
[English + Chinese Subtitles] Xi Jinping: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
惊了!英国脱口秀主持人在节目里公然侮辱伟大领袖习主席(中英双字幕)。视频比较大,需要等它缓冲一下才能正常开始播放,可以点击视频右下角的方形按钮放大为全屏观看。另外可以在火狐浏览器上安装插件video doenload helper,然后刷新页面,然后点击浏览器右上角的三色球图标就可以把视频下载到你自己的电脑上,请大家下载传播。

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17 Kommentare.

  1. HBO的片子做的真好,内容直抵靶心,精彩绝伦

  2. Xi 's brother

    I am a Chinese. He said is true. Hahahaha

  3. 等你们知道你们错了的时候,就已经来不及了,不能独立思考的人跟木头有什么区别

  4. Thanks very interesting blog!

  5. 哈哈哈哈哈?

  6. ?

  7. 请下载后传播给更多的美剧迷们。

  8. 看完生肉才发现这里有中字。。。

  9. 什么叫“汉语相声翻译”?

  10. 如果用汉语相声翻译出来就更好了

  11. good strike,nice single talkshows

  12. Good news that the world can know the real China.

  13. i live in china. it is getting worse than implied here.. it is flat out scary if you are not in line with mainstream…its dangerous and the world needs to realize this bc china wants to spread its „thoughts“

  14. Thanks!

  15. Thanks Oliver made this episode to introduce real China and the real dictatorship to the whole world! It is funny program, I love it!

  16. :razz: :razz:

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