A letter from a Chinese dissident in Thailand

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am a UN recognized refugee currently living in Thailand. My name is Li Xiaolong and I come from Guangxi, China. In China, I joined and led various human rights activities and joined opposition groups. As a result, I and my family were persecuted in China and we fled to Thailand. We have experienced numerous dangers and several of my friends who were already recognized as UN refugee were forcefully repatriated to China despite great international effort to rescue them, such as Dong Guangping, and Jiang Yefei. After tremendous effort, my family and I finally got our UN refugee status. My refugee number is UNHCR No: 815-14C02512. However, my wife and my youngest son, who is only 17 months old, due to the immigration problems, are currently nearly spending one year in Thailand Immigration Detention Centres. My wife, Gu Qiao’s detention no is: 010535, and my son Li Yusen’s detention no. is : 011012. I have two other children now currently living with me. Thailand did not join the Refugee Convention. We urgently need help from another third country to help us to get permission to accept us as refugee. From the bottom of our heart, we would greatly appreciate any help that your government and people could give us. We wish that you all could honor the International Children’s Protection Covenant.
With best wishes,

Li Xiaolong

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