More activists are arrested in Shenzhen

On November 14, 2016, several activists were dining at the Wuhe restaurant (close to the Wuhe Subway) in Shenzhen. During which, Li Huoyan and Xiao Bing were photographed by some strangers (who were later discovered as national security officers).

During the noon of the 15th, Shenzhen national security officers held an investigation in the restaurant, holding Li Huoyan and Xiao Bing’s photo and requiring the stuffs to identify them. Around 13:00 on the same day, Deng Hongcheng, Xiao Bing, Shen Li, Li Huoyan, and Wang Wei went missing. Deng Hongcheng, Xiao Bing, Wang Wei and Shen Li lived in the 5th Lane of Yangmei Village, Shenzhen (this area is under supervision of Bantian Police station). Li Huoyan might have lived here temporarily when he’s in Shenzhen. Around 14:00 (2pm) in the afternoon, Ding Yan and Wang June went to their residence to find them. In 16:00 (4pm), they also went missing.

In the evening November 16th, Deng Jianfeng, the nephew of Deng Hongcheng, went missing after he went searching for his uncle in the Yangmei Village.

During 19:00 (7pm) on the 17th, citizen Dong Lingpeng (online username: Beihuiguixian) went to the Yangmei Village to verify the situation, and he disappeared.

On the 19th, Wang Jun’s wife got hold of the information online. She went to her husband’s temporal residence, but didn’t gather up the courage to enter when she saw an undercover cop smoking on the balcony. Instead, she went to the Bantian community police office to inquiry her husband’s situation. The staff told her that Wang Jun was suspected of subverting the state’s power, and he’s detained at the Longgang Detention Center; it’s a case under the investigation of the Bantian Police Station, and she should go to the Bantian Police Station for further information.

On the 20th, Wang Jun’s wife went to the Bantian police station for further information, and she asked for a detention note. However, the police station didn’t offer her the note, and they claimed that Wang Jun agreed to mail the note to his registered residence. Bantian Police Station staff further replied that officer Chen Pengzhong is the supervision for this case, and he wouldn’t come back to work until 21st.

Wang Jun’s wife returned to the Bantian Station again for information and the detention note on November 21st, but Chen Pengzhong was not in office. The front desk staff, officer Xie (officer number 069819), phoned Chen Zhongpeng, but officer Chen claimed that he doesn’t know Wang Jun and there was no such a person in his case. The police on duty also stated that they didn’t work on this case, and the name, “Wang Jun”, isn’t even in their database. Wang Jun’s wife immediately requested to report a missing person case, but officer Xie was very reluctant to accept the case. He first said that there weren’t any officers free to take her case, and then he claimed that there wouldn’t be any officers’ back to take this case until afternoon. Wang Jun wife repeatedly requested to file a report, so officer Xie sent her back to Bantian community police office to document her report.

According to varies resources, Deng Hongcheng and Xiao Bing previously lived in Hai Kou and Qionghai respectively. Xiao Bing owns a small grocery store, but he was expelled by the Hainan National Security officials; Deng was a businessman in Hai Kou, and left for Shen Zhen two years ago. Xiao Bing arrived in Shen Zhen in last year. All the missing people mentioned above were activists concerned for the civil society and the rights of some disadvantaged groups for a long time.

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