Tag Archives: Menschenrechte


我今天下午六点半在亚琛工程大学有一个关于中国人权的演讲,活动由该大学与大赦国际联合主办。这个大学在中国很有名,应该有不少中国学生在那里上学。欢迎大家前来参与讨论。地址请见宣传单最下面,也可以扫描二维码进入相关网页查看详情。 Read more »

Views: 75

Jailed Chinese Activist Guo Feixiong on Hunger Strike For More Than a Month


Jailed Chinese rights activist Guo Feixiong has now been on hunger strike in Guangdong’s Yangchun prison for more than a month, sparking renewed fears for his deteriorating health, lawyers and relatives told RFA. (more…)

Views: 60

China: Diary of a Disappearance – Reflections after my Release

(more details: https://freedomcn.org/experience-of-kidnap-and-torture-in-china/ )

Liu Dejun is a Chinese human rights defender who began his human rights works by educating migrant workers in a factory in Guangzhou about their rights and Chinese labour laws.  He was subsequently fired, after which he started to write essays about human rights and democracy for online publication.  He set up a NGO providing legal assistance and education to migrant workers and the following year he was detained for ten days after giving out leaflets in Guangzhou calling for political reform.  In 2009 he turned his attention to the rights of petitioners in Beijing and was involved in a number of high profile human rights cases.  In 2010 he was abducted by the police in the middle of the night, beaten up, driven a mountainous area in the suburbs of Beijing and dumped on a roadside.  The artist Ai Weiwei later made a documentary (Chinese only) about these events.  (more…)

Views: 56