Human Rignts Lawyer Jiang Tianyong is disappeared


Work Location

Beijing City

Current StatusLicense Revoked/ Under Surveillance



Jiang Tianyong was born in Luoshan, Henan district. He graduated from the School of Chinese Language and Literature Education at Hunan Changsha Utilities College (Presently known as Changsha University) and became a secondary school language teacher in Chengzhou. In 2001, he qualified as a lawyer and in 2004 began practicing in the Beijing Globe Law Firm.

Mr. Jiang has been a long-term activist, including his participation in Hepatitis B and HIV carriers cases and Falun Gong cases, Beijing Lawyers Association Direct Elections, etc, and thus has been constantly under surveillance, harassment and threatened by the authorities. In June 2008, he was prohibited from meeting a Human Rights steering team delegation of the US Congress. In 2009, when the House of Representatives Leader Nancy Pelosi visited Beijing during the 60th Anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China and the 20th Anniversary of the June-fourth incident, Mr. Jiang was kept under house arrest.

In 2006, he began to encounter problems with the yearly renewal of his lawyer’s license. In 2008, he was disbarred for two months until his license was returned. In July 2009, his license was revoked by the Beijing legal authorities and has not yet been reissued. After that he was employed as an arbitrator by the Beijing Zhiai Research Centre.

On 19th February 2011, on the eve before the China Jasmine incident, Mr. Jiang was detained by the police until his release on 20th April. On 3rd May 2012, Jiang was on his way to the Beijing Chaoyang hospital to visit the then hospitalized activist Chen Guangcheng and was taken away by the state security officers of the Haidian District. He was detained for 9 hours in a hotel and was released the following morning. During his detention, he was brutally beaten by the state security, which ended up in perforation of his left ear and hearing loss in his right ear. He was not allowed to seek medical help during the early stages of his injury. Since then he has been under house arrest and surveillance.

In July 2012, he was awarded the 2012 ‘Defending Religious Freedom and Rule of Law with Courage Award’ by the China Aid Association.

In March 2014, Jiang visited the “Jiansanjiang black jail” in Heilongjiang. He was detained and beaten by the police, which ended up in 8 broken ribs.


Falun Gong cases, Anti-discrimination cases


Cases Handled

2009    Hu Jie Case

2009    Parent of the Sichuan Earthquake victims (He Hong Chun) disturbance of social order case

2009    Phurbu Tsering Rinpoche case

2009    Jigme Guri case

2008    Mass representation of Falun Gong case

2007    Shanxi Kilns Case

2006    Gao Zhisheng Case

2005    Chen Guangcheng case

2005    Panyu Taishi Village case

2003    Shanbei Oil fields case


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