Tag Archives: China



⁃ 提要: 大约100年前, 中国的佛教改革家太虚和德国的社会学家马克斯*韦伯相继注意到了佛教和基督教两者与社会经济之间的亲疏关系, 并对此予以了研究, 但由于条件所限,研究工作均未能深入。之后近百年,东西方许多有识之士对造成佛教、佛教徒和佛教国家在适应资本主义经济生产方式方面长期落后的原因进行了探讨, 这种探讨在现代社会尤其受人关注。

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Views: 29611

[Video] Spies and Influence: The hard edge of China's soft power

“They want to influence Australia. They want a stronger presence in Australia.”

It’s a tale of secrets, power and intimidation.

“ASIO are really quite alive and alert to these issues… of Australian national security.”

China is our most important trading partner, making a strong relationship vital to Australia’s national interest. But there are growing concerns about covert Chinese actions taking place on Australian soil. (more…)

Views: 85

Australian expose Chinese Great Firewall - the internet censor

Australian expose Chinese Great Firewall – the internet censor (more…)

Views: 273

China's government rolls over and kills an other peasant with a excavator

It happens again, one peasant wants to stop government to destroy his house but gets crushed and rolled by the excavator (Please look at the photo, his body is rolled to be plat on the ground). (more…)

Views: 349

The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression

Learn about the workings of the evil communist system and its history in this stunning 500 page book.

The Black Book of 



Stephane Courtois 
Nicolas Werth 
Jean-Louis Panne 
Andrzej Paczkowski 
Karel Bartosek 
Jean-Louis Margolin 

Harvard University Press 
Cambridge, Massachusetts 
London, England 1999 

Translated by Jonathan Murphy 

and Mark Kramer 

Consulting Editor Mark Kramer 

Copyright © 1999 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College 

All rights reserved 

Printed in the United States of America 

First published in France as Le Ixvre rwirdu Communisme: Crimes, terreur, repression 

Cj Editions Robert LafTont, S.A., Paris, 1997 

Library of Congress Cutaloging-tn-Publtcarion Data 

Livre noir du communisme, English 

The black hx>k of communism : crimes, terror, repression / Stephane Courtois ... [et aj.] 
translated by Jonathan Murphy and Mark Kramer; consulting editor, Mark Kramer. 

p. cm. 
Includes bibliographical references and index. 
ISBN 0-674-07608-7 (alk. paper) 

1. Communism — History — 20th century. 2. Political persecution. 
3. Terrorism. I. Courtois, Stephane, 1947- fl. Kramer Mark 

HI. Title. 
HX44.L59 1999 
320.53'2 — dc21 99-29759 


Foreword: The Uses of Atrocity 
Mar I in Malta 

Introduction: The Crimes of Communism 

Stephane Courtois  (more…)

Views: 476

Humanrights Watch world Report - part of China

More than three decades after pledging to “reform and open up,” there are few signs the Chinese Communist Party intends to change its authoritarian posture. Under the leadership of President Xi Jinping, who will remain in power until 2022 and possibly beyond, the outlook for fundamental human rights, including freedoms of expression, assembly, association and religion, remains dire. (more…)

Views: 124

My own experience of Murder and Organ Robbery of Chinese Dissidents

I was almost murdered by the Chinese political police.

During the interrogation of the “Jasmine Revolution” in China, one of them asked me :”You are so kind, working for human rights for others. Have you signed the Organ donation wills?” I said it’s not safe in China, so I didn’t sign it. (more…)

Views: 2739

Use of Over the Firewall Software Became a Crime, Xinjiang Strengthen its Internet Control

The Chinese government’s Internet control policies become harsher over time. In Xinjiang, a internet user received a letter from the local police that he was under criminal investigation because he downloaded a common over the firewall software. (more…)

Views: 123

Why China Fears a ‘Color Revolution’ Incited by the West

By :Nathan Gardels, Editor-in-chief, The WorldPost


Earlier this month, several Chinese lawyers were convicted of “subversion” for colluding with “foreign forces” — read: the United States. The fear is that America’s aim is to ultimately foment regime change in Beijing with a popular uprising, like the “color revolution” in Ukraine and those of the Arab Spring. In what most regard as forced performances, some of the accused even confessed on TV that their legal challenges to the state were opening the doors to the deleterious influence of Western ideas. The Communist Party leadership also sees the promotion of Western-style practices, such as multi-party elections or an independent judiciary, as designed to undermine their rule through a creeping peaceful evolution that will inexorably result in turmoil.


