 1996 all detention 
without trial has come under strict regulation and has been reduced to a 
maximum of one month, while the maximum laojiao sentence has been reduced 
to three years. The role and autonomy of lawyers have increased considerably; 
their number more than doubled between 1990 and 1996. Since 1995 magis- 
trates and judges have been recruited by a process of open competition, al- 
though most are still former soldiers or policemen. 259 

Much remains to be done, however, before China becomes a free and open 
society. People are still not innocent until proved guilty, and the crime of 
counterrevolution is still on the statute books, although it is now used with 
much greater restraint. In December 1994 the term laogai was replaced with 
the much more banal "prison," but as the Legal Gazette noted, "the function, 
character, and role of our penal institutions remain unchanged." 26 " Most trials 
still take place in camera, and judgment is often passed extremely quickly and 
without due care. No case is ever prepared for more than three months. Al- 
though corruption is enormously widespread among cadres, in 1993-1995 less 
than 3 percent of prosecutions were for crimes of corruption. 261 In general, 
while the 4 percent of the population who were members of the Communist 
Party accounted for 30 percent of all people who were charged with crimes, 
they made up only 3 percent of people who were executed; 262 clearly, solidarity 
persists between the political and legal spheres. The arrest in the 1990s of 
several members of the political administration in Beijing on charges of cor- 
ruption and embezzlement caused quite a stir, but was a relatively isolated 
event. Communist officials, who are increasingly involved in business, are still 
quite invulnerable. 

The death penalty continues to be widely used in China. Each year hun- 
dreds of people are sentenced to death for crimes ranging from serious cases 
of smuggling, including the illegal export of art works, to "passing state se- 
crets," which in practice can mean almost anything. Presidential pardons, which 
technically have been available since 1982, are never used. Thousands of people 
arc executed each year; China accounts for more than half the total annual 
number of executions worldwide. Furthermore, the number of executions is 
rising in comparison to the 1970s, as it did in the last centuries of the Chinese 



Exercise of the death penalty remains linked to political campaigns and 


Communism in Asia 

crises. In 1983 the rising crime rate resulted in perhaps 1 million arrests, and 
there were at least 10,000 executions. Many of these were held in public as a 
lesson for the people, even though such practices are forbidden by the penal 
code. All of these were part of a mass campaign reminiscent of the events of 
the 1950s. As then, there was an attempt to group together all the "criminal" 
elements. Many intellectuals, priests, and foreigners were intimidated during 
what was termed the "Campaign against Spiritual Pollution," which was 
launched amid much publicity. The occupation of Tiananmen Square in the 
spring of 1989 resulted in significant repression, reflecting the fragility of Deng 
Xiaoping's position. Unlike the Maoist leaders of 1976, Deng gave the order 
to open fire. At least 1,000 people were killed and perhaps 10,000 injured in 
Beijing. Hundreds of additional executions in the provinces were carried out 
in secret or disguised to look like normal executions for criminal activity. At 
least 10,000 people were arrested in Beijing, and another 30,000 throughout the 
country. Thousands of people were given prison sentences, and the leaders of 
the movement, who refused to repent, received up to thirteen years in prison. 
Much pressure was brought to bear on the families of the accused (a practice 
that most people believed had disappeared for good), and the practice of forcing 
criminals to hang their heads in public was reinstated. The treatment received 
by prisoners and the length of their sentences were directly related to the 
amount of contrition they expressed and the number of colleagues they de- 
nounced. Although political prisoners are still a small minority of all detainees, 
there were 100,000 of them in 1991, including at least 1,000 recent dissidents. lb4 
Communist China in the late twentieth century is considerably more 
prosperous and less violent than it was under Mao, and it seems to have 
definitively rejected Utopian goals and permanent civil war. But because the 
regime has never really disavowed its founder, it is still prepared to return to 
some of his original methods in difficult moments. 

Tibet: Genocide on the Rooftop of the World? 

Tibet was the site of some of the worst excesses of the Deng era, and nowhere 
was the long-term influence of Mao more strongly felt. Although China is a 
unitary state, the government gives special rights to national minorities, and a 
certain amount of administrative autonomy to the larger ones. But the 4 mil- 
lion to 6 million Tibetan nationals had made it quite clear that they were not 
happy being part of the Chinese state and longed for a return to the days when 
they had been masters of their own country, before their historic region was 
divided into the Autonomous Region of Tibet, which in fact included only half 
of the country's former territory, and several Chinese provinces. Qjnghai was 
constituted in the 1950s from the Tibetan region of Amdo. The small Tibetan 

China: A Long March into Night 


minorities in Sichuan, Gansu, and Yunnan had very few rights. For the most 
part they were treated worse than Tibetans who lived in the autonomous 
region, a fact that led to the rebellion of the nomad Golok warriors of the 
Amdo, in northern Tibet, in May 1956. 265 

Tibet had been through much since the first arrival of the PLA in 1950. 
Although the intensity of repression varied from region to region, it was also 
largely a result of the traditional prejudice among people of the Chinese 
lowlands against the "backward savages" of the highlands. According to dissi- 
dents, 70,000 Tibetans died of hunger in 1959-1963 (as in other isolated 
regions, pockets of famine persisted longer there than elsewhere). 266 That figure 
represents 2 to 3 percent of the population, considerably less proportionally 
than in the rest of China. Jasper Becker's more recent study gives figures that 
are considerably higher, with a mortality rate of 50 percent in Qinghai, the 
native district of the Dalai Lama. 267 From 1965 to 1970 Tibetan families were 
grouped together into people's communes that were run along almost military 
lines. Famine resulted from the absurd attempt to produce the same "great" 
cereals that were being grown in mainland China through ill-conceived irriga- 
tion and terracing projects, abandonment of the fallow farming system that was 
vital for agriculture on such poor unfertilized soil, the replacement of barley 
crops that were well adapted to cold and drought with more fragile wheat crops, 
and a reduction in the amount of grazing land for yaks. Many yaks died, leaving 
Tibetans without dairy products (butter is a staple of their diet) and without 
animal skins to cover their tents in winter; many people died of cold. As 
elsewhere, government quotas were excessively high. Beginning in 1953, tens 
of thousands of Chinese colonizers were resettled in eastern Tibet (Sichuan), 
where they were given a share of the collectivized land. The presence in the 
autonomous region of some 300,000 Han Chinese, two-thirds of whom were 
soldiers and all of whom needed feeding, further increased the strain on local 
agriculture. The 1965 report on rural liberalization measures implemented by 
Liu Shaoqi in 1962 noted that these measures were symbolized in Tibet by the 
slogan "One farm, one yak." 26S 

Tibet also suffered under the Cultural Revolution. In July 1966 Red 
Guards, including some Tibetans (despite denials by supporters of the Dalai 
Lama), began requisitioning private property and replacing Buddhas on altars 
with pictures of Mao Zedong. They forced the monks to participate in "strug- 
gle meetings" that they did not always survive. Above all they attacked the 
temples, including the most famous ones. Zhou Enlai was forced to protect the 
Potala (the ancient home of the "living God") in Lhasa with his own troops. 
The sacking of the Jokhang monastery in Lhasa was followed by similar inci- 
dents throughout the region. According to one monk who witnessed the events 
at Jokhang, "There were several hundred chapels, but only two were spared. 


Communism in Asia 

All the others were pillaged or defiled. AJ] the statues, sacred texts, and objects 
were broken or carried off . . . Only the statue of Qakyamuni at the entrance 
to Jokhang was spared by the Red Guards because it symbolized the links 
between China and Tibet. The destruction went on for more than a week. After 
that the Jokhang was transformed into a barracks for the Chinese soldiers 
Another part . . . was turned into an abattoir. " 2f,t; Given the absolutely central 
place of religion in traditional Tibetan society, these measures — which were 
fairly typical for the time — must have been felt more deeply in Tibet than 
elsewhere. It would also appear that the army, which had fewer links to the local 
population, provided more assistance to the Red Guards than was the case 
elsewhere, at least wherever resistance was encountered. Most of the massacres 
took place in 1968, at the end of the movement, as a result of battles among 
Maoist factions that had caused hundreds of deaths in Lhasa in January. The 
casualties were particularly high in the summer, when the army imposed a 
Revolutionary Committee on the population. As a result of these actions, more 
Chinese than Tibetans died in Tibet during the Cultural Revolution. 27 " 

But the worst years by far for Tibet were those that had begun with the 
arrival of the Chinese troops in 1950 and culminated in forced collectivization 
in 1959, three years after the rest of the country. The collectivization drive 
sparked an insurrection, which was put down with brutal repression and led to 
the flight to India of the Dalai Lama, the spiritual and temporal leader of Tibet, 
together with 100,000 other refugees, including the majority of the country's 
tiny cultivated elite. Although the 1950s were also an extremely difficult decade 
for China proper, exceptionally violent measures were used in Tibet to impose 
both Communism and Chinese domination on a ferociously independent peo- 
ple who were either scminomadic (about 40 percent) or attached to monasteries. 
Tensions increased further during collectivization in the middle of the decade. 
The army responded to an uprising by Khampa guerrillas with atrocities out 
of all proportion to the rebellion's scale. In 1956, during the Tibetan New Year 
celebrations, the great Chode Gaden Phendeling monastery in Batang was 
destroyed by aerial bombardment; at least 2,000 monks and pilgrims were 
killed. 271 

The litany of atrocities is hair-raising and in many cases unverifiabie. But 
the eyewitness reports concur so precisely that the Dalai Lama's assessment of 
this period seems beyond challenge: u Tibetans not only were shot, but also were 
beaten to death, crucified, burned alive, drowned, mutilated, starved, strangled, 
hanged, boiled alive, buried alive, drawn and quartered, and beheaded." 272 The 
darkest moment was undoubtedly 1959, in the aftermath of the uprising in 
Kham, in eastern Tibet, in which the rebels captured Lhasa. Several factors 
promoted the uprising, including reaction against the people's communes, the 
Great Leap Forward, several years of Chinese quotas, and the large-scale 

China: A Long March into Night 


repatriation by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency of the Khampa warriors 
they had trained in guerrilla camps in Colorado and Guam. 273 The civilian 
population, which was quite sympathetic to the rebels and allowed them to 
blend into society, suffered massive bombardment by the Chinese army. The 
wounded were left untended and were often buried alive or devoured by stray 
dogs — accounting for the high number of suicides on the losing side. Lhasa 
itself, a bastion of 20,000 Tibetans armed with only muskets and swords, was 
retaken on 22 March at a cost of between 2,000 and 10,000 lives, with the 
Ramoche and Potala temples suffering major damage. The Tibetan leader and 
100,000 of his followers then set off for India. Another large-scale revolt in 
Lhasa in 1969 was put down with great bloodshed. The Khampa guerrilJas 
struggled on until 1972. The cycle of revolt and repression began again in 
Lhasa in October 1987, leading to a declaration of martial law in 1989 after 
three days of rioting in favor of independence and what were depicted as the 
beginnings of anti-Chinese pogroms. According to General Zhang Shaosong, 
there were more than 600 deaths in eighteen months. Despite some atrocities, 
particularly against nuns, Chinese methods have clearly changed; there have 
been no more massacres. But by now almost all Tibetans have at least one family 
member who has suffered under the Chinese. 274 

The worst tragedy in modern Tibet was the internment of hundreds of 
thousands of people — perhaps as many as one in ten Tibetans — during the 
1950s and 1960s. It appears that very few people (perhaps as few as 2 percent) 
ever returned alive from the 166 known camps, most of which were in Tibet 
or the neighboring provinces. 27s In 1984 the Dalai Lama's intelligence service 
estimated that 173,000 people had died during detention. Entire monastic 
communities were sent to the coal mines. Detention conditions on the whole 
appear to have been dreadful, with hunger, cold, or extreme heat the daily lot 
of the prisoners. There are as many tales of execution of prisoners refusing to 
renounce Tibetan independence as there are tales of cannibalism in prison 
during the Great Leap Forward. 276 It was as though the entire population of 
Tibet (one in four of all adult men in Tibet are lamas) were suspects. Nearly 
one in six was classified as a right-winger, as opposed to one in twenty in China. 
In the Tibetan prairie region in Sichuan, where Mao had rested and gathered 
his strength during the Long March, two-thirds of the population were ar- 
rested in the 1950s, and not freed until 1964 or 1977. In 1962 the Panchen 
Lama, the second-highest dignitary in Tibetan Buddhism, protested to Mao 
against the famine and repressions that were decimating his countrymen. In 
retaliation, he was thrown into prison and then placed under house arrest until 
1977, The verdict by which he had been sentenced was not annulled until 
1988. 277 

If there is no definitive proof that the Chinese planned a physical genocide 


Communism in Asia 

in Tibet, there is no doubt that they carried out a cultural genocide. Immedi- 
ately after the Cultural Revolution, only 13 of the 6,259 designated places of 
Buddhist worship were still open. Most of the others were turned into barracks, 
storerooms, or detention centers. Some of those that survived have sub- 
sequently reopened. But many were emptied totally, and their treasures — 
manuscripts, frescoes, thanka paintings, statues, and other objects — were 
destroyed or stolen, particularly if they contained any precious metals. By 1973, 
one Beijing foundry had melted down 600 tons of Tibetan sculptures. In 1983 
a mission from Lhasa found 32 tons of Tibetan relics in the Chinese capital, 
including 13,537 statues and statuettes. 278 The attempt to eradicate Buddhism 
altogether was accompanied by a drive to give Chinese names to all newborn 
Tibetan babies. Until 1979 all school classes were taught in Mandarin. Finally, 
as a last reminder of the anti-Manchu revolution of 1911, the Red Guards cut 
off the pigtails of Tibetans of both sexes and tried to impose Han-style Chinese 
dress on the whole nation. 

Violent deaths were proportionally much greater in Tibet than in China 
proper. Even so, it is difficult to believe the figures released by the Tibetan 
government-in-exile in 1984: 1 .2 million victims, or approximately one-quarter 
of all Tibetans. The figure of 432,000 deaths in combat seems even less cred- 
ible. But one can legitimately speak of genocidal massacres because of the 
numbers involved, the lack of heed paid to the wishes and rights of civilians 
and prisoners, and the regularity with which atrocities were committed. Ac- 
cording to official Chinese figures, the population of the autonomous region 
fell from 2.8 million inhabitants in 1953 to 2.5 million in 1964. If one takes into 
account the number of exiles and the (admittedly uncertain) birth rate, the 
number of deaths could be as high as 800,000 — a scale of population loss 
comparable to that in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge. 279 The fact that so 
many Tibetan women fear that any form of hospitalization may result in 
abortion or enforced sterilization is an indication of the draconian nature of 
the region's recently adopted antinatal policies, which are modeled on the 
practices in force for the Han. Previously, minorities had been excused from 
these measures. It is said that the secretary general of the Chinese Communist 
Party, Hu Yaobang, when visiting Lhasa in 1980, cried in shame when con- 
fronted with so much misery, discrimination, and segregation between Hans 
and Tibetans, a situation he described as "colonialism pure and simple." The 
Tibetans, so long forgotten or unknown in their remote country of snow and 
gods, have the misfortune to live in a region of enormous strategic importance, 
in the heart of Asia. Although they seem no longer threatened by physical 
extermination, their culture remains in jeopardy. 


Crimes, Terror, and Secrecy 
in North Korea 

Pierre Rigoulot 

I he People's Democratic Republic of Korea was created on 9 Sep- 
tember 1948 in the part of the Korean peninsula north of the 38th parallel. In 
accordance with an agreement signed with the United States in August 1945, 
the Soviet Union was provisionally responsible for administering this zone, 
while the United States was to administer South Korea, below the 38th par- 

North Korea quickly became the most closed state in the world. The 
Soviet Union in effect banned access to the North to anyone from the interna- 
tional community, and during the first two years of the Republic's existence, 
the closure became more formal. The war launched by the North on 25 June 
1950 and formally ended by an armistice on 27 July 1953 increased the diet of 
lies, disinformation, and propaganda fed to its citizens to the point that almost 
any information was classified as a state secret. 

But the war was not the only cause. The North Korean regime is intrin- 
sically inward looking, even to the exclusion of other Communist powers; 
during the Sino-Soviet conflict it vacillated constantly between one side and 
the other. In addition, like the Cambodians and the Albanians, the North 
Korean leaders feared that influence from the outside world might corrupt the 
^ideological unity of the people and the Party " Together these factors explain 
why North Korea is sometimes called "the hermit kingdom." This inward- 



Communism in Asia 

looking tendency has been theorized as the ideology of juche, which means 
self-control, independence, and self-sufficiency. This ideology was officially 
introduced at the Fifth Congress of the Korean Workers' (Communist) Party 
in November 1970. 

Under these conditions, and because North Korea is unique in lacking an 
active opposition movement cither inside the country or abroad, which could 
gather and pass on information, it is almost impossible to provide a general 
picture of the country or details about the realities of repression there. We must 
therefore content ourselves with official statements, which need to be inter- 
preted and decoded; with statements from people who have managed to escape; 
and with information from the intelligence services of neighboring countries, 
especially South Korea. All these sources of information have to be treated with 

Before the Establishment of the Communist State 

Contrary to the claims made in the hagiographics released by the North Ko- 
rean authorities, Korean Communism was not founded by Kim II Sung, but 
dates back considerably earlier. In 1919 there were already two groups that 
claimed to be Bolshevik in origin. Moscow did not give its immediate support 
to either faction, and the struggle between them was ferocious. Thus the first 
victims of Communism in Korea were Communists themselves. The anti- 
Japanese guerrillas of the Pan-Russian Korean Communist Party, known as the 
Irkutsk group, fought an armed battle with guerrillas from a group who had 
founded a Korean Workers' Party in June 1921. The affair resulted in several 
hundred deaths and forced the Comintern to try to impose unitv on the Ko- 
rean Communist movement. 

Korea had been a Japanese colony since 1910. Korean Communists were 
at the forefront in the struggle for independence, and fierce colonial repression 
claimed many victims in their ranks. The Communists themselves were to 
blame for some of these deaths. Many of the cadres had been trained abroad 
and knew little about the country, and heroic actions often brought disastrous 
consequences; demonstrating on symbolic days such as 1 May was an invitation 
to the authorities to take repressive action against them. 

After the defeat of Japan, when the country was divided into two zones, 
more Communists fell in factional fighting. Kim II Sung, the commander of a 
small anti-Japanese guerrilla group near Manchuria, was chosen by the Soviet 
Union to be the Korean leader over several other militant Communists who 
had been in the country a long time. In September 1945 potential rivals of Kim 
II Sung, notably Hyon Chun Hyok, were assassinated in Pyongyang. Whether 
these assassinations ran to the dozens or the hundreds is still unknown. 

Crimes, Terror, and Secrecy in North Korea 


Nationalists who had been allowed to stay in Pyongyang in the winter of 
1945-46 were then hunted down and arrested. Together with their leader, Cho 
Man Sik, they had objected to the decision made at the conference of Allied 
ministers of foreign affairs, held in Moscow in December 1945, to keep Korea 
under a sort of trusteeship for at least five years. Cho was arrested on 5 January 
1946 and executed in October 1950, during the evacuation of Pyongyang that 
preceded the advance of United Nations troops. Many of his close political 
allies met the same fate. 

Repression was felt by the entire population. In the northern part of the 
country, the Soviet Union quickly established a state in its own image; agrarian 
reform opened the way to collectivization, the population was forced into 
large-scale organizations, and a one-party state was introduced. Political oppo- 
nents, landowners, opponents of agrarian reform, and suspected collaborators 
with the Japanese were systematically intimidated. But the purge that followed 
cannot be blamed entirely on the Communists; it was also prompted by an 
upsurge in nationalist sentiments. The arrival of the new regime was heralded 
not by a bloodbath, but by a migration of hundreds of thousands of people to 
the South. The migrants included not only the categories mentioned above, 
but anyone who feared for his life or possessions. Although the North was 
quickly closed to any official organizations from the South, until 1948 it re- 
mained reasonably easy to pass from one zone to the other. 

Victims of the Armed Struggle 

This generalized exodus, during the first three years of the existence of a 
Communist regime that had not yet declared itself to be an autonomous state, 
did not put an end to its leaders' interest in the "Communization" of the entire 
peninsula. On the contrary, they believed that the whole country would soon be 
unified under their authority. Archives recently opened in Moscow show that 
Kim II Sung was impatient to overthrow what he was already calling the 
American "puppets." The puppets in question had a much smaller army than 
the North Koreans; furthermore, they were under pressure from strikes and 
terrorist and guerrilla actions by various Communist groups. Kim II Sung 
believed (or said he did) that the people of the South trusted both him and his 
army. In the spring of 1950 Stalin approved the invasion, which began on 25 
June 1950 and took the South by surprise. Over the next three years more than 
1 million civilians on both sides died, and millions lost their homes. An addi- 
tional 400,000 died, and almost the same number were wounded among the 
Chinese troops who rescued the North Koreans from defeat by General 
Douglas MacArthur's United Nations forces. There were 200,000 dead among 
the North Korean soldiers, 50,000 among the South Koreans, and 50,000 


Communism in Asia 

American dead. Three hundred French soldiers died in the UN forces, and 
another 800 were wounded. 

Few wars have been so clearly designed to extend the Communist zone of 
influence. At the time a number of French left-wing intellectuals, including 
Jean-Paul Sartre, supported the Communists, seeing South Korea as the ag- 
gressor against the North. Today, thanks to the archives that are now open, 
there is no longer any room for doubt. All this suffering, including the suffering 
of prisoners (6,000 Americans and as many again from other countries, mostly 
South Koreans, died in detention), and the personal hell of British and French 
diplomats who had remained in Seoul and of Christian missionaries working 
in the South who were deported by the advancing North Koreans, was attrib- 
utable to actions by the Communist regime in North Korea. 1 

The armistice signed in July 1953 established a demilitarized zone be- 
tween the two countries more or less where the fighting began, on the 38th 
parallel. This was an armistice but not a peace. Subsequent incursions and 
attacks by the North on the South, against both civilians and military person- 
nel, have claimed many lives. In one action carried out in 1968 by a squad of 
thirty-one commandos against the South Korean presidential palace, all but 
one of the attackers were killed. An assassination attempt against members of 
the South Korean government in Rangoon, Burma, on 9 October 1983 led to 
the death of sixteen people, including four Korean government ministers. The 
midflight explosion of a Korean Air Lines jet on 29 November 1987 killed 115 

North Korea is not a mere suspect; it is clearly guilty of these acts. A 
terrorist who was arrested shortly before the Olympic games in Seoul in 1988 
explained that he was working for Pyongyang and that his mission was to 
demonstrate that the South was not capable of assuring the security of the 
games, and thus to destroy its international reputation. 2 

Furthermore, North Korea's war against the entire capitalist world led it 
in the 1960s and 1970s to assist various terrorist groups, including most notably 
the Japanese Red Army (which carried out actions in Israel), several Palestinian 
organizations, and guerrillas in the Philippines. 

Communist Victims of the North Korean Party-State 

As in Stalin's Soviet Union, in North Korea the list of victims of purges within 
the Party would be extremely long. One human-rights organization has calcu- 
lated that of the twenty-two members of the first North Korean government, 
seventeen were assassinated, executed, or purged.^ 

The ink was barely dry on the Panmunjon armistice before a purge struck 
a number of high-ranking cadres at the heart of the North Korean Party. On 

Crimes, Terror, and Secrecy in North Korea 


3 August 1953 there was a major trial of Communists accused of spying for the 
Americans and plotting to overthrow the regime. Tibor Meray, a Hungarian 
journalist and writer, witnessed the events. He knew one of the accused, Sol 
Jang Sik, who had served as an interpreter for the North Korean delegation in 
the Kaeshong negotiations in July and August 1951. Sol Jang Sik was also a 
poet and a translator of Shakespeare. 

All the prisoners had a large number sewn onto the back of their jackets. 
The main suspect was number 1, and the others were classified in de- 
creasing order of importance, through number 14. 

Number 14 was Sol Jang Sik. 

I hardly recognized him. His once handsome, impassioned face was 
now a picture of misery, fatigue, and resignation. No spark was left in 
his eyes at all. He moved like a robot. I learned years later that the 
accused were all fed very well in the weeks leading up to their first public 
meeting, so that their appearance would improve after all the torture and 
stress they had been through. When trials took place in public, the 
authorities tried to show the audience, and particularly any repre- 
sentatives from the international press who might be there, that the 
prisoners were in good health, were well fed, and were generally in good 
shape both physically and mentally. Foreign correspondents from the 
West were never present in North Korea, but there were always journal- 
ists from the Soviet Union and other Communist states. The clear aims 
of the trial were to demonstrate the defendants' guilt and thereby hu- 
miliate people who had once been major figures in society but were now 
just prisoners sitting in the dock. 

Apart from that, the trial was exactly the same as political trials in 
Czechoslovakia, Hungary, or Bulgaria. I was so surprised by Sol's con- 
dition, and the translation was so cursory, that I can hardly remember 
what the charges were. My only hope was that Sol could see me, but 1 do 
not think that he could because the room was so full. As far as I can 
remember, the main issue was some story about a plot against the Ko- 
rean People's Republic, and an assassination attempt against Kim II 
Sung, the leader they all loved so much. The idea was that the accused 
had been trying to turn the country back into a feudal state and to hand 
North Korea over to Syngman Rhee, and that they had been spying for 
the American imperialists and passing information to their agents, etc.^ 

Among the accused were a number of high-ranking officials, including Lu 
Sung Yop, one of the secretaries of the Party's Central Committee; Paik 
Hyung Bok, the minister of internal affairs; and Cho II Myung, assistant 
minister of culture and propaganda. Sol was a small fish in this group. Some of 
the others came from South Korea. 

Pak Hon Yong, the minister of foreign affairs, a Communist who had 


Communism in Asia 

fought for the country for many years, was sentenced to death on 15 December 
1955 and executed three days later as an American secret agent. Others followed 
in 1956, including Mu Chong, a member of the so-called Yenan group, who 
had been a general in the Eighth Chinese army, a commander in the North 
Korean artillery forces, and then chief of staff of the combined Sino-North 
Korean forces in the war against the South. A separate purge affected all cadres 
who had Jinks to the Soviet Union, including Ho Kai; cadres linked to the 
Yenan faction who were close to the Chinese, including Kim 1 )u Bong in March 
1958; and cadres who had voiced approval of the Khrushchev reforms in the 
Soviet Union. Various other purges took place in I960, 1967 (when Kim Kwang 
Hyup, a secretary in the Party's Secretariat, was sent to the camps), and 1969, 
when the best-known victim was Hu Hak-bong, who was in charge of secret 
operations against the South. The disappearance of eight) students from the 
Revolutionary Institute for foreign Languages in Pyongyang was also presum- 
ably connected with the purge. In 1972 Pak Kum Chui, a former deputy prime 
minister and member of the Politburo, was sent to a camp. In 1977 Li Yong 
Mu, another former Politburo member, was sent to a prison camp, and more 
students disappeared. Most of the latter were the children of cadres who were 
under investigation. Other purges occurred in 197S and 1980. 

These purges were sufficiently common that they seem to have been 
structural in nature, rather than contingent on events. The latest purge oc- 
curred in September 1997. One of the secretaries of the Party Central Com- 
mittee, So Hwan Hi, who was in charge of agriculture, was executed in public 
together with seventeen other cadres as a scapegoat for the severe food short- 
ages currently afflicting the country. According to statements made by refugees, 
whenever tension rises in the country because of material difficulties such as 
shortages, Communist cadres are held responsible, and a number are sent to 
prison camps or executed. 


There is no way of knowing exactly how many executions have taken place in 
North Korea, but an indication can be gained from the penal code. At least 
forty-seven crimes are punishable by the death penalty. These can be broken 
down into crimes against the sovereignty of the state, crimes against the state 
administration or against state property, crimes against individuals, crimes 
against property, and military crimes. 

Kang Koo Chin, one of the great specialists on the North Korean legal 
system, has estimated that in 1958-1960, a period of particularly brutal repres- 
sion, at least 9,000 people were ejected from the Party, tried, and sentenced to 
death. Extrapolating from this estimate to include the other nine purges of a 

Crimes, Terror, and Secrecy in North Korea 


similar scale, one arrives at a figure of 90,000 executions. For now, this figure 
must be merely an estimate of the size of the problem; perhaps one day the 
Pyongyang archives will reveal the full story. 

People who have escaped from the country have attested to the routine 
execution of civilians for crimes such as prostitution, treason, murder, rape, 
and sedition. The crowd is invited to participate, and sentencing is accompa- 
nied by cries of hatred, insults, and stone-throwing. Sometimes the prisoner is 
kicked and beaten to death while the crowd chants slogans. Class origin is very 
important in determining punishment. Two witnesses told Asia Watch that 
rape was punishable by death only for members of the lower social classes. 

The North Korean justice system exists solely to promote the interests of 
the regime. All judges and almost all lawyers act on the orders of the Party and 
are explicitly instructed to work along strict Marxist-Leninist lines. Trials often 
cover only some of the accusations, leaving the rest to be handled extrajudi- 
cially. Much more drastic measures are often taken independently of the trial. 

Prisons and Camps 

Mrs. Li Sun Ok was a member of the Workers' Party and in charge of a supply 
center reserved for cadres. She fell victim to one of the purges and was arrested 
together with some of her comrades. She was tortured for a long time with 
water and electricity, was beaten and deprived of sleep, and ended up confess- 
ing to anything she was asked, including specifically the misappropriation of 
state goods. She was then given a thirteen-year prison sentence. It was indeed a 
prison sentence, although that was not the official term used. In her peniten- 
tiary, some 6,000 people, including 2,000 women, worked as slave labor from 
5:30 a.m. until midnight, manufacturing slippers, holsters, bags, belts, detona- 
tors, and artificial flowers. Any detainees who became pregnant were brutally 
forced to have abortions. Any child who was born in the prison was smothered 
or had its throat cut. s 

The harshness of prison conditions is well known from earlier testimony. 
One exceptional account of life in the prisons of North Korea in the 1960s and 
1970s comes from Ali Lameda, a Venezuelan Communist poet who was well 
disposed toward the regime and went to Pyongyang to work as a translator of 
official propaganda. In 1967, after expressing reservations about the effective- 
ness of some of the propaganda, he was arrested and imprisoned/' In a bro- 
chure published by Amnesty International, Lameda described his farcical trial, 
which ended with a sentence to twenty years of hard labor for "attempted 
sabotage, espionage, and trying to help foreign agents infiltrate North Korea. " 
Although he himself was never tortured during the year he was in prison, he 

554 Communism in Asia 

heard the cries of many who were. During his six-year detention he lost about 
45 pounds and developed abscesses and sores all over his body. 

Other witness statements mention the pervasive use of hunger as a weapon 
to break prisoners' resistance. Not only was the amount of food inadequate, 
but everything possible was done to spoil whatever was distributed. Many 
prisoners succumbed to diarrhea, skin complaints, pneumonia, hepatitis, and 
even scurvy. 

Prisons and camps are part of a vast ensemble of repressive institutions. 
Among them are: 

■ "Help posts," which are essentially transit camps where people await 
trial for minor political crimes and nonpolitical crimes. 

• "Work regeneration centers," which house between 100 and 200 people 
who have been labeled antisocial, ineffective, or simply lazy. Most major 
towns have one of these centers. People stay for between one month and 
a year, often without ever having been to trial or even having been 
charged with a specific offense. 

• Hard-labor camps, At least twelve of these exist in the country, each 
holding between 500 and 2,000 people. Most inmates there are common 
criminals accused of theft, attempted murder, rape, or similar crimes. 
Children of political prisoners, people who have been caught attempting 
to flee the country, and other minor political prisoners are also incarcer- 
ated in these camps. 

Deportation zones, where "untrustworthy elements 1 ' such as former 
landowners or people with family members who have escaped to the 
South are kept. Tens of thousands of such people are placed under 
house arrest in distant regions. 

Special dictatorship zones. These are full-fledged concentration camps 
for political prisoners. Approximately a dozen such camps exist, contain- 
ing a total of 150,000-200,000 people. This figure is approximately 
I percent of the population of the country, a much lower share than that 
in the Soviet gulags in the 1940s. The figure should not be interpreted 
as a sign that the Koreans are particularly lenient, but as a sign of how 
cowed the population has become. 

Most of the special dictatorship zones are in the northern part of the 
country, in inaccessible mountainous regions. The Yodok zone is the biggest 
and holds approximately 50,000 prisoners. It includes the Vongpyang and 
Pyonjon camps, which are extremely isolated and contain some two-thirds of 
all prisoners in the region, as well as the Kou-oup, Ibsok, and Daesuk camps, 
where, among other groups, the families of people who have lived in Japan are 

Crimes, Terror, and Secrecy in North Korea 


incarcerated. Other special dictatorship zones are located in Kaeshong, Hwa- 
song, Hoiryong, and Chongjin. 

These camps were established in the late 1950s to house political criminals 
and Kim II Sung's opponents within the Party. Their population grew consid- 
erably in 1980 as a result of a particularly large purge after the opponents of 
the institutionalization of dynastic Communism were defeated at the Sixth 
Congress of the Workers' Party. Some of these camps, especially Camp 15 in 
the Yodok zone, are divided into a "revolutionization" sector, where prisoners 
who hope to be set free are kept, and a high-security sector, which no one has 
any hope of ever leaving. The "revolutionization 1 ' section is filled mainly with 
prisoners from the political elite and people repatriated from Japan who have 
links with Japanese organizations known to be favorably disposed toward North 

The few eyewitness descriptions of these camps mention total isolation — 
high barbed-wire fences, German shepherd dogs, armed guards, surrounding 
minefields — poor and insufficient food, and extremely hard work, involving the 
excavation of mines, quarries, and irrigation canals, as well as wood-cutting 
operations. Prisoners work twelve hours a day, followed by two hours of "po- 
litical training." Hunger is perhaps the worst torture; detainees try to eat 
anything from frogs and toads to rats and earthworms. Prisoners not only suffer 
progressive physical decay; they also are used for special tasks such as the 
digging of secret tunnels or work at dangerous nuclear projects. Some have 
been used as moving targets during shooting practice by guards and troops. 
Torture and sexual violence are common. 

As part of the regime's affirmation of familial responsibility, entire fami- 
lies have been sent to camps because one member has received a sentence. At 
the time of the first great purge of Kim II Sung's opponents, in 1958, this form 
of punishment was often extended to include three generations. One young 
man who managed to escape to the South, Kang Chul Hwan, had been sent to 
a prison camp in 1977 at the age of nine along with his father, one of his 
brothers, and two of his grandparents. The grandfather, who had once been in 
charge of a Korean association in Kyoto, Japan, had been arrested for making 
remarks about life in a capitalist country that were judged to be too compli- 
mentary. Until he was fifteen, Kang Chul Hwan followed the schedule laid 
down for children in the camp: school in the mornings, where most of the 
teaching involved studying the life of Kim 11 Sung, and work such as weeding 
and picking up stones in the afternoon. 7 

A number of French diplomats who were taken prisoner by the North 
Koreans in July 1950, when the war first broke out, later spoke about their 
experiences. Other statements have come from Americans on the Pueblo, a U.S. 
surveillance ship captured off the Korean coast in 1968. Both sources attest to 


Communism in Asia 

the brutality of the interrogations, the indifference shown toward human Jife, 
and the systematically bad conditions of detention. 8 

In 1992 two refugees brought more information about life in Yodok, one 
of the biggest camps in North Korea. They noted that detention conditions 
were so bad that about fifteen people would try to escape each year, despite 
electrified fences, watchtowcrs, and the guarantee that failure would result in 
trial and execution in front of all the other prisoners. So far, no one had ever 
managed to escape. 

Another exceptional testimony that is now available is that of a camp guard 
in the Hoiryong zone, near the China border. Thanks to this man, who fled 
first to China and then to Seoul in 1994, we now have considerably more 
knowledge about the world of the concentration camps in Korea.*' According 
to this witness, whose name is An Myung Chul, lt bad subjects 1 ' are singled out 
to be executed; "rebels, ringleaders, murderers, pregnant women (all prisoners 
are forbidden to have sexual relations), and people who have killed cattle and 
livestock or sabotaged material used in production. In the tiny cell, a big lump 
of wood is tied to their folded legs and buttocks, and they stay like that on their 
knees. In the end the damage to the circulation is enormous, and even if they 
are set free, they are no longer able to walk; they die after a few months." 

This particular guard had been assigned to the execution center, where 
since 1984 all executions have been carried out in secret. At this camp, execu- 
tions were no longer carried out in public because killing was so common that 
it no longer inspired fear and terror but became an incentive to rebel. 

Who carried out the executions 5 The choice was left to the discretion of 
security agents, who shot when they did not want to dirtv their hands or 
killed slowly if they wished to prolong the agony. I learned that people 
could be beaten to death, stoned, or killed with blows from a shovel. 
Sometimes the executions were turned into a game, with prisoners 
being shot at as though they were targets in a shooting competition at a 
fairground. Sometimes prisoners were forced to fight each other to the 
death and tear each other up with their bare hands . . . With my own 
eves I saw several atrocious deaths. Women rarely died peacefully. I saw 
breasts slashed with knives, genitals smashed in with shovel handles, 
necks broken with hammers ... In the camps, death is very banal. And 
political criminals do whatever they have to do to survive. They do 
anything to get a fraction more corn or pig fat. Even so, every day four 
or five people would die in this camp, of hunger, by accident, or through 

Escape from the camps is almost unthinkable. A guard who catches 
anyone trying to escape can aspire to join the [Korean Workers' Party] 
and then maybe go to university. To get these rewards, some guards 

Crimes, Terror, and Secrecy in North Korea 


force prisoners to climb the fence and then shoot them or pretend to 
have arrested them. 

In addition to the guards, attack dogs watch the political prisoners. 
These terrifying animals are basically killing machines. In July 1988 two 
prisoners in Camp 13 were assailed by dogs. Nothing was left but their 
bones. In 1991, two boys of fifteen were devoured by these dogs. 

An Myung Chul reports a conversation between the chief of the guards and 
two other personnel of Camp No. 13 that alluded to practices reminiscent of 
Nazi death camps. The second in command of the squad addressed his chief: 
"Comrade, I saw a lot of smoke coming out of the chimneys in the Third 
Bureau yesterday. 10 Is it true that the bodies are being pressed to extract the 

The chief said that he had once gone into one of the tunnels of the Third 
Bureau, near a hill. "I could smell blood, and I saw a lot of hair stuck to the 
walls. I couldn't sleep that night. The smoke you saw would have come from 
the cremation of the bones of those criminals. But don't talk about it or you'll 
regret it. Who knows when you'll get a black bean [a bullet] in the head?" 

Other guards described experiments carried out in the camp, including 
deliberate efforts to starve prisoners to death so that their resistance could be 
studied. According to An, 

The people who carry out these executions and these experiments all 
drink before they do it. But they are real experts now; sometimes they 
hit prisoners with a hammer, on the back of the head. The poor prison- 
ers then lose their memory, and they use them as zombies for target 
practice. When the Third Bureau is running out of subjects, a black van 
known as u the crow" turns up and picks out a few more prisoners, 
sowing panic among the rest. The crow comes about once a month and 
takes forty or fifty people off to an unknown destination. 

Arrest is always discreet, with no legal procedures, so that relatives and 
neighbors know nothing about it. When they realize that someone has disap- 
peared, they avoid asking questions to keep out of trouble themselves. 

Despite appalling working conditions, insufficient food, armed guards, 
and tiny prison cells for anyone who fails to observe North Korean ways, the 
North Korean logging camps, which have been located in Siberia since 1967, 
pale by comparison with such horrors. Thanks to the testimony of workers who 
have escaped from the camps and of Sergei Kovalev, the former human-rights 
commissioner of the Russian Federation, the working conditions of these 
rather special immigrants have improved enormously since the breakup of the 
U.S.S.R., and they are no longer solely under North Korean control. 

As in the case of Party purges, no extensive investigation is necessary to 


Communism in Asia 

reveal the scale of the problem. By extrapolating from the estimate of an 
eyewitness, who reported that 5 of every 10,000 prisoners in Camp 22 were 
dying every day, we can see that of the total camp population of about 200,000, 
100 people died every day and 36,500 died every year." If we multiply this 
number by the forty-six years of the regime's existence, we rind Korean Com- 
munism directly responsible for the death of more than 1.5 million people. 

Control of the Population 

Even outside the camps, individual freedom of choice is almost nonexistent in 
North Korea. According to a radio commentator on 3 January 1996, u The 
whole of society should be welded together into one solid political force, which 
breathes, moves, and thinks as one, under the leadership of a single man." A 
contemporary slogan in the country says: u Think, talk, and act like Kim II 
Sung and Kim Jong II." 

From the top to the bottom of the social ladder, the state and the Part), 
with their large organizations and police forces, control the citizens of the 
country in the name of "the Party's ten principles in the drive toward unity." 
That text, not the constitution, controls the everyday life of the citizens of 
North Korea. Article 7 is a good indication of its nature: "We must impose the 
absolute authority of our leader." 

In 1945 a Social Security Bureau was established to monitor and control 
the population. The Ministry of National Political Protection, set up by the 
secret police in 1973 and now renamed the National Security Agency, is sub- 
divided into bureaus, including the Second Bureau, for foreigners; the Third 
Bureau, for border security; and the Seventh Bureau, for the camps. The official 
establishment of a National Censorship Committee in 1975 institutionalized a 
practice that had existed from the regime's inception. The Legal Committee 
for Socialist Life was created in 1977. I2 

Once a week every North Korean attends an obligatory indoctrination 
meeting and a criticism and self-criticism meeting. The latter is known in North 
Korea as a "balance sheet of life." Everyone must accuse himself of at least one 
political fault and must reproach his neighbor for at least two faults. 

North Korean cadres receive a number of privileges and material benefits, 
but they are also under extremely tight control. They are forced to live in a 
special area, all their telephone conversations are closely monitored, and any 
audio or video cassettes in their possession are regularly examined. Because of 
the systematic jamming of foreign broadcasts, all radios and televisions in 
North Korea can pick up only state channels. To make any journey, special 
permission is required from the relevant local authority and the necessary work 

Crimes, Terror, and Secrecy in North Korea 


unit. In Pyongyang, the capital and hence a showplace for the country, 
housing is tightly controlled by the government. 


Repression and terror affect the mind and spirit as well as the body. The effects 
of deliberate total isolation on the inhabitants of the country, together with the 
permanent ideological barrage to which they are subjected on a scale unknown 
elsewhere, must also be counted among the crimes of Communism. The re- 
ports of the few who have managed to slip through the net and leave the 
country are a remarkable testimony to the resilience of the human spirit. 

There are two main forms of propaganda in North Korea. One is the 
classic Marxist-Leninist axis, which claims that the socialist and revolutionary 
state offers the best of all possible worlds to its citizens. People are to be 
constantly alert, on the lookout for the imperialist enemy, all the more so today 
since so many erstwhile friends on the outside have now "surrendered." The 
second type of propaganda is peculiarly national and almost mystical. Instead 
of relying on the arguments of dialectical materialism, the government has 
created a whole mythology around the idea that the Kim dynasty represents 
the will of both heaven and earth. A few examples from among the thousands 
that could be cited may clarify this type of propaganda. On 24 November 1996 
in Panmunjon — the village where the armistice was negotiated, and the only 
place where the armies of North and South Korea and the United States are 
in immediate contact — during an inspection of the North Korean army by Kim 
Jong II, a thick fog suddenly covered the area. The leader could thus come and 
go in the mist, examining the positions while remaining more or less hidden. 
Equally mysteriously, the fog lifted at the moment he was to be photographed 
with a group of soldiers ... A similar thing happened on an island in the Yellow 
Sea. He came to an observation post and began to study a map of the opera- 
tions. The wind and rain suddenly stopped, the clouds cleared, and the sun 
came out and shone radiantly. Dispatches from the same official agency also 
mention "a series of mysterious phenomena that have been noted all over Korea 
as the third anniversary of the death of the Great Leader [Kim II Sung] 
approaches . . . The dark sky was suddenly filled with light in the Kumchon 
canton . . . Three groups of red clouds were seen to be heading toward Pyong- 
yang ... At 8:10 p.m. on 4 July the rain that had been falling since early 
morning suddenly stopped, and a double rainbow unfolded over the statue of 
the President . . . then a bright star shone in the sky right above the statue." 13 

A Strict Hierarchy 

In a state claiming to base itself on socialism, the population is not only 
carefully monitored and controlled; it is also subject to disparate treatment 


Communism in Asia 

depending on social origin, geographic origin (that is, whether the family 
originates in North or South Korea), political affiliation, and recent signs of 
loyalty toward the regime. In the 1950s the whole society was carefully subdi- 
vided into fifty-one social categories that powerfully determined people's so- 
cial, political, and material future. This extremely cumbersome system was 
streamlined in the 1980s; now there are only three social categories. Even so, 
the system of classification remains very complex. In addition to these three 
basic classes, the secret services are particularly vigilant in regard to certain 
categories within the classes, particularly people who have come from abroad, 
who have traveled overseas, or who have received visitors. 

The country is divided into a "central" class, which forms the core of 
society, an "undecided" class, and a "hostile" class, which includes approxi- 
mately one-quarter of the North Korean population. The North Korean Com- 
munist system uses these divisions to create what is in effect a sort of apartheid: 
a young man of "good origin," who might have relatives who fought against 
the Japanese, cannot marry a girl of "bad origin," such as a family that origi- 
nated in the South. One former North Korean diplomat, Koh Young Hwan, 
notes that "North Korea has what is in effect an extremely inflexible caste 
system. 1 ' 1 " 1 

Although this system in its early days may have had some basis in .Marx- 
ist-Leninist theory, biological discrimination is much harder to justify. Yet the 
facts are there: anyone who is handicapped in North Korea suffers terrible 
social exclusion. The handicapped are not allowed to live in Pyongyang. Until 
recently they were all kept in special locations in the suburbs so that family 
members could visit them. Today they are exiled to remote mountainous re- 
gions or to islands in the Yellow Sea. Two such locations have been identified 
with certainty: Boujun and Euijo, in the north of the country, close to the 
Chinese border. This policy of discrimination has recently spread beyond 
Pyongyang to Nampo, Kaesong, and Chongjin. 

Similar treatment applies to anyone out of the ordinary. Dwarves, for 
instance, are now arrested and sent to camps; they are not only forced to live 
in isolation but also prevented from having children. Kim Jong II himself has 
said that "the race of dwarves must disappear." 1 ' 


Despite heavily guarded borders, some North Koreans have managed to es- 
cape. Since the war, some 700 have crossed to the South, and it is estimated 
that several thousand have gone to China. The number arriving in the South 
has quintupled since 1993 and continues to grow; about 100 arrived there in 
1997. Most of them either are fleeing some sort of punishment or already have 

Crimes, Terror, and Secrecy in North Korea 


some experience of the outside world. Thus a number of diplomats and high- 
ranking Party officials are among the escapees. In February 1997, Hwang Jang 
Yop, one of the Party's chief ideologists, fled to the South Korean embassy in 
Beijing and then to Seoul. The ambassador to Egypt, who defected to the 
United States in August 1997, had been afraid for his political future; his son 
had "disappeared" a year previously. Koh Young Hwan, the North Korean 
diplomat mentioned above, feared that he would be arrested because of an 
imprudent remark, after a televised broadcast of the Ceausescu trial, that he 
"hoped nothing similar would happen in [his] own country"; the statement was 
taken to be flagrant evidence of a lack of trust in the leaders of his country. He 
fled when he heard that agents from the state security bureau would be coming 
to the embassy a few days later. According to his statement, failure to escape 
would have meant at best automatic arrest and a camp sentence. At worst, as he 
had seen in Amman, Jordan, an attempt by a diplomat to flee could end in 
"neutralization," being totally encased in plaster and returned to Pyongyang. 
Once at the airport, the story would probably have been that he had been in an 
auto accident. 

Ordinary people who failed in their attempts to flee fared little better. 
According to a 1997 report in the French press, "Statements taken from people 
all along the [Yalu] river are in agreement: the police who picked up fugitives 
held them together by putting a wire through the cheeks or noses of these 
traitors to the nation who had dared to try to leave the fatherland. As soon as 
they reached their destination they were executed, and their families were sent 
to labor camps." 16 

Activities Abroad 

Not content with crushing attempts to flee the country, the North Korean 
authorities send agents abroad to attack enemies of the regime. In September 
1996, for example, the cultural attache at the South Korean consulate in Vladi- 
vostok was assassinated. Japan also suspects the North Koreans of kidnapping 
about twenty Japanese women and forcing them to train spies and terrorists. 
Another bone of contention between Japan and North Korea is the situation of 
the hundreds of Japanese women who went to North Korea in 1959 with their 
Korean husbands. Despite promises made at the time by the North Korean 
government, none of them has ever been allowed to return home, even tempo- 
rarily. According to statements made by the very few Koreans who have man- 
aged to escape after being in a camp, several of these women were subsequently 
detained, and the death rate among them has been extremely high. Of the 
fourteen Japanese women who were incarcerated in the Yodok camp in the late 
1970s, only two were still alive fifteen years later. The North Korean govern- 


Communism in Asia 

ment has consistently used these women as a bargaining chip in negotiations, 
often promising their imminent departure in exchange for Japanese food aid. It 
is not known exactly how the North Korean authorities make their calculations, 
or how much rice would have to be provided for one Japanese woman to be set 
free. Amnesty International and other international human rights organiza- 
tions have examined these cases several times. 

The North Koreans also kidnap South Koreans. According to the South 
Korean government, more than 400 fishermen were abducted between 1955 
and 1995. Those still missing include the passengers and crew members of an 
airliner hijacked in 1969, a South Korean diplomat captured in Norway in April 
1979, and a priest, Father Ahn Sung Un, who was kidnapped in China and 
taken to North Korea in July 1995. All these people are examples of the many 
South Korean citizens who have been victims of North Korean violence on 
foreign soil. 

Shortages and Famine 

Another grave charge against the North Korean government involves the food 
supply for the population. The situation has long been poor, but over the last 
few years it has grown so bad that the North Korean authorities, disregarding 
their sacrosanct principle of self-sufficiency, have launched an appeal for inter- 
national aid. In 1996 the grain harvest was 3.7 million tons, almost 3 million 
tons less than at the beginning of the decade. The poor harvests of 1997 and 
1998 made the situation worse. When asked by the UN World Food Program, 
the United States, and the European Union about the situation, the North 
Koreans have blamed it on a series of natural disasters, including flooding in 
1994 and 1995 and drought and tidal waves in 1997. The real causes of this 
breakdown in the food supply are linked to the structural difficulties invariably 
experienced by centrally planned socialist economies. Large-scale errors, in- 
cluding the deforestation of entire areas and the hasty construction of badly 
planned terraces on orders from the very top of the Party, contributed to the 
seriousness of the flooding. In addition, the collapse of the Soviet Union and 
the political reorganization in China have curtailed aid from these two coun- 
tries; both now seek to trade in accordance with the normal laws of the interna- 
tional market. Because the North Korean government is extremely short of 
hard currency, the acquisition of agricultural machinery, fertilizer, and fuel is 
increasingly difficult. 

It is impossible to know how grave the food situation really is. World 
Vision has forecast a possible 2 million victims; the German Red Cross claims 
that 10,000 children are dying of starvation every month. 17 There is no doubt 
that the situation is serious, and the rumors that circulate among the inhabitants 

Crimes, Terror, and Secrecy in North Korea 


on the Chinese border have been confirmed by reports from experts at the 
United Nations. Shortages exist in many places, and in some places there is 
famine. But the exploitation of well-meaning individuals on goodwill visits, 
who claim that millions of deaths will inevitably result if aid is not increased, 
and the dissemination abroad of photographs of undernourished children and 
videos of television programs, which apparently teach the population how to 
eat grass instead of food, are perhaps signs of a highly organized campaign to 
blacken a picture that, though far from ideal, is perhaps not as catastrophic as 
suggested. While North Korea is trying to convince the world that it is facing 
a grave crisis and that any interruption in aid would have catastrophic conse- 
quences for political stability in the peninsula and peace in the Far East, the 
North Korean army is extremely well fed and is building bigger and better 

Almost the only figures available for the number of victims of the food 
crisis come from data released by the North Koreans themselves, which show 
a not negligible number of children suffering from the effects of malnutrition. 
Nutrition experts from the World Food Program made a study of a population 
sample, provided by the government, of 4,200 children, which revealed that 17 
percent were suffering from malnutrition. 18 This figure seems to confirm the 
existence of widespread shortages and probably regional and local pockets of 
famine. The shortages and famine, which are closely linked to political deci- 
sions made by the North Korean regime, have been held in check to some extent 
by the efforts of the imperialist" outside world, which has provided millions 
of tons of grain in aid. Deprived of such aid, the population of North Korea 
would face a real famine with catastrophic consequences. 

Final Figures 

In North Korea, perhaps more than anywhere else, the effects of Communism 
are difficult to translate into numbers. Some of the reasons are insufficient 
statistical data, the impossibility of carrying out any field research, and the 
inaccessibility of all the relevant archives. But there are also other reasons. How 
can one calculate the soul-destroying effects of constant, mindless propa- 
ganda? How can one put a figure on the absence of freedom of expression, 
freedom of association, and freedom of movement; on the ways in which a 
child's life is destroyed simply because his grandfather received a prison sen- 
tence; on the consequences for a woman who is forced to have an abortion in 
atrocious conditions? How could statistics show what life is really like when 
people are obsessed by the possibility of starvation, by lack of heating, and by 
other acute shortages and privations? How can one compare the admittedly 


Communism in Asia 

imperfect democracy in the South with the nightmarish situation in North 

Some have argued that North Korean Communism is a caricature, a 
throwback to Stalinism. But this museum of Communism, the Asian Madame 
Tussaud's, is all too alive. 

To the 100,000 who have died in Party purges and the 1.5 million deaths 
in concentration camps must be added at least 1.3 million deaths stemming 
from the war, which was organized and instigated by the Communists, a war 
that continues in small but murderous actions, including commando attacks on 
the South and acts of terrorism; and the uncertain but growing number of 
direct and indirect victims of malnutrition. Even if we content ourselves with 
a figure of 500,000 victims of the primary or even secondary effects of malnu- 
trition (including the usual, unverifiable rumors of cannibalism), we end up 
with an overall figure of more than 3 million victims in a country of 23 million 
inhabitants that has lived under Communism for fifty years. 


Vietnam and Laos: 

The Impasse of War Communism 

Jean-Louis Margolin 

We must transform our prisons into schools. 

Le Duan, secretary general of the Vietnamese Communist Party 


admitting the damage caused by Communism in Vietnam is today 
still anathema to many Westerners, who took a stand against French colonial- 
ism and American "imperialism" in the area and found themselves in the same 
camp as the Vietnamese Communist Party. At the time it seemed quite logical 
to assume that the Party was an expression of the hopes and aspirations of the 
people to build a fraternal and egalitarian society. Its appeal was enhanced by 
the charisma of Ho Chi Minh, who founded the Party and led it until 1969, as 
well as the extraordinary tenacity of its members and its clever manipulation of 
propaganda abroad, where it presented itself as a peace-loving, democratic 
organization. At the very time when it was becoming increasingly difficult to 
feel sympathy for Kim II Sung and his odious regime, it seemed ever more 
logical to prefer the smiling austerity of the Hanoi mandarins to the rotten and 
corrupt regime of Nguyen Van Thieu that ruled in Saigon from 1965 to 1975. 
People genuinely wanted to believe that the Vietnamese Communist Party was 
not just another Stalinist regime, but instead was above all a nationalist regime 
that used a Communist label in order to receive aid from China and the Soviet 

It would be ridiculous to question the sincerity of the Vietnamese Com- 
munists' nationalist aspirations, given the unparalleled determination with 
which they fought against the French, the Americans, the Chinese, and the 



Communism in Asia 

Japanese. For them the accusation of "treachery" or "collaboration" had the 
same force that the label "counterrevolutionary" did in China. But Commu- 
nism was never incompatible with nationalism or even xenophobia, particularly 
in Asia. Unfortunately, beneath the surface of this apparently amiable and 
unanimously accepted nationalism there lurked a Stalinist form of Maoism that 
followed its prototypes extremely closely. 

The Indochinese Communist Party (ICP) got off to a bad start. 1 Soon 
after its founding in 1930, several Party activists were involved in a spectacular 
trial for actions taken in Saigon in 1928. Influenced by traditions of the local 
secret societies and by nationalist terrorism, Party members had judged and 
executed one of their comrades and then burned his corpse. His crime had been 
to seduce a female member of the Party. 2 In 1931 the Party threw itself into 
the creation of rural "soviets" in Nge Tinh and started liquidating local land- 
owners by the hundreds. In creating the Soviets, the ICP followed the Jiangxi 
model, despite Vietnam's comparatively minuscule size. The flight of many of 
the inhabitants facilitated the rapid return of colonial troops. When the Indo- 
Chinese Communist Party, which hid behind the "united front" of the League 
for the Independence of Vietnam (Viet Minh), finally dared to launch a full- 
scale armed struggle in the spring of 1945, it seemed more hostile to "traitors" 
and "reactionaries" (who sometimes included its own functionaries) than to the 
better-armed occupying Japanese forces. One of the Party's leaders proposed 
an assassination campaign to "speed up the advance of the movement." Land- 
owners and local mandarins were targets of choice, and popular tribunals were 
established to sentence them and confiscate their goods. The terror was also 
aimed at political opponents of the comparatively weak ICP, which at the time 
had only 5,000 members. The Party wanted to produce a power vacuum as 
soon as possible so that it could assume leadership of the nationalist movement. 
The Dai Viet, a nationalist party allied with the Japanese, was savagely perse- 
cuted, and the Viet Minh units under Son lay asked Hanoi to send an elec- 
tricity generator and a specialist so that they could torture "traitors" on a larger 
scale. 1 

The August revolution that catapulted Ho Chi Minh to power in the wake 
of the Japanese surrender made the ICP the central element in the new state. 
In the several weeks preceding the arrival of Allied troops (French and British 
from the south, Chinese from the north), the ICP redoubled its campaign to 
liquidate all competition. The victims of this terror included leaders of most 
of the major opposition forces in Vietnam, including the emblematic moderate 
constitutionalist Bui Quang Chieu, the great intellectual and right-wing poli- 
tician Pham Quynh, and Huynh Phu So, the founder of the political religious 
sect Hoa Hao, who had himself ordered numerous assassinations. But it was 
the Trotskyites, who though relatively thin on the ground were still active in 

Vietnam and Laos 


the Saigon region, who were the objects of systematic extermination. Their 
main leader, Ta Tu Thau, was arrested and killed in September 1945 in Quang 
Ngai, an area that suffered particularly badly in the cleansing/ These actions 
were supported by the Communist leader in Saigon, Tran Van Giau, who had 
spent time in Moscow, though he was later to deny any involvement in the 
assassinations. He declared on 2 September: "A number of traitors to the 
fatherland are swelling their ranks to betray their country and serve the enemy 
... we must punish the groups who are creating trouble in the Democratic 
Republic of Vietnam and facilitating an invasion by the enemy." 5 An article in 
the Viet Minh press in Hanoi on 29 August recommended that the people set 
up "traitor elimination committees" in every neighborhood and village. 6 Doz- 
ens, perhaps hundreds, of Trotskyites were captured and killed. Others, who 
in October had helped defend Saigon against British and French forces, were 
deprived of munitions and food, and most were killed, 7 On 25 August a state 
security organization was established in Saigon on the Soviet model, and the 
prisons that had just been emptied began to fill again. The Viet Minh formed 
an Assault Assassination Committee, which marched through the streets. Most 
of its members were recruited from the local underworld, and it was at the head 
of the anti-French pogrom of 25 September that left dozens of mutilated 
corpses in its wake.* Vietnamese women who had married Frenchmen were also 
systematically slaughtered, although these actions were blamed on people who 
were not really members of the Viet Minh. In August and September alone the 
Viet Minh carried out thousands of assassinations and tens of thousands of 
kidnappings. These were often local initiatives, but there is no doubt that the 
central authorities were encouraging such actions on a huge scale, and the ICP 
later declared publicly that it regretted not having wiped out more of its 
enemies at that time. 4 In the north, which was the only part of the country 
really under ICP control before the outbreak of the Indochina war in 1946, 
secret police and detention camps were already in place. In practice, the Demo- 
cratic Republic of Vietnam (DRV) was already a one-party state; the radical 
nationalists of the Vietnam Quoc Dan Dang (VNQDD, the Vietnamese Na- 
tional Party, founded in 1927), who had been engaged in a bloody struggle with 
the Viet Minh, had been eliminated as a political force in July 1945 as a result 
of the combined efforts of the ICP and the colonial powers. The latter had 
come down hard on the VNQDD ever since the party had organized the Yenbai 
mutiny in 1930. 

After World War II the repressive violence of the Communists was re- 
deployed as armed resistance against the French colonial powers. Numerous 
eyewitness accounts are available about the prison camps in which soldiers of 
the French Expeditionary Force were held. 10 Many suffered and died there; out 
of 20,000, only 9,000 were still alive to be liberated when the Geneva peace 

568 Communism in Asia 

accord was signed in 1954." The terrible diseases endemic to the mountains of 
Indochina decimated the prisoners, who received woefully inadequate medical 
care, lived in extremely unhygienic conditions, and were often deliberately 
starved. Beatings and torture were also common, but French soldiers could be 
useful to their captors. The ICP considered them u war criminals" and forced 
them to repent and take on the values of their captors so that they could be 
used in propaganda against their own camp. This Chinese-style reeducation 
was assisted by many advisers sent by Mao after 1950. These propaganda 
sessions forced all "students" to participate actively and divided all participants 
into "reactionaries" and "progressives." They made extensive promises, in- 
cluding the possibility of liberation, and met with some impressive successes, 
mainly because of the physical and psychological exhaustion of the prisoners, 
but also because, later on, the French prisoners were treated less badly than the 
Vietnamese themselves were in South Vietnam. 

In December 1953, when victory seemed imminent, the Viet Minh 
launched agrarian reforms in the liberated zones. By the end of 1954 this 
measure had been extended to all the land north of the 17 th parallel, which had 
been given to the Communists in the Geneva peace accord. The reforms were 
completed in 1956. The aims and pace of the land reforms were similar to those 
of the Chinese agrarian reforms of 1946-1952, and they strengthened the links 
between the Party, which had officially reappeared in 1951, and the poor and 
middle-range peasantry. By eliminating potential centers of resistance to Com- 
munism, the land reform became an important stepping-stone on the way to 
complete state control of the economy. And yet, even more so than in China, 
the traditional elite in the countryside maintained strong support for the Viet 
Minh because of the Party's strongly nationalist stance. The Viet Minh's 
ferocious and murderous methods were identical with those of their neighbors 
to the north. In every village, activists, occasionally enlisting the help of theat- 
rical troupes, tried to incite the poorer peasants (this was often extremely 
difficult) and encourage them to put their victims on public trial. The victims 
were chosen in a fairly arbitrary manner, frequently according to a quota of 4-5 
percent, recalling again the sacred 5 percent of Maoism. 12 These victims were 
often killed, or at the very least imprisoned, and their goods confiscated. As in 
China, the entire family was forced to suffer. By not taking political merit into 
consideration, these fanatics showed not only their unpitying dogmatism, but 
also the will toward a totalitarian classification of society that was a driving force 
inside the Vietnamese Communist Party. One woman who was a rich landowner 
and a successful entrepreneur was singled out for the attention of the peasants 
even though she was a benefactor of the revolution and the proud mother of 
two Viet Minh soldiers. When the peasants refused to react, "a group who had 
been well trained in China were called in, and they managed to turn the 

Vietnam and Laos 


situation around . . . Mme. Long was accused of having killed three sharecrop- 
pers before 1945, of having slept with a Frenchman, and of having collaborated 
with the French and spied for them. Exhausted by the treatment she received, 
she ended up admitting everything and was sentenced to death. One of her 
sons, who was in China at the time, was brought home, deprived of his rank, 
stripped of his medals, and sentenced to twenty years in prison." As in Beijing, 
people were found guilty simply because they had been accused by the Party, 
which never made mistakes. Therefore, the best response was often to do what 
was expected of you: "It was better to have killed your father and mother and 
admitted it than to say nothing and to have done nothing wrong at all." 13 

The scale of violence was extraordinary. The theme of hatred of the 
adversary was hammered home again and again. According to Le Due Tho, 
who was later to share the Nobel Peace Prize with Henry Kissinger, "If one 
wishes to convince the peasants to take up arms, first of all you have to fill them 
with hatred for the enemy." In January 1956, in an article in Nhan da (The 
people), the official organ of the Communist Party, one could read that "the 
landowning classes will never be quiet until they have been eliminated " The 
motto was similar to those found in China: "Better ten innocent deaths than 
one enemy survivor." Torture was practiced routinely, to an extent that began 
to worry Ho Chi Minh by the end of 1954: "A number of cadres have once 
again made the mistake of using torture. This is a savage method that is used 
by the imperialists, capitalists, and feudal landlords to hold the masses and the 
revolution in check . . . Throughout this phase, the recourse to torture is once 
again strictly banned. " M 

There was one major difference from the Chinese model. Whereas in 
China reform of the Party came after the experiment in social engineering that 
was agricultural reform, in Vietnam the two were carried out simultaneously. 
The reason was undoubtedly the relative sizes of the privileged classes in the 
two countries. In Vietnam, as in China, 5 percent of the population was sus- 
pected of being infiltrators from the VNQ_DD, a party that was compared to 
the Chinese Kuomintang. In a distant echo of the Jiangxi purges, the Vietnam- 
ese authorities engaged in witch-hunts for phantom "anti-Bolshevik counter- 
revolutionary elements." Paranoia swept the country, and even heroes of the 
Indochina war were assassinated or sent to camps. In the discourse of the 
Vietnamese Communists, the memory of 1956 (the chink huan reached its high 
point early in that year) still evokes horror in all the participants: "One Com- 
munist Party secretary who fell before a firing squad died shouting 'Long live 
the Indochinese Communist Party!' Unable to understand what was happening, 
he died convinced that he was being shot by the fascists." 15 The exact number 
of losses is hard to gauge, but they were certainly catastrophic. There were 
probably some 50,000 executions in the countryside (excluding combat deaths), 


Communism in Asia 

that is, 0.3-0.4 percent of the population (a figure very similar to the fraction 
of the population that died in the Chinese agrarian reforms). 16 Between 50,000 
and 100,000 people were imprisoned; 86 percent of the members of Party cells 
in the countryside were purged, as were 95 percent of the cadres in the anti- 
French resistance. In the words of the leader of the purge, who in 1956 
admitted that mistakes had been made, u the leadership [of the rectification 
committee] made some rather tendentious judgments about the Party organi- 
zation. It was decided that the rural cells, particularly those in zones that had 
been newly liberated, were without exception controlled by the enemy or had 
been infiltrated by them, and that all the district or provincial leadership 
committees were being controlled by the landowners or by counterrevolution- 
aries." 17 These purges foreshadowed the mass condemnations of entire classes 
by the Khmer Rouge (see Chapter 24). 

The army was the first to organize a chmh huan, which was more ideo- 
logical than repressive, within its ranks in 1951. From 1952 to 1956 "rectifica- 
tion" was a constant. Tension was so high in some reeducation camps that 
razors and knives had to be confiscated, and the lights kept on all night to 
prevent suicides among the inmates. 18 And yet it was the army that finished its 
purge first. Persecutions hit its own cadres so hard that many deserted to the 
South. 19 This trend seriously worried the authorities, whose aim after all was 
to reunify the country. By contrast with China, the weight of military necessity 
brought a certain realism to the whole business, and the relatively small size of 
the country meant that those who were unhappy found it easier to flee. These 
factors led to a certain attenuation of the violence. This is also evident from 
the fate of Catholics in the North, who at 1 .5 million people made up 1 percent 
of the population. Initially persecuted, they were well enough organized to take 
advantage of the mass exodus to the South, leaving under the protection of the 
last French troops. At least 600,000 of them reached South Vietnam. 

The effects of the Twentieth Congress of the Soviet Communist Party 
were also beginning to be felt, and Vietnam experienced a timid Hundred 
Flowers movement in April 1956. September marked the appearance of the 
review Nhan van (Humanism), symbolizing the aspirations of a number of 
intellectuals for freedom. The daring writers mocked the prose of the official 
censor To Huu, the author of the following poem: 

Long live Ho Chi Minh 

The guiding light of the proletariat! 

Long live Stalin 

The great eternal tree! 

Peace grows in his shadow! 

Kill, kill again, let your hands never stop 

Let fields and paddyfields produce rice in abundance 

Vietnam and Laos 


So that taxes can be paid at once. 

Let us march together with the same heart 

So that the Party may last for ever 

Let us adore Chairman Mao 

And build an eternal culr to Stalin. 20 

The intellectuals were punished for their audacity. Literary reviews that 
criticized the regime were soon banned, and a campaign similar to the one in 
China against Hu Feng and freedom of artistic expression began, with the 
personal support of Ho Chi Minh. 2 ' The plan was to ensure a united front 
among all intellectuals in Hanoi who were members of the Party or close to it 
and many of whom had previously fought in the resistance. Early in 1958, 476 
"ideological saboteurs" were forced to make public acts of self-criticism and 
were sent either to work camps or to the Vietnamese equivalent of the Chinese 
iaojiao. 12 As in the People's Republic of China, the temptation to enact Khrush- 
chev-style reforms was quickly rejected in favor of strengthening the orthodox 
line. The factor that both limited repression and kept it going was the war in 
the South, which flared up again in 1957 in response to the ferocious anti-Com- 
munist policies of the U.S.-supported Ngo Dinh Diem regime. In May 1959 
the Vietnamese Communist Party made a secret decision to try to spread the 
war and to support it by sending troops and arms, despite the immense cost to 
the people of North Vietnam. This did not prevent the government from also 
attempting a Chinese-style Great Leap Forward in agriculture, initiated with 
a series of enthusiastic articles by Ho Chi Minh himself in October 1 958. 21 The 
combination of massive irrigation projects and a long period of drought led, 
as it did in China, to a fall in production, followed by a serious famine with an 
unknown number of victims. 24 The war effort was not enough to prevent the 
purging of numerous pro-Soviet cadres inside the Party in 1964-65 and again 
in 1967, including the former personal secretary of "Uncle Ho." Such events 
were enough to show that the leaders of the Vietnamese Communist Party 
shared the antirevisionist tendencies of their Chinese counterparts. Some vic- 
tims of the purges remained in prison for more than a decade, without ever 
being brought to trial. 25 

The so-called American war, which ended only with the final withdrawal 
of US. troops following the signing of the Paris peace treaty in January 1973 
and the subsequent fall of the South Vietnamese regime on 30 April 1975, was 
not in fact followed by the bloodbath that so many feared and that did take 
place in neighboring Cambodia. But the Vietnamese prisoners of the Commu- 
nist forces — including "traitors" from their own ranks— were severely abused 
and often simply liquidated rather than moved. 2f> It is clear that the civil war 
and struggle for freedom were accompanied by many atrocities on both sides. 


Communism in Asia 

Atrocities were also committed against civilians who had elected to support one 
side or the other. As a result, it is extremely difficult to calculate the numbers 
involved or even to describe the methods used. But the Communists did carry 
out at least one large-scale massacre. During the few weeks when the Viet Cong 
controlled the ancient imperial capital, Hue, during the Tet offensive in Feb- 
ruary 1968, at least 3,000 people were massacred, including Vietnamese priests, 
French religious workers, German doctors, and a number of officials and 
government workers. 27 The number of deaths was far higher than in the mas- 
sacres carried out by Americans. Some of the victims were buried alive; others 
were taken away to "study sessions" from which they never returned. 28 It is 
difficult to understand such crimes, which have never been officially recognized 
and which were clearly an adumbration of what was to come from the Khmer 
Rouge. Would the Communists have acted in the same manner if they had taken 
Saigon in 1968? 

In any case, they did not act in such fashion when they captured it in 1975. 
For a few brief weeks, the approximately 1 million officials and soldiers in the 
Saigon regime could even believe that the much-vaunted "policy of clemency" 
of President Ho was more than simple political rhetoric. As a result, these 
officials began to cooperate and register with the new authorities. Then, in early 
June, people were suddenly called in for reeducation, which officially lasted 
three days for simple footsoldiers and an entire month for officers and civil 
servants. 29 In fact three days often became three years, and the month became 
seven or eight years. The last survivors of the reeducation programs did not 
return home until 1 986. u> Pham Van Dong, the prime minister at the time, 
admitted in 1980 that 200,000 had been reeducated in the South. Serious 
estimates range from 500,000 to 1 million out of a population of 20 million. 
The victims included a large number of students, intellectuals, monks (both 
Buddhist and Catholic), and political militants (including Communists). Many 
of these people had been in sympathy with the National Liberation Front of 
South Vietnam, which revealed itself to be no more than a cover for Northern 
Communists and which almost immediately broke all its promises to respect 
the wishes of the people of the South. As in 1954-1956, onetime comrades-in- 
arms were soon suffering in the rectification campaigns. To the number of 
prisoners who were trapped in special camps must be added an indeterminate 
but large number of "minor" reeducation cases who were locked up for several 
weeks in their place of work or study. By comparison, during the worst periods 
of the anti-Communist regime in the South, enemies on the left claimed that 
some 200,000 people were locked up in camps. 11 

Conditions of detention under Communist rule varied considerably. Some 
camps near towns did not even have barbed-wire fences, and the regime there 

Vietnam and Laos 


was more one of constraint than of actual punishment. The more difficult cases 
were sent farther north, to the more unhealthy, distant areas, to camps originally 
built for French prisoners. Isolation was total, and there was almost no medical 
care. Survival in these camps often depended on parcels sent by the families of 
prisoners. Undernourishment was as bad as it was in the prisons; detainees 
w r cre fed only 200 grams of poor-quality rice filled with stones per day. As 
elsewhere, hunger was often used as a weapon by the authorities against those 
awaiting trial. Doan Van Toai has left a gripping account of life in one such 
prison, which shows that this universe shared many of the characteristics of 
the Chinese prison camps, but was somewhat worse in terms of overcrowding, 
sanitary conditions, the prevalence of violent and often fatal punishments such 
as whipping, and long delays before trial. 'There were sometimes seventy to 
eighty prisoners in a cell built for twenty, and walks were often impossible 
because of construction inside the prison yard. The cells of the colonial period 
were seen as havens of peace and tranquillity in comparison. The tropical 
climate and the lack of air made breathing very difficult. All day long, people 
took turns standing by the one small airhole. The smells were unbearable, and 
skin complaints were rife. Even water was severely rationed. The hardest 
punishment was undoubtedly solitary confinement, sometimes for years on 
end, with no contact allowed with family. Torture was hidden but ever-present, 
as were executions. In prison, the tiniest infringement of regulations was 
punished harshly, and rations were so small that death often came within 
weeks. 12 

One testament about prison conditions, "signed" orally by forty-eight 
courageous prisoners, was memorized and circulated through the prisons of 
Ho Chi Minh Citv: 


workers, peasants, and proletarians, 

believers, artists, writers, and patriotic intellectuals interned in dif- 
ferent prisons across Vietnam, 

wish first of all to express our debt of gratitude to; 

progressive movements throughout the world, 

workers' and intellectual struggle movements, 

everyone who over the last ten years has supported the fight for 
human rights in Vietnam and supported the struggle for democracy and 
the freedom of oppressed and exploited Vietnamese citizens . . . 

The prison system of the old regime (which was itself widely 
condemned by international opinion) was quickly replaced by a more 
subtly planned system that is far harsher and cruder. All contact be- 
tween prisoners and their families is forbidden, even by mail. The fami- 


Communism in Asia 

lies of prisoners are kept in the dark about the fate of those in prison, 
which adds to the suffering and anguish. In the face of these humiliat- 
ing, discriminatory procedures prisoners keep quiet, fearing that any 
objections they raise might result in further punishment for their rela- 
tives, who could be killed at any moment without their knowledge . . . 

Conditions inside the prisons are unimaginably bad. In the Chi 
Hoa prison, the official Saigon prison, 8,000 people under the old re- 
gime were kept in conditions that were universally condemned. Today 
there are more than 40,000 people in the same prison. Prisoners often 
die from hunger, lack of air, or torture, or by their own hand . . . 

There are two sorts of prison in Vietnam: the official prisons and 
the concentration camps. The latter are far out in the jungle, and the 
prisoner is sentenced to a lifetime of forced labor. There are no trials, 
and hence no possibility of using a legal mechanism in their defense . . . 

If it really is the case that humanity at present is recoiling from the 
spread of Communism, and rejecting at last the claims of the North 
Vietnamese Communists that their defeat of American imperialism is 
proof of their invincibility, then we, the prisoners of Vietnam, ask the 
International Red Cross, humanitarian organizations throughout the 
world, and all men of goodwill to send us cyanide capsules as soon as 
possible so that we can put an end to our suffering ourselves. We want to 
die now! Help us to carry out this act, and help us kill ourselves as soon 
as possible. We would be eternally in your debt. 

Vietnam, August 1975— October 1977" 

To this strange tableau of "liberation" should be added the spectacle of hun- 
dreds of thousands of boat people who fled misery and repression, many of 
whom drowned or were killed by pirates. The first real sign of relaxation in 
repression came only in 1986, when the new secretary general of the Vietnam- 
ese Communist Party, Nguyen Van Linh, freed a large number of political 
prisoners and closed the killing camps of the northern region. A new penal 
code is at last going to be promulgated. The process of liberalization has been 
timid and contradictory, and the 1990s have been marked by an uneasy balance 
between conservatives and reformers. Repressive urges have dashed the hopes 
of many, even though arrests are now much more carefully targeted and carried 
out on a relatively small scale. Many intellectuals and religious figures are still 
persecuted and imprisoned, and rural discontent in the north has sparked riots 
that have been put down with extreme violence. The best chance for a relaxa- 
tion of the situation in the longer term is probably the hope that private 
enterprise will inevitably bring change, as it has in China, enabling an ever- 
growing number of inhabitants to escape the direct control of the state and the 

Vietnam and Laos 


Party. At the same time, there is a growing business mafia that is extremely 
corrupt and that itself constitutes a new, more ordinary form of oppression of 
a population that is even poorer than the population of China. 

Laos: A Population in Flight 

Everyone has heard about the drama of the Vietnamese boat people, but Laos, 
which became Communist in the aftermath of the events of 1975 in Vietnam, 
has seen a proportionally larger section of the population take flight. Admit- 
tedly, all that Laotians have to do to flee is to cross the Mekong River into 
Thailand. Since most of the population of Laos lives in the river valley or 
nearby, and since repressions are relatively limited, departure is quite easy. 
Around 300,000 people (10 percent of the population) have lied the country, 
including well over 30 percent of the Hmong minority in the mountains 
(around 100,000 people) and about 90 percent of all intellectuals, technicians, 
and officials. In Communist Asia, only North Korea in 1950-1953 saw a larger 
share of its population flee the country. 

Since 1945 the fate of Laos has depended on that of Vietnam. The French 
and subsequently the Americans lent their support., including military support, 
to what was basically a right-wing monarchy. The Vietnamese Communists 
backed the Pathet Lao, which was dominated by a few local Communists who 
invariably had personal links to Vietnam. The movement was totally dependent 
on Vietnam for military support. The sparsely populated eastern part of the 
country was directly involved in the American phase of the Vietnamese conflict. 
Ho Chi Minh's supply lines passed through the area, and as a result it was 
bombed relentlessly by the Americans. The US. Central Intelligence Agency 
established a powerful, armed anti-Communist movement among the local 
Hmong. No significant atrocities occurred in the ensuing military campaign, 
which in general was desultory and intermittent. By 1975 the Communists 
controlled the greater part of the eastern region but only one-third of the 
country's population. The rest, including some 600,000 interned refugees 
(20 percent of the inhabitants), were along the Mekong, to the west. 

The seizure of power, in the new Indochinese political configuration, was 
quite peaceful, a sort of Asiatic "velvet revolution." The neutral former prime 
minister, Souvanna Phouma, became a special adviser to the new regime headed 
by Prince Souphanouvong, a relative of the deposed king. The new "people's 
democratic republic" followed the Vietnamese example. Almost all officials of 
the old regime (around 30,000 people) were sent to reeducation camps in distant 
northern and eastern provinces along the Vietnamese border, where the climate 
is inhospitable. Many remained there for as long as five years. Around 3,000 


Communism in Asia 

"hardened criminals" — mainly police and army officers— were interned in 
camps with particularly harsh regimes on the Nam Ngum Islands. The royal 
family itself was arrested in 1977, and the last prince died in detention. Such 
events are probably enough to explain most of the departures, which were often 
quite dramatic. It was not unusual for people fleeing the country to be fired 

The main difference from the pattern of events in Vietnam was the 
presence of an anti-Communist guerrilla force that was several thousand 
strong, consisting primarily of Hmong. In 1977 the guerrilla resistance was a 
sufficient cause of concern in Vientiane that the government ordered aerial 
bombardment of the region. Unconfirmed statements claim that there was a 
"yellow rain" of chemical or biological weapons. What is certain is that after 
their mobilization during the war, the Hmong guerrilla forces took part in the 
large-scale departures from the country. In 1975 huge columns of Hmong 
civilians set off for Thailand, leading to at least one serious incident with the 
Communist army. Refugees' accounts claim that at least 45,000 victims either 
were killed or died of starvation during the journey. In 1991 there were still 
55,000 people from Laos, including 45,000 Hmong people from the mountain 
regions, in camps in Thailand, waiting for a final destination. Some later 
managed to find sanctuary in French Guyana. 

There have been several purges of state and Party leaders, but these have 
not been bloody. One took place in 1979 as part of a rupture with China; 
another occurred in 1990, when some people advocated a course similar to the 
one being pursued in Eastern Europe. The departure of some 50,000 Vietnam- 
ese soldiers in 1988, a series of liberal economic reforms, and the reopening of 
the border with Thailand have also lightened the atmosphere. Today there are 
few political prisoners, and Communist propaganda is quite attenuated. But 
only a few thousand refugees have returned to the "country of a million 
elephants." Laos remains extremely poor and backward, and its future depends 
on increasing ties with the hundreds of thousands of wealthy and educated 
people who left at the height of the Communist regime.* 4 



The Country of Disconcerting Crimes 

Jean-Louis Margolin 

We must give a pure and perfect depiction of the history of the Party. 
Pol Pot 

I he lineage from Mao Zedong to Pol Pot is obvious. This is one of 
the paradoxes that make the Khmer Rouge revolution so difficult to analyze 
and understand. The Cambodian tyrant was incontestably mediocre and a pale 
copy of the imaginative and cultivated Beijing autocrat who with no outside 
help established a regime that continues to thrive in the world's most populous 
country. Yet despite Pol Pot's limitations, it is the Cultural Revolution and the 
Great Leap Forward that look like mere trial runs or preparatory sketches for 
what was perhaps the most radical social transformation of all: the attempt to 
implement total Communism in one fell swoop, without the long transitional 
period that seemed to be one of the tenets of Marxist-Leninist orthodoxy. 
Money was abolished in a week; total collectivization was achieved in less than 
two years; social distinctions were suppressed by the elimination of entire 
classes of property owners, intellectuals, and businessmen; and the ancient 
antagonism between urban and rural areas was solved by emptying the cities in 
a single week. It seemed that the only thing needed was sufficient willpower, 
and heaven would be found on Earth. Pol Pot believed that he would be 
enthroned higher than his glorious ancestors — Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao Ze- 
dong — and that the revolution of the twenty-first century would be conducted 
in Khmer, just as the revolutions of the twentieth century had been in Russian 
and then Chinese. 



In reality, the Khmer Rouge's mark in history will always be written in 
blood. 1 There is now an abundant bibliography to ensure that this is the case. 
All eyewitness statements and analyses by researchers highlight the theme of 
inhuman repression. The only real questions are why and how such horror 
could have come about. In the scope of repression, Cambodian Communism 
surpasses and differs radically from all other forms of Communism. 2 Depend- 
ing on how one phrases these questions, one can see it as an extreme and 
aberrant case, pointing to its brevity — it lasted only three years and eight 
months — or as a grotesque but revealing caricature of certain fundamental 
traits of the Communist phenomenon. The debate is far from over, not least 
because we still know very little about the leaders of the Khmer Rouge them- 
selves — they hardly ever spoke in public and they published almost nothing — 
but also because Chinese and Vietnamese archives, which might be of help, are 
still inaccessible. 

Still, we do have an abundance of information at our disposal. Although 
Cambodia was one of the last countries in the world to become a Communist 
state, it was also Communist for only a brief period, and by 1979 it had 
dissociated itself altogether from the more extreme forms of Communism. The 
strange "people's democracy" that accompanied the decade of Vietnamese 
military occupation seemed to base its ideology entirely on condemnation of 
the u Pol Pot-Ieng Sary genocidal clique," judging all forms of socialism to be 
too traumatic after the events of those years. 1 Victims, for the most part refu- 
gees who had managed to escape abroad, were encouraged to speak about their 
experiences and were often very eager to do so. Researchers were also welcomed 
into the country. A pluralist political regime was established under the watchful 
eye of the United Nations in 1992. 4 (At the same time, a sizable research grant 
was given by the U.S. Congress to the Cambodian Genocide Program run by 
Yale University, which made material conditions in the country considerably 
easier.) For some, however, these stabilization measures have gone too far. For 
them, the reintegration of the last surviving Khmer Rouge officials into the 
political sphere seems to indicate a worrying form of amnesia inside the coun- 
try. The Museum of Genocide has also been closed, and many of the killing 
fields are buried once again. 

Nevertheless, we do know more or less what happened in Cambodia from 
1975 to 1979, although there is still much work to be done in determining the 
exact number of those who died, the extent of local variations in policy, the 
exact chronology of events, and the manner in which decisions were made 
inside the Communist Party of Kampuchea (CPK). We certainly know enough 
to prove that the early claims of Francois Ponchaud were justified. 5 Like Simon 
Leys before him, he shook up the conformism among leftist intellectuals, who 
at first refused to accept his message. 6 Because these claims slowly came to be 



Communism in Asia 

recognized as the truth, in part thanks to the efforts of the Vietnamese Com- 
munists, stories of life under the terror of the Khmer Rouge played an impor- 
tant role in the crisis faced by Communism and Marxism in the West. Like the 
Jews who gave their last ounce of strength so that the world would know about 
the realities of the Holocaust, bearing witness was sometimes the last despairing 
goal of a number of Cambodians who braved all sorts of dangers to escape 
abroad. Their tenacity often bore fruit. All of mankind should take up their 
flame today, remembering cases like that of Pin Yathay, who wandered alone 
and starving through the jungle for a month "to bring news of the genocide in 
Cambodia, to describe what we have been through, to tell how several million 
men, women, and children were all coldly programmed for death . . . how the 
country was razed to the ground and plunged back into a prehistoric era, and 
how its inhabitants were tortured so relentlessly ... I wanted to live so that I 
could beg the world to come to the aid of the survivors and try to prevent total 
extermination." 7 

The Spiral of Horror 

Despite a rather prickly nationalism, rational Cambodians recognize that their 
country was really a victim of a purely domestic tragedy — a small group of 
idealists turned toward evil — and that the traditional elites were tragically 
incapable of reacting to save the country or themselves. The combination is far 
from exceptional in Asia or elsewhere, but only rarely does it lead to revolu- 
tions. Other factors were also to blame, including the unique geographic situ* 
ation of the country, especially its long border with Laos and Vietnam, and the 
historical moment. The full-scale war that had been raging in Vietnam since 
1964 was undoubtedly a decisive factor in these events. 

Civil War (1970-1975) 

The Khmer kingdom, which had been a French protectorate since 1863, es- 
caped the Indochinese war of 1946-1954 more or less unharmed. 8 At the 
moment when resistance groups linked to the Viet Minh began to form in 
1953, Prince Sihanouk began a peaceful "crusade for independence." Facili- 
tated by excellent diplomatic relations between Sihanouk and Paris, this "cru- 
sade" met with considerable success and undercut his adversaries on the left. 
But in the face of the ensuing confrontation between the Vietnamese Commu- 
nists and the United States, the subtle balancing act by which he attempted to 
preserve Cambodian neutrality earned him only the mistrust of all parties and 
growing incomprehension inside the country. 

In March 1970 the prince was ousted by his own government and by the 



Assembly, with the blessing (but apparently not the active participation) of the 
U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. The country was thrown into disarray, and 
terrible pogroms against the Vietnamese minority began. Of the roughly 
450,000 Vietnamese in the country, two-thirds were forced to flee to South 
Vietnam. Communist Vietnamese embassy buildings were burned down, and 
an ultimatum was issued for all foreign troops to leave the country immediately. 
The ultimatum was of course ignored. Hanoi, which found itself with no ally 
except the Khmer Rouge inside the country, decided to back them to the hilt, 
supplying arms and military advisers and providing access to training camps 
inside Vietnam. Vietnam eventually occupied the greater part of the country 
in the name of the Khmer Rouge, or rather in the name of Sihanouk, who was 
so furious at his earlier humiliation that he joined with the local Communists, 
until then his worst enemies. On the advice of Beijing and Hanoi, the Commu- 
nists rolled out the red carpet for him but gave him no actual political power. 
Thus the internal conflict became one of royalist Communists versus the 
Khmer Republic, with the latter led by General (soon Marshal) Lon Nol. The 
forces of the Khmer Republic were considerably weaker than those of the 
North Vietnamese and seemed unable to capitalize on Sihanouk's unpopularity 
among intellectuals and the middle classes in the cities and towns. They were 
soon forced to ask for American aid in the form of bombing raids, arms, and 
military advisers; they also accepted a futile intervention from the South Viet- 

After the catastrophic failure of operation Chenla-II in early 1972, when 
the best republican troops were decimated, the war became a long agony as the 
Khmer Rouge tightened the screws around the main urban areas, which even- 
tually could be supplied only by air. But this rearguard action was murderously 
destructive, and it destabilized the population, who, unlike the Vietnamese, had 
never experienced anything like it. American bombing raids were massive: more 
than 540,000 tons of explosives were dropped on the combat zones, mostly in 
the six months before the U.S. Congress cut off funding for such raids in 
August 1973. The bombing slowed the progress of the Khmer Rouge, but it 
also ensured that there would never be a shortage of recruits in a countryside 
now filled with hatred for the Americans. It also further destabilized the repub- 
lic by causing a tremendous influx of refugees into the cities, probably one-third 
of a total population of 8 million. y This buildup of refugees facilitated the 
evacuation of urban areas after the Khmer Rouge's victory and enabled the 
Khmers to claim repeatedly in their propaganda: u We have defeated the world's 
greatest superpower and will therefore triumph over all opposition — nature, 
the Vietnamese, and all others." 10 

The fall of Phnom Penh and the last republican cities on 17 April 1975 
had been expected for so long that it came as something of a relief, even to the 


Communism in Asia 

losers. Nothing, it was assumed, could be worse than such a cruel and futile 
civil war. Yet the signs had always been there: the Khmer Rouge had not waited 
for victory to demonstrate their disconcerting aptitude for violence and extreme 
measures. Tens of thousands of people were massacred after the capture of the 
ancient royal capital, Oudong, in 1974. 11 

As "liberation" swept the country, "reeducation centers" were established 
and became harder and harder to distinguish from the ''detention centers" that, 
in theory, were reserved for hardened criminals. Initially the reeducation cen- 
ters were modeled on the Viet Minh prison camps of the 1950s and reserved 
chiefly for prisoners from Lon NoPs army. There was never any question of 
applying the Geneva Convention here, since all republicans were considered 
traitors rather than prisoners of war. In Vietnam there had been no deliberate 
massacres of prisoners, whether French or native. In Cambodia, by contrast, 
the strictest possible regime became the norm, and it seems to have been 
decided early on that the normal fate of a prisoner was to be death. One large 
camp, which contained more than 1,000 detainees, was studied by Henri Lo- 
card. 12 Established in 1971 or 1972, it confined enemy soldiers and their real or 
supposed families, including children, together with Buddhist monks, suspect 
travelers, and others. As a result of harsh treatment, a starvation diet> and 
widespread disease, most of the prisoners and all the children died very quickly. 
Executions were also very common, with as many as thirty killed in a single 
evening. 13 

Massive deportations of civilians began in 1973. Some 40,000 were trans- 
ferred from Takeo Province to the border /ones near Vietnam, and many fled 
toward Phnom Penh. After an abortive attempt to take the town of Kompong 
Cham, thousands of citizens were forced to accompany the Khmer Rouge in 
their retreat. 14 Kratie, the first city of any size to be taken, was entirely emptied 
of its population. The year 1973 also marked a decisive break with North 
Vietnam. Offended by the Kampuchean Communist Party's refusal to join the 
negotiations in Paris in January 1973 concerning the U.S. withdrawal, the 
North Vietnamese drastically reduced assistance, and thus their ability to 
influence the Khmer Rouge. Pol Pot's team' 5 took advantage of this turn of 
events to begin eliminating approximately 1,000 u Viet Minh Khmers" who had 
returned to Cambodia. These former anti-French resistance fighters had left 
for Hanoi after the Geneva peace accord of 1954. w> Because of their experience 
and their links with the Vietnamese Communist Party, they represented a real 
alternative to the Khmer Rouge leaders, most of whom had come to Commu- 
nism only after the Indochinese war or while studying in France. A number of 
the latter had begun their political training as militants in the French Commu- 
nist Party. 17 After the break with Vietnam, the Khmer Rouge began to rewrite 
history, imposing the dogma that the Kampuchean Communist Party had been 



founded in 1960, not, as was really the case, in 1951 as part of Ho Chi Minh's 
Indochinese Communist Party, which was centered in Vietnam. This tactic 
removed all historical legitimacy from the u, 51s," who were then persecuted. 
It also paved the way for an artificial break with the Vietnamese Communist 
Party. The first serious clashes between Vietnamese troops and the Khmer 
Rouge date from this period. 18 

Deportation and Segregation of the Population (1975-1979) 

The total evacuation of Phnom Penh following the Khmer Rouge victory came 
as a great shock both to the city's inhabitants and to the rest of the world, 19 
which began to realize for the first time that exceptional events were unfolding 
in Cambodia. The city's inhabitants themselves seemed to accept the explana- 
tion given by their new masters, who claimed that the evacuation was a safety 
measure to ensure protection from possible American bombing raids and that 
people would be better fed elsewhere. The evacuation of the cities, for which 
the regime will undoubtedly always be remembered, was a spectacular event 
but cost relatively few lives. At the time people were still well fed and healthy, 
and they were allowed to take some belongings and articles of exchange value, 
such as gold, jewelry, and even dollars. 20 There was little systematic brutality, 
although an example was made of people who resisted, and there was certainly 
no shortage of executions of enemy prisoners. Most deportees were neither 
robbed nor searched. Direct or indirect victims of the evacuation — hospital 
patients, the old, the sick, and the infirm, as well as people (sometimes whole 
families) who committed suicide — numbered perhaps 10,000, out of a total city 
population of 2 million to 3 million. Several hundred thousand were also 
moved out of other cities, so that 46—54 percent of the population of the 
country found themselves on the road. 21 Despite the lack of brutality, the 
evacuation of the cities was a traumatic event that remains indelibly etched on 
the memory of all survivors. They had twenty-four hours to leave their homes. 
Though somewhat reassured by the lie that they would be allowed to return 
after three days, 22 they found themselves caught up in a human maelstrom in 
which it was easy to lose their closest relatives, perhaps forever. Unsmiling 
soldiers (yothea) dragged them away to a departure point whose destination 
depended on the neighborhood from which they left; thus families who were 
separated before reaching the departure point stood little chance of meeting 
again. Scenes of death and despair abounded, and no one received any food or 
medical assistance from the Khmer Rouge during the journey to the destina- 
tion, which often lasted several weeks. 

The first classification of city dwellers took place during this first depor- 
tation, at the roadside in the country. It was quite rudimentary and depended 

584 Communism in Asia 

more or less on what people said about themselves. The aim was to find as many 
urmy officers and middle- and high-ranking officials as possible, in theory so 
that Sihanouk, who was nominally head of state until 1976, could form a new 
government in the capital. In practice, most of them were immediately massa- 
cred or died shortly afterward in prison. Inexplicably from the point of view 
of police control, the Khmer Rouge had ordered that all identity papers be 
destroyed; 2,1 as a result, many government employees and former soldiers were 
able to pass themselves off as peasants and, with a bit of luck, survive. 24 

Controlling such a huge exodus was well beyond the organizational capac- 
ity of the Khmer Rouge, who in 1975 numbered only 120,000 activists and 
sympathizers; most of these had joined recently, and only half were soldiers. 
Kvacuees were thus allowed to establish their new homes wherever they wanted 
(or wherever they could), provided the village chief agreed. Cambodia is nei- 
ther big nor densely populated, and almost all city dwellers had relatives some- 
where in the country. Many simply went to join them, and thus vastly increased 
their chances of survival, provided they were not deported again. On the whole, 
things were not too difficult. Sometimes the villagers even killed a cow in honor 
of the evacuees, and often they helped the evacuees set up new homes. 2> More 
generally, from this moment until the fall of the regime, all witness state- 
ments concur that people tended to help one another and did not engage in 
much physical violence or carry out spontaneous murders .^ Relations seem 
to have been particularly amicable with the Khmer Loeu (an ethnic min- 
ority in a remote region). 27 The fact that this last group, among whom the 
Khmer Rouge had established their first base, was particularly favored by the 
regime until at least 1977 allows us to conclude that tensions between the 
peasants and the new arrivals, which were increasing elsewhere, usually result- 
ed from the generalized poverty that caused a mouthful for one to mean 
hunger for another. Such situations are rarely conducive to aets of great 

altruism. 2> 

The influx of city dwellers to the villages caused a tremendous upheaval 
in rural life, particularly in the balance between resources and consumption. In 
the fertile rice plains of Region 5, in the northwest, the 170,000 inhabitants 
were joined by 2 10,000 new arrivals. 24 The CPK did all it could to drive a wedge 
between the prasheasfom shah, the country people, also known as the "'70s/' 
most of whom had been under the control of the Khmer Rouge since the war 
had broken out; and the prasheashmi thmei, the "New People; 1 also known as 
the ^75s" or the "17 Aprils." It tried to incite class hatred among the "patriotic 
proletariat" for these "lackeys of the capitalist imperialists." A two-tier legal 
svstem was introduced; in effect only the rural people, who were in a small 
majonn, had any rights. In the early days they were allowed to cultivate a small 
amount of private property to eat in the obligatory canteen before the others. 
Their food was marginally better, and occasionally they were also allowed to 



vote in elections in which only a single candidate appeared on the ballot. An 
apartheid system was quickly achieved. The two groups lived in separate areas 
of the village and, in principle, were not allowed even to talk to each other, let 
alone intermarry. 10 

These two population groups were soon subdivided. As part of total 
collectivization, the peasants were divided into "poor peasants," "landed peas- 
ants," "rich peasants," and former traders. Among the New People, nonofficials 
and those who lacked an education were soon separated from former civil 
servants and intellectuals. The fate of these last two groups was generally dire: 
they were purged little by little, with each successive purge reaching a little 
further down the hierarchy, until both groups completely disappeared. After 
1978 the purges also included women and children. 

But ruralizing the entire population was not enough for the leaders of the 
CPK. After only a few months, many of the New People were ordered to new 
deportation centers, and this time they had no voice in their fate. For example, 
in September 1975 alone, several hundred thousand people left the eastern and 
southeastern regions for the northwest/ 1 It was not uncommon for an individ- 
ual to be deported three or four times. In addition there were "work brigades," 
which would take all young people and parents with no young children far 
from their assigned village for several months. The intention of the regime was 
fourfold. First, to preclude any potential political threat, the regime sought to 
forestall the formation of any lasting links between the peasants and the New 
People. 32 Second, the regime sought to "proletarianizc" the New People ever 
more thoroughly by preventing them from taking their possessions with them 
and from having the time to reap what they had sown.-" Third, the Khmer 
Rouge sought to maintain total control of population movements through the 
initiation of large-scale agricultural projects, such as cultivating the relatively 
poor land in the mountains and the sparsely populated jungle regions in the 
outlying areas of the country. Finally, the regime undoubtedly sought to rid 
itself of a maximum of "useless mouths." Each successive evacuation — 
whether on foot, in carts, or in slow, badly overcrowded trains that sometimes 
took as long as a week to reach their destination — was an extremely demanding 
experience for severely undernourished people. In light of the severe shortage 
of medical facilities, losses were high. 

"Voluntary" transfers were a slightly different matter. New People were 
often given the chance to "return to their native village" or to work in a 
cooperative where conditions were easier, with better health care and better 
food. Invariably the volunteers, who were often quite numerous, would then 
find themselves in places where conditions were even worse. Pin Yathay, the 
victim of one such transfer, learned to see through these promises: 'This was 
really nothing more than a ploy to weed out people with individualist tenden- 


Communism in Asia 

cies . . . Anyone who fell into the trap showed that he had not yet got rid of 
his old-fashioned tendencies and needed to go through a more severe regime 
of retraining in a village where conditions were even worse. By coming forward 
as volunteers, people in effect denounced themselves. Using this infallible 
criterion, the Khmer Rouge rooted out the more unstable among us, those who 
were least satisfied with their fate." H 

The Time of Purges and Massacres (1976-1979) 

The mania for classification and elimination of different elements of society 
slowly reached to the very top of the political hierarchy. As noted above, 
genuine supporters of the Vietnamese such as Hou Youn were wiped out quite 
early on. Diplomats from the "royal government;' not all of whom were 
Communists, were recalled in December 1975. All but two were tortured and 
executed. 15 But because the CPK never seemed to have any regular pattern of 
behavior and because the different geographic zones had varying degrees of 
autonomy, there was a constant air of mutual suspicion. The army was not 
unified until after 17 April. Things were made still more difficult by the 
disintegration of the economy and by increasingly successful Vietnamese 
counteroffensives in 1978. 

With the arrest of Keo Meas, "Number 6" in the CPK hierarchy, in 
September 1976, it became apparent that the Party was being devoured from 
within at an ever-increasing rate. There were never any trials or clear charges 
brought, and everyone who was imprisoned was tortured in a barbaric fashion 
before being killed. Only the victims 1 "confessions" provide an idea of what 
"charges" might have been brought against them, but divergences from the Pol 
Pot line were never very clear. Undoubtedly the aim was to crush anyone who 
showed exceptional qualities or the slightest sign of a spirit of independence, 
not to mention any past association with the Vietnamese Communist Party (or, 
like Hu Nim, with the Chinese Gang of Four). Any quality that might threaten 
the preeminence of Pol Pot led to repression.-* The paranoia among the lead- 
ership was like a caricature of the worst excesses of Stalinism. During one 
study session for Communist Party cadres, immediately following a debate 
about the purge, the top leaders in the "Center" concluded proceedings by 
talking about "a fierce and uncompromising fight to the death with the class 
enemy . . . especially in our revolutionary ranks." 17 In July 1978 the Party 
monthly, Tung padevat (Revolutionary flags), announced: "There are enemies 
everywhere within our ranks, in the center, at headquarters, in the zones, and 
out in the villages."* 8 By that point, five of the thirteen highest-ranking officials 
of October 1975 had been executed, along with most regional secretaries. 39 Two 
of the seven new leaders who took office in 1978 were executed before January 
1979. The purge fueled itself; all that was required for an arrest was a total of 



three denunciations as a "CIA agent." The interrogators zealously extorted 
successive confessions by any means possible in order to please their bosses. 
Imaginary conspiracies abounded, and more networks were constantly being 
uncovered. The blind hatred of Vietnam caused people to lose all sense of 
reality. One doctor was accused of being a member of the "Vietnamese CIA"; 
he had allegedly been recruited in Hanoi in 1956 by an American agent dis- 
guised as a tourist. 40 Liquidations were also carried out at the grass-roots level; 
according to one estimate, 40,000 of the 70,000 inhabitants in one district were 
killed as "traitors collaborating with the CIA. ,M! 

