Archiv nach Schlagworten: dissident

A letter from a Chinese dissident in Thailand

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am a UN recognized refugee currently living in Thailand. My name is Li Xiaolong and I come from Guangxi, China. In China, I joined and Weiterlesen »

Views: 83

My own experience of Murder and Organ Robbery of Chinese Dissidents

I was almost murdered by the Chinese political police.

During the interrogation of the “Jasmine Revolution” in China, one of them asked me :”You are so kind, working for human rights for others. Have you signed the Organ donation wills?” I said it’s not safe in China, so I didn’t sign it. Weiterlesen »

Views: 2748

Why China Fears a ‘Color Revolution’ Incited by the West

By :Nathan Gardels, Editor-in-chief, The WorldPost


Earlier this month, several Chinese lawyers were convicted of “subversion” for colluding with “foreign forces” — read: the United States. The fear is that America’s aim is to ultimately foment regime change in Beijing with a popular uprising, like the “color revolution” in Ukraine and those of the Arab Spring. In what most regard as forced performances, some of the accused even confessed on TV that their legal challenges to the state were opening the doors to the deleterious influence of Western ideas. The Communist Party leadership also sees the promotion of Western-style practices, such as multi-party elections or an independent judiciary, as designed to undermine their rule through a creeping peaceful evolution that will inexorably result in turmoil.

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Views: 131

[:de]Human Rights Report From A Detainee[:zh]Human Rights Report From A Detainee[:]

Chinese version:

In Long Walk to Freedom, when Mandela recalled his near three decades of prison time, he wrote: “No one truly knows a nation until one has been inside its jails. A nation should not be judged by how it treats its highest citizens, but its lowest ones — and South Africa treated its imprisoned African citizens like animals.” Today, after I have been jailed for 22 months by the Chinese Communist Party, my experience and knowledge allows me to say that: the Chinese authorities treat unprivileged prisoners even worse than cattle. People, who are imprisoned because they fought for political rights, freedom of religion, and other human rights, are especially cruelty repressed. Weiterlesen »

Views: 89

Jailed Chinese Activist Guo Feixiong on Hunger Strike For More Than a Month


Jailed Chinese rights activist Guo Feixiong has now been on hunger strike in Guangdong’s Yangchun prison for more than a month, sparking renewed fears for his deteriorating health, lawyers and relatives told RFA. Weiterlesen »

Views: 60

Paris: Free the Dissidents and Human Rights Activists

Paris1 Weiterlesen »

Views: 241

China Jails Xinjiang Rights Activist For 19 Years For Subversion, Spying

Authorities in the northwestern Chinese region of Xinjiang have jailed a Han Chinese rights activist for 19 years on subversion and spying charges after he openly criticized government policy in the troubled region.

Zhang Haitao was handed a 15-year prison term for “incitement to subvert state power” and five years for “providing intelligence overseas” by the Intermediate People’s Court in Xinjiang’s regional capital, Urumqi. Weiterlesen »

Views: 91

China: Diary of a Disappearance – Reflections after my Release

(more details: )

Liu Dejun is a Chinese human rights defender who began his human rights works by educating migrant workers in a factory in Guangzhou about their rights and Chinese labour laws.  He was subsequently fired, after which he started to write essays about human rights and democracy for online publication.  He set up a NGO providing legal assistance and education to migrant workers and the following year he was detained for ten days after giving out leaflets in Guangzhou calling for political reform.  In 2009 he turned his attention to the rights of petitioners in Beijing and was involved in a number of high profile human rights cases.  In 2010 he was abducted by the police in the middle of the night, beaten up, driven a mountainous area in the suburbs of Beijing and dumped on a roadside.  The artist Ai Weiwei later made a documentary (Chinese only) about these events.  Weiterlesen »

Views: 56