Tag Archives: Chinese

[Video] Spies and Influence: The hard edge of China's soft power

“They want to influence Australia. They want a stronger presence in Australia.”

It’s a tale of secrets, power and intimidation.

“ASIO are really quite alive and alert to these issues… of Australian national security.”

China is our most important trading partner, making a strong relationship vital to Australia’s national interest. But there are growing concerns about covert Chinese actions taking place on Australian soil. (more…)

Views: 85

[Video] Chinese Er-Hu, Beautiful melody

Chinese Er-Hu, “Myth”, Beautiful melody:
Ich kann das nur empfehlen. I can only recommend it. (more…)

Views: 66

Don’t Be a Pawn: A Warning to Students Abroad

Former American college student Glenn Duffie Shriver studied abroad in Shanghai, People’s Republic of China. (more…)

Views: 41

My own experience of Murder and Organ Robbery of Chinese Dissidents

I was almost murdered by the Chinese political police.

During the interrogation of the “Jasmine Revolution” in China, one of them asked me :”You are so kind, working for human rights for others. Have you signed the Organ donation wills?” I said it’s not safe in China, so I didn’t sign it. (more…)

Views: 2748

A Report on Guo Feixiong Being Tortured

Menschenrechte für China (Please indicate the source)

Guo Feixion has been imprisoned twice. He was sentenced to 5 years in jail from 2006 to 2011. He has been put into jail since August 8, 2013, serving a 6 years sentence. He has stayed in 6 detention centers and prisons, been interrogated over 200 times, occasionally multiple times per day. Sometimes he had to be arraigned on a stretcher. (more…)

Views: 57