But the really massive genocide took place in the eastern zone. Hostile 
Vietnam was nearby, and Sao Phim, the military and political chief of the 
region, had built up a solid local power base. It was here that the only full- 
fledged rebellion against the central regime ever occurred, in a short-lived civil 
war in May and June 1978. In April, after 409 cadres from the east had been 
locked up in the central prison in Tuol Sleng and it was clear that all was lost, 
Sao Phim killed himself, and his wife and children were murdered while 
attending his funeral. A few fragments of the armed forces in the region tried 
to foment a rebellion, then crossed into Vietnam, where they established the 
embryonic Front for National Salvation, which later accompanied the Vietnam- 
ese army from Hanoi to Phnom Penh. When the central authorities regained 
control in the east, they condemned to death all the people living in the region, 
labeling them "Vietnamese in Khmer bodies.' 1 From May to December 1978 
between 100,000 and 250,000 people out of a population of 1.7 million were 
massacred, starting with militants and young people. In Sao Phim's village all 
120 families (700 people) were killed. In another village, there were 7 survivors 
out of 15 families, 12 of which were totally wiped out. 42 After July any survivors 
were taken away in trucks, trains, and boats to other zones, where they were 
progressively exterminated. Thousands more died in transit. They were forced 
to wear blue clothes specially imported from China; everyone else under Pol 
Pot's rule wore black. Gradually, with little fanfare, and generally out of sight 
of the other villagers, the people dressed in blue disappeared. In one coopera- 
tive in the northwest, when the Vietnamese army finally arrived, only about 
100 easterners of the original 3,000 remained. 4 ^ These atrocities took a horrific 
new turn just before the fall of the regime. Women, children, and old people 
were massacred together with the young men, and the original peasants were 
killed together with the New People. Because the task was so overwhelmingly 
large, the Khmer Rouge forced the ordinary population, including even the 
uv 75s," to help them carry out the massacres. The revolution was out of control 
and was threatening to engulf every last Cambodian. 

The scale of despair created by the Khmer Rouge is attested by the number 
who fled abroad. Excluding those who arrived in April 1975, more than 23,000 


Communism in Asia 

refugees had fled to Thailand by November 1976. * By October 1977, there 
were 60,000 Cambodians in Vietnam. 45 All these refugees braved terrible dan- 
gers when they fled: capture meant certain death, and escape entailed wander- 
ing for days or weeks through hostile jungle. 46 People were invariably in a state 
of exhaustion before setting out, and such dangers were enough to deter most. 
Of those who did try, only a small fraction succeeded. Pin Yathay's group 
planned their escape quite meticulously, but out of the original twelve only 
four survived. 

After twenty months of sporadic border clashes, the Vietnamese invaded 
in January 1979. The vast majority of Cambodians perceived their arrival as a 
moment of tremendous liberation, and it is still remembered as such today. In 
one typical incident, the villagers in Samlaut (heroes of the 1967 revolt) mas- 
sacred their Khmer Rouge tormentors. 47 The Khmer Rouge also carried out a 
number of atrocities at the last minute; in several prisons, including Tuol Sleng, 
the liberators found almost no one to set free. 4 * Although many Cambodians 
became disenchanted with their liberators in the following months, and al- 
though the intentions of the Hanoi regime were by no means humanitarian, a 
central fact remains: given the increasing murderousness of the Khmer Rouge, 
especially in 1978, the Vietnamese incursion saved an incalculable number of 
lives. Since then the country has been gradually nursing itself back to life; the 
inhabitants are slowly recovering their rights, cultivating their crops, pursuing 
their religion and education, and reintegrating their country into the rest of 
the world. 

The Various Forms of Martyrdom 

Horror is not always a matter of numbers. The account above gives a good idea 
of the real nature of the Kampuchean Communist Party. But numbers do help 
us to understand. If no section of the population was spared, which section 
suffered most, and when? How does the tragedy of Cambodia relate to the 
other tragedies of the century and to its own larger history? A combination of 
methods (demography, quantitative microstudies, eyewitness reports), none 
sufficient in itself, can advance us inch by inch toward the truth. 

Two Million Dead? 

Inevitably we must begin with an overall figure; yet even here we find enor- 
mous disparity among the claims. This fact in itself can be taken as an indica- 
tion of the scale of events: the bigger a massacre is, the harder it is to come to 
terms with it, to reduce it to exact numbers. Everyone has an interest in 
stretching the figure in one direction or another — the Khmer Rouge to deny 



their responsibility, the Vietnamese and their allies to justify their intervention. 
Pol Pot, in the last interview he ever gave to a newspaper as leader of the CPK, 
claimed in December 1979 that "only a few thousand Cambodians have died as 
a result of the application of our policy of bringing abundance to the people." 49 
Khieu Samphan, in an official pamphlet in 1987, was a little more precise: 
3,000 died "by mistake," 11,000 "Vietnamese agents 1 ' were killed, and 30,000 
people were killed by "Vietnamese agents who had infiltrated the country." 
The document adds that the invading Vietnamese killed approximately 1.5 
million Cambodians in 1979 and 1980. This last figure is enormously exagger- 
ated, and can reasonably be taken as an involuntary admission that close to that 
number died after 1975, mostly as a result of the activities of the Khmer 
Rouge. 50 The manipulation of figures is even more flagrant in the claims about 
the number who died before 17 April, during the civil war. In June 1975 Pol Pot 
cited the grossly inflated figure of 600,000; by 1978 he was talking about "more 
than 1.4 million." 51 As for the victims of the Khmer Rouge, President Lon Nol 
cited 2.5 million; Pen Sovan, the former secretary general of the People's 
Revolutionary Party of Kampuchea (PRPK), which took power in 1979, cited 
3.1 million, the figure used in Vietnamese propaganda and by the PRPK. 

The first two studies that can be taken seriously— although they, too, 
acknowledge uncertainties— are those of Ben Kiernan, who calculates 1.5 mil- 
lion dead, and Michael Vickery, who arrives at a figure half that size. 52 Stephen 
Heder, using Kiernan's figures, asserts that the dead were evenly divided 
between peasants and New People (a claim that is hard to accept) and also 
evenly divided between victims of famine and victims of assassinations." David 
Chandler, a renowned specialist in the field, but who has not himself carried 
out an analytical evaluation, estimates a minimum of 800,000 to 1 million 
dead. 54 A CIA study based on approximate data estimates the total demographic 
deficit (including the fall in the birth rate as a result of the situation) at 3.8 
.[lion for the years 1970-1979, including war losses for the years 1970-1975, 
ith a resulting population of 5.2 million in 1979. 55 Another study based on a 
comparative analysis of the extent of cultivated rice fields in 1970 and 1983 
comes up with a figure of 1.2 million victims. 56 Marek Sliwinski, in a recent 
innovative study using demographic techniques (rendered less reliable by the 
lack of any census from the late 1960s to 1993), speaks of a little more than 2 
million dead, or 26 percent of the population, not including deaths from natural 
causes, which he estimates at 7 percent. Sliwinski's is the only study that tries 
to break down the 1975-1979 figures by age and gender. He concludes that 33.9 
percent of men and 15.7 percent of women died. A difference of that size is 
strong evidence that most of the deaths were from assassinations. The death 
rate is horrendous for all ages, but especially high for young mates (34 percent 
of men aged twenty to thirty, 40 percent of men aged thirty to forty, and 54 




Communism in Asia 

percent of people of both sexes over age sixty). As during the great famines 
and epidemics that occurred under the ancten regime, the birth rate plummeted 
to nearly zero: in 1970 it was 3 percent; in 1978 it was 1.1 percent. No other 
country in the world seems to have suffered so much since 1945. In 1990 the 
total population had still not returned to the level of 1970. And the population 
is still unbalanced, with 1.3 women for every man. In 1989, 38 percent of adult 
women were widows, whereas only 10 percent of adult men were widowers. 57 
Close to 64 percent of the adult population was female, and 35 percent of heads 
of families were women, these proportions are the same among Cambodian 
refugees in the United States. 58 

This level of losses — at the very least one in seven, and more likely one 
in five or four — is enough to obliterate the oft-heard argument that the violence 
of the Khmer Rouge, however terrible it was, was only the reaction of a people 
driven mad by the original sin of American bombing. 54 Many other peoples — 
including the British, the Germans, the Japanese, and the Vietnamese— have 
suffered badly in bombing raids in this century, and no extremist fervor took 
root in their populations as a result; in fact the contrary was often the case. 
However bad the ravages of war were, they were not comparable to what the 
Kampuchean Communist Party achieved in times of peace, even if one ex- 
cludes the last year and the border conflict with Vietnam. Pol Pot himself, who 
had no interest in minimizing the figures, stated that the civil war claimed 
600,000 lives. Although he never explained how this figure was determined, it 
was often taken up by other specialists. Chandler talks rather lightly about "half 
a million victims" and cities various studies claiming that the American bomb- 
ing raids cost anywhere from 30,000 to 250,000 victims. 60 Sliwinski reckons 
240,000 victims to be a reasonable figure, to which perhaps 70,000 Vietnamese 
civilians should be added, most of whom died in the pogroms of 1970. By his 
calculations 40,000 died in the bombing, a quarter of whom were military 
personnel. He also notes that the areas worst affected by the bombing were 
relatively unpopulated, and in 1970 probably contained no more than a million 
inhabitants, many of whom fled to the cities. By contrast, assassinations carried 
out by the Khmer Rouge during the war period probably totaled around 
75,000. 61 There is no doubt that the war weakened society's resistance and 
destroyed or demoralized the elite and educated sections of the population. At 
the same time, the power of the Khmer Rouge was increased tremendously 
thanks to Hanoi's strategic choices and Sihanouk's irresponsible decisions. 
Accordingly, the people behind the 1970 coup attempt have much to answer 
for. But none of that affects the responsibility of the CPK for its actions after 
1975; there was nothing spontaneous about the violence of those years. 

The serious quantitative studies also furnish some estimates of the num- 
ber of victims of different modes of mass murder. The forced ruralization of 



city dwellers (including deaths in transit, exhaustion at work, and the like) led 
to 400,000 deaths at most, and quite possibly fewer. Executions are the hardest 
to calculate; the average hovers around 500,000. Henri Locard, by a process of 
extrapolation, calculates that between 400,000 and 600,000 died in prison. That 
figure excludes executions carried out on the spot, which were also extremely 
numerous. 62 Sliwinski arrives at a total of 1 million executions. Hunger and 
disease were undoubtedly the biggest killers, accounting for at least 700,000 
deaths/ 13 Sliwinski mentions 900,000 in that context, including lives lost as a 
direct result of ruralization. M 

Targets and Suspects 

Trying to arrive at overall figures from local studies is difficult because circum- 
stances varied tremendously across the country. The "70s" suffered consider- 
ably less than the "75s," especially from hunger, even if one takes into account 
the distortions arising from the fact that most published eyewitness statements 
come from New People rather than the peasants. The death rate was extremely 
high among the people who had come from the cities; today it is almost 
impossible to find a family that did not lose one or several of its members. City 
dwellers made up half the population. Out of the 200 families that settled in a 
village in the northern zone, only 50 survived until January 1979, and only one 
family had lost "only" its grandparents. 65 Certain categories were even more 
severely affected. We have already seen how former officials and high-ranking 
soldiers from the Lon Nol administration were persecuted; successive purges 
struck even lower in the hierarchy. 66 Only railway employees, who were judged 
to be impossible to replace, were unaffected. The wiser among the station 
chiefs declared that they occupied a post more lowly than the one they actually 
held. 67 Monks, who had traditionally played an important role in society, were 
considered to represent too much competition, and those who did not defrock 
were systematically eliminated. In 1979, out of a group of 28 monks who had 
been evacuated to a village in Kandal Province, there was only 1 survivor. 6 * 
Nationwide, their number fell from approximately 60,000 to 1,000. 6 *' Almost all 
press photographers disappeared. 70 The fate of the "intellectuals" varied con- 
siderably; 71 sometimes they were persecuted simply for being who they were; 
more often, though, they apparently were allowed to survive if they renounced 
all pretense to expertise in any field and abandoned attributes such as books 
and spectacles. 

The peasants were treated considerably better, particularly when it came 
to food supplies. Within certain limits they could consume fruit, sugar, and a 
little meat. Their rations were larger, and they could eat hard rice rather than 
the universal clear rice soup, which came to be a symbol of famine for so many 


Communism in Asia 

inhabitants of the country. The Khmer soldiers were always the first to eat, 
despite their pretensions of frugality. The "'70s" sometimes had access to 
pharmacists and real medicines from China. But such advantages were only 
relative. Although the villagers had not been deported, they were still forced to 
carry out duties far from their homes and villages, and they worked extremely 
long hours. The tiny working class, which lived in the military-camp atmo- 
sphere of Phnom Penh, was also subjected to extremely harsh discipline. 
Gradually, poor peasants, who were considered more reliable than workers, 
replaced workers who had been in Phnom Penh before 1975 . 2 

In 1978 there were some signs that the barriers between the peasants and 
the New People were to be abolished. By that time some New People had even 
begun to take up low-ranking position of local authority. The positive inter- 
pretation here would be that such people had adapted to the demands of the 
new regime. A more sinister interpretation would be that unification of the 
population was being attempted in the face of the brewing conflict with Viet- 
nam, similar to Stalin's unification of the Soviet population against the Ger- 
mans in 1941. Or, given the generalized scale of the purges, there may simply 
have been so many holes in the state apparatus that there was no other option. 
Whatever the reason, the general increase in repression in the last year of the 
regime seems to have been a downward leveling movement; it was during this 
period that a major change took place, as a majority of the u, 70s" began silently 
opposing the Khmer Rouge. 

'['he fate of the twenty or so ethnic minorities who in 1970 made up 15 
percent of the population was often quite different. An initial distinction should 
be drawn between essentially urban minorities, such as the Chinese and the 
Vietnamese, and the rural minorities, such as the Cham Muslims in the lake 
and river regions and the Khmer Loeu, a generic term covering various groups 
that were spread thinly through the mountains and jungles. The urban groups 
did not sutler specific reprisals until 1977. Some 150,000 Vietnamese were 
repatriated on a voluntary basis between May and September 1975 (half as 
many as in 1970, under I, on Nol). This action reduced the community to a few 
tens of thousands, most of whom had intermarried with Khmers. But escaping 
from the Khmer Rouge was important enough for many Khmers to try to pass 
themselves off as Vietnamese, an actum that did not seem to be particularly 
dangerous. In the regions where deportees ended up, there seems to have been 
little discrimination between urban minorities and other former city dwellers. 
Their new common test seemed to provide an important social bond: "Cam- 
bodians from the towns, Chinese, and Vietnamese were gathered together 
indiscriminately, all under the invidious label New People. 1 We were all broth- 
ers. We forgot ancient nationalist rivalries and grudges . . The Cambodians 
were probably the most depressed. They were sickened by the actions of the 



Khmer Rouge, who were their compatriots and their executioners ... All of 
us were revolted by the idea that our torturers were of the same nationality as 


How then did it come about that some minorities were entirely wiped out 
by the Khmer Rouge regime? It has been suggested that 50 percent of the 
400,000 Chinese died, 74 as did an even higher proportion of Vietnamese who 
stayed after 1975; Sliwinski calculates a 37.5 percent death rate for the Viet- 
namese and 38.4 percent for the Chinese. The answer must lie in the compari- 
son with other groups of victims: according to Sliwinski, 82.6 percent of 
officers in the republican army, 51.5 percent of all "intellectuals," and, most 
important, 41.9 percent of all residents of Phnom Penh perished. 75 This last 
figure is very close to the one generally quoted for minorities, many of whom 
were pursued as "ultra city dwellers' 1 (according to the 1962 census, 18 percent 
of the residents of Phnom Penh were Chinese, and 14 percent Vietnamese) or 
as merchants and traders, many of whom were unable to disguise their recent 
past. 7 '' Many of these were better off than the Khmers, which was both a 
blessing and a curse: it meant that they could survive longer by using the black 
market, but it also turned them into easy targets for their new masters. 77 
However, as good Communists, the Khmer Rouge believed that the class strug- 
gle was much more important than struggles between different peoples or races. 

This is not to say that the Khmer Rouge were not above using and abusing 
nationalism and xenophobia. In 1978 Pol Pot stated that Cambodia was building 
socialism on its own model. His 1977 speech in Beijing in homage to Mao 
Zedong was not reported at home. Hatred for Vietnam, which had "stolen" 
Kampuchea Krom in the eighteenth century and integrated it into Cochin 
China, became a central theme in Khmer propaganda and seems to be the only 
raison d'etre for the few Khmer Rouge who are still politically active today. 
After mid- 1976 the Vietnamese who had stayed in the country found them- 
selves forbidden to leave. A few killings took place on a local level. They became 
more widespread after a directive from the Center on 1 April 1977 required 
that all Vietnamese be arrested and handed over to the central security forces. 
By this stage their numbers were already considerably reduced. For good 
measure, their friends were to be arrested as well, as was anyone else who spoke 
Vietnamese, In Kratie Province, which shared a border with Vietnam, having 
a Vietnamese ancestor was enough to make people liable to arrest, and the 
authorities classified all Yuon as "historical enemies." 78 In this atmosphere, 
accusing all the inhabitants of the eastern zone of being "Vietnamese in Khmer 
bodies" was tantamount to condemning them to death. 

According to Sliwinski, Cambodian Catholics were the group that met the 
worst fate; at least 48.6 percent of them disappeared. 79 Many factors conspired 
against them: they came mostly from the cities, were primarily Vietnamese in 


Communism in Asia 

origin, and inevitably were associated with colonial imperialism. The cathedral 
in Phnom Penh was one of the few buildings razed to the ground. Ethnic 
minorities saw their separate identity denied. According to one decree, "in 
Kampuchea there is only one nation and one tongue, the Khmer. Henceforth 
there are no more different nationalities inside Kampuchea. " 80 People from the 
mountains, such as the Khmer Loeu and small groups of forest hunters re- 
ceived reasonably preferential treatment in the early days because the CPK had 
had its first bases there and had recruited a large number of troops from these 
groups. But after 1976, to satisfy the official obsession with rice production, 
the Khmer Rouge destroyed highland villages and forced their inhabitants to 
settle in the valleys, totally disrupting their traditional way of life. 81 Even Pol 
Pot's guards, who belonged to the Jarai ethnic group, were arrested and liqui- 
dated in February 1977. 

The Cham, who were the largest indigenous minority — numbering 
250,000 in 1970 — and who were for the most part farmers and fishermen, had 
a unique fate because of their Muslim faith. 82 Because they were reputed to be 
excellent warriors, they were courted by the Khmer Rouge in the early stages 
of the "war of liberation." At that time they were generally integrated into the 
peasant group, although they were often reprimanded for being overly involved 
in commerce. They were the main suppliers of fish for most of Cambodia. But 
beginning in 1974, on secret orders from Pol Pot, their tiny villages were 
destroyed. In 1976 all cadres with Cham origins were removed from their posts. 
A Khmer Rouge text in 1975 demanded that the Cham take new names that 
would more closely resemble Khmer names. "The Cham mentality is abolished 
forthwith. Anyone who does not conform to these orders will be punished 
accordingly" 81 In the northwestern zone, people were sometimes killed merely 
for speaking Cham. Women were also forbidden to wear the sarong and were 
forced to cut off their hair. 

The attempt to eradicate Islam provoked some extremely serious inci- 
dents. In 1973, mosques were destroyed and prayers banned in the liberated 
zones. Such measures became more widespread after May 1975. Korans were 
collected and burned, and mosques were either transformed into other build- 
ings or razed. Thirteen Muslim dignitaries were executed in June, some for 
having gone to pray rather than attending a political rally, others for having 
campaigned for the right to religious wedding ceremonies. Often Muslims were 
forced to make a choice between raising pigs and eating pork or being put to 
death — an ironic demand, given that meat all but disappeared from the Cam- 
bodian diet during these years. Some Cham were forced to eat pork twice a 
month (a number of them of course then vomited up the meal). The more 
fervent were all but wiped out: of the 1,000 who had made the pilgrimage to 
Mecca, only 30 survived these years. Unlike other Cambodians, the Cham 



frequently rebelled, and large numbers of them died in the massacres and 
reprisals that followed these uprisings. After mid- 1 978 the Khmer Rouge began 
systematically exterminating a number of Cham communities, including 
women and children, even though they had agreed to eat pork. 84 Ben Kiernan 
calculates that the overall mortality rate among the Cham was 50 percent; 
Sliwinski's figure is 40.6 percent. 85 

Geographic and Temporal Variations 

There were large regional differences in the mortality rates. The place of origin 
of the victims was a major factor. According to Sliwinski, 58.1 percent of the 
population of Phnom Penh was still alive in 1979 (that is, 1 million died, 
accounting for approximately half the total number of dead), whereas 71.2 
percent of the inhabitants of Kompong Cham (another densely populated 
region) survived, as did 90.5 percent of the people of Oddar Mean Chhey, in 
the north. In this last region there was only a 2.1 percent increase in the death 
rate. 86 Not surprisingly, the zones that were conquered last, which were more 
densely populated and were closer to the capital (the evacuation of the suburbs 
was less dramatic than the evacuation of the capital itself), were the zones that 
suffered most. In Democratic Kampuchea, survival depended most of all on 
the destination to which one was deported. Being sent to a wooded or moun- 
tainous zone or to a region where the main crop was jute was a sentence to 
almost certain death, since there was very little interregional communication, 
and supplies rarely arrived. 87 The regime demanded identical production quo- 
tas from all regions and never supplied any form of assistance. Because people 
had to begin by clearing the land and building cabins to live in, when they were 
already exhausted from working on starvation rations and were also exposed to 
dysentery and malaria, the loss of human life was appallingly high. According 
to Pin Yathay, one-third of the population of his camp died in the space of four 
months in 1975. In the village of Don Ey, famine was widespread, there were 
no births at all, and as many as 80 percent of the inhabitants died.* 8 If by 
contrast one ended up in a prosperous agricultural region, the odds of surviv- 
ing were relatively good, particularly if there were not too many New People to 
upset the equilibrium of the local economy. But such villages did suffer in 
other ways. The population was more closely controlled, and there were more 
purges. Chances of survival were also quite good in remote regions, where 
cadres were more tolerant, the Khmer Loeu locals were quite welcoming, and 
the main danger was most often disease. 

At the village level the behavior of local cadres was decisive, since they 
controlled how the peasants were treated. The weakness and mediocrity of the 
Khmer bureaucratic apparatus meant that for better or for worse, local leaders 


Communism in Asia 

had considerable autonomy. 89 There were sadistic brutes (many of them young 
women), 90 neophytes with something to prove, or the usual failures who tried 
to stand out by being more repressive or more demanding than the rest when 
it came to fulfilling work quotas. Two types of cadres improved chances of 
survival: humane ones, such as the village chief who in 1975 made sure that 
refugees worked no more than four hours a day, or those who allowed the sick 
or exhausted to rest, permitted husbands to sec their wives, and turned a blind 
eye to people's efforts to feed themselves, a practice that was forbidden yet vital 
to survival; and the corrupt, notably the officials who accepted bribes of 
watches or gold jewelry to issue permits allowing people to switch residences 
or work teams, or even to drop out of the work teams altogether for a while. 91 
Over time, as the regime became more centralized, such tolerance was increas- 
ingly rare. Furthermore, under the regime's infernal logic, cadres suspected of 
weakness or corruption were inevitably replaced in purges by leaders who were 
younger, more zealous, and cruder. 

The mortality rate also varied considerably over time. The regime's short 
duration and the geographic variation in its policies make clear distinctions 
among periods difficult. Hunger and terror were constant and widespread. 
Their intensity varied, and chances of survival depended on that intensity. 
Nevertheless, eyewitness statements make a chronology possible. The first 
months of the regime were marked by mass killings of carefully targeted social 
groups; these slaughters were facilitated by the initial naivete of the u1 75s" 
about their new masters. Hunger was not a major factor until at least the 
autumn, and it was not until then that the collective canteens forbade families 
from eating together. 1 ' 2 On several occasions between the end of May and 
October the Center ordered massacres to cease, either as a result of the residual 
influence of the more moderate leaders or in an attempt to rein in /ones that 
were perceived to be out of control. The murders continued, but at a reduced 
rate. According to Komphot, a banker who escaped to the northern zone, 
"people were killed one by one — there were no mass killings. The first to go 
were a dozen New People, people who were suspected of having been soldiers, 
and so forth. During the first two years about a tenth of them were killed, one 
by one, together with their children. I don't know how many died in all."**-* 

The year 1976 appears to have been marked by terrible famines. The 
Center was involved in large-scale projects at the expense of agriculture. Al- 
though the main harvest, in December and January, staved off famine in the 
first half of the year, the total harvest was probably only half that normally 
produced in the 1960s. 44 According to some accounts, 1977 was the worst year, 
marked by both widespread famine and massive purges. 45 These purges differed 
from those of 1975: they were more political (often the result of the increasingly 



bitter in-fighting within the regime), more ethnically biased, more systemati- 
cally targeted against groups that had previously escaped the attentions of the 
authorities (such as schoolteachers and wealthy and middle-income peasants), 
and more ferocious. Although the instructions in 1975 had forbidden the 
execution of women and children of officers of the former regime, in 1977 the 
wives of men who had already been executed (sometimes considerably earlier) 
were themselves arrested and killed. Whole families were slaughtered, and 
sometimes entire villages, such as that of former president Lon Nol, where 350 
families were wiped out on 17 April 1977 to celebrate the anniversary of the 
"liberation. " % There are contradictory accounts regarding 1978: Sliwinski be- 
lieves that the famine abated because of a better harvest and better management 
of the economy; in Charles Twining's version, which is backed up by several 
witnesses, drought and war combined to make the situation worse than ever 
before. 97 What is certain is that the killings became more and more widespread 
among the peasants, particularly in the eastern /one, and reached an all-time 

Daily Death under Pol Pot 

In Democratic Kampuchea, there were no prisons, no courts, no univer- 
sities, no schools, no money, no jobs, no books, no sports, and no pas- 
times . . . There was no spare moment in the twenty-four-hour day. 
Daily life was divided up as follows: twelve hours for physical labor, two 
hours for eating, three hours for rest and education, and seven hours for 
sleep. We all lived in an enormous concentration camp. There was no 
justice. The Angkar | Angkar Padevat, or Revolutionary Organization, 
the semisecret cover for the CPK] regulated every moment of our 
lives . . . The Khmer Rouge often used parables to justify their contra- 
dictory actions. They would compare people to cattle: "Watch this ox as 
it pulls the plow. It eats when it is ordered to eat. If you let it graze in the 
field it will eat anything. If you put it into another field where there isn't 
enough grass, it will still graze uncomplainingly. It is not free, and it is 
constantly being watched. And when you tell it to pull the plow, it pulls. 
It never thinks about its wife or children . . . 1,<J * 

For all the survivors, the memory of Democratic Kampuchea is extremely 
strange. It was a place with no values or stable points of reference. It really was 
the nightmare world on the other side of the mirror. To survive there, everyone 
had to adapt to a completely new set of rules. The first article of faith was a 
radical dismissal of the idea that human life had any value. "Losing you is not 
a loss, and keeping you is no specific gain" went one terrifying official slogan 
that recurs time and again in statements by witnesses/' 9 What the Cambodians 

598 Communism in Asia 

experienced was a descent into the underworld, which for some began as early 
as 1973, From that time on the "liberated" zone in the southwest experienced 
the suppression of Buddhism, the forced separation of young people from their 
families, a uniform dress code, and the militarization of all cooperatives. What 
must now be told are the myriad ways in which one could perish. 

Slavery, Famine, and the Radiant Future 

The first thing that people had to do was accept their new condition. For the 
u '75s" this was halfway between being a beast of burden and a war slave (in 
accordance with the Angkor tradition). 100 It was a lot easier to gain access to a 
peasant village if one looked strong and healthy and was not accompanied by 
too many "useless mouths." 101 People were progressively stripped of their 
possessions: during the evacuation, by the Khmer Rouge soldiers; in the coun- 
tryside, by the cadres and peasants; and finally through the black market, where 
a 250-gram box of rice sometimes sold for as much as 100 dollars. 102 All 
education, all freedom of movement and trade, all medicine worthy of the 
name, all religion, and all writing disappeared. Strict dress codes were im- 
posed: people had to wear black, long-sleeved shirts buttoned up to the neck. 
There were also strict codes of behavior: all public displays of affection were 
banned, as were arguments, insults, complaints, and tears. All figures of 
authority were to be blindly obeyed. People were forced to attend interminable 
meetings and while there to look alert, shout disapproval or approbation on 
command, and to voice public criticism of others or themselves. The 1976 
constitution of Democratic Kampuchea specified that the first right of all 
citizens was the right to work; many of the New People never received any 
other rights. Not surprisingly, the early days of the regime were marked by a 
huge increase in suicides, particularly among those who were separated from 
their loved ones, among the old who felt that they were a burden on their 
family, and among those who had been accustomed to a comfortable life style. 

It was often very hard for the "75s" to adapt to the terrible conditions at 
their destination. Many were sent to unhealthy regions, particularly in the 
autumn of 1975. They had only the most rudimentary tools and were invariably 
given insufficient rations. They never had any technical assistance or practical 
training and were punished severely for failures of any sort, regardless of the 
reason. People with handicaps were simply treated as shirkers and executed. 
Unless one had particularly strong family ties, location was always provisional; 
constant transfers of production teams and repeated deportations to new areas 
reinforced the impression of arbitrary power. Thus even the strongest were 
often tempted to flee to some place still governed by reason and humanity. Too 
often, flight itself was only suicide of a different kind, since it was usually 
carried out without maps or compasses, in the rainy season to avoid pursuit and 



to cover one's traces more easily, and with little food. 103 People were exhausted 
before they set out, and many must have died before even meeting a Khmer 
Rouge patrol. Nevertheless, escape attempts were numerous, and facilitated by 
the relatively lax surveillance, since the number of Khmer soldiers and cadres 
was never very high. 104 

As though it was not already difficult enough to adjust to a new way of 
life, the system gave people no time to rest and recover. The leaders seemed 
convinced that the radiant future was just around the corner, at the end of the 
Four- Year Plan presented by Pol Pot in August 1976. His objective was to 
increase production massively by increasing capital through the export of 
agricultural products, which were the country's only obvious resource. The 
Khmer Rouge believed that the way forward would come through the indus- 
trialization of agriculture and the development of diversified light industry, 
followed later by the construction of heavy industry. 105 Strangely, this modern- 
ist mystique was based on the old mythology about the state of Angkor: 
"Because we are the race that built Angkor, we can do anything," said Pol Pot 
in a long speech on 27 September 1977, in which he also announced that the 
Angkar was really the Communist Party of Kampuchea. 106 His other justifica- 
tion for his belief in the Khmer Rouge was the "glorious 17 April," which had 
demonstrated the superiority of the poor peasants of Cambodia over the 
world's greatest imperial power. 

These were days of tremendous futility. The population was asked to 
increase production to three tons of paddy per hectare, 107 despite the fact that 
production levels had remained stable at around one ton since 1970. Equally 
pointless was the attempt to triple the surface area of the rice fields in the rich 
northwest, which would involve clearing huge amounts of land and developing 
enormous irrigation projects — previously unimportant in this country with a 
small population, abundant rainfall, and an annual flood. The goal was to pass 
quickly to two, and eventually to three, harvests a year. The planting of all other 
crops was suspended. No calculations were made regarding the size of the 
"work army" of New People that would be necessary to implement this proj- 
ect. 108 The effort quickly drained off the strongest: since the fittest were worked 
the hardest, they often died first. Ordinarily the working day was eleven hours 
long; but sometimes, during competitions among villages, launched by the 
cadres, workers were obliged to rise at four in the morning and to work until 
ten or eleven at night. In some places rest days were abolished entirely; else- 
where one was allowed every ten days, but was filled with obligatory and 
interminable political meetings. Usually the pace at which people were expected 
to work was no higher than that of the Cambodian peasant. The differences 
lay in the absence of rest periods and work breaks and in the chronic under- 
nourishment. 10 ^ 

The future might have been radiant, but the present was disastrous. In 


Communism in Asia 

November 1976 the American embassy in Bangkok calculated, on the basis of 
refugee reports, that the surface area being farmed in Cambodia had fallen by 
50 percent from its pre-1975 level. 110 People who traveled through Kampuchea 
described the countryside as being almost deserted, with existing fields aban- 
doned as a result of the massive population movements to newly cleared land 
and the major development projects. Laurence Picq's testimony is typical: 

On both sides of the road abandoned rice fields stretched to the horizon. 

I looked in vain for planting teams. There were none; only a team 
of a few young girls every ten kilometers or so. 

Where were the hundreds of young mobile brigades that were 
mentioned on the radio every day? 

Here and there groups of men and women wandered around, their 
possessions wrapped up in a handkerchief and a vacant look in their 
eyes. From their clothes, old rags that had once been brightly colored, 
you could see that they were New People, city dwellers who had been 
driven out of the towns. 

I learned that new population transfers were planned for the mid- 
dle of the year, to offset the effects of the absurd policies of a "gang of 

In the early days these city dwellers had been sent to the desolate 
regions of the southwest, where in total deprivation they had been 
forced to create "a new concept of the world." During all that time, the 
fertile regions had been left untended. People were dying of hunger all 
over the country, and only one-fifth of the fields were actually being 

What had happened to the peasant workforce that traditionally 
worked the land? Many such questions remained unanswered. 

The much-vaunted mobile brigades lived in very difficult condi- 
tions too. Meals were brought to them in the fields: bindweed in boiled 
water, with a few spoonfuls of rice, about half of what we used to eat in 
Phnom Penh. With rations like that it was impossible to make a real 
effort to produce anything . . . 

I stared hard. The spectacle was frightening: indescribable human 
misery, total disorganization, and appalling waste. 

As the car moved quickly on, an old man came toward us gesturing 
with his arms. At the roadside there lay a young woman, obviously ill. 
The driver just swerved around him, and the old man remained in the 
middle of the road, his arms raised to heaven.' 11 

The economic project of the CPK caused intolerable tensions. These were 
made even worse by the high-handed incompetence of the cadres who were 
supposed to oversee the work. Irrigation was the cornerstone of the plan, and 
huge efforts were made to develop it, sacrificing the present for the future. But 



the poor planning and execution of the projects rendered the sacrifice largely 
futile. Although some dikes, canals, and dams were well planned and continue 
in use today, many were carried away by the first flood. On occasion hundreds 
of villagers and workers were drowned in the process. Other projects caused 
the water to flow in the wrong direction or created ponds that silted up in a 
matter of months. Hydraulic engineers in the workforce were powerless to stop 
such events. Any sort of criticism was viewed as an act of hostility toward the 
Angkar, which inevitably brought consequences that can be imagined all too 
easily. "To build dams, all you need is political education," the slaves were 
told. 112 For the illiterate peasants who were often in charge of operations, the 
solution was always more manpower, more man-hours, and more earth. 

This rejection of technology and technicians was often accompanied by a 
rejection of the most elementary common sense. It was perhaps the sons of the 
soil who controlled operations on the ground, but their real masters were urban 
intellectuals who were in love with rationality and uniformity and convinced 
of their own omniscience. They ordered that all dikes dividing the rice fields 
be abolished so that all fields would measure exactly one hectare. 111 The agri- 
cultural calendar for the whole region was regulated from the Center, regardless 
of local ecological conditions. 114 Rice production was the only criterion of 
success. Some cadres decided that all trees, including fruit trees, should be cut 
down in the agricultural regions to destroy the habitat of a few small birds, 
thus destroying a vital source of food for the starving population. 11 ' While 
nature was steamrollered, the workforce was divided into absurdly specialized 
groups, with each age category — seven- to fourteen-year-olds, people of mar- 
riageable age, old people, and so forth — "mobilized" separately. 11 " Special teams 
dedicated to one particular task became more and more common. The cadres, 
by contrast, remained distant figures, caught up in their own importance and 
power, seldom working alongside their teams, giving out unchallengeable or- 

The hunger that crushed so many Cambodians over the years was used 
deliberately by the regime in the service of its interests. The hungrier people 
were, the less food their bodies could store, and the less likely they were to run 
away. If people were permanently obsessed with food, all individual thought, 
all capacity to argue, even people's sex drive, would disappear. The games that 
were played with the food supply made forced evacuations easier, promoted 
acceptance of the collective canteens, and also weakened interpersonal relation- 
ships, including those between parents and their children. Everyone, by con- 
trast, would kiss the hand that fed them, regardless of how bloody it was. 117 

It was a sad irony that a regime that wished to sacrifice everything to an 
almost mystical belief in rice (in the same way that Russia had a belief in the 
power of steel, and Cuba in sugar) managed to turn this once-plentiful product 


Communism in Asia 

into something almost unobtainable. Since the 1920s Cambodia had regularly 
exported hundreds of thousands of tons of rice each year while feeding its own 
population frugally but adequately. After collective canteens became the norm 
in early 1976, the majority of Cambodians were reduced to a daily diet of thin 
rice soup, containing on average four teaspoons of rice per person. 118 Harvests 
varied from the miserable to the catastrophic. Daily rations fell constantly, to 
extraordinarily low levels. It has been calculated that before 1975, an adult in 
the Battambang region would have consumed on average 400 grams of rice per 
day, the minimum quantity required in a normal diet. Under the Khmer Rouge, 
a box of rice for one person was an almost unheard-of feast. Rations varied 
considerably, but it was not unusual for five, six, or even eight people to share 
a single box. 119 

For that reason the black market became essential to people's survival; 
there they could obtain rice, particularly from cadres who kept the rations of 
peasants whose deaths had not been reported. Foraging for food was officially 
prohibited on the ground that because the Angkar acted for the good of the 
people, the rations it provided should suffice. Nevertheless, foraging was tol- 
erated, officially or unofficially, unless the food was considered to be stolen. 12 " 
Nothing was safe from these starving people: not the communal goods such as 
the paddy fields before or during the harvest, not the tiny strips of land that 
people cultivated for themselves, or the chicken coops and domestic animals of 
the peasants, or even the crabs, frogs, snails, lizards, and snakes so common in 
the rice fields, or the red ants and large spiders that were eaten raw, or the 
shoots, mushrooms, and forest roots that, when badly chosen or undercooked, 
were the cause of many deaths. New depths were reached, even for a poor 
country. People would steal food from pigs and feast on rats that they caught 
in the fields. 121 Individual searching for food was always one of the main 
pretexts for punishment. Such punishments ranged from a simple warning to 
outright execution, if it was felt that the harvest was being threatened. 122 

Chronic undernourishment and malnutrition promoted the spread of 
diseases such as dysentery and made people sicker than they would have been 
otherwise. There were also diseases and complaints specific to hunger; the 
commonest of these was edema, which was brought on chiefly by the high salt 
content in people's daily soup. Edema led to a relatively peaceful death — people 
grew weaker until they fell into unconsciousness— an outcome that many, 
especially the old, came to see as desirable. 121 

This universe of death and decay — sometimes the sick and dying formed 
the majority of a community 124 — seemed to have no effect on the Khmer Rouge 
authorities. Anyone who fell ill was guilty of damaging the Angkar workforce. 123 
Sick people were always suspected of malingering and were allowed to stop 
work only if they actually went to the hospital or the infirmary, where food 



rations were only half the normal size and the risk of epidemics was even 
higher. According to Henri Locard, "the purpose of the hospitals was more 
to eliminate the population than to cure to it." 126 Pin Yathay lost several 
members of his family within a few weeks in one hospital. There a group of 
fifteen young people suffering from chicken pox were kept at work with no 
medical attention and were obliged to sleep on the floor despite their sores. 
Only one survived. 

The Destruction of All Values 

Hunger dehumanizes, causing one person to turn on another and to forget 
everything except his own survival. How else can one explain cannibalism? It 
was perhaps less widespread than in China during the Great Leap Forward, 
and it seems to have been limited to the eating of people who were already 
dead. Pin Yathay reports two examples: a former teacher who ate her sister, and 
the inmates of a hospital ward who ate a young man. In both cases, punishment 
for the "ogres" (a particularly bloodthirsty spirit in the Khmer tradition) was 
death; the teacher was beaten to death in front of the assembled village and her 
own daughter. 127 As in China, cannibalism also existed as an act of revenge: Ly 
Heng tells of a Khmer Rouge deserter who was forced to eat his own ears 
before being killed. 12 * There are also many stories about the eating of human 
livers. This act was not confined to the Khmer Rouge: republican soldiers ate 
the livers of their enemies during the 1970-1975 civil war. Similar traditions 
can be found all across Southeast Asia. 12g Haing Ngor describes how in one 
prison the fetus, liver, and breasts of a pregnant woman who had been executed 
were treated; the child was simply thrown away (others had already been hung 
from the ceiling to dry), and the rest was carried away with cries of "That's 
enough meat for tonight! 1 ' Ken Khun tells of a cook in a cooperative who 
prepared an eye remedy from human gall bladders (which he shared out quite 
liberally to his bosses) and who praised the tastiness of human liver. m These 
instances of cannibalism reflect the loss of all moral and cultural values, and 
particularly the disappearance of the central Buddhist value of compassion. 
Such was one of the paradoxes of the Khmer Rouge regime: it claimed that its 
intention was to create an egalitarian society in which justice, fraternity, and 
altruism would be the key values, yet like other Communist regimes it pro- 
duced a tidal wave of selfishness, inequality, and irrationality. To survive, 
people were forced to cheat, lie, steal, and turn their hearts to stone. 

The loss of all human compassion and decency had long been the norm 
at the highest level of power. After Pol Pot disappeared into the jungle in 1963 
he did nothing to get back in touch with his family, even after 17 April 1975. 
His two brothers and his sister-in-law were deported along with everyone else. 

604 Communism in Asia 

One of them died very quickly. Only much later did the two survivors realize, 
thanks to an official portrait, who Pol Pot really was, and (probably quite 
rightly) they never let on that they even knew him. U2 The regime did all it could 
to break family ties, which it saw as a threat to the totalitarian project of making 
each individual totally dependent on the Angkar. Work teams had their own 
houses, which were often simply barracks or collections of hammocks or mats 
for sleeping located near the village. It was very difficult to get permission to 
leave these compounds, and husbands and wives were often separated for weeks 
or longer. Children were kept from their extended families, and adolescents 
sometimes went six months without seeing their parents. Mothers were encour- 
aged to spend as little time as possible with their children. Because the postal 
service had stopped altogether, it was sometimes months before people learned 
of the death of a relative. i;i Here again the example came from above, as many 
of the leaders lived apart from their wives or husbands. 114 

The power of husbands over their wives and of parents over their children 
was shattered. Men could be executed for striking their wives, denounced by 
their children for hitting them, and forced to make a humiliating public con- 
fession before the assembled village for any insult or injury. This policy can be 
seen as an attempt by the state to ensure that it had a monopoly on violence, 
and to destroy any relationship of authority in which it was not directly in- 
volved. Kinship bonds were given the lowest possible priority: people were 
separated, often permanently, simply because they had been unable to board 
the same truck, or because the two handcarts they were pulling were ordered 
to go in separate directions at a crossroads. The cadres cared little for old people 
or children who found themselves alone: "Don't worry: the Angkar will take 
care of them. Have you no faith in the Angkar? 1 ' was the typical response 
received by those who begged for clemency and reunion with their loved 
ones J 

The switch from cremation of the dead to simple burial (there were 
exceptions to the rule, but people had to right extremely hard for such excep- 
tions, and these depended on the humanity of the cadres) was yet another 
assault on traditional family values. Tor a Khmer, to leave a loved one in the 
cold and the mud without going through the traditional rites was to show an 
atrocious lack of respect, to compromise the possibility of" reincarnation, and 
perhaps even to condemn the loved one to existence only as a ghost. By 
contrast, possessing a few ashes was valued extremely highly, particularly be- 
cause evacuation was so common. This was one of the main battlegrounds in 
the svstematic attack on traditional Buddhist or pre-Buddhist values in Cam- 
bodia, and no more respect was paid to the ''primitive" ceremonies specific to 
the Khmer Loeu than to the old traditions that had come down from the 
Angkor empire, regardless of whether these were popular traditions such as 



courtship rituals and jokes, or high art such as courtly dances, temple painting, 
and sculpture. The 1976 plan, doubtless in imitation of the Chinese Cultural 
Revolution, allowed for no forms of expression other than revolutionary songs 
and poems. 136 

This denial of all status to the dead was the natural consequence of the 
denial of the humanity of the living. "I am not a human being, I am an animal," 
one can read at the end of the confession by the former leader and minister Hu 
Nim. n7 The implication was that a human life quite literally had no more value 
than that of a beast. People were killed for losing cattle and tortured to death 
for having struck a cow. UH Men were tied to plows and whipped mercilessly to 
be shown unworthy of the cow they were supposed to be looking after. 139 
Human life was worthless. u You have individualist tendencies . . . You must . . . 
shed these illusions," Pin Yathay was told by one Khmer Rouge soldier when 
he attempted to keep his wounded son by his side. Several days after his son's 
death, Pin Yathay had to beg for permission from the authorities to go and see 
his body. He was made to swear that even though he was ill this visit would not 
waste his energy, which belonged to the Angkar. Neither did he have the right 
to visit his sick wife in the hospital; he was simply told that u the Angkar is 
looking after her." When he came to the assistance of a neighbor with two 
children who was seriously ill, he was told by a Khmer Rouge soldier; "You 
don't have a duty to help these people. On the contrary, that proves you still 
have pity and feelings of friendship. You must renounce such sentiments and 
wipe all such individualism from your mind. Go home." 140 

This systematic denial of the humanity of the country's citizens did 
occasionally backfire on the leaders. It meant that their victims no longer had 
any scruples about lying, shirking, or stealing whenever the guards or informers 
turned their backs. It was a question of life and death, given how small the 
rations supplied by the Angkar were. Everyone, from children to old men, stole. 
But the term "stealing" came to have little meaning, since absolutely everything 
belonged to the state, and even picking a little wild fruit constituted a theft. 
Everyone was caught in the trap. Those who didn't cheat and steal, died. This 
lesson has had serious consequences in contemporary Cambodia, creating a 
cynical and selfish generation and seriously compromising the country's 
chances of development. 

The Triumph of Brutality 

There was another strange contradiction inherent in the regime: whereas in 
theory the lives and thoughts of the people were supposed to be absolutely 
transparent and public, almost nothing was known about the people in power. 
Uniquely in the history of Communism, the existence of the Communist Party 


Communism in Asia 

of Kampuchea was kept hidden for thirty months after the regime came 
to power; it was officially declared only on 27 September 1977. The personality 
of Pol Pot himself was also a closely guarded secret. He appeared in public 
for the first time during the "elections" of March 1976, described as u a worker 
from the Hevea plantations." In fact he had never worked there, any more 
than he had on his parents' farm, as was claimed in an official biography 
circulated during a visit to North Korea in October 1977. Western secret 
services were the first to realize that Pol Pot and Saloth Sar, the militant 
Communist who had fled Phnom Penh in 1963 and who, according to certain 
CPK cadres, had died in the jungle, were one and the same person. Pol Pot's 
desire to remain in the shadows, the better to exercise his omnipotence, was 
such that there were never any official portraits, official statues, or even an 
official biography. His photograph appeared only rarely, and there was never 
an official collection of his thoughts for publication. No trace of a personality 
cult ever existed, and it was only after January 1979 that many Cambodians 
finally learned who their prime minister had been over the preceding years. 141 
Pol Pot and the Angkar were one and the same. Everything happened as 
though he were the supreme anonymous deity of the organization, at once 
absent and present in every village, inspiring everyone who held the smallest 
position of authority. Ignorance is the mother of terror, and no one ever felt 

The slaves of the system had no control over their own lives. Each moment 
was carefully planned and was part of a timetable that never gave a moment's 
respite, in which food was all-important and self-criticism meetings were cru- 
cial, since the tiniest error could bring about one's downfall. Each person's past 
was also carefully monitored. 142 The slightest doubt about the veracity of one's 
statements was followed by arrest and torture, through which the authorities 
sought to extract a declaration about whatever the person might be hiding. 
Everyone ran the risk of a denunciation following a chance encounter with an 
old friend, colleague, or student; the future was always hanging by a thread, 
dependent on the whim of those who pulled the strings. Nothing escaped the 
vigilant eyes of the authorities, who according to one slogan had "as many eyes 
as a pineapple." Everything was taken to have a political meaning, and the 
smallest infringement of the regulations became an act of opposition and a 
"counterrevolutionary crime." Even an involuntary slip brought disaster: in the 
paranoid logic of the Khmer Rouge, accidents never happened, and one could 
never blame chance or clumsiness; there was only treachery. Breaking a glass, 
failing to control an ox, or plowing a crooked furrow was enough for people to 
be brought before the court, which consisted of members of the cooperative, 
often including friends and relatives. Someone would always be present to make 
an accusation. People were forbidden to speak about the dead, who were either 



traitors who had been rightly punished or cowards who had robbed the Angkar 
of the manpower it needed. Even words like "death" became taboo, leading 
people to use circumlocutions and euphemisms such as bat kluon, "a body that 
has disappeared." 

Legal procedures were entirely absent. There were never any real trials, 
and no police force worthy of the name existed. The army took over this role, 
for which it was extremely badly prepared. The inefficiency of the repressive 
machinery accounts for the relative ease of smuggling and stealing and of 
talking freely in private. It also goes some way toward explaining the widespread 
use of children and young adolescents as police auxiliaries. A number of them, 
integrated into the Khmer Rouge and known as chhlop, were basically spies, 
hiding under houses to listen in on private conversations and to hunt out 
forbidden stores of food. Others, often the youngest members, would be given 
the task of tracking the political views of their parents and relatives to denounce 
them "for their own good" if they ever showed evidence of deviant thoughts. 
For most Cambodians, anything that was not explicitly allowed was forbidden 
or could be considered as such. Because prison, in practice, was a waiting room 
for imminent death, minor crimes that were not repeated, and that were im- 
mediately admitted and followed with a sufficiently humble, spontaneous act 
of self-criticism, were either pardoned, punished with a job change (for in- 
stance, as in China, being sent to work in a pigsty), or disciplined by a beating 
administered in full view of the assembled village. There were many such 
crimes. Families were forced to accept that they would not meet for months on 
end even though their work teams might be only a few kilometers apart. Little 
mistakes were common at work, since workers seldom had experience in per- 
forming the tasks to which they had been assigned, and tools were usually 
insufficient or old and worn. Few people could resist the temptation to hoard 
a little food, when "hoarding" could mean simply hiding a banana. 

Any of these "crimes" could bring imprisonment or death. 143 Everyone 
committed such crimes; hence the most common received milder sanctions. But 
everything was relative: whipping was a minor punishment for the young, but 
for adults it sometimes resulted in death. Although the torturers were often 
Khmer Rouge military personnel, it was most common to be beaten by one's 
work colleagues, "75s," who would compete to be the most zealous in the 
execution of the punishment, while knowing very well that they could be next. 
As always, the key was to appear to be totally submissive. Any complaint or 
protest would be interpreted as opposition to the punishment and hence to the 
regime. The aim was to punish, but also to terrorize; hence there were also 
occasional mock executions. 144 


Communism in Asia 

Murder as a Means of Government 

"All we need to build our country is a million good revolutionaries. No more 
than that. And we would rather kill ten friends than allow one enemy to live." 
Such statements by the Khmer Rouge were commonplace at cooperative meet- 
ings, 145 and indeed they put this genocidal logic into practice. Under Pol Pot, 
death by violent means was far more common than death through disease or 
old age. What is known elsewhere as u the supreme punishment" became banal 
here because of its frequency and because of the trivial reasons for which it was 
invoked. By a strange inversion, in the cases considered most serious people 
received only prison sentences, even though in practice that merely meant a 
stay of execution, for it was in prison that they were expected to confess the 
details of their plot and the names of their accomplices. Although the reality of 
the prison system was carefully hidden — and this was a mystery that made it 
more frightening still — some deportees had a reasonable idea of how the sys- 
tem worked: "Perhaps, I thought, there were two parallel systems of punish- 
ment: first, a prison system that was part of a bureaucracy that needed to be fed 
to justify its existence; and second, an informal system that gave the leader of 
the cooperative freedom to hand out punishments, although the effect of each 
on the prisoner was ultimately the same." ,4fl This description is backed up by 
Henri Locard. 147 There was also a third way of putting people to death, which 
was very common in the last year of the regime: the military purge, similar in 
form to the events in the Vendee in France in 1793—1795. Teams of disgraced 
local cadres, whole villages of "suspects," and even entire populations of areas 
as large as the eastern zone were slaughtered en masse by government troops. 
In these cases no charges were ever brought, no one was allowed to defend 
himself, and the news of people's deaths was never passed on to relatives or 
colleagues: "The Angkar kills but never explains." So went one of the new 
proverbs that appeared during these years. H * 

It is difficult to draw up a list of specific crimes that were punishable by 
death. The problem is not that information is lacking, but that it is extremely 
hard to find any crime that was clearly not punishable by capital punishment; 
Khmer Rouge cadres were encouraged to interpret all deviant actions in the 
most paranoid manner. What follows, then, is just a recapitulation of the main 
reasons for which the death sentence was invoked, beginning with the most 
common. Theft of food was without doubt at the top of the list. Given the 
importance of rice in the local diet and the mystical significance that it had for 
the regime, the death sentence was widely applied to anyone caught pilfering 
in the fields or foraging supplies from kitchens or storage areas. People out 
marauding were often beaten to death on the spot with pick-ax handles, then 
left to rot where they died, to serve as an example. 149 People who stole vegetables 



or fruit had a greater chance of escaping with just a beating. But there were 
exceptions: Khun relates an instance of the theft of a few bananas by a woman 
who was nursing a starving child, and who was killed as a result. 150 In another 
instance, a group of adolescents who had stolen some fruit from an orchard 
were judged by their comrades (who had no option but to cooperate), con- 
demned to death, and immediately shot in the back of the head. "We were 
shaking. They said it should serve as a lesson to us." It was rarer for animals 
to be killed in secret; poultry and pets quickly disappeared or were watched 
very closely, and it was extremely difficult to dispose of a large carcass in secret 
because of the cramped living conditions. But in some cases whole families were 
killed for having shared out a cow. ,sl 

Secret visits, even short ones, to family members were treated as deser- 
tions and were thus extremely dangerous. If one repeated the offense, one's life 
was clearly at risk, since one had thereby committed the cardinal crime of 
missing work. Being overly close to one's family was also frowned upon, as was 
arguing with them, or with anyone else for that matter, and one could pay for 
such a crime with one's life (though in this case, too, death was rarely meted 
out for a first offense). The atmosphere was extremely puritan; men and women 
talking to each other were expected to stand at least three meters apart unless 
they were close relatives. Any sexual relations outside marriage were system- 
atically punished with death. Life was extremely difficult for young lovers, as 
it was for lascivious cadres, many of whom were punished for crimes of the 
flesh. 152 The consumption of alcoholic beverages, which generally consisted of 
fermented palm juice, was another capital crime. 151 However, usually only 
cadres and peasants were convicted of these offenses; New People had a hard 
enough time just finding enough to eat. Religious practices were frowned upon 
but were more or less tolerated, provided they were carried out discreetly and 
on an individual basis (something that is possible in Buddhism but extremely 
difficult in Islam). Any trance ceremonies, however, were punishable by 
death.' 54 Insubordination meant immediate death. The few who in the early 
days took advantage of the supposed freedom of speech that they were given 
at meetings to criticize the insufficiency of the food they were given or the poor 
quality of the clothes they were expected to wear "disappeared" very quickly, 
as did one courageous group of teachers who, in November 1975, organized a 
demonstration against the tiny food rations. Although their protest was not 
actually stopped, all were deported soon afterward. 155 Defeatist remarks, calling 
for the end of the regime or victory by the Vietnamese — which many Cambo- 
dians desired by 1978 — or even admitting that one was hungry could have fatal 
consequences. The task of the chhhp was to record, and even trap people into 
making, such incriminating remarks. 

Failure to complete the task one was assigned, for whatever reason, was 


Communism in Asia 

an extremely serious matter. No one was safe from accidents, mishaps, or minor 
errors, but all of these were potentially fatal, and it was mainly on grounds of 
failure that many handicapped and mentally ill people were killed. Anyone who 
failed to carry out his or her task was a saboteur, and even more useless than 
the mass of New People. Anyone from the republican army who had been 
wounded in the war or had lost a limb also disappeared. Especially at risk were 
people who were unable to understand or carry out the instructions they were 
given. A madman picking a manioc shoot (a root crop) or expressing his 
discontent even in incoherent terms would usually be shot. l5h The Khmer 
Communists were in effect practicing a de facto eugenics program. 

The general level of violence in Democratic Kampuchea was staggering. 
But for the majority of Cambodians, what was most terrifying was the myste- 
rious and seemingly random nature of the disappearances, rather than the 
spectacle of death. Death was usually discreet and hidden away. In that respect, 
it accorded with the approach almost invariably taken by soldiers and CPK 
cadres: "Their words were quite cordial and polite, even at the worst of times. 
They could often go as far as murder without abandoning that tone. They 
administered death with kind words . . . They could promise anything that we 
wanted to hear to lull us into a false sense of security. But I knew that their soft 
words followed or preceded terrible crimes. The Khmer Rouge were polite in 
every possible case, even while they were slaughtering us like cattle." 157 The 
first explanation for this behavior is inevitably a tactical one, as Yathay suggests, 
to ensure that they always had surprise on their side and to discourage revolts. 
A cultural explanation can also be made, based on the high prestige of self-dis- 
cipline in Buddhism, and the accompanying loss of face for anyone who gives 
in to emotion. Finally, there is the political explanation. As in the heyday of 
Chinese Communism before the Cultural Revolution, lack of emotion served 
to display the implacable rationality of the Party, in which nothing was ever a 
matter of chance or the result of a momentary whim. The Party was shown to 
be all-powerful under all circumstances. This discretion in executions might be 
considered evidence that they were coordinated from the Center. Primitive and 
spontaneous violence such as that of the pogroms had no qualms in showing 
itself for what it really was. One afternoon, or one night, the soldiers simply 
turned up and took you away for interrogation, study, or woodcutting detail. 
Your arms were tied behind your back, and that was it. Sometimes they would 
find your body later, left unburied in the woods, to instill fear in others; but 
just as frequently the bodies were unidentifiable. In each of the provinces that 
have been investigated, more than 1,000 burial grounds have been found; and 
there are twenty provinces. 158 On occasion the Khmer Rouge really did put into 
practice their constantly repeated threat to use human bodies as fertilizer for 
the rice fields. 159 u Men and women were often killed to make fertilizer. They 



were buried in the mass graves located near the crop fields, particularly where 
manioc was being grown. Often when you pulled out the manioc roots you 
would pull up a human bone that the roots had grown down into." 160 It was 
almost as though the country's leaders were convinced that there was no better 
fertilizer for crops than human remains; 161 but what can also be discerned here 
is the logical endpoint, together with the cannibalism practiced by the cadres, 
of the denial of the humanity of anyone judged to be a class enemy. 

The extreme savagery of the system would reappear at the moment of 
execution. To save bullets, and also to satisfy the sadistic instincts of the 
executioners, shooting was not the most common means of execution. 162 Ac- 
cording to Sliwinski's research, only 29 percent of victims died that way. 161 
Some 53 percent of victims died from blows to the head, inflicted with iron 
bars, pick-ax handles, or agricultural implements; 6 percent were hanged or 
asphyxiated with plastic bags; and 5 percent had their throats slit. All witness 
statements agree that only 2 percent of all executions took place in public. Most 
of these were intended to set an example, and involved cadres who had fallen 
from favor. They were usually killed by particularly barbaric means that in one 
way or another involved fire. Often these disgraced cadres were buried up to 
their chest in a ditch filled with firebrands, or their heads were doused with 
gasoline and set alight. m 

The Prison Archipelago 

In principle, Democratic Kampuchea had no prisons. According to Pol Pot, 
speaking in August 1978, "We don't have prisons, and we don't even use the 
word 'prison.' Bad elements in our society are simply given productive tasks to 
do." 165 The Khmer Rouge were extremely proud of this, emphasizing the 
double rupture with the political past and religious tradition, whereby punish- 
ment was deferred and detention supplanted by Buddhist karma, in which sins 
are paid for only in the next life. Under the Khmer Rouge, punishments were 
to be carried out immediately. 166 There were, however, "reeducation centers" 
(muniy operum), sometimes called "district police headquarters." The old colo- 
nial prisons were deserted just like all the other buildings in the towns, and 
were reoccupied only in a few small provincial towns, where as many as thirty 
detainees would be crammed into a cell designed for two or three. The build- 
ings that served as prisons under the new regime were often old school build- 
ings, which were now useless, or temples. 167 

There is no doubt that these were quite different from traditional prisons, 
even from prisons with an extremely harsh regime. The least one can say is that 
nothing was done to make the life of the prisoners any easier, or even to help 
them survive. Food rations were minuscule — sometimes a single box of rice for 


Communism in Asia 

forty prisoners. 168 There were no medical facilities, and overcrowding was 
endemic. Prisoners were constantly kept in chains: one ankle for women and 
the lighter categories of male prisoner, two for normal male prisoners, some- 
times with elbows tied behind the back as well, and all chains tied to an iron 
bar fixed to the floor (khnoh). There were no toilets and no possibility of 
washing. Average life expectancy under these conditions was three months; 
very few people survived. 169 One of the rare exceptions described his luck in 
prison in the western zone: "They killed only about half of the prisoners or 
fewer." 170 He was lucky enough to have been locked up in late 1975, when 
freeing prisoners was still conceivable, as it was until 17 April. Until 1976, 
between 20 percent and 30 percent of prisoners were set free, perhaps because 
at that time people still took quite seriously the idea of reeducation through 
exhausting physical work, which was central to the Sino- Vietnamese prison 
system. Officials and even soldiers from the old regime had a real chance of 
escaping alive provided they behaved themselves and worked hard. This was 
still true even during the early days of the evacuation. 171 Thereafter the old 
terminology was preserved but emptied of all meaning. Imprisonment was 
often described as an invitation to a "study session," the Khmer term being 
borrowed from the Chinese xuexi. The disappearance of all pedagogical inten- 
tion (with the possible exception of the Bung Tra Beck camp, for Cambodians 
who returned from abroad, most of whom were students, as described by 
Y Phandara) is tacitly acknowledged in a note from one local headquarters 
stipulating that all children should not be locked up with their mothers, regard- 
less of their age, "to get rid of them all at a stroke." 172 This was the implemen- 
tation of the slogan "When you pull up a weed, you have to dig up the roots 
too," which was a radical formulation of the notion of "class heredity" among 
Maoist extremists. 173 The fate of these children, left alone, not tied up but with 
no one to look after them, was particularly poignant. Worse still was that of the 
young delinquents, for whom there was no minimum age limit for confinement. 
According to one former official, 

What moved us most was the fate of twenty young children, most of 
whom belonged to people who had been evacuated after 17 April 1975. 
These children stole because they were too hungry. They had been 
arrested not so that they could be punished, but so that they could be 
put to death in an extremely savage manner: 

- Prison guards hit them or kicked them to death. 

• They made living toys out of them, tying up their feet, hanging 

them from the roof, swinging them, then steadying them with 

■ Near the prison there was a pond; the executioners threw the 



children into it and held them down by their feet, and when they 
started to thrash about they would let their heads up, and then 
start the process all over again. 

We, the other prisoners and myself, cried in secret about the fate of 
these children, who were leaving this world in such an atrocious manner. 
There were eight executioners and guards. Bun, the chief, and Lan 
(these are the only two names I remember) were the worst, but they all 
took part, competing to see who could make their compatriots suffer 
most cruelly. 1 ' 4 

The main division between the inmates was between those who had been 
condemned to die slowly and those who were to be executed immediately. That 
depended above all on the reason for which they had been locked up: whether 
they had broken a law, had impure social origins, had openly shown dissatis- 
faction with the regime, or had taken part in some sort of conspiracy. In the 
last three cases, people were generally interrogated so that they would either 
admit to previous employment in one of the proscribed categories or confess 
their guilt and name their accomplices. If they put up any hint of resistance, 
torture was used, and it was more widespread than in any other Communist 
regime. The Khmer Rouge were particularly morbid and sadistically inventive 
in this area. 17 ' One of the most common methods was partial asphyxiation by 
use of a plastic bag. Many prisoners, already quite weak, failed to survive these 
torture sessions; women above all suffered terribly. The executioner's excuse 
was that the worst tortures brought the best results. One report stated that the 
prisoner "was first questioned politely, without any violence at all. It was thus 
impossible to know whether he was telling the truth or not." In the worst cases, 
when admissions were particularly promising in regard to future convictions, 
detainees were moved up to the next circle in the prison hell. One could thus 
go from the local jail to the district facility, then to the main zone prison, and 
end up in the central prison at Tuol Sleng. Regardless of the level attained, the 
outcome was usually the same. Once the prisoner had no more information to 
convey, having been pressed to the end by his torturers (and this could take 
weeks or even months), he was simply executed. This was often done with a 
knife or, as in Tramkak, with an iron bar. Loudspeakers would blare out 
revolutionary music to disguise the death throes of prisoners who died in such 

One could also be imprisoned for some of the same offenses that could 
lead to trouble or death in the cooperative, especially if these offenses were of 
larger dimensions. The prisons housed many thieves who had organized large- 
scale operations, often with accomplices. But there were also many people who 
had had sexual relations outside marriage, and many more who had made 


Communism in Asia 

"subversive" remarks: complaints about inadequate food or about Cambodia's 
submission to China, statements about being fed up with an agricultural con- 
text presented as a form of military operation, jokes about the hymn to the 
revolution, the spreading of rumors about anti-Communist guerrillas, or ref- 
erences to Buddhist predictions about an atheist topsy-turvy world that was 
destined to be destroyed. One woman (who was a a, 70") was imprisoned for 
having broken a spoon in a canteen after becoming enraged that, having already 
lost four children to the famine, she was still not granted permission to stay 
with her last one, who was dying in hospital. 

In 1996 Kassie Neou, the director of the Cambodian Institute for Human 
Rights, reported: 

For the crime of speaking English, I was arrested by the Khmer Rouge 
and dragged with a rope around my neck, hobbling and swaying, to the 
Kach Roteh prison, near Battambang. This was only the beginning. I 
was chained up with the other prisoners in irons that cut into my skin. 1 
still have the scars on my ankles. I was tortured repeatedly for months. 
My only respite came when I passed out. 

Every night the guards would come into the cell and call out the 
names of one, two, or three prisoners. They would be led away, and we 
would never see them again. They were assassinated on orders from the 
Khmer Rouge. As far as I know, Fm one of a very small number of 
prisoners to have survived from Kach Roteh, which was really a torture 
and extermination camp. I survived only because Em good at telling 
Aesop's fables and the classic animal stories from Khmer mythology, 
and I could thus entertain the adolescents and children who were our 
guards.' 76 

As well as these political cases, there were a good number of social cases: 
people who had lied about their previous profession or concealed compromising 
episodes in their past history such as a lengthy stay abroad in the West. There 
were also a significant number of peasants in the prisons (although they were 
very much in the minority), and even soldiers and Khmer Rouge officials. In 
the Tramkak prison these accounted for 10 percent of all prisoners, or 46 out 
of 477. They had shown signs of laziness or had "deserted," which in most 
cases meant having tried to visit their loved ones. Middle- or higher-ranking 
cadres were generally sent directly to a central prison such as Tuol Sleng. 

To visit this old school building, which in the CPK era was known in code 
simply as S-21, is to feel that one is plumbing the depths of horror. And yet 
this is just one detention center among hundreds of others, and although it 
claimed 20,000 victims, this was not an extraordinarily high number. Living 
conditions were appalling, but were equally bad elsewhere. Only 2 percent of 
all the people who died and perhaps 5 percent of all prisoners came through 



Tuol Sleng; thus there is no comparison with the central role of an Auschwitz 
in the Nazi concentration-camp system. Nor was there a specific mode of 
torture, other than the widespread use of electricity. Its only specific features 
were that it was in a sense the "Central Committee" prison to which disgraced 
cadres and fallen leaders were sent, and that it was a particularly powerful 
"black hole" from which there was almost no chance of emerging alive; only 
six or seven detainees survived. It is also unique in that it kept a complete list 
of all inmates admitted to the prison between 1975 and mid-1978 (14,000 
names), as well as a huge archive of confessions and interrogation reports, 
including some concerning high-ranking figures in the regime. 177 

Around four-fifths of the prisoners were themselves Khmer Rouge mem- 
bers. Others were workers and technicians, many of Chinese origin, who had 
been sent there in 1978. There were also a few foreigners (mostly sailors) who 
had been unlucky enough to fall into the hands of the regime. 178 At any given 
time there were between 1,000 and 1,500 detainees, but the turnover was truly 
massive; the constantly growing entrance figures are about equivalent to the 
annual number of victims. In 1975 there were barely 200, by 1976 there were 
2,250, more than 6,330 in 1977, and 5,765 for the first quarter of 1978 alone. 
Interrogators faced a dilemma: according to one notebook, "torture is consid- 
ered absolutely necessary"; but the problem was that prisoners died too quickly, 
before having confessed enough, which was a sort of defeat for the Party. Hence 
there was a minimal amount of medical care available in the one place where 
all the prisoners were certain to die. 17y Some detainees were easier cases than 
others; the wives and children of prisoners (who often had been executed 
already) were disposed of swiftly at prearranged times. Thus on 1 July 1977, 
114 women (90 of whom were the wives of prisoners) were hanged; the next 
day, 31 boys and 43 girls were killed, all of them the children of prisoners. 
Fifteen had been moved there from a special children's home. Soon after the 
proclamation of the CPK's existence the daily number of executions reached 
its peak; on 15 October 1977, 418 were killed. 180 It is estimated that 1,200 
children died at S-21. ,HI 

Reasons for the Madness 

As with the other mass crimes of the century, there is a temptation to seek an 
ultimate explanation in the madness of one man or in the dazed enthrallment 
of an entire people. But although there is no way to minimize the responsibility 
of Pol Pot, neither should the national history of Cambodia, the impact of the 
international Communist movement, and the influence of other countries 
(principally of course China) be ignored. The Khmer Rouge dictatorship, 


Communism in Asia 

though anchored in a specific geographic and temporal context, can be seen as 
a distillation of the worst possible factors from each of these categories. 

A Khmer Exception? 

"The Khmer revolution has no predecessors. What we are trying to bring 
about has never been accomplished at any time in history." As soon as the 
Khmer Rouge freed themselves from their Vietnamese protectors, they were at 
pains to underscore the unique nature of their experiment. Their official state- 
ments hardly ever made reference to the outside world, except in extremely 
negative ways; and they hardly ever quoted the founding fathers of Marxism- 
Leninism or even Mao Zedong. To a large extent, their brand of nationalism 
had the same stamp as that of their predecessors Sihanouk and Lon Nol — the 
same mixture of self-pity and delusions of grandeur. Kampuchea, in this 
depiction, was a victim, constantly oppressed by untrustworthy, cruel neigh- 
bors who were determined to destroy the country to ensure their own survival. 
Vietnam was first among these oppressors. At the same time the country was 
portrayed as a sort of arcadia, beloved of the gods, with an impressive history 
and a population like no other, whose mission it was to lead the way into a new 
order for the entire planet. 182 Their triumphalism sometimes knew no bounds: 
"We are making a unique revolution. Is there any other country that would 
dare abolish money and markets the way we have? We are much better than the 
Chinese, who look up to us. They are trying to imitate us, but they haven't 
managed it yet. We are a good model for the whole world" — so went one 
speech by an intellectual cadre who had been abroad. m Even after Pol Pot was 
ousted, he continued to believe that 17 April 1975 was the greatest date in the 
history of all revolutions, "with the exception of the Paris Commune in 
1871." 1 * 4 

The sad reality was that Cambodia was a provincial country that had 
looked inward for too long, where (thanks to the French protectorate) some 
curious conservative traditions remained in place, where several clans who were 
constantly fighting for control invariably accepted any foreign offers of inter- 
vention in their favor, and where the question of economic development had 
never really been posed seriously. There was little business or industry, a tiny 
middle class, few technicians, and a massive dependence on subsistence agri- 
culture. The country was the "sick man" par excellence of Southeast Asia. iSb 
The extent to which the country was out of step with reality undoubtedly 
encouraged extreme solutions. The deadly combination of an almost paranoid 
mistrust of its neighbors and a megalomaniacal exaggeration of its own capaci- 
ties magnified its isolation and autarkic approach, while the weakness of the 
economy, combined with the poverty of most inhabitants, increased the appeal 



of those who appeared to be the new heralds of progress. Cambodia was thus 
a weak link, both economically and politically. The international context, and 
above all the war in Vietnam, did the rest. The savagery of the Khmer Rouge 
owes its origins in part to the contradiction between the huge ambitions of its 
leaders and the tremendous obstacles they faced. 

Some scholars also believe that a number of characteristics peculiar to the 
Cambodian nation played a part in facilitating the murderous actions of the 
Khmer Rouge. Buddhism, for example, played an ambiguous role: its indiffer- 
ence to social contrasts and to the present in general, together with the idea 
that retribution will come only in a future incarnation, abetted the implemen- 
tation of the revolutionary ideal. Its anti-individualism was also answered in a 
bizarre fashion by the Khmer Rouge's suppression of the individual personal- 
ity. The idea that one particular existence is of limited value in the great wheel 
of reincarnations led to fatalism in the face of what was perceived as inevitable 
destiny and thus diminished resistance among Buddhists to the events sur- 
rounding them. 1 *' 1 

When Haing Ngor (who had told his captors that his name was Samnang) 
emerged from prison, sick and suffering, one old woman voiced to him what 
was in fact the opinion of many: 

"Samnang, 1 ' she said, "maybe you did something bad in a previous life. 
Perhaps you are being punished for it today." 

"Yes," I said. "1 think my kama is not so good!" 1 " 7 

Although Buddhists suffered violent repression, their religion did not 
inspire any resistance comparable to that inspired by the Islam of the Cham. 

Contemporary events often cause us to reconsider the past — not to alter the 
facts, in the manner of the North Koreans, hut to change priorities and to 
reinterpret events. For a long time Cambodia was seen as the peaceful country 
of Sihanouk, an island of neutrality during the wars in Indochina, typified by 
the "Khmer smile" of Apsara goddesses on the Angkor reliefs and by the 
happy faces of an urbane monarch and his peaceful peasant people who con- 
tentedly tended their rice crops and palm canes. But the events of the last three 
decades have brought out the darker side of the Khmer past. Angkor is one of 
the marvels of the world, but most of its miles of low-relief sculptures repre- 
sent warlike scenes. 1 * 8 And such huge constructions, with even bigger water 
reservoirs (haray), would have required massive deportations and enslave- 

There are very few written records about the Angkor period, which lasted 
from the eighth to the fourteenth century; but all the other Hindu and Buddhist 
monarchies of the Southeast Asian peninsula (in Thailand, Laos, and Burma) 


Communism in Asia 

were constituted along the same lines. Their rather violent history resembles 
that of Cambodia: throughout the region repudiated concubines were trampled 
to death by elephants, new dynasties began with the massacre of the previous 
monarch's family, and conquered populations were deported to desert zones. 
Absolute power was the norm in all these societies, and disobedience was 
tantamount to sacrilege. The more enlightened despots did not abuse their 
power, but administrative structures were invariably extremely weak and frag- 
ile, and the situation was often volatile as a result. Everywhere the populations 
seemed to have a tremendous capacity simply to accept things; unlike in China, 
revolts against monarchic power were rare. Instead, people tended to flee to 
other states, which were never far away, or simply to more remote regions. 189 
Sihanouk's reign (from 1 94 1 , although the French protectorate lasted 
until 1953) appears almost idyllic in comparison to the events that followed his 
dethroning in March 1970. But he himself never hesitated to resort to violence, 
particularly against his leftist opponents. There is a good deal of evidence that 
in 1959 and 1960, when he was concerned with the growth in popularity of the 
Communist left — which was highly critical of corruption within the regime — 
he had the editor of the newspaper Prasheashun (The people) assassinated, and 
had Khieu Samphan, the editor of the best-selling paper in the country, the 
biweekly French language paper L'observateur, beaten up in the street. In Au- 
gust 1960 eighteen people were thrown into prison, and all the main left-wing 
papers were banned. In 1962, in conditions that are still unclear today, Tou 
Samouth, the secretary general of the underground Communist Party of Kam- 
puchea, was assassinated, most likely by the secret police, an event that facili- 
tated Saloth Sar's ascension to the top of the hierarchy. In 1967 the Samlauth 
revolt and the influence of the Cultural Revolution in some Chinese schools 
brought the worst episodes of repression of Sihanouk's reign, leading to nu- 
merous deaths, including those of the last Communists who were still out in 
the open. One side effect of this was that about 100 intellectuals who were 
sympathetic to the leftist cause then enlisted in the Khmer Rouge resistance 
movement. 190 In Henri Locard's view "Polpotist violence grew out of the 
brutality of the repression of the Sihanoukists." 191 From a strictly chronological 
point of view, he is undoubtedly correct. Both the regal autocrat and the 
marshal silenced anyone who was remotely critical of their inept regimes. In so 
doing, they left the CPK as the only opposition with any credibility. But it is 
harder to agree with Locard from the point of view of genealogy: the ideological 
foundations and the political ends of the Khmer Rouge were never a reaction 
to Sihanouk, but were instead part of the great tradition of Leninism found in 
the successive figures of Stalin, Mao Zedong, and Ho Chi Minh. Cambodia's 
calamitous evolution after independence and its participation in the war facili- 
tated the seizure of power by CPK extremists and lent some legitimacy to their 



unparalleled recourse to violence, but the radicalism itself cannot be explained 
away by external circumstances. 

1975: A Radical Break 

It was much easier for the revolution in Cambodia to define what it opposed 
than actually to announce a positive program. For the most part, the Khmer 
Rouge sought revenge, and it was through this intention that they found most 
of their popular support, which then gained new impetus through radical 
collectivization. The revolution was also the revenge of the countryside against 
the towns. In no time at all the peasants had taken everything from the New 
People, either through the black market or by quite simply going through their 
baggage. 1 '' 2 In the villages, the poorest peasants took revenge on the local 
"capitalists," who were identified as anyone who had anything to sell or who 
employed someone. But revenge was often personal, too, as old professional 
and familial hierarchies were overturned. Eyewitness statements often empha- 
size the surprising promotion of previously marginal characters, such as alco- 
holics, to new positions of authority in the villages: "Often these people were 
rehabilitated by the Angkar and given positions of authority because they 
could kill their compatriots without showing any scruples or remorse." 191 
Haing Ngor saw in this action the political sanctification of what he considered 
to be the lowest part of the Khmer soul, known as kum, a murderous thirst for 
revenge that time is powerless to assuage. Many suffered as a result: Ngor's 
aunt, for instance, stayed behind in her native village, lost without the help of 
her parents in the city. Ngor also met a nurse who had been promoted to the 
position of doctor and who tried to have him killed even though he was a 
newcomer. The nurse was then promoted to the position of ward leader, radi- 
cally overturning the hierarchy he had helped support. 194 What exploded in 
Cambodian society was thus a complex of tensions, only some of which could 
be termed social in the strictest sense of the word. 

Values were turned on their heads. Jobs that had been extremely low 
status, such as chef or canteen cleaner, became the most sought after, as they 
offered ready opportunities to steal food on the job. Degrees and qualifications 
became useless bits of paper and a real liability if one ever attempted to use 
them. Humility became the cardinal virtue: among cadres who came back to 
the countryside, "strangely enough, the job they wanted most was toilet cleaner 
. . . getting over one's repugnance for such things was proof of ideological 
transformation." 195 The Angkar wanted a monopoly on familial relations, and 
sought to be addressed by people in public as "mother-father." This typical 
feature of Asiatic Communism caused considerable confusion between the 
Party-state and the adult population. The whole of the post-1975 revolutionary 


Communism in Asia 

period was known as samay pouk-me, "the era of fathers and mothers," and 
military chiefs were known as "grandfathers." 1% Hatred and fear of the cities 
were extreme: as a cosmopolitan city centered around consumerism and pleas- 
ure, Phnom Penh was known to the Khmer Rouge as "the great prostitute on 
the Mekong." 197 One of the reasons put forward for the evacuation of the capital 
was that "a secret political military plan by the American CIA and the Lon Nol 
regime" was aimed in particular at "corrupting our soldiers and softening their 
combat spirit with women, alcohol, and money" after the "liberation." 198 

Even more than the Chinese revolutionaries, Cambodians took seriously 
Mao's famous adage: "It is on a blank page that the most beautiful poems are 
written." 199 The aim was to get rid of everything that would not normally be 
found in the house of a poor peasant. Cambodians returning to the country 
had to get rid of almost all their baggage, including their books. Anything in 
"imperialist writing" — that is, French or English — as well as anything in 
Khmer ("relics of feudal culture") was destined for destruction; Haing Ngor 
was told by ten-year-old Khmer Rouge soldiers: "No more capitalistic books 
now! Capitalistic books are Lon Nol style, and Lon Nol betrayed the country! 
Why do you have foreign books? Are you CIA? No more foreign books under 
the Angkar." 200 It was a good idea to burn any certificates and even photo 
albums along with one's identity papers, since revolution meant beginning from 
zero. 201 Quite logically, it was people with no past who were most favored: "Only 
the newborn baby is spotless," said one slogan. 202 Education was reduced to a 
bare minimum: either there was no school at all, or there were a few classes for 
reading, writing, and revolutionary songs for children aged ht to nine, lasting 
no more than an hour a day and taught by teachers who themselves were often 
barely literate. Practical knowledge was all-important. In contrast to useless 
bookish culture, "our children in the rural zones have always had very useful 
knowledge. They know a calm cow from a nervous one. They can stand both 
ways on a buffalo. They are the masters of the herd. They are practically 
masters of nature too. They know all the different varieties of rice like the back 
of their hands . . . they know and they really understand . . . the sort of things 
that correspond to the realities facing the nation today." 203 

In Pol Pot's day it really was the children who were in charge. All witnesses 
agree that the majority of soldiers were extraordinarily young. They were 
signed up when they were twelve years old or less. Sihanouk had pre-adoles- 
cents among his guards, who often amused themselves by torturing cats. 204 Ly 
Heng remembers the last recruitment campaign immediately before the arrival 
of the Vietnamese, which was extended to include the New People and was 
aimed at boys and girls from thirteen to eighteen. Because there were by then 
so few volunteers, the mobile brigades of young people were forced to move 
from work into the army. 205 New recruits immediately lost touch with their 



family and usually also with their village. Living in camps and relatively isolated 
from a population that feared them, yet well treated by the government, they 
knew that they were all-powerful and much less at the mercy of purges than 
the cadres. Beyond the revolutionary verbiage, the motivation of many, some- 
times on their own admission, was that they "didn't have to work and could 
kill people." 206 Those under fifteen were the most feared: "They were taken 
very young, and the only thing they were taught was discipline. They learned 
to obey orders, without asking for any justification. They didn't have any be- 
lief in religion or in tradition, only in the orders of the Khmer Rouge. That's 
why they killed their own people, including babies, the way you kill a mos- 
quito." 207 

Until 1978, only "'70s" were allowed to be soldiers. The children of 
"75s," on the other hand, were often enlisted at the age of eight or nine as 
spies; but the regime inspired so little faith that a tacit sort of complicity was 
often established with the people they spied upon to discreetly make them 
aware of the presence of the spies. 208 Following the massive purge of local 
cadres, children scarcely any older than that were sometimes enrolled as "militia 
children," helping the new cooperative chiefs in their daily business by search- 
ing out and beating people who were feeding themselves. m The experience of 
Laurence Picq at headquarters shows there was a clear intention of eventually 
extending the "dictatorship of infants" to include a civic role. She describes 
the accelerated training of one group of children from the countryside. 

It was explained to them that the first generation of cadres had betrayed 
the country and that the second generation had not been much better. 
So they would have to take over quite quickly . . . 

It was with this new generation that the child doctors appeared. 
They were six girls aged between nine and thirteen. They could hardly 
read, but the Party had given each of them a big box of syringes. It was 
their job to give injections. 

"Our children doctors," it was said, "are from peasant stock. They 
are ready to serve their class. They are remarkably intelligent. If you tell 
them that 'the red box contains vitamins/ they remember! Show them 
how to sterilize a syringe, and they will remember that too!" 

Of course the children were pure and innocent, but knowing how 
to give an injection rather went to their heads. In no time at all they were 
insolent and arrogant beyond belief. 210 

Haing Ngor reports the tirade of a Khmer Rouge cadre at Tonle Bati in 
the summer of 1975: 

"In Democratic Kampuchea, under the glorious rule of Angkar," he 
said, "we need to think about the future. We don't need to think about 


Communism in Asia 

the past. You New People must forget about the pre-revolutionary 
times. Forget about cognac, forget about fashionable clothes and hairsty- 
les. Forget about Mercedes. Those things are useless now. What can you 
do with a Mercedes now? You cannot barter for anything with it! You 
cannot keep rice in a Mercedes, but you can keep rice in a box you make 
yourself out of a palm leaf!" 

"We don't need the technology of the capitalists,' 1 he went on. "We 
don't need any of it at all. Under our new system we don't need to send 
our children to school. Our school is the farm. We will write by plowing. 
We don't need to give examinations or award certificates. Knowing how 
to farm and how to dig canals — those are our certificates. 

"We don't need doctors any more. They are not necessary. If some- 
one needs to have their intestines removed I will do it." He made a 
cutting motion with an imaginary knife against his stomach. "It is easy. 
There is no need to learn how to do it by going to school. 

"We don't need any of the capitalist professions! We don't need 
doctors or engineers! We don't need professors telling us what to do. 
They were all corrupted. We just need people to work hard on the farm! 

"And yet, comrades," he said, looking around at our faces, "there 
are some naysayers and troublemakers who do not show the proper 
willingness to work hard and sacrifice! Such people do not have the 
proper revolutionary mentality! Such people are our enemies! And, 
comrades, some of them are right here in our midst!" 

There was an uneasy shifting in the audience. Each of us hoped 
that the speaker was talking about someone else. 

"These people cling to capitalist ways of thinking," he said. "They 
cling to the old capitalist fashions! We have some people among us who 
still wear eyeglasses. And why do they use eyeglasses? Can't they see 
me? If I move to slap your face" — he swung his open hand— "and you 
flinch, then you can see well enough. People wear them to be handsome 
in the capitalist style. They wear them because they are vain. We don't 
need people like that any more. People who think they are handsome are 
lazy! They are leeches sucking energy from others!" 

I took off my glasses and put them in my pocket. Around me, 
others with glasses did the same . . . 

[A number of dances followed] At the end of the last dance all the 
costumed cadres, male and female, formed a single line and shouted 
"BLOOD AVENGES BLOOD!" at the top of their lungs. Both times 
when they said the word "blood," they pounded their chests with their 
clenched fists, and when they shouted "avenges" they brought their 
arms out straight like a Nazi salute, except with a closed fist instead of 
an open hand. 

BLOOD AVENGES BLOOD!" the cadres repeated with fierce, deter- 



mined faces, thumping their fists on their hearts and raising their fists. 
They shouted other revolutionary slogans and gave the salutes and 
finally ended with "Long live the Cambodian revolution!" 211 

The breakdown in social relations had much to do with the suppression 
of religion and with the extremes of moralizing that went on in every domain 
of life. Because there was no longer any place for anything outside the norm, 
people with chronic diseases, mentally ill people, and the handicapped all 
suffered. However, the system wound up operating against the official goal of 
building a powerful and large population: the constraints imposed on sexuality 
and marriage, together with chronic malnutrition, often killed off desire alto- 
gether, causing the birth rate to plummet from 30 per 1,000 in 1970 to around 
11 per 1,000 in 1978. 2 ' 2 

The revolution's objective was to obliterate anything that could act even 
involuntarily against the will of the CPK. An air of infallibility surrounded 
even the least important of its decisions. As in China, the fact that one had been 
arrested was proof enough that one was guilty. Later confessions would only 
confirm what the Angkar already knew to be the truth. A case in point is that 
of one man who was imprisoned in 1972. After surviving two years of inter- 
rogation, he managed to clear himself of the accusation that he had been an 
officer in the republican army; he was set free after a propaganda meeting at 
which the Angkar boasted about its beneficence in allowing an honest and 
sincere man to go free "even though he had been an officer in the army of Lon 
Nol." 2L1 And that was even before the massive increase in repression that 
followed the events of 17 April. Everything was arbitrary. The Party had no 
obligation to justify its political choices, its choice of cadres, or its changes in 
policy and personnel. Woe betide anyone who had failed to understand in time 
that the Vietnamese were enemies, or that a certain leader had in fact been an 
agent of the CIA. Pol Pot and his henchmen invariably imagined that the 
economic and military disasters that increasingly dogged the regime were acts 
of treachery or sabotage by the exploiting classes and their allies, a belief that 
added ever more fuel to their campaigns of terror. 214 

The system thus never progressed beyond its warlike origins, and hatred 
always formed a crucial part of its ideology. This was often translated into a 
morbid obsession with blood. The beginning of the national anthem, "The 
Glorious Victory of 17 April," is revealing: 

Bright red blood that covers towns and plains 

Of Kampuchea, our motherland, 

Sublime blood of workers and peasants, 

Sublime blood of revolutionary men and women fighters! 

The blood, changing into unrelenting hatred 


Communism in Asia 

And resolute struggle 

On 17 April, under the flag of revolution, 

Frees us from slavery! 

Long live, long live, Glorious 17 April, 
Glorious victory, with greater significance 
than the age of Angkor Wat! 215 

Pol Pot once commented: u As you know, our national anthem was not written 
by a poet. Its essence is the blood of our whole people, of everyone who fell in 
the course of the past few centuries. It is the appeal of this blood that has been 
incorporated into our national anthem. " 2Ul 

There was even a lullaby that ended w r ith the words: "You should never 
forget the class struggle." 217 

The Marxist-Leninist Culmination 

The exceptionally bloody nature of the Khmer Rouge experience inevitably 
arouses a temptation to insist on its uniqueness as a phenomenon, similar to the 
argument for the uniqueness of the Holocaust. Other Communist regimes and 
the people who defend them have led the way here, claiming that the Pol Pot 
regime was an ultra-left-wing phenomenon or some sort of red fascism that 
was thinly disguised as Communism. But two decades later it is clear that the 
CPK was indeed a member of the family: it had its own peculiarities, but so did 
Poland and Albania. And in the final analysis, Cambodian Communism was 
closer to Chinese Communism than Chinese Communism was to the Russian 

Several possible influences on the Khmer Rouge have been singled out. 
There has long been a theory that there was a considerable French influence, 
since almost all the Khmer Rouge leaders were at some point students in 
France, and most of them — including Pol Pot himself — were members of the 
French Communist Party. 218 A number of the historical references they used 
can be explained on that basis. As Suong Sikoeun, Ieng Sary's second-in-com- 
mand, explained: "I was very influenced by the French Revolution, and in 
particular by Robespierre. It was only a step from there to becoming a Com- 
munist. Robespierre is my hero. Robespierre and Pol Pot: both of them share 
the qualities of determination and integrity." 219 It is difficult to go beyond this 
ideal of intransigence and find anything more substantial in the discourse or 
practice of the CPK that might be described as clearly coming from France or 
from French Communism. Khmer Rouge leaders were far more practical than 
they were theoretical: what was genuinely of interest to them was carrying out 
an experiment in "real socialism." 



In fact Vietnamese Communism had the greatest influence, particularly in 
the founding days of the movement, although it also played an intimate role in 
the movement's development right up to 1973. Initially the CPK was merely 
one part of the Indochinese Communist Party, which was totally controlled by 
the Vietnamese and was broken into three national branches (without actually 
disappearing) by Ho Chi Minh and his comrades in 1951. Until the civil war 
broke out, the CPK never showed any autonomy in relation to the Vietnamese 
Communist Party in terms of its programs, its strategy (the armed actions of 
Cambodian Communists were above all a means of putting pressure on Si- 
hanouk during the war in Vietnam), or its tactics concerning armaments, 
political alignment, or logistics. 22 " Even after the coup, it was the Vietnamese 
who took over the administration of the "liberated zones" filled with new 
Cambodian recruits. Only after the Paris agreement in 1973 did the gaps begin 
to be filled. Hanoi's strategy brought the CPK to the negotiating table, but the 
Khmer Rouge opposed a negotiated settlement because it might have resulted 
in a central role for Sihanouk and revealed the organizational weaknesses of the 
Khmer Rouge. For the first time they refused to take a subservient role, because 
at last they had sufficient means to resist. 

It is difficult to sum up the influence of Vietnamese Communism on the 
CPK in simple terms. Many of the CPK's methods were actually Chinese. Even 
from Phnom Penh it was sometimes hard to see what had come directly from 
Beijing and what had passed through Hanoi. Certain aspects of the Khmer 
Rouge's behavior are strongly reminiscent of Vietnam, including the obsession 
with secrecy and dissimulation: Ho Chi Minh himself first appeared in public 
in 1945 without making any reference to his rich past as a cadre in the Com- 
munist International, where he had worked under the name Nguyen Ai Quoc; 
several stages of his career became known only with the opening of the Soviet 
archives. 221 The ICP declared its dissolution in November 1945 in order to make 
way for the Viet Minh, then resurfaced in 1951 as the Workers' Party of 
Vietnam, and took up the Communist label again only in 1976. In South 
Vietnam, the People's Revolutionary Party was only one part of the National 
Liberation Front. Yet all these organizations were in fact directed by the same 
tiny group of Communist veterans. The same patterns can be discerned in Pol 
Pot's life (including the reports of his retirement and death after the defeat of 
1979), in the opacity of his leadership, and in the unclear relations between the 
Angkar and the CPK, all of which have no equivalent in Communist history 
outside Indochina. 

A second trait in common, complementary to the first, is the exceptionally 
widespread use of the united front. In 1945 the former emperor, Bao Dai, was 
for a while an adviser to Ho Chi Minh, who also managed to gain support from 
the Americans and in fact based his declaration of independence on that of the 
United States. Similarly, in 1970 the Khmer Rouge were officially part of the 


Communism in Asia 

royal government of national union, and they revived this strategy after their 
fall. The Viet Minh, like the Angkar, never made any official reference to 
Marxism-Leninism and made a great show of being a fiercely nationalist party, 
so much so that this became one of the main tenets of the official ideology. 
Finally, in these forms of "war Communism," which seem able to prosper only 
in situations of armed conflict (consider, for example, the problems in Vietnam 
after 1975), there is inevitably a strong military component. 222 In such cases, 
the army often forms the backbone and perhaps even the raison d'etre of the 
regime while also providing a model for the mobilization of its citizens, par- 
ticularly in the economy 

North Korea was also an influence in some measure. The typically Korean 
image of the flying horse (chollima) was often used to illustrate the idea of 
economic progress. 223 Pyongyang was one of the two foreign capitals most often 
visited by Pol Pot as head of the government, and a number of North Korean 
technicians were brought in to restart Cambodian industry. 224 From the par- 
ticular philosophy of Kim II Sung, Pol Pot adopted above all the constant 
purges and the widespread use of secret police and spies, while the discourse 
about class struggle was shelved in favor of talk of a dialectic between the 
people and a handful of traitors. In practice this meant that the entire society 
suffered repression and that no social group could take over from the Party- 
state. All these aspects were quite distant from Maoism, and much closer in 
fact to Stalinism. 

After breaking with Vietnam in 1973, the CPK decided to change its "Big 
Brother." The obvious substitute was Mao Zedong's China, not only because 
of its affirmed radicalism but also because of its capacity to pressure Vietnam 
along their common border. The Cambodian dictator was triumphantly ac- 
claimed in Beijing during his first official trip abroad in September 1977, and 
the friendship between the two countries was officially described as "indestruc- 
tible"; thus Cambodia was put on a par with Albania in the terminology used 
to describe relationships with China. The first Chinese technicians arrived in 
Phnom Penh in May 1975, and before long at least 4,000 (Kiernan's figure is 
1 5,000) were stationed in Cambodia. At the same time, the Chinese government 
promised a billion dollars in various kinds of aid. 225 

The experience of the Chinese was most useful in the enormous campaign 
to collectivize the whole country The Chinese popular commune, a vast struc- 
ture with diverse fields of activity and a relatively autonomous structure that 
was used to control and mobilize the workforce in a military fashion, was quite 
clearly the prototype for the Cambodian cooperative. Even in tiny details, a 
number of Chinese innovations made in 1958 were to be found in the coopera- 
tive, including obligatory collective canteens, communal childcare programs, 
huge hydraulic engineering projects that absorbed so much of the workforce, 



the collectivization of all useful tools and implements, an almost exclusive 
concentration on one or two types of production (quite at odds with the rest 
of the project), totally unrealistic production targets, an insistence that every- 
thing be done at great speed, and a belief in the limitless possibilities of 
well-organized manpower. Mao had once said: "With grain and steel, anything 
is possible"; the Khmer Rouge echoed: "If we have plenty of rice, we have 
plenty of everything." 226 The absence of steel in the Cambodian version is 
striking. Their lack of contact with reality did not go so far as inventing 
imaginary reserves of iron or coal, neither of which exists in Cambodia. On 
the other hand, no one seems to have told Pol Pot how the Chinese Great Leap 
Forward ended; 227 or perhaps he felt that it simply was not his problem. The 
idea was central in a number of Khmer Rouge speeches, and the national 
anthem ended with the words: "Let us build our fatherland so that it may take 
a Great Leap Forward! An immense, glorious, prodigious Great Leap For- 
ward!" 228 

Democratic Kampuchea was faithful to the Chinese Great Leap Forward 
beyond all hope and reason; and, as in China, it was rewarded with a huge, 
murderous famine. 

The Cultural Revolution, by contrast, had few echoes in Cambodia. Like 
other Communist powers, the government in Phnom Penh had learned that 
mobilizing the masses against a certain clan or section of the Party, regardless 
of how clearly different from one another the targeted sections of the popula- 
tion were, was always a risky business. And in any case the Cultural Revolution 
had been a fundamentally urban movement, coming largely out of the teaching 
establishments, and was therefore not transposable to the Cambodian peasant 
revolution. Cambodia did of course share the anti-intellectual currents of 
mid-1960s China, including the negation of culture symbolized by the "revo- 
lutionary operas" of Jiang Qing (which appear to have been copied under Pol 
Pot). 22t> It might even be claimed that the emptying of the towns was perhaps 
inspired by the ruralization of millions of former Red Guards. 

It looked as though the Khmer Rouge had been inspired more by the 
theory or the slogans of the Maoists than by the actual practice of the Chinese 
Communist Party. The Chinese countryside was a hotbed of revolution, and it 
was there that a huge number of urban intellectuals were exiled, particularly 
in the aftermath of the Cultural Revolution. Even today the regime still uses 
quite draconian measures to limit rural migration to the cities. Still, the big 
cities always had a major role to play both before and after 1949, and it was 
often the urban workers who were the most favored sons of the revolution. The 
Chinese Communist Party never thought for a moment of emptying the towns 
and deporting the populations of entire regions, abolishing money, destroying 
the education system, or wiping out a whole class such as the intellectuals. 


Communism in Asia 

Although Mao never passed up an opportunity to show his disdain for them, 
in the final analysis he knew he could not do without such people. Many of the 
Red Guards themselves came from the elite universities. Khieu Samphan was 
using clearly Maoist rhetoric when he welcomed back to Cambodia intellectuals 
who had returned from abroad to demonstrate their loyalty to the regime: "I 
can tell you quite clearly, we don't need you: what we need is people who can 
work the land, and that's all . . . Anyone who is politically aware and has 
understood our regime can do anything at all, because technique comes after- 
ward ... we don't need engineers to grow rice, plant corn, or raise pigs."" 
Despite the rhetoric, denial of the value of expertise in such fashion was never 
government policy in China. In any case, by a process of inertia over time, each 
movement toward Utopian extremism and each wave of repression soon ended 
in a return to more traditional and normal methods, with the impetus for the 
return generally originating inside the Communist Party itself This was clearly 
one reason for the stability of the Chinese regime. By contrast, the CPK came 
close to liquidating itself. 

Similar contradictions are discernible in the types of repression used. The 
main influence here was clearly Chinese (or Sino-Vietnamese), with its obliga- 
tory and interminable processes of criticism and self-criticism, all in a vaguely 
educational or reeducational perspective. There were also the same obsessions 
with biography and confessional accounts of the past, which were to be rewrit- 
ten constantly without changes. One's position in the social hierarchy by birth 
and employment determined one's place in the political hierarchy, which in 
turn defined one's place in the legal system. Familial origins were always 
extremely important. And as elsewhere in Asia, the demand that everyone 
participate in politics in an extremely intense and committed fashion eroded 
the boundary between society and the Party-state in an obviously totalitarian 

There are of course many features peculiar to the Cambodian experience, 
but most of these are a sort of exaggeration or intensification of the original 
model. The main difference, at least until the 1960s, was that Chinese and 
Vietnamese Communists took reeducation quite seriously and went to great 
lengths to demonstrate to prisoners, for example, that the state was right to 
have imprisoned them. 231 As a result prisoners were often well treated, and 
torture was banned or used rarely. In Cambodia, by contrast, torture was 
systematic. The other consequence was the lack of even a hypothetical possi- 
bility that good behavior could bring freedom and rehabilitation or at least a 
shortened sentence. Hardly anyone ever left a Cambodian prison; in fact people 
died there with incredible rapidity. In China and Vietnam massive repressions 
came in waves and were followed by long periods of calm. Particular groups 
were targeted, but they accounted for only a small segment of the population. 



In Cambodia, at the very least, all the "'75s" were suspects, and there was never 
a moment's respite. When it came to putting repression into practice, the other 
Communist Parties in Southeast Asia maintained a facade of organization, 
efficiency, relative coherence, and a certain perverse intelligence. In Cambodia, 
by contrast, simple brutality and arbitrariness predominated; the repressions 
were invariably carried out according to local orders, although the general 
principles clearly came from on high. Nowhere else in Asia were so many 
murders and massacres carried out on the spot, except perhaps during periods 
of agricultural reform (when the victims — the landowners and their associ- 
ates — were clearly identified and restricted in number) and in the heyday of 
the Cultural Revolution, though even then in a much more restricted and 
limited fashion. In short, the Maoists on the Mekong were in many respects 
far closer to a degenerate version of Stalinism than to Chinese Communism. 

