Archiv nach Schlagworten: Peking

My own experience of Murder and Organ Robbery of Chinese Dissidents

I was almost murdered by the Chinese political police.

During the interrogation of the “Jasmine Revolution” in China, one of them asked me :”You are so kind, working for human rights for others. Have you signed the Organ donation wills?” I said it’s not safe in China, so I didn’t sign it. Weiterlesen »

Views: 3206

Human Rignts Lawyer Jiang Tianyong is disappeared


Work Location

Beijing City

Current StatusLicense Revoked/ Under Surveillance



Jiang Tianyong was born in Luoshan, Henan district. He graduated from the School of Chinese Language and Literature Education at Hunan Changsha Utilities College (Presently known as Changsha University) and became a secondary school language teacher in Chengzhou. In 2001, he qualified as a lawyer and in 2004 began practicing in the Beijing Globe Law Firm. Weiterlesen »

Views: 87

Absurd: Erste Quittung der Prostituierte-Kosten


Ein chinesischer Umweltexperte Lei Yang wurde am 7. Mai um ca. 21:00 Uhr von der Polizei verschleppt und gefoltert, nach einer Stunde ist er in ein Krankenhaus eingeliefert, aber er ist jener Zeit schon tot. (mehr …)

Views: 126

China: Diary of a Disappearance – Reflections after my Release

(more details: )

Liu Dejun is a Chinese human rights defender who began his human rights works by educating migrant workers in a factory in Guangzhou about their rights and Chinese labour laws.  He was subsequently fired, after which he started to write essays about human rights and democracy for online publication.  He set up a NGO providing legal assistance and education to migrant workers and the following year he was detained for ten days after giving out leaflets in Guangzhou calling for political reform.  In 2009 he turned his attention to the rights of petitioners in Beijing and was involved in a number of high profile human rights cases.  In 2010 he was abducted by the police in the middle of the night, beaten up, driven a mountainous area in the suburbs of Beijing and dumped on a roadside.  The artist Ai Weiwei later made a documentary (Chinese only) about these events.  Weiterlesen »

Views: 64

CHINA Court hears Gao Yu’s appeal behind closed doors,48571.html


A Beijing people’s high court today finally heard journalist Gao Yu’s appeal against the seven-year jail sentence she received in April on a charge of divulging state secrets. Police turned away journalist and diplomats who tried to attend because the court decided to hold the hearing behind closed doors. Weiterlesen »

Views: 76

Die Menschenrechtssituationsveränderung Chinas in letzten Jahren

Seit drei Jahren will die Chinesische Kommunistische Partei die absolute Macht ergreifen, damit sie die Gesellschaft vollständig kontrollieren kann. Weil die KPCh immer sagt, „Dass die (…) Mitwirkung des Volkes nur im Rahmen der Vorgaben der Souveränen Kommunistischen Partei erfolgen kann“[1]. Deshalb wurden mehr als 300 Dissidenten und Menschrechtsaktivisten von dem Kommunistischen Regime verhaftet und viele Menschenrechtsorganisationen wurden geschlossen. Jetzt sind die Menschenrechtsbewegungen und die Demokratie-Bewegungen in China fast handlungsunfähig. Weiterlesen »

Views: 49