Please sign to Call for Google-YouTube boycott

Please sign as comment. Google is working on a search app and a news app that will be censored to comply with Chinese laws, which would “blacklist websites and search terms about human rights, democracy, religion, and peaceful protest. Details:

This Australian video program reveals that google censors the search results of the contents which the Chinese regime does not like:

And google’s subsidiary company YouTube has deleted one of my account and limited an other one, because of the critical videos and comments on the brutality of Chinese governing and its police. Therefore I call for the boycott of google, until it gives up his censorship on critical contents on China.


1, YouTube terminated my second account 40 minutes ago, I have contacted my public law professor to talk about suing YouTube or even Google.

2, My two accounts were deleted and with the third one, I got a age-restriction for a video from VOA about the Chinese war prisoners in Korean War yesterday, and a video which reveals the Chinese police beat petitioners is terminated and I got a three months live streaming restriction.


Dejun Liu

Views: 9487

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36 Kommentare.

  1. Step length varies, relying in your pace/sport/activity and height.

  2. 我会去签名。

  3. 坚决签字

  4. 抵制审查

  5. 支持

  6. 签名:张沐延

  7. 麦可

  8. 有同感者为刘恒利

  9. 刁金瓶


  11. :twisted: :twisted:

  12. Peter chen


  13. 陈木希

  14. 签名:匿名

  15. 雷电

  16. 签名:猫猫

  17. 签名:吕柏林

  18. 王力宏

  19. 签名:Chanhey

  20. google作恶,死路一条

  21. kenny chan

  22. YouTube献媚中共

  23. 签名:日你妈

  24. 签名:曹长清

  25. google 已完全堕落为中共统治工具

  26. 习近平

  27. ??

  28. 我签名,需要自由的一片天

  29. 必須支持

  30. 不可以,請保持節操。

  31. ?谢谢你的正义支持!

  32. 签名:陆昊

  33. 谴责谷歌向中共邪恶政权妥协献媚!

  34. 是的

  35. 谷歌步微软后尘,开始做恶了

  36. 签名:刘德军

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