Tag Archives: Hongkong

Joint Statement Calling on Continued Concern for the 709 (Lawyer) Crackdown in China

“Respect the Due Process, Fulfil its Pledge to uphold the Rule of Law and Release the 38 Illegally Detained Human Rights Lawyers and Citizens” A Joint Statement by ** Worldwide Civil Society Organizations calling on Continued Concern for the 709 Crackdown (9th January 2016, Hong Kong) (more…)

Views: 59

Support Hongkong Protest

Here I request you all, please support the Hongkong Umbrella Revolution! when you are interested in it, please take a photo with a board or one piece of paper, on them, write “Support Hongkong Protesting” or any word you like, then post them online. Ich bitte Sie alle, bitte Die Hongkong friedliche Regenschirm Revolution unterstützen! Wenn Sie lust haben, bitte ein Foto mit ein Schlid oder Papier machen, auf dem steht “Support Hongkong Protesting” oder alles wie Sie wollen aus. Dann postieren sie online. (more…)

Views: 46