An Exemplary Tyrant 

The personal imprint of Stalin and Mao was such that their deaths brought 
considerable changes, particularly in the scale and scope of repression. What of 
Pol Pot? The man born as Saloth Sar is present in the history of Communism 
in Cambodia from the beginning to the end, and it is impossible to speak of 
Communism without him. There is also no doubt that traits discernible in his 
personality correlate with the bloodiest excesses of his regime. His distant past 
was highly complex and bore little resemblance to the revolutionary legend he 
attempted to erect in its place. He had a sister and cousin who were dancers and 
concubines for King Monivong and a brother who was a palace official until 
1975, and he himself had spent part of his childhood in the inner circle of that 
archaic monarchy. One can easily imagine the guilty conscience that resulted 
and the consequent desire to destroy the old world. Pol Pot seems to have sunk 
ever deeper into an alternative reality, perhaps through an inability to come to 
terms with his own story. An apparatchik, ambitious from an early age, more at 
home in a small group than when faced with a crowd, he set out in 1963 to live 
cut off from the world in jungle camps or in secret hideouts in the deserted 
Phnom Penh, about which even today little is known. He seems to have become 
increasingly paranoid with the passing of time. Even when he was all-powerful, 
everyone who came to listen to him was searched. He constantly moved from 
residence to residence, suspected his cooks of trying to poison him, and once 
executed the electricians who were "guilty" of causing a power outage. 2 - 12 

His obsessions are clear in a conversation he had with a journalist from 
Swedish television in August 1978: 

u Could His Excellency explain to the viewers what he considers to be the 


Communism in Asia 

greatest achievement of Democratic Kampuchea over the last three and a half 

"Our greatest achievement ... is having defeated all the plots and con- 
spiracies, the sabotage, the attempted coups, and all the other acts of aggression 
carried out by enemies of all types hostile to the regime. " m 

This must surely be taken as a tremendous involuntary admission of the 
failure of the regime. 

There were undoubtedly two sides to Pol Pot. From the 1950s until the 
1980s he was often described as a sensitive, timid man who loved reading 
French poetry, was widely loved by his students, and was a warmhearted and 
enthusiastic propagator of the revolution. But as a politician he had a number 
of his old comrades-in-arms arrested, including several people who had be- 
lieved that they were his close friends. He never answered their begging letters, 
authorized the use of the worst possible tortures on them, and eventually then 
had them killed. 214 His "expiatory" speech after his defeat, at a seminar for 
cadres in 1981, was a model of hypocrisy: 

He said he knows that many people in the country hate him and believe 
he is responsible for the killings. He said he knows that many people 
died. When he said this he nearly broke down and cried. He said he 
must accept responsibility because his policies were too far to the left, 
and because he did not keep proper track of what was going on. He said 
he was like the master in a house who did not know what the kids were 
up to, and that he trusted people too much . . . They would tell him 
things that were not true, that everything was fine, but that this or that 
person was a traitor. In the end they were the real traitors. The major 
problem had been cadres formed by the Vietnamese. 215 

Another thought-provoking testimony is provided by one of his oldest 
companions, his brother-in-law Ieng Sary, who later accused him of megalo- 
mania: "Pol Pot thought he was an incomparable genius in military and eco- 
nomic affairs, in hygiene, in song-writing, in music and dance, in cookery, in 
fashion, and in everything else, even in the art of lying. Pol Pot thought that 
he was above everyone else on the whole planet. He was a god on Earth. 1 ' 236 
This portrait bears a remarkable similarity to certain portraits of Stalin. Could 
this be simply a coincidence? 

The Weight of Reality 

Besides the nation's uneasy history and the influence of world Communism, 
the violence of the Khmer Rouge was brought about by the specific spatial and 
temporal context of the regime. In some ways the regime was almost the 



accidental product of a war that took place beyond the borders of Cambodia. 
Once the war ended, the regime found itself weak and isolated in its country of 
origin. Vietnam's hostility and China's stifling embrace did the rest. 

The seventeenth of April came too late for a world that had already passed 
it by Perhaps the greatest weakness of the Khmer Rouge was that they were a 
historical anomaly They created "late Communism" in the sense in which one 
speaks of "late antiquity" — that is, a state of affairs that persists while the rest 
of the world has moved on. When Pol Pot came to power, Stalin was long dead 
(1953), Ho Chi Minh was dead (1969), and Mao Zedong was very ill (he died 
in September 1976). Only Kim II Sung remained, but North Korea was both 
small and far away The great Chinese model was falling to pieces before the 
eyes of the new dictator. The Gang of Four tried to relaunch the Cultural 
Revolution in 1975, but without success. After Mao's death, the revolution was 
swept away like a house of cards. The Khmer Rouge sought support among 
those who refused to give up on Maoism, but the latter became too caught up 
in a battle with Deng Xiaoping and his partisan reformers. Maoism officially 
ended a year later, and the country entered the new era symbolized by the 
Democracy Wall, whereas in Cambodia the killing was just beginning. In China, 
the Great Leap Forward was over, and "revisionism" set in instead. The rest 
of Asia, seen from Phnom Penh, was even more depressing: after the momen- 
tary stimulus brought by the victory of the revolutionary forces in Indochina, 
the Maoist guerrillas everywhere else — in Thailand, Malaysia, and Burma — 
went into decline. Perhaps worst of all, the new Asian mercantile powers 
emerging alongside Japan (Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, and Hong Kong) 
were "little dragons" whose economic prosperity was matched only by their 
hostility to Communist ideas, and they were managing to find their way without 
the help of the West. Finally, the Khmer Rouge were bound to feel a little 
confused, with Marxism seemingly on a steep decline. Was the march of history 
in fact being reversed? 

There were two possible responses to these changes: they could go along 
with them and revise their doctrines, at the risk of losing their identity and 
raison d'etre; or they could reaffirm their identity and follow the North Korean 
way by becoming ever more radical in their goals and actions. Eurocommunism, 
which was then in its heyday, or the Marxist terrorism of the Red Brigades 
(Aldo Moro was assassinated in 1978) — such was the choice. As we now know, 
both paths were dead ends, but one was considerably bloodier than the other. 
It was as though this 1950s generation, which had studied in France, had 
understood that unless they created their Utopia immediately, at any price, they 
would inevitably be forced into a long series of compromises. Their only 
possibility, unless they wanted to be swept away, was to impose "year zero" on 
a population that would not be allowed to have any choice. China's Great Leap 


Communism in Asia 

Forward had failed; so had the Cultural Revolution. The reason, in the Khmer 
Rouge's view, must be that the Chinese had stopped at half-measures; they had 
failed to sweep away every counterrevolutionary obstacle: the corrupt and 
uncontrollable towns, intellectuals who were proud of their knowledge and 
presumed to think for themselves, money and all financial transactions, the last 
traces of capitalism, and "traitors who had infiltrated the heart of the Party." 
This desire to create a new society filled with New Men was bound to fail under 
the weight of reality despite (or because of) the docility of the Cambodians. 
Unwilling to abandon its plans, the regime slid ever deeper into an ocean of 
blood that was shed so that it could remain in power. The CPK wished to be 
the glorious successor to Lenin and Mao, but instead it was the precursor to 
other groups that have made a travesty of Marxism and used it as a license to 
commit intolerable acts of violence, such as the Peruvian Sendero Luminoso 
(Shining Path), the Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka, and the Kurdistan Workers' 

The Khmer Rouge constantly struggled against their own weakness. This was 
long hidden behind a facade of triumphalist verbiage. In fact there had been 
two reasons for the events of 17 April: the considerable military support of- 
fered by North Vietnam, and the ineptitude of the Lon Nol regime, which had 
been made worse by inconsistencies in U.S. foreign policy. Lenin, Mao, and 
even Ho Chi Minh owed little to anyone for their military victories, and their 
adversaries had been far from mediocre. Their parties and, for the last two, 
their armed forces had been put together slowly and patiently and had been 
quite considerable even before they finally came to power. The situation in 
Cambodia was different. Until the middle of the civil war, the Khmer Rouge 
were totally dependent on forces from Hanoi. In 1975 there were only about 
60,(K)0 Khmer Rouge soldiers (less than 1 percent of the population), who were 
able to overcome about 200,000 demoralized republican soldiers. 

If the army was weak, so was the Party. No sources are wholly reliable, 
but the figures we do have show a Party membership of 4,000 members in 1970 
and 14,000 in 1975: growth from a large group into a small party. 2 " These 
figures also imply a dearth of experienced cadres until the very end of the 
regime, which made the purges all the more dramatic. The consequences are 
clearly visible in the tales of the deportees: for every responsible and intelligent 
cadre, there were dozens who were cruel, stupid, pretentious, and stubborn. 
"All the peasants who had been promoted to positions as cadres were quite 
ignorant. They constantly misunderstood and misapplied the principles of the 
revolution. The madness of the Khmer Rouge regime was intensified by their 
incompetence." 218 It was as though the real weakness of the regime, which went 
quite unrecognized, and the consequent feeling of insecurity that it engendered 



could be compensated only by an increase in violence. This brought disaffec- 
tion, leading to another increase in terror, and so the cycle continued. The 
result was an atmosphere in which insecurity, generalized mistrust, and fear for 
the future were the norm, traumatizing everyone who lived through it. It was 
also a reflection of the isolation of the leaders, who believed that traitors were 
lurking everywhere. The result was the blind repression implicit in Khmer 
Rouge slogans such as "One can always make a mistake and arrest the wrong 
person, but one should never let the wrong person go." 239 Pin Yathay acutely 
analyzes the infernal circle that was at work: "In practice, what the Khmer 
Rouge feared was the anger that might surface in their new people if they eased 
up on repression. Because they were haunted by the possibility of revolt, they 
decided to reproach us for our impassivity and to make us pay for it. Hence 
their constant reign of terror. We were afraid of persecution; they were afraid 
of insurrection. They were also afraid of the ideological and political maneu- 
vering of their comrades-in-arms." 240 Were they justified in fearing popular 
insurrection? There are few traces of any such movements, and all were speed- 
ily suppressed with tremendous violence. 241 But whenever the opportunity did 
present itself — for instance, whenever a local administration was wiped out by 
a purge — the anger of the slaves became quite apparent, even if it brought a 
commensurate increase in terror. 

There were revolts born out of desperation, and others that began because 
of senseless rumors. At the most modest level of resistance were the insults 
that would float up through the darkness at a dam construction site to a Khmer 
Rouge soldier sitting on a wall. 242 On the whole, statements from survivors show 
that New People working together could take considerable liberties when ad- 
dressing one another. There was much complicity when it came to petty theft 
or secret breaks at work; relatively few people were denounced for such things, 
and spies and informants met with little success on the whole. Hence the 
division into "75s" and cadres. The preferred solution of the cadres was to 
maintain a warlike atmosphere, and even the war itself, since this was a tried 
and tested method. Some slogans attested the approach clearly: "One hand 
holds the hoe, the other strikes the enemy;' or "With water we grow rice, with 
rice we make war." 243 The Khmer Rouge were more correct than they realized. 
They never had enough rice, and they lost the war. 

A Genocide? 

The crimes of the Khmer Rouge should be judged rigorously and objectively 
so that the Cambodian experience can be compared to the other great horrors 
of the century, and its proper weight assigned in the history of Communism. 
There are also very strong legal reasons for such an approach, since a great 


Communism in Asia 

number of CPK leaders are still alive and even active in official capacities. 
Should they be allowed to move around freely? If not, what charges should be 
laid against them? 244 

It is unquestionable that Pol Pot and his cohorts are guilty of war crimes. 
Prisoners from the republican army were systematically maltreated; many were 
executed. Those who surrendered in 1975 were later persecuted without mercy. 
It is equally clear that the Khmer Rouge also committed crimes against human- 
ity. Entire social groups were found unworthy of living and were largely exter- 
minated. Any political opposition, real or supposed, was punished by death. 
The chief difficulty involves determining the crime of genocide. If one uses 
the literal definition, the discussion risks falling into absurdity: genocide refers 
only to the systematic extermination of national, ethnic, racial, and religious 
groups. Because the Khmers as a whole were not targeted for extermination, 
attention would then have to turn to ethnic minorities and eventually to the 
Buddhist monks. But even taken as a whole they would represent only a small 
proportion of the victims; and it is not easy to say that the Khmer Rouge did 
specifically repress minorities — with the exception of the Vietnamese after 
1977, when relatively few remained in the country. The Cham on the other 
hand were targeted because of their Muslim faith, which was a serious cause 
for resistance. Some authors have tried to resolve the problem by bringing in 
the notion of polilkxde}^ which, broadly speaking, means genocide on a politi- 
cal basis (one might also speak of sociocide, meaning genocide on a social basis). 
But this fails to get to the heart of the matter. The real question is, should such 
crimes be treated as seriously as genocide or not? And if the answer is yes, as 
these authors seem to believe, why should the issue be clouded by the use of a 
new term? It is perhaps worth recalling that during the discussions leading to 
the adoption of the United Nations Convention on Genocide, it was the Soviet 
Union that — for all too obvious reasons — opposed the inclusion of the word 
"political" in the definition of the term. But it is above all the word "racial" 
(which covers neither ethnicity nor nationality) that should provide an answer 
here. "Race," a phantasm that recedes ever further as human knowledge in- 
creases, exists only in the eyes of the beholder; in reality there is no more a 
Jewish race than there is a bourgeois race. But for the Khmer Rouge, as for the 
Chinese Communists, some social groups were criminal by nature, and this 
criminality was seen as transmittable from husband to wife, as well as an 
inherited trait. Here the ghost of Trofim Lysenko looms large. We can speak 
of the raaalization of social groups, and the crime of genocide therefore can 
be applied to their physical elimination. This elimination, as we have seen, was 
pushed to its limits in Cambodia and was undoubtedly carried out deliberately. 
Y Phandara was told by a Khmer Rouge worker that the "17 Aprils" were "the 
city dwellers who supported the regime of the traitor Lon No! . . . There are 



a lot of traitors among them. The Communist Party quite cleverly eliminated 
a good number of them. The ones who are still alive are now working out in 
the countryside. Now they're too weak to rise up against us." 246 

For millions of Cambodians today, the era of Pol Pot has left indelible 
scars. In 1979, 42 percent of the country's children had lost at least one parent. 
They were three times more likely to have lost their father than their mother. 
Seven percent had lost both parents. In 1992 the isolation of adolescents was 
the most dramatic: 64 percent had lost at least one parent. 247 An array of social 
evils besets Cambodian society today, at rates that are exceptionally high for a 
Southeast Asian country. Crime is widespread and often very violent since 
firearms are easily obtained; corruption is everywhere; and most people show 
little respect for one another and little sense of social solidarity. No one seems 
to have a sense of the common good at any level. Hundreds of thousands of 
refugees abroad (there are 150,000 in the United States alone) still feel terror- 
ized because of what they lived through, with recurrent nightmares and the 
highest rate of depression of any Indochinese national group. Many of the 
female refugees came alone, and in general there are many more women than 
men because so many men of that generation fell victim to assassinations. 248 
Still, Cambodian society did not break down entirely. When the last vestiges of 
collectivization were abandoned in 1985, increased production brought an al- 
most immediate end to food shortages. m 

It is easy to understand Cambodians' overwhelming desire to return to 
normal life. But they should not be left to face the former leaders of the Khmer 
Rouge dictatorship alone. The form of Communism that they faced was per- 
haps the worst of all, and the liquidation of such a terrible past is an almost 
intolerable burden. The rest of the world, which for so long showed such 
complacency toward their executioners, should also make the drama of Cam- 
bodia its own. 


Cast Asia is nearly the only place on earth where Communists still 
rule. But is there a specifically Asian brand of Communism, in the same way 
that one can legitimately speak about a unique East European form of Commu- 
nism? The answer to this question is not easy. In Europe, with the exception of 
Albania and the former Yugoslavia, Communism had the same father, and all 
the Communist governments there (even in Yugoslavia and Albania) finally fell 
at more or less the same time, when it suddenly became clear that the system 
was no longer functioning in its birthplace, the Soviet Union. In Asia, a similar 
relationship is discernible only between Vietnam and Laos, whose destinies are 
still organically linked. What is remarkable elsewhere in Asia is the distinct 
nature of the process of conquest and consolidation of power in each country, 
despite the strong resemblance that North Korea initially bore to the "people's 
democracies" established by Stalin in Eastern Europe, and despite the great 
impetus that the Viet Minh received when the Chinese army arrived on the 
borders of Tonkin. There is not now and never really was a Communist bloc in 
Asia, except in the minds of the leaders in Beijing. Economic cooperation was 
lacking, high-ranking cadres seldom visited other countries, no one was ever 
trained abroad, and the secret police and the military only rarely pooled their 
information. The occasional attempts to do such things occurred on only a 


Limited scale, and these efforts rarely lasted long except between Laos and its 
u big brother," Vietnam. China and North Korea were close for a year after the 
Korean conflict, and China and Vietnam were reasonably close during the 
1950s. China was also quite close to Pol Pot's Cambodia, while Cambodia and 
Vietnam were tightly linked in the 1980s. But Communism in Asia has in 
general been a national affair, with national defense always the top priority 
(except in Laos), even though at times Chinese or Soviet aid proved essential. 
Asia after all has seen intense wars between Communist states, at the end of the 
1970s between Vietnam and Cambodia, and then between Vietnam and China. 
Where education, propaganda, and historiography are concerned, it is hard to 
find more chauvinistic countries anywhere else, perhaps partly because all 
these countries came into being as the result of a struggle against foreign 
imperialism. That experience at least gives them something in common. The 
problem is that the resulting nationalism has often been turned against their 

On the other hand, similarities in the details of policies (particularly 
policies of repression) are readily apparent, and many of them have been 
adumbrated in the preceding chapters. Before reiterating them, we might pause 
to consider the comparative chronology of the regimes studied here. In Europe, 
the broad outlines of the history of each country are quite similar, with the 
exception of Albania and to some extent Romania and Yugoslavia. In East Asia, 
the points of origin arc disparate, stretching from 1945 to 1975, as are the 
inception of agrarian reform and collectivization, especially in divided Viet- 
nam. But in all cases the two stages tend to succeed each other quite soon after 
the seizure of power (the maximum interval in the process is seven years, in 
China). On the political plane, the Communist Party never acted openly during 
the taking of power, and the appearance of some sort of united front was 
maintained for some time after victory (eight years in China), even if it meant 
not revealing the existence of the Party, as was the case in Cambodia before 
1977. However, if many were deluded beforehand by the promise of a pluralist 
democracy (and this often contributed to the success of the Communists, 
particularly in Vietnam), the spell was usually broken soon* afterward. In one 
Vietnamese camp for southerners, prisoners until 30 April 1975 were on the 
whole quite well fed and well dressed, and were not forced to work. But the 
moment the South was "liberated," rations were cut ruthlessly, discipline was 
intensified, and forced labor was introduced. The camp chiefs justified their 
actions as follows: "Until now, you have been treated as prisoners of war . . . 
Now the whole country is free; we are the winners and you are the losers. You 
should be happy you are still alive. After the 1917 revolution in Russia, all the 
losers were exterminated!" 1 Social classes that had been treated very well in the 



638 Communism in Asia 

days of the united front, such as intellectuals and national capitalists, suddenly 
found themselves ostracized and subject to repression when Party dictatorship 
took over. 

A close examination reveals important differences within the chronologi- 
cal similarities. North Korea developed at its own pace in the 1940s and 1950s, 
and not long after that became quite isolated, a sort of living museum of 
Stalinism. The Chinese Cultural Revolution had no imitators. Pol Pot tri- 
umphed just as Jiang Qing fell, and his dream of a Great Leap Forward came 
fourteen years too late. But wherever Communist parties were in power, the 
Stalinist era was marked by purges and by tightened security. Although the 
shock wave from the Twentieth Soviet Party Congress led to a burst of liber- 
alization throughout Asia, this was generally short-lived and was followed by 
extremist measures of one sort or another, such as the Great Leap Forward in 
China, its Vietnamese incarnation, and the Korean Chollima. Everywhere but 
in North Korea, the 1980s and 1990s were marked by a liberalization of the 
economy. In Laos and South Vietnam this came hard on the heels of collectivi- 
zation, which was never fully achieved. More quickly than is often acknowl- 
edged, economic reform leads to a normalization of society and a disappearance 
of repressive practices, even if the process is uneven, contradictory, and incom- 
plete. Except in Pyongyang, mass terror and totalitarian attempts at controlling 
consciousness are now only a memory, and political prisoners are a rarity. In 
Laos, for example, according to figures from Amnesty International, the num- 
ber of political prisoners fell from between 6,000 and 7,000 in 1985 to a mere 
33 by March 1991. Vietnam has experienced a comparable drop, and China 
somewhat less so. Clearly, the compulsion to mass murder is no more irresistible 
in Asian Communism than it was in the European version. It seems possible to 
conclude that terror has finally outlived its purpose. Even though the terror 
went on for a long time (at least until 1980) and everywhere, invariably, led to 
horrendous crimes, it has been replaced today by selective, dissuasive repres- 
sion, and because of the increasingly widespread reeducation programs it is 
seen more and more often for what it really was. 

The key factor in many of these chronological similarities, which at the 
end of the day are greater than the differences (at least after 1956), is more 
often Beijing than Moscow. This focus on China is one of the lasting effects of 
the Twentieth Soviet Party Congress, which came as a shock to Asian Com- 
munists and was considered to be a serious threat by Mao Zedong, Ho Chi 
Minh, and Kim II Sung (as well as Maurice Thorez). The fact of the surprise 
alone demonstrates the bravery of Khrushchev's initiative. Since the days of 
Yan'an, the Chinese government has played the role of a second Mecca for 
Communists in Asia. However, the prestige of Stalin and the US.S.R. was still 
immense, and Soviet economic and military might did the rest. The Chinese 



intervention in Korea and then the size of its aid to the Viet Minh caused the 
first disturbances in the Sino-Soviet relationship, but it was 1956 that made 
Mao the leader of the "antirevisionist" camp that quickly came to include every 
Communist country in Asia. The disaster of the Cultural Revolution did some 
damage to Chinese hegemony, and Vietnam's military needs in the 1960s 
pushed it closer to the Soviet camp. But this chronology on the whole is quite 
trustworthy: initiatives regularly came from China, and were usually followed 
with great dedication. There is an unmistakable similarity among all Commu- 
nist regimes, but in East Asia the similarity sometimes seems to border on 
cloning; the Vietnamese agrarian reform, for example, was almost a carbon copy 
of the earlier Chinese version. 

The u goulash Communism" so dear to Khrushchev found few proponents 
in Asia until the 1980s, in part because the continent was still involved in so 
many revolutionary wars, but also because ideology had such a major role to 
play in these countries. In the Confucian tradition of "the rectification of 
names" (and all these countries, with the exception of Cambodia, had a strong 
tradition of Confucianism), it is reality that must adapt itself to language. In 
the prison system, this meant that what mattered was not the act that had been 
committed, but the verdict that had been passed and the label that had been 
applied, both of which depended on many factors independent of the act itself. 
Peace of mind came not from good deeds, but from saying the right word in 
the right place. Accordingly, two major factors influenced Communism in Asia: 
an overextension of ideology, and an overreliance on willpower. The first 
functioned as a mania for classification and reorganization based on the com- 
bination of Confucianism with a revolutionary vision through which the entire 
society was to be remade. The second sought the transformation of the whole 
world through reliance on the idea that the mind of every individual in society 
can be completely filled with new, better ideas, and that the actions of these 
individuals will thereafter be based on that new knowledge. Mention was made 
above of the verbal jousts in which victory came to the person who made the 
best use of quotations from Mao Zedong. In that sense, the Great Leap For- 
ward was a feast of words. But even the Asians could not escape reality forever, 
and when it intruded too far into language, this phenomenon did not escape 
them. After the failure of so many words and the innumerable catastrophes that 
such language had brought, all anyone wanted to hear was the profoundly 
anti-ideological language of Deng Xiaoping: "Who cares if a cat is black or 
gray, provided that he catches mice." 

The great originality of East Asian Communism resided in the manner in 
which it managed to transfer this ideology and belief in the will from the Party 
to society as a whole. This happened in a more attenuated fashion in Stalin's 
Russia, where it relied on different traditions. In Chinese Asia (and thus in 


Communism in Asia 

Vietnam and Korea too) the Western divide between high and popular culture 
has never existed, and Confucianism in particular was a way of life for all 
classes, from the leaders in the center to the peasants in the most far-flung 
regions. The same could be said of many other traditions and barbaric practices, 
such as the binding of feet. Moreover, the state was never an institution set 
apart from society, founded on complex laws. Contrary to the image that they 
tried to present, Chinese monarchs, and leaders elsewhere who modeled them- 
selves upon them, had almost none of the formal means of intervention that 
most Western kings possessed by the end of the Middle Ages. 2 They could 
survive and govern only with the consent of their subjects, consent obtained 
not by any form of democratic consultation, or by institutionalized arbitration 
between conflicting interests, but by the widespread acceptance of certain social 
civic norms, founded on a complex familial and interpersonal system of mo- 
rality, which Mao termed u the mass line." The moral (or ideological) state has 
a long and rich history in eastern Asia. In itself, such a state is poor and weak, 
but if it succeeds in persuading each group, family, and individual of the value 
of its norms and ideals, its power is limitless. Its only bounds are those of nature 
itself, which was the cause of Mao's undoing during the Great Leap Forward. 
Asian Communism thus attempted — and for a short while it succeeded in its 
objectives — to create profoundly holistic societies. Hence one comes across 
cases such as that of the Vietnamese cell chief who was a prisoner himself but 
felt obliged to shout at a recalcitrant detainee: "You are resisting the head of 
cell nominated by the revolution — so you are resisting the revolution itself!" 3 
Hence also the extraordinarily patient and relentless drive to make every pris- 
oner, even French officers who had passed through Saint Cyr, 4 a bearer of the 
Party's good news. Whereas the Russian Revolution never succeeded in de- 
stroying the "us and them" mentality, the Cultural Revolution convinced the 
entire population for a while that they were a part of the state and the Party. 
In some cases, Red Guards who were not themselves Party members seemed 
somehow to have the right to decide who was to be excluded from it. Commu- 
nism in the West also had criticism and self-criticism, endless discussion meet- 
ings, and its own selection of canonical texts. But such things were in general 
reserved for Party members. In Asia, they became the norm for all people. 

There were two main consequences for the form of repression. The most 
obvious, which we have noted so often above, was the absence of even cursory 
references to the mechanisms of law and justice: everything was political. In 
each country, the introduction of a penal code generally marked the end of the 
period of terror, as in China in 1979 or in Vietnam in 1986. The other conse- 
quence was the nature of the waves of repression, which were more notable for 
their wide sweep than for their intrinsically bloody nature. They focused on 
society as a whole or on extremely large groups such as peasants, city dwellers, 



and intellectuals- Deng Xiaoping's regime stated that the Cultural Revolution 
had persecuted 100 million people, a figure that is unverifiable. At the same 
time, it is unlikely that there were more than 1 million deaths. The ratio was 
quite different in the Stalinist purges. But what use was killing, when the 
leaders could terrorize so effectively? This form of repression also explains the 
high number of suicides: the intensity of campaigns, backed up by friends, 
colleagues, neighbors, and one's own family, brought tension that for many 
individuals became intolerable, as there was literally nowhere to turn. 

The exception that proves the rule is Cambodia (and, to a lesser extent, 
Laos). Cambodia was never affected by Confucianism. In fact its political 
tradition was much more Indian than Chinese. This fact may be one of the 
main reasons that violence there was so widespread and bloody. It is possible 
that what happened there was the effect of applying Sino-Vietnamese ideas to 
a population that was fundamentally opposed to them. Much more work re- 
mains to be done in this area to get a precise idea of the reasons for such a 
terrible aberration. 

This analysis of the specific nature of Communism in East Asia (at least 
in Chinese Asia) affords a basis for comparisons with the entire history of 
Communism, and in particular with the Soviet model. Many of the phenom- 
ena, such as the obsession with notions of a tabula rasa and a fresh start, the 
cult of youth, and the constant manipulation of the young, are clearly to be 
found elsewhere. But the differences, too, are noteworthy; and the survival of 
Communism in Asia, even after its collapse in Europe, requires serious analysis. 

Select Bibliography for Asia 


Becker, Elizabeth. When the War Was Over: The Voices of Camhodta s Revolution and Its 
People. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1986. 

Chandler, David P. Brother Number One: A Political Biography of Pol Pot. Boulder: 
Westview Press, 1992. 

The Tragedy of Cambodian History: Politics, War, and Revolution since 1945. 

New Haven: Yale University Press, 1991. 

Haing S. Ngor with Roger Warner. Surviving the Killing Fields: The Cambodian Odyssey 
of HaingS. Ngor. London: Chatto and Windus, 1988. 

Jackson, Karl D., ed. Cambodia 1975-1978: Rendezvous with Death. Princeton: Prince- 
ton University Press, 1989. 

Kiernan, Ben. The Pol Pot Regime: Race, Power, and Genocide in Cambodia under the 
Khmer Rouge, 1975-1979. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1996. 

Locard, Henri. Le petit livre rouge de Pol Pot. Paris: L'Harmattan, 1996. 

Martin, Marie-Alexandre. Cambodia: A Shattered Society, trans. Mark W. McLeod. 
Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994. 

Picq, Laurence. Beyond the Horizon: Five Years with the Khmer Rouge, trans. Patricia 
Norland. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1989. 

Pin Yathay. Stay Alive, My Son. London: Bloomsbury, 1987. 

Sliwinski, Marek. Le genocide Khmer rouge: Une analyse demographique. Paris: L'Har- 
mattan, 1995. 

Select Bibliography for Asia 
China (including Tibet) 

Becker, Jasper. Hungry Ghosts: China's Secret Famine. London: John Murray, 1996. 
Bergere, Marie-Claude. La Republique populaire de Chine de 1949 a nos jours. Paris: 

Armand Colin, 1987. 
Bergere, Marie-Claude, Lucien Bianco, and Jiirgen Domes, eds. La Chine au XXe siecle. 

Vol. 1: Dune revolution a lautre 1895-1949; vol 2: De 1949 d aujourdnui, Paris: 

Fayard, 1989 and 1990. 
Cheng Nien. Life and Death in Shanghai. London: Macdonald, 1986, 
Chevrier, Yves. Mao ei la revolution chinoise. Florence: Casterman/Giunti, 1993. 
Domenach, Jean-Luc. Chine: Larchipel oublte. Paris: Fayard, 1992. 
Donnet, Pierre-Antoine. Tibet: Survival in Question. London: Zed Books, 1994. 
Fairbank, John K., and Albert Feuerwerker, eds. The Cambridge History of China. Vol. 

13, Part 2: Republican China, 1912-1949. Cambridge: Cambridge University 

Press, 1986. 
Hinton, William. Fanshen: A Documentary of Revolution in a Chinese Village. Berkeley: 

University of California Press, 1966. 
Hua Linshan. Les annees rouges. Paris: Seuil, 1987. 
Ling, Ken, Miriam London, and Ta-ling Lee. Red Guard: From Schoolboy to 'Little 

General" in Mao's China. London: Macdonald, 1972. 
MacFarquhar, Roderick, and John K. Fairbank, eds. The Cambridge History of China. 

Vol. 14: The People's Republic, Part 1 (1949-1965); Vol 15, Part 2: Revolutions 

within the Chinese Revolution, 1966-1982. Cambridge: Cambridge University 

Press, 1987 and 1991. 
Pasqualini, Jean, with Rudolf Chelminski. Prisoner of Mao. London: Andre Deutsch, 

Roux, Alain. La Chine populaire, Vol. 1: 1949-1966; Vol. 2: 1966-1984. Paris: Editions 

Sociales, 1983 and 1984. 
Wei Jingsheng. The Courage to Stand Alone: Letters from Prison and other Writings, trans. 

Kristina M. Torgeson. London: Penguin, 1998. 
Wu, Harry. Laogai: The Chinese Gulag. Boulder: Westview Press, 1992. 
Yan Jiaqi and Gao Gao. Turbulent Decade: A History of the Cultural Revolution, trans. 

and ed. D. W. Y. Kwok. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1996 (first publish- 
ed in Chinese, 1986). 


Stuart-Fox, Martin, and Mary Koogman. Historical Dictionary of Laos. Metuchen and 
London: Scarecrow Press, 1992, 


Boudarel, Georges. Cent fie urs ecloses dans la nutt du Vietnam: Communisme et dissidence 
1945-1956. Paris: Jacques Bertoin, 1991. 




Communism in Asia 

Boudarel, Georges, et al. La bureaucrats au Vietnam. Vietnam-Asie-Debat no. 1. Paris: 

L'Harmattan, 1983. 
Dalloz, Jacques. The War in fndo-China, 1945-1954, trans. Josephine Bacon. Savage, 

Md.: Barnes and Noble Books, 1990. 
Doan Van Toai. The Vietnamese Gulag, trans. Sylvie Romanowski and Francoise 

Simon-Miller. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1986. 
Hemery, Daniel. Revolutionnaires vietnamiens et pouvoir colonial en Indochme, 1932-37. 

Paris: Maspero, 1975. 
Karnow, Stanley. Vietnam: A History. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1984. 
Marr, David G. Vietnam 1945: The Quest for Power. Berkeley: University of California 

Press, 1995. 
Ngo Van. Revolutionaries They Could Not Break: The Fight for the Fourth International 

in Indochina, 1930-1945. London: Index Books, 1995. 


The Third World 

Pascal Fontaine, Yves Santamaria, and Sylvain Boulouque 


Communism in Latin America 

Pascal Fontaine 

Cuba: interminable Totalitarianism in the Tropics 

Since the beginning of the century, the biggest island in the Caribbean has had 
a turbulent political history. In 1931-1933 an army clerk named Fulgencio 
Batista took part in a revolt against the dictator Gerardo Machado. In 1933 
Batista led a military coup against Cuba's provisional president, Carlos 
Cespedes. Thereafter, as head of the army, Batista was the major powerbroker 
for a succession of provisional and de facto governments. Throughout this 
period and afterward, he remained fiercely opposed to the United States. In 
1940, after Batista was elected president, he enacted a liberal constitution. In 
1952 he returned to power through a military coup, disrupting the prospects of 
democratization symbolized by the elections scheduled for the following year. 
Batista continued to govern with the support of various political parties, in- 
cluding the local Communist Party, which at that time was called the People's 
Socialist Party (PSP). 

The Cuban economy began to grow rapidly under Batista, but wealth 
remained unevenly distributed, with a particularly marked contrast between 
the countryside and the cities, with their impressive infrastructure. 1 The cities 
also benefited from money brought in by the Italian-American mafia. In 1958 
there were 1 1,500 prostitutes in Havana alone. The Batista era was notable for 



The Third World 

corruption and an obsession with short-term gain, and the middle classes 
gradually distanced themselves from the regime. 2 

On 26 July 1953 a group of students attacked the Moncada barracks in 
Santiago de Cuba. Several of them were killed, and one of the leaders, Fidel 
Castro, was arrested. Though initially sentenced to fifteen years in prison, he 
was soon freed and fled to Mexico, where he set up a guerrilla group called the 
26 July Movement (M-26), made up for the most part of young liberals. In 
1957 this group entered Cuba and began a twenty-five-month armed conflict 
with Batista's forces in the Sierra Maestra. At the same time, urban students 
led by Jose Antonio Echevarria formed the Student Revolutionary Directorate, 
whose armed wing attacked the presidential palace in March of that year. The 
operation was a total failure: Echevarria was killed, leaving the student move- 
ment without impetus and Castro's group as the only viable opposition to 
Batista. During the ensuing conflict, violent repression by the regime claimed 
thousands of victims. 3 The urban guerrilla network was especially heavily 
affected, losing 80 percent of its members; the rural guerrilla groups in the 
Sierra lost only 20 percent. 

On 7 November 1958, at the head of a column of guerrillas, Ernesto 
Guevara began a march on Havana. On 1 January 1959, Batista and the other 
leading figures in the dictatorship fled. Rolando Masferrer, the head of the 
sinister police apparatus known as "the Tigers," and Esteban Ventura, chief of 
the secret police, both of whom had a penchant for torture, fled to Miami. The 
leader of the Confederation of Cuban Workers (CTC), Eusebio Mujal, who 
had signed a number of agreements with Batista, took refuge in the Argentine 
embassy. The guerrillas' easy victory overshadowed the role played by other 
movements in Batista's downfall. In fact the guerrillas were involved in only a 
few minor actions, and Batista was defeated mainly because he had lost control 
of Havana to urban terrorism. The current U.S. arms embargo also worked 
against him. 

On 8 January 1959 Castro, Guevara, and their forces made a triumphant 
entry into the capital. As soon as they had seized power, they began to conduct 
mass executions inside the two main prisons, La Cabana and Santa Clara. 
According to reports in the foreign press, 600 of Batista's supporters were 
summarily executed during a five-month period. Extraordinary courts were 
established for the sole purpose of sentencing these opponents of the new 
regime. In the words of Jeannine Verdes-Laroux, "The form of the trials, and 
the procedures by which they were conducted, were highly significant. The 
totalitarian nature of the regime was inscribed there from the very beginning." 4 
These travesties took place in a carnival-like atmosphere; a crowd of 18,000 
people gathered at the Palace of Sports to "judge" the Batistan commandant 

Communism in Latin America 


Jesus Sosa Blanco, who was accused of carrying out assassinations, by giving 
him the thumbs-down sign. As Sosa Blanco remarked before he was shot, the 
scenes were "worthy of ancient Rome." 

In 1957, while still in the Sierra, Castro gave an interview to Herbert 
Matthews, a journalist from the New York Times, in which he declared: "Power 
does not interest me. After victory I want to go back to my village and just be 
a lawyer again." This statement was immediately contradicted by his policies. 
After seizing power, the new revolutionary government immediately fell vic- 
tim to serious in-fighting, leading to the resignation of Prime Minister Jose 
Miro Cardona on 15 February 1959. Castro, who was already commander in 
chief of the army, replaced him. Although he initially promised to hold free 
elections within eighteen months, by June he had decided to postpone the 
elections indefinitely. Castro justified his decision in an address to the inhabi- 
tants of Havana, saying: "Elections? What for?" thus renouncing one of the 
fundamental points of the anti-Batista guerrilla program. In effect, he took over 
the position vacated by the fallen dictator. He also suspended the 1940 consti- 
tution and its guarantees of fundamental rights, governing by decree until 1976, 
when he imposed a constitution modeled on that of the U.S.S.R. The new laws 
53 and 54 (relating to freedom of association) were particularly important in 
abrogating civil liberties by limiting the rights of citizens to meet in groups. 

In the spring of 1959 Castro, who until then had collaborated closely with 
his associates, changed course and began removing democrats from the gov- 
ernment. He relied increasingly on his brother Raul (who was a member of the 
People's Socialist Party) and on Guevara, who was a convinced supporter of 
the Soviet Union. Agricultural reform was launched on 17 May 1959; by June 
the opposition between liberals and radicals had begun to crystalize. The initial 
plan, proposed by Agriculture Minister Humberto Sori Marin, had aimed at 
establishing a program to reallocate land that belonged to bourgeois land- 
owners. Castro, however, was supportive of the radical policies proposed by the 
Instituto Nacional de Reforma Agraria (National Institute for Agricultural 
Reform), or INRA, which he had placed under the control of a group of 
orthodox Marxists, and of which he was the head. With a stroke of the pen he 
annulled the agriculture minister's program. In June 1959 Castro sought to 
radicalize the agrarian reform by ordering the army to take control of 100 
estates in Camaguey Province. 

The gathering storm finally broke in July 1959 when President Manuel 
Urrutia, a former magistrate who had courageously defended the rebels in 
1956, resigned. Soon the minister of foreign affairs, Roberto Agramonte, was 
replaced by Raul Roa, a staunch Castro supporter. Shortly afterward the min- 
ister of social affairs also resigned to protest a verdict against several pilots 


The Third World 

accused of crimes against civilians. 5 This pattern continued throughout 1960. 
Rupo Lopez Fresquet, the finance minister since January 1959, broke with 
Castro in March, joined the opposition, and then went into exile; Anres Suarez, 
another member of the government, also left the country that year. The last 
independent newspapers disappeared, and the rest were muzzled. On 20 Janu- 
ary 1960 Jorge Zayas, who had been the editor of an anti-Batista newspaper 
called Avarice, also went into exile; Miguel Angel Quevedo, the editor of Bohe- 
mia, the weekly that in 1959 had published Castro's testimony from his 1953 
trial for the attack on the Moncada barracks, left in July. The only newspapers 
left were the Communist Granma (Grandma, named after a ship) and Hoy 
(Today). In the fall of 1960 the last remaining political and military opposition 
leaders, including William Morgan and Humberto Sori Marin, were arrested. 
Morgan, a guerrilla leader in the Sierra, was shot the following year. 

Soon thereafter the last democrats, including Manolo Ray, the minister 
for public works, and Enrique Oltusky, the communications minister, were 
removed from the government. 6 The first great wave of departures now began. 
Nearly 50,000 people from the middle classes, many of whom had originally 
supported the revolution, all took the road to exile. This exodus of doctors, 
teachers, and lawyers did irreparable harm to Cuban society. 

The workers were the next group to suffer repression. The labor unions 
had resisted the new regime from its earliest days. One of the principal leaders 
was the head of the Sugar Union, David Salvador. As a man of the left, he had 
broken with the PSP over its refusal to take a stand against Batista. He had 
organized strikes at the big sugar plants in 1955, had been arrested and tor- 
tured, and had supported the April 1958 strike, which was masterminded by 
Castro's 26 July Movement. After being democratically elected as secretary 
general of the CTC in 1959, Salvador was made to work with two assistants 
who were orthodox Communists appointed without a democratic mandate. He 
tried to resist their influence and to put a brake on their activities, but after the 
spring of 1960 he became increasingly marginalized. In June Salvador went 
into hiding, but in August 1962 he was arrested and spent the next twelve years 
in prison. Thus Castro forced off the stage another major figure in the anti- 
Batista movement. As a final blow against the workers, Castro forbade their sole 
remaining union, the CTC, to stage strikes. As a Party spokesman noted: "The 
union must not be used for the wrong purposes." 

After being arrested in 1953, Castro had been saved mainly through the 
intervention of the archbishop of Santiago de Cuba, Monsignor Perez Seran- 
tes. The clergy were happy to see Batista's departure; several priests had even 
participated in the guerrilla organizations in the Sierra. Nevertheless, the 
church protested the overhasty condemnation of Batista's supporters in the 

Communism in Latin America 


same way that it had protested the actions of Masferrer's Tigers. In 1959 the 
church denounced Communist infiltration of parishes. Castro used the 1961 
Bay of Pigs affair as a pretext to ban the periodical La quincena? Tn May all 
religious colleges were closed and their buildings confiscated by the govern- 
ment, including the Bethlehem Jesuit College, where Castro himself had been 
educated. In full military dress, the u Lider Maximo" (Supreme Chief) de- 
clared: "Let the Falangist priests start packing their bags!" This warning was 
serious; on 17 September 131 priests were forced to leave the country. To 
survive, the church had to scale back its operations considerably. The regime 
continued to marginalize religious institutions and believers; though claiming 
that it would allow all Cubans to profess their faith freely, it subjected those 
who did to repressive measures, such as forbidding them access to university 
education or to jobs in the civil service. 

Repression was also felt in the world of the arts. In 1961 Castro had stated 
that the position of the artist was at the very center of society. But a slogan 
perfectly encapsulated his real views: "The revolution is all; everything else is 
nothing." Heberto Paclilla, a distinguished poet, finally left Cuba in 1980 after 
many years of persecution. Similarly, Reinaldo Arenas, after ten years of ostra- 
cism, left the country in the Mariel exodus. 

Like other Communist leaders, Fidel Castro loves comparisons to the French 
Revolution; and just as Jacobin Paris had Louis Antoine de Saint-Just, revolu- 
tionary Havana had Che Guevara, a Latin American version of Nechaev, the 
nineteenth-century nihilist terrorist who inspired Dostoevsky's The Devils. 

Ernesto Guevara was born into a well-off family in Buenos Aires in 1928, 
and as a young man he traveled throughout South America. Because of chronic 
asthma, his health was always fragile, but this did not prevent him from riding 
a motorbike all the way from the pampas to the jungles of Central America 
after finishing his medical studies. He came to hate the United States in the 
early 1950s, when he encountered the misery that ensued in Guatemala after 
the leftist regime of Jacobo Arbenz had been overthrown in a coup supported 
by the Americans. As Guevara wrote to a friend in 1957: "My ideological 
training means that 1 am one of those people who believe that the solution to 
the world's problems is to be found behind the Iron Curtain." One night in 
1955 in Mexico he met a young Cuban lawyer in exile named Fidel Castro, who 
was preparing to return to Cuba. Guevara decided to accompany Castro, and 
they landed on the island in December 1956. In the resistance, Guevara soon 
became commander of a detachment, quickly gaining a reputation for ruthless- 
ness; a child in his guerrilla unit who had stolen a little food was immediately 
shot without trial. Regis Debray, who was his companion in Bolivia, described 


The Third World 

him as "an authoritarian through and through" who wanted to impose a revo- 
lution of total Communism and sometimes found himself opposed to more 
democratic Cuban guerrilla commanders. 8 

In the autumn of 1958 Guevara opened a second front on the plains in 
Las Villas Province, in the center of the island. He carried out a highly suc- 
cessful action in Santa Clara, attacking a train of reinforcements sent there by 
Batista. The soldiers fled, refusing to fight. After the rebel victory, Guevara was 
assigned the post of state prosecutor, which gave him authority over pardons. 
He worked in La Cabana prison, where a great number of people were exe- 
cuted, including some of his former comrades-in-arms who refused to abandon 
their democratic beliefs. U I can't be the friend of anyone who doesn't share my 
ideas," he once said. 

As minister of industry and head of the Central Bank, Guevara found 
occasion to apply his own political beliefs, imposing the "Soviet model" on 
Cuba. He was an avid disciple of Lenin, in whose honor he named his son 
Vladimir. Though claiming to despise money, he lived in one of the rich, private 
areas of Havana. Despite later serving as minister of the economy, he had no 
notion of the most basic ideas of economics and ended up ruining the Central 
Bank. Social issues were more his forte, and he introduced "voluntary work 
Sundays" in emulation of the U.S.S.R. and China. He was a great admirer of 
the Cultural Revolution. According to Regis Debray, "It was he and not Fidel 
who in 1960 invented Cuba's first 'corrective work camp' (we would say 'forced 
labor camp 1 )." 9 

In his will, this graduate of the school of terror praised the "extremely 
useful hatred that turns men into effective, violent, merciless, and cold killing 
machines." 10 He was dogmatic, cold, and intolerant, and there was almost 
nothing in him of the traditionally open and warm Cuban temperament. He 
was the architect of the militarization of Cuban youth, sacrificing them to the 
cult of the New Man. 

His strongest desire was to spread the Cuban experiment far and wide. In 
1963 he was in Algeria, and then in Dar es Salaam, then in the Congo, where 
he crossed paths with the Marxist Laurent Kabila, who is now the president 
of the Democratic Republic of Congo and who never hesitated to massacre 
civilians. Filled with passionate hatred for the United States, in 1966 he took 
his guerrilla forces on a crusade through South America, with a slogan encour- 
aging the creation of "two, three, many Vietnams!" 

Castro used Guevara for tactical purposes. Once their rupture was com- 
plete, Guevara went to Bolivia. There he tried to apply his theory of the 
guerrillayko (cell), taking no notice of the policies of the Bolivian Communist 
Party. Not a single peasant joined his group there. Increasingly isolated and 

Communism in Latin America 


hunted by government forces, he was captured on 8 October 1967 and executed 
the following day. 

Castro even modified his rebel army. In July 1959 one of Castro's closest 
advisers, the air force commander Diaz Lanz, resigned and fled to the United 
States. The following month, a wave of arrests was organized on the pretext 
that a coup was being planned. 

Since 1956, Hubert Matos had helped the rebels in the Sierra, getting 
support from Costa Rica, supplying them with arms and munitions in a private 
plane, and liberating Santiago de Cuba, the country's second-largest city, at the 
head of the 9th detachment, named after Antonio Guiteras. Soon after being 
made governor of Camaguey Province, he found himself in profound disagree- 
ment with the "Communization" of the regime and resigned from his post. 
Castro believed that he was part of a conspiracy and had him arrested by 
Camilo Cienfuegos, another guerrilla hero, on the grounds that he had dis- 
played "anti-Communist" tendencies. With scant regard for Matos' previous 
exemplary conduct as a freedom fighter, Castro subjected him to a Moscow- 
style show-trial in Havana and intervened personally against his former ally. 
Castro stood up in court and brought tremendous pressure to bear on the 
judges, saying: "I'm telling you that you must choose: it's Matos or me!" He 
also prevented witnesses for the defense from testifying. Matos received a 
twenty-year sentence, which he served to the last day. Several people close to 
him were also sent to prison. 

Deprived of the means of expressing themselves, many of Castro's oppo- 
nents went into hiding, where they were joined by people who had fought in 
the anti-Batista urban guerrilla groups. In the early 1960s this underground 
movement grew into a revolt based in the Escambray Mountains, the movement 
rejected forced collectivization and dictatorship. Raul Castro sent in all the 
military forces at his disposal, including armored vehicles, artillery, and hun- 
dreds of infantry militia, to put down the rebellion. The families of rebel 
peasants were moved out of the area to eliminate popular support. Hundreds 
of people were forcibly moved to the tobacco plantations in Pinar del Rio 
Province, hundreds of kilometers away in the west of the island. This was the 
only occasion when Castro actually deported parts of the population. 

Despite these measures, the fighting continued for five years. Over time, 
however, as the rebels became increasingly isolated, they began to be captured. 
Justice was harsh for them. Guevara took the opportunity to liquidate Jesus 
Carreras, one of the leaders of the anti-Batista rebellion as a young man, who 
had opposed Guevara's policies since 1958. Wounded in combat, Carreras was 
dragged before a firing squad, where Guevara refused to grant him a stay of 


The Third World 

execution. Some 381 "bandits" were judged in similar fashion in the Santa 
Clara prison. In La Loma de los Coches prison more than 1,000 "counterrevo- 
lutionaries" were shot in the years between the triumph of 1959 and the final 
liquidation of the Escambray protest movement. 

After resigning from the Ministry of Agriculture, Humberto Sori Marin 
tried to establish a foco in Cuba. He was soon arrested, court-martialed, and 
sentenced to death. His mother begged Castro for mercy, reminding him that 
he and Sori Marin had known each other since the 1950s. Castro promised that 
his life would be spared, but Sori Marin was shot a few days later. 

The revolt in the Escambray Mountains was folowed by periodic attempts 
to land armed commando groups on Cuban soil. Many belonged to the Liber- 
acion group, headed by Tony Cuesta, and to the Alpha 66 group, both formed 
in the early 1960s. Most of these efforts, modeled on Castro's own return, 
resulted in failure. 

In 1960, in a move typical of all dictatorships, the judiciary was forced to 
surrender its independence and was placed under the control of the central 

The universities were also affected. Pedro Luis Boitel was a young student 
in civil engineering who put himself forward as a candidate for the presidency 
of the Federation of University Students. He had previously opposed Batista 
but was also a determined opponent of Fidel Castro. Another student named 
Rolando Cubella was the prefered candidate of the regime, and it was he who 
was elected with the help of the Castro brothers. Boitel was arrested soon 
afterward and sentenced to ten years in Boniato, a particularly harsh prison. 
Boitel went on hunger strike several times to protest the inhuman conditions 
there. On 3 April 1972, as he began yet another, he said to one of the prison 
governors: 'Tm going on strike for the same rights as other political prison- 
ers — rights that you are happy to demand for prisoners in other South Ameri- 
can dictatorships, but that you won't allow here!" Nothing came of his protests, 
however. Boitel received no medical assistance and suffered terribly After 
forty-five days his condition became critical; after forty-nine he slipped into a 
coma. The authorities continued to refuse to intervene. At three in the morning 
on 23 May 1972, 53 days after beginning his hunger strike, Boitel died. The 
authorities refused to allow his mother to see the body. 

Soon after taking power, Castro began to organize an extensive security and 
intelligence service. As minister of defense, Raul Castro reinstituted military 
tribunals, and soon the firing squad again became a judicial weapon. The first 
formal security organization was called the Direccion General de Contra- 
Inteligencia (State Security Department; DGCI). Popularly known as the Red 
Gestapo, the DGCI began to evolve in 1959-1962, when its task was to infil- 

Communism in Latin America 


trate and destroy the various groups opposed to Castro. The DGCI violently 
liquidated the Escambray guerrilla movement and oversaw the creation of 
forced-labor camps. It was also the department that ran the prison system. 

Inspired by the Soviet model, the DGCI was initially directed by Ramiro 
Valdes, who had been one of Castro's closest advisers since their days in the 
Sierra. As the years passed, the department played an ever-larger role and 
gained a certain amount of autonomy. Information on its organizational struc- 
ture comes from air force general Rafael Del Pino, who defected to Miami in 
1987. In theory the DGCI is accountable to the Ministry of Internal Affairs 
(Minit) and is divided into various sections. Certain sections are charged with 
surveillance of officials in all other government departments. The Third Sec- 
tion observes everyone who works in culture, sports, and artistic fields, includ- 
ing writers and film directors. The Fourth Section oversees everyone who 
works in economic organizations and the ministries of transport and commu- 
nication. The Sixth Section, which has more than 1,000 agents, is in charge of 
telephone wiretaps. The Eighth Section oversees the postal service; that is, it 
screens mail. Other sections watch over the diplomatic corps and keep tabs on 
visiting foreigners. The DGCI promotes the Castro regime's survival economi- 
cally by using thousands of detainees as forced labor. Thus the department 
constitutes a world of privilege, whose staff have almost unlimited powers and 
a broad range of perquisites. 

To control the population, the Direccion Special del Ministerio del Inte- 
rior (DSMI) recruits chivatm (informers) by the thousand. The DSMI works 
in three different fields: one section keeps a file on every Cuban citizen; another 
keeps track of public opinion; the third, in charge of the "ideological line," 
keeps an eye on the church and its various congregations through infiltration. 

Since 1967, Minit has had its own means of intervention, the Fuerzas 
Especiales, which in 1995 consisted of 50,000 soldiers. These special shock 
troops work quite closely with Direccion 5 and the Direccion de Seguridad 
Personal (DSP), Castro's praetorian guard. The DSP is made up of three escort 
units of approximately 100 men each, as well as a naval detachment consisting 
of sailors and frogmen. According to a 1995 estimate, the DSP numbers several 
thousand men. Its experts are constantly studying possible assassination sce- 
narios; food tasters test Castro's food before he eats it, and a special medical 
team is on alert around the clock. 

Direccion 5 specializes in the elimination of opponents. Two famous 
opponents of Batista who subsequently clashed with Castro fell victim to this 
section: Elias de la Torriente was killed in Miami, and Aldo Vera, one of the 
chiefs of the urban guerrilla group that fought against Batista, was killed in 
Puerto Rico. Hubert Matos, who now lives in exile in Miami, is forced to 
protect himself with armed bodyguards. Direccion 5 carries out its detentions 


The Third World 

and interrogations at a detention center in Villa Marista in Havana, a building 
that previously belonged to a congregation of Marist monks. Far from prying 
eyes and in conditions of extreme isolation, prisoners there are often subjected 
to psychological and physical torture. 

Another component of the secret police is the Direction General de la 
Inteligencia, which is in many ways a typical state intelligence-gathering serv- 
ice. It works above all in espionage, counterespionage, and the infiltration of 
foreign governments and organizations of Cuban exiles. 

During the repressions of the 1960s, between 7,000 and 10,000 people were 
killed and 30,000 people imprisoned for political reasons. Thus the Castro 
government quickly faced the problem of what to do with a large number of 
prisoners, especially those from the Escambray rebellion and the failed Bay of 
Pigs invasion. 

The Military Unit of Production Assistance (MUPA), which existed from 
1964 to 1967, was the first attempt to use prisoners as a labor force. Beginning 
in November 1965, the MUPA organized concentration camps in which eve- 
ryone who was considered a "potential danger to society," including religious 
prisoners (Catholics, notably Monsignor Jaime Ortega, the bishop of Havana; 
Protestants; and Jehovah's Witnesses), pimps, and homosexuals, was incarcer- 
ated. The prisoners were forced to build their own shelters, particularly in 
camps located in the Camagiiey region. "Socially deviant people 11 were sub- 
jected to military discipline, which quickly degenerated into poor treatment, 
undernourishment, and isolation. Many detainees mutilated themselves to es- 
cape this hell; others emerged psychologically destroyed by their experiences. 
One of the MUPA's functions was the "reeducation 11 of homosexuals. Even 
before these camps were established, many homosexuals, and especially those 
employed in the cultural sphere, had lost their jobs. The University of Havana 
was the subject of anti homosexual purges, and it was common practice to 
"judge" homosexuals in public at their place of work. They were forced to 
admit their "vice," and had to vow to give it up or face dismissal and impris- 
onment. Two years after their establishment, the MUPA camps were closed as 
a result of widespread international protest. Nevertheless many sorts of harsh 
treatment continue to be reserved for homosexuals. Sometimes they are kept 
in a particular section of the prison, as is the case in East Havana's Nueva 
Career a I. 

After the MUPA was dissolved, the regime forcibly conscripted prisoners 
into the military. First organized in 1967, the Centenary Youth Column (com- 
memorating the 1868 revolt against the Spanish) became El Ejercito Juvenil de 
Trabajo (the Young People's Work Army) in 1973. In this a paramilitary or- 
ganization young people did agricultural and construction work, often under 

Communism in Latin America 


terrible conditions with hours that were almost intolerable, for a derisory wage 
of 7 pesos, equivalent to 30 cents in 1997 dollars. 

In 1964 a forced labor program known as the Camilo-Cienfuegos plan was 
established on the Isle of Pines. The penal population was organized into 
brigades divided into groups of forty, known as cuadrillas. Each group was 
commanded by a sergeant or lieutenant and was assigned to agricultural and 
mining work. Working conditions were extremely harsh, and prisoners worked 
almost naked, wearing little more than undergarments. As a punishment, 
"troublemakers 11 were forced to cut grass with their teeth or to sit in latrine 
trenches for hours at a time. 

The violence of the prison regime affected both political prisoners and 
common criminals. Violence began with the interrogations conducted by the 
Departamcnto Tecnico de Investigaciones (DTI). The DTI used solitary 
confinement and played on the phobias of the detainees: one woman who was 
afraid of insects was locked in a cell infested with cockroaches. The DTI also 
used physical violence. Prisoners were forced to climb a staircase wearing shoes 
filled with lead and were then thrown back down the stairs. Psychological 
torture was also used, often observed by a medical team. The guards used 
sodium pentathol and other drugs to keep prisoners awake. In the Mazzora 
hospital, electric shock treatment was routinely used as a punishment without 
any form of medical observation. The guards also used attack dogs and mock 
executions; disciplinary cells had neither water nor electricity; and some de- 
tainees were kept in total isolation. 

Because responsibility in Cuba was generally considered to be collective, 
punishment was also frequently collective. The regime exerted pressure on its 
opponents by forcing their relatives to pay a social cost; the children of de- 
tainees were banned from higher education, and spouses were often fired from 
their jobs. 

Sentences are often lengthened by the prison authorities. Anyone who 
rebels has another stretch added. Similar penalties apply to prisoners who 
refuse to wear the uniform of common criminals, who refuse to take part in 
"rehabilitation plans," or who take part in a hunger strike. The courts view 
such actions as attacks on the state and add another one or two years of 
incarceration in a labor camp. Prisoners commonly serve an additional third or 
half of their original sentence. Boitel, who was initially sentenced to ten years 
in prison, ultimately served forty-two. 

A distinction should be made between "normal" prisons and the high-security 
prisons of the G-2, the secret police. Prison Kilo 5.5 is a high-security prison 
situated 3.5 miles from the Pinar del Rio freeway. For a time, under the author- 
ity of Captain Jorge Gonzalez, known as "El Nato," common criminals and 


The Third World 

political prisoners were routinely kept together. Cells originally intended for 
two often contained as many as seven or eight prisoners, most of whom were 
thus forced to sleep on the floor. The disciplinary cells were dubbed tostadoras 
(toasters), because of their terrible heat in both winter and summer. A separate 
section exists for women. Pinar del Rio, another high-security prison, contains 
underground cells and interrogation rooms. Over the last few years, psycho- 
logical torture has largely replaced physical torture; sleep deprivation, adopted 
from the U.S.S.R., is a particularly common technique. Once the sleep pattern 
is broken, the notion of time is lost. Prisoners are also told that their families 
are under threat and that they will no longer be allowed family visits. The Kilo 
7 prison, in Camaguey, is especially violent. In 1974, forty prisoners died in a 
rebellion there. 

The G-2 center in Santiago de Cuba, built in 1980, possesses cells with 
extreme temperatures (both high and low). Prisoners are awakened every 
twenty or thirty minutes. This sort of treatment may continue several months. 
Kept naked and totally cut off from the outside world, many of the prisoners 
who have undergone the terrible psychological tortures here emerge with ir- 
reparably damaged psyches. 

For many years La Cabana was the most infamous prison in Cuba, known 
as the place where Sori Marin and Carreras were executed. As late as 1982, 
nearly 100 prisoners were shot there. La Cabana specialized in holding its 
prisoners in tiny cells known as ratoneras, or rat holes. It was finally closed in 
1985. Elsewhere, however, executions have continued, including at Boniato, a 
high-security prison known for extreme violence. Some political prisoners held 
at Boniato have been known to smear themselves with excrement to avoid being 
raped by other prisoners. Boniato houses all prisoners sentenced to death, 
regardless of the category of their crime. It is known for its grillwork cells or 
taptadas. Several writers — including the poets Jorge Vails, who was there for 
7,340 days, and Ernesto Diaz Rodriguez, as well as a commanding officer, Eloy 
Guttierrez Menoyo — have described the terrible conditions there. The food is 
contaminated, and infectious diseases such as typhus and leptospirosis are 
common. As a result, hundreds of prisoners have died from hunger and lack 
of medical care. In August 1995 a hunger strike was launched jointly by the 
political and common prisoners seeking to draw attention to the deplorable 
conditions. The strike continued for almost a month but achieved no improve- 

Iron cages are still used in some prisons. In the late 1960s the Tres Macios 
del Oriente prison used cages originally intended for common criminals for 
political prisoners as well. The cages were 1 meter wide, 1.8 meters high, and 
about 10 meters long. Such closed quarters are extremely hard to bear, espe- 
cially with no water or sanitation; yet prisoners of both types were kept here 
for weeks or even months at a time. 

Communism in Latin America 


The 1960s also saw the invention of requisas (requisitionings) as a form of 
repression. In the middle of the night, detainees would be awakened and 
violently removed from their cells. They were then beaten, often while naked, 
and forced to wait until the end of the inspection before being allowed to return 
to their cells. Requisas might be carried out several times a month. 

Visits by relatives provide another opportunity to humiliate prisoners. In 
La Cabana prisoners were made to appear naked before their family, and 
imprisoned husbands were forced to watch intimate body searches carried out 
on their wives. 

Female inmates in Cuban prisons are especially vulnerable to acts of 
sadism by guards. More than 1,100 women have been sentenced as political 
prisoners since 1959. In 1963 they were housed in the Guanajay prison. Nu- 
merous eyewitness statements attest to beatings and other humiliations. For 
instance, before showering, detainees were forced to undress in full view of the 
guards, who then beat them. Havana's Nuevo Amanecer (New Dawn) prison 
is the largest in the country. Dr. Martha Frayde, a long-standing friend of 
Castro, who was the Cuban representative at UNESCO in the 1960s, described 
this prison and its exceptionally harsh conditions: 

My cell was six meters by five. There were twenty-two of us sleeping 
there in bunk beds of two or three layers. Sometimes there were as many 
as forty-two of us. Sanitation was dreadful. The basins we had to wash 
in were filthy, and it became impossible to wash at all . . . We were often 
short of water. It became impossible to empty the toilets, which filled up 
and overflowed. A layer of excrement formed, invading our cells. Like 
an irresistible wave it reached the corridor, then flowed down the stairs 
and into the garden . . . The political prisoners . . . made such a fuss that 
the prison authorities brought in a water truck ... We managed to 
sweep away some of the excrement with the pressure hoses, but there 
still wasn't enough water, and we had to live with this vile layer for 
another few davs. ,1M 

One of Cuba's largest concentration camps, El Manbu, in the Camaguey re- 
gion, contained more than 3,000 people in the 1980s. At the camp at Siboney, 
where living conditions and food are execrable, German shepherd dogs are 
used to track escaped prisoners. Those who are caught are judged by a popular 
tribunal inside the camp and sent on to a forced-labor camp, where a "severe 
regime" operates. At these camps, consejos de trabajo de les pressos (prisoner 
work councils) judge and punish their own companions. 

In 1986 some 3,000 women were incarcereated in the Potosi camp, in 
Victoria de las Tunas, mostly for juvenile delinquency, prostitution, and politi- 
cal crimes. There are also special camps for children and adolescents. Situated 


The Third World 

near Santiago de las Vegas, the Arco Iris (Rainbow) camp was designed to hold 
1,500 adolescents. The Nueva Vida (New Life) camp is in the southwestern 
region. In the Palos zone is the Capitiolo, a special internment camp for 
children up to age ten. The adolescents cut cane or make simple objects by 
hand, which can then be sold by the government. 

Although prisoners have no rights, they are subject to a rehabilitation program, 
which is intended to prepare them for reintegration into the socialist society. 
The program has three stages: the first, called the "period of maximal secu- 
rity," takes place in prison; the second, called "medium security," takes place 
on agranja (farm); the third, called "minimal security," is considered an "open 

Detainees who are included in the program wear the blue uniform (azul) 
of common criminals, as part of the regime's effort to blur the distinction 
between the two types of prisoner. For a while, anyone who refused to follow 
the program was forced to wear the yellow uniform (amarilh) of Batista's 
army — a harsh punishment for those prisoners who had previously belonged 
to guerrilla groups that fought against Batista. Prisoners who refused to wear 
either uniform were forced by the authorities to wear nothing but their under- 
wear for years on end and were banned from receiving visits. Hubert Matos 
was one such prisoner. He later reported: "I lived for several months with no 
uniform and no visits. I was cut off from the outside world simply because I 
had refused to conform to the whims of the authorities ... I preferred being 
naked, among other naked prisoners, even in those badly overcrowded condi- 

The transition from one stage of the program to the next depended upon 
the decision of a "reeducation officer." On the whole, the officer's intention 
was to impose acceptance through physical and mental exhaustion. Carlos 
Franqui, a former official in the regime, described the spirit of the system: "The 
opponent of the regime is a patient, and the guard is a doctor. The prisoners 
will be set free when the guard decides that the cure has been effective. Time 
is of no account until the patient is cured." 

The longest sentences were served out in the prisons. In 1974 La Cabana 
had a special section (zone 2) reserved for civilian offenders and another for 
military prisoners (zone 1). More than 1,000 men were housed in zone 2 in 
galleries thirty meters long and six meters wide. Other prisons are run by the 
G-2, the secret police. 

People who receive relatively light sentences, between three and seven 
years, are sent to granjas, an invention of the Castro era very similar to the 
Soviet corrective labor camps. These "farms" consist of barracks surrounded 
by rows of barbed-wire fences and several observation towers, manned by 

Communism in Latin America 


guards from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who are allowed to open fire on 
anyone they believe is attempting to escape. 12 Each camp generally contains 
between 500 and 700 prisoners, who are required to work for twelve to fifteen 
hours a day. The guards are permitted to use any tactics, including clubbing 
prisoners with their guns, to make them work faster. 

The "open regime" is generally a construction site where prisoners live, 
usually under the control of the military. The number of prisoners at each site 
ranges from 50 to 200, depending on the size of the project. Detainees on the 
granjas make the prefabricated elements that are assembled at the open-regime 
sites. Here detainees are granted three-day furloughs at the end of each month. 
Evidently, the food is not as bad at these sites as it is in the camps. Each site is 
maintained as an independent entity; this strategy makes it easier to manage 
the detainees, ensuring that not too many are ever together at the same time to 
present united resistance. Some of the open-regime sites are in urban settings; 
there were six operating in Havana during the late 1980s. 

This type of system affords a clear economic benefit. 11 For example, all 
detainees are mobilized to harvest the sugar crop, the zafra. The head of the 
prisons in Oriente Province, Papito Struch, declared in 1974: "Detainees are 
the island's main workforce." In 1974 the work they carried out was worth 348 
million dollars. Many government departments make use of the prisoners. 
About 60 percent of the labor force of the Department for Development of 
Social and Agricultural Works is made up of detainees. The prisoners work on 
dozens of farms in the Picadura valleys, which constitute the main showplace 
for the work reeducation program. Among the many heads of state who have 
been given tours of these sites are Leonid Brezhnev, Houari Boumediene, and 
Francois Mitterrand. 

All the provincial secondary schools were built by political prisoners with 
minimal input from civilian society, usually consisting of no more than a 
handful of civil engineers. In Oriente and Camaguey, detainees have built more 
than twenty polytechnic schools. They have also built numerous sugar stores 
throughout the island. A list in Bohemia of other projects built by penal labor 
included dairies and livestock centers in Havana Province; carpentry workshops 
and secondary schools in Pinar del Rio; a sty, dairy, and woodworking center 
in Matanzas; and two secondary schools and ten dairies in Las Villas. The work 
plans become more complex every year, requiring an ever larger prison work- 

In September I960 Castro formed the Committees for Defense of the 
Revolution (CDRs), small neighborhood committees based around the cuadra 
(block). The leader is charged with surveillance of "counterrevolutionary" 
activities. The resulting social control is extremely tight. Members of the 
committees attend all CDR meetings and patrol constantly to root out "enemy 

662 The Third World 

infiltration. 1 ' The surveillance and denunciation system is so rigorous that 
family intimacy is almost nonexistent. 

The purpose of the CDRs became all too apparent in March 1961 when, 
at the instigation of Ramiro Valdes, the chief of the security forces, a huge raid 
was organized and carried out in the space of a single weekend. On the basis 
of lists drawn up by the CDRs, more than 100,000 people were questioned, 
and several thousand were taken away to detention centers scattered across the 

The CDRs are responsible for organizing actus de repudio (acts of repu- 
diation) designed to marginalize and break the resistance of opponents — 
labeled gusanos (worms) — and their families. A crowd gathers in front of the 
opponent's house to throw stones and attack the inhabitants. Castroist slogans 
and insults are written on the walls. The police intervene only when they decide 
that the "mass revolutionary action' 1 is becoming physically dangerous for the 
victims. This quasi-lynching is designed to encourage reciprocal hatred be- 
tween inhabitants of the small island. Actus de repudio destroy the links between 
neighbors and damage the fabric of society to bolster the omnipotence of the 
socialist state. The victim has no means of defending himself. Ricardo Bofill, 
the president of the Cuban Human Rights Committee, was forced to undergo 
one such act of repudiation in 1988. The liberation theologian Oswaldo Payas 
Sardinas underwent the same treatment in 1991. But because Cubans by the 
end of the 1980s were beginning to tire of this avalanche of social hatred, in 
both of these cases the authorities were forced to bring in assailants from 

According to Article 16 of Cuba's constitution, the state "organizes, directs, 
and controls all economic activity in accordance with the directives of the 
single plan for social and economic development." This collectivist phraseol- 
ogy hides a simple truth: inside their own country, Cubans are not free to work 
where they want or to spend their money as they wish. In 1980 the country 
experienced a wave of discontent and unrest, with factories and warehouses 
being attacked and burned. The DGCI arrested 500 opponents of the regime 
during a seventy-two-hour period. The security services then intervened in the 
provinces to close the free peasant markets. Finally, a major campaign was 
launched against the black market across the whole country. 

Law 32, against absenteeism in the workplace, was passed in March 1971. 
In 1978 a law was adopted to prevent criminality before it actually happened. 
What this meant in practice was that any Cuban could be arrested on any 
pretext if the authorities believed that he presented a danger to state security, 
even if he had not committed any illegal act. In effect the law criminalized any 

Communism in Latin America 


thought that did not accord with the ideas of the regime, turning every Cuban 
into a potential suspect. 

In the 1960s Cubans began to u vote with their oars." The first large group to 
leave were the fishermen, in 1961. The balseros were the Cuban equivalent of 
the Southeast Asian boat people and were as much a part of the human 
landscape of the island as the cane cutters. Exile was subtly used by Castro as a 
means of regulating internal tensions. The phenomenon dates from the earliest 
days of the regime and was used constantly until the mid 1970s. Many of the 
exiled fled to Florida or the American base at Guantanamo, 

The phenomenon first came to the world's attention in April 1980 with 
the Mariel crisis. Thousands of Cubans mobbed the Peruvian embassy in 
Havana, demanding exit visas to escape from an intolerable daily life. After 
several weeks the authorities allowed 125,000 — out of a population of 10 
million — to leave the country from the port of Mariel. Castro also took this 
opportunity to get rid of a number of criminals and people who were mentally 
ill. The massive exodus was a demonstration of the regime's failure, for many 
of the Martelitos came from the poorest segments of society, for whom the 
regime had always claimed to care above all others. People of every race and 
age were fleeing Cuban socialism. After the Mariel episode numerous other 
Cubans registered on lists of people seeking permission to leave the country. 
Nearly twenty years later, most of them are still waiting. 

In the summer of 1994, violent riots occurred in Havana for the first time 
since 1959. A number of people who wanted to leave the country on the 
makeshift rafts called balsas were prevented from doing so by the police. They 
reacted by sacking and looting the Colombo quarter on the Malecon seafront. 
By the time calm was restored, dozens of people had been arrested, and Castro 
was again forced to authorize the departure of 25,000 people. Departures have 
been constant ever since, and the American bases at Guantanamo and in Pan- 
ama arc full of voluntary exiles. Castro has tried to prevent people from leaving 
by sending helicopters to drop sandbags onto the balsas when they are at sea. 
In the summer of 1994, 7,000 people lost their lives while attempting to flee. 
It is estimated that approximately one-third of all balseros have died while at 
sea. Over thirty years, approximately 100,000 have attempted the journey. The 
result of this exodus is that out of 11 million inhabitants, 2 million now live in 
exile. Exile has scattered many families among Havana, Miami, Spain, and 
Puerto Rico. 

From 1975 to 1989 Cuba was the major supporter of the Marxist-Leninist 
regime of the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA; see 


The Third World 

Chapter 26), which was engaged in a civil war with UNITA forces led by Jonas 
Savimbi. In addition to sending innumerable "cooperators" and dozens of 
technical advisers, Cuba sent an expeditionary force of 50,000 men. 14 The 
Cuban army behaved in Africa as though it was a conquered territory, engaging 
in systematic corruption and smuggling (of silver, ivory, and diamonds). When 
an agreement signed in 1989 put an end to the conflict, the Cuban troops, most 
of whom were black, were repatriated. Cuban fatalities in the war were esti- 
mated at between 7,000 and 1 1 ,000. 

This experience shook the convictions of many officers. General Arnaldo 
Ochoa, the head of the expeditionary force in Angola and a member of the 
Central Committee of the Communist Party, organized a plot to overthrow 
Castro. He was arrested and brought before a military court on corruption 
charges, together with a number of other high-ranking officers from the army 
and the security services, including the de la Guardia brothers, Antonio and 
Patricio. The de la Guardias had also been smuggling drugs for the MC 
(Moneda Convertible) service, popularly known as the ''marijuana and cocaine" 
service. Ochoa's involvement in smuggling was in fact quite limited; he had 
returned from Angola with only a little ivory and a few diamonds. But Castro 
used corruption as an excuse to rid himself of a potential rival, who, by virtue 
of his prestige and high political office, could easily have channeled disaffection 
into an anti-Castro movement. Ochoa's sentencing and execution were followed 
by a purge in the army, causing further destabilization and trauma. Conscious 
of the strong resentment that many officers felt toward the regime, Castro 
appointed a trusted general minister of internal affairs. Henceforth the regime 
could count on only the special forces for certain blind devotion. 

In 1978 there were between 15,000 and 20,000 prisoners of conscience in 
Cuba. Many came from M-26 or the student anti-Batista movements, or were 
still in prison from the days of the Escambray resistance and the Bay of Pigs. 15 
In 1986 some 12,000-15,000 political prisoners were kept in fifty regional 
prisons throughout the island. Others were still at the many open-regime sites, 
with their brigades of 50, 100, or 200 prisoners. Today the government admits 
to holding between 400 and 500 political prisoners. In the spring of 1997 there 
was another wave of arrests. According to Cuban human rights representatives, 
many of whom are themselves former detainees, physical torture no longer 
occurs in Cuban prisons. These sources, together with Amnesty International, 
put the number of political prisoners in Cuba in 1997 at between 980 and 2,500 
(including men, women, and children). 

From 1959 through the late 1990s more than 100,000 Cubans experienced 
life in one of the camps, prisons, or open-regime sites. Between 15,000 and 
17,000 people were shot. "No bread without freedom, no freedom without 

Communism in Latin America 


bread," said the young lawyer Fidel Castro in 1959. But as one dissident said 
before the start of the "special regime," when Soviet aid had come to an end: 
"A prison where you eat well is still a prison." 

Like a tyrant from a different age, faced with the failures of his regime 
and the difficulties plaguing Cuba, Castro announced in 1994 that he "would 
rather die than abandon the revolution." What price must the Cuban people 
pay to satisfy his pride? 

Nicaragua: The Failure of a Totalitarian Project 

Nicaragua is a small country in Central America, sandwiched between Hondu- 
ras and Costa Rica, with a tradition of bloody upheavals. Starting in the 1930s, 
it was dominated by the Somoza family, whose most recent head, General 
Anastasio Somoza Debayle, was "elected" president in February 1967. Little 
by little, thanks to a formidable National Guard, the Somoza family took 
control of 25 percent of all arable land and most of the tobacco, sugar, rice, and 
coffee plantations, as well as a large number of the country's factories. 

This situation led to the formation of several armed opposition move- 
ments. Following the Cuban model, Carlos Fonseca Amador and Tomas Borge 
founded the Frente Sandinista de Liberacion Nacional (FSLN) in 1961. The 
group was named after Augusto Cesar Sandino, a leftist army general who had 
led a guerrilla war from the 1920s until his assassination by the Somoza gov- 
ernment in 1934. Despite several catastrophic failures, the FSLN survived with 
some assistance from Cuba and North Korea. In 1967 riots broke out in 
Managua and were put down by the National Guard; the death of at least 200 
people in the streets of the capital helped to stimulate popular support for the 
FSLN. After the assassination in 1978 of Pedro Joaquin Chamorro, the owner 
of the liberal newspaper La prensa and one of the leaders of the anti-Somoza 
opposition, the Sandinistas resumed their guerrilla activities. A genuine civil 
war then began between the FSLN and Somoza's National Guard. On 21 
February 1978 the town of Masaya rose up, In August a guerrilla leader named 
Eden Pastora captured the Somoza presidential palace in Managua, taking 
1,200 hostages; the government freed several FSLN leaders in exchange for 
them. In September the National Guard, in an effort to retake Esteli after a 
Sandinista assault, bombed the town with napalm and massacred a number of 
civilians in violent street fighting. More than 160,000 people fled Nicaragua for 
neighboring Costa Rica. In April 1979 the towns of Esteli and Leon rose up 
again, as did the city of Granada. The rebels were better organized than they 
had been the previous year, and they were further aided by the rapidly growing 
popular revulsion toward the Somocistas. Throughout June the Sandinistas 
took over more and more of the countryside, gradually approaching the out- 


The Third World 

skirts of Managua. On 17 July 1979 the dictator, who had lost all international 
support, was obliged to leave the country. Between 25,000 and 30,000 people 
died in the cjvil war and the repression, although the Sandinistas claimed that 
the figure was 50,000. Whatever the total losses were, the population of 
3 million had paid an extremely high price. 

The Revolutionary Careers of Ortega and Pastora 

As young men, both Eden Pastora and Daniel Ortega had experience of the 
prisons of the Somoza regime. Pastora was from a landed middle-class family 
and was about twenty at the time of Castro's triumph in Cuba. Ortega, born in 
1945 into a more modest family, was already taking part in the anti-Somoza 
youth organizations in the early 1960s. 

The Frente Sandinista de Liberation National, created by Fonseca and 
Borge, brought together people of various political tendencies. The two foun- 
ders themselves had different political views: Fonseca was an admirer of Castro, 
Borge of Mao Zedong. Over the years, three currents became discernible in the 
group. The "prolonged people's war" faction was a Maoist group that assigned 
the highest priority to the struggle in the countryside. The Marxist-Leninist 
or "proletarian" faction, led by Fonseca and Jaime Wheelock, sought support 
from the embryonic proletariat. The tercemta (third- way) faction, led by Marx- 
ist dissidents and democrats, sought to foment mass insurrection by creating 
an urban guerrilla network through alliances with non-Marxists. Pastora be- 
longed to this group, as did Ortega initially, although he soon switched to the 
Marxist-Leninist proletarians. Ortega joined the revolution out of a sense of 
political commitment; for Pastora the revolution was an opportunity to avenge 
his father, who had been a democratic opponent of the regime and had been 
killed by the Somocistas. After the violent strikes that followed the rigged 
presidential elections of 1967, Pastora was arrested and tortured (first bled, 
then forced to drink his own blood). After his release he launched a punitive 
campaign against his torturers. The two guerrillas who accompanied him were 
Daniel and Humberto Ortega. Later Daniel Ortega fell into the hands of 
Somoza's police, who kept him in prison until 1974. Meanwhile Pastora con- 
tinued to build the guerrilla movement; he was received by Fidel Castro, 
reiterated his allegiance to parliamentary democracy, and established links with 
other Central American democrats such Jose Maria Fugueres in Costa Rica and 
Omar Torrijos in Panama. Ortega was freed in 1974 in exchange for a Somo- 
cista dignitary who had been taken hostage; he soon flew to Havana. Pastora 
remained with the guerrillas. 

In October 1977 an uprising was organized in several Nicaraguan cities. 
Harried by the National Guard and pounded by the Somoza air force, Pastora 

Communism in Latin America 


and Ortega took refuge in the jungle. In January 1978 the revolt spread 
throughout the country. Pastora assaulted the Chamber of Deputies in the 
National Palace and liberated Tomas Borge and all other political prisoners. 
While Ortega was dividing his time between Havana and the northern front in 
Nicaragua, one of his brothers, Camilo, died during an attack on Masaya. 
Supported by Cuban military advisers, the uprising continued to gain ground. 
FSLN cadres who had been in hiding in Cuba returned to Nicaragua, while 
Pastora and his guerrillas fought hard against the elite units of the National 
Guard in southern Nicaragua. 

When the Sandinistas triumphed in July 1979, Pastora became deputy 
minister of internal affairs; Ortega was elected president. Ortega openly 
aligned himself with Cuba, allowing military advisers and Cuban "internation- 
alists" to flock to Managua. Pastora, commited to parliamentary democracy, 
became increasingly isolated. In June 1981 he resigned and began to organize 
armed resistance in the south of the country. 

Following their victory, the Sandinistas immediately formed a Junta de Recon- 
struction Nacional, which included socialists, Communists, democrats, and 
moderates. The Junta proposed a fifteen-point program that envisaged a demo- 
cratic regime based on universal suffrage and the freedom to establish multiple 
political parties. In the meantime, executive power was to remain in the hands 
of the Junta, which the Sandinistas soon controlled. 

The Junta acknowledged special ties to Cuba but did not exclude the 
possibility of Western participation in the reconstruction of Nicaragua; 16 the 
civil war had caused about 800 million dollars' worth of damage to property 
and infrastructure. However, the democrats were quickly marginalized . In April 
1980 both Alfonso Robelo and Violeta Chamorro, the widow of Pedro Joaquin 
Chamorro, resigned from the Junta. Among the reasons they gave for their 
resignation was their disapproval of the way in which the FSLN had taken 
control of the State Council. 

During this early period of political crisis, the Junta, which was now firmly 
under the control of the Sandinistas, established a secret police force. The 
Sandinistas transformed the 6,000 guerrillas of 1979 into an army, which over 
the next decade expanded to 75,000 troops. After 1980 military service became 
obligatory; all men aged seventeen to thirty-five were mobilized and obliged to 
report to military tribunals that had been created in December 1980. Students 
could pursue their education only after undergoing military training. The 
Sandinistas sought to use the army to help guerrilla groups throughout Central 
America, beginning with El Salvador, In January 1981 the Salvadoran authori- 
ties publicly announced that Sandinista patrols were encroaching on their 

The Third World 

In line with the Sandinistas' leftist views, the regime enacted a centrally 
planned economy and pursued rapid nationalization; the state soon controlled 
more than 50 percent of all the means of production. The whole country was 
forced to accept the social model imposed by the FSLN. Following the Cuban 
model, the Sandinista government covered the country with mass organiza- 
tions. Each neighborhood had a Comite de Defensa Sandinista (Sandinista 
Defense Committee), or CDS, with the same role as that of the Cuban CDRs: 
to divide up the country and watch over its inhabitants. Children, who had 
much more access to schooling than they had under the Somoza regime, 
belonged to scouting and pioneer organizations known as Camilitos, after 
Camilo Ortega. Women, workers, and peasants were drafted into associations 
and brigades that were closely controlled by the FSLN. Political parties had no 
real freedom. The press was quickly gagged, and journalists worked under 
pervasive censorship. Gilles Bataillon correctly characterized these conditions 
when he wrote that the Sandinistas wanted "to occupy the whole social and 
political space of the country."' 7 

The Sandinistas and the Indians 

Roughly 150,000 Indians live on the Atlantic coast of Nicaragua: the Miskito, 
Sumo, and Rama tribal groups, as well as Creoles and Ladinos (those of mixed 
Spanish and Mayan ethnic background). Under previous regimes these groups 
had enjoyed a certain degree of autonomy and were excused from paying taxes 
and from military service. Soon after coming to power, the Sandinistas began 
to attack the Indian communities, which were determined to hold onto their 
land and their language. Lyster Athders, the leader of the Alliance for Progress 
of the Miskitos and Sumo (Alpromisu), was arrested in August 1979 and killed 
two months later. Early in 1981 the national leaders of the Misurasata, a 
political organization that united several tribes, were arrested. On 21 February 
1981 the armed forces killed seven Miskito Indians and wounded seventeen 
others. On 23 December 1981 in Leimus, the Sandinista army massacred 
seventy-five miners who had demanded payment of back wages. Another 
thirty-five miners suffered the same fate the next day. 

The Sandinistas also carried out forcible displacements of native popula- 
tions on the pretext of protecting them against "armed incursions of Somocista 
guards" operating out of Honduras. In 1982 the Sandinista army forcibly 
moved nearly 10,000 Indians inland. Hunger became a formidable weapon: the 
Indians in the interior received a plentiful supply of food from the government, 
while those who remained on the coast were allowed to suffer. During these 
operations the army committed a number of atrocities. Thousands of Indians 
(estimates at the time ranged from 7,000 to 15,000) took refuge in Honduras; 
thousands more (perhaps as many as 14,000) were imprisoned in Nicaragua. 

Communism in Latin America 

The Sandinistas regularly opened fire on people attempting to flee across the 
Coco River. These three factors — massacres, displacements of the population, 
and exile abroad— led the anthropologist Gilles Bataillon to speak of "a politics 
of ethnocide" in Nicaragua. 

The Indians turned against the Managua administration and formed two 
guerrilla groups, the Misura and Misurasata, which contained people from the 
Sumo, Rama, and Miskito tribes. Although these tribes had very different life 
styles, they were united in their opposition to the government's assimilationist 

Scandalized by the repressive policies, Eden Pastora exclaimed in the 
Council of Ministers that "even that tyrant Somoza left them alone! He might 
have exploited them a bit, but you want to turn them into proletarians by force!" 
Tomas Borge, the Maoist minister of the interior, replied that "the revolution 
could tolerate no exceptions." 

The government had made its decision, and the Sandinistas opted for 
forced assimilation. A state of siege, declared in March 1982, lasted until 1987. 
The first years of Sandinista power were thus characterized on the Atlantic 
coast by abuses of power, flagrant violations of human rights, and the system- 
atic destruction of Indian villages. 

From north to south, the country quickly rose up against the dictatorial regime 
in Managua and its totalitarian tendencies. A new civil war began, affecting 
numerous zones in the regions of Jinotega, Esteli, and Nueva Segovia in the 
north, Matagalpa and Boaco in the center, and Zelaya and Rio San Juan in the 
south. On 9 July 1981 Pastora broke publicly with the FSLN and left Nicara- 
gua. Resistance against the Sandinistas — wrongly labeled "Contra," that is, 
"counterrevolutionary" by the outside world — became more organized. Oper- 
ating in the north was the Fuer/a Democratica Nicaraguense (Nicaraguan 
Democratic Force; FDN), which was made up of both former Somoza sup- 
porters and genuine freedom fighters. In southern Nicaragua, resistance was 
organized bv former Sandinistas and reinforced by peasants who rejected col- 
lectivization of the land and Indians who had fled to Honduras or Costa Rica. 
Together, these groups formed the Alianza Revolucionaria Democratica (ARDE), 
with Alfonso Robelo as political leader and Eden Pastora as military leader. 

The new civil war spread quickly. The most violent confrontations took place 
in the northern and southern parts of the country between 1982 and 1987, with 
atrocities committed by both sides. The Nicaraguan conflict turned into a 
confrontation between East and West. Fidel Castro played the role of mentor 
to the new regime. Cubans were present in all units of the Sandinista army and 
advised the Council of Ministers in Managua. While Eden Pastora was still in 
the government, during a visit to Havana he saw the entire Sandinista cabinet 


The Third World 

assembled in Castro's office to receive his advice on how to manage agriculture, 
defense, internal affairs, and other branches of government. For a while the 
Cuban military advisers were led by General Arnaldo Ochoa. The population 
transfers of the Indian population were assisted by Bulgarian, East German, 
and even Palestinian advisers. 

In 1984 the government attempted to restore its credibility by presenting 
a democratic facade through organized presidential elections. A May 1984 
speech by Bayardo Arce, one of the nine members of the leadership council of 
the FSLN, is particularly revealing of the Sandinistas 1 intentions: u We believe 
that these elections should be used to vote for Sandinism, because it has been 
called into question and stigmatized by imperialism. It should allow us to 
demonstrate that whatever happens, the people of Nicaragua support totali- 
tarianism and Marxism-Leninism ... We should now agree to do away with 
pluralism and the existence of a Socialist Party, a Communist Party, a Christian 
Democratic Party, and a Social Democratic Party. All of that has been useful 
up to now, but it has had its day, and we should do away with it." Arce then 
invited his listeners (who were members of the pro-Soviet Nicaraguan Socialist 
Party) to establish a single party for all. 1 * 

The conservative candidate Arturo Cruz withdrew from the campaign 
because of the violence caused by the turbas, the thugs of the Sandinista party. 
It thus came as no surprise when Daniel Ortega won, although this outcome 
failed to curb the tension and unrest in the country. In 1984 and 1985 the 
government organized several major offensives against the anti-Sandinista re- 
sistance. In 1985 and 1986, troops from Managua attacked opposition forces 
along the Costa Rican border. Despite continuing popular support, Eden Pas- 
tora gave up the fight in 1986 and withdrew with his troops into Costa Rica. 
Outmaneuvered by Sandinista commandos, the Miskito Indians offered only 
sporadic resistance to the government after 1985. The Contra forces and the 
anti-Sandinista resistance also suffered but continued fighting. 

The government used the Contra attacks to justify the suspension of 
numerous individual and political freedoms and to excuse the country's poor 
economic performance. Nearly 50 percent of the budget was devoted to military 
spending. The economy was further devastated by the trade embargo imposed 
by the United States on 1 May 1985 with the support of most Western Euro- 
pean countries. The coffee plantations, one of the main sources of export 
income, were ravaged by the war. The country's external debt soared and 
inflation peaked at 36,000 percent in 1989. At that point the government 
introduced rationing, but acute shortages of milk and meat persisted. 

The Sandinista government frequently used repressive measures to deal with 
its opponents. Soon after coming to power, it established special courts to try 

Communism in Latin America 


political opponents. Decree No. 185, dated 5 December 1979, created special 
tribunals to pass judgment on former members of the National Guard and 
civilian Somoza supporters, in much the same way that the Castro regime had 
judged Batista's supporters. Although detainees were judged according to the 
penal code in place at the time the offenses were committed, the appeals 
process had to go through these same extraordinary courts. This strategy 
allowed the Sandinistas to establish a special legal mechanism outside the 
normal justice system. Trials were marked by many procedural irregularities. 
Sometimes crimes were considered to have been proved even when no concrete 
evidence had been produced. Judges operated without the presumption of 
innocence, and sentences often rested on notions of collective responsibility 
rather than on any proof of individual guilt. 

On 15 March 1982 the Junta declared a state of siege, which allowed it to 
close independent radio stations, suspend the right of association, and limit the 
freedom of trade unions, which had been hostile to the Sandinistas and had 
resisted attempts to transform them into extensions of the central government. 
There were also campaigns against religious groups, including the Moravians 
and Jehovah's Witnesses. In June 1982 Amnesty International estimated that 
more than 4,000 former Somoza national guardsmen were imprisoned by the 
Junta, as well as several hundred prisoners of conscience. One year later, the 
number of political prisoners had soared to 20,000. At the end of 1982 the 
United Nations Human Rights Commission drew attention to two even more 
worrying phenomena, the number of "disappeared" among people who had 
been arrested as counterrevolutionaries and the number of people who had died 
"while attempting to escape." 

To combat the opposition groups, the Sandinistas in April 1983 estab- 
lished Tribunals Populares Anti-Somocista (Popular Anti-Somoza Tribunals; 
TPAs) to pass judgment on anyone who belonged to a Contra group or par- 
ticipated in other military activity. Any act of rebellion or sabotage meant an 
appearance before the TPA. Members of the TPA were nominated by the 
government and came from organizations closely associated with the FSLN. 
Lawyers, some of whom had not even completed rheir training, carried out the 
legal formalities. The TPAs often accepted any extrajudicial admission of guilt 
as proof, regardless of its provenance. The TPAs were finally dissolved in 1988. 

Waves of arrests began in rural zones in 1984. Carlos Nueves Tellos, an 
FSLN delegate, defended the prolonged periods of preventive detention, ar- 
guing that they were "a necessity imposed by the difficulties inherent in having 
to carry out hundreds of interrogations in the rural zones." Members of 
opposition parties — liberals, Social Democrats, and Christian Democrats — and 
unionists were arrested for "activities favorable to the enemy." There was no 
possible means of appeal. The secret police force, which had a reputation for 


The Third World 

extreme violence, could detain any suspect indefinitely without bringing 
charges. The police could also use whatever sort of detention they deemed 
necessary and were authorized to keep prisoners from making contact with their 
lawyers or families. Some detainees never managed to contact their lawyers 
at all. 

The Sandinistas quickly created an effective mechanism of repression. 
The country was put under the control of 15,000 special troops from the 
Ministry of Internal Affairs. One service in particular, the Direccion General 
de Seguridad del Estado (DGSE), was responsible for surveillance and special 
operations. Trained by Cuban agents from the G-2, the DGSE answered 
directly to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The DGSE was in charge of the 
arrest and interrogation of political prisoners and practiced what is known as 
u clean torture,' 1 adopted from Cuban and East German experts. Most interro- 
gations took place in the El Chipote detention center in the German-Pomares 
military complex on the slopes of the Loma de Tiscapa volcano, just behind 
the Managua Intercontinental Hotel. Two members of the Christian Socialist 
Party, Jose Rodriguez and Juana Blandon, confirm that when they were inter- 
rogated there, they were deprived of sleep and their families were threatened. 
The security forces also used much more degrading methods. Detainees were 
kept in dark cubicles with a surface area of less than one square meter, known 
as chiquitas (little ones). It was impossible to sit in them; they were totally dark 
and had little ventilation and no sanitation. Prisoners were sometimes kept 
there for more than a week. Interrogations were carried out at any time of day 
or night, sometimes at gunpoint and amid death threats and simulated execu- 
tions. Some prisoners were deprived of food and water. After being detained 
for a few days, physically exhausted, many of them agreed to sign self-incrimi- 
nating false confessions. In distant rural regions, units from the regular army 
often arrested and detained suspect civilians for several days in military camps 
before handing them over to the DGSE. 

Some of the DGSE prisons were notorious for their harsh conditions. At 
Las Tejas, for example, prisoners were forced to stand without bending their 
arms or legs. All prisons were constructed on the same model: the minuscule 
cells had beds set into the concrete walls. There was no electicity or sanitation. 
Nor were there windows; the only illumination came from a tiny ray of light 
that slipped through the ventilation grill situated above the steel door. In times 
of crisis, prisoners were kept in such cells for several months. After a campaign 
by human-rights organizations, the chiquitas were abolished in 1989. 

According to Amnesty International, only a few people actually died in 
the DGSE centers. Danilo Rosalcs and Salomon Tellevia officially died of 
"heart attacks." In 1985 Jose Angel Vilchis Tijerino, who himself had been 
beaten with a rifle butt, saw one of his companions die from the ill treatment 

Communism in Latin America 


he received. Amnesty International and other nongovernmental organizations 
denounced similar abuses in rural zones. One detainee from the Rio Blanco 
prison in Matagalpa stated that he was locked up with twenty other prisoners 
in a cell so small that they all had to sleep standing up. Another was deprived 
of food and water for five days and had to drink his own urine to survive. The 
use of electric batons was common. 

The penitentiary system was closely modeled on that of Cuba. The clem- 
ency law of 2 November 1981, based on Cuban texts, allowed the prisoner's 
attitude and behavior to be taken into account in decisions on eventual libera- 
tion. The limitations of the law quickly became apparent. Although hundreds 
of prisoners sentenced by the exceptional courts were pardoned, no systematic 
revision of those sentences was ever undertaken. 

People were arrested for "Somocista crimes," a notion that signified noth- 
ing concrete. In 1989 only 39 of the 1,640 people arrested for "counterrevolu- 
tionary crimes" had actually been members of Somoxa's entourage. Members 
of Somoza's guards never accounted for more than 20 percent of the Contras, 
yet the threat of rebellion by Somoza's supporters was the key argument used 
by the Sandinistas to lock up their opponents. More than 6(H) were imprisoned 
for this reason in the Carcel Modelo. The early years of the Sandinista regime 
were characterized above all by the falsification of evidence and by the invention 
of spurious charges against opponents. 

By 1987 there were more than 3,700 political prisoners in Nicaraguan 
prisons. On 19 August 1987 in El Chipote, about a dozen detainees were beaten 
by their guards. Prisoners also reported the use of electric batons by their 
guards. In February 1989, as a protest against the harshness of the conditions 
they faced, 90 prisoners in the Carcel Modelo, twenty kilometers outside Ma- 
nagua, began a hunger strike. Thirty of the strikers were transferred to El 
Chipote, where as punishment they were all kept naked in one cell for two days. 
In other prisons as well, detainees were kept naked, handcuffed, and deprived 
of water. 

In 1989 there were 630 prisoners in the Carcel Modelo. Thirty-eight 
former Somoza guardsmen were also serving their sentences there, in a separate 
block. Political prisoners were kept in the regional prisons in Esteli, La Granja, 
and Granada. For ideological reasons, a number of prisoners, particularly in 
the Carcel Modelo, refused to do the work they were assigned; they suffered 
violent reprisals. Amnesty International also reported ill treatment of prisoners 
after protests and hunger strikes. 

Some prisoners were eligible for a program of reeducation through work. 
There were five categories of imprisonment. Those declared unfit for the work 
program for reasons of security were kept in a high security compound. They 
saw their families only every forty-five days and could leave their cells for only 


The Third World 

six hours a week. Prisoners who were integrated into the readaptation programs 
were allowed to carry out paid work. They were permitted one conjugal visit 
per month and a visit by another close relative every two weeks. People who 
satisfied the demands of the work program had the right to request transfer to 
a work farm, where a "semi-open" regime was in operation, and they could 
eventually pass to an open regime. 

The offensives and counteroffensives of the two sides in the civil war make 
the calculation of losses difficult, but there is no doubt that hundreds of 
opponents were executed in the rural zones, where the fighting was particularly 
violent. The massacres appear to have been carried out by army combat units 
and by special troops from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which were ac- 
countable to Tomas Borge, the minister. These troops were the Nicaraguan 
equivalent of the Cuban Minit special forces. 

Executions of villagers were reported in the Zelaya region, although no 
precise figures on casualties are available. Bodies were often mutilated and men 
emasculated. The massacred peasants were suspected of having either assisted 
or belonged to the Contra movement. The suspects' houses were destroyed, 
and survivors were forcibly deported. These actions were carried out by troops 
from the regular army. The intention of the government was to impose its 
policies by terror and through this terror to deprive the enemy of its bases. 
Unable to catch the resistance fighters, the army took revenge on their relatives. 
In February 1989 Amnesty International reported dozens of extrajudicial exe- 
cutions, particularly in the provinces of Matagalpa and Jinotega. The mutilated 
bodies of the victims were found by their families near their homes. Through- 
out the war there were numerous reports of "disappearances" carried out by 
groups from the DGSE. Furthermore, the minister of internal affairs rarely 
hesitated to shoot political prisoners in Managua. The total human cost of the 
war was between 45,000 and 50,000 people, most of them civilians. At least 
400,000 Nicaraguans fled to Costa Rica, Honduras, or the United States, par- 
ticularly to Miami and California. 

The treaties signed in Esquipulas, Guatemala, in August 1987 relaunched 
the peace process, and in September 1987 the opposition daily La prensa was 
authorized to reappear. On 7 October a unilateral cease-fire was signed for the 
provinces of Segovia, Jinotega, and Zelaya. More than 2,000 political prisoners 
were freed, although another 1,200 remained in prison as of February 1990. In 
March 1988 direct negotiations began between the government and the oppo- 
sition in Sapoa, Costa Rica. In June 1989, eight months before the presidential 
elections, most of the 12,000 anti-Sandinista guerrillas returned to their bases 
in Honduras. 

Unable to impose their ideology by force, under attack by both internal 

Communism in Latin America 


and foreign forces, bereft of support from their erstwhile Eastern-bloc patrons, 
and weakened by internal quarrels, the Sandinistas took the country to the polls 
again. On 25 February 1990 the democrat Violeta Chamorro was elected presi- 
dent, winning 54,7 percent of the vote. For the first time in 160 years of 
independence, a peaceful transfer of political power took place in the country. 
The desire for peace seems to have triumphed over the permanent state of war. 
For whatever reason — perhaps they finally understood the need for democracy 
or perhaps they simply bowed to the inevitable as their support ebbed away — 
the Sandinistas did not resort to the extremes of terror used by Communists 
elsewhere in attempts to cling to power. But in their attempt to impose their 
point of view and apply their policies without regard to the political realities 
facing the country, they led a genuine revolution astray, provoked a second civil 
war that delayed the coming of democracy to Nicaragua, and caused the loss 
of many lives. 