Views: 131

A Report on Guo Feixiong Being Tortured

Menschenrechte für China (Please indicate the source)

Guo Feixion has been imprisoned twice. He was sentenced to 5 years in jail from 2006 to 2011. He has been put into jail since August 8, 2013, serving a 6 years sentence. He has stayed in 6 detention centers and prisons, been interrogated over 200 times, occasionally multiple times per day. Sometimes he had to be arraigned on a stretcher. (more…)

Views: 57

Jailed Chinese Activist Guo Feixiong on Hunger Strike For More Than a Month


Jailed Chinese rights activist Guo Feixiong has now been on hunger strike in Guangdong’s Yangchun prison for more than a month, sparking renewed fears for his deteriorating health, lawyers and relatives told RFA. (more…)

Views: 60

Views: 114



在中國進行訪問的德國總統高克,3月23日在同濟大學發表演講,媒體形容演講中”鴉雀無聲”,這來自異國領導人所傳遞出來的不同理念,使全場聽眾受到強 烈的震撼.德國媒體好評如潮,對其演講給予了很高的評價,認為其演講“不辱使命”、“尖銳的批評,漂亮的包裝”,是“批評藝術的範本”。高可此次訪華,各界對其的關注度、期望值都很高,這源於他特殊的身份和秉持的價值觀。高可出生於前東德,早年就是一個“堅定的反共分子”,一個“反G分子訪問共產黨執政的國家”,這本身就帶有強烈的批判意識,高可究竟都說了些什麼?

Heute an Ihrer traditionsreichen Hochschule zu sprechen, ist mir eine große Ehre. Mein Dank gilt dem Präsidenten der Tongji-Universität, Herrn Prof. Dr. Pei Gang. Mein Besuch bei Ihnen ist eine hervorragende Gelegenheit, über die Entwicklung der chinesisch-deutschen Partnerschaft nachzudenken. Und das will ich auch gleich tun.

非常荣幸今天能在传统深厚的同济大学演讲,为此我要感谢贵校校长裴钢教授。拜访贵校为思考中德伙伴关系的发展提供了一个绝佳机会,而这也是下面我要做的。 (more…)

Views: 54

China Jails Xinjiang Rights Activist For 19 Years For Subversion, Spying

Authorities in the northwestern Chinese region of Xinjiang have jailed a Han Chinese rights activist for 19 years on subversion and spying charges after he openly criticized government policy in the troubled region.

Zhang Haitao was handed a 15-year prison term for “incitement to subvert state power” and five years for “providing intelligence overseas” by the Intermediate People’s Court in Xinjiang’s regional capital, Urumqi. (more…)

Views: 91

China: Diary of a Disappearance – Reflections after my Release

(more details: https://freedomcn.org/experience-of-kidnap-and-torture-in-china/ )

Liu Dejun is a Chinese human rights defender who began his human rights works by educating migrant workers in a factory in Guangzhou about their rights and Chinese labour laws.  He was subsequently fired, after which he started to write essays about human rights and democracy for online publication.  He set up a NGO providing legal assistance and education to migrant workers and the following year he was detained for ten days after giving out leaflets in Guangzhou calling for political reform.  In 2009 he turned his attention to the rights of petitioners in Beijing and was involved in a number of high profile human rights cases.  In 2010 he was abducted by the police in the middle of the night, beaten up, driven a mountainous area in the suburbs of Beijing and dumped on a roadside.  The artist Ai Weiwei later made a documentary (Chinese only) about these events.  (more…)

Views: 56

Joint Statement Calling on Continued Concern for the 709 (Lawyer) Crackdown in China

“Respect the Due Process, Fulfil its Pledge to uphold the Rule of Law and Release the 38 Illegally Detained Human Rights Lawyers and Citizens” A Joint Statement by ** Worldwide Civil Society Organizations calling on Continued Concern for the 709 Crackdown (9th January 2016, Hong Kong) (more…)

Views: 59

Sollte China eine Demokratie sein oder nicht?

Manche sind der Meinung, dass China zurzeit keine Demokratie sein soll. Aber die meisten denken, China muss sofort demokratisiert werden. (more…)

Views: 74

How the Chinese police treats the foreign journalist

How the Chinese police treats the foreign journalist. Please listen what the journalist says.[English]


Views: 40

A help calling found in one Chinese Sock from Primark

Please spread it. But Xi Jinping (Chinese communist party’s president) won’t give him justice. Twitter @distxste:#helpTingKunDing, My Dad recently found this note folded up in socks bought from Primark,please help spread the word!
周峰锁:中文媒体还没有报道,推友@distxste 的父亲在袜子里发现了一封来自安徽灵璧县丁延坤的求救信。他因为实名揭发当地政府腐败,夫妻被关押致残,其父自杀身亡。大庙乡沙滩村六组。推特上被上千次转发,求证详情。
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Views: 43