Tag Archives: Mao Zedong

The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression

Learn about the workings of the evil communist system and its history in this stunning 500 page book.

The Black Book of 



Stephane Courtois 
Nicolas Werth 
Jean-Louis Panne 
Andrzej Paczkowski 
Karel Bartosek 
Jean-Louis Margolin 

Harvard University Press 
Cambridge, Massachusetts 
London, England 1999 

Translated by Jonathan Murphy 

and Mark Kramer 

Consulting Editor Mark Kramer 

Copyright © 1999 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College 

All rights reserved 

Printed in the United States of America 

First published in France as Le Ixvre rwirdu Communisme: Crimes, terreur, repression 

Cj Editions Robert LafTont, S.A., Paris, 1997 

Library of Congress Cutaloging-tn-Publtcarion Data 

Livre noir du communisme, English 

The black hx>k of communism : crimes, terror, repression / Stephane Courtois ... [et aj.] 
translated by Jonathan Murphy and Mark Kramer; consulting editor, Mark Kramer. 

p. cm. 
Includes bibliographical references and index. 
ISBN 0-674-07608-7 (alk. paper) 

1. Communism — History — 20th century. 2. Political persecution. 
3. Terrorism. I. Courtois, Stephane, 1947- fl. Kramer Mark 

HI. Title. 
HX44.L59 1999 
320.53'2 — dc21 99-29759 


Foreword: The Uses of Atrocity 
Mar I in Malta 

Introduction: The Crimes of Communism 

Stephane Courtois  Lire la suite »

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