Peru: The Long Bloody March of the Sendero Luminoso 

On 17 May 1980, the day of presidential elections, Peru witnessed the first 
armed action by a Maoist guerrilla group calling itself the Sendero Luminoso 
(Shining Path). To announce the start of a "people's war," young militants 
seized and set fire to voting booths in Chuschi. Nobody took much notice. A 
few weeks later, the inhabitants of the capital, Lima, found dogs hanging from 
lampposts with signs around their necks bearing the name Deng Xiaoping. The 
"revisionist" Chinese leader was accused of betraying the Cultural Revolution. 
Who had resorted to such macabre practices? 

The late 1970s were a particularly turbulent time for Peru. Six general 
strikes took place in 1977-1979, all preceded by large demonstrations in the 
main provincial towns of Arequipa, Ayacucho, Cuzeo, Huancayo, and Pucallpa. 
They were accompanied by the emergence of massive "defense fronts" struc- 
tured around the demands of the protestors. These fronts became the backbone 
of the Sendero Luminoso. In Ayacucho the defense front had already been in 
existence for some time. In Quechua, Ayacucho means "the dead area," and in 
truth it was long one of the most deprived areas in the country. Here less than 
5 percent of the land could be cultivated, the average annual per-capita income 
was less than 100 U.S. dollars, and life expectancy was only about forty-five 
years. Infant mortality was approximately 20 percent, whereas the national 
average was 11 percent. It was in this region, plagued by social problems, that 
the Sendero Luminoso first came into being. 

Ayacucho has also had an active university center since 1959, which spe- 
cialized in pediatrics, applied anthropology, and rural engineering. A revolu- 


The Third World 

tionary student front developed there and played an important role at the 
university. Initially, orthodox Communists, supporters of Che Guevara, and 
Maoists all vied for control, but beginning in the early 1960s a young Maoist 
and philosophy teacher named Abimael Guzman assumed a dominant role, 

Born in Lima on 6 December 1934, Guzman started out a taciturn young 
man and a brilliant student. In 1958 he had joined the Communist Party, where 
he soon gained notice through his rhetorical talent, developed after his student 
days. In 1965 he helped found the Communist group Bandera Roja (Red Flag), 
which was a product of a schism inside the Peruvian Communist Party follow- 
ing the Sino-Soviet split. According to some accounts, Guzman visited China. 19 
In 1966 the government closed the university in the wake of insurrectionist 
riots. At this time the Maoists of the Bandera Roja, led by Guzman, set up the 
Front for Defense of the Population of Ayacucho, beginning their armed 
struggle the following year. In June 1969 Guzman took part in the kidnapping 
of the assistant prefect Octavio Cabrera Rocha in Huerta, in the north of 
Ayacucho Province. He was imprisoned in 1970 for attacking state security, but 
was freed a few months later. At the Fourth Conference of the Bandera Roja, 
in 1971, another schism resulted in the formation of a new Communist group 
calling itself the Sendero Luminoso. The name is taken from Jose Carlos 
Mariategui's claim that "Marxism-Leninism will open the shining path toward 
the revolution." 20 The hero of the militants, Guzman is known as the "fourth 
sword of Marxism" (after Marx, Lenin, and Mao). The novelist Mario Vargas 
Llosa analyzed Guzman's revolutionary project as follows: "In his eyes, the 
Peru that Mariategui described in the 1920s is essentially identical with the 
reality of China as described by Mao at that time — 4 a semifeudal, scmicolonial 
society' that can be liberated by following a strategy identical with that of the 
Chinese revolution: a prolonged people's war waged on the towns and based in 
the countryside . . . The socialist model he claims to follow is that of the Russia 
of Stalin, the Cultural Revolution of the Gang of Four, and the Pol Pot regime 
of Cambodia." 21 

From 1972 to 1979 the Sendero seemed to content itself with taking 
control of student organizations. It received the support of students in the 
Technical University of San Martin de Torres in Lima and also infiltrated the 
union of primary school teachers. Many of Sendero's rural guerrilla networks 
were headed by teachers. In late 1977 Guzman went into hiding and began 
preparing the organization to embark on armed struggle, a course that was 
formally ratified by party members on 17 March 1980. Sendero troops were 
reinforced by Trotskyites led by Carlos Mezzich and by Maoist dissidents from 
the Pukallacta group. The hour of the armed struggle had come, and the 
Chuschi operation, followed on 23 December 1980 bv the assassination of a 

Communism in Latin America 


landowner called Benigno Medina, was the first case of "popular justice." 
Although the Sendero in these early days had no more than 200 to 300 men at 
its disposal, it quickly began methodically eliminating the middle and upper 
classes and members of the country's security forces. 

In 1981 the police stations in Totos, San Jose de Secce, and Quinca were 
attacked. In August 1982 the Senderistas stormed the police headquarters in 
Viecahuaman, killing six antiguerrilla policemen (sinchis, the Quechua word for 
"brave" or "courageous"); fifteen others either took flight or were taken pris- 
oner. Because the guerrillas had no outside assistance, they took arms from 
police stocks and explosives from the mines, not hesitating to attack the miners 
if they put up any resistance. The stick of dynamite thrown as a maraka, a 
traditional act of resistance, quickly became the Sendero's favorite weapon. In 
addition to these attacks, the guerrillas carried out a multitude of assaults on 
public buildings, power lines, and bridges. 22 With a firm foothold in Ayacucho, 
the commandos invaded the city in March 1982, freeing 297 political prisoners 
and common criminals. The careful planning of the attack, the infiltration of 
the town, and the simultaneous actions against several different police targets 
all revealed a long and careful apprenticeship in subversion. 

To establish a countrywide network of "people's communes," the Sendero 
Luminoso set about destroying all government installations and infrastructure. 
In August 1982 a Sendero commando group destroyed the Center for Agricul- 
tural Research and Experimentation in Allpahaca, slaughtering animals and 
setting fire to machinery. A year later, the Institute for Technical Research on 
Camelidae (llamas, guanacos, and alpacas) went up in smoke. Engineers and 
technicians, who were considered to be vectors of capitalist corruption, were 
also massacred. Tino Alansaya, the head of the project, was murdered and his 
body dynamited. In justifying this act, the Senderistas claimed that he was "an 
agent of the feudal and bureaucratic state." Over the next eight years, sixty 
engineers were killed in rural areas. Nongovernmental operatives were not 
spared either: in 1988 an American citizen working for the U.S. Agency for 
International Development, Constantin Gregory, was killed by the Sendero; 
two French aid workers were killed on 4 December of the same year. 

Guzman had predicted that "the triumph of the revolution will cost a 
million lives" — at a time when the population of Peru was only 19 million. 
Following that principle, the Sendero Luminoso set about eliminating all sym- 
bols of the hated political and social order. In January 1982 they executed two 
teachers in front of their students. A few months later, sixty-seven "traitors" 
were killed in public, ostensibly on the basis of a "people's verdict." In the early 
days, the peasants had not been too concerned by the murder of a few land- 
owners and state officials, in part because taxes were high and borrowing rates 


The Third World 

extortionate. But the targeting of traders and members of the middle class 
deprived peasants of some key benefits, including loans at affordable rates, 
work, and aid of various kinds. As part of a "revolutionary purity" campaign 
and an effort to consolidate the Sendero's hold, the guerrillas also attacked the 
groups of abigeos (cattle thieves) who lived on the high plains. This campaign 
against delinquency was purely tactical, since from 1983 onward the Sendero 
collaborated with the drug smugglers in Huanuco. 

In regions plagued by ethnic conflicts, the Senderistas did all they could 
to stir up hatred of the central government in Lima, which, in the words of 
"President Gonzalo" (Abimael Guzman's nom de guerre), was an outdated 
colonial relic. Sendero claimed to defend the Indians in the same manner that 
Pol Pot had sought to reclaim the Khmer purity of the Angkor dynasty period. 
As a result, the guerrillas initially received the backing of a number of Indian 
tribes. Before long, however, almost all the Indian and peasant leaders grew 
disaffected with the Sendero's graphic violence and coercive tactics. In 1989 in 
Upper Amazonia, the Ashaninkas were forced to enlist in the Sendero or face 
reprisals. Nearly 25,000 of them lived in the jungle before being placed under 
the protection of the army. 

By the late 1980s the Ayacucho region was entirely under the control of 
the Sendero Luminoso, which attempted to set up a new social order in the 
province. Prostitutes had their heads shaved, unfaithful and drunken husbands 
were whipped, and anyone who showed any sign of resistance had a hammer 
and sickle shaved into his hair. Any celebration judged to be "unhealthy" was 
banned. Communities were controlled by "people's committees,' 1 each run by- 
five "political commissars," in a pyramidal structure that echoed the political 
and military organization of the Sendero itself. Committees were organized 
into small cells that reported to the main "column" for the area, which typically- 
had seven to eleven members. Attached to the political commissars were assis- 
tants whose task was to promote rural organization and production and who 
were in charge of collective work in the "liberated zones." Insubordination or 
a refusal to cooperate was immediately punished by death. Because the Sendero 
wanted the rural village zones to be autarkic and isolated, the guerrillas began 
blowing up bridges, a policy that sparked strong opposition from the peasants. 
The Sendero frequently enlisted children by force to maintain its control of 
the population. 

The government's initial response to the terrorism was to send in special 
commando groups (sinchis) and marines, but this effort met with little success. 
In 1983 and 1984, the "people's war" was intensified. In April 1983, fifty 
Sendero guerrillas took control in Luconamanca, using axes and knives to 
massacre thirty-two "traitors" and a number of other people who were caught 

Communism in Latin America 


fleeing. Sixty-seven people died, including four children. This massacre was 
intended to show the authorities that the Sendero was without mercy. In 1984 
and 1985 the group expanded its offensive to members of the government, a 
policy that had begun in November 1983 with the assassination of the mayor 
in the mining center Cerro de Pesco. Sensing that the authorities had aban- 
doned them, several mayors and deputy mayors resigned; priests also fled. 

In 1982 the war cost 200 lives. Ten times that number died the following 
year. In 1984 alone the terrorists carried out more than 2,600 actions, and more 
than 400 soldiers and policemen died in these operations. The army launched 
reprisals. When militants mutinied in three prisons in Lima in June 1986, 
government repressions were ferocious, resulting in more than 200 deaths. The 
Senderistas failed to gain any significant footholds in the well-structured min- 
ing unions and in the barrios, where a strong social support network already 
existed. To maintain credibility, they concentrated their efforts on the majority 
party in power, the Alianza Popular Revolucionaria Americana (American 
Revolutionary Popular Alliance; APRA). 21 In 1985 seven Aprists were killed 
and mutilated in the manner reserved for police informers, with their ears, 
tongues, and eyes cut out. The Sendero also opened a new front in Puno that 
year. Several zones in La Libertad and the provinces of Huanuco, La Mar, and 
Upper Amazonia were also affected by guerrilla action. Plastic explosive attacks 
were carried out on the electricity generating centers in Cuzco and Arequipa. 
In June 1984 the guerrillas derailed a train carrying concentrated lead, and 
shortly afterward they did the same to a train carrying copper. 

The army responded with ever-greater repression. In 1984 a state of 
emergency was declared in 10 of Peru's 146 provinces. The army announced 
that mass killings were justified if three people out of every sixty killed turned 
out to be guerrillas; there were widespread massacres of peasants in Ayacucho. 
Not surprisingly, undecided peasants began to look more favorably upon the 
Sendero Luminoso. But in the early 1990s the government changed its strategy, 
declaring that it would consider the peasants partners instead of enemies. The 
military hierarchy was reorganized, and better methods of recruitment resulted 
in closer collaboration with the peasants. The Sendero also began to change its 
tactics, splitting into separate units at its third conference. Autonomous units 
were put in charge of guerrilla warfare, sabotage, terrorism, and psychological 

To punish anyone who betrayed the "forces of the people," the Sendero 
set up labor camps in Amazonia. Since 1983, enslaved peasants had been trying 
to leave the zones controlled by the guerrillas, who had forced them to work 
the land and the coca fields to meet the Sendero's own needs. Many children 
born on the high plains died there^ and anyone who was caught attempting to 


The Third World 

escape was executed immediately. Trapped in the camps and forced to attend 
study sessions where they read the works of President Gonzalo, the prisoners 
suffered greatly from hunger and deprivation. This was the case for the 500 
detainees in the camp in the Convencion region. In December 1987, 300 
starving men, women, and children managed to escape from the ''Peruvian 
gulag" and arrived in Belem, on the edge of the jungle. 

Revolted by the cruelty of the Sendero, which had proved itself incapable 
of improving the lot of the lower classes, the vast majority of peasants gradually- 
abandoned the Guzman revolution. The Sendero also found itself in competi- 
tion with other political groups. The United Left, strongly supported by the 
unions, had successfully resisted infiltration by the Sendero, which had shown 
itself to be more at home carrying out bloody repressions than organizing 
community projects. In 1988 and 1989 the Sendero targeted Lima and Cuzco, 
especially the surrounding shantytowns, which were hotbeds of revolutionary 
culture. The Sendero began to set up cells there, and resistance was quickly 
eliminated. Militants also infiltrated several charities, including Peruvian Popu- 
lar Aid. The Senderistas systematically attempted to eliminate all the classic 
Marxist organizations and to take control of the unions, but this latter effort 
again met with failure. The Sendero also clashed with the Movimiento Revolu- 
cionario Tupac Amaru (MRTA) terrorist group, resulting in significant casu- 
alties on both sides and among civilians. In 1990, for example, 1,584 civilians 
and 1,542 rebels died. Outmaneuvred by the MRTA and harried by the army, 
the Sendero began to decline. The process had been hastened by brief internal 
dissidence in the late 1980s, followed by executions of some key figures as 
"traitors following the bourgeois line. 1 ' 

In September 1983 the Peruvian police achieved their first major victory 
against the rebels by arresting Carlos Mezzich, one of Guzman's closest asso- 
ciates. Nearly a decade passed, however, before the government made further 
progress in eliminating the leadership of the Shining Path. On 12 and 13 
September 1992, Guzman and his companion Elena Iparraguire were arrested. 
A few weeks later the organization's third in command, Oscar Albert Ramirez, 
fell into the hands of the police. On 2 March 1993 the Sendero's military leader, 
Margot Dominguez (code name Edith), was also arrested. Finally, in March 
1995 a group of thirty guerrillas with Margie Clavo Peralta at its head was 
uncovered by the security forces. Despite this progress in eliminating the 
group's leadership, a downturn in Peru's economy led to an increase in popular 
support: in the middle and late 1990s the Sendero Luminoso still had about 
25,000 members, including between 3,000 and 5,000 regulars. 

The cost of the conflict in Peru has been estimated at 20 billion dollars. 
According to some sources, the Shining Path has been responsible for between 
25,000 and 30,000 deaths. Children in the countryside have paid a particularly 

Communism in Latin America 


heavy toll in the Sendero's violent campaign; between 1980 and 1991 more than 
1,000 died in terrorist actions, and another 3,000 were seriously wounded. The 
breakup of families in war zones has also left some 50,000 children abandoned 
or orphaned. 

Select Bibliography 


Lowy, Michael, ed. Marxism in Latin America from 1909 to the Present; An Anthology, 

trans. Michael Pearlman. Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press, 1992. 
Mcrcier-Vega, Louis. Guerrillas in Latin America: The Technique of Counter-State, 
trans. Daniel Weissbort. New York: Praeger, 1969. 

- La revolution par I eta I: Une nouvelle classe dingeante en Amerique latine. Paris: 
Payor, 1978. 

— Roads to Power in Latin America, trans. Roberr Rowland. New York: Praeger, 
Publications of La Documentation Francaise, Amerique Latine series. 


Clark, Juan. Cuba, mito y realidad: Testimonios de un pueblo, Miami: Saeta Edieiones, 

Franqui, Carlos. Diary of the Cuban Revolution. New York: Viking Press, 1980. 
Valladares, Armando. Against All Hope: The Prison Memoirs. New York: Alfred A. 

Knopf, 1986. 
Vails, Jorge. Mori ennemi, man frere. Paris: GaJlimard, L'Arpenteur, 1989. 
Verdes-Leroux, Jeannine. La lune et le caudiilo: Le reve des inlellectuels et le regime cub am 

(195 ( ^ 1971). Paris: Gallimard, L'Arpenteur, 1989. 


Bataillon, Gilles. "Communistes et sociodemoerates dans la revolution." Communism?, 
no. 13, 1987. 

"Nicaragua; De la tyrannic a la dictature totalitaire." Esprit, October 1983, 

special issue: "Ameriques latines a la une." 

"Nicaragua: Des elections a I'etat d'urgence." Esprit, January 1986. 

"Le Nicaragua et les indiens de la cote atlantique. 11 Esprit, July 1983. 

"Le Nicaragua et les indiens Miskiro." Esprit, July-August 1982. 

"[.'opposition nicaraguayenne a la recherche d'une strategic' 1 Esprit, June 


— "Paysage apres la bataille (Nicaragua).' 1 Esprit, January 1986. 


The Third World 

Berreby, Genevieve, and Elie-Georges Berreby. Commandant Zero. Paris: Robert Laf- 

font, 1987. 
Caroit, J. M., and V. Soule. Le Nicaragua, le modele sandimste. Paris: Le Sycomore, 

Dumont, Rene. Finis les lendematns qui chantent. Paris: Seuil, 1982. 
Nicaragua: Colonialism? et revolution. Paris: Inti, 1982. 


Hertoghe, Alain, and Alain Labrousse. Le sentier lumineux: Un nouvel integnsme dans le 
Tiers-Monde. Paris: La Decouverte, 1989, 


Afrocommunism: Ethiopia, Angola, and 

Yves Santamaria 

Even before the Cold War was fully under way, France sought to 
establish a linkage between the international Communist movement and anti- 
colonial struggles. Under pressure from the United States to relinquish over- 
seas colonies, the French Fourth Republic tried to make Washington believe 
that any surrender to nationalist movements in the colonies was automatically 
an invitation for Moscow to take over. Time and again, Lenin's old adage was 
trotted out in support of this view: from the East, he had said, the road to Paris 
passed through Algeria. This strange mixture of the exotic and the familiar, of 
Africa and Communism, did not really coalesce until a vacuum emerged after 
the American defeat in Vietnam, when pro-Soviet regimes took hold in what 
had been the Portuguese part of Africa and in Ethiopia. For the first time it 
seemed that these countries were not merely pawns in a geopolitical game. 
Although the constant threat of socialist control over sectors judged vital by 
the West still existed, what seemed even more worrying was Communism's 
apparent success in offering the Third World an illusory remedy for under- 
development. On top of all the suffering that these countries had already 
experienced, their leaders seemed to believe that the force of history was to 
make them the final inheritors of the glorious October Revolution. 



The Third World 

Communism African Style 

In 1989, not long after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Tutsis of the Rwandan 
Patriotic Front found themselves labeled the "black Khmers" for their sus- 
pected sympathies with Pol Pot. At the same time, their US. -educated leader, 
Paul Kagame, was labeled "American" by the French, who have always been 
wary of possible Anglo-Saxon interventions in Francophone Africa. 1 Politics in 
the Great Lakes region are extremely complex, and the region is a good indica- 
tor of the difficulties faced by observers of the African political scene. The 
West has always projected its political fantasies onto the "Dark Continent. " 
Therefore, one might think it would be difficult to talk about "African Com- 
munism" without falling into ethnocentricity. But in reality, debates about the 
authenticity of African states' role in the Communist universe take exactly the 
same form as debates about other forms of Communism throughout the world. 
Even the president of Mozambique, Joaquim Chissano, readily admitted, as 
Communism began to crumble in Eastern Europe, that "the history of Marx- 
ism was beginning to pose serious problems for us." 2 General Charles de 
Gaulle always perceived the US.S.R. as first and foremost a Russian state, so 
why should the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) not 
be viewed as the Marxist-Leninist expression of the country's Creole, Indian, 
and Mbundu ethnic patchwork? People have often denied Mengistu Haile 
Mariam the label "Communist" in the same way it was denied to Stalin himself 
by the extreme Marxist left and by the Trotskyites in particular. 

Nevertheless these African movements made serious reference to Marx, 
Bolshevism, and the US.S.R. throughout the period 1974-1991, and these 
references were taken seriously by the protagonists and their supporters in the 
Soviet Union and the Communist International. Actual membership in Com- 
munist Party organizations was certainly limited to a minority: Soviet estimates 
of the number of Communist Party members in the whole of Africa were only 
around 5,000 in 1939, increasing to 60,000 by the early 1970s. 3 But numerous 
examples of Communist states, especially in Europe, demonstrate that in Len- 
inist logic, societal power relations and the vanguard party's ideological adher- 
ence to Marxism are much more important than the impregnation of society 
with a Communist ethos. As soon as the new leaders were in power, they 
symbolically divided up the landscape, carefully making a significant break with 
the "African socialism" of the first independence movements in the 1950s and 
1960s. The lessons to be learned from the first wave of failures were quite clear. 
If the policy of communal agriculture (ujatnaa) carried out in Tanzania by 
Julius Nyerere had not brought the desired results, this was because, as noted 
by Frelimo — the Mozambique National Liberation Front — and by Ethiopian 
experts, the Tanganyika African National Union/Afro Shirazi Partv had not 



been sufficiently Marxist-Leninist. The adoption of a "scientific socialist" 
framework enabled the new elites to avoid the dangers of tribalism, which they 
considered to be the major risk facing their countries and which would naturally 
have resulted from traditional bonds of solidarity among the peasants. It was 
accepted in advance that the role of the state was to build the nation, just as it 
had been in Europe in earlier times. The new Marxist leaders hoped that as a 
result of this state-building process they would be accepted into the interna- 
tional community. No one who landed at the airport in Maputo, the capital of 
Mozambique, could ignore the placard announcing that he was entering one of 
"the free zones of humanity." 4 

Rather than an invitation to ignore human rights, the slogan illuminating 
the airport facade was an illustration of two different aspects of the Communist 
project: anti-imperialism, in opposition to racist South Africa; and enrollment 
in the Communist world order, alongside the other socialist states. Like 
Mozambique, Angola and Ethiopia joined the ranks of countries with a "so- 
cialist orientation." Soviet analysts had refined their terminology since the days 
of Khrushchev, and the emergence of new progressive states required the 
invention of a new vocabulary to describe countries that had broken with 
capitalism but that (unlike Cuba or Vietnam) could not really be labeled "so- 
cialist." 5 The socialist label was a guarantee of economic aid from the Soviet 
Union, but this was not always forthcoming in the case of African states. Most 
of those with a socialist orientation had to rely on their own resources and on 
financial aid from the West for their development. On the other hand, the 
military aspect of cooperation was part of the long tradition of "Red imperi- 
alism" that had existed since the earliest days of the Communist International, 
establishing an absolute duty to aid the international proletariat. 6 Although 
Soviet weaponry was supplied to many parts of Africa, the three states dis- 
cussed here were the main recipients of Soviet military aid. These states 
benefited from a whole galaxy of resources provided by the worldwide Com- 
munist network. In addition to the 8,850 Soviet advisers to be found all across 
the African continent, there were 53,900 Cubans and a large contingent of East 
German specialists in many African countries in the middle and late 1980s. The 
East Germans and Cubans specialized in assisting the local security services. 7 

It is certainly possible to find, in the adoption of Marxist-Leninist rhetoric 
by the MPLA in Angola, by the Frelimo in Mozambique, and by the Dergue/ 
Ethiopian Workers' Party in Ethiopia, the process known to historians of 
antiquity as "interpretation," through which, for example, the pagan gods of 
Gaul long survived in Roman form. This "instrumentalization" was not a 
one-way process, as is evident from the way the imperial Ethiopian bureaucracy 
used the real centralizing potential of the Communist model to consolidate its 
own control. Nonetheless, however powerful that explanatory model might be, 


The Third World 

several common and distinct features of African Communist policy can be 
identified. Taken individually, many of them, including the rejection of plural- 
ism and the idea that only the party in power represents the real vanguard, can 
also be found in other African states. But Moscow gave the label of a "vanguard 
party relying on revolutionary theory" only to the MPLA Workers' Party in 
Angola, the Frelimo in Mozambique, the Congo Workers' Party, and, after its 
founding in 1984, the Ethiopian Workers' Party. Another feature found else- 
where in Africa was the Mafia-like "politics of hunger," an arrangement that 
arose because the absence of a middle class meant that individuals could get 
rich only through the state. 8 State control of all appointments was, of course, 
a practice not unique to Africa. Still, the chief underlying aim of these three 
regimes, identical in form and rhetorical presentation, can be defined very 
simply: to create a "new man," authorizing the Ministry of Truth to decide 
what should be retained or eradicated from ancestral folklore. 

One might still wonder why, in the ideological bazaar of the twentieth 
century, these African states decided to follow Marxism-Leninism rather than 
some other theory. 9 One element of the debate here might be the fascination 
exerted by the vertiginous use of violence by previous proponents of the 
doctrine. Just as it is becoming apparent to researchers in the West that there 
is a link between totalitarianism and the "war culture" that prevailed in Europe 
from 1914 to 1945, it might well be that the Communist era in the history of 
Africa is related to the continent's long history of violence. However, the study 
of this matter is only just beginning to emerge from its focus on three 
Manichean oppositions: precolonial harmony versus barbarism, colonial order 
versus oppression, and the chaos that followed independence versus the ex- 
cesses of neocolonialism. 10 Communist Africa was by no means the only center 
of violence on the continent: both the Biafran civil war in Nigeria and the Hutu 
genocide in Rwanda gave the people in those countries ample reason to despair. 
But quarrels about numbers aside, the violent actions in Ethiopia, Angola, and 
Mozambique still have a unique criminal specificity, if only in the state's 
attempts to remodel the fabric of society through enforced "villagization" of 
the traditional countryside and in the use of hunger as an instrument of 
government policy. Such tactics are familiar to historians of Communism who 
have no special knowledge of Africa. Equally familiar are the Party purges and 
the liquidation of all rivals, whether leftist groups or nationalist, partisan, 
religious, or ethnic opposition forces. 

Although mass murder is more difficult to conceal than it was in the past, 
several large-scale atrocities have been carried out in Africa. For commentators 
not burdened with the need to observe events with impartiality, these initiatives 
by Marxist-Leninist states appear to be merely a measured reply to counter- 
revolutionary forces. This quarrel over the legitimacy of state-sponsored vio- 



lence first appeared during the Terror of the French Revolution, and was 
revived by the Bolshevik Revolution. Other commentators, attempting impar- 
tiality, often invoke the "tyranny of circumstances." In that respect the polemic 
in the West about these three countries — which includes no comparison with 
other African countries with socialist tendencies — justifies their being singled 
out for special attention here. 11 In Ethiopia, Mozambique, and Angola, aside 
from the traditional twin evils of the legacy of the past and imperialist inter- 
ventionism, Communist officials have often emphasized that there are other 
natural forces at work, particularly the endless danger of drought. But besides 
variations in rainfall and ethnic factors, there has always been the temptation 
simply to blame some sort of African soul. Such societies are of course as much 
a product of their time as they are of their heritage, and it is for that reason 
that totalitarian bloodletting was perhaps inevitable. 

The Red Empire: Ethiopia 

The Revolution and the Rise of Mengistu Haile Mariam 

When the empire ruled by Haile Selassie I, then aged eighty-two, suddenly 
crumbled on 12 September 1974, the reasons seemed quite obvious. Made 
fragile by the uncertainty surrounding his successor, the worldwide oil crisis of 
the previous year, border wars, food shortages, and the discontent of a middle 
class that was growing fast as a result of social modernization, the regime 
disappeared without putting up much resistance. The army, which had been 
created to achieve the geopolitical ambitions of the exiled sovereign during 
Italy's colonization of the country in 1936-1941, and which had distinguished 
itself fighting alongside the Americans in Korea in 1950, decided to take over. 
The new government, called the Provisional Military Administrative Commit- 
tee or Dergue, was made up of 108 officers. Initially, ideological disagreements 
within the Dergue seemed inconsequential as the entire group rallied around 
the slogan "Ethiopia iikdem"— "Ethiopia first " But this honeymoon was short- 
lived, and General Aman Andom, of Eritrean origin and a hero of the war 
against Somalia who had been made the head of state, came into conflict with 
the Dergue and was killed trying to resist arrest during the night of 22-23 
November 1974. A few hours later, 59 others were also executed. As is so often 
the case, liberal politicians met the same fate as traditionalists with links to the 
previous regime. The fate of the Dergue was henceforth linked to that of 
Mengistu Haile Mariam, who had been elected its first deputy chairman in July 
and who on 21 December 1974 made the public announcement that the coun- 
try would henceforth be a socialist regime. 

The definitive biography of Mengistu has yet to be written. 12 He enjoyed 

The Third World 

playing the role of a pariah, making the most of his dark skin and his short 
stature (although he often wore platform soles to disguise this) to pose as a 
hariah, or slave, opposed to the Amhara ethnic group, which had been at the 
heart of the imperial regime. Despite this underdog role, Mengistu had links 
to the circles of privilege through his mother, who was a genuine aristocrat. He 
was born out of wedlock (his father was an illiterate corporal), and he benefited 
from the protection of an uncle who, as a minister in the Selassie regime, set 
him on the fast track in his military career. Mengistu's education was very 
limited, and it was with no qualifications at all that he entered the military 
school in Holetta, which was reserved for people from disadvantaged back- 
grounds. As the commander of a mechanized brigade, his leadership qualities 
twice earned him a place in a training program at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. 
He had no ideological baggage, but he did have a strong appetite for power. 
After the revolution, it took him three years to displace his rivals. The first step 
was the elimination of Major Jamor Sisay Habte, for right-wing tendencies in 
July 1976. After growing conflict between Mengistu and the more moderate 
faction led by General Teferi Bante, Mengistu ordered members of his security 
force to open fire with machine guns at a Dergue meeting on 3 February 1977, 
killing Bante and seven of his supporters. He then set out to eliminate his 
civilian political rivals. 

The "Ethiopian way" proposed in December 1974 by the provisional 
committee took shape in January 1975, when the Dergue nationalized banks 
and insurance companies together with most of the manufacturing sec- 
tor. Above all, the abolition of land ownership in March 1975 and the intro- 
duction of a one-per-family limit on property ownership demonstrated the 
radical nature of the regime. To expedite land reform in rural areas, the gov- 
ernment dispatched over 50,000 high school and university students to set 
up peasant associations and assist in rural reform in what became known as 
the zemacha (cooperation) campaign. Because of the Dergue's opposition to 
student efforts to create Maoist peasant communes, most students quickly be- 
came hostile to the military government and sought to mobilize the peasants 
against it. 

When the students returned, they formed two rival Marxist-Leninist 
organizations called the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Party (EPRP) and 
the All-Ethiopian Socialist Movement, or Meison. The population in general 
was unimpressed, and the rivalry between the two movements was largely a 
result of their ethnic makeup: the EPRP consisted predominantly of Amhara, 
whereas the Meison, was largely Oromo. Although they were extremely close 
in ideology and on most policy questions, the Meison initially was allied with 
the Dergue while the EPRP opposed the military government from the start. 
The two organizations also differed on the question of Eritrea, with the EPRP 


accepting secession, whereas the Meison wanted to crush the secessionist 
movement. Playing up the armed confrontations between the two organiza- 
tions, and decrying the "white terror" (the terror committed by the EPRP), 
Mengistu successively destroyed both movements. He first launched a cam- 
paign of u red terror" against the EPRP and its sympathizers in the autumn of 
1976. The terror reached its peak in the spring of 1977, after Mengistu, in a 
public speech on 17 April, called on the people to attack the "enemies of the 
revolution." Backing up his words with dramatic actions, he broke open three 
flasks of what was supposed to be blood, which represented imperialism, feu- 
dalism, and bureaucratic capitalism. Much of the terror campaign was carried 
out by 293 kebele, urban militia groups established by the Dergue on the model 
of the Parisian "sections" of the French Revolution; 13 the army had provided 
these groups with training and equipment. The Meison supported this opera- 
tion, which resulted in the destruction of the EPRP in Addis Ababa. Next the 
Dergue turned on the Meison and its allies in the Political Bureau, blaming 
them for the excesses of the red terror. After the execution on 11 November 
of their principal supporter in the Dergue, Lt. Colonel Atnafu Abate (who had 
been especially fierce in the repression of the EPRP), the noose began to tighten 
around the Meison, and that organization, too, fell victim to the death squads 
of the security forces, who were instantly recognizable in their infamous white 
Peugeot 504s. H 

The new supreme leader of Ethiopia took up residence in the Great 
Palace, built by Menelik II after the founding of Addis Ababa in 1886. 15 His 
implacable style of leadership, publicized by an extremely elaborate system of 
communications, failed to surprise a nation that had grown accustomed to the 
previous "king of kings." Mengistu's legitimacy was uncontested in socialist 
countries, which saw in him a stable long-term partner. The coup in February 
1977 had been preceded by Mengistu's visit to Moscow the previous December. 
In April 1977 Ethiopia broke off military relations with the United States. The 
Cubans and the Soviet Union stepped in with massive aid, including both 
personnel and equipment, which proved decisive in defeating the Eritrean 
independence movement and the Somalian offensive of July 1977 in Ogaden. 16 
Soviet leaders appreciated the new regime's attempts at Sovietization, some- 
times in imitation of the process that was taking place in Somalia, which was 
another Soviet ally at the time. 

Moscow pushed all the harder for the creation of what it considered to be 
the only instrument that would enable a society to cross a decisive threshold: a 
full-fledged Communist Party. Not until 1979, however, was a Commission for 
the Organization of the Ethiopian Workers 1 Party set up. The results of its 
second congress in January 1983 were judged sufficiently fruitful by the Soviet 
Union for the Ethiopian Workers 1 Party (EWP) to be created in 1984 in cele- 

690 The Third World 

bration of the tenth anniversary of the revolution. Calling itself the heir of the 
"great October Revolution," the EWP was accorded complete integration into 
the system of world Communism through inter-Party agreements. The only 
cloud on this success was the Soviet refusal to grant Ethiopia the status of a 
"people's democracy 1 ' because of the country's multiethnic fragmentation and 
its continued economic dependence on the West. 17 

The speed with which the Party grew resulted in an "improper 11 socio- 
logical composition. Despite initial all-out efforts to show that anyone could 
join the Party, workers stayed away in droves, making up less than one-fourth 
of the membership. Over three-fourths of the members consisted of soldiers 
and civil servants, representing the reality of social relations inside the country. 
Although peasants were 87 percent of the total population, they accounted for 
a mere 3 percent of Party members. tx The vast majority of leaders were from 
the army. Most of the EWP Politburo was made up of former Dergue members. 
The intelligentsia constituted only a small proportion of the Party, since many 
of their organizations had been broken up. 

The Consequences of the Terror 

At present there is no way to know exactly how many people fell victim to the 
terror. For the period February 1977-June 1978 the figure of 10,000 political 
assassinations in the capital alone was cited during trials in Addis Ababa in 
May 1995. ,y It is perhaps rather out of place to try to divide the victims into 
categories (pro-Chinese, Jewish Falashas massacred in 1979, and so on). As 
Karcl Bartosek remarked about Czechoslovakia, the days when we looked for a 
satanic figure hovering in the background, devouring his own children, are 
gone. 20 The Dergue killed and buried everyone indiscriminately, as Stalin did, 
attaching a perfunctory label such as ''reactionary, 1 ' ''counter revolutionary, 11 or 
"antipeople subversive anarchists from the EPRP" only after the fact. As is the 
case in the former Soviet Union, mass graves are still being discovered, graves 
in which many of the "disappeared'' recorded by Amnesty International arc to 
be found. As was the case in China, families were even asked to pay the state for 
the cost of the execution. The nylon rope, or "Mengistu bowtie, 11 was one of 
the most widely used and distinctive methods, practiced in particular by Colo- 
nel Teka Tulu, who was known as "the Hyena" and was one of the most hated 
chiefs of the state security forces. It was also the method used one night in 
August 1975 on the fallen emperor (though it was claimed officially that he had 
died during a surgical operation) and on his granddaughter, Princess Ijcgayehu 

Assistance from the East German state security forces, the Stasi, and from 
the Soviet KGB was provided through many channels. In several cases the 



Soviet security forces handed over Ethiopian students in Moscow to Ethiopian 
security personnel. In Addis Ababa, Sergeant Legesse Asfaw acted as an inter- 
mediary between Eastern European and Soviet specialists and their Ethiopian 
counterparts. It was common practice to expose the victims of torture on the 
pavements of the capital. On 17 May 1977 the Swedish general secretary of the 
Save the Children Fund lamented that "1,000 children have been killed, and 
their bodies are left in the streets and are being eaten by wild hyenas . . . You 
can see the heaped-up bodies of murdered children, most of them aged eleven 
to thirteen, lying in the gutter, as you drive out of Addis Ababa." 21 

Most of the 1,823 cases that went to trial after 1991 under the justice 
system of the new president, Meles Zenawi, concerned well-known figures in 
the cities; 22 but the terror extended throughout the 1 .22 million square kilome- 
ters of the country and affected the whole population of over 30 million. Welo, 
where the EPRP had a relatively firm foothold, suffered badly. In May 1997, 
Colonel Fantaye Yhdego, Lieutenant Haile Gebeyahu, and Colonel Alemu 
Ambachew were brought before the criminal bench of the High Court in Addis 
Ababa to answer for their actions, which included the gassing of twenty-four 
members of the EPRP in February 1977 in Dese and Kombalcha. 23 Outside the 
central province of Shewa, the best-known situation is that of Eritrea, where 
the nationalist opposition, which was extremely well organized and had solid 
support among other Third World Marxist groups, succeeded in gathering and 
spreading information to discredit the Addis Ababa regime in the eyes of the 
international community. 24 On 20 December 1974 the regime had reaffirmed 
the indivisibility of the nation, pointing out that any secession by the former 
Italian colony and British protectorate would cut the country off from its Red 
Sea coast. 25 

In the southeast, near the Indian Ocean, conflict was provoked by So- 
malia's demands for Ogaden, a region of Ethiopia inhabited mainly by Somalis. 
From 1969 on, the Somali leader Mohammed Siad Barre had officially em- 
braced Marxism-Leninism, and relations between Moscow and Mogadishu had 
grown ever closer after the signing of a friendship treaty in 1974. The Soviet 
Union was forced to make a choice between two clients, and after vainly trying 
to convince Ethiopia, Somalia, and South Yemen to form a federation, Moscow 
chose the Addis Ababa regime. Thereafter Mengistu could draw on the fire- 
power and the naval and aerial logistical support of the Soviet army, as well as 
the Cuban expeditionary force, to repulse the guerrilla offensives of the (also 
Marxist-Leninist) Popular Front for the Liberation of Eritrea and incursions 
by the Somalian army from June 1977 to January 1978. 

Mengistu's actions were so effective that at the thirty-ninth meeting of 
the Worldwide Unionist Federation Bureau, held in Addis Ababa on 28-30 
March 1988, the organization presented him with a gold medal a for his con- 


The Third World 

tribution to the struggle for peace and the security of nations, and for their 
national and economic independence." In June 1988, shortly after the meeting 
ended, some 2,500 inhabitants of Hawzen, in Tigre Province, died in a bombing 
raid. As in Guernica during the Spanish civil war, it had been market day when 
the attack occurred. Whether during a colonial war or during antinationalist 
repression, the peripheral areas of the old empire (Eritrea, Tigre, Oromo, 
Ogaden, Welega, Welo) were often shaken by revolts led by "popular fronts," 
whose cadres used the same Marxist-Leninist rhetoric as their adversaries. 26 
Various military resources were deployed to deal with these situations, and 
certain far-left and pro-Chinese factions were at pains to point out that some 
of the atrocities perpetrated during the revolts had the backing of the United 
States, the Soviet Union, and Israel. 27 

A "Permanent Tribunal of the International League for the Rights and 
Liberation of Peoples, 11 which modeled itself on the movement against Ameri- 
can intervention in Vietnam, went into session in Milan in May 1980 and 
focused on atrocities committed in Eritrea. Its report was published in 1981 by 
the Belgian Committee for Aid to Eritrea, and its opinions largely reflected 
those of the Entrean Popular Liberation Front. 28 Some of the information it 
gathered (backed up by Amnesty International reports) bears comparison with 
atrocities committed by the Nazis; the French observer at the session drew a 
comparison with Oradour-sur-Glane, where groups of people had been herded 
into churches that were then burned down. The brochure published by the 
"Permanent Tribunal 1 ' cites the example of the village of Wokiduba, where, in 
the summer of 1975, 110 people were massacred inside the Orthodox church, 
Instead of the white Peugeots of Addis Ababa, the death squads in Wokiduba 
drove brown Volkswagen vans, which whisked bodies away to dump them 
in mass graves. There was also a concentration camp in Adi Qualla, near 
Men defer a. 

It is still unclear how many died in the "total war" that Mengistu declared 
in August 1977 on the Entrean secessionists. An estimate of 80,000 civilians 
and military personnel for 1978-1980 includes victims of the massive air raids 
that were used as reprisals, but does not include those who must have died as 
a result of the government's subsequent systematic disruption of the traditional 
way of life. 2y Whereas the urban centers had a reasonable supply network and 
benefited from the presence of salaried military personnel who ensured a 
reasonably stable economy, agricultural areas suffered badly from destruction 
of livestock — often by air force personnel, who especially enjoyed bombing 
camels — minefields, deforestation, and the disrupting effects of authoritarian 
control. Women, who had traditionally played a major role in agriculture, were 
subjected to systematic rape by soldiers, whose presence also led to a permanent 



climate of insecurity that did little to encourage trade and commerce with other 
regions. 10 

It is perhaps going too far to say that the main reason for the massive 
displacement of the population during the famines of 1982-1985 was an inten- 
tion to cut the guerrillas off from their civilian bases, but there were significant 
local demographic movements. Although Eritrea was barely altered, Welo was 
sharply affected. Of the 525,000 people moved between November 1984 and 
August 1985, 310,000 (8.5 percent of the population of the province) came 
from Welo. 31 Some border regions such as Godar were emptied of a significant 
proportion of their population (30^-0 percent), many of whom took refuge in 
camps controlled by opposition groups in Sudan. 12 Despite the vast publicity 
that the famine received in the West, it was not a countrywide or unprecedented 
phenomenon. Although the famine was extremely serious, it was no more than 
a regional crisis affecting 25 percent of the population, and was one of a series 
of famines stretching back centuries. (The most recent famine, in 1972-73, had 
been a major factor in the downfall of the previous regime.) The effects of the 
famine were made worse by the impoverishment of millions of peasants who 
had been forced to give up their food reserves to meet the delivery quotas 
demanded by the state. The peasants were already taxed very heavily and had 
to buy grain at extremely inflated prices on the black market, only to be forced 
to sell it back to the state at a fixed price. Many of them were also forced to 
dispose of their livestock, and were thus acutely short of food at the worst 
moment. When the famine began in 1982, it was the result of a genuine 
drought, but the crisis was made considerably worse by the virtual cessation of 
trade, stemming partly from the rigid persecution of traders and partly from a 
widespread feeling of insecurity. 

By controlling aid and displacing the population, the hunger weapon was 
used by the authorities to help realize their objectives, which naturally included 
the silencing of dissidents and the improved "scientific" use of space by the 
Party-state. 11 The ban on intervention by nongovernmental organizations in 
regions other than Welo and the diversion of aid intended for Tigre forced the 
rural population to flee from areas that were under guerrilla control and to flock 
to the zones held by Mengistu's forces. These forced transfers, often facilitated 
by an announcement that food was on the way, were presented as the demo- 
graphic redeployment of people from the dry north to the more humid and 
fertile south. For the most part, the transfers affected not the victims of the 
famine, but sections of the population that were under military control, regard- 
less of their situation regarding food and their geographic location. Inhabitants 
of regions in which conflict was raging between the Dergue forces and the 
Tigre Liberation Front were a case in point. Although in theory people had 


The Third World 

the option of staying, in practice the size of the exodus meant there was little 
point in remaining. This accommodating despotism was what the authorities 
called bego teseno, "well-meaning coercion" or "coercion for the good of others." 
The policy was introduced in 1980, before the famine, to find "volunteers" in 
the big cities to work on the state farms, where living conditions were so bad 
that they attracted the attention of Anglo-American antislavery organizations.^ 

The "villagization" policy, aimed at nomadic populations, met with stiff 
and sometimes bloody resistance from the tribes in question, and in many ways 
was typical of the peasant wars under Communist regimes. As was the case in 
Mozambique, the intention was to group rural communities into associations 
that could more easily be controlled by the Party, encouraging the peasants to 
"change their way of thinking and their way of life, and open a new chapter in 
the creation of a new modern society in rural zones, and thus help build 
socialism." 35 As with the population transfer program, the aim was both the 
extension of the state farm sector and the creation of "new men." As the 
geographer Michel Foucher pointed out, "the effects of the famine went far 
beyond the areas affected by the drought and the climatic crisis inasmuch as it 
was used as a pretext for a significant spatial reorganization of the country." 16 
Although some operations were a considerable success, the human cost of these 
operations is extremely difficult to calculate. The 14 percent death rate in 
certain transit camps, such as Ambassel and Welo, was even higher than that 
recorded in the pockets of famine. 37 The 200,000 to 300,000 victims of this 
incompetence were supplemented by an equivalent number of people sacrificed 
during the accelerated passage from "feudalism" to "socialism," who were 
deliberately deprived of international aid, killed in raids or while trying to 
escape, suffocated or frozen in the depressurized holds of Antonov airplanes 
taking them to the promised Eden, or simply abandoned with insufficient 
reserves of food to the whims of the (sometimes murderous) first group to find 

The famine generally brought mixed results for the regime. Mengistu at 
first tried to hide the scale of the problem, but then counterattacked, using to 
his own advantage the shocking pictures of starving victims that appeared in 
the West in the autumn of 1984. On 16 November 1984, when emotion was 
running at its highest, he announced his decision to transfer 2.5 million people 
and, despite the hostility of the Reagan administration to the idea, managed to 
enlist the support of the international community in the enterprise. Reactions 
were somewhat muted in France, where familiarity with the culture of Com- 
munism among French intellectuals was perhaps one reason behind the deci- 
sion of Medecins sans Frontieres to protest the forced resettlement. As a result 
of this decision, members of the organization were declared persona non grata 
by the Mengistu regime on 2 December 1985. On a wider level, the exemplary 



management of images and support from United Nations experts enabled the 
regime to build up food stocks — most of which went to the military — and to 
reap the benefits of an unprecedented wave of human solidarity created by a 
variety of rock stars who sang the anthem "We Are the World." This song may 
well be the only trace left by the Ethiopian drama on the consciousness of 
millions of people who were adolescents in the early 1980s. 

Mengistu's declining fortunes after 1988 coincided in part with the fate 
of Communism in the Soviet Union. The departure of Soviet military advisers 
from the combat zones was announced in March 1990. By this time, the balance 
of power was already beginning to swing to the other side. On all fronts the 
army was in retreat from the Popular Fronts for the Liberation of Eritrea and 
Tigre, and the regime was giving out distress signals to the international 
community. The halting of the resettlement policy and the ostentatious an- 
nouncement of measures to liberalize the economy coincided with a final purge 
of the army following an abortive coup attempt on 16 May 1989. The plotters 
had been infiltrated by the secret services, and reprisals were extremely bloody. 
On 21 June 1990 Mengistu decreed a general mobilization, which in theory 
applied to people age eighteen and over but in practice included fourteen- to 
sixteen-year-olds who were picked up in football stadiums or at schools. In 1991 
higher-education establishments were closed, and all students were ordered to 
take part in the war effort. When the vise continued to tighten on Addis Ababa, 
Mengistu on 19 April 1991 announced his intention of forming a conscript 
army as large as Iraq's, with more than 1 million soldiers. At that moment his 
army already numbered 450,000 (compared to 50,000 in 1974) and was the 
largest in the sub-Saharan region by a considerable margin. As the Ethiopian 
army continued to suffer major defeats, Mengistu began to lose control. On 21 
May 1991 he fled via Kenya to Harare, Zimbabwe, where he was granted 
sanctuary by Robert Mugabe, the hero of the struggle against the white Rho- 
desian colonizers. In the autumn of 1994, when Mengistu was summoned to 
appear for trial in Addis Ababa to take responsibility for the Ethiopian tragedy, 
Zimbabwe refused to extradite the man whom East German reporters had once 
quoted in the Ethiopian Herald as saying: "We will liquidate the satanic heritage 
of the past and place nature itself under our control!"™ 

Lusophone Violence: Angola and Mozambique 

Portugal had maintained a presence on the African coast since the fifteenth 
century, but it was a latecomer in colonizing a vast empire (twenty-five times its 
own size), which it had been granted when the European powers divided up 
Africa at the Berlin Conference in 1884-85. This belated and superficial colo- 
nization prevented a feeling of unity from developing among the various colo- 


The Third World 

nized peoples. As a result, the groups that launched armed struggles in the 
early 1960s were forced to rely on anticolonial sentiments, which were consid- 
erably more powerful than any putative nationalist aspirations. 39 Conscious of 
the obstacles to their extremist viewpoint, after independence the nationalist 
groups focused on the mimtgo tnterno, the "enemy within," by which they 
meant traditional chiefs, people who had collaborated with the colonizers, and 
political dissidents, all of whom were accused of endangering the country. 
Such were the characteristic traits of a political culture torn between Stalin and 
the Portuguese dictator Antonio Salazar, which had few incentives to build 
representative democracies despite the hasty departure of the Portuguese colo- 
nial power. 

The People's Republic of Angola 

At the very moment when, to the fury of the white colonial population, the 
officers who took power in Lisbon in 1974 pronounced themselves to be in 
favor of independence for the colonies, the Portuguese army was still firmly 
in charge of Angola. The swift withdrawal of the army after July 1974 opened 
the way for a coalition government, consisting of the three organizations that 
had fought for independence since the 1960s: the Movimento Popular de 
Libertacao de Angola (Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola; 
MPLA), the Frente Nacional de Libertacao de Angola (National Front for the 
Liberation of Angola; FNLA), and the Uniao Nacional para a Independencia 
Total de Angola (National Union for the Total Independence of Angola; 
UNITA). On 15 January 1975, when the independence treaty was signed in 
Alvor, the new Portuguese republic recognized these organizations as "the only 
legitimate representatives of the people of Angola." The timetable looked 
promising: elections were to be held for a Constituent Assembly within nine 
months, and full independence was to be proclaimed on 11 November 1975. 
But after the departure of 400,000 Portuguese in February-June 1975 and the 
emergence of tensions among the three groups, the coalition government (in 
which the MPLA had charge of the information, justice, and finance minis- 
tries) rapidly ceased to be viable. Bloody incidents became more and more 
common, and the Nakuru cease-fire of 14 June was simply used as a truce by 
all sides to strengthen their reserves and prepare for intervention by their 
foreign allies. 

From October 1974 onward the Soviet Union significantly increased its 
financial and military assistance to the MPLA, which also received support 
from the left wing of the Portuguese army, the so-called Armed Forces Move- 
ment, and from the "Red admiral" Antonio Rosa Coutinho, who was based in 
Luanda and had been charged by the Portuguese government with overseeing 



the Angolan transition to independence. In March 1975 the first Cuban and 
Soviet advisers landed in the country. Fidel Castro later described this decision 
in the following terms: "Africa is today a weak link in the imperialist chain. It 
is there that the best hopes exist of passing from tribalism to socialism without 
passing through the different stages that other parts of the world have been 
obliged to experience." 4 * 1 After the collapse of the coalition government on 14 
August 1975, the Vietnam Herotco docked in Luanda, with several hundred 
(mostly black) Cuban soldiers on board. By the time South Africa intervened 
on the side of UNITA on 23 October, the Soviet and Cuban advisers numbered 
7,000. UNITA was not taken very seriously by the MPLA and its patrons; 
Pravda described it as "a farcical army, filled with mercenaries from China and 
the CIA and aided by racist South Africans and Rhodesians." 41 There was some 
truth in this description. Originally a Maoist organization, UNITA was forever 
signing pacts with the devil. Its heterogeneous organization and allies reflected 
the bitter realism of the Leninist and Stalinist approach, and the fact that Jonas 
Savimbi sat at the same table as Pik Botha should not surprise those who 
remember Stalin's pact with Hitler. 

Soviet and Cuban air support proved decisive for the survival of the 
regime. On 1 1 November 1975 the MPLA and UNITA declared the country's 
independence separately, 42 while maps of what had been the jewel among 
Portugal's colonies were redrawn. The MPLA held the coastline, including not 
only the ports but also the oil reserves and the diamonds, while its rivals (among 
whom UNITA was soon the most important) held the north and the central 

After the interventions by South Africa and the Communist bloc, it be- 
came easier for the Western powers and for other leaders in southern Africa to 
sort out the different groups. For the Mozambican leader Samora Machel, the 
relentless nature of the struggle was clear from the alignment of the forces: "In 
Angola, two parties arc facing each other: imperialism, with its allies and 
puppets, and the progressive forces which support the MPLA. It is that sim- 
ple." 41 The uncontested leader of the MPLA, Agostinho Neto, was an assimi- 
lated black who came from a line of Protestant pastors and had been a member 
of the pro-Soviet Portuguese Communist Party since the 1950s. The MPLA 
had been founded in 1956, and many of its cadres, such as J. Mateus Paulo and 
A. Domingos-Van Dunem, had been trained in the U.S.S.R. in the 1960s and 
were well versed in the prevailing Marxist-Leninist theories. In addition to this 
training in scientific socialism, some of them, like J. Njamba Yemina, had also 
received military training while abroad, either in the Soviet Union or in the 
guerrilla schools of Cuba. 

After taking power, the MPLA decided at the Congress of Luanda (on 
4-11 December 1977) that it was time to move from a popular-front type of 

The Third World 



movement to a vanguard party structured along Bolshevik lines. Only such a 
party, MPLA leaders realized, would be allowed to join the international Com- 
munist movement. The new MPLA Workers 1 Party was immediately recog- 
nized by Raul Castro, who was present at the congress, as the only possible 
means by which "the interests of working people could be correctly expressed." 

The idea of the state as "the only instrument capable of applying the 
decisions made by the single Party" implied extreme vigilance against rival 
parties, which presumably were masking their counterrevolutionary nature 
behind left-wing phraseology. Not surprisingly a number of the "antideviation- 
ist" practices that until then had been the preserve of Communist regimes in 
the Northern Hemisphere began to emerge in Angola. Even before Bolshevism 
was officially installed as the new faith in Angola, Neto had gained considerable 
experience in that area. When in February 1975 (with the help of Portuguese 
troops) he attacked the "Eastern Revolt" faction, led by the Ovimbundu cadre 
Daniel Chipenda, Chipenda claimed that the episode was only the latest in a 
series of liquidations of MPLA dissidents since 1967. Bearing that in mind, 
we can understand more clearly the MPLA communique, issued in February 
1974, that claimed to have "uncovered and neutralized" an internal counter- 
revolutionary plot aimed at "the physical elimination of the president and 
several his cadres." 44 

Nito Alves, the minister of internal affairs and one of Neto's main rivals, 
had been present in Luanda during the events of 25 April 1974, which had 
sounded the death knell of the colonial regime. In the absence of the other 
leaders, he managed to win over a sizable proportion of the urban black popu- 
lation by denying Angolan nationality to whites unless they could prove sig- 
nificant anticolonial behavior. Alves had the support of a network of 
neighborhood committees thanks to what he termed poder popular (popular 
power), which he had gained by not hesitating to use what were quite clearly 
Stalinist practices. These practices were not surprising to the victims, most of 
whom had been brought up in the Maoist tradition. 45 Trusting in the promises 
of support he had received from the Soviet Union, the Cubans, and the Por- 
tuguese Communists, he attempted a coup on 27 May 1977 to prevent a purge 
of his partisans that had just been getting under way. When it became clear 
that the operation failed (partly because of the hesitancy of Alves' foreign 
advisers), Neto said in a radio broadcast: "I am sure that the people will 
understand why we will be forced to act somewhat harshly toward the people 
involved in these events." Accused of "racism, tribalism, and regionalism," the 
conspirators suffered a radical purge. The membership of the Central Com- 
mittee and of the major offices of state was entirely changed, 4 '' there were 
bloody confrontations in the capital, and the repression reached deep into the 

provinces. In Ngunza (South Kuanza) 204 deviationists were killed during the 
night of 6-7 August; 47 this figure lends credibility to those put forward after 
1991 by survivors, who reported that the MPLA was definitively purged of 
several thousand members on that occasion. Many of the political commissars 
in the armed forces were liquidated in Luena (Moxico) by Anibal Sapilinia, a 
member of the MPLA Central Committee. 4 * 

Before the attempted coup, Nito Alves was popular because of his columns 
in the newspaper Diana de Luanda and his commentaries on two radio pro- 
grams, "Kudibanguela" and "Povo em armas," which constantly denounced 
the country's poor living conditions. These items confirmed the existence of 
severe food shortages (his supporters went so far as to speak of famine) in 
certain regions. They also highlighted the exhaustion of urban salaried workers 
who were forced to work for the regime. A law introduced in November 1975 
and a decree in March 1976 tightened discipline in the manufacturing sector 
through the criminalization of "extra-union" (that is, anti-Party) strikes and 
the creation of a political climate filled with slogans such as "Produce and 
resist." New forms of protest, which went beyond the usual denunciations of 
the war and of the chaos after white rule, began to appear. The Angolan 
economy had prospered in the 1960s, but it crumbled in 1975, and despite state 
control of the system, the government found it harder and harder to deny that 
the economy was gradually being dollarized. A governing class largely indif- 
ferent to the living conditions of ordinary people began to emerge, partly as a 
result of the MPLA's monopoly on power and partly because of the difficulty 
of procuring foreign currency, which changed hands on the black market at 
fifty times its official price. For more than a decade it was impossible to get even 
a reasonable idea of what conditions inside the country were really like. The 
government succeeded in separating the urban market- -supported by oil ex- 
ports — from local producers, and the state more or less abandoned the war-torn 
countryside to its fate. Forced conscription was practiced in rural areas by both 
sides in the conflict. The term "famine" was carefully avoided in official circles, 
but was used in a warning in 1985 by the World Food Organization. With the 
advent of pereslroika in the Soviet Union, the Angolan government began 
publicly to admit the gravity of the situation, leading to an announcement by 
UNICEF in early 1987 that tens of thousands of children had died of famine 
in Angola over the previous year. 

Despite the wealth created in the oil-producing region of Cabinda, the 
state's administrative and military resources were quite limited, and the regime 
made few attempts at collectivization and rural reorganization. 4g Nevertheless, 
there was considerable resentment toward the government in the countryside. 
Problems in tax collection, a lack of investment in infrastructure, barriers to 


The Third World 

commerce, and the disappearance of the urban market meant that the country- 
side often was left to fend for itself. Thirteen years after independence, the 
Angolan state published an official report based on the findings of the agrono- 
mist Rene Dumont, who sharply criticized the trading conditions in Angola 
because they failed to recognize the true worth of the peasants' contribution. 50 
The situation led to increasing hostility toward the coastline, which was domi- 
nated by the Marxist culture of the creole or mixed-race assimilados, many of 
whom held positions in the MPLA. 

It was among the rural population, many of whom also hated foreigners, 
that Jonas Savimbi's UNITA Party found a growing number of supporters 
outside the Ovimbundu territories where it had its origins. UNITA's support 
grew even though Savimbi made the same demands on the population that the 
government did. The ensuing conflict, rather than a Stalinist war led by the 
MPLA against the peasantry, was in effect a war in which the peasants were 
often in conflict with one another. Supported by the Reagan administration, 
but taking most of their ideas from Maoism, UNITA leaders were always eager 
to play up the conflict between town and country; they often denounced the 
creole aristocracy of the MPLA in the name of the "African people." 51 None- 
theless, it is difficult to gauge the extent to which the peasantry rallied to 
Savimbi's cause before upheavals engulfed the Soviet bloc. When the South 
Africans and Cubans finally withdrew after peace accords were signed in New 
York on 22 December 1988, the MPLA's conversion to Western ideas produced 
the expected results. In July 1990 the MPLA leadership accepted the necessity 
of a market economy and political pluralism, a change that proved to be the 
undoing of UNITA, which suffered a heavy defeat in the elections of 1992. 

The undeniable changes undergone by the MPLA during fifteen years of 
independence were essentially the result of a massive popular rejection of the 
idea of an MPLA Party-state and of the traumatic experience of fifteen years 
of economic instability, forced conscription, and massive population move- 

The transitional period in the evolution toward a multiparty democracy 
was clearly not the time to begin the search for those in charge of the secret 
police or responsible for the violation of human rights. As in the Soviet Union, 
many of those responsible were members of ethnic minorities and have never 
been forced to answer for their previous activities, not least because of the 
essential continuity inside the government. With the exception of a few small 
groups of people who survived the purges, none of the major parties has asked 
for an investigation into the disappearance of the tens of thousands of victims 
whose fate, as the carefully worded Amnesty International reports put it, did 
not "conform to internationally recognized standards of equity." 




On 25 December 1974, when Portuguese army officers established a multiparty 
democracy in Lisbon, they entrusted the destiny of Mozambique to one party, 
the Frente de Libertacao do Mozambique (Mozambique National Liberation 
Front), or Frelimo. 52 The Front, founded in June 1962 under the leadership of 
Eduardo Chivambo Mondlane, a doctor of anthropology, managed to win the 
sympathy of the international community and had the military support of both 
China and the Soviet Union. Unlike in Angola, Frelimo managed on the eve of 
the Portuguese revolution of 25 April 1974 to cause serious problems for the 
colonial troops, most of whom were African in origin. 51 Because Frelimo had 
already won over a significant proportion of the nationalist intellectual elite, 
the Front mirrored the different ideological tendencies among intellectuals. By 
1974, however, it was clear that Marxism-Leninism predominated among Fre- 
limo's leadership. After Frelimo's second congress in 1968, the significance of 
the anti-imperialist struggle, as formulated by Samora Machel in accordance 
with the Chinese notion of "liberated zones," gradually took the shape pro- 
posed by Mondlane shortly before his death in 1969: "I conclude today that 
Frelimo is more socialist, revolutionary, and progressive than ever, and that our 
line is now firmly oriented toward Marxist-Leninist Socialism. 11 To explain 
this evolution, he added: "With living conditions the way they are in Mozam- 
bique, our enemy leaves us no choice." 

In the immediate aftermath of independence, this "enemy" seemed to give 
some respite to the new rulers of the country. The white, mixed-race, and 
Indian assimilado elements who played a dominant role in the new system 
launched a major reorganization of the country. In the belief that the essentially 
rural Mozambique could take shape only as a party-state, they sought to control 
the country though a process called "villagization." 54 This policy was first 
implemented in the early 1970s in the "liberated zones," where it had met with 
varying degrees of success. Frelimo decided to extend it systematically 
throughout the territory. All peasants (80 percent of the population) were 
expected to abandon their traditional homes and to regroup in new villages. In 
the initial enthusiasm of independence, the population responded quite favor- 
ably to the government's requests, creating collective farms and sometimes 
cooperating in the construction of communal buildings, although they gener- 
ally refused to inhabit them and soon abandoned the communal fields. On paper 
it appeared that the country was under the careful control of a hierarchical 
administration though a network of Communist cells. 

In 1977 the Frelimo leaders had openly proclaimed their allegiance to the 
Bolshevik ideal, calling for extended collectivization and closer links with the 

702 The Third World 

international Communist movement. Various treaties were signed with the 
countries of the Soviet bloc, which provided arms and military instructors in 
exchange for close support of the Rhodesian nationalists of the Zimbabwe 
African National Union (ZANU). 

While Mozambique was busy signing accords with the Eastern bloc 
(which soon came to dominate the country), white Rhodesians led by Ian Smith 
sought to retaliate by supporting the resistance movement that was beginning 
to emerge in the countryside, Under the leadership of Alfonso Dhlakama, the 
Resistencia Nacional Mocambicana (National Resistance of Mozambique), or 
Renamo, benefited from the support of the Rhodesian special services until 
Zimbabwe achieved independence in 1980. At that point the South African 
government took over responsibility for providing logistical support to 
Renamo. To the surprise of numerous observers, the population of the villages 
rallied to the resistance movement despite the barbarism of Renamo's methods, 
which had frightened even the Rhodesians. Some of Renamo's supporters were 
people who had escaped from the "reeducation camps" of the Servico Nacional 
de Seguranca Popular (National Service for the Security of the People), or 
SNASP, which had become ubiquitous after 1975. S5 The SNASP had assumed 
that even if most people could not be won over, they could at least be kept 
under control. Control of the population was of vital consequence for both 
parties. The few studies carried out on the ground confirm the the scale and 
seriousness of the violence committed by both sides against the civilian popu- 
lation.^ The actions of Renamo, on the whole, were considerably less system- 
atic than the state violence perpetrated by Frelimo, and the support that 
Renamo received demonstrated just how hated the regime had become. Frelimo 
justified its actions in terms of a struggle against tribalism, against antiquated 
and outdated religious practices, and against the deep-seated belief in lineage 
and ancestral fiefdom, which the Front had rejected at independence, dispar- 
aging it as "feudalism." 57 

The prerogatives of the SNASP had been considerably expanded even 
before the authorities in Maputo realized the extent of the danger presented 
by Renamo. Established in 1975, the SNASP was responsible for arresting or 
detaining anyone suspected of being a threat to state security on either political 
or economic grounds. The SNASP was supposed to follow normal judicial 
procedure and did its own prosecuting, but it also had the right to send people 
directly to "reeducation camps." This practice was facilitated by Article 1 15 of 
the penal code, which eliminated the right of detainees to habeas corpus (al- 
though the extent to which it had ever existed under the Salazar regime was 
quite limited). The first large-scale attack by the resistance was on the reedu- 
cation camp at Sacuze in 1977. The ofensivas pela legalidade (offensives for 
legality) that were periodically championed by Samora Machel did not remove 


the SNASP's prerogatives. Instead, these campaigns were aimed at bringing 
the law into line with the de facto situation. This was the logic behind Law 
No. 2/79 of 28 February 1979, regarding crimes against national security of 
the people and the people's state. This law also reintroduced the death penalty, 
which had been abolished in both Portugal and its colonies in 1867. The death 
penalty, however, was not systematically used, except in the elimination of 
Frelimo dissidents. Such was the fate, for instance, of Lazaro Nkavandame, 
Joana Simaiao, and Uria Simango, who were liquidated while in detention in 
1983, and whose deaths were kept secret until the formal ending of the Party's 
Marxist-Leninist period. 5 * In 1983 the Eduardo Mondlane law faculty at the 
University of Maputo was closed. This was perhaps no great loss; according 
to government legal reports, the function of the institution was not to prepare 
lawyers to defend the interests of the people, but to train those who exploited 
them. 59 

The intelligentsia rapidly became disenchanted with the movement, al- 
though they did show considerable sympathy with an organization that in 
theory protected their interests, the Associacao dos Escritores Mocambicanos 
(Association of Mozambican Writers). They also forged secret links with or- 
ganizations such as the CIA, the KGB, and the SNASP itself. 60 Rather rarer 
were those who, like the poet Jorge Viegas, paid for their dissidence with 
enforced stays in psychiatric hospitals and exile. 

A hardening of the political line, following the logic of the early years of 
the Soviet system, went hand in hand with an opening of the economy. Invest- 
ment had always come in from abroad, and continued to do so under Frelimo, 
as befitted a country that the U.S.S.R. had barred from entering the Council 
for Mutual Economic Assistance (COMECON). 61 After Frelimo's Fourth Party 
Congress in 1983, the organization turned its attention to the rural population, 
putting a halt to the policy of collectivization that had had such disastrous 
consequences. In a typical condemnation, Samora Machel did not mince his 
words: " We tend to forget that our country is made up mostly of peasants. We 
keep on talking about the working classes and relegating the vast majority of 
the country to the background." 62 Every time the government militia had 
burned another haystack to try to ensure the villagization quota, it had in- 
creased Renamo's support. The severe damage done to traditional systems of 
agriculture, together with the wildly erratic exchange rates for consumer goods 
versus foodstuffs, had led to severe problems with the food supply. 

Neither the government nor Renamo appears to have used the weapon of 
hunger in a systematic fashion. But control of the food supply was a vital tool 
for Frelimo when moving populations from areas that were in dispute between 
the two sides. Separating farmers from their land was also a disastrous policy 
that contributed in no small measure to the food shortages in the country. 



The Third World 

According to Human Rights Watch, in the period 1975-1985 food shortages 
caused more deaths than did armed violence. 63 This view is shared by UNICEF, 
which calculated that 600,000 died of hunger during this period, a loss of life 
comparable to that caused by famine in Ethiopia. International aid was a major 
factor in helping the affected population to survive. In January 1987 the U.S. 
ambassador in Maputo reported to the State Department that as many as 3.5 
million Mozambicans were at risk from hunger, 64 prompting an immediate 
response from Washington and several international organizations. Despite this 
effort, the most exposed regions fell victim to a terrible famine whose scale has 
never been fully appreciated. In the Memba region alone, humanitarian organi- 
zations report that 8,000 died of hunger in the spring of 1989. 6S Market forces 
soon took over in the regions that received support from abroad. Such was one 
of the lessons drawn in a European Community report in 1991, which revealed 
that only 25 percent of food aid was sold at the agreed rate, while the other 75 
percent remained in the hands of the authorities, who, after the usual pilfering, 
sold it on the black market. 66 The Mozambican "new man" whom Samora 
Machel and his associates had been so zealous to foster revealed himself to be 
a the deeply pathological product of compromises inside each individual, which 
take the form of dishonor, deception, and schizophrenic madness. The indi- 
vidual wants to live, but he must split in two to do it, and live a double life, a 
hidden, true life and a false public life, the second protecting the first, and he 
must constantly lie to have a tiny parcel of truth for himself." 67 

The sudden collapse of the Communist states in Eastern Europe led 
people to realize how fragile these regimes were and how resistant civil society 
could be. Even if, during the fifteen years covered here, the public charac- 
terization of African Communism as "modern political legitimation" might 
have had painful consequences for a university lecturer from the region, that 
perception does have a certain explanatory power. 68 The brief nature of the 
African experiment with Communism, together with the dominant perception 
of Africa as doomed to violence by its very nature, risks blurring the contours 
of the project as it was outlined at the outset. To resist this temptation, we 
should perhaps invert the perspective. Although it may be difficult to see the 
specific nature of violence in these Marxist-Leninist states themselves, as 
Achille Mbembe suggests, it is likely the case that the famines and massacres 
of civilians occurred because the African countries, "having been colonized and 
led into independence by the Western powers, chose to take the Soviet-style 
regimes as their model." This pattern ensured that efforts to promote democ- 
ratization would do little to change the deeply Leninist nature of most African 


Communism in Afghanistan 

Sylvain Boulouque 

/Afghanistan has a surface area of 640,000 square kilometers and is 
thus slightly bigger than France. 1 Until 1991 the country was neatly tucked 
amid four other states: the Soviet Union to the north, Iran to the west, Pakistan 
to the east and south, and, for a few dozen kilometers, China to the east. More 
than one-third of the country is mountainous, with several peaks exceeding 
22,900 feet. In 1979 the population of 15 million was divided among a variety 
of ethnic groups. The dominant group, numbering more than 6 million and 
living mainly in the south, are the mostly Sunni Pushtuns, who speak their own 
language. The more than 4 million Tajiks, who live primarily in the eastern 
part of the country, arc also Sunni Muslims but speak the Dari dialect of 
Persian. Approximately 1.5 million Uzbeks, who are also Sunni and speak a 
Turkic language, live in the north. The 1.5 million Hazaras are mostly Shiite 
and live in the center of the country. Other ethnic groups, including Turk- 
mens, Kirgiz, Baluchis, Aymaqs, Kohistanis, and Nuristans, are scattered 
through the territory and account for the remaining 10 percent of the popula- 
tion of Afghanistan. 

Traditionally, Afghanistan has been held together primarily by its Muslim 
faith. Ninety-nine percent of the population is Muslim; 80 percent are Sunnis, 
and the rest are Shiite. There are also Sikh and Hindu minorities and a tiny 
Jewish community. The Afghan version of Islam was traditionally quite mod- 



The Third World 

erate in both urban and rural areas. It was closely integrated into the traditional 
tribal structure, in which village chiefs served as the community leaders. Most 
of the population lived in rural areas; in 1979 the only large city was the capital, 
Kabul, situated in the east and home to 500,000 people. Smaller cities included 
Herat in the west, Kandahar in the south, and Mazar-i-SharTf and Kunduz in 
the north, each with a population of less than 200,000. The Afghans had a long 
tradition of resisting invasions, especially those by the Mongols and the Rus- 
sians. Afghanistan was under the protection of the British from the mid nine- 
teenth century until just after World War I, in 1919. While England and Russia 
(later the Soviet Union) were engaged in a series of conflicts with the people 
of Central Asia, the Afghan monarchy always succeeded in maintaining inde- 
pendence by playing off the two great powers against each other. When King 
Zahir Shah came to power in 1963, he accelerated the drive toward cultural, 
economic, and political modernization. After 1959 women were no longer 
obliged to wear veils and were granted access to schools and universities. Once 
the king had decided in 1965 that something akin to democracy was the way 
forward, the country began to develop a parliamentary system with full-fledged 
political parties and free elections. The Communist coup in April 1978 and the 
subsequent Soviet intervention destroyed the political equilibrium in the coun- 
try and undid the process of modernization that by then was well under way. 

Afghanistan and the U.S.S.R. from 1917 to 1973 

Links between Afghanistan and the Soviet Union went back a long way In 
April 1919, Khan Amanullah established diplomatic relations with the new 
government in Moscow, allowing the Bolsheviks to open five consulates in the 
country. On 28 February 1921 a treaty of peace and economic cooperation was 
signed. As a result of this treaty, the Soviet Union assisted in the construction 
of a new telegraph line and agreed to pay the king 500,000 dollars annually. 
This was partly an attempt by the Soviet government to show its goodwill and 
to counterbalance the still-dominant British influence in the country, 2 but it 
was also an attempt to spread the revolution to countries that were still under 
colonial influence. At the Congress of Eastern Peoples, held in Baku in Sep- 
tember 1920, the heads of the Communist International concluded that anti- 
colonialist and anti-imperialist slogans might attract nations under European 
colonial influence to the Communist camp. The Comintern soon issued a 
number of proclamations in which the term "class struggle" was replaced by 
the term jihad (holy war). It appears that three Afghans were present at the 
congress: Agazade, of the Afghan Communists; Azim, who represented people 
with no particular party attachment; and Kara Tadjiev, another representative 
of those with no clear party alignment. 3 In a similar vein, the resolutions of the 

Communism in Afghanistan 


Fourth Congress of the Communist International, which opened on 7 Novem- 
ber 1922, sought to weaken the imperialist powers by creating and organizing 
"unified anti-imperialist fronts." 

In September 1920, just before these events, Soviet troops led by Mikhail 
Frunze, one of the leaders of the Red Army who had also taken part in the 
repression of Nestor Makhno's Ukrainian anarchist movement, annexed the 
Bukhara Khanate, which for a time had been part of the Afghan kingdom. 
Several reprisal operations were carried out against the peasants and basmachis, 
the resistance fighters labeled "brigands" by Soviet officials. The basmachis 
fought against Russian and later Soviet domination of the region. The methods 
used by Soviet army personnel in Afghanistan were analogous to those used 
against rebellious peasants in Russia. The region was definitively annexed in 
1924, although some righting continued into the 1930s, and more than a million 
basmachis took refuge in Afghanistan. Basmachi resistance was not definitively 
crushed by the Soviet Red Army until 1933. The Communists soon began to 
exert influence on the leadership in Afghanistan, and a number of Afghan 
officers left for training in the U.S.S.R. At the same time, Soviet diplomats 
carried out a variety of underground activities, causing one attache and several 
engineers to be expelled from the country for espionage.^ There is also evidence 
that GPU agents were present in the country, most notably Georgy Agabekov, 
who had been a member of the Cheka since 1920 and was a member of its 
foreign section. Agabekov was in charge of the Afghan operation while living 
illegally first in Kabul and then in Istanbul, before he finally broke with the 
GPU in 1930. 5 

In 1929 Khan Amanullah introduced a policy of agricultural reform but 
simultaneously began an antireligious campaign. The new antireligious laws 
were modeled on the Turkish reforms of Kemal Ataturk and provoked a 
peasant uprising led by Bacha-i Saqqao ("Son of the Water Carrier"), who 
succeeded in overthrowing the regime. 6 Initially this uprising was interpreted 
by the Communist International as anticapitalist, but Soviet officials later 
changed their mind and sought to help the troops of the old regime under the 
command of Gulam-Nabi Khan, the Afghan ambassador in Moscow, to return 
to Afghanistan. Soviet troops (the best units from Tashkent, with the assistance 
of the Soviet air force) penetrated Afghanistan while disguised in Afghan 
uniforms. Five thousand Afghans righting for the government were killed. Any 
villagers whom the Red Army encountered were immediately executed. 7 De- 
spite some battlefield successes, Gulam-Nabi's forces retreated north after 
receiving word that Amanullah had abdicated and fled abroad. At this point 
Soviet support for the anti-Saqqao forces ceased. The fight was taken up by 
Nadir Shah, a noble with close ties to Great Britain who returned from his exile 
in France and took over the leadership of the Afghan army. He was quickly 


The Third World 

proclaimed king by the nobility and tribal leaders. Bacha-i Saqqao found him- 
self without a disciplined army and on the verge of defeat, but soon after he 
went into hiding he was arrested and executed. Nadir Shah tried to come to an 
arrangement with both the British and the Soviet Union. He was recognized 
and accepted in Moscow on condition that he withdraw Afghan support for the 
basmachis. After Nadir Shah agreed to this condition, the leader of the basma- 
chis, Ibrahim Bek, was forced by the Afghan army to retreat into Soviet terri- 
tory, where he was arrested and executed. 8 A new treaty of nonaggression with 
the Soviet Union was signed on 24 June 1931. Nadir Shah was assassinated by 
a student in 1933, and his son, Zahir Shah, became king in his place, although 
actual power remained in the hands of the king's uncles and cousins. 

After 1945 there were several more waves of modernization, which were 
particularly notable in the capital, where five- and seven-year development 
plans were enacted. Further treaties of friendship and cooperation were signed 
with the Soviet Union, including a 1955 treaty providing for noninterference 
in internal affairs. A number of Soviet advisers were welcomed into the country, 
mainly to help modernize the Afghan army. 

From 1953 to 1963 Prince Mohammed Daoud, a cousin of the king, served 
as prime minister and was responsible for governing the country. Despite 
Daoud's role in helping to create the nonaligned movement, Soviet influence 
in the country became more and more pronounced as time passed, and Soviet 
officials were gradually assigned to key positions in the Afghan army and civil 
service. Economic accords were almost invariably slanted in favor of the Soviet 
Union, despite efforts by Prince Daoud to move closer to the United States. In 
1963 Daoud was sidelined by Zahir Shah, who over the next ten years 
attempted to transform Afghanistan into a constitutional monarchy. Political 
parties were legalized, and the first free elections took place in 1965. A second 
round of elections followed in 1969. On both occasions the results favored the 
local nobility and groups supporting the government. Afghanistan was slowly 
becoming westernized and more modern, although the country was not yet 
close to a true democracy. As Michael Barry noted, "The regime was far 
from perfect: it was high-handed, privileged, and often corrupt. But it was 
a long way from being the barbarous regime that the Afghan Communists 
claimed it had been. The royal family had outlawed torture back in 1905, 
and even the corporal punishments normal under Koranic law had fallen 
into disuse. In that respect, the Communist regime represented a serious step 
backward." 9 

The Afghan Communists 

Zahir Shah's democratization allowed the Afghan Communist Party, which 
had long been an underground organization, finally to come into the open. The 

Communism in Afghanistan 


Communists took part in elections in the 1960s under the name of the Demo- 
cratic Party of the People of Afghanistan (DPPA). The DPPA held a congress 
in early 1965 at which the Soviet-backed candidate, Nur-Mohammed Taraki, 
was elected secretary general. However, serious tribal divisions and personal 
rivalries swirled behind the facade of Party unity. One DPPA founder, Babrak 
Karmal, was an aristocrat from the royal family: "Karmal" was a pseudonym 
meaning "friend of the workers"; his real name was Mohammed Hussein 
Khan. According to a KGB defector, Karmal was for many years a KGB 
informer. 10 Nur-Mohammed Taraki, the other founder of the Party, was the 
son of a wealthy peasant from a village in the province of Ghazni. He was a 
Pushtun who had gained high government office thanks to his knowledge of 
English. Hafizullah Amin was also a Pushtun, but born in the suburbs of 
Kabul into a family of civil servants. 11 In the 1965 election Babrak Karmal and 
two other Communists won seats in the parliament. In 1969 Karmal was 
reelected and was joined in parliament by Amin. 

The DPPA was made up of two factions, the Khalq (the People) and the 
Parcham (the Flag), each of which was named after its respective newspaper. 
Khalq was the paper of the Pushtuns from the southeast, while Parcham was 
read primarily by middle-class Persian speakers, whose project was to put into 
practice the theory of the united front. Both groups were orthodox Commu- 
nists and hewed very closely to Soviet policy, although the Parcham were 
perhaps slightly closer to the Soviet line. The schism between the two groups 
lasted from 1966 to 1976, with both sides claiming the right to be known as the 
Afghan Communist Party and to act on behalf of the entire DPPA. In 1976 
they reunited at Moscow's behest. The Party never had more than 4,000-6,000 
members. 12 In addition to these factions of the DPPA, there were several groups 
whose ideologies were oriented toward Marxism. The Shola-i-Javaid (Eternal 
Flame) was a Maoist group founded in the early 1970s, which recruited most 
of its members among Shiites and students. It later divided into several fac- 
tions, all of which joined the anti-Soviet resistance. 

From 1965 to 1973 all Afghan Communist groups systematically deni- 
grated the government and the monarchy. Demonstrations became more and 
more common, as did disruptions in parliament. The DPPA also began to 
recruit more widely, particularly among the political elite. 

The Coup of Mohammed Daoud 

Daoud, who had been sidelined by Zahir in 1963, carried out a coup in 1973 
with the help of a number of Communist army officers. Outside observers have 
offered various interpretations of these events. Some are convinced that the 
strings were being pulled by Moscow; 11 others believe that Daoud was manipu- 
lating the Communists. Wherever the truth may lie, seven members of the 


The Third World 

Parcham faction entered the Daoud government as ministers. After the coup, 
constitutional liberties were suspended, and, at the instigation of the Commu- 
nists, the government unleashed a wave of repression. As one analyst noted, 
"The nationalist leader Hashim Maiwandwal (who had been a liberal prime 
minister of the country in 1965-1967) was arrested along with about forty 
others for conspiring to overthrow the government; four of them were exe- 
cuted. The official version was that Maiwandal 'committed suicide' in prison. 
The widely held belief was that Daoud had him assassinated because he was 
one of the few non-Communist opponents who presented the country with any 
real alternative" 14 Torture and terror became commonplace, and the sinister 
Pol-e-Charki prison was opened in 1974. 

In 1975, however, Daoud got rid of the Communists and signed new 
commercial agreements not only with Eastern-bloc countries, but also with Iran 
and India. Relations with the US.S.R. deteriorated, and during an official visit 
to the US.S.R., Daoud quarreled with Brezhnev and began openly promoting 
the economic independence of his country. Thereafter his days were numbered, 
and he was toppled in a coup on 27 April 1978. Barry describes the situation 
in the country on the eve of the coup as follows: u Pre-1978 Afghanistan was a 
secular state, with little time for Muslim extremism, officially neutral, accom- 
modating toward the Soviet Union, and not questioning either its borders or 
its relations with other Muslim states ... To say that the US.S.R. acted to 
block the rise of Muslim extremism is simply not true: by overthrowing Daoud, 
the US.S.R. instead aided the rise of Muslim extremists, whose strength it had 
perhaps rather underestimated. Quite clearly the Soviets aided the Communist 
coup d'etat to ensure that Afghanistan did not escape their clutches at the last 


The April 1978 Coup, or "Saour Revolution" 

The incident that provoked the Communist coup d'etat was the assassination 
of Mir-Akbar Khaybar, one of the founders of the DPPA, on 17 April 1978 in 
circumstances that remain mysterious. One theory put forward after the Par- 
cham had seized power is that he was eliminated by agents from the Khalq led 
by Hafizullah Amin. Another theory is that it was the work of Mohammed 
Najibullah, the future leader of the Afghan secret service, with help from the 
Soviet secret services. 16 The immediate result of the assassination was the 
staging of a large Communist demonstration, followed by the overthrow of 
Daoud's government. The seizure of power does appear to have been premedi- 
tated. Amin, head of the Khalqs, who were particularly well represented in the 
military, was planning a coup that was to take place in April 1980. ,7 The spread 
of Communism in Afghanistan had been brought about through the methods 

Communism in Afghanistan 


developed in Spain and then used in other ''people's democracies." First, Party 
members sought high-ranking positions in industry, the army, and the civil 
service. This infiltration was followed by the actual seizure of power in the 
"Saour [Bull] Revolution" of April 1978. Daoud's attempts to outmaneuver 
the Communists, together with the assassination of Mir-Akbar Khaybar, 
merely accelerated the process. Shortly after the assassination, Communist 
demonstrations became more and more widespread. Daoud ordered the main 
Communist leaders to be arrested or kept under close watch. Amin was also 
placed under house arrest, but he was secretly aided by the policemen sent to 
guard him, who apparently were members of the DPPA. As a result, he was 
able to organize the whole coup from his home. 18 

The presidential palace was attacked with tanks and planes on 27 April 
1978. Daoud, his family, and the presidential guard refused to surrender. The 
president and seventeen members of his family were killed the following day. 
The first purge of non-Communist members of the military took place on 29 
April. In the coup's aftermath, repressions of the old regime's supporters led 
to the death of about 10,000 people and the imprisonment of between 14,000 
and 20,000 for political reasons. |y 

The new government was proclaimed on 30 April. Nur-Mohammed 
Taraki, a Khalq, was named president of the Democratic Republic of Afghani- 
stan; Babrak Karmal, of the Parcham faction, was named vice president and 
deputy prime minister; and Hafizullah Amin, a Khalq, was named second vice 
president and foreign minister. The Soviet Union was the first state to recog- 
nize the new government, 20 and a treaty of cooperation and mutual assistance 
was quickly signed. Taraki proposed a series of reforms that, according to 
observers, broke with the traditional ways of Afghan society. Rural debt and 
mortgages on land were abolished, school attendance became obligatory for all 
children, and antireligious propaganda began to appear. Taraki was proclaimed 
the "guide and father of the April Revolution." The spate of reforms led to 
widespread discontent, and by July 1978 the first revolts had broken out in 
Asmar, in the southeast. Political violence became widespread. On 14 February 
1979 the U.S., ambassador Adolph Dubs, was kidnapped by the Maoist Group 
Setem-i-Milli (Oppression of the Nation), which demanded the release of one 
of their leaders, Barrudem Bahes. Bahes, however, had already been executed 
by the KHAD, the Afghan security service, which was under the control of the 
Soviet KGB. Officers from the KHAD tried to intervene, but ended up killing 
both the ambassador and his kidnappers. 21 According to Etienne Gille, "Some 
say that this operation was carried out in secret to compromise the diplomatic 
situation of the Khalq regime." 22 In any case, no witnesses of the events 

Shortly afterward the government began an antireligious crusade. The 


The Third World 

Koran was burned in public, and imams and other religious leaders were 
arrested and killed. On the night of 6 January 1979 all 130 men in the Mo- 
jaddedi clan, a leading Shiite group, were massacred. 23 All religious practices 
were banned, even for the tiny 5,000-strong Jewish community living in Kabul 
and Herat, who responded by fleeing to Israel. 

The rebellion began to grow, although it lacked any real structure. It 
spread fastest in the cities and from there into the country. According to Eric 
Bachelier, "In every tribe and every ethnic group with its own traditions, 
networks of resistance began to spring up. The resistance was the result of a 
multitude of groups in permanent contact with the population, and the com- 
mon link was invariably Islam.' 124 Faced with this widespread resistance, the 
Afghan Communists and their Soviet advisers began to practice terror on a 
large scale. Michael Barry describes one such incident; 

In March 1979 the village of Kerala became the Oradour-sur-Glane of 
Afghanistan; 1,700 adults and children, the entire male population of 
the village, were all assembled in the town square and machine-gunned 
at point-blank range. The dead and dying were thrown into three mass 
graves and buried with a bulldozer. For a while afterward the women 
could still see the earth move slightly as the wounded struggled to 
escape, but soon all movement stopped. All the women fled to Pakistan. 
They were labeled "feudal counterrevolutionaries who had sold them- 
selves to American and Chinese interests" by the Afghan leaders, and 
they told these stories crying with anguish in the refugee shelters. 2 " 

The Afghan Communists were constantly asking for more assistance from 
the US.S.R. In March 1979, severeal MiG fighters based in Soviet territory 
bombed the small city of Herat, which had just fallen into the hands of 
anti-Communist rebels. The army then entered the city to mop up the remain- 
ing resistance. The ensuing bombardment, together with the repression that 
followed the town's recapture, claimed between 5,000 and 25,000 lives out of 
a total population of 200,000. There is not currently, and may never be, any 
way to tell exactly how many died in the repression. 26 After this action, the 
rebellion spread throughout the country, forcing the Communists once again 
to ask the Soviet Union for aid. In this instance, the dissident Vladimir Bu- 
kovsky reports, Soviet assistance included "special supplies, for 53 million 
rubles, of 140 artillery pieces, 90 armored vehicles (including 50 ambulances), 
48,000 guns and rifles, nearly 1,000 grenade launchers, and 680 aerial bombs 
... As an immediate response [the Soviet Union] sent 100 stocks of incendiary 
gas and 150 cases of bombs, but were unable to meet the Afghan request for 
chemical weapons and bombs filled with poisonous gas. They were also unable 
to send pilots for the helicopter teams." 27 At the same time, terror reigned in 
Kabul. The Pol-e-Charki prison, on the eastern outskirts of the city, became a 

Communism in Afghanistan 


concentration camp, 27 As Sayyed Abdullah, the director of the prison, ex- 
plained to the prisoners: "You're here to be turned into a heap of rubbish." 
Torture was common; the worst form entailed live burial in the latrines. Hun- 
dreds of prisoners were killed every night, and the dead and dying were buried 
by bulldozers. Stalin's method of punishing entire ethnic groups for the actions 
of some of its members was adopted, leading to the arrest on 15 August 1979 
of 300 people from the Hazaras ethnic group who were suspected of supporting 
the resistance. "One hundred fifty of them were buried alive by the bulldozers, 
and the rest were doused with gasoline and burned alive." In September 1979 
the prison authorities admitted that 12,000 prisoners had been eliminated. The 
director of Pol-e-Charki told anyone who would listen: "We'll leave only 1 mil- 
lion Afghans alive- -that's all we need to build socialism." 28 

While the country was being transformed into a giant prison, the struggles 
between the Khalq and the Parcham continued inside the DPPA, with the 
Khalq gradually gaining the upper hand. As Parcham leaders were steadily 
removed from positions of power, they were sent as ambassadors to countries 
behind the Iron Curtain, Babrak Karmal was sent to Czechoslovakia at the 
express request of the Soviet Union. Conflicts occurred within the ruling 
Khalq as well. On 10 September 1979, Amin overthrew Taraki, becoming 
prime minister and secretary general of the DPPA. He quickly eliminated his 
opponents within the Khalq and had Taraki assassinated, although the official 
newspapers stated that Taraki had died as the result of a long illness. Foreign 
observers noted the presence of 5,000 Soviet advisers in Afghanistan at the 
time, as well as a special visit by General Ivan Grigorievich Pavlovsky, the 
commander in chief of Soviet ground forces. 2 '' 

One year after the Communist coup, the situation in the country was 
terrifying. As Shah Bazgar explains: 

Babrak Karmal claimed that 15,000 people had died in the purges car- 
ried out by his two predecessors, Taraki and Amin. The real number 
was at least 40,000. Among them, alas, were two of my maternal cousins, 
who died in Pol-e-Charki. One of them, Selab Safay, was a well-known 
man of letters, whose poems used to be read on the radio and television. 
I was extremely fond of him. My other cousin, his brother, was a 
teacher. The whole elite of the country was purged. The few who sur- 
vived all told of terrible Communist atrocities. The doors of the cells 
would be opened, and, lists in hand, soldiers would call out the names of 
the detainees. They would slowly get up. A few minutes later muffled 
machine-gun fire would be heard." 10 

These casualty figures include only Kabul and the other cities. Executions in 
the countryside, where the Communists sought to wipe out the resistance 
through a genuine reign of terror, including a bombing campaign, led to the 


The Third World 

death of approximately 100,000 additional people. The number of Afghan 
refugees who fled these massacres en masse has been estimated at more than 
50O,0O0. 31 

The Soviet Intervention 

Afghanistan by the fall of 1979 was deep into civil war. Despite the repressions, 
the Communists were unable to enforce their authority in the country and were 
compelled once more to seek assistance from the Soviet Union. This assistance 
proved to be greater than Amin's government had expected. Amin had been 
starting to shy away from Moscow, increasing contacts with countries not 
directly under Soviet influence and even with the Americans (as a young man 
he had studied in the United States). Soviet leaders decided to intervene to 
reassert control. The decision was approved by the Soviet Politburo on 12 
December 1979. On 25 December Operation Storm 333 was launched, and 
Soviet troops crossed the borders into Afghanistan. Ostensibly they were hon- 
oring the treaty of friendship and cooperation and were offering "fraternal" 
assistance to the authorities in Kabul. According to a former KGB officer, U A 
commando assault team from the KGB led by Colonel [Grigory] Boyarinov . . . 
attacked the palace, assassinating Amin and any witnesses who could have 
reported on the events.'^ 2 Before his death, Amin was given the opportunity to 
retire and accept a generous pension. When he refused, he was killed and 
replaced by Babrak Karmal. The new government was proclaimed in a radio 
broadcast from the Soviet Union before Amin was executed. 11 

There are numerous hypotheses concerning the Soviet intervention. Some 
commentators view it as an attempt by Moscow to expand to the south. Others 
see it as part of a project to bring stability to a region in which the expansion 
of radical Islam posed a clear threat. The intervention might also be seen simply 
as a case of Soviet imperialism, a further expression of the messianic character 
of Marxist regimes desiring all peoples to be Communist. Another possibility 
is that the Soviet government felt a genuine desire to defend another Commu- 
nist state that was under attack from "agents of imperialism." 14 

The first Soviet troops arrived in Afghanistan on 27 December 1979; by 
early 1980 there were nearly 100,000 on the ground. The war fell into four 
distinct phases. In the first phase, in 1979-1982, Soviet troops occupied the 
country. The second, most difficult phase was the "total war" of 1982-1986. 
Soviet retreat in 1987-1989 marked the third phase. The final phase, lasting 
until 1992, began after the Soviet Army's withdrawal on 15 February 1989, 
when Mohammed Najibullah became the head of state and initiated an effort 
to create national unity and reform in a manner akin to Gorbachev. In 1989 the 
Soviet government sent aid in the form of military technology worth 2.5 billion 

Communism in Afghanistan 


rubles. Another 1 .4 billion rubles' worth of weaponry was provided the follow- 
ing year. The Najibullah government fell when military assistance ceased in 
1992 after the Soviet Union's collapse. 35 

Throughout this time the country was caught between two different 
modes of terror: the Soviet Army practiced a form of total war and a scorched- 
earth policy, while in areas not under direct Soviet attack Afghans experienced 
traditional methods of terror at the hands of the Communist regime. The 
systematic elimination of real or imaginary opponents took place in the special 
prisons of the AGSA (Organization for the Protection of Afghan Interests). 
The AGSA quickly went through various incarnations, becoming the KHAD 
(State Information Service) and then the WAD (Ministry of State Security). 
By 1986 the secret police organs were directly dependent on the KGB for both 
finances and advisers. This method of government by terror theoretically lasted 
until 1989, when the Soviet troops left the country In practice, however, it 
lasted until the fall of Mohammed Najibullah's government in 1992. 

Throughout rhe nine years of the war, the Soviet Army and the Afghan 
Communists never fully controlled more than 20 percent of the country. They 
contented themselves with the main centers of power, such as the cities, the 
grain-producing areas, and the areas with gas and oil reserves — which were of 
course inevitably destined for the U.S.S.R. "The extraction of resources and 
the development of Afghanistan were carried out in a typically colonial fashion. 
The colony produced the primary resources and provided a market for the 
industrial products of the metropolis, keeping its industry going ... In line 
with the well-established Russian technique, the occupying forces made the 
country itself pay for the cost of the war. The armies, tanks, and bombing of 
villages were invoiced and paid for with gas, cotton, and, later, copper and 
electricity." 1 ' 1 During these years the Soviet Union, with the aid of the Afghan 
army, carried out what was in practice a total war. Meanwhile the Afghan army 
suffered massive losses from desertions, falling in strength from 80,000 in 1989 
to barely 30,000 two years later. In 1982 all reserves were called up, and in 
March of the following year general mobilization was decreed for all men aged 
eighteen and over. Children were also forcibly conscripted at age fifteen. 

Aside from elite units of special operations (Spetsnaz) forces, the Soviet 
soldiers sent to Afghanistan were primarily from the western peripheral repub- 
lics, including Ukraine, Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania. They replaced the 
contingents of troops based in Central Asia, whom the Soviet government may 
have seen as potentially susceptible to a radical form of Islam. More than 
600,000 troops were sent to the country, and 14,751 of them died in the war. n 
Their bodies were rarely returned to their families, and many were not even 
brought back to the U.S.S.R. The sealed, lead-lined coffins that were sent to the 
families usually held nothing but sand or sometimes the bodies of unidentified 


The Third World 

soldiers.^ 8 Demoralized by this war that had no name, countless soldiers fell 
prey to alcoholism and drug abuse involving hashish, opium, and heroin. Some 
of these drugs were supplied by the KGB. Profits from drug production in 
Afghanistan were even greater than those of Southeast Asia's Golden Triangle. 
To be sent home, many soldiers mutilated themselves. Upon their return they 
were generally abandoned to their fate, and some were sent to psychiatric 
hospitals. 39 Many others drifted into a life of crime. The war also gave birth to 
a number of right-wing nationalist groups, most notably the ultra right-wing 
and antisemitic Pamyat group, to which the KGB turned a blind eye. 40 

The Afghan resistance gathered strength in the face of the Soviet invasion, 
growing to between 60,000 and 200,000 fighters. With support from a majority 
of the population, the Afghan resistance consisted of seven Sunni parties, 
whose headquarters were in Pakistan, and eight Shiite groups, with bases in 
Iran. 41 All claimed some basis in radical or moderate Islam. The resistance also 
had the support of the US. government, which supplied the guerrillas with 
arms, including surface-to-air Stinger missiles, which deterred low-level aerial 
attacks by Soviet bombers, thus foiling one of the key elements in the Soviet 
war effort. Other than aerial bombardment, the Soviet Army's main strategy 
had been simply one of terror. Any person or village suspected of assisting the 
resistance in the smallest degree suffered immediate reprisals. Repression was 
constant and omnipresent. 

The atrocities committed were those to be found in all large-scale wars, 
and the violence born of total war and constant attrition spread throughout the 
country. 42 The Afghan resistance also carried out atrocities, likewise barbaric 
and inexcusable. Unlike other conflicts, notably the war in Vietnam, to which 
Afghanistan was often compared, the war received very little attention from the 
world press, and very few pictures of the conflict were ever released. The 
Afghan resistance was in fact waging a general insurrection in response to both 
the Communist coup d'etat and the invasion from abroad. The powers who 
supported the resistance fighters paid scant attention to the extent of their 
respect for human rights and on occasion supported some extremely unsavory 
groups. But on the whole, responsibility for the origins of the conflict must rest 
with the Communists and their Soviet allies. Government by mass terror and 
the system of coercion established by the Communists in Afghanistan were 
constants in the history of the Communist movement. 

The Scale of Repression 

The Refugee Problem 

The number of refugees grew constantly. At the end of 1980, it was estimated 
that more than I million refugees had fled Afghanistan. Eighty percent of the 

Communism in Afghanistan 


intellectuals had left by mid-1982. Early in 1983 there were more than 3 mil- 
lion refugees out of a total prewar population of 15.5 million. In 1984 the 
number passed 4 million, 41 and it reached 5 million in the early 1990s. In 
addition to those who had left the country, there were 2 million internal refu- 
gees who were forced to leave their villages to escape the war and repression. 
According to Amnesty International, the refugees who left Afghanistan were 
"the largest refugee group in the world." 44 More than two-thirds of all refugees 
fled to Pakistan; most of the rest went to Iran; a tiny number reached Western 
Europe or the United States. Michael Barry recalled that "in the autumn of 
1985, during a secret mission on horseback in four provinces in eastern and 
central Afghanistan on behalf of the International Federation for the Rights of 
Man, the Swedish doctor Johann Lagerfelt and I made a survey of twenty- 
three villages and found that 56.3 percent of the population had been dis- 
placed." 45 Over the whole territory, more than half the population was forced 
to move as a direct consequence of the politics of terror deployed by the Soviet 
Army and its Afghan assistants. 

