Lv Gengsong’s Health is Deteriorating after Transferred to Huzhou prison, Calling on the International Community for Rescue

(Boxun News)

Lv Gengsong, a Chinese Democracy Party member from Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, was transferred to the Changhu prison to serve the rest of his time. The prison authorities recently allowed Mr. Lv’s family to visit him in prison for the first time.

60-year-old Lv Gengsong graduated from the History Department of Hangzhou University, who taught at the Zhejiang Police College after graduation, but lost the position because of the articles he published. His major works include “Objections on the Communist Party’s Dictatorship”, “Corrupted History of the CCP Officials”, “Establishing a Civil Impeachment System”, “Establishing Criminal Joints and Several Liability System”, “On the Social Basis of the Contemporary Underworld of China” and many other articles. Lv was arrested and detained on August 24, 2007, being sentenced to four years in prison for “inciting subversion of the state power” on February 5 and was released four years later on August 23, 2011. On May 12, 2014, he was detained again. He was formally arrested on August 13, 2014 under the crime of “subversion of state power”. The Hangzhou Intermediate People’s Court convicted him for “Subversion of state power” on June 17, 2016, and he was sentenced for 11 years.

Since the arrest in May 2014, Lv Gengsong has suffered non-humane abuse in the prison. His hair turned white and his face grew thin. In the past two years of his imprisonment, Lv was denied the treatment for his dental disease; eventually he lost 5 teeth, and even eating became difficult for him. Lv Gengsong also suffers from high blood pressure and diabetes, neither of which was effectively treated.

Lv Gengsong is under the prison’s strict control. There are at least three people monitoring him 24 hours a day in his cell; he was even being monitored in the restroom. His shoes were confiscated when he slept; the quilt he was given is too thin to keep out the cold during winter. In the mean time, the prison forbids his family to bring him clothes or food.

Lv Gengsong’s family calls on the international community for emergency rescue, so that Lv will be released on bail for necessary medical service.

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