War Crimes and the Destruction of Villages 

From the outset, Soviet attacks were concentrated in four areas: along the 
border; in the Panjshir valley; in the Kandahar region, in the south of the 
country; and in Herat, in the east; the last two zones were occupied in February 
1982. The totaFwar strategy pursued by the Soviet army received swift con- 
demnation in 1981 from the Permanent Peoples' Tribunal in Stockholm and 
London, heir to the "Russell Tribunals" (the International War Crimes Tribu- 
nals) that had been ''inspired directly by the Nuremberg tribunals, of which 
they are a legal offshoot." 46 The Permanent Peoples' Tribunal began an inves- 
tigation into one case of mass killing. It was entrusted to Michael Barry, a 
specialist in Afghan affairs; to a legal expert, Ricardo Fraile; and to a photogra- 
pher, Michel Baret. The investigation confirmed that on 13 September 1982 in 
Padkhwab-e Shana (south of Kabul, in Logar Province), 105 villagers who 
were hiding in an underground irrigation canal were burned alive by Soviet 
troops. The investigators determined that the Soviet troops had killed the 
Afghans with a combination of gasoline, pentrite, and dinitrotoluene (a highly 
combustible substance) from pipes plugged into tankers that they had brought 
in. This crime received official condemnation at a session of the Peoples' 
Tribunal held at the Sorbonne on 2D December 1982. The representative of 
the Afghan government in Paris claimed that the tribunal was an instrument of 
imperialism and denied the crime, arguing that "the ceilings inside the Afghan 
kdriz [water pipes] are only a few centimeters high, and it would be impossible 
for humans to fit inside," 47 

In the village of Khasham Kala, also in Logar Province, 100 civilians, who 


The Third World 

had put up no resistance at all, died in the same manner. 48 Whenever the Soviet 
troops entered a village, they brought terror with them, as one observer de- 
scribed: "The convoy stops within sight of a village. After an artillery barrage, 
all the exits are blocked; then the soldiers enter the village in armored vehicles 
looking for 'enemies.' All too often, and there are innumerable reports of this, 
the searching of villages is accompanied by acts of blind barbarism, with 
women and old men killed if they show any sign of fear. Soldiers, Afghans as 
well as Soviets, steal radios and carpets, and tear jewelry off the women." War 
crimes and acts of savagery recurred with monotonous regularity: "Soviet 
soldiers poured kerosene over the arms of one boy and set fire to him in front 
of his parents to punish them for refusing to hand over any information. 
Villagers were forced to stand barefoot in the snow in freezing temperatures to 
force them to talk." One soldier explained: a We never took prisoners of war, 
not a single one. We just killed the prisoners wherever we found them ... If 
we were on a punitive expedition, we didn't shoot the women and children with 
bullets. We just locked them in a room and threw in a few grenades." 49 

The intention was to sow terror, to cow the population into submission, 
and to prevent Afghan civilians from helping the resistance. Reprisal operations 
were always carried out in the same spirit. Women were thrown naked from 
helicopters, and entire villages were destroyed to avenge the death of one Soviet 
soldier. Observers recalled that "after an attack on a convoy near the village of 
Muchkizai in the region of Kandahar, the population of the villages of 
Kolchabad, Muchkizai, and Timur Qalacha was massacred on 13 October 1983 
in a reprisal operation. There were 126 dead in total: 40 in Timur Qalacha (i.e., 
the entire village), 51 in Kolchabad, and 35 in Muchkizai. Most of the victims 
were women and children — 50 women aged twenty to thirty-two, and 26 chil- 
dren. All the young men had left the villages as soon as the convoys arrived, to 
avoid conscription." 50 Villages were also systematically bombed to prevent the 
resistance forces from launching any sort of counterattack. On 17 April 1985, 
for instance, Soviet troops destroyed villages to wipe out resistance bases in 
Laghman Province, killing nearly 1,000 people. On 28 May 1985, having 
"cleansed" the villages, the Soviet Army left the Laghman-Kounar zone. 51 

International conventions were systematically violated. All evidence sug- 
gests that poison gases of various types were used regularly against the civilian 
population. There are numerous reports of the use of toxic gases, tear gas, and 
asphyxiants. Napalm and phosphor gas were used intensively during the bom- 
bardment of the Afghan countryside by the Soviet air force. 52 On 1 December 
1982 neurotoxic gases were allegedly used against the Afghan resistance, result- 
ing in an unknown number of victims. 5 ^ In 1982 the U.S. State Department 
reported the use of mycotoxin, a biological weapon. The periodical La nouvelles 
(['Afghanistan noted in December 1986 that "the Soviets this summer have used 

Communism in Afghanistan 


a chemical weapon in Kandahar," and Le point on 6 October 1986 noted that 
deadly chemical weapons had been used in Paghman. In addition, the Soviet 
army was known to have poisoned water supplies, causing the deaths of both 
people and cattle. 54 The Soviet high command ordered the bombing of villages 
known to shelter deserters to discourage the Afghans from showing them any 
hospitality. 55 The Soviet army also used Afghan soldiers as front-line troops in 
mine-clearing operations, and sent them out to test the ground ahead of Soviet 
troops. In late 1988, Soviet forces used Scud and Hurricane missiles to clear 
the main routes for their withdrawal. In 1989 Soviet troops retraced the route 
taken ten years earlier, making sure they controlled all the access roads to 
prevent attacks from the resistance. 

Before withdrawing, the Soviet Union had begun a new strategy of killing 
refugees. Amnesty International remarked that 

groups of men, women, and children fleeing their villages have been 
subjected by the Soviets to intense bombardments as reprisals for guer- 
rilla attacks. Among the cases cited is one group of 100 families from the 
village of Sherkhudo, in Faryab Province, in the extreme northwest of 
the country, who were attacked twice during their 500-kilometer flight 
toward the border with Pakistan. In the first attack, in October 1987, 
government forces encircled them, killing nineteen people, including 
seven children under six years of age. Two weeks later, helicopters again 
opened fire on the group, killing five men. 56 

Several times, refugee villages in Pakistan that were suspected of harboring 
resistance bases were relentlessly bombed, including the Matasangar camp on 
27 February 1987. 57 

Observers also noted the extensive use of antipersonnel mines. Some 20 
million mines were laid, mainly around security zones. These mines were used 
to protect Soviet troops and the industrial complexes that supplied products to 
the Soviet Union. Mines were also dropped from helicopters into agricultural 
areas to render the land useless. Antipersonnel mines have so far maimed at 
least 700,000 people and are still a major hazard today. During the height of 
the war, Soviet troops also deliberately targeted children, dropping booby- 
trapped toys from airplanes. 58 Shah Bazgar described the systematic destruc- 
tion of villages: "The Soviets attacked every single house, looting and raping 
the women. The barbarism was worse than instinctive, and appeared to have 
been planned. They knew that in carrying out such acts they were destroying 
the very foundation of our society." 5tJ 

The scorched-earth and total-war policies were accompanied by the sys- 
tematic destruction of Afghanistan's cultural heritage. Kabul had been a cos- 
mopolitan city in which "the Kabuli spirit was alive, with good humor verging 


The Third World 

on the risque, and a generally relaxed air toward morals and social mores far 
removed from the norm in the countryside." 60 These cultural characteristics 
disappeared as a result of the war and the Soviet occupation. The small city of 
Herat suffered terribly from repeated Soviet bombardments and reprisals for 
the general uprising that had taken place in the west of the country in March 
1979. All the monuments in the town, including a twelfth-century mosque, and 
the old town, which dated back to the sixteenth century, were seriously dam- 
aged. Their reconstruction was stymied by the continuing Soviet presence/' 1 

Political Terror 

The war not only was directed against the civil population, but was accompa- 
nied by political terror in the zones controlled by the Afghan Communists, 
with the support of the Soviet forces. Soviet-occupied Afghanistan was effec- 
tively transformed into a giant concentration camp. Prison and torture were 
systematically applied against anyone who opposed the regime. 

Political terror was the province of the KHAD, the Afghan secret police, 
which was the equivalent of the KGB. The KHAD controlled all detention 
centers and practiced torture and murder on a grand scale. Although the secret 
police were officially controlled by Mohammed Najibullah, "Vatanshah, a So- 
viet Tajik aged around forty . . . took charge of the torture and interrogation 
service in the KHAD headquarters after Soviet troops moved into the coun- 
try." 62 The Pol-e-Charki prison had been emptied after the amnesty declared 
by Babrak Karrnal upon coming to power. It did not stay empty for long. In 
February 1980, after Karmal imposed martial law, the prisons quickly filled 
once more. Bernard Dupaigne described Poi-e-Charki: 

The prison is made up of eight wings laid out like the spokes of a wheel 
. . . Block 1 is reserved for people whose interrogation is completed but 
who have not yet been judged. Block 2 holds the most important prison- 
ers, particularly survivors of the group of Communist officials from the 
faction that has lost favor . . . Block 4 holds prisoners of great impor- 
tance . . . Block 3 is feared most because it is between the others and 
receives no direct sunlight. It is here that the most obstreperous prison- 
ers are kept. Its cells are so small that the prisoners can neither stand nor 
stretch out. Overcrowding is common . . . The size of the prison was 
increased in the spring of 1982 by the creation of underground cells. 
These are probably what prisoners are referring to when they speak with 
such fear of "the tunnels" . . . Between 12,000 and 15,000 people are 
imprisoned in Pol-e-Charki. To that number we should add at least 
5,000 political prisoners in the eight other detention centers and in the 
other prisons in Kabul. 1161 

Communism in Afghanistan 


In early 1985 a United Nations report on the human-rights situation in 
Afghanistan accused the KHAD of being an immense torture machine. The 
report indicated that the KHAD controlled seven detention centers in Kabul: 
"(1) Bureau 5 of the KHAD, known as Khad-i-Panj; (2) the KHAD headquar- 
ters in the Shasharak district; (3) the Ministry of Internal Affairs building; (4) 
the Central Interrogation Bureau, known as the Sedarat; (5) the offices of the 
military branch of the KHAD, known as the Khad-i-Nezami, with two private 
houses near the Sedarat building; (6) the Ahmad Shah Khan house; and (7) the 
Wasir Akbar Khan house, the KHAD offices in the Howzai Bankat district." 64 
The KHAD had also requisitioned 200 individual houses around the capital, 
in addition to its prisons and military outposts in the major towns. 65 

The UN report continued: 

With regard to the nature of the tortures practiced [by the Afghan 
government], the reporter's attention has been drawn to a wide range of 
techniques. In his statement, a former security police officer listed eight 
different types of torture: electric shocks applied to the genitals of men 
and the breasts of women; tearing out fingernails, combined with elec- 
tric shock; removing all toilet facilities from the prisoners' cells, so that 
after a certain time they are obliged to perform such functions in full 
view of their cellmates; the introduction of wooden objects into the 
anus, a practice used in particular with aged or respected prisoners; 
pulling out the beards of prisoners, particularly if they are old or relig- 
ious figures; strangulation of prisoners to force open their mouths, 
which are then urinated into; the use of police dogs against prisoners; 
hanging by the feet for an indefinite period; the rape of women, with 
their hands and feet tied, and the introduction of a variety of objects 
into the vagina. 66 

To these physical tortures should be added an array of psychological tortures, 
including mock executions, the rape of a member of the prisoner's family in 
his presence, and the pretense that the prisoner was to be freed. 67 Soviet 
advisers took part in interrogations and assisted the executioners. 68 

Christopher Andrew and Oleg Gordievsky maintain that "the KGB reen- 
acted some of the horrors of the Stalinist period on Afghan territory." 69 The 
KHAD employed 70,000 Afghans, including 30,000 civilians, and was con- 
trolled by 1,500 KGB officers. 70 

Despite the politics of terror that immediately followed the Communist 
coup, resistance groups proliferated, and bombs rained down on Communist 
centers. Demonstrations also took place. Students went on strike on 27 April 
1980 to celebrate the coup d'etat in their own fashion. Their initial demonstra- 
tion was repressed, and sixty students, including six young girls, were killed. 71 
The strike lasted for one month, ending in the imprisonment of numerous 


The Third World 

students both male and female, many of whom were subsequently tortured. 
"The lucky ones were merely expelled from their schools, on a temporary or 
permanent basis." 72 Non-Communists found many opportunities barred to 
them, and repression of students and teachers became ever more severe. a To 
frighten the schoolgirls, the executioners would take them to visit the chamber 
of horrors where resistance fighters were tortured: Farida Ahmadi saw severed 
limbs scattered around one room in the KHAD building . . . These selected 
victims from the student milieu were then released back into the community 
to spread panic among their comrades, so that their experiences might serve as 
a lesson to the others." 73 

In the autumn of 1983 Amnesty International published a report and 
launched an appeal to obtain the release of a number of prisoners. Professor 
Hassan Kakar, who was the head of a history department specializing in the 
history of Afghanistan, and who had earlier taught at Harvard, was arrested 
for having helped members of the Parcham faction (even though he was not a 
member of the DPPA) and for having given shelter to several others. His trial 
took place in camera, with no lawyer permitted to defend him. He was accused 
of counterrevolutionary activities and sentenced to eight years in prison. Two 
of his colleagues, who were also professors, were sentenced to eight and ten 
years in prison, respectively. Mohammed Yunis Akbari, the only nuclear physi- 
cist of any renown in Afghanistan, was relieved of his duties in 1983 and 
simultaneously arrested and detained without charge. Having already been 
arrested on two previous occasions, in 1981 and 1983, he was sentenced to death 
in 1984 and finally executed in 1990. 74 Intellectuals who belonged to research 
and discussion groups whose aim was to find an end to the conflict were 
systematically imprisoned. A similar fate was in store for anyone who was 
deemed to present any sort of threat to the regime. 

Information was strictly controlled throughout the Communist era. For- 
eigners not accredited by the government were considered personae non gratae, 
as were journalists and medical personnel. When arrested, they were taken to 
the central prison and interrogated. They were not physically tortured because 
humanitarian organizations were invariably aware of their presence in the 
country and would immediately demand their release. But when they were tried 
and it became clear that the prosecution's case was based on falsified evidence, 
they were often forced to admit that they had been spying for foreign govern- 
ments and had taken part in resistance forces, despite their presence there in a 
purely humanitarian capacity. 75 

Although foreigners were a nuisance, they were neither tortured nor 
killed. 76 By contrast, Afghan suspects who were arrested were often tortured 
and killed. Militants from Afghan Mellat, for instance, the social democratic 
Pushtun party founded in 1966, were arrested on 18 May 1983 despite lack of 

Communism in Afghanistan 


proof that they had supported resistance activity. Amnesty International pub- 
lished a list — to which more names were added later — of eighteen members of 
Afghan Mellat who had been arrested for allegedly making public statements 
in support of the rebels. Officially, between 8 June 1980 and 22 April 1982, the 
government announced more than fifty death sentences for counterrevolution- 
ary activity. Another seventy-seven were announced in 1984, and forty more in 
1985. 77 

In the summer of 1986 Shah Bazgar put together a list of more than 
52,000 prisoners in Kabul and 13,000 in Jelalabad. According to his figures, 
there were more than 100,000 prisoners in all. 78 On 19 April 1992 the Pol-e- 
Charki prison was captured by the resistance, which freed 4,000 prisoners. In 
May 1992 a mass grave was discovered nearby, containing the remains of 12,000 

When Babrak Karma] was dismissed in 1986, he was replaced by Moham- 
med Najibullah, a president who closely resembled Gorbachev and who usually 
called himself "Comrade Najib" to avoid all reference to Allah. After assuming 
power, he restored his last name in the interests of national unity. Najibullah 
was a member of the Parcham and a retired physician who had been a diplomat 
in Iran and was extremely close to Moscow. He had been the head of the KHAD 
from 1980 to 1986 and had been praised for his work there by Yuri Andropov, 
the longtime head of the Soviet KGB who went on to become general secretary 
of the Soviet Communist Party. Najibullah was called u the ox" by his brother 
Seddiqullah Rahi, who once compared him to Lavrcnti Beria, and claimed that 
he had signed execution orders for 90,000 people in the space of six years.*'* In 
addition to being the head of the secret services, Najibullah was responsible for 
personally torturing countless people. One of the rare survivors had the fol- 
lowing to say: "Because I had denied the accusations several times, Najibullah 
approached me and dealt me several blows to the stomach and the face. I fell 
to the ground. On the ground, half-conscious, I remember receiving more kicks 
in the face and in the back. Blood was pouring out of my mouth and my nose. 
I did not regain consciousness until a few hours later, when I was back in my 

Frequently blind chance had a major role to play in the repressions. One 
merchant, who had been a deputy in parliament during Zahir's reign, was 
arrested by mistake, tortured, and subsequently released. 

My arrest took place at about 9:30 in the evening ... I was put into a cell 
with two other prisoners, a builder from Kalahan, to the north of Kabul, 
and an official from Nangarhar Province who worked in the Ministry of 
Agriculture. It was clear that the builder had been very badly beaten 
already. His clothes were covered in blood, and his arms were badly 


The Third World 

bruised ... I was taken away for interrogation. I was told that in the last 
few weeks I had visited Mazar-i-Sharif and Kandahar, and that the 
purpose of my visit had been to sow discontent with the government 
among the populace there ... In reality, I hadn't left Kabul for more 
than six months. I protested my innocence, but as soon as I did that the 
blows started to rain down ... An old-fashioned telephone was con- 
nected to my toes, and they used it to give me electric shocks ... I 
wasn't interrogated any more after that. Two days later one of the 
KHAD men who had taken part in the interrogation came into my cell 
and told me I was to be released. He said that the KHAD was satisfied 
that my arrest had been a mistake. 81 

Terror was also used on Afghan children. They were picked up and sent 
to the Soviet Union, where they were trained as child spies to be sent to 
infiltrate the resistance. Children were drugged in order to limit their inde- 
pendence, and the older ones were offered the services of prostitutes. One boy, 
Nairn, told Shah Bazgar: 

I come from Herat. When I was eight, I was taken out of school and 
placed in the Sazman [the Afghan Communist Youth organization] and 
then sent to the U.S.S.R. for nine months. My father was a Communist, 
and he was in favor of this. My mother had died by then, and my father 
had remarried. At home, apart from one brother and one sister, every- 
one was a Khalq. My father sold me to the Soviets. For several months 
he got money like that . . . Our task was to be spies. 

When Bazgar asked Nairn whether he had ever seen a child die, the boy 
answered: "Several times. Once by electricity. The child's body sprang about a 
meter up into the air and then fell to the ground. The child had refused to work 
as a spy. On another occasion a child was brought before us. He was accused 
of not having told on one of his comrades who had apparently placed a bomb 
underneath a Russian armored car. We watched as they strung him up from a 
tree. They shouted out: 'This is what happens if you don't do what you're 
told!'" 82 More than 30,000 children between the ages of six and fourteen were 
sent to the Soviet Union. If the parents dared to protest, they were labeled 
resistance fighters and thrown into prison. 

The terror touched the whole population. Every age group fell victim to this 
total war and the government's repressive policies. The Soviet occupying 
forces tried to stamp out the resistance by every possible means, including the 
use of indiscriminate terror, the bombing of civilians, massacres of entire 
villages, and the sending of countless people into exile. Hand in hand with the 

Communism in Afghanistan 


civil terror came the political terror. All the large towns had special prisons 
where detainees were tortured and then usually killed. 

The Consequences of the Intervention 

The Communist coup d'etat and the subsequent intervention by the Soviet 
army had tragic consequences for Afghanistan. In the 1960s the country was on 
the road to prosperity, modernization, and democracy; Daoud's coup, which 
was supported by the Communists, ended economic development and plunged 
Afghanistan deep into civil war. The country was forced to make do with a war 
economy, which was oriented heavily in favor of the Soviet Union. Smuggling 
(of drugs, guns, and other goods) became common, and the economy rapidly 
fell into ruins. The scale of the disaster is still hard to measure today. Out of a 
population of approximately 15.5 million, more than 5 million inhabitants have 
left for Pakistan and Iran, where they now live in miserable conditions. The 
number of dead is extremely hard to determine, but most observers agree that 
the war took between 1 .5 million and 2 million lives, 90 percent of whom were 
civilians. Between 2 million and 4 million were wounded. The direct and 
indirect role played by Communism in the growth of extremist Islamic move- 
ments, and in the reawakening of tension between different ethnic groups, is 
undeniable, although it may be hard to quantify. Afghanistan was once on the 
path to modernity, but it has become a country in which war and violence seem 
to have become the central reference points in society. 

Conclusion: Why? 

Stephane Courtois 

The blue eyes of the revolution burn with cruel necessity. 
Louis Aragon, Le front rouge 

I his book has attempted to look beyond blind spots, partisan pas- 
sions, and voluntary amnesia to paint a true picture of all the criminal aspects 
of the Communist world, from individual assassinations to mass murder. It is 
part of a more general process of reflection on the phenomenon of Commu- 
nism in the twentieth century, and it is only one stage, but it comes at a key 
moment, with the internal collapse of the system in Moscow in 1991 and the 
consequent availability of rich new sources of information that until recently 
had been inaccessible. Better knowledge of the events is indispensable, but no 
matter how sophisticated our knowledge may become, it will never on its own 
satisfy either our intellectual curiosity or our conscience. The fundamental 
question remains: Why? Why did modern Communism, when it appeared in 
1917, almost immediately turn into a system of bloody dictatorship and into a 
criminal regime? Was it really the case that its aims could be attained only 
through such extreme violence? How can one explain how these crimes came to 
be thought of as part of normal procedure and remained such for so many 

Soviet Russia was the first Communist regime. It became the heart and 
engine of a worldwide system that at first established itself slowly, and then 
expanded rapidly after 1945. The Leninist and Stalinist U.S.S.R. was the cradle 
of all modern Communism. The fact that it became a criminal regime so 




quickly is extremely surprising, particularly given the manner in which the 
socialist movement had developed until then. 

Throughout the nineteenth century, theories about revolutionary violence were 
dominated by the founding experience of the French Revolution. In 1793-94 
the French Revolution went through a period of extreme violence that took 
three distinct forms. The most savage were the "September massacres," during 
which 1,000 people were spontaneously killed by rioters in Paris, with no 
intervention by the government, and no instructions from any party. The 
best-known form of violence was carried out by revolutionary tribunals, sur- 
veillance committees, and the guillotine, accounting for the death of 2,625 
people in Paris and 16,600 in the provinces. Long hidden was the terror 
practiced by the "infernal columns" of the Republic, whose task was to put 
down the insurrection in the Vendee, and who killed tens of thousands of 
innocent and unarmed people in that region. But these months of terror, 
bloody though they were, were only one episode in the long history of the 
country's revolution, which ultimately resulted in the creation of a democratic 
republic with a constitution, an elected assembly, and genuine political debate. 
As soon as the Convention regained its courage, Robespierre was deposed and 
the terror ceased. 

Francois Furet has demonstrated how a particular idea of revolution was 
then born. This concept was inseparable from extreme actions: "The Terror 
was government by fear, which Robespierre theorized as government by virtue. 
Invented to destroy the aristocracy, it soon became the means to dispose of the 
wicked and to combat crime. It became an integral part of revolution and 
appeared to be the only means of forming the future citizens of the republic 
... If the republic of free citizens was not yet a possibility, it must be because 
certain individuals, corrupted by their past history, were not yet pure enough. 
Terror became the means by which revolution, the history yet to be created, 
would forge the new human beings of the future." 1 

In several respects, the Terror prefigured a number of Bolshevik practices. 
The Jacobin faction's clever manipulation of social tensions, and its political 
and ideological extremism, were later echoed by the Bolsheviks. Also, for the 
first time an attempt was made in France to eliminate a particular section of 
the peasantry. Robespierre laid the first stones on the road that spurred Lenin 
to terror. As the French revolutionary declared to the Convention during the 
vote on the Prairial Laws: "To punish the enemies of the fatherland, we must 
find out who they are: but we do not want to punish them; we want to destroy 
them." 2 

Yet this founding moment of terror did not inspire any other followers 
among the main revolutionary thinkers of the nineteenth century. Marx him- 



self accorded it relatively little attention. Admittedly, he emphasized and de- 
fended the "role of violence in history," but he saw it more as a general 
proposition than as a systematic program of violence against particular people- 
There were of course ambiguities in Marx's writings that were seized on by a 
number of believers in terror to justify the violent resolution of social conflict. 
At the same time, Marx was extremely critical of the disastrous experience of 
the Paris Commune and the resulting bloody repressions, in which more than 
20,000 workers died. During the early debates in the First International, which 
saw Marx opposed to the Russian anarchist Mikhail Bakunin, it was clear that 
Marx came out on top. Hence on the eve of World War I, debate within the 
socialist and workers 1 movements about terrorist violence seemed nearly closed. 

In parallel to these events, the rapid development of parliamentary de- 
mocracy in Europe and the United States represented a new and fundamental 
factor for socialist strategists. Parliamentary practice enabled socialists to be- 
come a genuine force within the political system. In the elections of 1910, the 
French Section of the Workers 1 International obtained 74 seats. An additional 
30 independent socialists were also elected, including their leader, Etienne 
Millerand, who had entered a "bourgeois" government for the first time in 
1899. Jean Jaures was another figure who managed to combine revolutionary 
rhetoric and reforming democratic action in everyday matters. The best-organ- 
ized and most powerful socialists were undoubtedly the Germans. On the eve 
of World War I they had more than 1 million members, 110 deputies, 220 
provincial Landtag representatives, 12,000 municipal councillors, and 89 other 
delegates. The British Labour movement was also numerous and well-organ- 
ized, with strong support from powerful unions. The Social Democratic Party 
rapidly gained strength in Scandinavia, where it was highly active, influential 
in reforms, and well represented in parliament. In general, socialists hoped that 
they would soon have an absolute parliamentary majority in many different 
countries, which would allow them to implement fundamental social reforms 
peacefully in the near future. 

This evolution found its theorist in Eduard Bernstein, one of the most 
influential Marxist thinkers of the late nineteenth century, who, together with 
Karl Kautsky, was one of the great interpreters of Marx. He argued that 
capitalism was not showing the signs of collapse that Marx had predicted, and 
that what was required was a progressive and peaceful move toward socialism, 
with the working classes slowly learning the processes of democracy and liberty. 
In 1872 Marx had expressed hope that the revolution could take a peaceful form 
in America, England, and Holland. This view was developed further by his 
friend and disciple Friedrich Engels in the preface to the second edition of 
Marx's Class Struggles in France, published in 1895. 

Socialists often had an ambivalent attitude toward democracy. When the 



Dreyfus affair erupted in France at the turn of the century, they took some 
contradictory positions: Jaures came out in favor of Dreyfus, whereas Jules 
Guesde, who was the central figure in French Marxism at the time, declared 
with disdain that the proletariat would do well to keep out of the internal 
squabbles of the French bourgeoisie. The left in Europe was far from united, 
and some currents within it — particularly anarchists, syndicalists, and support- 
ers of Louis Auguste Blanqui — were still strongly inclined to reject all aspects 
of the parliamentary process, often through violent means. Nonetheless, on the 
eve of the 1914 war, the Second International, which was officially Marxist, 
endorsed a series of peaceful solutions, relying on mobilization of the masses 
and universal suffrage. 

The extremist wing of the International, which had coalesced around the turn 
of the century, included the most hard-line Russian socialists — Lenin's 
Bolsheviks. Although the Bolsheviks were clearly descended from the Euro- 
pean Marxist tradition, they also had strong roots in the revolutionary Russian 
land movement. Throughout the nineteenth century one section of this 
revolutionary movement was linked to violent activity. The most radical propo- 
nent of violence within the movement was Sergei Nechaev, whom Dostoevsky 
used as a model for the revolutionary protagonist of The Devils. In 1869 
Nechaev published a Revolutionary Catechism in which he defined a revolution- 
ary as 

a man who is already lost. He has no particular interest, no private 
business, no feelings, no personal attachments, and no property; he does 
not even have a name. Everything in him is absorbed by one interest to 
the exclusion of all others, by a single thought, a single passion . . . 
revolution. In the depths of his being, not simply in words but in his 
actions as well, he has broken all links with society and the world of 
civilization, with its laws and conventions, with its social etiquette and 
its moral code. The revolutionary is an implacable enemy, and he carries 
on living only so that he can ensure the destruction of society- 

Nechaev then set out his objectives: "The revolutionary never enters the 
political or social world, the so-called educated world, and he lives with faith 
only in its swift and total destruction. No one who feels pity for anything can 
truly be called a revolutionary." His plan of action argued that "this whole sick 
society must be divided into several categories. In the first category are the 
people who are to be killed immediately . . . The second should include indi- 
viduals who are to be allowed to continue living for a while, so that by their 
monstrous acts they merely accelerate the inevitable uprising of the people." 4 

Nechaev had several imitators. On 1 March 1887 an attempt was made on 



the life of Tsar Aleksandr III; it failed, but the perpetrators were arrested. 
Among them was Aleksandr Ilich Ulyanov, Lenin's older brother, who was 
hanged together with his four accomplices. Lenin's hatred for the regime was 
thus deep-seated, leading him personally to decide and to organize the massacre 
of the imperial Romanov family in 1918 without the knowledge of the rest of 
the Politburo. 

For Martin Malia, this violent action by one faction of the intelligentsia 
represented "a fantasy reenaetment of the French revolution [that] was the 
beginning of political terrorism (as opposed to isolated acts of assassination) as 
a systematic tactic in the modern world. Thus, the populist strategy of mass 
insurrection from below, in conjunction with that of elite terror from above, 
combined in Russia to lend further legitimacy to political violence over and 
above the initial legitimation provided by the Western revolutionary tradition 
from 1789 to 1871/ vs 

This political violence on the margins of society was fueled by the violence 
that for centuries had been a common feature of life in Russia, as Helene 
Carriere d'Encausse emphasizes in her study The Russian Syndrome: "This 
country, in its unparalleled misfortune, remains an enigma for students of its 
history. In trying to shed light on the underlying causes of this age-old tragedy, 
a specific — and always damaging — link has emerged between the seizure or 
maintenance of power and the practice of political murder, be it individual or 
mass, real or symbolic . . . This long tradition of murder has doubtless created 
a collective consciousness that has little hope for a pacified political world. ,>f) 

Tsar Ivan IV, known to posterity as Ivan the Terrible, was only thirteen 
when in 1 543 he had his prime minister, Prince Chuisky, devoured by dogs. In 
1560 his wife's death threw him into a murderous rage, leading him to suspect 
everyone of being a potential traitor and to exterminate his real or imagined 
enemies in ever-widening circles. He created a new guard with sweeping pow- 
ers, called the Oprichnina, which set about sowing terror among the populace. 
In 1572 he liquidated the members of the Oprichnina and then killed his own 
son and heir. Peter the Great was scarcely more compassionate toward Russia's 
enemies, the aristocracy, or the people, and he also killed his own son with his 
own hands. 

From Ivan to Peter, a solid tradition arose that linked progress under 
absolute power to the enslavement of the people and the elite to the dictatorial 
and terrorist state. As Vasily Grossman noted regarding the end of serfdom in 
1861: "This act, as the following century showed, was more genuinely revolu- 
tionary than the October Revolution. Emancipation shook the millennial foun- 
dations of Russian life, as neither Peter nor Lenin could shake them: the 
subjection of progress to slavery. " 7 And as always, the slavery had been held in 
place for centuries through a high level of permanent violence. 



Tomas Masaryk, a great statesman and the founder in 1918 of Czecho- 
slovakia, who visited Russia frequently during the revolution and consequently 
knew the country well, was quick to draw a link between tsarist and Bolshevik 
violence. He wrote in 1924: 

The Russians, including the Bolsheviks, are all sons of tsarism: this has 
been their culture and their education for centuries. They got rid of the 
tsar, but they cannot get rid of tsarism overnight. They still wear the 
uniform of tsarism, even if it is back-to-front . . . The Bolsheviks were 
not ready for a positive, administrative revolution. What they wanted 
was a negative revolution whose doctrinal fanaticism, meanness of 
spirit, and general lack of culture they could use as a pretext for any 
number of acts of destruction. One thing I hold against them above all 
is the pleasure they took in murder, just like the tsars before them.* 

The culture of violence was not uniquely the preserve of the powerful. 
When the peasant masses began to revolt, they engaged in massacres of the 
nobility and truly savage terror of their own. Two such revolts that left a deep 
imprint on the Russian consciousness were the Stenka Razin revolt of 1667- 
1670 and the Pugachev rebellion of 1773-1775, which spread quickly and 
posed a serious threat to the reign of Catherine the Great, leaving a long and 
bloody scar all across the Volga region. After his capture, Emelyan Pugachev 
was executed in an atrocious manner— quartered, cut into pieces, and fed to 

Maksim Gorky was a great interpreter of pre-1917 Russian culture, and 
if he is to be believed, the violence emanated from society itself. He disapproved 
of the Bolsheviks' methods, and in 1922 he wrote a long, almost visionary text: 

Cruelty has stupefied and tormented me all my life. What are the roots 
of human cruelty? I have thought much about this and I still do not 
understand it in the slightest . . . But now, after the terrible madness of 
the European war and the bloody events of the revolution ... I am 
forced to remark that Russian cruelty appears not to have evolved at all; 
its forms have remained the same. A chronicler from the turn of the 
seventeenth century recorded that in his day the following tortures were 
practiced: "The mouth was filled with gunpowder, and then set alight; 
others have their nether regions filled with powder. Holes were made in 
women's breasts and ropes passed through the wounds, and the women 
were suspended by the ropes." In 1918 and 1919 the same practices were 
used in the Don and the Urals; men had dynamite placed in their rear 
and blown up. I think the Russians have a unique sense of particular 
cruelty in the same way that the English have a unique sense of humor: 
a cold sort of cruelty that seeks to explore the limits of human resistance 
to suffering and to study the persistence and stability of life. One can 



sense a diabolical refinement in Russian cruelty; there is something quite 
subtle and refined about it. This quality cannot fully be explained by 
words like "psychosis" or "sadism," words that in essence explain noth- 
ing at all . . . If such acts of cruelty were the expression of the perverse 
psychology of a few individuals, they would not concern us here; they 
would be material for the psychiatrist rather than for the moralist. But I 
am concerned here with human suffering as a collective entertainment 
Who are the more cruel, the Whites or the Reds? They are probably 
equal, as they are both Russians. In any case, history answers quite 
clearly — the most cruel is the most active. '' 

Despite this tradition of violence, Russia by the mid-nineteenth century 
seemed to have adopted a more moderate, Western, and democratic course. In 
1861 Tsar Aleksandr III abolished serfdom and established zemstvos, which 
were local centers of power. In 1864 he approved judicial independence as the 
first step toward the rule of law. The universities, the arts, and the press all 
flourished. A civilizing current flowed through society, and violence decreased 
everywhere. Even the failed revolution of 1905 had the result of stirring up the 
democratic fervor of society. Paradoxically, it was precisely at the moment when 
reform seemed to have conquered violence, obscurantism, and old-fashioned 
ways that the process was interrupted by the outbreak of the worst mass 
violence ever seen in Europe, on 1 August 1914. 

As Martin Malia has written, "The burden of Aeschylus' Oresteia is that 
crime begets crime, and violence violence, until the first crime in the chain, the 
original sin of the genus, is expiated through accumulated suffering. In similar 
fashion, it was the blood of August 1914, acting like some curse of the Atreidae 
on the house of modern Europe, that generated the chain of international and 
social violence that has dominated the modern age. For the violence and car- 
nage of the war were incommensurate with any conceivable gain, and for any 
party. The war itself produced the Russian Revolution and the Bolshevik 
seizure of power." 10 Lenin would not have rejected this analysis. From 1914 on 
he constantly called for the transformation of "the imperialist war into civil 
war," prophesying that the socialist revolution would emerge from the capitalist 

The violence of the world war was extreme and went on for four years, a 
continuous massacre that seemed totally insoluble, leading to the death of 8.5 
million soldiers. It was a new type of war, which General Ludendorff labeled 
"total war," bringing death not only to soldiers but also to civilians. Yet the 
violence, which reached a level never before seen in the history of the world, 
remained constrained by a whole series of laws and international conventions. 

The daily slaughter, often under terrible conditions — gas, men buried 
alive under earth thrown up by explosions, the long agony between the lines— 



weighed heavily on the consciousness of everyone concerned and weakened the 
psychological defenses of the men who faced death every day. Many people 
were completely desensitized by these events. Karl Kautsky, the main leader 
and theorist of German socialism, returned to that theme in 1920: 

The real cause of the change . . . into a development toward brutality is 
attributable to the world war . . . When, therefore, the war broke out and 
dragged in its train for four years practically the whole of the healthy 
male population, the coarsening tendencies of militarism sank to the 
very depths of brutality, and to a lack of human feeling and sentiment. 
Even the proletariat could no longer escape its influence. They were to a 
very high degree infected by militarism and, when they returned home 
again, were in every way brutalized. Habituated to war, the man who 
had come back from the front was only too often in a state of mind and 
feeling that made him ready, even in peacetime and among his own 
people, to enforce his claims and interests by deeds of violence and 
bloodshed. That became, as it were, an element of the civil war. 11 

None of the Bolshevik leaders actually took part in the war, either because, 
like Lenin, Trotsky, and Zinoviev, they were in exile or because they had been 
sent to Siberia, as was the case with Stalin and Kamenev. Most of them were 
inclined to work in the bureaucracy or to make speeches at mass rallies. Most 
had no military experience, and they had never really seen combat or the deaths 
that it involved. Until they took power, all they knew was the ideological and 
political war of words. Theirs was a purely abstract vision of death, massacre, 
and human catastrophe. 

This personal ignorance of the horrors of war was perhaps a factor that 
itself engendered more brutality. The Bolsheviks developed a largely theoretical 
analysis of class, which ignored the profoundly national, not to say nationalistic, 
aspects of the conflict. They made capitalism the scapegoat and sanctioned 
revolutionary violence against it in advance. By hastening the end of capitalism, 
the revolution would put an end to massacres, even if it meant disposing of a 
certain number of the capitalist leaders. This was a macabre gamble, based on 
the theory that evil should be fought with evil. But in the 1920s, a certain degree 
of pacifism arising from revulsion toward the war was often strongly influential 
in converting people to Communism. 

It is still the case, however, as Francois Furet emphasizes in The Passing 
of an Illusion, that 

war is waged by regimented civilian masses, who have gone from the 
autonomy of citizenship to military obedience for a time of unknown 
duration, and who are plunged into a raging inferno where staying alive 
rather than being intelligent or courageous is the main objective, and 



where even victory is a distant abstraction. Military service can rarely 
have seemed less noble than it did to the millions of men plucked from 
civilian life and trapped in the trenches . . . War is the political state 
furthest removed from normal civilian life ... It is a purely instinctive 
business totally removed from other interests and intellectual pursuits 
... An army at war is a social order in which individuals no longer exist, 
and whose inhumanity creates a sort of inertia that is almost impossible 
to break. 12 

The war gave a new legitimacy to violence and cheapened the value of human 
life; it weakened the previously burgeoning democratic culture and gave new 
life to the culture of servitude. 

In the early years of the twentieth century the Russian economy entered 
a period of vigorous growth, and society gradually became more autonomous. 
But the exceptional constraints imposed on people and on the means of pro- 
duction by the war suddenly highlighted the limitations of a political regime 
that clearly lacked the energy and foresight required to save the situation. The 
revolution of February 1917 was a response to a catastrophic situation and put 
society on a classic course: a "bourgeois" democratic revolution with the elec- 
tion of a constituent assembly, combined with a social revolution among work- 
ers and peasants. Everything changed with the Bolshevik coup of 7 November 
1917, which was followed by a considerably more violent phase. The question 
that remains is why, of all the countries in Europe, did the cataclysm take place 
in Russia? 

The world war and the tradition of violence in Russia are undoubtedly 
factors that allow some understanding of the context in which the Bolsheviks 
seized power; but they do not explain the Bolsheviks' propensity for extreme 
violence. This violence was apparent from the outset, all the more so in com- 
parison with the largely peaceful and democratic February revolution. This 
violence was imposed on the Party by Lenin himself as soon as it seized power. 

Lenin established a dictatorship that quickly revealed itself to be both 
bloody and terrorist in nature. Revolutionary violence no longer appeared to be 
a reactive defense mechanism against tsarist forces, since the latter had disap- 
peared months before, but an active process that reawakened the old Russian 
culture of brutality and cruelty, sparking the latent violence of social revolution. 
Although the Red Terror was not officially inaugurated until 2 September 1918, 
it existed in practice from November 1917. Lenin employed it despite the 
absence of any genuine manifestation of overt opposition from other parties 
and social movements. For example, on 4 January 1918 he broke up the first 
Constituent Assembly, which had been elected by universal suffrage, and 
opened fire on anyone who protested in the streets. 

The first phase of the terror was immediately and forcefully denounced 



by a leading Russian socialist, Yuri Martov, the head of the Mensheviks, who 
wrote in August 1918: 

From the first day of their coming into power, having proclaimed the 
abolition of the death penalty, the Bolsheviks began to kill. They killed 
prisoners captured in the battles of the civil war. They killed enemies 
who surrendered on the condition that their lives would be spared . . . 
These wholesale murders, organized at the instigation of the Bolsheviks, 
were followed by murders at the direct behest of the Bolshevik govern- 
ment . . . Having assassinated tens of thousands of men without trial, 
the Bolsheviks started their executions by verdicts of the courts. They 
established a supreme revolutionary tribunal to convict enemies of the 
Soviet regime. ]} 

Martov had a dark premonition: 

The beast has licked hot human blood. The man-killing machine is 
brought into motion. Messrs. Medvedev, Bruno, Peterson, Veselovsky, 
and Karelin [the judges of the Supreme Revolutionary Tribunal] have 
turned up their sleeves and set to work as butchers . . . But blood breeds 
blood. The reign of terror established by the Bolsheviks since October 
1917 has filled the air of Russian fields with vapors of human blood. We 
witness the growth of the bitterness of the civil war, the growing besti- 
ality of men engaged in it. The great principles of true humanity that 
formed the basis of socialist teachings have sunk into oblivion. 

Martov then went on to attack Karl Radek and Christian Rakovsky, two social- 
ists who had joined the Bolsheviks, one of whom was a Polish Jew, the other a 
mixture of Romanian and Bulgarian: u You came to us to cultivate our ancestral 
barbarism, long nurtured by the tsars, and to place offerings on the antique 
Russian altar to murder, to elevate disdain for the life of others to a degree the 
like of which has never been seen; you came to bring the rule of the execution- 
ers throughout the country . . . The executioner is now again the chief figure 
in Russia!" 

Unlike the terror of the French Revolution, which with the exception of 
the Vendee touched only a small section of the population, terror under Lenin 
was directed at all political parties and at all the layers of society: nobles, the 
bourgeoisie, soldiers, policemen, Constitutional Democrats, Mensheviks, So- 
cialist Revolutionaries, and the entire mass of the population, including peas- 
ants and workers. Intellectuals were treated especially badly. On 6 September 
1919, after the arrest of several dozen members of the intelligentsia, Gorky 
sent a furious letter to Lenin: "For me, the richness of a country, the power of 
a people is to be measured by the quantity and quality of its intellectual 
development. Revolution is a useful enterprise only if it favors such develop- 



ment. Scholars should be treated with care and respect. But in trying to save 
our own skins, we are decapitating the people, destroying our own brain." 14 

The brutality of Lenin's response matched the lucidity of Gorky's letter: 
"We would be wrong to equate the Intellectual strength of the people' with the 
strength of the bourgeois intelligentsia . . . The intellectual strength of workers 
and peasants grows in the struggle to overturn the bourgeoisie and their aco- 
lytes, those second-rate intellectuals and lackeys of capitalism who think they 
are the brain of the nation. They are not the brain of the nation. They're shit." 
This response on the subject of intellectuals is one of the first indicators of the 
profound disdain that Lenin felt for his contemporaries, even the most eminent 
among them. And he quickly passed from disdain to murder. 

Lenin's primary objective was to maintain his hold on power for as long as 
possible. After ten weeks, he had ruled longer than the Paris Commune, and he 
began to dream about never letting go of the reins. The course of history was 
beginning to change, and the Russian Revolution, under the direction of the 
Bolsheviks, was to take humanity down a previously untraveled path. 

Why should maintaining power have been so important that it justified all 
means and led to the abandonment of the most elementary moral principles? 
The answer must be that it was the only way for Lenin to put his ideas into 
practice and "build socialism." The real motivation for the terror thus becomes 
apparent: it stemmed from Leninist ideology and the Utopian will to apply to 
society a doctrine totally out of step with reality. 

In that respect one may well ask exactly how much pre-1914 Marxism 
there was to be found in pre-1914 or post-1917 Leninism. Lenin of course used 
a number of Marxist axioms as the basis for his theories, including the class 
struggle, the necessity of violence in history, and the importance of the prole- 
tariat as the class that brought meaning to history. But in 1902, in his famous 
address What Is to Be Done? he proposed a new conception of a revolutionary 
party made up of professionals linked in an underground structure of almost 
military discipline. For this purpose, he adopted and further developed 
Nechaev's model, which was quite different from the great socialist organiza- 
tions in Germany, England, and France. 

In 1914 Lenin made a definitive break with the Second International. At 
the moment when almost all socialist parties, brutally confronted with the 
power of nationalist sentiments, rallied around their respective governments, 
Lenin set off on an almost purely theoretical path, prophesying the "transfor- 
mation of the imperialist war into civil war." Cold reason led him to conclude 
that the socialist movement was not yet powerful enough to counter national- 
ism, and that after the inevitable war he would be called on to regroup his forces 
to prevent a return to warfare. This belief was an act of faith, a gamble that 



raised the stakes of the game to all or nothing. For two years his prophecy 
seemed sterile and empty, until suddenly it came true and Russia entered a 
revolutionary phase. Lenin was sure that the events of this period were the 
confirmation of all his beliefs. Nechaev's voluntarism seemed to have prevailed 
over Marxist determinism. 

If the prediction that power was there to be seized was correct, the idea 
that Russia was ready to plunge into socialism, making progress at lightning 
speed, was radically wrong. And this was one of the most profound causes of 
the terror, the gap between a Russia that wanted more than anything to be free 
and Lenin's desire for absolute power to apply an experimental doctrine. 

In 1920 Trotsky predicted the turn that events were to take: "It is quite 
clear that if our problem is the abolition of private property in the means of 
production, the only road to its solution lies through the concentration of state 
power in its entirety in the hands of the proletariat, and the setting up for the 
transitional period of an extraordinary regime . . . Dictatorship is necessary 
because this is a case not of partial changes, but of the very existence of the 
bourgeoisie. No agreement is possible on this basis. Only force can be the 
deciding factor . . . Whoever aims at the end cannot reject the means." 15 

Caught between the will to apply his doctrine and the necessity of retain- 
ing his grip on power, Lenin created the myth of a worldwide Bolshevik 
revolution. In November 1917 he wanted to believe that the revolutionary fire 
was going to engulf all countries involved in the war, and Germany above all 
others. But a worldwide revolution did not come about, and after Germany's 
defeat in November 1918, a new European order emerged that seemed to care 
little for the abortive revolutions in Hungary, Bavaria, and Berlin. This was 
already obvious when the Red Army was defeated in Warsaw in 1920, but it 
was not admitted until 1923, after the failure of the German October. The 
failure of the Leninist theory of European and worldwide revolution left the 
Bolsheviks quite isolated and in a head-to-head conflict with an increasingly 
anarchic Russia. In a desperate attempt to hold onto power, the Bolsheviks 
made terror an everyday part of their policies, seeking to remodel society in the 
image of their theory, and to silence those who, either through their actions or 
by their very social, economic, or intellectual existence, pointed to the gaping 
holes in the theory. Once in power, the Bolsheviks made Utopia an extremely 
bloody business. 

This double gap — a gap both between Marxism and Leninism and be- 
tween Leninist theory and reality — led to one of the first fundamental debates 
about the meaning of the Russian and Bolshevik revolution. Kautsky was quite 
clear about it in August 1918: "In no case need we anticipate that in Western 
Europe the course of the great French Revolution will be repeated. If present- 
day Russia exhibits so much likeness to the France of 1793, this shows only 



how near it stands to the stage of middle-class revolution." 16 Kautsky saw 1917 
not as the first socialist revolution, but as the last bourgeois revolution. 

Following the Bolshevik seizure of power, the status of ideology within the 
socialist movement changed radically. Before 1917 Lenin had already demon- 
strated his adamant conviction that he was the only one who truly understood 
the doctrine of socialism and who could decode the "true meaning of history." 
The outbreak of the Russian Revolution and the Bolshevik seizure of power 
appeared to Lenin as portents from above and as an incontestable confirmation 
that his ideology and his analyses were infallibly correct. 17 After 1917 his 
policies and the theoretical elaboration that accompanied them became gospel. 
Ideology was transformed into dogma and absolute, universal truth. This con- 
version of ideology into sacred writ had immediate consequences, which were 
noted by Cornelius Castoriadis: "If there is one true theory in history, if there 
is a rationality at work in things, then it is clear that its development should be 
entrusted to specialists in that theory and technicians of that particular ration- 
ale. The absolute power of the Party ... has a philosophical status; its founda- 
tion is a function of the materialist conception of history ... If that concept is 
true, power should be absolute, and democracy is a concession to the human 
fallibility of the leaders, or a pedagogical procedure that they alone can meas- 
ure out in the correct dosages." 18 

This transformation of ideology and politics into absolute, "scientific" 
truth is the basis of the totalitarian dimension of Communism. The Party 
answered only to science. Science also justified the terror by requiring that all 
aspects of social and individual life be transformed. 

Lenin affirmed the verity of his ideology when proclaiming himself to be 
the representative of the numerically weak Russian proletariat, a social group 
he never refrained from crushing whenever it revolted. This appropriation of 
the symbol of the proletariat was one of the great deceptions of Leninism, and 
in 1922 it provoked the following outburst from Aleksandr Shlyapnikov, one 
of the few Bolshevik leaders who really did have proletarian origins. At the 
Eleventh Party Congress he addressed Lenin directly: "Vladimir Tlich affirmed 
yesterday that the proletariat as a class in the Marxist sense does not exist in 
Russia. Allow me to congratulate you for managing to exercise dictatorship on 
behalf of a class that does not actually exist!" This manipulation of the symbol 
of the proletariat was common to all Communist regimes in Europe and the 
Third World, as well as in China and Cuba. 

The manipulation of language was one of the most salient characteristics 
of Leninism, particularly in the decoupling of words from the reality they were 
supposed to represent, as part of an abstract vision of society in which people 
lost their real weight and presence and were treated as no more than pieces in 



a social and historical erector set. This process of abstraction, closely linked to 
ideology, is another key factor in the birth of the terror. It was not human beings 
who were being killed, but a the bourgeoisie," "capitalists," or "enemies of the 
people." It was not Nicholas II and his family who were killed, but "the 
representatives of feudalism," "bloodsuckers," "parasites," or "lice." 

This transformation of ideology gained considerable weight thanks to the 
Bolsheviks' swift seizure of power, which immediately brought legitimacy, 
prestige, and the necessary means for taking action. In the name of Marxist 
ideology, the Bolsheviks passed from symbolic violence to real violence while 
establishing a system of absolute and arbitrary power that they called "the 
dictatorship of the proletariat," reusing an expression Marx had once used in 
a somewhat offhanded manner in his correspondence. They also began a for- 
midable process of proselytism, which brought new hope and seemed to purify 
their revolutionary message. That message of hope quickly resonated among 
those driven by a desire for revenge at the end of the war, and among those 
who dreamed of a reactivation of the revolutionary myth. Bolshevism quickly 
acquired a universal relevance and attracted imitators throughout the world. 
Socialism had come to a crossroads: democracy or dictatorship. 

In his book The Dictatorship of the Proletariat, written during the summer 
of 1918, Kautsky turned the knife in the wound. Although the Bolsheviks had 
been in power for only six months and there had been only a few hints of the 
dreadful massacres that were to follow, Kautsky already saw what was at stake: 

The antagonism of the two socialist movements ... is the clashing of 
two fundamentally distinct methods: that of democracy and that of 
dictatorship. Both movements have the same end in view: to free the 
proletariat, and with it humanity, through socialism. But the view taken 
by one is held by the other to be erroneous and likely to lead to destruc- 
tion . . . We place ourselves, of course, by asking for the fullest discus- 
sion, firmly on the side of democracy. Dictatorship does not ask for the 
refutation of contrary views, but the forcible suppression of their utter- 
ance. Thus, the two methods of democracy and dictatorship are already 
irreconcilably opposed before the discussion has started. The one de- 
mands, the other forbids it. ,y 

Putting democracy at the center of his argument, Kautsky continued: 

A minority dictatorship always finds its most powerful support in an 
obedient army, but the more it substitutes this for majority support, the 
more it drives the opposition to seek a remedy by an appeal to the 
bayonet, instead of an appeal to the vote that is denied them. Civil war 
becomes a method of adjusting political and social antagonisms. Where 
complete political and social apathy or dejection does not prevail, the 



minority dictatorship is always threatened by armed attack or constant 
guerrilla warfare . . . The dictatorship is then involved in civil war, and 
lives in constant danger of being overthrown. There is no greater obsta- 
cle to the building of a socialist society than internal war ... In a civil 
war, each party fights for its existence, and the vanquished are threat- 
ened with complete destruction. The consciousness of this fact is why 
civil wars arc so terrible. 20 

This prophetic analysis demanded a response, and Lenin wrote an angry 
rejoinder that became famous in its own right, The Proletarian Revolution and 
the Renegade Kautsky. The title was a fair indication of the tone of the discus- 
sion therein, or, as Kautsky argued, the refusal to conduct a discussion. Citing 
Engels, Lenin made clear what was at the center of his thought and his actions: 
"In reality the state is nothing but a machine for the suppression of one class 
by another." This reductive concept of the function of the state was accompa- 
nied by an analysis of the essence of dictatorship: "Dictatorship is rule based 
directly on force and unrestricted by any laws. The revolutionary dictatorship 
of the proletariat is rule won and maintained through the use of violence by 
the proletariat against the bourgeoisie, rule that is unrestricted by any laws." 21 

Faced with the central question of democracy, Lenin evaded it with an 
intellectual pirouette: "Proletarian democracy, of which Soviet government is 
one of the forms, has brought a development and expansion of democracy 
hitherto unprecedented in the world, precisely for the vast majority of the 
population, for the exploited and toiling people." 22 The expression "proletarian 
democracy," it should be remembered, was used for decades afterward to cover 
up a large number of terrible crimes. 

The quarrel between Kautsky and Lenin highlights exactly what was at 
stake in the Bolshevik revolution. The quarrel was between Marxism, which 
claimed to be the codification of "the inevitable laws of history," and an activist 
subjectivism that was willing to use anything to promote revolutionary action. 
The underlying tension in Marx's writings between the messianic rhetoric of 
the Communist Manifesto of 1848 and the clinical analysis of social movements 
to be found in Das Kapital was transformed by the triple influence of the world 
war, the February revolution, and the October Revolution into a profound and 
irreparable split between socialists and Communists that brought them into 
conflict throughout the twentieth century. The choices underlying the quarrel 
were no less important: democracy or dictatorship, humanity or terror. 

Completely in thrall to revolutionary fervor and confronted by a whirlwind of 
events, Lenin and Trotsky, the two main actors in this first phase of the 
Bolshevik Revolution, theorized their actions extensively. Or, rather, they 
transformed conjecture into ideological conclusions. They invented the idea of 



a "permanent revolution," which they based on the Russian case, in which the 
bourgeois February revolution supposedly led straight into the proletarian 
October Revolution. They dressed up this situation in ideological terms as the 
transformation of a "permanent revolution" into "permanent civil war." 

The importance of the war can be gauged by the impact it had on the 
revolutionaries. As Trotsky wrote, "Kautsky sees one of the reasons for the 
extremely bloody character of the revolution in the war and in its hardening 
influence on manners." But Trotsky and Kautsky did not come to the same 
conclusion: The German socialist, faced with the weight of militarism, was ever 
more open to the question of democracy and the defense of the rights of the 
individual. For Trotsky, "the development of bourgeois society itself, out of 
which contemporary democracy grew, in no way represents the process of 
gradual democratization that figured before the war in the dreams of the 
greatest socialist illusionist of democracy — Jean Jaures — and now in those of 
the most learned of pedants, Karl Kautsky." 23 

Generalizing from this, Trotsky went on to speak about the "unpitying 
civil war that is unfolding the world over." He believed that the world was 
entering an era in which "political struggle is rapidly turning into civil war" 
between "two forces: the revolutionary proletariat under the leadership of the 
Communists, and counterrevolutionary democracy headed by generals and 
admirals." There was a double error of perspective at work here. On the one 
hand, subsequent events demonstrated that the desire for representative de- 
mocracy and its realization was a worldwide phenomenon, reaching even the 
U.S.S.R. in 199 1 . On the other hand, Trotsky, like Lenin, had a strong tendency 
to develop general conclusions based on the Russian experience, which in any 
case was often exaggerated in his interpretation. The Bolsheviks were con- 
vinced that once the civil war had begun in Russia — largely because of their 
own efforts — it would spread to Europe and the rest of the world. These two 
major errors would serve as the justification for Soviet terror for decades to 

Trotsky drew definitive conclusions from these premises: 

It could, and must, be explained that in the civil war we destroyed White 
Guards so that they would not destroy the workers. Consequently, our 
problem is not the destruction of human life, but its preservation , . . 
The enemy must be made harmless, and in wartime this means that he 
must be destroyed. The problem of revolution, as of war, lies in break- 
ing the will of the foe, forcing him to capitulate and to accept the 
conditions of the conqueror . . . The question about who will rule the 
country — that is, about the life or death of the bourgeoisie — will be 
decided on either side not by reference to the paragraphs of the consti- 
tution, but by the employment of all forms of violence. 24 



Trotsky's rhetoric uses many of the same expressions that are found in Luden- 
dorff s explanation of the concept of total war. The Bolsheviks, who believed 
themselves to be such great innovators, were in fact very much a product of 
their time and of the highly militarized atmosphere that surrounded them. 

Trotsky's remarks about freedom of the press demonstrate the pervasive- 
ness of a war mentality: 

During war all institutions and organs of the state and of public opinion 
become, directly or indirectly, weapons of war. This is particularly true 
of the press. No government waging a serious war will allow publica- 
tions to exist on its territory that, openly or indirectly, support the 
enemy. Still more so in a civil war. The nature of the latter is such that 
each of the struggling sides has in the rear of its armies considerable 
circles of the population who support the enemy. In war, where both 
success and failure are repaid by death, hostile agents who penetrate 
into the rear are subject to execution. This is inhumane, but no one 
ever considered war^or, all the more, civil war— to be a school of 
humanity. 2S 

The Bolsheviks were not the only group implicated in the civil war that 
broke out in Russia in the spring and summer of 1918, beginning a four-year- 
long orgy of killing by all sides, with people crucified, impaled, cut into pieces, 
and burned alive. But they were the only group to theorize civil war, and to 
seek it openly. Under the joint influence of their doctrine and the new modes 
of behavior created by the world war, civil war became for them a permanent form 
of political struggle. The civil war between Whites and Reds hid a different war 
of far greater significance: the war of the Reds against the majority of the 
working population and a large part of the peasantry, who after the summer of 
1918 began to rebel against the Bolshevik yoke. The war was not a traditional 
confrontation between two opposing political groups, but a conflict between 
the government and the majority of the population. Under Stalin, the war put 
the Party-state in opposition to society as a whole. This was a new phenomenon, 
which could exist only because of the ability of the totalitarian system, backed 
by mass terror, to control all spheres of activity in society. 

Recent studies based on the newly opened archives show that the "dirty 
war" (the expression is taken from Nicolas Werth) of 1918-1921 was the 
founding moment of the Soviet regime, the crucible in which the people who 
would develop and continue the revolution were formed. It was an infernal 
caldron in which the mentality peculiar to Leninism and Stalinism originated, 
with its unique melange of idealist exaltation, cynicism, and inhuman cruelty. 
The Bolsheviks hoped that the civil war would spread across the country and 
throughout the world and would last as long as it took for socialism to conquer 



the planet. The war installed cruelty as the normal means by which people were 
to relate to one another. It broke down traditional barriers of restraint, replac- 
ing them with absolute, fundamental violence. 

From the earliest days of the Bolshevik Revolution, the issues raised by 
Kautsky were a thorn in the side of the revolutionaries. Isaac Steinberg, a left 
Socialist Revolutionary allied to the Bolsheviks, who was the people's commis- 
sar for justice from December 1917 to May 1918, spoke in 1923 about a 
"methodical system of state terror 1 ' used by the Bolsheviks. He posed the 
central question about the limits of violence in the revolution: 

The overturning of the old world, and its replacement by a new life in 
which the same old evils are kept in place, a life that is contaminated by 
the same old principles, means that socialism is forced to make a crucial 
choice during the decisive struggle about whether to use the old- 
fashioned violence of the tsars and the bourgeoisie, or to resort instead 
to revolutionary violence . . . Old-fashioned violence is merely a protec- 
tion against slavery, while the new violence is the painful path toward 
emancipation . . . That is what should be decisive in our choice: We 
should take violence into our own hands to be sure that we bring about 
the end of violence. For there is no other means of fighting against it. 
Such is the gaping moral wound of the revolution. Therein lies the 
central paradox, the contradiction that will be the inevitable source of 
much conflict and suffering. 

He added: "Like terror, violence (considered both as a means of constraint and 
as deception) will always contaminate the soul of the conquered first, before 
affecting the victor and the rest of society." 26 

Steinberg was well aware that this experiment represented a huge risk for 
"universal morals" and "natural law." Gorky clearly felt the same way when he 
wrote to the French novelist Romain Rolland on 21 April 1923: "I have not the 
slightest desire to return to Russia. I would not be able to write a thing if I had 
to spend the whole time returning to the theme of 'Thou shalt not kill' time 
and again." 27 The scruples of non-Bolshevik revolutionaries and the last con- 
cerns of the Bolsheviks themselves were all swept away by Lenin's and Stalin's 
enthusiasm. On 2 November 1930 Gorky, who had just aligned himself with 
the "genius leader" himself, again wrote to Romain Rolland: 

It seems to me, Rolland, that you would judge events inside the Soviet 
Union more evenhandedly if you admitted one simple fact: that the 
Soviet regime, together with the avant-garde of the 1 workers, is locked in 
a civil war, which takes the form of a class war. The enemies they 
fight — and must fight — are the intelligentsia, who are desperately at- 
tempting to bring back the bourgeois regime, and the rich peasants, who 
are desperate to look after their own interests in the traditional capitalist 



manner and are preventing the advance of collectivization. They are also 
using terror, killing collectivists, burning collective goods, and the like. 
War is all about killing. 28 


Russia then entered a third revolutionary phase, which until 1953 
incarnated in Stalin. It was characterized by widespread terror, which found 
its strongest expression in the Great Purge of 1937 and 1938. Thereafter Stalin 
found ever more groups to eliminate, targeting not only society as a whole, but 
also the state and Party apparatus. This terror had no need of the exceptional 
circumstances of a war to start it rolling; it came about in a time of peace. 

Hitler rarely played a personal role in repression, leaving these ignoble 
tasks to trusted subordinates such as Himmler, By contrast, Stalin always took 
a strong personal interest in such matters and played a central role in the 
process. He personally signed lists of thousands of names of people to be shot 
and forced other members of the Politburo to do the same. During the Great 
Terror, in fourteen months of 1937 and 1938, 1.8 million people were arrested 
in forty-two huge, minutely prepared operations. Nearly 690,000 of them were 
killed. The climate of civil war varied considerably, but it remained a fixture 
of everyday life. The expression "class war," often used in place of "class 
struggle," had nothing metaphorical about it. The political enemy was not a 
named opponent or even an enemy class: it was society as a whole. 

It was inevitable that the terror, whose aim was the destruction of society, 
would ultimately, in a process of contagion, reach the countersociety formed 
by the Party itself. Although it is true that under Lenin, beginning in 1921, 
anyone who deviated from the Party line suffered punishment, the main ene- 
mies had always been people who were not actually Party members. Under 
Stalin, Party members themselves became potential enemies. The Kirov assas- 
sination provided Stalin with the excuse he needed to begin applying capital 
punishment inside the Party. In doing so he moved closer to Nechaev, whom 
Bakunin had addressed at the time of their break with the following warning: 
"The basis of our activity should be simple ideals like truth, honesty, and trust 
among revolutionary brothers. Lying, cheating, mystification, and — of neces- 
sity — violence should be employed only against the enemy . . . Whereas you, 
my friend — and this is where you are most gravely mistaken — you have fallen 
under the spell of the systems of Loyola and Machiavelli . . . You are enamored 
of police tactics and Jesuitical methods, and you are using such ideas to run 
your organization ... so you end up treating your own friends as though they 
were enemies." 24 

Under Stalin, the executioners eventually became victims. Bukharin, after 
the execution of his old Party comrades Zinoviev and Kamenev, publicly de- 
clared: U J am so happy that they have been shot like dogs." 11 Less than two 



years later, Bukharin himself was shot like a dog. This characteristic of 
Stalinism was to become widespread in Communist states throughout the 

Before exterminating his enemies, Stalin had them displayed in public in 
a show-trial. Lenin had introduced this strategy in 1922, with the show-trial 
of the Socialist Revolutionaries. Stalin merely improved on the formula and 
made it a permanent feature of his apparatus of repression, applying it widely 
in Eastern Europe after 1948. 

Annie Kriegel has shown how these trials served as a terrible mechanism 
of social cleansing and how, in an atheist state, the trials came to replace the 
hell that religion had traditionally promised.-* 1 They also served to reinforce 
class hatred and publicly to stigmatize the enemy. Asian Communism took this 
procedure to its logical extreme, going so far as to organize u hate days." 

Stalin added mystery to the pedagogy of hatred: total secrecy shrouded 
the arrests, sentences, and fates of the victims. Mystery and secrecy, closely 
linked to terror, brought terrible anguish to the entire population. 

Considering themselves to be at war, the Bolsheviks installed a vocabulary of 
"the enemy" such as "enemy agents" and "populations lending support to the 
enemy." In accordance with the war model, politics reverted to simplistic 
terms. The binary "friend/foe" opposition was applied across the board as part 
of a relentless "us versus them" mentality 12 and the military term "camp" 
turned up repeatedly: the revolutionary camp was opposed to the counterrevo- 
lutionary camp. Everyone was forced to choose his camp, on pain of death. The 
Bolsheviks thus returned to an archaic form of politics, destroying fifty years 
of democracy and bourgeois individualism. 

How was the enemy to be defined? Politics was reduced to a civil war in 
which two opposing forces, the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, were in conflict, 
and the former had to exterminate the latter by any means necessary The 
enemy was no longer the ancien regime, the aristocrats, the bourgeoisie, and the 
military officers, but anyone opposed to Bolshevik policy. Those who expressed 
opposition were immediately designated "bourgeois" and treated accordingly. 
To the Bolshevik mind, an "enemy" was anyone, regardless of social category, 
who presented an obstacle to the Bolsheviks' absolute power. This phenomenon 
appeared immediately, even earlier than terror, in the electoral assemblies of 
the Soviets. Kautsky foresaw this development when he wrote in 1918 that the 
only people allowed to elect deputies to the Soviets were to be those 

"who procure their sustenance by useful or productive work." What is 
"useful and productive work"? This is a very elastic term. No less elastic 
is the definition of those who are excluded from the franchise. They 



include any who employ wage laborers for profit . . . One sees how little 
it takes, according to the Constitution of the Soviet Republic, to be 
labeled a capitalist, and to lose the vote. The elasticity of the definition 
of the franchise, which opens the door to the greatest arbitrariness, is 
due to the subject of this definition, and not to its framers. A juridical 
definition of the proletariat that is distinct and precise is impossible to 
formulate. 11 

The word "proletarian" played the same role here that the term "patriot" 
had for Robespierre. "Enemy" was also a totally elastic category that expanded 
or contracted to meet the political needs of the moment, becoming a key 
element in Communist thought and practice. As Tzvetan Todorov put it, 

The enemy is the great justification for terror, and the totalitarian state 
needs enemies to survive. If it lacks them, it invents them. Once they 
have been identified, they are treated without mercy . . . Being an enemy 
is a hereditary stain that cannot be removed ... As has often been 
pointed out, Jews are persecuted not for what they have done but for 
what they are, and Communism is no different. It demands the repres- 
sion (or in moments of crisis, the elimination) of the bourgeoisie as a 
class. Belonging to the class is enough: there is no need actually to have 
done anything at all." 17 

One essential question remains: Why should the enemy be exterminated? The 
traditional role of repression, in Foucaults terminology, is to "discipline and 
punish." Was the time of discipline and punishment over? Had class enemies 
become "unredeemable"? Solzhenitsyn provides one response by showing that 
in the Gulag common criminals were systematically treated better than politi- 
cal prisoners. This was the case not solely for practical reasons — that they 
helped run the camps — but also for theoretical reasons. One of the aims of the 
Soviet regime was to build new men, and doing this implied the reeducation 
of the most hardened criminals. It was also a key propaganda issue in the 
Soviet Union under Stalin, as well as in China under Mao and in Cuba under 

But why should the enemy be killed? The identification of enemies has 
always played an important role in politics. Even the gospel says: "He who is 
not with me is against me." What was new was Lenin's insistence not only that 
those not with him were against him, but also that those who were against him 
were to die. Furthermore, he extended this principle outside the domain of 
politics into the wider sphere of society as a whole. 

Terror involves a double mutation. The adversary is first labeled an enemy, 
and then declared a criminal, which leads to his exclusion from society. Exclu- 



sion very quickly turns into extermination. The friend/foe dialectic no longer 
suffices to solve the fundamental problem of totalitarianism: the search for a 
reunified humanity that is purified and no longer antagonistic, conducted 
through the messianic dimension of the Marxist project to reunify humanity 
via the proletariat. That ideal is used to prop up a forcible unification — of the 
Party, of society, of the entire empire — and to weed out anyone who fails to fit 
into the new world. After a relatively short period, society passes from the logic 
of political struggle to the process of exclusion, then to the ideology of elimi- 
nation, and finally to the extermination of impure elements. At the end of the 
line, there are crimes against humanity. 

The attitude of Communists in Asia — in China and Vietnam — was some- 
times a little different. Because of the Confucian tradition, greater allowance 
was made for the possibility of reeducation. The Chinese iaogai was run on the 
expectation that prisoners — described as "students 1 ' or "pupils" — would re- 
form their thinking under the instruction of their guard-teachers. But in the 
final analysis such thinking was even more hypocritical than straightforward 
assassination. Forcing one's enemies to change their ways and submit to the 
discourse of their executioners might well be worse than simply killing them. 
The Khmer Rouge, on the other hand, from the outset adopted a radical policy. 
Believing that the reeducation of an entire section of the population was an 
impossible task (since these enemies were already too corrupt), they sought to 
change the people. To this end, they carried out a massive extermination of 
intellectuals and the urban population, seeking to destroy their enemies psy- 
chologically by breaking up their personalities and by imposing on them a 
constant process of self-criticism, which forced them to suffer acute dishonor 
while still in all likelihood being subject to the supreme punishment. 

The leaders of totalitarian regimes saw themselves as the moral guardians 
of society and were proud of their right to send anyone they chose to his death. 
The fundamental justification was always the same: necessity with a scientific 
basis. Tzvetan Todorov, reflecting on the origins of totalitarianism, writes: "It 
was scientism and not humanism that helped establish the ideological bases of 
totalitarianism . . . The relation between scientism and totalitarianism is not 
limited to the justification of acts through so-called scientific necessity (biologi- 
cal or historical): one must already be a practitioner of scientism, even if it is 
'wild' scientism, to believe in the perfect transparency of society and thus in 
the possibility of transforming society by revolutionary means to conform with 
an ideal.' 115 

Trotsky provided a clear illustration of this "scientific" approach in 1919. 
In his Defense of Terrorism he claimed: "The violent revolution has become a 
necessity precisely because the imminent requirements of history are unable to 
find a road through the apparatus of parliamentary democracy." In support of 
this claim he advanced "proofs": 



The proletariat is the historically rising class . . . The bourgeoisie [by 
contrast] today is a falling class. It no longer plays an essential part in 
production and by its imperialist methods of appropriation is destroying 
the economic structure of the world and human culture generally. 
Nevertheless, the historical tenacity of the bourgeoisie is colossal. It 
holds to power, and does not wish to abandon it. It thereby threatens to 
drag after it into the abyss the whole of society. We arc forced to tear 
off this class and chop it away. The Red Terror is a weapon used against 
a class that, despite being doomed to destruction, does not wish to 
perish. ih 

Trotsky thereby made history into a divine force to which everything must be 
sacrificed, and he displayed the incurable naivete of a revolutionary who imag- 
ines that a more just and humane society will emerge out of a dialectical 
process, despite the criminal nature of the methods employed. Twelve years 
later, Gorky was considerably more brutal: "Against us is a whole outmoded 
society that has had its day, and that should allow us to think of ourselves as 
still being in a civil war. So quite naturally we can conclude that if the enemies 
do not surrender, it is up to us to exterminate them."- 17 That same year found 
Aragon writing lines of poetry such as "The blue eyes of the Revolution burn 
with cruel necessity." 

Unlike these writers, Kautsky in 1918 faced the issue squarely, with cour- 
age and honesty Refusing to be taken in by the revolutionary rhetoric, he wrote: 
"To be exact, however, our goal is not socialism as such, which is the abolition 
of every kind of exploitation and oppression, be it directed against a class, a 
party, a sex, or a race . . . Should it be proved to us that . . . somehow the 
emancipation of the proletariat and of humanity could be achieved solely on 
the basis of private property, we would discard socialism without in any way 
giving up our objective. On the contrary, this would be conducive to our 
objective."™ Kautsky, though one of the most eminent advocates of Marxism, 
put his humanism before his Marxist belief in science. 

Putting people to death required a certain amount of study. Relatively few 
people actively desire the death of their fellow human beings, so a method of 
facilitating this had to be found. The most effective means was the denial of 
the victim's humanity through a process of dehumanization. As Alain Brossat 
notes: "The barbarian ritual of the purge, and the idea of the extermination 
machine in top gear are closely linked in the discourse and practice of perse- 
cution to the animali/ation of the Other, to the reduction of real or imaginary 
enemies to a zoological state "^ 

There were many examples of this process. During the great trials in 
Moscow, the procurator Andrei Vyshinsky, who was an intellectual with a 
traditional classical training, threw himself into a veritable frenzy of animali- 



Shoot these rabid dogs! Death to this gang who hide their ferocious 
teeth, their eagle claws, from the people! Down with that vulture Trot- 
sky, from whose mouth a bloody venom drips, putrefying the great 
ideals of Marxism! Let's put these liars out of harm's way, these miser- 
able pygmies who dance around rotting carcasses! Down with these 
abject animals! Let's put an end once and for all to these miserable 
hybrids of foxes and pigs, these stinking corpses! Let their horrible 
squeals finally come to an end! Let's exterminate the mad dogs of 
capitalism, who want to tear to pieces the flower of our new Soviet 
nation! Let's push the bestial hatred they bear our leaders back down 
their own throats! 

Jean-Paul Sartre also crudely remarked in 1952 that "any anti-Communist is a 
dog!" This demonizing animal rhetoric seems to support Annie Kriegel's re- 
marks about the public instructive function of the rigged show-trials. As in 
medieval mystery plays, everything was arranged so that the good people were 
in no doubt about the real identity of the bad Trotskyite heretics or "cosmo- 
politan Zionists": they represented the devil incarnate. 

Alain Brossat recalls that European shivarees and carnivals had begun a 
long tradition of the animalization of the other, which resurfaced in the political 
caricatures of the eighteenth century. This metaphoric rite allowed all sorts of 
hidden crises and latent conflicts to be expressed. In Moscow in the 1930s, there 
were no metaphors at all. The animalized adversary really was treated like a 
prey to be hunted, before being shot in the head. Stalin systematized these 
methods and was the first to use them on a large scale, and they were adopted 
by his heirs in Cambodia, China, and elsewhere. But Stalin himself did not 
invent these methods. The blame should probably rest on Lenin's shoulders. 
After he took power, he often described his enemies as "harmful insects," "lice," 
"scorpions," and "bloodsuckers." 

During the rigged spectacle known as the "Industrial Party trial," the 
League for the Rights of Man sent a protest petition signed by, among others, 
Albert Einstein and Thomas Mann. Gorky responded with an open letter: "In 
my opinion the execution was entirely legitimate. It is quite natural that a 
worker-and-peasant regime should stamp out its enemies like lice." 40 

Brossat draws the following conclusions about this process of animaliza- 

As always, the poets and butchers of totalitarianism reveal themselves 
first of all by the vocabulary they use. The "liquidation" of the Musco- 
vite executioners, a close relative of the "treatment" carried out by the 
Nazi assassins, is a linguistic microcosm of an irreparable mental and 
cultural catastrophe that was in full view on the Soviet stage. The value 
of human life collapsed, and thinking in categories ("enemies of the 



people," "traitors," "untrustworthy elements," etc.) replaced ethical 
thought ... In the discourse and practice of the Nazi exterminators, the 
animalization of the Other, which could not be dissociated from the 
obsession with cleanliness and contagion, was closely linked to the ideol- 
ogy of race. It was conceived in the implacably hierarchical racial terms 
of "subhumans" and "supermen" . . . but in Moscow in 1937, the dis- 
course about race and the totalitarian measures associated with it were 
quite different. What mattered instead was the total animalization of the 
Other, so that a policy under which absolutely anything was possible 
could come into practice. 41 

Some, however, did not hesitate to cross the ideological barrier and move 
from social to racial concerns. In a 1932 letter, Gorky (who it should be 
remembered was a personal friend of Genrikh Yagoda, the head of the GPU, 
an organization for which his son also worked) wrote: "Class hatred should be 
cultivated by an organic revulsion as far as the enemy is concerned. Enemies 
must be seen as inferior. I believe quite profoundly that the enemy is our 
inferior, and is a degenerate not only on the physical plane but also in the moral 
sense." 42 

Taking these ideas to their logical extreme, he favored the creation of the 
U.S.S.R. Institute of Experimental Medicine. Early in 1933, he wrote that 

the time is nearing when science will imperiously address normal people 
and say, would you like all diseases, handicaps, imperfections, senility, 
and premature death of the organism to be studied minutely and pre- 
cisely? Such study cannot be carried out solely with experiments on 
dogs, rabbits, and guinea pigs. Experiments on human beings are indis- 
pensable, for what must be studied are the human mechanisms of the 
functioning of the organism, intracellular processes, hematopoiesis, 
neurochemistry, and all the processes that go on inside the organism. 
Hundreds of human guinea pigs are required. This will be a true service 
to humanity, which will be far more important and useful than the 
extermination of tens of millions of healthy beings for the comfort of a 
miserable, physically, psychologically, and morally degenerate class of 
predators and parasites/ 1 

The worst aspects of sociohistorical scientism thus rejoined those of biological 

This biological or zoological strain of thinking enables us to understand 
better why so many of the crimes of Communism were crimes against human- 
ity, and how Marxist-Leninist ideology managed to justify these crimes to its 
followers. Considering legal decisions about recent discoveries in biology, 
Bruno Gravier writes: "Legal texts about bioethics ... act as signposts about 
some of the more insidious threats linked to the progress of science, whose role 



in the birth of ideologies linked to terror (J. Asher's Maw of the movement 1 ) 
has yet to be fully recognized. The fundamentally eugenic thrust of work by 
well-known doctors such as [Charles] Richet and [Alexis] Carrel clearly paved 
the way for Nazi extermination and the wayward actions of Nazi doctors. ,M4 

In Communism there exists a sociopolitical eugenics, a form of social 
Darwinism. In the words of Dominic Colas, "As master of the knowledge of 
the evolution of social species, Lenin decided who should disappear by virtue 
of having been condemned to the dustbin of history." 45 From the moment that 
a decision had been made on a "scientific 11 basis (that is, based in political and 
historical ideology, as well as in Marxism-Leninism) that the bourgeoisie rep- 
resented a stage of humanity that had been surpassed, its liquidation as a class 
and the liquidation of the individuals who actually or supposedly belonged to 
it could be justified. 

Marcel Colin, speaking of Nazism, refers to "classifications, segregation, 
exclusions, and purely biological criteria that are brought in by this criminal 
ideology. We are thinking of scientific ideas (heredity, hybridization, racial 
purity) and the fantastic, mitlenarian, or apocalyptic aspects that are clearly also 
the product of a particular historical moment." 4 * The application of scientific 
presuppositions to history and society — such as the idea that the proletariat is 
the bearer of the meaning of history — is easily traceable to a millenarian 
cosmological phantasmagoria, and is omnipresent in the Communist experi- 
ence. It is these presuppositions that lie behind so much of the criminal ideol- 
ogy in which purely ideological categories determine arbitrary separations, like 
the division of humanity into bourgeoisie and proletariat, and into classifica- 
tions such as petit- and grand-bourgeois or rich or poor peasant. By reifying 
these categories, as though they had long existed and were utterly immutable, 
Marxism-Leninism deified the system itself, so that categories and abstractions 
were far more important than any human reality. Individuals and groups were 
seen as the archetypes of some sort of primary, disembodied sociology. This 
made crime much easier: The informer, the torturer, and the NKVD execu- 
tioner did not denounce, cause suffering, or kill people; they merely eliminated 
some sort of abstraction that was not beneficial to the common good. 

The doctrine became a criminal ideology by the simple act of denying a 
fundamental fact: the unity of what Robert Antelme calls the "human species," 
or what the preamble to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights described 
in 1948 as "the human family." The roots of Marxist-Leninism are perhaps 
not to be found in Marx at all, but in a deviant version of Darwinism, applied 
to social questions with the same catastrophic results that occur when such 
ideas are applied to racial issues. One thing is certain: Crimes against humanity 
are the product of an ideology that reduces people not to a universal but to a 



particular condition, be it biological, racial, or sociohistoricah By means of 
propaganda, the Communists succeeded in making people believe that their 
conduct had universal implications, relevant to humanity as a whole. Critics 
have often tried to make a distinction between Nazism and Communism by 
arguing that the Nazi project had a particular aim, which was nationalist and 
racist in the extreme, whereas Lenin's project was universal. This is entirely 
wrong. In both theory and practice, Lenin and his successors excluded from 
humanity all capitalists, the bourgeoisie, counterrevolutionaries, and others, 
turning them into absolute enemies in their sociological and political discourse. 
Kautsky noted as early as 1918 that these terms were entirely elastic, allowing 
those in power to exclude whomever they wanted from humanity whenever 
they so wished. These were the terms that led directly to crimes against 

In discussing biologists such as Henri Atlan, who "recognize that the 
notion of humanity extends beyond the biological approach, and that biology 
'has little to say about the human person,'" Mireille Del mas-Marty concedes: 
"It is true that it is perfectly possible to consider the human species an animal 
species like any other, a species that man is learning to make himself, as he 
already makes other animal and vegetable species." 47 But is this not in fact what 
Communism tried to do? Is the idea of a "new man" not at the heart of the 
Communist project? Did Communism not have a series of megalomaniacs such 
as Trofim Lysenko who tried to create not merely new species of tomato or 
corn but also a new human species? 

The scientific mentality of the late nineteenth century, which emerged at 
the time of the triumph of medicine, inspired the following remarks by Vasily 
Grossman concerning the Bolshevik leaders: "This sort of person behaves 
among other people as a surgeon docs in the wards of a hospital . . . His soul 
is really in his knife. And the essence of these people lies in their fanatical faith 
in the surgeon's knife. The surgeon's knife — that is the great theoretician, the 
archphilosopher of the twentieth century." 4 * The idea was taken to its furthest 
extreme by Pol Pot, who with a terrifying stroke of the knife excised the 
gangrenous part of the social body — the "New People"- -while retaining the 
"healthy" peasant part. As insane as this idea was, it was not exactly new. 
Already in the 1870s, Pyotr Tkachev, a Russian revolutionary and worthy heir 
of Nechaev, proposed the extermination of all Russians over twenty-five years 
old, whom he considered incapable of carrying out his revolutionary ideal. In 
a letter to Nechaev, Bakunin objected to this insane idea: "Our people are not 
a blank sheet of paper on which any secret society can write whatever it wants, 
like your Communist program, for instance." 49 The International demanded 
that the slate of the past be wiped clean, and Mao famously compared himself 



to a poetic genius writing on a blank sheet of paper, as though he genuinely 
believed that thousands of years of history could simply be ignored. 

Most of the mechanisms of terror discussed above originated in the 
U.S.S.R. under Lenin and Stalin, but some of their features are to be found, 
with differing degrees of intensity, in all regimes claiming to be Marxist in 
origin. Every Communist country or Party has its own specific history and its 
own particular regional and local variations, but a linkage can always be traced 
to the pattern elaborated in Moscow in November 1917. This linkage forms a 
sort of genetic code of Communism. 

How can we possibly understand the people who took part in this terrify- 
ing system? Did they have specific psychological features? Every totalitarian 
regime seems to find a segment of the population that has a special calling for 
such behavior, and it actively seeks them out and promotes them within its 
ranks. Stalin's own case is representative. In terms of strategy, he was a worthy 
heir of Lenin, capable of expediting business with ease on either a local or a 
global scale. To the eyes of history he might well appear as one of the great 
men of the century, transforming the weak Soviet Union of 1922 into one of 
the two world superpowers, and for decades causing Communism to appear to 
be the only real alternative to capitalism. 

But he was also one of the greatest criminals in a century in which great 
criminals have been all too easy to find. As far back as 1953 Boris Suvarin and 
Boris Nikolaevsky labeled Stalin the century's Caligula, and Trotsky always 
believed that he was a paranoid maniac. But more than that, Stalin was an 
extraordinary fanatic with a particular talent for politics, and a man with no 
belief in democracy. Stalin was the logical result of the movement begun by 
Lenin and dreamed of by Nechaev: a man using extremist means to implement 
extremist policies. 

The fact that Stalin so deliberately engaged in crimes against humanity 
as a means of governance returns us to the specifically Russian aspects of his 
personality. A native of the Caucasus, he was surrounded during his childhood 
and adolescence by tales of brigands with hearts of gold, and of abreks, moun- 
tain dwellers who had been expelled from their clan or who had solemnly sworn 
bloody vengeance — stories, in short, of men filled with despairing courage. He 
used the pseudonym Koba, which was the name of one such mythical brigand 
prince, a local Robin Hood figure who came to the assistance of widows and 
orphans. Bakunin, in his letter disavowing Nechaev, wrote: 

Do you remember how angry with me you became when I called you an 
abrek, and described your beliefs as a sort of abrekt catechism? You said 
that all men should be made so, and that the abandonment of the self 
and the renunciation of personal needs and desires, all feelings, attach- 



ments, and links should be a normal state, the everyday condition of all 
humanity. Out of that cruel renunciation and extreme fanaticism you 
now want to make a general principle applicable to the whole commu- 
nity. You want crazy things, impossible things, the total negation of 
nature, man, and society! 5 " 

Despite his total commitment to the ideal, as early as 1870 Bakunin had under- 
stood that even revolutionary action had to submit itself to a number of funda- 
mental moral constraints. 

Communist terror has often been compared to the great Catholic Inqui- 
sition. Here novelists are probably of more use than historians. In his mag- 
nificent novel La (unique dtnjhmte, Michel del Castillo remarks: "The purpose 
is not to torture or to burn the victim: the aim is to ask the right question. No 
terror without truth, which is its foundation. Without truth, how can error be 
recognized? ... If one is certain that one possesses the truth, how can one leave 
one's neighbor in error?" 51 

The Church promised the remission of original sin, and salvation or 
eternal damnation in another world. Marx had a redemptive belief in the 
Promethean destiny of mankind. This was the messianic dream of the Great 
Evening. But for Leszek Kolakowski, "the idea that the world we see is so totally 
corrupt that it is beyond improvement, and that accordingly the world that will 
follow will bring plenitude, perfection, and ultimate liberation is one of the 
most monstrous aberrations of the human spirit ... Of course this aberration 
is not an invention of our own time, but we should recognize that religious 
thought, which opposes all temporal values to the force of supernatural grace, 
is much less abominable than doctrines that tell us we can assure our salvation 
by jumping from the edge of the abyss to the glorious heights of the heavens." 52 

Ernest Renan was probably quite correct when he claimed in his Philo- 
sophical Dialogues that the sure way to guarantee oneself absolute power in an 
atheist society was not to threaten people with some mythological inferno, but 
to institute a real hell — a concentration camp to punish insurgents and to 
frighten all others, with a special police force made up of beings devoid of 
conscience and entirely devoted to the government in power — "obedient 
machines, unencumbered by moral scruples and prepared for every sort of 
cruelty." 51 

After the liberation of most of the prisoners in the Gulag in 1953, and even 
after the Twentieth Congress of the Soviet Communist Party, when some 
forms of terror seemed to have disappeared, the principle of terror retained its 
function and continued to be extremely effective. The memory of the terror 
lived on and paralyzed people's wills, as Aino Kuusinen recalled: "The mem- 



ory of the terror weighed on people's minds; no one could believe that Stalin 
had really gone for good. There was scarcely a family in Moscow that had not 
suffered in some way from persecution, yet no one ever talked about it. I, for 
instance, would never talk about my experiences in the camps in front of my 
friends. And they never asked about it. The fear was too deep-rooted in every- 
one's minds." 54 If the victims carried their memories of the terror wherever 
they went, their executioners were just as dependent on those memories. In the 
middle of the Brezhnev period, the Soviet Union brought out a postage stamp 
to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the Cheka, and published a book in 
homage to its memory" 

In conclusion, the last word should go to Gorky and his homage to Lenin 
in 1924: 

One of my old friends, a worker from Sormov, a kind-hearted man, 
complained that it was hard to work for the Cheka. I answered him: "It 
seems to me that it's not for you. It's just not in your character 1 ' He 
agreed, sadly "No, not at all." But after thinking for a moment, he 
added, "But when I think about it, I'm sure Ilich often also has to hold 
his sou! back by its wings and that makes mc ashamed of my weakness" 
. . . Did Lenin really have to "hold his soul back by its wings"? He paid 
so Little attention to himself that he never talked about himself with 
others; he was better than anyone at never revealing the storms that blew 
inside his mind. But he told me once as he was stroking some children, 
"Their lives will be better than ours: they'll be spared many of the 
things we have been forced to live through. Their lives will be less 
cruel." He stared off into the distance, and added dreamily: "Mind you, 
I don't envy them. Our generation will have carried out a task of tre- 
mendous historical importance. The cruelty of our lives, imposed by 
circumstances, will be understood and pardoned. Everything will be 
understood, everything!" 56 

We are beginning to understand it, but not quite in the manner that Lenin 
imagined. What remains today of this "task of tremendous historical impor- 
tance"? Not the illusory "building of socialism," but an immense tragedy that 
still weighs on the lives of hundreds of millions of people, and that will mark 
the entry into the third millennium. Vasily Grossman, the war correspondent 
from Stalingrad, the writer who saw the manuscript of his magnum opus 
confiscated by the KGB and who died a broken man as a result, still drew an 
optimistic lesson from his experiences that is well worth repeating: 

Our century is the century of the greatest violence ever committed 
against human beings by the state. But it is precisely here that the 
strength and hope of humanity lie. It is the twentieth century that has at 
last shaken the Hegelian concept of the historical process whereby 



"everything real is rational." It was this concept, violently debated for 
decades, that Russian thinkers of the past century finally accepted. But 
now, at the height of the state's triumph over individual freedom, Rus- 
sian thinkers wearing padded camp jackets have dethroned and cast 
down the old Hegelian law and proclaimed their new, supreme, guiding 
principle of world history: "Everything inhuman is senseless and worth- 
less" . . . Amid the total triumph of inhumanity, it has become self- 
evident that everything effected by violence is senseless and worthless, 
and that it has no future and will disappear without a trace. 57 



An earlier version of the Foreword appeared in the Times Literary Supplement, 27 
March 1998. 

1. For the development of American historical writing on Russia and the Soviet 
Union see Martin Malia, "Clio in Tauris: American Historiography on Russia," in 
Contemporary Historiography in America, ed. Gordon Wood and Anthony Mohlo 
(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1998), For recent American scholarship on 
Soviet history see Stephen Kotkin, "1991 and the Russian Revolution: Sources, Con- 
ceptual Categories, Analytical Frameworks," Journal of Modem History, 70, no. 2 (June 

2. Stephen F. Cohen, Bukharm and the Bolshevik Revolution: A Political Biography, 
1888-1938 (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1973); and Moshe Lewin, The Political Under- 
currents of Soviet Economic Debates; From Bukharm to the Modern Reformers (Princeton: 
Princeton Univeristy Press, 1974). 

3. Sheila Fitzpatrick, ed., Cultural Revolution in Russia, 1928-1931 (Bloomington: 
Indiana University Press, 1988), especially the editor's introduction, and her Russian 
Revolution 1917-1932, rev. ed. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1994). 

4. Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Humanism and Terror, trans. John O'Neil (Boston: Bea- 
con Press, 1969). 

5. Raymond Aron, Democracy and Totalitarianism, trans. Valence Ionescu (London: 
Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1968); and Francois Furet, The Passing of an Illusion: The Idea 
of Communism tn the Twentieth Century (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999). 


Notes to Pages xv-12 

6. For example, Aleksander Wat, My Century; The Odyssey of a Polish Intellectual, 
ed. and trans. Richard Lourie, with a foreword by Czeslaw Milosz (Berkeley: University 
of California Press, 1988); and Vasily Grossman, Life and Fate, trans. Robert Chandler 
(New York: Harper and Row, 1985). 

7. Alain Besancon, Le malheur du Steele: Sur le communisme, le nazisme, et Funic ite de 
la Shoah (Paris: Fayard, 1998). 

8. Sheila Fitzpatrick and Robert Gellately, eds,, Accusatory Practices: Denuncia- 
tion in Modern European History, 1 789-1989 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 

9. For the ideological delusions of the time see Tony Judt, Past Imperfect: French 
Intellectuals, 1944-1956 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992); and Oliver 
Todd, Albert Camus: A Life, rrans. Benjamin Ivry (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1997). 
The great classic of political philosophy to emerge from this debate is Raymond Aron, 
The Opium of the Intellectuals, trans. Terence Kilmartin (Garden City, N.Y: Doubleday, 
1957, first published in French, 1995), 


1 . Raymond Queneau, Line histoire modele (Paris: Gallimard, 1979), p. 9. 

2. Quoted in Kostas Papaionannou, Marx et les marxtstes, rev. ed. (Paris: Flam- 
marion, 1972). 

3. Andre Frossard, Le crime conire Vhumamte (Paris: Robert Laffont, 1987). 

4. Vasily Grossman, Forever Flowing, trans. Thomas P. Whitney (New York: Har- 
per & Row, 1972), p. 247. 

5. Quoted in Jacques Baynac, La terreur sous Lenine (Paris: Le Sagittaire, 1975), 
p. 75. 

6. Gracchus Babeuf, La guerre de Vendee et le systeme de depopulation (Paris: Tallan- 
dier, 1987). 

7. Jean-Pierre Azema, "Auschwitz," in J. -P. Azema and F. Bedarida, Dtctwnnaire 
des anneesde tourmente (Paris: Flammarion, 1995), p. 777. 

8. Pierre Vidal-Naquet, Reflexions sur le genocide (Paris: La Decouverte, 1995), 
p. 268. Moreover, Vidal-Naquet wrote, "There has been discussion of Katyn and the 
massacre in 1940 of Polish officers who were held as prisoners by the Soviets. Katyn 
dovetails perfectly with the definition of Nuremberg." 

9. Denis Szabo and Alain Joffe, "La repression des crimes contre Thumanite et des 
crimes de guerre au Canada,' 1 in Marcel Colin, Le crime contre Thumanite (Paris: Eres, 
1996), p 655. 

10. See the analysis by Jean-Noel Darde, Le ministere de la vente: Histoire dun 
genocide dans le journal (Paris: L'Humanite, Le Seuil, 1984). 

11. Robert Conquest, The Great Terror: Stalin's Purge of the 'Thirties, rev. ed. (New 
York: Oxford University Press, 1990). 

12. Louis Aragon, Prelude au temps des cerises (Paris: Minuit, 1944). 

13. Quoted in Joseph Berger, Shipwreck of a Generation: The Memoirs of Joseph 
Berger (London: Harvill Press, 1971), p. 247. 

Notes to Pages 12-54 


14. Ibid. 

15. Martin Malia, The Soviet Tragedy: A History of Socialism in Russia, 1917-1991 
(New York: Free Press, 1994), p. 4. 

16. Tzvctan Todorov, /. homme depayse (Paris: Le Seuil, 1996), p. 36. 

17. Rudolf Hess, Commandant of Auschwitz: The Autobiography of Rudolf Hess, 
trans. Constantine FitzGibbon (Cleveland: World Publishing, 1959), p. 180. 

18. Grossman, Forever Flowing, pp. 142, 144, and 155. 

19. Raul Hilberg, The Destruction of the European Jews, rev. ed. (Chicago: Quadran- 
gle Books, 1967). 

20. Nikita Khrushchev, Khrushchev Remembers, trans, and ed. Strobe Talbott (Bos- 
ton: Little, Brown, 1970), pp. 345-348. 

21. Grossman, Forever Flowing. 

22. Simone Weil, The Need for Roots: Prelude to a Declaration of Duties toward 
Mankind, rrans. Arthur Wills (Boston: Beacon Press, 1952), p. 125. 

23. Tzvetan Todorov, "La morale de Phistorien," paper presented at the colloquium 
"L'homme, la langue, les camps," Paris lV-Sorbonne, May 1997, p. 13. 

24. See Pierre Nora, "Gaullistes et Communistes," in Les lieux de mernotre, vol. 2 
(Paris: Gallimard, 1997). 

25. Witold Gombrowicz, Testament: Entretiens avec Dominique de Roux (Paris: Folio, 
1996), p 109. 

26. See Piorr Pigorov,7i// quitte ma pa trie (Paris: La Jeune Parque, 1952); or Michel 
Koryakoff, Je me mets hors la lot (Paris: Editions du Monde Nouveau, 1947). 

27. Khrushchev, Khrushchev Remembers, pp. 347-349, 

28. Francois Furet, The Passing of an Illusion: The Idea of Communism in the Twen- 
tieth Century (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999), p. 501. 

29. See Pierre Rigolout, Les Francais au goulag (Paris: Fayard, 1984); and esp. 
Jacques Rossi, Le Goulag de A a /(Paris: Le Cherche Midi, 1997). 

30. Varlam Shalamov, Kolyma Tales, trans. John Glad (New York: W. W. Norton, 
1980); Pin Yathay with John Man, Stay Alive, My Son (London: Bloomsbury, 1987). 

31. Paul Barton (pseud.), Dnstitution amcentratwnnaire en Russie, 193(J~l 957 (Paris: 
Plon, 1959). 

32. Bernard Chapuis, Le monde, 3 July 1975. 

33. See, e.g., Ludo Martens, Un autre regard sur Sta line (Paris: EPO, 1994); and, in a 
less fawning style, Lilly Marcou, Staline, vie privee (Paris: Calmann-Levy, 1996). 

34. Francois-Rene Chateaubriand, Memoirs of Chateaubriand, trans, and ed. Robert 
Baldick (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1961), p. 218. 

2. The Iron Fist of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat 

1. Until 1 February 1918 Russia used the Julian calendar, which was thirteen days 
behind the Gregorian system. Thus what for Russia was 25 October 1917 was 7 
November 1917 in the rest of Europe. 

2. A. Z. Okorokov, Oklyabr' i krakh russkoi burzhuaznoi pressy (October and the 
destruction of the Russian bourgeois press) (Moscow: MysP, 1971); Vladimir N. 


Notes to Pages 55-63 

Brovkin, The Mensheviks after October: Socialist Opposition and the Rise of the Bolshevik 
Dictatorship (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1987). 

3. G. A. Belov, Iz istorii Vserossnskot Chrezvychainoi Komtsstt, 1917-1921: Sbornik 
dokumentov (From the history of the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission, 1917- 
1921: A collection of documents) (Moscow: Gos. izd-vo polit. lit-ry, 1958), p. 66; 
George Leggett, The Cheka: Lenin s Political Police (New York: Oxford University 
Press, 1981), pp. 13-15. 

4. Belov, Iz istorii VChK, pp. 54-55. 

5. Ibid., p. 67. 

6. D. I. Kurskii, Izbrannye stat't i rechi (Selected articles and speeches) (Moscow: 
Gos. izd-vo iurid. lit-ry, 1958), p. 67. 

7. E. A. Finn, "Antisovetskaya pechat' na skam'e podsudimykh" (Anti-Soviet 
press in the dock of the accused), Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo, no. 2 (1967), 71-72. 

8. S. A. Pavlyuchenkov, Krestyanskii Brest (The peasants' Brest) (Moscow: Russkoe 
knigoizd. tov., 1996), pp. 25-26, 

9. Leggett, The Cheka, p. 7. 

10. V. D. Bonch-Bruevich, Na boevykh postakh fevralskoi i oktyabrskoi revolyutsii (At 
combat posts in the February and October Revolutions) (Moscow: "Federatsiia,' 1 1930), 
p. 191. 

11. Ibid., p. 197. 

12. Leggett, The Cheka, p. 16. 

13. Lenin t VChK: Sbornik dokumentov 1917-1922 (Lenin and the Cheka: A collec- 
tion of documents, 1917-1922) (Moscow: Politizlat, 1975), pp. 36-7; full text in the 
State Archives of the Russian Federation, Moscow (hereafter GARF), 130/2/134/26- 

14. Delo naroda, 3 December 1917. 

1 5. V. I. Lenin, Polnoe sobranie sochinenii (Complete collected works) (Moscow: Gos. 
izd-vo polit. lit-ry, 1958-1966), 35: 311. 

16. GARF, "Prague Archives," files 1-195. For the period in question see files 1, 2, 
and 27. 

17. Quoted in Orlando Figes, A People's Tragedy: The Russian Revolution, 1891-1924 
(London: Jonathan Cape, 1996), p. 379. 

18. u Polozhenie o ChK na mestakh" (The state of the Cheka in localities), 1 1 June 
1918, B. I. Nikolaevsky Archives, Hoover Institution, Stanford, Calif. 

19. Leggett, The Cheka, p. 29-40. 

20. M. I. Latsis, Dva goda borby na vnutrennom front e (Two years of struggle on the 
internal front) (Moscow: Gos. izd-vo, 1920), p. 6. 

21. Isaac Steinberg, In the Workshop of the Revolution (New York: Rinehart, 1953), 
p. 155. 

22. Leonard Schapiro, The Origin of the Communist Autocracy: Political Opposition in 
the Soviet State, First Phase, 1917-1922 (London: London School of Economics and 
Political Science, 1955), pp. 84-86; Brovkin, The Mensheviks after October, pp. 46-47 
and 59-63. 

Notes to Pages 63-73 


23. E. Berard, "Pourquoi les bolcheviks ont-ils quitte Petrograd?" Cahiers du monde 
russe et sovietique, 34 (October-December 1993), 507-528. 

24. Lenin, Polnoe sobranie sochinenii, 35: 31 1. 

25. Russian Center for the Conservation and Study of Historic Documents, Mos- 
cow (henceforth RTsKhlDNI), J58ll10; Pavlyuchenkov, Krestyanskii Brest, p. 29. 

26. Dekrety sovetskot vlasti (Decrees of the Soviet regime) (Moscow: Gos izd-vo 
polit. lit-ry, 1957-), 1:490-491. 

27. P. G. Sofinov, Ocherki Istorii vserossiiskot chrezvychainoi komissii (Outline of the 
history of the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission) (Moscow: Gos. izd-vo polit. 
lit-ry, 1960), pp. 43-44; Leggett, The Cheka, p. 35. 

28. Belov, Iz istorii VChK, pp. 1 12-113. 

29. Brovkin, The Mensheviks after October, p. 159. 

30. Lenin, Polnoe sobranie sochinenii^ 36: 265. 

31. Protokoly zasedan'u VSIK 4-sozyva, Stenograficheskii otchet (Protocols of the 
sessions of the CEC in the fourth phase: Stenographic account) (Moscow, 1918), 
pp. 250, 389. 

32. Karl Radek, u Puti russkoi revoyiutsii" (The paths of the Russian Revolution), 
Krasnaya, no. 4 (November 1921), 188. 

33. Andrea Graziosi, The Great Soviet Peasant War: Bolsheviks and Peasants, 1917- 
1933 (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University, Ukrainian Research Institute, 1996), 
p. 18. 

34. Brovkin, The Mensheviks after October, pp. 220-225. 

35. RTsKhlDNI, 17638497-98. 

36. Novaya zhizn 1 June 1918, p. 4. 

37. N. Bernstam, Ural i Prikamie, noyabr* 1917-yanvar' 1919 (The Ural and Kama 
regions, November 1917-January 1919) (Paris: YMCA Press, 1982). 

38. "Instruktsii-Chrezvychainym Komissiyam" (Instructions to local Chekas), 
1 December 1918, Nikolaevsky Archives, Hoover Institution, quoted in Leggett, The 
Cheka, pp. 39-40. 

39. L. Trotsky, O Lemne (On Lenin) (Moscow: 1924), p. 101. 

40. Novaya zhizn 16, 26, 27, 28 June 1918; Brovkin, The Mensheviks after October, 
pp. 243-249; S. Rosenberg, "Russian Labor and Bolshevik Power," Slavic Review 44 
(Summer 1985), 233 ff. 

41. Lenin, Polnoe sobranie sochinenii, 50: 106. 

3. The Red Terror 

1. L. M. Spirin, Klassy i Partii v grazhdanskoy voine v Rossti (Classes and parties in 
the civil war in Russia) (Moscow: MysP, 1968), pp. 180 ^. 

2. V. I. Lenin, Polnoe sobranie sochinenii (Complete collected works) (Moscow: Gos. 
izd-vo polit. lit-ry, 1958-1966), 50: 142. 

3. RTsKhlDNI, 2/1/6/898. 

4. GARF, 130/2/98a/26~32. 


Notes to Pages 73-80 

5. RTsKhlDNI, 76/3/22. 

6. Leninsky sbornik (A Lenin collection), vol. 18 (1931), pp. 145-146, quoted in 
Dmitry Volkogonov, Lenin, politicheskii poriret: v dvukh knigakh (Lenin, a political 
portrait) (Moscow: Novosti, 1994), p. 248. 

7. Lenin, Polnoe sobranie sochtnenii, 50: 143. 

8. RTsKhlDNI, 76/3/22/3. 

9. Izvestiya, 23 August 1918; George Leggett, The Cheka: Lenm's Political Police 
(New York: Oxford University Press, 1981), p. 104. 

10. S. Lyandres, "The 1918 Attempt on the Life of Lenin: A New Look at the 
Evidence," Slavic Review 48 (1989), 432-448. 

1 1. Izvestiya, 4 September 1918. 

12. Raphael Abramovich, The Soviet Revolution, 1917-1939 (London: Allen & Un- 
win, 1962), p. 312, 

13. Severnaya Kommuna, no. 109 (19 September 1918), 2, quoted in Leggett, The 
Cheka, p. 114. 

14. Izvestiya, 10 September 1918. 

15. G. A. Belov, Iz istorn Vserossnskoi Chrezvchamot Komtssu, 1917-1921: Sborntk 
dokumentov (From the history of the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission, 1917- 
1921: A collection of documents) (Moscow: Gos. izd-vo polit. lit-ry, 1958), pp. 197- 

16. Leggett, The Cheka, p. 111. 

17. Utro Moskvy, no. 21, 4 November 1918. 

18. Ezhenedeimk VChK, 22 September-27 October 1918. 

19. M. I. Latsis, Dva goda borby na vnut rennom fronte (Two years of struggle on the 
internal front) (Moscow: Gos. izd-vo, 1920), p. 25. 

20. Yu. Martov to A. Stein, 25 October 1918, quoted in V. I. Brovkin, Behind the 
Front Lines of the Civil War (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994), p. 283. 

21. N. Bernstam, Ural t Prikamie, noyabr' 1917-yanuar 7 1919 (The Ural and Kama 
regions, November 1917-January 1919) (Paris: YMCA Press, 1982), p. 129. 

22. M. N. Gernet, Protiv smertnot kazni (Against the death penalty) (Moscow: Tip. 
I. D. Sufina, 1907), pp. 385^23; N. S. Tagantsev, Smertnaya kazn (The death penalty) 
(St. Petersburg: Gos. tip., 1913). Similar figures are arrived at by K. Liebnecht (5,735 
condemned to death, 3,741 executed between 1906 and 1910; 625 condemned to death 
and 191 executed between 1825 and 1905), in Marc Ferro, The Russian Revolution of 
February /977(Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1972), p. 483. 

23. RTsKhlDNI, 5/1/2558. 

24. Lenm i VChK: Sborntk dokumentov 1917-1922 (Lenin and the Cheka: A collec- 
tion of documents, 1917-1922) (Moscow: Politizlat, 1975), p. 122. 

25. Leggett, The Cheka, pp. 204-237. 

26. GARF, 393/89/ 10a. 

27. VlasF Sovetov, nos. 1-2 (1922), 41; L. D. Gerson, The Secret Police in Lenin's 
Russia (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1976), pp. 149 fl; Leggett, The Cheka, 
p. 178; GARF, 393/89/182; 393/89/295. 

28. GARF, 393/89/182; 393/89/231; 393/89/295. 

Notes to Pages 83-92 


4. The Dirty War 

1 . L. G. Gorelik, ed., Goneniya na anarkhism v Sovietskoi Rossii (The persecution of 
anarchism in Soviet Russia) (Berlin, 1922), pp. 27-63. 

2. Izvestiya, 18 March 1919, L. D. Gerson, The Secret Police in Lemins Russia 
(Philadelphia: Tample University Press, 1976), pp. 151-152; G. Leggett, The Cheka: 
Lenin's Political Police (New York: Oxford University Press, 1981), pp. 31 1-316. 

3. V. I. Brovkin, Behind the Front Lines of the Civil War: Political Parties and Social 
Movements in Russia, 1918-1922 (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994), p. 54. 

4. G. A. Belov, Iz istorii Vserossnskoi Chrezvchainoi Komissn, 1917-1921: Sborntk 
dokumentov (From the history of the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission, 1917- 
1921: A collection of documents) (Moscow: Gos. izd-vo polit. lit-ry, 1958), p. 354; 
CRCEDHC 5/1/2615. 

5. Brovkin, Behind the Front Lines, pp. 252-257. 

6. Tsirkulyarnoe pis'mo VChK (Cheka circular), pp. 267-268, B. I. Nikolaevsky Ar- 
chives, Hoover Institution, Stanford, Calif, 

7. RTsKhlDNI, 17/84/43/2-4. 

8. Brovkin, Behind the Front Lines, p. 69; RTsKhlDNI, 17/84/43. 

9. Leggett, The Cheka, p. 313; Brovkin, Behind the Front Lines, p. 71; Petrograd- 
skaya pravda, 13 April 1919, p. 3. 

It). RTsKhlDNI, 17/66/68/2-5; 17/6/351. 

11. Ibid., 17/6/197/105; 17/66/68. 

12. Ibid., 17/6/351; Izvestiya TsKa RKP(b) (News from the Central Committee of 
the Russian Communist Party), no. 3 (4 July 1919), RTsKhlDNI, 2/1/24095; GARF, 

13. Brovkin, Behind the Front Lines, pp. 82-85; S. P. Melgunov, The Red Terror 
in Russia (London: Dent, 1925), pp. 58-60; P. Silin, u Astrakhanskie rasstrely" 
(The shootings in Astrakhan), in Cheka: Materialy po deyatelnosii Chrezvuhamoi 
Komissti (Cheka: Materials on the activities of the Extraordinary Commission), ed. 
V. Chernov (Berlin: Izd. TSentr. biuro Partii sotsialistov-revoliutsionerov, 1922), 
pp. 248-255. 

14. RTsKhlDNI, 2/1/11957. 

15. The Trotsky Papers, 1917-1922, ed. Jan M. Meijer (The Hague: Mouton, 1964— 
1971), 2:22. 

16. Brovkin, Behind the Front Lines, p. 289. 

17. Trotsky Papers, 2: 20. 

18. Brovkin, Behind the Front Lines, pp. 297 ff. 

19. Ibid., pp. 292-296. 

20. Andrea Graziosi, The Great Soviet Peasant War: Bolsheviks and Peasants, 1917- 
1933 (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University, Ukrainian Research Institute, 1996). 

21. S. A. Pavlyuchenkov, Krestyanskii Brest (The peasants' Brest Treaty) (Moscow: 
Russkoe knigoizd. tov., 1996), pp. 188-240. 

22. Orlando Figes, "The Red Army and Mass Mobilization during the Russian Civil 
War, 1918-1920," Past and Present, no. 129 (November 1990), 199-200. 


Notes to Pages 93-106 

23. Dekrety sovietskot vlasti (Decrees of the Soviet regime) (Moscow: Gos. izd-vo 
polit. lit-ry, 1957-), 4: 167. 

24. Brovkin, Behind the Front Lines, p, 318. 

25. Russian State Military Archives, Moscow, 33987/3/32. 

26. A collection of these reports, assembled by a team of Russian, French, and 
Italian historians, under the direction of V. P. Danilov, appeared in Russian at the end 
of 1997, 

27. M. S. Frenkin, Tragedia krestyansktkh vosstamy v Rossii, 1918-1921 (Tragedy of 
peasant uprisings in Russia, 1918-1921) (Jerusalem: Leksikon, 1987); Orlando Figes, 
Peasant Russia, Civil War: The Volga Countryside in the Revolution (New York: Oxford 
University Press, 1989); Brovkin, Behind the Front Lines. 

28. Taros Hunczak, ed., The Ukraine, 1917-1921: A Study in Revolution (Cam- 
bridge, Mass.: Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute and Harvard University Press, 

29. Volin (V. M. Eikhenbaum), The Unknown Revolution, 1917-1921, trans. Holley 
Cantine (New York: Free Life Editions, 1974), pp. 509-626; Alexandre Skirda, Les 
Cossaques de la liberie (Paris: J. C. Lattes, 1985); Richard Pipes, Russia under the Bolshe- 
vik Regime, 1919-1924 (London: HarperCollins, 1994), pp. 106-108. 

30. Pipes, Russia under the Bolshevik Regime, pp. 105-131 . 

31. Figes, Peasant Russia, Civil War, pp. 333 ff; Brovkin, Behind the Front Lines, 
pp. 323-325. 

32. RTsKhlDNI, 76/3/109. 

33. V. L. Genis, "Raskazachivanie v Sovietskoi Rossii" (The de-Cossackization in 
Soviet Russia), Voprosy tstoru (Problems of history), no. 1 (1994), 42-55. 

34. Izvesttya TsKPSS, no. 6(1989), 177-178. 

35. RTsKhlDNI, 5/2/106/7. 

36. Genis, "Raskazachivanie v Sovietskoi Rossii," pp. 42-55. 

37. RTsKhlDNI, 17/6/83. 

38. Genis, "Raskazachivanie v Sovietskoi Rossii,' 1 p. 50; RTsKhlDNI, 17/84/75. 

39. Melgunov, The Red Terror in Russia, p. 77; Brovkin, Behind the Front Lines, 
p. 346. 

40. RTsKhlDNI, 17/84/75/28. 

41. Ibid., 17/84/75/59. 

42. Quoted in Brovkin, Behind the Front Lines, p. 353. 

43. RTsKhlDNI, 85/11/131/11. 

44. Ibid., 85/1 1/123/15. 

45. Krasnyi mech (Red sword), no. 1 (18 August 1919), 1. 

46. RTsKhlDNI, 5/1/2159/35-38. 

47. ibid., 76/3/70/20. 

48. Ibid., 17/6/384/62. 

49. Ibid., 17/66/66. 

50. Izvestiya Odesskogo Sovieta rahochtkh deputatov, no. 36, p. 1, quoted in Brovkin, 
Behind the Front Lines, p. 121. 

51. Melgunov, The Red Terror in Russia, pp. 61-77; Leggett, The Cheka, pp. 199- 

Notesto Pages 106-117 


200; Brovkin, Behind the Front Lines, pp. 122-125; GARF, Denikin Commission files, 
nos. 134 (Kharkiv), 157 (Odessa), 194, 195 (Kyiv). 

52. Chernov, Cheka: Materialy. 

53. Estimates based on Melgunov, The Red Terror in Russia, p. 77; and on Socialist 
Revolutionary sources from Kharkiv in May 1921. 

54. V. I. Lenin, Polnoe sohrame sochinemi (Complete collected works) (Moscow: Gos. 
izd-vo polit. lit-ry, 1958-1966), 42: 74. 

55. Melgunov, The Red Terror in Russia, p. 81 . 

5. From Tambov to the Great Famine 

1. V. Danilov and T Shanin, Krestyanskoe vosstanie v Tamhovskoi gubermi v 191 ( /~ 
1921 (The peasant revolt in Tambov Province, 1919-1921) (Tambov: Intertsentr: Ark- 
hivnyi otdel administratsii Tambovskoi obi., 1994), pp. 38-40. 

2. RTsKhlDNI, 17/86/103/4; S. Singleton, "The Tambov Revolt;' Slavic Review 
26 (1966), 49&-512; Oliver Radkey, The Unknown Civtl War in Russia: A Study of the 
Green Movement in the Tambov Region (Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, 
Stanford University, 1976); Orlando Figes, Peasant Russia, Civil War: The Volga Coun- 
tryside in the Revolution (New York: Oxford University Press, 1989). 

3. Danilov and Shanin, Krestyanskoe vosstanie, pp. 63-64; Radkey, The Unknown 
Civil War, pp. 122-126. 

4. V. I. Lenin, Polnoe sobrante sochmenii (Complete collected works) (Moscow: Gos, 
izd-vo polit. lit-ry, 1958-1966), 51: 310. 

5. M. Bogdanov, Razgrom zapadno-silnrskogo kttlachko-eserovskogo myatezha ([De- 
struction of the west Siberian kulak-SR rebellion) (Tyumen: Polit Tyum, 1961). 

6. RTsKhlDNI, 76/3/208/12. 

7. Ibid, 76/3/166/3. 

8. V. I. Brovkin, Behind the Front Lines of the Civil War: Political Parties and Social 
Movements in Russia, 1918-1922 (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994), p. 392. 

9. RTsKhlDNI, 76/3/167/23. 

10. P. Avrich, Kronstadt, 1921 (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1970), pp. 

11. RTsKhlDNI, 76/3/167. 

12. "Kronstadt, 1921," in Dokumenty (Moscow, 1997), p. 15. 

13. George Leggett, The Cheka: Lenin s Political Police (New York: Oxford Univer- 
sity Press, 1981), p. 328. 

14. S. A. Malsagov, An Island Hell: A Soviet Prison in the Far North, trans. K H. 
Lyon (London: A. M. Philpot, 1926), pp. 45^46. 

15. "Kronstadt, 1921," p. 367. 

16. Brovkin, Behind the Front Lines, p. 400. 

17. Andrea Graziosi, "At the Roots of Soviet Industrial Relations and Practices — 
Piatokov's Donbass in 1921," Cahiers du monde russe 36 (1995), 95-138. 

18. Danilov and Shanin, Krestyanskoe vosstanie, pp. 179-180. 

19. Ibid., pp. 178-179. 


Notes to Pages 117-134 

20. Ibid., pp. 226-227. 

21. Ibid., p. 218. 

22. GARF, 393/89/182; 393/89/295. 

23. RTsKhlDNI, 5/2/244/1. 

24. Ibid., 17/87/164; 76/3/237. 

25. Ibid., 17/87/296/35-36. 

26. Pravda, 21 July 1921; Mikhail Heller, "Premier avertissement: Un coupde fouet. 
L'histoire de Texpulsion des personnalites culturelles hors de PUnion sovietique en 
1922," Cahters du monde russe et sovietique, 20 (April-June 1979), 131-172. 

27. GARF, 1064/1/1/33. 

28. RTsKhlDNI, 2/1/26847. 

29. Heller, "Premier avertissement," p. 141. 

30. Ibid., p. 143. 

31. Ibid., pp. 148-149. 

32. Ibid., p. 151. 

33. S. Adamets, "Catastrophes demographiques en Russie sovietique en 1918-1923" 
(Doctoral thesis, EHESS, December 1995), p. 191. 

34. A. Beliakov, Yunost vozhdya (The adolescence of the leader) (Moscow: Molodaya 
gvardiia, 1958), pp. 80-82, quoted in Heller, "Premier avertissement," p. 134. 

35. RTsKhlDNI, 2/1/22947/1-4. 

36. Russkaya Pravoslavnaya tserkva i kommumsticheskoe gosudarstvo, 19/ 7-1941 (The 
Russian Orthodox Church and the Communist state, 1917-1941) (Moscow: Terra, 
1996), p. 69. 

37. Dmitry Volkogonov, Lenm: politicheskii portret; v dvukh knigakh (Lenin: A politi- 
cal portrait) (Moscow: Novosti, 1994), p. 346. 

38. Ibid. 

39. Helene Carrere d'Encausse, The Russian Syndrome: One Thousand Years of Po- 
litical Murder (New York: Holmes & Meier, 1992), p. 400. 

40. Lenin, Polnoe sohranie sochinemi, 54: 189. 

41. Ibid., p. 198. 

42. Ibid., pp. 265-266. 

43. RTsKhlDNI, 76/3/303. 

44. Ibid., 2/2/1338. 

6. From the Truce to the Great Turning Point 

1. A. Livshin, '"Lettres de rinterieur' a Tepoque de la NEP: Les campagnes russes 
et Tautorite locale," Commumsme, nos. 42^14 (1995), 45-56; V. Izmozik, "Voices from 
the Twenties: Private Correspondence Intercepted by the OGPU," Russian Review 55 
(April 1996), 287-308. 

2. Nicolas Werth and Gael Moullec Rapports secrets soviet iques, 192 1- 199 1: La 
soctete russe dans les documents confidentiels (Paris: Gallimard, 1994), p. 36. 

3. Ibid, p. 105. 

4. RTsKhlDNI, 76/3/307/4-15. 

5. Voprosy istorii KPSS, no. 1 1 (1988), 42-43. 

Notes to Pages 134-148 


6. RTsKhlDNI, 76/3/362/1-6. 

7. Ibid, 76/3/306. In a letter to Mekhlis, Dzerzhinsky noted the execution of 650 
people by his services in 1924 for the republic of Russia alone (ibid, 76/3/362/7-1 1). 

8. Istortya sovetskogo gosudarstva i prava (History of the Soviet state and law) (Mos- 
cow, 1968), 2: 580-590. 

9. RTsKhlDNI, 76/3/390/3-4. 

10. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago, trans. Thomas P. Whitney (New 
York: Harper and Row, 1974); Varlam Shalamov, Gram, no. 77 (1972), 42-44; A. Mel- 
nik et al, "Materialy k istoriko-geografic heskomu atlasu Solokov" (Documents for a 
historical-political atlas of the Solovetski), Zvenya 1 (1991), 301-330. 

11. Alexandre Bennigsen and Chantal Lermercier-Quelquejay, Les Musulmans 
oublies, Llslam en Union sovietique (Paris: Maspero, 1981), pp. 55-59. 

12. Ibid, pp. 53-54. 

13. Markus Wehner, "Le soulevement georgien de 1924 et la reaction des Bolshe- 
viks," Commumsme, nos. 42^4(1995), 155-170. 

14. "Dokumenty o sobytiakh v Chechnye, 1925" (Documents concerning the events 
in Chechnya, 1925), Isiochmk, no. 1 (1995), 140-151. 

15. Andrea Graziosi, The Great Soviet Peasant War: Bolsheviks and Peasants, 1917- 
1933 (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University, Ukrainian Research Institute, 1996), 
p. 44. 

16. Ibid, pp. 44-45. 

17. Moshe Lewin, Russian Peasants and Soviet Power: A Study of Collectiviza- 
tion, trans. Irene Nove (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1968); E. H. Carr 
and R. W. Davies, Foundations of a Planned Economy (London: Pelican, 1974), 1: 71- 

18. Carr and Davies, Foundations of a Planned Economy, pp. 610-642. 

19. Sovetskaya yustitsia, nos. 24-25 (1930), 2. 

20. Werth and Moullec, Rapports secrets sovtettques, p. 355. 

21. O. Khlevnyuk, Polithyuro: Mekhamzmy politicheskoi vlasti v 1930-e gody (The 
Politburo: Mechanisms of political power in the 1930s) (Moscow: ROSSPEN, 1996), 
pp. 38-40. 

7. Forced Collectivization and Dekulakization 

1. N. A. Ivnitskii, Kollektivizatsiya i raskulachwante (Collectivization and dekulaki- 
zation) (Moscow: Izd-vo Magistr, 1996), pp. 32^19. 

2. Ibid, pp. 49-69. 

3. Andrea Graziosi, "At the Roots of Soviet Industrial Relations and Practices — 
Piatokov's Donbass in 1921," Cahters du monde russe 36 (1995), 449. 

4. M. Fainsod, Smolensk under Soviet Rule (Boston: Unwin Hyman, 1989), 
pp. 271-277; R. W. Davies, The Socialist Offensive: The Collectivization of Soviet Agri- 
culture (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1980), pp. 243-251. 

5. V. P. Danilov and Alexis Berelovich, "Les documents de la VCK — OGPU — 
NKVD sur la campagne sovietique, 1918-1937," Cahiers du monde russe 35 (1994), 


Notes to Pages 149-161 

6. Ibid., p. 674; Andrea Graziosi, "Collectivisation, revokes paysannes, et poli- 
tiques gouvernmentales a travers les rapports du GPU d'Ukraine de fevrier-mars 
1930," Cahters du monde russe 35 (1994), 437-632. 

7. Danilov and Berelovich, "Les documents," pp. 674—676, 

8. L. Viola, u Babii bunty" (Peasant women riots), Russian Review 45 (1986), 23^2. 

9. Graziosi, "Soviet Industrial Relations." 

10. Ibid., p. 462; V. P. Popov, "Gosudarstvennyi terror v Sovetskoi Rossii, 1923- 
1953" (State terror in Soviet Russia, 1923-1953), Otechestvennye arkhtvy, no. 2 (1992), 

1 1. Ivnitskii, Kollektivizatstya i raskulachtvanie, p. 106. 

12. Danilov and Berelovich, "Les documents," pp. 665-666. 

1 3. Oleg KhJevnyuk, Politbyuro: Mekhanizmy politicheskoi vlasti v 1930-e gody (The 
Politburo: Mechanisms of political power in the 1930s) (Moscow: ROSSPEN, 1996), 
p. 37. 

14. V. N. Zemskov, "Kulatskaya ssylka v 30-ye gody" (The deportation of the kulaks 
in the 1930s), Sotsiologicheskie tssledovania y no. 10 (1991), 3-20. 

15. Nicolas Werth, "'Deplaces speciaux' et 'colons du travail* dans la societe 
stalinienne," XXe Steele, no. 54 (April-June 1997), 34-50. 

16. Ivnitskii, Kollekiivizatstya i raskulachtvanie, p. 124. 

17. Nicolas Werth and Gael Moullec, Rapports secrets sovietiques, 1921-1991: La 
societe russe dans les documents confidentiels (Paris: Gallimard, 1994), p. 1 40. 

18. V. P. Danilov and S. A. Krasilnikov, Spetspereselentsy v Zapadnoi Sibm (Special 
deportees in western Siberia), 3 vols. (Novosibirsk: "EKOR," 1993, 1994), 1: 57-58. 

19. Ibid., p. 167. 

20. Ibid, 3: 89-99. 

21. Zemskov, "Kulatskaya ssylka," pp, 4-5. 

22. GARF, 9414/1/1943/56-61, in Werth and Moullec, Rapports secrets sovietiques, 
pp. 142-145. 

23. Danilov and Krasilnikov, Spetspereselentsy v Zapadnoi Sibirt, 2: 81-83; GARF, 
9479/1/7/5-12; Werth and Moullec, Rapports secrets sovietiques, pp. 363-374. 

24. GARF, 9414/1/1943/52. 

25. GARF, 1235/2/776/83-86. 

26. Danilov and Krasilnikov, Spetspereselentsy v Zapadnoi Sibiri, 3: 244-245. 

27. GARF,374/28s/4055/l-12. 

8. The Great Famine 

1. A. Blum, Naitre, vtvre et mourir en URSS 1917-1991 (Paris: Plon, 1994), p. 99. 

2. Quoted in F. Kupferman, Au pays des Soviets: Le voyage francats en Union 
sovtettque 1917-1939 (Paris: Gallimard, 1979), p. 88. 

3. Andrea Graziosi, "Lettres de Kharkov; La famine en Ukraine et dans le Caucase 
du Nord a travers les rapports des diplomates italiens, 1932-1934," Cahiers du monde 
russe et sovtetique 30 (1989), 5-106. 

4. Moshe Lewin, The Making of the Soviet System (London: Methuen, 1985), 
pp. 206-237. 

Notes to Pages 162-172 


5. GARF, 1235/2/1521/71-78; Nicolas Werth and Gael Moullec, Rapports secrets 
sovietiques, 1921-1991: La societe russe dans les documents confidentiels (Paris: Gallimard, 
1994), pp. 152-155. 

6. GARF, 3316/2/1254/4-7. 

7. N. A. Ivnitskii, Kollektivizatsiya t raskulachivame (Collectivization and dekulali- 
zation) (Mosco: Izd-vo Magistr, 1996), pp. 192-193. 

8. Ibid., pp. 198-206. 

9. V. N. Zemskov, "Kulatskaya ssylka v 30-ye gody" (The deportation of kulaks in 
the 1930s), Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya, no. 10 (1991), 4-5. 

10. Graziosi, "Lettres de Kharkov," p. 51. 

11. Ivnitskii, Kollecktivizatsia i raskulachivame, pp. 198-199. 

12. Ibid., p. 204. 

13. Graziosi, "Lettres de Kharkov," pp. 59-60. 

14. Ibid., p. 79. Robert Conquest, Harvest of Sorrow (New York: Oxford University 
Press, 1987), pp. 267-296. 

15. Presidential Archives of the Russian Federation, Moscow, 45/1/827/7-22. 

16. Ibid., 3/61/549/194. 

17. N. Aralovets, "Poteri naseleniya v 30-ye gody" (Demographic losses in the 
1930s), Otechestvennaya tstonya, no. 1 (1995), 135-145; N. Osokina, "Zhertvy goloda 
1933 — Skolko ikh?" (The victims of the famine of 1933 — How many were there?), 
Otechestvennaya Istorta, no. 5 (1995), 18-26; V. Tsaplin, "Statistika zhertv stalinizma" 
(Statistics of the victims of Stalinism), Voprosy istorit, no. 4 (1989), 175-181. 

18. S. Merl, "Golod 1932-1933 — Genotsid Ukraintsev dlya osushchestvleniya poli- 
tiki russifikatsii?" (The famine of 1932-1 933: Genocide of the Ukrainians for the reali- 
zation of the policy of Russification?), Otechestvennaya tstonya, no. 1 (1995), 49-61. 

9. Socially Foreign Elements and Cycles of Repression 

1. Moshe Lewin, The Making of the Soviet System (London: Methuen, 1995), 
pp. 330-334. 

2. Oleg Khlevnyuk, Politbyuro: Mekhanizmy politicheskoi vlasti v 1930-e gody (The 
Politburo: Mechanisms of political power in the 1930s) (Moscow: ROSSPEN, 1996), 
pp. 40-50. 

3. Ibid., p. 49. 

4. Ptsma I. V. Stalina V. M. Molotovu (Letter from J. Stalin to V. Molotov) (Mos- 
cow: "Rossiia molodaia," 1995), pp. 193-194. 

5. S. Ikonnikov, Sozdame t deyatelnost obedmennykh organov TsKK-RKI v 1923- 
1934 (The creation and the activity of the bureaus of the CCC Worker and Peasant 
Inspectorate, 1923-1934) (Moscow: Nauka, 1971), pp. 212-214. 

6. Sheila Fitzpatrick, Education and Social Mobility in the Soviet Union, 1921-1934 
(New York: Cambridge University Press, 1979), pp. 213-217. 

7. N. Timasheff, Religion in Soviet Russia (New York: Sheed & Ward, 1942), p. 64. 

8. Nicolas Werth, "Le pouvoir sovietique et TEglise orthodoxe de la collectivisation 
a la Constitution de 1936," Revue deludes comparatives Est-Ouest nos. 3-4 (1993), 


Notes to Pages 173-186 

9. GARF, 374/28/145/13-26. 

10. W. C. Fletcher, The Russian Orthodox Church Underground, 1917-1970 (New 
York: Oxford University Press, 1971). 

11. Nicolas Werth and Gael Moullec, Rapports secrets sovietiques 1921-1991: La 
societe russe dans les documents confidentieh (Paris: Gallimard, 1994), pp. 291-304. 

12. A. I. Dobkin, "Lishentsy, 1918-1936" (Those deprived of their civil rights), 
Zvenya, 2 (1992), 600-620. 

13. Lewin, Making of the Soviet System, pp. 3 1 1 -3 1 7. 

14. GARF, 1235/2/1650/27-54. 

15. Ibid. 

16. GARF, 9479/1/19/7; Werth and Moullec, Rapports secrets sovietiques, pp. 43-44. 

17. GARF, 9479/1/19/19. 

18. V. Danilov and S. A. Krasilnikov, Spetspereselentsy v Zapadnoi Sibiri, vol. 3: 
1933-1938 (Novosibirsk: "EKOR," 1993), pp. 96-99. 

19. RTsKhlDNI, 17/120/94/133-136. 

20. Khlevnyuk, Politbyuro: Mekhanizmy, pp. 154-156. 

21. GARF, 1235/2/2032/15-29. 

22. J. A. Getty, G. T. Rittersporn, and V. N. Zemskov, u Les victimes de la repression 
penale dans PURSS d'avant-guerre," Revue des etudes slaves 65 (1993), 641 . 

23. Andrea Graziosi, "Lettres de Kharkov: La famine en Ukraine et dans le Caucase 
du Nord a travers les rapports des diplomates italiens, 1932-1934," Cahters du monde 
russe etsovietique 30 (1989), 77. 

24. RTsKhlDNI, 17/3/922/56-58. 

25. V. P. Popov, "Gosudarstvenniy terror v Sovetskoi Rossii, 1923-1953" (State 
terror in Soviet Russia, 1923-1953), Otechestvennye archivy, no. 2 (1992), 28. 

26. Alia Kirilina, Lassassinat de Kinlon Destin dun stalimen 1888-1934 (Paris: Seuil, 

27. Robert Conquest, The Great Terror: Stalms Purge of the Thirties, rev. ed. (New 
York: Oxford University Press, 1990), pp. 429-430. 

28. Khlevnyuk, Politbyuro: Mekhanizmy, pp. 150-154. 

29. Ibid., p. 158. 

30. Ibid., pp. 156-159- On this campaign see also J, A. Getty, Origins of the Great 
Purges: The Soviet Communist Party Reconsidered, 1933-1938 (New York: Cambridge 
University Press, 1985); RTsKhlDNI, 17/120/240. 

31. RTsKhlDNI, 17/162/17; Khlevnyuk, Politbyuro: Mekhanizmy, p. 154; Werth 
and Moullec, Rapports secrets sovietiques, pp. 376-377. 

10. The Great Terror (1936-1938) 

1. Quoted in Nicolas Werth, Les proces de Moscou 1936-1938 (Brussels: Complexe, 
1987), p. 61. 

2. Robert Conquest, The Great Terror: Stalin's Purge of the Thirties, rev. ed. (New 
York; Oxford University Press, 1990). 

3. J. A. Getty, Origins of the Great Purges: The Soviet Communist Party Reconsid- 

Notes to Pages 186-201 


ered, 1933-1938 (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1985); G. Rittersporn, Sta- 
linist Simplifications and Soviet Complications: Social Tensions and Political Conflicts in 
the USSR, 1933-1953 (New York: Harwood Academic, 1991); J. A. Getty and R. T. 
Manning, eds., Stalinist Terror: New Perspectives (New York: Cambridge University 
Press, 1993). 

4. Stalmskoe Politburo v 30-ye gody (The Stalinist Politburo in the 1930s), a collec- 
tion of documents assembled by O. V. Khlevnyuk, A. V Kvashonkin, L. P. Kosheleva, 
and L. A. Rogovaya (Moscow: AIRD, 1995); O. V. Khlevnyuk, L. P. Kosheleva, 
J. Howlett, and L. Rogovaya, u Les sources archivistiques des organes dirigeants du 
PC(b)R," Commumsme, nos. 42-44(1995), 15-34. 

5. Trud, 4 June 1992. 

6. GARF, 9479/1/978/32. 

7. Trud, 4 June 1992. 

8. Oleg Khlevnyuk, Politbyuro: Mekhanizmy polittcheskoi vlasti v 1930-e gody (The 
Politburo: Mechanisms of political power in the 1930s) (Moscow: ROSSPEN, 1996), 
pp. 208-210. 

9. Ibid., p. 212. 

10. Reabilitatsiya. Polituheskie protsessy 30-50 go do v (Rehabilitation: The political 
trials of the years 1930-1950) (Moscow: Navka, 1991), p. 39; Istochmk, no. 1 (1995), 

11. Izvestiya, 10 June 1992, p. 2. 

12. Stalin's work diary and the list of his visitors at the Kremlin for 1936 and 1937 
were published in Istoncheskn arkhiv, no. 4 (1995), 15-73. 

13. Istochmk, no. 1 (1995), 117-132; V. P. Popov, ^Gosudarstvenniy terror v Sovet- 
skoi Rossii, 1923-1953" (State terror in Soviet Russia, 1923-1953), Otechestvennye 
arkhwy, no. 2(1992), 20-31. 

14. J. A. Getty, G. T Rittersporn, and V. N. Zemskov, "Les victimes de la repression 
penale dans TURSS d'avant-guerre," Revue des etudes slaves 65 (1993), 631-663, 

15. Ibid., p. 655. 

16. V. N. Zemskov, "Gulag," Sotsialogicheskie issledovamya, no. 6 (1991), 14-15. 

17. Leningradsky marttrolog 1937-1938 (List of Leningrad martyrs, 1937-1938) (St. 
Petersburg: Akademiya, 1995). For statistics on executions see pp. 3-50. 

18. RTsKhlDNI, 17/120/285/24-37. 

19. Conquest, The Great Terror, pp. 918-921. 

20. Ibid., pp. 886-912. 

21. Volia, nos. 2-3 (1994), 45-46. 

22. A. Cristiani and V. Mikhaleva, eds., Le represswm degh anm trenta nelVArmata 
rossa, a collection of documents (Naples: Istituto universitario orientale, 1996). 

23. Ibid, pp. 20 ff. 

24. Conquest, The Great Terror, pp. 749-772; Vital ii Shentalinskii, The KGB's Liter- 
ary Archive (London: Harvill Press, 1995). 

25. M. J. Odinsov, Na putt k svobode sovestt (On the path to freedom of conscience) 
(Moscow: Progress, 1989), pp. 53-54. 

26. GARF, 3316/2/1615/116-149. 


Notes to Pages 203-219 

11. The Empire of the Camps 

1. J. A. Getty, G. T. Rittersporn, and V. N. Zemskov, "Les victimes de la repression 
penale dans FURSS d'avant-guerre," Revue des etudes slaves 65 (1993), 631-663; Nico- 
las Werth, "Goulag, les vrais chiffres"; Alec Nove, "Victims of Stalinism, How Many?" 
in Stalinist Terror: New Perspectives, ed. J. A. Getty and R. T. Manning (New York: 
Cambridge University Press, 1993). 

2. See V. P. Popov, "Gosudarstvenniy terror v Sovetkoi Rossii, 1923-1953" (State 
terror in Soviet Russia, 1923-1953), Otechestvennye arkhivy, no. 2 (1992), 20-31. 

3. V. N. Zemskov, "Gulag," Sotsiologicheskte issledovamya, no. 6 (1991), 1 1. 

4. Oleg Khlevnyuk, "Prinuditelniy trud v ekonomike SSSR, 1929-1941" (Forced 
labor in the US.S.R. economy), Svobodnata my si, no. 13 (1992), 78-92. 

5. Nicolas Werth and Gael Moullec, Rapports secrets sovtetiques, 1921-1991: 
La societe russe dans les documents confidentiels (Paris: Gallimard, 1994), pp. 345-379. 

6. Zemskov, "Gulag," pp. 1 1-15. 

7. Khlevnyuk, "Prinuditelniy trud," pp. 88-89. 

8. Getty, Rittersporn, and Zemskov, "Les victimes de la repression," pp. 650-657. 

9. These calculations are based principally on the works quoted above, notably 
Getty, Rittersporn, and Zemskov, "Les victimes de la repression"; Zemskov, "Gulag"; 
Werth, "Goulag, les vrais chiffres"; Popov, "Gosudarstvenniy terror"; Khlevnyuk, 
"Prinuditelniy trud," Istochmk, no. 1 (1995), 1 17-130; A. Blum, Nattre, vivre, et mourn 
en URSS 1917-1991 (Paris: Plon, 1994). 

10. Keith Sword, Deportation and Exile: Poles in the Soviet Union, 1939-1948 (Bas- 
ingstoke: Macmiilan Press in association with School of Slavonic and East European 
Studies, University of London, New York: St. Martin's Press, 1994), p. 7. 

11. V. N. Zemskov, "Massivnoe osvobozhdenie spetzposelentsev i ssylnykh" (The 
large-scale freeing of special dispaced and exiled people), Sotsiologicheskte issledovamya, 
no. 1 (1991), 5. 

12. Z. S. Siemaszko, W sowteckim osaczemu (In Soviet surroundings) (London: Pol- 
ska Fundacja Kulturalna, 1991); Wladyslaw Wielhorski, Los Polakow w Niewolt 
Sowieckiej (The fate of Poles in Soviet captivity) (London, 1956). 

13. Sword, Deportation and Exile, pp. 15-23. 

14. GARF, 9401/1/4475. 

15. Zemskov, "Gulag," p. 19. 

16. GARF, 9492/2/42/125. 

17. GARF, 9492/2/42. 

18. Werth and Moullec, Rapports secrets sovtetiques, p. 229. 

19. Isiochnik, no. 3 (1994), 107-112. 

20. Moskva voennaya: Memuary t arkhivnye dokumenty (Moscow at war: Memoirs 
and archive documents) (Moscow: Izdatel'stvo ob'edineniya Mosgorarkhiv, 1995). 

21. RTsKhlDNI, 17/88/45. 

12. The Other Side of Victory 
L N. F. Bugai, L. Bena-I. Stalinu, 'Soglasno vashemu ukazaniu" (L. Beria to 

Notes to Pages 219-231 


J. Stalin, "In accordance with your instructions") (Moscow: AIRO XX, 1995), pp. 27- 
55; idem, 40-ye gody: "Avtonomiu Nemtsev Povolzhe likvidtrovat" (The 1940s: "Liqui- 
date the Autonomous Territory of Volga Germans"), Istortya SSSR, no. 2 (1991), 
172-182; J.-J. Marie, Les peuples depones dVnion soviitique (Brussels: Complexe, 1995), 
pp. 35-56. 

2. Bugai, L. Berta-L Stalinu, pp. 56-220; V. N. Zemskov, "Gulag," Sotsiologicheskte 
issledovamya, no. 6 (1991), 8-17; M. Guboglo and A. Kuznetsov, eds., Deportatsh naro- 
dov SSSR 1930ye-1950yegody (The deportation of the peoples of the US.S.R., 1930s- 
1950s) (Moscow: Rossiya molodaya, 1992); Marie, Les peuples depones, pp. 57-128. 

3. Bugai, L. Beria-I. Stalinu, p. 153. 

4. Marie, Les peuples deportes, pp. 81-82. 

5. Ibid., p. 103. 

6. Ibid., p. 66. 

7. Ibid., pp. 64-65. 

8. Zemskov, "Gulag," p. 9. 

9. Quoted in Bugai, L. Beria-1. Stalinu, pp. 153-156. 

10. Marie, Les peuples depones, pp. 107-108. 

11. Zemskov, "Gulag," p. 9. 

12. V. N. Zemskov, "Kulatskaya ssylka nakanune i v gody Velikoi Otechestvennoi 
voiny" (The kulak deportations on the eve of and during the Great Patriotic War), 
Sotsiologicheskte issledovamya, no. 2 (1992), 3-26. 

13. GARF, 9414/1/330/56-62. 

14. Nicolas Werth and Gael Moullec, Rapports secrets sovtetiques, 1921-1991: La 
societe russe dans les documents confidentiels (Paris: Gallimard, 1994), pp. 379-391; Edwin 
Bacon, The Gulag at War: Stalin s Porced Labor System in the Light of the Archives 
(Basingstoke: Macmiilan in association with the Centre for Russian and East European 
Studies, University of Birmingham, 1994). 

15. Zemskov, "Gulag," pp. 14-15. 

16. The passage is underlined in pencil, and in the margin is written: "Why were 
they also brought to the destination?" 

17. Section 10 of Article 58, which punished all "counterrevolutionary crimes," 
referred to "propaganda or incitement calling for destruction or the weakening of the 
Soviet regime." In cases of "group propaganda," which were extremely common, 
punishments ranged from three years' imprisonment to the death sentence. 

18. Another passage underlined in pencil, with a note in the margin: "These people 
must be tried again, or sent before the OS" (the NKVD Special Board, an extrajudicial 
body whose task was to deal with "counterrevolutionary crimes"). 

19. Bacon, The Gulag at War. 

20. J. Rossi, Spravochmk po Gulag (The Gulag handbook) (Moscow: "Prosvet," 
1991); see the articles on special camps and convict prisons. 

21. GARF, 94141681-61, quoted in Istoricheskn arkhiv, no. 3 (1994), 61-86. 

22. GARF,9414l33056-62. 

23. Zemskov, "Gulag," p. 4. 

24. Sotsiologicheskte issledovamya, no. 7 (1991), 4-5. 

25. Guboglo and Kuznetsov, Deport atsit narodov, p. 162. 


Notes to Pages 233-243 

13. Apogee and Crisis in the Gulag System 

1. Elena Zubkova, Okhchestvo i reformy, 1945-1964 (Society and reforms, 1945- 
1964) (Moscow; Rossiya molodaya, 1993), pp. 16-44. 

2. V. F. Zima, "Poslevoennoe obshchestvo: Prestupnost i golod, 1946-1947" (Post- 
war society: Crime and famine, 1946-1947), Otechestvennaya istonya, no. 5 (1995), 

3. V. P. Popov, "Golod i gosudarstvennaya politika, 1946-1947" (Famine and state 
policy, 1946-1947), Otechestvennye arkhwy, no,6 (1992), 36-60; Nicolas Werth and Gael 
Moullec, Rapports secrets sovietiques, J 92 1-1 99 J; La soaete russe dans les documents 
confidentiels (Paris: Gallimard. 1994), pp. 162-165. 

4. V. P. Popov, "Gosudarstvennyi terror v Sovetskoi Rossii, 1923-1953" (State 
terror in Soviet Russia, 1923-1953), Otechestvennye arkhivy, no. 2 (1992), 27. 

5. V. N. Zemskov, "Gulag," Sotsialoguheskie issledovama, no. 6 (1991), 10-11. 

6. Popov, "Gosudarstvennyi terror,' 1 p. 27. 

7. Zemskov, "Gulag,' 1 p. 1 1 . 

8. Zima, "Poslevoennoe obshchestvo," pp. 45-58; Zubkova, Obshchestvo t reformy, 
pp. 63-69. 

9. J.-J. Marie, Les peuples deportes dVmon soviet ique (Brussels: Complexc, 1995), 
p. 124. 

10. Ibid., pp. 122-126. 

11. N. F. Bugai, L. Beria-J. Staltnu, "Soglasno vashemu ukazaniu" (L. Beria to 
J. Stalin, a In accordance with your instructions") (Moscow: AIRO XX, 1995), p. 232. 

12. VI. Tsaranov, u O likvidatsii kulachestva v Moldavii letom 1949" (On the liqui- 
dation of kulaks in Moldavia in the summer of 1949), Otechestvennaya istonya, no. 2 
(1996), 71-79; Marie, Les peuples deportes, pp. 127-128. 

13. Yaroslav Bilinsky, The Second Soviet Republic: The Ukraine after World War II 
(New Brunswick, NJ.: Rutgers University Press, 1960), pp. 132-135. 

14. O. L Milova et al., eds., Deportatsn narodov SSSR 1930ye~/9S0ye gody (The 
deportation of the peoples of the U.S.S.R., 1930s-! 950s) (Moscow; Rossiya molodaya 
1992), p. 160. 

15. GARF, 9414/ls/1391-1392. 

16. M. Craveri and N. Formozov, "La resistance au Goulag. Greves, revokes, eva- 
sions dans les camps de travail sovietiques de 1920 a 1956," Communisms nos. 42^44 
(1995), 197-209. 

17. GARF,9414/ls/513/185. 

18. GARF, 9414/ls/642/60-91; Nicolas Werth, "L'cnsemble concentrationnaire de 
Norilsk en 1951," XXe Steele, no. 47 (July-September 1994), 88-100. 

19. M. Craveri and O. Khlevnyuk, "Krizis ekonomiki MVD" (The economic crisis 
of the MVD), Cahiers du monde russe 36 (1995), 179-190. 

14. The Last Conspiracy 

1. Gennadii Kostyrchenko and Shimon Redlikh, Evreiskii Antifashistskii Komxiet v 
SSSR: Sbornik dokumentov (The Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in the U.S.S.R.: A 

Notes to Pages 243-258 


collection of documents) (Moscow: Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya, 1996); Gennadii 
Kostyrchenko, V plenu u krasnogo faraona (Inside the prisons of the Red pharaohs) 
(Moscow, 1994); Amy Knight, Beria, Stalin s First Lieutenant (Princeton: Princeton 
University Press, 1993); J.-J. Marie, Les derniers complots de Staline: L affaire de$ Blouses 
blanches (Brussels: Complexe, 1993). 

2. Kostyrchenko, V plenu u krasnogo faraona, pp. 45-47. 

3. Ibid. 

4. Izvestiya KPSS, 12 (1989), 37. 

5. Kostyrchenko and Redlikh, Evreiskti Antifashtstkii Komitet, pp. 326-384. 

6. Marie, Les derniers complots de Staline, pp. 60-61. 

7. Kostyrchenko, V plenu u krasnogo faraona, pp. 136-137. 

8. V I. Demidov and V A. Kutuzov, Lemngradskoie Delo (The Leningrad Affair) 
(Leningrad, 1990), pp. 38-90. 

9. Ibid., pp. 139-151; Marie, Les derniers complots de Staline, pp. 77-99. 

10. Marie, Les derniers complots de Staline, pp. 90-91 . 

11. Knight, Beria, pp. 239-247. 

12. Pavel Sudoplatov and Anatoly Sudoplatov, Special Tasks: The Memoirs of an 
Unwanted Witness, A Soviet Spymaster (Boston: Little, Brown, 1994) pp. 385^434; 
Kostyrchenko, V plenu u krasnogo faraona, pp. 289-314. 

13. V. P. Naumov, ed., Nepravednyi sud. Stenogramma sudebnogo protsessa nad chle- 
namx Evreiskogo Antifashistskogo Komiteta: Posledm stalinskn — rasstrel (Court of Injus- 
tice: The final Stalinist execution — stenogram of the trial of members of the Jewish 
Anti-Fascist Committee) (Moscow: u Nauka," 1994). 

14. Marie, Les derniers complots de Stalme, p. 159; Sudoplatov and Sudoplatov, Spe- 
cial Tasks, pp. 424-426. 

15. Yakov Rapoport, Souvenirs du proces des Blouses blanches (Paris: Alinea, 1989), 
pp. 140-141. 

1 5. The Exit from Stalinism 

1. Istochmk, no. 1 (1994), 106-111; Izvestiya TsK, no. 1 (1991), 139-214; no. 2 (1991), 

2. Amy Knight, Beria, Stalin's First Lieutenant (Princeton: Princeton University 
Press, 1993), p. 276. 

3. M. Craveri and N. Formozov, "La resistance au Goulag," Communisme, nos. 
42-44(1995), 197-209. 

4. V. N. Zemskov, u Massivnoe osvobozhdenie spetzposelentsev i ssylnykh" (The 
mass release of specially displaced and exiled people), Sotsialoguheskie issledovaniya, no. 
1 (1991), 5-26. 

5. J.-J. Marie, Les derniers complots de Staline: L affaire des Blouses blanches (Brus- 
sels: Complexe, 1993), pp. 120 ff. 

6. Zemskov, "Massivnoe osvobozhdenie," p. 14. 

7. Nicolas Werth and Gael Moullec, Rapports secrets sovietiques, 1921-1991 : La 
societe russe dans les documents confidentiels (Paris: Gallilmard, 1994), pp. 501-503. 

8. Liudmila Alexeeva, Soviet Dissent: Contemporary Movements for National, Reltg- 


Notes to Pages 272-286 

wus, and Human Rights (Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan University Press, 1985). This is 
the most complete synthesis of dissident movements, and the source of most of the data 
provided here. 

16. The Comintern in Action 

1. In his last article in Die Rote Fahne (The Red flag) Liebknecht gave full vent to 
his lyrical revolutionary fervor: "To the thunder of the economic collapse that is 
coming, the still sleeping army of the proletariat will awake as though in answer to the 
trumpets of the Last Judgment, and the bodies of the fallen will arise again . . ." 

2. Arthur Koestler saw in this one of the main reasons for the success of the 
Hungarian Commune, which according to him "was the direct consequence of the 
policies pursued by the West, when the great democracies turned their backs on their 
liberal allies"; La corde raide (Paris: Robert Laffont, 1994), p. 78. 

3. Ibid. 

4. Miklos Molnar, From Bela Kun to Jdnos Kdddr: Seventy Years of Hungarian 
Communism (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1990); Arpad Szepal, Les 133 jours de Bela 
Kun (Paris: Fayard, 1959). 

5. Jan Valtin, Sans pa trie m frontieres (Paris: Self, 1947). See also Eric Wollenberg, 
Der Apparat. S t alms fun fte Kolonne (Bonn: Bundesministerium fur Gesamtdeutsche 
Fragen, 1951). 

6. Quoted in Henri de Chambon, La Republique dEstonte (Paris: Editions de la 
Revue Parlementaire, 1936). 

7. Joseph Berger, Shipwreck of a Generation: The Memoirs of Joseph Berger (Lon- 
don: Harvi II Press, 1971). 

8. Viktor Serge, Memoirs of a Revolutionary, 1901-1941, trans. Peter Sedgewick 
(New York: Oxford University Press, 1967); Arkadi Vaksberg, Hotel Lux (Paris: Fayard, 

9. Margaret Buber-Neumann, La revolution mondiale (Paris: Casterman, 1971), 
chap. 17, "La soulevement de Canton." 

10. Chao-Iuy, La Commune de Canton (Moscow: Politizdat, 1929). 

1 1. On this see Valtin, Sans patne (heavily abridged by Babel in 1 996), esp. chap. 1 7. 

12. In the book the Tallinn insurrection was analyzed by General Josif Unshlikht, 
the Hamburg uprisings by Hans Kippenberger, the Canton and Shanghai uprisings by 
General Vasily Blucher and Ho Chi Minh, who also wrote about peasant uprisings. 
There were also two chapters on military theory by Marshal Tukhachevsky. 

13. Roger Faligot and Remi Kauffer, The Chinese Secret Service, trans, Christine 
Donougher (London: Headline, 1989). 

14. See Le contrat social no. 4 (July-August 1966), 253. 

15. Roger Faligot and Remi Kauffer, Histoire mondiale du renseignement, vol. 1 : 1870- 
1939 (Paris: Robert Laffont, 1993). 

16. Un crime sovietique devant la cour d assises de la Seine (5-14 decembre 1938): 
L enlevement du general Miller par le general Sklobltne. Le proces de la Plevitzkaia. Plat- 
dome de Me Maurice Ribet (Paris: Imprimerie du Palais, 1939); Marina Grey, Le general 
meurt a minuit (Paris: Plon, 1981); Marina Gorboff, La Russte fantome: L emigration 

Notes to Pages 286-301 


russe de 1920 a 1950 (Paris: L'Age d'Homme, 1995); Pavel Sudoplatov and Anatoly 
Sudoplatov, Special Tasks: The Memoirs of an Unwanted Witness, a Soviet Spymaster 
(Boston: Little, Brown, 1994). 

17. V. I. Lenin, Polnoe sobranie sochinenii (Complete collected works) (Moscow: Poli- 
tizdat, 1957), 17: 137-138. 

18. Aino Kuusinen, The Rings of Destiny: Inside Soviet Russia from Lenin to Brezh- 
nev, trans. Paul Stevenson (New York: Morrow, 1974). 

19. Leonard Schapiro, The Origin of the Communist Autocracy: Political Opposition in 
the Soviet State (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1955); and Pierre Broue, 
Le Parti bolchevique (Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1977). 

20. See Ante Ciliga, Dix ans au pays du mensonge deconcertant (Paris: Champ Libre, 
1977); Philippe Bourrinet, Ante Ciliga 1898-1992, Nazionalisme e communismo in Ju- 
goslavia (Genoa: Graphos, 1996). 

21. Ante Ciliga, The Russian Enigma (London: Routledge and Sons, 1940), pp. 167, 

22. Jose Bullejos, La Comintern en Espana (Mexico: Impresiones Modernas, 1972), 
p. 206. 

23. Quoted in Jean Malaquais, Le nomme Aragon ou le patriote professionel, supple- 
ment to Masses, February 1947. 

24. Guillaume Bourgeois, "Comment Stalin dirigeait le PC," Le nouvel ohservateur, 
5-1 1 August 1993, Vaksberg, Hotel Lux, pp. 62-64; Annie Kriegel and Stephane Cour- 
tois, Eugen Fried. Le grand secret du PCF (Paris: Seuil, 1997), chap. 13. 

25. Elizaveta Poretskaya, Les twtres, 2d ed. (Paris: Denoe], 1995). 

26. Inventory no. 1 of blacklists 1-8, n.d, 

27. Quoted in Vaksberg, Hotel Lux, p. 32. In a letter to the Russian Opposition in 
November 1927 Boris Suvarin had tried to draw attention to this phenomenon and its 
consequences, See Boris Souvarine, A contre-courant: Ecrits, 1925-1939 (Paris: Denoel, 
1984), pp. 138-147. 

28. Kriegel and Courtois, Eugen Fried, p. 293. 

29. Quoted in Vaksberg, Hotel Lux, pp. 46-47. 

30. Alia Kirilina, Ldssasstnut de Kirov: Destin dun stalimen, 1888-1934 (Paris: Seuil, 

31. Berger, Shipwreck, pp. 97-98. 

32. Cahiers Leon Trotskt, no. 53 (April 1994). 

33. Le contrat social, no. 6 (November-December 1965). 

34. Alfred Burmeister, Dissolution and Aftermath of the Comintern: Experiences and 
Observations, 1937 1947 (New York: NYU Press, 1995), pp. 4^8. 

35. Mikhail Panteleev, "La terreur stalinienne au Komintern en 1937-1938: Les 
chiffrcs et les causes," Commumsme, nos. 40-41 (1995). 

36. Francois Fejto, "Comment Staline liquida Bela Kun," France ohservateur, 9 April 
1959. Fejto bases this account on the memoirs of Arvo Tuominen, The Bells of the 
Kremlin: An Experience in Communism (Hanover, N.H.: University Press of New Eng- 
land, 1983). 

37. Panteleev, "La terreur stalinienne," p. 48. 

38. La correspondance Internationale, no. 15(12 March 1938). 


Notes to Pages 301-312 

39. In der fangen des NKWD. Deutscher Opfer des Stalinist chen Terrors in des UdSSR 
(Berlin: Dietz Verlag, 1991). 

40. Margaret Buber-Neumann, Under Two Dictators, trans. Edward Fitzgerald 
(New York; Dodd, Mead, 1950). 

41. Alexander Weissberg, The Accused, trans. Edward Fitzgerald (New York: Simon 
and Schuster, 1951). 

42. Margaret Buber-Neumann, "Deposition au proces ICravchenko contre Les lettres 
francatses 14e audience, 23 fevrier 1949. Compte rendu stenographique," La jeune 
par que, 1949. 

43. Mario Kessler, u Der Stalinische Terror gegen judische Kommunisten," in Kom- 
mumsten verfolgen Kommumsten: Staltntscher Terror und il Sduberungen"tn den kommunis- 
ttschen Parleien Europas sett des dreisstger Jahren (Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1993), 
pp. 87-102. For the full history of Birobidzhan, see Henri Sloves, Letat juif de TUniort 
sovietique (Paris: Les Presses d'Aujourd'hui, 1982). 

44. On the Reiss affair, see the memoirs of his wife, Elizaveta Poretskaya, Les notres; 
and Peter Hubr and Daniel Kunzi, "L'assassinat d'Ignaz Reiss," Communisme, nos. 

45. Jan Van Heijenoort, De Pnnktpo a Coyoacan: Sept ans aupres de L. Trotskt (Paris: 
Maurice Nadeau, 1978), p. 172. 

46. See Pierre Broue, Leon Sedov t fils de Trotskt, vtctime de Staline (Paris: Les Edi- 
tions Ouvrieres, 1993); and Sudoplatov and Sudoplatov, Special Tasks, pp. 1 15—1 16. 

47. Sudoplatov and Sudoplatov, Special Tasks, pp. 99-100. 

48. Leon Trotsky, Oeuvres completes, vol. 24 (Paris: Institut Leon-Trotski, 1987), 
pp. 79-82. 

49. Leon Trotsky, "L'attentat du 24 mai et le Parti communiste mexicain, lc {Comin- 
tern et le GPU," ibid., pp. 310-361. 

50. For the details of the operation, see Sudoplatov and Sudoplatov, Special Tasks, 
pp. 97-120. 

51. Julian Gorkin and General Sanchez Salazar, Amsi fut assasstne Trotskt (Paris: 
Self, 1948). 

52. Rene Dazy, Fusillez les chiens enrages! Le genocide collectif des trotskistes (Paris: 
Olivier Orban, 1981), p. 248. 

53. Recently Pierre Broue and Raymond Vacheron, Meurtres au maquxs (Paris: Gras- 
set, 1997), put forward the somewhat dubious idea that Demaziere's involuntary escape 
was the main reason for the execution of his companions, thus excusing the behavior of 
the French Communists who were behind the killings. 

54. Dazy, Fusillez les chiens enrages! pp. 238-244. 

55. Rodolphe Prager, "Les trotskistes de Buchenwald," Critique communiste, no. 25 
(November 1978). 

56. Dazy, Fusillez les chtens enrages! pp. 266-274. 

57. Panagiotis Noutsos, "'Sauberugen' innerhalb der griechischer KP (1931 bis 
1956)," in Kommumsten verfolgen Kommumsten, pp. 487-494. 

58. Ho Chi Minh, letter of 10 May 1939, Cahters Leon Trotskt, no. 46 (July 1991). 

59. Action, 19-25 June 1950. 

60. Kuusinen, Rings of Destiny, pp. 94-97. 

Notes to Pages 312-326 


61. Tuominen, The Bells of the Kremlin, quoted in B. Lazich, "Le martyrologe du 
Komintern," Le contrat social, no. 6 (November-December 1965). 

62. Armand Maloumian, Les fils du Goulag (Paris: Presses de la Cite, 1976). 

63. Vasily Grossman, Life and Fate (London: Collins Harvill, 1985), p. 301. 

64. Romolo Caccavale, Communisti italiani in Untone sovietica: Proscntti da Mussolini 
soppressi da Stalin (Rome: Mursia, 1995). 

65. Charles Jacquier, "L'affaire Francesco Ghezzi: La vie et la mort d'un anarcho- 
syndicaliste italien en URSS," La nouvelle alternative, no. 34 (June 1994). See also 
Emilio Guaraschelli, Une petite pierre. Lexil, la deportation et la mort dun ouvrter com- 
muniste italien in URSS 1933-1939 (Maspero, 1979); Etienne Manach, Emilio: Reat a 
voix basse (Paris: Plon, 1990). 

66. Hans Schafranek, Zwtschen NKVD und Gestapo: Die Auslieferung deutscher und 
osterreichischer Anttfaschisten aus der Sowjetunion an N azideutschland 1 937- 1 94 1 (Frank- 
furt am Main: ISP Verlag, 1990). 

67. Les syndicats de TUnion sovietique (Paris: Editions du Secours Ouvrier Interna- 
tional, 1935). 

68. Schafranek, Z wise hen NKVD und Gestapo. 

69. Karlo Stajner, 7,000 jours en Sibene (Paris: Gallimard, 1983). 

70. Wolfgang Leonhard, Child of the Revolution, trans. C. M. Woodhouse (Chicago: 
H. Regnery, 1958). 

71 . Bozidar Maslaric, Moskva-Madrid-Moskva (Zagreb: Tidens, 1952). 

72. Gustaw Herling, Un monde apart (Paris: Denoel, 1985). 

73. Sylvestre Mora and Pierre Zwierniak, La justice sovietique (Rome: Magi- 
Spinetti, 1945), pp. 161-162. 

74. Israel Joshua Singer, Camrade Nachman (Paris: Stock, 1985). 

75. Jules Margoline, La condition mhumame: Cinq ans dans les camps de concentration 
soviettques (Paris: Calmann-Levy, 1949), pp. 42—43. 

76. Ibid., pp. 149-150. 

77. Lukasz Hirszowicz, "NKVD Documents Shed New Light on Fate of Erlich and 
Alter," East European Jewish Affairs, no. 2 (Winter 1992). 

78. Jacques Vat, Jewish Daily Forward, 30 June and 7 July 1946. 

79. Quoted in Georges Coudry, Les camps soviettques en France: Les 'Russes" livres d 
Staline en 1945 (Paris; Albin Michel, 1997). 

80. "Nous reclamons le droit d'asile pour les emigres sovietiques," Masses, nos. 9-10 
(June-July 1947). 

81. Nicholas Bethcll, The Last Secret: The Delivery to Stalin of Over Two Million 
Russians by Britain and the United States (New York: Basic Books, 1974); Nikolai 
Tolstoy, Victims of Yalta (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1977). 

82. Pierre Rigoulet, La tragedie de Malgre-nous: Tambov le camp des Francais (Paris: 
Denoel, 1990). 

83. Vladimir Dedijer, Tito (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1953). 

84. Milovan Djilas, Wartime, trans. Michael Petrovich (New York: Harcourt Brace 
Jovanovich, 1977), p. 168. 

85. Paul Garde, Vie et mort de la Yougoslavie (Paris: Fayard, 1992). 

86. Djilas, Wartime, pp. 452-453. 


Notes to Pages 326-336 

87. Dobrica Cosic's huge novel, Le temps du mal, 2 vols. (Paris: L'Age d'Homme, 
1990), gives a good idea of the extraordinary complexity of the situation in Yugoslavia. 

88. Christophe Chiclet, Les Communistes grecs dans la guerre. Histoire du Parti commu- 
ntste de Grece de 1941 a 1949 (Paris: L'Harmattan, 1987). 

89. The ELAS falsely accused the EDES of having signed an agreement with the 

90. Quoted in Evangelos Averoff Tossizza, By Fire and Axe: The Communist Party 
and the Civil Warm Greece, 1944-1949, trans. Sarah Arnold Rigos (New Rochelle, N.Y.: 
Caratzas Brothers, 1978). The author seems to have known the leader well, from his 
student days to his time as a lawyer in Athens. 

91. In April the Democratic Army numbered 16,000 freedom fighters. 

92. Irene Lagani, "Les Communistes des Balkans et la guerre civile grecque," Com- 
munisme, no. 9 (1986). 

93. Nikos Marantzidis, "La deuxieme mort de Nikos Zachariadis: L'itineraire d'un 
chef communiste," Communtsme, nos. 29-31, (1992). 

94. UN Special Commission on the Balkans, The Greek Question at the UN General 
Assembly (New York: United Nations, 1950). 

95. Philippe Buton, "L'entretien entre Maurice Thorez et Joseph Staline du 19 
novembre 1994: Methodologie et historiographie de la strategic communiste a la 
Liberation," Commumsme, nos. 45-46 (1996). 

96. Torgrim Titlestad, / Staltns skygge: Om korleis em politisk leiar byggjer og 
taper makt—Peder Furubotn, NKP og SVKP, 1945-1948 (Bergen: Fagbokforlaget, 

97. Federigo Argentieri, "Quando il PCI comdamno a morte Nagy," Micromega, no. 

17. The Shadow of the NKVD in Spain 

L These statistics, from the General Directorate of the Security Services, were 
given to the Spanish parliament by Miguel Maura, the former minister of internal 
affairs, in the autumn of 1934; see Joaquin Maurin, Revolution et contre-revolutwn en 
Espagne (Paris: Editions Rieder, 1937). For the relative strengths of the parties, see 
Gerald Brenan, Le labyrinthe espagnoi Ongines soaales et polittques de la guerre civile 
(Paris: Champ Libre, 1984). 

2. Leon Blum signed this pact much against his will, under pressure from Britain 
and from French radicals who feared war with Germany. Blum almost resigned over the 
affair but was dissuaded from doing so by the Spanish ambassador. 

3. M. Ercoli (Palmiro Togliatti), The Spanish Revolution (New York: Workers 1 
Library, 1936). 

4. Dolores Ibarruri, Speeches and Articles, 1936-1938 (London: Lawrence & 
Wishart, 1938). 

5. Jef Last, Lettres dEspagne (Paris: Gallimard, 1939). 

6. Julian Gorkin, Espaita, primer ensayo de democracia popular (Buenos Aires, 

7. Antonio Elorza, "Le Front populaire espagnoi a travers les archives du Komin- 

Notes to Pages 337-346 


tern," in line histoire en revolution? Du ton usage des archives, de Moscou et dailleurs 
(Dijon: Editions Universitaires de Dijon, 1996), pp. 253-278. 

8. His son, a historian, declared on Catalan television that "most of the people 
who were posted to Spain — soldiers, generals, advisers, pilots, and others — were 
NKVD agents." See the 1992 film by Llibert Ferri and Dolores Genoves, Operation 

9. "Spain was a sort of children's playground, where we perfected many of our 
later espionage techniques"; Pavel Sudoplatov and Anatoly Sudoplatov, Special Tasks: 
The Memoirs of an Unwanted Witness, a Soviet Spymaster (Boston: Little, Brown, 1994), p. 59. 

10. Patrik von zur Miihlen, Spanien war ihre Hojfnung. Die deutsche Lmke im spanies- 
chen Biirgerkneg, 1936 bis 1939 (Bonn: Verlag Neue Gesellschaft, 1983). 

11. Julian Gorkin, Les Communistes contre la revolution espagnole (Paris: Belfond, 
1978), pp. 18-19,81-82. 

12. Elorza, "Le Front populaire," p. 265. 

13. See especially L'humamte, 24 January 1937. 

14. Elorza, "Le Front populaire," p. 266. 

15. Gorkin, Les Communistes, p. 96. 

16. See also the film by Llibert Ferri and Dolores Genoves, Operation Nikolai. 

17. Quoted in Gorkin, Les Communistes, p. 181. 

18. Los antros del terror stalimsta, a clandestine brochure put out by the POUM, 
quoted in Gorkin, Les Communistes. 

19. Gorkin, Les Communistes, p. 205. 

20. Katia Landau, Le Stalimsme bourreau de la revolution espagnole (Paris: Spartacus, 
1938), p. 8. 

21. Burnett Bolloten, The Spanish Revolution: The Left and the Struggle for Power 
during the Civil War (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1979), p. 506. 

22. Cezar M. Lorenzo, Les anarchistes espagnols et le pouvoir, 1869-1969 (Paris: Seuil, 
1969). Lorenzo indicates that the freedom fighters were also assassinated by the hun- 
dreds at the front. 

23. Pierre Broue, Le Parti bolchevique (Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1977), p. 178. 

24. Landau, Le Stalinisme. When confronted by militants whose sincerity he could 
not contest, von Ranke was suddenly filled with doubts, broke with the Servicio Alfredo 
Hertz, and fled to France, where he lived in secret to escape his previous colleagues. He 
fought in the resistance during World War II. 

25. Indalecio Prieto, Comment et pourquoije suis sortt du mimstere de la defense (Paris: 
Imprimerie Nouvelle [Association Ouvriere], 1939). Ramon Rufat, in Espwns de la 
Repuhlique (Paris: Allia, 1990), summarizes the role of the SIM: "Contrary to the initial 
intention, its mission had nothing to do with work within the rebel zone. Its real 
purpose was surveillance and counterespionage in the Republican zone, behind the lines." 

26. Gorkin, Les Communistes, p. 170. 

27. Peter Huber, "Die Ermordung des Ignaz Reiss in der Schweiz (1937) und die 
Verhastung dissidenter Schweizer Spanienkampfer durch den Geheimapparat der 
Komintern," in Kommunisten verfolgen Kommunisten: Stalimscher Terror und "Sauberun- 
gen"m den Kommunistischen Parteien Europas sett des dreissiger Jahren (Berlin: Akademie 
Verlag, 1993), pp. 68-86. 


Notes to Pages 346-357 

28. Letter from Karl Brauning, quoted in von zur Muhlen, Spanien war ihre 

29. Quoted in "La Terreur communiste en Espagne," La revolution proletanenne, no. 
263 (25 January 1938). 

30. On 8 February 1938 in Uhumanite, Marcel Cachin reported on the opening of 
the trial of Bukharin and his colleagues: "And if the crime is proved, and admitted, let 
no one be surprised by the severity of the judges . . . The idea instead should be to 
imitate the vigilance of Soviet judges against saboteurs and traitors to the fatherland. 
No doubt our Spanish friends understand the implications here." 

31. In February 1938 Jef Last wrote: "The place where the Communist Party was 
strongest of all was in the International Brigades, where almost all officers and political 
commissars were Communists"; Lettres dEspagne, p. 39. Recent studies by other histo- 
rians have confirmed this view. 

32. Huber, "Die Ermordung des Ignaz Reiss." 

33. El Campesino, Jusqu a la mort: Memotres (Paris: Albin Michel, 1978). 

34. Gustav Regler, Le glaive et le fourreau (Paris: Plon, 1960). 

35. RTsKhlDNI, 545/6/1034, quoted in R. Skoutelsky, "Andre Marty et les Bri- 
gades Internationales," Cahiers d'histotre, 2d trimester, 1997. 

36. Ute Bonnen and Gerald Endres, Internationale Brigaden: Fretwilltge im spanis- 
chen Burgerkrieg, SDR/ Arte, Vienna, 1996). 

37. Gorkin, Les Communistes, p. 82. 

38. La revolution proletarienne, 25 October 1937. 

39. Rolf Reventlow, Spanien in dtesem Jarhundert (Vienna: Europa-Verlag, 1969). 

40. Broue, Le Parti bolchevique, pp. 180, 185; and Gorkin, Les Communistes, p. 175. 

41. General "El Campesino," La vie et la mort en URSS (1939-1949) (Paris: Les 
Uesd'Or, 1950). 

42. David W. Pike notes that some 6,000 Spaniards came to Russia, including 2,000 
children and 102 teachers; "Les republicans espagnols incarceres en URSS dans les 
annees quarante," Mate'riaux pour Inistoire de notre temps, nos. 4—5 (1985). 

43. According to El Campesino, Lister, while drunk, raped five young girls. 

44. Jesus Hernandez, La grande trahtson (Paris: Fasquelle, 1953). 

45. Gorkin, Les Communistes, p. 192; Rene Dazy, Fusillez ces chiens enrages! (Paris: 
O. Orban, 1981), pp. 247-249. 1944, Les Dossiers noirs dune certame resistance . . . Tra- 
jectoire du fascisms rouge (Perpignan: Edition du CES, 1984), describes the Communists' 
liquidation of the National Spanish Union of Anti-Fascists, which had taken refuge in 

18. Communism and Terrorism 

1. Pierre Marion, Mission impossible (Paris: Calmann-Levy, 1991). 

2. This text, extracts of which have been made public by Paul Quinn-Judge of the 
Boston Globe, was published in its entirety in French in Les nouvelles de Moscou, no. 25 
(23 June 1992). 

3. Pierre Pean, Lextremiste (Paris: Fayard, 1996). 

Notes to Pages 359-395 


4. John Barron, KGB: The Secret Work of Soviet Secret Agents (New York: Reader's 
Digest Press, 1974), with a foreword by Robert Conquest. 

19. Poland, the "Enemy Nation" 


1. Quoted by N. Petrov, "^Operation polonaise du NKVD, 1 ' Karta, no. 11 (1993), 

2. Stanislaw Swianiewicz, W ciemu Katynia (In the Shadow of Katyh) (Paris: In- 
stytut Literaki, 1976), pp. 110-111. 

3. See K. Popinski, A. Kokurin, and A. Gurjanov, Routes de la mort. L evacuation 
des prisons soviet iques des "confins" de I Est de la He Republtque en jutn et juillet 1 94 1 
(Warsaw, 1995), pp. 96 ff. 

4. Quoted in Marian Papihski, Tryptyk Kazachstanski: Wspomtenta y Zeslama (The 
Kazakhstan tryptych: Memoirs in exile) (Warsaw: Wydaw. Adam Marszalek, 1992). 

5. Volksdeutsche were Polish citizens who declared themselves to be of German 
origin and consequently members of the German nation. 

6. This term was used to refer to Poles in the territories annexed by the Third 
Reich who were forced to register as being "close to German culture" and who served 
in the Wehrmacht. 

7. Central MSW Archives, Warsaw, sygn. 17/IX/36, vol. 2. 

8. Kazimierz Moczarski, Conversations with an Executioner (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: 
Prentice-Hall, 1981). 

9. Cahiers histonques, no. 53 (1980). 

10. Several theories have been put forward to explain this, including the ideas that 
Boleslaw Bierut, Gomulka's successor, adroitly opposed the directives from Moscow, or 
that Stalin himself opposed the proposals he received from Warsaw. There is as yet no 
proof to back up either of these theories. 

11. From Danuta Suchorowska, Wielka edukacja: Wspomiema wieznow polity cznych 
PRL, 1945-1956 (A great education: Memoirs of political prisoners in the People's 
Republic of Poland, 1945-1956) (Warsaw: Agencja Omnipress, 1990). 

12. Before the war, Wlodzimierz Lechowicz had been a civilian employee of the 
military counterespionage organization and a GRU collaborator. During the German 
occupation he worked inside the Polish government-in-exile in London while still 
belonging to the Communist Party counterespionage network. His boss was Marian 

13. Central MSW Archives, sygn. 17/IX/268, vol. 7. 

14. The KGB had had offices in Poland since 1956. After 1986 the Stasi also estab- 
lished offices in Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary, but it had fewer agents there 
than in Poland. 

20. Central and Southeastern Europe 
1. See Tamas Stark, "Hungarian Prisoners in the Soviet Union (1941-1955)," 


Notes to Pages 396-428 

J 945: Consequences and Sequels of the Second World War (bulletin of the Comite Interna- 
tional d'Histoire de la Deuxieme Guerre Mondiale, Paris), nos. 27-28 (1995), 203-213. 

2. See Fredy Foscolo, "Epurations; passe et present," La nouvelle alternative, spe- 
cial issue, u Poids et enjeux des epurations," no. 21 (1991), 8-9. 

3. Quoted in Tzvetan Todorov, Au nom du peuple (Paris: L'Aube, 1992), pp. 52-53. 

4. Cristina Boico, "Les hommes qui ont porte Ceau§escu au pouvoir," Sources — 
Travaux histonques, no. 20 (1990). 

5. Quoted in Francois Fejto, History of the People's Democracies: Eastern Europe 
since Stalin, trans. Daniel Weissbort (London: Pall Mall Press, 1971), p. 99. 

6. Miklos Molnar, From Bela Kun to Jdnos Kdddr: Seventy Years of Hungarian 
Communism (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1990), p. 164. 

7. Paul Wergent and Jean Bernard -Derosne, LAffaire Petkov (Paris: Self, 1948), 
pp. 188-192. 

8. Klement Gottwald, Vybrane spisy (Selected works), vol. 1 (Prague: SNPL, 1954), 
p. 139. 

9. Claude Roy, Nous (Paris: Gallimard, 1980), pp. 389-390. 

10. Lubomir Sochor, "Peut-on parler de la 'societe civile 1 dans les pays du bloc 
sovietique?" Communisme, no. 8 (1985), 84. 

1 1 . "Ich habe den Tod verdient: Schauprocesse und politische Verfolgung in Mittel- 
und Osteuropa, 1945-1956," in Archiv 1991. Jahrbuch des Vereins fur Geschichte der 
ArbeUerbewegung, ed. Wolfgang Maderthaner, Hans Schafranek, and Berthold Unfried 
(Berlin: Akademie, 1991). 

12. These represented 65 percent of all primary schools, 50 percent of secondary 
schools for boys, and 78 percent of secondary schools for girls. 

13. Frantisek Miklosko, Nebudete ich mod rozvratit (You will never have the power to 
destroy them) (Bratislava: Archa, 1991), pp. 272-273. 

14. Catherine Durandin, Histotre des Roumains (Paris: Fayard, 1995), pp. 72-73. 

15. Bulgarian Commission for Aid to Anti-Fascists, Les Bulgares parlent au monde 
(Paris:BCAA, 1949). 

16. Quoted in Jacques Rupnik, The Other Europe (New York: Pantheon, 1989), p. 139. 

17. For a detailed analysis of these laws and of the regime that operated in these 
camps, see Paul Barton and Albert Weil, Salariat et contrainte en Tchecoslovaquie (Paris: 
Librairie Marcel Riviere, 1956). 

18. Virgil Ierunca, Pitestu laboratotre concentratwnnaire (1949-1952) (Paris: Micha- 
lon, 1996), p. 59 

19. Ibid., p. 152. 

20. Ibid., pp. 59-61. 

2 1 . Todorov, Au nom du peuple, p. 38. 

22. At the request of the Hungarians, backed up by Soviet advisers, Noel Field was 
arrested in Prague. He was never tried and was set free in October 1954 with his wife, 
Herta (who was arrested in Czechoslovakia and set free on 28 August 1949 in Buda- 
pest), and his brother Hermann (who was arrested in August 1949 by a collaborative 
effort of the Czechoslovak and Polish security services). 

23. AUV KSC, Barnabitky Commission, letter to T. Balaz, in Karel Kaplan, Zprdva 

Notes to Pages 423-459 


o zavrazdeni generalniho tajemnika (Report on the assassination of the General Secre- 
tary) (Prague: Mlada Fronta, 1992), p. 68. 

24. Jindfich Madry, "La periode de l'armement et rearmement," Soudobe dejtny 
(Contemporary history), nos. 4-5 (1994). 

25. Kaplan, Zprdva o zavrazdeni 

26. Molnar, From Bela Kun to Jdnos Kdddr, p. 187. 

27. Kaplan, Zprdva o zavrazdeni. 

28. See Mikhail Agurski, "La bataille au sein de la Securite d'etat," Le monde, 2-3 
October 1983. 

29. Kaplan, Zprdva o zavrazdeni, p. 141. 

30. On the activity of the Cominform and the formation of the Soviet bloc, see the 
work of Leonid J. Gibianskii, e.g., "Problemy mezhdunarodno-politicheskogo struk- 
turirovaniya Vostochnoi Europy v period formirovaniya sovetskogo bloka 1940-e gody," 
Kholodnaya voina: Novye podkhody, novye dokumenty (The Cold War: New approaches, 
new documents), ed. I. V Gaidak et al. (Moscow: Otvet, 1995), pp. 99-126. For a 
revised version in English, see "The Soviet-Yugoslav Split and the Cominform," in The 
Establishment of Communist regimes m Eastern Europe, 1944-/949, ed. Norman M. 
Naimark and Leonid Gibianskii (Boulder: Westview Press, 1997), pp. 231-312. Gibian- 
skii draws on Russian, Polish, Czech, and Yugoslav archives. 

31. Dieter Staritz, Geschichte der DDR (Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkampf, 1996). 

32. Details here come from the study published by researchers at the Institute for 
the History of the Hungarian Revolution in 1956 in Budapest, Csaba Bekes, Janos M. 
Rainer, and Pal Germuska, in Soudobe dtjiny, no. 4 (1997). 

33. Comminisme, nos. 26-27 (1990). 

34. For the events surrounding the first anniversary of the occupation of Czechoslo- 
vakia, see a collection of documents edited by Oldrich Tuma, Srpen b8 (August 1968) 
(Prague: USD-Maxdorf, 1996). 

35. Raina Foscolo and Alfredo Foscolo, "Prisonniers a Sofia," La nouvelle alternative 
no. 47 (September 1997). 

36. La nouvelle alternative, no. 7 (September 1987). 

37. Gyorgy Dalos, "Liberte sans paroles," Le munde-HbeK no. 6 (December 1990). 

38. Maria Ferretti, La memoria muttlata: La Russia ricorda (Mutilated memory: 
Russia remembers) (Milan: Corbaccio, 1993). 

39. La nouvelle alternative, no. 46 (June 1997). The Czech legal system, like many 
others, distinguishes between crimes with statutory limitation — those that must be 
prosecuted within a certain period after the offense is committed— and those without 
stautory limitation. 

40. Dzienmk ustaw Rzeczypospolttej polskiej (Law Digest of the Polish Republic), no. 
45 (Warsaw, 29 May 1991). 

Introduction to Part IV 

1. American editors note: This is an inaccurate description of the archival situation 
in Moscow. At least three archives in Moscow that have been open since 1992 — the 


Notes to Pages 463-467 

Russian Center for the Storage and Study of Documents from Recent History 
(RTsKhlDNI), the Center for Storage of Contemporary Documentation (TsKhSD), 
and the Foreign Ministry archive — contain large holdings about Soviet relations with 
the East Asian countries after World War II. Although access to documents in these 
archives (especially TsKhSD) is often problematic, a good deal of valuable material is 
available. It is true that several key archives in Moscow, such as the Presidential Archive 
and the foreign intelligence archive, have never been opened, but their inaccessibility 
should not cause researchers to overlook declassified items that are available in some of 
the open (or partly open) repositories. 

21. China 

1 . Mao Zedong, "Report to the Second Plenary Session of the Central Committee 
of the Seventh Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, 5 March 1949," in Selected 
Works, vol. 4 (Beijing: Foreign Language Editions, 1962). A fragment is reprinted in 
the Little Red Book, in the chapter "Class and Class Struggle," During the Cultural 
Revolution, this quotation was often read out to prisoners before interrogation began. 

2. In these pages, Chinese characters are transcribed in accordance with the pinyin 
style imposed by China, which is now almost universally accepted. Thus, Mao Tse- 
tung is written as Mao Zedong. The only exceptions are names from before 1949. 

3. See Roger Faligot and Remi Kauffer, The Chinese Secret Service (1927-1987), 
trans. Christine Donougher (London: Headline, 1989). 

4. Kim II Sung, Works, vol. 30, p. 498, quoted in Oh Il-whan, "La propagande et le 
controle de pensee: Les facteurs de resistance du systeme communiste nord-coreen" 
(thesis, University of Paris X, 1994), p. 209. 

5. Hoang Van Hoan, Une goutte deau dans le grand ocean — Souvenirs revolution- 
naires (Paris: Dentu, 1989). 

6. The daily Nhan Dan, 7 May 1964, quoted in "Revolutionnaires d'Indochine," 
Cahiers Leon Trotskt, no. 40 (December 1989), 119-120. 

7. Ibid., p. 119. 

8. Georges Boudarel, "L'ideocratie importee au Vietnam avec le Maoisme," in La 
bureaucratie au Vtetnam—Vietnam-Asie-Debat no.l (Paris: L'Harmattan, 1983), pp. 31- 

9. Li Zhisui, The Private Life of Chairman Mao: The Memoirs of Mao's Personal 
Physician (New York: Random House, 1994). 

10. This idea and the discussion that follows owe much to Richard Shek, "Sectarian 
Eschatology and Violence," in Violence in China: Essays in Culture and Counterculture, 
ed. Jonathan N. Lipman and Stevan Harrell (New York: State University of New York 
Press, 1990), pp. 87-109. 

11. Ibid, p. 101. 

12. Ibid,pp. 105, 106. 

13. Quoted in Sun Tzu, The Art of War, trans. Thomas Cleary (Boston: Shambhala, 
1988), p. 38. 

14. Ibid, pp. 103, 108, 105. 

Notes to Pages 468-474 


15. Danielle Elisseeff and Vadime Elisseeff, La civilisation de la Chine classique 
(Paris: Arthaud, 1981), p. 296. 

16. John K. Fairbank, The Great Chinese Revolution, 1800-1985 (London: Chatto 
and Windus, 1987). 

17. Jen Yu-wen, The Taiping Revolutionary Movement (New Haven: Yale University 
Press, 1973). 

18. Marie-Claire Bergere, Lucien Bianco, and Jiirgen Domes, eds. La Chine au XXe 
Steele, 2 vols. (Paris: Fayard, 1989, 1990), 1: 125. 

19. Roderick MacFarquhar and John K. Fairbank, eds. The Cambridge History of 
China, vol. 14: The People's Republic, Part I (1949-1965) (Cambridge: Cambridge 
University Press, 1987), p. 371. 

20. John K. Fairbank and Albert Feuerwerker, eds. The Cambridge History of China, 
vol. 13: Republican China, 1912-1949, part 2 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 
1986), pp. 605-606. 

21. Ibid, p. 292. 

22. Ibid, pp. 291 and 293. 

23. Ibid, pp. 294-297 and 312-314. 

24. Legal treatise Souet-chou, quoted in Elisseeff and Elisseeff, Chine classique, 
p. 264. 

25. Fairbank and Feuerwerker, Republican China, pp. 307-322. 

26. Roland Lew, 1949: Mao prend le pouvoir (Brussels: Complexe, 1980). 

27. Jean-Luc Domenach, Chine: Larchipel ouhlie (Pans: Fayard, 1992), p. 47. 

28. Gregor Benton, "Under Arms and Umbrellas: Perspectives on Chinese Com- 
munism in Defeat," in New Perspectives on the Chinese Communist Revolution, ed. Tony 
Saich and Hans Van de Ven (Armonk: M. E. Sharpe, 1995), pp. 131-133. 

29. Chen Yung-fa, "The Blooming Poppy under the Red Sun: The Yan'an Way and 
the Opium Trade," ibid, pp. 263-298. 

30. Quoted in Yves Chevrier, Mao et la revolution chinotse (Florence: Casterman/ 
Giuntim, 1993), p. 65. 

3 1 . Francois Godemont, "La tourmente du vent communiste ( 1 955-1 965)," in Ber- 
gere, Bianco, and Domes, La Chtne au XXe Steele, 2; 58. 

32. This vague term is used to designate whoever in the Party was exercising power. 
It corresponds in part to official practice, as decision-making practices were often quite 
fluid, and certain members could easily find themselves in a marginal position. The 
converse was also true; thus it was possible for someone who had technically retired, 
such as Deng Xiaoping, to remain the de facto leader for more than a decade. 

33. Benton, "Under Arms and Umbrellas"; and Lucien Bianco, "Peasant Responses 
to CCP Mobilization Policies, 1937-1945," in Saich and Van de Ven, New Perspectives, 
pp. 175-187. 

34. Stephen C. Averill, "The Origins of the Futian Incident," ibid, pp. 218-219. 

35. David Apter, "Discourse as Power: Yan'an and the Chinese Revolution," ibid, 
pp. 218-219. 

36. Vladimirov (Comintern representative in Yan'an), in Boudarel, "L'ideocratie 
importee," pp. 55-56. 


Notes to Pages 475-482 

37. Idem in ibid., p. 56. 

38. Frederick C. Teiwes and Warren Sun, "From a Leninist to a Charismatic Party: 
The CCP's Changing Leadership, 1937-1945/' in Saich and Van de Ven, New Perspec- 
tives , p. 372. 

39. Ibid., p. 373. 

40. Ibid., pp. 370-375; Apter, "Discourse as Power"; Faligot and Kauffer, Chinese 
Secret Service, pp. 153-170. 

41. During three months in 1940 in a small part of Hebei, more than 3,600 were 
killed; Domenach, Chtne, p. 48. 

42. Ye Fei, interview in 1983, in Benton, "Under Arms and Umbrellas," p. 138. 

43. Domenach, Chine, pp. 44-52, 

44. Ibid., pp. 52-55. 

45. Despite many indications to the contrary in his work, this was, for example, the 
thesis of Jack Belden in one of the earliest reports on the Chinese Revolution, China 
Shakes the World (949; reprint, Harmondsworth: Pelican, 1973). 

46. William Hinton, Fanshen: A Documentary of Revolution in a Chinese Village (1967; 
reprint, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997). 

47. Alan Roux, La Chtne populaire, 2 vols. (Paris: Editions Sociales, 1983, 1984), 

48. Bianco, "Peasant Responses." 

49. Hinton, Fanshen, pp. 581-583. 

50. Lynn T. White III, Policies of Chaos: The Organizational Causes of Violence in 
China s Cultural Revolution (Princeton; Princeton University Press, 1989), p. 82. 

51. A. Doak Barnett and Ezra Vogel, Cadres, Bureaucracy, and Political Power in 
Communist China (New York: Columbia University Press, 1967), p. 228; Domenach, 
Chine, p. 71; Claude Aubert, "Economie et societe rurales, 1 ' in Bergere, Bianco, and 
Domes, La Chine au XXe Steele, 2: 1 50. 

52. Domenach, Chine, pp. 70-72. 

53. Hinton, Fanshen, p. 285. Hinton, though on the whole very favorably disposed 
toward Chinese Communism, is a remarkable witness and a farmer himself (in the 
United States). 

54. He Liyi with Claire Anne Chik, Mr. China's Son — A Villagers Life (Boulder: 
Westview Press, 1993), pp. 52-54. 

55. Richard Masden, "The Politics of Revenge in Rural China during the Cultural 
Revolution," in Lipman and Harrell, Violence in China, p. 186. 

56. Werner Meissner, "La voie orthodoxe (1949-1955)," in Bergere, Bianco, and 
Domes, La Chine au XXe siecle, 2: 19. 

57. In "Comments on the Repression and Liquidation of Counterrevolutionary 
Elements," quoted in MacFarquhar and Fairbank, Cambridge History of China, 14: 89. 

58. Roux, La Chine populaire, p. 164. 

59. Domenach, Chine, pp. 67 and 80. 

60. Meissner, "La voie orthodoxe," p. 25. 

61 . White, Policies of Chaos, pp. 93-101. 

Notes to Pages 482-490 


62. Roux, La Chine populaire, p. 170. 

63. Domenach, Chine, pp. 77-79. 

64. "Quinze ans de persecution contre les catholiques en Chine communiste" Est et 
ouest, 16-30 September 1966, pp. 4-9; Domenach, Chine, p. 504. 

65. Domenach, Chine, pp. 80-81. 

66. Quoted in MacFarquhar and Fairbank, Cambridge History of China, 14: 88. 

67. White, Policies of Chaos, pp. 104-124. 

68. Jacques Andrieu, "Le mouvement des idees" in Bergere, Bianco, and Domes, La 
Chtne au XXe siecle, 2: 268-269. 

69. Domenach, Chtne, p. 118. 

70. Some rectification movements even occurred inside prisons. See Jean Pasqualini 
with Rudolf Chelminski, Prisoner of Mao (London: Andre Deutsch, 1973). 

71. Domenach, Chine, pp. 121-126. 

72. Jean-Luc Domenach, The Origins of the Great Leap Forward: The Case of One 
Chinese Province (Boulder: Westview Press, 1995), p. 154. 

73. Ten years later these children would become Red Guards. The verb "to fight" in 
Chinese, when employed transitively as here, meant to denounce collectively, to extract 
an act of contrition, or, lacking one, to call for condemnation. It was a very special kind 
of "fight," since it was impossible for victims to defend themselves even in words. In 
principle it was known in advance whether there would simply be shouting or whether 
there would also be blows, and, if the latter, whether the blows might eventually lead to 
death. Death was quite common during the agrarian reforms and the Cultural Revolu- 
tion, but quite rare between them. 

74. He, Mr. China s Son, pp. 3-8. 

75. The figure 5 percent seemed to have an almost mystical value, so often was it 
mentioned during the campaigns. But it meant the bare minimum. It also recurred 
frequently in the speeches of Pol Pot. 

76. MacFarquhar and Fairbank, Cambridge History of China, 14: 257. 

77. Hinton, Fanshen, p. 484. 

78. Justin Yifu Lin, "Collectivization and China's Agricultural Crisis in 1959- 
%," Journal of Political Economy 98 (1990), 1 228-50. 

79. Domenach, Chine, p. 152. 

80. William Hinton, Shenfan (New York: Random House, 1983). 

81. Domenach, Origins of Great Leap Forward, p. 152. 

82. Mao, a secret speech, in The Secret Speeches of Chairman Mao, ed. Roderick 
MacFarquhar, Timothy Cheek, and Eugene Wu (Cambridge, Mass.: Council on East 
Asian Studies, Harvard University, 1989), 

83. MacFarquhar and Fairbank, Cambridge History of China, 14: 380. 

84. Ibid., p. 369. 

85. Domenach, Origins of Great Leap Forward, p. 160. 

86. Much of this information is taken from Jasper Becker, Hungry Ghosts: Chinas 
Secret Famine (London: John Murray, 1996). This is the only book we know of that 
gives a good overall picture of the famine that followed the Great Leap Forward. 


Notes to Pages 490-500 

87. Ibid., p. 133. 

88. Roux, La Chine populaire, pp. 295-296. 

89. Becker, Hungry Ghosts, p, 283. 

90. MacFarquhar and Fairbank, Cambridge History of China, 14: 370 and 383. 

91. Ibid., pp. 376-377. 

92. Becker, Hungry Ghosts, p. 113. 

93. Ibid., p. 146. 

94. Ibid., p. 139. 

95. Domenach, Origins of Great Leap Forward, p. 157. 

96. Becker, Hungry Ghosts, pp. 112-149. 

97. Wei Jingsheng, u Mon evolution intellectuelle entre seize et vingt-neuf ans," in 
La Cinquieme Modernisation et autres ecrits du "Printemps de Peking trans, and ed. 
Huang San and Angel Pino (Paris: Christian Bourgois-Bibliotheque Asiarique, 1997), 
pp. 244-246. 

98. A celebrated formula used to describe Mao Zedong by Lin Biao in a speech on 
18 September 1966. 

99. Roux, La Chine populaire, pp. 296-297. 

100. Ibid., pp. 213-216. 

101. Pasqualini, Prisoner of Mao, pp. 248, 238-239. 

102. Lin, "Collectivization"; Becker, Hungry Ghosts, pp. 270-273. 

103. MacFarquhar and Fairbank, Cambridge History of China, 14: 370-372. 

104. Ibid., pp. 372-386, for these and most other figures regarding the Great Leap 
Forward . 

105. Ibid., p. 381. 

106. Becker, Hungry Ghosts, pp. 235-254. 

107. Domenach, Chine, p. 154. 

108. Lin, "Collectivization"; Aubert, "Economic et societe rurales,' 1 pp. 166-168. 

109. Hua Linshan, Les annees rouges (Paris: Seuil, 1987), p. 202. 

1 10. Becker, Hungry Ghosts, p. 243. 

111. Harry Wu, Laogai: The Chinese Gulag, trans. Ted Slingerland (Boulder: 
Westview Press, 1994), pp. 1 17, 178. 

1 12. Yan Jiaqi and Gao Gao, Turbulent Decade: A History of the Cultural Revolution 
(Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1996), p. 164. 

113. Pasqualini, Prisoner of Mao, p. 172. 

114. Ibid, p. 248. 

115. Wu, Laogai, p. 38. 

116. Domenach, Chine, p. 242; Pasqualini, Prisoner of Mao, p. 318. 

117. Domenach, Chine, pp. 318, 512. 

118. On this subject see Wu, Laogai, pp. 23-39; Domenach, Chine, pp. 139-226. 

1 19. Pasqualini, Prisoner of Mao, p. 97. 

120. Domenach, Chine, p. 541. 

121. Wu, Laogai, p. 30. 

122. Wu prefers "retraining." 

123. Ibid., pp. 142-143. 

Notes to Pages 500-514 


124. Pasqualini, Prisoner of Mao, p. 266. 

125. Domenach, Chine, p. 162. 

126. Wu, Laogai, pp. 49 and 55. 

127. Pasqualini, Prisoner of Mao, p. 196. 

128. Wu, Laogai, p. 50. 

129. Pasqualini, Prisoner of Mao, pp. 32, 48. 

130. Ibid, p. 50. 

131. Ibid, pp. 253-254. 

132. Ibid, pp. 51-56, 110-115, 249. 

133. Ibid, pp. 45-46. 

134. Ibid, pp. 36,73. 

135. Ibid, p. 298. 

136. Ibid, p. 147. 

137. Ibid, p. 81. 

138. Albert Stihle, Le pretre et le commissaire (Paris: Grasset, 1971). 

139. Domenach, Chine, p. 170. 

140. Pasqualini, Prisoner of Mao, pp. 219, 231. 

141. Ibid, p. 32. 

142. Domenach, Chine, p. 168. 

143. Pasqualini, Prisoner of Mao, p. 42 

144. Nien Cheng, Life and Death in Shanghai (London: Macdonald, 1986), pp. 224- 

145. Ibid, pp. 298-299. 

146. Pasqualini, Prisoner of Mao, p. 72. 

147. Nien, Life and Death, part 3. 

148. Domenach, Chine, pp. 170 and 185. 

149. Nien, Life and Death, p. 318. 

150. Pasqualini, Prisoner of Mao, pp. 39^K). 

151. Domenach, Chine, p. 211. 

152. Ibid, p. 213. 

153. Pasqualini, Prisoner of Mao, pp. 178-181. 

154. Ibid, p. 187. 

155. See, e.g., Fairbank, Great Chinese Revolution, p. 449; Anne F Thurston, "Ur- 
ban Violence during the Cultural Revolution: Who Is to Blame?" in Lipman and 
Harrell, Violence in China, p. 149; Domenach, Chine, p. 211. 

156. This committee was formed at an extraordinary Politburo meeting on 16 May 
1966 and answered only to its permanent committee — that is, to Mao. It removed 
control of the Cultural Revolution's direction from Peng Zhen and from the Secretariat 
of the Central Committee, led by Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping. The CRG was 
dominated by Maoist extremists such as Jiang Qing ("Madam Mao"), Chen Boda, and 
Zhang Chunqiao; Kang Sheng was its leading adviser. It worked very closely with Mao 
and, after 1968, replaced both the Central Committee and the Politburo as the funda- 
mental decision-making body. 

157. Harry Harding, "The Chinese State in Crisis," in The Cambridge History of 


Notes to Pages 514-520 

China, ed. Roderick MacFarquhar and John K. Fairbank, vol. 15, Part 2: Revolutions 
within the Chinese Revolution, 1966-1982 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 
1991), p. 209. 

158. Domenach, Chine, p. 259. 

159. Yves Chevrier, "L'empire distendu, esquisse du politique en Chine des Qing a 
Deng Xiaoping/ 1 in La grejfe de Vetat — Trajectoires du politique 2, ed. Jean-Francois 
Bayart (Paris: Karthala, 1996), pp. 383 and 375. 

160. Wei, u Mon evolution," p. 227. 

161. See Frederick C. Tiewes and Warren Sun, The Tragedy of Lin Biao: Riding the 
Tiger during the Cultural Revolution, 1966-1971 (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 

1 62. Hua, Annies rouges, p. 25 1 . 

163. See in particular the fascinating memoirs of Ni Yuxian, who was a student in 
the naval academy in Shanghai, collected in Anne F. Thurston, A Chinese Odyssey: The 
Life and Times of a Chinese Dissident (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1991). 

164. White, Policies of Chaos, p. 203. 

165. In contrast, the Red Guards' discovery, on goodwill visits and exchanges or 
during the forced ruralization of 1968, of the widespread misery in the countryside 
accelerated their distancing from the regime, as described by Wei Jingsheng, 

166. Mao Zedong, Little Red Book; song quoted in Zhai Zhenhua, Red Flower of 
China (New York: Soho, 1992), p. 81. 

167. Pasqualini, Prisoner of Mao, p. 294. 

168. Harding, "The Chinese State in Crisis, 1 ' p. 150. Anyone who had been in 
prison, however, was forbidden to take part in political activity; Hinton, Shenfan, 
p. 529. 

169. White, Policies of Chaos, pp. 245-247. 

170. This led to some spectacular reversals of fortune. For example, the moderate 
Henan chief Pan Fusheng, who had been sacked at the instigation of the ultra-Maoist 
Wu Zhipu just before the Great Leap Forward, took up office again in 1966 as part of 
the ultraleft clan of Chen Boda. Meanwhile, Wu was arrested and probably killed in 
1967 by the Red Guards in Canton. See Domenach, Origins of Great Leap Forward, 
p. 167. 

171. See on this point the fascinating picture drawn by one former Red Guard who 
became a university lecturer in the United States: Wang Shaoguang, Failure of Cha- 
risma: The Cultural Revolution in Wuhan (Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 1995), 
pp. 95-113, and 161-209. 

172. Roux., La Chine popul aire, 2: 45-46. 

173. Yan and Gao, Turbulent Decade, pp. 152-166 and 197-228. 

174. Ibid., p. 28. 

175. Ibid., p. 210. 

176. Quoted in Thurston, "Urban Violence." 

177. Quoted in Marie-Claude Bergere, La Republique populaire de Chine de 1949 d 
nos jours (Paris: Armand Colin, 1987), p. 133. 

Notes to Pages 520-528 


178. Belden, China Shakes the World, p. 228. 

179. Becker, Hungry Ghosts, p. 218; Wu, Laogai, p. 46. 

180. Ling, Red Guard, pp. 174-183; Zhai, Red Flower, pp. 84-90. Seeing Mao close 
up was often a disappointment: "He was older than I thought, and more than half of his 
hair was white. His face was that of an old man, and it really didn't shine like it should 
have. His movements were slow. He was like a senile old man"; Zhai, p. 87. 

181. Thurston, "Urban Violence/ 1 p. 149. 

182. Yan and Gao, Turbulent Decade, p. 76. 

183. Nien, Life and Death, p. 69. 

184. Pasqualini, Prisoner of Mao, p. 184. 

185. Zhai, Red Flower, p. 62. 

186. Douwe Fokkema, "Creativity and Politics," in MacFarquhar and Fairbank, 
Cambridge History of China, 15: 600; Yan and Gao, Turbulent Decade, p. 79. 

187. Statement by a Red Guard, in Roux, La Chine populaire, 2: 37. 

188. Yan and Gao, Turbulent Decade, p. 70. 

189. Ling, Red Guard, p. 49; Yan and Gao, Turbulent Decade, p. 71. 

190. Nien, Life and Death, p. 76. 

191. Ibid., p. 56. 

192. Some chose "Comrade Norman Bethune is a member of the Canadian Com- 
munist Party." Were they joking? 

193. See, for example, Zhai, Red Flower, pp. 92-100. 

194. Ibid., p. 100. 

195. Wang, Failure of Charisma, p. 72. 

196. Yan and Gao, Turbulent Decade, p. 77. 

197. Domenach, Chine, pp. 273-274 and 284-285. 

198. Yan and Gao, Turbulent Decade, p. 212; these figures, which are not entirely 
reliable, are those used in the trial of the Gang of Four in 1981. 

199. Nien, Life and Death, p. 443. 

200. Roux, La Chine populaire, 2: 50. 

201. ICen Ling, Miriam London, and Lee Ta-ling, Red Guard: From Schoolboy to 
"Little General" in Maos China (London: Macdonald, 1972), pp. 18-21. 

202. For an exception see the pioneering works of Simon Leys, which are still 
valuable both for their chronological precision and for their ideological decoding of 
the Cultural Revolution: The Chairman's New Clothes: Mao and the Cultural Revolu- 
tion (New York: Alison and Busby, 1981) and Chinese Shadows (New York: Penguin, 

203. Five such changes occurred in the space of five months at the top of General 
Workers' Headquarters in Wuhan; Wang, Failure of Charisma, p. 89. 

204. Ling, Red Guard, pp. 260-262. 

205. See in particular Ling, Red Guard. 

206. Harding, "The Chinese State in Crisis," p. 168. 

207. Hua, Annees rouges, p. 31 1. 

208. Ling, Red Guard, p. 31. 


Notes to Pages 528-535 

209. Keith Forster, "Spontaneous and Institutional Rebellion in the Cultural Revo- 
lution: the Extraordinary Case of Weng Senhe," Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs, 
no. 27 (1992), 38-75. 

210. Domenach, Chine, pp. 278-286. 

211. "The students used to say: 'Once we control the Central Bureau for Public 
Security, we can arrest whomever we like 111 ; Ling, Red Guard, p. 252. 

212. See the essential texts in Hector Mandares et al., Revo cul dam la Chine pop: 
Anthologte de la presse des Gardes rouges (mat 1966-janvier 1968) (Paris: Bibliotheque 
Asiatique, 1974), pp. 353-427. 

213. Mao did nothing to explain his thinking, for that would have meant taking sides 
in the struggle; he never made a single speech about the Cultural Revolution. 

214. Ling, Red Guard, p. 115; Nien, Life and Death, p. 370. 

215. "What the two of us had in common was our belief that violence should solve 
our problems: force replaced propaganda 11 ; Ling, Red Guard, p. 193. 

216. See, for example, Hua, Annies rouges, p. 328. 

217. Zhai, Red Flower, p. 81. 

218. Ibid. 

219. Ibid., p. 105. 

220. Ling, Red Guard, p. 42. 

221. Hua, Annees rouges, p. 106. 

222. Ibid., p. 108. 

223. Nien, Life and Death, p. 363. 

224. There was a basic difference between the students and the workers: the stu- 
dents wanted power, while the workers wanted money; Ling, Red Guard, p. 243. 

225. Wang, Failure of Charisma, p. 118. 

226. Ibid., p. 158. 

227. Hinton, Shenfan, p. 521. 

228. Wang, Failure of Charisma, p. 66. 

229. Ibid, p. 94. 

230. Ibid, pp. 143-208. 

231. Ling, Red Guard, p. 83. 

232. White, Policies of Chaos, p. 325. 

233. Hinton, Shenfan, pp. 519 and 527-528. 

234. See esp. Hua, Annees rouges. 

235. Bergere, La Republique, p. 133. 

236. Thurston, "Urban Violence, 11 pp. 158-159. 

237. Roux, La Chtne populaire, 2: 54-55. 

238. Thurston gives the figure 12 million, Fairbank 14 million, and Bergere (La 
Republique) 20 million. 

239. White, Policies of Chaos, p. 294. 

240. Harding, 'The Chinese State in Crisis," p. 212. 

241 . Hua, Annees rouges, pp. 345-346. 

242. Domenach, Origins of Great Leap Forward, p. 284. 

243. Hua, Annees rouges, pp. 338 and 341-342. 

Notes to Pages 536-545 


244. White, Policies of Chaos, p. 260. 

245. Ibid, p. 277. 

246. Yan and Gao, Turbulent Decade, pp. 266-267. 

247. Faligot and Kauffer, Chinese Secret Service, p. 407; Harding, "The Chinese 
State in Crisis, 11 p. 214. 

248. Yan and Gao, Turbulent Decade, pp. 252-265. 

249. Nien, Life and Death, pp. 274-276. 

250. Hua, Annees rouges, p. 365. 

251. Domenach, Chtne, p. 279. 

252. Quoted in Mandares et al, Revo cul dans le Chine pop, p. 50. 

253. Sebastian Hellmann, "The Suppression of the April 5th Movement and the 
Persecution of 'Counter-Revolutionaries 1 in 1976," Issues and Studies 30 (January 1994), 

254. Wei, "Mon evolution," p. 226. 

255. For the complete text (with various other relevant texts), see Wei, La Cmqmeme 

256. Angel Pino, "Postface," ibid, pp. 261-347. [n the wake of Jiang Zemin's visit to 
the United States in November 1997, Wei Jingsheng was released from prison and 
forced to leave the country. 

257. Jurgen Domes, "La societe politique," in Bergere, Bianco, and Domes, La 
Chine au XXe Steele, p. 251 . 

258. Domenach, Chtne, pp. 335-345, 415, 491. 

259. Jean-Pierre Cabestan, "Chine: Un etat de lois sans etat de droit, 1 ' Revue Tiers 
Monde 37 (July-September 1996), 649-668. 

260. Quoted in Wu, Laogai, p. 186. 

261. Cabestan, "Chine," pp. 662-663. 

262. Andrew Scobell, "The Death Penalty in Post-Mao China," China Quarterly, 
no. 123 (September 1990), 503-520. 

263. Ibid. 

264. Domenach, Chtne, pp. 365-378. 

265. Becker, Hungry Ghosts, p. 171. 

266. Vania Kewley, Tibet: Behind the Ice Curtain (London: Grafton Books, 1990), p. 25 1 . 

267. Becker, Hungry Ghosts, p. 166. 

268. Ibid, p. 171. 

269. Pierre- Antoine Donnet, Tibet — Survival in Question (London: Zed Books, 
1994), pp. 41-42. 

270. Ibid, pp. 128-129. 

271. Kewley, Tibet, pp. 269-270. 

272. Quoted in Donnet, Tibet, p. 63. 

273. Kewley, Tibet, p. 165. 

274. Donnet, Tibet, pp. 54-60, 127. 

275. Kewley, Tibet, p. 255. 

276. Ibid, pp. 122-124, 291, and 314-318. 

277. Becker, Hungry Ghosts, pp. 173-176. 


Notes to Pages 545-565 

278. Donnet, Tibet, pp. 126-127. 

279. Becker, Hungry Ghosts, p. 181. 

22. Crimes, Terror, and Secrecy in North Korea 

1 . V. Charles MarteJ and Georges Perruche, u Prisonniers francais en Coree," Les 
cahiers dhistoire sociaie, no. 3 (October 1994). 

2. Kim Hyun Hee, The Tears of My Sou! (New York: William Morrow, 1993); and 
an interview with the author in February 1997. 

3. Asia Watch, Human Rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (Wash- 
ington, 1988). 

4. Tibor Meray, "Wilfred Burchett en Coree," Les cahiers dhistoire sociaie, no. 7 
(Fall-Winter 1996), 87. 

5. Interview with the author, Seoul, February 1997. 

6. Another foreigner, a Frenchman named Jacques Sedillot, was arrested at the 
same time. He had also come to work in the Department of Foreign-Language Publica- 
tions in Pyongyang. Like Lameda he received a twenty-year sentence, but as "an agent 
of French imperialism." He was set free in 1975 in a state of such physical deterioration 
that he died a few months later, without ever being able to return to France. 

7. Interview with the author, Seoul, February 1977. 

8. See Martel and Perruche, "Prisonniers francais," for the statements made by 
the diplomats; Asia Watch, Human Rights, for the American sailors. 

9. Long extracts from this testimony were published in Coreana, the bulletin of 
the Societe d'Etudes Coreennes, no. 1 (March 1995). 

10. The Third Bureau is the subsection of the National Security Agency in charge 
of border security. 

11. Estimates of the total camp population vary from 1 50,000 to 400,000. 

12. Jean-Pierre Brule, La Coree du Nord de Kim II Sung (Paris: Editions Barre- 
Dayez, 1992). 

13. La lettre de Coree, nos. 4 and 5, June and August 1997. 

14. Le Figaro magazine, 8 March 1997. 

15. Ibid. 

16. Marc Epstein, L express, 14 August 1997. 

17. Lemonde, 10 October 1997. 

1 8. Interview with Catherine Bertini, La croix, 8 October 1 997. By way of compari- 
son, a study by the World Bank in the early 1990s showed that 43 percent of children in 
India showed some traces of malnutrition. 

23. Vietnam and Laos 

Epigraph: quoted in Doan Van Toai, The Vietnamese Gulag, trans. Sylvie Roman- 
owski and Francoise Simon-Miller (New York: Simon And Schuster, 1986), p. 17. Le Duan 
visited the prison on the island of Con Son after the 'liberation" of South Vietnam in 1975. 

Notes to Pages 566-571 


1. Although most of its members were Vietnamese, who totally controlled the 
Party, the ICP aimed at extending the revolution throughout French Indochina, includ- 
ing Laos and Cambodia. It formally dissolved itself as an organization in 1945 but 
continued to function until 1951, when it spawned three closely linked parties that no 
longer had official Communist status (see Chapter 24). 

2. Ngo Van, Vietnam 1920-1945: Revolution et centre-revolution sous la domination 
coloniale (Paris: Llnsomniaque, 1996), pp. 128-129. 

3. David G. Marr, Vietnam 1945: The Quest for Power (Berkeley: University of 
California Press, 1995), pp. 234-237, 403, 409, 415-416. 

4. Ibid., pp. 434-435. 

5. Ngo, Vietnam, p. 341. 

6. Marr, Vietnam 1945, p. 518. 

7. Ngo, Vietnam, pp. 352 and 358-361. 

8. Ibid., pp. 338, 341, and 350. 

9. Marr, Vietnam 1945, pp. 517 and 519-520. 

10. See, e.g., Albert Stihle, Le pretre et le commissaire (Paris: Grasset, 1971). 

11. L'histoire, no. 149 (May 1991). According to estimates by the French Army in 
1954, 15,500 out of 36,900 prisoners (including Vietnamese allies of France) were set 
free either before or after the cessation of hostilities. Both studies agree that the 
proportion of losses was around 60 percent. Cf. Colonel Robert Bonnafous, "Les 
prisonniers francais des camps Viet-minh" (Thesis, Centre d'Histoire Militaire et 
d'Etudes de Defense Nationale, Universite Paul-Valery Montpellier, 1985), p. 217, By 
way of comparison, it should be noted that according to a letter dated March 1955 from 
General Beaufort, who was head of the French mission at the International Commis- 
sion established to oversee the implementation of the Geneva peace accord, 9,000 of the 
63,000 Viet Minh prisoners of war died in captivity. 

12. Georges Boudarel, Cent Jleurs ecloses dans la nuit du Vietnam: Commumsme et 
dissidence 1954-1956 (Paris: Jacques Bertoin, 1991), p. 177. 

13. Ibid., pp. 174-175, 176. 

14. Ibid., pp. 171, 191, 170,177-178. 

15. Ibid., p. 190. 

16. Ngo, Vietnam, p. 375. 

17. Quoted in Boudarel, Cent Jleurs, p. 200; see also pp. 199-202. 

18. Georges Boudarel, "L'ideocratie importee au Vietnam avec le maoisme," in La 
bureaucratie au Vietnam — Vietnam- Asie-Debat no. I (Paris: L'Harmattan, 1983), pp. 61, 

19. Boudarel, Cent fleurs, pp. 183-184. 

20. Quoted in Ngo, Vietnam, p. 404. 

21. Georges Boudarel, "1954: Les dilemmes de rindependanee," in Hanoi I93&- 
1996: Du drapeau rouge au billet vert, ed. Georges Boudarel and Nguyen Van Ky (Paris: 
Autrement, 1997), p. 141. 

22. Ngo, Vietnam, p. 404. 

23. Boudarel, Cent Jleurs, p. 150. 


Notes to Pages 571-579 

24. Gerard Tongas, J ai vecu dans lenfer communiste au Nord Vietnam (Paris: Nou- 
velles Editions Debresse, I960), pp. 231-232. 

25. Daniel Hemery, interview, Paris, October 1997; Georges Boudarel, "1965-1975: 
Guerre ou paix?" in Boudarel and Nguyen, Hanoi 1936-19%, p. 154. 

26. Doan, The Vietnamese Gulag, pp. 199-200. 

27. The term "Viet Cong," which originated in the South, means "Communist 

28. Stanley Karnow, Vietnam: A History (Harmondsworth; Penguin Books, 1984), 
pp. 530-531. 

29. Doan, The Vietnamese Galag, pp. 170-171. 

30. Interview with a former Communist leader, Ho Chi Minh City, 1996. 

31. See, e.g., Communaute Vietnamienne, Les prisonniers politique* (Paris: Sudesta- 
sie, 1974). 

32. Doan, The Vietnamese Gulag. 

33. Quoted in ibid. 

34. Most of this information comes from Martin Stuart-Fox, Contemporary Laos: 
Studies in the Politics and the Society of the Lao Peoples Democratic Republic (St. Lucia; 
University of Queensland Press, 1982); Martin Stuart-Fox and Mary Koogman, His- 
torical Dictionary of Laos (London: Scarecrow Press, 1992); and an interview with 
Christian Culas, whom I thank most warmly. 

24. Cambodia 

Epigraph: quoted in Michael Vickery, Cambodia 1975-1982 (Boston: South End, 
1984), p. 148. 

1 . The name Khmer Rouge which they always rejected, was bestowed by Sihanouk, 
who used it to describe the first guerrilla groups in the late 1960s. We prefer this term 
to the name "Polpotists," which is more common in Cambodia but which overperson- 
alizes a movement that was not led by Pol Pot alone. Use of this latter term has also 
allowed leaders such as Ieng Sary and Khieu Samphan to dissociate themselves from 
previous events. The fact that they escaped the purges of 1975-1979 implies that they 
must have gone along with and abetted some monstrous crimes. 

2. The term "Cambodian" is used here to refer to anything connected with Cambo- 
dia, and "Khmer" is used to describe the major ethnic group in a country in which 
other minorities made up 15 percent of the population until 1970. Influenced by ethnic 
nationalism, recent governments in Phnom Penh have tended to substitute "Khmer" 
for "Cambodian." "Kampuchea," which was the official name of the country from 1975 
to 1991, was simply the Khmer pronunciation of the French name for the country, 
"Cambodge." The word originates in Sanskrit. 

3. Curiously, it was thus the Communists themselves who first began to talk about 
genocide within a Communist regime, before commentators in the West latched onto 
the term. 

4. More recent events, however, such as the July 1997 coup d'etat by the second 

Notes to Pages 579-583 


prime minister, Hun Sen, against Prince Ranariddh, who won the 1993 elections, have 
brought renewed instability. 

5. Francois Ponchaud, Cambodia, Year Zero (New York: Penguin, 1978). 

6. There were also counterattacks, reassuring and filled with lies. See, e.g., Jerome 
Steinbach and Jocelyne Steinbach, Cambodge, I autre sourire (Paris: Editions Sociales, 

7. Pin Yathay with John Man, Stay Alive My Son (London: Bloomsbury, 1987), 
p. 384. 

8. The best recent history of Democratic Kampuchea (the official name of the 
Khmer Rouge state) is David P. Chandler, The Tragedy of Cambodian History: Politics, 
War, and Revolution since 194S (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1991); see also 
Marie-Alexandrine Martin, Cambodia, a Shattered Society (Berkeley: University of 
California Press, 1994). 

9. David P. Chandler, Brother Number One: A Political Biography of Pol Pot (Boul- 
der: Westview Press, 1992); and Ben Kiernan, The Pol Pot Regime: Race, Power, and 
Genocide in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge, 1975-1979 (New Haven: Yale University 
Press, 1996), pp. 20-25. 

10. See, e.g., Haing S. Ngor and Roger Warner, Surviving the Killing Fields: The 
Cambodian Odyssey of Haing S. Ngor (London: Chatto and Windus, 1988), p. 71. 

1 1 . Chandler, Brother Number One, p. 308, n. 28; Kiernan, Pol Pot Regime, p. 108. 

12. Henri Locard, "Tramkak District in the Grip of the Khmer Rouge," paper 
presented at the conference "Cambodia: Power, Myth, and Memory," Monash Univer- 
sity, December 1996, pp. 26-33. 

13. Because of their obsession with secrecy, the Khmer Rouge always carried out 
executions at night. 

14. Kiernan, Pol Pot Regime, p. 167. 

15. The other leaders were Hou Youn, Hu Nim, and Khieu Samphan, all of whom 
were the legal front of the Communist Party in Phnom Penh until 1967 and were 
former government ministers. Others, intermittently fighting as rebels since 1963, 
included Nuon Chea, Sao Phim, Son Sen, Vorn Vet, leng Sary and his wife, the wife of 
Saloth Sar (aka Pol Pot), Ieng Thirith, and Khieu Ponnary. The last two were sisters. 
All of this group belonged to the same generation, having been born in the late 1920s. 

16. Kiernan, Pol Pot Regime, p 108. 

17. Chandler, Brother Number One, pp. 63-64. 

18. Serge Thion, "Chronology of Khmer Communism, 1940—1982," in Revolution 
and Its Aftermath in Kampuchea: Eight Essays, ed. David P. Chandler and Ben Kiernan 
(New Haven: Yale University Southeast Asia Studies, 1983), pp. 301-302. 

19. The measure apparently was decided in January 1975, at the same time as the 
abolition of money directly after the printing of a new currency The only leader to 
oppose the move, the influential Hou Youn, a former minister in the Sihanouk regime 
and a founding member of the KCP, disappeared in the following months in the first of 
a series of high-level purges. 

20. The Khmer Rouge immediately abolished the Khmer currency. One unforeseen 
consequence was that the dollar immediately became the (illegal) means of exchange. 


Notes to Pages 583-588 

21. Marek Sliwinski, Le genocide Khmer rouge: line analyze demography que (Paris: 
L'Harmattan, 1995), p. 30. 

22. This would explain why some people left with very few belongings, and in 
particular without any articles that could be exchanged on the black market, which 
proved to be the key means of survival over rhe following months and years. 

23. The only explanation for this is the dogmatic hostility to anything written down 
that was not revolutionary by nature. Books were destroyed and abandoned, as at the 
National Library, or they were transformed into cigarette paper. 

24. See Pin Yathay, Stay Alive, My Son, pp. 62, 68; Haing Ngor, Surviving the 
Killing Fields, p. 130. 

25. Statement by Channo, Phnom Penh Post (hereafter PPP), 1 April 1995, p. 5. 

26. See, e.g., Pin Yathay, Stay Alive, My Son, pp. 59, 97, 221-223. 

27. Usha Welaratna, Beyond the Killing Fields: Voices of Nine Cambodian Survivors in 
America (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1993), p. 78. 

28. See the general discussion about relations between the peasants and the New 
People in Kiernan, Pol Pot Regime, pp. 210-215. 

29. Ibid., p. 219. 

30. Pin Yathay, Stay Alive, My Son, p. 93. 

31 . Kiernan, Pol Pot Regime, pp. 97. 

32. Pin Yathay cites several instances of planned flights or revolts that were foiled by 
sudden forced movements of the population. 

33. People often ended up possessing nothing more than a bowl and a spoon. See 
Charles H. Twining, "The Economy," in Cambodia 1975-1978: Rendezvous with Death, 
ed. Karl D.Jackson, (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1989), p. 121. 

34. Pin Yathay, Stay Alive, My Son, p. 124. 

35. According to Julio Jeldres, one of Sihanouk's advisers, in PPP, 20 September 

36. Chandler, Brother Number One, pp. 205-209. 

37. Kiernan, Pol Pot Regime, p. 333. 

38. Chandler, Tragedy of Cambodian History, p. 298. 

39. Each zone was composed of several such departments. 

40. Chandler, Brother Number One, pp. 207, 209; idem, Tragedy of Cambodian His- 
tory, p. 295. 

41. Kiernan, Pol Pot Regime, p. 418. 

42. Ben Kiernan, "Wild Chickens, Farm Chickens, and Cormorants; Kampuchea's 
Eastern Zone under Pol Pot," in Chandler and Kiernan, Revolution and Its Aftermath, 
pp. 191-197. 

43. Chandler, Tragedy of Cambodian History, pp. 296-297; Kiernan, Pol Pot Regime, 
pp. 392-411. 

44. Kiernan, Pol Pot Regime, p. 144. 

45. Several reports agree (see esp. Chandler, Tragedy of Cambodian History, p. 276) 
that a number of people were sent back to Cambodia, sometimes in exchange for cattle, 
even after the fighting had begun. It is probable that such people were being sent back 
to certain death. 

Notes to Pages 588-592 


46. See, e.g., Pin Yathay, Stay Alive, My Son, pp. 368-413. 

47. Y Phandara, Retour a Phnom Penh: Le Cambodge du genocide a la colonisation 
(Paris: A. M. Metailie, 1982), p. 228. 

48. Quoted in Henri Locard, Le goulag Khmer rouge (University of Lyon II, De- 
partment of Languages, 1995), p. 17, reprinted in Commumsme, nos. 47-48 (1996), 

49. Quoted in Chandler, Brother Number One, p. 265. 

50. Ibid., p. 322. 

51 . Quoted in Locard, Le goulag Khmer rouge, pp. 8-9. 

52. Kiernan, Pol Pot Regime; Vickery, Cambodia, 1975-1982. Vickery seriously un- 
derestimates the original size of the population. Kiernan's figure is an extrapolation 
from several microstudies of different sectors of the population: 25 percent losses in the 
families of refugees; 35 percent, 41 percent, and 53 percent losses in three villages; 42 
percent in one neighborhood in Phnom Penh (of whom only 25 percent died of hunger 
or disease); and 36 percent losses, almost all by assassination, in a group of 350 inhabi- 
tants in the eastern zone. 

53. Kiernan, Pol Pot Regime, pp. 456-460; Stephen R. Heder, Kampuchean Occupa- 
tion and Resistance (Bankok: Institute of Asian Studies, 1980). 

54. Chandler, Brother Number One, p. 261. 

55. Craig Etcheson, The Rise and Demise of Democratic Kampuchea (Boulder: 
Wcstview, 1984), p. 148. 

56. Leo Mong Hai, president of the Khmer Institute for Democracy, interview with 
the author, December 1996. 

57. Sliwinski, Le genocide, pp. 49-67. 

58. Welaratna, Beyond the Killing Fields, pp. xix and 2. 

59. An idea that underlies the otherwise informative and important study by Wil- 
liam Shawcross, Sideshow: Nixon, Kissinger, and the Destruction of Cambodia (London: 
Deutsch, 1979); see also Kiernan, Pol Pot Regime, pp. 20 and 24. 

60. Chandler, Brother Number One, pp. 13 and 163. 

61 . Sliwinksi, Le genocide, pp. 42-48. 

62. Locard, Le goulag Khmer rouge, p. 10. 

63. Etcheson, Rise and De mtse, p. 148. 

64. Sliwinski, Le genocide, p. 82. 

65. Munthit, PPP, 1 April 1995, p. 6. 

66. See, e.g., Kenneth M. Quinn, "The Pattern and Scope of Violence," in Jackson, 
Cambodia 1975-1978, p. 190. 

67. Interview with the author, December 1996. 

68. PPP, 7 April 1995, p. 7. 

69. David Hawk, u The Photographic Record," in Jackson, Cambodia 1975-1978, 
p. 212. 

70. PPP, 7 April 1995, p. 6. 

71. It was enough to have gone to secondary school, or sometimes even simply to be 
literate, to be classified as an intellectual. 

72. Charles H. Twining, "The Economy," in Jackson, Cambodia 1975-1978, p. 134. 

Notes to Pages 593-598 

Notes to Pages 598-605 


73. Pin Yathay, Stay Alive, My Son, p. 178. 

74. Kiernan, Pol Pot Regime, p. 295, who quotes Stephen Heder's in-depth study, 
Kampuchean Occupation and Resistance. 

75. Sliwinski, Le genocide, pp. 76, 77. 

76. Francois Ponchaud, "Social Change in the Vortex of Revolution," in Jackson, 
Cambodia 1975-1978, p. 153. 

77. Pin Yathay mentions a number of Chinese who died of hunger after having to 
exchange their gold savings for a few boxes of rice; Stay Alive, My Son, p. 243. 

78. Kiernan, Pol Pot Regime, p. 297. 

79. Sliwinski, Le genocide, p. 76. 

80. Quoted in Elizabeth Becker, When the War Was Over: Voices of Cambodia's 
Revolution and Its People (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1986), p. 240. 

81. See the statement by Niseth, who was moved to a Pnong village, in Welaratna, 
Beyond the Killing Fields, p. 180. 

82. Most of the information here concerning the Cham is drawn from Kiernan, Pol 
Pot Regime, pp. 252-288. 

83. Becker, When the War Was Over, p. 246. 

84. Kiernan, Pol Pot Regime, pp. 428-431. 

85. Sliwinski, Le genocide, p. 76. 

86. Ibid., p. 57. 

87. See Michael Vickery, "Democratic Kampuchea: Themes and Variations" in 
Chandler and Kiernan, Revolution and Its Aftermath, pp. 99-135. 

88. Pin Yathay, Stay Alive, My Son, pp. 217, 264. 

89. Unlike the leaders of other Communist countries, Khmer Rouge leaders rarely 
traveled around the country, perhaps because of their paranoia. No eyewitness state- 
ments mention visits from the leaders. 

90. See, e.g., Ly Heng and Franchise Demeure, Cambodge: Le sourire bdillonne, 
(Xonrupt-Longemer: Anako, 1994), pp. 105, 150-151, and 172-173. 

91. Pin Yathay, Stay Alive, My Son, pp. 90, 292-293, 341-343. 

92. The picture was immediately much darker for people deported to mountainous 
or jungle zones where the land was to be cleared. 

93. Quoted in Becker, When the War Was Over, p. 271. 

94. Twining, u The Economy," p. 143. 

95. PPP, 7 April 1995, p. 5; Sliwinski, Le genocide, p. 65, backs up this version of 

96. Quinn, a Pattern and Scope of Violence," pp. 201-202. 

97. Sliwinski, Le genocide, pp. 64-65; Twining, "The Economy," pp. 143-145. 

98. Pin Yathay, Stay Alive, My Son, p. 317. 

99. See, e.g., Chandler, Brother Number One, p. 195; Heng and Demeure, Cambodge, 
p. 100. 

100. Haing Ngor was in a Khmer Rouge pharmacy one day when he overheard one 
nurse ask another whether she had "fed the war slaves yet"; Surviving the Killing Fields, 
p. 202. 

101. Pin Yathay, Stay Alive, My Son, p. 67. 

102. Ibid., p. 263. 

103. Pin Yathay paid a huge price for a tiny map. 

104. Pin Yathay, Stay Alive, My Son, p. 159. 

105. Chandler, Brother Number One, pp. 191-193 and 197-198. The section of the 
plan devoted to heavy industry is the longest. 

106. Ibid., p. 223. 

107. This was the same figure announced by the deputy prime minister of China, 
Hua Guofeng, at the National Conference on the Example of Dazhai, in 1975. 

108. Chandler, Brother Number One, pp. 193-194; Karl D. Jackson, "The Ideology 
of Total Revolution" in Jackson, Cambodia 1975-1978, p. 60. 

1 09 - Pin Yathay, Stay Alive, My S<m, pp. 1 1 1 , 1 52, 1 60; Twining, "The Economy," p. 1 30. 

110. Kiernan, Pol Pot Regime, p. 235. 

111. Laurence Picq, Beyond the Horizon: Five Years with the Khmer Rouge, trans. 
Patricia Norland (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1989), pp. 147-148. 

112. Pin Yathay, Stay Alive, My Son, pp. 178-179. 

113. Ibid., p. 210. 

114. 1 wining, "The Economy," p. 122. 

115. Pin Yathay, Stay Alive, My Son, p. 302. 

1 16. This sort of military vocabulary was a constant feature of the regime. 

1 17. Picq, Beyond the Horizon; Pin Yathay, Stay Alive, My Son, pp. 175, 197, 208. 

118. PPP, 1 April 1995, p. 5. 

119. See esp. Twining, "The Economy," pp. 149-150; Kiernan, Pol Pot Regime, 
p. 240; Pin Yathay, Stay Alive, My Son, p. 147. 

120. Pin Yathay, Stay Alive, p. 240; Haing Ngor, Surviving the Killing Fields, p. 325. 

121. Heng and Demeure, Cambodge, pp. 139-140; PPP, 7 April 1995, p. 7. 

122. Haing Ngor relates the story of a child who took four days to die, tied to a pole 
in front of his parents; Surviving the Killing Fields, p. 272. 

123. Ibid., pp. 135-136; Pin Yathay, Stay Alive, My Son, p. 278. 

124. See, e.g., Haing Ngor, Surviving the Killing Fields, p. 145. 

125. Pin Yathay, Stay Alive, My Son, p. 184. 

126. Locard, Le goulag khmer rouge, p. 6. 

127. Pin Yathay, Stay Alive, My Son, pp. 221-239. 

128. Heng and Demeure, Cambodge, pp. 172-173. 

129. Ponchaud, "Social Change," p. 160. 

130. Haing Ngor, Surving the Killing Fields, pp. 174 and 193-194. 

131. Ken Khun, De la dictature des Khmers rouges d I occupation vietnamienne: Cam- 
bodge, 1975-1979 (Paris: LTIarmattan, 1994), p. 94. The gall-bladder remedy was com- 
mon among the Khmer Loeu; see Ponchaud, "Social Change," p. 160. 

132. Chandler, Brother Number One, pp. 174-175. 

133. Interview with author, Cambodia, December 1996. 

134. Picq, Beyond the Horizon, 

135. Pin Yathay, Stay Alive, My Son, pp. 101, 140. 

136. Chandler, Brother Number One, p. 202; Henri Locard, "Les chants revolution- 
naires khmers rouges et la tradition culturelte carnbodgienne, ou la revolution triom- 


Notes to Pages 605-611 

phante," paper presented at a conference on the Khmer Rouge, Phnom Penh, August 

137. Franchise Correze and Alain Forest, Le Cambodge a deux voix (Paris: Editions 
L'Harmattan, 1984). 

138. Heng and Demeure, Cambodge, p. 132. 

139. Haing Ngor, Surviving the Killing Fields, p. 166. 

140. Pin Yathay, Stay Alive, My Son, pp. 242-247, 336; similar episodes abound in 
all the statements made by people who survived and escaped. 

141. PPP, 1 April 1995, p. 7; Chandler, Brother Number One, pp. 185-186, 227, 245, 
and 265. 

142. In some cases people were required to write an autobiography every month, and 
if there was ever the slightest variation among versions, the punishment was death; 
Welaratna, Beyond the Killing Fields, p. 125. 

143. Seng Kimseang tells of a young adolescent who was beaten unconscious for 
stealing rice, and who later disappeared at the hands of the Angkar; PPP, 1 April 1995, 
p. 7. 

144. Heng and Demeure, Cambodge, p. 185. 

145. Pin Yathay, Stay Alive, My Son, p. 248. 

146. Haing Ngor, Surviving the Killing Fields, p. 228-229. 

147. Locard, Le goulag Khmer rouge. 

148. Chandler, Tragedy of Cambodian History, p. 260. 

149. Pin Yathay, Stay Alive, My Son, p. 300. 

150. Ken Khun, De la dictature des Khmers rouges, p. 96; in that case the woman was 
also raped by the soldiers before being killed; the cadre responsible died shortly after- 
wards in a purge. 

151. PPP, 1 April 1995, pp. 6,7. 

152. Pin Yathay, Stay Alive, My Son, p. 337; Heng and Demeure, Cambodge, p. 107. 

153. By contrast, everyone smoked tobacco, even the youngest Khmer Rouge sol- 
diers. Drug-taking, though less widespread, was not specifically prohibited. 

154. Ponchaud, "Social Change," p. 169; PPP, 1 April 1995, p. 7. 

155. Pin Yathay, Stay Alive, My Son, pp. 172-175, 201-202. 

156. Haing Ngor, Surviving the Killing Fields, p. 236; Welaratna, Beyond the Killing 
Fields, p. 53. 

157. Pin Yathay, Stay Alive, My Son, pp. 174, 402. 

158. Lemonde, 18 June 1997, p. 16. 

159. Pin Yathay, Stay Alive, My Son, p. 319. 

160. Statement by a medical student, quoted in Ken Khun, De la dictature des 
Khmers rouges, p. 123. Manioc is one of the staples of the Cambodian diet. 

161. Locard, Le goulag Khmer rouge, pp. 12-13. 

1 62. See, e.g., Haing Ngor, Surviving the Killing Fields, p. 230. 

163. Sliwinski, Le genocide, p. 78; 1 am rounding up his numbers, since they have 
only a notional value. 

1 64. Haing Ngor, Surviving the Killing Fields, p. 338; Heng and Demeure, Cambodge, 
p. 109. This recalls the perhaps apocryphal torture that was inflicted on Khmers during 

Notes to Pages 611-619 


the Vietnamese occupation in the first half of the nineteenth century, when tea kettles 
were brought to a boil on their burning heads. 

165. Locard, Le goulag Khmer rouge, p. 18. 

166. See Pin Yathay, Stay Alive, My Son, p. 321. 

167. Information about the prisons comes from the two excellent studies by Locard, 
Le goulag khmer rouge, and "Tramkak District in the Grip of the Khmer Rouge.' 1 

168. Pin Yathay, Stay Alive, My Son, p. 245. 

169. For example, of the eighty prisoners in one prison described by Pin Yathay 
(Stay Alive, My Son, p. 240), there were three survivors. 

170. Kiernan, Pol Pot Regime, p. 345, n. 169. 

171. PPP,1 April 1995, p. 5. 

172. Locard, Le goulag Khmer rouge, p. 6. 

173. Ibid, p. 11. 

174. Quoted in Ken Khun, De la dictature des Khmers rouges, p. 131. 

175. See, e.g., Haing Ngor, Surviving the Killing Fields, pp. 220-222, 239-250, 302- 
308; Heng and Demeure, Cambodge, pp. 144-149. 

176. PPP, 20 September 1996, p. 8. 

177. Chandler, Tragedy of Cambodian History, pp. 285-302. 

178. Quinn, "Pattern and Scope of Violence," p. 198; Kiernan, Pol Pot Regime, 
pp. 432-433. 

179. Chandler, Tragedy of Cambodian History, p. 374, n. 27; Quinn, "Pattern and 
Scope of Violence," p. 210. 

180. Kiernan, Pol Pot Regime, pp. 353-354. 

181. Quinn, "Pattern and Scope of Violence," p. 198. 

182. For more on this unhappy mix, see Jean-Claude Pomonti, "Angoisses 
khmeres," Lemonde, 10 March 1995. 

183. Phandara, Retour a Phnom Penh, p. 88. 

184. This view reflected the infiuence of the Chinese Cultural Revolution; the 
"Shanghai Commune" of 1967 was modeled on the Paris revolution. 

185. Two other countries are in a similar position today: Laos and Burma. But the 
first has existed as a unified political entity only since 1945, and the second, which was 
remarkably prosperous as a British colony, is not quite as weak in relation to its neigh- 

186. Ponchaud, "Social Change," pp. 170-175. 

187. Haing Ngor, Surviving the Killing Fields, p. 227. Kama is the Cambodian ver- 
sion of karma. 

188. Unlike, for example, the temples of Java, such as Borobudur, which date from 
more or less the same period. 

1 89. Several ethnographers have shown that in Cambodia there is a very weak link to 
the land and to ancestors, unusual for this part of the world. 

190. Chandler, Brother Number One, pp. 101, 105-106, and 135; Raoul Marc Jennar, 
Cambodge: line presse sous presswn (Paris: Reporters Sans Frontieres, 1997), p. 23. 

191 . Locard, Le goulag Khmer rouge, p. 1 5. 

192. Haing Ngor, Surviving the Killing Fields, p. 208. 

Notes to Pages 61 S-626 

Notes to Pages 626-640 


193. Pin Yathay, Stay Alive, My Son, pp. 101-103. Similar tactics were used by the 
Chinese Communist Party when they were seizing power. 

194. Haing Ngor, Surviving the Killing Fields, pp. 143, 161, and 298-300. 

195. Picq, Beyond the Horizon, p. 22. 

196. Pin Yathay, Stay Alive, My Son, p. 284; Ponchaud, "Social Change," p. 164. 

197. Chandler, Tragedy of Cambodian History, p. 247. 

198. Ieng Sary, in Newsweek, 4 September 1975. 

199. Red Flag (Beijing), 1 June 1958. 

200. Pin Yathay, Stay Alive, p. 68; Haing Ngor, Surviving the Killing Fields, p. 130. 

201. Picq, Beyond the Horion, p. 21; Phandara, Retour a Phnom Penh, p. 91. 

202. Locard, PPP, 20 May 1994, p. 16. 

203. Radio Phnom Penh, 18 April 1977, quoted in Jackson, Cambodia 1975-1978, 
p. 74. 

204. Norodom Sihanouk, Prisonnier des Khmers rouges (Paris: Hachette, 1986). 

205. Hengand Demeure, Cambodge, pp. 189-190. 

206. Chandler, Tragedy of Cambodian History, p. 243. 

207. Dith Pran (on whom the film The Killing Fields was based), quoted in Sidney 
Schanberg, "The Death and Life of Dith Pran," New York Times Magazine, 20 January 

208. Heng and Demeure, Cambodge, p. 112. 

209. Khun, De la dictature des Khmers rouges, pp. 97-98. 

210. Picq, Beyond the Horizon. 

211. Haing Ngor, Surviving the Killing Fields, pp. 139-140. 

212. Sliwinski, Le genocide, p. 67. 

213. Locard, Le goulag Khmer rouge , p. 28. 

214. See, e.g., Chandler, Brother Number One, p. 214. 

215. Haing Ngor, Surviving the Killing Fields, p. 203. 

216. Speech on 27 September 1977, quoted in Jackson, Cambodia 1975-1978, p. 73. 

217. Pin Yathay, Stay Alive, My Son, p. 193. 

218. Chandler, Brother Number One, pp. 63 and 72-73. 

219. An interview after the partisans had rallied to Ieng Sary, PPP, 15 November 
1996, p. 6. For other ideas about links between Jacobinism and Communism see 
Francois Furet, The Passing of an Illusion; The Idea of Communism in the Twentieth 
Century (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999). 

220. Even the Samlaut uprising in 1967, which was officially the beginning of the 
armed resistance, was a reaction to Lon Nol's decision to reduce the amount of Cambo- 
dian rice given to the North Vietnamese army. 

221. Sophia Quinn-Judge, "Ho Chi Minh: New Perspectives from the Comintern 
Files," in Viet Nam: Sources et approches, ed. Philippe Le Failler and Jean-Marie 
Mancini (Aix-en-Provence: Publications de TUniversite de Provence, 1996), pp. 171-186. 

222. Discernible in China during the short reign of Marshal Lin Biao (1967-1971). 

223. Chandler, Tragedy of Cambodian History, p. 276. 

224. Twining, "The Economy," p. 132. 

225. Chandler, Brother Number One, pp. 176, 225-226; Kiernan, Pol Pot Regime, 
p. 379. 

226. Radio Phnom Penh, 25 July 1975, in Jackson, "Ideology," p. 60. 

227. Sihanouk claims that Zhou Enlai warned the Cambodian leadership in 1975 
that they should not follow the Chinese example. 

228. Locard, Le goulag Khmer rouge, p. 17. 

229. See Pin Yathay, Stay Alive, My Son, p. 335. 

230. Quoted in Martin, Le mal cambodgien, p. 193. 

231. After 1960 there was a considerable drop in the prison population, particularly 
in the number of political prisoners, especially in China. 

232. Chandler, Brother Number One, pp. 216-217. 

233. Locard, Le goulag Khmer rouge, p. 19. 

234. Chandler, Brother Number One, pp. 210-211. 

235. From an account by a participant, ibid., pp. 171-172. 

236. PPP, 20 September 1996, p. 7. Sihanouk claims that it was Pol Pot who com- 
posed the Angkar anthem. 

237. Timothy Carney, "The Organization of Power," in Jackson, Cambodia 1975- 
1978, p. 95. 

238. Pin Yathay, Stay Alive, My Son, p. 320. 

239. Locard, Le goulag Khmer rouge, p. 19. 

240. Pin Yathay, Stay Alive, My Son, p. 299. 

241 . The best summary of these is found in Kiernan, Pol Pot Regime. 

242. Haing Ngor, Surviving the Killing Fields, p. 286. 

243. Locard, Le goulag Khmer rouge, p. 19; Kiernan, Pol Pot Regime, p. 247. 

244. Many of the following arguments are taken from Craig Etcheson, "Genocide: 
By the Laws, Not by Emotion," PPP, 1 1 August 1995, p. 20. 

245. Barbara Harff and Ted Robert Gurr, "Towards an Empirical Definition of 
Genocides and Politicidcs," International Studies Quarterly, no. 32 (1988). 

246. Phandara, Retour a Phnom Penh, pp. 72-73. 

247. Sliwinski, Le genocide, p. 128. 

248. Welaratna, Beyond the Killing Fields, p. 128. 

249. Sliwinski, Le genocide, p. 153. 

Part IV Conclusion 

1. Doan Van Toai, The Vietnamese Gulag, trans. Sylvie Romanowski and 
Francoise Simon-Miller (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1986). 

2. See Yves Chevrier, "L'empire distend u: Esquisse du politique en Chine des 
Qing a Deng Xiaoping," in La grejfe de Vetat — trajectoires du politique 2, ed. Jean- 
Francois Bayart (Paris: Karthala, 1996). 

3. Doan, The Vietnamese Gulag, p. 100. 

4. The French equivalent of West Point. 


Notes to Pages 647-668 

25. Communism in Latin America 

1. In 1952 Cuba was ranked third among the twenty Latin American countries in 
terms of per-capita gross domestic product. Thirty years later, after more than twenty 
years of Castroism, Cuba had dropped to fifteenth, ahead of Nicaragua, Guatemala, El 
Salvador, Bolivia, and Haiti. See Jeannine Verdes-Leroux, La iune et la caudillo (Paris: 
Gallimard, 1998), p. 16. 

2. Although there are many reasons to be critical of the Batista regime, the new 
Castro regime significantly exaggerated the country's poverty to increase Castro's 
credibility and to gain sympathy from Western intellectuals. For instance, Castro stated 
that 50 percent of the population was illiterate, while the actual figure in 1958 was 22 
percent, at a time when the world average was about 44 percent. 

3. Jeannine Verdes-Leroux has concluded that the figure of 20,000 dead, the num- 
ber cited by the Castro regime and repeated by left-wing intellectuals in the West, was 
in fact false. After close analysis of the sources, she proposes a figure of 2,000. 

4. Verdes-Laroux, La lune et la caudillo, pp. 179-189. 

5. During the pilots' trial, in February 1959, the defense minister acted as prosecu- 
tor. After the pilots were acquitted, Castro intervened to have them condemned in a 
second trial in March, showing that the law was at the service of the dictator. 

6. Manolo Ray launched a new armed movement, the People's Revolutionary 
Movement, which was very active in 1960 and 1961. 

7. The Bay of Pigs operation, an unsuccessful attempt to land anti-Castro guerril- 
las in Cuba, was organized by the CIA during the Eisenhower administration and 
carried out under Kennedy. 

8. Regis Debray, Louis soient nos seigneurs (Paris: Gallimard, 1996), p. 186. 

9. Ibid., p. 185. 

10. Ibid., p. 186. 

11. Martha Frayde, Ecoute Fidel (Paris: Denoel, 1987). 

12. Alfredo Carrion was shot at point-blank range by a guard known as "Jaguey 
Grande" for attempting to escape from the Melena 2 Farm. 

13. The government weekly Bohemia acknowledged the value of this labor force in 
April 1973, when it spoke of "the use of counterrevolutionary prisoners for tasks in the 
public interest." 

14. Castro consistently supported revolution abroad until the late 1980s. In 1979 and 
1980 he sent 600 military advisers to Grenada to prop up the pro-Soviet regime of 
Maurice Bishop. When U.S. forces invaded in 1983, they took prisoner 750 Cubans. 

15. At the same time, an additional 35,000 young people were enrolled in the Patri- 
otic Military Service, where they were forcibly engaged in heavy work as a penal or 
disciplinary measure. 

16. The links to Cuba were attested by the presence of 500 Nicaraguan military 
personnel among the Cuban forces in Angola. The Sandinistas' political alignment was 
also made clear by their opposition to the United Nations resolution condemning 
Soviet intervention in Afghanistan. 

17. Gilles Bataillon, "Nicaragua: De la tyrannie a la dictature totalitaire," Esprit, 
October 1983. 

Notes to Pages 670-687 


18. Bayardo Arce, "De la strategic revolutionnaire et de la construction du social- 
isme," Esprit, January 1986. 

19. Cf. Mario Vargas Llosa, "Breviare d'un massacre," Esprit, October 1983: "Un- 
like the case of other leaders of the Sendero Luminoso, we don't know whether he ever 
visited China, or whether in fact he has ever left Peru." 

20. Jose Carlos Mariategui (1895-1930) was the author of the famous Seven Essays 
on the Reality of Peru. His politics were halfway between Marxism and populism, 
allowing both the Communists and the Aprists to claim him as their predecessor, 

21 . Vargas Llosa, "Breviare d'un massacre." 

22. In August 1982 the Sendero claimed to have carried out 2,900 such actions. 

23. APRA was established by the Peruvian Victor Raul Haya de la Torre in 1924. 
Although it initially had ambitions for the whole continent, it had gradually limited 
itself to Peru. 

26. Afrocommunism 

1. Eric Fottorino, "Dans le piege rwandais," Le tnonde, 25 July 1997. 

2. Interview, Lisbon Expresso, 12 May 1990, quoted in M. Cahen, "Le socialisme, 
c'est les Soviets plus I'ethnicite," Politique africame, June 1991. 

3. Marina and David Ottway, Afrocommunism (New York: Holmes and Meier, 
1986), pp. 30-35. The word "Afrocommunism" used in the title of this chapter is 
borrowed from these authors. This borrowing is purely lexical and is not intended to 
have connotations similar to those of the term "Eurocommunism" as used in the 1970s. 
Eurocommunism implied the relationships among the Communist parties of Italy, 
France, and Spain and the hopes on the left for "socialism with a human face" that 
avoided mistakes made by the Soviet Union. 

4. Christian Geffray, "Fragments d'un discours du pouvoir (1975-1985): Du bon 
usage d'une meconnaissanee scientifique," Politique afncaine, no. 29 (March 1988). 

5. Marie Mendras, "La strategic oblique en Afrique subsaharienne," in Group for 
Research and Study of Soviet Strategy, "L'URSS et le tiers-monde; Une strategic 
oblique, 11 Cahiers de la Fondatwn pour les etudes de defense nationale, no. 32 (1984). 

6. Bukharin made explicit statements on this point at the Fourth Comintern Con- 
gress on 18 November 1922; see the supplement to La correspondance Internationale, 
4January 1923. 

7. Gareth M. Winrow, The Foreign Policy of the CDR in Africa (New York: Cam- 
bridge University Press, 1990). 

8. Jean-Francois Bayart, "L'etat," in Christian Coulon and Denis-Constant Mar- 
tin, Les Afriques politique* (Paris: La Decouverte, 1991), p. 219. 

9. This question must be addressed if one is take African adherence to Commu- 
nism seriously, as is pointed out by Michael Walter in his editorial in Journal of 
Communist Studies, nos. 3^ (September-December 1985), a special issue on Marxist 
military regimes in Africa. 

10. See esp. Rene Lemarchand, "La violence politique," in Coulon and Martin, Les 
Afriques polttiques, which also contains a sizable bibliography on the question. 

1 1. In 1985, just before the start of the Gorbachev era, in addition to these three 


Notes to Pages 687-692 

countries the Soviet Union regarded Algeria, Benin, Cape Verde, the Congo, Guinea, 
Guinea-Bissau, Madagascar, Sao Tome and Principe, and Tanzania as allies. 

12. See the portrait by Jacques deBarrin in Le monde, 23 May 1991. 

13. Haile Fida, one of the leaders of MEISON and a member of the Dergue's 
Political Bureau, had acquired his Marxist-Leninist tendencies while studying in 
France. He was arrested in August 1977 and disappeared after being detained for 
several months. 

14. Patrice Piquard, "L'Ethiopie juge Mengistu, le boucher rouge/ 1 Levenement du 
Jendi, 22-28 December 1994. 

1 5. See Paul B. Henze, "Communism and Ethiopia," Problems of Communism, May- 
June 1981. 

16. American sources estimate that 15,000 Cuban personnel were stationed there. 

17. Christopher Clapham, "The Workers' Party of Ethiopia," Journal of Communist 
Studies, no. 1 (March 1985). 

18. Ogla Kapeliouk, "Quand le paysan est tenu a Pecart des decisions politiques," Le 
monde diplomatique, April 1984. 

19. Bertrand Le Gendre, "Ethiopie: Le proces de la Terreur rouge," Le monde, 13 
May 1995. In 1997 the secretary general of the Federation of Ethiopian Teachers 
suggested a figure of 30,000 political murders since 1974; Amnesty International, 
Human Rights Violations in Ethiopia (London, 1978), p. 16. 

20. Karel Bartosek, Les aveux des archives, Prague— Pans— Prague, 1948-1956 
(Paris: Seuil, 1996). 

21. See Amnesty International, Human Rights Violations m Ethiopia, pp. 9-11, 14-15, 

22. Zenawi became president immediately after Mengistu fled. The trial of the 
leaders of the Mengistu regime, who were accused of genocide and crimes against 
humanity, was adjourned in December 1994 and resumed on 13 May 1995 with further 
pretrial proceedings. The prosecution's case began in early 1996, and the trials of 71 
former senior officials (including 25 being tried in absentsia) continued slowly over the 
next few years- The most recent indictment came in January 1998, when Major Melaku 
Tefera, the former head of the Dergue's powerful Revolutionary Campaign Coordi- 
nating Committee, was charged with the killings of 1,100 people. 

23. Ethiopian Herald, 13 May 1997. 

24. Eritrea was by no means united in the face of an oppressor. The region has many 
ethnic minorities, and bloodshed among the various groups was common. 

25. Eritrea had been occupied by Italy in 1882 and was annexed by Haile Selassie in 

26. There were also a number of more heterogeneous armed groups that existed on 
a regional level: the Ethiopian Democratic Union included monarchists, people who 
had lost their land in the 1974 revolution, and others who had suffered under the 
Dergue. This group fought alongside Beni Amaer and Afar groups in specific actions 
and generally added to the climate of insecurity in the country. 

27. When Gorbachev began to withdraw support from Africa there was an immedi- 
ate rapprochement between Addis Ababa and Tel Aviv, which was worried by the 
prospect of the weakening of an anti-Islamic power in the region. 

Notes to Pages 692-699 


28. The Eritrean Popular Liberation Front was basically a Marxist organization that 
recruited among the Christian population. The EPLF emerged from a schism with the 
more conservative Eritrean Liberation Front, which thereafter remained a largely Mus- 
lim organization. See Alain Fenet, u Le programme du FPLE, nation et revolution," in 
La Come de I Afrique. Questions natwnales et politique Internationale (Paris: L'Harmattan, 

29. Africa Watch, Evil Days: Thirty Years of War and Famine in Ethiopia (New York, 
1991), p. 117. 

30. Ibid., p. 127. 

31. Georges Lecomte, "Utopisme politique et transfert de population en Ethiopie," 
£j/>n"/, June 1986. 

32. Jean Gallais, "Secheresse, famine, etat en Ethiopie," Herodote, no. 39 (October- 
December 1985). 

33. Michel Fouchcr, "L'Ethiopie: A qui sert la famine?" Herodote, no, 39 (October- 
December 1985). 

34. Anti-Slavery Society, Forced Labour in Humera: Intervention on behalf of the 
Anti-Slavery Society, a report presented to UNESCO's Human Rights Commission, 
Working Party on Slavery (Geneva, August 1981). See Africa Watch, Evil Days, p. 167. 

35. Report from President Haile Mariam Mengistu to the Central Committee of the 
Ethiopian Workers' Party, 14 April 1986. 

36. Foucher, "L'Ethiopie," p. 112. 

37. Cultural Survival, Ethiopia: More Light on Resettlement (London: Survival Inter- 
national, 1991). 

38. Quoted in Le Gendre, "Ethiopie." 

39. On this point, see the work of Michel Cahen, especially his disagreements with 
Elisto M. Macamo in Lusotopie, 1996, pp. 365-378. 

40. Interview, Afrique Asie, 16 May 1977, quoted in Angola, bilan dun socialisme de 
guerre, ed. Pierre Beaudet (Paris: L'Harmattan, 1992). 

41. Pravda, 5 November 1975, quoted in Branko Lazitch and Pierre Rigoulot, "An- 
gola 1974-1988: Un echec du communisme en Afrique," supplement to Est et ouest, no. 
54 (May 1988). 

42. To the name People's Republic of Angola, the only one recognized by Portugal 
in February 1976, UNITA and the FNLA added the adjective "democratic." 

43. Quoted in Lazitch and Rigoulot, "Angola 1974-1988," p. 33. 

44. Liberation- Afrique, no. 9 (March 1974). 

45. See an informed Trotskyite point of view in Claude Gabriel, Angola, le tournant 
africam? (Paris: La Breche, 1978). 

46. Of thirty members of the Central Committee, five were shot (including Nito 
Alves), three disappeared in mysterious circumstances, and two were expelled; Lazitch 
and Rigoulot, "Angola 1974-1988," p. 21. 

47. The Portuguese Trotskyite review Accao comumsta, quoted in Gabriel, Angola, 
p. 329. 

48. Ibid. 

49. Cabinda was annexed to Angola in 1956 by the Portuguese, but it is separated 


Notes to Pages 700-704 

from the rest of the country by the mouth of the Congo River. Its Bacongo people have 
long dreamed of independence, which would allow them to keep the profits from their 
oil reserves for themselves. Since 1975 the presence of 10,000 Angolan troops and 2,000 
Cubans has prevented this. 

50. Republica Popular de Angola, Sintese do piano de recuperacao economica a nivel 
global para o bteno 1989-90, (Luanda, 1988). 

51. Christine Messiant, "Angola, les vois de Pethnisation et de la decomposition," 
Lusotopie, 1994. 

52. Frelimo was basically the result of a merger of various nationalist organizations 
made up of emigre Mozambicans in Tanganyka, Rhodesia, and Nyassaland. See Luis 
de Brito, "Une relecture necessaire; La genese du parti-Etat Frelimo," Politique afri- 
caine, no. 29 (March 1988). 

53. On the weaknesses of Mozambican nationalism, see Claude Cahen, u Sur 
quelques mythes et quelques realites de la colonisation et de la decolonisation por- 
tugaises," paper presented at the conference "Decolonisations comparees," Aix-en- 
Provence, 30 September-3 October 1993. 

54. Christian Geffray, La cause des armes an Mozambique. Anthropologie dune guerre 
civile (Paris: Karthala, 1990), p. 27. 

55. One of the biggest camps, at Milange, near the frontier with Malawi, contained 
10,000 Jehovah's Witnesses. 

56. Human Rights Watch, Conspicuous Destruction: War, Famine, and the Reform 
Process in Mozambique (New York, 1992). 

57. Michel Cahen, "Check on Socialism in Mozambique: What Check? What So- 
cialism?" Review of African Political Economy, no. 57 (1993), 54. 

58. At the Fifth Frelimo Congress, July 1989. 

59. Amnesty International, Mozambique: Independence and Human Rights (London, 
1990), p. 24. 

60. Michel Laban, "Ecrivains et pouvoir politique au Mozambique apres Tindepen- 
dance," Lusotopie, 1995. 

61. See Michel Cahen, Mozambique, la revolution implosee, (Paris: L'Harmattan, 
1987), pp. 152-154. 

62. Speech by President Samora Machel at the December 1985 session of the Popu- 
lar Assembly, quoted in M. Cahen, Mozambique, p. 163. 

63. Human Rights Watch, Conspicuous Destruction, p. 4. UNICEF calculated that 
600,000 people died from starvation over that ten-year period; the same number died of 
hunger in Ethiopia in 1984-85. 

64. Jean-Francois Revel, u Au Mozambique aussi, le marxisme-leninisme engendre 
la famine," Est et ouest, no. 40 (March 1987). 

65. Geffray, La cause des armes, p. 209. 

66. H. Gebaver, u The Subsidized Food Distribution System in Mozambique and Its 
Socio-Economic Impact," Technical Assistance, EC Food Security Department, 
Maputo, 1991, quoted in Human Rights Watch, Conspicuous Destruction, p. 120. 

67. Alain Besancon, "La normalite du communisme selon Zinoviev," Pouvoirs, no, 
21 (1982). 

68. The term is that of Jean Leca, quoted in M. Cahen, Mozambique, p. 161. 

Notes to Pages 705-711 


27. Communism in Afghanistan 

1. For the history of Afghanistan, see Mike Barry, La resistance afghane du Grand 
Moghol d I invasion sovietique (Paris: Flammarion, 1989) (an earlier version appeared in 
1984 under the title Le royaume de Itnsoience); Olivier Roy, Islam and Resistance in 
Afghanistan (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996); Assem Akram, Histoire de 
la guerre dAfghamstan (Paris: Balland, 1996); Pierre Centlivres and Michele Centlivres, 
eds., Afghanistan, la colonisation impossible (Paris: Le Cerf, 1984); Jacques Levesque, 
LVRSS en Afghanistan (Brussels: Complexe, 1990); Eric Bachelier, LAfghanistan en 
guerre. La fin du grand jeu sovietique (Lyon: Presses Universitaires de Lyon, 1992); and 
Andre Brigot and Olivier Roy, The War tn Afghanistan: An Account and Analysis of the 
Country, Its People, Soviet Intervention, and the Resistance, trans. Mary Bottomore and 
Tom Bottomore (New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1988). See also Les nouvelles d Af- 
ghanistan, which since 1980 has provided regular information of extremely high quality. 
For ease of reading, proper names are transcribed according to European conventions. 

2. See Louis Fisher, The Soviets in World Affairs: A History of the Relations between 
the Soviet Union and the Rest of the World, 1917-1929 (Princeton: Princeton University 
Press, 1951), esp. chaps. 13 and 29. 

3. Nicholas Tandler, '"Disinformation 1 a propos de T Afghanistan," Est et ouest, no. 
616 (1-15 June 1978), 19-20. 

4. Ibid,, p. 20. 

5. Georgi Agabekov, OGPU: The Russian Secret Terror (New York: Brentano's, 

6. Ludwig Adamec, "Le fils du porteur d'eau," Les nouvelles (T Afghanistan, no. 48 
(July 1990), 16-17. 

7. Marc Lazarevitch, "L'intervention sovietique en Afghanistan de 1929," Les ca- 
hiers d'histoire sociale, no. 1 (1993), 158. For more on this uprising see Roy, Islam and 
Resistance, pp. 83-84. 

8. Barry, La resistance afghane, p. 241. 

9. Ibid., p. 253. 

10. Christopher Andrew and OLeg Gordievsky, KGB: The Inside Story of Its Foreign 
Operations from Lenin to Gorbachev (New York: HarperCollins, 1990), p. 569. 

1 1 . For more details on these leaders, see Barry, La resistance afghane, pp. 294—297. 

12. Etienne Gille, "L'accession au pouvoir des communistes prosovietiques" in 
Centlivres and Centlivres, Afghanistan, p. 184; Levesque, LVRSS en Afghanistan, p. 35. 

13. Olivier Roy, "De 1'instauration de la Republique a ('invasion sovietique," in 
Brigot and Roy, The War m Afghanistan, pp. 29-30. 

14. Ibid., p. 30. 

15. Barry, La resistance afghane, p. 252. 

16. Ibid., p. 301; and Akram, Histoire de la guerre d'Afghanistan, p. 93-95. Akram 
produces testimony by Mohammed Najibullah as evidence for this theory. 

17. Barry, La resistance afghane, p. 300. 

18. Ibid., p. 302. 

19. Amnesty International, Annual Report, 1979, covering the year 1978 (London, 
1979), p. 101. 


Notes to Pages 711-715 

20. Barry, La resistance afghane, p. 304. 

21. Remi Kauffer and Roger Faligot, Les maitres espwns. Histoire mondiale du ren- 
seignement, vol. 2; De la guerre frotde a nos jours (Paris; Robert Laffont, 1994), p. 391. See 
also Patrice Franceschi, lis oni chotst la liberie (Grenoble: Arthaud, 1981), pp. 41—^2; 
and Gille, "L'accession au pouvoir," pp. 199-200. 

22. Gille, "L'accession au pouvoir," p. 199. 

23. Akram, Histoire de la guerre dAfghamstan, p. 516; and Marie Broxup and Chantal 
Lemercier-Quelquejay, "Les experiences sovietiques de guerres musulmanes" in Brigot 
and Roy, The War in Afghanistan, p. 41 . 

24. Bachelier, LAfghanistan, p. 50. 

25. Barry, La resistance afghane, p. 314. For the Kerala widows see also Les nouvelles 
dAfghanistan, nos. 35-36 (December 1987), 33. Barry also points out that five Soviet 
officers were in charge of the operation. 

26. Levesque, LVRSS en Afghanistan, p. 48; Gille, "L'accession au pouvoir," 
p. 200. See also Amnesty Internationa], "Violations of Human Rights and Fundamental 
Liberties in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan," 11 April 1979. This report, 
which draws only on official cases, mentions cases of children in detention. 

27. Vladimir Bukovsky, Reckoning with Moscow: A Dissident tn the Kremlin s Archives 
(London: John Murray, 1998), pp. 380-382. The author reproduces excerpts from 
discussions between Aleksei Kosygin and Nur-Mohammed Taraki, who was asking for 
aid from the Soviet Union. The initial response from Moscow was not particularly 
favorable. An English translation of the full transcript was published in the Cold War 
International History Project Bulletin, nos. 8-9 (Winter 1996-97), 146-150. 

28. Barry, La resistance afghane, pp. 306-307. 

29. Kauffer and Faligot, Les maitres esptons, p. 390. 

30. Shah Bazgar, Afghanistan, la resistance au coeur (Paris: Denoel, 1987), pp. 65-66. 
Shah Bazgar died on 23 November 1989 in an ambush while researching a report on 
irrigation systems. The only weapon he had was a camera. See Gilles Rossignol and 
Etienne Gille, "Un temoin: Shah Bazgar," Les nouvelles dAfghanistan, no. 45 (Decem- 
ber 1989), 6. 

31 . Roy, Islam and Resistance, p. 125; Gille, "L'accession au pouvoir, 11 p. 199. 

32. Andrew and Gordievsky, KGB, pp. 570-571. The authors note that Boyarinov 
was killed by his own men when he was mistaken for an Afghan. 

33. Politburo archives, quoted in Akram, Histoire de la guerre dAfghamstan, pp. 149- 
150; and Bukovsky, Reckoning with Moscow, pp. 385-386. 

34. Akram, Histoire de la guerre dAfghamstan, pp. 150-154, explores the various 
possibilities concerning Soviet expansionism. 

35. Bukovsky, Reckoning with Moscow, pp. 493-^94. Christophe de Ponfilly and 
Frederic Laffont report in Poussteres de guerre (Paris: Robert LafTont, 1990), p. 91 : "The 
Russians used the most modern weapons they had at their disposal, and planes like the 
Su-25 dropped their bombs from more than 32,000 feet." 

36. Les nouvelles dAfghamstan, no. 7 (November 1981), 9. A survey titled "Interets 
economiques sovietiques en Afghanistan," detailing the extent to which the Soviet 
Union pillaged the natural resources of the country, can be found in the same issue. 

Notes to Pages 715-719 


37. G. F Krivosheev, Grtf sekretnosti sniat: Poteri Vooruzhennykh sil v voinakh, bo- 
evykh detstviyakh, i voennykh konfliktakh (The stamp of secrecy lifted: Losses of the 
armed forces in wars, combat operations, and military conflicts) (Moscow: Voenizdat, 
1983), p. 407. 

38. S. Jenis, "Un bonjour d' Afghanistan," Lalternattve, no. 19 (November-Decem- 
ber 1982), 43. See also Svetlana Aleksievitch, Les cercueils de zinc (Paris: Christian 
Bourgois, 1991). 

39. De Ponfilly and Laffont, Poussteres de guerre, p. 175. 

40. See Bukovsky, Reckoning with Moscow, pp. 263, 460; and Francoise Thorn, "Le 
KGB et les Juifs," Pardes, nos. 19-20 (1994), 7-24. 

41. Bachelier, LAfghamstan, p. 52. On the various resistance groups, see also Roy, 
Islam; and Akram, Histoire de la guerre dAfghamstan, chap. 8. 

42. On the pattern of mass suffering under total war and the way that civilization 
seems to disappear, see Annette Becker and Stephane Audoin-Rouzeau, "Violence et 
consentement: La culture de guerre du Premier conflit mondial," in Pour une histoire 
culturelle, ed. Jean-Pierre Rioux and Jean-Francois Sirinelli (Paris: Le Seuil, 1997), 
pp. 251-271; and Francois Furet, 77?^ Passing of an Illusion: The Idea of Communism tn 
the Twentieth Century (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999), chaps. 2 and 3. 

43. Olivier Roy, "Les limites de la pacification sovietique en Afghanistan," Laiterna- 
ttve, no. 31 (January-February 1985), 14. 

44. Amnesty International, Annual Report, 1989, covering the year 1988 (London, 
1989), p. 172. See also "Les refugies afghans," Les nouvelles dAfghamstan, nos. 35-36 
(December 1987). 

45. Barry, La resistance afghane, p. 18. 

46. Marina Isenburg, "Les origines du Tribunal permanent des peuples," Bulletin 
dmformatton el de liaison du Bureau international afghamstan. La Lettre du BIA, special 
issue, "Afghanistan, Tribunal dcs pcuples. Stockholm: 1981 — Paris: 1982, compte 
rendu des travaux," p. 3. 

47. Quoted in Barry, La resistance afghane, p. 80. On the massacre in the village of 
Padkhwab-e Shana, see Bulletin dmformatton and Barry, chap. 1. 

48. Amnesty International, Annual Report, 1983, covering the year 1982 (London, 
1983), p. 227; and Bernard Dupaigne, "L'armee sovietique en Afghanistan/ 1 L alterna- 
tive, no. 31 (January- February 1985), 8-9. 

49. Dupaigne, "L'armee sovietique en Afghanistan," pp. 8-9. 

50. Quoted in Roy, "Les limites de la pacification sovietique," p. 13. Amnesty Inter- 
national, Annual Report, 1984, p. 240, also noted the murder of twenty-three civilians in 
the village of Raudza, in Ghazni Province. Similar reports of villages destroyed were 
published in every Amnesty report for the period in question. 

51 . Akram, Histoire de la guerre dAfghamstan, p. 523; Amnesty International, Annual 
Report, 1986, p. 222. 

52. B u lie tin d 'information, p. 1 5 . 

53. Pierre Gentelle, "Chronologie 1747-1984," Problemes polttiques et sociaux, 15 
December 1984, p. 14. 

54. Akram, Histoire de la guerre dAfghamstan, p. 523. Gennadii Bocharov reports a 


Notes to Pages 719—722 

similar practice; cattle were then systematically slaughtered; La roulette russe (Paris: 
Denoel, 1990), p. 30. 

55. Bukovsky, Reckoning with Moscow, p. 534. 

56. " Afghanistan, assassinats et refugies," La chronique (V Amnesty International, no. 
19 bis (June 1988), 10. Amnesty repeated the claim in a press communique dated 4 May 
1988, Amnesty International Archives, London, Afghanistan file for 1988. 

57. Les nouvelles dAfghamstan, nos. 35-36 (December 1987), 17. 

58. Akram, Histoire de la guerre d 'Afghanistan, pp. 178-179; and Anne Guerin, "Une 
sanglante lassitude," La chronique d Amnesty International, no. 2 (December 1986), 9. 

59. Bazgar, Afghanistan, la resistance au coeur, pp. 101-102. 

60. Olivier Roy, "Kabul, la sinistree," in Villes en guerre, ed. Eric Sarner (Paris: 
Autrement, 1986), p. 74. 

61. Les nouvelles d "Afghanistan published a special issue on the town, "Herat ou Tart 
meurtri," nos. 4M2 (March 1989), 40. 

62. Barry, La resistance afghane, p. 308. 

63. Bernard Dupaigne, "Les droits de Phomme en Afghanistan/' Les nouvelles d Af- 
ghanistan, nos. 24-25 (October 1985), 8-9. 

64. Report by Felix Ermacora, a special rapporteur for the United Nations, in 
application of Resolution 1985/88 of the UN Human Rights Commission, Report on 
the Situation of Human Rights in Afghanistan, UN Document No. E/CN.4/ 1985/21 
(New York, 19 February 1985). Ermacora prepared updates on this report (under the 
same title) twice a year over the next four years. 

65. Amnesty International, press communique, 2 November 1983, Amnesty Inter- 
national Archives, Afghanistan file for 1983. 

66. Ermacora, Report on the Situation, p. 11, quoted in Ba/gar, Afghanistan, la resis- 
tance au coeur, p. 132. 

67. Amnesty International, Afghanistan: Torture of Political Prisoners (London, 
1986), pp. 19-26; and Cristina L'Homme, u Les sovietiques interrogent, les Afghans 
torturent," La chronique d'Amnesty International, no. 2 (December 1986), 6-8. 

68. Statement by Tajwar Kakar, quoted in Doris Lessing, The Wind Blows Away Our 
Words and Other Documents Relating to the Afghan Resistance (New York: Vintage, 1987), 
pp. 193-204. 

69. Andrew and Gordievsky, KGB, p. 572. 

70. Kauffer and Faligot, Les maitres espwns, p. 392. 

71 . Amnesty International, Annual Report, 1981, p. 225; and Les nouvelles d'Afghant- 
sian, "Les manifestations etudiantes d'avril 1980," no. 48 (July 1990), 18-20. 

72. Akram, Histoire de la guerre d Afghanistan, p. 169. 

73. Barry, La resistance afghane, p. 308. 

74. Amnesty International, "Afghanistan," External Document, SF/83/E/162 — 
ASA 11/13/83, 11 October 1983, pp. 6-7; idem, Afghanistan; Torture; idem, annual 
reports for 1983-1991. The exact date of the execution is uncertain, according to the 
1991 report, p. 20. 

75. See esp. Alain Guillo, Un gram dans la machine (Paris: Robert Laffont, 1989); 

Notes to Pages 722-738 


Philippe Augoyard, La prison pour delit despoir. Medecin en Afghanistan (Paris: Flam- 
marion, 1985); and Jacques Abouchar, Dans la cage de POurs (Paris: Balland, 1985). 

76. Francois Missen, La nuit afghane (Paris: Ramsay, 1990), reports that he was 
arrested together with his cameraman, Antoine Darnaud, and his guide, Osman Barai. 
The latter was never released. 

77. Amnesty International, "Afghanistan," p. 8; for Afghan Mellat see the 1989 
annual report, for the release of twenty-three of the thirty imprisoned party activists. 

78. Bazgar, Afghanistan, la resistance au coeur, pp. 227-229. 

79. Bachelier, L Afghanistan, p. 62; and Akram, Histoire de la guerre d Afghanistan, 
pp. 207-208. 

80. Seddiqoullah Rahi, Connaissez-vous NajihouIIah? quoted in Akram, Histoire de la 
guerre d Afghanistan, p. 210. 

81. Amnesty International, "Afghanistan, 11 p. 13. For obvious reasons, the witness 
statements quoted are usually anonymous. 

82. Statement by Nairn, age ten, in Bazgar, Afghanistan, la resistance au coeur, pp. 25- 


1 . Francois Furet, "Terror," in Dictionary of the French Revolution, ed. F. Furet and 
Mona Ozouf (Cambridge, Mass.: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 

2. Quoted in Jacques Baynac, La terreur sous Lemne (Paris: Sagittaire, 1975), p. 75. 

3. Quoted in Michael Confino, Violence dans la violence. Le dehat Bakoumne- 
Netcha lev (Paris: Maspero, 1973). 

4. Ibid., p. 102. 

5. Martin Malia, The Soviet Tragedy (New York: Free Press, 1994), pp. 63-64. 

6. Helene Carriere d'Encausse, The Russian Syndrome: One Thousand Years of 
Political Murder (New York: Holmes and Meier, 1992), pp. xvii, 6. 

7. Vasily Grossman, Forever Flowing (New York: Harper & Row, 1972), p. 214. 

8. Tomas G. Masaryk, The Making of a State: Memories and Observations, 1914- 
1918 (New York: Frederick A. Stokes, 1927), p. 201. 

9. Maksim Gorky, O Russkom Krestyanstve (On the Russian peasantry) (Berlin: 
Izdatelstvo Ladyzhnikova, 1922), pp. 16-19. 

10. Malia, Soviet Tragedy, p. 3. 

1 1 . Karl Kautsky, Terrorism and Communism: A Contribution to the Natural History 
of Revolution, trans. W. H. Kerridge (London: Allen and Unwin, 1920), pp. 149, 152. 

12. Francois F'uret, The Passing of an Illusion: The Idea of Communism in the Twen- 
tieth Century (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999), pp. 67-68. 

13. Yuli Martov, Down with Executions, pamphlet from 1918 reprinted in The Oppo- 
sition: At Home and Abroad, vol. 1 (Nendeln: Kraus Reprint, 1975), p. 5. 

14. Quoted in Arkadi Vaksberg, Le mystere Gorki (Paris: Albin Michel, 1997), p. 111. 

15. Leon Trotsky, The Defence of Terrorism, trans. H. N. Brailsford (London: Allen 
and Unwin, 1921), pp. 21-22. 


Notes to Pages 739-753 

16. Karl Kautsky, The Dictatorship of the Proletariat, trans. H. J. Stenning (Ann 
Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1964), p. 55. 

17. See the portrait by Nicolas Valentinov in Met recontres avec Lenme (Paris: Plon, 

18. Cornelius Castoriadis, The Imaginary Institution of Society (Cambridge, Mass.: 
MIT Press, 1998). 

19. Kautsky, Dictatorship of the Proletariat, pp. 1-3. 

20. Ibid, pp. 51-53. 

21. V. I. Lenin, The Proletarian Revolution and the Renegade Kautsky (Moscow: For- 
eign Languages Publishing House, 1952), pp. 32-33, 20. 

22. Ibid., p. 37. 

23. Trotsky, Defence of Terrorism, p. 83, 86. 

24. Ibid., pp. 51-52. 

25. Ibid., p. 56. 

26. Isaac Steinberg, L aspect ethique de la revolution (Berlin: Skify, 1923), quoted in 
Baynac, La terreur, p. 370. 

27. Quoted in Vaksberg, Le mystere Gorki, p. 183. 

28. Ibid., p. 264. 

29. Confino, Violence, p. 137. 

30. Quoted in Alain Brossat, Un Communisme insupportable (Paris: L'Harmattan, 
1997), p. 266. 

31 . Annie Kriegel, Les grands proces dans les systemes communistes (Paris: Gallimard, 

32. Carl Schmitt, The Concept of the Political (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 

33. Kautsky, Dictatorship of the Proletariat, pp. 81-82. 

34. Tzvetan Todorov, L'homme depayse (Paris: Le Seuil, 1995), p. 33. 

35. Idem, On Human Diversity (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1993), 
p. 170. 

36. Trotsky, Defence of terrorism, pp. 35, 60. 

37. Vaksberg, Le mystere Gorki. 

38. Kautsky, Dictatorship of the Proletariat, pp. 4—5. 

39. Brossat, Un Communisme insupportable, p. 265. 

40. Vaksberg, Le mystere Gorki, p. 262. 

41. Brossat, Un Communisme insupportable, p. 268. 

42. Vaksberg, Le mystere Gorki, pp. 286-287. 

43. Ibid., p. 312. 

44. Bruno Gravier, "Une actualite toujours plus cruciale," in La crime contre Thu- 
manite, ed. Marcel Colin (Ramon-Ville Saint-Agen: Eres, 1996), p. 10. 

45. Dominique Colas, Lenme et le lemntsme (Paris: Presses Universitaires Francaises, 
1987), p. 101. See also his doctoral dissertation, Le lemntsme (Paris: Presses Universi- 
taires Francaises, 1982). 

46. Colin, La crime contre Thumanite, p. 14. 

47. Mireille Delmas-Marty, "L'interdit et le respect: Comment definir le crime 
contre Thumanite?" in Colin, La crime contre Thumanite, p. 26. 

Notes to Pages 753-757 


48. Grossman, Forever Flowing, p. 200. 

49. Confino, Violence, p. 120. 

50. Quoted in ibid., p. 112. 

51. Michel del Castillo, La tunique dmfamie (Paris: Fayard, 1997), p. 25. 

52. Leszek Kolakowski, L esprit revoluttonnaire (Paris: Editions Complexe, 1978), 
p. 22. 

53. Todorov, On Human Diversity, p. 165. 

54. Aino Kuusinen, The Rings of Destiny: Inside Soviet Russia from Lenin to Brezhnev 
(New York: William Morrow, 1974), p. 227. 

55. The text has been analyzed by Michel Heller in "Lenine et la Vetcheka," Libre, 
no. 2(1971), 19. 

56. Maksim Gorky, Lenin: A Biographical Essay (London: Morrison & Gibb, 1967), 
pp. 29-32. 

57. Grossman, Forever Flowing, pp. 239-240. 


Abakumov, Viktor, 244, 245, 246, 247, 435 

Abate, Atnafu, 689 

Abdullah, Sayyed, 713 

Abensour, Miguel, 394 

Abramovich, Rafael, 75, 345 

Abul Aoun, Rifaat, 357 

Add 1S Ababa, 689, 690,691,692 

Adi Qualla camp, 692 

Administration for Special Resettlements, 223 

Adolf, Alfred, 347 

Afghan Communist Party, 708-709 

Afghanistan, 4, 5, 705-725 

Afghan Mellat, 722-723 

Afghans, 6 

Africa, 4, 9, 683-684, 695-696. See also indi- 
vidual countries 

Agabekov, Georgy, 707 

Agazade, 706 

Agitprop (Agitation and Propaganda) Depart- 
ment, 244 

Agramontt, Roberto, 649 

Agrarian Party, 279 

Agrarian Union Party (Bulgaria), 401, 449 

Agronov, Yakov, 1 29 

Ahmadi, Farida, 722 

Ahn Sung Un, 562 

AK. See Armia Krajowa 

Akbari, Yunis, 722 

Akhlursk, 226 

A I an say a, Tino, 677 

Albacere, 348, 349 

Albania, 310-311, 324, 328, 329, 359, 397, 

409, 418, 425^26, 438, 444, 449, 454, 637 
Albanian Communist Party, 310-31 1, 444, 449 
Alcala de Henares, 348 
Ateksandr III, 731, 733 
Ateksandrov, 161 
Atekseev, Mikhail, 60 
Alexander I, 279, 305 
Alexandra, Tsarina, 43 
Algeria, 353-354, 683 
Algerian Communist Party, 354 
Alianza Popular Revolucionaria Americana 

(APRA), 679 
Alianza Revolucionaria Democratica (ARDE), 

Alikhanov, Gevork, 197, 293 
Allamvedelmi Osztaly (AVO), 398 
All-Ethiopian Socialist Movement (Meison), 

Alliance for Progress of the Miskitos and 

Sumo (Alpromisu), 668 



Allies, 5, 22, 230, 231, 320, 326, 327, 331 
Allpahaca, 677 

All-Russian Committee for Aid to the Starv- 
ing, 122 
Ail-Russian Congress of Soviets, 50-51, 69 
All-Russian Ecclesiastical Committee for Aid 

to the Hungry, 122 
All-Russian Extraordinary Commission to 
Combat the Counterrevolution, Specula- 
tion, and Sabotage. See Cheka 
Alma-Ata, 141,289 
Alpha 66 group, 654 
Alpromisu (Alliance for Progress of the 

Miskitos and Sumo), 668 
Alsace-Lorraine, 26, 323 
Altai, 213,218,219,237 
Alter, Viktor, 31 8-3 19 
Alushta, 61 

Alvarez del Vayo, Juan, 334, 339 
Alves, Nito, 698-699 
Alvor treaty, 696 
Amanullah, Khan, 706, 707 
Amazonia, 679 
Ambachew, Alemu, 691 
Ambassel camp, 694 
Amdo, 542-543 

American Joint Distribution Committee, 242 
American Relief Association (ARA), 122, 

Amhara ethnic group, 688 
Amin, Hafizullah, 709, 710, 711, 713, 714 
Amnesty International, 553, 562, 638, 664, 

671-673, 690, 692, 700, 717, 719, 722, 723 
Amtorg, 312 

Anders, Ladislav, 317, 379 
Andom, Aman, 687 
Andrade, Juan, 341, 346 
Andreev, Andrei, 142, 177, 189, 190, 233 
Andreev, V., 156 
Andrew, Christopher, 721 
Andrianov, Andrei, 247 
Andropov, Yuri, 723 

Angkar Padevat (Revolutionary Organiza- 
tion), 597, 599, 602, 604-608, 619-623 
Angkor, 599, 617-618 
Angkor Wat, 4 

Angola, 663^664, 685, 686, 696-700 
Anhui, 490, 492 
An MyungChul, 556-557 
Antelme, Robert, 752 

Anti-Fascist Resistance Group of October 

First (GRAPO), 359 
Antirightist movement, 476, 485-486, 504 
Antonescu, Ion, 416, 452 
Antonov, Aleksandr Stepanovich, 1 10, 1 16 
Antonov-Ovseenko, Aleksandr, 53, 97, 116, 

Antonov-Ovseenko, Vladimir, 337 
APR A (Alianza Popular Revolucionaria 

Americana), 679 
April Revolution, 710-714 
Aracheva, Raina, 445-446 
Arafat, Yasser, 355, 358 
Aragon, 343 

Aragon, Louis, 11,18, 292, 340, 749 
Araquistain, Luis, 339 
Arbenz, Jacobo, 651 
Arce, Bayardo, 670 
Archeo-Marxists, 310 
Arco Iris (Rainbow) camp, 660 
ARDE (Alianza Revolucionaria Demoeratica), 

Arenas, Reinaldo, 651 
Arkhangelsk, 114, 118, 136-137, 151, 153, 

Armavir, 106 

Armed Forces Movement, 696 
Armee de Liberation Nationale, 353 
Armenia, 138,184, 189,218,312 
Armenians, 52, 219, 223, 224, 237, 312-313 
Armia Krajowa (AK), 372-375, 379 
Arquer, Jordi, 341, 346, 347 
Ascaso, Joaquin, 343 
Asfa, Ijegayehu, 691 
Asfaw, Legesse, 691 
Ashaninka ethnic group, 678 
Asia Watch, 553 

Assault Assassination Committee, 567 
Assault Troops, 338, 343 
Assembly of Workers' Representatives, 70 
Associacao dos Escritores Mocambicanos, 703 
Astrakhan, 86, 87-88, 111,289 
Asturias, 334 

Atarbekov, Georgy, 103, 104, 106 
Ataturk, Kemal, 707 
Athders, Lyster, 668 
Atlan, Henri, 753 
Augursky, Samuel, 304 



Auschwitz, 9, 15,302,379 

Austrian Communist Party (K.PO), 302, 315 

Austro-Hungarian empire, 271, 365, 419 

Averbuch, Wolf, 304 

AVH (Allamvedelmi Hatosag), 398, 439 

AVNOJ (Yugoslav National Anti-Fascist 

Council for Liberation), 325 
AVO (Allamvedelmi Osztaly), 398 
Ayacucho, 675-676, 677, 678, 679 
Aymacs, 705 
Azarta, Manuel, 339 
Azema, Jean-Pierre, 10 
Azerbaijan, 138,218 
Azerbaijanis, 52 
Azev, Evno, 285 
Azher camp, 227 
Azul division, 323 

Baader, Andreas, 359 

Baader Meinhof gang, 358-359 

Babel, Isaac, 97, 200, 247 

Babeuf, Gracchus, 9, 21 

Baccala, Vicen/.o, 314 

Bachelier, Eric, 712 

Bacilek, Karol, 435 

Badaev, Aleksei, 246 

Bancs, Barrudem, 711 

Baikal-Amur-Magistral (BAM), 204 

Baku, 60, 706 

Bakunin, Mikhail, 729, 745, 754-755 

Balachevo prison, 161 

Balkans, 412 

Balkars, 219,221,256 

Balluku, Beqir, 449 

Baltic states, 5, 1 5, 52, 208-213, 227, 228, 
229-230, 236, 264. See also individual coun- 

Baltic-White Sea canal, 151, 203-204 

Baits, 6, 10, 62, 229-230, 236, 238-239, 254, 
256, 258. See also individual nationalities 

Baluchis, 705 

BAM (Baikal-Amur Magistral), 204 

Bamlag camp, 204 

Bandera Roja (Red Flag), 676 

Bandera units, 396 

Bangkok, 600 

Bante, Teferi, 688 


Bao Ruo-wang(Jean Pasqualini), 498 

Baptists, 258 

Barabas, Francise, 447 

Barak, Rudolf, 449 

Barbieri, Francesco, 340 

Barbusse, Henri, 20 

Barcelona, 337, 340-341, 346-347 

Baret, Michael, 717 

Barnaul, 217,289 

Barry, Michael, 708, 710, 712, 717 

Barton, Paul (Jiri Veltrusly), 26-27 

Bartoselt, Karel, 411,690 

Bartziotas, Vasilis, 310 

Bashkiria, 189, 224 

Bashkirs, 97 

Bashtakov, Ivan L., 211, 369 

Basov, M. V, 246 

Bataillon, Giles, 668, 669 

Batista, Fulgencio, 647, 648, 650, 655, 

Battambang, 602 
Battek, Rudolf, 444 
Batumi, 331 
Bay of Pigs, 651, 656 
Bazgar, Shah, 713, 719, 723 
Beaufrere, Marcel, 310 
Beauregard camp, 321 
Becker, Jasper, 543 
Beida University, 519 
Beijing, 469, 482, 491, 519, 523, 530, 533, 

542; Prison No. 1, 499; University, 536 
Beimler, Hans, 349-350 
Bek, Ibrahim, 708 
Belene Island camp, 418, 449 
Beleshova, Liri, 449 

Belgian Committee for Aid to Eritrea, 692 
Belo Pole camp, 416 
Beloretsk, 68 
Belorussia, 184, 198, 199, 208-212, 228, 229, 

364, 365, 367-368, 370, 374 
Benda, Vaclav, 455 
Benjamin, Metropolitan, 126 
Ben Sue, 3 1 1 
Be ran, Josef, 410 
Berdyaev, Nikolai, 129 
Berezniki, 204 
Bergen-Belsen, 31 
Berger, Joseph, 11-12,304 
Beria, Lavrenti, 20, 139, 140, 190, 205-206, 

209-213, 217, 21 8, 220-229 passim, 240, 

241-254 passim, 296, 307, 319, 368, 370, 

374, 436 



Berlin Conference, 695 
Berling, Zygmunt, 373 
Berlin Wall, 28, 408, 446, 449 
Berman, Rudolf, 186 
Berneri, Camillo, 340 
Bernstein, Eduard, 729 

Berzin, Ian, 337 

Bessarabia, 5, 208, 231, 370, 395 

Bessarabians, 10 

Bethlehem Jesuit College, 651 

Bezpielca (Polish security service), 375-377, 
379, 380-384, 385, 386, 390 

Biafra, 686 

Bibo, Istvan, 450 

Bierut, Bolestaw, 381, 384, 438 

Birobidzhan, 243, 249, 304 

Black Eagle, 97, 98 

Black Earth territories, 41, 47, 142, 149, 167, 

Black Hundreds, 91, 113, 125 

Black Khmers, 684 

Black Shawls, 396 

Blagoeva, Stella, 296 

Blandon, Juana, 672 

Blanqui, Louis Auguste, 730 

Bloch, 303 

Bloch, Gerard, 309 

Bloch, Jean-Richard, 309 

Bloch, Michel, 309 

Blucher, Vasily, 198 

Blue Shirts, 284 

Blum, Leon, 335, 339 

BobovDol, 417, 449 

Bodniras, Emil, 398 

Bofill, Ricardo, 662 

Bogdanov Dol, 417 

Bogomolov, Aleksandr, 194 

Bogoslovka, 1 17 

Boguchachinsk Railway, 151 

Bohemia, 403, 408 

Boico, Cristina, 398 

Boitel, Pedro Luis, 654 

Bolivia, 652-653 

Bolivian Communist Party, 652 

Bolshevik Party, 48-52, 79, 82-83, 1 12, 197, 
263, 272, 288, 289-290; Central Commit- 
tee, 50, 51, 54, 99, 140, 143, 145, 146, 164, 
173, 179, 181,248,287,299,366,372; 
Cheka and, 77, 79, 86, 103; Great Terror 

and, 189, 192, 201; gulags and, 227, 232; 
Central Executive Committee, 53, 54, 58, 
64,65,84, 116, 125, 161; Third Congress, 
276; Ninth Congress, 88; Tenth Congress, 
109, 286-287; Eleventh Congress, 288, 739; 
Thirteenth Congress, 288; Fifteenth Con- 
ress, 281; Sixteenth Congress, 145; Seven- 
teenth Congress, 192, 194,201; Eighteenth 
Congress, 248; Nineteenth Congress, 248. 
See also CPSU 

Bolsheviks, 2, 8, 13-14, 25, 40-140 passim, 
231, 264, 265, 271, 275-278, 297, 313, 398- 
399, 414-415, 687, 706, 728-746 passim 

Bolshevik Terror. See Red Terror 

Bolshevism, 40, 45-46, 48, 271, 471^72 

Bonch-Bruevich, Vladimir, 57 

Bonet, Pedro, 342, 346 

Boniato prison, 654, 658 

Borbely, I., 448 

Borge, Tomas, 665, 666, 667, 669, 674 

Boris III, 395 

Borodin, Mikhail, 280 

Borowski, Jan (Ludwig Komorovsky), 298 

Bosnia, 10, 325 

Botha, Pik, 697 

Boujun, 560 

Boumediene, Houari, 661 

Boyarinov, Grigory, 714 

Boyarsky, Vladimir, 436 

Brandler, Heinrich, 277 

Brankov, Lazar, 426 

Bra§ov, 395, 447 

Britianu, Vintila, 402 

Br&tianu family, 400 

Bratislava, 428 

Brauning, Karl, 346 

Brecht, Berrolt, 23 

Brener, Mikhail, 83 

Bressler, Moritz, 344 

Brest Litovsk, 63, 64, 65, 195, 303, 318 

Breton, Andre, 31 1 

Brezhnev, Leonid Ilich, 27, 193, 237, 356, 

Brichman, Karl, 299 

Britain, 207-208, 320, 328, 329, 354-355, 
375, 706 

Brno, 404-405, 411,413,430 

Brossat, Alain, 749, 750-751 

Broue, Pierre, 350 



Broz, Josip. See Tito 

Bruguiere, Jean-Louis, 357 

Bruno, Judge, 736 

Brusilov, Aleksei, 45-46 

Bryansk, 87, 90 

Bryukhanov, Aleksandr, 171 

Buber-Neumann, Margaret, 19, 303 

Bucharest, 3, 447 

Buchenwald, 294, 310, 417 

Buehholz, Mathieu, 310 

Budapest, 439 

Buddhists, 545, 546,609, 617 

Bugai, N„ 262 

Bugan, Ion, 447 

Bui, Aleksei, 173 

Bui Quang Chieu, 566 

Bukhara, 138-139 

Bukhara Khanate, 707 

Bukharin, Nikolai, 79, 134, 140, 142, 144, 

159, 170, 184, 198,263,289,746 
Bukharinites, 193 
Bukhovo, 418 
Bukovina, 5 

Bukovsky, Vladimir, 19,27,712 
Bulgakov, Sergei, 129 
Bulganin, Nikolai, 77, 249, 250 
Bulgaria, 279-280, 329, 330, 395-402, 416, 

417-418, 427, 442, 445-446, 449, 453-454, 

Bulgarian Communist Party, 279-280, 426 
Bulgars, 219, 223, 224 
Huli, Petro, 444 
Bui lejos, Jose, 291 

Bund (Jewish Socialist Workers 1 Party), 318 
Bung Tra Beck camp, 612 
Bureau for Documentation and Inquiry into 

the Crimes of Communism, 455 
Bureau for State Protection (UOP), 391 
Burillo, Ricardo, 342 
Burma, 550 
Burtsev, Vladimir, 285 
Bydgoszcz, 388 

Cabinda, 699 

Cabrera Rocha, Octavio, 676 

Caceavalc, Romolo, 313 

Calligaris, Luigi, 314 

Calvinists, 410 

Camaguey, 649, 653, 656, 658, 659, 661 

Cambodia, 4, 10, 27, 28, 459, 465, 546, 571, 

Cambodian Genocide Program, 579 
Cambodian Institute for Human Rights, 613 
Camilitos, 668 
Camilo-Cienfuegos plan, 65 
"Campaign against Spiritual Pollution," 542 
"Campaign of Salvation," 474-475 
Campanella, Tommaso, 2 
Canada, criminal code of, 1 1 
Canton, 281,282, 533 
Capitolio, 660 
Carcel Modelo, 673 
Cardona, Jose Miro, 649 
Carlos (Ilyich Ramirez-Sanchez), 356-358 
Carrel, Alexis, 752 
Carreras, Jesus, 653-654, 658 
Carrere dTncausse, Helene, 127, 731 
Cartel for the Defense of Revolutionary Pris- 
oners in Republican Spain, 346 
Carton, Martinez, 351 

Castillo, Michel del, 755 

Castoriadis, Cornelius, 739 

Castro, Fidel, 2, 3, 20, 26, 309, 648-655 pas- 
sim, 661-669 passim, 697 

Castro, Raul, 649, 653, 654, 698 

Catalonia, 335, 337-340, 349-350 

Catherine II, 216 

Catholic Church, 29, 364-365, 382, 409, 410- 

Catholics, 258, 570, 593-594 

Caucasus, 16,52,60, 101, 106, 118, 142, 146- 
147, 149, 160, 162, 164, 167, 189, 217, 218, 

CDS (Comite de Defensa Sandinista), 668 

Ceausescu, Nicolae, 3, 423, 447, 453, 561 

Celor, Pierre, 291-292 

Centenary Youth Column, 656 

Central Asia, 60, 106, 138, 168, 259, 706 

Central Commission for Help to the Hungry, 
123, 124 

Central Committee for Independent Social 
Democracy, 400 

Central Executive Committee of the Soviets, 
113, 120 

Cepicka, Alexej, 436 

Cerqueeti, L., 314 

Cerro de Pesco, 679 

Ccspedes, Carlos, 647 



Challayc, Felicien, 346 

Cham," 592, 594-595 

Chami, Djemal, 311 

Chamorro, Pedro Joaquin, 665, 667 

Chamorro, Violeta, 667, 675 

Chandler, David, 589, 590 

Chao Shu-li, 522 

Charter 77, 450 

Chayanov, Andrei, 170 

Chechens, 10, 101,219,220,221,256,264, 

Chechnya, 139, 140 

Chechnya-Ingushetia, 220 

Cheka, 8, 15, 53-69 passim, 72-78 passim, 82- 
107 passim, 1 10-121 passim, 128, 134, 137, 
138, 139, 262, 280, 293, 294, 342, 707, 756; 
Order No. 171,1 16-118. See also GPU; 
KGB; NKVD; OGPU; Troops for the In- 
ternal Defense of the Republic 

Chelyabinsk, 111, 189,219 

Chemnitz, 277 

Chen Duxiu, 31 1 

Chen Ku-teh, 525-526 

Chenla-II, 581 

Chen Yi, 519 

Chen Yun, 284 

Cherkassy, 96 

Chcrnihiv, 96 

Chernomordik, Moisei, 293 

Chernov, Viktor, 85 

Chernyshev, Vasily V., 369 

Chetniks, 324, 325, 326 

Chiang Kai-shek, 280-281, 469, 471, 476 

Chiatura, 139-140 

Chi Hoa prison, 574 

Children's Home No. 6, 315-316 

Chimczak, Eugeniusz, 378 

China, 280-282, 284-285, IW.See also Peo- 
ple's Republic of China 

Chinese Communist Party, 25-26, 280-281, 
284, 311, 463, 464-465, 471-473, 484, 486, 

Chinese Revolution, 1 1, 476-477 

Chipenda, Daniel, 698 

Chipote detention center, 672 

Chissano, Joaquim, 684 

ChoIlMyung, 551 

Cho Man Sik, 549 

Chongjin, 555 

Chow Chingwen, 483 

Christians, 482-483, See a/so individual 
churches, denominations 

Chubar, Anatoly, 192 

Chukovskaya, Lidia, 256 

Churchill, Winston, 320, 325 

Chuschi, 675, 676 

Chuya, 124-126 

CIA (U.S. Central Intelligence Agency), 545, 

Cichovvski, Kazimierz, 305 

Cienfuegos, Camilo, 653 

Ciliga, Ante, 290-291,305 

"Class War" group, 310 

Clavo Peralta, Margie, 680 

dementis, Vladimir, 430 

CNT. See National Confederation of Labor 

Coco River, 669 

Codou, Roger, 349 

Codovilla, Vittorio, 336-337 

Colas, Dominic, 752 

Colin, Marcel, 752 

Combat Groups, 278 

COMECON (Council for Mutual Economic 
Assistance), 703 

Cominform (Communist Information Bu- 
reau), 329, 330, 399, 424, 437-438 

Comintern (Communist International), 11, 
194-195, 197, 271-332 passim, 334, 335, 
336, 339, 347, 437, 625, 684, 685, 706, 707 

Comite de Defensa Sandinista (CDS), 668 

Commission for Constitutional Responsibil- 
ity, 391 

Commission of Special Inquiry into Bolshe- 
vik Crimes, 104 

Commission to Find the Truth about Stalin's 
Crimes, 26 

Commission to Investigate Bolshevik Crimes, 

Committee for Aid to the Hungry, 122 

Committee for State Security. See KGB 

Committee for the Liquidation of the Tula 
Conspiracy, 91 

Committee of National Liberation, 376 

Committees for Defense of the Revolution 
(CDRs), 661-662 

Communist 5th Regiment, 337 

Communist Information Bureau. See Comin- 

Communist International. See Comintern 

Communist Party (Cuba), 647, 649, 650, 664 



Communist Party of Ireland, 354 
Communist Party of Kampuchea (CPK), 579, 

582-590 passim, 594, 605-606, 618, 624, 

Communist Party of the Soviet Union. See 

Communist University of the Workers of the 

East (KUTV), 280 
Communist University of Western National 

Minorities (KUMN2), 298, 305 
Communist Youth International (KIM), 298, 

"Community" group, 399 
Confederation of Cuban Workers (CTC), 

648, 650 
Confederation of the Million Heroes, 531-532 
Conference on Security and Cooperation in 

Europe, 259 
Confino, Michael, 132 
Confucianism, 466, 467, 639 
Congo Workers 1 Party, 686 
Congress of Collectives, 343 
Congress of Delegate Peasants, Workers, and 

Rebels of Gulyai-Pole, 96 
Congress of Eastern Peoples, 706 
Congress of Luanda, 697-698 
Conquest, Robert, 11, 185-186 
Constantinides, 330 
Constituent Assembly, 58, 62-63, 84, 85, 

Constitutional Democrats, 43, 44, 55, 58, 77, 

84, 736 
Contras, 669 
Copic, F. I., 349 
Copic, Vladimir, 195, 349 
Cortina, Jorge, 350 

Cossacks, 8-9, 10, 44, 45, 60, 61, 71, 83, 98- 
102, 105, 108, 114, 137, 162-163, 168, 188, 

266, 456 
Costa, Carlo, 314 
Costa Rica, 666, 669, 670 
Council for Mutual Economic Assistance 

(COMECON), 703 
Council for National Unity, 374 
Council of Workers 1 Delegates of Odessa, 105 
Coutinho, Antonio Rosa, 696-697 
CPK. See Communist Party of Kampuchea 
CPSU: Nineteenth Congress, 248; Twentieth 
Congress, 18, 23-24, 180, 185, 192, 251, 
254, 255, 256, 304, 384, 421, 438, 485, 570, 

638, 755; Twenty-second Congress, 24, 
185, 190, 251; Twenty-third Congress, 259 

Crimea, 15,60,61, 100, 105, 106, 107, 111, 

Crimean Tatars. See Tatars 

Croatia, 324 

Croce, Benedetto, 453 

Cruz, Arturo, 670 

Csati, Jozsef, 410 

CTC (Confederation of Cuban Workers), 
648, 650 

Cuba, 7, 28, 29, 354, 647-665, 670, 673, 685, 
697; Ministry of Internal Affairs (Minit), 
655, 661, 674; Council of Ministers, 669— 
670; penal laws, 662-663 

Cuban Human Rights Committee, 662 

Cubella, Rolando, 654 

Cuerpo de Investigation y Vigilancia, 338 

Cuesta, Tony, 654 

Cultural Revolution, 4, 1 1 , 459, 470-543 pas- 
sim, 618, 627, 629, 631, 638, 652, 674 

Cultural Revolution Group (CRG), 513, 520, 

Cuno, Wilhelm, 277 

Curzon Line, 373 

Cusin, Gaston, 335 

Cuzco, 679 

Czech Legion, 71 

Czechoslovak Communist Party, 248, 311- 
312, 403-405, 409, 410-41 1 , 428-430, 431, 

436, 443, 444 

Czechoslovakia, 26, 28, 237, 277, 311-312, 
330, 354, 379, 389, 394, 397, 398, 403, 405, 
408-419 passim, 427^29, 430, 433, 436, 

437, 441^44, 446, 448, 454-456; penal 
laws, 419 

"Czech Rajk" trial, 428-429, 434 
Czech Republic, 453-456 
Czechs, 23, 443 
Czerny, Jozsef, 273-274 

Dachau, 328,349,410,411 
Daesuk camp, 354 
Dagestan, 138, 139 
Dahl, Harry, 358 
Dai Viet, 566 
Dalai Lama, 543, 544, 545 
Dallag, 370 
Dalos, Gyorgy, 451 
Dalstroi, 205 



Dan, Fedor, 73, 115 

Daniel, Odile, 418 

Daniel, Yuri, 259 

Danilov, V. P., 262 

Danube-Black Sea canal, 417, 421 

Daoud, Mohammed, 708, 709-710, 711 

David, Hans Walter, 302-303 

Deat, Marcel, 27 

Debray, Regis, 651-652 

Declaration of the 22, 287 

Declaration of the 46, 288 

Declaration of the Supreme Soviet (1989), 

Dedic, V, 305 

Dedijer, Vladimir, 425 

de Gaulle, Charles, 20, 22, 684 

Dekanozov, Vladimir, 212 

Delage, Jean, 285 

de la Guardia, Antonio, 664 

de la Guardia, Patricio, 664 

Deletant, Dennis, 419 

Delmas-Marty, Mireille, 753 

Del Pino, Rafael, 655 

Demaziere, Albert, 309 

Demeny, Pal, 423 

Democracy Wall, 515, 539, 631 

Democratic and Popular Front for the Libera- 
tion of Palestine (DPFLP), 355 

Democratic Army (AD) (Greece), 329-330 

Democratic Centralists, 181, 286, 289, 300 

Democratic-Liberal Party, 404 

Democratic Party (Czechoslovakia), 403 

Democratic Party of the People of Afghani- 
stan (DPPA), 709, 710, 71 1, 713 

Democratic Republic of Congo, 652 

Democratic Republic of Vietnam (DRV), 

Deng Xiaoping, 359, 464, 486, 496, 515, 516, 

Denikin, Anton, 60, 61, 7], 81, 82, 87, 97, 104 

Departamento Tecnico de Investigaciones 
(DTI), 657 

Department 10, 383, 384 

Department for International Relations 
(OMS), 299 

Dergue, 685, 687-688, 689, 693-694 

Dese, 691 

Deutch, Gustt, 315 

Dezire, Georges, 294 

Dhlakama, Alfonso, 702 

Diaocha Tongzhi, 284 

Diaz, Jose, 341,350 

Diaz Rodriguez, Ernesto, 658 

Dien Bien Phu, 465 

Dimitriu, Anton, 400 

Dimitrov, Georgi, 247, 280, 295, 298, 300, 

427, 437, 438 
Ding Ling, 474, 540 
DingMocun, 284, 285 
Direccion 5, 655-656 

Direccion de Seguridad Personal (DSP), 655 
Direccion General de Contra-Inteligencia 

(DGCI), 654-655, 662 
Direccion General de Inteligencia (DGI), 

354, 656 
Direccion General de Seguridad del Estado 

(DGSE), 672 
Direccion Special del Ministerio (DSMI), 

Directorate for Special Camps in the North- 
ern Region (USLON), 138 
Division 64, 374 
Djilas, Milovan, 325, 326, 449 
Dmitlagcamp, 204 
Dnepropetrovsk, 143, 163 
Doan Van Toai, 573 
Dobsa, Ladislas, 273 
Doctors' Plot, 242-249, 253 
Dolgikh, Ivan, 239-240 
Dollfuss, Engelbert, 315 
Dombrowski Brigade, 305 
Domenach, Jean-Luc, 492, 498, 501, 513 
Domenech, Jose, 351 
Domingos-Van Dunem, A., 697 
Dominguez, Margot (Edith), 680 
Donath, Gyorgy, 399 
Donbass, 115-116, 143, 171, 189, 374 
Donetsk, 102,237,372,374 
Don Ey, 595 
Donggu base, 473 
Don region, 10, 60, 71, 95, 98, 99-100, 102, 

167, 168 
Dora camp, 310 
Doriot, Jacques, 27, 294 
Dornbach, Alajos, 441 
Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 13, 346, 730 
DPFLP (Democratic and Popular Front for 

the Liberation of Palestine), 355 
Dragic, A„ 305 
Dro, E., 224 



Dromedar, 224 

Drtina, Prokop, 404 

Dubcek, Alexander, 438, 443 

Dubi, Lydia, 299 

Dubno, 225 

Dubs, Adolph, 711 

Duclos, Jacques, 2, 283, 291, 307, 311, 337 

Du Gard, Roger Martin, 347 

Duhamel, Georges, 347 

Duma, 43, 44 

Dumitreasa, Gheorghiu Calciu, 447 

Dumont, Rene, 700 

Dupaigne, Bernard, 720 

Durzhavna Sigurnost, 398, 402, 445 

Dusza, Jozef, 378 

Duvignaud, Jean, 406 

Dvina River, 114 

Dzerzhinsky, Feliks, 17, 53-69 passim, 73-76 
passim, 79, 84-92 passim, 98, 103, 104, 
110, 114, 119, 126, 128, 129-130, 134, 135- 
137, 140, 141, 197, 286, 288, 301, 359, 365 

Dziurzynska-Suchon, Lucyna, 371 

EAM (Ethniko Apelevtheriko Metopo), 310, 

''Eastern Revolt" faction, 698 

East Germany. See German Democratic Re- 

East Wind group, 533 

Eberlein, Hugo, 194-195 


Echevarria, Jose Antonio, 648 

Eden, Anthony, 320, 339 

EDES (Ethnikos Demokratikos Ellinikos Syn- 
desmos), 327, 328 

EEAM (Ergatiko Ethniko Apelevtheriko Me- 
topo), 326 

Egorov, Aleksandr, 77, 198 

Egypt, 354 

Ehrenburg, Ilya, 232, 243 

Eideman, Robert, 198 

Eiduk, A. V,,67 

Eikhe, Robert, 151-152, 192 

Einstein, Albert, 406 

Eitingon, Leonid, 337 

Eitingon, Naum, 247, 308, 309 

Ekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk), 68 

Ekaterinburg province, 1 1 1 

Ekaterinodar, 100, 106 

Ekaterinoslav, 103, 105 

EKKA (Ethniki Kai Koiniki Apelevtherosis), 

Elan prison, 161 
ELAS (Ellinikos Laikos Apelevtherotikos), 

El Campesino. See Gonzalez, Valentin 
El Chipote, 673 

El Ejercito Juvenil de Trabajo (Young Peo- 
ple's Work Army), 656-657 
El Escorial, 348 
El Fatah, 355, 358 
Elista, 220 
Ellenstein, Jean, 13 

Ellinikos Laikos Apelevtherotikos. See ELAS 
El Manbu camp, 659 
Elorza, Antonio, 336 
El Salvador, 667 
Eluard, Paul, 311-312 
Engels, Friedrich, 729,741 
EPRP (Ethiopian People's Revolutionary 

Party), 688-689, 690 
Epstein, Grigory, 243 
Ercoli, Mario (PalmiroTogliatti), 195, 300- 

Ergatiko Ethniko Apelevtheriko Metopo. See 

Eritrea, 688-689, 691, 692-693 
Erlich, Henryk, 318-319 
Ermolovskaya, 101 
Escambray guerrilla movement, 653, 654, 

655, 656 
Escuder, Jose, 346 
Esquipulas treaties, 674 
Esteli, 665, 669 
Ester, Jose, 351 

Estonia, 208, 2 1 1, 236, 278-279, 372 
Estonian Communist Party, 279 
Estonians, 236 

Eternal Flame (Shola-i-Javaid), 709 
Ethiopia, 1, 3, 9, 683, 685-690, 704 
Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Party 

(EPRP), 688-689, 690 
Ethiopian Workers 1 Party (EWP), 689-690 
Ethniki Kai Koiniki Apelevtherosis (EKKA), 

Ethniko Apelevtheriko Metopo (EAM), 310, 

Ethnikos Demokratikos Ellinikos Syndesmos. 

Etinger, Jacob, 247 



Euijo, 560 

Evpatoria, 60 

Evreiskaya sektsiya (Russian Party), 304 

Evsk, 72 

EWP (Ethiopian Workers' Party), 689-690 

Extraordinary Commission for Food and 

Transport, 63,381-382 
Ezhov, Nikolai, 17, 182, 184-198 passim, 205, 

Ezhovshchina. See Great Terror 

FAI (Federation of Iberian Anarchists), 333, 

Falange faction, 334 

Faryab, 719 

FDN (Fuerza Democratica Nicaragiiense), 

February revolution, 45, 48-49 

Federation of Foreign Communist Groups, 

Federation of Iberian Anarchists. See FAI 

Federation of Jewish Unions, 318 

Federation of University Students, 654 

Fefer, Isaac, 243 

Fejgin, Anatol, 378 

Feldbin, L. (Aleksandr Orlov), 337, 338, 341, 

Feldman, Fred, 198 

Feliks Dzerzhinsky region, 365 

Fengyang (Anhui) province, 490, 492 

Fergana valley, 138-139 

Ferretti, Maria, 453 

Ferro, Marc, 40 

Field, Noel, 426 

Fitiatre, Roland, 310 

Finland, 5,44,50,60, 114,208,312 

Finnish Communist Party, 312 

Finns, 52, 182, 188,218,312 

First International, 729 

Fischer, Ruth, 349 

Fischl, Otto, 429-430 

"Five Ami" movement, 482 

Five-Year Plan, 144, 145, 169 

Flieg, Leo, 194 

FLN (Front de Liberation Nationale), 353, 
354, 355 

Florin, Wilhelm, 298, 301 

FNLA (Frente National de Libertacao de An- 
gola), 696 

Fomichev, 161 

Fonseca Amador, Carlos, 665, 666 

Fori§, $tefan, 423 

Foscolo, Alfredo, 445-446 

Foucher, Michel, 694 

Fourier, Jules, 294 

Four Old-Fashioned Things, 522, 527 

Four- Year Plan, 599 

Fraile, Ricardo, 717 

France, 6, 11,21,26,28, 159-160,207-208, 

212, 283, 314, 321, 323, 456, 631, 683, 684, 

694, 727-729; criminal code, 7, 8 
Franco, Francisco, 21, 29, 333 
Francs-Tireurs et Partisans (FTP), 309 
Frank, Josef, 429 
Frank, Robert, 452 
Frank, Semyon, 129 
Franqui, Carlos, 660 
Franquistas, 337 
Fran/, Horse, 358 
FRAP (Revolutionary Anti-Fascist Patriotic 

Front), 359 
Frayde, Martha, 659 
Free French, 323 
Free Union of Romanian Workers 

Free Youth of Catalonia movement, 340 
Frei, Rudolf, 345-346 
Frejka, Ludvik, 430 

Frelimo (Frenre de Libertacao do Mozam- 
bique), 684, 685, 701-704 
French Communist Party (FCP), 25, 283- 

284, 288, 291-295, 307, 310, 331, 624 
French Guyana, 576 
French Revolution, 9, 44, 57, 59, 624, 651, 

French Workers' and Peasants' Party (POPF), 

Frente dc Libertacao do Mozambique. See 

Frente Nacional de Libertacao de Angola 

(FNLA), 696 
Frente Sandinista de Liberacion Nacional. 

Freund, Hans, 340 
Fried, Eugen, 295 
Frommelt, Erich, 348-349 
Front de Liberation Nationale (FLN), 353, 

Front for Defense of the Population of 

Ayacucho, 676 
Front for National Unity, 388 
Frossard, Andre, 8 



Frukina, Maria J., 305 

Frunze, Mikhail, 707 

Frunze Military Academy, 350 

FSLN (FYente Sandinista de Liberacion Na- 
cional), 7, 665-675 

Fucik, Bedrich, 411-412 

Fuerza Democratica Nicaragiiense (FDN), 

Fuerzas Especiales, 655 

Fugueres, Jose Maria, 666 

Fujian province, 469, 489, 533 

Fu Lei, 522 

Furet, Francois, 22, 25, 228, 250, 728, 734- 

Furubotn, Peder, 332 

G-2 (secret police), 657-658, 660, 672 

Gagarin, Yuri, 494 

Gaggi, Otello, 314 

Galati, 447 

Galkin, 196 

Gang of Four, 526, 532, 536,631 

Gasso, Joan Farre, 352 

Gebeyahu, Haile, 691 

Gega, Liri, 444 

Geminder, Bedrich, 429, 434, 436 

General Commissariat for Public Order, 337, 

General Richer (Manfred Stern), 284 
General Military Union (ROYS), 285 
General Studies Commission, 474 — 475 
General Workers' Union (Spain), 333 
Geneva Convention, 322, 465, 567-568, 

Genoud, Francois, 357 
Georgia, 20, 138, 139, 140, 184, 217, 218, 224, 

237, 247 
Georgian Communist Parry, 247 
Georgians, 52 
Georgiev, Kosta, 279 
German Communist Party (KPD), 194-195, 

272, 277, 278, 282, 284, 301-303, 310, 349 
German Democratic Republic, 357-358, 359, 

388, 389, 400, 408, 417, 419, 442, 446, 448, 

670, 685, 690 
German-Pomares military complex, 672 
Germans, 6, 14, 23, 182, 188, 216-219, 224, 

255, 258, 264, 301, 322, 374, 396-397; 

Volga, 10,216-219,301 
German-Soviet pact (1939), 22, 195, 207-208, 


Germany, 6, 21, 160, 198-199, 207-208, 212, 
214-21 5, 223, 271, 272, 276-277, 327-328, 
365, 738. See also Nazism 
Gerfl, Erno, 337, 338, 342, 344 
Gestapo, 195, 302, 303, 310, 317, 318, 379, 

Gheorghescu, Teohari, 435 
Gheorghiu-Dej, Gheorghe, 425, 435, 444-445 
Ghezzi, Francesco, 314-315 
Gide, Andre, 335, 347 
Gille, Eticnne, 71 1 
Gimes, Miklos, 440 
Gironella, Pascal, 346 
Gitton, Marcel, 294 
Gjini, Fran, 409 
Glavnoe razvedyvatePnoe upravlenie (GRU), 

Glavnoe upravlenie gosudarstvennoi bezopas- 

nosti (GUGB), 300 
Glavnoe upravlenie po delam voenno-plen- 

nykh (GUVP), 368 
Godech, 279 
Goldberg, Aleksandr, 83 

Goldman, Mikhail, 73 

Gotikov, Filip, 230 

Goli Otok camp, 424, 425 

Golok, 543 

Goma, Paul, 450 

Gombrowicz, Witold, 22 

Gomel, 87 

Gomez Emperador, Mariano, 337, 345 

Gomulka, Wladyslaw, 305, 332, 380-381, 385, 
386-387, 438 

Gonda Voda camp, 401, 416 

Gonzalez, Jorge (El Nato), 657-658 

Gonzalez, Valentin (El Campesino), 344, 348, 

Gopner, Serahna, 103 

Gorbachev, Mikhail, 438, 714 

Gorbatov, Aleksandr, 198 

Gorbatyuk, V, 284 

Gordievsky, Oleg, 721 

Gorelli, Aldo, 314 

Gorev, Vladimir, 336 

Gorkic, Milan, 195, 306 

Gorkin, Julian, 308, 336, 338-339, 341, 343, 
344, 346, 349 

Gorky (Nizhni Novgorod), 19, 218, 315 

Gorky, Maksim, 20, 59-60, 121, 732-733, 
736-737, 744-745, 749, 750, 756 

Gornfeld,A.G., 130 



Gosplan (State Planning Administration), 

Gosudarstvennoe politicheskoe upravlenie. 
See GPU 

Gots, Avraham, 127 

Gottwald, Klement, 300, 403, 427, 428, 429, 
430, 436, 438 

GOU/ 1/87654, 442 

GPU (Gosudarstvennoe politicheskoe 
upravlenie), 15,62,64, 128, 133, 134, 135, 
138-145 passim, 707; dekulakization and, 
147-157 passim; great famine and, 160, 
162, 164, 165, 168; repression and, 170, 
171, 179; Great Terror and, 187, 203-204, 
206; Comintern and, 28-314 passim. See 
also Cheka 

Granada (Nicaragua), 665 

Grandi, Dino, 339 

GRAPO (Anti-Fascist Resistance Group of 
October First), 359 

Grass Mist Lane, 504-505 

Gravier, Bruno, 751 

Graziosi, Andrea, 66, 141, 160, 262 

Great Leap Forward, 1 1, 31, 459, 464, 465, 
488-496, 498, 510, 513, 516, 545, 603, 627, 
639, 640 

Great Patriotic War, 21 5, 2 J 6, 225, 246, 

Great Terror, 10, 11, 73, 75-78, 82, 100-101, 
102, 132, 133, 167, 179, 180, 183, 184-202, 
214, 242, 243, 264, 265, 266, 472, 735-736, 
745, 749; Comintern and, 298-301, 313 

"Great Trotsky ite Council," 431 

Grechko, Andrei, 442 

Greece, 21, 28, 310, 324, 326-330 

Greek Catholic Church, 41 1 

Greek Catholic Uniate Church, 410, 412 

Greek Communist Party (KKE), 310, 326- 

Greeks, 188, 219, 223-224, 237, 330-331 

Green Band, 284 

Greens, 81,91,92,93,94, 98, 100, 101 

Gregory, Constantin, 677 

Grgur, 425 

Grigorcnko, Petro, 259 

Groman, Vladimir, 170 

Gromyko, Andrei Andreevicli, 193, 356 

Grossman, Vastly, 8, 16, 19, 243, 256, 313, 

Grosz, Jozsef, 410 
Group D, 390 

Group of Five, 429 

Grozny, 101,256 

GRU (Glavnoe razvedyvatePnoe upravlenie), 
283-284, 293 

Grupo de Informacion, 337, 344 

Guanajay prison, 659 

Guangdong, 470, 480, 540 

Guang Huian, 284 

Guangxi, 533, 534 

Guangzhou, 482, 483 

Guatemala, 651, 674 

Guernica, 692 

Guesde, Jules, 730 

Guevara, Ernesto (Che), 3, 21, 648, 651-654, 

GUGB (Glavnoe upravlenie gosudarstvennoi 
hezopasnosti), 300 

Guilds, Emil, 243 

Guilin, 534 

Guireras, Antonio, 653 

Gulag Administration/gulags, 6, 18, 19, 20, 
26,31,73, 118, 136, 138, 163, 186, 190, 
191, 203-207, 209, 213-214, 222, 225-227, 
229-231, 234, 238-241, 245, 251, 253, 257- 
258, 264-265, 267, 313, 322, 323, 755 

Gulam-Nabi Khan, 707 

Guralsky, August, 277 

Gurev region, 139, 224 

Gurvich, Abram, 244 

Guseila, Ion, 448 

Gu Shunzhang, 284 

Guttierrez Menoyo, Eloy, 658 

GUVP (Glavnoe upravlenie po delam voenno- 
plennykh), 368 

Guzman, Ahimael, 359, 676, 677, 678, 680 

Gypsies, 14, 176,324,416 

GZI (Main Intelligence Directorate) (Po- 
land), 380-381 

I labash, George, 355 

Habte, Jamor Sisay, 688 

Haddad, Wadi, 355-356, 357 

Hadji, Uzun, 139 

Hague Convention (1907), 5-6 

Haile Selassie I, 687 

Hai-Lu-Feng, 470, 477 

l-laing Ngor, 617, 619, 620, 621-623 

Haiias, A., 331 

Hajdu, Vavro, 430 

I lamburg, 278, 284 

Han dv nasty, 468 



Haubrich, Jozsef, 274 

Havana (city), 669 

Havana (province), 661 

Havel, Vaclav, 450,451 

Hawarmeh, Nayef, 355 

Hawzen, 692 

Hazaras, 705 

HCP See Hungarian Communist Party 

Heeler, Stephen, 589 

I leijenoort, Jan Van, 307 

Heimwehren (Patriotic Guard), 315 

Hejiaxing, 284 

Hejihua, 284 

Helfferich, Karl, 71 

HeLiyi, 479 

I lelsinki Accords, 259-260, 446 

1 le Mengxiong, 284 

Henan, 489, 490, 492, 494 

Herat, 706, 712, 717, 719 

I lernandcz, Jesus, 334, 351 

Herriot, Edouard, 159-160 

Hertz, Alfredo, 338, 344, 345 

Hess, Rudolf, 15 

Hie, Marcel, 310 

I linton, William, 477 

I lirsch, Werner, 194 

Hitler, Adolf, 301,324, 379, 745 

I Imong, 575, 576 

Unuti revolucniho mladeze (Revolutionary 

Youth Movement), 443-444 
I loa 1 ho, 566 
I loang Van 1 loan, 465 
Ho Chi Minn, 2, 3, 17, 311, 565, 566, 569, 

571, 572,625,631,638 
Ho Chi Mmh City, 573-574 
1 loirvong, 555, 556 
I lo Kai, 552 

Holocaust, 19,23,26,244,435,580 
Honduras, 669, 674 
Honel, Charles, 285 
I lonel, Maurice, 285 
Hong Kong, 483 
Horakova, Milada, 405-406 
florthy, Mikl6s, 440 
House of Writers and Thinkers, 130 
Hou Youn, 586 
I loxha, Enver, 311, 330, 397, 409, 444, 449, 

Hny t 650 

I Iryhorenko, Petro, 19 
I Iryhoryiv, Mykola, 95, 96 

Hua Guofeng, 515, 534, 538-539 

Hua Linshan, 528, 530, 534-535 

Huanuco, 678, 679 


1-lu Peng, 484-485, 571 

IIuHak-Bong, 552 

Human Rights Watch, 704 

Runner, Adam, 454 

Hunan, 281,282,469 

Hundred Flowers Campaign, 485, 486, 504, 

Hungarian Workers 1 (Communist) Party 
(1 ICP), 195, 272-274, 296, 332, 398, 400, 

1 lungary, 272-274, 330, 337, 394-400, 409- 
410, 417-419, 435-442 passim, 449, 452, 

Husak, Gustav, 431,443 

Hussein, King, 355 

Huta, Nuri, 426 

Hut us, 686 

Hu Yaobang, 546 

Huynh Phu So, 566 

I iwangjang Ynp, 561 

Hwasong, 555 

Hyon Chun 1 lyok, 548 

Ibarruri, Dolores (aka Fa Pasionaria), }}5, 

Ibso'k camp, 554 

ICP. See Indochinese (Communist Party 
Ieng Sary, 624, 630 
lerunca, Virgil, 420 
Ignatiev, Sergei, 249 
Immigrant Manpower (MOI), 294 
Independence Party (Hungary), 401) 
Independent Labour Party, 343, 346 
Independent Social Democratic Party, 400 
Indians, 668-669,670 
Indochina, 31 1 
Indochinese Communist Party (ICP), 311, 

566, 569, 583, 625 
Indochinese war (1946-1954), 580 
Industrial Party, 170, 171,750 
Ingush, 10,219,220,221,256 
Ino, 114 

Inostrannyi Otdef (INO), 293 
INRA (Instituto Nacional de Reforma 

Agraria), 649 
"In Spite of Ourselves' 1 (Malgre-nous), 26, 




Instituto Nacional de Reforma Agraria 
(INRA), 649 

Internal Security Corps. See KBW 

International Brigades, 195, 284, .105, 309, 
311, 344, 347-350, 399, 428, 430, 431 

Internationa] Commission on the Concentra- 
tion Camp System, 26 

Internationa] Communist League, 311 

Internationa] Federation for the Rights of 
Man, 717 

Internationalist Workers' Party, 310 

International Leninist School, 298, 305, 345 

Internationa] Military Tribunal, 5 

International of Socialist Workers, 275 

International War Crimes Tribunals, 717 

International Youth Organization, 305 

Iparraguire, Elena, 680 

Iranians, 237 

Irish Republican Army (IRA), 354^355 

Irkutsk group, 548 

Iron Guard, 396 

Isaev, Pyotr, 163 

Isgoev, Aleksandr, 129, 130 

Isle of Pines, 657 

Israel, 386,434, 692 

Italian anti-Fascists, 313-314 

Italian Communist Party, 195, 309, 313-314 

Etalian-Soviet trade agreement, 160 

Italian Trade Union, 314 

Italy, 1, 28, 313-314, 321, 322, 324, 687 

Iuga, Dimitru, 448 

Ivano-Frankivsk, 258 

Ivanovo, 124, 126, 189,215 

Ivanovo Voznesensk, 77, 86, 108, 1 12 

ivdel, 316 

Izhevsk, 90 

Jachymov region, 41 8 

Jacket, Giinther, 358 

Jankowska, L,, 299 

Japan, 311, 469-470, 477, 548, 554-555, 561- 

Japanese, 188, 193, 323,475-476,478, 555 
Japanese Red Army (JRA), 356-357, 550 
Jaria, 594 

Jaruzelski, Wojciech, 389, 391, 454 
Jauresjean, 729,730, 742 
Jehovah's Witnesses, 237, 382, 671 
Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, 243-246, 


Jewish Socialist Workers' Party (Bund), 318 
Jewish Workers' Committee of the United 

States, 319 
Jews, 7, 14-15, 17, 19, 86, 95-96, 99, 214, 

242-246, 265, 274, 294, 302-304, 317, 318, 

324, 37 1 , 386, 394, 395, 4 1 5, 434-435, 580, 

Jiang Qing, 515, 516, 519, 521, 526, 536, 627, 

Jiangsu, 470 
Jingzhou Industrial Dye Works, 497 
Jinotega, 669, 674 
Jiu valley, 447, 450 
Johansen, Strand, 332 
Jokhang monastery, 543-544 
Jordinis, J., 331 

Julian Marchlewski region, 365 
Junta de Reconstruction Nacional, 667, 671 
Justus, Pal, 426 

Kabardino-Balkaria, 220 

Kabila, Laurent, 652 

Kabul, 705, 706, 719-720 

KachRoteh, 613 

Kaczmarek, Czeslaw, 382 

Kadar, Janos, 332, 438, 440 

Kaeshong, 555 

Kagame, Paul, 684 

Kaganovich, Lazar, 18, 162, 177, 189, 194, 

Kakar, Hassan, 722 
Kalandra, Zavis, 311-312 
Kalinin, Mikhail, 113, 120, 125, 300, 369 
Kalinovskaya, 101 
Kalmykia, 220, 223 
Kalmyks, 220-223, 256, 264 
Kalocsa, 410 
Kaluga, 67, 351 
Kamchatka camp, 368 
Kamenev, Lev, 50, 63, 79, 86, 121, 129, 141, 

142, 181,184,247,288,289,734,745 
Kameninsky, 222 
Kampuchea, 578 
Kandahar, 706, 717,718 
Kandal, 591 
KangChul Hwan, 555 
KangKoo Chin, 552 

Kang Sheng, 284, 285, 463, 474-475, 519, 527 
Kapalanz, Seppl, 344 



Kapitza, Pyotr, 243 

Kaplan, Fanny, 74 

Kaplan, Karel, 405, 4 15, 435 

Kapustin, Ya. F, 246 

Karachaevo-Cherkness, 220 

Karachai, 219,220, 221,256 

Karaganda region, 182, 204, 219, 254 

Kareevka, 117 

Karelia, 151, 182,204,312 

Karelin, Judge, 736 

Karikas, Frigycs, 296 

u Karl Marx 11 Division, 344 

"Karl Marx" Regiment, 315 

Karmal, Babrak (Mohammed Hussein Khan), 

Karolyi, Mihaly, 273 

Karsavin, Lev, 129 

Kaskiewicz, Jerzy, 378 

Katyn,6, 22, 211,369, 372 

Kaunas, 212 

Kautsky, Karl, 729-753 passim 

Kazakhstan, 123, 149, 151, 155, 160-168 pas- 
sim, 182, 191,204,209,213,217,218,222, 
223, 224, 225, 231, 235, 237, 254, 313, 318, 

Kazan, 67, 94, 97 

KBW (Internal Security Corps), 376, 377 

Kedrov, Mikhail, 114 

Kelcmen, Justus, 400 

Kern, I3X 

Kemerovo, 219, 224 

Kem-Ukhra road, 151 

Kengir, 254 

Keo Meas, 586 

Keppert, A, 435 

Ke Qingshi, 284 

Kerekes, Jozsef, 274 

Kerensky, Aleksandr, 47, 69 

Kevic, Stefan, 428 

KGH(Komitet gosudarstvennoi bezopas- 
nosti), 26, 64, 254-255, 258, 332, 355, 356, 
359, 375, 376, 388, 690, 703, 715, 716, 756 
Khad-i-Nezami, 721 
Khad-i-Panj, 721 
KHAD (State Information Service), 711,715, 

Khalq, 709,710, 713 
Khampa guerrillas, 544, 545 
Khan, Mohammed Hussein (aka Babrak Kar- 
mal), 709, 71 1, 713, 714, 720, 723 

Kharbin, 188, 193 

Kharkiv, 97, 98, 105, 106, 130, 160, 164-165, 

167, 175, 179,316 
KhashamKala, 717-718 
Khataevich, Mikhail, 163-164 
Khaybar, Mir-Akbar, 710,711 
Khemshins, 219, 224,225 
Kherson, 96 

Khieu Samphan, 618, 627 
Khitrovo, 109-110 
Khlevnyuk, O., 262 
Khmer Loeu, 584, 592, 594, 595, 604 
Khmer Rouge, 16, 465, 470, 546, 569, 572, 

577-635, 748 
Kholmogory camp, 114, 118, 137 
Khrushchev, Nikita, 189, 190, 250, 251, 252, 
300, 421, 436, 438, 638, 685; "Secret 
Speech," 18, 23-25, 26, 180, 185, 192, 255 
Khun, Ken, 603, 609 
Khvostov, N., 76 
Kiangsi, 282 
Kiernan, Ben, 589, 595 
Kiesewetter, Aleksandr, 129 
Kilo 7 prison, 658 
KIM. See Communist Youth International 

Kim Du Bong, 552 

Kim dynasty, 559 

Kim Hyuon-hee, 359 

Kim 11 Sung, 3, 10, 464, 465, 548, 549, 555, 
558, 559, 565,626,631,638 

Kimjong II, 558, 559 

Kim Kwang Hyup, 552 

Kim Seung-il, 359 

Kirgiz, 138,705 

Kirgizstan, 219, 222, 225,331,499 

Kirilina, Alia, 180 

Kirov, Sergei, 88, 168, 180, 181, 182, 192, 

Kirov akan, 312 

Kirsanov, 1 10 

Kislovodsk, 101 

Kissinger, Henry, 569 

Kiszczak, Czeslaw, 391 

KKE (Greek Communist Party), 310, 326-331 

Klaras, Thanassis. See Velouchiotes, Ares 

Kleber, General, 284 

Klement, Rudolf, 307 

Klyuev, Nikolai, 200 

Knight, Amy, 253 

Knorin, Wilhelm, 197,300,306 




Kobulov, Bogdan, 211, 221, 229, 369 

Koeci, Vasco, 426 

Koestler, Arthur, 274 

Kogenman, 227 

Kohistanis, 705 

Koh Young Hwan, 560, 561 

Kolakowski, Leszek, 755 

Kolchabad, 718 

Kolchak, Aleksandr Vasiliyevich, 81, 84, 87, 

95, 285 
Kollontai, Aleksandra, 249, 286, 288 
Kolomenskaya, 196 
Kolpino, 68 

Koltsov, Mikhail, 337, 340 
Kolyma, 27, 205, 227, 235, 297, 313, 314, 370, 

Komarov, Vladimir, 296 
Kombalcha, 691 
Komi, 331 
Komitet gosudarstvcnnoi bezopasnosti. See 

Komorovsky, Ludwig {aka Jan Borowski), 298 
Kompong Cham, 582, 595 
Komsomol, 145, 161, 192, 194 
Kondratyev, Nikolai, 121, 170 
Konev, Ivan, 336 
Kopp, Pascale, 358 
Koppensteiner, Fritz, 315 
KOR (Workers 1 Defense Committee), 387 
Korea. See North Korea; South Korea 
Koreans, 191,264 
Korean war, 422, 433, 464, 687 
Korean Workers' (Communist) Party, 548, 

550-552, 555, 557-558 
Koritschoner, Franz, 302 
Kork, Avgust, 198 
Kornilov, Lavr, 47, 50, 60 
Korolev, Sergei, 199 
Koroshenko, Mikhail, 189 
Kossior, Stanislas, 142, 163, 192 
Kostopoulos, G., 327 
Kostov, Traicho, 402, 427 
Kostroma, 67, 84 
Kostrzewa, Wera, 304 
Kosygin, Aleksei Nikolaevich, 193, 356 
Kotlas, 152,204,219 
Kou-oup camp, 554 
Kovacs, Bcla, 399-400 
Kovago, Jozsef, 400 
Kovalev, Sergei, 557 

Kozielsk camp, 368, 369 

Kozma Street prison, 441 

KPD. See German Communist Party 

KPO (Austrian Communist Party), 302, 

KPP. See Polish Communist Party 
Krajewski, Anton, (Wladyslaw Stein), 293, 

Krasin, Leonid, 124 
Krasnodar, 167,217,218 
Krasnov, Ataman, 71, 84, 98 
Krasnoyarsk, 217, 229, 235, 236 
Kratie, 582, 593 
Kravchenko, Viktor, 18 
Krebs, Richard, 278 
Krenz, Egon, 454 
Krestinsky, Nikolai, 184, 194 
Kriegel, Annie, 12, 193, 434, 746, 750 
Kristo, Pandi, 426 
Krivitsky, Walter, 337 
Kronstadt, 49, 51, 55, 76, 85, 88, 108, 1 12, 

263; revolt, 113-114, 137,263,276, 

Kruglov, Sergei, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240 
Krylenko, Nikolai, 119, 134 
Kuban, 60, 95, 98, 99, 100, 102, 106, 160, 

167, 168 
Kudryukovskaya, 1 17 
Kuibyshev, 241 
kulaks, 9, 10, 16,46,51,60,72,82, 135, 140, 

144, 146-158 passim, 172-173, 237-238, 

KUMNZ (Communist University of Western 

National Minorities), 298, 305 
Kun, Attila, 448 
Kun, Bela, 195, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 

Kunduz, 706 
Kuomintang, 280-281,284-285, 468, 471, 

Kurds, 219, 224, 225 
Kurdyuki, 117 
Kuron Jacek, 386, 388 
Kursk, 233 

Kursky, Dmitry, 55, 127, 129 
Kuskova, Ekaterina, 121, 122, 129 
Kutepov, Aleksandr, 285 
Kutsian camp, 417-418 
KUTV (Communist University of the Work- 
ers of the East), 280 
Kuusinen, Aino, 287, 312, 756 

Kuusinen, Otto, 197, 300 
Kuzbass, 157 
Kuzbassugol, 204 
Kuznetsk, 151, 226 
Kuznetsov, Nikolai, 246 
Kyiv, 96, 97, 102, 105, 106, 1 19, 175, 176, 

Labor Reeducation Center No. 7, 497 

La Cabana prison, 648, 652, 658, 659, 660 

Ladinos, 668 

Lagerfelt, Johann, 717 

Lagers, 416 

Laghman, 718 

Laignel-Lavastine, Alexandra, 453 

La Libertad, 679 

La Loma de los Coches prison, 654 

La Mar, 679 

Lameda,Ali, 553-554 

Lancanic, Rudolf, 428 

Landau, Katia, 340-341,343 

Landau, Kurt, 340, 344 

Lander, Karl, 100,101 

Langevin, Paul, 296 

Langumier, Adrien, 294 

Lanz, Diaz, 653 

Lanzhou, 533-534 

laogai, 31, 460-461, 497-513, 541, 748 

laopao, 498, 499, 500 

Laos, 28, 459, 575-576, 636, 637, 638 

Lao She, 522 
Lao Tsu, 466 

La Pasionaria (Dolores Ibarruri), 335, 343 

Largo Caballero, Francisco, 334, 338-339, 

Larin, Yuri, 289 

Larisch, Emil, 301 

Last, Jef, 335 

Las Tejas prison, 671 

Las Villas, 652 

Latsis, Martin, 8, 62, 74, 78, 100, 105 

Latvia, 208, 211,212, 236,372 

Latvians, 188,236 

Laurencic, P. (aka SSI 29), 345 

Laval, Pierre, 27 

Lazarevich, Nikolai, 314 

Lazich, Branko, 298 

Lazimir, Aleksandr, 53 

Lazutin, P G., 246 

League for the Independence of Vietnam. See 
Viet Minh 

League for the Rights of Man, 750 
League of the Militant Godless, 172 
Lebyazhenski, 166 
Lechowicz, Wlodzimierz, 384 
Le Due Tho, 569 
Left Bloc, 413 

Legal Committee for Socialist Life, 558 
Lei Feng, 502 
Leimus, 668 

Lenin, Vladimir Ilich (V I. Ulyanov), 2, 5-25 
passim, 31, 48-51, 57-58, 62-69 passim, 
72, 73, 79, 85-98 passim, 107, 110, 112, 
113, 115, 121-131 passim, 132,262,273, 
275, 277, 286, 287, 304, 364, 652, 683, 728- 
756 passim 
Leningrad, 153-154, 174, 175, 176, 182, 189, 

192, 193,217,218,245,260,364 
Leningrad Affair, 235, 245, 246-247 
Leningrad Communist Party, 180, 246-247 
Leninism, 10, 16, 24, 27, 30, 48, 738-740 
"Lenin's Boys," 273-275 
Leniton, Achille Grigorevich, 245 
Lenski, Julian, 305 
Leon, 665 

Leonhard, Wolfgang, 315 

Levi, Paul, 276, 277 

Levine, Eugen, 272 

Levit, Solomon, 200 

Levy, Yves, 343 

Lewin, Moshe, 253 

Leys, Simon, 579 

Lhasa, 543, 544, 545, 546 

Li Baozhang, 281 

Liberacion group, 654 

Liberberg, Iosef, 304 

Li Dazhao, 472 

Liebknecht, Karl, 272 

Likhachev, Mikhail, 428, 434 

Lima, 674, 678 

Lin Biao, 459,490, 502, 515,516, 519, 521, 
522, 526, 536-537, 538 

Ling, 528 

Linz, 315 

Li Shiqun, 284, 285 

Lister, Enrique, 344, 348, 351 

Li Sun Ok, Mrs., 553 

Lithuania, 208, 211, 229, 235-236, 258, 370, 

Lithuanians, 188, 236 

Litoiu, Nicolae, 448 

Litom^fice, 411 



Little Swords, 470 

Litvan, Gyorgy, 452 

Litvinov, Maksim, 198, 302 

Liu Ching, 522 

Liu Shaoqi, 494, 496, 497, 513, 516, 517, 519, 

524, 527, 543 
Liu Zhidan, 473 
Li Yong Mu, 552 
Lobl, Evzen, 428, 430 
Locard, Henri, 582, 591, 603, 608, 618 
Lodz, 317 
Logar, 717-718 
Lominadze, Vissarion, 281 
London, Artur, 430 
Long Bow (Shanxi), 477, 478, 482, 486, 488, 

Long March, 464, 469, 519, 545 
Longo, Luigi, 349 
Lon Nol, 581, 582, 589, 591, 592, 596, 616, 

620, 623, 632, 635 
Lopez Fresquet, Rupo, 650 
Lorenzo, Cesar M., 344 
Loski, Nikolai, 129 
Losonczy, Geza, 440, 441 
Lovech camp, 421-422 
Luanda, 697-698 
Lublin, 303 

Lubyanka, 64, 69, 300, 314, 318, 350, 374, 375 
Luca, Vasile, 435 
Luchaire, Jean, 294 
Lu clan, 533 
Luconamanca, 678-679 
LudendorfT, Erich Friedrich Wilhelm, 394, 

733, 743 
Lula, Anas taste, 310-311 
Lulchev, Kosta, 400 
LuoRuiqing, 519 
Lu Sung Yop, 551 
Lutherans, 410 
Lutovinov, Yuri* 286 
Lutsk, 225 
Luxembourg, 322 
Luxemburg, Rosa, 272, 304 
Lviv, 225-226, 258, 373 
Lvov, Prince, 44 
Ly Heng, 620 
Lysenko, Trofim, 200, 489, 634, 753 

M-26 (26 July Movement), 648, 650, 664 
Ma, 520 

Maari, Gurgen, 200 

MacArthur, Douglas, 549 

Macciochi, Maria Antonietta, 20 

Macedonia, 329 

MacGovern, John, 346 

Machado, Gerardo, 647 

Machel, Samora, 697, 701-704 

Madry,Jindrich, 433 

Magadan, 205, 297 

Magnitogorsk, 157-158, 176, 316 

Maikop, 100 

Main Intelligence Directorate. See GZI 

Maisky, Ivan, 249 

Maitreya, 466 

Maiwandwal, Hashim, 710 

Majdanek camp, 303 

Makarov, Nikolai, 170 

Makhno, Nestor, 83, 92, 95, 96, 98, 108, 707 

Makhnovists, 96 

Malenkov, Georgy, 200, 218, 249, 250, 251, 

Maleter, Pal, 440 
Malgre-nous ( u ln Spite of Ourselves"), 26, 

Malia, Martin, 12, 251,731,733 
Malraux, Andre, 296, 469 
Managua, 665, 667, 669 
Manchuria, 284, 511,548 
Mandelstam, Osip, 200 
Maniu, Iuliu, 400, 402 
Mantecon, Jose Ignacio, 344 
Mantsev, Vasily, 129 
Mantsev-Messing commission, 130 
Manuilsky, Dmitry, 197, 291, 298, 299, 300, 

Mao Zedong, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 17, 20, 21, 25- 

26, 280, 282, 311, 463^74 passim, 480- 

496 passim, 501-532 passim, 543, 545, 593, 

616, 620, 627-628, 631, 638, 639, 640, 676, 

M-Apparat (Military Apparatus), 278, 282, 

Maputo, 685 
March Action, 276 
Marchais, Georges, 2 
Marchak, Samuel, 243 
Margoline, Jules, 318 
Margolius, Rudolf, 429 
Mariategui, Jose Carlos, 676 
Mariel crisis, 663 
Marinskoe, 226-227 



Marion, Pierre, 355 
Markevic, Sima, 306 
Markin, 72 

Markish, Peretz, 243, 244 
Markov, Georgi, 19, 450 
Marr, Nikolai, 200 
Marshall Plan, 399 
Martin, Robert, 349 
Martin, Stinescu, 415 
Martinez, Alfredo, 340 
Martov, Yuri, 73, 78, 736 
Marty, Andre, 295, 296, 348, 349 
Marx, Karl, 728-729, 740, 741 
Marxism, 40, 729-730, 737, 740, 741 
Marxism-Leninism, 10, 49, 67, 399, 464, 501, 
559, 560, 616, 618, 626, 666, 670, 684-686, 
Marxist Workers' Unification Party. See 

Masaryk, Tomas, 731 
Masaya, 665 

Masferrer, Rolando, 648, 651 

Maslaric, Bozidar, 316 

Maslow, Arkady, 349 

Mastiliak,Jan, 410 

Matagalpa, 669, 674 

Matos, Hubert, 653, 655-656, 660 

Matthews, Herbert, 341, 649 

Matusov, Yakov, 3(X) 

Matveev, I. M., 177 

Mauriac, Francois, 347 

Maurin, Joaquin, 333, 343 

Maurin, Manuel, 343 

Mauthausen, 294, 411 

Mazar-i-SharTf, 706 

Mazowiecki, Tadeusz, 391, 451 

Mazzora hospital, 657 

Mbembe, Achille, 704 

MBP. See Poland: Ministry of Public Security 

Mecsek Mountains, 439 

Medecins sans Frontieres, 694 

Medina, Benigno, 677 

Medvedev, G., 288, 736 

Meinhof, Ulrike, 359 

Meisel, Paul, 302 

Meison (All-Ethiopian Socialist Movement), 

Mekong River, 575 

Melgunov, Sergei, 8, 60-61, 104, 106 

Meligala, 328 

Mella, Julio Antonio, 337 

Mcmba, 704 

Mendefera, 692 

Menelik II, 689 

Mengistu Haile Mariam, 3, 684, 687-688, 

Mensheviks, 44, 47, 48, 62, 65-78 passim, 84, 
85,87, 112, 114-115, 127, 130, 137, 139, 
Menthon, Francois de, 6, 7 
Menzhinsky, Vyacheslav Rudolfovich, 62, 129, 

140, 144, 197 
Meray, Tibor, 551 
Mercader, Caridad, 309 
Mercader del Rio, Jaime Ramon, 308, 309 
Merker, Paul, 449 

Merkulov, Vsevolod, 211,212, 369, 371 
Mertens (Stanislaw Skulski), 299 
Meskhetians, 219, 224,225 
Messing, Stanislav, 62 
Metaxas, Joannes, 324 
Mexican Communist Party, 307-308 
Meyerhold, Vsevolod, 200, 247 
Mezzich, Carlos, 676, 680 
Mielke, Erich, 357, 358 
Mif, Pavel, 284 
Mihailovic, Draza, 324-326 
Mihalache, Ion, 402 
Mikhailovskaya, 101 
Mikhocls, Solomon, 243, 244 
Mikoladze, E., 200 
Mikoyan, Anastas, 142, 189, 222, 246, 251, 

Mikoyan-Shakar, 220 
Milev, Nikolas, 279 

Military Investigation Commission, 56 
Military Unit of Production Assistance 

(MUPA) (Cuba), 656 
Miller, E. K., 285-286 
Millerand, Eticnne, 729 
Milstein, Solomon, 221 
Mindszenty, Joszef, 410 
Minev, Stepan (Stepanov), 337 
Mingrelians, 237, 247 
Ministerium fur Staatssicherheit. See Stasi 
Ministerstvo vnutrennikh del. See MVD 
Ministry of Internal Affairs (Soviet Union), 

See MVD 
Ministry of State Security (Soviet Union), 

243, 247, 248 
Minit (Ministry of Internal Affairs) (Cuba), 



Minkov, Ivan, 279 

Minsk, 175, 364 

Mirov-Abramov, V. A., 197 

Miskito Indians, 668, 669, 670 

Misura, 669 

Misurasata, 668, 669 

Mirrojorgji, Vango, 426 

Mitterrand, Danielle, 20 

Moczarski, Kazimierz, 377-378 

Modzielewski, Karol, 386 

Mogadishu, 691 

MOI (Immigrant Manpower), 294 

Mojaddediclan, 712 

Moldavia, 212, 213, 229, 395 

Moldavian Communist Party, 237 

Moldavians, 236-237 

Moldovans, 10 

Molnar, Miklos,435, 437 

Molotov, 224 

Molotov, Vyacheslav, 121, 146, 147, 162, 163- 

164, 171, 189, 207, 213, 218, 245, 249, 250, 

Monatte, Pierre, 288 
Moncada barracks, 648, 650 
Mondlane, Eduardo Chivambo, 701, 703 
Mongolia, 536 
Mongols, 706 
Monivong, King, 629 
MOPR (Red Aid), 298, 300 
Moravia, 404, 408, 411,414, 418, 430, 442 
Moravians, 671 
More, Thomas, 2 
Morgan, William, 650 
Mornard, Jacques, 309 
Mom, Aldo, 631 
Moroz, Grigory, 62 
Mortsy, 161 
Moscow, 2, 25, 83, 95-96, 108, 111, 112, 126, 

153-154, 174, 175,176,184,217,218,259, 

260, 305, 364 
Moscow-Kursk railway line, 90 
Moscow- Volga canal, 204 
Moskvin, Mikhail. See Trilisser, Meir 
Mo Ti, 467 
Motovilikha, 78 
Morru valley, 447 

Movement for Socialist Education, 516 
Movement for the Defense of Human and 

Civil Rights (ROPCIO), 387 
Movimento de Action Revolucionaria 
(MAR), 359 

Movimento Popular de Libertacao de Angola 
(MPLA), 663-664, 684-686, 696-700 

Movimento Revolucionario Tupac Amaru 
(MRTA), 680 

Mozambique, 9, 684, 685, 694, 701-704; pe- 
nal code, 702 

Mozambique National Liberation Front, 684 

MPLA. See Movimento Popular de Liber- 
tacao de Angola 

MPLA Workers' Party, 698 

MRTA (Movimento Revolucionario Tupac 
Amaru), 680 

MSW. See Poland: Ministry of Internal Af- 

Muchkizai, 718 

Mu Chong, 552 

Mugabe, Robert, 695 

Mujal, Eusebio, 648 

Miiller, Boris (Melnikov), 299 

Munch-Petcrson, A,, 299 

Munich agreement, 395 

Munich Commune, 272 

MUPA (Military Unit of Production Assis- 
tance), 656 

Murmansk, 246, 318 

Murnau, 379 

Murom, 72 

Muscovy, 71 

Muslims, 139, 220, 609, 705-706, 710, 71 1- 
712, 716; Cham, 592,594-595 

Mussolini, Benito, 1, 160, 324, 326 

MVD(Ministerstvo vnutrennikh del), 64, 
136, 144, 236, 237, 243, 247, 251, 252, 253, 
254, 256, 323, 368. See a/so NKVD 

Myakotin, Aleksandr, 130 

Myasnikov, Aleksandr, 139 

Myasnikov, Gavriil, 286, 287 

Nadir Shah, 707-708 
Nagy, Ferenc, 400 
Nagy, Imre, 332, 440-441, 443 
Nairn, 724 

Najibullah, Mohammed, 3, 710, 714, 720, 723 
Nakshbandis, 139 
Nakuru cease-fire, 696 
Nalchik, 220 
Nam Ngum Islands, 576 
Nanjing, 471,472 
Napolovski, 166 

Narodnyi komissariat vnutrennikh del. See 



Narvich, Lev, 340 

Narym, 144, 153, 155,176-177 

Nasedkin, Ivan, 225 

Nastasescu, Gheorghiu, 448 

National Confederation of Labor (CNT), 

National Front, 309 
National Front for the Liberation of Angola 

(FNLA), 696 
National Greek Democratic Union (EDES), 

327, 328 
Nationalist Party (China). See Kuomintang 
National Liberation Front (Greece). See EAM 
National Liberation Front of South Vietnam, 

572, 625 
National Peasant Party (Romania), 400, 402, 

National Socialist Party (Germany). See Na- 
National Socialist Party (Moravia), 404 
National Social Liberation Movement 

(EKKA), 327 
National Union for the Total Independence 

of Angola. See UNITA 
National Workers' Front for Liberation 

(EEAM), 326 
Nazino, 154-155, 176 

Nazism, 1-10 passim, 14-17, 21, 22, 23, 26, 
31, 198-199, 216-230 passim, 243, 244, 
255-256, 282, 298, 301, 302, 303, 323-324, 
372, 394, 397, 410, 418, 438, 442, 692, 751- 
Nazi-Soviet pact. See German-Soviet pact 
Ndreu, Dale, 444 

Nechaev, Sergei, 730, 737, 738, 745, 753, 754 
Neehev, Nikolai, 427 
Nechiporenko, Oleg Maksimovich, 359 
Nedkov, A., 445 
Negrinjuan, 334, 341,347 
Neou, Kassic, 613 
NEP .SVe* New Economic Policy 
Neto, Agostinho, 3, 697-698 
Neumann, Heinz, 194, 281, 300, 303 
New Economic Policy (NEP), 109, 114-1 15, 
119, 122, 136, 137, 138, 143, 145, 160, 174, 
262, 263, 265 
New People, 584-585, 587, 589, 592, 595, 

NgoDinhDiem, 571 
N gun/a (South Kuanza), 699 
Nguyen Ai Quoc. See Ho Chi Minh 

Nguyen Van Linh, 574 

Nguyen Van Thieu, 565 

Nicaragua, 7, 665-675 

Nicholas, Grand Duke, 285 

Nicholas II, 43, 76, 77, 740 

Nicod, Rene, 294 

Nidal, Abu, 358 

Nien Ching, 507-508, 509, 523, 527, 528, 

530, 536-538 
Niepodleglosc, 379 
Nie Yuanzi, 519 
Nigeria, 686 
Nikolaev, 96 

Nikolaev, Leonid, 180, 181 
Nikolaevsky, Boris, 115, 754 
Nikolski, Alexandru, 420 
Nin, Andreu, 333,339,341 
Nixdorf, Kurt, 301,302 
Nizhni Novgorod (later Gorky), 72, 77, 

Nizhni Tagil, 68 
Nkavandame, Lazaro, 703 
NKVD (Narodnyi komissariat vnutrennikh 
del), 12, 16, 20, 62, 64, 176-182 passim, 
184^194 passim, 204, 205, 206, 207, 209- 
214, 217-231 passim, 234, 235, 236, 244, 
280, 291-294, 297, 299, 300, 303, 306-307, 
308, 316-318, 321, 337-338, 344-346, 365, 
368-375 passim, 394, 436, 475; operational 
orders, 187-188, 366-367, 368, 373, 374. 
Norilsk camps, 205, 239, 254 
Northern Song dynasty, 467 
North Korea, 3, 4, 5, 28, 29, 356-357, 359, 
459, 464, 547-564, 575, 626, 631, 636, 638, 
665. See a/so South Korea 
North Vietnam. See Vietnam 
Norwegian Communist Party, 332 
Novgorod, 119 
Novokhopersk, 94 
Novo-Matryonskaya, 103 
Novonikolaevsk. See Novosibirsk 
Novorossiisk, 100, 160, 163 
Novosibirsk, 1 19, 153, 213, 217, 218, 226, 235 
Novotny, Antonin, 434 
Novozhilov, Vladimir, 176 
Nueva Carceral prison, 656 
Nueva Segovia, 669 
Nueva Vida camp, 660 
Nuevo Amanecer prison, 659 
Nuremberg Tribunal, 5, 6, 7, 10, 14, 22, 27, 31 



Nuristans, 705 
Nyerere, Julius, 684 
Nyeste, Imre, 418 

Ochoa, Arnaldo, 664, 670 

October Revolution, 39-41, 46, 51-52, 86, 

Odessa, 96, 105, 106, 160, 175, 314 

Ogaden, 689, 692 

OGPU, 64, 363, 365 

Okhrana, 57, 68, 285 

Okulicki, Leopold, 375 

Olesha, Yuri, 200 

Olminsky, Aleksandr, 79 

Oltusky, Enrique, 650 

OMS (Department for International Rela- 
tions) (Comintern), 299 

Omsk, 84, 111, 119, 152,217,218 

Operation Barbarossa, 2 1 3 

Operation Burza, 373-374 

Operation K, 382 

Operation Spring, 235-236 

Operation Storm 333, 714 

Operation Wisla, 377 

Opposition, Left or Trotsky ite, 141, 289, 297, 
300, 304, 305, 307 

Oprichnina, 731 

Oranienburg, 189,193,289,311 

Order of Lenin, 242, 309 

Order of the Red Flag, 280, 306 

Ordzhonikidze, 217, 218 

Ordzhonikidze, Sergo, 20, 98, 101, 139-140, 
168, 170,247 

Orel, 47, 67, 87, 118,233 

Organization for Armed Struggle for Arab 
Liberation, 358 

Organization for the Protection of Afghan In- 
terests (AGSA), 715 

Organization for the Protection of the Popu- 
lar Struggle (OPLA), 310 

Organization of Prisoners with Communist 
Beliefs (OPCB), 420 

Organization of the International Brigades, 

Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists 
(OUN), 229, 237, 258 

Oriente, 661 

Orlov, Aleksandr (aka L. Feldbin), 337, 338, 

Oromo, 692 

Oromo ethnic group, 688 

Ortega, Antonio, 341 

Ortega, Camilo, 667, 668 

Ortega, Daniel, 666-667, 670 

Ortega, Humberto, 666 

Ortega, Jaime, 656 

Orthodox Church, 46, 109, 122, 124, 137, 

Osinsky, Nikolai, 118-119 

Osoboe Soveshchanie (OSO), 370 

Ossinovki, 117, 118 

Ossorgin, Mikhail, 129 

Ostaszkow camp, 368 

Ostrava, 418 

Ostrovsky, Nikolai, 194 

Oudong, 582 

OUN. See Organization of Ukrainian Nation- 

Outrat, Edward, 431 

Ovchinnikov, 165-166 

Ovimbundu, 698 

Ozerov, Vasily, 130 

Paczkowski, Andrzej, 452 

Padilla, Heberto, 651 

Padkhwab-e Shana, 717 

Paik Hyung Bok, 551 

PakHon Yong, 551-552 

Pakistan, 719 

Pak Kum Chul, 552 

Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), 

Palestinian Communist Party (PCP), 303- 

Pampuch-Bronska, Wanda, 298 
Panama, 666 
Panchen Lama, 545 
Pan Hannian, 284 
Panjshir valley, 717 
Pankrac prison, 429 
Panmunjon armistice, 550, 559 
Pan-Russian Korean Communist Party, 

PanteJeev, Mikhail, 298, 300 
Pan-Turkic movement, 220 
Papandreou, Georges, 328 
Parcham, 709-710, 71 1,713, 723 
Paris peace treaty, 571, 625 
Party congresses. See under individual parties 
Pascal, Pierre, 314 



Pasha, Enver, 139 

Pasqualini, Jean, 494, 498, 501, 502-507, 510, 

Pastora, Eden, 665, 666-667, 669-670 
Pat, Jacques, 319 
Pathet Lao, 575 
PStrSscanu, Lucretiu, 425 
Patriotic Front, 401 
Pauker, Ana, 136, 435 
Paulo, J. Mateus, 697 
Pavel, Gheorghiu, 448 
Pavelic, Ante, 324, 325 
Pavlik, Charlotte, 428 
Pavlik, Gejza, 428 
Pavlov, Nikolai, 427 
Pavlovsky, Ivan Grigorievich, 713 
Payas Sardinas, Oswaldo, 662 
PCE. See Spanish Communist Party 
PCF. See French Communist Party 
PCP. See Palestinian Communist Party 
Pean, Pierre, 357 
Peasant Workers' Party, 170, 171 
Pechekhonov, Andrei, 130 
Pechora, 138,204,297 
Peloponnese, 328 
Peluso, Edmundo, 314 
Penal code, Soviet, 135-136; article 58, 172, 

191, 206, 228, 319, 322, 368; article 59, 

290; article 70, 257-258; article 107, 142; 

article 1 1 5, 702; article 190, 257; article 

Penchev, Dimitar, 449 
Peng Dehuai, 490, 494, 519, 520 
P'engP'ai, 470, 471,472, 476 
Pen Sovan, 589 
Pentecostal Church, 258 
Penza, 47, 72, 73, 84, 95, 97 
People's Army for National Liberation 

(Greece). See ELAS 
People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs. See 

People's Democratic Party (Hungary), 400 
People's Democratic Republic of Korea, 547- 

People's Liberation Army (PLA) (China), 

31 1, 465, 476, 477-478, 486, 513, 515, 516, 

People's Militia (Czechoslovakia), 443 
People's Party (Czechoslovakia), 405 
People's Party of Inner Mongolia, 536 

People's Republic of China, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 19, 
28, 29, 359, 438, 449, 459-462, 463-546, 
568, 626-628, 636-640, 676, 701, 748; 
Eighth Army, 552 
People's Revolutionary Party (South Viet- 
nam), 589 
People's Revolutionary Party of Kampuchea 

(PRPK), 589 
People's Socialist Party (PSP), 647, 649, 650 
Perm, 77, 105 

Permanent Tribunal of the International 
League for the Rights and Liberation of 
Peoples, 692, 717 
Pertaminsk camp, 137 
Pertovsky, N., 74-75 
Peru, 675-681 

Peruvian Communist Party, 676 
Petain, Henri Philippe, 452 
Peter, Gabor, 435 
Petermanns, 300 
Peters, Jan, 62, 74, 75, 76, 138 
Peterson, Judge, 736 
Petkov, Dimitri, 402 
Petkov, Nikolai, 401-402, 449 
Petkov, Petko, 402 
Petlyura, Simon, 82, 95 
Petrescu, Constantin Titel, 400 
Petrishchev, N,, 130 

Petrograd, 43, 49, 50, 56, 62, 64, 66, 68-70, 
74,85-86,89, 108, 111, 112-113, 126, 130- 
Petrograd Revolutionary Military Committee 

(PRMC), 51,53-55,62,70 
Petrograd Soviet, 44, 49, 51, 70 
Petropavlovskaya, 94 
Petrovsky, N., 74-75, 79 
Peyrefitte, Alain, 20 
Pfeifter, Wilhelm, 301,302 
PFLP. See Popular Front for the Liberation 

of Palestine 
Pham Quynh, 566 
Pham Van Dong, 572 
Phnom Penh, 3, 581, 583, 587, 592, 593, 595, 

Picadura valleys, 661 
Picelli, Guido, 341 
Picq, Laurence, 600, 621 
Pieck, Wilhelm, 300, 301 
Pika, Heliodor, 404 
Pilecki, Witold, 379 



Pilnyak, Boris, 200 

Pilsudski, Jozef, 363, 365 

Pinar del Rio, 653, 658 

Pindus Mountains, 327 

Pineau, Christian, 313 

Pin Yathay, 26, 27, 580, 585-586, 588, 595, 
603, 605, 633 

Pinyug, 151 

Pipa, Mustafa, 409 

Pitchfork Rebellion, 97 

Pitesti, 420-421, 447 

Pius XI, 29 

PLA. See People's Liberation Army 

Plaka agreement, 327 

Plenipotentiary Workers' Assembly, 112 

Plevitskaya, Nadya, 285 

PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization), 
355, 358 

Plocek, Evzen, 443 

Plotkin, 166 

Plyushch, Leonid, 19 

Plzen, 414 

Poarta Alba, 417 

Podgorny, Nikolai, 356 

Podsednik, Josef, 404^*05 

Pokrovsky, Mikhail, 199 

Poland, 5, 15, 20, 22-23, 28, 42, 44, 107, 149, 
208-209, 229, 237, 264, 294, 302, 317, 330- 
331, 363-393, 394, 438, 442, 455, 456; Min- 
istry of Internal Affairs (MSW), 383, 384, 
385-386, 388, 389, 391; Ministry of Public 
Security (MBP), 374, 376, 377, 380-381, 

Pol-e-Charki prison, 710, 712-713, 720, 

Poles, 10, 23, 52, 61, 62, 91, 164, 182, 188, 

Poliopolos, Pandelis, 310 

Polish Communist Party (KPP), 197, 304- 
305, 365-366, 379-381 

Polish Military Organization (POW), 304, 

Polish Peasant Party (PSL), 376, 377, 379 

Polish Security Service. See Bezpieka 

Polish Socialist Party, 365 

Polish United Workers' Party (PZPR), 385, 
386, 388, 389 

Polish Workers' Party (PPR), 305, 367, 380. 
See also Polish Communist Party 

Politburo (Bolshevik Party/CPSU), 116, 124, 
125, 126, 141, 142, 147, 162-164, 171, 177, 

180, 186, 187-188, 189, 194,211,246,368, 

382, 384, 745 
Pol Pot, 3, 4, 10, 11, 16, 26, 28, 459, 471, 577, 

582, 587-635 passim, 638, 684, 753 
Poltava province, 96 
Pomerania, 374, 397 
Ponchaud, Francois, 579 
POPF (French Workers' and Peasants' Party), 

Popieluszko, jerzy, 390 
Popkov, Pyotr, 246 
Popular Front, 333, 335 
Popular Front for the Liberation of Eritrea, 

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine 

(PFLP), 355-356, 357 
Popular Movement for the Liberation of An- 
gola. See MPLA 
Popular Patriotic Front (Bulgaria), 395 
Poretskaya, Elizaveta, 293 
Poretsky, Nathan (aka lgnaz Reiss), 306- 

Portugal, 28,695,696, 701 
Portuguese Communist Party, 697 
Poskrebyshev, Aleksandr, 245 
Postyshev, Pavel, 142, 192, 199 
Potala temple, 543, 545 
Potosi camp, 659 
Potresov, Aleksandr, 73, 130 
POUM (Marxist Workers' Unification Party), 

333, 336, 339-342, 346 
POW. See Polish Military Organization 
Poznah, 384—385 
PPR. See Polish Workers 1 Party 
Prager, Rodolphe, 310 
Prague, 26, 429, 436, 444, 445 
Pravda, 222 
Predushi, Vincent, 409 

President Gonzalo. See Guzman, Abimael 
Prieto, Indalecio, 345 
Primakov, Vitaly, 198 
Principal Commission for Research into the 

Crimes of Hitler, 456 
Prison Kilo 5.5, 657 
Prison No. 3 (Hubei province), 497 
PRMC. See Petrograd Revolutionary Military 

Profintern (Red Trade Union International), 

Prokopovich, Sergei, 121, 122, 129 



Proletarian Party (PSUC) (Catalonia), 244, 

Provisional Military Administrative Commit- 
tee, See Dergue 

PRPK. See People's Revolutionary Party of 

Pruszkow, 374 

Przemyk, Grzegor/,, 390 

Psarros, Colonel, 327 

Pskov, 54, 119,238 

PSL. See Polish Peasant Party 

PSP (People's Socialist Party), 647, 649, 

PSUC See Proletarian Party 

Pueblo, 555 

Pugachev, Emelyan, 732 

Pugaehev rebellion, 732 

Puiu, Ion, 447 

Pukallacta group, 676 

Puno, 679 

Pushtuns, 705 

Putilov factories, 86 

Putna, Vitvot, 198 

Pu/itsky, N., 156 

Puzitsky, Sergei, 285 

Pyatakov, Georgy, 115, 171, 184 

Pyatigorsk, 100-101 

Pyatishatki, 369 

Pyatmtsky, Osip (aka Tarchis), 299, 300, 306 

Pyongyang, 548-549, 559, 560, 626, 638 

Pyonjon camp, 554 

Pyurvccv, D. P., 223 

PZPR. See Polish United Workers' Party 

Qi Benyu, 519 
Qin dynasty, 467 
Qinghai, 542, 543 
Qinghai (amp No. 2, 499 
Qin Shi, 468 
Quang Ngai, 567 
Quevedo, Miguel Angel, 650 
Quinca, 677 

Rada, 71 

Radchenko, Lyuhov Nikolaevna, 130 

Radck, Karl, 63, 65-66, 86, 141, 184, 197, 

287, 736 
Radical Party (France), 159 
Radio Free Europe, 383, 386 
Radkiewiez, Stanisiaw, 376 
RAF. See Rote Armee Frakiion 

Raikhman, Leonid, 247 

Rajk, Laszlo, 381, 399, 426, 428-^29, 434, 435 

Rajnai, Sandor, 441 

Rakosi, Matyas, 273, 277, 398, 400, 426, 428, 
435, 438 

Rakovsky, Christian, 141, 289, 736 

Rakvere, 278 

Rama Indians, 668, 669 

Ramirez, Oscar Albert, 680 

Ramirez-Sanchez, Ilyich (aka Carlos), 356- 

Ramoehe temple, 545 

Ramzin, Aleksandr, 170 

Ravasz, Laszlo, 410 

Ravensbriick, 303 

Ray, Manolo, 650 

Reagan administration, 694 

Rebouljean, 309, 346 

"Rectification," 475, 476 

Red Aid (MOPR), 298, 300 

Red Army (China), 473 

Red Army (Germany), 272 

Red Army (Soviet Union), 6, 15, 22, 66, 69, 
91,92, 108, 111, 117, 139, 140,208,217, 
218-219, 220, 223, 228-230, 244, 263, 337, 
707, 738; Red Terror and, 72, 79-89; civil 
war and, 94-99 passim, 105; Great Terror 
and, 197-199; Comintern and, 274, 275, 
277, 278, 279, 282, 283, 320; Poland and, 
372-379 passim; Eastern Europe and, 394, 
395, 398, 399 

Red Bases, 471 

Red Brigades, 631 

Red Cross, 122, 123, 314, 330, 372, 562 

Red Flag group, 533 

Red Flag villages, 470 

Red Gestapo. See Direccion General de Con- 

Red Guards (China), 4, 281 , 284, 471 , 486, 
514, 515, 516-528, 530-536 passim, 543- 
544, 546, 627, 640 

Red Guards (Soviet Union), 44, 45, 49, 51, 

Red Lances, 469 

Red Terror: in Soviet Union, 73, 75-78, 82- 
83, 100-101, 102, 104, 133, 265, 482, 735- 
736, 749; in China, 523 

Red Trade Union International. See Profin- 

Referat Ochrony (Protection Squads), 381, 



Regler, Gustav, 348, 349 

Reicher, Gustav, 305 

Reicin, Bedrich, 404, 430 

Rein, Marc, 345 


Reiss, Ignaz (Nathan Poretsky), 306-307 

Remmel, Hermann, 194 

Renamo (Resistencia Nacional Mocambi- 

cana), 702 
Renan, Ernest, 755 
Resistencia Nacional Moeambicana 

(Renamo), 702 
Reventlow, Max, 349 
Revolucionaria Democratica (ARDE), 669 
Revolutionary Anti-Fascist Patriotic Front 

(FRAP), 359 
Revolutionary Institute for Foreign Lan- 
guages, 552 
Revolutionary Organization. See Angkar 

Revolutionary Youth Movement (Hnuti 

revolucniho mladeze), 443^444 
Rey, David, 347 
Rhodesia. See Zimbabwe 
Richet, Charles, 752 
Rieger, Max, 342 
Riga, 212 

Riga, Treaty of, 208, 364 
Rigoulot, Pierre, 323 
Rio San Juan, 669 
Rivet, Paul, 347 
Roa, Raul, 649 
Robelo, Alfonso, 667,669 
Robotti, Paolo, 195,314 
Rodionov, Ml., 246 
Rodriguez, Jose, 672 
Rokossovsky, Konstantin, 198 
Rolland, Romain, 296, 314, 744 
Romania, 149, 213, 274, 322, 330, 358, 395, 

398, 399, 400, 414-420 passim, 435, 438, 

446-^50, 453, 637 
Romanian Communist Party, 423, 425 
Romanians, 188 
Romanov, Pantcleimon, 200 
Romanovskaya, 101 
Romkowski, Roman, 378 
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 20 
ROPCIO (Movement for the Defense of 

Human and Civil Rights), 387 
Rosales, Daniel, 672 

Rosenberg, Marsel Israelovich, 334 

Rosental, N., 103 

Rostov, 152,218,233 

Rostov-on-Don, 106, 162, 175, 220 

Rote Armee Frakiion (RAF), 358-359 

Rote Front, 282, 283 

Rousset, David, 18-19,26 

Roux, Alain, 482 

Rovira, Jose, 346 

ROVS (General Military Union), 285 

Rozanov, Dr., 130 

Rozanski, Jozef, 378 

Rozhkov,N. A., 130 

Ruch (Movement), 386 

Rudolph, Hans, 349 

Rudzutakjan, 192 

Russell Tribunals, 717 

Russia, 28, 39-52 passim, 1 1 1, 1 18, 123, 142, 

217. See also Soviet Union 
Russian Council of Ministers, 246 
Russian Federation, 557 
Russian Liberation Army, 320, 322 
Russian National Committee, 231 
Russian Party (Evreiskaya sektsiya), 304 
Russian Presidential Archive, 188, 249 
Russian Revolution, 27, 39-40, 57, 59, 733, 

735, 737, 739 
Rwanda, 10, 13,684,686 
Ryazan, 47, 67, 119 
Ryazan-Ural Railway, 90 
Rybinsk, 72 

Rychetsky, Pavel, 455-456 
Rykov, Aleksei, 86, 142, 144, 170, 184 
Ryumin, Martemyam, 249 
Ryutin, Mikhail, 295 

Saadi, Yacef, 354 
Sabata, Jaroslav, 444 
Sachsenhausen, 417 
Sadek, Abraham, 309 
Sadyrin, Andrei, 170 
St. Petersburg Soviet, 44 
Saint Anastasia (Bulgaria), 416 
Sakharov, Andrei, 19, 168 
Sala, Victorio, 338, 345 
Salakayev, S., 196 
Salas, Rodriguez, 340 
Salazar, Antonio, 29, 696 
Salini, Pierre, 309 
Saloth Sar. See Pol Pot 



Salvador, David, 650 

Samachinskaya, 101 

Samara, 71,84, 94,95,97, 108, 111, 120, 123 

Samarkand, 222 

Sambor, 395 

Samsonov, Timofei, 83 

Sandinistas, 7, 665-675 

Sandino, Augusto Cesar, 665 

San Jose de Secce, 677 

Santa Clara prison, 648, 652, 654 

Santa Ursula camp, 342-343 

Santiago de Cuba, 653 

Sao Phim, 587 

Saour Revolution, 710-714 

Sapilinia, Anibal, 699 

Sapoa, 674 

Sapronov, Timofei, 286 

Saqqao, Bacha-i, 707-708 

Sarahs, Stefanos, 327 

Sarajevo, 2 

Saratov, 47, 67, 95,97, 108, 111,217,316, 

Sarma, 316 

Sartre, Jean-Paul, 550, 750 
Save the Children Fund, 691 
Savimbi, Jonas, 664, 697 
Savinkov, Boris, 72, 285 
Saxony, 277 

SB. See Sluzba be/.pieczenstwa 
Scarioli, Nazareno, 313-314 
Scarselii, Tito, 314 
Schacht, Hjalmar, 339 
Schleyer, Hans Martin, 359 
Schlusselburg fortress, 86 
Schubert, Hermann, 194,300 
Schulte, Fritz, 194 
Schutzbund, 302, 315, 316 
Sebezhsk, 77 

Second International, 275, 730, 737 
Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia, 

Secret Polish Army, 379 
Securitate (Romania), 420 
Sedarat, 721 
Sedov, Lev, 307 

SED See Socialist Unity Party 
Sefay, Selab, 713 
Segovia, 674 
Sejko, Temo, 449 
Semprum, Jorge, 302 

Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path), 359, 632, 

"Separat," 357, 358 
September massacres, 76, 728 
Serantes, Perez, 650 
Serbia, 324 

Serge, Viktor, 279, 289, 339 
Sergei, Metropolitan, 172, 173 
Serman, Ilya Zeilkovich, 245 
Serov, Ivan, 212, 217, 221, 255, 374, 375 
Servicio Alfredo Hertz, 338, 345 
Servicio de Investigacion Militar (SIM), 345- 

346, 347, 348 
Servicio Extranjero, 337-338 
Servico Nacional de Seguranca Popular 

(SNASP), 702-703 
Setem-i-Milli (Oppression of the Nation), 

Sevastopol, 61, 106-107 
Seventh-Day Adventists, 258 
Severodonetsk, 165 
Sevvostlag camps, 205 
Shaanxi base, 472 
Shakhty, 143, 169, 172 
Shalamov, Varlam, 26, 27, 137, 205 
Shanghai, 281, 284, 469, 481, 484, 510, 517, 

523, 524, 530, 533, 535-536 
Shanghai Four, 515 
Shanxi (Long Bow), 477, 478, 482, 486, 488, 

Shchastnyi, A., 69 
Shcheglovitov, I., 76 
Shcheptytsky, Andrei, 229 
Shcherbakov, Aleksandr, 242 
Shehu, Mehmet, 311 
Sheinin, Lev, 247 
Shen clan, 533 
Shengwulian group, 528 
Shevchenko Institute, 199 
Shimanov, N,, 285 

Shining Path. See Sendero Luminoso 
Shkiryatov, 166 

Shlyapnikov, Aleksandr, 48, 286, 288, 739 
Shola-i-Javaid (Eternal Flame), 709 
Sholokhov, Mikhail, 165-166 
Shukhovich, Roman, 229 
Shvartzman, Lev, 247 
Shvernik, Nikolai, 190 
Siad Barre, Mohammed, 691 



Siantos, Giorgis, 327 

Siberia, 9, 108,111, 118,119, 134, 142,144, 
151-155 passim, 182, 189, 204, 209, 217, 
219, 222, 223, 231, 237, 289, 314, 331, 364, 

Sihlag camps, 226-227 

Siboney camp, 659 

Sichuan province, 492, 540, 543, 545 

Sidorov, Vasily Klementovich, 195-197 

Sierra de los Organos, 648 

Sighet Marmapel, 395,400 

Sihanouk, Prince, 580-581, 584, 590, 616, 

Silesia, 397, 408 

Silone, Ignazio, 2 

Silva, Arnaldo, 314 

Simaiao,Joana, 703 

Simango, Uria, 703 

Simbirsk province, 95, 97, 108 

Simbirsk (Ulyanovsk), 90, 95 

Simferopol, 61, 220, 224 

Simone, Andre, 430 

Sinclair, Betty, 354 

Singer, Israel Joshua, 317 

Sinyavsky, Andrei, 259 

Sivers, Rudolf, 60 

Six-Day War, 386 

16 May Regiment, 536 

Sklobewski, Aleksander (aka Gorev), 277 

Skoblin, Nikolai, 285, 286 

Skolnik,J6zsef, 423 

Skulski, Stanislaw (aka Mertens), 299 

Sladek, Alfred, 316 

Sladek, Frau, 316 

Sladek, Josef, 316 

Sladek, Victor, 316 

Slansky, Rudolf, 248, 409, 429-131, 432, 434, 
436, 441 

Sling, Otto, 405, 430 

Sliwinski, Marek, 589, 591, 593, 595, 596, 611 

SLOMAR (Free Union of Romanian Work- 
ers), 447 

SLON (Special Camps of Solovetski), 137- 

Slovak Communist Party, 431 

Slovak Democratic Party, 403^04 

Slovakia, 396, 403, 410, 41 1 , 41 3-414, 415, 

Slovaks, 23, 403, 443 

Slovenia, 326 

Slovenian White Guards, 325-326 

Sluzba bezpieczehstwa (SB), 385, 386, 387, 

Smallholders 1 Party (Hungary), 399-400 

SMERSH (Death to Spies), 230, 373, 374, 

Smilie, Bob, 343 

Smirnov, Vladimir, 90, 103,291 

Smith, Ian, 702 

Smolensk, 84, 126, 148,189 

Smolny, 181 

SNK. See Soviet Council of People's Com- 

Snow, Edgar, 473 

Sochor, Lubomir, 407 

Social Committee for the Fight against Fam- 
ine, 121, 128, 129 

Social Democrats: in Russia, 2, 43, 55; in Po- 
land, 197; in Hungary, 272-273, 400; in 
Germany, 272, 277; in Austria, 302, 315; in 
Spain, 338; in Slovakia, 404, 431; in Nicara- 
gua, 670; in Scandinavia, 729 

Socialist Party: in Spain, 333, 334; in Czecho- 
slovakia, 405; in Nicaragua, 670 

Socialist Revolutionaries, 44, 47, 51, 53, 55, 
58, 62-77 passim, 83-85, 87, 93, 104, 106, 
109,110, 112, 113, 114-115, 126-127, 130, 
131, 133, 134, 135, 137, 143, 201, 235, 285, 
289, 736, 744, 746 

Socialist Unity Party (SED), 301, 408, 446. 
See also German Communist Party 

Socialist Workers 1 International, 318 

Sofia, 279, 353, 428 

So Hwan Hi, 552 

Sokol (Falcon) Club, 408-409 

Sokolnikov, Grigory, 98, 194 

Solidarity, 331, 388-390 

Solikamsk, 204, 316 

Sol Jang Sik, 551 

Solovetski camps, 20, 114, 136-138, 144, 151, 

Soloviev, K., 246 

Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, 19, 24, 26, 27, 199, 
239, 259, 747 

Somalia, 687,689, 691 

Somocistas, 666 

Somoza Debayle, Anastasio, 665-666, 673 

Song Binbin, 521 

Song dynasty, 468 

Song Yaowu, 521 



Son Tay, 566 

Sori Marin, Humberto, 649, 650, 654, 658 

Sormovo, 68, 86 

Sosa Blanco, Jesus, 649 

Souei dynasty, 47 1 

Souphanouvong, Prince, 575 

South Korea, 5, 547, 549-550, 559, 561-562. 
See also North Korea 

South Vietnam, 570, 572, 581, 625, 637, 638. 
See also Vietnam 

South Yemen, 691 

Souvanna Phouma, 575 

Soviet Council of People's Commissars 
(SNK), 51, 53,57,367,371,372 

Soviet-German pact. See German-Soviet pact 

Soviet Union, 4, 727-728; penal code, 135- 
136, 142, 172, 191, 206, 228, 257-258, 290, 
319, 322, 368; Council of Ministers, 236, 
334, constitution, 313, Spain and, 334-335; 
Europe and, 432-433, 437; Korea and, 548, 
549, 552; Asia and, 636, 639; Africa and, 
685, 686, 689, 690-691, 696, 701, Afghani- 
stan and, 706-708, 712, 714-719, 724. See 
also Great Terror; October Revolution; 
Red Terror; individual institutions 

Spain, 21,28, 333-352 

Spanish Communist Party (PCK), 291, 333- 

Sparonov, Timofei, 286 

Spartakus group, 272 

Special Commission lor the Fight against 
Economic Abuses and Sabotage, 381, 383- 

Spetsnaz, 284 

Spiegelglass, Sergei, 308 

Spindonova, Maria, 83-84, 85, 86 

Spychalski, Marian, 384 

SS, 29, 303, 310, 313 

SSI 29 (P. Laurencic), 345 

Stajner, Karlo, 315 

Stakhanov, Andrei, 183 

Stakhanovite movement, 183 

Stalin, Josif, 2, 3-9 passim, 11, 12, 13, 15-17, 
20, 23, 27, 31, 79, 130, 134, 224, 233, 250, 
251, 263, 288, 549, 629, 630, 639, 734, 745, 
746, 750, 754; GPU and, 140-145 passim; 
dekulaki/.ation and, 148-152 passim; great 
famine and, 159, 163, 164, 166-168; repres- 
sion and, 170-171, 173, 180-183; Great 
Terror and, 185-202 passim; camps and, 

212, 215; Doctors' Plot and, 243-249 pas- 
sim; Comintern and, 277-307 passim, 319, 
330, 331; Spain and, 335-337; Poland and, 
363, 364, 369, 373; Europe and, 397, 399, 
433, 436, 438 

Stalingrad, 217,240,241 

Stamboliski, Aleksandr, 279 

Stanislwow, 225 

Stara Zagora prison, 445 

Starobielsk camp, 368, 369 

Stasi (Ministerium fur Staatssicherheit), 357- 
358, 359, 388, 456, 690 

Staszek, And re j, 383 

Staszewski, Artur, 337 

State Information Service (Afghanistan). See 

State Planning Administration (Gosplan), 170 

State Security Department (DGCI) (Cuba), 

Statni bezpecnost (StB), 403, 431 

Stavropol, 167, 217 

Stcfanov, Ivan, 427 

Stein, Wladyslaw (aka Anton Krajcwski), 293, 

Steinberg, Isaac, 62, 744 

Stenka Razin revolt, 732 

Stepan, Miroslav, 454 

Steplag camps, 204, 254 

Stepun, Fyodor, 129 

Stern, Antonia, 349 

Stern, (Manfred (General Klebcr), 284 

Stojadinovie, Milan, 324 

Stolypin, Pyotr, 42, 46 

Stresemann, Gustav, 277 

Stroop, Jiirgen, 377 

Struch, Papito, 661 

Student Revolutionary Directorate (Cuba), 

Suarez, Anres, 650 

Sudan, 693 

Sudoplatov, Pavel, 307-308, 309, 337 

Sulotto, Egidio, 314 

Sumo Indians, 668, 669 

Sun Tzu, 467 

Sun Yat-sen University, 280 

Suong Sikoeun, 624 

Suslov, Mikhail, 246, 249, 356 

Susskind, Heinrich, 194 

Suvarin, Boris, 288, 295-296, 298 

Suzdal, 234, 291,314 



Svab, FCarel, 428, 430 

Sverdlov, Yakov, 79 

Sverdlov Communist University, 305 

Sverdlovsk, 152,224 

Svermova, Marie, 431 

Svirlag camps, 204 

Svoboda, Ludvik, 398 

Swianiewicz, Stanislaw, 369 

Swiatlo, Jozef, 383 

Swiecieki, J., 305 

Syrtsov, Sergei, 98, 170 

Sysolk, 151 

Syzran, 103 

Szalai, Andras, 426 

Szamuely, Tibor, 274, 275 

Szilagyi, Jozsef, 440, 441 

Szolnok, 274 

Szbnyi, Tibor, 426 

Tabidze, Titsian, 200 

Tadjicv, Kara, 706 

Taganrog, 60 

Taiginsk, 227 

Taiping revolt, 468 

Taittinger, Jean, 283 

Taiwan, 483 

Tajikistan, 189,238,288 

Tajiks, 705 

Taken province, 582 

Tallinn, 212,278 

Tambov, 47, 67, 80, 93, 94, 95, 97, 103, 108- 
111, 114, 116-117, 121, 126, 137,233, 

Tanganyika African National Union/ Afro 
Srurazi Party, 6H+-685 

Tang dynasty, 467-468 

Tanzania, 684 

Taoism, 466 

Taraki, Nur-Mohammed, 709, 711, 713 

Tarchis (Osip Pyatnitsky), 299, 300, 306 

Tartu peace accord, 278 

Tashkent, 60, 330 

Tashko, Koco, 449 

Tatars, 10, 97, 216, 219-224 passim, 256, 258- 
259, 264 

Tatarstan, 189 

Ta Tu Thau, 311, 567 

Technical University of San Martin de Tor- 
res, 676 

Tcllevia, Salomon, 672 

Tel Ins, Carlos Nueves, 671 

Temnikovo camps, 204 

Teng To, 522 

Terezin camp, 410, 41 1 

Terioki, 1 14 

Ternopil, 258 

Teruel, 336, 349 

Tet offensive, 572 

Thaci, Gaspar, 409 

Thailand, 575, 576 

Thalmann battalion, 348 

Thilo, Arthur, 301, 302 

Third International. See Comintern 

Thorez, Maurice, 2, 20, 331, 332, 403, 638 

"Three Ami" movement, 482 

Thuringia, 277 

Tiananmen Square, 442, 464, 539, 541, 542 

Tibet, 464, 503, 542-546 

Tibetans, 10, 463 

''Tigers," 648, 651 

Tigre Liberation Front, 693-694, 695 

Tigre province, 692, 693 

Tijerino, Jose Angel Vilchi, 672-673 

Tikhon, 122, 124, 125, 126, 172 

Tildy, Zoltan, 400 

Timashuk, Lydia, 242 

Timi^oara, 395 

Timur Qalacha, 718 

Tirgiu Jiu camp, 416 

Tirgoviste, 447 

Tiso, Jozef, 452 

Tito (Josip Broz), 247, 306, 324-325, 330, 

331-332, 380, 397-398, 424, 426, 432 
Tkachev, Pyotr, 753 
Tobolsk, 1 1 1 

Todorov, Tzvctan, 12-13, 21, 422, 747, 748 
Togliam, Palmiro (aka Mario Ercoli), 195, 

To Huu, 570 
Tomsk region, 152-153 
Tomsk), Mikhail, 7 
Torriente, Llias de la, 655 
Torrijos, Omar, 666 
Totos, 677 
Totu, Victor, 448 
Tou Samouth, 618 
Touvier, Paul, 10 
Tramkak prison, 613, 614 
TranhDau, 311 
Transcaucasia, 138, 139, 140 
Trans-Siberian Railway, 71, 111, 204 
Transylvania, 272 



Tran Van Giau, 567 

Treint, Albert, 283 

Tres Marios del Oriente prison, 658 

Tresso, Pictro, 309 

Trctyakov, Nikolaevich, 285 

Tribunals Popu lares Ami-Somocista (TPAs), 

Trilisser, Meir (aka Mikhail Moskvin), 62, 
280, 293, 298, 299, 300 

Triolet, Klsa, 340 

Trochta, Stepan, 41 1 

Troops for the Internal Defense of the Repub- 
lic, 79-80, 82, 91,97,98, 111,373 

Trotsky, Leon, 21, 31, 59,63, 65, 73, 79, 86, 
88,89,92, 115, 125, 140, 141, 185, 192, 
193, 247, 277, 283, 288, 289, 290, 307-309, 
339, 364, 734, 738, 741-743, 748-749, 754 

Trotskvites, 26, 30, 140-141, 145, 181, 182, 
184, 190, 192, 227, 235, 247, 293, 294, 297- 
298, 299, 300, 306-312, 566-567, 676 

IVubetskoi, Sergei, 129 

True Orthodox Christians, 238 

Tsankov, Aleksandr, 279 

Tsaritsvn,77, 95, 97, 108, HI 

Tsyurupa, Aleksandr, 63, 73 

Tukhachcvsky, Mikhail, 113-114, 116, 117, 
170, 190, 197-198, 199,247,364 

Tula, 47, 68, 84, 86,87, 108, 118, 133,218, 

I'ulaikov, Nikolai, 2(H) 

lulu, Teku, 690 

Iuol Sleng, 587, 5M, 613 

I'uominen, Arvo, 300, 312 

Tupolcv, Andrei, 199 

Turcanu, Kugen, 420-421 

Turkestan, 138, 140 

Turkey, 224-225,247 

Turkmcnia, 19] 

Turkmenistan, 188-189, 191,241 

Turkmens, 138, 705. 

Turks, 188, 219, 224-225,237 

Tutev, Ivan, 427 

Tutsis, 684 

Tver, 67, 77, 119 

26 July Movement (M-26), 648, 650, 664 

Twining, Charles, 597 

Tyumen, 1 1 1 

Uborevich, Jerome, 140, 198 
Ufa, 94,97 
Chi, Petr, 444 

Ukhta, 151,204 

Ukhro-Pechora camp, 297 

Ukhtpechlag camps, 204 

Ukraine, 9, 16, 24, 47, 52, 60, 71, 81, 82, 92, 
94-98, 100, 105-106, Ml, 118, 142-143, 
148, 149, 150, 159-168 passim, 182, 184, 
189, 192, 199, 208-213, 217, 225-229, 235, 
237-238, 258, 364-374 passim, 395 

Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, 199 

Ukrainian Communist Party, 18, 163, 192 

Ukrainian Marxist-Leninist Institute, 199 

Ukrainians, 6, 7, 9, 10, 52, 238, 258, 320, 376- 

Ulyanov, Aleksandr Mich, 731 

Ulyanov, Vladimir Ilich. See Lenin 

Ulyanovsk (Simbirsk), 90, 95 

Uniao Nacional para a Independeneia 'Total 
dc Angola. .SVr UNITA 

Uniare Churches, 229, 409, 410, 412 

UN1CLF,699, 704 

Unified Socialist Party of Catalonia, 334, 337- 

Unified Socialist Youth Group, 334 

Union for the Defense of the Fatherland, 72 

Union of Working Peasants, 1 10 

UNITA (Uniao Nacional para a Inde- 
pendeneia 'Total de Angola), 664, 696-697 

United Nations, 244, 549, 563, 579, 694; Con- 
vention on the Prevention and Punishment 
of Genocide, 7-8, 634; Special Commis- 
sion on the Balkans, 329-330; Security 
Council, 329; General Assembly, 330, 437; 
World Food Program, 562 563; Human 
Rights Commission, 671; World Food Or- 
ganization, 699 

United States, 375, 494, 547, 549-550, 562, 

Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 437, 

University of Maputo, 703 

University of Xiamen (Fujian), 522 

Unshlikhtjosif, 62, 123, 129, 140, 197 

UOP (Bureau for State Protection), 391 

UPA, 229, 237 

Upper Amazonia province, 679 

Upper Silesia, 374 

Ural, 105 

Urals, 77, 90, 106, LSI, 152, 156,204,224, 

Uralsk, 68 

Uribe, Vincent, 334 



Uritsky, M. S., 74, 76 

Urrutia, Manuel, 649 

Ursiny, Jan, 403-404 

Urzad Bezpieczenstwa (UB), 454 

U.S. Agency for International Development, 

US. Central Intelligence Agency. See CIA 
Uskonin, M.V., 118 
USLON (Directorate for Special Camps in 

the Northern Region), 138 
U.S.S.R. See Soviet Union 
U.S.S.R. Institute of Experimental Medicine, 

U.S. State Department, 718 
Ust, 151 
Ustashas, 324 
Ustinov, Dmitry, 193 

Uzbekistan, 189, 191,219,222,223,330, 331 
Uzbeks, 138,705 

Vackova, Ruzena, 41 1 

Variadis, Markos, 329 

Vailland, Roger, 406 

Vaksberg, Arkady, 297 

Valdes, Ramiro, 655, 662 

Vails, Jorge, 658 

VaLrin, Jan, 278 

Varga, Bela, 400 

Varga, Eugen, 273 

Vargas Llosa, Mario, 676 

Varkiza, 328 

Vatanshah, 720 

Vatican, 409,410 

VavilinJ.N., 120 

Vavilov, Nikolai, 200 

Vayo, Astorga, 343 

VChK. .S^Cheka 

Vechenski, 165 

Vechinkin, 285 

Velchev, Damian, 398 

Vclouchiotes, Ares (Thanassis Klaras), 310, 

326, 328 
Velrrusky, Jiri (aka Paul Barton), 26-27 
Ventura, Esteban, 648 
Vera, A I do, 655 
Verbitsky, 246 

Verdes-Uaroux, Jeannine, 648 
Verkhne-Uralsk, 290-291 
Versailles, Treaty of, 277 
Vesel, Jindrich, 436 

Veselovsky, Judge, 736 

Veshenskaya, 99 

Vichera camps, 151 

Vichy camps, 309 

Vickery, Michael, 589 

Vidali, Vittorio, 337, 342 

Vidal-Naquet, Pierre, 10 

Viecahuaman, 677 

Viegas, Jorge, 703 

Vienna, 315 

Viet Cong, 572 

Viet Minh, 311, 506, 566-568, 580, 625, 636, 

Vietnam, 4, 26, 28, 459, 465, 565-575, 581, 

Vietnamese Communist Party, 465, 565-566, 

Vietnamese National Party (VNQDD), 567, 

Vietnam Quoc Dan Dang (VNQDD), 567, 

Vigdorshik, MiguloP, 130 
Villa Marista, 656 
Vilnius, 260, 368, 373 
Vinogradova, K.., 176-177 
Violet, Bernard, 357-358 
Vistula River, 373 
Vladimir, 234 
Vladivostok, 175 
Vlascianu, Florin, 448 
Vlasov, Andrei, 231, 320 
VNQDD {Vietnam Quoc Dan Dang), 567, 

Voigt, Helmut, 358 
Voikin, Nikolai Vasilievich, 177 
Volaz, Gjergj, 409 
Volga-Don canal, 241 
Volga German Republic, 216-218 
Volga Germans, 10,216-219,301 
Volga provinces, 81,94,97, 108, 111, 118, 

119, 123, 147, 161,732 
Volga River, 87, 88, 95 
Volhynia, 373 
Volodarsky, V.,69,70, 169 
Vologda, 67, 152,204 
von der Schulenberg, Werner, 302 
Vo Nguyen Giap, 465 
Von Ranke, Hubert, 344 
Von Ribbentrop, August, 208 
Vorkuta, 204, 219, 227, 254, 297, 315, 410 



Voronezh, 47, 67, 84, 94, 97, 99, 118, 173, 217 
Voroshilov, Kliment, 189, 197, 251, 252, 300, 

Voznesensky, Ivan, 246 
Vserossiiskaya chrezvychainaya komissiya po 

bor'be s kontrrevolyutsiei i sabotazhem. See 

Vujovic, Gregor, 306 
Vujovic, Radomir, 306 
Vujovic, Voja, 306 
Vyatka, 77 
Vyborg, 49, 114 
Vynnytsa, 226 
Vyshinsky, Andrei, 180, 212, 247, 300, 749- 


Walecki, Henryk, 304 

Walesa, Lech, 388 

Walter, Elena, 298 

Walther, Otto, 302 

Wandurski, Witold, 365 

Wang Guangmei, 519 

Wang Hongwen, 535-536 

Wang Ming, 473-474 

Wang Shiwei, 474 

Wankowicz, Melchior, 386 

War Communism, 66, 133, 142, 143, 626 

Warsaw, 317, 318, 373 

Warsky, Adolf, 304 

Wedemeyer, Albert Coady, 470 

Wehner, Herbert, 301 

Wei dynasty, 466 

Wei Jingsheng, 492-494, 515, 539 

Weil, Simone, 20-21 

Weinrich, Johannes, 357, 358 

Weissberg, Alexander, 303 

Welega, 692 

Welo, 691, 692, 693,694 

Weng Senhe, 528 

Werth, Nicolas, 434, 436-437, 743 

Wesenburg, 278 

Western Bohemia, 403 

West Germany, 358-359 

West Vym, 204 

Wheelock, Amador, 666 

Wheelock, Jaime, 666 

White Army, 15, 60, 66, 71, 81-82, 91, 95- 

101 passim, 106,108,112, 174,263 
White Guards, 72, 73, 76, 77, 84, 85, 88, 123, 

129, 135, 176, 181, 182, 187, 235, 285, 742 

White Guards (Slovenia), 325 

White Sea camps, 136, 138, 151, 204 

White Terror, 82 

Wichajerzy, 385 

Wieviorka, Annette, 416 

WIN. See Wolnosc i Niezawislosc 

"Wodli" maquis, 309 

Wokiduba, 692 

Wolf, Erwin, 299, 340, 344 

Wollweber, Ernst, 354 

Wolnosc i Niezawislosc (WIN), 378 

Wonka, Pavel, 449 

Workers' and Peasants' Party (POUM) 

(France), 294 
Workers' Defense Committee (KOR), 387 
Workers' International, 729 
Workers' Opposition, 249, 286-287, 289 
Workers' Party (Vietnam), 465, 625 
World Conference of Communist Parties, 332 
World Vision, 562 
Worldwide Unionist Federation Bureau, 691- 

Wrangel, Pyotr, 97, 100, 106, 107, 111, 

Wu, Harry, 498, 520 
Wu Han, 522 
Wuhan, 523,531,532 
Wutai Mountain, 522-523 
Wuzhou, 534 
Wybot, Roger, 321 
Wyszynski, Stefan, 382 

Xiamen, 524-526, 533 
Xie Fuzhi, 521 
Xinyang, 492 
Xoxe, Koci, 426 

Yagoda, Genrikh, 17, 62, 136, 144, 150, 156, 

162, 176,190,337,751 
Yakir, Jonas, 198 
Yalta, 20, 61 

Yalta accord, 20, 230, 320, 374-375 
Yan'an, 464, 465, 473, 474, 476, 540, 638 
Yanata, A., 200 
Yan Fengying, 536 
Yang, Emperor, 471 
Yankov, Kosta, 279 
Yaroslavl, 67, 68, 72-73, 94, 189 
Yaroslavsky, Emelyan, 172 
YCP See Yugoslav Communist Party 



Yellow River, 468 

Yeltsin, Boris, 211 

Yemina, J. Njamba, 697 

Yenan group, 552 

Yenbai mutiny, 567 

Yhdego, Fantaye, 691 

Yingde Tea Plantation, 497 

Yodok camp, 555-556, 561 

YofTe, Adolf, 63 

Yongpyang camp, 554 

YPhandara, 612, 634-635 

Yuan Shih-kai, 468 

Yugoslav Communist Party (YCP), 195, 290, 

305-306, 324-325, 329 
Yugoslavia, 28, 324-325, 329-330, 354, 380, 

397-398, 424, 438, 452, 637 
Yugoslav National Ami- Fascist Council for 

Liberation (AVNOJ), 325 
Yugoslavs, 316-317 
Yunnan, 536 
Yuon group, 593 
Yurenev, Konstantin, 194 
Yuzovsky, Josif, 244 

Zabolotsky, Nikolai, 200 

Zachariadis, Nikos, 326, 328-329 

Zahir Shah, 706, 708 

Zajic, Jan, 442 

Zakovsky, Andrei, 103, 192 

ZANU {Zimbabwe African National Union), 

Zaporizhzhia, 218, 258 
Zapotocky, Antonin, 434 
Zaraysky, 129 
Zavodsky , Osvald, 43 1 

Zayas, Jorge, 650 

Zborowski, Mark, 307 

Zegvos, Iannis, 328 

Zela, Stanislav, 411 

Zelaya, 669, 674 

Zeleny, 95, 96 

Zemskov, V. N., 262 

Zenawi, Meles, 691 

Zerabulak, 222 

Zervas, Napoleon, 327 

Zevina, Rulf Alexandrovna, 245 

Zhai Zhenhua, 530 

Zhang Chunqiao, 536 

Zhang Shaosong, 545 

Zhdanov, Andrei, 189, 192, 193, 194, 212, 

Zhelyaev, Andrei, 200 
Zhemchuzhina, Paulina, 245 
Zhivkov, Todor, 453^54 
Zhou Enlai, 281, 474, 515, 516, 519, 522, 536, 

539, 543 
Zhukov, Georgy, 336 
Zhytomyr, 226 
Zimbabwe, 695, 702 
Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU), 

Zinoviev, Aleksandr, 19 
Zinoviev, Grigory, 1 1, 50, 70, 75-76, 86, 1 12, 

113, 141, 181, 184, 192, 247, 277, 279, 288- 

289, 734, 745 
Zinovievites, 140-141, 181, 182, 184, 190, 247 
Zionism, 386, 434-435 
Zlatoust, 68 
Zverev, Nikolai, 239-240 

About the Authors 

Stephane Courtois is a director of research at the Centre National de la Re- 
cherche Scientifique (CNRS) and editor of the review Communisme. His publications 
include Le PCF dans la guerre (1980); Qui savatt quoi? Lex termination desjutfs, 1941- 
1945 (1987); Le Communisme (1987, with M. Lazar); Le sang de Vitranger. Les tmmtgres 
de la MOI dans la Resistance (1989); Cinquante ans dune passion francaise. De Gaulle et les 
commumstes (1991, with M. Lazar); Rigueur et passion. Hommage a Anme Kriegel (1994, 
with A. Wievorka); Htstotre du Parti commumste francais (1995, with M. Lazar); and 
Eugen Fried. Le grand secret du PCF (1997 , with A. Kriegel). 

Nicolas Werth is a researcher at the Institut d'Histoire du Temps Present, special- 
izing in the history of the Soviet Union. He is the author of Eire commumste en URSS 
sous St aline (1981); La vie quotidienne des pay sans russes de la Revolution a la collectivisa- 
tion, 1917-1939 (1984); Htstotre de IVmon sovtetique, de VEmptre russe a la CE1 (1992); 
Rapports secrets sovietiques. La societe russe dans ses rapports confidence Is, ] 92 1-1991 
(1995, with Gael Moullec). 

Jean-Louis Panne is a specialist on the international Communist movement and 
the author of L'Enterprise sociale, le pari autogestionnaire de Solidarnosc (1987) and Boris 
Souvarine, le premier desenchante du communisme (1993). He also collaborated on the 
Dtctionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier francais (1914-1939). 

858 About the Authors 

Andrzej Paczkowski is the deputy director of the Institute for Political Studies <>t 
the Polish Academy of Sciences and a member of the archival commission for the 
Polish Ministry of Internal Affairs. He is the author of Stanislaw Mikolajczyk (czyli 
kl(ska realitfy: Zarys btograftj polttycznej (1991); Aparat bezpieczentwa w latach, 1944 
/956 (1994, 1996); and Pol wieku dziejow Poiski, 1939 7^9 (1995), which won the Clin 
prize in 1996 for the best history book. 

Karli. BartoSek is a historian from the Czech Republic and the editor of La 
nouvelle alternative, He is the author of The Prague Uprising (1965) and Les aveux </<■< 
archives. Prague-Paris-Prague. 1948-1 %8 (1996). 

Jf.AN-I.ouis Marc; 01. in is a lecturer at the University of Provence and a researcher 
at the Research Institute on Southeast Asia, CNRS. He is the author of Stngapout. 
/95 ( /-/W>7, Gemse dun twuveau pays mdustnei (1989). 

Syt vain Bol L.oi Qt'h is a research associate at GEODE, Universite Paris X. 

Pascal Font a inf. is a journalist with special knowledge of Latin America. 

Rkmi Kalti-kr is a specialist in the history of intelligence, terrorism, and clandestine 
operations. He is the coauthor with Roger Faligot of Service B (1985), KGB objitit 
Preform (1986), and The Chinese Secret Sendee (1927-1987) (1987; English cdiii.m 

Pikrrk RiGOfi.KT is a researcher at the Institut d'Histoire Sociale and editor-in 
thief of Cahiers dhstotre sociale. His books include Des Francan au Gouiag (1984), L*i 
tragedie des Matgre-nvus (1990), and Les paupteres Inurdes, Les Francais face au Goula.. 

Vvks Santa Maria is a historian and the coauthor (with Brigitte Waehe) ol />«- 
pnntemps des peuples d la societe des nations (1996). 

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